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Respondent’s Profile

Name : (Optional) ___________________________________

Age : 18-25 y/o 26-30 y/o 31-40 y/o 41-50 y/o

Sex : Female Male

Highest educational attainment :

High School Graduate Vocational

College Undergraduate College Graduate

Years in industry :

5 years & below 6-10 years 11-15 years 16 years & above

Monthly Income :

Below ₱10,000 ₱10,000-15,000 ₱16,000-20,000

₱21,000-30,000 ₱31,000 & above

How were you introduced in the Multi-level Marketing business?

By reading an ad in a printed publication

Through social media

By a friend or relative that talked about the business opportunity

By a company distributor that talked about the business opportunity

If contacted by a person, how were you initially approached?

By telephone/cellphone

By e-mail/letter
Through social media

In person

Instruction: Please put a check (√) on the number based on your satisfaction on

the following items.

5 = Very Satisfied

4 = Satisfied

3 = Neutral

2 = Dissatisfied

1 = Very Dissatisfied

Level of Multi-Level Marketing Companies Agent’s Satisfaction

As to methods of diffusing business 5 4 3 2 1


1. Conducts seminars to present the products and

the company itself.

2. Uses social media platforms like Facebook,

Instagram, etc. to advertise.

3. Sponsors/hosts events to familiarize people

about the company.

4. Uses a referral program.

5. Partners with local government and

As to quality of training program: 5 4 3 2 1

1. I have received the necessary amount of training

in this multi-level marketing company.

2. The training has helped me to achieve success

as an agent in multi-level marketing.

3. I was very well motivated during the training


4. The trainings organized addresses the important

issues related to my job as an agent in multi-level


5. I am provided with timely trainings to enhance

my knowledge and skill as an agent.

As to quality of recruitment process: 5 4 3 2 1

1. I conduct prospecting by fishing.

2. Our company conducts an orientation and

thereafter, we persuade interested individuals to

join MLM.

3. I send messages to my prospects with

testimonies of some successful agents through

social media.

4. I leverage my up-line’s experience and let them

help me explain the business.

5. I do timely follow-ups to my potential recruits.

As to up-line support: 5 4 3 2 1

1. Competent in the job he/she is doing.

2. Shows interest in the concerns and needs of

his/her down-line.

3. Always in the best disposition of helping his/her


4. Leading, developing and working with me.

5. Empowers and encourages me to strive more at

what I do.

As to products/services awareness: 5 4 3 2 1

1. My company offers high-quality


2. My company offers effective yet affordable


3. My company offers products that are good for

personal use and recommendable.

4. My company offers safe and tested products.

5. My company offers FDA approved products.

Instruction: Please put a check (√) on the number that reflects your opinion on

each of the following items.

5 = Highly affected

4 = Affected

3 = Neutral

2 = Slightly affected

1 = Not at all

Challenges faced by MLM 5 4 3 2 1

Companies’ Agents:

1. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is

often associated with the word


2. Some MLM companies have cult-

like behaviours where they try to

brainwash people.

3. MLM is often being confused with

a fraudulent business scheme that

uses the investment of new agents

to distribute returns to existing


4. MLM lies about passive income.

5. MLM agents prospect

unsuspecting individuals that are

fooled by a promise of extraordinary

returns on investment.

6. In MLM, you can earn by

recruiting new individuals who will

then recruit more individuals for

them to earn money.

7. MLM companies offer products

that aren’t worth the value of the

consumers’ money.

8. In MLM, only those pioneers (up-

lines) in the industry earn and


9. Same with some illegal schemes,

MLM companies don’t register

investments to the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC).

10. MLM companies promise high

returns with no risk but in reality it’s

the other way around.

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