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Resource-Efficien t Technologie (2017 516–52

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A review on biogenic synthesis of gold nanoparticles, characterization, and its

Soumya Menon, Rajeshkumar S., Venkat Kumar S. ∗
School of Bio-Sciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore, 632014, TN, India

articleinfo abstract
Article history: The nano-sized particles make an imprint on us in our daily lives
Received 6 March 2017 and it has great importance in the numerous fields of biotechnology
Revised 29 May 2017 like the food industry, medical and industrial field. Gold
Accepted 5 August 2017 nanoparticles are one of the widely used particles as it has many
Available online 14 August therapeutic applications, such as drug delivery system for many
2017 diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus etc.
biosensors, and environmental applications of dye degradation,
bioremediation of toxic chemicals present in the environment (soil
and atmosphere). Gold nanoparticles synthesis by the green route
has become the latest development, because of the bioavailability of
sources like plants or microorganisms, and it also reduces the
utilization of toxic chemicals. This review explains the various
microorganisms like bacteria, algae, fungi, actinomycetes and yeast
involved in the synthesis of these nanoparticles also elucidate the
size, shape and functional groups involved in the synthesis of
nanoparticles and its applications.
© 2017 Tomsk Polytechnic University. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

Introduction nanoparti- cles like silver, gold, platinum,

palladium etc. and non-metallic, in- organic
Nanotechnology, a combination of principles oxides like the zinc oxide, titanium oxide have
involving biology, physical and chemical that been widely exploited because of their unique
creates nano-sized particles holding particular electronic, mechanical, optical, chemical and
functions [1–4] . For this purpose, noble metal magnetic properties [5–10] . The nanoparticles
have unique properties of exhibiting larger and have a high capability of metal uptake [13–
surface area to volume ra- tio, size, shape like 17] . The toxic chemicals produced during the
spherical or rod, etc. due to which they are nanoparticle syn- thesis can easily be degraded
being used in the various fields of diagnostic with the help of enzymes present in the
biological probes, optoelectronics, display microbes or plants. For example, in the case of
instruments, catalysis, fabricating biologi- cal fungi, the ni- trate reductase is involved in the
sensors, diagnosis or monitoring diseases like nanoparticle reduction [18,19] .
cancer cells, drug discovery, detecting The reduction of Au (III) ion to Au atom
environmental toxic metals or reagents and in involves binding of the atom to the cell surface,
therapeutic applications [11–15] . For the while other reduced Au also binds and
synthesis of nanoparti- cles, there has been an aggregates to form gold nanoparticles. When it
increase in the development of healthy and comes to bulk, gold (Au) is considered to be an
environment-friendly methods which don’t inert or non-reactive metal for many chemical
require the exploitation of the toxic chemicals. reactions, but when gold is synthesized in nano-
The growth of metal nanoparticles using sized particles, they have many unique
physical or chemical methods are not gracious properties, like the local- ized surface plasmon
or healthy owing to the use of reducing agents resonance (LSPR), the electronic properties like
which are highly reactive or toxic in nature for electronic motion with spatial length scale also
human consumption or to the environment, and decreases with size, the change in individual
these are also quite expensive for upscale localized levels of energy and the novel unique
production. The green synthe- properties with the quantum size effects have
drastic chemical changes in the transition from
∗ Corresponding author. bulk to nano size parti- cles [20,21] . As shown
E-mail address: in the Fig. 1 , the gold nanoparticles with different shapes produced by diverse
(V.K. S.). microorganisms perform nu- merous functions
which are associated in many fields of appli- cations like medicine, diagnosis and therapy or
fit.2017.08.002 cancer treatment, as anti-angiogenesis, anti
sis involves microbes as reducing agents like -arthritic, antimalarial agents and so on.
fungi, bacteria, algae, virus and plants amongst Nanocomposites of Ag- graphene, Au-graphene
which algae, is known as the “bio-nano or Au-SnO are developed on the
factories” as it is environmentally effective, electrochemically active biofilms (EABs),
affordable, are uniquely structured, macroscopic which
2405-6537/© 2017 Tomsk Polytechnic University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
( )
S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527 517
Fig. 1. The gold nanoparticle with different shapes produced from various
microbial sources.
helps in the bio-reduction of the gold The nanoparticle synthesis by microbes can
nanoparticles and doesn’t require the use be intracellular or extracellular depending
capping or surfactants for the reduction. These upon the location. The intracellular mecha-
nanocomposites are used in various nism is the transportation of specific ions into
applications of sensors, photo- electrodes, the cell wall, which is negatively charged, and
optoelectronic devices, photocatalysis, with the positive charged metals they get
photovoltaic, ul- tracapacitors and also diffused through cell wall by electrostatic
photovoltaic because of their excellent pho- attraction. Then, the enzymes present in the
toelectrochemical and photocatalytic cell walls of the microbes convert the toxic
properties that it possesses [22–25] . metals into no- toxic metal nanoparticles.
While, the extracellular mechanism involves
Microbial synthesis of nanoparticles enzyme mediated synthesis like nitrate reduc-
tase or hydroquinone synthesized by many
Microbes have been used for the synthesis fungi or prokaryotic or- ganisms, converting
of nanoparticles due to their ease of handling, the metallic ions to metallic nanoparticles. A
growing in a low-cost medium like cel- similar mechanism was found out for gold
lulosic wastes or wastelands, maintaining the nanoparticles synthe- sized from Rhodomonas
safety levels, having the potential of capsulate [28,29] . The detoxification mech-
adsorbing the metal ions and reducing them anisms employed by the microorganisms
into nanoparticles by the enzymes produced includes vacuole com- partmentalization,
by metabolic processes
[26,27] .
metal binding or volatilization i.e. converting and soluble form. The nanoparticles produced
metals into volatile states. have fol- lowing characteristics like high purity,
When the microbes are under metal-stress little crystalline defects, nar- row size, mono-
situations, for sur- vival they perform various dispersive and so on [29] . The thermophilic
mechanism to eliminate the heavy toxic bacte- ria can be an excellent tool for the
metals. It involves an active efflux of metallic extracellular synthesis of both gold and silver
ions through the cell membranes, reduction of nanoparticles. These extracellular systems
toxic metals ions to non- toxic ions, and also produce an environment-friendly alternative for
accumulating the metal ions within the cells. huge quantities of nanoma- terials reducing the
The heavy metal like gold, silver, lead, nickel downstream processing of these metals [33] .
and etc. influx is mediated through ion pumps, The MDR (multi-drug resistance) bacteria have
carrier mediated transport, endocytosis, ion developed antibac- terial agents that act against
channels or lipid permeation [30] . Chelating gram positive or negative bacteria. A known
agents like siderophores are small ion binding fact, that gram negative has a very thin
molecules that chelate heavy metals, mediate peptidoglycan layer of cell wall which is
absorption and helps in transportation from susceptible to the action of nanoparticles when
the cell of the mi- crobes [31] . Molecules like compared to the gram-positive bacteria that
glutathione which are derived peptides possess a thick layer of the cell wall that shows
(phytochelatin) binding metals [32] or stronger resistance against an- tibacterial agents.
Metallothioneines (MTs), a cystien – rich So, therefore with the help of the gold nanopar-
protein, low molecular weight which are ticles there is a possibility of also acting against
isolated from Syneococcus sp., Pseudomonas the gram-positive bacteria [34] .
putida, Cyanobacterium and E. coli , perform
Synthesis by fungal strains
primary function of metal detoxification [33] .
In this recent day, a wider variety of fungi
Synthesis by bacterial strains have been exploited as they are found to be a
potential player in the biogenesis of the
The Fe(III)-reducing bacteria like Geobacter
nanoparticles like the gold. They are widely
sp. Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum, and so
used as they se- crete larger bulks of enzymes
on can be used for bio-remediation of toxic
that have many advantageous ap- plications and
metals like Fe (III) through reduction, where
can be worked in the laboratory [35] . The
iron is actively taken by the cell, re-oxidized to
filamen- tous fungi have unique advantages
hydrous oxide (low density) to Fe(III) oxide
over other microorganisms like bacteria and
(ferrihydrite), which is of high density. The
algae, as they have high metal tolerance and
Fe(III) ions in the last step is reduced and
have the capability of bioaccumulation. They
magnetite is produced from de- hydration
are helpful in the scale- up, handling of
within the magnetosome vesicles. An
biomass, downstream processing, economic via-
intracellular pro- tein Ferritin, accumulates the
bility and they also secrete extracellular
518 S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–
iron within the vesicles keeping it in non-toxic enzymes, of which large scale production is
easily possible. The biochemical composition, being used in the cosmetic industries as an anti-
shape and size distribution of the nanoparticles aging or whitening agents. The synthesis of gold
are controlled by the active biomolecules nanoparti- cles from these fucoidans has proved
produced by the fungal organisms. The gold to a fruitful alternative to the chemical methods
ions were absorbed by them and that led to the [40] . The brown algae has been exploited more
forma- tion of the gold nanoparticles produced as compared to other species due to its ability of
intracellularly. The active molecules involved uptake of heavy metals. They have a complex
can be reducing sugars, proteins, like ATPase, cell wall which is rich in mu- cilaginous
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 3- polysaccharides, which explain the heavy metal
glucan binding pro- teins; all are involved in the uptake clearly. Also, it contains functional
energy metabolism of the cells of the fungi. The groups like the carboxyl groups, which are
Au-fungal cells ultrathin sections when studied, involved in the uptake [41] .
it was found that gold nanoparticles were
Synthesis by yeast strains
gathered in the vacuoles of the cells [36] .
Synthesis by actinomycete strains The yeast Hansenula anomala has the ability
to donate electrons and can act as a catalyst in
The actinomycetes have been differentiated as the case of biofuel. The reductants are extracted
prokaryotes and can be easily modified from the yeast and used as a reagent for the
genetically for the achievement of better size preparation of gold nanoparticles [42,61] .
and poly-dispersed nanoparticles [37] . The However, very few yeast strains have been used
actinomycetes have a closer resemblance with in the investigation of gold nanoparticles [43] .
the fungi and the prokaryotes charac- teristics
like the bacteria (mycobacteria and the
coryneform). They are currently being used in
the nanotechnology as they have the ability to
produce secondary metabolites like antibiotics
[38] .
Synthesis by algal strains

Algae, the photoautotrophic, eukaryotic, Fig. 2 . The absorption spectra of gold

aquatic, oxygenic mi- croorganism has the nanoparticles using marine Entrococcus sp.
ability to accumulate heavy metals, due to this [46] .
fact; researchers are finding cleaner techniques
for the prepa- ration of nanoparticles. This Characterization of nanoparticles
represents a good advantage of us- ing algae as
an abundant raw material source [39] . Visual color and UV-visible analysis
Fucoidans are polysaccharide secreted from the
The characterization of these gold
cell walls of marine brown algae and that has
nanoparticles begins with a visual color
proved to possess many applications in diverse
change which works on the principle of
fields like the anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory,
surface Plas- mon resonance (SPR). The color
anti-viral and also anti- cancer. They are also
change occurs when the size of the particles
increases, in the case of gold it is from deep blotting paper, followed by further drying
red to pur- ple. The varying color changes are under the mercury lamp for a minimum of 5
due to LSPR that they exhibit, and it lies in the min only [47] . As shown, in the Fig. 3 the
visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, SEM images demonstrat- ing different shapes
which means that particular portion of the of the gold nanoparticles using the Turbina-
wavelength in the vis- ible region is absorbed ria conoides . The gold nanoparticles were
while another portion gets reflected and the found to be in various shapes like the
emitted wavelength will reflect its own color. rectangle, square, cubic and also triangular and
The absorbance of these color changes is the average diameter was 60 nm [48] .
measured using UV-Visible spectroscopy [43] .
TEM analysis
The characteristic optical property exhibited
by the metallic nanoparticles is due to the The sample preparation for TEM
oscillations of the conduction band of characterization involves plac- ing a drop of
electrons surfacing the nanoparticles. For solution on a carbon- coated copper grip which
example, when the bac- terium E.coli was was dried at a room temperature, while the
resuspended in distilled water, it demonstrated residual solution was re- moved with the
a milky white color prior to the addition of the blotting paper. The TEM gives information on
diluted solution of HAuCl 4 , with the addition the
it shows pale yellow color which is the color
of HAuCl4 solution. But, after the bacterium is
incubated, the solution turns colorless
indicating that the bacterium has assisted in
the reduction of gold nanoparticles [67] . Thus,
proving the color changes [44] . The gold
nanoparticles synthesized using Klebsiella
pneumoniae produced SPR values in the range
of 40 0–70 0 nm [45] . As shown in Fig. 2 the
absorption spectra of 545 nm was observed for
gold nanoparticles from marine Entrococcus
sp. The peaks also demonstrate the stability of
the nanoparticles which increases with time
[46] .
SEM analysis

The analysis from Scanning Electron

Microscope (SEM) requires sample
preparation, which includes the formation of
thin films of carbon coating on copper grids.
These films were prepared by dropping a
minute amount of sample onto the grip while
the re- maining solution was removed with
S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527 519

Fig. 3. SEM images of functionalized gold nanoparticles synthesized by using

Turbinaria conoides [48] .

Fig. 4. HR-TEM images of gold nanoparticles formed by bacteria (a) 50 nm scale and
(b) selected area diffraction pattern [46] .
morphology and shapes of these nanoparticles
[49] . As shown, in the Fig. 4 the TEM image of
marine Entrococcus sp. on the right de- picts the
uniformity of the spherically shaped
nanoparticles with average size of 10 nm. While
520 S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–
the SAED pattern on the left confirms the Fig. 5. XRD diffraction pattern of gold
crystalline nature of the nanoparticles [46] . nanoparticles using Klebsiella pneumoniae
[48] .

EDX analysis stabilization of the gold nanoparticles [52] . The

refined suspen- sion containing the
EDX (energy-dispersive X-ray nanoparticles was completely dried and ground
spectroscopy) is a technique used for the with KBr pellets and studied. In order, to obtain
chemical characterization or elemental decent signal/noise ratio, 512 scans are verified
analysis of any given sample. It can be used to to get appropriate results [53] .
basically determine the number of gold
nanoparticles produced with a thin film of XRD analysis
bacterial biomass [50] .
AFM analysis The crystalline nature of gold nanoparticles
was established us- ing X-ray diffraction (XRD)
The AFM imaging was done using the analysis [54] . The sample preparation involved
phosphorus-doped sil- icon probes, while the the reduced the gold nanoparticles solution to be
sample was equipped by dissolving the bio- drop- coated on a glass surface and was done on
reduced nanoparticles in either ethanol or water, the equipment which was effective at the
and then a droplet of the solution was added on voltage of 40 kv, and running at the voltage of
the pre-cleaned substrate of silicon. It was 20 mA with Cu K α radiations [55] . In the Fig.
allowed to dry gradually. The Si- substrate 5 , the crystalline na- ture of the gold
compris- ing the sample was used for AFM nanoparticles using Klebsiella pneumoniae has
imaging and further measure- ments [51] . been analyzed with the XRD diffraction pattern
and the mean size of these nanoparticles was
FTIR analysis calculated using Debye-Scherer equation
FTIR measurements were reinforced to [48] .
identify the probable biomolecules which can be
liable for capping leading to proficient Applications

As, cancer is the disease which has been

affecting almost ev- ery human life now,
researchers have been working on gold and
silver nanoparticles for its treatment. The nano-
sized anticancer agents have been standardized
against a variety of human cancer cells like
prostate, colon, lung, cardio and breast cancer
[56] . Gold nanoparticles have also found its
applications in the manufactur- ing of
biosensors due to their electron transferring
ability and an adsorptive capacity. Nanoparticles Pseudomonadaceae fam- ily, it synthesized
have been used for sensing dif- ferent types of nanoparticles of size 25–30 nm which was an-
toxic metals from the environment. For alyzed from both HR-TEM and the SPR
example, copper is considered as a toxic (surface plasmonan reso- nance) peaks of UV-
pollutant, also involved in the ge- netic disorder Visible spectra showed the spherical shape at
Wilson’s disorder in which the copper level is optimum pH 3 at room temperature, while the
above than normal, which is required for sulphydryl, amide, carbonyl groups were
physiological activities, the gold nanoparticles found to be involved in increasing the sta-
have been used in the detection of such bility of the particles of the FTIR results. The
pollutants bacterial strains of the Enterobacteriaceae
[57,71] . family, synthesized nanoparticles of spheri-
The antimicrobial activity where the cally shaped mostly, other species like
interaction between the nanoparticles and Bacillaceae produced trian- gles, and
microorganism is exploited, due to the surface Pseudomonadaceae family produced spherical
-volume ratio, size or shape of the and blunt triangles. The S. koreensis which
nanoparticles, it changes the permeability of the belonged to Planococcaceae fam- ily
cell membrane of the bacteria or the fungi by synthesized spherical shaped particles using
creating gaps or pits, thus inhibiting the the FE-TEM (field emission transmission
enzymatic activity of the respiration leading to electron microscopy), while the TEM results
apoptosis of the cells [58] . showed particle size of 30–50 nm and DLS
Recently, the gold nanoparticles are found to analysis showed size of 92.4 nm. The change
be a great help in catalysis of the production of in the size of DLS and TEM is due to the fact
hydrogen mediated through mi- crobial fuel that DLS can measure the hydrodynamic
cells (MFCS) when placed at the cathodes, by diameter, but TEM can vi- sualize the metallic
using the quantized charging effect and not with core of that nanoparticle. The Shewanellao
the use of any external power supply [59] . The nei- densis produced gold nanoparticles of size
nanocomposite structures have a compar- 2–50 nm with the help of TEM. The probable
atively larger surface area, better conductivity, functional groups involved in the synthesis are
structure and etc. with these applications it is N –H groups, carbonyl stretches and etc.
used as photocatalyst and for photo- capacitive indicating the proteins, peptides might be
studies [60] ( Table 1). involved in the stabilization or reduction of the
The blue- green bacterium Spirulina nanoparticles ( Table 2 ).
platensis, the particle size was determined The data collected for Aspergillus foetidus
using HR-TEM (high-resolution transmission from UV-vis absorp- tion is used only for the
elec- tron microscopy) with an average size of purpose of finding the maximum absorp- tion,
5 nm with a spherical shape. While, indicating that the nanoparticle intensity is
thermophilic bacterium G. Stearothermophilus highest in that range and the SPR (surface
has re- vealed that the size of nanoparticles Plasmon resonance) analysis reveals the color
was 11 nm, 12–14 nm and also few visualized change into deep pink, which shows a high
5–8 nm of particle size which was determined concentration of nanoparticles. The size and
us- ing TEM. The P. denitrificans belongs to shape were confirmed, by using first 20–50 nm
of size using AFM analysis, 30–50 nm of size change of gold concentration from 0.5 mM to
from FE- SEM (field emission scanning 2.0 mM, the size var- ied from 25.88 to 51.99
electron microscopy) and final con- firmation nm, and with the change of pH also gave
of size 10–40 nm from the TEM analysis. different sizes, i.e. at pH 2 the size was 84.29
The gold nanoparticles prepared from nm and at pH 12 the size was 6.07 nm. The
Trichoderma sp were spherical in shape and TEM also gave results of various shapes like
have good antimicrobial potential [97] . spherical, pseudo-spherical, triangular, and
The experiment using the fungal strain truncated triangu- lar ( Table 3 ).
Penicillium oxalicum per- formed for the The TEM analysis had revealed that algal (
synthesis of gold nanoparticles had revealed Galaxaura elongata ) mediated nanoparticle
that average size particle detected from TEM synthesis produced various shapes which
and DLS analysis at pH of 8 and 12 was nearly included spherical (dominantly), rod,
6 and 4 nm. It was noticed that TEM results triangular or truncated trian- gular and even
gave smaller particle size than DLS analysis, hexagonal (few). While, the FTIR results
which might be due to the aggregation of the confirmed the presence of carbonyl stretch and
nanoparticles. They found that optimum pH of N –H stretch having a stronger potential to
8 and 12 gave the best results, and confirmed bind with the metal nanoparticle, helping in
the size and its distribution of particles using the for- mation of a coat, that prevents the
the DLS analysis. But, no FTIR analy- sis was particle from agglomeration. The algal extract
performed to know the functional groups andrographolide, alloaromadendrene oxide,
involved. glu- tamic acid, hexadecanoic acid, oleic acid,
The fungal strain Pycnoporus sanguineus eicosenoic acid, stearic acid, gallic acid,
synthesized nanoparti- cles of different size epigallocatechin catechin and epicatechin
but in the range of few 100 nm [92] . With the gallate
Table 1
Bacterial mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles.
S. Bacterial strain Family Size (nm) Shape Functional groups Reference

S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efcient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527

1. P. aeruginosa ( ATCC Pseudomonadaceae 50–30 (TEM) – – [53]
P. aeruginosa (2)
P. aeruginosa (1)
2. Pseudomonas Pseudomonadaceae 25–30 At Sulphydryl, amido, [54]
denitrificans (HRTEM) 37 carbonyl
spherical (blunt
shaped nano-
3. Pseudomonas fluo- Pseudomonadaceae Spherical Hydroxyl, carbonyl, [55]
rescens 417 aromatic groups
4. Pseudomonas veronii Pseudomonadaceae – NH2 symmetric [56]
amide C = O
symmetric C
5. Rhodopseudomonas Rhodospirillaceae 10–20 (TEM Spherical (at pH – [57]

capsulata at pH7) 7)
6. Shewanella algae ( Shewanellaceae 9.6 after 1 Spherical Carbonyl group (C = O) [66]
ATCC 51181 ) h(mean size),
100 nm after
6 h, 10 0–20
0 nm after 24
h (TEM)
8. bacillus Bacillaceae 20–50 (SEM) Spherical Amino, sulfhydral and [43]
at pH7 carboxyl groups
9. Escherichia coli Enterobacteriaceae 11.8–130 Spherical (SEM) amide linkages and – [15]
Citrobacter freundii 321 COO–
Citrobacter koseri 32–127
Proteus vulgaris 25–369
Serratiamarcescen 18.3
s Enterobacter sp. 89
Klebsiella 459
pneumoniae 24–256 110
Proteus 20–400
mirabilis (SEM)
10. Escherichia coli DH5a Enterobacteriaceae 20 (XRD, Spherical – [36]
11. Escherichia coli Enterobacteriaceae 5–20 (TEM, Spherical SH (thiol group) [65]
12. Klebsiella pneumonia Enterobacteriaceae 5–65 (TEM) Spherical Amine groups or [3]
Lactobacillus Lactobacillaceae carboxylate groups
amylotrophicious Enterobacteriaceae
Salmonella enterica
13. Bacillus Bacillaceae 5–30 (TEM) Triangle and – [27]
stearothermophilus other shapes
14. Spirulina platensis Phormidiaceae ∼5 (HR- Spherical –NH functional group [30] [70]
15. Stenotrophomonas Xanthomonadaceae TEM) Spherical _ [33]
16. maltophilia Bacillaceae ∼40 Spherical Amide I and II (due to CO
Geobacillusstearo stretch and –N–H stretch
11,5–8, 12–14
thermophilus vibrations in the amide
linkages of proteins)
17. Magnetospirillum Rhodospirillaceae 10 −40 (TEM) Spherical – [14]
18. Shewanellao neidensis Shewanellaceae 2–50 (TEM) Spherical –N–H stretch and carbonyl [2]
(–C–O–C– or –C–O–)
stretch vibrations in
amide linkages (amide I
and amide II) amide III
was also observed
(implying the presence of
protein/peptide) carbonyl
and hydroxyl functional
groups in alcohols and
phenol derivatives
19. Sporosarcina Planococcaceae 30–50 (TEM) Spherical (FE- – [69]
koreensis DC4 92.4(DLS) TEM)
20. Staphylococcus Staphylococcaceae 20–25 (TEM) Spherical Amine or carboxyl [68]
Table 2
Fungal mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles.
S. Fungal strain Family Size (nm) Shape Functional groups Reference

S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efcient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527

1. Aureobasidium Dothioraceae 35–23 Spherical Amide II and aldehydes ( [36]
pullulans, Nectriaceae A.pullulans )
oxysporum and
208–43 C = O stretching
frequency and C = C
double bonds (
Fusarium and
F.oxysporum )
2. Alternaria Pleosporaceae 2–30 Spherical and O–H stretching, C–H [13]
alternata triangular stretching (proteins and other
organic residues), amide I
(polypeptides) amide III
bands (the random coil of
3. Botrytis cinerea Sclerotiniaceae 1–100 Triangular, – [82]
4. Penicillium Trichocomaceae 100 (AFM) Spherical Amide, carboxylic stretch [83]
crustosum (methylene groups of the
N –H bend (primary amines,
carbonyl stretch in proteins)
5. Penicillium Trichocomaceae 5–100 Spherical, triangle – [87]
Chrysogenum and rod
6. Penicillium Trichocomaceae 4 (at pH 12.0) Spherical – [88]
oxalicum 6 nm (at pH 8.0)
7. Phanerochaete Phanerochaetaceae 10–100 Spherical Amino and sulfhydryl [89]
8. Pycnoporus Polyporaceae 25.88–51.99 with Spherical, Hydroxyl, amine and carboxyl [90]
sanguineus initial change of pseudo-
gold spherical,
concentration triangular,
from truncated
0.5 to 2.0 mM triangular,
pentagonal, and
84.29 at pH 2, hexagonal
6.07 at pH of 12 (TEM)
9. Rhizopus oryzae Mucoraceae 5–65 Spherical Carboxyl and amine [91]
10. Neurospora crassa Sordariaceae 3–100 Spherical – [84]
11. Fusarium Nectriaceae 10–35 Spherical Amide I and amide II [85]
12. Fusarium solani Nectriaceae 20–50 (TEM) Spherical C–O stretching [86]
13. Aspergillus Trichocomaceae 30–50 (FESEM Spherical Amine groups or carboxyl [81]
foetidus 10–40 (TEM) groups of the cysteine
residues in the protein
20–50 (AFM)
14. Trichoderma Hypocreaceae 26–34 (TEM) Spherical N–H stretching, –OH group [94]
harzianum from the carbohydrates or
protein, –SH group indicating
the presence of cysteine in the
15. Phanerochaete Phanerochaetaceae 10–100 (AFM) Spherical –SH-stretching [89]
16. Sclerotium rolfsii Atheliaceae 25 (TEM) Spherical Amide I, the carboxyl group, [93]
C–N stretching from amines.
17. Trichodermaviride Hypocreaceae 20–30 and 120 Spherical – [95]
hypocrealixii at 30 °C At
100 °C below
S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527 523

identified may help in reducing, then stabilizing and capping or covering agent. And the surface
charge and stability of the parti- cles was confirmed by the zeta potential.
The specimen taken was a freshwater epilithic
green alga, Pra- siola crisp , with a size of 5–25
nm and spherical shaped both mea- sured from
TEM analysis. The FTIR analysis showed N –H
and C –N is stretching vibrations of primary
aliphatic amines, C –H stretch- ing
corresponding to amide and carboxylate groups
found in amino acid residues. Hence, the
presence of organic molecules and func- tional
groups of the protein molecules proved to
provide stability and preventing nanoparticles
from agglomeration.
The Sargassum swartzii algal strain produced
gold nanoparticles of size 14–70 nm measured
from DLS proved that the particle size is
comparatively larger when compared to the
TEM analysis, which was found to be in the
range 20–60 nm measured from HR-TEM. The
FTIR results had confirmed the presence of
carbonyl group in- volved in the reduction of
Stoechospermum marginatum, a brown alga,
produced gold nanoparticles measured from
TEM and the FTIR analysis showed that the
reduction is possible due to the terpenoids
containing the hydroxyl group present the
seaweed ( Table 4 ).
The gold nanoparticles synthesized from
Gordoniaamarae was analyzed using UV
-visible spectroscopy, XRD, TEM, Energy
Disper- sive Spectra (EDS) and Selected Area
Energy Dispersion (SAED) pat- terns revealed
that they are produced nanoparticles optimally
at a pH of 10 at 90 °C for a maximum of 20
min, the shape was found to be spherical. The
gold particles produced from Streptomyces sp .
VITDDK3 was found to have maximum 90 nm
size having a cubical shape when compared
with other Streptomyces species. The Ther-
S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527 525

momonospora sp. has the minimum size of 8 nm of the nanopar- ticle. The data collected from
M.E. Castro et al experiment re- vealed that extracellular NADH-dependent reductase was
involved in the reduction of gold nanoparticles, but no FTIR analysis was performed to prove this
data. And, the TEM analysis revealed the size and shape of gold nanoparticles produced by
Botrytis cinerea
( Table 5 ).
Little work has been reported for the yeast mediated gold nanoparticle synthesized, among
which the synthesis using Can- dida guilliermondii produced spherical shape, of size 50–70 nm,
while Yarrowialipolytica which belongs to Dipodascaceae family produces nanoparticles of size
15 nm with hexagonal, triangular shape nanoparticles. And also, Magnusiomycesingens LH-F1
which also belongs to the same Dipodascaceae family produced nanopar- ticles of different size of
9.8–80.1 nm having shapes of spheres, tri- angle and hexagon. The functional groups of amide and
carboxyl were said to be involved in the reduction of the nanoparticles.
The main drawback in the chemical method employed for the nanoparticle synthesis, is the use
of toxic chemicals or reagents [103–115] . The ( Table 6 ) depicts the various conventional
methods for gold nanoparticle synthesis using chemical or physical stud- ies. It is seed that the size
and shape of the nanoparticles are well maintained, i.e. less than 100 nm, but the temperature used
in the reaction is quite high nearly 100 °C, and the chemicals used in the chemical methods or the
equipment used in the physical means like laser or sonication treatment are expensive, and also
toxic and not environment friendly. The physical methods require man power when compared with
chemical or biological meth- ods. And, for green methods it discourages the use costly chemi-
cals, also consuming less energy, produces environmentally prod- ucts and byproducts. Since,
there is a huge plethora of flora and fauna available in the environment, there is also no limitation
with the resources.
524 S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527

Table 4
Actinomycete synthesis of gold nanoparticles.
S. No Actinomycete Family Size (nm) Shape Functional Referen
strain groups ce
1. Thermomonosp Thermomonosporace 8 Spherical Amide I and [35]
ora ae II bands of
3. Streptomyces Streptomycetaceae 20 Spherical (TEM) – [55]
4. Gordoniaamara Gordoniaceae 15–40 Spherical – [49]
e (pH10.
0, 90
°C for
5. Gordoniaamic Gordoniaceae 5–25 – O –H [58]
alis HS- 11 stretching,
C –H
of alkanes,
O –H
6. Streptomyces Streptomycetaceae 20–50 Spherical – [44]
7. Streptomyces sp Streptomycetaceae
90 (SEM) Hexagonal, – [63]
. cubical, brick
VITDDK3 and irregular
8 Thermomonosp Thermomonosporace 8 Spherical Amide I and [35]
ora ae II bands of
9 Streptomyces Acidothermaceae 18–20 Spheric and rod [42]
viridogens( H al and (TEM –
M10) X RD)
10 Streptomyces Streptomycetaceae 20 Spheric (TEM) – [62]
hygroscopicus al
11 Gordoniaamara Gordoniaceae 15–40 Spheric – [52]
e (pH al
10.0, 90
°C for
20 min)
Table 5
Yeast- synthesis of
mediated gold nanoparticles.
S. No Yeast strain Family Size (nm) Shape Functional Referen
groups ce
1. Candida guilliermondii Saccharomycetac 50–70 Spherical – [64]
S. Menon et al. / Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (2017) 516–527 527

2. Yarrowialipolytica (NCIM Dipodascaceae 15 nm (at pH 7.0Hexagonal – [96]
3589) and 9.0) and
3. Magnusiomycesingens LH-F1 Dipodascaceae 80.1 ± 9.8 Sphere, Amide and [41]
(TEM) triangle, carboxyl
137.8 ± 4.6 and groups
(DLS) hexagon
Table 6
Chemical and physical mediated
synthesis of gold nanoparticles.
S. No Precursor or method Size (nm) Shape Temperatu Referen
re ce
1. Citrate reduction (Chemical) 15–20 Round or 97 [98]
2. 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid 35.1 Hexagona RT [99]
(ANSA) l,
(Chemical) pentagon
, etc.
3. Poly(styrene-block-4vinylpyridine) 12 (diameter) Hexagona – [100]
(PS-P4VP) and 2(-4- (AFM) l
hydroxyphenylazo)benzoic acid
(HABA) block copolymer
4. Femtosecond laser irradiation method Larger than 20 Spherical RT [101]
(physical) When
was increased
to 10min
5. Ultrasonication-hydrothermal reaction 5–10 Octahedra – [102]
(US-HT) l
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