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Region I

City Schools Division of Batac

Brgy. 35 Bil-loca, City of Batac “Quality is our mandate”


Shade the letter of your answer on the answer sheet.

1. Which of these is an example of a commodity?

A. Cooking B. Corn C. Teaching D. Writing
2. When did the first economies begin to develop?
A. When all of the hunter-gatherers died C. When people began to grow crops and domesticate animals
B. When money was invented D. When the first cities were built
3. What is the most important commodity in a postindustrial society?
A. Electricity B. Money C. Information D. Computers
4. In which sector of an economy would someone working as a software developer be?
A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary
5. Which is an economic policy based on national policies of accumulating silver and gold by controlling markets with colonies
and other countries through taxes and customs charges?
A. Capitalism B. Communism C. Mercantilism D. Mutualism
6. Who was the leading theorist on the development of socialism?
A. Karl Marx B. Alex Inkeles C. Emile Durkheim D. Adam Smith
7. Which of the following is not an aspect of globalization?
A. Integrating governments through international trade
B. Integrating cultures through international trade
C. Integrating finance through international trade
D. Integrating child care through international trade
8. One reason critics oppose globalization is because of ______________________________.
A. positive impacts on world trade C. the concentration of wealth in the poorest countries
B. negative impacts on the environment D. negative impacts on political stability
9. All of the following are characteristics of global cities, except:
A. headquarter multinational corporations C. exercise significant international political influence
B. host headquarters of international NGOs D. host influential philosophers
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of multinational corporations?
A. A large share of their capital is collected from a variety of nationalities.
B. Their business is conducted without regard to national borders.
C. They concentrate wealth in the hands of core nations.
D. They are headquartered primarily in the United States.
11. What factor makes caste systems closed?
A. They are run by secretive governments. C. Most have been outlawed.
B. People cannot change their social standings. D. They exist only in rural areas
12. What factor makes class systems open?
A. They allow for movement between the classes.
B. People are more open-minded.
C. People are encouraged to socialize within their class.
D. They do not have clearly defined layers.
13. Which of these systems allows for the most social mobility?
A. Caste B. Monarchy C. Endogamy D. Class
14. Which person best illustrates opportunities for upward social mobility in the Philippines?
A. First-shift factory worker C. Firstborn son who inherits the family business
B. First-generation college student D. First-time interviewee who is hired for a job
15. Social stratification is a system that:
A. ranks society members into categories C. allows society members to choose their social standing
B. destroys competition between society members D. reflects personal choices of society members
16. Who determines which illnesses are stigmatized?
A. Therapists C. Society
B. The patients themselves D. All of the above
17. Chronic fatigue syndrome is an example of _______________.
A. a stigmatized disease C . a disability accommodation
B. a contested illness D. demedicalization
18. The Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is an example of ________________
A. the social construction of health C. disability accommodations
B. medicalization D. a contested illness
19. John Paul, who is 17 years old, accidentally fell from a mango tree while harvesting its fruit. He felt that a bone was
fractured over his left arm. To whom should he be consulting first?
A. Albularyo B. Radiologist C. Pediatrician D. Physical Therapist
20. What article in the Philippine Constitution adheres to free access to health services?
A. Article XII B. Article XIII C. Article IV D. Article XV
Region I
City Schools Division of Batac
Brgy. 35 Bil-loca, City of Batac “Quality is our mandate”

21. In what ways does religion serve the role of a social institution?
A. Religions have a complex and integrated set of norms.
B. Religious practices and beliefs are related to societal values.
C. Religions often meet several basic needs.
D. All of the above
22. A cultural universal is something that _______________________________.
A. addresses all aspects of a group’s behavior C. is based on social norms
B. is found in all cultures D. may or may not be of value in meeting social needs
23. Which of the main theoretical perspectives would approach religion from the micro-level, studying how religion impacts
an individual’s sense of support and well-being?
A. Functionalism C. Conflict theory
B. Symbolic interactionism D. Feminism
24. What are some denominations of the Christian Protestant church?
A. Catholic and Jewish C. Scientology and Hare Krishna
B. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Presbyterians D. Methodist and Seventh-day Adventist
25. A sect ________________________________________.
A. has generally grown so large that it needs new buildings and multiple leaders
B. often believes it must split from the larger group to return to important fundamentals
C. is another term for a cult
D. All of the above
26. The main difference between an ecclesia and a denomination is ____________________________________.
A. the number of followers or believers is much larger for denominations
B. the geographical location varies for ecclesia versus denominations
C. ecclesia are state-sponsored and considered an official religion
D. there are no important differences; the terms are interchangeable
27. Some controversial groups that may be mislabeled as cults include ____________________________________.
A. Scientology and the Hare Krishna C. the Branch Davidians and the Manson Family
B. the Peoples Temple and Heaven’s Gate D. Quakers and Pentecostals
28. In what part of the world have Confucianism and Taoism been primarily practiced?
A. India B. Europe C. China D. The Middle East
29. Many stories in the sacred text of Judaism are ____________________________________.
A. referred to as the Apocrypha C. oral traditions only because Judaism has no sacred text
B. shared by Christianity and Islam D. no longer part of the Torah
30. What do Christianity and Islam have in common?
A. Both believe in a single supreme God. C. Both share many of the same stories in their religious texts.
B. Both believe in an afterlife. D. All of the above
31. What are the major factors affecting education systems throughout the world?
A. Resources and money C. Teacher interest
B. Student interest D. Transportation
32. What do nations that are top-ranked in science and math have in common?
A. They are all in Asia. C. They spend more money per student
B. They recruit top teachers. D. They use cutting-edge technology in classrooms.
33. Informal education ________________________________.
A. describes when students teach their peers C. only takes place at home
B. refers to the learning of cultural norms D. relies on a planned instructional process
34. Learning from classmates that most students buy lunch on Fridays is an example of __________________________.
A. cultural transmission C. formal education
B. educational access D. informal education
35. Which of the following is not a manifest function of education?
A. Cultural innovation C. Social placement
B. Courtship D. Socialization
36. Because she plans on achieving success in marketing, Tammie is taking courses on managing social media. This is an
example of ________.
A. cultural innovation C. social placement
B. social control D. socialization
37. Which theory of education focuses on the ways in which education maintains the status quo?
A. Conflict theory C. Functionalist theory
B. Feminist theory D. Symbolic interactionism
38. Which theory of education focuses on the labels acquired through the educational process?
A. Conflict theory C. Functionalist theory
B. Feminist theory D. Symbolic interactionism
39. What term describes the assignment of students to specific education programs and classes on the basis of test scores,
previous grades, or perceived ability?
A. Hidden curriculum C. Self-fulfilling prophecy
B. Labeling D. Tracking
40. What Republic Act institutionalize the adoption of the K to 12 Basic Education Program of the Department of Education?
A. RA 10533 B. RA 9165 C. RA 7836 D. RA 1078
Region I
City Schools Division of Batac
Brgy. 35 Bil-loca, City of Batac “Quality is our mandate”

41. If we divide social movements according to their position among all social movements in a society, we are using the
__________ theory to understand social movements.
A. framing C. resource mobilization
B. new social movement D. value-added
42. While PETA is a social movement organization, taken together, the animal rights social movement organizations PETA,
ALF, and Greenpeace are a(n) __________.
A. social movement industry C. social movement party
B. social movement sector D. social industry
43. Social movements are:
A. disruptive and chaotic challenges to the government
B. ineffective mass movements
C. the collective action of individuals working together in an attempt to establish new norms beliefs, or values
D. the singular activities of a collection of groups working to challenge the status quo
44. Children in peripheral nations have little to no daily access to computers and the internet, while children in core nations
are constantly exposed to this technology. This is an example of what theory?
A. the digital divide B.human ecology C. modernization D. dependency
45. When sociologists think about technology as an agent of social change, which of the following is not an example?
A. Population growth C. The Internet
B. Medical advances D. Genetically engineered food
46. Philippines is undergoing a shift in industry, increasing labor specialization and the amount of differentiation present in
the social structure. This exemplifies:
A. human ecology C. modernization
B. dependency theory D. conflict perspective
47. Core nations that work to propel peripheral nations toward modernization need to be aware of:
A. preserving peripheral nation cultural identity
B. preparing for pitfalls that come with modernization
C. avoiding hegemonistic assumptions about modernization
D. all of the above
48. It is characterized by the displacement of a number of people from one place to another for sustainability and survival.
A. Migration B. Integration C. Immigration D. Translation
49. What government agency aids Overseas Filipino Workers in terms of non-payment of benefits by their employers?
50. This government agency accredits qualified private institutions who are sending Filipino Manpower Overseas.

Prepared by: Checked and Verified by:


Teacher, UCSP School Principal II

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