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Human resource management (HRM) is considered a critical

organizational resource that helps an organization sustain its

effectiveness. It is one important area that influences a number of

employees attitudes and behaviour such as intent to leave, levels of

job satisfaction, and organizational commitment suggested that soft or

high commitment human resource management practices are those

that generate trust in employees and these practices include giving

employees empowerment and involvement in decision making;

extensive communication about functioning and performance of the

employees service; designing training for skills and personal

development of employees; selective hiring; team-working where idea

are pooled and creative solutions are encouraged; rewards system

that commensurate with effort; reduction of status between the

management and staff and all workers are valued regardless of their


A lot of researchers have found that HR Practices are positively linked

with employee satisfaction. The main theme of this project is to

observe the relationship between HR Practices and its impact on

Employee Satisfaction in Commercial Automobile.HR planning is

defined as the procedure by which an organization ensures that it has

the right number and kinds of human resources at the right place and

at the right time.

Human resource management:

A business unit needs employees to look after different activities. This

is called manpower or human resource. Such human resource needs to

be developed fully so that it will make positive contribution for the

progress and prosperity of a business unit. For this systematic

development and management of human resources is necessary.

Human Resource Management (HRM) deals with:

 Training

 Self-development

 Promotions

 Performance Appraisal

HRM is an organized learning experience aimed at matching the

organizational need for career growth and development. It is a process

involving series of learning activities designed to acquire desired level

of competence among employees.HRM is a continuous process and it

needs money. Such investment creates a team of efficient, skilled and

trained manpower which brings success and stability to a business

unit.HRM programmes offer long term benefits to an organisation.

Employee Satisfaction:

Employee satisfaction means what are the feelings of different

employees about the different dimensions of their jobs. The level of

satisfaction and dissatisfaction is another aspect which is related to

employee’s satisfaction. It may be the general behaviour emerged due

to different happenings at the work place; it may be supervisor’s

behaviour, relationship with peers or the work environment.Various

factors such as an employee needs and desires, social relationships,

job design, compensation, developmental opportunities and aspects of

work-life balance are considered to be some of the key factors of

employee satisfaction. A satisfied workforce can increase

organizational productivity through less distraction caused by

absenteeism or turnover, few incidences of destructive behaviour, and

low medical costs.

HR Practices:

A key focus of the human resource management is highlighted in the

role of staffing, performance management, training and development,

and compensation that plays indifferent types of business strategies.

With the acquisition and preparation of human resources,

including planning, recruitment, selection, and training can affect the

whole organizational performance. The HR planning, start of the

strategy, illustrates the process of developing human resource plan.

The strengths and weaknesses of staffing options such as outsourcing,

use of contingent workers, and downsizing are involved in planning.

The recruitment process is done strategically to determine the talented

employee fit for the position. The selection process emphasizes

the ways in minimizing errors in employee selection and placement to

improve the company‘s competitive position. The selection method

standards such as validity and reliability are utilized. An effective

training systems of the manager‘s role in determining employees

‘readiness for training, creating a positive learning environment,

and ensuring the training is used on the job. The human resource

strategies are rewarding and compensating that can strengthen

or weaken the employee effectiveness. In summary, all of the HRM

strategies and function should be aligned to help the company meet its

objectives as well as focusing on their customers .The best practice

approach assert that certain HR practices are found to consistently

lead to higher organizational performance, independent of an

organization‘s stated strategy. The high

performance HR practices foster innovation through the development o

f innovation values, encouraging of information sharing, goal setting

and appropriate training and development. It is assumed that HR

practices are closely associated with job satisfaction. Because many

scholars and practitioners believe that sound HR practices result in

better level of job satisfaction which ultimately improves organizational

performance. HRM practices had positive effect on job satisfaction of

the employees whereas individual characteristics such as age, gender,

and education had insignificant effect on job satisfaction.

These HR Practices are also known as key drivers of employee

performance. Training and development is one of the key elements of

employee job satisfaction because it reduces the discrepancies in job

tasks and enhances the job skills which in result motivates the

employees and lead towards job satisfaction.

Employees get extremely motivated through rewards and recognition

and these two factors lead towards employee motivation and research

shows that highly motivated employees are the most satisfied

employees and also the high performers.

Sound HR planning can enhance job satisfaction of the employees by

providing opportunities for the employees to participate in planning

their own careers. Therefore it is very important to know which HR

Practices keep the employees satisfied.

HRM practices are inevitable factor in determining the growth and

prospects of any organization. Human resource is the most precious

asset and delicate factor of production. In this global competitive

world, it is necessary to retain skilled workers in the organization by

efficient HRM practices. Every organization operates its activities with

the support of human resource which includes top level managers,

executives, supervisors and other employees. The overall performance

of any organization depends upon the extent to which human resource

is effectively utilized.


To study the HR Policies of the organization

 To provide an overview and analysis of HRM practices.

 To focus the dimensions of HRM practices.

 To propose a test for measuring employee’s satisfaction by HRM


 To study the amendments made in the HR Policies of Enhance

Plus since the time of incorporation

 To examine the flaws of HRM practices which affects employee


 To provide some suggestions for improving HRM practices and

employee’s satisfaction.

Justification of the project

HR Practices are linked with the management of human resources,

activities necessary for staffing the organization and sustaining high

employee performance. Some employees, regardless of an

organization's efforts at selection, socialization, job design,

performance standards and reward practices, create discipline

problems for the management. Handling these discipline problems is a

sensitive and challenging task for a human resource manager.

Employee satisfaction level in present competitive environment of an

organization is to help knowing and reading of the minds of the

current generation professionals regarding their Company Culture,

Compensation, Work atmosphere, Management support, Job

satisfaction, performance appraisal and Career growth opportunities.

Whereas, employees of an organization are expected to conduct

themselves in accordance with the organizations rules and standards

of acceptable behaviour. Employees who cannot be motivated to

maintain such discipline require some degree of extrinsic disciplinary

action. Therefore this study aims at exploring the relationship between

HR Practices and Its Impact on Employee Satisfaction in Enhance Plus

Consultant, Indore.

A Hypothesis consists either of a suggested explanation for an

observable phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal predicting a

possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena. The term

derives from theGreek, hypotithenai meaning "to put under" or "to

suppose." The scientific method requires that one can test a scientific

hypothesis. Researchers generally base such hypotheses on previous

observations or on extensions of scientific theories. Even though the

words "hypothesis" and "theory" are often used synonymously in

common and informal usage, a scientific hypothesis is not the same as

a scientific theory.

Hypothesis may be defined as a proposition or a set of proposition set

forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group

of phenomenon either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to

guide some investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of

established facts. Quite often a research hypothesis is a predictive

statement, capable of being tested by scientific methods, that relates

an independent variable to some dependent variable.

Null Hypothesis
A null hypothesis is a hypothesis (within the context of statistical

hypothesistesting) that might be falsified on the basis of observed

data. The nullhypothesis typically proposes a general or default

position, such as that thereis no relationship between two quantities,

or that there is no difference between a treatment and the control. The

term was originally coined byEnglish geneticist and statistician Ronald


The null hypothesis (often denoted by H0) formally describes some

aspect of the statistical "behaviour" of a set of data. The Null

Hypothesis is of this project report is that employees are not

satisfied with the HR practices of the company.


Alternative hypothesis is the "hypothesis that the restriction or set of

restrictions to be tested does NOT hold." (Often denoted H1) . Synonym

for 'maintained hypothesis.' The Alternate Hypothesis of this

project report is that employees are satisfied with the HR

practices of the company.


It involves continuous improvement of employee’s capabilities of the

resources. Without HRM, no organisation will function efficiently. In

order to be the effective organisation, every manufacturing industry

needs competitive people. Every organization wants to develop

diversity, renew and change, improve which require efficient

employees. So the competencies and capabilities of the employees can

be developed through effective HRM Techniques, i.e., training and

development, promotion, performance appraisal, counseling and

various incentive schemes etc. so the scope of the study is to find out

the effectiveness of HRM practices followed in the organization.

Following aspects are also covered under this study:

 A brief overview of the nature of the subject

 An introduction to the HR practices in special reference with

“Employee satisfaction”

 Need and importance of “Hr Practices and its impact on

employee satisfaction” in the industry

 Introduction to Enhance plus Indore

Layout (Chapterisation)

 Chapter I : Introduction

 Chapter II : Aims and Objectives

 Chapter III : Company Profile

 Chapter IV : Research Methodology

 Chapter V : Analysis of Data & Interpretation

 Chapter VI : Finding Suggestions

recommendation & Conclusion

 Chapter VII : Bibliography

 Chapter VIII : Annexures

The Policy of the company provides facilities for all round growth of
individuals by training in-house and outside the organization, reorientation,
lateral mobility and self -development through self - motivation.
The employees understand how their work goals relate to company’s goals.
Company inspires the employees to do their best work every day. The employees
are not satisfied with the communication and decision - making process as it leaks
the information related to organization. The employees do not receive the
appropriate recognition and rewards for their contributions and accomplishments.
The employees feel that they are not paid fairly for the contributions they make to
company’s success.
It can not however be said that the HR practice bundle is cause of success of
any successful and visionary company. Instead it seems that innovative HR practices
are a reflection of overall vision of the leaders whose only source of motivation is
not the bottom line. It gives me immense pleasure to conclude with the findings of
my study.
The employees feel very happy with growth of the organization and they feel
proud to be a part of the organization. Management and staff focus more on
achieving the company Targets Employees Stock Option Scheme is one of the
motivating factor to retain the employees.


1. Kothari, C. R. (2007) “Research methodology” 3d edition, Wishwa Prakashan,

New Age International (P) Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi, India.

2. Trochim, William M. K. (2007) “Research Methods” 2nd edition,

Biztantra,Dreamtech Press, Daryaganj Press, New Delhi, India

3. Bhatia S.K. (2006) “New Compensation Management Changing Environment” 3rd

edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi, India.

Dr.Chitranshi Verma
245,Napier Town,Nr.Naveen Vidya Bhawan School,Jabalpur- 482002
Ph: 0761- 4048825 Cell: 8989828758

Professional Experience

 Working as a visiting faculty in Faculty of Management Studies, College of

Materials Management, Jabalpur since Dec’2010
 Worked as a visiting faculty in Centre of Management Studies, G.S.College of
Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur July 2009 – Sept. 2013
 Worked as a visiting faculty in PTU, IGNOU, Mata Gujri College, Jabalpur
Sept 2008 – Oct 2012
 Worked as Operations Executive with Indusind Bank Ltd., Jbp March ’05-
 Worked with HDFC Bank, Gwalior from Nov’02 – Nov’04

Educational Qualifications

 Ph.D. in Applied Economics on “An Analysis of Human Resource Practises in

Financial Sector in M.P.” from RDVV,Jabalpur, Dec 2014
 MBA in Marketing from IPS Academy, DAVV,Indore in 2002
 BBA from Institute of Management, Jiwaji University, Gwalior in 2000
 XII from CBSE Board in Kendriya Vidyalya No. 1 ,CBSE Board in1996
 X from Carmel Convent School, CBSE Board in 1994


 NCFM-AMFI (Advisors Module) Certified with 84.75% in Oct’05


Research Papers (National)

 Global Recession & its impact on India” in National Seminar in 26th Nov’10 in G.S.
College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur

 “Globalization and its impact on Business Development in Current Scenario” in
National Seminar in April 2011 in Dept. Of Business Administration, Hitkarini
College of Engineering & Technology, Jabalpur

 “Service Sector Growth in India & China: Strategic differences” in National

Seminar in April 2012 in G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur

 “Emerging Role of Knowledge Management with special reference to educational

sector” in National Conference in May 2012 in Shri Vaishnav Institute of
Management , Indore

 “Gender Discrimination in the workplace : An HR Issue” in National Seminar in

Dec 2012 in Mata Gujri Mahavidyalya (Autonomous) Jabalpur

 “Role of HRM in creating successful Entrepreneurs” in National Conference in Sept

2013 in Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore

 “Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Service Sector” in National

Conference in March 2014 in St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur

 “Role of Action Research in Education” in National Seminar in March 2015 in St.

Aloysius College, Jabalpur

 “ Global business citizenship: A model of social responsibility and ethical

behaviour in the 21st century” in National Conference in Dec’16 in Excel
Research Management Association, Gwalior

Research Papers (International)

 “Mobile Banking in India” in International Conference on Global Business

Research , Sept 2012 in University College of Commerce & Management Studies,
Udaipur, Rajasthan

 “Role of Strategic Human Resource Management in today’s corporate world” in

International conference on Dynamics of Innovative Practices in Management
Dec 2012 in Maharaja Ranjit Singh College of Professional Sciences, Indore

 “Role of Advertising in shaping Consumer Psychology” in International Conference

on Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management in Dec 2012
organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior

 “Stress Management in Indian Organizations” in International Conference on

Mapping Business Excellence through Vision, Values and Vibrant Practices Jan
2012 in Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore


 “Human Resource Accounting in India” published in Book”Human Resouce

Accounting:Concept , Objectives and Practical approaches, YKing Books Jaipur
ISBN: 978-93-85528-33-0

Workshops attended

 3 day workshop on New Dimensions of Economic and Social Research organized

by G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur in Dec,2012.
 2 day workshop on Professional Development for teachers organized by Shiksha
Mandal Madhya Pradesh Shakha, G.S.College of Commerce & Economics,
Jabalpur in Feb 2015

Projects undertaken

 “Causes of Absenteeism among workers of Godrej Soaps Private Ltd.”, Malanpur,

Gwalior in 1999.
 “ Power Project Financing in India” in Alstom Power India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi in
 “Invoking the need of call centres in various business segments” in Modi Korea
Telecommunications Pvt. Ltd., Indore

Achievements & Extra Curricular Activities

 Active Member of Organizing Committee in National Conference on

India Incorporation – The Future Challenges at IBMR ,IPS Academy,
Indore 2001
 Won 2nd runner up position in National Management Students and Young
Manager’s contest, IBMR,IPS Academy , Indore
 Worked as E.C. member & Joint Secretary of Snatak Prabhand Parishad,
Jiwaji University ,Gwalior
 Actively participated for the Cause of social services, Help Age India at
School level
 Appreciated for social causes by Manav Pragati Sansthan, Gwalior, M.P.
 Passed the Senior General Knowledge & Intelligence Test held by Central
Institute of General Knowledge learning ,New Delhi in 1992
 Played Basketball at School level
 Actively participated & won accolades in debates & quizzes

 Awarded the Certificate of Outstanding Social Service and Best Anchor of
the Club by Inner wheel Club Jabalpur, Midtown for year 2014-2015


 Active member of Inner wheel Club of Jabalpur Midtown since June 2014
 Member of Editorial board of Jabalpur Public College
 Lifetime member of Excel Research Management Association, India,

Personal Details

Marital Status : Married

Husband’s Name: Pravesh Verma
Permanent Add. : 245, Napier Town,Jabalpur
Languages known: English & Hindi
Date of Birth : 17/10/1978

I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.

Date : Dr. Chitranshi Verma


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