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Kikeh Batch Setting: Case Study

Chris Flannery and Benjamin Choo, Murphy Sabah Oil Company

Summary • Take advantage of the availability and efficiencies of a rig

The semisubmersible rig Ocean Rover was used by Murphy Sabah that has operational advantages to handling large-diameter tubulars
Oil Company to batch-set 23 wellheads in 4,350-ft-deep water (vs. the spar with a tender-assist rig).
with zero health, safety, and environment (HSE) incidents.
The batch-set team worked to maintain safety and performance Challenges
and to overcome numerous logistical and operational challenges. Logistics. The supply base has a small number of berths available
Implementing lessons learned and development of recommended for the larger deepwater vessels. These berths need to be shared
practices resulted in continuous improvement throughout the project. with other operators. Crane availability, usage, and contingency
The program was completed in 63 days. The average installa- requirements were identified. Storage area was required for 50,000
tion time for conductor and surface casing was 3.36 days from start ft of casing.
to finish. Total materials used were 50,000 ft of casing, 3,060
tonnes of cement, and 78,000 bbl of 16.6 lbm/gal dynamic kill Boats. Large-capacity boats were required to transport the antici-
drilling (DKD) mud. pated 8,000 bbl of DKD mud per well required.
Introduction Shallow Hazards. A shallow water flow was encountered at 1,800
Kikeh is 75 nautical miles off the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia, ft below mudline (BML) on the prebatch set Slot 1.
in the South China Sea (Fig. 1). Murphy is the operator of the field,
which is Malaysia’s first deepwater development. Wellhead Positioning and Height. Wells were required to be set
The seafloor arrangement consists of 24 wells in a circular within 1 ft of the target, and all wellhead heights were required to
pattern roughly 150 ft in diameter with 20-ft spacing (Fig. 2). A be within 1 ft of one another.
spar and semisubmersible tender assist rig will be mobilized to the
batch-set location to finish the drilling and completion operation. Cement. Additional facilities were required to cut, blend, and store
Commonly encountered hazards in the area include shallow the cement onshore. Offshore storage was also identified as a point
water flows (SWFs) and hydrates. Bottom currents tend to be of concern.
almost nonexistent and lead to visibility challenges. Surface cur-
rents have not been a factor. Mud. Additional facilities were required to blend the large vol-
In April 2005, all 24 well locations were marked with marker umes of 16.6-lbm/gal DKD mud. Additional storage was identified
buoys. The buoys were positioned to form a 4-ft box around each for barite.
location. Cement blocks (no steel) were used for clump weight,
and a 10-ft rope tether held the flotation buoy to the block. Seafloor Visibility. Bottom currents are almost nonexistent. Vis-
In May 2005, Slot 1 was drilled to provide additional geologi- ibility can take up to 5 hours to be restored.
cal data. This well provided important information regarding the
upper soils and hazard confirmation, setting a benchmark for the Anticollision. All surface holes are directional, with several of
remaining 23 wells to be batch set in April 2006. them in close proximity to one another.
Six of the 23 wells would have only the conductor installed.
The remaining 17 wells would have both the conductor and surface Directional Control. Jet 36 in. with directional assembly, then
casing installed (Fig. 3). release the cam-actuated drill-ahead (CADA) tool and drill direc-
The Ocean Rover has worked for Murphy in Malaysia since tionally. The maximum planned inclination was 35°.
July 2003 and has provided exceptional value. The rig is conven-
tionally moored, and it has a single derrick, trip saver, large pump Fatigue/Complacency. One concern was that repetitive operations
capacity, and 6,050-ton variable deck load. More importantly, the may lead to personnel becoming complacent and losing focus on
personnel onboard the Ocean Rover have consistently demon- the task at hand.
strated a commitment to safety and a can-do attitude.
Water Supply. One concern was that a dry season or drought
Batch Setting—Definition and Benefits would result in an inadequate supply of water for the DKD mud.
Batch setting (Eaton et al. 2005; Valdez and Fleece 2005) is a
well-construction strategy that reduces overall operational costs by Planning
performing repetitive tasks in sequential mode.
Conductor and surface casing strings were batch-set at Kikeh to:
• Zero HSE incidents
• Maximize the learning curve through repetitive operations,
• Meet or beat planned authority for expenditure (AFE) costs
thus decreasing time and cost.
and time
• Minimize potential loss of capital in the event that an uncon-
• No rig downtime because of logistics or material supply
trolled shallow water flow occurs.
• Wellheads located within the target buoys
• Reduce capital exposure to dropped objects.
• Wellheads located within height restraints
• Eliminate drilling mud change-outs from water- to oil-based
• All wells drilled to target
fluids on each well.
• Zero wellbore collisions

Tubulars. The maximum pipe length that could be easily stored in

the riser bay was identified as 82 ft.
Copyright © 2008 Society of Petroleum Engineers
36-in. conductor was ordered in 80-ft lengths. This pushed the
This paper (SPE 105027) was accepted for presentation at the 2007 SPE/IADC Drilling first connection farther below mudline and increased the fatigue
Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, 20–22 February, and revised for publication. Origi-
nal manuscript received for review 12 October 2006. Revised manuscript received for
resistance of the conductor. In addition, this reduced the number of
review 20 August 2007. Paper peer approved 12 February 2008. connections, thus increasing the running speed.

September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion 275

The level of communication between the shore base, rig, ce-
ment, and mud contractors was increased. Reports were distributed
so that all parties were made aware of boat movements, storage
levels on vessels, and storage capacity at the shore base.

Cement. A low-density (13 lbm/gal), controlled-particle-size-

distribution cement was designed for the project. Cement returns to
the seafloor were planned.
A drill-the-well-on-paper exercise was held, specific to cement.
A much greater awareness of the scope of the project was instantly
realized by all participants: The overall cement process was com-
municated, and several key observations were made that helped to
streamline cement delivery.
Fig. 1—Kikeh field location.
A cement-cutting machine dedicated to Murphy was installed.
Extra silos were installed at the jetty for cement storage and trans-
fer. Additional 550-gal chemical tote tanks were secured for the
A casing cutter was provided so the conductor could be cut to transfer of chemicals from shore base to the rig.
fit the bottomhole assembly (BHA) length (as opposed to adjusting
each BHA to fit the conductor length). The conductor string com- Mud. Similar to cement, a drill-the-well-on-paper exercise was
prised an 80-ft wellhead joint, two 80-ft intermediate joints, and a held, specific to mud. A much greater awareness of the scope of
40-ft jet joint. the project was realized here: The overall mud process was com-
The 20-in. extension joint on the 183⁄4-in. wellhead was ordered municated, bottlenecks were identified, and several key observa-
at 65 ft. This allowed the crossover (to 16 or 133⁄8 in.) to be bucked tions were made that helped to streamline mud delivery.
up in town and still be under the 82-ft design limit. Additional mixing pits were fabricated and piped in. This in-
The surface casing was either 16 or 133⁄8 in. and ordered in creased the build rate of DKD mud from 2,000 B/D to 4,000 B/D.
40-ft lengths. The 16-in. casing (thread and coupled connection) Extra storage space for barite was secured. The total mud storage
was bucked into doubles onshore. The 133⁄8-in. casing was semi- onshore was 9,000 bbl.
flush and left in singles. Testing with the rig identified no time
benefit to bucking the semiflush pipe into doubles. Rig. All four cement silos on the rig were for surface cement. The
two bulk silos were to be emptied of bentonite and used for ce-
Logistics. Attempts to secure additional berths for deepwater ves- ment. Additional piping was installed to allow transfer from these
sels were unsuccessful. Additional lines were run, and a mooring two bulk silos to the cement system.
dolphin was constructed that enabled mud to be pumped to boats A minimum of three complete strings of both 36-in. and surface
not tied up at a berth. A fuel line was constructed at a nearby port casing were planned to be stored on the rig. This was to provide
to help relieve some congestion at the jetty. Attempts to build an some cushion in case of weather, boat delays, etc. All of the riser
additional water storage tank were unsuccessful. was to be offloaded from the rig and stored onshore.
Additional land was secured to provide storage for the large Additional crane operators and roustabouts were identified. A
volume of tubulars. Extralong trailers were obtained to transport third company supervisor was planned to assist with logistical
the 80-ft pipe lengths from the supply base to the jetty. A casing- planning, material movement, and meetings.
bucking machine was installed and set up. Modifications were
made to some of the fencing and roads to streamline and reduce the Hydrates. Some areas of the field have been prone to hydrate
amount of turning required by the 80-ft pipe transports. formation on the bottom of the blowout preventers (BOPs). To

Fig. 2—Wellhead pattern and as-drilled well paths.

276 September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion

Fig. 4—ROV bracket and clump weight.
installed on the seafloor to provide the required positioning accu-
racy (±6 in.). The tight tolerance was based on modeling of riser
clash for the spar.
A tuning-fork-shaped bracket was fabricated for the ROV and
allowed consistent positioning of the cement blocks relative to the
ROV manipulator arms. A transponder was mounted on the ROV
Fig. 3—Typical well schematic. and calibrated for the position of the bracket. Extra marker buoys
and cement blocks were procured. The ROV onboard the vessel
prevent this, an 8-ft-diameter hydrate deflector was installed and was also fitted with this equipment for backup (Fig. 4).
sealed to the outside of the 36-in. wellhead housing. The ROVs were ballasted lightly so they could come off the
bottom without using thrusters. Downward thrust caused seafloor
Gumbo. Occasional wells in deepwater Malaysia have shown disturbance and an immediate reduction in visibility. Because of the
gumbo in the surface hole section. No gumbo was noted while low seafloor currents, visibility could sometimes take hours to return.
drilling Slot 1. A ball-activated wash tool was planned in the BHA
as a contingency for jetting the wellhead. Wellhead Height. Slot 1 was drilled before the batch set. All
wellheads were planned to be within 1 ft of one another in height.
Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV). Extra spare ROVs were mo- This would reduce the amount of riser pup joints required for the spar.
bilized to the area in addition to the normal complement of critical Transponders were used to accurately determine wellhead
spares. A second ROV was installed on one of the vessels. In height relative to Slot 1. A minimum of two transponders is re-
addition to providing backup for the batch set, the second ROV has quired. Both are placed on the seafloor and calibrated to each
other facilities-related tasks. other. One is then installed in the control slot (Slot 1), and the other
A wireless video link was purchased to allow each ROV to see is placed in the string being jetted. Jetting then commences until
what the other was doing. This provided redundancy in case the rig the transponders identify that they are at the same height. Note that
ROV failed, and it also increased the effectiveness of both ROVs these transponders provide real-time depth monitoring and can
remotely working together. Either ROV video could be displayed also provide real-time inclination.
on the drill-floor monitors, which is required when stabbing the ROV-friendly buckets were welded to the hydrate deflectors. A
36-in. conductor inside the 48-in. target. primary and a backup transponder were planned for both the con-
trol slot and the slot being jetted (Fig. 5).
Wellhead Positioning. All wells were marked with buoys attached
to cement blocks. An array of eight Compatt transponders was Anticollision. All surface hole sections were directional, with the
maximum inclination planned at 35°. A gyro measurement-while-
drilling (MWD) tool was used to eliminate magnetic interference
in the surveys.

Hole Sizes. The 36-in. conductor was to be jetted with 24- or

26-in. bits as available. A 16-in. surface casing was planned to be
set inside a 20-in. hole, and a 133⁄8-in. surface casing was to be set
inside a 17½-in. hole.
Slot 1 was jetted in place with 24-in. hole, and the soils were
found to be firm. The performance of jetting 36-in. wells with a
17½-in. bit in these firm soils was a concern.

Drilling Sequence. The initial plan was:

• Jet 36-in. wells and drill the 11 wells with 16-in. surface
• Jet 36-in. wells and drill the six wells with 133⁄8-in. casing.
• Jet the six wells with only 36-in. conductors.
The actual drilling sequence was intentionally flexible to allow
room to react to events, such as
• Poor visibility. If required, move to another area of the pat-
Fig. 5—Transponders installed on hydrate deflector. tern where visibility is good.

September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion 277

278 September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion
Fig. 6—Conductor and surface casing performance.

• Availability of mud or cement. If problems arise getting cement Several sequence options were discussed, including
or mud to the rig, jet wells while waiting on the required materials. • Jet and drill each well. This is the baseline case and the most
• Marker buoys. If problems arise with buoys sinking or be- conservative option.
ing knocked over, move to another area of the pattern while re- • Jet all 36-in. wells first. This would require all surface cas-
setting buoys. ings to be constructed back to back. One concern was the ability to
To give soils additional time to develop strength, a decision supply the required volumes of cement and DKD mud. This option
was made to avoid jetting two wells side by side. would reduce the costs incurred by wellhead-positioning personnel

Fig. 7—Times to install 36-in. casing.

September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion 279

Fig. 8—Stabbing 36-in. conductor between buoys. Fig. 9—Photo showing 10-ft markers after seafloor movement.

and allow jetting with a bigger bit (26 in.) and thus potentially
faster jetting times. gest improvement in jetting times was brought about by increasing
• Drill multiple surface holes and run multiple strings of sur- the flow rate of the BHA from 1,200 to 1,400 gal/min by replacing
face casing. This option would cause uncertainty regarding hole the plug in the motor with a nozzle.
stability and would be limited by the battery life of the gyro tool. A large variation in the soils was noticed and could not be
This option would save tripping time. predicted. No difference in jetting times was noted between jetting
• Drill a single surface hole, hang off BHA on trip saver, run with a 24- or 26-in. bit. A difference in jetting times was expected
the casing, retrieve BHA, and drill the next slot. This option would between a 20- and 24-in. bit, but it could not be substantiated
save tripping time but would be limited by the battery life of the because of the soil differences. In several cases, the 20-in. bit jetted as
gyro tool. fast as the 24-in. bit. No attempt was made to jet with a 17½-in. bit.
• Configure the drilling order to reduce or minimize the num- Pickup, makeup, and land-out of the 280 ft of 36-in. conductor
ber of wells that require the use of the gyro tool. This option would was 7 hours on Slot 1. After two wells, this time had dropped to 2.5
save gyro survey time, personnel, and cost, and it would reduce the hours, and it further decreased to 1.5 hours by the end of the
dependence on the gyro tool. program. Note that joint length was 40 ft on Slot 1. The joint
length was increased to 80 ft for the batch-set program.
Success. The importance of starting the program with success was Weight on bit was aggressively applied while jetting, to the point
emphasized to the rig team to generate positive momentum. Thus, that the lugs on CADA tools began to show signs of deformation.
the first two wells were to be drilled conservatively, building up No problems were noted while stabbing the 36-in. conductor
some momentum before attempting some of the more aggressive inside the 48-in. square bounded by marker buoys. A maximum of
time-saving options. 1 hour was required to position the rig (Fig. 8).
Experience has revealed that some offshore personnel become Wellhead height targets of ±1 ft were achieved, with the maxi-
intimidated in larger onshore meeting venues and infrequently par- mum difference being 9.80 in. between all wellheads. Although the
ticipate in discussions. As a result, several planning sessions were use of transponders went well, the vibration from jetting resulted
held offshore to gain input from all levels of offshore personnel. in damage to some. Procedures were changed to install transpon-
The meetings offshore had great results. ders while making the last drillpipe connection in the slot being
Tracking the learning curve was the task of the performance jetted (Fig. 5).
coach offshore and the onshore drilling engineer. Performance During jetting of one slot, the CADA tool released and the
coaches have been active in Murphy’s drilling program in Malay- string dropped suddenly. Both transponders were ejected from
sia and are integrated with the drilling team and its culture. A their buckets, falling to the seafloor, and were submerged from
detailed list of operational steps was provided to the coach, and sight. Even though both continued to send signals, only one could
start and stop points were identified for each step to allow consis- be located and recovered. Therefore, 10-ft tethers with small flo-
tent benchmarking. tation buoys were attached to subsequent transponders. The backup
An incentive plan was generated that included all offshore per- ROV on the vessel was used to search for the transponders while the
sonnel. Efforts were made to ensure that communication between ROV on the rig continued to support the batch-set program.
all parties was open and consistent. The difference in seafloor elevation is 9 ft across the 150-ft
pattern. All indications were that the seafloor was stable. The first
Results and Lessons Learned three wells were all jetted, drilled ahead, cased, and cemented.
The average time to construct 17 conductor and surface casing While preparing for the fourth well, the ROV operator noticed that
wells was 3.36 days. The average time to construct the 6 conduc- movement of the seafloor had occurred and wiped out most of the
tor-only wells was 0.93 days. Note that construction time is con- marker buoys in the lower quadrant of the pattern (Fig. 9). Visual
sidered to be all time charged against the well (Table 1). ROV inspection revealed that a large buildup of cuttings, DKD
mud, and excess cement caused this movement. The sequence was
Overall. Fig. 6 shows the construction times for the 17 conductor then changed to allow for the reset of the marker buoys. The
and surface casing wells, including the learning curve and trouble backup ROV on the vessel was used to reset marker buoys while
time. Although Slot 1 was not part of the batch-set program, it is the ROV on the rig continued to support the batch-set program.
included because it established the first benchmark. A 43% reduc- The sequence focus then changed to drilling downslope wells be-
tion in “no trouble” time was noted from the first well to the fore drilling the upslope ones.
average of the entire batch set.
Drill Surface Hole. Fig. 10 presents times to drill the surface
Conductor. Fig. 7 depicts total installation time for the 36-in. interval for each of the wells. A 29% reduction in time for this
conductor. This sequence saw a learning curve of 40%. The big- interval was achieved over the batch-set program.

280 September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion

Fig. 10—Times to drill surface interval.

All wells were directional, and kickoff was as close as possible into another well with the same bit, BHA, etc. No gyro problems
to the 36-in. conductor shoe. No problems were noted with the were encountered on the second well in either case.
building angle. The average angle at total depth (TD) was 21°; the The root cause was identified as too much noise, but the source
maximum was 35°. No wellbore collisions occurred. of this noise was never found, even after efforts by the gyro com-
The most efficient sequence was to drill, pull out to the well- pany and the rig team. The problems were present in both seawater
head, hang off the BHA on the trip saver, run casing, and then pick and DKD mud. Coincidentally, no further gyro problems were
up the BHA off the trip saver, move over, and drill the next hole. experienced after the nozzle in the mud motor was replaced with
Unfortunately, this was limited to a maximum of two wells be- a plug later on in the program.
cause of the gyro tool battery life. This method alleviated concerns SWF was identified on only 12 of the 17 surface intervals. The
of wellbore stability, yet still reduced tripping time. depth of the SWF was relatively consistent, with a couple of the
Problems were encountered in obtaining good-quality gyro sur- wells being 100 ft higher or lower than the norm. The location of
veys. Contingency plans were created to allow for the rotation of the SWF varied, with one well having flow, the one beside it not,
an additional stand or more until the gyro quality improved. Usu- and so on. The five non-SWF wells were scattered throughout the
ally, the gyro survey quality got better with depth, but not always. drilling order (not the last five wells drilled).
In two separate instances, difficulties were experienced getting
gyro surveys. A decision was made to pull out to the well and stab

Fig. 11—Looking down at gumbo on 36-in. wellhead. Fig. 12—Slot 11 initially set 13 ft above mudline.

September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion 281

were then removed to allow the tool to float and possibly give any
gumbo a larger area for exiting. A significant increase in gumbo
exiting the wellhead was noted, as was a corresponding decrease in
the amount of time to run casing.
All surface intervals were drilled 20 in., including the holes for
133⁄8-in. casing. Although originally planned for 17½ in., those
holes were changed to 20 in. to eliminate the need to jet with 17½
in. and because of concerns running 133⁄8-in. casing in a 17½-in.
hole with possible large amounts of gumbo present.
Cuttings, gumbo, and cement buildup around the wells became
a concern. In some cases, the gumbo piled up higher than the
wellhead; the ROV was unable to move, clear, or pump away the
gumbo. The difference in elevation across the 150-ft pattern was 9
ft. By the end of the program, the entire pattern was almost filled
in because of the large quantity of cuttings and gumbo from the 17
surface intervals (Figs. 12 and 13).

Run and Cement Surface Casing. Fig. 14 displays times to run

and cement surface casing for the 17 wells. A learning curve of
23% improvement was achieved.
Fig. 13—Slot 10 initially set 4 ft above mudline. The 16-in. casing was thread and coupled and bucked up into
80-ft doubles in town. The 133⁄8-in. casing was semiflush and
shipped in singles. Previous trials on the rig have demonstrated
The SWF diminished in intensity as the program progressed. that the semiflush is slower to run in doubles because of the lift
Visual confirmation with the ROV was made to confirm a positive nubbins and stabbing the slip-type elevators over the end of the
flow. At least two instances were noted whereby the ROV sonar double. In addition, an extra man is required in a basket to help
identified a plume above the wellhead, but the well was visually guide the slip-type elevators over the end of the double.
observed to be static. It is suspected that the plume was from a Casing makeup and running inner string dropped quickly from
previous sweep not being dispersed from the wellhead area be- 13 hours at the start to 9 hours after a couple of wells, and con-
cause of the lack of seafloor current. tinued to improve to 7 hours by the end of the program.
Gumbo was not noticed during the drilling of Slot 1 but ap- Some of the wells pushed gumbo out of the wellhead when
peared as the program progressed. Large amounts of gumbo were casing was run. Multiple attempts were required to latch some
observed while drilling with seawater, with little or no change after wellheads. All wellheads were eventually latched and preloaded.
changing to DKD mud (Fig. 11). Full returns were noted on all cement jobs and were planned to
Early in the program, some wells had gumbo on the BHA, but have cement to surface. The ROV operator was able to distinguish
none was visible while drilling. The shear pins in the CADA tool mud from cement on only two wells.

Fig. 14—Times to run and cement surface casing.

282 September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion

Conclusions References
All goals and objectives for the batch set were met or exceeded. Eaton, L.F., Actis, S.C., and Williamson, R.N. 2005. Deepwater Batchset
Numerous lessons learned have been identified for each sequence Operations Through the Magnolia Shallow-Water-Flow Sand. Paper
of the batch-set operation. SPE 92289 presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amster-
The success of the Kikeh batch-set operation required a strong dam, 23–25 February. DOI: 10.2118/92289-MS.
team effort, solid planning, and clear communication. Bulk Reinhardt, W.R., Williamson, R.H., Eaton, L.F., and Actis, S.C. 2006.
materials, boats, logistics, and the rig itself are key components of Magnolia Deepwater Development: Striving for Best-in-Class Drilling
equal importance. Performance. SPEDC 21 (4): 268–278. SPE-92439-PA. DOI: 10.2118/
Flexibility in the execution sequence allowed several potential 92439-PA.
“trouble time” events to be avoided or reduced. Planning, com- Valdez, H. and Fleece, T. 2005. Atlantis Batch Setting: Operational Per-
munication, and positive attitudes allowed continuous change and formance Close to Perfection. Paper SPE 97218 presented at the SPE
adaptation to challenges as they were encountered and overcome. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 9–12 October.
Improved efficiency was noted in all areas of the rig perfor- DOI: 10.2118/97218-MS.
mance. A 43% reduction in “no trouble” time was noted from the
first well to the average of the entire batch set. This is attributed to
the drilling and logistics team culture, a willingness of personnel to Chris Flannery is the Deepwater Drilling Team lead for Murphy
challenge and share ideas, and a willingness of personnel to listen. Oil in Malaysia. Before joining Murphy Oil, he worked in
Canada as a drilling engineer (land and offshore) and pro-
Acknowledgments duction engineer. He graduated from the University of Mani-
toba in 1994 with a degree in mechanical engineering. Ben-
The authors thank Murphy Oil and Petronas for permission to jamin Choo is the staff drilling engineer for Murphy Oil in Ma-
publish this paper. Murphy Oil would like to thank the hundreds laysia. Before joining Murphy Oil, he worked for Schlumberger
of personnel who were involved with this program for their safe as a drilling engineer. Ben graduated from the Monash Univer-
work practices and consistent effort that made the Kikeh batch set sity of Melbourne, Australia, in 1995 with a degree in chemical
a success. engineering.

September 2008 SPE Drilling & Completion 283

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