New Ent320 - Lab 1 Tensile Test 15102018

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ENT320 Mechanics of Materials Tensile Test - Laboratory Module



1.1) To understand the concept of mechanical properties of solid materials

1.2) To construct the stress-strain diagram based on Universal Testing Machine data
1.3) To understand the concept of engineering stress-strain
1.4) To understand the concept of and true stress and strain
1.5) To understand how to determine:

a) Young’s Modulus
b) Yield strength
c) Ultimate stress
d) Fracture stress
e) Percent reduction of area
f) Percent elongation
g) Modulus of Resilience


2.1) Equipments
1) Universal Testing Machine
2) Gripper
3) Personal Computer

2.2) Material
1) Specimens-Round Bar (Mild steel & Aluminum)

ENT320 Mechanics of Materials Tensile Test - Laboratory Module

Fig. 1: Universal Testing machine (UTM)


3.1) For each specimen, measure the length and the diameter using a proper tool.
3.2) Draw, with a pencil or marker, two lines on the straight section of the specimen so that the lines
are 110 mm apart. This will be the gage length, Lo.
3.3) The testing machine has already been set up and calibrated by teaching engineer.

3.4) Run the experiment.

3.5) Obtain the data from data acquisition software of machine. Make sure you got the correct data,
that are load and elongation data. Save the data in ASCII file so that you can edit it later by using
spreadsheet software.

3.6) Measure the final diameter of the specimen, df, using micrometer. The final diameter is the
minimum diameter which occurred at the neck.
3.7) Put the two halves of the broken specimen together and measure the distance between the lines
that you scratched on the specimen. This distance is the final length, Lf.

3.8) Make a sketch of the failed specimen (sketch the flat side). Be sure to identify the neck and
fracture regions. You may take the specimen with you and keep it.

ENT320 Mechanics of Materials Tensile Test - Laboratory Module


4.1) Make a table giving the Original Diameter [mm], the Original Gage Length [mm], Final
Diameter [mm], and Final Gage Length [mm] of each specimen. This will be Table 1.
4.2) Make a table which including Force [kN] and Elongation [mm] for each specimen. Table 2(a) is
for Aluminum and Table 2(b) is for Mild Steel.
4.3) Construct the Force [N] vs Elongation [mm] curves in Figure 1(a) and 1(b).

4.4) Compute the Strain [%] and Stress [MPa] for each specimen and fill in Table
3(a) and 3(b). 4.5) Based on Table 3(a) and 3 (b), construct :
i) (Engineering) Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] for Aluminum, where the maximum strain
considered for plotting the graph is 2%. This will be Figure 2 (a).
ii) (Engineering) Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] for Mild Steel, where the maximum strain
considered for plotting the graph is 2%. This will be Figure 2 (b).
iii) (Engineering) Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] for Aluminum, where the curve should be
plotted until the specimen reach the failure point. This will be Figure 3 (a).

iv) (Engineering) Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] for Mild Steel, where the curve should be plotted
until the specimen reach the failure point. This will be Figure 3 (b).

4.6) Referring to the graphs, determine the Elastic Modulus, Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, Percent
Elongation, Percent Reduction of Area and Modulus of Resilience. Show the result and the
complete calculation in Table 4(a) for aluminum and 4(b) for mild steel.

4.7) Determine the True Stress and True Strain for each specimen. Show a sample of calculation. Put
all the results in Table 5(a) for aluminum and 5(b) for mild steel. The table will show the data of
Engineering Stress, Engineering Strain, True Stress and True Strain.

4.8) Based on Table 5 (a), Construct the curve of Engineering Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] and True
Stress [MPa] vs Strain [%] for aluminum in the same graph for comparison.

4.9) Show also the comparison of mild steel.

ENT320 Mechanics of Materials Tensile Test - Laboratory Module

(Include a discussion on the result noting trends in measured data, and comparing measurements with theoretical predictions when possible. Include the
physical interpretation of the results and graphs, the reasons on deviations of your findings from expected results, your recommendations on further
experimentation for verifying your results, and your findings.)

5.1) Briefly summarize the key results of this experiment

5.2) Explain the significance of your finding in this experiment
5.3) Explain any unusual difficulties or problems which may have led to poor results
5.4) Offer suggestions for how the experimental procedure or design could be improved in Tensile test
5.5) Compare your experimental values with theoretical values given



ENT320 Mechanics of Materials Tensile Test - Laboratory Module

Name : …………………………………………………… Matric no : ……………………


Good Medium Weak Total

No Criteria / Grade [3] [2] [1]
1 Use of Software /3
2 Use of Measurement Tools /3
3 Experimental Results /3
4 Ability to Answer Questions /3

Grand Total /12

Assessor : ……………………………………………………
Date : ………………….


Criteria / Good Medium Weak

Grade [3] [2] [1]
Use of Able to use the software Able to use the software Unable to use the
Software without any error and with some help and minor software or not
completely errors completely
Able to use the Able to use the Unable to use the
Use of measurement tools measurement tools measurement tools
Measurement correctly to measure the correctly with some help correctly to measure the
Tools parameters specified to measure the parameters specified
without any help parameters specified
Able to get the good Able to get the results Unable to get the results
Experimental results completely with some help and minor and not completely
Results without any modification modification
and help
Ability to Able to answer instructor Able to answer instructor Unable to answer
Answer question with good question with moderate instructor questions
Questions explanations and justifications explanations and justifications


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