Good Governance in PakistanThesis Statement

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Good Governance in PakistanThesis Statement:“Crisis of good governance in

Pakistan has badly affected the socio-economic and political progress of the
1.Extent of the Issue
: a)Lack of good governance has given birth to many social evils in the form of
poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, terrorism, sectarianism, religious extremism
and poor health infrastructure.
b)Economic instability and economic crisis in the country are owing to poor
c)Political instability and the failure of democracy are the serious repercussions
of bad governance. d)The sovereignty and security of the state are at stake
owing to mishandling of the affairs of the state.
e)The governance crises have tarnished the image of Pakistan in the comity
of nations.
3. Causes behind poor governance:
a)Immature democracy and frequent military takeovers of the country have
remained a stumbling block in the path of good governance.
b)Moreover, feudalism is a big hurdle in the way to bring good governance
democracy process in the country.
c)Another cause behind the governance crises in Pakistan is clash of
d)In addition to this, corruption in the bureaucracy and inefficient
administrative machinery present good governance in Pakistan.
e)Moreover, weak judicial system and poor accountability mechanism have
caused bad governance in the country
. f)Illiterate and ignorant people are one of the major causes behind bad
governance in Pakistan. g)Flaws in our foreign policy are also contributing
towards bad governance in the country
. 4. Remedial measures:
a)First of all, bringing democratic culture in the country rather than
democratic process can solve the issue of poor governance.
b)Secondly, abolishing feudalism in the country can bring positive change at
policy making as well as at implementing level.
c)Promoting national integration and maintaining provincial harmony can
strengthen good governance in Pakistan.
d)Moreover, ending clash of institutions can bring good governance in the
e)Educating the masses is a long term strategy to contain bad governance in
the country. f)Moreover, eradicating the culture of corruption can end the saga
of poor governance in the country.
g)Introducing strict accountability mechanism can end poor governance in the
country. h)Additionally, devolution of power at gross root level is a positive step
to bring good governance in the country
. i)Last but not the least remedy for poor governance is the constitution role
played by the national media.
Pakistan has badly affected the socio-economic and political progre

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