Zhou Dynasty

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Zhou Dynasty
1029 B.C.E.-258 B.C.E.
997 B.C.E

Dear Father,

Remember when you told me nothing could would come out of my life? I managed to
get a deal out of a dieing land owner, who said If i cared for his land and him until he died, all
his land would be mine. Soon enough, the old man died and now I am the landowner. As each
day passes my treasury is expanding. Plenty of commoners are working for me, trying to pay off
their debts through hard work, while nearby gentlemen offer to buy my land. Life has never
been so prosperous. But this time of happiness will not last, the gentlemen i mentioned are
plotting to steal my land. I may have to sell my farm and pick up another job before it is too

Sincerely, Your banished son, Wu Lao

885 B.C.E

Dear Grandpa ,

Grandma told me the story of how long ago, our ancestors gave up their prosperous
plantation for a modest life of bronze making. Is that how our family business really started? I
have always been curious. Today, Father sold his most prized bronze statue to an interested
noble, who paid a massive sum of money for it. I cannot tell if Father is extremely pleased with
the money, or very sad about giving up his prized bronze statue.

Sincerely, Ping Lao, your Granddaughter

407 B.C.E

Dear Uncle,

Today my teacher taught our class to write, and to practice by writing a letter to
someone, so i chose you. Our teacher told has that writing is a special privaledge , and that only
those smart enough can master it. I hope one day i can. Today, father told me about how even
though King Jing is the King, the real power lies in the Nobles, like us. Is that a good thing or a
bad thing? I am worried. What if the King decides to take his power back? What wil happen to
us? Mother tells us to listen to Father and everything will be alright.

Sincerely, Xin Lao, your Nephew

Qin Dynasty
221-206 B.C.E.
Dear Mother,

The Emporer has sent 500,000 troups to conquer more land, and I am one of the ones
wil will conquer Sichuan. I was informed of the jungle terrain located there, and sad to say, my
experience in warfare does not include guerilla fighting. I fear this wil not be an easy conquest.
Qin Shihuang has ordered to conquer and that we will do. I do not know how many men we
will, but i know it will be many.

Sometimes i feel as if i am expendable. Just a pawn in Qin Shihuang’s plans. Even if i am a top
ranking officer, if i so much as to cross his mind, i will be executed. His hunger for power
concerns me.

Sincerely, Your Son, Han Chan

Dear Mother,

The attempts to conquer Sichuan has failed, yet suceeded. We lost over 100,000 men
because of our lack of experience fighting in the jungle. Everytime a platoon would be sent,
their numbers would be decimated because of their guerilla warfare the Sichuans are so good
at. The only good news i can bring is that a cannal was built in the north, supplying our troops
with reinforcements and supplies. I was told of the new iron weapons being sent in from the
Capitol. Iron being a vast improvement from the weaker and less sturdy bronze weapons.

Sincerely, Your Son, Han Chan

Dear Mother,

I have decided to quit the army. I feel my life does not belong in constant bloodshed and
fighting. I have given up war and taken up farming. With the bulding of the great wall, farming
in the outer regions has become much safer. The government is sponsoring irrigation projects,
further improving the agricultural areas.

The words I am writing to you right now are now being made uniform by the Chinese
Governement. This language will soon be the one true language of China.

More news I have heard is the attack on intellectuals by Qin Shihuang. He is burning books left
and right, fearful of their knowledge. Any attempts of rebellion he crushes. This is his power.

Sincerely, your son Han Chan

Han Dynasty
206 B.C.E.-220 A.D.
Dear Brother.

How is the family doing since I left? I hope you are faring well. For me, everything is going
exactly as planned. After working in an iron company, I rose up to the top, become one of the
top industralist, owning several salt and iron enterprises along with other merchants. I am glad
Wu Ti has brought prosperity and peace to China, giving everyone an oppotunity for a new
start. No longer is there just one central government who can take what he pleases, now it is a
bureacracy, where everyone has a say, and there is more freedom. Stronger merchants like I
compete along with the regional kings. I will send back money as soon as I have time.


Your Brother Xiao Gi Ji

Dear Father,

I am afraid I am not doing as well as I hoped to do. The government is taxing the wealthier
citizens more to make it fair the the peasants. I have less money to send home now. The
government is concered about the dominition of the wealthier citizens towards the peasants. I
am sure the tax money is being put to good use though, such as roads and papermaking.

I also have good news though. There are new inventions being made every day, such as the
compass and stirrups. With each day that passes there are new innovations. I wil send some
home as soon as I have the chance.


Your son Da Gi Ji

Dear Mother.

I am afraid that the Han dynasty is ending soon. There are many rebellion in the North led by
the infamous Yellow Turbans and Generals thirsting for power. If this continues, i’m afraid our
government cannot stop them. I will arrive home as soon as I can get, but currently my squad is
being sent to Sichuan to shut down a Yellow Turban rebellion. Things are getting very out of
hand. I am still waiting for our governement to do something about this.


Your son Pi Goo

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