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Final Year Exam 2018

Answer scheme of F4 Biology Paper 2

No. Criteria Mark

1(a)(i) C – Tertiary structure
1 1
(a)(ii) P1 - The tertiary structure is formed when the helix chains or the beta pleated
sheets are folded or coiled into a three-dimensional shape of a polypeptide. 1
P2 - The tertiary structure is held in place by ionic bonds, disulphide bonds and 1 2
hydrogen bonds that are formed between the amino acids of the polypeptide
chains or sheet
(a)(iii) Temperature / pH / substrate concentration / enzyme concentration 1
*Any two 1 2
(b)(i) P1 - Increasing the concentration of substrate A would lead to more collisions 1
between the molecules of substrate A and enzyme P.
P2 - more molecules of substrates B and C are produced and subsequently, the rate 1 2
of production of end product D will be higher
(b)(ii) P1 - If the concentration of enzyme P increases, more molecules of substrate A 1
will be converted into substrate B.
P2 - However, since the concentrations of enzymes Q and R remain the same (the 1 2
concentration of the enzymes is the limiting factor), the excess substrate B
cannot be metabolised and the rate of production of end product D remains
the same
(c) P1 - Protease enzyme is used for digestion of protein 1
P2 - and to soften it. 1 2
(d) Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be synthesised by the body 1 1
while non-essential amino acids are amino acids that can be synthesised by the
Total 12

No. Criteria Mark
2(a) X: Metaphase I 1
Y: Anaphase
1 2
(b)(i) El: Homologous chromosomes / bivalent are arranged / lined up (randomly) 1
E2: at the metaphase plate / equatorial plane / middle of the cell / cell equator
1 2
(b)(ii) P : to produce variation 1
Q : to increase number of cell / to replace dead cell / to repair damaged cell / to
1 2
build up new cell / for growth and development

1 2


1 2

(c)(iii) P1 - During prophase Melosis 1. crossing over occurs between homologous 1

P2 - producing tho exchange of genetic material between paternal chromosome 1
and maternal chromosome
P3- resulting a new genetic combination that causes variation 1 2

Total 12

No. Criteria Mark
3(a)(i) Leaf 1 1

(a)(ii) Grana 1 1

(b) F1: Light energy excites the electron of chlorophyll molecules to higher energy 1
1 2
F2: Light energy is used to split the water molecules into hydrogen ions (H+) and
hydroxyl ions (OH-)
(c)(i) Oxygen 1 1

(c)(ii) Oxygen is used for cellular respiration 1 1

(d) Hydrogen atoms are used to reduce carbon dioxide in a series of reactions to form 1 1

(e) The glucose ( monomer ) undergoes condensation to form starch. 1 1

Water + Carbon dioxide Glucose + Oxygen 1 1
(g) Through the stomata and lentisels 1 1

(h) F1: the upper epidermis is thin and transparent to allow light to penetrate and reach 1
the chloroplasts in the palisade cells.
F2: palisade cells are packed tightly together in an upright arrangement to receive 1 2
the maximum amount of light
Total 12

No. Criteria Mark
4(a)(i) Pancreas 1 1

1 1

(b) M : Blood capillary 1

Substances : Water / glucose / amino acid / vitamin B & C / ions/ minerals 1
N : Lacteal 1
Substances : lipid / fatty acid & glycerol / Vit A,D,E & K 1

(c)(i)  Stool remain too long time in the rectum 1

 more absorption of water 1
 Lack of dietary fibres / roughage 1 2
 stool accumulated in the rectum 1 Max

(c)(ii)  Constipation 1
 Lead to haemorrhoids 1
 Causing rectal bleeding 1 2
 Increases the risk of colon cancer 1 Max

(d)  Hepatic portal vein contain more glucose (than hepatic vein) 1
 Digestion/hydrolysis of carbohydrate/sucrose/maltose into glucose occur 1
in the small intestine 2
 Glucose from small intestine is transported by hepatic portal vein (to liver) 1 Max
 Excess glucose in the liver is converted to glycogen (by insulin) 1
 level of glucose in hepatic vein (that is transported to body cells) is lower 1
Total 12

No. Criteria Mark
5(a)(i) Diaphragm
1 1
(a)(ii) Balloon expand / inflate 1 1

(a)(iii) Exhalation / Expiration 1 1

(b) J : Rib 1
K : Sternum 1
L : Intercostals muscle 1
M : Back bone / vertebral column 1 4
(c)(i) F: Name of the chemical
P: Effect of smoking

F1 Nicotine P1 Reduces total surface area 1,1

F2 Heat from burning P2 Increase lung temperature
cigarette P3 Damage the tissue lining of alveoli 1,1,1
F3 Tar P4 Deposits on the alveolus.
P5 Reduce the efficiency for gases exchange
F4 Acidic condition P6 Corrodes / damages the alveoli cells 1,1,1

*Any TWO
1,1 2

(c)(ii) F1 : The rate of cellular respiration decrease. 1

P1 : Carbon monoxide compete with oxygen to bind haemoglobin to form 1
P2 : It reduced the supply oxygen to the cells 1 3
P3 : Thus reduce aerobic respiration 1 Max
Total 12

No. Criteria Mark
6(a) F l : Level 2 is roughage / fibre 1
R l : roughage / fibre has high water holding capacity which provides bulk to 1
intestinal contents
R2 : Aids in peristalsis // rhythmic contraction of muscles along the walls of 1
alimentary canal
R3 : (Aids in bowel movement) which prevent the build-up of toxic substances in 1
the rectum
R4 : Prevents constipation / undigested matter cannot move along in the large 1
R5 : Reduces the risk of haemorrhage/colon cancer 1
*Any suitable answer

F 2 : Level 2 is water 1
W l : Transport medium (for nutrient and waste substances) 1
W 2 : Maintain a water balance between the blood and interstitial fluid 1
W 3 : Provide moisture for respiratory surfaces (alveoli) 1
W 4 : Help to maintain body temperature (for optimum enzyme activity) 1
W 5 :Medium for biochemical reaction 1
*Any suitable answer

F 3 : Mineral / Ion Calcium and phosphorus 1

M l : Maintain good health 1
M 2 : ( Ion Calcium and phosphorus ) to build strong bones and teeth / to prevent 1
blood clot
M 3 : ( Sodium / Potassium / chlorine ) / Maintain osmotic balance 1
M 4 : ( Ion ferum / haemoglobin ) / Formation of red blood cell 1
*Any suitable answer

F4 : Vitamin / Vitamin B / Vitamin C / Vitamin D 1

V1: Maintain good health 1
V2 : ( Vitamin B ) to prevent beri-beri / Co-enzyme 1
V3 : ( Vitamin C ) Prevent scurvy / antioxidant 1
V4 : ( Vitamin D ) to prevent ricket / Strong bone 1 4
*Any suitable answer
**Any 2 ( F+E )** If no F, MAX 2

(b) E l : Level 4 is (high) lipid / salts / sugar 1
E2 : Food at level 4 is placed at the highest level of food pyramid 1
E3 : should be taken in smallest amount / sparingly 1
E4 : sweets / ice cream / cookies contain high sugar 1
E5: Excessive sugar in blood lead to obesity / diabetes 1
E6 : ice cream / butter / cookies contain high lipid 1
E7 : Excessive lipid in the blood will form adipose tissue / obesity 1
ES : increase cholesterol level /heart attack // cardiovascular diseases / stroke (any 1
cardiovascular diseases)
E9 : butter contain high salt 1
E10 : increase the risk of high blood pressure / hypertension / kidney failure (any 1 6
suitable diseases) Max
*Any 6E*
(c) Glucose
P1 : Excess glucose in the blood is converted lo glycogen and stored in the liver 1
P2 : When glucose level in the blood is low. glycogen is converted to glucose in 1
the liver
P3 : Excess glucose is converted to lipids by the liver 1
P4 : In the body cells, glucose is oxidized to release energy in cellular respiration 1

Amino acids
P5 : Amino acids is used to synthesize protein in the liver, 1
P6 : Excess amino acids undergo deamination to produce urea in the liver 1
P7 : Urea is then eliminated by the kidney 1
P8 : Amino acid is used to synthesise enzymes / antibodies / hormones / new 1
protoplasm / repair damaged tissues in body cells

P9 : Excess lipids is stored in adipose tissues 1
P10 : Phospholipids and cholesterol make up the plasma membrane. 1 10

Total 20

No. Criteria Mark
7(a)  DNA in the nucleus contains genetic information to synthesise enzymes / 1
 RNA copies the information from the DNA for use in enzyme / protein 1
 Ribosomes synthesise proteins / polypeptides 1
 The synthesized proteins are transported through the spaces in the RER 1
 Proteins are transported by transport vesicles to the Golgi apparatus 1
 Here the proteins are modified into enzymes. 1
 The enzymes are transported to the plasma membrane by secretory vesicles to
be released outside the cell.
*Any 6* Max
(b)  Molecule X is a polysaccharide / cellulose which consist of many 1
monosaccharides / glucose [ *REJECT STARCH / GLYCOGEN ]
 The monosaccharide / glucose are joined together by condensation to form 1
long chains of polymers 1
 Molecule Y is a polypeptide ( which consist of many amino acids) 1

 Molecule Y is broken down by hydrolysis 1 4

(c)  X-PEPSIN , Y- salivary amylase, Z- Trypsin 1

 Each enzyme functions actively at its optimum pH 1
 The enzyme salivary amylase functions optimally at pH 7 / neutral 1

 The optimum pH for pepsin is pH 2 / acidic 1

 trypsin is pH 8.5 / alkaline 1

 The changes in pH will cause changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions 1

( H+ ) and hydroxyl ion ( OH- )

 The excess hydrogen tons or hydroxyl ions destabilise enzymes by changing
the charges of the active site.
 Charges on the substrate (surface area) are also changed
 Hence the enzyme-substrate complex cannot be formed / the substrate cannot
enter / fit into the active site
 The effects of pi I changes on enzyme activity are reversible
1 10
 An enzyme which is inactive in high pH medium will become active again
when it is at its optimum pH.
*Any 10*
Total 20

No. Criteria Mark
8(a) Able to explain the special adaptations of the respiratory structures.
Sample answers:
P1 - Lungs contain numerous of air sacs / alveoli 1
P2 - Provide large surface area 1
P3 - for rapid diffusion of gases / O2 / CO2 1
P4 - The inner surface of each alveolus is moist 1
P5 - Enable oxygen / carbon dioxide to dissolve in it 1
P6 - covered by dense network of blood capillaries 1
P7 - to transport of respiratory gases 1
P8 - The wall of alveolus is very thin / only one cell thick 1 6
P9 - allows diffusion of gases across membranes to takes place easily 1 Max
*Any 6

(b) Able to state the cause of the lungs of a heavy smoker to be different to the lungs
of a non-smoker.
Able to explain the problems faced by the heavy smoker.

Sample answers: 1
P1 - Tar (in tobacco smoke) 1
P2 - deposited on the wall of alveoli/bronchioles (of heavy smoker lung) 1
P3 - The heat / high temperature 1
P4 - cause dryness / dries up the moist (in alveoli) 1
P5 - irritates the lungs / lead to laryngitis 1
P6 - (Tar) causes lung cancer 1
P7 - Contains nicotine 1
P8 - Constrict the blood vessel 1
P9 - makes the heart has to pump harder 1
P10 - lead to blood pressure increase / stroke 1
P11 - cause addiction 1
P12 - contain carbon monoxide 1
P13 - compete with oxygen to bind with haemoglobin / forms
carboxyhaemoglobin 1 6
P14 - reduces the supply of oxygen to the cells Max
*Any 6

(c) Able to explain the regulatory mechanism of oxygen when climbing a mountain.
Sample answers:
P1 - At high altitudes, the atmospheric pressure is low // Thin air in the 1
P2 - the partial pressure of oxygen (in the atmosphere) is low // Low oxygen 1
concentration in the air
P3 - may lead to difficulty in breathing / cause gasping 1
P4 - ( The decreased partial pressure of oxygen) caused a drop in the oxygen level 1
of blood // Increase in CO2 in the blood
P5 - Blood pH decreases // More H+ (ions) in the blood 1
P6 - that will be detected by peripheral chemoreceptor / aortic bodies / carotid 1
P7 - nerve impulses send to the respiratory center 1
P8 - (respiratory center) will send nerve impulses to the diaphragm / the 1
intercostal muscle / cardiac/heart muscles
P9 - Diaphragm / intercostal muscle will contract and relax rapidly 1
P10 - Breathing rate / ventilation rate increase 1
P11 - Heartbeat increases 1
P12 - More oxygen will be inhaled // More gaseous exchange 1
P13 - Oxygen level will return to the normal level 1 8
*Any 8 Max
Total 20

No. Criteria Mark
9(a) Able to discuss how the human activities affect the air quality.
F l: causing air pollution / low reading of A.P.I 1
F2: factory in industrial area released sulphur dioxide / nitrogen dioxide / oxide of 1
E1: causing acid rain 1
E2 : corrodes the buildings / limestone/ stonework 1
E3 : irritates eyes/ bronchitis/asthmatic problems/respiratory infectionsE5 : lowers 1
pH of the soil
E4 : damage the photosynthetic tissues / reduce the rate of photosynthesis. 1
F3: factory / vehicles (release smoke contains) carbon dioxide 1
E5 : heat is trapped by greenhouse gasses 1
E6: causing greenhouse effect. 1
E7: increase the surrounding temperature / hot weather 1
E8: contribute to global warming / climatic change / increase sea level / flash 1
F4 : factory /vehicles (release smoke contains carbon monoxide 1
E9 : affects the transportation of oxygen 1
El0: causing fatigue and headaches 1
F5 : factory/ vehicle release soot, smoke and dust particles 1
E11 : causing haze / smog 1
E12 : reduce visibility 1
E13 : irritates the eyes, nose and lungs 1
E14 : causing conjunctivitis / sore throat / asthmatic problem 1
E15 : cover the surface of leaves / block stomata 1
E16 : reduce the rate of photosynthesis. 1 Max
(b) Able to describe the effect of the thinning of the ozone layer on the living
organisms on earth and suggest different ways to solve this problem.
The Effects
El: More UV rays / ultraviolet radiation reaches the earth's surface 1
E2 : Increase of earth temperature 1
E3 : UV ray will deteriorate / weaken the humans' body immune system. 1
E4: Increase ( in the number of ) people suffering from skin cancer, melanoma 1
E5: accelerate aging process of skin. 1
E6: causing cataract / snow blindness 1
E7 : causing respiratory illness, chest pain, 1

E8: destroy microorganisms and phytoplankton's ( the producer of marine food 1
chain ).
E9 : lower fish harvest 1
E10: damage the eggs of certain amphibians. 1
E11: leaf cells and chlorophyll are damaged 1
E12: rate of photosynthesis become low 1
E13: reduce plant growth 1
E14: reduces crop yields 1 8
*Any 8E

Steps To Solve The Problem

E1: Reduce / stop using CFCs / air conditioner / aerosol / refrigerator 1
E2: Replace CFCs with HCFCs. 1
E3: Use wrapping papers instead of polystyrene boxes. 1
E4 : Patch up the holes in the ozone layer by firing frozen ozone balls into the 1 2
*Any 2E
Total 20


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