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saree Arte 1S 1899 (Part 3) : 2014 Indian Standarc demi & yam fest i & ards sam 3 yet oh deren ara ent Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Pan 3 Bridges and Retaining Was ies or.12028 © ais 2014 srcta are apt BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS sere ey, 9 AEE eT eK, HE es o002 ‘ew Deus 0008 soonest in ‘August 2014 Price Group 11 nique Engicecng Stn Commitee, CED 39 “This nto Standard (Pat 3 was tole by the Burn fin Stns, te dal nized by he Eases Engen Sestonal Commis tad en approve y th Ci Eien Divison Cou imayn-Naglshi rego ido Cage Pl, Wee nda Kuch n Katana reponse gelegicaly septs iCute evan carga of Ie weiShae our A ao pa of the entrain lo nse song earths bt ese wee eal fe inp occuring ‘Mech are ners ny st an tad oneal ese tc, Theat estat Sgn of Sctuts king scent see daa rom ies ofthe ran agus as be very Sem rc ni a he wen sonst xray ovo he Cony verve hr prpse a [S1H93: 196) Recommenians for euler rig fsrecre was Es published i 1962 and ‘Sse reid a 1965 1975 nd 198 Fane, dh vt ep sat withthe api evelopment and extnive ez at has been aid ou Inthe df catiuake ein design of atu retest Comer bt desde cove De ponisons Fern types strstr npr prs Hesce If 193s ben spi eps The ae ae Pa Gener provi nd bigs Pri2Liged ining inks -lootd and ground supponed a4 tds sets cain ck he sts Pun Dans and enters “Tis stand (Pa 3) coms provisions othe design of ow iss nd for cami eat of exising igen procs of sc operon sod roling. 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