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 In terms of my website, Hazel said that the visual illustrations that were employed in the

home-page was aesthetically pleasing and “pretty”, as characterized in her own words.
 Hazel also suggested that I incorporate my name underneath the heading: student e-
portfolio to make the details of the website more explicitly clear to the reader as to what
this project entails. However, she later stated that my name was integrated with the
background image of the home-page. Therefore, I think this should suffice, since this is a
reasonable indication to the user/reader in regards, to who had designed the website.
 Then, she made a transition to my contact page. She said that the contact page of my
website had lots of information about me, consequently allowing the overall website to
appear more “personalized” to the reader.
 In addition to that, Hazel also stated that she loved the background image at the top of
the contact page.
 However, she mentioned that the section associated to the “objective of this website”
would have seemed more appropriate and fitting if that information was positioned in
the homepage of the website rather than in the “contact/about me” section. She felt that
this was a more effective approach since the home-page requires a brief and concise
introduction on the intents and purposes of the student e-portfolio project, whereas the
page associated to the “about-me” section places more emphasis on who I am as an
individual, and also includes details on how to touch base with me. In addition to that, by
including the text associated to “objective of the website” into the homepage, the vast
amount of white space would be significantly reduced.
 She also specifically stated that I didn’t have to retype the text, nor copy and paste the
information from the contact page onto the homepage. Instead, she said that I could
point to a specific box on Weebly which is indicated by a blue icon/function located in the
corner that lights up and will easily facilitate me in the process of copying that piece of
information onto another page.
 After that, I just have to click on: copy and then move the curser/mouse over to the home-
page, and it will instantly transport the entire textbox inclusive of the: “contact
details/objective of the website/about me” directly to the home-page, while
simultaneously keep the information that’s already encompassed within the last page,
intact. Weebly will automatically transfer me to the homepage once this change has been
implemented. Then, Weebly will proceed to place/position the information at the top of
the home-page where there is additional white space that needs to be filled up and
utilized. She also added the fact that Weebly might incorporate the contact information
within the setting of the flowery landscape/rustic scenery. After that, I can simply modify
the placement of the text either by centering it or altering some other aspect in terms of
the alignment or orientation of the pasted information.
 Hazel also emphasized that I replace the existing picture of flowers and vines that I had
imported from the sample images on Weebly and incorporate a profile picture of me
within the context of the “about me/contact details” section of the website. This is a great
suggestion which I will definitely consider since the website is being designed and
constructed by (yours truly). She also stated that if I was not keen on the idea of attaching
an image of myself within the framework of the “about me” section, that a graphic
illustration representing the notion of “contact information” would suffice, instead.
 Hazel once again highlighted and stressed the fact that the title of the course should be
depicted somewhere on the homepage.
 While browsing through the business card and letter-head section of the website, Hazel
asserted that she loved the background image which had been directly imported from the
sample images of nature available on Weebly. She also stated that the utilization of
placeholders within the context of each of the individual tabs of the website was a great
 She also mentioned that it would be beneficial to upload or insert imported images of the
documents/assignments as an attachment and implement that into the milieu of the
website as opposed to simply incorporating Scribd documents. The process in terms of
the inclusion of the Scribd documents might be time-consuming and hectic, but she stated
that either of these two methods will suffice. She also asserted that all I had do was
assimilate all of the images of the documents/assignments into one page, which will
consequently, make it easier for whoever is browsing/viewing the website. This is due to
the fact, that the user/reader will only have to scroll up and down the page, instead of
clicking on one link which will lead to multiple pages. Therefore, this style, or format could
be exemplified as a typical characteristic of “user-friendliness”, since I’m making the
respective tabs of my website easily comprehensible and self-explanatory to the
 While browsing through the flyer section, Hazel asserted that she had loved the graphic
illustration merged into the background of the website, and the fact that the image of the
plants blowing in the wind had directly corresponded to the concept of the “flying”. She
also stated that she liked the template/layout of the website in terms of the way in which
the place-holders had been structured, and how this particular style or format emulated
itself from one subsequent page of the website to the other.
 While browsing through the resume and cover-letter section, she mentioned that the
various background images of the website had a “cohesive theme” since there was a
certain degree of consistency which was clearly manifested in all of the pictures. This is
reinforced by the idea that there were illustrations and graphic elements of nature and
landscapes which perpetually depicted itself from one page to the next.
 However, Hazel also mentioned that the color-schemes that had been consolidated into
the background of the resume/cover-letter section did not correspond with each other.
She said to eradicate the graphic illustration of the pink flowers accompanied by a blue-
colored background and incorporate a white colored fill effect, or a gradient background,
instead. In addition to that, she also stated that she because of the texture of the top
background image and the bottom background image were so radically different, it would
be best to incorporate a white colored fill effect in the bottom half of the page so that the
illustrations don’t dominate each other but rather complement each other so that there’s
a visual balance which the reader will find aesthetically pleasing and enticing.
 While browsing through the website section, Hazel had once again reiterated the fact that
she loved all of the cover pictures because they were inclusive of backgrounds/themes
affiliated to nature. She also specifically emphasized upon the fact that there was an
“aesthetic appeal” about each aspect of the website, in general.
 Also, as mentioned earlier, she also liked the fact that the graphic illustrations assimilated
on one page was analogous to the background images of the next image. This common
element is what essentially linked the website together and made it look cohesive,
unified, and well-integrated.
 Hazel concluded her critique/feedback on my student e-portfolio on a positive note by
asserting that the website had a good start so far, but that there were still a few additional
alterations/modifications that needed to be employed within the context/framework of
this website.

Miriam’s Assessment for my website:

- In terms of Miriam’s critique for my website, she said that it was colorful and
that the background images most encompassed illustrations of nature.
- She also said that the font-size was readable and legible for the viewer.
- She noticed that the typeface that had been utilized in the website was the
conventional and standardized font of: Times New Roman.
- In addition to that, she also mentioned that the tabs were not inclusive of the
documents/class-projects, and that only the place-holders were visible.
- While browsing the resume/cover-letter section, she stated that she saw two
images that did not correspond well together.
- Furthermore, she also emphasized upon the fact that I should create or
produce at least one unique image and then transfer it to one of the pages of
the website, instead of importing all of the sample pictures directly from the
Weebly gallery.

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