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MANUAL FOR SEISMIC EVALUATION ‘OF EXISTING REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS Public Worts Department | MANUAL FOR SEISMIC EVALUATION OF EXISTING REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. PREPARED UNDER PROJECT FOR CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ON NATURAL DISASTER RESISTANT TECHNIQUES ‘OF CONSTRUCTION AND RETROFITTING FOR PUBLIC BUILDING (CNCRP) | TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROJECT BETWEEN PWD AND ICA amis © Public Works Department ‘llrightsreserved Noput ofthis publication sal be reproduced stored in erieval system, reprinted ‘tansmited in any fon by any Means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording of OETwse without permission in ting from the Chief Engineer, Publi Works Departmen Pablshed by: rablic Works Department Purta Bhaban, Segunbagicha Dhaka-1000, STRICTLY FOR OFFICIAL USE lest Eaton ane 2015, “The contents ofthis book are related to rerofiting design and castration process generally undertaken by Public Works Department which have been described heeiafer in brief theoretical form as [Biidelines, Ae such no chapte, article, claus, sub-lause therefore, be refered to as VALID: BOCUMENTS in the event of any ariition, litigation, dispute claim case, whatsoever secure, made tr claimed by any personas the case may be under any ereumstnces, ‘wrinen suggestions to up revive any please Le ees to ‘The Chief Engine, Public Works Depertmont Pricer Tak, 100000 Cover dsign: Nipun/Team Engine Limited Production: ‘Team Ergine Limited ALI Tover (1th ocr) 44 Kawranbazr, Daka 1215, Bangladesh ‘www engine com Foreword Bangladeshis » disaster prone country. The county is Sequently affeted by flood, cyclones and «yelone induced storm surges and tornados. The country is also under test of moderate to song, ‘earthquakes due tothe geographical position. Bangladesh it close to one ofthe mort tctniclly active regions inthe word, It is stunted where tee tectonic plates naly the Idan plate, the Esra plate and the Burmese plate met. Banglades, over the lst hundred and ify year, had experienced eight ‘major earthquakes of magnitude over 7.0. Among those earthquakes, we earthquakes tamely Bengal Earthquake of 1885 and Srimongol Eathquske of 1918 had tei epicenter within the counry. Du ots proximity tothe plate boundaries, active faults and tac records of historcal damaging earthquakes in and around Bangladesh probably of oecurence of strong earthquake is high. “The risks of loss of lfe and damage to property du to earthquake are almost entirely associated with manmade sinctures. Because earthquake doesn't kill people, buildings &. The rapid urbanization of ‘sovea ities especialy Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet during the last 25 yers with most of the buildings being non-nginered sa hig concern Public Werks Department (PWD) with istry of over 150 yar isthe Government Department which ‘owns almest all the publi buildings ofthe country in connection with constuction and aintenance, The ‘partment inherits the legacy ffom British India though Pakistan prod ro preset independent Bangladesh. A msjor portion ofthe huge building stock is ureinforeedbriec masonry buildings with lw concrete svength, inadequate colamn section and non ductile RC flamed structures, The Bangldesh "Nationa Building Code (BNBC) was formulated in 1993 and enacted in 2006. PWD hasbeen following ‘American Conese Instiute (ACT) code till 1993 and the BNBC subsepuntly for structural design purpose. But strict adherence to the code especialy the seismic provision came into practice very recently. AS a resul, 2 staggering number of existing buldings do not meet the seismic demand and ‘spacty requirements ofthe curent BNBC (Final dr, July 2015) ‘The Government of Bangladesh has taken a stong stand with disaster sis reduction, Government's success in ceri areas of disaster risk mitigation sich at flood, cyclone i aclaimed by the world and taken as role mode! in many counties. In case of earthguake disaster, he county ie not sufficiently prepared to reduce the risk. The min reason is that earthquake is ota frequent phenomenon Bangladesh. The country fad experienced the last devastating carhuake in 1897 (The Great Indisn Earthquake with magninude 8). Inthe Standing Order on Disister (SOD) ofthe Goverament, PWD is entrusted withthe task to promote seismic resistant building and to retrofit public buildings which are vulnerable to earthquake. Duco the lick of technical know-how, PWD could not undertake projects for reofiting. To overcome this deficiency, PWD Ins undertaken a projet with the technical eaoperation of ICA titled “Project for Capacity Development on Natural Disster Resistat Techniques of Conaricton and Retofiting. for Public Buildings (CNCRP". The main purpose of the four yea lng pross eto enrich the technical knowledge and working capacity ofthe engines of PWD for seismic assesment, etofting design and ‘construction of existing RC famed pubic builns. (One ofthe ouput ofthis projet isto develop 6 (sx) nvidual manuals end guidelines as sated under for future references |. Manual fo Seismic Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Conret Buildings 2. Manual fr Sesmie Rewoit Design of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings 3, Manual for Retoit Construction and Supervision of Reinforced Conrete Buildings 4. Guidelines for Quality Conta of Design and Construction of Renforced Conree Buildings ‘5. Manual fr Sesmie Design of Reinfored Concrete Buildings 6, Manual for Vulnerabiliy Assessment and Damage Prediction of Reinforced Concrete As sated calc, many existing buildings do not meet the seismic demand and eapscity requirements of the current BNBC. The need fr reroiting may aie from one or more ofthe follovng reasons (@) Violation of Bangladesh National Building Code in structural design an corstrcton process. (€) Subsequent updating of Building Code (6) Deterioration due to ging snd unexpected natural and human ected hazards. {@) Modieation of existing actre {) Change in use of building. ‘The series of manuals and guidelines are the outcome of four yer long experience of CNCRP project. ‘The engineers of PWD with tecnica assistance ofthe JICA experts trained to ado the Japanese rei. technology to loal construction conditions and practices. Selsmicrevoftig sa specialized type of job “The professionals snd practicing engineers are requested to go through the manuals carefully and apply their engineering judgments before application. ‘The curent edition ofthe manuals and guidelines area modest begining, Extensve research on local conditions such a¢consirueton materials, wchniqus, and practices inthe light of local seismicity are necesary to upgrade the manuals. We, as professionals, believe that manuals are oa a gue routine and it is he expert who will have to take the fal decision about actual extent of work tobe done, We «expect feedback fom al quarters to enrich he future edition ofthe manuals. ‘The current Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) isnot included with any provision of seismic ‘evaluation and reofit design. Throughout the projet duration, the engineers of PWD stufid the standard, guidelines and technical manial for seismic evaation and revoiting dsign oF RC buildings jn Japan, The eppoach isa litle unconvessona in Bangladesh As judgment is very important in assessing vulnerability ofa building, the Japanese method gives emphasis on critealcbservations and hand calculations. Thee are many factors and assumption to be taken based ca local construction ‘ireumstances. This “Manual for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Corsrete Buildings” has been prepared to supplement the English version ofthe original Japanese Stands, Guidelines and ‘Teetnical Manual tiled “Standard, Guidelines and Technical Manual fr Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Resrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, 2001", published by The Japan Building Disaster Prevention Assocation (BDPA). We deeply acinowledge the Editorial Advisory Board consisting of respected menber fom Japan and Bngladesh for their valuable contribution. The authors from JICA expect team neds special mention for formulating the manuals. We also thank ll the CNCRP team members for thir hard. work which ‘eventually helped in publishing these manuals and guidelines. Finally want o tank the Goverment of Span an JICA fr thee whole heared support and cooperation inal phases ofthe 3rject CNCRP. Fngr. Ma. Kahir Ahmed Rhsiyan ‘Chief Engineer Pruble Works Department Dita, Bangladesh, PREFACE, Bangladesh is located in tctonically stv region cote tothe plate boundaries ofthe Indian plat and the Eurasian plat to its north and eat. Based on seismicity, Bangladesh is divided ito thee seismic zones, a8 pet Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), 1993. The BNBC was adopted in 2006 under Building Construction Act, 1982. Most ofthe buildings consrted before adoption of BNBC 1993 is ‘ther non engineered or designed without considering seismic lead. The present construction senario is not very emcouaging citer. Under these cireumstanes large mumbers of buildings both public and private inthe urban areas neds structural assesment and reofiting if found vulnenble ‘The concept and pasice of Jepanese Standard of selsmie evaluation and Guidelines of rarofit design for ‘exiting RC buildings tas been studied and applied in Bangladesh through the PWD-JICA technical ‘cooperation projet CNCRP. ‘The Japanese Standard and Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Retoit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, prepared in 1977 bas been applied in many buldings in Japan succesflly. The Guideline was revised in 1990 and 2001, Following concise book of Standard and Guidelines ransated in English under one cover was published in 2001 Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, 2001 Guidetnes for Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, 2001 and ‘Tehnlal Manual far Simic Evaluation and Simic Retrofit of Existing Reaforced Concrete ulings, 201 ‘Translated by: Building Research Insinte, Published by: The Japan Building Disaster Prevention Association (JBDPAY. ‘This English version 2001 coves the main portion ofthe Japanese Standard and Guidelines ols ‘This “Manual for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings has beon prepared to supplement the Japanese Standard and Guidelines mentioned above incorporating theses load of [BNBC. Fort hs been taken to incorporate the design and construction practices of Bangladesh in the ‘manual a5 much as possible, This manual willbe used together with the “Manual fr Seismic Refit Design of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings” prepared under CNCRP projet. Seismic retrofit in Japan hasbeen disseminated afer the Hyogo Ken Nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake 1995, together withthe act on promotion of Sesmie Reroiting of Existing Buildings. More tan 50,000 xisting pubic school buildings have been reofited as of 201 1s expected tat seismic performance of existing RC buildings will be improved through application of this Seismic Evaluation Manual and the bulding damage isk in Bangladesh wl be mitigated. Yoruke Nakajima Member JICA Bypert Team, CNCRP Authors: Lead Author Assointe Authors ‘Balto Advisory Board: “Pef Dr, Jmiur Rera Choudhury Profesor Shunuke Otani Profesor Toshimi Kabeyasova, Engr. A.H.M@. Matar Rahman De. M.Shamim 2. Bosunia, PEag Dr. feb Anam Dr. AEM Saiful Ania ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ‘Yosuke Nakajima, JICA Exper ‘Mal Rafiq Im, Feective Feiner, PWD Design Division 3, Dhaka. (Mal Emad! Fg, Sub divisional Engineer, PWD Design Division, Dhaka. \Viee Chancellor, Jniversty of Asia Pacific — Chairman Professor Emeris, University of Tokyo ~ Co-chirman Earthquake Reseach Instite, University of Tokyo - Member ‘Additional Chit =ngineer (Retd), PWD -Member Profesor (Retized), Bangladesh University of Enginering and ‘Technolgy, Dhaka Member Professor, Univerity of Asia Pacife-Member Profesor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and ‘Technology, Diska Member ‘CONTENTS FOREWORD, pi PREFACE, pit ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, p.¥ CONTENTS, pit CHAPTER Genera 1.1 General Principal, p. 1 LLL Seismic Index of Non Strctral Elements fy 3 1.2. Scopeot Application, p.3 1.2. Element that Constitute a Building p. 3 122 TypeotStuctre,p.3 123 Number of Saris, .4 126 Concrete Strength p. 4 125° Others 5 1.3. Suggested Modifstion of Japanese Standard for Bangladsh p. 5 18 Definitions, p. 10 1S Notations, p13 ‘CHAPTER? ‘Bulldicg Inspection 21 General p17 2.2 Recommendation for Applicaton. 18 23 Preliminary Inspection, p18 24 Detailed inspect, p23 241 Comparison of the Curent Stats withthe Design Drawings, p. 23 242. Cose-Seional Dimensions fr Calculation of Strengths of Socal Member, p.23 243 Crackngia Concrete and Deformations of Sucre fr Evaluation of Tine Inde, . 24 244 RuildingConignration for Fusion af tergnlaity Ier, 95 245 _Inspectcn of Ground and Geographical Features ofthe ite, p. 26 25 Material Inspection, p27 25.1. Concrete Material Iespeson, 27 25.11 The Compresive Strength Tet of Concrete with Concrete Core Sampling, . 28 25.12 Stengt Test Conducted by Using the Seid Hammer, p31 25.13 ConcrtsCarbnation Despoess Text, 32 252. Inspecton of Reinforcing Bars, p.33 252.1 Swengt ofthe Reinforcing Bas. 33, 252.2 Rast onthe Reinforcing Bars, p. 33 253 Braunton of the Conerete Compressive Strength, p34 234 Brat of Reinforcing Bar Vel Strength Based on the Inspection. 34 2.6 Inspection of Buldings on the Basis of Availability of Design Drawing, p35 ‘CHAPTER 3 ‘Selamie Index of Structure J, 3.L Genera, p39 32. Screening Procedures, p. 39 3.3. Recommendation for Application, p- 34 Basie Seismic Index of Structure En. 42 341 Calculation of yp. «2 342. Steg index C, p46 34.21 Rosummenéaton for Application of Strength Index, . 47 343. Duciity Index Fp. 49 ‘343.1 Bas Principles in Caution of Duty Index F 49. 3.4.32 Addtionl Provisions for Maximum Deflection Ange . 52 3433 Upper Limit ofthe Drift Angle of Flexural Columns Rau, p56 3.44 Exanple of Calelation of Cokumn Stength p. 58 34441 Description of Bulding, p. $8 Callan of Gravity Lond, p58 3.443 Callan of Member Steagh,p. 61 34.44 Callation of Colum Duciliy Index Fp. 6 Cakalation of the Effective Strength Factor, p. 67 34.46 TheStrength Inde, p. 69 35 negulaity Index So. 75 35.1 Gaver p75 35.2 Item tobe Considered p. 75 353 Recommendation for Application, p. 75 354 Caleltion Procedure, p. 76 355 Example of Caleulton of Stifoes/Mass Ratio of above and below Stores, econristy and Spade, p77 26 Time index Fp. 88, 361 Gemsl p88 3.62. Recommendation for Application, p. 88 CHAPTER 4 Seksmic Satety Basi Principles, p95 42 Recommendation for Appistion, p.9S 42.1 Relationship between BNBC 2015 and a7 9S 43 Seimic Demand Index p97 43.1 Seismic Demand Index of Structure Ip. 97 43.2 Example p. 106 433 Seismic Zone Coeticin ,p. 108, 43.4 Seuctre Importance Factor Lp. 109 435 Nomulizod Acceleration Response Spectrum Cp. 110 436 Site Classification, p11 43.7 Cumulative Suength Index at The Uimate Deformation ef Structure Chup. 111 ‘Supplement 1: Propored Seismic Demand Index of Structare Jy. 113, ‘Supplement 2: Proposed Ductilty Index F Related to Axal Foree Ratio. 131 Supplement 3: Flexural Strength of Colamas by Simplified Caleulaton, p 135 Supplement 4: Formula for Ubimate Shear Strength of Column Used for Selsmic Eval apanp. 139 ‘Supplement S: Shear Strength of Beam Column Joint, p19 ‘Supplement 6: Upper Limit of Drift Ange ofthe Pexural Colum, nay Tensile Reinforcement Ratio Py p 159 ‘Supplement 7: Report on Seismic Evaluation of ‘Supplement sample Building, p. 165 Report on Preparation of As-Built Drawings (A Sample Report). 177 ‘Supplement 9: Evaluation Example, p. 201 Index of Figures, p.257 Index of Tables, p. 261 References, p- 263 CHAPTER 1, GENERAIL. LA GENERAL PRINCIPAL 4) Composition ofthe Manual “This manual shal! be used for seismic evaluation of existing Relnorced Concrete (RC) bugs. The ‘manual has been prepared to suplement the fllowing Japanese Standard (encefoth known 35 J Standard, incorporating the characteristics of RC buildings in Bangladesh and seismic design load of Bangiadesh National Building Code (henceforth known as BNBC), This mana! martes the evaluation methods and ther explanations according to the Japanese Standard with examples using few actual ‘bldings in Bangladesh BNBC doe: nat cover the structural evaluation of existing RC buildings “Standard for Seismic Evalation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buldigs, 2001 and Technical Manual for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bulldngs, 2001" translated tx English and published by Japanese Building Disaster Prevention Assocation 2) Fundamental Principal ‘The J. Standard explains seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete buildings. The ses valuation is based on: () Ste ingpecton and (i) Structural calculation. These two observations together spresats theses penance ofa baling ine uf csi len suc al ee en, of nonstructural elements The overall safety ofthe building stall be judged based on sandard for {judgment on seismic say wheria seismic performance demands are stated, Chaps 1. General Flow chart fr seismic evahatin i given in Figure 1.1. Relevant section of the J. standard and this pplication manual is given besides ech step of flow char. Figure 1.1 Standard Procedure for Seismic Evaluation ‘The application manuals prepared based on the low chat ofthe semi evaluation. In this aplication ‘manual standard procedure for seismic evaluation is explained sep by stp by an example of existing ‘building Example of another bulding is provided in Supplement No i concise from. (Chapter 1. General 111 Selsmi Index of Non Structural Elements Iy Evahution of the nonstrucnwal elements one af he most iportat factors fr the safety evaluation, But ‘his manual gives higher priority to the evaltaton ofthe seismic capac of structure J In a RC frame tseveture varie (ypee of materiale and claddings are weed ae infill aod parton walle inelading ‘ueinfrced brick masony. During an earthquake these non-structural elements may cause problem This ‘manual doesnot cover detail procedure to cleat stsmic index of non-tractual elements Therefore, its recommended to further study the evaluation method of non srctral elements and to inchae inthe: sismie evaluation ofthe buildings in future. For the presen, it 6 recommended to see the J. standard (Chapter 4. Seismic Index of Nonstrectural Elements Jp) or the BNBC2015 (25.15 Nonstructural ‘components. 1.2 SCOPE OF APPLICATION ‘Elements that constitute a bullding ‘Main structural members shall be considered as a component of the seismic evaluation, Non structural ‘members are out of cope of this mans 2) Type of structure Reinforced concrete (RC) frame structure is covered inthis manual Flt plate sab) RC strucaeis out of spe in pincipe. Brick masonry building i lo ou of seope andi not covered in his manu 3) Number of stores ‘Mid to low-ise buildings with 6 stores and les recovered generally, Buildings higher than 6 stores shall be considered with special tention “a concrete renga Buildings with concrete strength not les han®ON/muare covered. )Others ‘his manual snot applicable fr the significantly deteriorated buildings and the buildings with special steve 1.2.1 Elements that Constitute a Balding ‘The mama work only with he main srctural elements excluding the non tuchral elements. Baialy, ‘he seismic evaluation foe buildings ae complete with the seismic evaluations of on-structural elements rach as fcadeeloments, Srishing clement, bil wal, and machinory of bling servis. Ino of [Non-strctral lements remains a he subject of fate study 1.22 Type ofStructure This manual coves the seismic evaluation of existing RC fume stroctre with in-filed brick walls mainly. (ther sractaes such a ete sructre and brick masonry rustre ae ot covered by this manual, Chaptr |. General A. Flat plate (sab structare Most of the RC fat plate (slab) buildings in Bangladesh are without RC shear walls. There are vulnerable structs, sine horizontal stiffness and strength slow, Proper layout of seismic loa eit elements in plan andi elevation sal be considered st floor slabs shal be evaluate to transfer seismic oad, Seismic acessent offi plate structure is ou of sope ofthis man in principle 'B. Building with partial Noor beams and as well as without grade beams ‘There are many RC buildings wih partial floor beams and as well as without gre beams, Horizontal strength ofa columa without beams at batt wil be siost zero if foundation size is sal, Herzonsl load carying capocity ofa building sall be reduced considering this condition. In care of buildings without grade bes, it required to evahinte effective cokimn height at ground lor and connection condition to foundation foosings forthe evaluation of column strength. 1.2.3 Number of Stories ‘The orginal version of the Jaganase Technical Manual bas been developed and applied for many Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings. Applicable limit of number of storey i 6 stores generally. This condition will cover majority of exising RC buildings in Bangladesh, In case of higher stored buildings, the fleur behavior of columns will ebinge. This manual may be allowed to apply for evaluation of higher stocy buildings by incorporating the change of axial force of columns by seismic load. 1.24 Concrete Strength Brick chipe agrepate have hewn used for concrete work of many existing RC buildings in Dhaka, The covert tenga wth brick chips is low, and it has been observed that actual concrete stength of Some of te buildings are less than LON, according to the result of concrete core sampling test. Concrete strength with not mor than 13Ninen'is defined as low stength concrete. Low strength eoerete i nt covered by the "Japanese Seismic Evaluation Standard and Revoit Design Guideline" generally. However there is “A report by the special research commits for low strength concrete” issed bythe Chugoks ‘branch of Japan Cone Institut in February 2009. This special report coves lw strength concrete upto 9.0N/mm?. i required to provide reduction coafcan for low strength conrots to evant hear strength of columns. Buildings wih low strength concrete less thanONima® are otf cope ofthis manual Ie wil be required to evant separately in dei for buildings with concrete strength less than 9 0N mm. Cle 1. Gow 125 Others “The apliability ofthis evaluation method needs o be examined forthe flowing types of buildings. A bilding with significant efferent setleent and structural craks A building with racks ling of concrete slab te. as a result of fe incidence. A ulding becoming decrepit in SO years or mae afer its construction “Tho epplinblity of thie Manca to euch buildnge shall be carflly amined because it may be ‘inappropriate to evaluat the seismic capacity base onthe seismic inde. Corrosion of reinfering bain lab ‘Diagonal cack i eek wal ave ‘feet seslement Figure 1.2.1 Example of Deterioration of Building Elements Inappropriate for Seismic Evaluation Spaling of sao concrete de 1 fire disaster 1.3 SUGGESTED MODIFICATION OF JAPANESE STANDARD FOR BANGLADESH "The Summary of modifications of Tapanese Standard (Guidelines for is aplzation to Banglades shown in Table 1.3.1 a ‘Modifications of Japanese standard forts application in Bangladesh are summarize in Table 3.1, wih respect o A: General, B: Duct inde, C: Strength index, D: Inga index and F: thes. tis noted that proposed mumercal values have been considered based on the preset best knowledge, but are tentative values and it will need fuer rescarchlexperiment forthe veifeation’ medication in Bangladesh, (Chapter |. General ‘Table 13.1 Suggested Modifications of Japanese Standar for ts Applicaton in Bangladesh Japan| Banged "The Sd fr Seis Evahntion of Exiting KC ‘Simic vation Mana of Exning KC Balle (ence) ‘Tis modified “Eneray cote inci eat ‘Buildings of Existing KC Buildings mou ‘ane a Teal Recommend” 2 lewot |, Pande seen | MPa oe remy med Poe creaag fmm, | nebo ?leveismanyoed.| mand apa whch ahead ace Seng at el oveng nt ed pment) 5 Essig | Min stags wade Many Ballings we ilving BND, ch Saldngs” | edogtewstcmmacin,” trate mma n 086 Del bling cae Sragh cfomewecoe=) | tied ‘veges devatn!2, | Stnghof sone ce) {Dt dancer ea | Coe segh gee lover tan at of nde nd ‘tragedy 033 youd ‘itm SO nen Gung ef AC? “Apiets | Cnse nrg Fe stir | Cone seg Fee ON Cmte | 135Nie Gti sto | Rtae ce ie rola ser phn Soe | cae) seofsueade sgh ove aa 18M | 5. See Were? dex of Ex tthecne

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