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Dear Sir,

Please find the up-to-date position of Bangladesh Lamps Limited (BLL):

Existing Facilities Proposed Facilities Total

Br. Recommendation HO Recommendation Limit
Type Limit O/S O’du Expiry Pricing Limit Expiry Pricin Limit Expi Pricin (a+b)
(a) e/ g (b) ry g
A/c: Bangladesh Lamps Limited [with Local Office Br.]: ID # 296690
Rev. L/C 250.00 201.73 31.12.18 0.15%/ 250.00
limit 0.10%
Sub. LTR (250.00) 42.65 31.12.18 10.75% -- -- -- (250.00)
Sub STL (250.00) 3.38 31.12.18 10.75% -- -- -- (250.00)
LC, one off 12.70 12.70 12.70
Sub LTR, (12.70) 0 (12.70)
one off
OD limit 50.00 48.77 31.12.18 10.75% -- -- -- 50.00
Sub-Total 312.70 309.23 312.70

Total Facility/Security (Group):

Particulars Facility Amount Security Value Security
Existing O/S Proposed Total Existing Proposed Total 0.00%
Funded 1564.14 414.47 1564.14 i. Cash Collateral 0 0 0
Non- 1479.99 1225.91 1479.99 ii. Other Collateral 0 0 0
Funded (sub
Total 1894.13 1640.38 1894.13 Total 0 0 0

Utilization Status:

Year L/C Performance LTR Performance STL Performance BG Performance Credit


Transcom Electronics Limited

Year Limit: 700.00 ml. Limit: (700.00 ml.) Limit: (400.00 ml.) Limit: (80.00 ml.)
No Amt No Amt No Amt No Amt
2018 32 822.16 05 92.40 02 34.55 10 17.83 2223.29
2017 51 809.57 03 5.63 24 445.80 14 15.49 1978.20
2016 08 60.45 - - 30 628.40 09 8.13 1947.89
Bangladesh Lamps Limited
Year Limit: 250.00 ml. Limit: (250.00) ml. Limit: (250.00) ml. nil
No Amt No Amt No Amt
2018 38 273.23 06 41.71 02 3.29 - 21.89

Present request: Issuance of LC $50,000 LED Bulb on A/c: Bangladesh Lamps Limited

The position is placed for seeking permission to process for proposal for LC$ 50,000.00 for TK. 4.20 million.

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