Upgrading SBR

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How to upgrade a Stand Alone SBR 5.x/6.x server to a PRIMARY or REPLICA using the SBRSETUPTOOL
Knowledge Base ID: KB10770
Version: 4.0
Published: 10 Feb 2009
Updated: 10 Feb 2009
Categories: SBR Enterprise

Procedure for converting a stand alone install of SBR 5.x or 6.x to either a PRIMARY or REPLICA server

Before you attempt to do this conversion, it is recommended that you make a backup of your SBR
database. You can do this by using the Export menu option in the SBR administrator utility.

You should also ensure that you have DNS configured for name resolution on both the PRIMARY and any
REPLICA servers you will be converting.

In this document, we will be issuing commands from a command prompt.

Below are the default locations for various versions of Steel-Belted Radius and their associated platforms.
Make note of the information as it will be used during the command line operation. You will need to insert
the appropriate path based on your environment.

Microsoft Windows Platform:

SBR 5.3x/5.4x - C:\radius\service
SBR 6.0x/6.1x - C:\Program Files\Juniper Networks\Steel-Belted RADIUS\Service

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RedHat Linux 3 ES / AS and 4 ES / AS

Suse 9 Solaris
SBR 5.3x & 5.4x - /opt/funk/radius
SBR 6.0x & 6.1x - /opt/JNPRsbr/radius

Steps to convert a Stand Alone installation of Steel-Belted RADIUS to a PRIMARY replication server

1. Stop the Steel-Belted RADIUS service or daemon

On Windows: from a command prompt enter : net stop "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from the <radius-install-dir> enter the command :
./sbrd stop

2. Run the following command from the <radius-install-dir>

sbrsetuptool -install -path <radius-install-dir> -identity PRIMARY

-secret <secret password>

3. Check the sbrsetuptool.log file in the <radius-install-dir> for a line indicating that the server is now
configured as a PRIMARY.
4. Restart the SBR service.

On Windows: from a command prompt enter :net start "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from the <radius-install-dir> enter the
command: ./sbrd start

A file called REPLICA.CCMPKG should now exist in the c:\radius\service directory. This
can be used to register REPLICA servers.

Steps to convert a Stand Alone installation of Steel-Belted RADIUS to a REPLICA replication server
using the replica.ccmpkg file

1. Stop the Steel-Belted RADIUS service or daemon

On Windows: from a command prompt enter : net stop "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from from the <radius-install-dir> enter the
command: ./sbrd stop

2. Copy the replica.ccmpkg file from the PRIMARY server to a temporary directory on your REPLICA
3. Run the following command from the <radius-install-dir> directory :
sbrsetuptool -install -path <radius-install-path> -identity REPLICA
-radpath <path to where the replica.ccmpkg file is located>

4. Check the sbrsetuptool.log file in the <radius-install-dir> for a line indicating that the server is not

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configured as a REPLICA.
5. Restart the SBR service.

On Windows: from a command prompt enter: net start "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from the <radius-install-dir> enter the
command: ./sbrd start

Alternate steps to convert a Stand Alone installation of Steel-Belted RADIUS to a REPLICA

replication server

1. Stop the Steel-Belted RADIUS service or daemon

On Windows: from a command prompt enter : net stop "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from the <radius-install-dir> enter the command
sbrd stop

2. Run the following command from the <radius-install-dir> directory

sbrsetuptool -install -path <radius-install-dir> -identity REPLICA -primary <DNS-Name-

of-Primary> <IP Address of Primary> <secret password of primary>

3. Check the sbrsetuptool.log file in the <radius-install-dir> for a line indicating that the server is not
configured as a REPLICA.
4. Restart the SBR service.

On Windows: from a command prompt enter : net start "steel-belted radius"

On Solaris or Linux: log in as root and from the <radius-install-dir> enter the
command: ./sbrd start

Post Conversion Steps

1. Once the PRIMARY is running and the REPLICA has been registered, open the SBR Admin tool and
logon to the PRIMARY.
2. Go to the Replication section. Verify that both the PRIMARY and REPLICA are listed.
3. If the REPLICAN is disabled, double click on the entry and click the ENABLE check box. and click
4. Click the REFRESH button on the toolbar.
5. Click on the PRIMARY and then click the PUBLSIH button.
6. Click YES on the warning prompt. Click REFRESH a few times and both servers should be up-to-date.


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