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MANUAL FOR VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND DAMAGE PREDICTION ‘OF REINFORCED CONCRETE {UILDINGS. AGAINST NON-SEISMIC HAZARDS Public Works Department wld MANUAL FOR VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND DAMAGE PREDICTION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS AGAINST NON-SEISMIC HAZARDS. (In Sl and FPS units) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. PREPARED UNDER PROJECT FO CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ON NATURAL DISASTER RESISTANT TECHNIQUES: ‘OF CONSTRUCTION AND RETROFITTING FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS eNCRP), |\ TECHNICAL COOPERATION PROJECT BETWEEN PWD AND SICA amis ‘© Public Works Department Allright reserve No yr ofthis publication shal be rproduee, stored ia review system, repeated or ‘eansitted in any form by any meas electonc, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise ‘without permission in stig rom the Chiet Engineer, Pudbe Works Deparment Published by: bli: Works Department ita Bhaban, Segunbagicha STRICTLY FOR OFFICIAL USE First Eaton one 20 The content ofthis book are related to design and construction proces generally undentaken by Pubic “Weeks Repariment which have bean deserted hesinafie in best theoretical form with examples 6 guidelines. AS such 90 chapter, ace, clause, subse thereof, be refered co as VALID DOCUMENTS in the event of any arbitration, litigation, dispute, claim case, whatsoever secured, made ‘chimed by any person as the ease may be under any’ circumstances. . However, his may be sed by ‘ther Govt. departments, private bodes and individuals also a their owa discretion Urmoat care has boon taken to overcome printing and other axa. Even then hare may slang bo ‘hance: of unintended mistakes. Any mistakes and suggestions to update! revise may please be ddresed to: ‘ne Cnet Engincr, Pune Works Deparment rice: Tala. 100000, (Cover design: Nipun’Team Engine Limited Production: ‘TeamEngine Limited AJ Tower (11th Noor) 4 Kawran Bazar, Dk 1215, Bangladesh wor ameengine com Foreword. Bangladesh, as a country, is vulnerable to both seismic and non-seismic hazards. On one thane, it is close to one ofthe most tectonically active regions inthe word Iie in the region ‘where three tectonic plates meet: the Indian plate, the Eurasian plate, and the Burmese pte. (On the other hand, iis situated in the interface of two quite different setings: tothe nora of the country lie the Himalayas and Khashia- Jini hills and to the south, the Bay of Beegal and the Indian Ocean. In nomthem Bay of Bengal, 8 unique combination of high tides, funneling coastline configuration, the low fat coastal terain and high population density have produced some of the highest mortality figures associated with cyclone, storm surge and coastal flooding, The vety geological and geomorphic conditions have made the coustry casly vulnerable to natural disaster and one ofthe mast dissser prone areas in the world Be it torado or lod or eyelone or tidal surge, Bangladesh is one ofthe worst sufferer fom tural calamities Fortunately, Bangladesh has not faced any major earthquake fora Tong time, but a eas 23, majo eyelones accompanied by tidal surge have struck Bangladesh during the last forty five years, Worst of which was the cyclone of November 1970, People fear earthquake, because it is so sudden and devastating that it can destroy a city within seconds. On the other hand, people of Bangladesh are enduring non-seismic hazards like flood, cyclone, and torrado bocause itis so common and regular. City dwellers are more concerned with earthquake, whereas people affected by non-seismic hazards like cyclone, tidal surge, coastal Noding are demographically weaker section of the population living in the coastal and Char (Lshind) areas of Bangladesh. With the emergence of Bangladesh during late seventies, PWD was the fist organization to start constructing RC Cyclone Shelter ~ cum- Primary School in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Subsequently, many government and non-governnent organizations constricted thousands of cyclone shelters, schools, community cenres, mosques ete, Moreover, many government buildings have boen constructed in the cosstal areas prior to formulation of BNBC 1993 without any definite knowledge about vind velocity, depth of inundation, debris impact or breaking wave foree. Lack of engineering knowledge, inappropriate technique and utilization of low resistance materials have made ‘many ofthese structures vulnerable to non-seismic hazards ‘The project CNCRP (Project for Capacity Development on Natural Disaster Resistant ‘Technique of Construction and Retroiting for Public Buildings inthe People’s Republic of Bangladesh) was iitslly envisaged to develop capacity of engineers of PWD for seismic assessment, retrofitting design and construction of existing RC public buildings Subsequently, it was decided that as Bangladesh faces many types of aon-seismic hazards, a ‘manual should also be prepared for assessment of existing buildings for non-seismic hazards (Out of sx manuals prepared under ths project, this ithe only manual which deals with aon- seismic natural hazards. The manual shall help professional engineers in both assessing and designing RC buildings against non- seismic hazards. The manual has been prepared on the basis of requirements of BNBC (Final draf, July 2015) as well as other recogrized engineering principles and international standards ‘With the publication ofthe se of six manuals, this hal be the first comprehensive document in the country to assess and address the inadequacies and shortcomings the existing buildings ‘have in their capabilities to withstand al types of natural hazards Valneabity Asesneot and Damage Prediction of LC. Buligs aan Nan Sane Natal haar understand, the scope of the project was limited to only RC builengs: As Bangladesh has. huge number of masonry buldings- both public and private- efor should be made in future to develop procedure to asses vulnerability of masonry srctures 3+ well For four years of hard work, | heartily acknowledge the contributions of all who were associted with the projectJICA. PWD, Bangladeshi and Japanese exports and also the honorable members of Editorial Advisory Boatd who provided valuable suggestion for the improvement ofthe manual Finally I want to thank the Govsenmett of Japan and JICA, fo their whole hearted support and cooperation tothe projet CNCRP, Engr. Md. Kabir Ahmed Bh (Chie Fngineer Public Works Department Dhaka, Bangladesh ‘Vaterbiity Assesment and Damage Preition of LC Bling against Non Simic Natal ard Preface ‘This manual is intended 10 guide, assist and instruct sructurl engineers engaged in concrete construction to evaluate the strength of an existing reinforced concrete building and i's ‘emelope against non-seismic natural hazards The manual i one of the six manuals published under the project “Capacity Building on [Natweal Distr Resistant Technique of Construction and Retrofitting for Public Buildings (CNCRP)" implemented by Public Works Department with technical support ffom Japan Intemational Cooperation Agency ICA) ‘Though the importance of seismic evaluation of existing buildings is great, but in Bangladesh, ill ow, the extent of damage to lives and properties du to non-seismie hazards is mwah highor compared to scismie husard. The tequeney of non-seismic hazards fs also ‘ery high duc 1 geographical poston, funnctin coastline and low flat coastal teesin oF Bangladesh. As such, the noed 10 prepare @ manual for non-seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete building cannot be over emphasized “The material presented in this dacumnen i based on recognized engineering principles and sanded sot forth in foal ad international codes and standards and intended forthe use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of the contents and recommendations and who will accept responsibilty for the application ofthe materials it This manual is based on information from many sources. Published references are listed at the end of the manual, Reference of code and standards used in the manval has also been listed separately | grateflly acknowledge the help and assistance given to me by the Japanese experts and Public Works Departmen Engineers involved inthe project inthe preparation ofthe mani AH. Md, Maticr Rahman PEng. Constant JICA and Additional Chief Payineen(Retred), PWD “Vialiy Asean Rimage Pract ol RC Bulag Now Seismis Nal hazard ‘Vary Asesncnt and Dunaae Polis uf. Bilings gsi New Sesaie Nara bard Tv Acknowledgement il Advlanry Raned: Prof. Dr. Jamul Rees Choudhury AHLMA, Matue Ratan PEng Dr M, Shamim Z. Bosnia PEng, De. fekhar Anam Dr. ABM Saif Anin AH.MA Matiue Rahman PEng. ‘Consultant ICA and ‘Additional Chief Enginees(Retired), PWD. ‘Vice Chancel, Universit of Asia Pact, Dhka-Chinman. ‘Additional Chie Engineer (Ret), PWD “Member Professor (Retd), Bangladesh University of Enginering and Tecnology, Dhaka “Member Profesor, Univesity of Asa Pacific, Diaka -Membsr Profesor, Bangladesh Univesity of Engineering and ‘Technology, Diaka -Memiver “Vaneiliy Assesment and Donage Fredieon of OG Dida aginst Nov Seismic Nara dV ‘Codes and Standards used in this Manual. HBRI/ BST Housing and Building Research Institute ! Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institution: Bangladesh Nariowal Building Code 2015. ASCE/SEI7 American Society of Civil Engineers: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings end other Structures 2005/2010. Wee international Code Council Jnvernrional Building Code 2006/2009, ACI BIB American Conerete Institute: Building Cade Reyuiremens for Structural Conerete, 2008/2011 FFMA "9 Sederal Emergency Management Ageney:: Engineering Principles Land Practices of Retrofiting Flood Prone Structures FEMA 320: Federal Emergeney Management Ageney: Taking Sher fim the Storm: Building Safe Room ‘atnsrbiiy Avessren and Damage Predistion of Baling ya New SobieNatral ard vi Greek Alphabets A numberof symbols traditionally used in this type of manuals are taken fom the Greek Alphabets. This is produced below for reference purpose Capital [Small Name ‘Capial ‘Sill Name A @ ‘Alpha N v on B B | bets = xi r 1 ‘gamma 0. © ‘miro a o els 1 = pi E a ‘epsilon P. 2 ho Zz eta = 6 Sigma i n ea. T. + ‘au o 8 thts rg » ‘psiloa T ‘ ota o @ on K ® Tappa % x chi A iz Tambda ¥ ¥ si (eee mu a o | omega ‘VuleailiyAsesmeat wd Damage Prediction oF RC Bulldogs pest Non Sabie Nail hard Vi FOREWORD, p.i PREFACE, pi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, p. CODES AND STANDARDS, p. vi GREEK ALPHABETS, p. vii ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS, pic NOMENCLATURE, p.xv DEFINITIONS, px CHAPTER 1 Genersi 41 Introduction, p.1 12 Purpose, 13 Scope, p.2 14 Organization of the Manual, p. 2 15. Final Report, p. 4 CHAPTER? ‘Vulnerability Assessment 2. What is Vulnerability Assessmeat, p.$ 2.2 Stepaof Vulnerability Assesoment,p.$ CHAPTERS [Non-Seismic Natural Hazards 3.1 Cyclone, p. 7 3.11 Wind Intensity Scales, p. 10 3.1.2 Wind / Building Interaction, p. 14 3.13. Frobabilty of Occurence, . 17 32. Fleod,p.18 3.2.1 Types of Flood in Bangladesh, p. 18 33. Cyclone Induced Storm Surge, p. 19 33:1 Factors Affecting Storm Surge, p. 20 43.3.2 Storm Surge Inundation Characteristics of Coastal Areas, p. 20 34 Tornado p. 21 3.4.1 Tomado as “Extraordinary” Event, p. 22 35 Tounam, p. 23 3.5.1 Generation Mechanism of Tsunami, p. 24 55.11 Tsunami Generated by Seismicity p.24 45.1.2 Tsunami Generated by Landslide, p. 27 3.52. Characteristics of Taunams p27 435.3. Magnitude and Incensity Scale of Tsunami p. 28 3.34 Wamings and Predictions of Tsunami, p. 28 36 Lightning and Thunderstorm, p. 29, ‘Vasiliy Ansncn:and Damage Prediction of RC. Bulligs against Now Seismic Nawal zard BC 37 Landslide, p. ‘CHAPTER 4 Building Elements 4 42 43 Structural Elements p. 35 [Nov Struc Elements, 9.35 Building Comtens,p. 38, ‘CHAPTERS Potential Damage due to Non-Saiemie Forces 3.1 Wind (Cyclone, p. 37 32 Float, p. 38 5.2. Cycbne Induced Storm Surge. p. 38 Sa Tsunami, p39 35 Torrade, 9.39 (CHAPTER 6 ‘Vulnerability Assessment Guidelines (Cyclone) 6.1 Scope, p41 (62. Basic Principles. p.4 {63 Guidelines for Fille Standard Proforma for Field Survey of Building, p41 {64 Educational Background of Petson Filling the Proform, pl 65. Standard Proforma for Vulerabiiy Assessment of Building, p. 2 65.1 Proforma A: Field Survey of he Building, p. 42 65.2 Proforma Br Data to Assess Vulnerability of Building Envelope, p, $0 6.5.3 Proforma C:Data for Suracsural Strength Analysis. p. 51 (CHAPTERT ‘Vulnerability and Damage Prediction of Building Envelope by “Wind Damage Band’ Model a 2 B aA 75 1 a 78 Introduction, p. $3 Overview of Wind Dames Prison Model, p. $4 Implementation "Wind Dasage Prediction Model, p. $6 Example of Individual Building Danse Degree Determination p. SS Example of Mid-Bise R.C.C. Building Damage Degree Determination, p61 Relation between Percentage Wind Damage to Wind Speed. p. 4 Application of tne Mode to Wind Damage Mitigation, p 6S Signiticanee of Building Wind Performaice Parameter. P67 CHAPTERS Strength Es Pal a2 8.10 Design Loads (Other than Seism ation of Mi Initoduetio,p. 68 Basie Requiements.p. 69 8.21 Special Reyaioments for Coastal Saline Areas 70 82.2. Concrete Clear Cover of Reinforcements in Coastal Areas. 7 Structural sastems, p. 72 Dei. p.75 Overiuming Moment p.77 ‘Steps for Non-Sesmie Structural Stength Fvalvation,p. 79 Strength Evatuation of Main Wind-Foree Resisting Ssstem.p. $0 Building Code, p. $1 Material Prepenties, p82 Wind:-Force Resisting System Loads) as per Code, p. 82 8.10.1 Dead Load, p82 8.102 Soil Load, p83 jSaily Assent Damage Pection of RC Buln on Now eins Narain 8.10.3 Live Load. p. 86 $1104 Wind Load, p. 87 811055 Flood Loads, p. 88 8.10.5. Introduction. p. 88 8105.2 Hydrostatic Load, p. 89 1053 Hydeodyramie Leak p90 8.10.54 Impact Load,p. 90 10.5.5. Breaking Wave Load, p. 91 CHATTER9 Load Combination 511 Symbols and Notations, p. 93, 9.2. Applicability p. 93 9.3. Combining Fectored Loads Using Siength Design, p. 93, 8.4 Losd Combination including Flood Load p. 94 915 limpact Loading. p. 95 9.6 Combining Nominal loads Using Allowable Stress Desi, p. 95 9.7. Load combination for Extraordinary Events. p. 96 98 Load Combisation as per ASCE 7-10 and ACI 318-11, p.97 9.8.1. Combining Factored Loads Using Strength Design, p. 97 9.82 Combining Nominal loads Using Allowable Stress Design, p. 97, ‘CHAPTER 10 Wind Load Analyse 10.1 Method 1 ~ Simplified Procedure, p. 99 10.1.1 Scope, p. 99 10.12 Main Wind-Foree Resisting System. p. 99 10.13 Components and Claddings, p. 100, 10.14 Design Procedure. p. 100 10.15 Exposure, p. 103 10.1.6 Wind Diretion and Sectors. p. 103 10.1.7 Surface Roughness Categories, p. 14 10.13 Exposure Catezores p. 104 10-19 Design of Main Wind-Force Resisting System, p. 109, 1011.10 Design of Components and Claddings p. 109 10.2 Method 2 ~ Analyte Procedure, p. 109, 102.1 Scope, p. 109 1022. Design Procedure, p. 110 1023 Gust Effect Factor p. 11 10.23.1 Frequoney Determination, p. 11] 1023.2 Natural Period and Frequency, p. 111 10.24 Enclosute Classitiation. 9. 119 102.5 Topographic Elect, . 119 Wind Speed-Up Over Fils, Ridges and Esearpmens. p. 119 1025.2 Topographic Factor Kz, p. 19 10.26 Internal Pressure Coefficient GC p. 120 10.27 Extemal Pressure Coetficient Cyor GCjy p. 121 10.28 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient Kz, p. 122 10.29 Velocity Pressure gp. 123 102.10 Design Wind Loads on Enclosed and Parially Enclosed Building, p. 124 10.3 Design of Main Wind-Force Resisting System, p. 124 ‘Vaasa Ansoanca and Danage Pelco of. Buln aia Now Scone Natal hazard XT 10.3.1 Rigid Building of All Height, p. 124 10.32 Flexible Building, p. 125 10°33 Parapets p. 125, 10:34 Design Wind Load Cass, p. 125 10.3.5 Components and Claddings, p. 125, CHAPTER ti lustrative Example of a Hypothetical Bulding 11s Design Data p. 127 11.11 Basic Information, p, 127 11.12 Material Properies, p. 127 11.13 Service Load, p. 127 11.14 Wind Design Data, p. 127 11.15 Member Dimensions, p. 128 11.2 Wind Load Analysis, p. 128 11.211 Basie Wind Speed V and Wind Directionality Factor Ky, p. 131 1122 Importance Factor J, p. 131 11.2.3, Exposure Category and Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient Kp. 131 11.24 Topographic Factor Ky, p. 133, 1125. Gust Effect Factor, p. 133 11.25.1 Rigid Building Gp. 134 11.25 2Flexible Building Gy, p. 135, 11.26 Enclosure Classification, p. 137 1127 Internal Pressure Coefficient, GC, p. 137 1128 External Pressute Coefficient Cy yp. 137 1129. Velocity Pressure gp. 138 112.10 Design Wind Pressure p. 139 112.11 Load Combination, p. 147 CHAPTER 12 Inundation Depth due to Storm surge and Tsunami in Coastal Area 12.1 Tnodecton, p. 131 122. Risk zones and High risk Areas, p.151 123 Inundation Depth Due To Storm Surge, p 151 124 Inundation Depth Due to Tsunami, p. 134 12.5 Inundation Depth of Bagerhat, p. 155 12.6 Inundation Depth of Barguna,p. 156 12.7 Inundation Depth of Barisal, p. 158 128 Inundation Depth of Bhola, p. 160 129. Inundation Depth of Chittagong, p. 162 12.10 inundation Depth of Cox's Bazar, p. 164 12:1 Inundation Depth of Fen, p. 165 12.12 inundation Depth of Khia, p 167 12.13 Inundation Depth of Laksmipur, p 168 12.14 Inundstion Depth of Noakali 170 1215 Inundation Depth of Patuakal, p. 172 12.16 inundation Depth of Perojpur, . 174 12.17 Inundation Depth of Sathichira,p. 176 12:18 Comparison between Inundation Depths due to Storm Surge and Tsunami, p 177 Valneabiliy Assent and Damage Prediction oF .C. Balding agaist Now Slee Nata brad CHAPTER 13 Ruilding Damage Ascessment due to Flood, Tidal Surge and Tsunami 18.1 Ietrodueton, p 181 13.2 Loading Cases, p 182 15.2.1 Riverine Flood, p, 182 13.22 Storm Surge, p 182 13.23 Tsunami, 183 13.214 Coastal Flood prone Areas, p. 184 13.3 Flood Forces and Loads, p. 188 133.1 Flood Depth, p. 88 1332 Design Flood Elevation, p. 185 1333 Flood Proofing Design Depth, p. 185 133.4 Hydrostatic Fore, p. 186 133.41 Lateral Hydrostatic Force, p. 188 133.42 Combined Saturated Soil and Water Force, p.188 13343 Verical Hydrostatic Force, p. 191 133.5 Hydrodynamic Fore, p. 193, 1335.1 Low Velocity Hydrodynamic Foree,p. 194 1335.2 High Velocity Hydrodynamic Fores, p. 195, 13.36 Impact Force, p. 200 133.61 Normal Impact Fores p.201 1313.62 Special and Extreme Impact Force, p. 206 Breaking Wave force, p. 206 133.71 Breaking Wave Force on Vertical Column, p.208 133.72 Breaking Wave Force on Vertical Wall, . 209 134 Erosion and Scour, 212 155 Components of Building Affected by Flood, p. 212, 135.1 Foundation, p.213 1352 Reinforced Concrete Frame, p.213 15.3.3 Brick /Conerete Block Wall, p 213, 13.544 Doors and Windows, p. 213, 13.5.5 Uslty Services, Contents and Finishes, p-213, 136 Flood Damage Computation, . 214 (CHAPTER 14 Mitigation Measures against Non-Seismic Natural Hazard Td Stops, p215 142 Planning and Site Consideration, p.215 143 Inspection, Periodic Maintenance, Repair and Replacement, p. 217 144 Exterior Door, p27 14.5 Wall Opening, p. 217 14.6 Glass Paneling, p. 218 147 Design Consideration, p.218 148 Causes of Damage Propagation, p. 219 149 General Structural Integrity, p. 220 14.10. Durability, p. 221 L411 Non-Load Bearing Walls, p21 14.12. Lighting Protection System, p. 221 14.13. Elevator Pent House, p. 222 14.14 Protection of Utility System, p. 223 ‘Vuneniiy Assessment an DunigePresction oF RCC: Balan gust Non Seam Naral hazard 4.15. Mitigation Measures for Tornado: Safe Room /Ares 223 14.16. Mitigation Measures for Tsunami, p: 224 Annexure 1.7227 Annexure 2, 7.228 Annexure 3,230 Amesure 4 233 Annexure 5.255 Annexure 6.273 Index of Figures, p.209 Index of Table p.281 References. p.283 ‘Winey Assent and Damage Predition oF RC. Bullings again Non Sencar card Xi Nomenclature Nomenclature ‘Tress defined ctberwipe ne Tet, the lowing syboTs are wed ns mana eae 2 beightand exposure adjustment oe mean hourly wind spied at eight ¥ daternined Tom Equtiont0.23| [sat eee oniabe lage Cerwin icine aes ueEmE nae | ‘@_Tsecond ust speed power aw exponent 5 [j.apssie weight ofwat@e Gey extra pressure cotiient = a | a impact dation (ime to rednee abject veociyiozery——SCSCSSCSCSCS~SSCS | a aibmerged area of the upstream Tce of the siuciue as pat mh AP Equation 13.9 | “a projected are ofthe debris accumulation iio ie ow, approximated by dep of accumulation times width of sccurultion perpendicular to flow as per Equation 13.16 | ate ross ares of it wall in which Ash ented ay We sno he arose sartae ares of ie Balding envelope walls? roo not incding 4 mo Ae ares of opening in wal Wat vesives postive ermal ax the sum a the ares of openings io te bulding eavelope walls | ——_ta rot tng Ap terizntat dimension of building measured normal to wind diction in Equation 10.15, “EDD; indivial baiting damage does at wid ans a | BRE base Rood elevation BV eplncing va ofthe building eee = turbulene intensity Tactor From Equation 10-1 and Table 105 anes Cy oskage coetiient as per Table 13. ae | Frc aia: compen owt actor sere aS : ‘Vanenbliy Aseamnet and Datoge Frc of. Bulls wast Ne Scan Nol vals RV Nomenclat re Gag coin’ or ape fet fom TabIeTSS ae fee ae senescence ec eee eT Coden eoaTan as por Tale THT aaah |G, Tec eats to be wed fn determining wind Toads fr alhey ——>- | [<1 importance sooo (See Table 15) To oisaton eat - Geis prasureco-eiiint of wall and oof for enlored, ae pally ersdosed buildings be sein determining wind loads oiling se pe Tabet. 10 “manic pressure coTicint as pa Table T3.10 ae Ting sacar oot G__eocicent as po Table 106 Tap of Mating mana aah DB depiv of satel sll Wom adjacent grade to the top OFT Toe as per Equation 13.8 D—pile or cok diameierm Equation 13.19 7 BD (i) damage doce at rarard vel % DD" and) deere oF cage Frise bythe wer and upper Saas ee sy! fanctioas ofthe damage band forthe biding clas under DD; consideration at wind intensity respectively | DFE design foot cleation =F “sullen ead dueto Tow vaosity Mood aw aaa Bric aap Tor oS ey ee Tosa I water dei me aaa |S sen esanoed Pie Selo sisnns ceeistepeisienel iemmsiSinsTeceercmeeercena| EAD expel od damage % 7 Betor of aay recoart, pally @ minimum of OSA) mR Fpaat fron Envation 131 Ne Fag Tore ue to debs accumulation io Equation 13.16 Teal Fin veri Tyostate force resuling fom the placement ofa @ 1 vn volo of nd wate | [TR st as Es BF 6] Fy nat wave Tose vm Equation 3.19 Ww. Toy See wit wae ore ating ata ditanas Dom te point ENw NE under consieation FE food clevaion Tar specific ood Frequency Semen ‘Vili Asosonent nd Drage Pica of LG Bulg ine Nan Selanc Nani Fazas AVP ‘Nomenclature Fatal force applied level: Two 8 pr Equation 83 ama FF; impact force ating a tie Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as par wi Equation 13.15 FRequeny as per Equation 10.10 yrs foes fom standing water or i a velocity ess tan 3m (100) acting at stance 73 above | sound F, net breaking wave force per uni Tenth of susie a Equation Nim TU 1321 |] ust eter ctor in Equation 1013 Es... Wi owned: = a prod f gus fee stor andexteralprestueo-ffcient to be the in determination of wind loads fr buildings Gy product of gust et factor and exteral pressure coefficient io be {eed i determination of wind loads for MWFRS of low rise buling 1s Prod of gst effet actor and internal pressure coefficient tobe = ‘ede deterining wind loads fo buildings as per Table 10.9 5 GG. combined net pressure coefficient or a parapet ust eft ator or MWERSE fr exible building peak ficior for Background response in Equation 13,1017 = peak fictor fr resonant espose in Equation 10.17 eB (GS owest ground surace elevation (grade) adjacent toa swenre |e peak itr for wind response Eqution 10-3 and 10.17 - 1h siory teght om fort lor in Equation 1 and 82 a a * t han or ‘HSood roting design depth over which flood forces are considered =m in Bgntion!3.3 (aie enki wave iin Eguation 13.17 | eight te buiding dove the grade olevel Whee height at evel x respectively ‘he eight sbove the base tothe highest lovel ofthe structre (7 uprtaice fst as per Fable 10° Bed on Table 102 ‘aes 8B) ‘ainsi Assimen td Danape Pract of OC Bulligs agaist Noo Sesnc Nau Han Avi Nomenclature ‘1, —_itiiy oftarulenee a bog F which w We equivalent bog ofthe srctre deine as 16h but ot lest tha ay oral aiding eit ‘Ky Ky Ky lpia ia Fig 624 Pars of BNBCTS oan Ky "K, wind dietonaiy Tce in Table 105 ‘Ry velocity pressare exposure coeicen evaluated at Reghiz= “Kvalociy prassreexposrecoeticient evaluated at hight “Ky opograpiie Ha 5 an Ta Seon TO. evan ma roof eighth 200 ject oot ae = ae Ree mis | DEW | MIM | TAISG | ATT | Tea [IEE = L Ts 0h “The wind speeds on the original scle were deemed by meteorologists and engineers as being too high and engineering studies indicated that slower winds than iil estimated cause the respective degree of damage. The old scale lists an FS tornado as wind speeds of 419-512 ‘nv, (261-318 mph) while the new scale lists an EFS a a tomado with winds above 322 ‘kmh (200 mp) found to be sufficient to cause the damage previously ascribed to the FS ‘ange of wind speed, ‘The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale is a | (0 5 categorization based on the hnurricane’s intensity at the indicated time, barometric pressure at the center ofthe storm, and estimated storm surge and damage potential The scale originally developed by Wind Engincer Herb Saffir and Meteorologist Bob Simpson-has been an excellent ool for alerting ‘the public about the possible pacts of various intensity hurricanes. Tae seale provides example ofthe types of damage and impacts in the United Stats, associated withthe wind of the indicated intensity, In general damage rises by about a factor of four for every category increase. ‘Vuineailiy Assesment and Damage Prediction of LC. Buildings against Noo-Sesme Naural Hazards 11 ‘Cen ] Banage Categry Pressure Porat oh | me Trstesof lites | [me mery T [795 331-839 os [oRw12 | — Minimal TI |SIO ae 492) |aRs0-2RO1 |p| Sow | TATE Mola 3 | [93.581 (27912847 [SGT |B wIE 937 | Eau as [82-3 | arITaTARTT| wane) |e te 7 HTT | Bewae Sp _[>@3 ean] eamn sh 7 roe {Woomsiibars = 10 kPa smite veep wind sped a0 (23) above oper water ‘Table 34 Approximate Relation between Wind Speed in ASCE? and, Saffr-Simson Hurricane Scale |) Sea Semi Wa ST ‘Ga Wad Sp ‘Gk Wiad Sed) Hurscane Ove Water ver Wate? OverLand oe en ca ah ae T4958 |S1RS | 9I-tn6 |407-S19 | 82-108 Fa eeeaD TRE Ta 3 | MN-bo Yaes-s81 [ual -16s | ea | 19T136 | S897 [B23 se IRTT SERA 5 >is [>o3 [> 195 bafta "Tina serge wind spend at 10m G3 8) above pen water * Sco gt wind ped a10m (33) bove water “Sts! gust wind sped a 10m 33 stove groundin Expose Cof ASCE (BNBC Exposure B) Safir-Simpson Hurricane Scale is a disaster potetil scale, assigning storms to five categories which can be used to give an estimate of the potential property damage and fooding expected along the cosst with a hurricane. Expected damage descriptions of Saffr-Simpson Hurricane Scale and TORRO Scale have been shown in Annexurel and Annexure 2, Integrated Kinetic Energy (IKE) scale patented by US government in 2007 is new scale ‘designated to better convey the destructive power from both hurricane wind and stonm surge. tis a measure ofthe wind speed integrated over how wide an area the winds are blowing. ‘The SaffirSimpson scale, used by the National Weather Service of USA only takes ‘Vulnerailiy Assessment and Damage Predietion of R.C. Buildings against Non-Seismic Natural Hazards 12 Non: Seismic Natural Hazards estimated maximum wind speed in eategoriing a hurricane but IKE also integrates over hich the hurricane spreads as wel as storm surge. Surg isthe most devastating element of «hurricane, killing more people than all other hurricane related threats ‘The surge potential ean be different ffom wind potentil. The IKE scale as the ability to more accurately predict how big the hurricane is, how strong it is and what the storm surge ‘may be, So thatthe emergency management officials can make an informed decision on ‘whether to evacuate people before the hurricane gets close to landfall, Hurricane Sandy was rather weak storm (wind speed 129kp})(80 mph) as far as wind speed is concerned but its impact was huge due to its massive wind field, Full moon made high tides 20% higher chan ‘normal and amplified Sandy's storm surge (Ref3.7. “The IKE scale measures in a continuous sale from 0 ~ 5.99 instead of I- 5 of Saffir-Simpson Scale. So a hurricane potential to wind damage can be 3.4, but is surge potential can rate a 45. Cyelones in the South Asian Sub-Continent are presently classified according to their intensity and the following nomenclature is in use by Bangladesh Meteorological Department. Table 3.5 Nomenclature of Cyetone in Bangladesh ‘Nomenclanire ‘Wind sped nih [Winds speedimph | [Wind seed mi Depression Upwost Upto3h7 Upto 1417 Dap Depression aT ESTO T1658 ‘Gyeonie orm os BSSES 1722-244 Secon wae waT SRE aE ‘Sever ejclonis storm of | > 117 S767 $3250 Irion intensity Tae TEED Bangladesh also uses a 1 to 10 scale to classify tropical cyclones with 10 being the most Alert Stage: Signal No. I, and 111 ‘Warning Stage: Signal No. IV Disaster Stage: Signal No. V, VI, VIL and VII, IX, and X. ‘The most severe eyelones of recent memory since 1970 are November 70 {Wind speed 222 ‘emvh (137.9 mph), tives lost 300000} and April 91 {Wind speed 235 kawh (146mph), lives lost- 145000} cyclones, \Vulilty Anant ad Damage Prficion of LC Building agnns Noo Scie Natal Haars TF ‘Non. Seismic Natural Hazards 3.1.1 Wind / Building Interaction ‘When wird interacts with building both positive and nezatve (ie. suction) pressures occur ‘simultaneously t a =~ amar 3[s SANS ma a Tere aes SME eimai ~~ ED iE asad l| l| ‘Note: Arrows irdicate direction and magnitude of applied force Fig, 33 lteral Pressure Condition when the Dominant Opening isin the Windward Wal Valneabiy Asses! ma i Non- Sesiie Natural Hazards teva ba Fett te] — eet jo ttettt lee | | "ora a Pray) Hee Note: Arrows indicate direction and magnitude of applied force Fig. 34 Interal Pressure Conlon when the Dominant Opening i inthe Leeward Wall ‘Valery Assesment aod Dap Pretion of CC Bulge guns Non Sabie Naural Haars 15 None Seismic Namal Hazards Fig. 3.5 Wind-Induced Pressure on a Building A building must have sufficient strength to resist the applied loads in oder o prevent wind: induced building failure, The magnitude of te pressure is afunctien of te fllowing primary factors Exposure: The characteristic of the ground roughness and surfice irregularities in the vicinity ofa building influence the wind loading. ASCE 7 defines thee exposure categories, Exposure B, C and D. Exposure B isthe roughest terain and Exposure D is the smoothest Exposure B includes urban, suburban and wooded areas. Exposure C includes flat open terrain with scattered abstractions and areas adjacent to ceeans in eyelone prone region Exposure D includes areas adjacent to large water surfaes outside cyclone prone regions, Because of the wave condition generated by eyelone, seas adjacent to oceans in ‘eyelone-(Exposure B, C, D of ASCE 7 is equivalent to Exposure A, B, C of BNBC) prone. ‘egions are considered to be Exposure C rather than smoother exposure D.The smoother the. terrain, the greater the wind load. Therefore, buildings (with same basie wind speed) located in exposure D of ASCET (Exposure C of BNBC) would receive higher wind loads than those located in Exposure C. asic Wind Speed ASCE 7 defined the basic wind spoed as 3-second gust speed with ¢50- ‘year mean recurring interval (2 percent annual probability) measired at 10m (338) above rade in Exposure C (fat open terrain) IF the building is located in Exposure B or D, rather than C, an adjustment for the actual exposure is made inthe ASCE 7 ealeulation procedure, NBC defined basic wind speed as 3-second gust speed at 10m (33 ft.) above ground in Exposure B having a return period of $0 years, Exposute B of BNBC is identical to Exposure ‘C of ASCET, ‘Valsbiliy Asesment sad Damage Predetoa of RC Bung gant Non Sesnie Natal Hazards 18 [Non Seismic Natural Hazards In detemining wind pressure, the basic wind speed is doubled, therefore, as the velocity s increased, the pressures are exponentially increased, (Ref Equation 10.28) ‘Topography: Abrupt change in topography, such as isolated hills ridges & escerpments, cause wind speed up; therefore, «building located near a ridge would receive higher wind Toads than a building located on a flat land, ASCE 7 provides procedure to account for topographic inunce BNBC adopted sume topographic effets as that of ASCE. Bullding Height: Wind speed increases with height above the ground. Therefor, taller the building, the greater the speed and, hence, the greater the wind loads. ASCE 7 provided procedure to account fr building height [BNBC adopted sume procedure as ASCET. Internal Pressure (ie. building pressurizaton/depressurizationy: Wind striking a ‘building can ceuse either en increase in pressure within the building (Le. postive pressure) oF it can cause a decrease in the pressure (ie. negative pressure). Internal pressure changes ‘occur because ofthe porosity ofthe building envelope Porosity i caused by openings around doors and windew frames, and by air inflaton through walls, that are not absolutly air tight. A door or window lf in the open poston also contributes to porosity ‘Wind striking on external wall, exerts a positive pressure on the wall which forces ar through ‘openings and into the interior ofthe buildings (his is analogous to blowing up a balloon). At the same time tke windward wall is receiving positive pressure, the side and rear w receiving negative (suction) pressure; therefore, air within the building is being pulled out at ‘openings in these other walls Asa result, if the porosity ofthe windward wall greater than ‘the combined porosity ofthe side and rear walls, the interior ofthe building is pressurized Bur, ifthe porosity ofthe windward walls less than the combined porosity of the side and rear wall, the insrior ofthe building is depressurized (this is analogous to letng ai out of balloon). [ASCE 7 provides a design procedure to assess the influence of intemal pressure and it provides postive and negative intemal pressure co-eicient for use in load calculations Buildings that can be fully pressurized are referred to a6 partially enclosed buildings. Buildings that tave limited internal pressurization capability ae referred to as enclosed buildings. BNBC adopted same procedure as that of ASCET, 3.1.3 Probability of Occurrence “Most buildings ste designed for a $0-year mean recutence interval wind event (2 percent snnaal probabiliy), A 50-year storm would be expected to happen in about one every 50 years; however,» 50- year storm could occur more or less frequently. A SO- year storm might ‘ot occur within any 50-year interval but two 50 years storms could occur within I~ year ASCE 7 as well as BNBC 15 requires buildings under Occupancy Category Il and IV ‘ney Assent nd Damage Pel oR Rage apne No Same Nana ars 17

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