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@ Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley,2012

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First published2012

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Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. lf any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers
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Workbook & Grammar Book
Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing
( Module 1 Module 5
1a p. 4 5a ....................... .... .. . p. 44
lb ....................................... . p. 5 5b ... ...... ....... .. ...................... . p. 45
le, d ....... . p. 6 5c, d.. ...... . .... .... . p. 46
le ........... .. ......................... . p. 7 5e p. 47
1f p. 8 5f p. 48
19 .......... ... ........ ..... .......... ... . p. 9 59 p. 49
lh p. 10 5h ................ . p. 50
1 i, Notions & Functions p. 11 51, Notions & Functions p. 51
Language & Grammar Review. p. 12 Language & Grammar Review .. p. 52
Reading Task p. 13 Reading Task p. 53

Module 2 Module 6
2a .. p. 14 6a p. 54
2b p. 15 6b ....... .. .. p. 55
2c, d ............... .. ...................... p. 16 6c. d .................................. . p. 56
2e p 17 6e ........... H p. 57
2f p. 18 6f p. 58
2g . H " p. 19 6g ... . .. p. 59
2h p. 20 6h p. 60
2i, Notions & Functions p. 21 6i, Notions & Functions p. 61
Language & Grammar Review. p. 22 La ng uage & Grammar Review. p. 62
Reading Task p. 23 Reading Task p. 63

( Module 3 Grammar Bank

3a p. 24 Grammar Ba nk 1 p. 64
3b .. p. 25 Grammar Bank 2 P 68
3c, d p. 26 Grammar Bank 3 ... ........... .. . p. 72
3e .. p. 27 Grammar Bank 4 ........ ........ . p. 76
31 p. 28 Grammar Bank 5 p. 80
3g p. 29 Grammar Bank 6 .. p. 84
3h p. 30 Grammar Bank Revision p. 86
3i. Notions & Functions p. 31
Language & Grammar Review. p. 32 Further Matura Practice
Reading Task p. 33 Listening Parts 1, 2, 3 p. 92
Reading Part 1 p. 93
( Module 4
Reading Part 2 . p. 94
4a p. 34
Reading Part 3 . p. 95
4b. p. 35
4c, d p. 36 Revision Modules 1·6
4e p. 37 Revision Module 1 p. 98
4f p. 38 Revision Module 2 p. 100
4g p. 39 Revision Module 3 p. 102
4h .. p. 40 Revision Module 4 p. 105
4i, Notions & Functions p. 41 Revision Module 5 p. 107
Language & Grammar Review .. p. 42 Revision Module 6 ...... ...... . p. 110
Reading Task . . p. 43
Irregular verbs

and my favourite Hil I'm Greg. My
hobby is favourite sport is

Hi! I'm Tony

and my
favourite hobby
is ......... .

Vocabulary Grammar
1 * Fill in: playing music, volleyball, painting, 4 * Fill in the gaps with: am, is or are.
photography, writing, horse riding, woodworking,
1 Rosa is Brazilian.
cycling. 2 I ............. Irish.

2 * Write the numbers in words.

They ............... from Spain.
Bob's favourite hobby ............... reading.
8 15 fifteen 5 Mario and Rosa ............... from Italy.
1 one
9 nine 16 .............. 6 We ............... from America .
2 ................
10 ten 17 seventeen 7 You ........... . Italian.
11 18 ................ 8 He ............... from Argentina .
4 four
12 ...... , ..... .... 19 nineteen 9 Kate and Bob's favourite sport ............ football.
5 five
7 seven
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
20 ................
5 * Fill in: am, is, are.
3 * Write the nationalities.
Hi! I 1) .............. Kyle and this 2) .............. my sister,
Serena. we 3) .............. from America. I 4) ............ ..
1 Enrique Iglesias is from Spain. He is Spanish . 17 years old. My favourite hobby 5) ................. reading
2 Beyonce is from the USA. She is .... " ... ...... " ...... . and I 6) .............. very good at painting. Basketball
3 Bono is from Ireland. He is ............................... , 7) .............. my favourite sport and I 8) .............. in the
4 Robbie Williams is from Great Britain. He is school basketball team. It 9) ..................... my dream to
play for my favourite basketball team, the Boston
5 Giorgio Armani is from Italy. He is ....... ...... ...... . celtics. Serena 10) .................. 15 and her favourite
6 Pele is from Brazil. He is .................................... hobby 11) ................. playing music. she 12) .............. very
7 Anna Kournikova is from Russia. She is good and it 13) .............. her dream to become a
8 Carlos Tevez is from Argentina. He is .......................... '.
famous singer, like Shakira or Beyonce. Serena and
9 Salma Hayek is from Mexico. She is ", ......... " ... .
114) ................. very good at sport.
Vocabulary 4 * Fill in the gaps with the correct
pronouns/possessive adjectives.
1 * Match the
words to the 1 Kathy is from America ................ is twenty·one
pictures. years old ................ is a dancer.
2 ... are Mexican. Our country is beautiful.
3 ............... name is Paul. My brother's name is
A Michael. .......... .. ... are vets.
4 My brother is twenty years old ............... name
is Sam.
S Ben and Kerry are students. """'" .. ... favourite
film is The Godfather.
6 .............. am from Puebla ............... is a great
7 She is an actress ..... ........... job is great.
8 I am Billy and ............... is John ............... are
fire fighters .
[ill waiter
[ID judge
Reading & Writing
5 a) * Read and
underline the
[ill nurse correct word.
[IT] fire fighter
Hi! I 1) 'ml's Ken. I'm
Grammar nineteen years old
2 * Circle the correct item, a/an . and I'm from
2) Spain/Spanish . I'm
1 My mum is a / an nurse.
3) a/an actor. 4) My/I
2 Brad Pitt is a / an actor.
love painting, too. My
3 Robert's father is a / an electrician .
favourite artist
4 Ann's a / an secretary.
5) is/are Claude Monet. He's from France.
S He's a / an la wyer.
6) He/His paintings 7) is/are so colourful. They
6 She's a / an artist.
8) is/are full of bright flowers. My favourite one is
7 Mrs Harris is a / an vet.
9) alan painting called Water Lilies . It 10) is/are a
8 He's a / an teacher.
scene from 11) he/his garden. Monet is 12) alan

3 * Fill in: is, are, 'm not, isn 't or aren't.

great artist!

................... she a doctor? Yes, she ................. . b) * Answer the questions .

2 I ........ .. ......... an actress. I am a lawyer.
1 How old is Ken? .............................................. ..
3 ............. they from Mexico? Yes, they .............. .
2 What nationality is he? ................................... ..
4 They ................... twenty. They are twenty·two.
3 Who's Claude Monet? .............. .. ........ .... ......... ..
S Mark is a farmer. He ........ .. .. ................ a waiter.
4 Which is Ken's favourite painting? ...... ............ .
6 We are Spanish . We .................. ..... ........ Italian.
7 I am from Portugal. I ............................ Spanish. 6 ** Write a short text about yourself like
8 ..................... he a pilot? No, he ...................... . the one in Ex. Sa. Write your name, age,
9 ...... .............. you a teacher? No, I ........ ............ . nationality, job, favourite artist and favourite
10 .................. he from Spain? Yes, he .......... ....... . painting.
Vocabulary Everyday English
1 * Fill in: symbol, nation, stripes, states, public 4 * Choose the correct response.
institutions, important.

A 1 A:
Hello Sarah! How's everything?
a Not bad. b See you later.
2 A: This is my friend, Laura .
B: a Nice to meet you. b Take care.
3 A: Jane's a new student in our class .
B: a I'm OK. b Great .
4 A: How are you, Bob?
B: a So-so . b Me too.
5 A: Sorry, but I have a lesson now. See you later.
B: a See you. b You too .

1 Californ ia is one of 50 ........ ........ ........ .... ..

in the USA. Its capital city is Sacramento.
1 A: Hi Richard . How's it going?
2 The US flag has got red and white ........... .... ... .
3 The USA is a great .................................... with
8 B: a I'm fine, and you? b Me too.
2 A: I can't come to the party.
a population of about 300 million people.
B: a Great. b Oh, why?
4 A flag is a ..................................... of a country.
3 A: I'm tired .
5 Independence Day is a(n) ........................... day
B: a Not bad . b Oh, OK.
for all Americans.
4 A: See you tomorrow.
6 You can see the US flag on all .................. ...... .
B: a Goodbye. b I'm OK.

2 * Write the correct month .

1 .......... ................ is the third month of the year.

2 The ninth month of the year is ....................... .
1 A: Hello! I'm Tina.
3 In the USA, New Year's Day is in ...... ............... .
4 The fourth month of the year is ..................... .
C B: a What's your name?
b Hi Tina, I'm Maria.
5 Every four years ................................... has got
2 A: Nice to meet you.
29 days.
B: a Nice to meet you, too.
6 .......................... ...... has only got three letters.
b Me too.
3 A: How's it going?
3 * Write the numbers as words . B: a What about you? b Great, and you?
4 A: See you later.
1st 11th
B: a Great. b Take care.
2nd 12th
3rd 13th
15th 5 ** Write one of the dialogues below.

6th 16th 1 You see your friend at the cinema. Greet him/ her.
7th 17th 2 You are at your friend's house. It's time to go
8th 18th home. Say goodbye to your friend .
9th 19th 3 You meet a new person at your tennis club.
10th 20th Introduce yourself and your friend to him.

Vocabulary 3 * Circle the odd one out.
1 * label the picture with the correct word. 1 chubby - well-built - middle-aged - fat
2 lips - mouth - leg - teeth
3 full - wavy - curly - straight
4 short - slim - tall - of mediu m height

4 * Read the text and mark the sentences
6 ..... ....... . T (true), or F (false).

•--( 8 .... .........)

9 m.. ... ... .. o ............ .

2 a) * Choose the correct words.

A She's 1) thin/well-built and
The Kombai are a tribe in Papua New Guinea.
2) old/young with 3) short/
They have got treehouses high up off the
long, 4) straight/curly hair
and 5) full/thin lips. ground.The Kombai are hunters. They
have got dark skin and dark hair.
The men are short and well-built. All the
B He's 1) middle-aged/young men have got short, curly hair and
and 2) chubby/slim with moustaches. Many of the men have got
3) short/long, 4) wavy/ thorn through their nose. The chief of
straight, 5) black/fair hair the tribe has got many dogs' teeth that
and blue eyes.
are around his neck. He is very strong.
Kombai women have got short, dark
He's 1) in his late twenties/old hair. Some have got a bone through
and 2) well-built/fat with their nose. They have also got dogs'
3) straight/wavy, 4) brown/ teeth around their necks.
grey hair and a 5) beard/
moustache. 1 The Kombai are hunters.
2 The men are very tall.
b) ** Describe the people in the 3 Some men have got short hair.
pictures in your notebook. 4 The chief has got a necklace. .
5 Kombai women have got long, dark hair.
6 Kombai women have got dogs' teeth
through their noses.

** Complete the sentences.

1 The Kombai have got houses .......... ........ ........... .
Their skin is ................ ........ .. .... .. ...... ....... .... ... . .
Their hair is .. .. .......................... ................ .... .. . .
Kombai women have got .... ..... ........ .............. .
1 * Write the sports. ti~~~~= r--:I;;;;~

Grammar 4 A: Who is ......... ... (fast) man on earth.

B: Usian Bolt. He has got the world record in
2 * Put the adjectives in brackets into the the 100m.
comparative or superlative.
S A: Is Andy in the volleyball team?
1 Harry is ........................................................... .. B: Yes, he is one of ................................ ........ .
(young) footballer in our t eam. (good) players.
2 The Tour de France is one of ............................ . 6 A: Are you good at PE ?
(long) cycling races in the world. B: No, I'm ..... ... .................. (bad) in my class.
3 I am a .................................................. (strong)
7 A: Is football ........................ ... ........ (popular)
swimmer t han my brother.
than cricket in the UK?
4 Hockey is .......................................... (exciting)
B: Yes, it is.
than golf.
8 A: Is Tracy .. ........ ......... ....... ........ .... (good) at
S A cricket ball is ............... ....................... (small)
tennis than Michelle?
than a football.
B: Yes! And she is also t wo years ...... .. ........... .
6 I have got a medal for ......... ... ...... ........... ..... .... .
.............. ..... ...... ............... (young) than her.
(high) pole vau lt in the school.
7 Paul is ............................................. (fast) than 9 A: Jonathan is very good at cycling.
me at cycli ng . B: I know, he has got .................................... ..
8 Tracy has got ................................................... .. (many) meda ls in t he team.
(many) swimming medals than Tim . 10 A: Who's Michael Phelps ?
9 Surfing is a .. ............. ... .............. ..... ............... ... . B: He is one of ................................ (famous)
(dangerous) sport than tennis. swimmers of all time.
10 Michae l Jord an is one of .................................. .
(successful) athletes in the wo rld . Listening
4 ** 0 listen and match the speakers to
3 * Put the adjectives in brackets in the the statements. Jhere is one extra
correct comparative or superlative form . statement that doesn't match .
A I'm good at two sports.
1 A: Who is your favourite footballer?
Speaker 1 B I'm better tha n my friend at a
B: Lionel Messi. He 's ................. .
Speaker 2 sport.
(great) player in the world.
( My favourite sport is tenn is .
2 A: Is Gordon ........ ............ ............ ......... (tall) Speaker 3
D My brother is better than me at
basketball player in the team? Speaker 4
a sport.
B: No, Paul is .......................... (tall) than him. Speaker 5
E My dream is to become
3 A: (aria isn 't a very fast swi mmer. a famous swimmer.
B: I know, she's ................... ........... ...... (slow) F I'm the youngest in my sports
in the clas s. team.
1 * Write what Peter can /can't do.

1 .••....•............•............ (,x) Grammar

2 ....... ...................................... W)
3 .•.......... ................ (,x) 3 ** Fill in: who, what, where, how old, which. Answer the
4 ..... .. (,x) questions.
5 ...................................... (.f)
Name: Carla Delgado
6 .............................•....... (.f)
Address: 115 Carnpos Eliseos ,
7 ....... .... ... (,x)
8 .....•....... .......... (,x) Mexico City, Mexico
9 .................................... ...... (.f) Age: 17
School: Greengates High School

2 * Complete the questions to

subject/s : Maths , Science
Favourite sport/s : Cycling
the answers below.

A: ............................ . is your 1 ............ .. ..... ... ... ........... .. ... . 4 ........................ .

name? is her name? nationality is she?
B: My name is Stephan.

2 A: ............................... . is Adam 2 ................................... ...... .

5 .............................. are her
from? is she from?
favourite subjects?
B: He's from Texas, America.
3 ............................ ........ .
3 A: .......................... ...... is she? is she? 6 ..................................... is
B: She is Sharon. her favourite sport?
4 A: ...................... is he?
B: He is 14.

5 A: ..................... ........ .. . is your

4 * Write two things you can and two things you can't do.

favo urite sport?

B: My favourite sport is
6 A: ............ .. ........... .. .•.. are you?
B: I'm 15 years old.
5 * () listen to two students talking. Then mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false).
7 A: .............................. is Robbie?
1 Paula is new at school.
B: Robbie is at school.
2 Paula is Martin 's friend.
8 A: ................ ............ .. is his 3 She's from Ireland.
favourite subject: Music or Art? 4 She 's 15 years old.
B: Music. 5 Her house is near Martin's house.
Writing (an email giving personal 3 * Read the rubric and answer the questions.
information) ---------------------~I
1 * Read the email. Put the paragraphs A-O
Write an email to your Engl ish pen friend
about your best friend .
in the correct order. I
I Say what yo ur best friend is like. I
I Mention their favourite school subject. I
I Say what sport they are interested in. I
I Ask your pen friend who his/her best friend is. I

1 How old is he/s he?

2 Where is he/she from?

[!IJ My best friend is Sandra. She is seventeen. 3 What is the name of his/her school?
We are in the same class at school. Her
favourite subjects are French and History.
4 What are hi s/ her favourite subjects?
[[]:=J I'm a student at Westwood High School. My
favourite school subjects ore Moths and
Spanish. I'm good at sports. too. I can play
5 What are his/her fa vourite sports?
ice hockey and basketball very well. My
favourite basketball player is LeBron James.
He's great! My favourite singer is Beyonce
and my favourite actor is Brad Pitt. He's just 6 Who is hi s/her fa vo urite sports star?

[IIJ What about you? Where ore you from? 7 Who's his/her favourite singer?
Which ore your favourite school subjects
and sports? Please write soon.
Maggie Costanza
8 Who's hi s/her favo urite actor/actress?
[QIJ Hi! My name is Maggie and I'm seventeen.
I'm from New York City. USA. If's 0 great
place. There is lots to see and do here. 9 What is his/her favourite hobby?

2 * Capitalise the sentences.

1 his favourite football player is ja vier hernandez.

4 ** Use the rubric and the answers in
Ex. 3 to write an email to your English pen
2 matt is from sydney, australia .
friend about your best friend (40-50 words).

3 kate's favourite day is wednesday.

• ............... . .. ..... ...... " .. ... .. ... ! " , •••••••• .. ..... . .. . . . . . ..

4 jim is english but i am scottish .

5 my favourite month is jul y.

1 * Complete the Notions & Functions
crossword with
the cities . Where Choose the correct response .
is the landmark in 1 A: How old are you?
the photograph? . B: a Fi fteen . b Fifteenth.

2 A: Where are you from?

B: a Mexico. b Mexican .

3 A: Who 's he?

B: a He's tall. b Peter.

4 A: What's this ?
B: a Computer Science.
b A ball.

5 A: What's her name ?

B: a Stella. b France .

6 A: How are yo u?
B: a Not bad. b See you later.

7 A: Have a nice even ing.

B: a So-so. b You too . Bye.

S A: This is Lucy.
B: a Pleased to meet you .
1 K __ _ ___ is in Malaysi a.
b I'm fine.
3 T ______ is in Canad a.
4 P ___ is in Ital y. 9 A: See you .
6 S ___ _ ___ is in Chili. B: a Not bad. b Take care.
7 D is in the United Arab Em irates . 10 A: How's it going ?
9 G ___ is in Egypt. B: a See you later. b Fine, thanks.
10 B ______ is in Thai land.
11 A: What's your favourite subject?
Down B: a Cycling. b History.
2 W _______ _ _ D.e. is in the USA.
3 T ___ _ __ is in Libya. 12 A: Is he from Spain?
B: a No, he hasn '\. b Yes, he is.
5 A is in Indi a.
6 S _____ is in Austral ia.
S B ___ _ __ is in China .

2 *0 listen and circle the correct response .

1 a Seventeen . b Seventeenth.
2 a Ital ian . b Ital y.
3 a Yes, he is. b No, they aren '\.
4 a Volleyball. b Reading.
5 a She 's Lau ra. b It's her book.
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.

1 A: Are you sixteen years old? 16 LUcy is ...... student in our class.
B: Yes, I . A better B good C the best
A are B is C am
17 Her earrings are very .... .. .
2 My favourite sports ..... football and basketball. A chubby B medium C heavy
A is Bare C am
18 My ...... is to become a doctor.
3 Tom is fifteen ....... mother is a nurse. A subject B dream C wealth
A Its B He C His
19 Our basketba ll ...... is very good.
4 A: How are you? A group B team C tribe
B: A Not bad. B See you later. C Goodbye.
20 Juan is a ...... student in our class.
5 A: Have a good day. A new B medium C full
B: A Not bad. B Hello. C You too.
21 A flag is a special ...... for a country.
6 A: This is Kate. A sign B display C symbol
B: A Pleased to meet you.
22 Our dog is ill. Let's take him to the ...... .
B Take care.
A pilot B vet C waiter
C What's his name?
23 Emma is of ..... height.
7 They are Canadian. They ..... American.
A medium B ta ll C short
A am not B isn't C aren't
24 I can't ...... a bike.
8 Kenny is ...... astronaut.
A ride B drive C run
A a B an C -
25 Patrick is ...... than Paul.
9 Who is ...... favourite singer?
A the oldest Bold C older
A you B you're C your
26 He's got a beard and a ...... .
10 ...... name is Ricky. I'm 12 years old.
A skin B moustache Clip
A My B I C Its
27 Henry and lan love basketball. ...... favourite
11 He's a ...... author from Mexico.
player is Dwayne Wade.
A famous B common C regular
A Their B They C We
12 ...... favourite singer is Beyonce.
28 Her hair is
A She B Her C Its
A slim B wavy C full
13 He's short and ...... .
29 The Maasai are a ...... in Africa.
A curly B medium C chubby
A sign B tribe C team
14 Pygmies have got short ...... .
30 This is ..... sister, Paula.
A eyes B legs Clips
A she B I C my
15 When is the flag on ...... ?
A state B display C institution

ReQding TQsk (True-Fa/se)
Read the text and mark the sentences 1-10 T (true) or F (false).


My family is very special to me. My dad's from Spain . His name's Juan and he's 40 years
old. He's an actor. You can see him on TV. He's very tall and he's got brown eyes and
black hair. He's famous for his beautiful smile.
My mum is younger than my dad and she isn't Spanish, she's American. Her name's
Angelica. She's a vet and she's shorter than my dad. She's slim and has got long, straight,
fair hair and blue eyes. She's very pretty.
I've also got an older brother. His name's Marcos. He's short and well-built. He's a student.
His favourite sports are hockey and basketball. He can run very fast and jump really high.
His favourite hobby is listening to music. He can play the guitar, but he can 't sing very well.
He is eighteen years old and he can drive a car.
My sister Tanya is the youngest in our family. She's only four years old. She's very cute.
She's got a dog, Rex .
My name's Leo and I'm 15 years old and
1 Juan's family is very important to him.
, ......
I'm a student. I'm of medium height. I've got
big, brown eyes and short fair hair. My 2 Juan's father is Spanish .
favourite sports are football and swimming. 3 Juan can act.
My favourite hobby is painting. I can also 4 Angelica is taller than Juan .
S Angelica has got short hair.
, ......
draw very well. My dream is to become an
architect one day. 6 Marcos is a good singer.
7 Leo is older than Tanya .
" .....
8 Leo is very tall.
9 Leo can't swim
10 Leo can paint.


Vocabulary 4 * Fill in: some or any.
1 * Fill in the gaps with the correct word: A: Are there .............. towels in the bathroom?
kitchen, dining room, living room, both room, s: No, but there are ............ .. in the wardrobe.
bedroom. 2 A: There are ......... .. .......... paintings in the
living room.
1 We have a small bath and a toilet in the
S: Yes, but there aren't ....................... in the
2 The ................. ........................ has got a fridge
3 A: There aren't ........ ...... flowers in the living
and a sink.
3 There is a huge sofa with big cushions in the
S: No, and there aren't ...................... in the
bedroom, either.
4 The ................... has got a big table and chairs.
4 A: There are .............. cupboards in the kitchen.
S My wardrobe and all my clothes are in my
S: Yes, and there are ...... ..... ... chairs there too.
S A: There aren't ............. cushions on the sofa.
Grammar S: No, but there are .............. on the armchairs.
6 A: There are .............. books on the table.
2 * Look at the picture and fill in is, are, isn't S: That's because there aren't .. .. .
or aren't. bookcases.

5 * Read the text and fill in

1 There ........................ a sofa in the living room. . hits of small

It has got three floors Wit 0
2 There ........................ any posters on the walls.
3 There ... ................... ... a wardrobe in the room.
1) ~ IQ fll t. w ...... ·· . There are 2)
4 There ......... .. ......... some cushions on the sofa.
S There ..................... a coffee table in the room . ~ f t aoor In the living room ,
.. up to the ron .
6 There .................. some armchairs in the room. s ... ····· ..... ..
7 There .............. ... .............. a mirror on the wall. on the wailS .
m.. ··· .. ...... .
there are 3)
Fill in Is there or Are there. Then, answer on the floor.
the questions.
There is a 4) ~ c .. ····· ..... ... .
Is there a chair in the room? Yes, there is . \ . - - - -.- bi It has got 3 bearoo
ip House IS very g.
2 .... ...... . three armchairs in the room? ..... .... .. . The Spaces h
h ot a Romar
3 .... ....... a carpet on the floor? ........... . One of the bathrooms as g
4 .......... .. any flowers on the table? ......... .. . and 2 bathrooms.

S ... ........ any magazines on the floor? .. ... ...... . . There is a great
b.. · ........ .
6 ......... .. a desk next to an armchair? .. ......... . style 5)
7 ........... any books on the sofa? ........... . l&I'--- ta-ins from this very special house.
8 .... .. ..... a window next to the table? ........ ... . view of the moun
Vocabulary 4 Complete the text with the correct

1 * neighbourhood, tins, space, dirty,

Fill in:
prepositions .

disposable, station.
Astronauts tra vel to ................. .......... .. ........ .
2 Her house is in a quiet ................. ..... .... ....... ..
3 There are a lot of ..... , ......................... dishes in
the kitchen sink.
4 Astronauts ha ve got .. .. ...... .. .... .. ... ...... clothes.
They ca n throw them away after wearing them .
5 There is a space ................... ... ......... . in space.
6 Astronauts' food is in ...... .. ............................. .

This is Vanessa's bedroom .
2 * Write the plural forms. There's a chair 1) .... . .................. the desk
and there's a computer 2) .... . ........... the
1 computer - ............................ .. .. .......... ... desk. The window is 3) ............. .......... .... the
2 tin - ...... .................. ....... ..... .......... . desk. There is a bookcase 4) ......................... .
3 lea f - .................................................. ..... . the desk and the wardrobe. 5) .................... ...... .
4 pipe - ..... .... ..................................... ..... ... the desk, there's a bed. There's a carpet
5 roof - .................................................... .. 6) ........................... the chair and the desk.
6 box - .......................................................
7 knife - ......................................... .. ....... ..
plant - .......... .... ...... ...... ................... ........ .
foot - .. ........ ......... ..... ....... .............. ......... .
5 * look at the
picture and
10 man - ....... ...................... ................. ........ . make
11 toy - ............. ..... ...... ................... ........... . sentences
12 brush - ....... ......... ..... .... .......................... . using

3 * Fill in: this, these, that or those.

of place, as in
the example .
1 .......... ... ...... . is a cushion. 1 books/bookcase There are books in the bookcase.
2 cushions/sofa ................................................... .

2 .................... is a chair. roF

3 carpet/ floor ..................................................... .

3 .. .. .. ........ ..... . are towels . roF 4 bookcase/window/so fa ...................... ........ .. .. .

5 flowers/vase .................................................. ..
4 ... ..... ....... .... are bowls .

5 ........ ......... ... are dishes. roF

6 ** Write a short text describing your
living room. You can use the ideas in
6 .. .... .. ... .. ... .. .. is a frying pan . Exs.4 & 5 and your own ideas.

My living room is ...

- -~.


Vocabulary ayEng·
1 a) * Match the words to make phrases. Choose the correct response .

1 A: Can I help you?

[IT] take A agent
B: a Yes, please.
[IT] horse B American independence
b It's expensive.
[IT] skating C rent
2 A: What's the address?
[IT] symbol of D photographs
B: a Third floor.
[IT] flat for E rink
b 120 Milton Road.
[ID on the first F riding
3 A: How much is it?
[IT] get G wet
B: a It's £120,000.
[IT] estate H floor
b It's number 12 .
4 A: Can I see it?
b) If Then use the phrases to complete
B: a Of course.
the sentences .
b It's blue.
1 You can go .......................... through the pa rk. S A: How many rooms has it got?
2 The Statue of Liberty is a(n) ..... ........ ... . B: a 6.
b 3 o'clock.
3 Get your camera and ...................... ................ .. 6 A: Is tomorrow at 4 o'clock OK?
of the animals in the zoo . B: a That's right.
4 Is there a(n) ...... ............................ in this area? b Yes. That's great.
S There is a cinema and a(n) ............................... . 7 A: OK . See you then .
in the city centre. B: a Not bad.
6 Her flat is ............ ..... .............. ...... ........ .......... . b Bye .
7 You can ........................................................... .
during the boat tour, but it 's fun.
S The ....................... ........................ has got two
houses to show us.
4 ** Write a new dialogue using the
information below. Use the exchanges in
Ex. 3 as a model.
Listening • 6 Cranfield Court • £93,000 • 2 bedrooms
2 *0 Listen and complete the gaps. • 1 bathroom • Wednesday 3 o'clock

1) ........................... . h
kltc en,
a 2) ...... .............. .. .
a 3) ..................... . living room,
a di~ing room, a garden w ith great
4) ... .. ...... ..... ........... , a perfect
5) ·· ·.. · · · ..

contact: 6) ........ ......... ........ .

Tel : 0131 258630
Vocabulary Reading
1 * Do the crossword. 3 * Read and mark the sentences T (true) or
F (false).
,,- 2

4 -

- - ,
-- 2
-- c- c-

I' I ----- -

, . - -
r' I 11 Imagine living on a boat on the water. Out

-- =

of one window, there is a view of the sea.
Out of the other, there is a view of
skyscrapers. This is Van's house in
Aberdeen Harbour, Hong Kong.
This incredible neighbourhood has about
600 boats and around 6,000 people. The
people here are fishermen and their way of
life is very simple.
With all these boats, the area is like a
traditional fishing vi llage. Every day, there
are many tourists at Aberdeen Harbour.
They often have boat rides to see this
amazing way of life. There is even a three-
storey boat that is a restaurant. Try the fish
- it's really fresh!

1 Van's house is in a skyscraper.

2 It's got a great view of the city.

2 * Choose the correct preposition. 3 There are very few people living on the
1 There are often lots of boats on/in the lake.
4 Visitors can have lunch on a boat.
2 The islands are home of/to the Uros people .
3 Life in/on the islands is very quiet.
4 The lake is popular with/of tourists. 4 ** Read and complete the sentences .
5 The hotel has got a great view of/from the 1 The boats have views of .................................. .
2 There are around 6,000 people on ............. ..... .
6 Lake Titicaca is 12,500 feet over/above sea 3 Their lives are ................................................. .
4 There are boat rides for. .. ... ........... .. ........ ........ .
7 The Uros wom en are in/at home all day. 5 The restaurant is a.. ............ .... ........ ................. .
Vocabulary 3 * Choose the correct preposition.

1 a) * Write the shops .

You can buy bread at the

2 You can buy meat at the

3 You can buy pasta at the

4 You can buy flowers at the

5 You can buy medicine at the

6 You can buy a dictionary at the

7 You can buy a cat at the

8 You ca n buy a jacket at th e

b) * Which of the shops in

Ex. 1a are there in your
neighbourhood? Which

In my neighbourhood, there .................... .

....................... There aren't ....................... .

4 * Fill in a/an, the or -.

2 * Use the verbs to write

1 A: Excuse me, is there ...... chemist 's in ...... neighbourhood?
B: Yes, ... ... chemist's is across ..... . street.
what the signs below mean .
2 A: Where can I buy ...... umbrella?
• turn right • park • smoke B: At ...... supermarket around ...... corner.
• turn left
3 A: Can you go to ...... baker's down ...... road?
B: Sure, right away.
4 A: Are ...... those ...... your books?
B: Yes, they are from ...... bookshop in ...... London.
2 5 A: Where is ...... Paul?
B: He 's at ...... butcher's.
6 A: Are there nice clothes shops in ...... Pa ris?
B: Yes, they are some of the best in ...... Europe.
7 A: Is ...... this ...... your jacket?
B: No, it's ..... red one over there.
S A: Oh! Loo k at ...... that dog in ... ... pet shop!
B: Aw! It's very cute!
Vocabulary Everyday English
1 * Complete the crossword. Which one can 2 * Complete the dialogue.
you see in the picture?
• turn right • wa lk past • you're we lcome
• next to the baker's on your left
• do you know where the post office is
• go dow n

Billy: Excuse me, 1) .............................. ?

Jessica: Yes. It's in Mills Street. 2) .............. ...... ..
here and 3) ................... ....... Dame Street.
4) .. .... .... .. ....... the supermarket and turn
left. The post office is 5) .... .. .. ................ .
Billy: Thanks!
Jessica: 6) ............. ...................... .

1 2
3 ** Give directions to your friend to come
from your school to your house.
,,- I-
[' [ I I I-
I- I- Listening
, I I I I I 4 *0 listen to dialogues A-D. Which
picture does each match?
'- I- '- I-
I' I I I I I-
~ I-
1 ............................. . 2


You can watch film s there.

4 There are teachers and students there .
6 You can buy fresh bread there.
7 You can eat burgers and chips at a ...... restaurant.
8 . You can buy animals there.
5 ** Write short exchanges to match the
pictures below.


2 You can go there to send emails.

3 You can buy T-shirts there .
5 You can drink hot and cold drinks there.
6 You can buy books there .
Writing (An emQiI to Qfriend) Word orde

1 * Read the email. Put the paragraphs 3 * Put the words in the correct order.
A-C in the correct order. 1 got/huge/a/garden/has/it

2 big/bedroom/is/my

3 g reat/from / is/ balcony/view/the/there/a

4 in/ neighbourhood/ it's/quiet/a

5 next/ big/ my/ is/ a/to/flat/park

6 there/sma II/the/a/bookcase/is/study/in
[K[J Come and visit next weekend. Take the
number 52 bus. Get olf at Bailey Street.
Opposite the bus stop is 0 pet shop. My
house is next to the pet shop on the fifth
4 * Answer the questions.

floor. 1 Where's your house?


2 How many rooms are there?

[!IJ Hi Ken.
How are you? My new flat is great! I om very
excited about it. I can 't wait to tell you 3 What is there in your room?
about it.
4 What's the best thing about your house?
[ID It's in 0 modern building in the city centre.
The flat Is not very big. It has got one big
living room, 0 bedroom, a small kitchen and 5 What shops are/aren't there in your
o bathroom. The best thing about it is the neighbourhood?
balcony. I've got a great view of the city.

5 ** Read the rubric and use your answers in

Ex. 4 and the plan below to write a short
2 *Complete the sentences with the correct
- - -,.
I Write a short paragraph describing your
1 How are you I house and neighbourhood (40-50 words).

• Describe where you live.

2 The bank is next to the sports centre • Write how many rooms there are in your
3 In my bedroom there is a bed a wardrobe a • Describe your room and what's inside it.
desk for my computer and a bookcase I · Write what the best thing about your house is.
I · Write about the shops in your neighbourhood .

4 My favourite room is the kitchen My house is .......................................................................... ,
There are ............................................................................. ,
5 What is opposite the bakery In my room there is ............................................................. .
The best thing ..................................................................... .
6 My room is great In my neighbourhood there is ............................................ .
but there isn't ..................................................................... .
1 What is each Notions & Functions
tower made of:
glass, steel, wood, Choose the correct response.

brick? 1 A: How can I help you?

Thisisas tower. B: a Yes, of course.
b I want to rent a flat.

2 A: Is 4 o'clock this afternoon OK?

B: a That's right.
b Yes, that's great.

3 A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the library

B: a It's in Merton Street.
b Next to the desk.

4 A: Is there a toaster in the kitchen?

B: a No, it isn't.
b Yes, there is .

5 A: Which floor is it on 7
B: a It's got five floors.
b It's on the fifth floor.

6 A: How many bedrooms has it got?

B: a It's a two-bedroom flat.
b It's a small flat with a balcony.

7 A: Can I see the flat?

2 * Read the text and fill in the gaps with: B: a Yes, of course.
steel, tap, view, restaurant, sight, glass . b That's OK.

8 A: What's that?
B: a It's an iron.
The CN is a 1) ......... ............ tower in b It's on the desk.
Ontario, Canada. It is 553m tall. From
9 A: Can you spell it?
the 2) ................................ , you have
B: a Yes, sure.
a fantastic 3) .................... ... through
b Yes, that's perfect.
a 4) ........................ floor. There is also
a 5) ........... ............... with great food. 10 A: The park is opposite the school.
It's a wonderful 6) ......................... . B: a Thank you.
b You're welcome.

11 A: What's your address, please 7

B: a 20 Milton Street.
b M - I - L - T - 0 - N.

12 A: How much is it?

B: a It's 212 Apple Street.
bit's £2,000 per month .
Language & Grammar Review
(hoose the correct answer.

1 A: Is tomorrow at seven OK? 19 He's a(n) ...... agent.

B: A No, there isn't. B Yes, that's great. A riding B estate ( skating
( No, why? 20 ...... wardrobe in my room is white.
2 The ...... of Liberty is on Liberty Island . A A B - ( The
A Lake B Statue (Rink 21 A: Can I see the house tomorrow?
3 There 's a ...... on the floor. B: A Yes, of course. B You're welcome.
A grass B carpet ( garden ( How is it?
4 Is ...... your pencil? 22 Look up in the sky; is ...... a plane?
A this B these ( the A this B these (that
5 We have got paintings ...... the wall. 23 The house is in the ...... of a spaceship.
A in B under (on A place B shape (level
6 Th ey've got two ........ 24 A: What are those?
A child ren B child ( childrens B: A They're cushions B On the balcony.
7 Are there ...... cushions on your sofa? ( That's on the table.
A some B the ( any 25 I've got a great ... ... from my window.
8 There's a house for .. .... in the area. A view B sight (park
A advert B rent ( address 26 Walk ...... the bridge and turn left.
9 There are three ...... in the kitchen, so it's very bright. A under B in ( between
A plants B stairs ( wi ndows 27 A: What's your address, please?
10 Her house is in a ...... neighbourhood. B: A 52 Henry Street. B No, it isn 't.
A different B floating (quiet ( It's €400 per month.

11 Are there any astronauts in the space ...... ? 28 The island is ...... with tourists .
A station B house (machine A popular B surprising ( unique

12 The books are ...... the bookcase. 29 They've got ...... to go fishing.
A in B under (between A dishes B huts ( boats

13 How many ...... are there in your house? 30 (ome to ...... this unique way of life.
A rinks Brides ( floors A experience B li ve ( visit

14 Where's the ...... cleaner? 31 There's an island on the .......

A iron B washing ( va cuum A waterfall B mountain ( lake

15 There are ...... in the kitchen. 32 There are a lot of trees in the .......
A wardrobes B cupboards ( baths A forest B river ( cliff

16 A: Is there a sofa in the living room? 33 Return the book to the ...... .
B: A No, thank you. B Yes, there is. ( Yes, it is. A library B ch emist's ( post office

17 Don 't miss the ...... to take great photographs. 34 You can buy bread at the .......
A chance B path ( ride A butcher's B baker's ( chemist's

18 The re aren't ...... shops near our house. 35 The forest is ...... to some tribes.
A some B the ( any A home B flat ( house

Reading Task (matching headings to paragraphs)
Read the information about a house in India. Match the headings (A-H) with their correct
paragraphs (1-7). One heading does not match.
Is it a dream home? Well it's definitely expensivel Antilia is a house
in South Mumbai, India and it's currently the most expensive home
in the world. It's worth over a billion US dollars. Lets take a look .... E A GOOD TIME FOR EVERYONE
CID Antilia is on the 10th most expensive street in the world. It's
174 metres tall and has got 27 floors. Each floor is completely
different. It's more of a skyscraper than a house. H A QUIET HOME

[I[] Antilia is the new home of business man Mukesh Ambani , his
wife and three children. Mukesh Ambani is the richest man in India.
There are three helipads on the top of the building for Mr. Ambani's helicopters.
There are also six floors that can fit 168 cars!
[I[J Then there are the family's floors. These are on the top four floors of the
building. Each member of the family has got their own bedroom ,
living room and bathroom.
[I[J The home has got a health club , with swimming pools and
yoga rooms. The family can exercise in the gym or dance
in the dance studios. They can also relax in a hot spa bath.

[ill In the evening, they can enjoy a film in the home cinema.
Fifty people can watch a film in the cinema. There is also
a ballroom where the family and guests can have dinner
and parties.
[iD Another special room in the home is the ice
room. Here the Ambani family can cool off from
the hot Indian weather. This amazing room can
even make snow!

LzIJ Finally, Antilia has got beautiful

gardens on the outside of the
building and green rooms , with
many different flowers and plants.
From the top floors you can see
the Mumbai city skyline and the
Arabian Sea.
Vocabulary 3 * Fill in: milks, routine, poisonous, bite, venom.

1 * Match the verbs to the nouns. 1 There are a lot of ................ snakes in the USA.
2 Ant iven in is a med icine that comes fro m snake
[IT] play A t he Net
[IT] send B board games 3 Each year, poisonous snakes .. .. .. .................... .. .
[IT] listen t o C muSIC 8,000 people in the USA.
[IT] surf D t ext messages 4 Every day, Bill ............................. t he snakes to
[IT] hang out E w it h friends col lect t heir venom.
5 Walking to school is pa rt of my dai ly .....

2 * Fill in: play (x2), have (x3), go, get up,

walk (x3), watch in the correct form. Grammar
4 * Put the verbs in brackets in t o t he presen t
Tom 1) .......... .. " .. .. . early in the morning.

He 2) ........ ...... .... .. .. breakfast and t hen

he 3) .. .. .. .... "" .. ..... to schoo l. At schoo l,

he 4)

Chege 1) ............... .. (be) fourteen years old. He

Afte r school , he 5) ...... .. ............. football 2) ................. (live) in a small village in Kenya. He
3) .. .......... ..... (have) three younger sisters. Every
weekday, Chege 4) ................. (get up) early, at 4:30
in the morning. He 5) ................. (cook) breakfast for
w ith his fr iends . Then, he 6)
his family and they 6) ................. (eat) together. At
6:00, Chege 7) ................. (leave) his house for
school. Chege 8) ................. (walk) seven kilometres
home and 7) .. .. .............. .. dinner. After
to the bus stop. He 9) ................. (catch) the school
bus at 7:30 . Chege 10) .... ............. (get) to school at
9:30. At school, Chege 11) ................. (study) English,
dinner, he 8) .. .. .... ... his dog French, Maths, and Science. He 12) ................ .
(share) his class books with three other students. School
13) .......... .. ..... (finish) at 4:00. Afterwards, Chege
and the n he 9) .... ...... ...... .... co mputer and his friends 14) ................ . (play) football. At
5:00, Chege 15) .......... .... ... (say) goodbye to his
friends and 16) ........ .. ....... (take) the bus back to his
village. He 17) ........ .. ...... . (return) home at 8:30.
games. After that, he 10)
There 's just time to have dinner and do homework,
before he 18) .......... .. ..... (go) to bed. It's a very long
day for Chege but he 19) ................. (like) going to
TV before he 11) ~>41 ~ ..................... to bed. school.

Vocabulary 3 * Fill i n: at, in, on .

1 * Fill in : catch , office, outdoors , wildlife , dawn,

... Saturdays. I get up early
shifts, keep, tiring , nature . 1) .
and have a shower. Then. I go to dance
A .............. .. ......... photographer takes pictu res class 2) ................ 9:00. 3) ......... the
of ani mals . afternoon . I go to the mall with my friends.
2 You have to .............. .. .......... still so you don't 4) ........... .. .. " the evening . I watch a
frighten the animals. DVD. 5) ...... .. . .... .. . Sundays. I help my
3 ..................... is the first light of the morning . mum with the chores. Then.
4 Most peop le who do ............... .. .. work sta rt 6) ................ middoy. we visit my
at 9 am . g rondparen t s. 7) ..... . ... the evening.
5 A lot of people .... ... t he tube t o I do my homework and then watch TV. I

get t o work . go to bed 8) ................... 10:00.

6 Gardeners wo rk .. .... .... .... ........ .. .. .................. ..

or in greenhouses.
Nathan likes his job because it allows him t o
4 * Put the adverb offrequency in the
correct place .
enjoy t he beauty of .................. ..
8 My brother works lo ng hours. He has a very . . I go to the gym. (sometimes)
...................... job. 2 I get up early. (usu all y)
9 Fact ory workers don't normally have a 9-5 job. 3 Steven helps with the chores. (always)
They work ...................... . 4 Ma ri a is late. (never)
5 I go sh opping wit h my mum. (often)

2 * Look at the table . Fill in do , does. Then

5 * Put the verbs in brackets in the present
write short answers.

A: What .. ..... (you/ usually/ do)

get up early in the evening?
B: I ............. .. ........... (watch) a DVD.
live in a house
2 A: When ........................... .. .. .... ......... (he/ go)
to th e gym?
B: He .......... .. (go) on Wednesday evenings.

3 A: .......... .... .... .......... .. (he/ play) the guitar?

B: No, he ...... .. . He ................ ..
(play) the violin.

4 A: .. .. ................ (she/watch)
1 .......... Bob get up early? ....... .
TV in the evening?
2 ........ Karen go to the gym? .. B: No, she ..... .. ... She us ua lly ......... ...
3 ...... .... . Bob like Science? ................. .. .. .... .... .. ... (surf) t he Net.
4 ......... .. Bob and Karen have a pet? ..
5 ........... Karen live in a house? .. 5 A: What ................ ........................... (they/ do)
6 Karen get up early? on Saturday nights?
7 Bob and Karen play t he guitar? B: They .. .. ..... ...... .............. (go) t o the cinema .

6 A: When ...... .................. (youJleave)

8 Bob go to the gym? ................ .. fo r school?
B: We .... ..... (catch) the bus at 8:30.
Vocabulary Everyday English
1 * Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. 3 * Choose the correct
1 Going to a new school is exciting because you can make/do
new friend s. 1 A: Excuse me. Have you got the
2 They usually read/study their subjects in the library after lessons. time, please?
3 We alw ays do/write proj ects for Science lesson s. B: a Is 2:15 OK for you?
4 My sist er shares/stays a room w ith her best f riend at b Yes, it's t w o fifteen .
2 A: Is 6:30 OK for you?
5 The boys have/make fun every t ime they go sw imming.
B: a That's fine .
6 Carol leaves/ lives alone in a small house by the sea .
b See you there .
7 Living on campus/cam p is exciting for many students.
8 You should joi n/sign a club to meet new people . 3 A: Do you want to go to the
2 * Write the times . B: a Make sure you 're on time .
b That sounds good .

•:Ol1} 1 4 A: Don't be late.

B: a OK. See you there.
b That 's a great idea.

76 5 4 * Choose the correct

1 ................ ... .. ... ........ .. ..... . 2 ..... ...... .. ........ .................. .
1 A: Do you want to study at my
house today?
B: a That's not a problem .
b That sounds good.
I 2 A: What time do you w ant to
7 6
B: a What time is it now?
3 .......... .. .. .... ...... ............ . 4 ... b When does it start?
3 A: It's one o'clock . Is 3:45 OK for
B: a Not really, my tennis lesson
finishes at 4 :00 .
b See you there.
4 A: Let'S meet at my house at
4:30, then .
5 ............................ . 6 ......... .. .......................... . B: a Excuse me . b OK .

11 12 1

5 Invite your friend to play
football with you. Arrange a
time and place to meet. Write
a dialogue about it. Use the
exchanges in Ex . 4 as a model.
76 5

7 ........... .............. ............. . 8 .... .... ...... .. ......... ..

Vocabulary 3 ** Replace the underlin ed adjectives with their

1 * Name the animals. synonyms in the list.

• normal • playful • rare • exotic • amazing • gentle

1 .................... 1
1 Giraffes are very kind, they never attack people.
2 Lion cubs are lively; they like to play.
3 Parrots are col ou rful birds.
4 Pink dolphins are uncommon .
5 Dolphins are exceptiona l animals.
6 A regula r morning for a zoo-keeper includes
feeding all the animals.

4 a) * Re ad the text and mark th e se nt ences 1-5 T (true)
or F (false) .

Do you like exotic animals?

What's it like to share your
breakfast with a playful
elephant called Jokia?
This is just a normal day
for the staff and guests
at The Elephant Nature
Park in the mountains of
Thai land.
Th e Elephant Nature Park is
on a very large estate, so all the
elephants are free to walk around and
pl ay with each other and eat and swim in the rivers. Each
elephant has a different name and personality.
2 * Fill in : stare, do, make, The Elephant Nature Pa rk is a conservation project. There are
only 3-4 thousand elephants left in Th ailand .
promises, look for .

1 Elephants ..... .. .... food

to eat during the day. Elephants have breakfast with the staff.
2 It's impolite to ................ .. 2 The Elephant Nature Park is small.
at people. 3 Elephants can do what they want in the Park.
3 Wildlife experts .................. . 4 All elephants there behave the same way.
their best to protect endangered 5 Today, there are less elep hants than befo re in Thailand.
anima ls.
4 The hotel staff b) ** Do you want to visit The Elephant Nature Par k?
you feel welcome as soon as you Why /Why not? Write a few sentences.
5 The safari holiday in Africa ..
.. ............ ........... to be a fantastic
Vocabulary Grammar
1 * Match the pictures to the school 3 * look at the rules. Then complete
subjects . the sentences. Use have to, don't have to.

• Maths • Music • Geography • Art • Science

• ICT • PE • History • wait your turn in the queue
• sit at a specific table
• bring your own drinks X
5+5=10 I
4.4=8 • put your rubbish in the bin I
15+15=30 • wash your plate X
• be polite to the lunch staff I
1 .................... [[ 2 ...... .. ...
1 You have to wait your turn in the queue.
2 ...................................................................... .
3 ...................... ,................................................. .
4 ... ......... ............... ... ......................................... .
6 .................. .................... ............ ...................... .

3 ........... ......... [,--I_4 _ _-----'11 S .................. 1

o 0"
4 * Fill in should/shouldn't.

00 ~ ~pr~
6 ......... ...... 11 7 ................. 11 8 . ···· .. 1

Bring a camera.
Arrive before the performance.
Be quiet during the performance.
Turn off your mobile phone.
2 * Match the words. Use the phrases to • Touch the circus animals.• Put your feet on the seats.
complete the sentences. • Bring your own food .• Enter the circus area.

[IT] school a experience You should bring a camera . ...................................... .

[IT] packed b skills
[IT] circus c uniform
[IT] unique d walking
[IT] tightrope e lunch
5 * Choose the correct word ,

1 Trapeze, acrobatics and clowning are all 1 A: look at Tony. He's such a good footballer!
different types of .................................. . B: Yeah, he's great/greatly!
2 A trip to the circus is a ............................... for 2 A: Do you like our new History teacher?
children because they can see wild animals B: Yes, his lessons are very interesting/
perform. interestingly.
3 Most students in England have to wear a 3 A: You play the violin beautiful/beautifully.
B: Thank you. I practise very careful/carefully.
4 You don't have to bring a ...................... ........ , 4 A: What do you think of the school dining hall?
the school dining hall is pretty good. B: The food is horribly/horrible!
S At the circus you can see exciting performances, S A: Are you good/well at Art?
such as ............ .................................. . B: No! I draw terribly/terrible!
Vocabulary Reading
1 * Write the correct word. 5 * Read the text and for questions 1-4
choose the right answer A, B, Cor D.
Your mum 's mum is your
2 You sister's son is your Jacqui lives with her fam ily on a sheep farm in the
outback of Australia. The nearest town is two hundred
3 Your dad's brother is your miles away, so she must study at home. Once or twice a
year, she goes into the school building. The rest of the time,
4 Your son's daughter is your the school comes to her. She completes all of her schoolwork
by post, radio or via the Internet.
S Your brother's daughter is your "I usually get up at six o'clock . I must feed the chickens and collect their
eggs, then we have breakfast. After that, I turn on my com puter and check my
6 Your dad's dad is your ...... ..... ... . messages. School starts at eight thirty with assembly and registration . We have
lessons before lunch, and early in the afternoon. At five o'clock, I help my mother
7 Your uncle and aunt's children
makedinner and then I do my homework.
are your ...................... .. .. ..
I really like livi ng in the outback. My fath er and brothers are sheep herders, and
2 * Write the matching word . I love working with them . I enjoy the School of the Air because I can stay at
home and learn, but I miss my friends. My best friend Stephanie lives two
1 dad, mum 2 .........., niece
hundred miles away and I only see her once a year at school. She has to go into
3 uncle, .......... 4 , .., ........ ...... "
school every day. "
S grandfather, daughter
The 'real' school is in Alice Springs, in the heart of the Australian outback . This is
... .. ..... .. ." .. 6 brother,
where the teachers give their lessons. The school provides education to children in
7 ............, wife ........... ,', ......
the most isolated parts of Australia and is fifty years old. There is a visitor's centre
3 * Match the exchanges. for tourists.

ITIJ Who's Laura?

[IIJ Whose is this bike? 1 According to the text, Jacqui
IT[] Whose cousin is Ann? A lives in an Australian town.
B uses the Internet to help her with her schooling.
A It's John's.
( travels two hundred miles daily to get to school.
B Mary and Peter's.
D only studies once or twice a year.
C She's my aunt.
2 Jacqui 's day begins with
Listening A eggs for breakfast.

4 * 0 You'll hear Harry and B feeding the chickens .

( assembly and registration at school.
Clara talking about their
families . Listen and mark the D checking her messages.
sentences (1-6) T (true) or 3 Jacqui 's only problem is that
F(false). A she has too much work .

Harry has one brother. B she has to stay at home a lot.

( her friend lives too far away.
2 His cousin lives in Boston. ..
3 Harry's sister works as a D she has to go to school every day.
doctor. 4 Jacqui's school
4 Clara has a small family. A is in the middle of the outback.
S Clara's oldest brother is B only educates students near Alice Spri ngs.
married . ( has a fifty-year-old visitor's centre .
6 Clara is an aunt. D has teachers that travel all over the outback.
Writing (an email giving news) 4 * Fill in: and, but, or.

1 * Read the rubric and answer the questions. 1 Kathy likes swimming, .............. she doesn't like
I This is part of an email you received from
2 My sister wants to stay at home
I your English pen-friend Sandra. watch TV.
"My family has got seven members. I have three 3 I have to do my homework ....... ". "" walk the
brothers and two sisters. My brothers and I go dog later,
I hiking together sometimes. We like playing 4 Robert wants to be a doctor .......... '" a teacher,
: football together, too. Have you got a big family? 5 I don't have any brothers, """"" ..... I have two
I What's it like?" sisters.
: Write an email to Sandra describing your I
I family. I 5 a) * Read the rubric and answer the
.--------------- -----~ questions.
1 What does the rubric ask yo u t o write? .. . --------------------,
Write an ema il to your pen-friend about your I
2 Who is going to read it? ... ." ... " ... ." ..... ,..... ,"'".
family. I
3 What is it about? """.""""""".",, ....... ,, ...... ,, ..
• Say how many brothers and/or sisters

2 * Read the email and put the parag rap hs

you have.
• Say what your parents' jobs are.
into the correct order.
• Menti on another fami ly member,
• Ask your friend to write back.
1 How many people are there in your family?

2 What are their names?

[!IJ I don't have any brothers or sisters. I
have a cousin , Tracey, who's like a sister to 3 How old are they?
me. She's my age and we are in the same
class. We love doing sports or going jogging.
We often go out together. 4 What do they do?
[IIJ Hi! How're things? Your family sounds
[QIJ My family's great, too . My b) ** Use the rubric and your answers
mum , Jenny, is 40 years old and works in Ex. Sa to write an email to your pen-
as a teacher. She can speak English friend about your family (50-80 words).
and French and she's a great cook. My You can use Julia's email as a model.
dad, Alfred , is 45 years old and he's a Dear ......... "" .. ......... ,
pilot. He works long hours, so we I hope you're OK .... " ............... ."",, ................. ..
don't see him very often. My family" ........ """ ......... .... """ ............ .. .. " ..... .

3 * Match the paragraphs to the headings.

Have to go now ........... """ ....... "" ....... "
ITD description of brothers/sisters/cousins, etc.
[ID opening remarks; comment on last email
CID description of parents Yours,
30 [!IJ closing remarks; request to write back
1 * look at the pictures and complete the Notions & Functions
crossword puzzle.
Circle the correct response.
1 A: Is 5:30 OK?
B: a No, it isn't. b Really!
2 A: I can 't meet you before 10.
B: a That's a great idea.
b That's not a problem.
3 A: Who's linda?
B: a It's her grandma.
b She's my grandma.
4 A: Do you have any brothers?
B: a No, I'm an only child .
b It's Peter and Bob.
S A: What does your sister do?
B: a She's a teacher.
b She's married.
6 A: Do they live near you?
B: a They live in a flat.
b Yes, they do.
2 * Fill in: lives, reptile, backbone, look, change,
insects to complete the text.
7 A: Is your mum a doctor?
B: a No, she doesn't.

~ The chameleon is a(n)

b No, she works as a teacher.
1) ........................................ .
8 A: Do you see your grandparents often?
It has a( n) 2) ....... .. ....................... .... ... .. .. ...... and lays
B: a Every weekend.
eggs. It 3) .......................... .. .................... in northern
b Always.
Africa, the Middle East, India and Madagascar. It has a
long tongue to catch 4) ........................... :..... and its 9 A: My uncle works in a restaurant.
eyes move in different directions. It can fill Its lungs B: a Does he have a job?
with air to 5) .... ...... .. .................... bigger. The best b Really? What does he do?
thing about chameleons is that they can
10 A: let's meet outside the park.
6) .. ..................... ......... the colour of their skin to
B: a That's not a problem.
match the environment. b OK. See you there .
11 A: Excuse me, what time is it?
Listening B: a It's three thirty.
3 **
0 listen and circle the best response. b Is 4:30 OK for you?

1 a Yes, we do. b No, they don't. 12 A: Whose brother is Doug?

2 a Usually not. b Every Saturday. B: a Bruce and William's.
3 a It's twenty to five. b Is 6:15 OK for you? b He's married.
4 a Don't be late. b That sounds good.
S a Mary's. b It's for Mary.
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.

1 Peter is a soldier. He ...... wear a uniform . 16 My piano lesson is .. .. . Saturday.

A have to B has to C should A in B on C at

2 Wo rking with snakes can be .. . 17 A: Let's meet outside the cinema.

A still B poi sonou s C dangerous B: A Fine, thank you. B Yes, it is.
C OK. See you there .
3 Susan .... . play foot ba ll.
A don't B doesn 't C isn 't 18 He ..... a room with his brother.
A includes B joins C shares
4 A: Please don 't be late.
B: A That's a great idea . B This is it. 19 They do their ..... to make everyone feel
C OK. See you there. wel co me.
5 Secretaries do .. ... wor k, such as answeri ng A subject B plan C best
phones. 20 He does n't live wit h his family. He lives .... ..
A outdoors B shift C office A wild B al one C late
6 ..... your favourite football player? 21 Don 't .... . at people. It's very rude.
A Whose B Who C Who's A stare B wait Chide
7 Grace ..... plays computer games; she doesn't 22 You need to ..... a test before you can become a
like them . member.
A always B never C often A meet B join C pass
8 A: Who's Anna? 23 A: Whose book is this'
B: A She's at home. B She's my sister. B: A Ann 's. B I do. C Mary.
C No, I don't.
24 Keep ..... and try not to frighten them.
9 I like oranges, ..... I don't like bananas. A short B ready C still
A and B or C but
25 He wants to ..... the drama club .
10 He wakes up before . every morning. A study B join C promise
A dawn B evening C night
26 Reptiles have got cold
11 What's a .... . Monday for you? A ears B backbone C blood
A tiring B daily C typical
27 .... . your mum bake cakes?
12 What time do you .. ... the bus to work?
A Does B Do C Doesn 't
A catch B do C walk
28 Helen .. .. . has her mobile with her; she doesn 't
13 Some snakes are .. ... , so be careful.
leave home without it.
A poisonous B different C gentle
A always B never C sometimes
14 A: Do they live in your neighbourhood?
29 Paul out with his friends on Friday
B: A They live in a house. B No, they don't.
C Yes, I do.
A go B goin g C goes
15 It's a .. .. . animal with; there are a few hundred
30 We don 't go to school .. .. . the weekend .
A at B for C in
A typical B rare C strange
Reading Task
(multiple choice)
Read the text. In each
question choose the right
answer A, B, C or 0:

1 At Hollywood Animals students

A study the animals and their
B teach the animals to behave.
C give the animals food.
D take care of the animals.
2 Well-trained animals
What kind of school has got both animals and people as students?
A get nervous in front of a
Hollywood Animals does. It's a wild animal training school outside of
Los Angeles, California. At this unique school students learn to train
B can perform special acts.
exotic animals of 011 kinds.
C are always happy.
Students work with tigers, bears, lions, chimpanzees and other exotic
D sometimes fight their trainers.
animals. First, they learn 011 about the animals and their behaviour.
3 Training animals Then, they learn how to care for the animals by feeding and cleaning
A is very safe. them every day. Finally, they have to study animal training methods and
B is not easy work. work with teachers to train the animals.
C is often very exciting. At Hollywood Animals, they train animals to be performers, for example,
D doesn't take long to do. to be in circuses or zoos. But most of the animals here are really
4 Students at Hollywood Animals "Hollywood" animals. They work in films and on television. Students start
A need to have a university by teaching the animals simple instructions, like sit down, stand up, or
education. walk. When the animals are more experienced they learn to do all kinds
B usually come from of amazing things. The tigers can run, jump and even fight when their
California. trainer tells them to. And the clever chimpanzees can even look happy,
C have to enjoy working with sad or nervous for the camera!
animals. Although working with exotic animals is very exciting, it is also very hard
D need to have a lot of work. Students work long days at the animal centre. And even training
experience with animals. the animals isn't always fun . First, there are lots of rules about safety
that the students have to follow. Then, they have to be very patient as
5 Most students do the course training animals takes time and practice.
A to have an enjoyable
Many different types of people come from 011 over the world to study at
Hollywood Animals. The students don't need a degree or any special
B to be near wild animals.
education to study here. Some experience working with animals is
C so they can be on TV. helpful, but the most important thing is to really love exotic animals.
D to help them find work.
People take the course because they want to find a job working closely
6 The above text is typical of with animals. Some students become animal trainers for film and TV.
A a scientific book. Many others use their new skills to get jobs in zoos, aquariums, or
B a magazine article. circuses. But whatever they do after the course, one thing is sure. Students
C a film review. never forget their experience at Hollywood Animals school.
D a safari guidebook. 3
Vocabulary 3 * Fill in the gaps in the text using the

1 * Fill in: sno w-capped mountains, volcano,


sights, route, fort, flea market, crafts, delicious,

It's hot and 1) .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. . here in

1 There are lots of ........................ to visit in Cape Cod. Today, I'm relaxing on a beautiful
Barcelona .
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... . . There are many
2 Yo u can bu y some souvenirs in the .. .... .... .. .. .
3 In w inter w e can see the ......................... from people .... .. ................ in the sea. My
our ho use.
4 At the loca l market you can buy lots of arts and .. .. .. ................ local dishes

with her friend . My dad isn 't here at the moment.

5 The tra in stops at fi ve st ation s along the
He is 5) .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. on a tour bus . My
6 Rig ht now, we are .... .. .................. . our clothes
sister, Karen, is 6) .. ... .. .. .. .... ....... for
fo r ou r holiday.
7 We are eating seafood in a rest aurant; it 's
souvenirs in the market in Bourne and my brother,

8 A lot of soldiers live inside the ......................... . John, is 7)

........... . Summer is my
9 Mount Vesuvius, in Italy, is a .. ....... .. ................. .
favourite season; it's great!
2 * Fill in the correct weather word.

4 * Write the -ing form of the verbs.

1 fly ........ ..... ... .... 7 w rite ... ..............

2 eat ........ " . " " , , ... 8 sw im ...... . ... .. , ... .•.. ..
3 shop 9 send ......................
4 come ......... .........
" 10 buy ..................... ,
5 play .................... 11 listen ...• •.....•...........
6 make ....... .. ....... 12 sit ................. .....

5 * Put the verbs in brackets into the present

continuous .

Hi , Emma l i
_ I
Greetings from Alaska . It's freezing cold here . 1

An d it 1) .............................. (snow) today, so

Ted and I 2) ..... ...................... (wear) warm
clothes. At the moment , we 3) .............. . . .
(visit) the Winter Ice Festival. Some artists
4) ...................... ........ (carve) sculptures from
. They're beautiful. Ted 5) .... .................. .
Ice. . I
(take) pictures to show everybody back home.
6) .......................... (have) a great time here .
Take care ,
8 It's .... .. ................ . Mary
Vocabulary 4 * Ask and answer, as in the example.
1 * list the clothes under the headings:
T-shirt, tie, sandals, shirt, jeans, trainers, bo w tie, 1 it/rain? .' ,
suit, dress, blouse, belt, skirt, hat, jacket, coat, Is it raining? No, It Isn t.
trousers, boots, scarf, jumper, shorts, socks 2 they/fish? .... .... ." ' , ........ ..
... ..... .. . " '

..... ............ ... .. .... . azine?

Shoes Clothes Accessories 3 the girllread a mag ... ......
......... ........
...... ... .. ... .... .
........ ....
. 7

4 they/\isten to musIC. .. .. .... ...... ..... ........

... .. .. .. ..... .
......... ...... ....... . 7
5 boyslwear trousers . .. .. ..... . . ... .... .
." .. " .. ...... , .
6 ~h~ ·~·i·;ljh~id~ ·i\~h;~9 rod?
2 * Fill in: looking for, present, success, together, " .... ... ... ......
........... .. ...

expensive, half price, match.

Everything is ....................... at the department
store for one day only!
2 The party was a great ..... .... .......................... .
3 Alice is .. .. .............................. .. ........ a new bag.
4 I can 't afford to buy those shoes. They're very

S What skirt can I wear to .. .......... ................. .. .. ..

with my red shoes?
6 Let's get a(n) ...... ...... ...... ...... ......... for Tommy 's 5 ** Put the verbs in brackets into the
birthday. present simple or the present continuous.
7 We can go into the town centre .. ... .. ...... .... ... .
Dear Katy,
3 * Put the verbs in brackets in the present Hello from New York City! We 1) .. .......... .... ........ .
ful time here! We 2) .... .... ........... .. .
simple or present continuous. (have) a won d er . ht in
(stay) in a hotel in Times Square, 50 we are fig uall
Bill ...................... ..... ............ .... ..... (talk) to his the middle of the city. In the mornmgs, we us Y
friend on the phone right now. (eat) breakfast m one of New
2 Peter .... .. ........ .... ................... .. .... .. .. (not/ride) 3)· .. · · · · d.... I··.... Then for the rest of the day,
York's famous e IS . , . d
his bike to school every morning. (explore) the City. My da
3 Hurry up! Kate and Liz ............ .. .. .. ............. .... .. we 4) .. .... ·...... .. .. .. .. .... (i~ve) history, 50 most days,
(wait) for us at the train station . 5) .... ... ........ .............. (visit) different museums.
4 I .......... .. ................................ .. .......... .. .. . (have) he 6) ··· .. · ~··~i·~ ..hi·~ but often, my mum and I
lunch at one o'clock every day. Sometimes w ) ' . nth Avenue
7) ............ .. ............. . (go) shoppmg on I (sit) in a
S We sometimes ...... ................ ...... ........ .......... .. ..
instead! Right now, I 8) ...... ..... .. ·........ .. .... ·while m
(help) our mother with the housework. fe in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Y
6 They .. .. ................... .. .................... ... (not/play) ca (look) around the
parents 9) .......... .. ................ .
hockey at the moment. museum shop. Wish you were here!
7 Usually, Ken and Tom ............ .... ........ ...... ........ ..
Take care,
(not/come) to football practice on Sundays.
8 Elizabeth .............. .... ... .. .... .................. .. (wear) Sarah
a red top today.
Vocabulary 3 * Choose the. correct preposition.

1 * Match the words in the two columns. Then 1 You can do many things on the Internet, about/
use them to complete the sentences. from sending emails to writing a blog.

[ill 2 France is famous for/of its delicious cuisine.

shopping A park
3 The travel agency offers a variety with/of holiday
[ill food B cinema
destinations to choose from .
[IT] fast food C coaster 4 Children's playgrounds appear in/on most
[ill 14·screen D malls neighbourhoods around the city.
[ill dinosaur E creatures S I'm tired of/on waiting for Valerie; let's just
[ill amusement F museum leave without her.
[ill roller G restaurant
Everyday English
[ill sea H court
1 You can choose to eat from a huge number of
4 * Use the sentences to complete the
dialogue. One sentence isn't necessary.
restaurants in the .................................. ..
2 Sam is eating a hot dog at a(n) ...................... . • Can I have one, please?
......................... right now. • Here's your pizza and your lemonade .
3 .......................................... give you the chance • I'd like a slice of pizza, please.
to visit a lot of shops under one roof. • Here's your change.
4 Let's go and see a film at the new ................. .. • How much is a lemonade?
..................... in the city centre. • Here you are .
S The children want to go on all the rides in the • No, thank you.

A: Hello. Can I help you?

6 The ................................. is great! The exhibits B: Hi. 1) ............................................................... .
look so real.
A: Alright. Anything else?
7 Ben doesn't like going on .............................. . B: 2) ................................................................. .
rides; he finds them scary. A: It costs 50 pence.
S You can see ....................................... , such as B: OK. 3) ..................................................... ..
dolphins and sharks at the aquarium. A: Of course. 4) ....................... .. ...................... .
2 * Fill in: shop, book, have, watch, stay, visit,
see or get in the correct form.
That's £2.50, please.
B: OK. 5) ........ ................................... .. ............ ..
A: Thank you. ~ ............................... .
1 Wendy loves history, so she often .................. .. B: Thanks. Bye.
museums at the weekend.
2 When you .......................... tired of shopping,
you can have a coffee at the cafe. Writing
3 John often ...................... films on his DVD
player at home.
5 ** You are at a fast food restaurant.
Write a dialogue like the one in Ex. 4. Use
4 You can sometimes ...................... sharks in the pictures below or your own ideas.
this part of the sea.
S Brenda usually ...................... for clothes in the
local shopping centre.
6 Steve always ..................... at expensive hotels
when he goes abroad.
7 Kate .................... lunch at the same restaurant
every day.
S You can ............. tickets for the concert online.

Vocabulary Reading
1 * Fill in: map, stall, traditional, fried, delicious, 4 * Read the text and mark the sentences
T (true) or F (false).
locals, choose.
You can buy delicious bread from a ... .............. .
in the market. Hi Tnomas, I The sun is sninireg ared we're
2 Most of the .. ..... ..... .... ..... do their shopping at Greetiregs Jro m Tokyo. ea Market. The market takes
the market. visitireg the Togo Shnne Fl d res oJ a snriree. It's the
lace ore Suredays in the gar e ared giJts Jor Jriereds.
3 You can see people in their ....... .. ................. ... . P f b IImg souvemrs q
costumes at the market.
P J place Jor u, d h'lte chirea 1950s Jl m
't blue an W '
You care Jired Jurnl ure, ld .res toys ared even
osters, Buddha statues, dO I Thc~;e is also traditional
4 Take a .. ............... ..... in case you get lost.
5 You can eat .......... ....... ........... .... insects at the P and Swor s.
ancient he lme ts . L. l vel ll nower patterns
Chatuchak Market. d ostumes WIt" 0 , J'
jewellery an c a rich culture. .
6 This cake is ............................ Here, try some. nere. Tne Japanese nave d· L. M" sister is takmg
7 There are a lot of antiques to ..... ............ from. f 9 a san WIC". , . 't
Right noW, I'm ea In . a reat time! You must VISI
notographs. We're haVIng 9
Grammar p . I
Tokyo sometlme. See you soon,
2 * Choose the correct word.

1 You must/mustn't touch the antiques .

2 You can 't/must wear shoes inside this place. It's
not allowed.
3 You can't/must fol low the map to find the market.
4 You must/can buy souven irs at the airport. It's
possib le.
5 You mustn't/can throw rubbish on the streets.

3 ** 0 listen to the dialogue and for 1 Mark is out shopping .
2 The market is open all week.
questions 1-5 choose the best answer
(A, B or C). 3 The market doesn't sell souvenirs.
4 You can only buy new things at the
1 Jenny and Peter are
A in a supermarket. B at a street market.
5 Mark is in Tokyo with a famil y member.
C with Peter's mum. 6 Mark's taking photographs.
2 Peter wants to get his mother 7 Mark's enjoying his trip.
A a piece of jewellery. B a T-shirt.
e an antique.
3 Jenny's sister wa nts to
5 ** Read again and complete the
sentences. Use up to five words.
A start a coin collection. B buy some coins.
e buy something for Jenny. 1 Mark is writing from ...... ....... .......... .... .. ....... .. .
2 The weather is .. .... .................... ........ .... .. .. ... ... .
4 Peter can't
3 The market is open ................... .... ........... ....... .
A see where Laura is. B find fi lm posters.
4 You can buy ...... .... .............. ..... ... .... .. ...... .. ...... ..
e see where his brother is.
5 Peter's brother John
5 Japanese people have .. ...................... .. .......... ..
A is shopping for a watch. B is Jeft's classmate.
e wants to buy some books.
Vocabulary 4 * Circle the co rrect item ,

1 * Write the words unde r the

correct heading: beans, salmon,
1 A: How many / much banan as do yo u want from t he
super ma rket?
bananas, cheese, tea, cereal, bread, B: Oh , just a few / a little.
rice, beef, onions, water, lettuce, 2 A: Mark eat s too many / much sweets .
sugar, cherries, coffee, pasta, chicken, B: I kn ow. It's ve ry bad for hi s teeth .
butter, tomatoes, cauliflower. 3 A: We've got a few / a little lemons.
DAIRY PRODUCTS MEAT & FISH B: Great! Let's make some / a few lemonade.
4 A: How much / many milk do yo u want in your t ea?
B: Just a few / a little please .
5 A: We nee d lots of / much eggs for break fast .
IFRUITI VEGETABLES It];1 I~ ';\'1,1.; Iait B: But, we only have a little / a few .
6 A: We have a lot of / many bread in the cupboard.
B: We ll, let's make a little / some sa ndwiches.

2 * Fill in: steomed, good, slice, 5 * Look at Tom 's timetable. Complete the sentences
creamy, scrambled, cold, green, with going to.
Monday cook pasta for dinner
1 ............................... rice Tuesday eat Chin ese food w ith Laura
2 .. .... ......... .......... .. .... . tea Wednesday meet fri ends at a cafe
3 ........ ........... ....... ...... mann ers Thursday go to the supermarket w ith Mum
4 ............... ................ . of t oast Friday go sh opp ing for clot hes with Bob
5 ........................ ........ butter Saturday have a party
6 ............ ................. ... eggs Sunday visit a food festi val w ith Kate
7 .. .. ........ .. .... ...... ........ meat
1 Is Tom going to cook pasta for dinner on Tuesday?
8 ........ ......... .... ........... coffee
No, he isn't.
Grammar 2 ...... Tom and Laura ....................... Chin ese food on Mond ay ?

3 * Choose the correct word . 3

No, they ........ .... ............. .... .. . .
.. .. .. Tom .................. .... .. his friends at a cafe on Wedn esday?
1 We've got a few/a little apples. Yes, he ................................ .
Let's make a pie. 4 ...... Tom and his mum .. ...... ... to t he supermarket on Fri day?
2 There is t oo many/ much sug ar in No, t hey .......... .. .................... .
my coffee. 5 .... .. Tom and Bob ................. shopping for cloth es on Frid ay?
3 Are you hu ng ry? There's a little/a Yes, th ey ........ .. .. .. ....... .. .... ..
few past a left. 6 .... Tom ...... .... ........ .. ......... .... .. ................ a party on Fri day?
4 How much / many cheese is the re? No, he ................................ .
5 We need some/a few butter fo r 7 .. .. .. Tom and Kat e .. .. ............ .... ... a food fes tiva l on Su nday?
the ca ke. Yes, they .. .. .......... .. .. ...... .. ...... .
6 How many/much eg gs do you
need to make an omelette?
6 * Write which of the following you are/oren't going to do
this weekend .
7 There are some/ much apples in
t he fri dge. 1 I .................................. "" ...... .. ....... (coo k) fis h fo r dinner. (.I)
8 There is many/a lot of cereal in 2 I ................................. ............ .... ...... .. ... .... . (watch) DVDs . (,1')
t he cupboard. 3 I .... ..... .... .................... ........ ...... .. ....... (do) my homework. (.I)
9 I've got a little/a few fl our. I can 4 I ..... .... ...... " .......... . .... ........ .. ... (have) lunch w it h friend s.(.t)
make a pizza. 5 I .. ............. ....... .... ,....... .... ..... .... .. .. ........ ... .. (go) t o a pa rty. (,1')
Vocabulary Listening
1 * Match the words to make 3 ** 0 Listen and mark the sentences T {true}
phrases. Then use them in the or F {false}.
correct form to complete the
sentences .
1 The speaker is in India.
ITIJ wear
2 Diwali lasts for three days.
[ill play 3 People put candles in their
[ill watch A the parade wi ndow for Diwali.
[ill paint B their faces 4 People give each other new
( traditional
[ill eat clothes for Diwali .
food S The speaker is eating
D music
sweets now.
E traditional 6 There are fireworks
during Diwali.

1 Clowns ........................ .............. ..

and wear colourful clothes to
look funny.
2 They are listening to the band

3 We're .. ...................................... ..
in the street rig ht now.
4 I am ...................... .. ............. ...... ..
now. It's del icious.
S Some people .............................. .
.. .. ............ during the celebration .
Everyday English
They look amazing. 4 * (hoose the correct response.

2 ** Look at the picture. Write

1 A: Let's put up some balloons.
B: a Sure, why not? b I think so.
a short description in your
notebook. Write about: 2 A: Do you feel li ke watching the parade?
weather, people's clothes, B: a Thank you. b Great idea!
activities .
3 Shall we go on the carnival rides?
a Not bad. b I'd rather not.

4 A: Let's wear costumes to the party.

B: a Are you doing anything? b That sounds good.

S A: Do you feel like listening to music?

B: a Sure!
b Can you hear the music playing?

6 A: Let's watch the fireworks.

B: a I' d rather not. Let's stay at home instead.
b Shall we?

Writing (an email about a festival)
1 * Read the email and fill in the missing When we describe a festival we use adjectives
to make our description interesting.

ITIJ It's freezing cold here and snowing, but

3 * Fill in: delicious, traditional, colourful, happy,
we're having a wonderful time. I'm spending New
1 People are wearing .. ........ .... ...... ..... costumes.
Year's Eve with my cousin. It's a big celebration
2 They are eating ...................... chocolate cakes.
here. The Scottish people have their own name for 3 There are .... .... .. ......... " ............ decorations in
it. They call it Hogmanay. the streets.
[IC] They have a torchlight parade and a street 4 People sing ..................................... songs and
party. At the moment, I'm eating some traditional dance in the streets.
food called stovies and people are dancing in the 5 There 's a ............................... fireworks display
street. We're all waiting to watch the fireworks in the evening . Don't miss it.

display at midnight.
ru See you when I get home, 4 * Read the rubric and answer the questions.
Myriam r--------------------,
Write an email describing your favourite I
: festival. Mention: I
I . the name of the festival,
I ' the place of the festival,
: . how you celebrate it,
I ' why it is special.
1 What is your favourite festival in your city/

2 When do you celebrate it?

3 How long does it last?

A Bye for now.

B Greetings from Edinburgh! 4 How do you celebrate it?
C In Edinburgh, people celebrate it every year
with a four-day festival.
5 What is special about this festival?
2 * Read the remarks 1-4 and mark them
o (opening) or ((closing).
1 Bye for now.
I'm here in Edinburgh .
See you when I get home.
5 ** Use the rubric and your answers in
Ex. 4 to write an email describing your
4 Hi Stacey. favourite festival. (100-120 words) .
1 * Replace the words in bold with their
Notions & Functions
opposites .
Choose the correct response.
1 Deserts usually have low
temperatures . 1 A: What about this scarf?
2 Alaska has long summer months . 8: a I have a lot of money.
3 It doesn't rain often during wet b It's too expensive.
periods. 2 A: How about these gloves ?
4 The tundra has a hot climate . 8: a Good idea.
b I guess not.
2 a) * Fill in : drop, characterises, reach, exist,
3 A: Do you like this bag?
8: a 8uy this, then .
b It looks great.

4 A: Do you have these trousers in a larger size?

8: a Yes, they're fine .
b No, I'm sorry.

5 A: How much are these sunglasses?

8: a Here you go.
b They're £100.

6 A: How can I help you?

Heavy rain 1) .. .... ......... . 8: a I want a hot dog.
the tropical rainforest climate' ;~;~;~ " b It's really nice .
climate, different seasons don't
2) . . ...... 7 A: What are you doing here ?
.......................... . The rainy
season 3) 8: a I usually go there every Sunday.
. .. ............................... all year
b I'm looking for a present.
and rain falls nearly every day. All
round, 4) .... ............................ are ~~:r 8 A: Anything to drink?
same too. During the day, temperatures 8: a A soda, please .
5) ... .... b Here you are .
.................... .......... around 30'C
and at night, they 6) ............ ..
............ to 9 A: Let's go shopping .
around 20'C. Because of all the rain, it is
easy for plants to 7) . 8: a Good idea .
. · ·· · .. m b Is that all?
tropical rainforest climates Ma b .
lant . ny eauliful
p . s grow there so some people call th 10 A: Do you feel like going out?
ramforests "the jewels of the Earth". e B: a Sure, why not?
b You mustn't.

b) ** Mark the sentences T (true) or

F (false).

1 There are two seasons in the tropical

rainforest climate .
2 It rains a lot.
3 Temperatures are very low at night.
4 There are a lot of plants in this climate .
Language & Grammar Review
(hoose the correct answer.

1 James and Lilly ...... to the shops tomorrow. 16 A: Do you feel like going to the cinema?
A is going B are going ( isn't going B: A OK, why not? B Than k you.
( Here you are.
2 During carnival, children ...... their faces.
A crown B paint ( watch 17 There's a ...... of dishes to order from .
A court B cone ( varie ty
3 (an I have ...... tomatoes, please?
A too many . B a little ( a fe w 18 The re are a lot of ...... selling fru it.
A fleas B courts (stalls
4 Ju li e ...... the car at the moment.
A drives B is driving ( are driving 19 This skirt is half ...... Buy it.
A change B top ( price
5 You can see sharks in the ...... .
A court B aqua ri um ( market 20 Eric usually ...... to school by bus .
A travels B catches ( takes
6 A: Are you calling from your mobile phone?
B: Yes, I 21 There are a lot of thing s to ...... from.
A do B have ( am A take B choose (follow

7 I can't wa lk in high ...... . 22 It's raining. Put on your ...... .

A trainers B heels ( shoes A shorts B sanda ls (boots

8 You ...... visit the museum today. It's closed on 23 You ...... visit that shop in the evening. It's open
Mondays. late.
A mustn't B can't ( can A can B mustn 't ( can't

9 The restaurant ...... different types of food. 24 Jenny's skirt ...... the colour of her eyes.
A serves B gives ( supplies A looks B fits ( matches

10 You can see people in their ... .. . costumes . 25 They are ...... for the rain to stop .
A painted B traditional ( delicious A waiting B staying (holding

26 A: How can I help you?

11 Let's watch the fireworks ...... .
B: A I want a hamburger. B No, you can't.
A ride B display (parade
( It's delicious.
12 A: Anything to drink? 27 Temperatures ...... to -S O( at night.
B: A A cola , please. B Thank you. Bye. A hold Breach (drop
( It's £1 .50 .
You need a ...... in case you get lost.
13 It's ...... cold today. A tool B map ( delicacy
A boiling B freezing ( raining
29 Temperatures are ...... in winter.
14 It's difficult for plants to ...... in cold weather. A humid Brain y (Iow
A stay Blast ( survive
30 A: How about this T-shirt?
15 This is Julie's scarf. Give it to ...... . B: A Good idea. B They're too small.
A she's B she ( her ( No, I didn't.

Reading Task (matching)
Read the information about a chocolate festival. Match the headings (A-H) to the correct
para graphs (1-7) . One heading does not match.


Vocabulary 3 * Match the definitions to the words.

1 * Do the crossword.
[ID a small area in a town or city where people
go to buy and sell things
~ ,,---
- f-- [IT] a square in ancient Roman towns
- f-- '2 f-- [IIJ a building with statues of Roman gods
- ..-- f-- f-- f-- [!IJ a public building for swimming and bathing
- IT[] a place that sells bread and cakes
I I I [ill a building where people stay while on
I- I- I- I- I- holiday
I 11
I- I- I- .- A temple C marketplace forum
I- I- '- - B hotel D bakery bath
'- ,,- f-- I- '- - '0
4 * Fill in: was, wasn't, were, weren't.

• A: How 1) .. .................. the party last night?

r' 1
I B: It 2) .................... great!
'- f- I- I- A: 3) .................... Tom and Sally there?
'- I- '- B: No, they 4) .................. They 5) ................. .
I- at home.
, • A: Where 6) ................... Janice yesterday?
Across !) B: She 7) ................... at the theatre with her
5 You can buy something to wear there. mum .
6 You can pay to leave your car there. A: 8) .................... Mark with them?
11 A big store that sells many different things. B: No, he 9) ............................. , but his sister
10) ............. .
Down :J
Letters to you arrive there first.
They serve nice meals there.
You can see a play there. 5 * Fill in: had, didn 't have, WQS, weren't, were.
A structure that has many apartments.
You can buy something to read there.
You can go there when you are sick.
A place where you can pay to stay for the night.
10 A place that serves hot and cold drinks and snacks.
12 You can see beautiful paintings and statues there.

2 * Replace the words in bold with their

opposites : full, running, ancient, busy, narrow,
large, public and small.
There 1) ................ wide streets in the ancient city of
Pompeii was a(n) 1) modern city. The 2) wide streets
Athens. In fact, the streets 2) ...................... narrow.
were always 3) empty of people. It was a very
4) quiet city. Pompeii had a 5) small marketplace. The city 3) ......................... department stores. but it
There were also two 6) large theatres. There were 4) ........................ a large Agoia, or marketplace.
many 7) private baths and many buildings had There 5) ..................... a great theatre. Most buildings
8) still water. 6) ........ .. ........ running water. but the city 7) .. ..
public fountains where people could get their water.
Vocabulary 3 * Write the past simple of the verbs below.
Fill in:
1 *attended, worked, 1
w ork
.... ....... .... .
wa lk
... .•.......... .
hunted, 3 fi sh ••••••••• •• ••• o. S design ................
transported, 4 tra vel ... ... .... .... 9 study .. .. ............
played. 5 attend ............... , 10 disco ver .......... ......

The Aztecs ................ .. ...... .. ...... . as farmers

4 ** Put the verbs in brackets in the past
and craftsmen .
2 They .... .. .. .. ........ goods by boat.
3 Men .................... for meat.
4 Their children ...... .... .. ... .. .. a game similar to
basketball and football. Most Romans 1) ......................... (l ive) in very small houses.
5 The Emperor .................... the Empire with The wealthy ones 2) . .......... (own) villas. Family was
his army. very important in ancient Rome. A usual family
6 Many children .......... .. .... .. school. 3) .... .... ................. . (consist) of a father, a mother,
unmarried children and married sons with their families and
slaves. Both boys and girls 4) ............................... (start) their
education at the age of 7. They 5) .......................... (study)
2 * Fill in:
did, didn 't or
had, Maths, Grammar, History and Literature.
Students 6) .. (stop) at noon for lunch.
could. After that, they 7) .......................... (return) to classes to finish
A: .... .. .... .. .. their school day Back home, kids 8) ......... .. ... ..... (play)
w ealthy boys with their pets and their toys. They 9) .. ..
in ancient (not/ play) video games, but they 10) ..
Eg ypt read and (enjoy) playing board and ball games. Ancient Romans
w rite? 11 ) .. . ..... (not/ use) knives and for ks to eat their
B: Yes, the y could. food. They 12) ....................... ...... (have) spoons and they
2 A: ...... ... 13) .. (use) their fingers, too. All Romans
ancient Egyptians have video games ? 14) ................................... (watch) performances at open-air
B: No, they .. ..... ...... .. ... .. . They played board theatres.
games, though. Their favourite one was Senet.

3 A: ........ .. ........... gi rls attend school in ancient Talking about weekend

Egypt? activities
B: No, the y couldn't.
attended school.
Only w ealth y boys
5 a) * Put the verbs in the correct tense .

4 A: ..................... th ey t ell the tim e? A: What 1) ..................... (you / do) last w ee kend ?
B: Ye s, they could. They .. .. .. ......... water B: Oh , not hing special, reall y. What about you?
clocks. A: 12) .................. (go) to the th eatre w ith Molly.
B: 3) ........ .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... (you/ enjoy) it?
5 A: ........ .... .. ancient Egyptians have cars? A: Yes, it 4) ......................................... (be) great.
B: No, they .............. They used boats instead.
b) ** Write a similar dialog ue.
Vocabulary 3 * Fill in: milk, delivered, walked, miss, had, chores .

1 * Fill in: science-fiction, skirts, 1 We ............. .. picnics in the countryside when I was
effects, style, dance, band, portable. young .
2 George . .. .. .... .. ...... ........ .. the dog last night.
1 We saw a(n) .......... .... .. ..
3 I .............. .... .... .. newspapers after school when I w as young.
film. It was about life on Mars.
4 Everyone in our family helped with the .... ...... ...... ........ .
2 The Rolling Stones are a
S Last year, my family moved to the city. I real ly ............ .......... ..
music ...... ...... . .. .............. ..
life in the country.
who were popular in the
6 When Tom li ved on a farm, he helped his parents .. ...... ...... .... ..
the cows every day.
3 The special .. .... .
in that film were amazing!
The aliens looked so Everyday English
, realistic.
4 A popular ........... .... .... . 4 * Complete the dialogue.

in th e 1960s w as The Twist. • What about you?

Many teenagers liked it. • Do you miss all that?
S In the 60s, w omen liked to w ear • Was it boring?
mini .................. .... ... . • Did you like it there?
6 Did you know that t he hippy
...... .. ............ .. .. . w as very popular
w ith teenagers in the 60s?
7 In the 60s, teenagers had .. .......... ..
radios to listen to music. Kenny: Did you grow up in the countryside, lan?
lan : No, I didn 't. I lived in a big city.
Kenny: 1) .... .... ....................................................... .. .. .... ..... .

2 * Choose the correct

lan: Yes, I did. There was a lot to do. I went swimming and I
often went to the cinema.
preposition .
Kenny: Sounds like you had a nice life there .
1 My grandpa was crazy of/about lan: It was great. I miss it. 2) ........ ...... .................... .... .. .
leather jackets. He had more than Kenny: I li ved in a village before I moved here.
ten! lan : 3) ............ ... ............. ...... ...... .......... ...... .. .............. .. .....
2 What styles w ere onlin fashion Kenny: No, there w as a lot to do. I delivered newspapers in
50 years ago? the mornings. My friends and I played outside all the
3 Neil Armstrong was the first time and I cycled to school every day.
person to walk onlin the moon .
lan: 4) ... .. ....... .................... .... ..... ........... ..... ..... ." " " " """.
4 When my mum w as a teenager,
Kenny : Somet imes, but I love it here, too!
she listened to her favourite
songs onlin the radio.
S When I w as little, I lived in the
country on/ in a farm . Now, I live
in the city.
6 On/In the 1960s, teenagers liked
li stening to bands like Led
5 ** Write a similar dialogue to the one in Ex. 4. Use
these ideas.
Zeppelin and The Beatles.
• lived in a village/to w n • played football at the weekends
• worked in a bookshop • w alked the neighbour's dog
Vocabulary Reading
1 * Fill in: discovered, dated back, 3 a) * Read t he text and mark the sentences 1-8 T (true)
destroyed, knew, constructed, grew, or F (false).
lived, left.
1 Ca hokia is a very old site.
In 1841 , an America n ex plorer 2 Not many peopl e li ve d there.
cal led John Lloyd Ste ph ens 3 Th ey had ve ry tall pyram ids.
............................ th e Mayan ci ty 4 Th e ci ty had wa lls to keep t he enemies away.
of Chi chen Itza in Mex ico. 5 Th e peop le there co uldn 't tell t he time.
2 John Lloyd Step hens believed th e 6 They were hunters.
city ........................ ... to aroun d 7 They raised animals fo r food.
600 AD 8 Lack of food is a possible reason why peo pl e left th e city ....
3 Maya n peopl e .. .. ...................... ..
................ a lot about astronomy.
4 Lots of Mayan people ................ .
................... ........ in small houses
The Ancient City of Cah 0 ki a
on the edges of th e ci t y.
5 Th ey .................................. corn ,
Cahokia is an ancient villa I h
Americo. This amozing site gdea~~S~a~k tto 7~~s~~ppidRiver in
bea ns and tom atoes for food. e
6 In Chich en Itza, t he Maya n people time over 20 000 I I' d an at one
people left C~hoki~:,"~e Ive thkere. Then suddenly, all of the
......................................... a larg e Th M' . ' . no one nows why.
pyramid called 'El Ca st ill o'. mounJs o;s~~:;~~~a~:'s~ple w~o lived. in Cahokia built big
7 Th e Mayans .............................. .. bUilding On top of these ape 0 :yr~:'dt' Often they put a
their city suddenl y and no on e Cahokia was OVer 10 moun s. e argest pyramid in
houses, temples and stro~gtoreY;1 tat III The Mississippians built
saw them again . They I wa s 0 protect their City too
8 When the Spanish came to rule were a so very clever I Th .' .
leop e.
Chichen Itza t hey ........................ .
some of the old buildi ngs.
even made a calendar ' th
to tell the time. They aI~
ga me was called 'chunkey'.
h;;: e MISsissippians
tooden poles and the sun
paying field. Their favourite
The Mississippians were also d f
crojSh like corn and tomatoes and h~:d a%:~~' f:r f':o9'ew
2 ** Replace the underlined e reason why they left Ca hok' ' . .
some people say they left the city b la IS shtlll a mystery, but
words with their opposites. ecause t ere was no food.
1 Th e palace had t hick wal ls. t __ _
2 The building was huge. s_ _ _ _
3 The houses we re ve ry weak.
s___ _ _
4 He wo re a bea utiful hat. u
5 The ancient city ha d man y
founta in s. m____ _ b) * Now complet e the sentences.
6 The city had 10.!! bu ildings.
s__ _ _ 1 Cahokia is nea r .......... ............ ............... ............ " ...... ............ .
2 The Miss issipp ians bui lt .................................................... .... .
3 To tell the time, they ........ .. ............................... .. .. .... .. .. ....... .
4 They played ......... .. ........ .. .................. .,..... ,.... ........... ........... .
5 The Miss issip pian s ate .......................... ... " .. .. ...... .. .... ......... .. .
6 No one knows why the people ......................................... .... .
7 A possib le reason is t hat ........ .. ................................ ......... .. .. .

t/oec&u$mryr * till in power, reason, approval, odmiral, powers, novy,
and debt.
* F¡ll in: steol, invade, become,
terrorise, soil, found, burY, feor, The ancient Egyptians believed that King Tutankhamun had
moke, attack, build and saYe in the supernatural ...................'. and could do magic'

correct form. King Henry Vlll spent a lot of money during his reign and
when he died England had a large ....'..... to pay off'
1 Francis Drake......'.. around
Lord Nelson, the famous English naval '....."'!.¡¡..!!.'¡""¡'r!"',
the world between 1577 and 1580 defeated Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar.
on the orders of Queen Elizabeth' Some people believed that poison was the real ."....""""""
2 Marie Curie once said that the use for Napoleon's death.
of x-rays during the war King Henry Vll was the first English king to build a(n)
the lives of manY injured men. When he died, England had 5 royal warships'
3 Blackbeard and his crew Defeating the Spanish Armada gave England more
ships on the Atlantic Ocean and over Spain.
Caribbean Sea to get their treasures'
Queen Elizabeth I gave Francis Drake her secret
4 lvan the Terrible to travel around the world'
and killed thousands of PeoPle
during his reign.
5 ln'1798, Napoleon Bonaparte....".. ürwnrmar
.... EgYPt with an armY
* Use the verbs in the pastcontinuous to complete the
of nearly 33,000 men.
6 The Europeans
the Vikings because theY were . rain . sail . study . cook . talk . play . not work

extremely strong warriors who They .......... .......'. in the ocean when the pirates
made surPrise attacks'
attacked them.
7 lvan the Terrible was just 17 years He ..,,......... ......' to the sailors when the admiral
old when he ..............
the first tsar of Russia. It ............... ...'. hard yesterday in the evening so
8 Queen Elizabeth they didn't go out.
Francis Drake a knight in 1581. ..,you historY
9 They a huge
yesterday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon?
navy and attacked them. ........... on the history project when
10 During his second voyage to the
you called.
New World, ChristoPher Columbus While Dan '.... dinner, Bill and Laura
.. the new colonY
lnvoders on the comPuter.
of La lsabela.
11 Blackbeard hid the treasures he
from different
ships on land. 4 ** Complete the sentences using the pastcontinuous'

\2 The Vikings often ......... 1 At 6 o'clock last Monday afternoon my friend

their dead at sea, on burning boats.
2 This time yesterdaY we .,,..'...."
3 At 9 o'clock last Saturday evening my friends

4 This time last SundaY I

Vocabulary Everyday English
1 * Find ten words related to films. 4 * Choose the correct
response .
F A N T A 5 Y B Y Z T F W H
1 A: Did you like that film?
K N 0 B C 0 M E D Y H T G 5
B: a It was a science-fiction film.
F C J T D N M H 0 R R 0 R
b It was fantastic I
5 M U 5 I C A L T L E X I
W A 0 R 0 M A N C E L J R 2 A: I like action films. How about
Z T N 5 N 0 E P U K L Q z U
B: a I prefer animated films.
W E 5 T E R N W W A E Y X B
b It was tiring.
A D V E N T U R E K R V 0 C
3 A: Did you think that film was

2 * Fill in: boring, interesting, sad, funny, amazing, scary. funny?

B: a Yes, it was a great comedy.
That film we watched yesterday was so boring, I fell asleep
b I prefer comedies.
halfway through it.
2 I don't like horror films. I think they are ................................ 4 A: What type of films do you like?
3 I was really upset when the family disappeared; it was such a B: a I prefer fantasy films .
................ ................. film. b I quite like it.
4 My dad doesn't like westerns, but he loves science-fiction
S A: Did you like animated films
films. He says they are much more ............................
w hen you were young?
5 Sara's favourite films are comedies . She likes them because
B: a I prefer fantasy films.
they are .. .......... .............. .
b Yes, I quite liked them.
6 I really enjoyed Alice in Wonderland; it was just .......................
6 A: What did Patty do at the
B: a She watched that new
action film.
Listening b She loved it.

3 ** 0 You will hear 7 A: What was the new Iron Man

two people talking film like?
about a trip to the B: a I loved it. Make sure you
cinema. Listen to the see it.
dialogue and mark the b I saw it last month .
sentences T {true} or F
8 A: Do you like horror films?
B: a They are terrifying .
b No, I prefer romances.

1 Jane and Carrie went to the cinema last weekend.

2 It was twenty pounds for one ticket.
3 Carrie didn't think the film was scary.
4 Josh didn 't really enjoy watchi ng the film.
S Josh prefers science-fiction films.

Writing (a review of a film) 3 * Complete the
1 * Read the review and answer the questions.
recommendations with: you'll
love it, miss it, a must-see, It's a
bore to watch, should see it. Then
Clash of the Titans mark them P (positive) or
N (negative).
by Jeremy Smithers
A Avatar is an amazing film with
Clash of the Titans is a 3D fantasy
film starring Sam Worthington. It's a spectacu lar special effects. Don't
story from Greek mythology about 1) .......... ................................... .
the time when humans went to war B Robin Hood is a great film. It has a
with the gods. The humans make the good plot and exciting action
gods angry when they destroy the scenes. You 2) ....... ........ ........... .
temple of Zeus , the king of the gods, C The act ing in The Bounty Hunter is
at Argas. Then , the god Hades kills
terrible and the plot doesn 't
some humans and the innocent
family of Perseus, too. Perseus, the make sense. 3) ........................ .
human son of Zeus , wants revenge D Up is 4) .................................... ..
against Hades. He battles against I'm sure 5) ................................ . .
strange demons, frightening beasts,
and Hades to protect the city of
Argas and its Princess. The film is
full of action with amazing special
4 * Read the rubric and answer
the questions.
effects. Don't miss it!
Write a short review of your I
I favourite film. I
1 What type of film is it? I ' Describe what type of film it is. I
I . Describe the actors that star I
2 Who stars in it? in it. I
I . Describe the plot of the film. I
3 What is the plot about? : . Give your personal opinion :
I and recommendation. I
4 How does Jeremy recommend the film? ~---------------~
1 What type of film is it?

Replace the words in bold with synonyms from the 2 Who stars in it?
3 Wh_at is the plot about?
• depressing • frightening • great • terrible • dull
• amusing • thrilling
4 How do you recommend it?
1 The film was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing .
2 Avatar is a good film. You should see it.
3 The film was very scary, I couldn't sleep.
4 Don 't watch this film; it's so boring I fell asleep.
5 I cried at the end of the film. It was sad. 5 ** Use the rubric and your
6 The film was exciting . I was on the edge of my answers in Ex. 4 to write a
seat. short review of the film for
7 The plot of the film was bad . I wou ldn 't the school magazine (60-80
recommend it. words).
1 * Fill in: continent, respected, travelled, pull, Notions & Functions
looked after, protected.
Choose the correct response.
The Navajo lived in earth and wood houses and
...... .... on foot. 1 A: Where was Jane yesterday afternoon?
2 The men .. ..... ...... ,.. ..... .... . the tribe from their B: a At the pool.
enemies . b No, she w asn 't.
3 The Native Americans .. .. ...... .. .. ................... .. .. .. 2 A: Were you at the park last Sunday?
the environment and tried not to destroy it. B: a No, w e weren 't.
4 They sometimes used dogs to ..... ... ... ....... ....... . b Yes, they were .
their sleds.
3 A: Did he play board games when he was a
5 The w omen of the tribe did the housework and
......... ..... ... ...... th e children .
B: a Yes, he did.
6 Europeans arrived on t he ... .... .................. ....... ..
b No, they didn't.
of America in the 15th century.
4 A: What did you do la st w eekend ?

2 * Match the words . Use the phrases to

B: a Nothing special. What about you?
b I li ked it a lot.
complete the sentences.
5 A: Cou ld you swim at the age of si x?
[IT] w ooden A skin B: a No, you couldn't.
[IT] native B houses b No, I couldn 't.

[IT] animal
C crops
6 A: It sounds like you really liked it.
0 tribes
[IT] grew B: a Yes, it was great.
b Yes, sometim es I do.
There w ere many... ............ ............ living
on the continent of America . 7 A: Was it boring?
2 The Navajo .. ... ..... ........... .. .......... to feed their B: a No, not at all.
families. b No, I didn 't.
3 The Kwakiutllived in large ........ . 8 A: Do you miss all that?
4 They used natural materials like, ............... .. .... ,
B: a Well, sometimes w e do.
to make their clothes . b Yes, w e did .

9 A: What w as the film li ke?

3 * Choose the correct preposition. B: a I prefer thrillers.
b I didn't like it.
The Navajo travelled from place to place inion
foot. 10 A: What do you think of Avatar?
2 The Kw akiutl used canoes forl to fi shing . B: a It's a must·see. Don 't miss it.
3 When did the Europeans arrive inion the b I like all types of films.
4 Nature was very important tolby the Native
5 The Cheyenne made their hou ses of If ram
buffalo skin.

Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.

1 Eighty years ago, there ...... an airport on the 15 A: What do you think of Up?
island. 8: A It's a comedy film. B It was expensive.
A were n't B isn't C wasn't C It's great. You should see it.

2 A: Did ancient Egyptians play board games? 16 Did girls ..... mini skirts and boots in the 60s?
8: Yes, they ...... A wore B wears C wear
A could B had C did
17 The streets were ..... of people.
3 A: What did you do yesterday evening? A narrow B full C crowded
8: A Nothing special. B I didn't like it at all.
18 The ..... of the volcano destroyed the vi llage.
C Not really.
A ash B eruption C effect
4 A: It sounds like you loved it.
19 Vikings ..... fast boats .
B: A Yes, it was amazing.
A did B built C traded
B Yes, I saw it yesterday.
C No, they don't. 20 He ..... newspapers at the age of 10.
A delivered B helped Cleft
5 ..... there public baths in Pompeii?
A Had B Were C Was 21 There were rooms where they kept their
6 The Navajo were farmers and they ..... crops.
A running B storage C terraced
A made B built C grew
22 Macchu Picchu is an ancient Inca ......
7 A: Was it a bit dull?
A sight B site C field
B: A Not at all. B No, I don't.
C No, I wasn't. 23 The film had great special ......
A effects B acting C plot
8 A: Do you miss your old neighbourhood?
B: A Yes, sometimes I do. B Yes, we did. 24 He likes comedies because they are ......
C No, they don't. A scary B sad C funny

9 The ancient Egyptians ..... build pyramids from 25 He didn't ..... them leave the building.
stone. A saw B see C sees
A were B had C could
26 The ancient buildings in Peru had ..... walls.
10 The Cheyenne ..... buffalo for food. A thick B chubby C curly
A farmed B grew C hunted
27 I don't like science- ..... films.
11 Only boys ..... school. A comedy B western C fiction
A arrived B taught C attended
28 They lived in a block of ......
12 The city dates ..... to the 15th century. A shops B flats C departments
A bit B from C back
29 The eruption of Mt Vesuvius ..... the city under
13 They ..... goods on their boats. ash.
A constructed B ruled C transported A destroyed B put C buried

14 The Kwakiutl ..... their houses out of wood. 30 They fished ..... the River Nile.
A makes B made C make A in B over C of
Reading Task (multiple choice)
Read the text. In each question (1-6) choose
the right answer A, B, Cor D.

TerrifYing and merciless -are the words to describe this most

famous English pirate. Blackbeard was a large, tall man and he
carried two swords, lots of guns and kni ves. His real name was
Edward Teac h, but he got his pirate name fi'om the long black
beard which covered most of his face. Ships all over the
Caribbean Sea feared an attack by Blackbeard and his crew.
Teach began his career on the high seas at an early age
when he sailed in tile English Navy in the War of tl,e
Spanish Succession ( 1702-1 713). After the war he joined
the crew of the Pirate Homigold. In 1717, they captured a
French ship that Homigold later gave to Teach. Teach took
control of this ship which he named 'The Queen Anne's
Revenge' . This was the fi rst of many ships that he commanded,
and it began his reputation as a terri fYing and dangerous pirate.
Over the next year, Blackbeard and his crew captured more than 50
ships. They often leamed a ship's nationality and then raised that
country's flag in order to appear fi-i endly. Thi s allowed Blackbeard's ship to get close to the other ship. The pirates then
raised Blackbeard 's flag and attacked tile ship. They went on board the ship and stole treasure and goods.
Blackbeard's li fe came to an end when the Royal British Navy sent Lieute nant Maynard after Blackbeard in November,
1718. Maynard found Blackbeard and his crew in small harbour in North Carolina. The pirates and Maynard 's crew
fought each other. [n the battle, Maynard shot and killed Blackbeard. Aftelwards, Maynard searched for Blackbeard 's
treasure, but was unable fi nd it. When Blackbeard died so did the secret of his treasure which remains a mystery to this

The pirate Blackbeard 4 Blackbeard and his crew got close to other sh ips by
A had a short black beard. A secretly going on board.
B was of medium height. B not showing any flag at all.
C was a frightening man . C stealing the other ship's flag .
D had ships all over the Caribbean . D showing the same flag as the other ship.

2 Blackbeard first went to sea 5 When Maynard found Blackbeard,

A when he was quite young. A Maynard fought and died.
B to work for Pirate Hornigold. B Blackbeard fought, but lost his life.
C to fight the French. C Maynard took Blackbeard's treasure.
D to sail to Spain. D the pirates killed Maynard.

3 Blackbeard got his first ship 6 The above text is typical of

A from another pirate. A a history book.
B by attacking the English Navy. B an adventure story.
C from Queen Anne. C an autobiography.
D by stealing it from another pirate. D a historical novel.
Vocabulary Grammar
1 * Choose the correct word. 4 * Write the past participles of the verbs
1 Tom wants to ride/drive a camel w hen he goes 5 ride - ............... ..
1 take - .... ............. ..
to Egypt. 2 make - ............. .. .. .. 6 see - ..................... ..
2 One of the things I've always wanted to do is 3 swim - ...... .. ......... .. 7 climb - .. .................
climb/flyover the city in a helicopter. 8 try - .. .. ............ .
4 do - .......... ........... .. .
3 Sue has driven/sailed on a yacht twice .
4 George drove/cycled a quad bike for the first
time yesterday.
5 * Put the verbs in brackets into the present

2 * Fill in: source, highlight, clear, true, and 1 Susan .... ........ .............. .
three times this year.
(visit) Barcelona
2 Jane .............. ... ........ .......... ...... (leave) for her
lOne of Jenny's w ildest dreams came .... ...
two-month holiday around Latin America.
w hen she w ent diving w ith sharks.
3 Of all the hotels we .. ............ .. ............ .
2 Some tra ve llers got lost in the .................. .
(stay) in so far, this is the best one.
and had t o wa lk for days under the hot sun .
4 James and Lilly ............ .. ..................... (travel)
3 Th e .. ...... ...... .. ..... ...... .. of th e Amazon Ri ve r is
to most countries around Europe.
in Nevado Mism i, a 5,597-m etre mountain in
5 George ........ ...... ............ ...... (promise) to send
southern Peru .
us some postcards from his trip to Japan.
4 Divers can see tropical fish and colourful corals
6 The Smiths ............ ...... .................... ... (decide)
in the ............... .... .. ....... water near the beach .
to go camping for their summer holidays.
5 The ........ .... .. .. ............. of our trip to Spain was
7 AIIan ...... ...... .... .. .. ...... ........... ...... .. ..... (choose)
visiting the Prado museum in Madrid.
to go camping for his summer holiday.
8 It .................... .. .... ........ ........ ... (be) three years
3 a) * Match the words in the two columns. since we last went abroad .
9 They ............ .. .. .... ................ (bring) back some
great souvenirs for everyone from their trip.

A ruins
B van
6 * Choose the correct item.

[IT] city C volcano 1 Linda's not here. She has been/has gone to
[IT] ancient 0 bus the travel agent's.
[ID ri ver E skyline 2 Dave and Jenna have been/have gone to
[IT] camper F cruise Australia t w ice .
3 Alex has gone/has been on a cycling tour across
b) * Use four of the phrases above to the country. He's coming back next month.
4 Kate has been/has gone on holiday to Italy
complete the sentences.
four times this year.
1 We went on a ................ .. .. .............. yesterday. 5 Emma has been/has gone to get Terry from
It was nice to be on the water. the airport. I'm expecting them any time now.
2 The tour bus stopped at the .... .... ....... ............ .. 6 Diana has gone/has been to the shops. Would
of a two thousand year old town.
you like to wait for her?
3 It was really fun travelling around London on a 7 I have gone/have been to the Edinburgh Festival
red .. .... .... ...................... and seeing the sights .
three times and I'm going again next year.
4 We enjoyed an amazing view of the Parisian
8 Hugh and Laura love New York City. They have
.. .................... from the top of the Eiffel To w er.
gone/have been there many times .
Vocabulary Grammar
1 * Do the crossword puzzle. 3 * Make sentences using the words below.
Use for or since and the present perfect.

1 I/ not have/a holiday/ two years ....... ......... ... .... .

2 Andy/live/8razil/2008 ............................ .. ... ......
3 It/not snow/in my town/a long time .... .... ....... .
4 He/ not travel/abroad/last summer ................. ..
5 I/ be/ in Ve nice/a few days now ..... ..... .............. .
6 We/ not eat/out/months ... .......... .. ................. .

4 * Underline the correct word .

1 Helen has never/ever been to Italy.

2 We have already/yet bought the plane tickets.
3 Have you been on the sightseeing tour yet/just?
4 Madeleine has since/just missed her flight.
S I haven't ridden a bike since /for I was a child .
6 Have you since/ever been diving with sharks?
7 I haven't been camping for/since three years.

5 * Put the verbs in brackets into the present


1 A: ............................ (you/ever/be) camping?

8: Yes, but I .. ......... ....... ........ .. ........... (not/do)
it for ages.
2 A: Do you w ant to go skydiving?
2 * Fill in : weird, old· fashioned, on board, bun, 8: Yes I do. I ........................ (never/try)
still, thought and look. skydiving before.

The best way to see San Francisco is to jump 3 A: I ... ....... ... .............. .. .......... .. ... (just/receive)
.. .. ..... .. ...... ... .......... .... ...... a cable car and ride a postcard from Mary. She's in Hawa ii.
around the city. 8: Really? How long ..... ... ...... .. ... .... ............... .
2 I had a(n) .. ......... ......... .......... .. .. experience on (she/be) there?
the boat. I thought I saw a sea monster. 4 A: ............. ... ............. .. ...... . ... (James and
3 Keep ....................................... ! I want to take lilly/a rrive) in London yet?
a photo of you next to that statue. 8: I do n't know, they ......... .
4 She was so lost in ........ .... ...... ............ that she (not/call) me.
missed her bus stop. 5 A: How's your trip? ..... ... ............... ....... ........... .
S The air hostess had a blue uniform on and wore (you/do) anything interesting?
her hair in a(n) .......... ... ..... .... . ........ .... . 8: Well, we ... .. ...... ............... (fly) over the city
6 In London, there are ............................... taxis in a hel icopter and we ..... .... ... .... .. ..... ......... .
from the 1940s. (take) some amazing photos so fa r.
7 Jane gave me a puzzled ......... ........... ....... ...... .
6 A: I ......... .......... ...... ....................... (not/book)
when the tram stopped sudden ly.
our ferry tickets yet.
8: That's OK. I ... .............. ........................ (ask)
George to do it.
Vocabulary Listening
1 * Fill in : organised, volunteered, participated,
3 * ',.J You will he ar a ra dio show about a
allowed, changed, donate, care, looks after. volunteer programme. For ea ch quest ion
(1-5) choose the best answer (A, B, or C).
Last wee k our schoo l . . ........................ .
a special charity event to help the poor. 1 'Thankful Thursday ' is a day
2 Helping at the animal she lter A when chi ldren make teddy bears for charity.
me to learn more about animals. B to discuss different ways to vo lunteer.
3 My experience of working with children in C whe n people help sick children.
Africa ................ ................. ..... my life.
2 The first step in organising a 'Charity Bear Party' is to
4 Many celebrities . .. money to
A raise money.
charity every year.
B make the bears.
5 David .... .... ..... .. .................. to collect food and
C find a school or place for the event.
helped give it out to homeless people.
6 People from more th an 10 different countries 3 After putting the bears ' bodies together, the
................. in World Animal Day' last October. children
7 Ja ne helps ........... ....... for the elderly A put clothing on the bears.
at a nursing home. B mak e bi rth certi fi cates for th e bears.
8 Th e ani mal shelte r ......................................... .. C make the bears' faces.
animals. such as stray cats and dogs.
4 In the end. the chi ld ren
A give the bears to sick children.
B sell the bears to children.
2 * Fill in: cultures. raffle. aid, local. race, C raise money by selling the bears to hospital s.
disabled, experience, fundraising, positive.
5 Th e programme helps children understand that
1 The ....................... ..... ......... programme helps A some children are ve ry sick.
bring clean water to villages in Africa . B teddy bears make si ck children feel better.
2 In Indonesia, I wo rked with the ........... . C it's possible for them to help people .
people to grow food.
3 Carla vo lunteers to help ............... . Everyday English
people do the ir shopping.
4 The organisers sell ........... . .... t ickets 4 * Choose the correct answer.
at the dinner dance every year. A: We're looking for someone to look after the
5 My class organised various ............................. . ani mals.
events to raise money for charity. B: a Fantastic!
6 Chris is planning to run in next month's charity b I can definitely help.
................ to collect money for people in need.
2 A: When are you available?
7 Volunteers worked hard to help bring a
B: a I'm free every Monday night.
change to the community.
b I'l l see yo u there.
8 After volunteering abroad for more than 10 years,
Pat has learned a lot about different ................ . 3 A: You can start on Friday if you li
9 Helping ot hers to have a better life is an B: a I can sell raffle tickets.
unforgettable ................... . b OK, I'll be there.

4 A: I can he lp to care for

old people.
B: a Are you interested?
b Great l
Vorcbulary * put the verbs in brackets into the posf
simple or the present perfect.
* Fill in: downlood, caught, instant,
networking, browse, mode, text 1A: (You/risten) to Tom's
n.* ¿; ;,;;;;;;;
You should only .......... music from
B: Yes, it's great! L...,..,................ (watch) the
online music shops.
video clip on YouTube last night.
I was so .... up in texting someone,
I didn't see my bus go past. 2A: (youiever/be) to a

I bought a new smartphone so I can access the technology exhibition?

lnternet and ............, my favourite web pages. B: Yes. ln fact I ............. (go) to one last week.
I often use my computer to .............. 3A: I ................. (start) taking computer
message my friends on line, lessons last month.
Social ......... sites are a great way to B: That's great! What
keep in touch with people and share photos. (you/learn) so far?
6 Most teenagers ................. their friends often. 4A: ..,.... (you/send) Sue a message
7 You should always check that your GPS receiver about Friday's party yet?
is in driving before you start driving. B: Oh no. I totally (forget).
5A: (you/hear) any news
Gramfttar from Joe and Linda?
* put the verbs in the brackets in the posf B: Yes, I ......... (chat) with them online
simple or the present perfect. last night.

A: HiJenny, l1)............. .. (not/see)

6A: (you/speak) to Bob yet?

you for ages!

B: Yes, I ......... ...... (call) him a few
minutes ago.
B: Hi Alice! I know, I 2) ..........,.................. (be)
really busy lately. How are you?
A: l'm great. lt 3) ....,..... (be) my
¿ñ * Circle the correct item.
birthday last week.
B: Oh no, I 4) ............. (forget) to call I've ...... sent Tom a text message.
you, l'm so sorry. A yet B ever C just D for
A: That's OK. Have you ...... written a blog?
B: Did you do anything special? A yet B ever C since D for
Yes. I 5) . (go) to the cinema with
friends and my parents 5) ............... Sarah hasn't finished her ICT project....,.
(give) me an amazing new phone. A yet B just C already D for
B: Really, can I see it? ...... you emailed Tony yet?
A: Yeah, here it is, lt's the best phone I
A Did B Does C Have D Are
7) .........,..... (ever/have).
l've had this netbook ...... two years.
Wow, I 8) .....,.,.....,...
(never/see) a touch-
screen phone before. Can you download videos?
A for B ever C since D already

A: Yes, I 9) .....,......... (just/download) ...... you call me yesterday?

Rihanna's new video. A Did B Does C Have D Do
B: ls it good? I 10)...,.,,........,.... (not/see) it yet.
Julie ...... a new MP3 player last week.
A: I like it, but then again, I love all her musicl
B: Well, I have to run. I've got my lT class in a
A gets B got
few minutes.
C has got D is getting

0K. See you soon!

r:n Voc abulary Reading
* Fill in'. blow, point, kiss, greet, burp, purse, 4 * nead the text and

nod, shake.
mark the sentences
(1-6) I (true) or F (false).
ln Europe when relatives meet they give each
other a . on the cheek'
2 It is impolite to ...'..'... your nose during meals'
3 ln the Philippines guests ""' loudly
after a meal to show they've enjoyed it' Just like food is difierent from l
Russian people never .,...,.. " hands country to countrY so are
table manners. Before You
before they take off their gloves.
It's rude to .......... at a person with your finger'
travel to another countrY
there are a few things
ln many countries people
6 """ their should know about mealtimes
lips and shake their heads to show disapproval' around the world.
You can .. 1lour head or move it uP At a table in England, it's rude to lick your fingers or
and down, in most countries to show you agree' your knife. You need to be careful when eating soup'
ln Canada, the lnuits ... each other, bon't slurp or make noise while eating it. lt is also
by rubbing noses instead of shaking hands' impolite to starl eating before your host has served
everyone at the table. Try not to put your elbows on the
* Choose the correct word. tablé and, finally, don't take food from your neighbou/s
Respect country/social rules when you greet in France it is important to always say 'please' and
people abroad. 'thank you' to people serving at the table. When eating
2 Please sit anddo/make yourself comfortable' bread, break off a piece with your fingers rather than
3 Don't use your index/thumb finger to point at use a knife. When you are at a restaurant and haven't
people. finished your food make sure you don't leave your fork
People in the Philippines move their eyes to and knife on your plate as this is a signal for the waiter
to take your Plate.
show/point direction.
For moót meals in SaudiArabia people sit on the floor
ln Canada, maintain direct eye contact/
or at a low table with cushions. Remember to cross
communication when talking to another person'
your legs when you sit. Eat only with your right hand
ln the USA greet people with a firm/stiff becausé most Saudi Arabians think the left hand is not
h andshake. clean. lt is polite to try all of the food that the host
ln most countries when people clench their serves. Saudi Arabians usually don't say much when
fists it is a sign/mark of anger. they eat as they really want to enjoy the food' Finally, it
ln Asian countries guests feel obliged/ forced is ot<ay to burp after a meal as it tells the host that you
liked the food.
to remove their shoes before entering a home'

Grammar 1 English people wait for their host to finish

serving before they start their meal.
* Rewrite the sentences in the passive' 2 ln England, it is acceptable to eat from
lf you break something, tell the host' someone else's dish.
French people use knives to cut their
2 They appreciate a thank-you note after the dinner' bread.
ln France, waiters take your plate when
3 Alice sent flowers to the Martins' they see your fork and knife on it.
People in Saudi Arabia sit on a chair to
4 They require formal dress. have a meal.
The Saudi Arabians talk a lot during
5 The host offered the first toast'

Vocabulary 2 * Use sentences A·E to complete the

1 * Use the words in the boxes to label the


pictures. A If I were you, I would stay home.

cut B I have a fever too .

• nosebleed • wrist • finger ( What seems to be the problem?
sprain • stomach .ache • fever • toothache D My advice is to drink lots of fluids .

twis t • ankle • headache • cold • sunburn E What are the symptoms ?

get A: Hello, Mr Smith . 1) ................ .. ........ .............. ?

B: I don 't feel we ll , doctor! I think I'm ill.
A: 2)... . . . . . . . . . . .. ,
B: Well, I have a headache and a runny nose.
A: Hmm, anything else?
B: 3) ......................................... .
A: It sounds like the flu, Mr Smith .
B: Oh, no. What should I do?
1 He's cut his finger 2 ............................ ..
A: 4) .................. .. ..................... .
B: (an I sti ll go to work'
A: 5) ...................................... You need your rest.
B: Thank you, doctor.

3 ............................. . 4 .............. .............. ..
3 * 0 You are going to hear a radio interview
with Michelle Whiten, who works at a local
hospital. For each question (1·5) choose the
best answer (A, 8 or C).

1 Michelle works as a
A doctor. B nurse. ( receptionist.
2 Michelle says that headaches
A are normally easy to treat.
5 ...... ........... ........... . 6 ....................... ...... .
B are no reason to go to the doctor.
( take a long time to go away.
3 Michelle says that people often sprain their
ank les while
A going for a walk. B making food.
( in their homes.
4 The interviewer believes that aspirin
7 .... ................ ......... . 8 ............................ ..
A is a very popular treatment.
B can't help someone with a sprained ankle.
( can't relieve pain as much as having a rest
5 People w ho suffer from a minor ailment
A usually worry too much about it.
B should seek advice immediately.
9 ............................. . 10 .. ( often do not need to see a nurse or a doctor.
Writing (A story) 3 * look at the
1 * Read the story and choose the correct sequence
picture and use
the words!
word .
phrases in the
last Sunday I went fish ing with my best friend list, as well as
Nick. We left very ea rly in the morning and your own
to the lake. ideas to write
1) First/ Next we made some sandwiches a paragraph
to take with us. 2) Finally/Then we packed setting the
our fishing gear into the boat.
scene for a
3) First/After that, we set off and rowed to the
deepest part of the lake, where we hoped to catch 0 big fish.
After many hours without catching a fish, we were ready to head • Saturday morning
back to shore when suddenly we got a bite! I looked up and in the • My friend Ted an d I
distance I saw a huge scary loaking fish. I screamed at Nick to let • warm sunny day
go of the fishing rod and pulled him down into his seat. • go mountain biking
4) Finally/Next, I told him to grab the oars and we rowed away as
fast as we could. 5) First/Finally we made it to the shore and we
fel t very glad to be safe. We never went fishing on the lake again,
4 * Put the events of the story
in the correct order.
rn Ted had a bro ken leg and the
2 * Read the extract. Put the verbs in brackets into the doctor put a plaste r cast on it
for six weeks.
past simple .
I used my mobile phone to ca ll
My friends 1) ....... .. .. .. ... .. ....... .. for help.
(tell) me that the old empty
house on the corner of my street
m We were on a rough biking
2) .. .. .... . .. . .... . . (be)
@I] Ted was on the ground in pain
haunted. But I 3) .. .......... .... .. .... and couldn 't move his right leg .
(not/believe) them . So one day ~ An am bulance came and took us
14) .......... .. ....... (decide) to go to the hospital.
and look for myself! I
[ID Ted rode over a rock and fell off
5) ... ..... . ...... .. (open) the front hi s bike.
door slowly and
6) .... ... ..... ... ....... (enter) the
house. I 7) .. ....... .. ...... ... ...... .
5 ** Read the rubric and use the
paragraph you wrote in Ex. 3 and
(start) to walk down the hallway. the events in Ex. 4 to write your
Suddenly, I 8) .................. .. story. Write a different ending to
(hear) a loud bang behind me. I your story.
9) .. .. .. .... ......... .. .. .. (turn) around
and 10) ............. .. ......... .. . (see)
Write a story about a cycling
a scary shadow. Then , I
experience (100-120 words).
11) ..... .. .... .. ............ .. (shout) for
help and 12) .... ...................... . • Say when and whe re th e story
(run) quickly out of the house. took place.
"I'"II"I~ • Describe the events in the order
they happened.
• Say what happened in th e end
and how you fe lt.
1 * Fill in: touch, messoges, get through, users, Notions & Functions
communicate, sophisticated.
Choose the correct response.

Mobile PliGht! 1 A: I can help to collect money.

B: a I'm interested in volunteering.
b Great!

Mobile phone etiquette is a hot topic. Today's 2 A: When are you available?
teenagers are increasingly using 1) ................... . B: a Ok, I'll see you there.
technology, like mobile phones, to keep in b I'm free on Tuesday afternoons.
2) .................... with their friends and families.
3 A: What are the symptoms?
But does your need to 3) .................... upset
B: a I've cut my finger.
other people?
b I have a runny nose and fever.
Here are a few tips on how to be polite. It is
disrespectful to make calls and to send or receive 4 A: I'm interested in volunteering for the youth
4) ................. in public places, like the centre.
cinema or theatre. So switch off B: a I can definitely organise a fundraising event.
your mobile phone! When you are b We're always looking for new volunteers.
in a public place and you do need
5 A: I have a toothache.
to 5) ....................... . to someone,
B: a Why don't you see a dentist.
make sure that your conversation
b If I were you I would drink lots of fluids.
is not disturbing other people
around you. What is more, all 6 A: Have you ever sailed on a yacht?
mobile phone 6) .................. .. B: a No, I didn't.
should limit the number of b No, I haven't.
times their phone rings.
7 A: When are you free?
Most of all, don't shout
B: a I can make it on Monday mornings.
on your mobile in public
b You can start on Monday if you like.
places, your mobile is not
a megaphone! S A: Just come in around noon and ask for Peter.
B: a Goodbye.
b Ok, I will be there.

9 A: I've twisted my ankle and it hurts.

2 ** Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). B: a I think you should rest it for a few days.
b My advice is to take cough medicine.
Most teenagers use mobile phones to
communicate w ith the people who are 10 A: Joe has already left for Madrid.
closest to them. B: a He's lived there for a year.
2 Using a mobile phone in the cinema is b When did he leave?
11 A: Is Louise at home?
3 You should never make ca lls in public
B: a She's just gone out.
b She's already been to the doctor.
4 It doesn't matter how many times your
mobile rings. 12 A: Good morning. A Friend in Need Charity.
5 When you use a mobile, you need to speak B: a Hello, I'm interested in volunteering.
loudly. b Are you interested?
Language & Grammar Review
Choose the correct answer.

1 I'd really love to .......... in a camper van. 16 I've always wanted to .......... in a charity aid
A sail B travel C fly programme.
2 Dean .... ..... . abroad many times. A volunteer B organise C participate
A travel C has travelled 17 We've already ... ... .... to the Greek islands. Let's
B have travelled go somewhere else this summer.
3 We went on a camel .......... when we were in A been B gone C stayed
Egypt. 18 Our teacher explained to us how a mobile
A drive B cruise C ride phone .......... works.
4 Social networking sites are great for A frequency B user C network
with your friends online. 19 This is the first time I ......... on a yacht.
A sharing B chatting C writing A have sailed B sails C sailed
5 Ben and Sue .......... come back from their 20 The Coliseum in Rome is a place where history
holidays yet. .......... to life.
A hasn't B don't C haven't A comes B goes C walks
6 Emma has got a lot of working as a 21 Chris is .......... in a charity race this weekend.
volunteer. A attending B organising C running
A experience B field C culture 22 Volunteers get to work hand ....... hand with
7 .......... John's new quad bike yet? the locals.
A Have you seen C Has you seen A by B In C and
B You have seen 23 Jonathan .......... dozens of web pages before
8 When I suggested going skiing at the weekend, he found the information he wanted.
Tom .......... his head in agreement. A browsed B shared C updated
A pursed B showed C nodded 24 Helen's plane has .......... landed.
9 Barney .......... his profile picture last night. A just B yet C never
A changed B has changed C changes 25 My mum .......... all our old clothes to charity.
10 Sam isn't here. He's .......... to the beach. A donates B collects C volunteers
A been B went C gone 26 Jason always .......... hands with someone he
11 Don 't you know it's rude to ...... .... at people? meets for the first time.
A kiss B point C show A shakes B gives C takes
12 You need to see a dentist about that .......... of yours. 27 I .......... this laptop for only a week and it's
A headache C stomach ache already having problems.
B toothache A had B 've had C 'm having
13 In some countries it's impolite to .......... your 28 Why don't you use your GPS receiver to
nose in public. the map of the area?
A burp B nod C blow A tweet B look up C surf
14 James called for a .......... to take him to the airport. 29 Sandra had the .......... and didn't go to school.
A tram B bus C taxi A fever B cold C flu
15 Gina has been a nurse .......... 1995. 30 Janet .......... from Mexico yesterday.
A since B for C just A has returned B returns C returned
Reading Task (True-False)
Read the text and mark the sentences (1-7) T (true) or F (false).

1 Nicaragua has some

interesting geographical
2 A lady from San Jacinto
took them to the
3 The guide had problems
with the hot weather.
4 They stopped for a rest
on the way to the
S When they reached the
top, it was night time.
6 Inside the volcano's
crater it was empty.
7 Going to the volcano
was the highlight of the
writer's visit.

I -+ always with a caPrtal letter
Vou r in the singular and Plural
. We use the indefinite article a before nouns which
begtn he - for a man or a boY
sound (b, c, d, f , g'h' I' k, I, m' n' p' q' she r for a woman or a girl
with a consonant
r, 5, t, v, w, x, y, z). it '+ for an animal or a thing
a balloon o horse a kite we r for people
. We use the indefinite article an before nouns which they + for PeoPle, animals or things
begin with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)'
on-egg an aetoPlane on umbrella
Fossess&we eetives/ F r0 x'¡ 6 {x r'! s

my/yo u r/h is/her/rts/o u r/you r/their

_ _ ^*__ .J

m ine/you rs/h is/hers/-/ou rs/you rs/ t

Long Form Short Form theirs ^ _j

yo u're Possessive adjectives show
he's a) that something belongs to somebody Thrsismycamera
she's b) the relationshrp between two or more people
it's She is our sister, e.,
we're a We put possessive adjectives before nouns Heismybrother'
you're a We use for both the second person singular and plural'
or a
they're a We do óot put possessive pronouns before an adjective
noun.Ihis bookismine.
in written
We usually use the long form of the verb to be
are seventeen y ears old'
En g ish Tiey are f rom Piland and

W. ,t. the short form of the verb to be in spoken

Englrsh and lnformal written Enqlish'

A: What'syour nameT
8: My name's Marco and I'm from ltalY' Ihave not got iIhaven't got
you have not got iYou haven't

am not
I l'm not Am l?

not you aren't Are you?

! you are
I he is not he isn't ls he?

i she is not she isn't ls she?

it is not it isn't ls it?
l got?
we are not we aren't Are we? Have i 1

you are not you aren't Are you? L theYi

they are not they aren't Are theY?

ln short answers, we do not repeat the whole
We form the 3rd-person singular in the negative with
We use Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the
appropriate verb form. notlhosn't got.
Wá ,i. the long form of the verb to be ln
positive short We form itt tt. other persons in the negative with
answers. Are yóu a ftocher? Yes, I om' (N)T: Yes):m) hove notlhaven't got'
W. ,t. the short form of the verb to be in negative We form the 3rd-person singular in the interrogative with
short answers. has + subject (noun or personal pronoun) +
Areyou French? lVo, /m not. (NOI Ne'la#+a€¿) We form'all the other persons in the interrogative
. We use the verb hove got:
a) to show that something belongs to somebody
He hos got a comPuter and a bike'
b) to desciibe people, animals or things Lucyhasgotshort
brown hair a'nd brown eyes' His dog has got a very shorttail'
c) to talk about relationships ihavegottwobrothers
o ln short answers we use have/haven't/has/hasn't'
Éai¿&s* Read the dialogue and underline the correct
Complete with a or an, words.

Sue: Hi, I 1)'ml's Sue. I 2)'ml'te from lreland.

Nick: And I 3)'sl'm Nick. I 4)'rel'm lrish, too.
David: Nice to meet you! I 5) 'si'm David.
Sue: 6) ls/Are you from ltaly?
David: No, I 7)'m not/isn't ltalian. I 8)'sl'm from

%, pencil *'
Krakow. I 9)'m/'re Polish.
Nick: 10) ls/Are you a new student in this school?
David: Yes, I f 1)am/are. And you? 12)Areils you
new here, too?
Sue: No, we 13) isn't/aren't. lt 14)'sl're our second
year here.

Complete the email with am, is, ot ore. S * *t P r* i"*'* * ¡ 2 * ; 4' -,3 !, r¿,:..:" ::Z'.i.*
+.c fuj

,% Underline the correct wbrd.

l/My sister isn't an actress. She/Her is an

HiJim, architect. These books are her/hers.
My name 1) ,,................ Rachel. l2) ..... .,.,.... from ,
' Lucia is from Argentina. She/Her is fifteen years
Manchester, Enqland. I 3) . ,............... 17 vears old ,,+!+i old. She/Her favourite singer is Lady Gaga.
The waiters aren't from Peru. They/Their are
from Brazil.
WeiOur are Spanish. We/Our favourite actor is
7) .................... my favourite subjects.
[/y best friends 8) .................. Mandy Gael Garcí a Bernal. He/His is great.
and Shelley. They 9) ................. in my Andrew's from ltaly. He/His is sixteen years old.
class. They 10) .................... good at He/His favourite sport is tennis. This ball is
[/aths and History. Mandy he/his.
11) ...................... 13 and Shelley Peter and Lucy are fourteen years old. They/Their
12) ................ ...... 14.
are from England. They/Their favourite subject is
What about you?
Science. These books are theirs/their.
Write soon,
Rachel '?fu* *'*rfu fu*'sx
Complete the sentences. Use 0m, is/'s, isn't, Fill in has or have, then answer the questions.
ore/'re, oren't. Ffas Simon got brown eyes? (X / blue eyes)
1A: . you a student? No, he hasn't. He's got blue eyes.

B: Yes, L......... the boys got blue eyes? (/)

2A: . Julia from England?
B: No, she . She .............. from Chile. Jane and Clare got short dark hair?
3A: . the boys Mexican? (l / long blonde hair) ..........
B: No, they . They from Spain.
4A: . Maths your favourite subject? 4 ................. Mr Parker got a moustache? (/)
B: No, it ......... . My favourite subject
. History. 5 ................. Anna got long red hair?
5A: Arthur and Maria thirteen years old? (,{ / short brown hair) ..........
B: No, they . They .............. fourteen.
€ornparisoms -,erdjectives €mm
{Comparativcs * Surparlatives} We use cdn to express ability. lconspeakSpanish. Can is the

; irt .',,.. ---:,:!::'-'."-"-'-'""'-.'-"*'".1*::^ "' -' "l same in all persons. The negative of can is connot or can't.

:-.'--,.-.'''-*-,*',-...'+*;...-..-,.--,,,.-.--"-., . , :l-. .. ,-.----,-.-,,,--i

;one-/two- i short ; shorter (than) i the shortest i
jsyllable i nig ! Oigg.t (than) i the biggest ,

adjectives nice ' nicer (than) the nicest *1

j - -' -.' "" ""'"-^':"""'--"-"-'***-^1.-"-"---*-"-

,-y adjectives i easy ¡ easier (than) the easiest

i' I i

; LVVV-JYildUtE )ULLC))t Ut )ULLü))t Ut

Q¡"¡estion \ñrords
aojecuves (tnan) We use:
t' " ''. .-. .--e . ----"' ".-----i..*.'.'".=".-:.-'*'..-.-----¿------."..-...- -.-"-,j
better (than) the best
, Who for people.
"',:"1:"' 'qood
trreoutar : "

bad , worse (than) the worst

A: Who are you?
aotecuVes B:
: more (than)
much/many the most l'm Bob.
, What for things.
Form A: What is it?
. With one-syllable and two-syllable adjectives we add 8: lt's a boak.
-er in the comparative and -est in the superlative. , Where for places.
cold * colder (than) - the coldest A:Whereis Michellefrom?
fast - faster {than)- the fastest B: She\from trance,
With adjectives of more than two syllables we form . How old for age,
the comparative with more and the superlative with fhe A: How old is Kate?
most. B: She's twelve years old. Thi
beautiful - more beautiful (than) - the most beautiful , Which for things when there are two or more possible
difficult - more difficult (than) - the most difficult answers.
Some two-syllable adjectives such as friendly, clever, A: Which is your favaurite colaur, blue or red?
etc form the comparative and superlative either with B: Blue.
-erl-est or with morelthe most. 19
clever - cleverer (than)-the cleverest or is3
- the most clever
clever ^ more clever (than)
*J u'* rn p ;:* r' ;: 's*i -.,; *:t, i t#-'"¿p,* $. F t* c; i r*"+: y{
. Some adjectives are irregular and change completely in

the comparative and superlative. Use the adjectives in the comparotive or the 41 ,

good - better (than) - the best superlotive form. swi

5) .

Spelling Rugby is ............... swir

. With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e we add only -r (dangerous) than American football. 6) .
in the comparative and -st in the superlative.
Tony is me(
nirc - nicer (than) - the nicest
. With one-syllable adjectives that end in vowel +
(tall) of the three players. the
consonant, we double the last consonant and we add -er A football team has (sur
or -est. (many) players than a basketball team. tear
big- bigger (thctn) * the biggest
. With two-syllable adjectives that end in -y, we change
Tennis is ....,..........,
the -y to -i and we add -er or -est. (tough) than golf.
easy - easier (than) - the easiest I think Lionel Messi is ......,.,,..,..
(good) footballer in the world.
. We use the comparative to compare two people, animals, To me tennis is ...............
things, places, etc. We can use tl¡an with the comparative. (difficult) sport to learn.
John ts taller than Nick.
Swimming is ...............
tootbal! is more difficult than basketball.
. We use the superlative to compare one person, animal,
(easy) than canoeing.
thing, etc with more than one person, animal, thing, etc Wembley is,........,.....
in the same group. We use fhe ... of/in with the (big) football stadium in England.
s u perlative.
Tennis is .............,..
Ben ís the tollest student of all.
(expensive) than football.
Russia is the biggest rcuntry in the world.
10 David Beckham is one of
(popular) footballers in the world.
Fill in the comporative or superlotiye form of '1.. ::1f '.

the adjectives in brackets.

:; Look at the table and fill in can or con,t.
Cristiano Ronaldo is
(tall) than Lionel Messi.
2 Michael Phelps is ............... swim x
(fast) swimmer in the world. cook )(
3 Serena Williams is sing x
(strong) than her sister, Venus. dive x )(
4 Golfer Tiger Woods is
(rich) than tennis player Roger Federer. 1 iane ................ dance, but she ................ cook.
5 Yelena lsinbayeva is 2 Jane and Kirsty sing, but they
(good) female pole vaulter of all. ............. dive,
6 Grzegorz Lato is 3 Chris ................ dance, but he ................ swim.
(successful) Polish footballer of all time. 4 Kirsty ..,..,...
sing and dance, but she
........ swim.
Read about Tom's friend, Joe, and fill in the Chris and Kirsty ............ cook, but Jane
gaps with the adjectives in the comporative .'
or the superlotive form.
Complete the questions to the answers
This is my friend Joe. He is in his early twenties like me, ...i.,

cut he is six months 1) ..................... ........ (old)
:han me. Joe is much 2) ........................... 1A: ts your name?
(short) than me. He's only 1.70m and l'm B: My name is Juan.
i.98ml We've both got wavy hair but his hair 2A: are you?
s 3) ............... (long). we're B: l'm sixteen years old.
¡n the same swimming team, He's a i 3A: are Kate and Jenny?
B: They're at school.
4A: is Your ravourite sPort'

swimmer on the team. He's got É\ ;;;;;;;;;;;ü;ii;

{ B: My favourite sport is tennis.
5 A: .,....... ..... is she?
B: She's my sister, Tonia.
(successful) athlete on the
1:;: Look at the
notes. Then
,-¡ Use Whot's or Who's and the adjectives in complete i
Name: Vicky

brackets in the superlotive to complete the the $ Age:17

questions. Then ask and answer in pairs. questions Country: Russia
and ffi. Favourite Subjec t: Music
1 Wha's ffie fhinnesr (thin) student in your class?

...... old is she?
It's She

4 ............ (famous) athlete in the world? ...... is she from?

It's 5he
5 ..,,.......... (popular) sport in the world? ...... is her favourite subject?
It's It

ff¡ere $s * ñlaeve sr€ * ,&1,,&r¡ * Some - Any ThislThese -
. We use thereisftthere's)/there ore to say that someone or ¡ We use this/these to talk about or point to people,
something exists. animals or things which are near us.

Il¡ere is a televísion in the raom.
There are fcur aranges on the table.

Thereare doesn't have a short form.
We use thereis when we are listrng individual things.
r-t' '&,
There3 c melon, ú waÍermeiln cnd ct carton of eggs an the This is a tuble. IJ:ese are fD.s"
tabie. (NOT There are a melon, a watermelon and a carton of We use thot/those to talk about or point to people,
eggs on the table.) animals, or things which are far from us.

-" " ' ":'"-"-"

i There's a clothes, There are some
shop in my
shops in my
i neighbourhood. , nelghbourhood
There isn't a , There aren't any
That is d lanp

, lbaker's
" ,supermarkets

ls there a toy . Are there any
: theatres? @ Thase cue books.

ls there ...? lé;:ih¡ó'" "t'ii,=t';.: in-;-


No, there isn't.

í::1'.{! -. í::..j!:.i:1 ..
'.,.:¡.=¡,:o "'it#:,
Are there ... ? )
Yes, there are,
No, there aren't Fill in: lsthere ot Are there. Look at the
pictures and answer the questions.
. We use a/on rn the singular in all three forms
(affirmative, negative and interrogative)
There's a melon. There tsn't a watermelan, ls the re an npple?
. We use some in the plural in the affirmative.
There are some grapes in the bowl.
. We use ony in the plural in the negative and interrogative.
There aren't any berries. Are there any berriesl
c)l..-^l- e'r t'

. Most nouns take -s to form their plural. boak- baoks

o Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -ch, -x, or -sh take -es
bus - buses, dress - dresses, church - churches, fax - faxes,
brush - brushes !.

. Some nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the 'f or -fe and take :_

-ves to form their plural.

walf - wolves, wtfe - wives BUT raaf - raafs l

. Nouns ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and take -ies,

raspberry - raspberries, baby * babies
Nouns ending in a vowel + -y take -s.
1A: lsthere a coffee table in the living room?
bay * boys, toy - tays B: Yes, there is.
Some nouns ending in -o take -es. 2A: a sofa in the living room?
pot1to - pjtatoes BUT radia - radlas, piano - ptanas,
photo - phatas, video - videas, rhina - rhinos, hippo - hippos
3A: any cush¡ons on the sofa?
t- B:
4A: any chairs in the living room?
...,.....:.... -.,..,--:.._,....-.:.-., ,-.-..,i B:
man : men foot feet
woman , women
: tooth
, teeth
5A: any curtains at the windows?
ch iLd child ren : mOUSe i mice
pers0n : people 6A: a mirror in the living room?
Choose the correct word.

1 There are some/an/any chairs in the kitchen. Complete the sentences, as in th e example.
2 There is a/an/some mirror in the bathroom.
3 There are anylalsome books on the desk. ,'a
{ +-
4 There is some/an/any armchair in the living room, .} t-:
5 There aren't some lanlany cupboards in the *-3 I. I
\*/ {u' t.
t,: :,
6 There isn't some/a/any window in the kitchen.
I lfrst is a clock and tft¡s is an iron.


Rewrite in the plural.

'l lt is a bus. lJrey *r* &uses.
f \- {

[-.r \
J .,,.......,,. isa woman and ............. are girls.

2 lt is a glass.
*;, li
l¡ -\
€ i

4 ............. are pillows and............. is a bed.

3 lt is a leaf. +^
._-_r_- 1,*t
ll, r

5 ............. is a toaster and ,.,.......... are cups.

4 He is a student.
- Write the sentences in the ptural, as in the
t,ffi example.
@ 1 This is a bus. IJ¡ess sre &#ses"

t- 2 That is a mouse.
l:.Y 3 This is a brush.
5 He is a man. 4 That is a chair.
This is a box.

5 This is a desk.
7 That is a poster.
8 This is a sofa.

6 lt is a tomato.
The lmperative
. We 'c'- :"e
rmperative with the base form of the verb
of ft¡loveryent _
witho- - -'e subject. Stand uP! We use prepositions of movement to show the direction in
. We fo'- :-e negative imperative with do notldon't and which someone or something is moving. These prepositions
the bas: ':'- of the verb. Don'tsPeok' are. up, down, along, across, into, outof, over, under, through,
post. Tc
Use Walk psst the library. Then turn into High Street.
We use the -le'ative to
a grve orc:': Stop that man!
. give ins:'-::,ons. 0pen the box first

Frepositions of Flaee
We use prepositions of place to say where somebody or towords
something s
¡,i ¡ :',wf g i-_,_*--"^-.."*i
,,S', q*c
under behind next
to neaÍ
€# fw*t
i* "" "^"*"-****,i
: -**"[*-
"fu of
in front between ',{l
Alan -TItc ;é
i _lt *"
i H

. We use a/on before countable nouns in the singular

_"-"1 T

when we talk about something for the first time. T

There is an lrange on the table.There is a poster on the wall. rC

. We use a before words that begin with a consonant ti

sound. (b, c, d, f, etc) cvase
. We use an before words that begin with a vowel sound

(a, e, i, o, u) ananimal
Note: by + cor/busltrain/taxilplanelboat BUT onfoot
We use the to talk about something specific, when the noun W

is mentioned for the second time or it is already known. 6,

When there is an article (a/an/the) or a possessive adjective
There is a book on the desk. The bookis red. (Which book? The 7"
(my, your, etc) before the means of transport, we don't use
book on the table.) p
by. on the plane (N)T: @+hsp.laps) tn his car (N?T byhk++)
We don't use úhe:
. before proper nouns. Alicetshere.
r with the words thislthat/these/those.
TFe* $rvap*fl;#9iÉld* d.

That house has got a garden.
Look at the signs and write sentences.
a with possessive adjectives. This is his book. {; Lr

a before names of countries (Portugal), cities (Parisl, P

1 turn right (I)

mountains (Everest), islands lRhodes), lakes (Lake Batkal)
and continents (Europe). Don't turn right.

before sports. Foatballis my favounte sport.

Pronunciation 2 go straight on (/)

, The is pronounced /óa/ before words which begin with
a consonant sound. ¡he tabie
, The is pronounced /Ói/ before words which begin with
3 cross the road (I)

a vowel sound. fhe iron

Adjectives are words that descrlbe nouns. They have the

same form in the singular and plural.
4 turn left (/)
a beautiful house - beautiful houses

Adjectives go before nouns. He isatall boy.They can also go 5 park here (,f)
after the verb fo be. The boy is tall.

t... ...,,ri

Look at the picture and complete the email Fill in a/an, the or
with the correct prepositions. - .

4 This notebook is blue and that

notebook is green.
5 I have got
bike. .......... bike is red.
6 There are......... pencils on my desk..........
pencils are next to ......,... my books.
l've got ..... armchair in ..... my room. .....
armchair is brown.
8 This..... book is...., Tom's. lt's..... his book.
9 ..... Paris is.....beautiful city. |t,s..... most
beautiful city in ..... Europe.
10 Can you play ..... basketball?

HiCarla, 1'l "ls there .,... estate agent's near here?,, ,,yes,
This is the living room in our new house. lt's really big. there's one in ..... Queen Street."
There is a long sofa 1) the living 12 There is,,... fast food restaurant next to.....

room. There are some cushions 2) .............. . cinema. ...... burgers there are very good.
the sofa and there is a wooden coffee table
3) ........,....... it. There is a carpet
4) .........., ... the coffee table. There is a large Look at the map and complete Matt,s email
window 5) ................ the sofa. The sofa is to Ben with: info, past, over, along, through, out
6) ................ two tables. There are lamps of, up and ocrcss.
7) ............ .. .... the tables and there is a
picture 8) ..........,..... ... the wall, g) ........,..
the window. There are also two
armchairs 10) .. .... .... the room. Do to my house
come to our new house this weekend!
$' r.__




Hi Ben,
Put the words in the correct order. This is how you can come to my house. Come 1)
the train station and turn left. Walk 2) William
'l bedroom/Jane's/small/is Street until the florist's. Turn right into park Road and go
2 got/has/house/our/garden/big/a 3) ............. .. the little bridge. Watk 4) "................... the
supermarket. There is a tunnel after the bakery. Go
3 busy/school/is/street/on/their/a 5)............. .. the tunneland walk 6).................... the park,
4 favourite/book/my/is/this Turn right into Chester Lane. My building is next to the pet
5 town/has lalmodernlour/sports centre/got shop. Go 7) ...."...... .. the building and go 8)
6 is/table/the/a/there/large/dining room/in? the stairs to the second floor and my door is on the left,
See you there,


Present Sirxple Prepositiens ofTi¡me

We use prepositions of time to say when something happens
We use at with:
o the time. of 5otlock,at93A,etc
. holidays: otEaster,etc
. expressions. at night, at noon, at midnight, at dawn, ot the
weekend, etc

We use on with:
o We form the 3rd-person singular in the affirmative by . days: on Monday, onTuesday, etc
adding -s to the main verb. . dates: on6thJuly,etc
r expression s. on weekday1 on Manday morning(s), etc

We use in with:
. months: in March, in August, etc
. seasons. in (the) winter, in (the) sumner, etc
. years: in2A20,in2035,etc
. expression s'. in the morning/afternoon/evening,
in an hour, in a minute, in a week/few days/month/year, etc

,&durerbs sf Frcquene&r
. Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something
happens These are
We form the 3rd-person singular in the negative with always (100%) sometimes (25%)
does not/doesn't + main verb. usually (75%) rarely/seldom (10%)
We form all the other persons in the negative with do t1
often (50%) never (0%)
notldon't + main verb. Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, but
after auxiliary verbs and the verb to be.
,. i: i : .i:1.::1i::::.! :,
i,*;;*;:i:::;#-:-^L,-.., ::-.-,
,^ .;.. *:"... - *:: We are never late for school in the marning. He always drinks
l worK ... , I Yes, l/you do
a glass of milk at bedt¡me. He is usuolly late for work. Do you
you :

No, l/you don't

ihe "¡ '
often go to the park with your friends? sometimes reod

Does she iwork .? I: ':---

Yes. he/she/rr does. newspapers.They rarely/seldom wake up early on Saturdays.
I -'.--','":1 ":
L ,t
j No' heAhe/it doesn't

i lwe -: t ffir*smrsts Sürxap**

I oo ¡ ;;; i ' lwork ves' we/vou/thev do

-i-ttsv-¿- * L-l::'*yl:1":i:
We form the 3rd-person singular in the interrogative with
Fill in the third-person singular.
1t send - he 4 I live - he ...............
does + subject + main verb. 2t play - she 5 I study - he ............
o We form all the other persons in the rnterrogative with do 3t listen - she 6 I do - she ...,...........
+ subject + main verb.
Put the verbs in brackets into the presentsimple.
We use the present simple for: H
. permanent states - Shelivesin London.
1A: (you/have) a music
. repeated actions - Heplaysfootball on Sundays.
. daily routines - WewatchW every evening. lesson on Saturdays?

méeipieGlóñ; u;ód wlih dr ó'piéséñi-;liñ p iéi B: No, I usually

i Tf
n t h/.!:,
(play) computer games then.
/9 9 yr¡y9 9!1ln o ! :, q l!y, ly--u l',:, 9-t.
qy u
i ey: ry |

Spelling rules (3rd-person singular)

2A: What .........
. Most verbs take -s in the 3rd-person singular. (Desmond/do) on Sunday mornings?
I talk - he t6lks I hate - he hates B: He .............. ,... (listen) to music.
. Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, and -o take -es A: Bill ................. (noti like) eggs for breakfast.
I pass - he passes
I fix - he fixes
lbrush -hebrushes I go-hegoes
B: Really? His sister always (eat) two!
lwatch - hewatches A: (your dad/go)
Verbs ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and ta ke to work by car every day?
-ies. I cry - he cries B: Not every day. Sometimes he
Verbs ending in avowel+ -ytake -s. lplay-heplays
(catch) the bus.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present F*"*p*s$€$*ms *f ?$ru*
# Circle the correct word.
"l They getup (get up) early for school every day.
1 I go rollerblading on / in Saturday mornings.
2 Steve ........, (work) in a
We eat lunch at I on 12 pm on school days.
3 They get up very early in i at the morning.
Laura ......... (live) on campus
4 My sister's birthday is in / on May.
at university.
5 We don't go to school at / in the weekend.
Sophie ...... (read) her
book every night before bed. &.riw*rfu s *ff W r*x4+s*rz*e.
My dad and I ........, ................ (go)
Put the adverbs in the correct place.
to the library every Monday.
On Saturday mornings, my mum My dad buys a newspaper. (usually)
(take) me to ballet class, My dod usually buys a newspoper.
Uncle Frank .,.... (catch) I catch the bus to school. (never)
the Tube to work every morning.
My little brother 3 I help with the shopping. (sometimes)
(hang out) with his friends on Friday evenings.
4 Mrs Jones is on time for lessons, (always)

Choose the correct item.

5 They play computer games. (never)
Every Saturday my brother and I

A hang out B hangs out
ffi Read David's emailto his new pen-friend,
Steve. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in
What time .,..... to bed every night? brackets in the right form of the presenf s imple.
A do you go B you go
Freddy ....... on Saturdays.
A doesn't work B don't work
Mary ....... a music lesson every afternoon.
A have B has
5 ....... your mother work in a hospital?
A Does BDo
Bill and his father ....... a football match every
A watches B watch
Do you ....... a uniform at school?
A wear B wears

G Fill in: do or does. Answer the questions.

1 Do you go to school? Yes, I do,

2 ......,.,,............. your mum work?
3 ....................... your dad speak Spanish?
4 .....,,,,,............. you catch a bus to school? .......
5 ....,.................. your friend have a skateboard?

ta Linkers
We use should/shouldn'tlought tolought not to g ive advice. . When we want to link ideas rn spoken and written English
You should exerctse more of¡en. (lt's a good idea.) we use ond, but and or.
You ought not to be latefor an appoíntment. (lt's morally wrong.) We use ond to link similar ideas. Fiona studtes French and
We use should/shouldn't to make a suggestion. German.
Yo u should g o to the p arty. (lt's my su g gestion.) We use but for things that are different. I love football, but
I don't ltke basketball.

We use or to give a choice . We can ga to the theatre or the

tlave to (itis neeesssry/it's your dwttr)
t/You/We,rlhey have to wark on Saturdays.
He/She/lt has to work on SaturdaYs.
The Possess¡ve €ase
To show possession:
Negative . we add 's when a noun is singular.
l/You/We,rlhey donot/don't have to work on Saturdays.
lttsthebly'sccp. (= 11 is his cap, the cap belongs to him.)
He/5he/tt does not/doesn't have to work on Satttrdays.
. we add'when a noun is plural and ends in -s.
lnterrogative / Short answers This is the gtrls' house. (- lt is their house; the house
Do i/you/we/they hove to work cn Saturdays? belongs to them.)
Yes, l/y ou /we/they do,/N o, I /y ou /w e/th ey don't, . we add Swhen a noun is plural irregular.
Does he/she/it have to work on Saturdays? These are the women's umbrellas.
Yes, he/she/it does./No, he/she/it doesn't. . we add 's to the last noun of a phrase to show that
We use hove to / has to to say that it is necessary to do somethrng belongs to two or more people.
something or to express obligation or duty. Thts ts Paulsnd Jane'stelevisian,(= lt is their television.)

He hos to f rnd a job soon. (lt's necessary)

. we add 's to each noun of a phrase to show that
We have to be at school at half past eíght every mornrng. (lt's the something belongs to each person. These are Mary's and
rule./lt's a duty.) Ftona'sbags. (= Each girl has their own bag.)
We use don'tldoesn'thaveto to express lack of obligation.
They don'thaveto goto school attheweekends. (lt is not necessary) ln general, the possessive case is used for people. ln order to
talk about things, we use the preposition of.
John3 mother BUT lhe window of the room
Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They have the We use Who's/Who ls to ask about a person.
same form in the singular and plural. Who'sTom? My new classmate.
a rare animal - rare animals We use Whoselo ask about possession.
Adjectives go before nouns. He is a goad student They can also Whose bag is this? lt\ Mary's.

go after the verb to be. Ihis student is good.

Fossessive Ad,iectiv€s/prono{¡ns
We usually form an adjective by adding -ful, -al,'ous, -able,
tr1'f 1iil-.: +:rl"-¡'i1'l'3i::T+ aFlqyaT¡,tiT+T¿f i ::t
-y, Jess to the noun/verb. i::i',11"i.::"1
play - playful fashion - fashionable -;,-rr4..r;1;.,*4r.! r,!¡.*l! .-¿

person - personal risk - risky my mine ;

danqer - dangerous care - careless your y0urs

his his

Adverbs her hers

Adverbs describe verbs. They tell us how something is done.
our OUTS
She dancesbeautifully. (How does she dance? Beautifully.) y0urs
r We usually form an adverb by adding Jy to the adjective their thei rs
slow - slowly
. Adjectlves ending in Je drop the -e and take -y. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns show
possible - possibly possession (something belongs to somebody) and the
. Adjectives ending in consonant + -y drop the -y and relationship between people. This is my book.That is her father.

take -ily. Thaf car is hers.

happy - happily
. Adjectives ending in J take -ly. Possessive adjectives are followed by nouns whereas

beautiful * beautifully possessive pronouns are not.

. Some adverbs are irregular. They are either the same or Compare: This ts our hause. (possessive adjective)
This houseis ours. (possessive pronoun)
completely different from the adjective.
good - welt, fast * fast, hard - hard, early - early, late * late

;:¡i?g:l¡¿"iir#¡¡ j,].":c,¡Ii:¡Í:t:It";Iit,1i;1"'¡,¡.riy¡;,
i Choose the correct word.
Rewrite the sentences us¡ng should/oughtto,
shouldn't/ought not to, hove to, don,t hove to, hos 1 Angie is a goodiwell trapeze artist.
to, doesn't hove to, 2 Sharon dances very well/great.
3 My best friend speaks soft/softly.
It's a good idea to brush your teeth after meals. 4 Simon sings terrible/terribly.
You ........... 5 My aunt drives very careful/carefully.
It is necessary to switch off your mobile phone 6 Please talk quietly/quiet! There is an exam.
during exams.
' Complete the sentences with the correct
It isn't necessary for us to get up early at the adverbs from the adjectives in the list.
r polite ¡ early . beautiful o quiet . good
We ...,..,.,...
Doctors are obliged to wear a uniform at work. 1 Please ........
speak to your classmatesl
Doctors 2 Play ........... ...,., the baby is asleepl
It's not a good idea to eat in class. 3 My little brother reads very
You .,....,.... for his age.
It is a teacher's duty to check students, homework. 4 He plays the guitar
A teacher 5 She always arrives
It's not necessary for Tom to go to football :1.: r.a :r , " :
practice on Sundays,
Fill in: ond, but, or.
It's not a good idea for students to be late for
the exam.
I enjoy surfing the Net ..... sending
It's not necessary for Jane to take the bus to
2 I like Science ...... I don't like Maths.
3 Sue loves going to the library
reading books.
Snowboarding is fun, ,.........,........ it's
It's a good idea to exercise to keep fit.
sometimes dangerous.
You ...........
11 It's Ruth's duty to answer phone calls and make
5 Do you want to play a board game
watch a DVD?

'12 lt isn't necessary for students to wear a uniform

at school.
Students ": f Underline the correct word in bold.

1 This is Marcella'siMarcella mobile phone.

2 ls this notebook your/yours?
{l ldentify the adjective or the adverb in each 3 Who's/Whose rollerblades are these?
sentence, as in the example. 4 This is the car's key/key of the car.
5 Who/Who's that man? That,s my teacher.
The cheetah runs fcsf. {sdverb} 6 This is Nick's and Mary/Nick and Mary,s house.
She is a careless driver. 7 Hers/Her birthday is in May.
Susan thinks school exams are difficult. 8 Those are the children's/childrens, grandparents.
They sleep late at night. 9 These bikes are their/theirs.
5he sings wonderfully. 10 Where are the boys'/boys jackets?
The giraffe is a tall animal. 11 What is the address of the house/house's
He usually goes to bed early. add ress?
Fresem sntim&¡o&¡ ver&
We use the present simple for:
. permanent states. John lives in New York.
. daily routines. He works from 1l to 7 every day.
. repeated actions, Heusually playstennisatweekends.

We use the present continuous for:

o actions happening now, at the time of speaking.
Tony is watching TV right now.
. actions happening not necessarily now, but around the
time of speaking. Laura is looking far a new job these days.
Some stative verbs do not usually have a present continuous
form. Some of these verbs are: have (= possess), tike,love,
wont, know, Iive, remember, understand, believe, need, see,
smell, etc I need a bike, (N0T:tn+eediag+bik,)
I have a car. (N0T:tmhe+ng+ee+)

you are not walking you aren't walking BUT l'm havingbreakfastnow.(= l'm eating)

Fr*w*re€ fl *rx*É re as*8.5s

Look at the picture. Write questions and

answer them.

i Ves, we/you/they are./No, we/you/they aren't.

T ¡m üip ¡é;;ññ; u ñ¡- * tt h i ti e ;iáse ñl ló n ii n u óu s :

,19y glll"g r9_I91! ,11
present, these days, etc

We form the present continuous with the verb fo be and
the main verb + -ing.
Spelling rules (-ing form)
o Most verbs add -ing after the base form of the main verb.
wash * washing, read - reading, watch - watching
Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ing.
write - writing, take - taking
Verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant double the
consonant and add -ing. run-running, stop-stopping

We use the present continuous for: í!
r actions happening now, at the tlme of speaking
Jenny is doing her homework now.
¡ actions happening around the time of speaking.
Jerry is working hard these days.

Kate/ride a horse? ls Kate riding a horseT

No, she isn't. She's riding a bike.
2 Bob/sunbathe?
3 John and Laura/play basketball?
4 Susan/eat a burger?
5 Tony/play computer games?
6 Shelly and Gary/swim in the lake?
Put the verbs in brackets into the present
í.j+ Put the verbs in brackets into the present
simple or the present continuous.
It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon ... 60,,\t) 1*;;l
( To: Bridqet
1 Paula .......... .... (eat) her lunch now. l- ¡rom, cñr¡stiña*-
2 Kevin and Mark .....,... ...,. (watch) {"jgUsl.t|j_tsuru
a film at the cinema. %

Dear Bridget,
Paula's brother (play) Greetings from Spaint My family and I f
football in the park. )
(have) a wonderful time in walaga.
Paula's parents TÁe weather
(hike) in z) .. . . . ....... (be) perfecil we i)
the hills, (go) to the beach every day.
5 Kevin and Mark,s sister.....,.. We 4) .... (stay¡ at a beautiful hotel. At
(read) a travel magazine. the moment, I 5) .......... (sit) at the hotel
café and 6)............... (eat) my favourite
?*r,;-ty+,'ir;e;!*xr:z'.pá*i'"r5{ñ"{;"Ei*ra.{:cr* ice-cre¿m. My mum and dad 7) ..,.........:...
(swim) in the sea and my little
i". brother, Jack,
+::¡ *'t t í ¡: a.; s* ¡,.¿ + 8).......,....... (make) sandcastles.
Put the verbs in brackets into the present The food is great here, too! We 9) ........,
(eat) local dishes every night at
simple or the present continuous. one of the seaside
restaurants. My favourite dish is paella.
1 A: I usually dinner, we usually l0) .............................. (go)
for a
(watch) a film on Friday evenings. walk around the port. We lf) ...................
Really? You're luckyl I (return) to the hotel late in the evening.
(have) dance lessons then. How is it in ttaly? 12) .......,................_...
(you/enjoy) your holiday?
Where . (Lucy/go)?
Can't wait to hear from youl
(visit) her grandparents.
(Dave and Vicky/do) at the moment?
Choose the correct answer.
B: They
(eat) lunch with their parents. 1 Tina TV at the moment.
A watch B is watching C watches
(youiwant) to visit a museum today?
B: lcan't. 1 ......,...,.....
2 lt isn't raining
(do) the household chores. A now B often C usually
5 A: What We ............ wear boots in the summer.
(they/talk) about? A aren't B doesn,t C don,t
B: They
Billy walk to school every morning?
(try) to decide where to go on holiday.
5 A: What ADo B Does C ls

(you/think) of my new dress? 5 She gets up early.

B: I .....,...... A now B at the moment C usually
(like) the colour. Blue really suits you.
7 A: Jake, L............... (need) some help
6 Do you to school?
A walk B walks C walking
with my homework.
B: Later, Pete. I (have) dinner now. 7 I often computer games in the afternoon.
8 A: ......... . (it/rain) a lot in England? A am playing B play C plays
B: Yes, but this week the sun ............
8 Ann staying with her aunt these days.
Aam B are Cis
po{grbre -__-- __ _ _
We use can: you are going to you're going to
. to express ability in the present. he 'l he
Helen can speakfaur languages.(She is ableto.)
. she i is going to she 's going to
to show that something is possible or allowed.
it ";
is possible.)
Yau can vislt the museum at weekends.
we *l
Yau can use my laptop, (You are allowed.) you
We use cant: they
. to express lack of ability. I can't play the piano. (l am not
able to.)
. to show that something isn't possible.
Yau can't visit the museLtm on Sundays - ¡t's nlt open. (lt isn't
you are not going to

MustlMusf mof - ll4usfm'f ffft ¡¡ccess&rtfUau hel

she ; is not going to
ere abligcd) itj
o We use musf to express a rule, "obligation"or necessity. wei
Yau must clme t0 clsss on flme. (lt's the rule/law.) Y,o' ;dre hot going to
lmust study harder. (lI's necessary.) tney .:

r We use must notlmusfn't to express prohibition.

(lt isn't allowed, ryr::iir=er::,:":=*fl:.rTl"-j'r{lüiil:ir..:.r]T-'t]
You must not/mustn't eat in class. it's
¡': ,,i,.1. :i ,rr .::f L,i::.r1,:l--,ii,fÍii,ifi
forb dden.
i )
iAm I going to ...? .Yes, I am / No, I'm not. i

iAre you going to ...? iYes, you are./ No, you aren't
Countable/Un€oL!ntable nouns - i irre 'i : .,
Quantifiers i irñ. igo¡ng to
-- ? i^ttt, jt/tjl/j,:
. Countable nouns a[e nouns we can count. They have 't "
No, heAhe/it isn't

plural forms. one peür - two peürs

¡ Uncountable nouns are nouns we can't count. They
don't have plural forms. milk, bread, pasta
r Uncountable nouns usually have only singular forms.
meat (N]T:two#asfs)
i::, "::j We use be goingto to talk about our future plans and intentions
i;li::t ::*r**1?"'.Tl'=::*!':n*::Í?'{,:::::::i":'::::i"*ili:r,-,l
] ' She is gaing ta make a pizza. (She's planni ng to.)
[,-:rJ:::-:,".:.----.-:*--;s;'-*'--;;..-;,-;-;-:i-;': t
What ore you going to da at the weekend?

fimó expressions used with begoingto: tomoiiow. ñéxi
Are there any potatoes? ls there any tea?
week/month/year, etc
There are too many potatoes. There rs too much tea.
There are some potatoes. There is some tea.
There are a lot ofllots of There is a lot ofllots of Subieet/Obiect Persomal Fronot¡ns
potatoes. tea.
There are a few potatoes. There is a little tea. (not
(not many, but enough) much, but enough) :
There are (very) few potatoes. There rs (very) little tea y0u y0u

i (hard ly tny;, rltot] (hardly any, almost nothing) I

he him
.Therearen,tanypotatOe5..Thereisn,tanytea. she her
L,-",._.-..,-..._.....^,.,*.:.:-." ---....--..",...."-..-i -.",,..".----.."..".-,,"-..-i it ¡t
. We use a/on with countable nouns in the singular. WC US

I've got on orange. .VOUI you

We use some with countable nouns in the plural and .L- ';thev . them
".-.-- "-1,,-_ _*---*,,*.t--**- ... -..*.**,."-'.:
uncountable nouns in the affirmative.
He's got some lranges. He's got some milk.
We use a subject personal pronoun before a verb instead
We use ony with countable nouns in the plural and of the noun or the name of a person.
He is a vet. She works tn a school. We ltve in Landon.
uncountable nouns in the negative and
We use the object personal pronouns after verbs or
interrogative . There aren't any there any flour?
prepositions as objects.
Be aoinoto I like Peter. I líke him. Look at the girls. Laok at them.

{)*¡aa * fr"Ét¡sl¡ #:x #*!s-qt+.t*
Rewrite the sentences using can, cln,t, mLtst ..$ a) What are Mary, Sam and Alex goingto/not
or mustn't. going to do this weekend? Use the
It isn't allowed to take photographs in the museum. prompts to complete the sentences.
You con'tlmustn't take photagraphs in the museun.
It's possible to buy souvenirs until 1 1 pm.
Dohomeworkl / l,r
I I s* I er.*
You ........... 1,, I
It isn't possible to watch this film if you,re
Have lunch
friends It¡ I
l)( r I| / I

under 1 5.
You ............
| ¡ i / i x
watchafitm í r I x I t
You aren't allowed to talk in class, ttl
You ......,.... I Mary, Sam and Alex ..,.,...,. .. their
It's necessary for children to be with an adult in homework.
the pool. 2 Mary and Alex .. lunch with friends,
Children 3 Sam lunch with friends.
It's not allowed to eat food inside the aquarium. 4 Alex for shoes.
You .....,..... 5 Mary and Sam for shoes.
It's possible to find lots of antiques at the local 6 Alex a film.
market. 7 Mary and Sam ... a film.
You ........,..
It's necessary for people to book their tickets b) What are/aren't you going to do this
early. weekend? Write four sentences.


Choose the correct word.

A: How's your coffee?

S*;h;**'e;,sffi fu $".**S:Wr*{rt{e{z#á'ft ?*{z{:á}{29
B: lt's very sweet. There's too much/too many
sugar in it. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the
A: Can I have a few/a little bananas, please? underlined words with the correct subject
B: l'm sorry! We haven't got any/some left. or object pronoun.
A: How much/How many bread do we need?
Kathy and Liam are friends with phil.
B: We've got many/some. We don,t need any/
They are friends with him.
many more.
Jack is going to call his parents tonight.
A: ls there any/some milk in the fridge?
B: 0nly a few/a little.
A: We've got muchia lot of oranges.
3 Look at Anna. Anna is beautiful.

B: That's OK. We can make many/some orange

ju ice.
4 Mary is going to meet me. you and Jill at the
A: How much/How many drinks do we need?
B: All our friends are coming, so we need too
many/lots of drinks.
5 Nick has got two dogs, He's walking the dogs in
the park.
A: ls there many I much pasta left?
B: No. Let's buy some / a few.
A: Do you need any I a little pears?
6 Ben and I are going to visit you and Tom
B: Yes, and too many lsome apples.

l#ss¡'lfferc ffiss/b?Éers

Fill in: was, were, wosn't, weren't.

. A: Where 1).....................y0uyesterday?
I was I was not/wasn't
you were you were not/weren't B: I 2) ., at home.
A: Who 3) .......... ...... you with?
B: I 4) .. with Jason and George.
Where 5) ..................... you?
I 6) ............... at the cinema waiting for you!

7) ..................... you at school this morning?

B: Of course I 8) ..................1 Today is Saturday.
Was I ..? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn't. A: Oh yes, you're right. 9) .. you
Were you Yes, you were./ No, you weren't and your sister at the Saturday Club then?
Yes, we 10) .............

.A: 11)..........,.......... Jim and Mary at the café

on Sunday?
B: No, they 12) .......... 1¡) ......... you there?
A: Yes, I 14)
r¡máéipitliións üié¿ *¡iii iñlpásiiimpüf itre i
.A: My parents 15)............... at the theatre
l verb to be: yesterday, last week/month/year, two days/

rweeklmonths/years ago, in 1995, j last night.

B: 16) ...,........... you with them?
A: No, I 17) but my brother 18) ......... .

l/yo u/h eAhe/it/we/th ey had. B: Where 19) ..........,..,, you?

A: I 20) ...... at home watching TV.

ru Use the prompts below to ask and answer

questions as in the example.

Wil I iam Shakespea re/actor?/writer

Had is the past s¡mple of the verb have.ll is the same in
all persons in the singular and plural. A: WasWilliom Shakespeore an actor?
We form the interrogative with did + subject + hove. B: /Vo, he wasn't. He was a writer.
Did he have a lesson last night?
Machu Picchu/volcano?/ancient city
We form the negative wilh didnot/didn't+have.
t did notldidn't have a skateboard when I was five years old. A:

a ef €&r, B:

Thomas Edison/military leader?/famous inventor

l/you/he/she/it/we/they could sin g.
A: .............
l/you/heAhe/iVwe/they could not/
couldn't sing.
4 The Beatles/warriors?/a famous rock band
Could l/you/heAhe/iVwe/they sing ?
Y.r ty*/h./rr,./it¡r*¡il .¡l?ot, IU B:

5 Neil Armstrong/English admiral?/American

Could is the past simp e of con. Could is the same in all astronaut
persons in the singular and plural. When he was young, he A:
could ploy football.(= he was able to play football)

6 The Navajo/explorers?/ farmers

Choose the correct answer.
Nick's family
were on a "Did the children have a fancy dress party
winter week?" "Yes, they hadidid.,,
holiday last 2 Was/Were the Vikings pirates?
year. Ask and 3 Claire couldn't/wasn,t ride a bike when she
answer was four.
questions about what they The town didn't had/have running water
had on their holiday as in the example. many years.
"Could you play the piano when you
dog (/) were
seven?" "No, I didn,t/couldn,t.',
&ío r*cy **r* ei dcgi "Was Steve at home last night?,, ,,yes,
lcs, rftey did" he
sled (/)
Fill in the gaps with was, were, have or could.

3 bike (x) 1 Did you a nice flight? yes, it was fine.

2 Tom at the theatre last night? No, he
was in bed with the flu.
4 winter clothes (/) you ride a bike at the age of three? No,
I was too young.
Did you long hair when you were young,
5 canoe (,,Y) granny? Yes, dear. I had beautiful long
Fay at the gym last Tuesday? No, she
had a music class.
6 Did Pompeii ....... a cinema? No, but it had
a hotel.
7 Did your grandparents ,........., a house by the
sea? No, it was up in the mountain.
Write what Julian could/couldn f do when he
women attend school in ancient Greece?
was eight years old, as in the exampte.
No, they couldn't.
sail a boat (,x)
J¿.¡fia¡l eor¡fd¡"¡'f ssij s &e¿:i iq¡f.¡en fte ,r¡cs ejsftÉ.
Read the text and fill in the gaps with
play the guitar (f) was/
wasn't, were/weren't, hod/didn,t have.
3 ride a horse (/)

4 swim (/)
lllgr€s l,
5 speak ttalian (X) Faffi
6 play volleyball (X) London was a very different city in
the 1700s. Buildings 1) ......,........
any running water or baths. There

7 read and write (X) 2) ...........:...,,. any blocks of flars but small ugly
buildings. The
streets 3) namow and dirty. Th;t 4)
8 help his mother with chores (/) department stores and there 5) .............-. u poit
offi... London
6) ...........,............. some shoe shops for the rich,
but there
7).......... ...... a museum in town. There g)
slme hosnlufmld
lor of sick peopte. .-
Fast Sirnple . actions which happened at a specific time in the past
The time is either mentioned or implied.
He moved to England from Australia in 1984.

¡ i l/you/heAhe/it/we/ihey waited. I
Mozart composed a number of symphonies snd concerts,
.¡- ". -",-. "-"".-j

i l/you/he/she/it/we/they
r Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday,
i did
not/didn't wait.
i last night/week etc., two weeks/a month ago, in 1988, etc.
, Did l/you/heAhe/it/we/they wait?

Did l/you/helshelitl
we/they wait?
ffi + s. t T-i * q:{'l¡
! + É, :"* rÍ a ! * "r r..+." r" n-'¡. $ i
| . .. ,.,.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
lrregular verbs #
verbs in brackets in the postsimple.
l/you/he/she/it/we/they saw

i l/yo u/h eAh e/it/we/th ey

Europeans ...,,.. (arrive)
in America during the 15th century.
iu¡-¿ ry,!t9l-9lJ - :::: The eruption of Mount Vesuvius
I Oid tlyou/he/she/it/we/they see?
'' " tt:r :':r.::t:_:"--:.:,11....11-:::1j11.-1:l:;:l:"
(destroy) the city of Pompeii.
Ancient Egyptians who had little money
Did l/you/he/she/it/ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they did./ ] ....... (notiattend) school.
we/they see? No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't.
ln the 1960s many teenagers

Form (listen) to The Beatles.

We form the past simple with the subject (noun or personal (you/watch)
pronoun) and the appropriate form of the verb.
the comedy film on Channel 3 last night?
Affirmative Mark and David ......... ............ (live)
. We form the affirmative of most regular verbs by adding -ed
on a farm when they were little.
to the base form of the verb. I play - I played
. Other verbs have irregular affirmative f orms. I eat - I ste

{¡ Write questions and answers, as in the
We form the interrogative of the past simple with did + subject
+ base form of the verb.
Did yau play tennis yesterday? Leila/watch The Avengerslyesterday? (lames Bond
Fid you eat breakfast this morninE?
Negative Did Leila watch The Avengers yesterday?
. We form the negative of the past simple wtrh didn't +
No, she didn't. She watched the James Band film.
base form of the verb. I didn't watch television yesterday.
ile didn't sleep welllax nigltt. Andrea and John/go to the cinema/last night?
. We form positive short answers with did and negative (theatre)
short answers with didnt.
"Did yau call him7" "Yes, I did."
"Did yau tell her?" "Na, i didn't."

Spelling: affirmative of regular verbs

¡ We add -d to verbs ending in -e. llive - llived
3 Ben/go to school/this morning? (stay at home)
. Verbs ending in consonant + -y drop the -y and add -ied.
. Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two
consonants double the last consonant and take -ed.
You/walk the dog/yesterday afternoon? (help
lsltp - I slipped
with chores)
We use the past simple for: Je
a past habrts. He ware glasses when he was young,

82 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
i': Write the pasf simple form of the verbs.
1 A: ......... (you/go) to the bookshop yesterday?
B: Yes, L......., (buy) paul Coelho,s new book.
1 6 see
2 do 7 rea d 2 A: John (arrive) late for
3 8 tell work this morning.
4 9 write B: I know. He .............. ...,.... (have)
5 10 a dentist's appointment.

A: Pam and her sister are glad they

! Fill in the gaps with the past simple. Use
(come) to your party!
verbs from Ex. 10.
B: Good! (theyimeet)
1 Joe ..... over to watch TV last night. many new people?
2 John ......... Lucy at the department 4 A: Stella (find) a great
store and they ......,... ..... some new new Japanese restaurant in town.
winter clothes. B: Oh, I ................ . (eat) there last
3 They a great time at the night, but I ................... (not/try) the sushit
fancy dress party last weekend.
4 L.......... ........ about the new James
5 A: . (you/see) the new
James Bond film last night?
Bond film in the newspaper yesterday.
B: No. I .......................... (have) a shower and
5 He ..,...... . all his pocket
money on fashionable clothes. ...... (go) to bed early.
i.1. Complete the questions with the verbs
.i Choose the correct answer. below in the correct form. Then choose the
correct answef.
f Did you went/go to the cinema last Sunday?
2 The earthquake destroy/destroyed all the o play o make . go o write . attack . visit
buildings in the old town.
3 Were/Did the children play outside all day
4 Did Ann help her mum with chores? yes, she
did/had. 1 What character Harrison Ford
5 Susan and Craig live/lived on a farm when they in 198'l ?
were children. A lndiana Jones B Han Solo
6 What did you eat/ate for dinner yesterday?
2 Which city ......,..... Mr Bean
. Complete the dialogue with the correct form Bean's Holiday?

of the verbs in brackets in the pastsimple. A Cairo B Paris

Sally: Hi, Jenny. How 1) ............ (be) your weekend? 3 What film .........,.. George Lucas ...........,
Jenny: Quite boring. I 2) ,.......... (not/do) A Avatar B Star Wars
much. What 3) ........ (you/do)? 4 Who the Green Goblin .......,,,..?
Sally: On Saturday, I 4) ............. (go) to the A Spiderman B Darth Vader
cinema with Paul. We 5) ...............
(watch) the film Volentine'sDay. 5 What planet Jack .,,...,.... . to in Avatar?
Jenny: 6)........,...... (you/like) it?
A Death Star B Pandora
Sally: Yeah, it was OK. I 7) ........... (enjoy) watching 6 What book ............ Stephanie Meyer
all my favourite actors. But, I 8) in 2005?
(notilike) the story. lt was too confusing. A Twilight B Harry Potter
There 9) (be) too many storylines.
ft I
te q$ qq ry $i {}v-e-gs {ryc{{rys{,c_i:vgl& :irys,l
a) What were these people doing at 6
l/He/She/lt was playing. We/You,/They were playing. o'clock yesterday afternoon? Use the
verbs to write sentences.
long Form t, Short Form
l/He/She/lt was not playing. : l/He/She/lt wasn't playing
We/You,/They were not We/You/Ihey weren't
playing. playing. i

.: :
Was I playing? Yes, Iwas./No, I wasn't. r'5
Were you playing? Yes, youwere./No, you weren't
Was he/she/rt playing? Yes, heAhe/it was./No, he/she/it
1 they/surf the Net 2 they/have dinner
Were we/you/they Yes, we/you/they
playing? No, we/you/they aren't

Spelling rules
. Verb + -ing rvOrft- ¡,i'¿:r'(lrig
. verb -e + -ing dnnrr-dclring
. one syllable verbs ending in vowel + consonant ¡ double
consonant + -ing siÍ si$lng BUT lrcvri- itcl':lJing

We use the past continuous:
. for an action that was in progress at a stated time in the
past. We do not know when the action started or finlshed.
5l;¿ wss ironfng ai ú c clcci y¿sierrcy cller;.rcal. (We do not
know when she started ironing or when she finished.) 3 Bob/work on his 4 they/drink coffee
. for a past action which was in progress when another laptop
action interrupted it. We use the past continuous for
the action in progress (longer action) and the past
simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter
action). lw*s sJeepirg wfien,4iiscr caiiEd.
r for two or more actions which were happening at the
same time in the past (simultaneous actions).
Mir¡n wcs raokíng wfi¡le iwrs doing my hoile wct(.
. to give background informatlon to a story.
it wcs rcining and ¡fi¿ lvir--¿i wcs blowing i,n¡her,' l.'v* lsf¡ ¡ol-rs.

Time expressions used with the pastcontinuous:

while, when, as, all day/nighVmorning, all day yesterday, etc.

Fast Simple lrs Past CCIr¡timuous

5 Claire/talk on her 6 they/play football
actions whrch happened at actions in progress at a

stated time in the past stated time in the past (we

Ker¡ vrsifed rondon jssf mcnffi. do not know when the action
(The time is stated. The action started or finished)
is complete.) i-¡ir w*s ivorJ<ing ci fíve *'eiceft b) What were you doing at 6 o'clock
yeslerday *ffer*aor:. yesterday afternoon?
actions which happened one two or more actions which
after the other in the past were happening at the 3
Hr €$f {.rp, nrsde Drea¡fcst antJ same time in the past 4
*¡e¡'¡f ic Ll'cil. I wcs wsfcftin g a {i!:n ;'vi:tie n:'i
dtd was listening:c'¡:: r

a) Look at Ann's diary for last Tuesday.
Write what she was doing at the times
mentioned below.
t i; Put the verbs in brackets into the posf
simple or post continuous.

7:30 - 8:00 have breakfaat I A: What .. (Ron/do) at

) 8:00 - 8:30 drive to work 10 o'clock yesterday morning?

8:30 - 9:00 check emailo

B: He ...,,... ..... (study) for his test.
2 A: why (not/you/call)
') l0:00 - l2:00 prepare reportg
Tracey yesterday?
l2:00 - 2:00 have lunch with )ue B: I wanted to but I ................ (work)
4:00 - ó:00 do the ahoppina wíth Mark all afternoon.
3 A: ... (you/meet) Anna yesterday?
) 7:00 - 8:00 exzrcise at qym
B: Yes, we ....,............... (have) lunch together.
4 A: When (they/leave) for Moscow?
f Ann w*s having breakfast at 7:45.
B: Two years ago.
2 Ann at g:.15. 5 A: What happened to you?
3 Ann at g:45. B: I ...........
4 Ann . (play) football when I
at 1 1:00. ......... (sf ip) and fell down.
5 Ann and Sue .. at i:00. 6 A: (you/enjoy) your trip?
6 Ann and Mark at 5:30.
7 Ann ..
B: Not really. tt . (rain)
tt7:30. the whole time.

b) Correct the statements.

7 A: When (you/see) Andy?
B: While I ................. (wait) for the bus.
I Ann was having breakfast at g:25. 8 A: I (call) you yesterday
ff*, Ánn u¡csn'f having &reskfcst af g:?5, Sñe wcs afternoon but there was no answer.
driving fo wsr&, B: Sandy and I .........
(do) the shopping.
I Ann was driving to work at 9:00.
.t ir Put the verbs in brackets into the posf
3 Ann was checking her emails at 10:00. simple or the post continuous.

4 Ann was exercising at the gym at 5:30. Bob and Steve 1) ........, (watk) to
the library yesterday afternoon and they
5 Ann was doing the shopping with Mark at .t:30. 2) ........ ... ... .......... (eat) a sandwich. Suddenly it
3) .,..............,.......,.. (start) raining so they quickty
4) ...,... ... ... (run) to the bus shelter.
They 5) ..,..... (decide) to wait there
Use the past continuous to form questions, until it 6) ....,...,. (stop) raining.
then answer them.

youlplay football/at 5 o,clock yesterday The sun 1) ....... ....,..... (shine) and the
afternoon ? birds 2) ..,.. (sing) white the Smiths
Were yau playing faotbaltsf S ot/ock yestcrday 3) ............ ... .......... (have) a picníc in the forest.
afternaanT Fes, I r¡¡as.l¡Vq I wasn't, Suddenly, they 4) .......... (hear) a
2 your friends/watch TV/at 9 o,clock last night? strange noise coming from behind some bushes.
3 youlhave lunch/at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon? Mr Smith 5) ............ .... (go) to check. A
4 it/rain/all day yesterday? small puppy 6) .............. .. (hide) there.
5 your friend/do his/her homework/at 6 o,clock They 7) .......,.. (decide) to take it
yesterday afternoon? home with them.


Fnesent Ferfeet Fneser¡t Ferfect vs Fast Sirnple

Form: subject + have/hos + past participle We use the past simple for:

i I. -.-.-,..^^, ,^^'^.^ ! |' j've

' l,---.-
youi arrived/eaten
have arrlveO/ealen
! nave ::', youi ir..^
-ve alrlveO/edlerl
arrived/eaten : a I
We USe the preSent peffeCt fOr:
"¡ 't-,. ;. .
he i i actions whrch started in the past and continue up to the
in* arrived/eaten she
,ñ* ihas
she I
: ,¡. :'s,,s arrived/eaten , pre)urrt )t!(ttus"vvuuttututttt)tttLx
present. Sheheslivedonafarmsinceshewasyoung.
f j i rt j . experiences. They haveflown to tndia


you have arrived/eaten you 've arrived/eaten

they-i ; they,t
Write the past participles of the following

Long Form Short Form

:. , -- - , . --.- . -- - . .
"----\ , , '-;""" _""


8 ride
haven't arrived/eaten

have not arrived/eaten

iyou i iYou ' 9
!ne'i ihe 10
i she .has not arrived/eaten she hasn't arrived/eaten
11 read
:it it
'j drink
iwe 12
you: have not arrived/eaten i you j haven't arrived/eaten 13 leave
t!91,, they
14 come
. --. -.- -. ...".-..,..,. -*-.i-..

'r: 'ri.
l: I I :

;f" Put the words in the correct order to make

4 , Yes, l/you have./
i You i lrto, t/you haven't

i' h. 1 in/we/ridden/Egypt/have/camels

Has i she
, .
arrlve0 //ealen /
Yes. heAhe/it has
No, he/she/it hasn't.
,. it ¿

i Yes,we/you/they have.
2 finished/she/homework/hasn't/her/yet
i No, we/you/they haven't
3 never/l/San Francisco/have/visited
. We form the present perfect with the auxiliary verb 4 they/travelled/have/to/ever/Pompeii?
hovelhos and the past participle of the main verb.
. We usually form the past partrciple of regular verbs by
adding -ed to the verb. plcty - played 5 has/three/seen/she/Ih e Twilight Sogaltimes
. We form the past participle of irregular verbs differently.
leave - left
. We form questions by putting have/has before the Circle the correct word.
subject. Have you trovelled by aeroplane? :].;

. We form the negative by putting not after have/has.

1 A: Have you been on holiday just / yet?
They hoven't finished yet.
Use B: Yes, I have. I have already i just returned
We use the present perfect for: from Rome.
. actions which started in the past and continue up to the 2A: I haven't visited a museum since / for ages.
present. They have lived in this house stnce last Aúober.
. B: Me neither. I haven't been to one since /
experiences. She ftas travelÍed all over Europe.
Have you ever been htking? already last summer.
3A: Have you lived in London for / since long?
Note: Shehos gone taFronce. (She is still there.)
Sheftas beentotrance. (She has come back.)
B: No, not at all. I have already / just moved 1

here, I

Time expressions used with the present perfect: for, 4A: Have you decided which film to watch yet / 1t

since, yet, already, ever, never

B: Yes, but I think it's started just / already.
t.' .' :..:. .:::
)t' .r i; i. ,,' ,,, ; i ír i i. .r:
i ijt ti :i:.\ t'j i fi l ¿l .
.;. Read Joanne's postcard to her friend and
Put the verbs in brackets into the present put the verbs in brackets into the pasf
perfect or the past simple. simple or present perfect.

Where ........ (you/be)?

I ................ (not/see) you for ages. ¡i HiJesse,

Chris.......... ,,' Greetings from Canada. l'm here with my cousins Bob and
(not/make) any plans for his birthday yet. ', Lance. Can¿da is amazing. We 1) ...........
Sally .....,..... (live) in London
when she was young, but she :i ..:................... (take) many photos since we
(live) in Paris since she was sixteen. . 3) .......... (get) here. goO a) ..........
(email) you some the oiñei day. 5) . . ....
Japanese food?
, Anyway, so far I 6) ......... (go) bungee jumping
I usually meet Adam every day, but I ............... ,, and 7) .......... ...... (ski) dorín'some mountains.
(not/see) him since last week. We ,, Yesteid¿y, Bob and L¿nce 8) (fly) over
(speak) for five i'' Toronto in a helicopter. I 9)
minutes on the phone yesterday, though. (not/go)becauset1'0)........,....

ache. Tomorow we're going to Montreal. 11) .......................

ln pairs, act out dialogues, as in the ....:.......................... (Vo"u/eíelbe) there before? Well, Lance

example. ,,,i 121,.....,,.............:............... (never/tour)rhiscityso

he's really excited. Natalie lives there and I 13) ............_......
r meet a famous person (who) . , ...... (not/see) her since she
. try bungee jumping (when) 1,, 14) '.............. ....,.. (;isió me'at ch¡istmas, so I

. fly in a plane (where) can'twait to go either!

r go camping (when) Bye for now!

A: Have yau evet lTtet a famaus persan?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Wha did you meet?
8: I met Srad piff. efc !r¡ Read the fact file about Miley Cyrus, who is
a famous teenage pop star. Write a short
Use the time expressions to write sentences paragraph for the Famouspeople section of
about yourself. your school magazine using the notes.

. two weeks ago . since . for . last month

o just o already o yet o yesterday
be bornl23rd Nov 1992
. never . last year USA
grow uPlNashville, Tennessee'
1 I went to 6 rcncert twa weeks ago. ior, TV & fítm roleslsince 2001
2 Disney I chooselher to PlaY
3 Honna Montana in 2006
solo olbumslso for
4 G Mskel3
5 é Sheliurt releoselher new
6 * Win I 1 3 awardsl since 200 6

7 6 Not receive I Golden Clobe


Miley eyrus wos born an iit

Navember 23, 1992.She ... iig
i. t
Tlxs Fassive
Form F¡ll in is, are, was or were.
We form the passive with the verb fo be in the appropriate
tense and the past participle of the main verb. 1 The house ......., .. destroyed by the
earthquake last week.
PfeSent -lili¡li:ar l+SiC¡S ij.',r ii:i .-'rirrli-t ¡¡¡e ¡¡sis,'Ss 2 The event ......... organised every year.
Simple li.iirii, i:;,..ri:itrri:l 3 The email ..,............. sent by Jane last Monday.
Past Simple
' ' 1', f¡¿df:fi
4 The missing painting found last week.
"'fi r
5 The letters delivered every morning.
We use the passive.
. when the person/people doing the action is/are
6 Dinner served at 7:00. Don't be late.

unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context. 7 GreotExpectotions written by Dickens,

,-l;;'1;;,,;¡-i r&'*-{ *r**€*. (We don't know who broke it.) 8 The invitations . posted last Friday.
Jl;i: ¡:';ii-lrr-tr; t¡"j{¡s G:.-s*t.j*a*d-i':,-iriiir:;'r (Who announced it is 9 A reception ............... held after the ceremony.
unimportant )
i::¿ l-r¡;r:¡:i r.v*s *ss¡*leJ **. (lt's obvious that the doctor
10 The first film ...........released in 2009.

operated on the patient.)

. when the action itself is more important than the
person/people doing it, as in headlines, newspaper How is paper
articles, formal notices, advertisements, etc.
made? Rewrite the
ii,ritil'iaii ,'i ¡:,¡¡';...;r;q-< :+*rs $*r**g*d tr ::.ia a.;li:l ..
. to make statements more formal or polite. following sentences
i'i':,'-¡r::: ri'¡:ljrr'a:j;¿-{ ¿:¡* *efd,¡: ij:ú :Ili'l;r;ii (fOf mal) in the passive.
I:;:-, :;r¡:-i-i s¡ssr:'i ;J*s:J:ed i:ijiaj ii, (mOf e pOl ite th a n Sayi n g :

¡ c.-, *is¡¡'f {i**¡- il,.: i; i¡s:-; :.¡, ¡:l;i: i' .)

They cut down trees.
i¡*g-c c¡g a¿i"i s*'l'-¡*.
Changing from the active to the passive:
. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject They send the trees
of the passive sentence. to a paper mill.
. The active verb remains in the same tense, but chanqés A machine removes
into a passive form.
. the bark from the
The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent,
and is either introduced with the preposition by or it is wood.
omitted. 4 They chop the wood into small pieces.
5 They cook the pieces until they become a pulp.
Subject Verb Object
6 They pour the paper pulp into a container.
ACTIVE N/ary cooked lunch.
7 They pour the pulp onto a large screen.
8 They drain the water from the paper.
Subject Verb Agent 9 Finally, they press the paper flat.
PASSIVE Lunch was cooked by N/ary.

: Rewrite the sentences in the postsimple
possive form. Use the agent where .{
necessary. j.,9

1 The Phoenicians first used sails around 2,000 ::l
BC. Si;¡J: it¡*¡s fi¡si rissd *y ¡**
*ls*¡:d :;.:l
;,*ir* "i. .ii*

2 They introduced electric cars ¡n 1896. t:!:l

3 The Egyptians created the first organised navy
in 2,300 BC. ,:€

4 The Sumerians developed oar-powered ships in +jj


3,500 BC.
5 Cornelius van Drebbel built the first submarine
in 1520. #
BB w
i:t ¡¡';l f, i +.'¡ ge f';q' 9-'ff *f;WS Put the verbs in brackets into the present
.i Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

Jasmine Walsh is a teacher. Every morning she
1) ..........,..,.. (get up) at
7 o'clock, has a shower and gets dressed. She
Dear Clare,
r l) ............
(write) from the beautiful
Italian island ol Capri.
always 2) ......,......... ..... (wear) smart Every day the n'eather
clothes to schoo l, like jackets and trousers. 2).......................... (be)
Lessons 3)
warm and sunny so \\¡e
(begin) arI am and Jasmine is
3) ........... ... (spend) mosr days on rhe
never late, She always
beach. My family and I 4) ........ (stay)
in the main tolr,n. Right now, I b) ......... .. ..
: - (arrive) at school at 8.45. In
(sit) by the swimming pool and listening ro music

the morning, she 5) .................

on my MP3 player. Mr par.enrs 6) ......... .. ... ..
..,.... (teach)
(be) in town. They 7) ................................ (buy)
Maths, English and Science. There is a
souvenirs. Tomorrow, I 8) ............
break for lunch at 12.30. Jasmjne usually
(want) to visit Ana Capri, a rown up in
6) ................ (eat) in the school canteen or the
mountains. You g) (travel)
she brings a sandwich. Lessons start again at 1.30. In the
there by bus. Then, a chairlift l0)
afternoon, there 7) (be) Art,
(take) you up ro Mount Solaro. The view from
Music and PSHE classes. Sometimes, Jasmine
S) ................ (read) stories to the class. too. there l1) .........,..... (be) breathtaking.
The children 9) ,............... (go)home at 3.30. Hope you lZ) ... ... ... . . (have) a good
Jasmine 10) .............. (tidy) up the classroom. .,.
time back in England. 13) ... ... ....
She often 11) .,......,.,.,. (have) pupils' work to (itlrain) there now?
correct, as well. When she gets home at 5.30, she usually See you soon.

12) .....,.,...,.. (feel) very tired. After dinner, she Adam

13) .... .... .... .. (watch) TV, but she rarely
14) .............. (go) to bed later than 10 pml

r.* Put the verbs in brackets into the present

'i,. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, present continuous or present perfect.
simple or the presentcontinuous,

1) ................. ........ (youibe) young and

enthusiastic? 2) .......,......... (you/have)
free time on Saturdays? 3) ..........
(you/ever/do/any) babysitting before? We 4) ...........
(look for) for a babysitter
for our son Jason (B) and our daughter Chloe (6).
we 5)..........

(want) someone
to play games with the children and take them for
walks. Jason 6) ..........,...... ... (learn) to
play the piano and he 7) ,...........
(need) help with his music lessons. The hours
B) ........... (be)from 9 am to 6 pm.

Please contact Mrs Walters on 0gg4 - J0082. 1'

Put the verbs in brackets into the pastsimple. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
The classes in Victorian English schools were often :

very large. Sometimes a single teacher

í':T:: nJi:i.,f*ü*tr
1) ................. (teach) 70 or 80 pupils! The
children 2) ........................ (spend) their day learning
reading, writing and Maths. Puplls 3)
(sit) in rows facing their
and the pupils 5)
teacher. The teacher
(write) on rhe blackboard
(copy) rhe

2) ............ loads
already! Yesterday,

Buckingham Place, the National Art

Gallery and the British Museum. Then we
lesson on their slates with a sharp tool. Schools 4) ...,....... a boat ride along the River Thames. The
6) ................. .. (not/buy) much paper day before that, we 5) ............ around London,s
because it was expensive. For the reading lesson, historical centre and 6) some shopping on
children 7) ........................ (stand) up in a semi-circle Oxford Street. Oxford Street is one of the busiest
and 8).......... (read) from a book in turns. shopping streets in Europe. We 7)so many
They also 9)................. (repeat) poems many people! So far, both of us absolutely love London.
times until they 10) (know)
AIex says it is the most exciting city he S) ............
them by heart. Itlong day for children from the
was a
countryside. They often 11) ...............
to. The only bad thing is we g) ............any sunny
(have) to walk several miles to school. They weather yet. lt f 0) .. ...... . raining since we got
12) ............... (come) to their lessons cold here! But you don't come to England for the
and tired ar 9 o'clock and 13) weather!
(leave) at 5 o'clock. See you when we get back.
Alex and Kelly
Put the verbs in brackets into the post simple
or the present perfect.
lAbe C have been
Alex, f ) .... (you/go) to B being Dis
Charlotte's party last night?
2Ado C are doing
B: Yes, I 2) ..............(do).
B have done D d¡d
A: Really? But I 3)
(not/see) you there. 3 A visited C vlsit
Well, I 4) ....,.....,.,. (arrive) B were visiting D have visited
quite late. What time 5) ............,.
4 A has taken C are going to take
B takes D took
A: .............
I 6) (leave) just after 10 pm.
B: Well I only 7) ............... .......... (get) 5 A walking C is walking
there at 10.30 pm. B walked D have walked
That explains it then. 8) ...,.,........ 6A does c did
(you/have) a good time?
Bdo D done
B: l9) ,....,...... (have) an amazing time!
A: Me too. I 10) ......,.... 7A have never seen C are never seeing
(just/call) Charlotte to thank her, B never saw D never see
That's nice. I f 1) .............. 8A did ever go C has never been
(noticall) her yet because I 12) .......... B has ever been D never went
(lose) my mobile phone last night!
A: 0h! Bad luck! f 3)
9A didn't have C haven't had
(you/cancel) your contract yet? B are not having D have not
Yes, I f 4) ,............ (do) 10 A doesn't stop C hasn't stopped
that first thing this morning. B isn't stopping D isn't going to stop
Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D. Put the verbs in brackets into the present
perfect, the posf simple or going to.

A: (youifill in)
the job application form yet?
Dear Jack,
B: No. I ...........,..,.. ,................ (do)
Thanks for your email. You 1) ............ me what
it tomorrow.
hobbies I have. I like football,
swimming and
doing crosswords. And guess what? l2l ......... a A: Alex ..........,... (live)
new hobby - skiing! I 3)
... last Christmas in London for two years.
at my friend's house in the B: Does he like it there?
mountains. There 4) A: Yes. Actually, he ..............
lots of snow and my friend (buy) his own flat next month,

- I 5) ........ me how to ski.

"* I
A: ..,...,,..... (Carol/come)
4*' loved it! I 6) ............. my to the party last Friday?
own set of skis and poles. I
B: No. We ....,.......
ry' fu usually 7) ........... skiing

(not/see) her for three weeks.

at the weekends. Next
4 A: Brad and Julie
weekend, l8) . ........
(not/have) a holiday since 2005!
a cross-country event!
B: I know, but they
I have to go now. Write
(visit) Kenya this April.
back soon.
Best wishes, 5A:
Anatol (you/do) your homework yet, Bill?
B: Yes, Mum. I

(already/finish) it.

A: Your bedroom's a mess. When

(you/tidy) it?
B: But Mum! I

A asking C asks (tidy) it this morningl

B asked D are asking
7 A: ... (Tom/start) judo
A 've just taken up C are just took up lessons next autumn?
B am just taking up D am just took up B: Actually, he .............
(already/start). He
A spend C spent
(go) to his first lesson yesterday.
B have spent D am spending
Ais C was
(Bob and Diane/ever/be) to Poland before?
B are D were
B: Yes, they
A have taught C is going to teach (spend) their summer holidays there in 2002.
B taught D teaches 9A: I ................ .... (not/eat) at that
A already buy C have already bought restaurant again !

B has already buy D has already bought B: I agree. The food

(taste) absolutely awful.
A have gone C goes
B are going to go Dgo 10 A: Harriet's so excited. She ............
(just/get) a GPS in her car.
A entered C have entered B: 0h really? L............,...
B enter D am going to enter (have) one of those for five years.
91 I

$ {"* fut the verbs in brackets into the present
simple, past simple, present perfect or going to.

SaturdaY, 14 JulY

Dear DiarY,
It's 11 Pm and I 1) this in bed! I

2) ..,...., . a wonderful birthday' This

morning, Mum and I 3) """""'shopping'
She 4) ,....'..'.., me a super
new handbag'

ln the afternoon, I went to the

and my sister
amusement park with Dad
on some of
Betty. Betty 5) ...."""" scared
the iides but I 6) theY were fun'

I usuallY 7) ..'.'."' a Party on mY

birthdaY, but most of m1l friends
8) - awaY at the moment' So'
9i us all out for a Chinese
My best friend Amelia 10) """"""
She ff) Chinese food so she

(go) to Britain every year and ordered a steak! I had a fabulous.lly]


2).....,........, (visit) Buckingham

Palace more than once. But last summer I
1A write c wrote
3),..,........,.. .,...,. (go) to B 'm writing D written

Sandringham, the Queen's country house in 2A 've just had c just has
Norfolk. Some tourists 4) ....,...,,. did just have
B D have just
(notiknow) about this place even though it's quite
near London. 3A go c went
Last June, my family and I 5) B going D goes
(take) a guided tour of the house. I 6) ,................... 4A got c has got
(never/see) seen such amazing antique furniture get
B D is getting
and paintings.
ln Sandringham's huge garden, the eueen
5A is being c were
7) ............... ..... (grow) lots of fruit and
B was D has been

vegetables. On our visit it was full of flowers. lt 6A have thought c thinks

was so hot we 8) ....,.......... (not/walk) B am thinking D thought
very far. lnstead, we 9) ......... .... (have)
7A have c has had
a tractor ride round the grounds past the big lake.
B are having D am going to have
After lunch at the Visitor Centre we f 0)
....... (decide) to see the Museum. My SAis c wa5
dad 11) (think) the vintage B are D were
cars and the old red fire engine were really cool!
Next year we 12) (visit) Woburn
9A takes c took
B is going to take D has taken
Abbey Safari Park! Dad 13)
(already/book) the tickets! 10A come c are coming
B have come D came

11 A isn't liking c doesn't like

B like D has liked

Part I
t"r You will hear Kelly talking to a friend about her holiday. Listen and mark T/F statements
Read the T/F
the sentences I (true) or F (false). statements carefully to
TRUE FALSE familiarise yourself
with the content of
1 Kelly stayed in a hotel while in eueenstown. the recording. lt is
2 Kelly didn't like the weather. often one word that
3 Kelly tried bungee jumping. determines if a
statement is T (true) or
4 The locals were very nice to Kelly and paul. F (false).

5 Paul and Kelly want to return to Arrowtown.

Part 2
O' you are going to hear five teenagers talking about an unusual activity
they like to do. Match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one
Multiple Matching
extra statement that does not match. Read the sentences
and underline the key
A The speaker met new people while doing their activity. words. While listening,
B The speaker got a chance to discover new places. try to listen for words/
phrases related to the
C The speaker is very private about what they do. underlined words.
D The speaker finds what they do very amusing.
E The speaker wants to do the activity more often.
F The speaker discovered what they like to do by accident.
1 2 3 4 5

Part 3
O You witl hear an interviewwith a famous architect. For each question (1-5)
choose the best answer (A, B, or C). Multiple Choice
Steve's homes have 3 The Glass Pavilion is unique because of Read the questions
A lots of windows. A its great views of Los Angeles.
and the possible
answers. Underline the
B lots of rooms. B the nature around it. key words. Listen
C bright colours. C its glass walls.
carefully the first time
and choose your

Steve feels people are surprised to

4 Steve buys old cars because answer. Confirm your
answer during the
learn that A he Iikes driving them. second listening.

A he is so passionate about
B he enjoys the way they look.
C he makes money from them.
B his favourite architecture is from 5 Steve advises listeners to
the 50s and 60s. A read architecture books.
C he never went to architecture B follow their dreams
school. C be careful about choosing their

$leE 1
Matching headings to Part 1
paragraphs HETPING OUR
The title of Read the information about a MAKING NEW FRIENDS
paragraph gives the
wildlife group. Match the
main idea of that WITH OUR COMMUNIIY
paragraph. Read the headings (A-G) with their j ,\y_lwErcoME NEW voLuNrEERs
paragraph once to get
the main idea. Then
correct paragraphs (1-6). One G KEEPING UP
look for words related heading does not match.
to the title. This will
help you match the
paragraph to its title.

ll,l.rl ri

m We are a student conservation group that works to protect wildlife locally and globally. Every
day, more and more species, like the brown bear, the African elephant and the cheetah, become
endangered. As a group, we work on different projects that protect our wonderfulwildlife.

ETI One of our goals is to get local people to join. We organise events with schools and
other local organisations to raise money for the conservation of different nature parks.

t Through our conservation work and events, our members never stop learning about
wildlife. We attend wildlife talks with animal expefts and take smalltrips to forests and mountains
as part of our efforl to stay in touch with the latest information on conservation issues. One of our
most impoftant activities is the improvement of our area by planting more trees and gardens and
cleaning up parks and nature areas.

m Teaching people to respect nature is our main goal. Through our events and
lks, people learn about the importance of wildlife, We also send out a lot of
and visit schools to present the problems wildlife faces today.

Right now, we are working with other conservation groups to create a

nature park in East Oxford. lt's a park that provides a safe place for wildlife to grow
develop. We organise work days in the park where our members help develop
and clean up an area of the park. We are proud that we have created such a
valuable area.

Here at the Oxford Student Wildlife Group, we want to make positive

changes in the world, We love nature and want to protect it, We are always happy to
have new members. So, take a friend and come and check us out!

Part 2
Read the text and mark the statements
f -8 (true), F (false) or D5 (the text T/F/DS statements
doesn't provide such information). Read the T/F/DS
statements and
underline the key
Working at a circus words. Look for similar
It's fun being a circus acrobat. As ,,Damian words/phrases in the
text. Then decide if a
the Great", I love performing for hundreds statement is T (true),
of people. Of course, I also work very F (false) or DS (the text
doesn't provide such
hard and performing for a circus ,"un, information). For a
that you're never in the same place for statement to be ,true,, I

very long. But that,s great because everv every part of it has to i

match the information

day is a Iittle bit differentt in the text. ¡1

In my circus there are 150 performers, from

40 different countries. Usually, we do lr

between six and ten shows a week. on an average

day, r wake up about ten o,crock in
the morning. I'm always hungry, and r start the ll
dáy wiin a big breakfast; coffee, orange
juice, eggs and toast. After this, I take i
a long shower! I have lived far away from I
family and friends for a rong time now, and r I

miss them a rot. so after breakfast,

r use
my laptop to send emails to friends and family I
back home. rn the afternoons, r often go
sightseeing in the place we are performing. I

The show starts at z pm, but performers have

to be in the circus tent at 5 pm.
like to get there earry- to practise my routine. Even though

done the
performance hundreds of times, I still get nervous. 've up in the
r perform nire metres
air and there's no safety equipment.
After this, it's time for me to put my costume
on. r arso paint my face compretery
white, which takes another thirty minutes. Next,
ail the acrobats do some
exercises together, and then r spend some
time reraxing. r have to be very carm
before I perform because r could easily fall. r feel
great wien |m in the air but I,m
always huppy to come down again!
By the time I've finished work, r'm hungry again.
r don,t normaily eat runch
because l've got to hang upside down a rot duriÁg
my actr For dinner, r go to the
circus canteen with the other acrobats. r spend
so much time with the other
performers that they are rike famiry to me. r,m
happy to work with such great
people. My job can be difficurt and dangerous
but itis also very exciting, r don,t
think I could do a normal 9-5 job nowl

T F D5
1 Damian enjoys his job because of the variety.
2 People of many different nationalities work
for the circus.
3 Damian begins his day with a small meal.
4 Damian has got a big family.
5 Damian performs in the afternoon.
6 Damian has to be careful at work.
7 Damian is close to the other acrobats.
8 Damian would prefer a 9 to 5 job.
Part 3
Multiple choice Read the text. ln each question
choose the right answer A, B, C
Read the text quickly
to get the gist. Read or D.
the questions and The location of Babylon was
possible answers. Find
the part of the text Babylon
A where Bagdad is today.
that contains the
Histor ans describe the ancient city of Babylon as
B close to the Euphrates River.
answer to the a
question. Read beautiful place w th green gardens, amazing architecture
C 85km from the Euphrates River.
carefully trying to find
and busy marketplaces. About 3000 years ago, the city of
D south of the Euphrates River.
synonymous phrases.
Remember that the Babylon was an impressive place. Today, thts once great King Hammurabi
questions follow in the
city lies in ruins next to the [uphrates Rivef, about 85km
order the information A was the first Emperor of
appears in the text. south ofthe present-day city of Bagdad, raq.
Around 2000 BC, King Hammurabi created the empire of
B created the city of Babylon.
Babyonia and named the then small city of Babylon its
centre Under Hammurabithe Baby onian empire became
C developed the Babylonian
very powerfu and the city of Babylon became the largest
city in the world at the time King Hammurabi developed
D created a city centre in Babylon.

a code of wntten laws in the Babyonian anguage that The lshtar Gates had
everyone in Babylonia, rich or poo; had to fo low.
A statues of the king on them.
The most famous king of Babylon was Nebuch adnezzar Il.
B the goddess lshtar on them.
He made the city into one of the wonders of the ancient
C pictures of lions on them,
world Nebuchadnezzar ll achieved this through his
amazing construction prolects. For example, to improve
D Babylonian symbols on them.

the entrance ofthe city, he built the beautiful lshtar Gates. The Towel of Babel was
These buge gates stood at the start of Processional Way, a A a terraced building.
wide street with statues of animals that led into the city B on ProcessionalWay.
The shtar Gates honoured the goddess lshtar and had her
C at the entrance of the city.
symbol, the lion, on them He also built various grand
D part of the imperial palace.
temples and made the imperial palace more luxurious.
One of these grand temples was a pyramid-shaped According to archaeologists,
ternp e that food 91 metres high in the palace gardens A it is not certain whether the
and was the talest building in Babylon Many ancient Tower of Babel really existed.
writers called it the 'Tower of Babel' and it was another B it is not certain whether the
architectura wonder of the city. The kinq also buit Hanging Gardens of Babylon
another amazing pace in Babylon According to ancient
really existed.
wntrngs, he constructed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
C the Tower of Babel was outside
to honour his wife. Archaeologists have yet to find
the city.
evidence of the existence of these mythical gardens that
D the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
hung from a terraced building
honoured the King.
Besides the amazing architecture, life in the city of
Babylon was great There were busy markets that sold According to the authot
food, jewellery and clothing lveryone lived inside the city A the people of Babylon had a
and had comfortable homes Peop e celebrated various good life.
festivals and holidays in the many ternpes The city
B living in Babylon was difficult.
enloyed many years of greatness, until ii eventually fe I to
C most people lived near the city.
the hands ofthe Persians in 539 BC
D Babylon was a quiet city.


Vocabulary Grammar
Choose the correct item. Choose the correct item. D
A c
1 My favourite .,....,. is reading. 1 Jane is ........ than MarY.

A game B sPort C class D hobbY A tall B taller C tallest

My mother has got long, ........ hair. ........ names are Daniel and Jim.

A slim B straight C PlumP D full A They B Their C His

Who is your ........ athlete?

A best C favourite A isn't B aren't C 'm not

B popular D famous They ,....... got a comPuter.

The colours of the UK .....'.. are red, white and A'sB'mC've

blue. This is my notebook. ....,,.. blue.
A nation C flag A lts B lt's C lt
B symbol D country
........ is your surname?
A What B Where C How
Afor Bto Cfrom Dat
Hockey is the ........ sport in Canada'
6 Tom is a(n) ........ at the local restaurant. A popular C most PoPular
A architect C vet B more popular M
B electrician D waiter
......., Simon play the guitar? En

The Maasai peoPle are an African AHas Bls CCan ST

A tribe B nation C grouP D team

Anna and Celeste are from ltaly' ..'.... are ltalian'

J.K Rowling is a famous Her books are

A Their B They C We g(

amazing ! K¿

A astronaut C author 10

B electrician D fire fighter A He BHis CMY


My brother is.,...... . He isn't fat. 11 """"

Carla short'
got long hair' lt's

aged C plump A hasn't B has C isn't

A middle- .. W

B of medium height D fair 12 ......,, 's she? Her name is Anna.


10 Her favourite day of the week is .....'.' '

A What B How C Who M

A October B SundaY C MaY D APril

A more B most C manY
D Complete the sentences with the correct
u 14 ........ Tammy and Jen sisters? M
A Have B ls C Are hi
. dark . dream ' hero ' landmark ' wealth
15 Steven is the tallest..."... his class. at

1 My . is to become a famous actress' Aof B from C in

2 The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a famous

3 My . is the famous tennis PlaYer,
Serena Williams.
4 ln many cultures, gold jewellery is a sign of
..... and beautY.
5 Many peoPle from Africa have 9ot

Everyday English Listen ing
Choose the correct response.
D O You are going to hear five
people talking about their
1 A: Are you Rebecca? A: See you tomorrow
B: a Nice to meet you.
friends. Match the speakers
B: a I'm OK.
(f -S)
to the statements (A-F).
b Yes, I am. b Goodbye
There is one extra statement
A: How's everything? A: How are you? that does not match.
B: a So-so. B: a Hellol l'm Jack.
b Take care. b Not bad. The speaker's friend is good at
many sports.
A: Have a nice evening, A: Goodbye. The speaker has got the same
William. B: a Great. hobby as their friend.
B: a Oh, hi Carla. b Take care. The speaker's friend is good at
b You too. languages.
The speaker's friend is shorter than
Reading the speaker.
Read the text and mark the The speaker's friend's dream is to
sentences I (true) or F (false). become a famous author.
The speaker and their friend are
My favourite actress is Kate Winslet, She,s from
1 2 3 4 5
England, but has got a home in New york City, USA.

She's got two children, Kate is tall with long, fair

hair and blue eyes. Kate can cook very well and is
good at many sports. Her favourite hobby
is reading.
Kate is an excellent actress and is the winner of an
Academy Award for Best Actress for her work in the Write a short email to your new
film The Reader. She's also the winner of many other
G pen-friend (50-60
a words).
My favourite film with Kate is Titanic. lt's a love story lnclude:
about a young man and
woman who are on the famous ship, the Titanic. lt's an
amazing film with a sad your name, age and
My favourite actor is Tom Hanks He's a very popular American a description of your
actor. Tom is tall
and slim. He's got short, curly, brown hair and brown appearance
eyes. Tom can surf and is
good at golf. His favourite sport ¡s baseball.
Tom is famous for many great films. your favourite hobby, school
He's the winner of two Academy Awards for Best
Actor. subject and sport
My favourite film with Tom is Forest Gump. lt's the story of a young man,s life and
your favourite sport star and
his many different experiences. lt's one of the most successful film star
films of all time
and the winner of many awards. Tom is brilliant in the fifm. ask your pen-friend about
their favourite sport
True False
1 Kate Winslet is American. ask your pen-friend to write
2 Kate is a mother. back
3 Titanic is a funny film.
4 Tom Hanks is plump.
5 Tom can't play golf.
6 Tom has got two Academy Awards.
7 Forest Gump is a very popular film,
99 :lil
Voeabulary Gramrnar
ñ Choose the correct item. Choose the correct item.
FT c
1 There are three red ........ on the sofa. 1 There is a poster ........ the wall.
A carpets C mirrors Aon B under C in
B cushions D armchairs
........ a carpet on the floor?
There is a cooker in the ..,...., . A There are B There is C ls there
A living room C dining room
B kitchen D utility room
A That B These C This
3 You can see the New York ........ from the top of
the skyscraper.
A leaf B leaves C leafs
A view B sight C skyline D shape

A into B over C through

A unique C popular
B simple D unusual 6 ls there ........ baker's in your neighbourhood?
A the B_ Ca I
please. There are four ........ in the living room. t¿

A florist's C butcher's A persons B people C person t(

B ba ker's D chemist's
Ted is ........ the dining room.
6 There are a lot of plants in the ........ . Aon Bin C under n

A beach C forest
B desert D waterfall
A some B any C the

7 There are floating ........ on the lake. "(
A deserts C mountains A The BAn C- hi
B islands D forests to

A opposite B next C in front rc
A fridge C toaster cl
B iron D cooker tik

Aa B- C the a
You can buy .....,.. at the clothes shop. flc
A adictionary C flowers vc
B a jacket D bread A that B those C this fo
'10 This skyscraper has got 105........! It
A surfaces B floors C metres D flights A There B These C Those cl
Aan Ba C-

Circle the correct item. It'r

1 Wash the dishes in the sink / bath, please.


2 There is a boat on the river / cliff. lnl
3 You can buy / rent a flat for f300 per month. his

4 The city is home / house to three million people. F

5 At the post office you can buy jackets / stamps. 1

Reading Everyday EngFis*t
Read the information about the EiffelTower. Choose the correct response.
Match the headings (A-l) with their correct E
paragraphs (1-8). One heading does not match. f A: Hi, I want to rent a flat near the city centre.
B: a lt's on High Street, opposite the Gym.

b OK, there is a nice flat in that area.
B: a lt's on the first floor.
b Of course, ls 5 o,clock OK?



B: a lt's next to the park.
b lt's a toaster.
Ihe How much is the flat?
H&I a
lt's number 25.
lt's f340 per month.
The EiffelTower is the
symbol of Paris! Let's Where's the lnternet café?
take a look at this unique
a lt's in the living room.
b lt's in Princess Street.
m The Eirrerrower is 324 @{ How many rooms has it got?
metres tall. lt's a strong steel tower '-r ,* a lt's a three-bedroom flat.
with 3 floors. From the ground to the third floor there
are b lt's a large flat.
1,665 stairs,

E] Visitors can start their tour on the first floor at the

"Cineiffel". Here, they can watch short
L8sten !mg
films about the
history of the tower and see unique old photos of
the O you are going to hear five teenagers
tower and the city of paris. F
talking about their homes. Match the
I3 I I On the first ftoor there is atso the Gustave Eiffet speakers (1-5) to the statements (A_F). There
room. This is a large, elegant room. lt has got 250 red
chairs and a big balcony. This room is for special events,
is one extra statement that does not match.
like award ceremonies and birthdays. A The speaker's house is small.
m Next, visitors can go up to the second floor. This B The speaker has got an amazing
view of the city.
floor is 115 metres high. This is the floor for foodl Visitors
c The speaker has got a modern flat.
can eat a sandwich in a café. Or, for some real French
D The speaker's house is in a very
tfey can go to the expensive Jules Verne restaurant! beautiful area.
E The speaker's neighbourhood is very busy.
I5 Í | For shopping, visitors can go to the second ftoor,
It has got three shops. They can buy souvenir items, F The speaker's home is very large.
cups, T-shirts and small models of the Eiffel Tower, for 1 2 3 4 5
their friends and family.
I6 I I Then it's up to the third ftoor, the top of the tower.
Here, at 276 metres high, the view of the city is wonderfuf
. Writlmg
It's a great place for photos!
I7 I I On the top ftoor, visitors can atso visit the office of
Write a short text desuibing your dream
Gustave Eiffel, the creator and the man behind the tower! G house (50-60 words). tnclude:
lnside the office they can see a wax model of Gustave
his old office furniture.
and . where your dream house is
. how many rooms your dream house has got
ru Finally, visitors can go to the Eiffet rower post
office on the ground floor. They can send their friends and . what is inside your dream house
family a postcard with a picture of the Eiffel Tower. They . what is the best thing about your dream
can say hi from paris in stylel
Vocabulary Grammar
Choose the correct item. f Choose the correct item.
1 It's not nice to ........ at people. 1 Emma ........ Music at school. 'ffi
A stare C see A study B don't study C studies
B watch D view \
I ........ dinner at 6 o'clock in the evening. A but Band Cor
A take B have C do D get
........ walk to school everyday? a

My mother's brother is my ......... . A You do B Do you C Does you ]

A grandfather C son ........ MP3 player is this?

B nephew D uncle
A Who B Whose C Who's f
Sam ........ the Net every evening.
Kat usually goes to the cinema ....,... Saturday f
A surfs B listens C sends D plays afternoons. (
Hannah has guitar........on Tuesday afternoons. Aon Bin Cat !
A routines C chores I
B games D lessons
A never B often C sometimes

I often ......,. text messages to my friends.
ls this the........ car?
A watch B send C get D do
A woman's B women C woman

John has got no brothers or sisters. He is a(n)
8 I like to surf the lnternet ........ the evenings. V

........ child.
Aon Bin Cat c
A divorced B married C single D only c
This is ........ house. Í(
You can't find this species of plant everywhere.
A Jack's and Sue B Jack and Sue's b
It's very
C Jack and 5ue
A rare C wild Ir

B typical D normal A

Aon Bin Cat tt

9 My aunt's daughter is my ........ .

A niece C nephew
B cousin D sister A never B always C usually

'12 You ........ chew gum in class.

A jugglers C staff A ought not to B don't have to
B acrobats D performers C doesn't have to

Complete the sentences with the correct 13 Chris ........ like Maths.
B word. Ado B don't C doesn't

. shifts . poisonous . still . quarter . raise 14 Tom speaks French really ........ .

A best B good C well

1 Be carefulof ................... snakes in the jungle.
2 Charity organisations....,...,....... money
to help the poor. uniform.
Most nurses work either morning or evening A has to B has C should

Keep ,......... so I can take a photograph

of you.
Lessons finish at a ..,.,.......... to four.
Read the text. ln each question 1-6 choose
the right answer, A, g, CorD.


rainforest? well, like any normal hotel Ariau has gotbig Brazilian meals. After dinner is a good time for guests to
swimming pools, an internet café and shops. And simply have a coffee in a treetop café and watch the wildlife.
You Guests can sit outside, but they have to watch out for the
walking around the hotel is like being in a huge zoo!
can watch the colourful parrots and monkeys in the trees playful
monkeys. They like to eat the hotel food tool
of the rainforest. Then there are extraordinary activities At Ariau Towers,
the staff want guests to feel welcome
for guests to try' Guests can swim with dolphins, take and have an amazing experience. Experienced staff that
boat ride to see alligators or go on a rainforest tour speak many differenilanguages also teach guests about
Iearn which plants they can use as medicine. the importance of the environment and wildlife. Guests
At the end of the day, guests can have dinner in one of at Ariau have a great time. They can also learn
the hotel's restaurants and they can try lots of delicious something if they want, tool

-t '-' .

1 The hotel is special because 4 ln the evenings, guests can

A it is in a very big city. A go on a rainforest tour.
B it is floating on a river. B eat dinner in a café.
C it is in the rainforest. C see a film about animals.
D it is high up in the forest trees. D taste local dishes.
2 To get their meals guests have to 5 Guests at Ariau Towers
A walk eight kilometres. A learn about nature.
B walk to a different area. B go to classes about the rainforest.
C go to the ground floor. C think the staff are amazing.
D wait in their rooms. D learn a foreign language.
3 The hotel has got 6 The above text is typical of
A dangerous animals. A a geography book.
B an animal park. B an adventure story.
C a chemist's. C a tourist magazine.
D places to buy things. D an environmental book
Everyday English Writing
Choose the correct response. C

Read the rubric and answer the
1A: Have you got the time, please?
B: a At quarter past three. b lt's a quarter past three.
This is part of an email you
2A: Do you go to the cinema often? received from your English pen-
B: a Not really. b That's OK. friend, Sam.

3A: What time do you want to meet? My weekdays ore very busy. Whot
B: a Let's meet by the lnternet Café. time do you usually get up? What I
b ls 3:30 OK for you? is a typicol weekday of yours like?
What do you usuolly do on ¡
4A: Do you want to go to the circus on Friday?
Saturdays? Write bock.
a That sounds good. b No, it isn't. I
Write your email rr**^ :
5A: Don't be late. your pen-friend's questions.
B: a That's not bad. b OK, see you there. (50-80 words).
6A: ls 6:30 OK?
B: a Yes, I am. b Yes, it is.

Listen ing
O you will hear two people talking about pet reptiles.
l-isten and mark the sentences I (true) or F (false).

True False
1 Dogs are the most popular pets in the UK.
2 to keep as pets.
Reptiles are very difficult
3 Pet dogs are more expensive to keep than
4 Leopard Geckos are safe to have as pets.
5 Anna has a pet snake.


Vocabulary Gramrnar
Choose the correct item.
A fL Choose the correct item.
I Tim and his brother are going ........ on a tour
f This market is great. I love ........ .
bus around the city.
A them Bir C him
A walking C shopping
B hiking D sightseeing
The mall is closed; we ........ go shopping today.
A mustn't B aren,t C can,t
It's really chilly outside; take your ........ with you.
A top B boots C shorts D coat
How ........ eggs do you need?
A much B many C few

the marketplace. We are going ........ a parade tomorrow.

A same C usual A watching B watch C to watch
B traditional D routine We miss you. Send ........ an email soon.
4 ........,|ike a scarf and a bag, make a dress look Aus B them C ¡t
better. 6 You ........ leave the mall now. lt,s closing.
A Antiques C Tops A B
can are C must
Jewellery D Accessories
Can I have ........ oranges, please?
People can buy crafts at the market
A afew B toomany C alittle
A souvenirs B sights C courts D stalls
Anthony's friends are meeting ........ at the mall.
The ........ to Puebla is fantastic with great views Ahe Bhis Chim
of the mountain.
A route B coach C guide D map Steve ...,.... to play tennis this afternoon.
A goes B is going C go
Children must learn ........ table manners.
A important C good l0 There is too ........ milk in my cereal.
B traditional D strong A many B few C much
At night temperatures drop below
A boiling B freezing C chilly D cold Put the verbs in brackets into the present
D simple or present continuous.
Let's go to the new indoor ........ park.
A amusement C cinema On Saturdays, my mum
B mall D museum (go) to the flea market.
'10 Kevin eats too much ........ food, like Joel usually ..... (wear)
eggs and
trainers to school.
A scrambled B steamed C sliced D
Look, they ..... (dance)
in the street!
This blouse is gorgeous. I really
Circle the correct item.
B (like) itl
1 We are going to watch the firework / parade Patrick ...,.,... (visit) an
display. aquarium with his class today.
2 Ihe village is near snow-capped / freezing
3 Carla is buying ten CDs; they,re gorgeous /
half-price I
4 lt's foggy I raining outside; take your umbrella.
5 You can buy antiques at the flea / snack market.
Everyday English Listen ing
Read the dialogue and fill in the missing phrases. O Vou will hear an interview
G with a tour guide. For each
. Here's your change . That's f.4.25 c What can I get you
. Can I have a lemonade . Anything question (1-5), choose the best
answer (A, I or C).

A: Next please. 1) ......,......., ,...........? The tour guide says it's

B: l'd like a slice of pizza, please. A cloudy outside.
A: Ok.2)..,..........,. ....................,.....? B raining outside.
B: Yes. 3) .......... please? C warm outside.
A: Sure, here's your pizza and your drink. 4) ..............
The lndia Gate is a popular
B: Here you are.
A monument.
A: Thank you. 5)
B park,
B: Thank you.
C restaurant.

Red Fort is a good place to

Reading A take pictures.

B have a picnic.
Read the text and mark C start the tour.
the sentences I (true) or
F (false).
At the Dilli Haat flea market you
can buy
A maps.
B food.
Are you looking for an unusual C music CDs.
shopping experience? At Galerie
Lodhi Garden is
Harfa Mall in Prague, The Czech Republic, there are lots of shops,
people and even dinosaurs! That's right; dinosaurs come to life at
A next to the lndia Gate.
B a place where people can
this unique shopping mall. Outside, on the roof of the mall, is a
huge dinosaur-themed amusement park. Here, you can see many
C a very noisy place.
giant dinosaur robots that move and make sounds. The rooftop
has also got cafés and fast-food restaurants, a children's
playground, and an ice-skating rink. Inside the mall there are
160 shops and stalls that sell everything from electronics and Read the rubric and answer the
clothing to books, toys and fresh vegetables. After a day of H
shopping you can relax at the health spa and gym or take a ::'::: -
I This is part
swim in the indoor swimming pool. You can end your day with of an email you
a meal at one of the many nice restaurants or at the food court
I received from your English pen-
in the mall. At Galerie Harfa there is something for everyone. I friend, Paul.
So, it's worth a visit!
I What's the most popular morket in
True False I
your city? Whot con you buy
1 The dinosaurs are inside the mall. I there? Do you like it?
2 You can't eat on the roof of the mall, I
3 Kids can play on the roof of the mall. Write your email answering
4 The mall has got an indoor ice-skating rink.
your pen-friend's questions,
(50-80 words).
5 You can buy televisions and CD players at the mall,
6 There is a place to exercise at the mall,
7 There are only fast-food restaurants at the mall.


Circle the correct item.
Choose the correct item. B
A 1 Troy was famous for its narrow / thick streets.
1 Ihe TV show was so ........ that I almost fell 2 The son of a king is a knight / prince.
asleep. The Navajo were a native
3 / public tribe of North
A depressing C boring America.
B scary D interesting Avotor was a great film and the plot / star was
I like to do my interesting.
shopping at the big ........ on
Park Street.
5 The ancient Egyptians transported / travelled
goods by boat.
A department store C hospital
B block of flats D hotel
The lncas ........ crops, like corn and cocoa. Grammar
A grew C hunted Put the verbs in brackets into the
B fished D built c or the post continuous.
past simple

The ancient city of Babylon had thick walls to

......., it from attack. We ............ ...,...., (visit) an ancient
temple last weekend.
A destroy C protect
B invade What ..,..... . (Tom/see)
D disrupt
at the cinema on Friday?
5 Rock and roll bands like The Beatles had a lot of They .......... (watch) TV
........ in the 1960s. when the phone rang.
A hits C fads 4 The Vikings (carry) goods by boat.
B fashions D crazes 5 When I saw her, she ...........,
6 (talk) to Jeff.
ln Troy the ...,.... helped protect the city.
A temple C marketplace Where ....,. (they/live)
B palace when they were young?
D watchtowers
The girls (sleep) in their room while
the boys .. (play) computer games.
A made C invented The Navajo lndians
B evolved D explored (not/build) houses from stone.
8 The lnca emperor lived in a beautiful ........ .
(you/see) the Machu picchu
A fountain C forum ruins when you were in peru?
B palace D wall 10 He .,...,....,.. (fly) to Rome this time
last Monday.

A busy C full Fill in the gaps with hod, could, w0s ot were.
B empty D crowded D
'10 I like ........ films because they are funny.
1 The people of Troy workshops to
A horror make clothes.
C romance
B The stone buildings of Machu picchu
comedy D thriller
very strong.
Iwatched lndiana Jones on Saturday. lt .....r........
a very exciting film.
The Spanish colonies all over South
ln ancient times, only the phoenicians
make purple-coloured dye.
Read the text. ln each question choose the right answer, A,B,CorD.
a few green areas and decided to
found a colony there. To begin his
colony, Erik needed help. So, in 985,
he returned to Iceland to tell people
about his "wonderful" new land.
Erik called his new land Greenland
to make people think it was a nicer
place to live than Iceland. Many
people were interested in the new
For the Vikings, the greatest achievement for any man was to country. When Erik sailed back to
do something great in their lifetime so that people remembered Greenland in 986, 25 ships with 500
them after their death. To achieve this, some Vikings sailed the men and women and many animals
seas in search of treasure and new lands. One of the most went with him.
famous Vikings is Eric Thorvaldson. He achieved fame as Erik The Vikings started two colonies in
the Red, the man who discovered Greenland. Greenland. To survive, they farmed
Erik the Red lived between 950-1005 AD. He got his name from sheep and cows, hunted polar bears
his bright red hair and beard, and his hot, fiery personality. For and whales, and traded whale bones
the first part of his life, Erik lived happily in lceland. His and bear skins. Thanks to their
adventures started in 981, when he had a fight with his farming and hunting skills the
neighbours and killed two men. Local people were very mad. colonies grew and grew. By the year
They told Erik to leave the country for 3 years. Erik and his 1000, about 3,000 people lived in
family had no choice. They left Iceland and sailed off into the Greenland. For the next 500 years,
huge Atlantic ocean. Vikings lived in Greenland. Then,
Erik sailed west from Iceland to look for a new island to live on. the Vikings left, and no one really
However, he sailed so far that he discovered something understands why. But Erik the Red
amazing. A new country! Erik spent two years exploring the is still famous as the man who
new country. The land was mostly covered in ice, but he found discovered and named Greenland!

Viking men wanted went back to lceland

A to sail to Greenland, A to meet some interesting people.
B to write lots of history books. B to begin a colony there.
C to find lots of ships. C to buy animals.
D to be famous after they died. D to ask people to move to Greenland.
Eric left lceland because The colonies were successful because
A people didn't like his personality. A the villagers farmed wild animals.
B his family wanted to leave. B they could grow a lot of food.
C he killed some people. C the Vikings were great hunters and farmers.
D he wanted an adventure. D 3000 people moved to Greenland.

Eric discovered The Vikings stayed in Greenland for

A new islands to the west of lceland. A 1000 years.
B a green area in the west of lceland, B 3000 years.
C a wonderful new tribe of people. C 500 years,
D a new country he could live in. D no one knows how long.


Everyday English Writing

Choose the correct response.
Read the rubric and answer the questions.
A: Did you live here when you were young?
B: a Yes, ldid.
This is part of an email you received from
b No, they didn't. your I
English pen-friend, James. i
A: Does he miss all that?
I went to the cinemo last Saturday, I saw o
B: a Well, sometimes he does. science fiction film. Whaft your fovourite film?
b Yes, sometimes we do. What is it about? Who stars in it?
A: What was the film like?
Write your email answering your
B: a lt was very funny. pen_
friend's questions. (50-80 words).
b lt was Spiderman 2. ¡E__rJ

A: What did you do last night?

B: a lt was amazingl
b I saw a film at the cinema.

A: Could you play tennis at the age of six?

B: a
No, you couldn't.
b No, I couldn't.
A: Do you like musicals?
B: a No, I prefer science-fiction films.
b Yes, it was a great science-fiction film.

Listen ing
O You will hear two people talking about
G films. Listen and
mark the sentences
I (true) or F (false).
True False
Mark and Emmy want to go to
the cinema at the weekend.
Mark doesn't want to see Twilight
because it's a fantasy film.
Emmy liked the new Harry potter
Mark thinks Fantastic Four films
are thrilling.
Emmy and Mark decide to watch
a comedy film.

Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the correct
Choose the correct item.
A Can you help me organise/attend a fundraising
'1 Last year, I went on an amazing helicopter ........ event for charity?
over New York City. 2 ln the UK, shaking/nodding your head means no.
A cruise C climb 3 I have a lot of experience/contact working
B ride D drive with animals.
Remember to buy a ticket before you get on ln some countries, it is rude to blow/purse your

the........ .
nose in public.

A lorry C van
It is easy to cut/twist your ankle when skiing.
B scooter D tram
3 You shouldn't ........ music without paying for it. Choose the correct item.
A download C listen c
B update D browse Anna ........ to Europe last year.
A has been B has gone C went I
I ........ for a local charity that works with Tina's plane hasn't landed (
A yet B already C never
A participate C attend i
B help D volunteer 3 Ben has lived in lndia ........ 3 years now.
A since B just C for b
4 Tara ......,. them an email last night. o
A bike C bus
A has sent B sent C send
B coach D gondola t
6 Tom ate too much at dinnertime and now he A swum B swam C has swum lc

has a ........ . s\
l've never ........ a blog.
A stomach ache C fever t
A written B wrote C write
B headache D toothache rl
Have you ........ volunteered for a charity? t(
ln the UK, people normally ........ hands when A never B yet C ever br
they first meet.
A shake C point Maria ........ a new smartphone yesterday. I
B give D take
A has given B was given C is given ni

........ they visited the pyramids yet?
A Did B Has C Have
A gone Bgo C went
11 Films ....,... in Hollywood. th
A buy C collect
made C make
B donate D organise
A made B are

A didn't B hasn't C haven't g(

A transmit C communicate
The children ........ anything since lunch.

B share D join
A hasn't eaten B didn't eat C haven't eaten
14 Chris left an hour
A yesterday B ago C last je'
15 Jake has ........ climbed a mountain. gr"

A ever B yet C never

Read the information about
a cruise. Match the headings (A_l)
paragraphs (l-8). one heading with their correct
does not match.



g cruise lo refnernfin,
Haveyou ever wanted to explore Egypt, the land
of endless sun and ancient histoty? why not do
so 0n a cruise? Consider the Egyptian Magic
cruise ...
rhe Egyptian Magic cruise ship has a fantastic
E Our last stop is the seaside city
variety of facilities available. For
example, there is not one, ru
Sheikh. With it's warm blue sea
of Sharm El
but five restaurants. Have lunch and bright coral reefs, this
in our iop-quality restaurant is a great place for scuba diving.
or enjoy a snack at one of our cafés. o¡ve down into a sea
The choice is yoursl world more exotic and colourfullhan
you could possibly
E] There's always something to do
on the ship. A imagine!
whole floor of basketball and tenn¡s
courts keeps exercise
lovers happy. There,s a modern gym and two large
swimming pools too.
For those
tr] who want a more relaxing holiday,
there's a beauty salon and spa
on the 4th deck. Lie down,
relax, and enjoy a back or foot
massage from our top
beauty professionals.
ln the evening, the fun continues late
night! The ship has got a cinema,
into the
a smail theatre and a
disco with live music. Watch the latest
films, a play or
{nce the night awayt
jf Our firct stop is port Said. From here
we travel to
Cairo, to vísit Egypt,s most famous monuments _
pyramids. The pyramids are
over 4500 years old. Seeing
tfrem is an incredible experience.
The next stop is Safaga. Here it,s time
for a desert
adventure. Spend a day riding a quad
golden sands of the Egyptian desert.
bike across the
Stop for tea with a
Bedouin tribe before you speed
back across the dunes!

l_) Before we leave Safaga, there is time

bus-v local market. Egypt has
to visit a
always been famous for gold,
and here is a great place to buy some
beautiful gold
,le-tellery. You can also buy lovely silver dishes. They
gre¿t souven¡rsl
Everyday English Writing
Choose the correct response.
Read the rubric and answer the questions. g
1A: Hello. l'm interested in volunteering. bea
B: a Great. We always want new volunteers. This is part of an email you received from your bea
b I can start on Saturday. English pen-friend, Nathan. beg
2A: When are you available? Did you enjoy your holiday? Where did you go? blor

B: a I can sell raffle tickets. What did you do? Was everything OK?
b l'm free at weekends.
Write your email answering your pen-
bu il
3A: I have a cough and I can't stop sneezing. j'':T':T:':T l': :'l:'1'L _ bur
B: a My advice is to drink lots of fluids. buy
b 0K. Thank you.
A: Have you ever sailed on a yacht?

B: a Yes, I have. b No, they haven't. ich
A: What are the symptoms? l.r.
B: a lhaveafever b lcutmyfinger.

i¿ iq
A: You can start on Saturday at 4 pm, l¿"
B: a OK, I will be there. lar.
b Come in and ask for Jenny.

Listening l"' ll
O you will hear an interview about a trip lfa
to South Africa. For each question (1-5) I fee
choose the best answer (4, I or C).

Ben is a lfor
A university student. B a scientist. lro'
C a sports player. lu.
Ben went to South Africa to ln.
A watch wildlife. B do water sports.
C help people learn English. Inu
At the school there was
A a library. B a gym. in,
C a place to play outside.
t'' it
Ben thought I
A people in Balen were nice.
B life was boring without TV. ln'
C the food was very bad. lo'

Ben's favourite thing about the trip was lo'.

A the children he worked with.

B the natural beauty of Africa.
C the local animals.
Irregular Verbs

be /bi:/ lwazl been /brn/ led / ed/ /led/

bear /beal lbc.'l born(e) /bc:'nl learnt (learned) /t-s:'n1 (learned) llq,nt
beat /b:t/ /b!t/ beaten /b!t"n/ (la:,nd)/ (le:'nd)/
become /brk,rm/ became /brkerm/ become /brk^m/ left /etu left / eft/
begin /brgrn/ began /brgen/ begun /brg4n/ lend / end/ lent /lqnt/ lent / ent/
bite lnartl bit /brt/ bitten /b!t"n/ let /let/ let / qt/ let /let/
blow /btoü/ blew ¡o ul blown /bloun/ light /lart/ lit / rt/ lit /r/
break /brerk/ broke /broqk/ broken /brooken/ lose llu.zl lost /lDSt/ lost / BSt/
lbrnl brought /bral/ brought /brcl/
tbildt built /brtt/ built /blt/ make /merk/ made /metd/ made /merd/
n /bs:rn/ burnt (burned) /bs:'nt burnt (burned) /b3t,nt (b3:,nd mean /mi:n/ meant /ment/
(b3:'nd)/ meet /mi:t/ met /met/
rst /b3:rst/ burst /b3:'st/ burst /b3t,st/
y lbal bought loc:tl bought lnc:v pay lpel paid /perdl
put /pot/ put /put/
can /ken/ ikadl able to) /brn erb"l te i
catch /k@tl/ /kEl/ read lrr,dl read /rqcl/
choose /tlu:z/ llloazl ride lrañl ridden /no"nl
come /k^m/ ame /kerrn/ ring lrryl rang lre.Dl lrLrrl
cost /kDSt/ /kost/ rise lrazl roSe /rqqzl lrÍ"nl
cut /k^t/ ut /k^t/ ran lrenl k
deal /dr:l/ /dclt/ said /sed/ /sqd/
dig ldrgl dug ¡o¡g¡ saw /sc:1 /stin/
do /clu:i did lctrot sold /sor.¡ld/ /sould/
/drr:i drew /dru:/ sent /sqnt/ t /sqnt/
dream rdn.m/ dreamt (dreamed) /dremt (dreamed) /dremt set /sqt/ /sqt/
(dri:md)/ sewed /sQüd/ /soun/
idrink idrr!k/ drank /dr@rtk/ runk /dr^!k/ shook ljot<l {erken/
drive /drarv/ drove /droqv/ riven /drrv"n/ shone /lon/ ne /Jon/
t /Jot/
eat / t/ ate /qlti eaten /it"n/ showed /lood/ lloanl
shut /l^t/
fall ¡tc: ¡ fell ltcy fallen /fc:ten/ sung /s^t/
feed /ti:d/ fed lte¿l fed liqol sat /s@t/
feel /fi: / felt fiett/ felt ffctt/ sleep /sli:p/ slept /slept/
fight ltartl fought fic:t/ fought /fcl/ smell /smel/ (smelled) lsmqt smelt (smelled) /smett
find /farnd/ found /faund/ found faond/ snT qld)/ (smeld)/
fly lftal flew /t u:/ flown /floon/ speak /spl k/ poke /spoqk/ n ispoukon/
forbid /farbrd/ forbade /ta'bed/ forbidden /te'orct.n/ spell /spel/ t (spelled) /spelt spelt (spelled) lspelt
forget /ferget/ forgot /fe,gBt/ forgotten /fo'gDt.n/ (spqld)/
forgive /fargtv/ forgave fia,gerv/ forgiven /fo'grv"n/ spend /spend/ spent /spqnt/
freeze ltrr.zl Itroazl frozen lfroaz"nl stand /stend/ ood /stod/
steal /sti.l/ /stoul"n/
get /get/ /gBt/ tuck /stnx/ uck /st¡k/
g tve /grv/ /gerv/ tung 1st^!/ ung /st^t/
go rgou/ /w-^nt/ /swq'n/
grow /grou/ grew /grq/ /swepi/
hang /ha¡/ ung (hanged) na¡ (hanged) /hA0 (héocl)/
take /terk/ took /tuk/ taken /terken/
have /hrev/ ad /haedl teach /t:tJ/ taught /tql/ taught /tct/
hear /hrel ltu.tdt tore /tq,/ torn /to'ni
hide /harcl/ id /hrd/ tell /tel/ told /tou d/ told /toold/
h it rhrt/ it /hrt/ think /0r¡k/ thought /ecl/ thought /0c11
hold /hould/ held hc ¿l throw /0rocr/ threw /eru / thrown /0rq¡¡n'

hurt /h3:rt/ hurt /h3:'t/
u ndersta nd understood understood
keep /ki:p/ kept /kept/ /¡nderstaend/ /4nde'stqd/

know /nor¡/ wake /werk/ woken /wooken/

wear /weer/ WOrn /wqrn/
win /wrn/ won /w^n/
write lrail wrote /rout/ written /flt"n/

Prime Time 1 is a
modular course at CEF level
A1/A2. The course combines active
learning with a variety of lively topics
presented in six themed modules.

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Student's Book with

Vocabulary Bank
& Grammar Book

Teacher's Resource Pack

& Tests

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lsBN 978-1 -7 BC9S-443-8 Class audio CDs

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