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Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur. Time And Distance [210 math]

Quants Questions – Time and Distance Set 21

1. A car started from Indore to Bhopal at a certain speed. The Car missed an accident at
40Kms away from Indore, then the driver decided to reduce Car speed to 4/5 of the
original speed. Due to this, he reached Bhopal by a late of 1hr 15min.Suppose if he
missed an accident at 80Km away from Indore and from then he maintained 4/5 of
original speed then he would reach Bhopal by a late of 1hour. Then what is the original
speed of the Car?
A. 20 km/hr
B. 40 km/hr
C. 60 km/hr
D. 80 km/hr
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 40 km/hr
Explanation :
(x+40/s) + 5/4 = 40/s + 5x/4s — — — 1
(x+40/s) + 1 = 80/s + 5(x-40)/4s — — — 2
s = 40

2. Two places A and B are at a certain distance. Ramu started from A towards B at a speed
of 40 kmph. After 2 hours Raju started from B towards A at a speed of 60 kmph. If they
meet at a place C then ratio of ratio of time taken by Raju to Ramu to reach Place C is
2:3. Then what is the distance between A and B?
A. 300 Km
B. 400 Km
C. 480 Km
D. 600 Km
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 480 Km
40t 1 +60t 2 = d
T 1 /t 2 = 3/2
Solving d = 480 Km

3. Ramu started from A towards B at a speed of 20Km/hr and Raju started from B
towards A. They crossed each other after one hour. Raju reached his destination 5/6
hour earlier than Ramu reached his destination.Then what is the distance between A
and B?
A. 40 Km
B. 50 Km
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

C. 60 Km
D. 80 Km
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 50 Km
Explanation :
1 = x/20 = D-x/s 2
5/6 = D(1/20 – 1/s 2 )
D =50

4. Two Cars started at same time, same place and towards same direction. First Car goes
at uniform speed of 12Km/hr. Second Car goes at speed of 4 Km/hr in first hour and
increases it speed by 1 Km/hr for every hour. Then what is the distance traveled by car
B when the both the Cars meet for the first time?
A. 196 Km
B. 198 Km
C. 200 Km
D. 204 Km
E. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 204 Km
Explanation :
12*x = x/2(2*4+(x-1)*1)
X= 17
D = 17*12 =204

5. A man traveled 100 km by Bike in 2 hours. He then traveled in Bus for 8 hrs and then
Train in 9 hrs. Ratio of Speeds of Bus to Train is 4:5. If speed of train is 4/5 of Bike
speed then the entire journey covered by him in Km is?
A. 516 Km
B. 616 Km
C. 716 Km
D. 816 Km
E. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 716 Km
Explanation :
Speed of train = 50
Bus = 32
Train = 40
Distance = 100+32*8+40*9 = 716

6. Car A leaves Delhi at a certain time, after 5 hours Car B leaves Delhi in the same
direction as of A. Speed of Car A is 20Km/hr and Speed of Car B is 40Km/hr. In how
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

much time Car B will be 20Km ahead of Car A?

A. 5 Hours
B. 6 Hours
C. 8 Hours
D. 11 Hours
E. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 6 Hours
Explanation :
20 =40*(t-5) – 20*t
T = 11
11-5 = 6

7. Two places A and B are at a distance of 480Km. Sita started from A towards B at the
speed of 40Kmph. After 2 hours Gita started from B towards A at speed of 60 Kmph.
They meet at a Place C then what is the difference between the time taken by them to
reach their destinations from Place C?
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 4 hours
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 2 hours
Explanation :
t*40+ (t-2)*60 = 480
From Place C to A = C to B = 240
Then time taken by Sita = 6hours and GIta = 4 hours
Difference = 6-4 = 2 hours

8. Two Cars started at same time, same place and towards same direction. First Car goes
at a speed of 5km/hr in first and 7 Km/hr in second hour and repeats the cycle over the
entire journey. Similarly second Car goes at 4km/hr in first hour and 9km/hr in second
hour and repeats the cycle over the entire journey.Then these two Cars for the first time
for after how many hours of journey?
A. 3 Hours
B. 6 Hours
C. 9 Hours
D. 12 Hours
E. None

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A. 20 kmph
Explanation :
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

First car : 5,12,17

Second Car: 4,3,17

9. A police saw a Thief at a distance of 2km. When Police started chasing him Thief also
started running. If the ratio of Speeds of Police to Thief is 5:4. Then thief was caught at
a certain distance then how many Kms did police run to catch the Thief?
A. 5 Km
B. 6 Km
C. 8 Km
D. 10 Km
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 10 Km
Explanation :

2+x/5 = x/4
Police = 8+2 = 10

10. If a Car runs at 45Km/hr it reaches its destination by 10 min late. If it runs at 60Km/hr
it is late by 4min. Then what is the correct time for the journey?
A. 12 min
B. 14 min
C. 16 min
D. 18 min
E. Cannot be determined

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 14 min
Explanation :

45(t+10) = 60(t+4)
T = 14

Quants Questions – Time and Distance Set 20

1. The distance of the School and house of Suresh is 80km. One day he was late by 1 hour
than the normal time to leave for the college, so he increased his speed by 4km/h and
thus he reached to college at the normal time. What is the changed speed of Suresh?
A. 28 kmph
B. 25 kmph
C. 20 kmph
D. 24 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 20 kmph
Explanation :
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

80/x – 80/(x+4) = 1
x(x+20) – 16(x+20) = 0
x = 16kmph
Increased speed = 20 kmph

2. Anita goes to College at 20 km/h and reaches college 4 minutes late. Next time she goes
at 25 km/h and reaches the college 2 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. What is
the distance of her school?
A. 16 km
B. 12 km
C. 15 km
D. 10 km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 10 km

3. Two places R and S are 800 km apart from each other. Two persons start from R
towards S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S before B. The speeds of A
and B are 40 kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M, which is on the way
from R to S. What is the ratio of time taken by A and B to meet at M?
A. 1:3
B. 1:2
C. 1:4
D. 3:2
E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 3:2
Explanation :
Time taken by B to reach at M = 4h
Time taken by A to reach at M = 6h
Ratio = 6:4 = 3:2

4. Two places R and S are 800 km apart from each other. Two persons start from R
towards S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S before B. The speeds of A
and B are 40 kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M, which is on the way
from R to S. What is the extra time taken by A to reach at S?
A. 6hrs 20 minutes
B. 6hrs 40 minutes
C. 6hrs 30 minutes
D. 6hrs 10 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 6hrs 40 minutes

Explanation :
Time taken by A to reach at Q = 800/40 = 20 hours
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Time taken by B to reach at Q = 800/60 = 13 hours and 20 min

A takes 6hr 40 minutes extra time to reach at Q.

5. Ajay covers certain distance with his own speed but when he reduces his speed by
10kmph his time duration for the journey increases by 40 hours while if he increases his
speed by 5 kmph from his original speed he takes 10 hours less than the original time
taken. Find the distance covered by him.
A. 1000 km
B. 1200 km
C. 1500 km
D. 1800 km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 1500 km
Explanation :
x/(y – 10) – x/y = 40
x = 4y(y-10) —(i)
x/y – x/(y + 5) = 10
x = 2y(y + 5) — (ii) From (i) and (ii) => y = 25; x = 1500

6. The driver of an ambulance sees a college bus 40 m ahead of him after 20 seconds, the
college bus is 60 meter behind. If the speed of the ambulance is 30 km/h, what is the
speed of the college bus?
A. 10 kmph
B. 12 kmph
C. 15 kmph
D. 22 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 12 kmph
Explanation :
Relative Speed = (Total distance)/total time
= (60+40) /20 = 5 m/s = (5*18)/5 = 18 kmph
Relative Speed = (speed of ambulance – speed of College bus)
Speed of College bus = speed of ambulance – relative speed.
= 30-18 = 12 kmph.

7. Two places R and S are 800 km apart from each other. Two persons start from R
towards S at an interval of 2 hours. Whereas A leaves R for S before B. The speeds of A
and B are 40 kmph and 60 kmph respectively. B overtakes A at M, which is on the way
from R to S. What is the distance from R, where B overtakes A?
A. 260 km
B. 235 km
C. 240 km
D. 300 km

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – C. 240 km
Explanation :
Distance between R and M = 4 * 60 = 240

8. Two rabbits start running towards each other, one from A to B and another from B to
A. They cross each other after one hour and the first rabbit reaches B, 5/6 hour before
the second rabbit reaches A. If the distance between A and B is 50 km. what is the speed
of the slower rabbit?
A. 20 kmph
B. 10 kmph
C. 15 kmph
D. 25 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A. 20 kmph
Explanation :
Let second rabbit takes x hr with speed s2
First rabbit takes x-5/6 hr with speed s1
Total distance = 50km
S1 = 50/(x-(5/6))
S2= 50/x
As they cross each other in 1hr…
Total speed = s1 + s2
Now, T = D / S
50/(s1+s2) = 1
x = 5/2, 1/3
Put x= 5/2 in s2 –> 20km/hr

9. Pranav walked at 5 kmph for certain part of the journey and then he took an auto for
the remaining part of the journey travelling at 25 kmph. If he took 10 hours for the
entire journey, what part of journey did he travelled by auto if the average speed of the
entire journey be 17 kmph
A. 750 km
B. 100 km
C. 150 km
D. 200 km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 150 km
Explanation :

Total distance = 17*10=170

Let Journey travelled by auto in x hr

25 * x + (10-x ) 5 = 170

25 x + 50 – 5x = 170
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.


Required Distance = 6 * 25 = 150 km

10. Aravind started for the station half a km from his home walking at 1 km/h to catch the
train in time. After 3 minutes he realised that he had forgotten a document at home and
returned with increased, but constant speed to get it succeded in catching the train. Find
his latter speed in kmph?
A. 1.25
B. 1.1
C. 11/9
D. 2

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 11/9
Explanation :

Distance covered in 3 minutes = 3*(1000/60) = 50

Now he has to cover (500+50)m in (30-3) minutes

Required speed = (550/1000)/(27/60) = 11/9 km/h

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 19

1. Sofi started travelling from a place A to B and Priya started travelling from a place B to
A which are 576 km apart. They meet after 12 hours. After their meeting, Sofi increased
her speed by 2 km/hr and Priya reduced her speed by 2 km/hr, they arrived at B and A
respectively at the same time. What is their initial speed?
A. 21 kmph, 23 kmph
B. 25 kmph, 27 kmph
C. 25 kmph, 23 kmph
D. 24 kmph, 26 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 25 kmph, 23 kmph

Explanation :
Sum of their speeds = Distance/time = 576/12 = 48 kmph
Respective Speed of Sofi and Priya = (25 + 23) = 48 kmph

2. A and B set out at the same time to walk towards each other respectively from a place P
and Q 144 km apart. A walks at the constant speed of 8 km/h, while B walks 4 km in the
first hour, 5 km in the second hour, 6 km in the third hour and so on. Then the “A” will
meet “B” at?
A. 36 km
B. 72 km
C. 56 km
D. 26 km

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – B. 72 km
Explanation :
Distance travelled by them in first hour = 12 km
Distance travelled by them in second hour = 13 km and so on
In 9 hours both will cover exactly 144 km.
In 9 hours each will cover half the total distance.

3. Two Vans start from a place with a speed of 50 kmph at an interval of 12 minutes. What
is the speed of a car coming from the opposite direction towards the place if the car
meets the vans at an interval of 10 minutes?
A. 13 kmph
B. 10 kmph
C. 14 kmph
D. 16 kmph
E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 10 kmph
Explanation :
50*12/60 = 10/60 * (50+x)
600 = 500 + 10x
x = 10 kmph

4. A car travels from a place A to B in 7 hour. It covers half the distance at 30 kmph and
the remaining distance at 40 kmph, what is the total distance between A and B?
A. 120 Km
B. 250 Km
C. 240 Km
D. 150 Km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 240 Km
Explanation :
Total Distance = x
(x/2*30) +(x/2*40) = 7
x = 240

5. Two persons A and B start from the opposite ends of a 450 km straight track and run to
and from between the two ends. The speed of the first person is 25 m/s and the speed of
other is 35 m/s. They continue their motion for 10 hours. How many times did they pass
each other?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – D. 2
Explanation :
First person speed = 25 m/s * 18/5 = 90 kmph
Second person speed = 35 m/s * 18/5 = 126 kmph
First person covers 90 * 10 = 900km
900/450 = 2

6. A truck travelled to a place Q from P, the first 50 km at 10 kmph faster than the usual
speed, but it returned the same distance at 10 kmph slower than usual speed. If the total
time taken by the truck is 12 hours, then how many hours will travel at the faster speed?
A. 8 hours
B. 6 hours
C. 2 hours
D. 3 hours

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 2 hours
Explanation :
Total time taken,
[50/(x-10)] + 50/(x +10)] = 12 hours.
By solving the equation, we get
x = 15
Time is taken by the truck at faster speed = 50/(15+10) = 2 hours.

7. Mr.Kavin walks at 4/5 of his normal speed and takes 60 minutes more than the usual
time. What will be the new time taken by Mr. Kavin?
A. 260 minutes
B. 235 minutes
C. 220 minutes
D. 300 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 300 minutes

Explanation :
4/5 of speed = 5/4 of original time
5/4 of original time = original time + 60 minutes;
1/4 of original time = 60 minutes;
Thus, original time = 60*4 = 240 minutes = 240 + 60 = 300 minutes

8. A travel bus normally reaches its destination at 60 kmph in 20 hours. Find the speed of
that travel bus at which it travels to reduce the time by 5 hours?
A. 80 kmph
B. 60 kmph
C. 50 kmph
D. 40 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – A. 80 kmph
Explanation :
60 * 20 = x *15
x = 80 kmph

9. A Lion starts chasing a Giraffe. It takes 4 hours to catch the Giraffe. If the speed of the
Lion is 40 km/h. What is the speed of Giraffe?
A. 20 km/h
B. 50 km/h
C. 40 km/h
D. 70 km/h

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A. 20 km/h
Explanation :
Giraffe Speed = x Kmph
4 = 4*x/(40-x)
x = 20 km/h.

10. Anu and Purvi are running on a circular track of length 500m. The Speed of Anu is 40
m/s and that of Purvi is 30 m/s. They start from the same point at the same time in the
same direction. When will they meet again for the first time?
A. 25 s
B. 23 s
C. 50 s
D. 48 s

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 50 s
Explanation :
Time = Distance/Relative Speed = 500/10 = 50 s

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 18 – Boats

1. A boat takes 28 hours for travelling downstream from point A to point B and coming
back to point C midway between A and B. If the velocity of the stream is 6km/hr and the
speed of the boat in still water is 9 km/hr, what is the distance between A and B?
A.115 km
B.120 km
C.140 km
D.165 km
E.150 km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.120 km
Explanation :
Downstream speed = 9+6 = 15
Upstream speed = 9-6 = 3
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Now total time is 28 hours

If distance between A and B is d, then distance BC = d/2
Now distance/speed = time, so
d/15 + (d/2)/3= 28
Solve, d = 120 km

2. Speed of a man in still water is 5 km/hr and the river is running at 3km/hr. The total
time taken to go to a place and come back is 10 hours. What is the distance travelled?
A.10 km
B.16 km
C.24 km
D.32 km
E.36 km

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.32 km
Explanation :
Down speed= 5+3= 8
Up speed= 5-3=2
Let distance travelled = X
(X/8)+(X/2)= 10
X= 16 km
Total distance is 16+16=32

3. A boat running upstream takes 9 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain distance, while it
takes 7 hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is the ratio between
the speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively?

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.6:1
Explanation :
Distance covered upstream in 9hrs 48 min = Distance covered downstream in 7hrs
(X-Y) 49/5=(X+Y)7

4. A boat can travel 20 km downstream in 24 min. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still
water to the speed of the stream is 4 : 1. How much time will the boat take to cover 15
km upstream?
A.20 min
B.22 min
C.25 min
D.30 min
E.35 min
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.30 min

Explanation :
Down speed =20/24*60=50km/hr
4:1 =4x:x
Downstream speed = 4x+x=5x
Upstream speed = 4x-x=3x
5x= 50; x=10
so up speed 3*10=30
Time = 15/30*60= 30min.

5. A boat whose speed in 20 km/hr in still water goes 40 km downstream and comes back
in a total of 5 hours. The approx. speed of the stream (in km/hr) is:
A.6 km/hr
B.9 km/hr
C.12 km/hr
D.16 km/hr
E.18 km/hr

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.9 km/hr

Explanation :
Let the speed of the stream be x km/hr. Then,
Speed downstream = (20 + x) km/hr,
Speed upstream = (20 – x) km/hr.
40/20+x + 40/20-x = 5
X = 9 approx

6. A boat covers a certain distance downstream in 2 hour, while it comes back in 2 1/2
hours. If the speed of the stream be 5 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?
A.40 kmph
B.30 kmph
C.35 kmph
D.45 kmph
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.45 kmph

Explanation :
Let the speed of the boat in still water be x kmph. Then,
Speed downstream = (x + 5) kmph,
Speed upstream = (x – 5) kmph.
(x + 5)*2 = (x – 5)*5/2
X = 45 kmph

7. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 40 km in 5 hrs and for covering the
same distance upstream it takes 10 hrs. What is the speed of the stream?
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

A.5 km/hr
B.2 km/hr
C.6 km/hr
D.4 km/hr
E.3 km/hr

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.2 km/hr

Explanation :
Downstream speed = 40/5 = 8 km/hr
Upstream speed = 40/10 = 4 km/hr
So speed of stream = 1/2*(8-4)

8. A boat goes 4 km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the
current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 15 km in stationary water?
A.2 hour 15 min
B.2 hour
D.3hr 30 min
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.3hr
Explanation :
Rate downstream = 1/10 * 60 = 6kmph
Rate upstream = 4 km/hr.
Speed in still water = ½ * 10 = 5 kmph
Required time = 15/5 = 3 hr

9. A man rows to a place 40 km distant and come back in 9 hours. He finds that he can row
5 km with the stream in the same time as 4 km against the stream. The rate of the
stream is:
A.1 km/hr
B.1.5 km/hr
C.2 km/hr
D.2.5 km/hr
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A.1 km/hr

Explanation :
Speed downstream = 5/x
Speed upstream = 4/x
40/(5/x) + 40/(4/x) = 9
So, Speed downstream = 10 km/hr, Speed upstream = 8 km/hr.
Rate of the stream = 1/2 * 2 = 1 kmph
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

10. A man can row 8 km/hr in still water. When the river is running at 4 km/hr, it takes him
2 1/3hr to row to a place and come back. How far is the place?
A.4 km
B.5 km
C.7 km
D.10 km
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.7 km
Explanation :
Downstream speed = 8+4= 12 => a
Upstream speed = 8-4= 4 => b
Distance = a*b/(a+b) * total time (t)
= 12*4/16 * 7/3
= 7kms

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 17

Time and DistanceAptitude Questions

1. Two places are A and B are 200 kms from each other. A train leaves from A for B at the
same time another train leaves B for A. The two trains meet at the end of 8 hours. If the
train travelling from A to B travels 8km/hr faster than the other. Find the speed of the
faster train?
A.15 km/hr
B.17.5 km/hr
C.16.5 km/hr
D18 km/hr
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.16.5 km/hr

Explanation :
Speed of trains = s + 8 and s km/hr.
At some P distance from A both train will meet. So,
8 = P/(s +8) ; 8 = (200 – P)/s
Solve both equation, we get s = 8.5 so faster train speed 16.5 km/hr
200/8 = 25
A+B = 25
A- B = 8 (given )
A= 16.5 km/hr

2. A truck driving on a highway passed a man walking at the rate of 15km/hr in the same
direction. He could see the truck for 2 minutes and up to 500 meters. Find the speed of
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

the truck?
E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.30km/hr
Explanation :
x-15=(500/120) *18/5

3. A train leaves Chennai for Bangalore at 2:15 p.m. and travels at the rate of 50 kmph.
Another train leaves Bangalore for Chennai at 1:35 p.m. and travels at the rate of 60
kmph. If the distance between Bangalore and Chennai is 590 km at what distance from
Chennai will the two trains meet?
A.280 km
B.320 km
C.250 km
D.225 km
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.250 km
Explanation :
Total Distance = 590 km
Distance in 40 min = 60*40/60=40km
Remaining=550 km
Time = 550/110=5hr
Reqd Distance = 50*5=250 km

4. A bus was travelling from Mumbai to Pune was delayed by 16 minutes and made up for
the delay on a section of 80 km travelling with a speed 10 km per hour higher than its
normal speed. Find the original speed of the bus?
A.60 km/h
B.66.66 km/h
C.50 km/h
D.40 km/h
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.50 km/h

Explanation :
80/x – 80/(x+10) = 16/60= 4/15
300/x -300/x+10 =1
X2 + 10x – 3000 = 0
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

X = -60, +50
So 50km/hr

5. Two cities A and B are at a distance of 120 km from each other. Two persons P and Q
start from First city at a speed of 20km/hr and 10km/hr respectively. P reached the
second city B and returns back and meets Q at Y. Find the distance between A and Y.
A.50 km
B.66 km
C.55 km
D.40 km
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.40 km
Explanation :
P = 120/20 = 6hrs
In 6hrs Q travels 60km
120-60 = 60km
60/(20+10) = 2hrs
Point Y → 60 + 10*2hrs = 80

6. Vijay takes 4 hr in walking at certain place and return back. While it takes 3 hrs in
walking at certain place and riding back. Find the time Vijay will take to ride both sides
B.2 hr
C.2.5 hr
D. 3.5 hr
E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.2 hr
Explanation :
W + W = 4. W =2
W+ R = 3. R =1
So to ride both direction, it will take 1+1 = 2 hrs.

7. Rakesh travelled 2000 kilometre by air which formed 3/5 of the total journey. He travels
1/4 of the trip by car and the remaining trip by train. Find the distance travelled by
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – C.2500
Explanation :
Distance by train=3×10000/3×4=2500
Another method :
Total 20

8. Rahul has to travel from one point to another point in a certain time. Travelling at a
speed of 6kmph he reaches 40m late and travelling at a speed of 8kmph he reaches 12 m
earlier.What is the distance between this two points ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –
Explanation :
t +40/60 = d/6
t – 12/60 = d/8
By the solving these two equations we get.
d = 20.8 km ~ 21 km
Another method :
6………………..4. (40m late)
8…………………..3. (12 m ear)
60 = 52
1 = 52/60 = 13/15
So distance = 24 *13/15
= 8*13/5 = 104/5 = 20.8km

9. Vivek travelled a distance of 50km in 7hrs. He travelled the distance partly on foot at
5kmph and partly on bicycle at 8kmph. What is the distance that he travelled on foot ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer –
Explanation :
x/5 + 50-x/8 =7
8x+250-5x = 7*40
3x+250 = 280
3x = 30
X = 30/3 = 10km

10. Mani drove at the speed of 45 kmph. From home to a resort. Returning over the same
route, he got stuck in traffic and took an hour longer, also he could drive only at the
speed of 40 kmph. How many kilometers did he drive each way ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.360km
Explanation :
x/40 – x/45 = 1
9x-8x/360 = 1
x/360 = 1
x = 360km

11. Rohit starts cycling along the boundaries of the squares. He starts from a point A and
after 90 minutes he reached to point C diagonally opposite to A. If he is travelling with
20km/hr, then find the area of square field.
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.225
Explanation :
D = 20*3/2 = 30 km. So side of square is 15km, so area – 225km^2

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 16

Aptitude QuestionsTime and Distance

1. A truck covers a distance of 376 km at a certain speed in 8 hours. How much time would
a car take at an average speed which is 18 kmph more than that of the speed of the truck
to cover a distance which is 14 km more than that travelled by the truck ?
A. 6 hours
B. 5 hours
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

C. 7 hours
D. 8 hours

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A. 6 hours
Explanation :
Speed of the truck = Distance/time = 376/8 = 47 kmph
Now, speed of car = (speed of truck + 18) kmph = (47 + 18) = 65 kmph
Distance travelled by car = 376 + 14 = 390 km
Time taken by car = Distance/Speed = 390/65 = 6 hours.

2. Two cars start together in the same direction from the same place. The first goes with
uniform speed of 10 kmph. The second goes at a speed of 8 kmph in the first hour and
increases its speed by 1/2 kmph each succeeding hours. After how many hours will the
second car overtake the first, if both cars go non stop?
A. 8 hours
B. 7 hours
C. 6 hours
D. 9 hours

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 9 hours
Explanation :
The second car overtake the first car in x hours
Distance covered by the first car in x hours = Distance covered by the second car in x hours
10x = x/2[2a + (x-1)d] 10x = x/2[2*8 + (x-1)1/2] x = 40 -31 = 9

3. A car runs at the speed of 50 km per hour when not serviced and runs at 60 kmph when
serviced. After servicing the car covers a certain distance in 6 hours. How much time
will the car take to cover the same distance when not serviced?
A. 8 hours 12 minutes
B. 6 hours 15 minutes
C. 8 hours 15 minutes
D. 7 hours 12 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D. 7 hours 12 minutes

Explanation :
Time = 60*6 / 50 = 7 hours 12 mins

4. Two cars namely A and B start simultaneously from a certain place at the speed of 40
kmph and 55 kmph, respectively.The car B reaches the destination 2 hours earlier than
A. What is the distance between the starting point and destination?
A. 8 hours 12 minutes
B. 6 hours 15 minutes
C. 7 hours 20 minutes
D. 7 hours 12 minutes
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 7 hours 20 mins

Explanation :
Let the time taken by car A to reach destination is T hours
So, the time taken by car B to reach destination is (T – 2) hours.
S1T1 = S2T2
=> 40(T) = 55 (T – 2)
=> 40T = 55T -110
=> 15T = 110
T = 7 hours 20 minutes

5. A thief is spotted by a policeman from a distance of 200 metre. When the policeman
starts chasing , the thief also starts running. If the speed of the thief be 16kmph and that
of policeman be 20kmph, how far the thief will have run before he is overtaken?
A. 800 m
B. 700 m
C. 650 m
D. 750 m

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A. 800 m
Explanation :
d = 200 m, a = 16kmph = 40/9 m/s, b = 20kmph = 50/9 m/s
Required Distance D = d*(a/b-a)b= 200*(40/9/10/9) = 800m

6. A bus travels at the rate of 54 kmph without stoppages and it travels at 45 kmph with
stoppages. How many minutes does the bus stop on an average per hour?
A. 8 minutes
B. 6 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. 4 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 10 minutes
Explanation :
Due to stoppages, the bus can cover 9 km less per hour[54 -45 = 9] Time taken to cover 9 km =(9/54)
x 60 = 10 minutes.

7. The ratio between the rate of speed of travelling of A and B is 2:3 and therefore A takes
20 minutes more than time taken by B to reach a particular destination. If A had walked
at double the speed, how long would he have taken to cover the distance?
A.60 minutes
B.35 minutes
C.20 minutes
D.30 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – D.30 minutes

Explanation :
Let B and A takes T minutes and (T + 20) minutes respectively.
Speed Inversely proportional to time, So time taken by A and B is
(T + 20) : T = 1/2 : 1/3 = 3 : 2
=> (T + 20)/T = 3/2
=> 2T + 40 = 3T
T = 40
A takes (T + 20) = (40 + 20) = 60 min. If A had walked at double the speed then the time taken by A
is 30 minutes.

8. Anu normally takes 4 hours more than the time taken by Sachin to walk D km. If Anu
doubles her speed, she can make it in 2 hours less than that of Sachin. How much time
does Sachin require for walking D km?
A. 10 hours
B. 4 hours
C. 8 hours
D. 9 hours

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 8 hours
Explanation :
Let Sachin takes x hours to walk D km.
Then, Anu takes (x + 4) hours to walk D km.
With double of the speed, Anu will take (x + 4)/2 hours.
x – (x + 4)/2 = 2
=> 2x – (x + 4) = 4
=> 2x – x – 4 = 4
x = 4 + 4 = 8 hours

9. Sohail covers a distance by walking for 6 hours. While returning, his speed decreases by
2kmph and he takes 9 hours to cover the same distance. What was his speed while
A. 2 kmph
B. 5 kmph
C. 4 kmph
D. 7 kmph

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C. 4 kmph
Explanation :
The speed of Sohail in return journey = x
6(x + 2) = 9x
=> 6x + 12 = 9x
=> 9x – 6x = 12
x = 4kmph
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

10. A car reached a certain place ‘Q’ from ‘P’ in 35 min with an average speed of 69 kmph.
If the average speed is increased by 36 kmph, then how long will it take to cover the
same distance?
A. 25 minutes
B. 23 minutes
C. 27 minutes
D. 29 minutes

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B. 23 minutes
Explanation :
Distance between P and Q = 69 x (35/60) km = 161/4 km
New speed = (69 + 36) kmph = 105 kmph
Required time = 161/(4 x 105) hours
= (161 x 60)/(4 x 105) min
= 23 minutes.

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 15

Aptitude QuestionsTime and Distance

1. A man walks at certain place and rides back in 10 hours. He could ride both ways in 8
hours. The time taken by him to walk both ways?
a) 10 hr
b) 12 hr
c) 14 hr
d) 16 hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 12 hr
Explanation :
W + R = 10
and 2R = 8, R = 4
so, W = 6 so, walking both sides, he will take = 12 hours

2. Two trains start from same place at same time at right angles to each other. Their
speeds are 36km/hr and 48km/hr respectively. After 30 seconds the distance between
them will be
a) 400m
b) 500m
c) 600m
d) 650m
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 500mExplanation :
Using pythagarous theorem,
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

distance travelled by first train = 36*5/18*30 = 300m

distance travelled by second train = 48*5/18*30 = 400m
so distance between them =√( 90000 + 160000) = √250000 = 500m

3. A train covers a distance between two stations P and Q in 30 minutes. If the speed of the
train is reduced by 10km/hr, then the same distance is covered in 45 minutes. The
distance between P and Q
a) 10km
b) 15km
c) 20km
d) 30km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –
Explanation :
D = S*1/2 and D = (S-10)*3/4
solve both equation. u will get D = 15km

4. An inspector is 228 meter behind the thief. The inspector runs 42 meters and the thief
runs 30 meters in a minute. In what time will the inspector catch the thief?
a) 19 minutes
b) 20 minutes
c) 18 minutes
d) 21 minutes
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – a) 19 minutes
Explanation :
inspector s 228 meter behind the thief and now after some x distance he will catch the thief. So,
x/30 = (228 + x)/42, we will get x = 570m
so time taken by inspector to catch the thief = (228+570)/42 = 19 minutes

5. Two trains 210 meters and 180 meters are running on parallel track at the speed of
72km/hr and 45km/hr respectively. The time taken by them to cross each other, if they
are running in opposite direction?
a) 8 sec
b) 10 sec
c) 12 sec
d) 15 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 12 sec
Explanation :
210 + 180 = (72 + 45)*5/18*T, T = 12 seconds
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

6. A car travels from P to Q at a constant speed. If its speed were increased by 20km/hr, it
would have taken two hour lesser to cover the distance. It would have taken further 30
minutes lesser if the speed was further increased by 10 km/hr. The distance between the
two cities
a) 100 km
b) 120 km
c) 150 km
d) 180 km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 150 km
Explanation :
Let the distance between two cities = D,
D = x*t (x = usual speed and t is the actual time)
D = (X + 20)*(T -2) and D = (X +30)*(T – 2.5)
Solve the above equation, u will get T = 5 and X = 30, so distance = 30*5 = 150 km

7. A girl goes to her school from her house at a speed of 6km/hr and returns at a speed of 4
km/hr. If she takes 10 hours in going and coming back, the distance between her school
and house is
a) 12km
b) 16 km
c) 20 km
d) 24 km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – d) 24 km
Explanation :
Let distance be D
10 = D/4 + D/6

8. A bus leaves the stop 30 minutes before the scheduled time. The driver decreases its
speed by 30km/hr. At the next bus stop 180 km away, the bus reached on time. Find the
original speed of the bus?
a) 110km/hr
b) 120km/hr
c) 130km/hr
d) 140km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 120km/hr
Explanation :
Distance = 180km, actual speed = x and actual time = t
180 = x*t
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

180 = (x – 30)*(t +1/2)

Solve both equation, we will get x = 120km/hr

9. A walks with a speed of 6 km/hr and after 5 hr of his start, B starts running towards A
at a speed of 8 km/hr. At what distance from start will B catch A.
a) 100 Km
b) 110 Km
c) 120 Km
d) 140 Km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 120 Km
Explanation :
In 5hrs, A will cover 30 km. Now, at some distance ‘x’. So A will cover X distance and B will cover
30 + X.
x/6 = (30+x)/8
x = 90. So distance from start after which B will catch A = 90+30 =120km

10. Without any stoppages a person travels a certain distance at an average speed of 40
km/hr and with stoppages he covers the same distance at an average of 20 km/hr. How
many minutes per hour does he stop?
a) 15 minutes
b) 20 minutes
c) 30 minutes
d) 45 minutes
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 30 minutes
Explanation :
In one hour the distance covered at actual speed = 40km and with stoppages it covers only 20 km
so to travel 20 km at original speed i.e. 20 = 40*t, so t = 1/2 hour = 30

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 14

Aptitude QuestionsTime and Distance

1. A car after travelling 100 km from point A meets with an accident and then proceeds at
3/4 of its original speed and arrives at the point B 90 minutes late. If the car meets the
accident 60 km further on, it would have reached 15 minutes sooner. Find the original
speed of the train?
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

a) 60km/hr
b) 80km/hr
c) 100km/hr
d) 120km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –b) 80km/hr

Explanation :
let distance between A and B be D km and real speed of the car be S km/hr
First time car takes 90 minutes more and second time car takes 75 minutes more than scheduled time.
So, T1 – T2 = 15/60 = 100
15/60 = [100/s + (D -100)/(3s/4)] – [160/s + (D – 160)/(3s/4)] Solve this D will be cancelled and S
comes out to be 80km/hr

2. A boy goes to school from his home at a speed of 4 km/hr and returns at a speed of 6
km/hr. If in total he took 5 hours in going and coming back, the distance between his
house and school?
a) 8km
b) 10km
c) 12km
d) 14km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –c) 12km

Explanation :
5 = d/4 + d/6 (d is the distance between school and home)

3. A police officer is 110 meter behind a thief. The officer runs 21 meters and thief runs 14
meters in a minute. In what time the officer will catch the thief ?
a) 15.3/7 minutes
b) 15.5/7 minutes
c) 15.1/7 minutes
d) 16.3/7 minutes
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –b) 15.5/7 minutes

Explanation :
let the thief covers x more distance before get caught, so officer have to cover 110+x in the same time
in which thief covers x distance ,
x/14 = (110 +x)/21, x = 220 so time = 330/21 = 110/7 = 15.5/7 minutes

4. Two trains P and Q are separated by 220 km on a straight line. One train starts at 8 am
from one station A towards B at 40 km/hr and another train starts from B towards A at
9 am at 60 km/hr. At what time will both train will meet?
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

a) 10:00 am
b) 10:30 am
c) 10:48 am
d) 11:00 am
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –c) 10:48 am

Explanation :
In one hour first train will cover 40 km, so distance between them remains only 180. Now
x/40 = (180 –x)/60, we get x = 72, so time = 72/40 = 1 hour 48 minutes
so both will meet at 10:48 am

5. Two girls begin together to write out a book containing 900 lines. The first girl starts
with the first line, writing at a speed of 150 lines per hour and the second girl starts
writing from the last line at the rate of 200 lines per hour. At which line will they meet?
a) 384th line
b) 386th line
c) 389th line
d) 400th line
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –b) 386th line

Explanation :
Solve this question as analogous to distance method,
At some x page they will meet, so
x/150 = (900 – x)/200, we get x = 385.7 = 386th line (approx.)

6. Two women start walking towards each other at same time from two points separated
by 84 km. First women walks at 5km/hr and second walks at 2 km/hr in the first hour,
2.5 km/hr in second hour, 3 km/hr in third hour and so on. Find the approximate time
after which both women will meet?
a) 8hr
b) 9hr
c) 10hr
d) 11hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –b) 9hr

Explanation :
Let after T time both women meet each other, so distance travelled by first women is 5T and second
women forms an AP, so
distance = (T/2)*[4 + (T -1)1/2] so, 5T + (T/2)*[4 + (T -1)1/2] = 84, solve for T, u will get T = 9 hrs
take √2073 = 45 (approx.)
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

7. Two places are A and B are 200 kms from each other. A train leaves from A for B at the
same time another train leaves B for A. The two trains meet at the end of 8 hours. If the
train travelling from A to B travels 10km/hr faster than the other. Find the speed of the
faster train?
a) 15 km/hr
b) 16 km/hr
c) 17.5 km/hr
d) 18 km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –c) 17.5 km/hr

Explanation :
speed of trains = s + 10 and s km/hr. At some P distance from A both train will meet. So,
8 = P/(s +10) = (200 – P)/s
Solve both equation, we get s = 7.5 so faster train speed 17.5 km/hr

8. Two bullets are fired at an interval of 15 minutes but a car approaching the place of
firing hears the second bullet after 14 minutes. Speed of sound is 330 meters per second.
Find the speed of the car?
a) 80km/hr
b) 82km/hr
c) 85km/hr
d) 90km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer –c) 85km/hr

Explanation :
distance travels by sound in one minute is equal to the distance travels by car in 14 minutes i.e.
60*330 = s*14*60
s = (330/14)*(18/5) = 85km/hr (approx.)

9. A truck driving on a highway passed a man walking at the rate of 12km/hr in the same
direction. He could see the truck for 2 minutes and up to 500 meters. Find the speed of
the truck?
a) 27km/hr
b) 30km/hr
c) 32km/hr
d) 42km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – a) 27km/hr
Explanation :
500 = (s – 12*5/18)*2*60
s = 27km/hr
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

10. Excluding stoppages the speed of bus is 60 km/hr and including stoppages it average
speed becomes 48km/hr. For how much time the bus stops.
a) 10 min
b) 12 min
c) 14 min
d) 16 min
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 12 min
Explanation :
Due to stoppages bus covers 12 km less. To cover 12km with 60km/hr speed it takes 12min

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 13

Aptitude QuestionsTime and Distance

1. Excluding stoppages, a train can travel with a speed of 60km/hr but with stoppages it
can travel at an average 45km/hr. For how many minutes the train stops in one hour.
a) 10min
b) 12min
c) 15min
d) 18min
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 15min
Explanation :
due to stoppages 15km less is travel by train so,
15 = 60*t, t = 15 minutes – train stops in one hour

2. Two trains are travelling towards each other. The distance between the trains initially is
400km. After some time they meet at a distance of 150 km from one end. Find the ratio
of the speed of the trains.
a) 2:5
b) 3:5
c) 4:7
d) 7:3
e) 3:7
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 3:5
Explanation :
At some tine T they meet each other so,
150/a = 250/b (a and b are the speeds of the train respectively)
So, a:b = 3:5
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

3. A thief steals a car at 3 pm and drives at 75 km/hr. He got discovered by the police at 4
pm Then the police start chasing him in another car travelling at 100km/hr. When will
the policeman catch the thief?
a) 5pm
b) 6pm
c) 7pm
d) 8pm
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 7pm
Explanation :
In one hour thief will travel 75 km. Now let after x distance thief get caught, then
x/75 = (75+x)/100
u will get x = 225, so to travel 225 + 75 = 300 km by police, he will take 3 hours i.e at 7 pm

4. A journey of 800 km is done in a total of 10 hours, If 320 km is travel by train and

remaining by bus. The same journey is done in 8 hours if 240 km is travel by train and
remaining is done by bus. Find the ratio of the speed of train to bus.
a) 2:11
b) 3:11
c) 1:11
d) 4:11
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 1:11
Explanation :
10 = 320/st + 480/sb and
8 = 240/st + 560/sb
st and sb are the speeds of train and bus respectively

5. If a man walks to his office at 5km/hr, he will be late by 30 minutes. If he walks at

6km/hr, he will be
late by 10minutes. Find the distance between his home and office?
a) 5km
b) 10km
c) 15km
d) 20km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 10km
Explanation :
Let distance be D km, then,
D = 5*(t + 1/2) and D = 6*(t+ 1/6) solve both question and we get D = 10km
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

6. Rakesh travelled 1800 kilometre by air which formed 3/5 of the total journey. He travels
1/4 of the trip by car and the remaining trip by train. Find the distance travelled by
a) 350
b) 450
c) 550
d) 650
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 450
Explanation :
3/5 of D = 1800. So D = 3000 km,
so distance travelled by train = 3000 – 1800 – 1/4 of 3000 = 450

7. Arya starts cycling along the boundaries of the squares. She starts from a point A and
after 90 minutes she reached to point C diagonally opposite to A. If she is travelling with
20km/hr, then find the area of square field.
a) 125
b) 225
c) 325
d) 425
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 225
Explanation :
D = 20*3/2 = 30 km. So side of square is 15km, so area – 225km^2

8. The distance between two cities P and Q is 300km. A train starts from station P at 10 am
with speed 80 km/hr towards Q. Another train starts from Q towards P with speed
40km/hr at 11 am . At what time do they meet?
a) 12.20pm
b) 12.40 pm
c) 12.50 pm
d) 1 pm
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 12.50 pm
Explanation :
First train starts at 10am so in one hour it covers 80 km in one hour. Now distance b/w P and Q is 220.
Suppose at some’ x’ km they meet. So,
x/80 = (220-x)/40
x = 440/3. The time after which they meet = (440/3)/80 = 11/6 i.e = 1hr 50 min.
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

9. A walks with a speed of 6 km/hr and after 5 hr of his start, B starts running towards A
at a speed of 8 km/hr. At what distance from start will B catch A.
a) 100
b) 110
c) 120
d) 140
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 120
Explanation :
In 5hrs, A will cover 30 km. Now, at some distance ‘x’. So A will cover X distance and B will cover
30 + X.
x/6 = (30+x)/8
x = 90. So distance from start after which B will catch A = 120km

10. Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of 13 minutes but a person
travelling in a train approaching the place hear the second sound after 12 minutes than
the first. Find the speed of the train. Consider sound travels at a speed of 330 meter per
a) 33km/hr
b) 66km/hr
c) 99km/hr
d) 120km/hr
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 99km/hr
Explanation :
Sound travels at 330m/sec. In one minute sound travel = 330*60 meter.
So speed of train = (330*60)/720 = 330/12 m/sec or 330/12 of 18/5 = 99 km/hr

Quants Questions : Time and Distance Set 12 – Trains

1. A train 150 meters of length travels at the rate of 60 km/hr. In what time the train will
pass a man who is walking at a speed of 10 km/hr in opposite direction.
a) 53/7 sec
b) 56/7 sec
c) 54/7 sec
d) 57/7 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 54/7 sec

Explanation :
150 = (70)*5/18*t
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

2. Two trains of length 100 meter and 125 meter are travelling at a speed of 45 km/hr and
60km/hr respectively in same direction. In what time they will completely cross each
a) 52 sec
b) 54 sec
c) 56 sec
d) 58 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 54 sec
Explanation :
225 = (60 – 45)*5/18*T

3. Two trains are travelling in same direction with 60 km/hr and 75 km/hr respectively.
The faster train crosses a man sitting in the slower train in 30 sec. find the length of
faster train.
a) 100 meter
b) 125 meter
c) 140 meter
d) 150 meter
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 125 meter

Explanation :
L = 15*5/18*30 = 125 meter

4. A train running at 45 km/hr takes 36 sec to pass a platform. Next, the train takes 12 sec
to pass a man walking at the speed of 15 km/hr in the same direction. Find the length of
the platform.
a) 250m
b) 300m
c) 350m
d) 400m
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 350m
Explanation :
Let ‘T’ and ‘P’ are the length of train and platform respectively
T = 12*30*5/18 = 100 meter
P + 100 = 45*5/18*36
P= 350

5. Two stations P and Q are 400 km apart from each other. One train start from P at a
speed of 60km/hr towards Q and after 2 hours another train starts from Q towards P at
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

45 km/hr. At what distance from P the train will meet.

a) 220 km
b) 240 km
c) 260 km
d) 280 km
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – d) 280 km
Explanation :
First train will travel 120 km before the start of second train, Now the distance between them is
Now, x/60 = (280 – x)/45
We get x = 160 km, so distance from P = 120 + 160 = 280 km

6. Two stations A and B are 150 km apart from each other. One train starts from A at 6
AM at a speed of 30 km/hr and travels towards B. Another train starts from station B at
7 AM at a speed of 20 km/hr. At what time they will meet.
a) 9:34 AM
b) 10:34 AM
c) 8:34 AM
d) 7:34 AM
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – a) 9:24 AM
Explanation :
Distance travel by first train in one hour = 30, now the distance remains 120 km only.
x/30 = (120 – x)/20, so we get x = 72 km
Now, time = (30 + 72)/30 = 3hrs and 24minutes i.e. 9: 24 am

7. Two trains of length 120 meter and 150 meter crosses a stationary man in 10 and 15
seconds respectively. In what time they will cross each other when they are moving in
same direction.
a)120 sec
b) 125 sec
c) 135 sec
d) 140 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – c) 135 sec

Explanation :
120 = a*10, a = 12 m/sec (speed of first train)
150 = b*15, b = 10 m/sec (speed of second train)
270 = (2)*T, T = 135 seconds
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

8. A train running with 72km/hr takes 20sec to cross a platform 200 m long. How much it
takes to cross a stationary train having twice the length of platform.
a) 20 sec
b) 30 sec
c) 40 sec
d) 50 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – b) 30 sec
Explanation :
200+L = 72*(5/18)*20. L= 200m.
400 + 200 = 72*(5/18)*t. So, t = 30sec

9. A train travelling with 54 km/hr takes 20 second to cross a bridge. Another train 70
meter shorter crosses the same bridge at 36 km/hr. Find the time taken by the second
train to cross the bridge.
a) 23 sec
b) 24 sec
c) 25 sec
d) 26 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – a) 23 sec
Explanation :
Let L and B are length of train and bridge respectively.
L + B = 54*5/18*20 = 300 meter
L + B – 70 = 36*5/18*t = 230, se we get t = 23 sec

10. Two trains are moving in opposite direction having speed in the ratio 5:7. First train
crosses a pole in 12 second and second train crosses the same pole n 15 second. Find the
time in which they can cross each other completely.
a) 55/4 sec
b) 53/4 sec
c) 57/4 sec
d) 59/4 sec
e) None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – a) 55/4 secExplanation :

Let the length of first train and second train be a and b meter. Then
a = 5x*12 = 60x and b = 7x*15 = 105x
They are moving in opposite direction, 165x = (12x)*T
T = 165/12 = 55/4 sec

Aptitude Questions: Time and Distance Set 11

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

1. Arjun, Suji and Nima start running around a circular track and complete one round in
15, 21 and 35 seconds respectively. In how many seconds will the three meet again at the
starting point. If they all have started running at the same time ?
A.105 seconds
B.123 seconds
C.260 seconds
D.210 seconds
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A.105 seconds

Explanation :
LCM = 15,21,35 = 105 seconds

2. Ashwin has to travel from one point to another point in a certain time. Travelling at a
speed of 6kmph he reaches 40m late and travelling at a speed of 8kmph he reaches 12 m
earlier.What is the distance between this two points ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.21km
Explanation :
D/6 – 40/60 = d/8 +12/60
d/6 – d/8 = 12/60+40/60
(8-6)d/48 = 52/60
2d/48 = 52/60
D = 52*48/60*2 = 20.8 = 21km

3. Sasi travelled a distance of 50km in 7hrs. She travelled the distance partly on foot at
5kmph and partly on bicycle at 8kmph. What is the distance that she travelled on foot ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.10km
Explanation :
x/5 + 50-x/8 =7
8x+250-5x = 7*40
3x+250 = 280
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

3x = 30
X = 30/3 = 10km

4. Walking at the rate of 4kmph a man covered a certain distance in 2hrs 30min. Running
at a speed of 17.5kmph the man cover the same distance in how many min ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A.34min
Explanation :
4*(2+30/60) = 4*2.5 = 10km
17.5kmph then T= 10/17.5 =100/175
= 20/35 = 4/7
Time = 4*60/7 = 34min

5. A journey of 192 km between two cities takes two hours less by a fast train than by a
slow train. If the average speed of the slow train is 16 km/h less than that of the fast
train, then the average speed of the fast train is
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.48kmph
Explanation :
192/x = [192/x-16] – 2
192/x-16 – 192/x = 2
Chk from option
192/48-16 – 192/48= 6-4 =2

6. The driver of a car sees a school van 70m ahead of him. After 30seconds the school van
is 50m behind.If the speed of the car is 34.6kmph, what is the speed of the School Van ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.20.2kmph
Explanation :
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Relative speed =70+50/30 = 4m/s = 4*18/5 = 14.4kmph

Speed of the school van = 34.6 – 14.4= 20.2kmph

7. A car driver travels from the plains to the hill station, which are350 km a part at an
average speed of 30 km/h. In the return trip he covers the same distance at an average
speed of 20 km/h the car. The average speed of the car over the entire distance is
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – A.24kmph
Explanation :
Avg speed = 2xy/x+y
= 2(30)(20)/30+20 = 1200/50 = 24kmph

8. If A can row 15 km downstream in 12m and his rowing speed in still water is 56kmph,
how much distance can he cover upstream in 20m ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – D.12km
Explanation :
Downstream speed = 15*60/12 = 75kmph
Speed of the A in still water = 56kmph
Current speed = 75-56 = 19kmph
Upstream speed = 56-19 = 37kmph
In 56min A can row 37km
In 20 min = 37*20/60 = 12.33km = 12km

9. A man crosses a stationary train in 15 minutes. The same train crosses a man in 50
seconds. What is the respective ratio between the speed of the train and the man ?
A.Can’t be determined
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – C.18:1
Explanation :
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

T : M = d/50 : d/15*60 = l/50 : l/900

Ratio = 900:50 = 90:5 =18:1

10. Nikil drove at the speed of 45 kmph. From home to a resort. Returning over the same
route, he got stuck in traffic and took an hour longer, also he could drive only at the
speed of 40 kmph. How many kilometers did he drive each way ?
E.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer – B.360km
Explanation :
x/40 – x/45 = 1
9x-8x/360 = 1
x/360 = 1
x = 360km

Aptitude Questions : Time and Distance Set 10

1. The distance between two cities P and Q is 300km. A train starts from station P at 10 am
with speed 80 km/hr towards Q. Another train starts from Q towards P with speed
40km/hr at 11 am . At what time do they meet.
a) 12.20pm
b) 12.40 pm
c) 12.50 pm
d) 1 pm

Answer & Solution

Answer – c) 12.50 pm
First train starts at 10am so in one hour it covers 80 km in one hour. Now distance b/w P and Q is 220.
Suppose at some’ x’ km they meet. So,
x/80 = (220-x)/40
x = 440/3.
The time after which they meet = (440/3)/80 = 11/6 i.e = 1hr 50 min.

2. A car covers first 10 km with 40km/hr next 10km with 60 km and next 10 km in 20
km/hr. What is the average speed of the car.
a) 320/11
b) 330/11
c) 350/11
d) 360/11

Answer & Solution

Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

Answer – d) 360/11
Average speed = (3*20*40*60)/800+2400+1200 = 360/11

3. A train running with 72km/hr takes 20sec to cross a platform 200 m long. How much it
take to cross a stationary train having same length
a) 20 sec
b) 30 sec
c) 40 sec
d) 50 sec

Answer & Solution

Answer – a) 20 sec
200+L = 72*(5/18)*20. L= 200m.
400 = 72*(5/18)*t. So, t = 20sec.

4. Two cities A and B are at a distance of 60 km from each other. Two persons P and Q
start from First city at a speed of 10km/hr and 5km/hr respectively. P reached the
second city B and returns back and meets Q at Y. Find the distance between A and Y.
a) 30 km
b) 40 km
c) 50 km
d) 55 km

Answer & Solution

Answer – b) 40 km
Time taken by P to reach city B is 6hr. In 6 hr, distance covered by Q is 30km. Now at some x
distance they will meet. So
x/5 = (30-x)/10. X= 10.
So distance b/w A and Y is 30+10 =40 km

5. A man covers 2/3 distance at a speed of 30 km/hr and the remaining at 60 km/hr. If the
total distance he covers is 300 km. Find the average speed of the man.
a) 36 km/hr
b) 38km/hr
c) 40 km/hr
d) 42km/hr

Answer & Solution

Answer – a) 36 km/hr
Solution:Average speed = 300/[(200/30)+(100/60)] = 36

6. When priya travels from home to office with a speed of 40km/hr she reaches her office
late by 20 minutes and when she travels with 60km/hr, she reach 10 minutes early. Find
the distance between her office and home.
a) 50 km
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

b) 60 km
c) 65 km
d) 70 km

Answer & Solution

Answer – b) 60 km
D = 40(t+20/60) and D = 60(t-10/60)
solve these two equation and get D.

7. A bus running at 3/5 of its usual speed reaches its destination in 15 hrs. If the bus runs
at his usual speed, how much time would be saved.
a) 6hr
b) 7hr
c) 8hr
d) 10hr
sol = > D = (3/5)*v*15

Answer & Solution

Answer – a) 6hr
Now running at usual speed, D = v*t = (3/5)*v*15, so time = 9hr.
Hence saved 6hrs

8. Excluding stoppages the speed of bus is 60 km/hr and including stoppages it average
speed becomes 48km/hr. For how much time the bus stops.
a) 10 min
b) 12 min
c) 14 min
d) 16 min

Answer & Solution

Answer – b) 12 min
Due to stoppages bus covers 12 km less. To cover 12km with 60km/hr speed it takes 12min.

9. Rahul takes 4 hr in walking at certain place and return back. While it takes 3 hrs in
walking at certain place and riding back. Find the time rahul will take to ride both sides
a) 2hr
b) 3 hr
c) 3.5 hr
d) 1.5 hr

Answer & Solution

Answer – a) 2hr
W + W = 4. W =2
Compiled by Ekhlasur Rahman. Bsc & Msc(Statistics). Begum Rokeya University,Rangpur.

W+ R = 3. R =1
So to ride both direction, it will take 1+1 = 2 hrs.

10. P walks with a speed of 6 km/hr and after 5 hr of his start, Q starts running towards P
at a speed of 8 km/hr. At what distance from start will Q catch P.
a) 100
b) 110
c) 120
d) 140

Answer & Solution

Answer – c) 120
In 5hrs, P will cover 30 km. Now, at some distance ‘x’. So P will cover X distance and Q will cover
30 + X.
x/6 = (30+x)/8
x = 90. So distance from start after which Q will catch P = 90+30 =120km.

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