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Name: _____________________ Date: __________________

(If you write “I don’t know” for any answer, you will receive a zero!)
What are the five rules for our class?
1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________
Give an example of how you can…
1. Respect yourself:
2. Respect others:
3. Respect our classroom:
Give two examples of how your can follow directions.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
Give two examples of how you can do your best work.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
Why is it important to raise your hand?
Why is it important to get permission before getting out of your seat?
What is the name of the “money” you can earn in this class?
Why has Mr. Peacock not allowed you to have jobs or rewards yet? (think of
your behavior)

If you choose to break a classroom rule, what are the consequences that you
will earn for yourself?
1 negative mark: ______________________________________________
2 negative marks: _____________________________________________
3 negative marks: _____________________________________________
4 negative marks: _____________________________________________

Why is it important for you to avoid getting into trouble?


Explain how consequences will help you to learn from your mistakes.
Each day, we follow the same procedure. Put the following five steps in
order by writing a 1 for the first thing you do, a 2 for the second thing you
do, and so on.
______ Enter the classroom without talking.
______ Get a warm-up sheet.
______ Sit at your assigned seat.
______ Wait quietly for your classmates to finish their warm-ups.
______ Begin working on your warm-up

1. Why is it important for you to come to class prepared (with a pencil,

materials, good attitude)?
2. What should you do if you need a pencil?
3. Where should all class pencils go when you leave the room?
4. Should you bring your backpack into the classroom? Where should it
5. Is it polite for you to ask to leave the classroom while Mr. Peacock is
teaching? ______________
6. Explain what Mr. Peacock means by “know your role!”
7. What are three different things that you can do to “know your
8. Where does your work go when you are ready to turn it in?
9. Explain why it is important for you to be on time (not late) to class
10.When you are late, who’s time are you wasting?
11.In detail, explain the BAD things students have done in this class
over the last few weeks and why these things are a problem.

Respect and Investment

1. Who is in charge in this classroom? _______________________
2. Why is it important for you to be respectful of everyone in this
3. Why is it important for you to NOT talk back?
4. What are you going to do to make sure you and your classmates are
successful, well-behaved, and on-task?
5. Write a FULL PARAGRAPH explaining why good behavior is
important. Be sure to mention your behavior, your classmates’
behavior, and how behavior is related to learning. Fill the bottom of
this page.

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