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Richard Laibson

1. Edward Conard is a business scholar who mostly writes about economic problems. He
earned his B.S.E from the Univeristy of Michigan than his M.B.A from Harvard. He has
written two books which both made it into the New York Times top ten list and helped
presidential candidate Mitt Romney in his campaign in 2012.
2. Navi Radjou is a French- American scholar who focuses on the theme of frugal
innovation. He received his two diplomas at highly regarded schools that were over sea.
He was vice president and principal analyst at forrester research for ten years until he
became Executive Director of the Centre for India & Global business at the University of
Cambridge. He has written hundreds of reports about innovation an emerging market
and was co-author on “The Economist” which was published in 2015. He also has regular
speaking engagements including being a part of TED talks. All of Radjou’s work has led
him to receive multiple highly regarded awards like the Thinkers50 innovation award.
3. Raymond W. Baker is a Harvard graduate who is a businessman who likes to focus on
financial crimes. Early in his career Baker had a research project which sent him to over
23 countries where he interviewed over 335 financial workers to discuss tax evasion,
bribery, money laundering, and economic growth. He is also president of Global
Financial Integrity which is a research and advocacy organization that he founded. He
has published many works mostly about illegal financial practices which he is very
credible to talk about given his background.
4. Summantra Ghoshal is an Indian business scholar who graduated from Harvard business
school with focus on strategic and international management. He was professor of
Strategic and international management at the London Business school and was the
founding dean of the Indian School of Business. He has published 10 books one which
includes what has been called “One of the 50 most influential management books” and
over 70 articles.

Franz Kellermans is a credible business scholar that graduated from the University of
Connecticut, but that is not what makes him the credible and respected author he is today. He
has written about 100 different peer-reviewed articles on a variety of different types of business
topics, but a majority of them have something to do with family like family businesses and what
can affect it. His articles are written for other scholars or businessmen based on the
sophistication and professionalism he writes with. The way he writes he expects the reader to
Richard Laibson

already have background knowledge of the subject at hand. A majority of his articles would be
most useful for a family starting their own business since a majority of his writing is about this
subject. What showed me how credible and popular Kellermans is was the number of times his
works was cited in other papers. With all the papers he has been a part of 26 of them has been
cited over a hundred times. A lot more has been cited at least 0-100 times then some that has
been cited none. Just the amount of papers alone shows how popular he is since people want
to read his work because he keeps releasing it. Then it is extremely credible based on the fact
that people use his research to quote in their own academic papers. I choose the paper I did
because it shows off extremely well why Kellermans is such a respected writer in his field. The
paper shows off a study showcasing destructive and productive family relationships which is
Kellermans field of choice. Throughout the articles introduction he first begins with stories that
introduce his point perfectly with a hefty amount of in-text citations the lead directly to the
source where the information came from. He uses the introduction to prove to anybody
reading that he is knowledgeable enough to cover this topic by introducing all the important
terms and parts of this study. He then introduces the main focus of this study which also leads
into the basis for his seven different hypotheses that he tests. With each hypothesis he explains
how that particular family relationship may or may not affect the firm. He then in great detail he
explained his methods he was using to gather results to use for his final conclusion. Including
how he gets his data shows that he is following all correct guidelines and rules when conducting
research and shows his expertise that he knows what he is doing. After he completed his
research, he posted all of his regression data and how he came to those numbers and what they
are used for to allow readers to know he is not just making up statistics and allow for people to
go behind him and check up on his work. Before concluding he first discusses the limitations of
his study and how his results may not be perfectly accurate and may be wrong. By doing this
Kellermans is letting the reader know he has thought about these drawbacks and is not
reporting his final conclusion with any bias.

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