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DM 211 Project

Development and
Why have a Project Plan?
• Developing an initial course of action toward a well-
defined set of objectives

• A mechanism to aid in detecting variance both in the

planned progress of the work and also in the target

• The purpose of a project plan is NOT to predict the

future. You lay out.

• A process that will constantly test this course during its

execution for its match with the current, changing
Development Planning Models
Economic Planning Model (1935-1971)

Development Planning Model (1972)

Corporate Business Planning Models

Educational Planning Model

Eclectic Model

Source: Miclat (2005)

Development Planning and
Development administration has always been
one of the central features of the various long and
Medium Term Philippine Development Plans since
the seventies. The paradigm for bureaucratic
reform continues to evolve in various intellectual
and practical debates but government continues its
work amidst all these. Until recently, all Philippine
development plans since the seventies had a
specific chapter devoted solely to development
Eclectic Model
Nine Major Steps
1. Preparation  Organization and staffing
 Training
2. Environmental  External environment
Scanning  Internal environment
 SWOT analysis
 Strategic planning framework
3. VMGO, policy,
objective, and target
4. Policy/Strategy
5. Program/Project Identification
Eclectic Model
Nine Major Steps
6. Investment Programming
7. Budgeting
8. Implementation and
9. Evaluation and Plan Update
Development Administration (1950s to
• Development Administration (DA) as a
field of study emerged in 1950s and
1960s with the third world countries as
the focal point
Nef and Dwivedi (1981)
on the other hand,
attributed the concept of
DA to Goswami in 1955
and later popularized by
Riggs and Weidner. They
coined the term
administration” to refer
to developing countries
which are largely found in
Asia, Latin America, and
Khator (1998) however, argued
that DA was built upon several
critical assumptions that:
(1) development needs are the
most important needs of
developing countries,
(2) the development needs of
developing and developed
countries are inherently
(3) development can be
(4) developmental know-hows
are transferable; and
(5) the political, social, and
cultural context of
development can be easily
Two foci in Development
Likewise, Fred Riggs, in his “Frontiers of
Development,” identified two foci in
development administration: development of
administration and the administration of
development. Most development
administration scholars focused more on the
latter and it subsequently became
synonymous to the administration of
development in third world countries. (Khator
“Management of Innovation”

Given the situations above, DA maybe

considered as “Management of Innovation”
because it was aimed at helping countries that
are undergoing reconstruction and social
Administrative Reform
De Guzman (1986) described administrative
reform as one of the core values of DA, and analyzed
the structural and behavioral characteristics of the
Philippine public bureaucracy. He argued that the
“implementation of administrative reform should
have two major dimensions: reforming the
structures of the bureaucracy and reforming the
behavior of those in the bureaucracy.” (De Guzman
1986 as cited in Brillantes 1994: 8)
Project Plan
Development: taking
the results of other
planning processes
(historical information,
organizational policies,
constraints, assumptions)
and putting them into a
consistent, coherent
document—the project

Project Plan
Execution: carrying
out the project plan

Integrated Change
Control: coordinating
changes across the
entire project
Project Plan Development
• to coordinate all project planning

• to guide project execution

• Project plans assist the project

manager in leading the project team
and assessing project status

• Project performance should be

measured against a baseline plan
Attributes of Project Plans
Just as projects are unique, so
are project plans
• Plans should be dynamic
• Plans should be flexible
• Plans should be updated as
changes occur
• Plans should first and foremost
guide project execution
Common Elements of
a Project Plan
• Introduction or overview of
the project
• Description of how the project
is organized (Quality of Code)
• Management and technical
processes used on the project
(project structure, use of
• Work to be done, schedule,
and budget information
(development practices)
Good Project
Planning Key
Two keys to succeed in
good project planning :

Always think about and

say something about
each one of the checklist
areas (and others that
are applicable),
regardless of the size of
the project, the industry
involved, and the
product or service being

Clearly, the scale of the

plan elements will differ,
depending on project
scope. Plan accordingly.
How Detailed should my Project
Plan be? Detailed planning versus light
planning. Just-in-time planning
Measurable and testable goals.

• Do planning at a sufficient level of

detail to search out issues and
problems during the early planning
process itself.
• Build into the plan the hooks for
measuring if you are drifting off
course during the plan's execution.
• Finding the sweet-spot for
planning at-a-distance teams and
outsourced services/development
What is Risk?
Risk is a measure of two factors: the
probability of an event occurring, and the
severity of the consequences of that
event. Thus, an event can be either one
that is very likely to occur with moderate
consequences each time it does, or one
that is extremely unlikely but with
catastrophic consequences on each
Removing a risk means either
eliminating the possibility of occurrence of
an event or rending the event completely
harmless when it does occur.
How do keep risk from
disrupting implementation of project?
Start the process early, as soon as one other core
team member is available for brainstorming.
Brainstorm with core team, identifying as many risks as
possible. Use previous product experience, personal
experience, regulatory input, and common sense.
How do keep risk from
disrupting implementation of project?

Create a risk analysis document that, at a

minimum, contains the identified risk, the
event that causes it, a measure of probability,
a measure of severity, and a mitigation or
elimination strategy.
How do I keep Risk from Disrupting
my Project?
Explicitly incorporate the
mitigations into either planned
project process activities or product
requirements. Make the risk analysis
part of the project plan that is agreed
upon by all stakeholders and team
members. Periodically review and
amend the risk analysis with new
information gained from reviews,
inspections, audits, and marketing or
customer input.
Project Plan Execution
• Involves managing
and performing the
work described in the
project plan

• The majority of time

and money is usually
spent on execution

• The application area

of the project directly
affects project
execution because the
products of the project
are produced during
What Went Wrong?
Many people have a poor view of plans based
on past experiences. Senior managers often
require a plan, but then no one follows up on
whether the plan was followed.
For example, one project manager said he
would meet with each project team leader within
two months to review their plans. The project
manager created a detailed schedule for these
reviews. He cancelled the first meeting due to
another business commitment. He rescheduled
the next meeting for unexplained personal reasons.
Two months later, the project manager had still not
met with over half of the project team leaders.
Why should project members feel obligated to
follow their own plans when the project manager
obviously did not follow his?
Important Skills for
Project Execution
• General management
skills like leadership,
communication, and
political skills
• Product skills and
• Use of specialized tools
and techniques
Choosing tools
• Having a process
helps choose tools
• Choosing
Inappropriate tool
can do harm
• Build a process if
you don’t have any
Tools and Techniques for Project
• Work Authorization System - a
method for ensuring that qualified
people do work at the right time
and in the proper sequence
• Status Review Meetings - regularly
scheduled meetings used to
exchange project information
• Project Management Software:
special software to assist in
managing projects
Measuring and Checking
Build into the plan the activities and
processes that will support dynamic, round-
robin, never-ending measurement during
Frequent, measurable milestones,
 Periodic testing, reviews, and issue
management that will systematically capture
and measure the delta between requirements
and emerging design
 Periodic testing of the product or system requirements with
marketing or the customer, to see if the target is changing out
from under you,
 Scheduled midcourse corrections of the project plan itself, as
you learn more, and
 Early removal of technical risk through prototypes and testing
Integrated change control Framework for
involves identifying, evaluating, Project Integration
and managing changes
throughout the project life cycle
Three main
objectives of change
• Influence the
factors that create
changes to ensure
they are beneficial
• Determine that a
change has
• Manage actual
changes when and
as they occur
Integrated Change Suggestions for
Control Process Managing Integrated
Change Control
 View project
management as a
process of constant
communications and
 Plan for change
 Establish a formal
change control system,
including a Change
Control Board (CCB)
 Use good configuration
 Define procedures for
Suggestions making timely decisions on
for Managing smaller changes
Integrated  Use written and oral
performance reports to help
Change identify and manage change
Control  Use project management
and other software to help
manage and communicate
What is project
History of Project Management
• Modern project management began with the
Manhattan Project, which the U.S. military led to
develop the atomic bomb
• In 1917 Henry Gantt developed the Gantt chart as a
tool for scheduling work in job shops
• In 1958, the Navy developed PERT charts
• In the 1970s, the military began using project
management software, as did the construction
• By the 1990s, virtually every industry was using some
form of project management
Project Management Profession
• A 1996 Fortune article called project
management the “number one career choice”
• Professional societies like the Project
Management Institute (PMI) have grown
• Average salaries for project managers are over
What is Project Management?
Project management is “the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to
project activities in order to meet project
requirements” (PMI*, Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK
Guide), 2000, p. 6)
*The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international
professional society. Their web site is

MCM 1262 IT Project Mgmt Chap 1 - 35


Knowledge &
Tools & techniques
Core Knowledge Areas
Core Knowledge Areas:
Facilitating Knowledge
◦ Scope
Areas: Achievement
◦ Time ◦ Human Resources
◦ Cost ◦ Communication
◦ Quality ◦ Risk
◦ Procurement
◦ Project Integration
• Structure your project properly (use framework if possible)
• Maintain good coding practice in team
• Use tools to increase team efficiency
Scope Cost

Procurement Quality

Risk People
The nine knowledge areas of project

 Project Integration Management

 Project Scope Management
 Project Time Management
 Project Cost Management
 Project Quality Management
 Project Human Resource Management
 Project Communication Management
 Project Risk Management
 Project Procurement Management
Project Management Methodology
Initiate –potential projects are identified and
evaluated in terms of importance to the

Plan Plan –scope, time, cost and risk management

planning takes place

Execute Execute –project plan is followed

Control –project performance is measured

against the project plan

Close Close –final paper work completed and sign off

by all stakeholders
The Approach to Learning Project
Process Focus

Team Focus

Technology Focus

PM Software

Group Support Technologies

Knowledge Management and Organizational Memory Systems

Global Focus

PM Professional Focus
Nine Project Management
Knowledge Areas
Knowledge areas describe the key competencies
that project managers must develop
– 4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project
objectives (scope, time, cost, and quality)
– 4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means
through which the project objectives are achieved
human resources, communication, risk, and
procurement management
– 1 knowledge area (project integration management)
affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge
MCM 1262 IT Project Mgmt
Chap 1 - 44
Project Stakeholders
• Stakeholders are the people involved in or
affected by project activities

• Stakeholders include
• the project sponsor and project team
• support staff
• customers
• users
• suppliers
• opponents to the project

MCM 1262 IT Project Mgmt Chap 1 - 45

Project Management Tools and
• Project management tools and techniques
assist project managers and their teams in
various aspects of project management
• Some specific ones include
– Project Charter and WBS (scope)
– Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis,
critical chain scheduling (resource constraint
– Cost estimates and earned value management (cost)

MCM 1262 IT Project Mgmt Chap 1 - 46

Application of PM
• Project management applies to work as well
as personal projects
• Project management applies to many different
disciplines (IT, construction, finance, sports,
event planning, etc.)
• Project management skills can help in
everyday life
More Advantages of Project
• Bosses, customers, and other stakeholders do not like
• Good project management (PM) provides assurance
and reduces risk
• PM provides the tools and environment to plan, monitor,
track, and manage schedules, resources, costs, and
• PM provides a history or metrics base for future
planning as well as good documentation
• Project members learn and grow by working in a cross-
functional team environment

*Knutson, Joan, PM Network, December 1997, p. 13

Project Management Certification
• PMI provides certification as a Project
Management Professional (PMP)
• A PMP has documented sufficient project
experience, agreed to follow a code of ethics,
and passed the PMP exam
• The number of people earning PMP
certification is increasing quickly
More and more people are getting
the Project Management Professional
(PMP) certification - increased by
more than 70 percent from 2004 to
Growth in PMP Certification



# PMPs



100,000 102,047


50,000 52,443
6,415 10,086
2,800 4,400
1,000 1,900

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
That’s why we
have to learn
Project Management Software
• By 2001, there were hundreds of different
products to assist in performing project
• Three main categories of tools:
– Low-end tools: Handle single or smaller
projects well, cost under $200 per user
– Midrange tools: Handle multiple projects and
users, cost $200-500 per user, Project 2000
most popular
– High-end tools: Also called enterprise project
management software, often licensed on a
per-user basis
What is a project?
• A project is “a temporary endeavor
undertaken to create a unique product,
service, or result” (PMBOK® Guide, Fourth
• Other attributes:
 Is developed using progressive elaboration
 Requires resources, often from various areas
 Involves uncertainty

• Operations is work done to sustain the

What is a program?
• Program: group of related projects managed in
a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control
not available from managing them individually
(PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition)
• Program managers oversee programs and
often act as bosses for project managers
• Examples of common programs in the IT field:
infrastructure, applications development, and
user support
Why Project Management ?
Project Management is an in-demand skill
set and one of the fastest growing
professional disciplines in North America.
Project Management breaks down the chaos
of an overwhelming workload into
manageable elements -scope, time, cost,
quality, human resources, communication,
risk, procurement, and integration of projects
Project Management is the discipline of
organizing and managing resources (i.e. human,
financial & material) in such a way that a project
is completed within defined scope, quality, time
and cost constraints.
◦ The first challenge of project management
is to make sure that a projects delivered
within defined constraints.
◦ The second, more ambitious, challenge is
the optimized allocation and integration of
inputs needed to meet pre-defined
Five Process of PM
Key ones in PM:

– Executive support
– User involvement
– Experienced project manager
– Well defined scope and requirements
Advantages of Using Formal Project
Management Practices
Improvement in customer satisfaction
Better cost performance, higher return on
Better schedule performance, better
allocation of time commitments and better
utilization of resources, higher productivity
Increased quality reducing re-work
Increase in delivering required features
Will make everyone happier (stakeholders,
team members, management)
There are several ways to define
project success

 The project met scope, time, and cost goals

 The project meets or exceeds stakeholders’
 The results of the project met its main objective,
making or saving a certain amount of money
providing a good return on investment, or
simply delivering the product/services
What the Winners Do?
• Use an integrated project management toolbox
(use standard/advanced PM tools, lots of templates)
• Grow project leaders, emphasizing business and
soft skills
• Develop a streamlined project delivery process
• Measure project health using metrics, like customer
satisfaction or return on investment
Project Manager
Soft skills: Technical Skills:
◦ Leadership Project Management software
Level of understanding of the
◦ Team building
technology being used in the
◦ Negotiation project (software, hardware,
◦ Conflict management network, etc.)
◦ Organization for self and Basic knowledge of the
others business
Cost estimating and
◦ Communication both oral
and written to both
technical and non-
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technical audiences Publishing as Prentice Hall
◦ Change management
◦ Active listening
Six Basic Functions of Successful PM’s
1. manage project scope –make sure the team works on
what is needed for the project and nothing else
2. manage human resources –the team must work
together, this doesn’t just happen it takes a directed
3. manage communications –this occurs at many levels,
teammates, customers, managers, vendors, and others
4. manage schedule –must keep people on schedule
delivering work on time
5. manage quality –need to make sure that all work
performed meets with customer expected levels of
6. manage costs –must keep an eye on the budget to
make sure all the work can be done and not exceed the
allocated budget
A Project Manager Manages
Projects by:
Setting clear and achievable
Identifying requirements
Adapting the project to the various
concerns of the stakeholders
Balancing the demands of the triple
Project Life Cycles
Conceptualization-the development of the
initial goal and technical specifications.
Planning–all detailed specifications,
schedules, schematics, and plans are
Execution–the actual ―work‖ of the
project is performed
Termination–project is transferred to the
customer, resources reassigned, project is
closed out.
Process Groups
Initiating processes–authorizing the beginning or
ending of a project or phase
Planning processes –ensuring that the objectives of
the project are achieved in the most appropriate way
Executing processes –coordinating all resources
(people and material) during the implementation of the
project plan
Controlling processes –monitoring of project
variances from what was planned to actual progress
Closing processes –formal acceptance of the project
or a phase and updating of the project information base
with lessons learned
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Education, Inc. Publishing
as Prentice Hall
Process Groups

Process groups supply a roadmap to

follow, and the knowledge areas describe
the methods (for example, car, plane,
bus) of how to get to our destination,
which is project success


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as Prentice Hall
Initiation Phase
The Initiating stage of project management
includes examining the strategic fit for a proposed
project. Before beginning a new project, an
organization must determine that the project fits in with
its strategic goals. Understanding the organization’s
goals can help executives identify certain proposed
projects focusing on mission-critical activities as high-
priority, and other projects peripheral to organization
goals as lower priority. During the Initiating stage, an
executive sponsor should be identified. A high-level
evaluation of the project’s business case should be
developed, along with project limitations and technical
and financial requirements.
Project Initiation
• Link a Project to An Underlying Business
• Analyze and Understand the Stakeholders
• Build the Business Case
• Identify Constraints
• Document Assumptions
• Develop a Preliminary Scope Statement
Planning Phase
• Planning –Create the Plan & Assign Resources

• The Planning stage devises a workable scheme to

accomplish the project’s intended goals and
outcomes. In the Planning stage, you identify the
project’s milestones, deliverables, and tasks. This
plan can be your work breakdown structure
(WBS). You develop and refine the schedule, and
identify the resources needed to implement the
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Pearson Education, Inc.
Publishing as Prentice
Project Planning
• The Activities:
• Develop a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS)
• Estimate Resource Requirements
• Determine the Milestones
• Develop the Work‐plan
Execution Phase
Execution-Update and keep track
Controlling–Communicate & Report
The Executing/Controlling stage coordinates
people and other resources to carry out the plan
as defined in the project plan. The deliverables in
this stage focus on managing change, entering
schedule updates, tracking progress, and
communicating project information. Each team
member performs defined tasks within the
project scope, ensuring their contribution to the
project’s success.
Structured Project Management
Identify Risk
◦ Assess
◦ Quantify
◦ Manage
Mitigation Strategies
Contingency Planning
Formal Change Control Processes
Managing Organizational Change
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Education, Inc. Publishing
as Prentice Hall
Project Execution
The Interrelationships
◦ Planning
◦ Execution
◦ Control
The Constraints
◦ Scope
◦ Schedule
◦ Cost
Project Control
Monitoring and Control
◦ The Work
◦ The Time
◦ The Budget
◦ The Deliverables
◦ The Communications
◦ The Quality
◦ The Completion
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Prentice Hall
Closing Phase

The Closing stage includes final details for

completing a project. Resolve any final project
details, and obtain customer acceptance of
final deliverables. Conduct a Lessons Learned
session, recording information about areas for
improvement and best practices. Make any
final updates to the project plan. Finally, archive
the project plan according to your
organization’s project data archival guidelines.
Source: MS Project Quick Reference Guide
Source: MS Project Quick Reference Guide
Managing Expectation
• Identify Stakeholder Requirements
• Deliverables
• On‐going Communications
• Define Roles and Responsibilities
• Manage Expectations
Project Closure
• Gain Acceptance for Deliverables
• Implement the Transition Plan
• Assess the Lessons Learned
• Archive Information
• Closeout the Team
• Conclude the Project
Copyright © 2010 Pearson
Education, Inc. Publishing as
Prentice Hall
MCM 1262 (2009) IT Project Mgmt Advanced
Information Technology Institute
Janet Yu, Frank Lo (2010) Project Management
& Quality Assurance

Anthony Bowen (2010) Basic Project Management

Introduction and Overview of Project Management.
Emran Hasan (2010) Developing better PHP projects
Josefina B. Bitonio (2012) Modern Public

Information Technology Project Management ... –

Information Technology Project Management ... –

Kate Pynn (2008) Project Plan Development - A

FlackVentures Training Example.
FlackVentures, Inc

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