3.5 To Pathfinder Conversion - Epic Mythic Hecatoncheires

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This behemoth looks like a towering humanoid with fifty heads and twice as
many hands, each wielding a different weapon.


Mythic hecatoncheires quasi-deity
CE Colossal outsider (abomination, chaotic, evil, extraplanar, mythic)
Init +40, dual initiative; Senses darkvision, blindsight 500 ft., true seeing;
Perception +127
AC 111, touch 54, flat-footed 109 (+13 half plate armor, +2 Dex, +20
deflection, +10 divine, +20 insight, +40 natural, -8 size, +4 shield); 50%
hp 1,772 (52d10+1,252); regeneration 40 (good); fast healing 50
Fort +62, Ref +48, Will +36; mythic saves
Defensive Abilities absorb blow, block attacks, force of will, fortification,
nondetection, parry spell, unstoppable; DR 20/epic and lawful good
and cold iron; Immune death effects, disease, electricity, abomination
traits, divine immunities, immortality; Resist fire 20; SR 80
Speed 140 ft.; air walk; fly 60 ft.
Melee 100 +8 greatswords +98 melee (6d6+53 plus hundred-handed
whirlwind/17-20) or slam +87 (4d8+33 plus stun)
Ranged 100 +8 boulders +70 ranged (2d8+53/19-20)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), powerful blows
(boulder, greatsword), rock throwing (200 ft.), stunning slam (DC 66), Hundred-Handed Whirlwind (Ex) A hekatonkheires carries several dozen
summon hecatoncheires, rend (2 greatswords, 6d6+45) weapons of various types in its hundred hands, but when it attacks in
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 50th, concentration +67) melee, you don't have to resolve each of these as a separate attack.
Constant—air walk, spell turning, true seeing; Instead, when the titan attacks with its weapons, it rolls its attacks
At will—bestow curse (DC 31), break enchantment, chain lightning (DC normally (either one attack for a standard action, or multiple as a full-
33), greater dispel magic, greater magic weapon, fly, find the path, round action) and hits every creature in its reach each time an attack
sending, shield; roll exceeds that creature's AC. If any such attack roll results in a
3/day—greater scrying (DC 34), heal, mass suggestion (DC 33); possible critical hit, the critical is applied to one creature of the
1/day—dominate monster (DC 36), greater spell immunity, hekatonkheires's choosing. The hekatonkheires can choose to deal
imprisonment (DC 36), storm of vengeance (DC 36). bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as a free action on each
STATISTICS separate hit.
Str 60(70), Dex 15, Con 43(49), Int 22, Wis 19, Cha 24 Planar Leap (Su) A hekatonkheires traverses the planes by physically
Base Atk +52; CMB +100; CMD 152 smashing through planar boundaries and crashing devastatingly into
SQ hands of war, planar leap, superior multiweapon fighting the target plane itself. Once per year as a full-round action, a
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical hekatonkheires can, as part of a jump, plane shift to any other plane (as
FocusM, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, per the spell of the same name). It can only bring itself and its gear
Improved Critical (boulder), Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved when it travels in this manner. When the hekatonkheires reaches its
Initiative, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Sunder, Improved destination plane, it falls from the sky and crashes to the ground,
Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Multitasking, Multiweapon creating a devastating explosion of thunder and fire. Any creature
Fighting, Power AttackM, Vital StrikeM, Weapon FocusM (boulder), within 300 feet of the point where the hekatonkheires lands (including
Weapon FocusM (greatsword) the titan itself) takes 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 20d6
Epic Feats Epic Toughness (×2), Epic Weapon Focus (boulder), Epic points of sonic damage (Reflex DC 55 for half). The save DC is
Weapon Focus (greatsword), Multiweapon Rend, Superior InitativeB Constitution-based.
Skills Acrobatics +67 (+79 when jumping), Bluff +72, Climb +95, Craft (any) Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex) A hecatoncheires fights with a
+71, Diplomacy +69, Escape Artist +67, Intimidate +76, Knowledge greatsword or a boulder in each hand. The hecatoncheires does not
(history) +69, Knowledge (planes) +72, Perception +127, Sense Motive suffer an attack or damage penalty for attacking with one hundred
+77, Survival +69; Racial Modifiers +50 Perception weapons. However, the press of limbs prevents the creature from
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Common; telepathy 1,000 ft. making iterative attacks with any of its arms, nor can it make more than
ten attacks against a Small or smaller creature, fifteen attacks against a
Medium-size creature, or twenty attacks against a Large creature in the
Environment any
same action (it can make all its attacks against a Huge or larger creature
Organization solitary or pair
in one action).
Treasure standard (plus belt of mighty constitution +6, bracers of might,
Summon Hecatoncheires (Sp) A hecatoncheires can summon one other
cloak of resistance +5, inescapable gloves, torque of the titans,
hecatoncheires once per day, though is loath to do so because then it
ambrosia of the gods, ring of friend shield, 2-5 nectar of the gods)
will be similarly obligated to answer its sibling’s summoning. A
summoned hecatoncheires cannot use its summoning power while
Hands of War (Su) Any weapon a hekatonkheires wields gains a +3 “summoned.”
enhancement bonus while the titan holds it. A hekatonkheires's attacks Stunning Slam (Ex) As a standard action, a hekatonkheires may forgo any
are treated as epic and chaotic evil for the purposes of overcoming weapon attacks to make a single slam attack against any creature in
damage reduction. In addition, a hekatonkheires's multitude of arms reach. If it hits, the target takes damage and must succeed at a DC 66
allows it to effectively block attacks, granting it a +8 armor bonus to its Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is
AC. These enhancements stack with other bonuses. Strength-based.
Regeneration (Ex) Hecatoncheires take normal damage from good
weapons or weapons tempered with the blood of a deity.

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