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4 72 Main Street
Acton, Massachusetts O I 720
Telephone (978)929-6611

Board of Selectmen

November 13, 2018


Michael Busby, Relationship Manager Planning and Programs

Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency
One Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108

Re: Piper Lane Condominium

90 School Street, Acton, MA
4, 6 Piper Lane, Acton, MA
4 Piper Lane Rear, Acton MA

Dear Mr. Busby,

The Town of Acton has a strong record of supporting affordable housing projects, but the Piper
Lane Condominium project raises several concerns and the Town does not support this project as
currently designed. The Town and the Acton Conservation Trust have worked hard over the years
to develop a strategy to protect the 4 Piper Lane parcel and the adjacent conservation lands. The
Town has conducted multiple appraisals of this property and has engaged in numerous attempts to
develop a strategy to protect and preserve this parcel for its highly valued habitat and its connection
to the town-owned Great Hill conservation land.

The Board of Selectmen discussed this proposed affordable housing project during our meeting on
November 5, 2018. Over 150 citizens and abutters attended and many raised strong concerns and
opposition to the proposed project. The following summarizes the Board and town's concerns with
the project:

The Board's Understanding of the Project:

The applicant proposes 13 condominium buildings that vary from triplex to four-unit structures. The
site abuts the Town's Great Hill conservation land it is approximately +-6 acres. The proposed
project would produce 40 units, IO units being restricted in perpetuity as affordable. There would be
a mix of two and three bedroom units available both for market rate and affordable units.

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