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CONTRACT INTRODUCTION administrator and the obligation

ADMINISTRATORS— For well over a hundred years it as to the time for completion
has been standard practice for of the works will be contingent
THE OBLIGATION contract administrators to be on extensions of time which the
OF IMPARTIALITY used on construction contracts. administrator may or may not
AND LIABILITY Architects have been engaged grant.
FOR INCORRECT to supervise and manage It is now well established that
CERTIFICATION building contracts and engineers if the employer exerts pressure
engineering contracts. More on the administrator when
Tim Elliott, QC recently, project managers and performing these functions with
Keating Chambers, London construction managers have the result that the administrator
undertaken similar roles under allows his judgment to be
new forms of contract. influenced, his decision may be
Contract administrators are held invalid and set aside.
engaged by employers. Some In Page v Llandaff and Dinas
of what they have to do entails Powis Rural District Council
them acting as the agent of the (1901) Hudson’s BC (4th ed.) Vol.
employer. However, in carrying 2 at 316, the contract provided
out other tasks, they have to act that the decision of the surveyor
impartially and fairly between as to the value of the works was
employer and contractor. These to be final and not subject to
dual roles have given rise to appeal. The surveyor issued a
difficult questions. What exactly is final certificate in accordance with
required from the administrator the instruction of the Council (the
when acting fairly and impartially? employer) that he should value
Can the administrator be liable to part of the work by estimating
either contractor or employer if quantities and applying a
he makes mistakes when acting measured rate and that he should
impartially? Can the employer, not value on a day–work basis.
who pays the administrator, be This was held to be improper
liable to the contractor for his interference by the Council
mistakes? with the surveyor’s function of
TRADITIONAL certifying impartially as between
owner and contractor. The result
was that his certification was held
The employer and the contractor not to be final and binding on the
make their contract on the contractor.
understanding that in all matters
Hickman & Co. v Roberts (1913)
where the architect has to
AC 229 is another example.
apply his professional skill he
The contract provided that the
will act in a fair and unbiased
decision of the architect as to
manner in applying the terms
payment due to the contractor
of the contract. (Keating on
was to be final and that payment
Construction Contracts, 2006,
was to be made to the contractor
quoting from Sutcliffe v Thackrah
on the basis of the architect’s
[1974] AC 727)
certificates. The contractor
The architect, or administrator, claimed that he was owed
has to exercise his professional certain sums but the architect
skill in a fair and unbiased had failed to issue a certificate
manner when, for example, in his favour. When challenged
issuing payment certificates by the contractor the architect’s
or deciding upon and granting reply was that his clients, the
extensions of time. Traditionally owners, would not allow it: ‘in
payment to the contractor the face of their instructions to
is dependant on the issue of me I cannot issue a certificate
a certificate by the contract
whatever my own private opinion improperly disallowed claims or a defendant. The contractor
in the matter’. The House of failed to certify according to their asserted that the architect owed
Lords held that he had improperly entitlement. In Pacific Associates it of a duty of care in tort to act
allowed the owners to influence v Baxter [1990] 1 QB 993 the fairly and impartially in carrying
him: the owners could not rely on Court of Appeal rejected the out the duty of certifier under the
the absence of a certificate as a existence of such a duty of care contract. It alleged that this duty
reason not to pay the contractor. as between the engineers, the was breached in that the architect
partners of Halcrow International, had received representations
The need for the contract
and the contractors, in respect of from the employer without
administrator to maintain his
alleged improper rejection of the giving the contractor a chance to
impartiality and independence
contractors’ claims and refusal answer them, with the result that
was well expressed by Megarry
to certify in their favour. In order it suffered economic loss. The
J. in London Borough of
to succeed in such a claim a judge held that the architect owed
Hounslow v Twickenham Garden
duty would have to be imposed no duty to avoid the contractor
Developments Ltd [1971] 1 Ch.
on the contract administrator suffering economic loss. There
233, often regarded as a classic
to take care to prevent the was no reliance by the contractor
statement of the position:
contractor suffering economic or assumption of responsibility by
... under a building contract loss. The court rejected the the architect which would justify
the architect has to discharge imposition of any such obligation grafting an obligation on the
a large number of functions, in Pacific Associates relying on certifier in tort.
both great and small, which the contractual relationship Special circumstances may arise
call for the exercise of his between employer, contractor which render the administrator
skilled professional judgment. and engineer. The engineer was liable to the contractor in tort.
He must throughout retain his engaged by the employer and An example is the New Zealand
independence in exercising that the contractor could arbitrate Court of Appeal decision of
judgment ... it is the position against the employer to recover Day v Ost [1973] 2 NZLR 385.
of independence and skill that the sums which should (allegedly) A subcontractor stopped work
affords the parties the proper have been certified. In these because he had not been paid
safeguards and not the imposition circumstances the court refused by the main contractor. The
of rules requiring something in to impose on the engineer a duty architect, employed by the
the nature of a hearing. of care to avoid economic loss owners, asked the subcontractor
being suffered by the contractor.
ERRORS BY THE to re–start work assuring him
ADMINISTRATOR IN In Hong Kong the court followed that he would be paid and that
CERTIFYING—CAN Pacific Associates v Baxter the main contractor had ample
in Leon Engineering and funds. The subcontractor carried
THE ADMINISTRATOR Construction Co Ltd v Ka Duk on but the main contractor
BE LIABLE TO THE Investment Co [1989] 47 BLR 139 went into liquidation leaving
CONTRACTOR? in refusing an application to join the subcontractor underpaid
If the contract administrator architects as defendants in an for his work. The court held
erroneously certifies less than action brought by a contractor on that the architect was liable
the contractor is entitled to, a project in Shatin. The contractor for negligent misstatement
the contractor is likely to suffer alleged that the architects’ failure under the rule in Hedley Byrne
economic loss. Equally if the to certify promptly and impartially v Heller . The architect was in a
administrator wrongly fails to was a breach of its duty of care. position to know that the client
grant an extension of time, the The court held that no such duty was in financial difficulties
contractor may suffer loss. Since of care was owed. and by his gratuitous advice
the cause of any such loss is assumed a responsibility to the
In the Australian case of John
the erroneous certification the subcontractor. Another, albeit
Holland Construction v Majorca
question arises whether the rather unlikely, possibility is a
Projects [2000] 16 Const. LJ 114,
contractor can recover from the claim for deceit against employer
Byrne J also followed Pacific
administrator. and administrator if there has
Associates. The contractor
It is now regarded as established been collusion between them to
alleged that it had been
in most common law jurisdictions deprive the contractor of sums
substantially underpaid and sued
that the contract administrator due to him. However the chances
both employer and architect. The
would not be in breach of a duty of such circumstances arising
employer went into liquidation
of care owed to contractors if he must be remote and in addition,
leaving only the architect as
deceit requires a high standard him what the function was for duty required express knowledge
of proof. Indeed both of the which the contract provided. of the situation on the part of the
examples above must be regarded In those circumstances I think Council:
as exceptions. Under the normal that the court ought to imply an Penwith was the party who
contractual relationships between undertaking by the owners that in could control (the certifier) if he
contractor, employer and contract the event of its becoming known failed to do what the contract
administrator, the administrator to them that their surveyor was required. Since the contract is not
will not owe a duty of care to departing from the function which commercially workable unless
the contractor with regard to both parties had agreed he was the certifier does what is required
certification. to perform, they would call him to of him, Penwith, as part of the
ERRORS BY THE book, and tell him what his real ordinary implied obligation of
function was. co–operation, was under a duty to
In the Australian case of Perini call (the certifier) to book (to use
Corporation v Commonwealth Scott LJ’s phrase) if it knew that
EMPLOYER BE LIABLE TO he was not acting in accordance
of Australia [1969] 2 NSWR
THE CONTRACTOR? 350, Macfarlan J adopted the with the contract. Both Scott LJ
If the administrator erroneously approach of the Court of Appeal and Macfarlan J make it clear
certifies less money than the in Panamena. The court had that the duty does not arise until
contractor is entitled to or if to decide the correct approach the employer is aware of the
he carelessly fails to grant a to be followed by an employer need to remind the certifier of his
fair extension of time, can the (a Government department) obligations .... A mere failure by
contractor hold the employer whose employee was acting as the certifier to act in accordance
liable for his failure? In general the independent certifier on a with the contractual timetable
terms the employer will not construction contract. It was is not a failure on the part of the
be liable for the faults of his alleged that the certifier had employer to discharge an implied
administrator when he is carrying given the departmental policy of obligation positively to co–operate
out his independent and impartial the employer as the reason for and cannot be a breach of
role, unless he is aware of the not granting an extension of time contract by the party whose
administrator’s error and does rather than his own opinion. The employee is the certifier.
nothing about it. judge held that there was not only The topic also arose in the
The genesis of this approach a duty on the employer, in the Singaporean case of Hiap Hong
is found in the shipping case, negative sense, not to interfere and Co (Pte) Ltd v Hong Huat
Panamena Europea Navigacion v with the proper performance Development Co (Pte) Ltd [2001]
Leyland [1943] 76 Lloyd’s Reports of the certifier’ duties when 2 SLR 458. This was another
113. A contract for the repair of considering extensions of time case in which it was alleged
a ship provided that the owners but also, in the positive sense, a that the contract administrator
should pay the repairers on duty to ensure that the certifier had gone seriously wrong when
the basis of certificates of the was properly exercising his duty issuing payment certificates.
owners’ surveyor which were to if it became aware that he was The court was faced with the
be final and binding. The Court proposing to act improperly. The question what, if any, were the
of Appeal found that the surveyor employer has ‘an obligation to obligations of the employer in
had misunderstood what he was require the Director to act in relation to the certifying functions
empowered to do and that the accordance with his mandate if [it] of its architect. It held that the
certificate issued by him was is aware that he is proposing to employer was under a negative
invalid as a result. The further act beyond it.’ duty not to interfere with the
question arose as to whether The English Technology and discharge of the architect’s duty
the shipowners were in breach Construction Court has also but that it was not under any
of contract as a result of the followed this approach. In Penwith obligation to tell the architect
incorrect certification of their District Council v VP Development what to do. It held that, even
surveyor. Scott LJ said as follows: Ltd (1999) (unreported), the court if aware of the architect’s
It seems to me plain that if found the owner not to be in defaults, it was not liable for
the shipowners had known breach of contract in respect of those defaults. Chao Hick Tin
that he was departing from the defaults of its certifier, despite JA put it ‘there is no justification
his proper function under the the existence of a duty upon the for such a wide–ranging term
contract, it would have been Council regarding his conduct. to be implied, bearing in mind
their duty to stop him and tell Crucially the existence of this the independent nature of the
certification function of the Architect to perform that function avoid any lasting harm to anyone
architect postulated under a in so far as it remains within the by correcting the position in a
building contract. It is not the duty power of the Architect to perform subsequent certificate. However
of an owner/employer to oversee it and the Employer is in breach of where a contractor has gone into
the architect in the discharge of the contract with the Contractor insolvency rendering recovery
that function’. This case has been to the extent that he does not from that source impossible, the
the subject of some criticism, intervene to arrange for the employer may well look to his
notably from the late Ian Duncan correct or a correcting step to be negligent contract administrator
Wallace QC. Firstly the express taken by the Architect. for recompense in the case of
language of the contract in over certification.
question actually imposed a LIABILITY FOR OVER–
An interesting variation on
duty on the employer to provide CERTIFICATION liability for over–certification can
an architect ready and willing If the contract administrator
be observed in the Malaysian
to give a certificate which does carelessly certifies too much
case of Chin Sin Motor Works
not appear to have been given money to the contractor or
Sdn Bhd v Arosa Development
much if any weight. Secondly the carelessly grants too great an
Sdn Bhd [1992], 1 MLJ 23,
views of the Singaporean court extension of time, can he be
where purchasers had agreed
certainly appear wider than, and liable to the employer who has
to buy a house from developers.
at variance with, the approach engaged him? This topic was the
Money was to be advanced to
followed in Panamena, Perini subject of considerable attention
the developers on behalf of
and Penwith; namely that if the by the courts some thirty years
the purchasers by a lending
employer becomes aware that ago. The leading case of Sutcliffe
institution on the basis of interim
the administrator is not correctly v Thackrah [1974] AC 727 settled
certificates shown to it. On the
carrying out his functions, he is the debate.
developer’s insolvency, it was
obliged to take steps to correct Prior to 1974, under English Law, discovered that sums had been
the position. it was not possible for a client advanced on a certificate that
It is suggested that a correct to sue in respect of the deficient water and electricity supplies
summary of the modern position contract administration of its were connected; the latter had
was set out by the Technology architect or engineer. The Court not been done. The certifying
and Construction Court in BR and of Appeal authority of Chambers architect was held to owe a
EP Cantrell v Wright and Fuller v Goldthorpe [1901] 1 KB 624 and duty of care to both purchaser
[2003] BLR 412. other case law established that and lender and was held
in certification, specifically, the liable on the basis of negligent
In undertaking these (contract
contract administrator was acting misrepresentation. It is suggested
administration) functions, the
in an arbitral role and should be that the position would be the
Architect does not act as the
protected against civil suit by a same in other common law
agent of the Employer but, since
form of quasi–judicial immunity. jurisdictions.
he is engaged by the Employer,
he has a contractual obligation In 1974, the House of Lords in RECENT JUDICIAL
to act fairly, impartially and in Sutcliffe v Thackrah overruled CONSIDERATION OF THE
accordance with the powers this decision and established
that an architect owes a duty
given to him by the conditions.
In speaking of the contract
The Employer may not interfere of care towards his client in
administrator’s duty, courts and
in the timing of the issue of any the performance of all duties,
commentators have referred to a
certificate but is not himself in including contract administration,
variety of qualities. These include
breach of contract if a particular and specifically certification, and
‘impartiality’, ‘independence’,
certificate is not issued or is could be liable for negligence in
‘fairness’, even–handedness’
erroneous unless he is directly the performances of those duties.
and ‘holding the scales fairly or
responsible for that failure. Negligent over–certification
evenly’. From time to time, there
However, if and when it comes would be an obvious example.
have been attempts to analyse
to his notice that the Architect This extends to both interim and
more exactly the meaning and
has failed to comply with his final certificates—see Merton
relationship of these terms. In
administrative obligations, by LBC v Lowe [1981] 18 BLR 130.
the classic London Borough
for example failing to issue Obviously, in many cases of over–
of Hounslow case referred to
a certificate required by the certification in interim certificates
above, Mr. Justice Megarry was
contract, the Employer has (and under–certification for that
certain that there was no general
an implied duty to instruct the matter) it will be possible to
obligation to ‘observe the rules of the commencement of an manager was responsible for
natural justice, giving due notice arbitration. Time was extremely determining how much the
of all complaints and affording short as the limitation period was contractor should and should
both parties a hearing’. But his about to expire. The engineer not be paid. The project manager
formulation of the duty included decided in a matter of days was a consortium of which
the requirement that the architect that Amec was liable for the Bechtel was the major player.
‘must throughout retain his defects. Amec refused to accept At an emergency meeting of
independence’ in exercising his this decision and an arbitration the project management team
professional judgment. Nearly was commenced. Amec concerning budget overruns, Mr
30 years later, the emphasis contended that the arbitrator Bassily, an employee of Bechtel
had changed, some might say had no jurisdiction because the and the Executive Chairman of
in favour of greater realism. engineer’s decision was invalid the project manager consortium,
Lord Hoffmann in Beaufort in that it had not been reached addressed the staff involved in
Developments Ltd v Gilbert Ash by a fair process—in particular determining what was due to the
NI Ltd [1999] AC 266 observed the engineer had reached his contractor. The contractor’s case,
that: decision without giving Amec the in effect, was that Mr Bassily had
opportunity to make submissions. advocated a policy that would
... the architect is the agent of the
The Court of Appeal (with May have the effect of denying the
employer. He is a professional
LJ giving the leading judgment) contractor its due entitlements.
man but can hardly be called
held that there was no difference It pointed among other things to
independent. One would
between the engineer’s duty the fact that following the meeting
not readily assume that the
under Clause 66 and his duty the incidence of refusal of
contractor would submit himself
when carrying out his other contractor’s claims had increased
to be bound by his decisions
independent functions. He had to measurably. The contract was
subject only to a challenge on the
act independently, honestly and an amended version of the New
grounds of bad faith or excess of
fairly—but he did not have to apply Engineering Contract. This added
power. It must be said that there
the rules of natural justice. Rix somewhat to the piquancy of the
are instances in the nineteenth
LJ disagreed with this analysis. proceedings in that the Recitals
century and the early part of
He said that the engineer’s role included the provision/hope/
this one in which contracts were
under Clause 66 did differ from aspiration that ‘The Employer,
construed as doing precisely
his other roles and that he had the Contractor and the Project
this … But the notion of what
been wrong not to have heard Manager act in the spirit of
amounted to a conflict of interest
both sides before reaching his mutual trust and co–operation
was not then as well understood
decision on the dispute. In effect and so as not to prevent
as it is now … today one should
he was of the view that the compliance by any of them with
require very clear words before
engineer was obliged to comply the obligations each is to perform
construing a contract as giving an
with the rules of natural justice under the Contract’.
architect such powers.
when determining a dispute The contractor in the proceedings
In Amec Civil Engineering Ltd v under Clause 66. In the event described the Bechtel approach
Secretary of State for Transport this disagreement between May as ‘a policy adopted by Bechtel
[2005] BLR 227 the Court of LJ and Rix LJ did not affect the … to reduce its own risk rather
Appeal had to consider the ambit outcome of the appeal. than as a result of an impartial
of the duty of an engineer in
Further consideration of the and genuine application of the
making a decision over a dispute
duties of a contract administrator Contract’. One of the questions
referred to him under Clause 66
was given in Costain Ltd v Bechtel which counsel addressed in the
of the ICE Conditions. Amec were
Ltd [2005] EWHC 1018, a decision proceedings was characterised
responsible for renovation works
of Jackson J in the English by the judge as ‘When
to the M6 motorway. Defects were
Technology and Construction assessing sums payable to (the
found in roller bearings used
Court. The contractor on the contractors) … is it (the contract
and the employer wrote to Amec
Channel Tunnel High–Speed Rail administrators’) duty (a) to act
asking them to accept liability.
Link Project applied for interim impartially as between employer
When Amec did not do so, the
injunctions to prevent interference and contractor or (b) to act in the
employer referred the dispute to
in the process of contract interests of the employer?’
the engineer for determination.
administration, specifically in
This was a necessary step as Mr. Justice Jackson observed at
deciding on contractor’s claims.
under Clause 66 a decision of the outset that this issue ‘has
Under the contract the project
the engineer is required before significance extending beyond
the boundaries of the present In the provisions of the contract of the phrase ‘in good faith’ in the
litigation’. the judge was ‘unable to find context of certification seems to
anything which militates against me to serve no useful purpose. I
Counsel for the project managers
the existence of a duty upon the have therefore concentrated on
argued that the contract in
project manager to act impartially the question whether there was a
question should be distinguished
in matters of assessment and duty of impartiality and whether,
from the ‘conventional contracts’
certification’. arguably, that duty was breached.’
(where Jackson J indicated that
a straightforward Sutcliffe v He did not accept the argument The most recent relevant case is
Thackrah approach would apply) that the inclusion of a dispute Scheldebouw v St. James Homes
because: resolution procedure militated (Grosvenor Dock) Ltd [2006] BLR
against the existence of a 113. Again the judge was Jackson
(i) the project manager was
duty on the project manager J in the TCC. The employer,
here given no broad discretion
to act impartially in matters St. James, had removed Mace,
but his duties were very specific
of certification. Virtually every their construction managers,
and detailed; so there was ‘no
construction contract had such and proposed themselves as
need, and indeed no room for an
provisions the replacement. Scheldebouw
implied term of impartiality’;
objected and were met with a
He accepted that ‘in discharging
(ii) the availability to the trenchant reply from St. James:
many of its functions under the
contractor of the dispute ‘There is no reason why we
contract, the project manager
resolution procedures under the cannot appoint ourselves as the
acts solely in the interests of the
contract would have ‘the effect of construction manager. This is
employer … Nevertheless, I do
excluding any implied term that a construction management
not see how this circumstance
the project manager would act contract whereby the construction
detracts from the normal
impartially’; manager, whoever that is, acts on
duty which any certifier has
(iii) the project manager’s role our behalf to manage the works in
on these occasions when the
under this contract was ‘not relation to the contracts entered
project manager is holding a
analogous to an architect or into between us and the trade
balance between employer and
other certifier under conventional contractors. Under construction
contractor’. He could not see
contracts’. The project manager management, as opposed to
how a clause excluding any term
was specifically employed to act management contracting, the
implied by custom could be
in the interests of the employer; construction manager acts
relevant: ‘The implied obligation
entirely as our agent to protect
(iv) the contractual terms of a certifier to act fairly, if it
our interests. The construction
excluding any term implied exists, arises by operation of law
manager is not appointed
by custom would ‘prevent not as a consequence of custom’.
as some quasi independent
any implied term arising that In the result, the court’s decision certifier, as you imply, such as is
the project manager will act did not hinge on these findings. the position of an architect, for
impartially’. Jackson J held that damages instance, under a JCT contract …
Jackson J said that, although would be an adequate remedy if there is no obligation on us to act
the NEC is more specific and the case proved to be successful independently and impartially as
objective than ‘conventional’ and the ‘balance of convenience’ there was not on Mace’.
construction contracts, ‘there are test was not satisfied. These
The contractor took the matter
still many instances where the findings were fatal to the
to court for a ruling on whether
project manager has to exercise application for an interim
the employer was entitled to act
his own independent judgment injunction.
in this way under the contract
…. When the project manager Mr. Justice Jackson concluded in question. The judge found
comes to exercise his discretion with observations on yet another that the construction manager
in those residual areas, I do not attempted formulation of fulfilled two different functions
understand how it can be said the duty; the phrase ‘in good which could be described as
that the principles stated in faith’: ‘Sometimes it is used the ‘agency function’ (as in
Sutcliffe do not apply. It would as a synonym for ‘impartiality’. instructing variations) and the
be a most unusual basis for any Sometimes, it is used as a ‘decision–making function’ (as
building contract to postulate that synonym for ‘honestly’.’ Criticising in ascertaining loss and expense
every doubt shall be resolved in the term as ‘ambiguous’, Jackson and granting extensions of time).
favour of the employer and every J observed that ‘A semantic The same of course is true of
discretion shall be exercised debate about the precise meaning architects and engineers in most
against the contractor.’
standard forms of contract. terms of the particular contract, be expected to act impartially as
After referring to the cases of usually they perform two distinct between contractor and employer
Panamena, Perini, Hounslow, roles. The first is as agent of in their decision–making
Sutcliffe and Amec (see above) the employer—for example in role, in the sense of favouring
the judge reached the following issuing instructions and ordering neither. The concept of acting
conclusions: variations. The second is as a independently is still relevant.
decision–maker—for example in
• The precise role and duties In principle, there is nothing to
certifying payments, assessing
of the decision–maker will be stop parties agreeing that the
claims for loss and expense and
determined by the terms of the contract administrator should
in awarding extensions of time.
contract in question. be an employee of the client/
A contract administrator acting employer. In theory the employer
• Generally the decision–maker is
as a decision–maker has to itself could act as contract
not and cannot be regarded as an
act independently, impartially, administrator but this is unusual
entity wholly independent of the
honestly and fairly. He must and potentially fraught with
not favour either contractor difficulty. The clearest express
• When performing his or employer. However he does terms are needed to bring this
decision–making function, the not have to apply the rules of about.
administrator (in this case a natural justice when making his These principles have long
construction manager) is required decisions. been applied to ‘traditional’
to act in a manner which has
If the administrator negligently construction and engineering
variously been described as
over–certifies in the contractor’s contracts. Recent attempts to
independent, impartial, fair and
favour he can be held liable to the argue that they do not apply to
honest. These words connote that
employer who engages him. In decision–makers under new
the decision–maker must use his
special circumstances he might forms of contract have been
skill and best endeavours to reach
also be liable to third parties, rejected by the courts.
the right decision as opposed
such as institutions lending
to a decision which favours the The principles outlined above
money to the employer.
interests of the employer. concern the duties of an
In normal circumstances an administrator in relation to
• The contract did not allow the
administrator who under–certifies the economic well–being of
employer to appoint himself as
will not be liable to the contractor. either contractor or employer.
construction manager. It was
However if, for example, he When physical damage to
not envisaged that the role of
makes gratuitous representations person or property is the issue
the decision–maker should
to the contractor he may be found then the administrator will be
be exercised by the employer
to have assumed a responsibility subject to the usual rules for
himself. The whole structure
to him and be liable in negligence. the imposition of a duty of care
of the contract was that the
founded on the well known
decision–maker should be a If the employer exerts pressure on
case of Donoghue v Stevenson.
separate entity from the employer. the administrator so that he loses
his impartiality and independence
• The concept of the employer Tim Elliott’s paper was previously
then the administrator’s
carrying out the functions of the presented at the Society of
certificate may be invalid and his
independent decision–maker Construction Law seminar in
decision ignored. Furthermore
were so unusual that it would Hong Kong on 20 October 2006.
if the employer knows that the
require express words in the Reprinted with permission.
administrator is not carrying
contract to bring this about (as
out his functions properly then
was the case in Balfour Beatty
he may himself be liable to the
Civil Engineering v Docklands
contractor for breach of contract
Light Railway [1996] 78 BLR 42).
if he does not take steps to
There were no such words in this
correct the position.
Contractors and employers are
CONCLUSIONS entitled to expect that contract
Traditionally employers have administrators will be fair in their
engaged professionals to manage decision–making. They cannot
construction and engineering be independent in the (common)
contracts. While the scope of situation where they are engaged
their duties depends on the by the employer, but they can

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