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eers of the Phllippincs
, .,. 511
CHAPTER ~ - Co ncre te 4 ·~ 3

combinations [rom this chapter in conjun ction with strength the appropr iate load co mbinations of ASCE I SEI 7 shall be
reduc tio n factors of Section 426 shall not be permitted. used.

40 9.3.5 For post-tensioned anchorage zone design . a load

409.3 Required Strength factor of J.2 shall be appli ed to the maximum tendon
ja cki ng force .
409.3.1 Required strength U shall be at least equal to the
effects of factored loads in Eq. 409 -1 through Eq, 409-7.
The effect of on e or more loads not acting simultaneously 409.4 Design Strength
shall be investigated.
409.4 .1 Design stren gth provided by a member, its
U = 1.4(D + F) (40 9- 1) connections to other membe rs and its cros s sections. in
term s of flexure, ax ial load. shear and to rsion , shall be taken
U = L2 (D+ F + T) + 1.6 (L+/i) + O.5(L . or R) (409-2) as the nomin al strength calculated in acco rdance with
requirements and assumptions of this Sect ion . mult iplied by
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 (L. or R) + ( 1.0L or 0 .80 II') (409-3) a strength-reduction factor ¢ in Sections 409.4 .2. 409.4 .4
and 409.4.5 .
U = 1.2 D + 1.6 II' + 1.0 L + 0.5 (L. o r R) (409-4)

u= 1.2 D + 1.0 £ + 1.0 L (409 -5) 409.4.2 St re ngt h- Redu ct ion Facto r
Strength-reduction factor ¢ shall be gi ven in Sections
U = 0.9 D + 1.6 II' + 1.6 H (409 -6) 409.4.2. 1 through 409 .4.2.7:

U = 0 .90 D + 1.0 E + 1.6 If (409-7) 409 .4.2.1 Ten sion controlled sections as defined in Section
4 10.4.4 (see also Scct ion 409.4.2.7) 0.90
except as follow s:
I. The load factor on the live load L in Eq . 409 ·3 to 409- 5 409 .4.2.2 Co mpress ion contr olle d sec tion s, as defined in
shall be permitt ed 10 be reduced to 0.5 except for Sec tion 4 10.4.3:
garages , are as occupied as places o f publi c assemb ly.
2 I. Members with spiral rein forcem en t
and all areas where L is grea ter than 4.8 kN/m •
conforming to Section 4 10.10.3 .. .................. 0.75
2. \Vhere wind load W has not been reduced by a
2. Other reinforced members 0.65
directionality factor , it shall be pen ni ned to use 1.3 W in
plac e of 1.611' in Eq . 409-4 and 409·6.
For sect ions in which the net tensile strength, Cr. is between
3. Wh ere E, the lo ad effects of eart hquake, is based on the limits for co mpress ion-cont rol led an d tensio n-controlled
se r vice-level seismic forces. 1.4£ shall be used in place sectio ns, ¢ shall be permi tted 10 be linearly increased from
of 1.0£ in Eg' 409·5 and 409 -7. that for compression-con trolled sectio ns to 0 .90 as f.,
incre ases from the co mpression-controlled strain lim it 10
4. The load factor on If. loads due to wcight and pressure
of soil , wa ter in so il, or other mater ials. shall be set 0.005.
equ al to zero in Eq. 409- 6 and 409 -7 if the structural
action due to H counteracts tha t due to W or E. Where Altern atively , when Sectio n 425 is used, for membe rs in
lateral earth pressur e provides resistance to structur al which [I' does not exceed 415 MPa, with s ymmetric
ac tio ns from o the r forces, it sh all not be included in H reinforcement, and with (11 • cl')/I! not less than 0.70. ¢ shall
but shall be incl uded in the design resistan ce. be permitted to be increased linearly to 0.90 as ¢ P,
decreases from 0.10 Fe A,( to zero. For o ther reinforced
409.3.2 If resistance to impact effec ts is taken into account memb ers. ¢ sha ll be permitted to be increased linearly to
in de sig n, such effects shall be includ ed with live load L. _ 0.90 as ¢ P" decreas es from 0.10 F, A ~ or ¢ Ph. whic hever is
smaller. to zero.
409.3.3 Estimations o f differential scu lcmc m. creep.
shrinkage, expa nsio n of shrinkage-co mpensa ting concre te or 409.4.2.3 Shear an d torsion (Sec also Sect ion 409.4.4 (or
temperat ure change shall be based o n a realistic assess ment shear walls and frames in Se ismic Zo ne 4) 0.75
of such e ffects occurring in service.
409.4 .2.4 Bearing on co ncrete (except for post-
409 .3.4 If a struc ture is in a flood zone. o r is subje cted to tensioning anchorage zones ) 0.65
forces fro m atmospheric precipitations . [he flood la nds and
409.4.2.5 Post-tensioned anchorage zone s 085

National Structural Code of the Philippin es 6 Edition Volume 1
me 1
ume 1
s of tile Philippines

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