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Case No. Z18-095
2 Hoboken Avenue
Block 8001, Lot 46 PROCEEDINGS
Preliminary and Final
Major Site Plan
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Jersey City, New Jersey
Commencing at 6:56 p.m.
KATE DONNELLY, Acting Chairwoman



Attorneys for the Board
Attorneys for the Applicant


405 Third Street
Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
(908) 642-4299

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2 TANYA MARIONE, Director 2 KERN WEISSMAN.......................Page 113
City Planning Division 3 ANTHONY SOARES......................Page 118
3 4 SHANNON PENNOCK.....................Page 120
4 5 MARY MILLS..........................Page 123
5 6 MICHAEL DEFUSCO.....................Page 125
6 7 DR. LAURA BRAYTON...................Page 128
7 8 JENNIFER ARANEO.....................Page 129
8 9 BRIAN RANS..........................Page 130
9 10 MAMTA SINGH.........................Page 134
10 11 JONATHAN BLOODGOOD..................Page 134
11 12 DANIELLE BEAM.......................Page 136
12 13 JOHN GREGORIO.......................Page 139
13 14
14 15
15 16
22 22 *NOTE: City Planner Tanya Marione was duly sworn at the
23 23 beginning of the meeting (see Agenda Items Transcript
24 24 for this date)
25 25

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2 2 that brings us to the one remaining case on the
3 WITNESS: 3 agenda, Case Z18-095. The applicant is 2 Hoboken
4 RALPH WALKER Page 9 4 Avenue, LLC, being represented by Mr. Verdibello.
5 ERIC BALLOU Page 33 5 MR. VERDIBELLO: Good evening, Madame
6 DANIEL DiSARIO Page 42 6 Chairman, members of the Board. We are set up and
7 LANCE HOWARD Page 48 7 so we are ready to go.
8 EDWARD KOLLING Page 51 8 Again, good evening, Robert Verdibello
9 9 from Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant, 2
10 10 Hoboken Avenue, LLC.
11 11 This is a property identified as 2
12 EXHIBITS 12 Hoboken Avenue, which is on the border of Hoboken
13 A-1 Notices Page 6 13 and Jersey City. We're applying for use, height,
14 A-2 Rendering Page 19 14 and density variances, along with curb cut width
15 A-3 Rendering Page 19 15 and valet parking. This is a notice case, so I'll
16 A-4 Rendering Page 19 16 let staff do what they have to do as far as
17 A-5 Rendering Page 19 17 marking into evidence the proof of service.
18 A-6 Satellite Photo Page 27 18 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: And,
19 A-7 Rendering Page 27 19 Mr. Verdibello, before we proceed, this is quite a
20 A-8 Rendering Page 34 20 plan and it includes a "D" variance for use. We
21 21 only have five Board members --
22 22 MR. VERDIBELLO: Yes.
24 24 available tonight. An option would be to proceed
25 25 to get all of the appropriate testimony and

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1 comments on the record and have a vote at a later 1 As a result, we're also asking for a
2 date, or we could just postpone everything. 2 height variance in order to accommodate the unit
3 MR. VERDIBELLO: Yes, we'd like to put 3 counts and the podium. You'll hear from our
4 the testimony on the record and then have a vote 4 experts, particularly our architect, as to the
5 once we have a full complement of Board members. 5 necessity for that height variance.
6 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. So 6 We're also, as part of this project,
7 six or seven is better than five. 7 because there's currently no Jersey City
8 MR. VERDIBELLO: Correct. 8 infrastructure that necessarily reaches the site,
9 MR. LaPAGLIA: So, Bridget, before they 9 as part of this project, we will be installing new
10 proceed, we do have this affidavit of proof of 10 infrastructure connecting with Jersey City
11 service and the notice of publication. I'll walk 11 municipal utilities. We've already met with the
12 that down to you and we'll mark it as A-1. 12 Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority to start
13 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 13 working out the logistics of how the connections
14 marked Exhibit A-1 into evidence.) 14 will work.
15 MR. VERDIBELLO: Okay, thank you. 15 We know in that area of the city where
16 Okay. So, again, good evening, Madame 16 right now all you have are Hoboken's utilities,
17 Chair, members of the Board. This is regarding 2 17 that that will be a dramatic improvement
18 Hoboken Avenue, which is designated on the tax map 18 potentially to that site. That's also a great
19 of the City of Jersey City as Block 6001, Lot 46. 19 advantage for Jersey City moving forward.
20 As I was saying earlier, this is 20 Without further ado, I'll start turning
21 literally a unique parcel. I know a lot of 21 it over to the experts that we have here this
22 applicants and attorneys will stand up here and 22 evening. For the record, we have Ralph Walker,
23 explain how unique their project is, but this 23 who's our project architect; Eric Ballou of InSite
24 truly is a unique project. It stands by itself on 24 Engineering, who is our project engineer; Dan
25 the border of Jersey City and Hoboken. It is a 25 DiSario of Langan Engineering, who will testify as
Page 7 Page 9
1 Jersey City property. It is right on the border. 1 to traffic; and Ed Kolling is our professional
2 It is an odd-shaped parcel and yet a 2 planner.
3 large parcel. It is a 28,000-square-foot parcel. 3 So if there are no questions regarding
4 It's also interesting in the fact that it's zoned 4 the site or the orientation, I'll bring up my
5 R-3, which allows for mid-rise apartment buildings 5 first witness.
6 as of right. 6 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Yes, you
7 Technically what you'll hear this 7 can proceed, Mr. Verdibello.
8 evening is our application is for nine stories of 8 MR. VERDIBELLO: Okay. Thank you.
9 residential floors on top of a four-story podium. 9 I'll call up Ralph Walker.
10 So it's a 13-story building, which classifies it 10 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: And could
11 technically as a high rise, but I'll call it high 11 you briefly qualify him as an expert?
12 rise light. 12 MR. VERDIBELLO: Oh, yes, absolutely.
13 Aside from that, you'll hear from our 13 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Just
14 experts here this evening about how we've taken 14 briefly.
15 great care to try to design this building to bear 15 RALPH JONATHAN
16 in mind view corridors from the Jersey City 16 W A L K E R, having been duly sworn, was examined
17 Heights. 17 and testified as follows:
18 Another unique feature of this property 18 DIRECT-EXAMINATION
19 is that while the property is technically located 19 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
20 in the Palisades Preservation Overlay District, 20 Q. Mr. Walker, if you could just state for
21 this property is greater than 450 feet from the 21 the Board briefly your qualifications and
22 base of the Palisades. As a result, there are no 22 experience and whether you've testified before any
23 height restrictions from the PPOD that apply to 23 land use boards in the State of New Jersey?
24 this particular site, which is, again, what makes 24 A. Sure. Again, my name is Ralph Walker.
25 it very unique in terms of what it is. 25 I'm the senior project manager with RSC Architects

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1 in Hackensack, New Jersey. I'm a licensed 1 across the property in this manner. And then
2 architect in the State of New Jersey, California, 2 looping underneath it is the Light Rail. So we're
3 and Pennsylvania. I've been practicing 3 actually bounded by two railroad lines along the
4 architecture since 1997, when I graduated from 4 property.
5 Syracuse University. I've testified in front of 5 This property is co-joined with the
6 more than 40 different municipalities in the area. 6 Hoboken Business Center and is currently a parking
7 I'm happy to speak to you about any further 7 lot that is in use by the Hoboken Business Center
8 qualifications. 8 as part of that. So just for orientation sake.
9 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: We accept 9 Actually, one other note while we're on
10 your qualifications. 10 this page. You'll notice there's a dimension line
11 THE WITNESS: Thank you very much. 11 on this page showing that we're 545 feet to the
12 Appreciate it. 12 bottom of the Palisades. Just to highlight the
13 MR. VERDIBELLO: Thank you. 13 point that Robert was making earlier, we are
14 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 14 beyond the overlay zone and we took great care to
15 Q. Thank you, Mr. Walker. If you could, 15 verify that for you.
16 please state for the record and for the 16 In terms of our proposal, I'm going to
17 edification of the Board the proposal that we're 17 direct you to Drawing A-100. First, just again as
18 moving forward with this evening. 18 an orientation to the building, this is a set of
19 A. Sure. I'm going to use some visuals, so 19 diagrams which is basically explaining the uses
20 as we go through this, we'll mark them in as 20 and the massing of the building and then we'll
21 exhibits. 21 speak more about the specifics as we go forward.
22 Do you need me to speak into the mic as 22 Again, it's a 13-story building
23 I go or can you hear me okay? 23 consisting of a ground floor, which has a series
24 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: It's best 24 of uses, including a lobby, some commercial space
25 if you do speak into the mic. That way the public 25 services, and access to parking deck. We have a

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1 has a better chance of hearing you. 1 three-story parking deck above that, which those
2 THE WITNESS: So let me move this over 2 four stories create what we call the podium, which
3 here. I'm going to direct this towards you so you 3 is within 50 feet of height and is in consistency
4 can see what I'm using. 4 with some of the adjacent buildings, which I'll
5 So I have in front of me a full-size 5 talk further about in a moment. And then above
6 version of the same plans that you've previously 6 that, we have our nine stories of residential
7 received. I'll be referencing them as we go 7 units.
8 forward. 8 In terms of the ground floor -- sorry to
9 I'm going to start with a reference to 9 make you flip. So, again, if we reference A-201.
10 the second sheet, which is A-001. Just for 10 So on A-201, on the top plan here, this is the
11 orientation sake, this is a location plan showing 11 ground floor plan. On the ground floor, we have
12 the property. The yellow is showing the 200-foot 12 our frontage along Harrison Street, which includes
13 radius for notification purposes. 13 a new curb cut into a two-lane drive which is part
14 So just for orientation sake, the 14 of the building.
15 property is located with frontage on Harrison 15 It should be noted that the property is
16 Street. There's a small section of frontage along 16 within a floodplain and so one of the key issues
17 Harrison Street and then it is a tapering property 17 for us is that we're trying to elevate out of the
18 with an arc or a curve as it moves back towards 18 floodplain as quickly as possible. So we have a
19 the Palisades. 19 residential lobby that is on grade and a queuing
20 On one border, we have the municipal 20 zone for our loading, which is also on grade.
21 boundary line between Jersey City and Hoboken. On 21 From a parking perspective, we then come
22 the opposite border, we are up against the New 22 up a ramp, up into a loading zone towards the rear
23 Jersey Transit property. And the New Jersey 23 of the property, where we have a series of car
24 Transit property is interesting onto itself. We 24 loads. I'll speak more about that in a moment.
25 have the elevated heavy rail, which is cutting 25 On the residential lobby side, we come

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1 into the building and then, again, quickly elevate 1 As we move up through the building, we
2 up into our elevator and stair system, along with 2 have three levels of parking. The parking is all
3 a manager's office. And then we have a retail and 3 intended to be valet parking since we're using a
4 restaurant or commercial space that is behind 4 lift system. And currently we are showing 49
5 that. 5 spaces per level, which gives us a total of 147
6 One of the key notable items about this 6 cars in the parking levels. That is based on the
7 property is because of its frontage to the 7 striping layout. That's not necessarily based on
8 adjacent New Jersey Transit properties, there's an 8 the efficiency of the valet. Again, he's here
9 existing pedestrian walkway that basically skirts 9 to -- one of our experts is here to testify about
10 along the curved edge of the property. And our 10 that specific issue.
11 proposal includes making improvements to that edge 11 We've also planned for electric car
12 and literally connecting the building to it. 12 charging stations, as well as bike storage for the
13 Because of the limited frontage, we're 13 residents and then some other secondary amenities
14 looking at using the frontage of the pedestrian 14 as we go forward.
15 walkway and really activating that space. So 15 As we move up and into the building, the
16 trying to create a destination-type space at the 16 residential levels are designed with 18 apartment
17 ground level that is engaging along with what's 17 units per floor. I'm now referencing A-202 for
18 happening on the New Jersey Transit property here. 18 the record. A typical apartment level includes
19 MR. VERDIBELLO: If I could just 19 four studio apartments, 11 one-bedroom apartments,
20 interject for one moment. 20 and three two-bedroom apartments. That does vary
21 THE WITNESS: Please. 21 on Level 5, where we have an amenity space.
22 MR. VERDIBELLO: We have had preliminary 22 And, again, one of the things to note is
23 discussions on behalf of the applicant with New 23 because of the geometry of this plan, there is a
24 Jersey Transit. So we're setting up meetings with 24 variation in unit sizes and we were working very
25 them in the short term to discuss improvements 25 hard to try and create efficiencies within the

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1 that New Jersey Transit will allow us to make to 1 footprint that's available. But it is an odd
2 the existing walkway to enhance it for the 2 geometry that we're working with between the curve
3 pedestrian experience. 3 and the very slender property.
4 That's part of what you'll hear this 4 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
5 evening, is a large part of this proposal is to 5 Q. Mr. Walker, if you could just state for
6 take what is basically a pedestrian-unfriendly or 6 the record, what's the total number of units that
7 underutilized area in terms of the walkway and 7 are being proposed?
8 make it more pedestrian friendly and better 8 A. So we have a total of 161 apartment
9 utilized. 9 units, which consist, again, of 36 studios, 99
10 THE WITNESS: Continuing along the site, 10 one-bedrooms, and 26 two-bedrooms.
11 again, we have this elevated porch, so we're 11 Q. And do you have the comparison as to
12 elevated up above the floodplain here. And then 12 what would be permitted as of right in an R-3
13 across the rear of the site, we do have a 13 zone?
14 bike-sharing zone where this will be an area where 14 A. I do. Let me pull that up for you in
15 people can rent bikes and use them along the 15 just a moment.
16 existing pedestrian path, as well as our car lifts 16 Q. Sure.
17 and then utility spaces and a trash zone. 17 A. So let me keep going and I'll come back
18 We've designed our loading zone to allow 18 to that.
19 for small trucks to come in and turn around and 19 Q. We'll come back to that. You can
20 make the necessary improvements to get in and out 20 continue.
21 of the site. We've also designed our queuing zone 21 A. Okay. So continuing up through the
22 in a manner where someone could come in and unload 22 building, again, as we rise up through the
23 at the lower level from a move-in/move-out 23 building, when we get to the roof level, the roof
24 perspective. And, again, we'll speak to that more 24 level is designed with some rooftop amenity space,
25 with some of the other experts tonight. 25 but the majority of the roof is designed as a

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1 green roof. We are using that for some stormwater 1 Again, the intent here is that we're
2 mitigation, which, again, our engineer will speak 2 trying to create a scaled element that is similar
3 to. And then we do have a mechanical penthouse on 3 to the buildings that are adjacent. If you
4 the roof overall. 4 continue down Harrison Street, you'll notice that
5 I'm going to finish flipping through 5 there are a number of four- and five-story
6 these to move on to a few renderings of the 6 buildings, primarily of masonry construction, and
7 property. But just in terms of the building 7 this is really consistent with the street frontage
8 elevations, again, the design intent is that we 8 and the pedestrian experience that's in the area.
9 have this podium level, which consists of the 9 The other thing to note -- and I'll talk
10 ground level entry and some of the amenity spaces 10 more about this in a second. The other thing to
11 we've spoken about, as well as the parking. And 11 note is that we are very close to the elevated
12 then we rise up to a nine-story residential tower 12 rail line. And one of the key issues for us is
13 above that. 13 that because of the adjacency to the New Jersey
14 In terms of the materiality of this, we 14 Transit rail line and because of the fact that
15 are looking at using masonry and glass -- I have 15 it's elevated, we didn't find it appropriate to
16 some samples here which I can share with you in 16 put residential units on lower levels where they
17 just a moment -- as well as a full curtain wall 17 were going to get sound and light adjacency -- you
18 system behind. 18 know, direct impact of sound and light into
19 And let me turn to the renderings for a 19 individual apartment units, which is part of the
20 second to give you a better sense of it. These 20 reason why we raised up the parking.
21 are new exhibits. I'll be happy to pass them 21 The other reason that we've raised the
22 forward as we go. 22 parking up here is that beyond the floodplain, we
23 Q. We should mark those if we're going to 23 also are dealing with some soils issues here.
24 pass it to the Board. Can we mark this A-2? 24 This building will be built on piles. We have
25 A. There's four of them there. Do you want 25 soft soils we're dealing with. We're looking at

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1 to mark A-2 through A-6? 1 60 to 80 feet depth in terms of pile support for a
2 Q. Yeah. 2 structure of this type. So it's unreasonable to
3 A. No, no, they're on the same... 3 look at digging down into the site. So that's a
4 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 4 major reason why we looked at this overall.
5 marked Exhibit A-2 into evidence.) 5 As I flip forward, again, this is the
6 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 6 view now looking from Harrison Street. This is
7 marked Exhibit A-3 into evidence.) 7 the adjacent view, which is, again, a head-on view
8 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 8 showing the entry into the parking area, as well
9 marked Exhibit A-4 into evidence.) 9 as some of the adjacency. You can see the level
10 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 10 of foliage that have in the area on the New Jersey
11 marked Exhibit A-5 into evidence.) 11 Transit side of the property. We intend to
12 A. All right. So the renderings that I'm 12 continue that, we'll speak to that in terms of the
13 going to show you are basically updates to some of 13 landscaping plan in just a few minutes.
14 the renderings that you currently have in your 14 But we also intend to create a natural
15 set. This first view is a view looking at the 15 pedestrian walk along Harrison Street to get you
16 main entry of the building. So this would be 16 there. Let me reference you back to the plan.
17 looking from across the street at the residential 17 Our civil engineer will speak to this in
18 entry on the corner. And you can see the 18 detail, but I just want to reference you to the
19 four-story pedestal element and then the tower 19 plan, the site plan and C-30. We do have a
20 rising above it. 20 sidewalk connection that gets you now from
21 We have a photo reel rendering next to a 21 Harrison Street into the patio and then connecting
22 hand rendering. The hand rendering was included 22 into the walkway overall, which is an important
23 in your set originally. This is also next to the 23 part of what we're trying to do in terms of
24 existing conditions photograph taken from the same 24 improving this.
25 point of view. 25 I don't know if any of you have walked

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1 the pedestrian walkway, but it takes you under the 1 it also to the members of the public. Since I'm
2 trestle and it's kind of a dark and not very nice 2 over here, we'll start here. Or we'll start with
3 experience until you get out to daylight. 3 you.
4 So we felt it was important to create 4 MS. MARIONE: I got it. I got it.
5 more of a connection along the building's edge so 5 THE WITNESS: Feel free to flip.
6 that we could have something with proper lighting 6 There's four of them there, so...
7 and also just improve it overall. 7 Should I continue? Or I can hold for a
8 Referencing back to the renderings 8 minute.
9 again, the third rendering here is the view from 9 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Please go
10 Marshall Street. Marshall Street is a paper 10 ahead.
11 street in Hoboken and this is looking at the rear 11 A. Okay. In terms of the materials, a
12 of the building. Again, you can see the shape and 12 couple things to note. So we have been looking
13 the height. One of the things that's interesting 13 very carefully at this building in terms of
14 about this property is because it does taper, it 14 materials that are appropriate both in terms of
15 is a very narrow facade on different points. You 15 contextual elements, but also in terms of energy
16 can see how much it's tapered in these different 16 efficiency and really looking for something that's
17 directions. 17 going to be a handsome building long term. We
18 MR. WEISSMAN: Is there any way to 18 understand that this is something that our client
19 position this so that -- 19 is making a major investment in.
20 THE WITNESS: After I present, I'll be 20 So the materials that I'm going to pass
21 happy to show it to you. 21 around, I have a small sample of these. I do have
22 MR. WEISSMAN: Because we can't see it. 22 some larger samples as well. But the small
23 THE WITNESS: Understood. 23 samples of these, what you're going to see is the
24 A. And then, finally, this is a view from 24 type of glass that we intend to use in terms of a
25 the park, which, again, is just an update to the 25 vision glass. We are using a low E insulated

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1 elevation that you've previously seen. Now, this 1 glass system that has a high level of
2 is a little bit of a farce because we had to take 2 reflectivity. It does have a little bit of a blue
3 away the rail trestle in order to see this view. 3 tint to it. The intent there is, again, to tie it
4 So just to be clear about this, it's a little bit 4 in with the sky and reflections of the sky as much
5 farther away than you could actually achieve as a 5 as possible.
6 pedestrian, but this is to give you a sense of the 6 You will see a series of metals. These
7 real scale of it. 7 metals that are on the boards are samples of the
8 What's happening with this building is, 8 metal finishes that we're using to achieve the
9 you know, you have this podium level, which is 9 kind of racing stripes that you see as we're kind
10 made up of a series of masonry materials, which 10 of wrapping around the building. You'll notice
11 I'll show you in a second, and then a glass facade 11 there are those white lines that are wrapping
12 above. And really the intent here is to create 12 around on the upper levels.
13 something that's dynamic using -- you know, on a 13 In addition, you will see a silver metal
14 curve like this, we're trying to create something 14 or a gray metal, which is, again, a more
15 that is both appropriate to the pedestrian on the 15 reflective metal. And then we also have included
16 street level, but is also dynamic as you move 16 some of the stone samples for the base levels, as
17 around it based on the geometries of the site. 17 well as some of the paver samples. So you'll see
18 Let me speak for just a minute about the 18 all of these in the sushi box.
19 materials that we're using. 19 I'm going to pass this. We bought our
20 How do you want to do this? 20 bento box. So hope you're not hungry.
21 Q. We can pass that out. 21 This other sample I have here is a
22 A. That's fine. 22 little heavy, so please be careful because it's a
23 MR. VERDIBELLO: What we'll do, just for 23 bit of a heavy sample. This is a sample that is
24 the record, is we'll pass first the marked 24 intended to show how we intend to treat any of our
25 exhibits to the Board members and then we can pass 25 louver systems.

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1 So we actually have two areas of louvers 1 month or so. Some of these were provided by
2 in the building: One is on the apartment levels, 2 neighbors to us, some of these we took ourselves.
3 which is in the spandrel, and then a second in the 3 In all cases, what we're trying to do is
4 parking areas. And our intent is to wrap them 4 show what the existing condition is on the
5 with a perforated metal similar to this. This is 5 property. So as I noted earlier on, it's
6 not the final finish that we would be using, but 6 currently a parking lot. We are up against --
7 this is the type of product that we would be using 7 this is the Hoboken Business Center that's
8 in order to achieve that. 8 currently on the north side of the property. We
9 What you'll see in the sample is this is 9 have our large kind of arced triangular parking
10 a mechanical louver system which is finished with, 10 lot and then this oddly-shaped area that's
11 again, a perforated metal. It can come in a 11 overgrown foliage adjacent to New Jersey Transit.
12 bazillion different colors. Our intent was to 12 What you'll notice as you look at each
13 match the renderings to the extent possible. 13 of those images is that the property from a
14 We're not just punching our curtain wall with PTAC 14 pedestrian level is really -- there isn't a whole
15 units. We're really trying to create this banding 15 lot of notable buildings nearby. There's not a
16 effect that wraps around the building. That's 16 lot to see nearby. But when you get up into the
17 really an upgrade from what you see in traditional 17 Palisades and you look down on the property, there
18 residential apartment buildings in the area, so as 18 is the skyline in the background and there are a
19 an example. 19 number of adjacent views.
20 Again, this is heavy, so please be 20 So we were careful about thinking about
21 careful. I just don't want you to be surprised by 21 how to design this building in a way that's really
22 it. 22 not going to have a major impact on our neighbors,
23 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I can just carry 23 but also is going to be appropriate for the use
24 it around. 24 that we're dealing with here.
25 THE WITNESS: There you go. 25 So as a reminder, we were trying not to

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1 We left you with a placemat on the bento 1 put residents up against the railroad tracks for
2 box, so don't worry if they get out of place. We 2 obvious reasons, and we were also trying to be
3 can put them back together however you need. 3 appropriate to the pedestrian experience. And
4 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 4 then, in addition to that, we were being careful
5 Q. You can continue. 5 about what are the views from the Palisades.
6 A. I just want to give them a chance to -- 6 So the second image here is a blowup and
7 Q. Let me take that. 7 this was one that we were lucky enough to have
8 A. You got that? Okay. 8 provided by one of the residents who lives in the
9 All right. Next, I just want to take a 9 Palisades. And this is from his rear yard and you
10 minute to talk about the view corridors related to 10 can see the SkyClub in the foreground and some of
11 the building and the property and the impact that 11 the skyline beyond it.
12 the building is going to have on the view 12 And you'll see on the bottom of this
13 corridors overall. 13 image, this is the existing photograph today and
14 I need to submit this for evidence as 14 then we laid in our property, our proposal, in the
15 well. So this is -- 15 photograph above.
16 Q. I believe that will be A-6. 16 And one of the things to note is that
17 A. So this will be A-6 and A-7. 17 it's pretty minor in terms of the overall view,
18 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 18 but I'll pass this around so you can take a look
19 marked Exhibit A-6 into evidence.) 19 at what the impact is.
20 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 20 MR. VERDIBELLO: So with the image, just
21 marked Exhibit A-7 into evidence.) 21 as a reminder, the bottom view is the current
22 A. So A-6, for everyone's sake, consists of 22 view; the top image is the proposed view with the
23 a satellite photograph in the center for 23 proposed building.
24 orientation sake and then a series of photographs 24 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: And just
25 that we have taken or collected over the last 25 point to the proposed building.

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1 MR. VERDIBELLO: Right there. 1 And what you will see on this, on A-6,
2 THE WITNESS: I know, it's hard to see 2 is, again -- so our ground floor elevation -- our
3 in this, right? 3 ground floor elevation is at plus 4.7. That's our
4 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Actually, 4 00 elevation. And then we go up to an elevation
5 you can see it just fine. I just wanted to make 5 of 11 feet or 6 foot 5 to get up above the
6 sure what we were looking at. 6 floodplain. And then as we rise up through the
7 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I should get 7 building, our top-of-roof elevation is 151 feet 2
8 extra pay. 8 inches, to give you a sense of that.
9 THE WITNESS: Did the renderings come 9 But our first residential level is at 50
10 back around? 10 foot 2. And the top of a New Jersey Transit
11 MR. VERDIBELLO: They're on the table. 11 standard train is at 32 foot 8. So, again, when
12 I find that it's also helpful to 12 we were looking at this, we were trying to be
13 reference back to the renderings if you want to 13 careful about the directionality both about the
14 look at those side-by-side. The renderings use 14 acoustic and the light impact on the residences.
15 some of the same photographs from the image before 15 Q. And, again, I know the images in many
16 if that's helpful to you at all. 16 ways speak for themselves, but the building is, in
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: So this was 17 fact, curved, is that correct?
18 taken kind of over by the crazy house with the 18 A. Correct. Again, the building,
19 tennis court? 19 referencing you back -- referencing back to A-201,
20 MR. VERDIBELLO: We didn't take the 20 the property, again, starts out on almost a
21 photo. This was supplied to us from the Riverview 21 45-degree angle in terms of frontage and then
22 Neighborhood Association. 22 moves back at an angle on one side on the
23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. All 23 municipal boundary line and then on a shallow
24 right. But I think that's what it is because it's 24 curve as it comes across the other direction.
25 at that -- 25 So there are no -- we have no regularity

Page 31 Page 33
1 MR. VERDIBELLO: Right. 1 on the site really, which is one of the odd pieces
2 THE WITNESS: Correct. 2 of it.
3 MR. VERDIBELLO: We thought it would be 3 Q. Okay.
4 helpful to have an actual backyard. 4 MR. VERDIBELLO: Thank you. I have no
5 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: All right. 5 further direct questions. I don't know if the
6 Good idea. 6 Board has any questions for Mr. Walker.
7 A. In terms of the building, I think I've 7 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: I think it
8 described all the major pieces and parts. We've 8 might be best for us to let you proceed with all
9 provided you with samples of intended materials. 9 of your experts and then we will have the Board
10 We've provided you with some imagery and 10 question the experts and then we'll have the
11 renderings of the overall site. I don't know if 11 public question the experts and add any comments
12 there's any other items you'd like me to talk 12 to the record and then, of course, from staff.
13 about. 13 MR. VERDIBELLO: Okay.
14 Q. Just a couple of questions just, again, 14 THE WITNESS: Thank you very much.
15 for clarity of the record. Part of what's 15 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
16 dictating the height, correct me if I'm wrong, is 16 MR. VERDIBELLO: The next expert this
17 the fact that, you know, we're in a floodplain and 17 evening -- or witness this evening, will be our
18 consideration for elements such as the railroad 18 project engineer, Eric Ballou of InSite
19 tracks, correct? 19 Engineering.
20 A. Correct. And, again, let me reference 20 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: And if you
21 to the proper drawing. Just for reference sake, 21 could briefly qualify your witness.
22 I'm looking at A-206. A-206 is a blowup of the 22 E R I C B A L L O U, having been duly
23 south elevation and it actually shows in that 23 sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
24 drawing the graphic distances to the adjacent rail 24 THE WITNESS: In regards to
25 lines. 25 qualifications --

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1 MR. VERDIBELLO: If you could just speak 1 trash receptacles to really try to pull the
2 into the mic. 2 property together with the public improvement of
3 THE WITNESS: In regards to 3 that pedestrian walkway.
4 qualifications, I haven't really testified very 4 Along the entire walkway right now,
5 often in front of this Board, but I have done a 5 there's already lighting there. So we're actually
6 lot of projects through the Planning Board at 6 able to even utilize the existing lighting that's
7 Jersey City. Key projects that we see from the 7 there to even light the plaza area, continue that
8 parking lot: Harborside, Urby, Columbus Towers, 8 same type of aesthetic look through there.
9 225 Grand, the Vantage, 18 Park -- 9 This project right now, this whole
10 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. But 10 entire site basically is all paved parking area,
11 are you a PE and where is your license to 11 so there's very extremely limited planting on
12 practice? 12 that. With good proper landscaping, we're
13 THE WITNESS: Understood. So my license 13 actually able to decrease the amount of impervious
14 is as a professional engineer in the State of New 14 area out here. So when we do that, we actually
15 Jersey and my license is current and active with 15 have opportunities to put perimeter plantings on
16 no restrictions on it. 16 almost all sides of the building. Where the
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Very good. 17 property sort of comes to a pinch point, again,
18 We accept your qualifications. 18 another planting opportunity.
19 MR. VERDIBELLO: Thank you. 19 So we're actually introducing a lot more
20 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you. 20 landscaping on this property than what presently
21 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 21 exists there today.
22 So I do have another exhibit to be 22 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
23 entered in. 23 Q. About how -- can you estimate about how
24 MR. VERDIBELLO: Sure. She'll mark it. 24 large that top corner will be, the top landscaped
25 (Whereupon, exhibit is received and 25 corner on Exhibit A-8?
Page 35 Page 37
1 marked Exhibit A-8 into evidence.) 1 A. So it scales about 70 feet by about 30
2 THE WITNESS: So this exhibit is really 2 feet at its widest.
3 a colored rendering of the landscape plan 3 Q. Okay.
4 superimposed over an aerial image to give you a 4 A. So it's a sizeable area.
5 good understanding of the project as I go through 5 And the great part about when you do a
6 it. 6 redevelopment like this, a revitalization project
7 So for the project access, we basically 7 like this, the benefits are not only having more
8 have frontage in Jersey City on Harrison Street. 8 opportunities for green and trees, it has a direct
9 So on Harrison Street, we'll have a two-way 9 relationship to the stormwater management and
10 driveway that allows access into the building. 10 stormwater aspects of this site.
11 And along our frontage, as we do in almost all our 11 It's an interesting site now. The
12 projects, we'll replace all of the curbing and all 12 stormwater now actually flows towards the east.
13 of the sidewalks and do that as an improvement to 13 So its entire parking lot area has inlets that
14 the city. 14 collect that water, goes on Marshall Street and
15 The other major aspect change that we're 15 then empties into the Observer Highway stormwater
16 doing is this plaza area. Right now the 16 collection system. So even though our property is
17 pedestrian walkway along this western edge is 17 in Jersey City, the entire .36 acres is draining
18 basically a 6-foot-high fence that completely 18 into Hoboken and tying into their systems.
19 separates our property from the pedestrian 19 So what we're proposing as part of this
20 walkway. This project is proposing to totally 20 project is actually go through and install
21 change that by putting like a 10-foot-wide by 21 sanitary and stormwater that connects our site to
22 160-foot long stretch of plaza area to truly 22 existing sanitary combined sewer that exists on
23 connect the property to the pedestrian path. And 23 Jersey Avenue. It's about a 400-foot extension of
24 when we do that, this gave us an opportunity to 24 sanitary and storm.
25 put things such as benches, tables, bike racks, 25 But by making that utility extension,

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1 what that's going to let us do is take the entire 1 that they didn't have sanitary or storm lines
2 building area, which is closer to approximately 2 within this area.
3 half an acre, and actually disconnect that from 3 But we met with them, they came up with
4 the Hoboken systems, transfer that to where we 4 a solution to do an extension to tie in to Jersey
5 believe it should be, a Jersey City property, into 5 Avenue. And they even mentioned that Jersey
6 the Jersey City systems. 6 Avenue, too, they're looking at doing an
7 So we're actually going to be not only 7 improvement project with that combined sewer as
8 reducing flows based upon having more landscaping, 8 well. So there may be an opportunity to combine
9 we're also adding on a stormwater management 9 our tie-ins with their improvement project. Maybe
10 system, so a detention system in regards to this. 10 we can do it all at one time. So there were some
11 And the project even has a green roof that we 11 discussions that we had with them.
12 didn't even take any credit for. 12 With regards to the engineering letter,
13 So when you look at all those different 13 we did receive an engineering letter. They asked
14 stormwater management techniques for the overall 14 us to really review the location of the driveway
15 site, we're greatly reducing the runoff. And then 15 and the access into the building due to the
16 when you look particularly at where the stormwater 16 different angles. We'll work with them to work
17 goes now compared to where it's going to go, we're 17 out a solution that's acceptable to them. We feel
18 going to have only approximately a third of the 18 there is a strong solution to keep the driveway in
19 site will go into Hoboken where the full site does 19 Jersey City as we'd like and still make it be
20 now. 20 fully functional to meet their requirements.
21 And when you look at it further, that 21 The rest of the comments in the
22 third of the property that goes there now, instead 22 engineering letter are very common, such as
23 of pavement, is actually going to be vegetation 23 pavement repairs, replacements, and ADA access.
24 and open space. So we're going to be decreasing 24 And as I worked out many times before, we would
25 our runoffs completely into the Hoboken system. 25 continue to work with engineering to solve their

Page 39 Page 41
1 Q. So just to highlight, is there a 1 issues.
2 difference between just having a macadam parking 2 Parking. Might as well address all the
3 lot and what's being proposed? 3 parking numbers. So we're parking this project in
4 A. Most definitely. You know, when you 4 accordance with the R-3 zoning requirements. With
5 have a paved parking lot with vehicles parking 5 regards to studios, there are no parking spaces
6 there, you have also water quality as well. So 6 required. One bedroom, half a space per unit; two
7 when you have -- basically we call that dirty 7 bedroom, one space per unit.
8 pavement, where it's blacktop pavement. 8 Retail, 1 per 600 when you go above
9 On this project, instead of having that 9 5,000 square feet. The commercial component that
10 condition, we've actually taken all of the parking 10 we have is 3,800, so you don't need parking for
11 and put it inside the building with green roofs, 11 the commercial component.
12 so it's a lot of water quality enhancement. You 12 So when you look at our demand, we
13 have a water quality improvement when you make 13 basically require 76 spaces of parking. And
14 these changes. So you not only get a reduction of 14 through the valet, stacked parking, the valeted
15 volume water and rate, you get an improvement in 15 system that's there, we're going to provide 147
16 water quality with a project such as this. 16 spaces. So we actually have a surplus of 71
17 Q. Okay. Thank you. 17 spaces above the R-3 requirements in regards to
18 A. In regards to water, there is the 18 our parking footprint.
19 ability to connect to a 16-inch main on Hoboken 19 Q. Right.
20 Avenue, which is in Jersey City. So we have 20 MR. VERDIBELLO: And what will be
21 availability of water relatively close for this 21 testified to later on by our parking expert is
22 project. 22 that it's, as we've made reference to, it's a
23 This was unique for Jersey City MUA as 23 valet system parking, which would be 24-hour
24 well. So when we submitted the plans, we actually 24 manned, but you'll hear testimony to that, so
25 had a meeting with them because they recognized 25 that's why we keep using that term.

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1 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 1 simple fact that there's an abundance of mass
2 Q. Is that it? 2 transit, as everyone knows. The Light Rail is
3 A. That's all I have from a civil 3 within walking distance. You can walk to the
4 engineering site perspective. 4 Second Street station in about five minutes from
5 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Very good. 5 this proposed project.
6 So we'll hear from your next expert. 6 The PATH down in Hoboken, it's about
7 MR. VERDIBELLO: Okay, thank you. 7 eight-tenths of a mile. A little long for walking
8 Our next expert is Dan DiSario of Langan 8 distance, but certainly within reason for someone
9 Engineering, who will give testimony as far as the 9 to walk from this project directly to the PATH to
10 traffic impact of the proposed project. 10 get into the city.
11 D A N I E L D I S A R I O, having 11 So I would respectfully submit to you
12 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as 12 that I anticipate most of the people that will
13 follows: 13 live in this proposed project will not rely on
14 THE WITNESS: For the record, my name is 14 owning a car to get around. I think a lot of
15 Dan, last name is DiSario, D-I-S-A-R-I O. 15 people that will live in this project won't even
16 DIRECT-EXAMINATION 16 own a car.
17 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 17 But having said that, we have estimated
18 Q. And, Mr. DiSario, briefly set forth for 18 how much traffic these 161 units that are proposed
19 the record your experience and whether or not 19 would generate based on published trip rates. I'm
20 you've testified before other land use boards. 20 sure the Board is familiar. The I.T.E., Institute
21 A. Certainly. Bachelor of science in civil 21 of Transportation Engineers, puts out a
22 engineering, Temple University. Master of 22 publication entitled "Trip Generation." It's in
23 science, transportation engineering, N.J.I.T. 23 its tenth edition and it's basically a collection
24 Licensed professional engineer, State of New 24 of data for various land uses throughout the
25 Jersey. I've been accepted as an expert in 25 country and then a culmination of trip rates that

Page 43 Page 45
1 traffic engineering before hundreds of boards 1 anyone can use to estimate how much traffic would
2 throughout New Jersey. 2 be generated for a particular use based on its
4 Thank you. We accept your qualifications. 4 So for a high-rise apartment building,
5 THE WITNESS: Thank you, Madame Chair. 5 which is Land Use Code 222, multi-family housing
6 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 6 high-rise, in that publication, the proposed 161
7 Q. Mr. DiSario, I know we've submitted, as 7 units would generate, during the morning peak
8 part of our application, a traffic statement for 8 hours, so one hour between 7 and 9 in the morning,
9 review by the Board, but if you could please take 9 eight trips coming in, 49 trips leaving the site,
10 the Board through the review that you've done of 10 for a total two-way traffic of 57 trips.
11 the project. 11 During the evening peak hour, so one
12 A. Certainly. I would start by 12 hour between 4 and 6 in the afternoon, using the
13 characterizing this project being consistent with 13 same trip rates, the proposed 161 units would be
14 what we've heard probably now for 20 years, 14 estimated to generate 41 vehicles coming in and 24
15 particularly in our state. Smart growth. Smart 15 vehicles exiting, for a total two-way traffic of
16 growth, smart growth, smart growth. Efficient use 16 65 trips.
17 of land when you're developing projects. 17 Now, many entities, including the New
18 A tenet of smart growth is to locate 18 Jersey Department of Transportation, consider any
19 people in close proximity to mass transit. The 19 use that generates less than 100 peak-hour trips
20 better and higher the density next to mass 20 as having an insignificant traffic impact.
21 transit, the less people rely on their personal 21 I will point out to you that next to
22 vehicles to get around, both to and from work, to 22 this site is the Hoboken Business Center. I would
23 and from shopping. 23 characterize the Hoboken Business Center as it
24 This project is consistent with smart 24 relates to a traffic generator to be very similar
25 planning and smart growth in our state for the 25 to what's proposed before you this evening. There

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1 were historical counts that were done back in 2011 1 significant and no one would be able to discern
2 of the Hoboken Business Center and that office 2 any noticeable difference between operations right
3 building right now generates about 65 trips two 3 now that occur surrounding the site versus
4 way, both in the morning peak hour and in the 4 operations in the future if the Board was --
5 evening peak hour. 5 granted approval and this applicant would build
6 If you go and travel the adjacent roads, 6 this proposed development, particularly as it
7 or walk them like I have, I would characterize 7 relates to the differential between how many units
8 traffic from the Hoboken Business Center as 8 are allowed, which is 91, versus how many units
9 basically being insignificant. If you drive along 9 the applicant is proposing, which is 161, for a
10 Observer Highway or if you drive down Harrison 10 net difference of 70 units.
11 Street, you do not even notice traffic that's 11 And with that, I conclude my testimony.
12 coming into or out of the parking lot that serves 12 Q. Okay. Thank you.
13 the Hoboken Business Center. 13 A. Thank you.
14 This proposed residential building is 14 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
15 similar in terms of its traffic and its estimated 15 MR. VERDIBELLO: Our next witness will
16 traffic to the current Hoboken Business Center. 16 be our professional planner. But before we get to
17 Now, I'll leave you with this as well. 17 our professional planner, we'll bring up our
18 The zoning contemplates residential on this piece 18 parking expert just to explain the valet parking
19 of property. And you'll hear from the planner 19 system for the Board.
20 shortly with his testimony. Right now the 20 L A N C E H O W A R D, having been
21 applicant's entitled to put a residential building 21 duly sworn, was examined and testified as
22 on this property that could, by zoning and by 22 follows:
23 right, have 91 units in it. 23 DIRECT-EXAMINATION
24 The applicant is proposing 161 units. 24 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
25 So there's a net difference of what's permitted by 25 Q. And, Mr. Howard, please state for the

Page 47 Page 49
1 right versus what's being proposed of 70 units. 1 record your occupation and your educational
2 Now, I think that's very important because really 2 experience.
3 we should be focusing on what that difference is 3 A. I'm the owner of Little Man Parking.
4 in terms of number of units and density, which the 4 We've been a public parking operator since 1999.
5 planner will testify to, as well as how much 5 I'm a graduate of the University of Michigan. Go
6 traffic would be associated with that difference. 6 Blue. And I currently operate the parking
7 So for 70 units, the traffic associated 7 facilities in Jersey City.
8 with that would be three trips coming in in the 8 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Very good.
9 morning, 22 trips exiting, for total two-way 9 Thank you.
10 traffic of 25. 10 THE WITNESS: In a addition to a total
11 Similarly, in the evening peak hour for 11 of 36 overall.
12 70 units, 18 trips would come in and 11 trips 12 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: We accept
13 would leave, for a total two-way traffic of 29 13 your qualifications as a parking expert.
14 trips. 14 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
15 That amount of additional traffic over 15 Q. Mr. Howard, we've used the term "valet
16 what's allowed equates to about one trip every two 16 parking" throughout this application. Could you
17 minutes during peak hours. If you just think 17 please explain for the Board what that means?
18 about that for a second and if we just sat here 18 A. Sure. In this context and in most of
19 and stayed quiet for two minutes, during that 19 the facilities that we do run is a valet
20 time, it would feel like an eternity, but one trip 20 operation. We would station an attendant, in this
21 would be generated by that difference in terms of 21 case, probably more than one, to accommodate 147
22 the additional 70 units that the applicant is 22 spaces that are proposed in this project. The
23 seeking. 23 customers would drive their vehicle into the
24 I would respectfully submit to you that 24 queuing section or reservoir on the main floor.
25 that level of traffic increase even more so is not 25 We would collect the car there, bring it up onto

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1 the elevator and park it in the upper floors and 1 prequalify Mr. Kolling.
2 then retrieve it when the customer returns to 2 MR. VERDIBELLO: I didn't want him to
3 check out. 3 feel different.
4 Typically in valet situations, we use 4 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: I know. I
5 revenue control equipment that allows customers to 5 know, but he's appeared before the Board many
6 text ahead for their car. That increases the 6 times and we accept his qualifications.
7 efficiencies of both parking and retrieving the 7 MR. VERDIBELLO: Thank you.
8 vehicles and minimizing queue times. 8 THE WITNESS: Thank you.
9 Q. And in a valet parking system, does the 9 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
10 individual vehicle owner park his or her own car, 10 Proceed.
11 or is that done by your operation? 11 DIRECT-EXAMINATION
12 A. It's done by the professional parking 12 BY MR. VERDIBELLO:
13 attendant. We park all the cars. Particularly in 13 Q. Mr. Kolling, if you could just explain
14 this application, there's a lift system, so all 14 for the Board the planning rationale for the
15 vehicles will be driven and parked by our parking 15 variances that we're asking for this evening.
16 attendants. 16 A. I'm going to reiterate a few points.
17 Q. And with a valet parking system, does 17 I'll try to keep it brief. The property is at the
18 that allow you -- would it be fair to say that 18 corner of Harrison Street and Hoboken Avenue. It
19 that allows you, as the operator, to utilize the 19 is right at the edge of Jersey City there. Many
20 parking format to accommodate, if there should, 20 people think that it is in Hoboken. As a matter
21 for instance, be a peak in demand or a spike in 21 of fact, Cal's Hot Dog stand that's right there
22 demand, as far as where to position the new cars? 22 says "The Best Hot Dogs in Hoboken," so there you
23 A. Absolutely. We staff the facilities 23 go.
24 based upon the traffic flows. We're currently 24 The property is a large site. It's
25 operating the parking facility on the site, so 25 27,500 square feet. That's over .63 acres. It's

Page 51 Page 53
1 we're familiar with the traffic flow that's 1 crescent shaped. It's very irregular. It's long,
2 currently there, as well as several other 2 it's narrow. But it does have 80 feet of frontage
3 facilities in Jersey City. And we typically 3 on Harrison Street. So although it appears to be
4 park -- or the normal standard operating procedure 4 a narrow strip, it really is 80 feet, which is not
5 would be we request from the customer parking when 5 insubstantial. It is a pretty good distance along
6 they plan on returning. We park the cars within 6 the street to accommodate access, both pedestrian
7 the facility in the order that they're checking 7 and vehicular.
8 out. So the cars leaving the shortest period of 8 The current use is a parking lot.
9 time are up front; the cars leaving the later 9 That's nonconforming. It's not permitted by the
10 times are parked farther back. This creates 10 zoning. It's a preexisting nonconforming use.
11 greater efficiency for check in/check out times. 11 As was mentioned, the site has a heavy
12 Q. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Howard. I have no 12 rail line to the south leading to the Lackawanna
13 further direct questions. 13 Terminal. The Light Rail is to the west, as well
14 A. Thank you. 14 as other railroad property.
15 MR. VERDIBELLO: We'll bring up our next 15 The pedestrian way, there's a
16 witness, Ed Kolling, our professional planner. 16 bike/pedestrian way that New Jersey Transit built
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you. 17 along the edge of this property. It leads to the
18 E D W A R D K O L L I N G, having 18 Second Street station, which is a very convenient
19 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as 19 way of accessing that station.
20 follows: 20 To the north is the Hoboken Business
21 DIRECT-EXAMINATION 21 Center and to the east is an industrial building.
22 BY MR. VERDIBELLO: 22 Both of those buildings are in Hoboken.
23 Q. And, Mr. Kolling, if you could just 23 That area of Hoboken is now within
24 state for the record your -- 24 what's called the Southwest Redevelopment Area and
25 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: No need to 25 that permits a mixture of uses, mostly commercial

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1 and office and some industrial uses, but it also 1 parking in between.
2 does permit residential units. 2 The variances, we're looking at a D-1
3 In fact, on the property adjacent to 3 use variance, but it's really more akin to, say,
4 this within Hoboken, there's a suggestion or a 4 the D-5 and D-6, density and height because the
5 recommendation within the redevelopment plan of a 5 difference between the building proposed and the
6 structure of a 500-car parking garage and the 6 building that's permitted is simply a matter of
7 ability to put residential units on top of that 7 density and height. Other than that, the uses are
8 and retail uses in the bottom. So that would be 8 essentially the same.
9 not dissimilar to what we're proposing. I think 9 The "C" variances typically are subsumed
10 that's important in terms of the consistency not 10 within the use variance, but I think what you
11 just with Jersey City development, but with 11 really need to look at here is the extremely
12 Hoboken development. 12 irregular shape, the unusual shape of this
13 As I mentioned, the zoning is R-3. It 13 property, which would result in hardships in
14 permits multi-family, multi-story housing, as well 14 trying to comply. That, combined with the
15 as ground-floor commercial and new construction on 15 topography, meaning that it's in the flood hazard
16 corner lots, which this is. The lot is at the 16 area, would also have it be impactful.
17 corner of Harrison Street and Hoboken Avenue and 17 So I think, going to the proofs, this
18 parking is a permitted accessory use, as are the 18 subject property is particularly well-suited for
19 recreational facilities that are related with the 19 this type of high-rise development, including the
20 residential development. 20 additional density and additional height. The
21 In terms of zoning, the property is also 21 property is less than a quarter mile to the Second
22 within the Palisades Preservation Overlay 22 Street Light Rail, as the traffic engineer
23 District, PPOD. However, it is located over 450 23 discussed. It's actually immediately adjacent to
24 feet. It is located, in fact, over 500 feet from 24 the walkway that leads you directly to that Light
25 the cliff face even at the closest point, which 25 Rail station.

Page 55 Page 57
1 literally is a point. The rear lot line is 1 It's a large site. It's 27,500. So
2 actually just a rear lot. 2 larger sites can accommodate more height and more
3 So the height restrictions that would 3 density more easily because of the efficiencies of
4 typically limit development closer to the 4 the site.
5 Palisades do not apply to this property. And 5 And it's actually even 5,000 square feet
6 speaking about the uniqueness of this property, in 6 larger than the largest lot classification under
7 fact, this is the only property in that area that 7 the R-3, which permits the 145 units per acre.
8 it doesn't apply to. It's far enough away because 8 The property is also unique within the
9 of the odd shape of the way Jersey City's property 9 R-3 district. This property, along with other
10 line with Hoboken bends in that location. 10 properties in the surrounding area within the R-3
11 In terms of the master plan, the 11 zone, and as was designated in the master plan,
12 property is also designated for R-3 district 12 however, again, this property is the only property
13 development as per the 2000 master plan. 13 that is entirely beyond the 450-foot limit, which
14 Now, the proposed development, I won't 14 triggers the height limitations.
15 go through that in much detail, but you've heard 15 As such, I believe the approval for the
16 that from the architect, the a number of units, 16 additional height for this property is not
17 the number of parking spaces. There will also be 17 contrary to the intent and purpose of the Palisade
18 a green roof included in this. There'll be 18 Preservation Overlay District, nor to the intent
19 charging stations, six charging stations on the 19 and purpose of the zone plan in general, nor is
20 parking level. There's bike sharing. So the 20 the additional density because of the proximity to
21 building is a green building in that regard. 21 mass transportation.
22 The parking is compliant with the R-3 22 The property, as I said, rather long, is
23 standards and, in fact, exceeds it. Essentially 23 crescent shaped on the southern property line. It
24 this is a nine-story residential building over 24 bends to the west from Harrison Street and the
25 ground-floor commercial with three levels of 25 other property line is a straight line along the

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1 Hoboken borderline. It has 80 feet of frontage, 1 A. Thank you. 700 Grove Street. That's 13
2 but it has no real rear yard. It comes to a 2 stories. So this building is not out of scale or
3 point. So, again, that's difficult in trying to 3 out of character.
4 apply, say, rear yard standards or something along 4 So, therefore, granting the height
5 those lines. 5 variance also would not be a substantial detriment
6 Again, just to the south is the elevated 6 to the character of the area.
7 tracks of the Lackawanna railroad. I mean, these 7 Also, now we have to look at the
8 will have an impact on the property. And as the 8 positive criteria and I think that there are
9 architect mentioned, I think it's important for 9 positive impacts and improvements to this area.
10 this building to be somewhat lifted above that, 10 The project provides improvements along the
11 which accounts for somewhat of the height and the 11 existing pedestrian/bicycle path to enhance the
12 amount of parking we're able to provide. And the 12 pedestrian environment.
13 tracks actually create a formidable barrier in 13 We propose removing the fencing, adding
14 this location. 14 landscaping, creating a more desirable or
15 When you move to the west of this 15 aesthetic edge, activating it with the commercial
16 property, beyond the bike lane, there's a 16 use that's being proposed. I think these are all
17 stormwater detention area that's owned by New 17 positives, creating more eyes on the street,
18 Jersey Transit. There's -- it's over 1.9 acres in 18 creating and enhancing pedestrian and bicycling
19 area. The Light Rail line is also adjacent to 19 safety.
20 that. There's also some private property. And 20 The project promotes a lot of additional
21 then -- before we can even get to the Palisades. 21 green development techniques, green roof, the
22 So it's pretty remote from the Palisades when you 22 charging stations, high-efficiency equipment and
23 look at it from the position of being across the 23 appliances, low-volt fixtures.
24 Light Rail station, where the Light Rail tracks 24 These are all things that are also a
25 are starting, this detention basin, portions of 25 public benefit or beneficial.

Page 59 Page 61
1 New York Avenue, which bend as they come up and go 1 Also, the improvements to the drainage
2 up under Palisade Avenue and then into the 2 and stormwater systems that the engineer has
3 Heights. 3 discussed.
4 So I think that it's demonstrated that 4 So the project also advances the
5 the property's well-suited to accommodate the 5 purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law. The
6 added density and height without detrimental 6 approval of the proposed development will be a
7 impact because of the proximity to public 7 municipal action that will guide the appropriate
8 transportation, the property's large area, the 8 use of the property as a high-rise multi-family
9 property's location, isolated from other 9 building. Multi-story multi-family buildings are
10 properties, and specially from the Palisade cliff. 10 already a permitted use in the zone and the
11 So the development of a 13-story building would 11 subject property is particularly suited to
12 not be out of character. It would not cause any 12 accommodate the additional height, the additional
13 detriment. 13 density.
14 It was also already discussed that there 14 The proposed development will remove a
15 are other buildings within the area that are 15 nonconforming use, which brings the site into
16 roughly this distance from the Palisades or 16 better conformance with the zone plan. That's a
17 further, a 17-story building in Hoboken to the 17 promotion of public good as well.
18 north. Jersey Avenue Redevelopment Plan to the 18 And, therefore, the development -- or
19 south permits buildings that are 20, 25, 26 19 the approval of the development will promote the
20 stories. To the east, existing buildings, the 20 public safety and general welfare consistent with
21 Hoboken Grand is 15 stories. I can't remember the 21 N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2(a).
22 name of the building, but I believe it was 22 I also believe that the approval of the
23 constructed by Toll Brothers on the Jersey City 23 proposed project promotes the establishment of
24 border in Jersey City. 24 appropriate population density. Notwithstanding
25 Q. 700 Grove. 25 the fact that we are asking for a density

16 (Pages 58 to 61)

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1 variance, this site is particularly well-suited 1 In fact, I think that it would promote
2 for the added density given its proximity to the 2 the public good and general welfare through the
3 Light Rail. And actually, as the traffic engineer 3 removal of the surface parking area, the use of
4 mentioned, it's about a three-quarter-of-a-mile 4 green development techniques, the improvements to
5 walk to the station, Hoboken station, which has 5 the public walkway and bike way, and the
6 multiple forms of transportation there. It's not 6 improvements to the stormwater detention.
7 within the typical half-mile radius that you look 7 Also, there'd be no substantial
8 for, but it is a direct walk. And at least on a 8 detriment to the intent and purpose of the zone
9 pleasant day, it's not a bad walk at all. So I 9 plan. Again, the property's already zoned for
10 think that promotes N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2(e). 10 multi-story multi-family development. The
11 Also promotes a desirable visual 11 incremental difference is not that significant in
12 environment. I think it's a very attractive 12 terms of the height.
13 building, especially since it's replacing what's 13 I think the height is also a result in
14 basically a surface parking lot. And that's 14 terms of being able to accommodate the adjacent
15 subparagraph 2(i). 15 heavy rail line that's there. It's also necessary
16 And also the granting of the variances 16 in terms of the soil conditions that are there and
17 promotes the conservation of energy resources, 17 being able to address those. And I don't think
18 valuable natural resources and the prevention of 18 that the additional height or density is a
19 urban sprawl through green development techniques 19 substantial detriment to the zone plan, again,
20 and its location near mass transit, which is 20 because this site is unique. The rest of the R-3
21 subparagraph 2(j). 21 zone is in much closer proximity to the Palisades
22 I'd also mention that one of the 22 and this property is not. It has the ability of
23 purposes of the Municipal Land Use Law is to 23 being developed more along the lines of the
24 ensure that the development of individual 24 high-rise development.
25 municipalities do not conflict with the general 25 And in terms of the "C" or bulk

Page 63 Page 65
1 welfare of neighboring municipalities. And in 1 variances, again, I think they can be wrapped up
2 that regard, you have to look at the Southwest 2 under the C-1 criteria, specifically about the
3 Redevelopment Plan. The Southwest Redevelopment 3 hardship that's caused by the topography given the
4 Plan on the immediately adjacent property would 4 flood hazard area, but also the shape of the
5 allow for structured parking. It would allow for 5 property. It's very unusual and irregularly
6 ground-floor commercial. It would allow for 6 shaped, the difficulty, therefore, in developing
7 residential above. So it's not dissimilar 7 this in a standard or typical matter.
8 whatsoever in terms of the types of uses that 8 But also, you can look at it from the
9 would be permitted. And, therefore, this project 9 perspective of the C-2. That, in this case, the
10 is not inconsistent with the development pattern 10 improvements that this building will make over the
11 of the adjoining municipality. 11 existing conditions are substantial and they far
12 I think that demonstrates that the 12 outweigh any minor detriments that would result
13 property, proposed development, meets the positive 13 from the granting of this development approval.
14 criteria, provides substantial public benefits, 14 So I believe that we've met the positive
15 promotes the purposes of the Municipal Land Use 15 and negative criteria for the D-1 or, in the
16 Law, promotes the intent and purpose of the zone 16 alternative, the D-5 and D-6 variances because I
17 plan. And I think, therefore, we meet that 17 think they're really one and the same. And also
18 positive criteria. 18 in terms of supporting the "C" variances under
19 Given the testimony of the traffic 19 both the C-1 and C-2.
20 engineer about the detriments of traffic and how 20 MR. VERDIBELLO: Okay. That concludes
21 limited they are, given the testimony of the civil 21 our direct testimony. We'll now open it up to any
22 engineer, who discussed the improvements to the 22 questions that the Board may have.
23 drainage system, the granting of the variance 23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Yeah. And
24 would also not result in a substantial detriment 24 I think Mr. Kolling can probably stay up because I
25 to the public good and general welfare. 25 know at least I have a few. But let's talk about

17 (Pages 62 to 65)

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1 how we'll proceed. I think we'll first allow for 1 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: I think you
2 the commissioners to pose questions to the 2 misunderstood my question and I probably
3 witnesses. Then we will open it up for questions 3 misphrased it. But, in my view, that area is
4 for the expert witnesses to the public. 4 zoned for mid-level rise because there is a
5 This is not your chance to opine and 5 respect and an understanding of what they were
6 enter comments into the record. That will come 6 trying to accomplish with the PPOD itself.
7 later, after we hear from staff. So this is an 7 And you will see, if you're looking at
8 opportunity to ask pointed questions to the 8 our viewsheds from the Heights, that there are
9 applicant's experts. Okay? Very good. 9 higher buildings and higher density permitted
10 Although I'm going to ask some 10 closer to the river. The reason for that is to
11 questions. I get all the time I want. All right. 11 protect the viewsheds.
12 So, Mr. Kolling, in talking about how 12 So I am asking you, as a professional
13 there are other, you know, high-rise and dense 13 planner, how do you reconcile that?
14 buildings in that area, you also mentioned the 14 THE WITNESS: I have to repeat my
15 large building at Marshall Street in Hoboken. 15 answer. I'm reconciling it that it's not -- when
16 Are you aware of the history of kind of 16 the PPOD was created, it also had a recognition of
17 the zoning battles regarding the PPOD ordinance at 17 how far away the height limitations would apply.
18 Marshall Street? 18 The number that's in there is 450 feet. This is
19 THE WITNESS: For that particular 19 beyond that.
20 building? 20 It's not dissimilar to how, when you
21 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Yes. 21 just go a little bit further south in Jersey City,
22 THE WITNESS: I don't know the 22 there are portions of the Jersey Avenue
23 particulars of its initial approval. Sometime 23 Redevelopment Plan where the PPOD applies. And
24 after that, I did get involved with the person who 24 where the line goes through, just on the other
25 fought the approval and was constructing it. But 25 side of that, you're able to construct buildings

Page 67 Page 69
1 I don't know what happened during the history of 1 that are 18, 20, 25 stories tall.
2 its approval. 2 This would be an analogous situation.
3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. So 3 We're just on the other side of that 450-foot
4 that building was constructed in violation of the 4 line, maybe 50 or 60 feet further from the nearest
5 PPOD variance. People from the Jersey City 5 point, and, therefore, it would be a similar sort
6 Heights, residents, I was among them, you know, 6 of situation. So this property I think can be
7 filed suit opposing that. 7 reconciled in that given its distance from the
8 And the judge said, "You know what, 8 cliff face.
9 residents? You guys are absolutely right. But 9 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. I
10 the building's up already. The developer wins." 10 respectfully disagree, but thank you for the
11 So that's not exactly the best example 11 explanation.
12 to use when we're dealing with height 12 Are you an advocate of smart growth?
13 discrepancies. So that said, and just 13 THE WITNESS: Yes.
14 understanding how this is supposed to work, how do 14 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: So you're
15 you reconcile increasing the height over mid-rise 15 having a smart growth plan. Why do we have so
16 level when that zoning -- that zoning plan was 16 many parking spots in this building?
17 actually something that was considered and 17 THE WITNESS: This area, because it's
18 deliberated about when they came up with the PPOD 18 immediately adjacent to Hoboken, there are not a
19 ordinance. How do you reconcile those things? 19 lot of alternative parking locations. Other areas
20 THE WITNESS: Well, it's unique within 20 where you're part of, say, the physical grid of
21 the PPOD. It's unique within the R-3. It is not 21 Jersey City, you would have an alternative
22 within the dimensional limitations that trigger 22 location, say, for visitors or persons that might
23 the height limitations. It's beyond that and, 23 have cars or an extra car, where you would
24 therefore, I think that this property can be 24 compete, like everybody else does, with on-street
25 looked at a little differently. 25 parking.

18 (Pages 66 to 69)

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1 But in this case, because of its 1 THE WITNESS: I have a theory. I don't
2 isolation, there's no ability to park on, say, New 2 know if it's correct, but I have a theory. You've
3 York Avenue, which is the extension of Observer 3 probably heard this a lot of times. In the
4 Highway, there's no opportunity to park on Newark 4 distant past, I was a draftsman. I was a planning
5 Street or Hoboken Avenue where it turns -- where 5 draftsman in the planning office here. I didn't
6 New York Avenue -- where Newark Street turns into 6 draw that line. But my theory would be that if
7 Hoboken Avenue. 7 they were following the boundary line of the city,
8 So because of that lack of on-street 8 between Hoboken and Jersey City, they simply
9 alternative, they would like to do the additional 9 continued along that line and then, when they hit
10 parking. Also to accommodate some amount of the 10 the heavy rail, you can see how it works. I don't
11 parking that might be required by the commercial 11 have it here. But if you look at it, it kind of
12 development on the ground floor. They'd love to 12 curves around with the boundary and then, when it
13 be able to attract something that has some 13 hits the heavy rail line, it just shoots right
14 activity and that would activate the walkway. 14 back.
15 And, therefore, they would like to have the 15 It might have been more logical to
16 ability to provide that parking. 16 follow the rail line that ran more parallel to the
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: But this 17 Palisade because that rail line is approximately
18 plan boasts that it has in excess of parking 18 450 feet distance from the Palisade. It probably
19 spaces. You know, like 71 extra parking spaces or 19 would have made more sense, more logically to
20 something like that. I'm trying to reconcile that 20 follow the Light Rail line, although the Light
21 with the smart growth principles that everybody's 21 Rail at that time didn't exist. It was planned
22 so concerned about. 22 and its right-of-way was anticipated, but it
23 THE WITNESS: It's 71 spaces over what 23 didn't really exist at that time, although there
24 the minimum is and this zone has a minimum parking 24 always had been a freight line along there. A
25 requirement. It doesn't have a maximum, so you 25 hundred years. And it would have made more sense

Page 71 Page 73
1 could have others. 1 to follow that, but they didn't. The draftsman
2 We have 161 units; we have 147 spaces. 2 must have just followed the municipal boundary.
3 So it is less than a one-to-one ratio. And there 3 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Okay.
4 are the commercial opportunities on the ground 4 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Does
5 floor that would probably have some parking demand 5 anybody else from the Board have questions for any
6 as well. 6 of the other expert witnesses?
7 So I don't think that it's necessarily 7 BOARD MEMBER SHEDEED: Actually, I have
8 overparked, but, again, given its isolation from 8 a question of staff. Should I ask now?
9 streets that can accommodate any overflow, the 9 As far as the number, this is the
10 developer thought that it would be better to 10 highest and the largest project that we've ever
11 provide additional parking over the minimum. 11 seen in the Zoning Board and I assume that this
12 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: But isn't 12 size of a project should be going to the Planning
13 the easy access to public transportation supposed 13 Board.
14 to be one of the reasons that justifies the 14 Is there any reason why the Planning
15 density? 15 Board didn't see it and it comes here?
16 THE WITNESS: Yes. 16 MS. MARIONE: So I guess the simpler
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you. 17 answer is that we probably don't see many
18 Does anybody else on the Board have a 18 variances in the R-3 zone, which is just a higher
19 question for Mr. Kolling? 19 and a higher density zone. So that might not be
20 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I guess we would 20 necessarily why we're that familiar with seeing a
21 call it from high school a rhetorical question. 21 building that's 13 or 15 stories.
22 Why would they put this piece of property in the 22 But the zone already permits eight
23 overlay zone, but come up with this rule that it's 23 stories. So to go up to -- I thought it was 13 --
24 454 feet instead of 400 feet, so it's exempt from 24 14? Total 14? I thought I wrote 14.
25 the other rules of the overlay zone? 25 MR. VERDIBELLO: The R-3?

19 (Pages 70 to 73)

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1 MS. MARIONE: No, no, no. The proposal. 1 discussions with the administration for what would
2 THE WITNESS: The proposal is 13 2 be potentially an appropriate contribution to the
3 stories. The first floor is commercial, three 3 Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
4 levels of parking, and then nine floors of 4 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: That would
5 residential. So it's 13. 5 certainly enhance my view of the positive
6 MS. MARIONE: The deviation is small 6 criteria.
7 enough to be considered at the Zoning Board. And 7 MR. VERDIBELLO: Even though, again,
8 it couldn't go to the Planning Board, right, 8 since we're in strict zoning, we can't get an
9 because it's a height and a use variance and a 9 abatement, which usually also triggers it, we have
10 density variance and the Planning Board has no 10 volunteered it because of the nature of this, and,
11 jurisdiction over that regardless. But I have a 11 again, to use that word that I mentioned at the
12 feeling that's not what you were asking, right? 12 beginning, because of the uniqueness of the
13 BOARD MEMBER SHEDEED: I guess, yes. 13 project, we have initiated those conversations
14 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: Actually, I have a 14 with the administration.
15 second question for the staff and maybe you guys 15 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: My question was
16 know. I've read somewhere that they're also 16 there's a possibility that it will have affordable
17 considering doing an ordinance where certain 17 housing?
18 height or certain apartments -- certain number of 18 MR. VERDIBELLO: Not on site. We will
19 apartments is going to trigger for you to 19 make contributions to the Affordable Housing Trust
20 mandatorily put in affordable housing. 20 Fund.
21 Now, we're not voting on this tonight 21 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: Second question.
22 and if they pass that at the next meeting, is that 22 I'm not sure if this is more for the architect.
23 going to have an effect on this? I don't know 23 Why are there so many studio apartments as opposed
24 what the number is. I know a number's going to be 24 to -- because I would think you would want to have
25 put out there. But this is big enough where I 25 families coming in there, but maybe to welcome --

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1 think it may trigger that ordinance if it comes to 1 I'm not sure what the dynamic is. I'm just
2 pass. 2 curious to that larger number.
3 I guess that's a staff question. 3 MR. WALKER: I'm sorry, the question
4 MS. MARIONE: I assume no because it's 4 again was?
5 getting its approvals before any ordinance would 5 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: How many were
6 go into effect. 6 studios? I thought I heard it was -- two bedrooms
7 MR. VERDIBELLO: There's something 7 were like a very low number, wasn't it?
8 called a time of decision rule. And the time of 8 MR. WALKER: Sure. Let me just
9 decision rule is the law that's in effect at the 9 reference you back to the right exhibit. The mix,
10 time of the application and the hearing is the law 10 just for easy reference, is shown on a chart on
11 that applies to the application. 11 A-100. And it's 36 studios, 99 one-bedrooms, and
12 So if there's a later passed law, it 12 26 two-bedrooms. 99 one-bedrooms and 26
13 will not apply retroactively. 13 two-bedrooms.
14 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: It's almost like 14 And just to respond to the question
15 being grandfathered. 15 about the mix, in particular, one of the things
16 MR. VERDIBELLO: Correct, in a manner of 16 that I was talking about earlier in my testimony,
17 speaking. 17 and we'll go to -- if you take a look at A-202,
18 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: That brings me to 18 you can see a typical unit layout. One of the
19 another question. Why wasn't affordable housing 19 challenges with this property is because of the
20 considered? 20 geometry of the property, we really are limited in
21 MR. VERDIBELLO: We have been in 21 terms of the way to create efficiencies in the
22 discussion with the City administration for making 22 building. So we're trying to take advantage of
23 affordable housing contributions. Affordable 23 the curve to the extent possible and still create
24 housing is not required on site as part of the R-3 24 a relatively efficient apartment building.
25 zoning, but we have voluntarily initiated 25 So once you get into the taper of the

20 (Pages 74 to 77)

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1 curve, it becomes more challenging to create 1 architect. Thank you.
2 efficient apartments overall. So we do have two 2 MR. WALKER: Sure.
3 bedrooms on the ends and are taking advantage of 3 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: First of all, the
4 that. But then we also have a few kind of sliver 4 lobby area, is that elevated above the flood zone?
5 areas where we've included some studio apartments. 5 MR. WALKER: No, it's not. If I
6 So that's really what's driving the mix. 6 reference back -- referencing back to A-201, the
7 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: Why were there 99 7 residential lobby area is the one area that would
8 one-bedrooms in the mix I was wondering, but that 8 be within the flood zone from an elevation
9 was my question. Because it still seems like a 9 standpoint. Again, we're trying to create an
10 very high number, 99, for it to be, like, just 10 accessible access point for everybody coming in.
11 based on the curve. 11 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Well, in a flood,
12 MR. WALKER: Well, again, it's based on 12 it's not going to be very accessible.
13 what the developer is intending in terms of the 13 MR. WALKER: Understood, but we do need
14 target market. So thinking about the target 14 to create access to get in and then up to the
15 market of where we're at in this area in Jersey 15 elevators and up and out. So it is just this
16 City and looking for young professionals moving in 16 first space that is in the lower level.
17 and looking for opportunities to, again -- we're 17 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: And that's okay?
18 looking to activate this whole neighborhood 18 It doesn't have to be elevated?
19 really. One of the things that's a little bit 19 THE WITNESS: No, it would be designed
20 challenging about this property overall is that 20 with flood-proofing elements to it.
21 there aren't a lot of other adjacent properties 21 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: So the lobby is
22 that really activate those few blocks that are 22 here and then the parking entrance is right next
23 still Jersey City there. So we're looking to 23 to it.
24 create a new mix of people coming in. 24 MR. WALKER: Yes.
25 BOARD MEMBER GUZMAN: So you did, like, 25 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: To protect from

Page 79 Page 81
1 market research and you saw there was a need for 1 bad weather, is there any hangover so if you get
2 one-bedrooms? 2 out of your car and turn it over to the valet, you
3 MR. WALKER: I did not personally, but 3 can get into the building without getting rained
4 our developer did. 4 on or snowed on?
5 MR. VERDIBELLO: Again, just keeping in 5 MR. WALKER: So the queuing zone that we
6 context of the proximity, being right next to the 6 have here, which is 125 feet deep before you get
7 Hoboken Business Center, part of the thought 7 to the ramp, is completely covered. You're under
8 process was to complement the Hoboken Business 8 the building at that point.
9 Center, which is not what I would refer to as a 9 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: So you can access
10 traditional office building. It has a lot of 10 from the queuing zone, not from the front door?
11 smaller office units, micro office units. 11 MR. WALKER: Correct. So the intent
12 The idea is to move into the market 12 there is that you could get from the residential
13 which already exists there, perhaps enhance it, 13 lobby back and forth to the queuing zone.
14 where you have individual businesspeople that have 14 We also have a rear vestibule here,
15 small start-ups or smaller businesses and they 15 which this is important to note as well. I should
16 don't necessarily need large apartments to live. 16 have talked about this earlier. This is an area
17 They want to be on site. We don't have live/work 17 for -- in the loading area. This is an area
18 units, but we thought, you know, something that's 18 where, let's say you're coming home with groceries
19 akin to that would be to complement the smaller 19 or things like that. You could drive all the way
20 office setting with units that the people 20 up to the loading zone, unpack your car, and then
21 practicing at Hoboken Business Center could also 21 have the valet take it from there. And there's an
22 utilize. 22 elevator up to the residential floors from that
23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. 23 point. So there are multiple points which would
24 Further questions from the Board? 24 be protected.

21 (Pages 78 to 81)

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1 queuing zone, where will the valets be? Will you 1 So that's really what our starting point
2 have to drive all the way to the back, or will 2 was, was saying we want to get up above that.
3 they be near the front door? 3 You'll notice on the elevation right now, that
4 MR. WALKER: I think that's an 4 we're at about 50 feet. I think it's 50 foot 2
5 operational question that we should probably have 5 inches from the street.
6 the -- 6 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Right.
7 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Before we get to 7 MR. WALKER: That datum is something
8 that, I have another question. 8 that is really consistent with what we see in
9 MR. WALKER: Sure. 9 Hoboken as you move north of this site in terms of
10 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: To go back to the 10 similar building types. And so that was part of
11 issue of height, you're providing an excess of 11 the design element here as well.
12 parking spaces and some people have a height 12 So while I respect the question, I think
13 issue. So what happens to the project if you 13 the real intent here was to separate the
14 exchange the top floor of parking for another 14 residential use from that rail line because we see
15 floor of residents and lower the building by that 15 it as a negative impact. And since we have that
16 one floor? 16 space available, to take advantage of it for
17 MR. WALKER: So let me just be clear 17 additional parking. So that's the logic behind
18 about a couple of things. One, in terms of 18 it.
19 parking, let's just talk about that, to play out 19 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Can I ask a
20 your logic for a second -- 20 follow-up to that?
21 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I don't know if 21 MR. WALKER: Sure.
22 there is logic to that. 22 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Again, there
23 MR. WALKER: Okay. Just to play it out 23 might not be logic to it. Could you attenuate
24 again, to be fair, if you removed an entire floor, 24 that issue by using some sort of wall like you see
25 you would be removing 49 parking spaces overall. 25 on the highways, you put these walls up so the

Page 83 Page 85
1 So that's what we're talking about right there. 1 houses in the back don't get the noise? I mean,
2 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Okay. 2 you've got some very creative things going on. I
3 MR. WALKER: Okay? So in terms of the 3 mean, there might be people that move from
4 height, though, the key note that I'll reference 4 Bushwick and Bed-Stuy where the Broadway line runs
5 you to -- one of the key issues for us, again, I'm 5 right by the second floor of all those buildings,
6 going to reference back to A-206. 6 they might be attracted to this. But let's say
7 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I have it. 7 they're not. Is there another way to attenuate it
8 MR. WALKER: So on A-206, as a note 8 that would allow you to reduce the height of the
9 here, we're showing in elevation the Jersey 9 building, but not lose the number of residential
10 Transit elevated heavy rail line. And we gave you 10 units?
11 dimensions here of 32 feet for the train as it's 11 MR. WALKER: I think there may be other
12 traveling by. 12 approaches that we could look at, but I wouldn't
13 The thing to keep in mind is that from 13 want to offer to remove a layer of parking in
14 an acoustic and a lighting perspective, as anybody 14 order to achieve that in terms of creating some
15 knows who lives near a highway, you're not just 15 kind of a sound barrier or some kind of other
16 getting the sound and light, you know, on a 16 element.
17 straight-line horizontal approach. You're getting 17 The other thing to keep in mind here is
18 it actually in an array. 18 that we are having ongoing conversation with New
19 And so the concern here is that with 19 Jersey Transit about our approach to the
20 this proximity, when you actually take an array 20 pedestrian walkway. We can certainly explore
21 from that, if you were actually lowering down 21 things with them related to that, but we're at the
22 another story, that story of residences would be 22 edge of our property here. So we have some
23 negatively impacted by the rail going by every 23 limitations in terms of what we're able to
24 day. You would have light from that and you would 24 achieve, but, respectfully, we could look into it.
25 have sound from that as you go by. 25 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Okay. Thank you.

22 (Pages 82 to 85)

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1 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Anyone else 1 Jersey City.
2 from the Board? 2 And when these really take effect is
3 COMMISSIONER VILARDO: I have a quick 3 when you have rainfall events. Unfortunately, in
4 question. Is it correct to say that the lobby 4 this area, since it's low elevation, sometimes you
5 will not flood based on the better infrastructure 5 have tidal events that occur and, therefore,
6 that has to come from sewage when you build this? 6 that's where -- the 100-year flood elevation at 10
7 So even though the lobby is -- 7 is when you have a tidal event, and that's a
8 MR. WALKER: I would love to say that, 8 situation there where there's no stormwater
9 but knowing the realities of the climate change 9 solution to something. A big, major tidal event.
10 that we're living in, I don't think I can 10 And that's why we have flood-proofing
11 guarantee that with a straight face. The reality 11 measures. This project will be required to get
12 is that the lower-level lobby is designed for 12 NJDEP flood hazard approval for all the
13 access and needs to be ADA accessible and is 13 flood-proofing measures. And that's why we have
14 really intended to align with the sidewalk and 14 our finished floor 1 foot above the 100-year flood
15 street frontage. 15 elevation. So there's a whole State review
16 If the sidewalk floods, we will have a 16 process that we would go through if this project
17 flood-proofing plan related to it which may 17 was to receive approval as well.
18 consist of some secondary barriers that would be 18 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
19 installed based on a flooding event, but I can't 19 That was helpful.
20 say that it would not ever flood. That would be 20 With regard to the potential connection
21 unrealistic. 21 to the Jersey City MUA combined stormwater system,
22 COMMISSIONER VILARDO: Thank you. 22 if that system gets filled up in a storm event,
23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: And as I 23 where does the water go?
24 recall, that parking lot flooded and flooded badly 24 MR. BALLOU: It would respond as every
25 during Sandy. It's a taxicab parking lot and all 25 other place in the same scenario does. You know

Page 87 Page 89
1 the taxis, all their horns started honking at the 1 what I mean? This is not really going to change
2 same time. 2 the way the operations those systems do today.
3 MR. WALKER: Let me just highlight one 3 They'll function very, very well up to a certain
4 other thing about this. To be clear about it, we 4 limit or a tidal event, and then they will fail.
5 are putting in stormwater detention. We are 5 So this project won't influence or change that
6 installing a green roof. We are putting in 6 scenario that occurs.
7 mitigating factors that will certainly improve the 7 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: I guess
8 situation. But in a major storm event, it's 8 what I'm getting at is that you were positing that
9 difficult even with those mitigating factors. 9 it's great that we're able to connect to the
10 COMMISSIONER VILARDO: Understood. 10 Jersey City system, but since the Jersey City
11 Thank you. 11 system is combined, that means there's a higher
12 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: So I 12 likelihood that we'll be flooding Jersey City
13 actually have questions for Mr. Ballou while we're 13 instead of Hoboken, not that I don't love my
14 on the stormwater topic. So how much stormwater 14 neighbors in Hoboken.
15 retention capacity is proposed here and how does 15 MR. BALLOU: I understand.
16 it work and connect into the Jersey City combined 16 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: But I'd
17 system? 17 rather, you know, flood them than us.
18 MR. BALLOU: Understood. So we have a 18 MR. BALLOU: Understood. And also, too,
19 stormwater chamber system that's underneath that 19 Jersey City MUA is going through a plan now to
20 drive. So what is required in Jersey City 20 actually upgrade it, increase the capacity of
21 projects, we have to reduce down to the 2 year, 21 their system. I think the preliminary plans were
22 needs to be 50 percent less than the original, and 22 box culverts. So our design could be easily
23 then 75 and then 80 percent. 23 incorporated into that design to accommodate the
24 So the stormwater retention system is 24 additional runoff that it would receive, which
25 designed to meet flow reduction requirements for 25 would be a very insurmountable, very, very small,

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1 insignificant amount of water compared to the 1 for any sump pumps or below-grade pumps. Again,
2 overall drainage. 2 this is an item that we would want to coordinate
3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. Very 3 with the other emergency systems in the building
4 good. 4 to make sure that it's aligned, but, yeah.
5 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I have a question 5 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Okay. Thank you.
6 for Mr. Ballou. First of all, I'd like to get a 6 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. So
7 lesson. I bought one of those fancy triangular -- 7 I'm actually thinking it might be advisable to
8 MR. BALLOU: Oh, the scale. 8 take a break before we move on to public
9 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: -- rulers because 9 questions. But just before we do so, if you
10 I thought it was cool, but I don't have any idea 10 wouldn't mind moving the plan for a second, I just
11 how you use it to find 70 feet and 50 feet. 11 want to get an approximate count of hands.
12 MR. BALLOU: There's a lot of numbers 12 How many people in the public will have
13 out here. 13 questions for some of the experts? Okay.
14 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I use it for the 14 And how many people will have comments
15 12 inches. 15 to enter into the record on the project? Okay.
16 Is there a plan -- I didn't look at all 16 All right. Very good. So by my watch,
17 the little details -- to have a generator in this 17 I have it's now 8:42. Let's take a ten-minute
18 building? 18 break and get back here at 8:52 and then we'll get
19 MR. BALLOU: As the site engineer, I 19 started.
20 didn't do that type of design. That would be more 20 (Whereupon, a recess is taken.)
21 the architect, in regards to the generation. 21 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: All right.
22 MR. WALKER: In terms of emergency 22 Thanks, everybody. We're ready to resume. As I
23 generator, the only emergency generator that would 23 mentioned before, the next plan of action is to
24 be required would be related to the fire life 24 have questions from the public. After that, we
25 safety systems in the building -- 25 will hear from City staff, and then after that,

Page 91 Page 93
1 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I didn't ask for 1 we'll be able to put public comments on the
2 requirement. I said, is there a plan to have a 2 record. Okay?
3 generator for when the power goes out and stuff 3 So if you would, come up to the podium
4 like that to run the elevator? 4 if you have questions. Please provide your name
5 MR. WALKER: So under the building code 5 and your address and we'll get started. State
6 for high-rise, which is what we would fall under, 6 your name, address, and spell your name, please.
7 there is a requirement to have an emergency 7 MR. GREGORIO: John Gregorio,
8 generator as it relates to fire life safety 8 G-R-E-G-O-R-I-O, 107 Jackson Street, Hoboken, New
9 systems. And so we would be providing that as 9 Jersey.
10 part of the overall building design. It would be 10 Something that was brought up, and I am
11 probably roof mounted. And, again, this is an 11 not an expert on traffic, but the study was from
12 item that would be integrated in with the 12 2011 that I believe the gentleman was talking
13 automatic fire alarm system, as well as with the 13 about.
14 sprinkler system and any related pumps, and the 14 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: So is this
15 elevator system. 15 a question for the traffic engineer?
17 generator run at least one elevator? 17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay.
18 MR. WALKER: Oh, absolutely. 18 MR. GREGORIO: And my question is --
20 there a possibility to build in, connected to the 20 , if you would like to come up.
21 generator or some other mechanism, a pumping 21 MR. GREGORIO: I've been living there on
22 situation so if the building begins to flood, 22 Jackson Street since 1999.
23 instead of just waiting for the water to drain 23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Here he is.
24 out, you could actually actively pump it out? 24 MR. GREGORIO: And I have seen, in the
25 MR. WALKER: There is that possibility 25 last ten years, the traffic getting much, much,

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1 much heavier than 2011. So to base something on 1 Observer, if you're driving down Harrison Street,
2 a -- is it fair to base something on a 2011 2 which also the Hoboken Business Center has a
3 traffic study, which is a general study, from what 3 driveway on Harrison Street, I would respectfully
4 I understand, and not base it on the traffic that 4 submit to you that I don't think most drivers are
5 would actually be there? 5 getting apprehensive when they come to the
6 The other point for the traffic thing is 6 driveways of the Hoboken Business Center. You
7 Harrison Street is a very narrow, one-way street. 7 rarely see anybody coming into and out of those
8 As you leave this building through that parking 8 driveways, particularly during peak hours.
9 garage, you can only make a right turn. You're 9 And I was drawing that comparison to
10 going to have to go under the little zigzag of the 10 give you some context that this proposed
11 trestle and into Jersey City. To return, you have 11 residential building is going to generate about
12 to come back through some other means, underneath 12 the same amount of traffic as the Hoboken Business
13 another trestle, go into Hoboken, use the Hoboken 13 Center does currently.
14 streets, which are already congested at that 14 So to answer your question, yes, I think
15 point, to get to the building. 15 it is reliable to cite traffic counts that were
16 And from what I can see, unless you're 16 done specifically for the Hoboken Business Center
17 on a Hoboken street, there physically is no way to 17 to quantify how much traffic that office building
18 get to that building without using Hoboken 18 generates currently and draw a comparison to the
19 streets. 19 proposal before the Board this evening.
21 Mr. DiSario. 21 you're up here, I just thought of another
22 MR. DiSARIO: I'm not sure there was a 22 question.
23 question there. 23 MR. DiSARIO: Sure.
24 MR. LaPAGLIA: The first question to ask 24 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Right now
25 is, is it fair to use a study from 2007 for today? 25 on Harrison Street, sometimes it's two lanes,

Page 95 Page 97
1 MR. GREGORIO: 2011. 1 sometimes it's one lane. And where Cal's Hot Dog
2 MR. DiSARIO: Let me clarify. I 2 stand is, you can now turn directly onto Hoboken
3 misspoke. What I was referring to was counts that 3 Avenue/Observer Highway. You no longer have to
4 were done at the Hoboken Business Center in 2015. 4 yield.
5 And those counts identified how much traffic comes 5 How is this current design -- is that
6 into and out of the parking lot and driveways that 6 going to impact the driver's ability to do that?
7 serve the Hoboken Business Center. 7 MR. DiSARIO: You heard from the site
8 So that's what I was putting on the 8 engineer. In terms of the driveway for this
9 record in terms of just giving the Board and the 9 project, it's situated completely in Jersey City.
10 public an understanding of the magnitude of 10 Your review engineer, City engineer, had some
11 traffic that the Hoboken Business Center generated 11 comments with respect to the driveway geometry,
12 currently based on those 2015 counts. And they're 12 which our engineer has put on the record that we
13 kind of similar, they are similar, to what this 13 will work with your engineer to address those
14 proposed residential building would generate. 14 concerns.
15 And the reason why I was doing that was 15 In my professional opinion, I think the
16 to give you some context. 16 proposed driveway to serve this residential
17 I don't dispute -- with all due respect 17 building is going to adequately serve the traffic
18 to the public and to this gentleman, I understand 18 coming in and out of the residential building and
19 there's traffic in the area. I absolutely 19 not create any issues with respect to people
20 understand that and I know what you go through on 20 traveling on Harrison Street.
21 a daily basis, particularly living on Jackson 21 I think, and I don't want to
22 Street. So I completely get it. 22 pontificate, but I'll just point something out
23 But I would respectfully submit to you 23 because I take a little different perspective from
24 that if you're driving down Observer past the 24 most traffic engineers. Most traffic engineers
25 Hoboken Business Center, which has a driveway on 25 are going to stand up here and their sole purpose

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1 is to move traffic. I don't really buy into that. 1 on any on-street parking in the area.
2 This area, it's an urban area. It's an 2 And I know you have other projects
3 area that has a lot of traffic because it's unique 3 further south. You know about Hoboken Avenue, you
4 in terms of how most residents in the Heights, if 4 know people are parking on those streets contrary
5 they want to get to the turnpike, they're coming 5 to what may have been testified to as part of
6 down to this area and using Harrison Street to get 6 those original approvals for those developments.
7 to the turnpike. Totally recognize that and agree 7 So that's really what was driving it.
8 to that. 8 It's architectural in terms of trying to get the
9 But by the same token, this is a 9 residents above the rail line, but, more
10 residential area. It's redeveloping into a 10 importantly, it's to do as much as we can to not
11 residential area. There is now an importance put 11 have any traffic or residents or customers for the
12 on pedestrians. There's a park right across the 12 retail associated with this project having to park
13 street. There's an importance put onto 13 on the street.
14 bicyclists. And I think, given the context of the 14 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay.
15 area, streets should be really given back to 15 Thank you.
16 pedestrians and bicyclists with vehicular traffic 16 MR. DiSARIO: You're welcome.
17 taking a lower position in terms of the hierarchy 17 MR. GREGORIO: Can I just bring up
18 of the different users of the roadway system. 18 something? Because somebody brought it up. I was
19 So when a road is narrow, people drive 19 involved in --
20 more slowly. When a road has parking on one or 20 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. Just
21 both sides of it, people drive more slowly. You 21 to be clear, this is the question portion. Then
22 remove on-site parking, you make wider roads, 22 we're going to have a comment portion.
23 people will drive faster because their comfort 23 MR. GREGORIO: The study he mentioned
24 level increases. 24 about the Hoboken Business Center involved the
25 So I am totally in support of narrower 25 possible use of a paper road, which is an

Page 99 Page 101

1 streets, wider sidewalks, pedestrian 1 extension of Marshall Street, which does not
2 accommodations. And I think the thinking, at 2 belong to anyone that I know of, but
3 least in my industry, is not there yet. It's 3 Mr. Dell'Aquila has said he has not paid taxes on.
4 getting there. But urban context, I'm about 4 And that was the second entrance to his property
5 pedestrians and bicyclists and alternative modes 5 and he made a big deal of it at the time that he
6 to cars. And, yes, if you have to drive slowly 6 needed that so that the child nursery school in
7 and your turning delays through this area, I think 7 his building could get it. Without that road,
8 that's a good thing given the nature and the 8 there is only one entrance for cars to enter this
9 character of the overall area. 9 property and that's midsection of Harrison Street.
10 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: But that 10 When you get to under the trestle, it's
11 said, this plan includes a gigantic parking lot 11 not a choice of whether you can make a right or a
12 with more cars than are required and that kind of 12 left.
13 flies in the face of kind of this urban living 13 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Right.
14 dream. 14 MR. GREGORIO: You have to make a right.
15 MR. DiSARIO: So it's really two things 15 That's all.
16 that are driving the parking. And you've heard 16 MR. RANS: I have some questions for
17 from the architect in terms of how it relates to 17 this gentleman as well.
18 transit line and elevation. 18 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. And
19 You have ground-floor retail. Trying to 19 just state your name for the record, spell it, and
20 get the residential above the transit. So from an 20 provide your address, please.
21 architectural perspective, you've heard his part. 21 MR. RANS: My name is Brian Rans. I
22 We were taking a different perspective 22 live on 169 New York Avenue, Jersey City, New
23 on the parking. As you heard from the planner, 23 Jersey 07307.
24 it's a minimum standard, but we want to provide 24 So during your testimony and during this
25 enough parking so there is absolutely no reliance 25 time period, you cited some statistics that are --

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1 I forget exactly what the title is, Institute of 1 it's going to incorporate the retail and also the
2 Transportation Engineers. 2 people in the Hoboken Business Center, correct?
3 Are you familiar with the data that's 3 MR. DiSARIO: The data that I've cited
4 comprised in that study? 4 is to estimate how much traffic this apartment
5 MR. DiSARIO: Yes. 5 building would generate. It had nothing to do
6 MR. RANS: Can you specifically tell us 6 with parking.
7 what jurisdiction is the data represented in that 7 MR. RANS: But the traffic is generated
8 study? 8 by people who park their cars in the building and
9 MR. DiSARIO: It's a collection of data 9 the prediction from your data set specifies people
10 across the country. 10 leaving and entering the project. So in my
11 MR. RANS: So are you testifying that 11 opinion, I'm not a statistician, I'm not an
12 you don't know the specific cities that that data 12 expert, but based upon my opinion, I don't think
13 comes from? 13 your data set is an accurate depiction of what the
14 MR. DiSario: Off the top of my head, 14 current circumstance in Jersey City at that
15 no. 15 location is because it doesn't take into
16 MR. RANS: Because wouldn't it be fair 16 consideration, one, the geographic limitations of
17 to say that Des Moines, Iowa is much different 17 the streets here in Jersey City and then, B, it
18 than Jersey City and Hoboken, New Jersey, correct? 18 doesn't consider other people who might be using
19 MR. DiSARIO: I can't answer that 19 the parking such as people in the community and
20 question. I don't know. 20 also people going to the retail store.
21 MR. RANS: Based upon your testimony, do 21 So based upon that, could you argue,
22 you know exactly who will be using the parking 22 then, that your data set is not an accurate
23 spaces? 23 depiction for the legal conclusion that you made?
24 MR. DiSARIO: No. 24 MR. DiSARIO: We, as traffic engineers,
25 MR. RANS: Can you anticipate that 25 are charged with estimating traffic on published
Page 103 Page 105
1 people from the retail store -- I think testimony 1 trip rates. Those published trip rates encompass
2 was solicited that employees from the business, 2 high-rise residential buildings. I applied that
3 people from the Hoboken Business Center, and also 3 data to estimate how much traffic's going to be
4 residents of the building will be using the 4 generated by this project.
5 parking. 5 Traffic generation and parking demand
6 Do you believe or do you know if the 6 are two separate and distinct things. So I've set
7 municipalities that generated this data to make 7 forth on the record how much traffic I believe,
8 that recommendation considered retail and other 8 based on the published data, this project is going
9 businesses in the area using that parking? 9 to generate.
10 MR. DiSARIO: I'm not sure what your 10 MR. RANS: And kind of back to what some
11 question is, but if you are asking who's going to 11 of the commissioners were questioning about, you
12 use the parking in the building, everyone that you 12 said this project is smart growth because it's
13 cited is a possibility. Most probably the 13 close to public transportation, correct?
14 residents, maybe some of the retail. It's going 14 MR. DiSARIO: Yes.
15 to depend on exactly who that retailer is, if they 15 MR. RANS: And this goes to the question
16 have any parking demand. 16 that was actually posed by the commissioners. How
17 All I can tell you is with respect to 17 can you expect a project to be considered smart
18 what's required, we meet the minimum parking 18 growth if it incorporates three decks of parking,
19 requirement and we're actually providing more than 19 some of which includes up to, I think, 70 parking
20 what's required. 20 spots that's more than what's required under the
21 MR. RANS: But my question goes to the 21 zone?
22 specific data. You relied upon a data set and you 22 MR. DiSARIO: Smart growth doesn't speak
23 said it was based upon a 161-apartment building, 23 to parking. Smart growth speaks to developing, in
24 but you just testified that the parking is not 24 particular in urban areas, where mass transit's
25 going to just incorporate the 161 apartment units, 25 available, as dense a residential development that

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1 you can do. Because it doesn't make sense to 1 additional 70 units is extremely insignificant and
2 build a bunch of residential units out in western 2 you would not be able to discern any noticeable
3 New Jersey, like in Parsippany, where everyone has 3 changes in traffic operations in that immediate
4 to rely on a car to get to and from work. 4 area because of those additional 70 units.
5 So smart growth recognizes that our 5 So that's why, in my estimation, there
6 urban centers, and Jersey City/Hoboken are 6 was no need to go and do traffic counts and
7 certainly recognized as urban centers, have an 7 identify levels of service and delays. Because
8 abundance of mass transit and smart growth tenets 8 the amount of traffic we're talking about doesn't
9 that basically dictate that's where residential 9 rise to a significant impact by any measure.
10 development should occur. 10 MR. WEISSMAN: Just the follow-up on
11 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. You 11 that, I would just say that you can't really
12 do need to wrap it up. 12 understand impact unless you know what the current
13 MR. RANS: I have no further questions. 13 conditions are. That's basic, so...
14 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Any further 14 MR. DiSARIO: Do you want me to respond?
15 questions? 15 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: You can
16 MR. WEISSMAN: One. 16 respond if you like. You don't have to.
17 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Again, 17 MR. DiSARIO: Not to be argumentative,
18 state your name. 18 but the total 161 units is going to generate about
19 MR. WEISSMAN: Kern Weissman, 576 19 one additional trip in or out of this property
20 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City. 20 every minute. A little less than that. So,
21 So my question for the traffic engineer 21 again, adding one additional trip to that area, I
22 is, why didn't -- when doing the study, right, why 22 would respectfully submit you're not going to
23 didn't you actually take actual trip counts? 23 discern any noticeable changes in traffic
24 The reason I'm asking that is there was 24 operations.
25 a very close by traffic study that was done at 39 25 I'd liken it, again, back to the fact

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1 New York Avenue, which is also in the R-3. So I 1 that the existing Hoboken Business Center, when
2 was very surprised -- I was somewhat surprised 2 you drive by, whether it's along Observer or
3 that when 39 New York did their traffic study, 3 Harrison, I don't think you notice a lot of
4 they actually had people counting trips, you know, 4 traffic coming in and out of there. And certainly
5 seeing who was going up, who was going down, who 5 I've been out there most recently this evening
6 was coming out, who was going in. But your study 6 watching traffic. You barely see anybody coming
7 didn't reference any actual observed data. I'm 7 in and out and that's how it's going to be for
8 curious as to why not. 8 this proposed residential development.
9 MR. DiSARIO: Because in my estimation, 9 Thank you.
10 based on the trip estimates that I've put forth to 10 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: All right.
11 the Board, this project doesn't rise to the level 11 Tanya, we were just discussing whether it's more
12 of creating a significant impact to the area. The 12 appropriate to do public comment before we do
13 DOT recognizes that any land use that generates 13 yours. However, I tend to think everybody should
14 less than 100 peak-hour trips has an insignificant 14 have the benefit of hearing from the city planner
15 traffic impact. 15 before we proceed with public comments.
16 And really, as I testified to earlier, 16 What makes the most sense to you?
17 this property is recognized by your zoning to 17 MS. MARIONE: We've always done it that
18 permit residential lots. We're really only 18 I'm the last person.
19 talking about the differential between what's 19 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay.
20 permitted, which is 91 units, and what the 20 MS. MARIONE: There's not going to be a
21 applicant is proposing, which is an additional 70 21 vote tonight. Maybe we could just hold off until
22 units. If you look at that incremental difference 22 there's a vote.
23 in traffic attributed to the 70 units, I would, 23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay.
24 again, respectfully submit to you that the amount 24 We'll hold off on your testimony until there's a
25 of traffic that would be generated by those 25 vote.

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1 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: I would like to 1 their standard is to use these statistics and
2 make a comment on the question about traffic. 2 that's the way it is. But you're absolutely
3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Sure. 3 correct. I mean, every building is unique, every
4 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: Mr. Rans is 4 city is unique, different parts of Hoboken are
5 completely correct. The average is the most 5 unique, and I'm glad you all pointed that out.
6 overused and actually the worst statistic ever 6 Thank you.
7 invented. And I did live in the Midwest and I've 7 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Very good.
8 been through Iowa. It's mostly cornfields, so I 8 So now we're actually going to change
9 assume there are some cities there in between 9 from the game plan that I had proposed before. We
10 cornfields. But that's the professional standards 10 are going to not hear from City staff. We are
11 that traffic engineers work by. 11 going to have public comment.
12 They're virtually meaningless because my 12 Before we begin, some ground rules.
13 building is different than your building, my 13 Please try to be direct and concise and limit your
14 neighborhood is different, West Side Avenue, where 14 comments to three minutes. It's also perfectly
15 I live, most of the day you can travel pretty 15 acceptable, and, in fact, loved by the
16 well, but don't travel at 7:30 to 8:30 in the 16 commissioners, if you try to shorten things and
17 morning because it's at a standstill. It has 17 say I agree with exactly what so-and-so said.
18 nothing to do with my cars coming in and out of 18 That means just as much to us on the record. And,
19 our driveway. 19 indeed, since we only have five commissioners and
20 But that's the professional standards 20 we're not going to be voting on this tonight, when
21 and until they change the professional standards, 21 the commissioners resume, they will see that when
22 and I don't know if they have urban versus this or 22 they read the transcripts and understand them.
23 that. So you're absolutely correct, but that's 23 Before we begin, let me just get a feel
24 the standard. 24 for how many people would like to put comments
25 In regard to what Kern said, it's very 25 into the record. Hands up, please. Okay. So we

Page 111 Page 113

1 hard to estimate the impact of a building when the 1 have about ten.
2 building doesn't exist. You can draw inferences, 2 And how many, just in general, are in
3 which I assume that the professionals do, from 3 favor of the project? If you're in favor of the
4 similar buildings, you know, as close a syllogism 4 project, the application, raise your hand. Four.
5 as you can get. But beyond that, you know, I 5 Very good.
6 don't know what to say. 6 Okay. I think we're ready to proceed.
7 But obviously a building's going to have 7 Commissioner Shedeed is going to help me out by
8 an impact on traffic and it's a matter of this and 8 being timekeeper extraordinaire. We will give you
9 that and the other thing. And I do know, from 9 a --
10 having traveled to Hoboken, because I come up that 10 BOARD MEMBER SHEDEED: When the time is
11 route that comes under the overpasses through 11 two minutes, I will put up my finger. That's one
12 Jersey City, I think if you get back to Jackson 12 minute left.
13 Avenue at the wrong time of day, it's just a hot 13 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Okay. So,
14 mess. It's just a hot mess. 14 again, he will give you the one-minute-left
15 And a lot of people use -- they don't 15 signal. So we're ready to proceed now.
16 want to go to Washington Street and they don't 16 K E R N W E I S S M A N, 576
17 want to go to the Plank, and they use these 17 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, having
18 one-way streets going north and south to get 18 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as
19 through, which is what I do, because you go on 19 follows:
20 Washington, it's going to take you forever. But 20 MR. WEISSMAN: So I'll try to be brief
21 that's just the way it is. 21 and I'll try not to mention things that I know
22 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Yeah. 22 other people are going to mention.
23 BOARD MEMBER ROTHMAN: But obviously 23 So the first thing I just want to say is
24 this building is going to have an impact on 24 that the developer, my understanding is they met
25 traffic and, you know, that's the professionals -- 25 with planning and the mayor and had some

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1 discussions. They approached RNA after those 1 SkyClub, but basically you're dealing with
2 discussions with this project that was, you know, 2 something that's almost twice the permitted height
3 13 stories. They did meet with us, absolutely. 3 in the zone.
4 They met with our depth committee. We also 4 So you have a situation where it's
5 exchanged some e-mails, provided them some 5 simply still too massive.
6 pictures from the Heights. So they absolutely 6 I want to get on the record that we did
7 have been in communication. We appreciate that. 7 ask for a reduction of stories, reduction of
8 They even made some adjustment. I think the 8 parking because we feel there's too much parking
9 original height was, like, 160 and now it's down 9 in the building, and those were denied. So we're
10 to 150. 10 at a situation here where we're at an impasse.
11 So the RNA board, this happened -- it's 11 Therefore, the board has to -- we voted and are
12 a unique area here because it's outside of the 12 opposing the project.
13 PPOD. It's just outside. It's also just outside 13 And I also just want to, you know, make
14 of our boundaries. I think it was probably a 14 the point that it is very, very critical to look
15 mistake when they were doing the PPOD and our 15 at the impacts of traffic, not just for the
16 boundaries probably should have been looped in 16 residential, but also for the businesses, and if
17 there. 17 there's going to be a large restaurant, how many
18 But basically, I'm representing the 18 people are going to be coming in and out of the
19 board tonight. We took a board vote. The board 19 business.
20 is voting to oppose this project. And I want to 20 So, again, the RNA board is voting
21 just bring up some points here. 21 against this project in its current form and we
22 So the first point is that you'll notice 22 encourage you to deny the application.
23 that they didn't plot the pictures that I had 23 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
24 provided them this week that were showing it 24 MR. VERDIBELLO: If I could just rebut a
25 closer to south of Franklin. So those pictures 25 couple of points that I think should be on the

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1 were between -- more closer to Griffith. So that 1 record. First of all, I'm not aware of any
2 was -- I'd like to see those before we -- because 2 additional pictures that the RNA had supplied us
3 it really does have an impact. It's only about 10 3 this week. Obviously if there are additional
4 or 15 feet lower than the SkyClub building. 4 pictures, we do welcome those. We did plot the
5 The other thing I want to point out is 5 pictures that were provided and we will do so for
6 it's deeply ironic and offensive to use an 6 any future pictures, but there were no pictures
7 illegally built building to basically take 7 that I'm aware of that were provided this week.
8 something that was completely illegally built and 8 So we're more than willing to do that.
9 use that as a reason to approve this project. As 9 As far as the park, we're not referring
10 an RNA member, as an RNA president, I really can't 10 to the New Jersey Transit detention basin as a
11 stomach that. 11 park. There is the Hoboken Southwest Resiliency
12 BOARD MEMBER SHEDEED: One minute. 12 Park that has been completed that's in the
13 MR. WEISSMAN: Okay. And then I would 13 vicinity. If there were any references to parks,
14 also like to say that the park that's being 14 that's what the reference was made to, not to New
15 represented there, that's not a park. It's owned 15 Jersey Transit. So I don't want the record to
16 by New Jersey Transit. I don't know if the 16 reflect that we made any type of misrepresentation
17 agreement is to make that a park yet. The full 17 when, in fact, we did not.
18 renderings were not provided to us. 18 Renderings were, in fact, provided to
19 But the biggest issue here is that the 19 RNA this week. We did mark some additional photos
20 height and density are just too much. So the 20 as exhibits, which is standard for these types of
21 reason the board voted against it, even though 21 presentations, but we did provide the current
22 they have committed to contributing $200,000 or a 22 correct -- after we met with planning and made
23 contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, 23 some technical corrections as directed by planning
24 is that the height is still 150 feet. The zone is 24 staff, those were supplied this week.
25 85 feet. It's a little bit lower than the 25 So I just want the record to be clear on

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1 that. Thank you. 1 Van Leer area. It's not going to be really
2 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you, 2 impacting.
3 Mr. Verdibello. 3 If it's lower than the Palisades, I
4 A N T H O N Y S O A R E S, Hoboken, 4 think that's a good thing. I was on the City
5 New Jersey, having been duly sworn, was examined 5 Council when we approved the SkyClub, so I'm very
6 and testified as follows: 6 familiar with the impact that that brought to the
7 MR. SOARES: I'm former Zoning Board 7 Palisades and also what happened up north. I
8 chairman in Hoboken. I'm very familiar with all 8 would agree that this shouldn't be breaking up the
9 the zoning that happened on the Jersey City side 9 Palisades and I don't believe this does because
10 of Hoboken. I believe we were never noticed for 10 it's not that close to the Palisades.
11 any of it. 11 I think it's a good project for both
12 But I would say that I happen to like 12 cities. We interact with each other. I think we
13 the design of the building. I think it's the 13 have to respect each other whether it's coming,
14 right scale. I live two blocks away. I live 14 you know -- but as a neighbor who lives very close
15 closer to this building than anyone else in this 15 to this project, I think it's a good -- the impact
16 room. I live at the Skyline on Observer Highway. 16 I welcome, which the negative -- I don't really
17 I think it's a good project. I looked 17 expect the flooding to happen to Hoboken because
18 at it and I see what's going on in the 18 we have a pretty good resiliency program already
19 neighborhood. And in Hoboken, we absorb 100 19 started. So if they follow those guidelines, I
20 percent of the impact from all the Jersey City 20 think we're in good shape.
21 development that's happening. Cast Iron, 700 21 Thank you very much.
22 Grove are essentially people living in Hoboken. 22 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
23 We get their shuttle vans, we get their business, 23 Ten seconds to spare.
24 and they all come here. Jersey City gets 100 24 S H A N N O N P E N N O C K, 299
25 percent of the pilot money. 25 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, having

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1 So this is a great project for you 1 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as
2 because you're going to make all the money and 2 follows:
3 we're going to have the people in this building 3 MS. PENNOCK: Good evening. Thank you
4 using our parks and our charter schools. And so I 4 all for being here. This is true public service.
5 think it's a good thing in that regard. 5 We appreciate it.
6 I understand we're asking for more 6 I am a resident of Hamilton Park. I'm
7 parking, but at the same time, you can't be 7 also the president of the Hamilton Park
8 saying, well, there's not enough parking, but wait 8 Neighborhood Association. We received the plans
9 a minute, there's too much parking, because it's 9 yesterday on this development. We're highly
10 going to bring too many cars. 10 interested in development that goes on in this
11 I think it's next to a business center 11 district and in this area in particular because it
12 and if you see what's happening in Northern 12 directly impacts the traffic that we're beginning
13 California, they're not building enough housing 13 to see flowing into the Hamilton Park area.
14 where they've been building all these corporations 14 We also were involved with a lot of
15 out there. So the rents go through the roof in 15 discussions that went into the Emerson
16 Northern California. So smart growth or smart 16 Redevelopment Plan and also the development --
17 development also means residential near where you 17 with discussions with developers from Cast Iron
18 work, not just residential spreading out. 18 Lofts.
19 So hopefully, when there's more office 19 Our development board voted today to
20 buildings, and we've seen the Hoboken master plan, 20 object to the plan based on several concerns that
21 that whole area is commercial development, a 21 we have regarding traffic and the lack of any sort
22 little bit of residential, but there's still light 22 of provision of green space and the additional
23 industrial, there's an incubator. And that's all 23 burden that it's going to pose on Jersey City
24 hooked up. Most of the residential that's 24 infrastructure.
25 happening is happening with the Cast Iron and the 25 We haven't had a full -- probably time

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1 to adequately look at the plan itself, but just 1 The west side begins to have a separate line that
2 looking at the traffic itself, the Langan report 2 takes care of the whole west side.
3 expressly states that the data was rather limited. 3 This is the main permitted sewer
4 It was already alluded to by the commissioners 4 overflow site. It was designed to empty into the
5 here. It is outdated and probably not 5 long slip there, which you see it's about -- it
6 representative at all of the very unique situation 6 comes up quite a ways. It's about at the Target,
7 that goes on at Harrison and Hoboken Avenue, which 7 by the Target store.
8 is obviously a hot mess, as was described earlier. 8 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Right.
9 I drive that every day to drop off kids, and 9 MS. MILLS: It's a million square feet
10 certainly it has its unique, you know, problems 10 of water. It's supposed to empty there. But, of
11 posed for both pedestrians, bicyclists, and also 11 course, it doesn't empty if you have a big storm
12 vehicles. 12 or a burst, a big burst, because it won't come out
13 I don't think that there's enough data 13 into the river until the next day, when the whole
14 to ascertain at this point whether or not this 14 amount has gone down, because it's covered, the
15 level of density and traffic is warranted if we're 15 hole. It can only come down when the whole water
16 going to allow this sort of variance. 16 level has gone down. So it's stuck coming up
17 With regard to the site's access point, 17 through the sewer grates and on Marin Boulevard.
18 I think the access point is troublesome and I 18 So my concern is, has the developer
19 think that that is going to compound the traffic 19 looked at the map and what the City will have to
20 problems that we have. 20 build to accommodate? That's more sewage than we
21 Another question that we have here for 21 can accommodate now. I think this is a question
22 the Board is, why is this one building being 22 really for City officials. How can we develop in
23 crammed onto this one sliver on this 4-acre site 23 that area without retention? That park is meant
24 and why isn't it being treated holistically and 24 to hold a million -- a million gallons of water.
25 one plan being brought before both zoning boards 25 It does. That's about 30 minutes in a 1-inch

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1 of Hoboken and Jersey City? 1 rain.
2 And our final problem with the plan is 2 Thank you.
3 we see no allocation of green space. Green space 3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you
4 is desperately needed in that area. 4 very much.
5 That's all the comments I have. Thank 5 M I C H A E L D E F U S C O, 133 Park
6 you very much. 6 Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey, having been duly
7 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Great. 7 sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
8 Thank you. 8 MR. DEFUSCO: Ladies and gentlemen of
9 M A R Y M I L L S, 9 Sherman Place, 9 the Board, I thank you for a late night. I myself
10 Jersey City, New Jersey, having been duly sworn, 10 am a city councilman, so I'm accustomed to many
11 was examined and testified as follows: 11 late nights in Hoboken. I myself sat on the
12 MS. MILLS: Okay. I've made a study -- 12 Zoning Board in Hoboken for five years, so I'm
13 I've been going to the Rebuild By Design meetings 13 certainly accustomed to a number of the issues
14 and I made a study over the past two years of the 14 that you're considering tonight. I chair the
15 sewer system there in the whole town. We have 15 Hoboken Southwest Redevelopment Committee. I also
16 28 -- we had, at one time, 28 permitted sewer 16 chair the Hoboken Zoning Committee. So I thank
17 overflow points. That's a lot. And we now have 17 you for your questioning. I thank you for your
18 21. But it's because we've expanded the capacity 18 attention to this issue.
19 of the current -- of many of the current permitted 19 Because as one of my neighbors, Tony
20 sewer overflow, the size of them. 20 Soares, a former councilman, also says, this
21 The main -- all of the sewage coming out 21 project impacts Hoboken. It impacts Hoboken more
22 of the Heights, west and east side, peels off 22 than it does Hamilton Park, it impacts Hoboken
23 around Pershing Field and begins a journey in the 23 more than it impacts the Heights. Everybody's
24 main pipe down the hill, gravity fed, down to 24 questions here are good and everybody's concerns
25 Hoboken. That is an enormous amount of sewage. 25 are valid. And I think what we need to understand

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1 here, and I know you do, is that there are both 1 Chair of the southern development subcommittee, I
2 impacts that are both positive and negative. 2 can tell you that our redevelopment plan for the
3 The negative impacts are going to be 3 southwest calls for parking in the adjacent lot.
4 there with an eight-story building that is 92 4 And although the developer, for some reason, is
5 units. That is a large building. But the impacts 5 not coming to us for this variance, he's coming to
6 that are going to be created from a larger 6 you and I urge you to consider this application,
7 building, are they offset by the positive 7 continue to ask great questions, and then
8 benefits? What are the positive benefits to 8 hopefully you'll vote for it.
9 Hoboken? What are the positive benefits to our 9 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the
10 connectivity as two cities are unique, very 10 Board.
11 unique. 11 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
12 And this is an opportunity for our two 12 D R. L A U R A B R A Y T O N, 300
13 cities to finally connect together and find a way 13 Coles Street, Apartment 907, Jersey City, New
14 where pedestrians can cross along safely, where we 14 Jersey, having been duly sworn, was examined and
15 can create a parking intercept for cars to stop 15 testified as follows:
16 before they get into Hoboken, into our historic 16 DR. BRAYTON: Yes, hi. So I have a
17 heart, and park on the outskirts of our town. 17 unique position because I've been a tenant of the
18 Parking is certainly something that we 18 Hoboken Business Center for 13 years with my
19 need to consider in Hoboken. We are at a loss 19 chiropractic practice. I've driven there, in and
20 here. And although this isn't your jurisdiction 20 out of the parking lot for 13 years. Have never
21 in Jersey City, it is actually an opportunity for 21 seen issues with cars lining up, being able to get
22 us to help with the parking crunch that we're 22 in and out.
23 experiencing. As a matter of fact, I would not 23 And now I'm a Jersey City resident five
24 want to see this project go forward without the 24 minutes from the Hoboken Business Center. Since
25 parking variance being requested. 25 July, I am taking advantage of the walk to go to

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1 I think that the community benefit of 1 my office. And what I've seen, now that the light
2 opening up the pathway is really important. And I 2 is getting darker earlier, it's actually kind of a
3 wanted to share an e-mail that I received from a 3 little scary as a woman to walk under that trestle
4 constituent just the other day that I thought is 4 in the evening, 7, 8 o'clock at night.
5 important. 5 And so there's definitely -- I'm excited
6 COMMISSIONER SHEDEED: One minute. 6 about this project and the opportunity to bring a
7 MR. DEFUSCO: "I have a question, but I 7 nicer pedestrian flow to that area that's kind of
8 think I may be directing it towards the wrong 8 dingy, dark, and doesn't feel very safe for
9 town. Who's in charge of maintaining the Paterson 9 somebody walking home from work.
10 Avenue PATH, Hoboken or Jersey City? I run on it 10 And that's all I have. Thank you.
11 fairly often and it's in such poor shape, lack of 11 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
12 lighting, litter everywhere. I will literally see 12 J E N N I F E R A R A N E O, 837
13 the same garbage for months. Again, this might be 13 Jersey Avenue, 18B, Jersey City, New Jersey,
14 Jersey City's domain, but I think the PATH can 14 having been duly sworn, was examined and testified
15 certainly benefit from being repaved and fitted 15 as follows:
16 with safety features." 16 MS. ARANEO: I do live in Cast Iron
17 This is an opportunity to reclaim that 17 Lofts. So we've lived there for five years. We
18 path, to create connectivity. This is an 18 do take advantage of Hoboken. It's safer for me
19 opportunity for us to connect our two cities. And 19 to walk my kids from Cast Iron to Hoboken Academy,
20 this is an opportunity for us to actually create 20 which is on 7th and Madison, than it is for me to
21 density in a part of town, part of your town and, 21 walk into Hamilton Park or to drive into Hamilton
22 you know, on the border of our town, that actually 22 Park.
23 makes sense. 23 So we take that walk, like, every
24 So they're not easy questions that 24 morning. There's a school bus during that walk.
25 you're being asked to make tonight, but as the 25 I'm sure you know there's homeless people that

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1 live under that trestle. There's one guy, now 1 from NJ Transit to create this.
2 there's two men. And, you know, they use that as 2 So some of the benefits they're asking
3 bathroom facilities, et cetera. 3 you to take into consideration aren't concrete,
4 I walk my three children through that 4 they're not specific, they're not formalized. And
5 area to get into Hoboken. And it would be great 5 I think you have to consider that when granting
6 if we could make that a lot nicer and safer. And 6 this large variance.
7 I feel like this building, being that it would 7 As Kern said, they're increasing the
8 open up that space and cause more pedestrian 8 height by almost 80 feet and adding five stories.
9 traffic, it would be safer. 9 That is not just a small deviation from a zoning
10 I have an 11-year-old son who can walk 10 ordinance that our City Council passed with the
11 from 7th and Madison to the Hoboken train station 11 recommendation of the Zoning Board, but it's
12 and take the shuttle home versus going under the 12 blasting past it.
13 train trestle and trying to cross 18th Street and 13 And I find it really funny that when you
14 Jersey Avenue. Because that is a nightmare and I 14 meet with developers, they always say "This
15 know that's not for this meeting. 15 project will not have precedent, so don't worry
16 So for me, I am very pro this project 16 about that." However, they point to other cases
17 because I feel like it would make it safer for me 17 that are a similar height and substance when
18 and my children. 18 advocating for their projects.
19 So thank you for listening to me 19 We can't let them have that double
20 tonight. 20 standard. They can't have it one way, but then
21 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you. 21 use it the other way when it benefits their
22 B R I A N R A N S, 169 New York 22 interests.
23 Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, having been duly 23 RNA is specifically not liking the
24 sworn, was examined and testified as follows: 24 height and the density. I think we talked about
25 MR. RANS: That's really loud. That's 25 there might be too much parking. There also might
Page 131 Page 133
1 kind of funny. 1 be too much residential. An easy fix would just
2 Okay. So this project, I find this very 2 be to eliminate one of the parking decks and one
3 fascinating. I want to incorporate by reference 3 of the residential units. That takes into
4 what Kern said just to make this much quicker and 4 consideration the three stories that would
5 easier for you commissioners. Again, thank you 5 compensate for the heightened Light Rail line of
6 for being here. There's a lot of interesting 6 NJ Transit and it would also alleviate some of the
7 arguments from experts and people. I don't envy 7 fears of the surrounding neighborhood of having
8 the decision that you have to make. 8 too much density, too much traffic and height that
9 In my opinion as the vice president of 9 could potentially set a precedent for future
10 RNA, also the Chair of the Heights folks in Jersey 10 development.
11 City, the community is extremely worried about the 11 So in its current form, I don't believe
12 precedent that these large buildings are setting 12 that I can support this project. I do admire the
13 and how they could impact the view, how they can 13 amount of effort and the skill involved in
14 impact traffic circulation driving down New York 14 producing this. I mean, I agree, it's a beautiful
15 and Ravine Avenue. 15 building. It seems like they put a lot of heart
16 And I agree with what was said 16 and care into it. There's some green elements
17 previously. You have to analyze the benefits and 17 that I really like. And as a Jersey City
18 the negatives. Unfortunately, I don't think the 18 resident --
19 developer has met its burden to show the proper 19 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: You need to
20 benefits of this project. They talked about a 20 wrap it up.
21 pedestrian walkway they want to create, but they 21 MR. RANS: -- I don't want to see the
22 didn't really forward a concrete, specific plan to 22 Heights become an unaffordable place where people
23 do so. They want to talk with NJ Transit to 23 of different cultures get to live. I do
24 create something, but there's no plan in place. 24 appreciate they're willing to invest, I think,
25 They haven't received permission or an easement 25 $200,000 into the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

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1 But when you look at the precedent this can set 1 communities together from that point into Hoboken.
2 and how far they're bypassing the current zoning 2 Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
3 ordinance, I don't think this Zoning Board can 3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
4 affirm this proposal. 4 D A N I E L L E B E A M, 52 Franklin
5 Thank you. 5 Street, Unit 2, Jersey City, New Jersey, having
6 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you. 6 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as
7 M A M T A S I N G H, One Shore Lane, 7 follows:
8 Newport, New Jersey, having been duly sworn, was 8 MS. BEAM: I am in support of this
9 examined and testified as follows: 9 project. As being a Heights resident, I think
10 MS. SINGH: So I'm a volunteer for our 10 it's extremely important to focus on the fact that
11 development committee, HPNA. Just one suggestion. 11 I think Jersey City at its core is a neighborhood
12 I feel the project showed by the developer is very 12 that prides itself on diversity and prides itself
13 shortsighted. They could come up with a 13 on that neighborly love.
14 comprehensive design that considers the entire 14 This project would not only bring
15 site, Jersey City and Hoboken. And then they can 15 downtown and the Heights together to a community
16 seek approval from both the cities. 16 base, but also bring in Hoboken. As a Heights
17 This is my suggestion. Thank you. 17 resident, I spend probably 75 percent of my time
18 J O N A T H A N B L O O D G O O D, 18 in Hoboken, not in Jersey City, because of the
19 273 16th Street, Jersey City, New Jersey, having 19 distance between my apartment and places to eat,
20 been duly sworn, was examined and testified as 20 places to hang out, places to shop.
21 follows: 21 I walk my dog past the Hoboken Business
22 MR. BLOODGOOD: I am in favor of this 22 Center on a regular basis. I drive past that
23 project. I have lived in SoHo Lofts since May of 23 building every day on my way to work. And the
24 2018. I have walked along that path into Hoboken 24 amount of traffic in Hoboken and Jersey City I
25 many times during the week, primarily at night. I 25 think is undeniable. We all understand that we

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1 do feel very unsafe there. There is somewhat of a 1 live in the city. There's a significant amount of
2 homeless population there. Very dark. Doesn't 2 traffic at all points in time.
3 seem to be very much pedestrian traffic. 3 I personally don't believe that a
4 So I do feel this building will help 4 building that has less than 200 units in it is
5 increase safety, increase pedestrian traffic, 5 going to significantly impact that particular
6 hopefully increase lighting. 6 traffic issue. I think that's an entirely
7 Being in that area, SoHo Lofts areas, 7 different agenda that we could probably talk to at
8 the Cast Iron Lofts area, there's nothing consumer 8 length.
9 around it. Hopefully another building, this 9 But for this particular project, in
10 building, will help increase the consumer 10 being a female, young professional who spends a
11 population over there. Restaurants, more shops, 11 lot of time in this particular area, I don't feel
12 things like that. 12 safe even with my dog walking in this particular
13 Currently I have to cross the eight-lane 13 area. The development of this I think would only
14 highway into Hamilton Park to get food of any 14 heighten the area. It would be more attractive to
15 sort. Parks over there, basketball court over 15 individuals such as myself who would be probably
16 there. So I think Hoboken should also be involved 16 the ideal residents of this new proposed building,
17 in kind of creating that atmosphere on this side 17 but I think the thing to really remember is that
18 of Jersey City, this side of Hoboken, because 18 within this structure, even though it is Jersey
19 there is nothing over there at the time. 19 City, in the downtown area, Hoboken will benefit,
20 I know these buildings are new, but I do 20 the Heights will benefit, people who are coming
21 think we need to get this process going, get some 21 here from a variety of different areas in New
22 more consumer, get some more living, buildings 22 Jersey looking for a place in Jersey City that has
23 over there and really create that environment, get 23 access to public transportation, but also has
24 that environment up and going, and make it a more 24 access to parking.
25 enjoyable living experience and kind of merge the 25 I know that parking was an issue with

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1 probably having too many parking spaces. As a 1 saying, "Oh, I can't do anything about it.
2 Heights resident who drives around 25, 30 minutes 2 Everybody else wants it. I need the density back
3 a day looking for parking, I would love to have 3 there." And they gave him the benefit of the
4 the ability to park my car and leave it there and 4 doubt, but we asked for some sort of remediation
5 then take advantage of that transportation or of 5 for flood waters, et cetera, and we got something.
6 that pedestrian walk. 6 Okay?
7 That's something that's ideal to me and 7 So that's my way how I know the people
8 that's something that I would be looking for in 8 here. And I believe that there should be a
9 purchasing or renting a property in the near 9 back-and-forth between Hoboken and Jersey City,
10 future because I think for people my age, it is 10 especially in this site. The people in Hoboken
11 important to have access to a car, especially when 11 had no idea that this was going to be done at all
12 you are a transplant Jersey City resident. But 12 despite having worked with Mr. Dell'Aquila on the
13 it's also extremely effective to be in such close 13 Hoboken Business Center, where he very recently
14 proximity to transportation and to be able to walk 14 asked to take the three-story building and turn it
15 around and really enjoy that Hoboken downtown and 15 into a six-story building. Okay? Part of that
16 Heights area. 16 increase in height was based on using the parking
17 And I think a lot of that -- a lot of 17 lot to cover his parking needs for the retail and
18 that pedestrian traffic will really go towards 18 stuff in his enlarged building.
19 Hoboken and not so much to Hamilton Park and not 19 And I'm going to cut it short here.
20 so much to the Heights even though everyone did 20 Spoke with the mayor. He said he's never seen
21 raise great concerns. Most of the people that you 21 this project. Mr. Dell'Aquila in April showed him
22 talk to who live in this area are going to 22 some preliminary plan. Spoke with Brandy Forbes
23 primarily be focused on using the retail space in 23 and a whole bunch of other people and I believe
24 the Hoboken area. 24 they talked to your planner and are trying to send
25 Thank you. 25 over information to say what they've done in
Page 139 Page 141
1 J O H N G R E G O R I O, 107 1 Hoboken.
2 Jackson Street, Hoboken, New Jersey, having been 2 This is not anything like anybody else
3 duly sworn, was examined and testified as 3 has built in Hoboken. If you go to the opposite
4 follows: 4 side of Southwest Park, with buildings that are
5 MR. GREGORIO: A lot has been said about 5 100 percent lot coverage, you have eight stories,
6 how this project is more Hoboken and will affect 6 period. You don't have 15 stories.
7 Hoboken much more than it will Jersey City. And 7 Thank you.
8 I'm going to say I met some of the people from 8 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Thank you.
9 Jersey City Heights many years ago when I was the 9 All right. So I think -- so at this
10 first one in Hoboken to call out the SkyClub. And 10 juncture, we're going to close the public comment.
11 they went to City Hall there and it was a 11 All of the comments will be reflected on the
12 different time in the administration and I was 12 transcripts and hopefully we'll have an
13 told "Why do you have to know what's being built 13 opportunity to vote on this when we have six or
14 there?" 14 seven commissioners available.
15 And I said, "Well, I live there. It's 15 MR. LaPAGLIA: Mr. Verdibello, you would
16 going to affect me." 16 like to make a comment?
17 And the Zoning Officer said, "Well, it's 17 MR. VERDIBELLO: We would just like to
18 to code. It's only going to be six stories high." 18 clarify again a couple points to the public
19 As I was leaving, the architect for the 19 comment. I know there were many statements that
20 project said, very happily, "Oh, no, we got it 20 were made and it's the public right to comment.
21 zoned up on Christmas Eve to two buildings 17 21 But just to take the last gentleman, Mr. Gregorio,
22 stories high with almost 100 percent lot 22 who made a comment. We did, in fact, meet with
23 coverage." And he was very proud of this fact. 23 Hoboken public officials. I just want the record
24 Everybody else wasn't. 24 to reflect that. We did meet with Hoboken
25 Working with then Mayor Roberts, he was 25 planning staff. We did meet with Mayor Bhalla.

36 (Pages 138 to 141)

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1 So I don't know what the source of Mr. Gregorio's 1 concerns raised about parking.
2 information is. It is what it is. But we just 2 So for people to say, well -- it's
3 want the record to note that we did have meetings 3 almost like the Goldilocks syndrome. You know,
4 with Hoboken officials and they were aware of this 4 what's too little parking, what's too much
5 project. 5 parking, what's the right amount of parking? I've
6 As far as some of the other comments 6 been involved in projects in similar areas where
7 that were made, again, I know some comments were 7 we've advocated for no parking and we've been
8 made, perhaps not everyone had the opportunity to 8 scoffed and laughed at. So to be criticized for
9 see the plans that were available for public 9 having too much parking is a little bit different.
10 inspection. There were comments made about lack 10 Again, every person is within his or her
11 of green spaces. Again, we just want the record 11 right to assert that, but I would respectfully
12 to reflect that that's not incorporating the new 12 submit that, again, we're trying to accommodate a
13 Hoboken Southwest Resiliency Park which is in the 13 very flexible situation and that's part of the
14 direct vicinity of this project. So for the 14 reason why we're even implementing at cost, which
15 record to reflect that there are no green spaces 15 is part of the development plan, to have the valet
16 is inaccurate and we just want that clarified on 16 parking system, to basically try to get the most
17 the record. 17 advantageous parking situation, especially given
18 Plus, as I'm sure this Board is aware 18 the circumstances of that site, which is, you
19 and members of the public are aware, there are 19 know, people who live there will not be able to
20 plans for a park to be built as for the Emerson 20 get Hoboken parking permits. So even if they
21 project. That is in the near term. So, again, 21 could find a spot on the streets in Hoboken, they
22 green space is something that is on the horizon 22 wouldn't be able to park there.
23 and we just want the record to reflect that. 23 There is absolutely no street parking in
24 As far as trying to do a comprehensive 24 Jersey City on any of those streets, including New
25 plan with Hoboken and Jersey City, while that's 25 York Avenue. And as a result, what we're trying
Page 143 Page 145
1 good in theory, that's really not the way the New 1 to do is to avoid the situation that, again, the
2 Jersey Municipal Land Use Law works. Ultimately 2 public has complained about with Hoboken Avenue as
3 each individual municipality is responsible for 3 it rises up underneath Christ Hospital to not have
4 its own zoning laws. And as a result, to do 4 cars parked on the street.
5 comprehensive plans is good in theory, almost 5 Now, they can't park there, but, again,
6 impossible in practice. 6 we're taking into account and being flexible in
7 So while we appreciate members of the 7 how we approach that to basically say, "Well, if
8 public taking a practical approach and almost a 8 there is, by some chance, despite, we can
9 sensible approach to that, again, we just want the 9 accommodate that." And that's really what the
10 record to reflect that under the guidelines of the 10 idea is, is to have a responsible approach to
11 Municipal Land Use Law, it is difficult, if not 11 planning from that perspective.
12 impossible, if not nonexistent, to do. 12 As far as the height of the building, we
13 And that is why what we have tried to do 13 understand the concerns that the community has.
14 as part of this project, which I think was put on 14 That's part of the reason why we were instructed
15 the record through our experts, might have gotten 15 and we were planning to meet with RNA and we did.
16 a little lost in the shuffle, is that we are 16 We were able to reduce the height of the building.
17 trying to accommodate any future development of 17 It still is what it is. I'm not going to sit here
18 the Hoboken Business Center, any future 18 and say it's not a high-rise; it is.
19 development in the area to make it compatible with 19 But, you know, we took great care to
20 any future development that may come along. 20 make sure that the view corridors from on top of
21 That's why we've devised what we feel is a very 21 the Palisades in the Heights neighborhood is not
22 flexible parking strategy to accommodate both our 22 detrimentally impacted by this building. And we
23 neighbors to the north in Hoboken and also the 23 think we've accomplished that through the design
24 concerns from Jersey City. Even when we met with 24 of the building, through the orientation of the
25 the Riverview Neighborhood Association, there were 25 building.

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1 The key difference between this 1 concerned when the shoe was on the other foot back
2 building, I would submit, even though I'm not the 2 18 years ago.
3 expert, between this building and SkyClub is 3 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: I know and
4 orientation. This building is on a perpendicular 4 I'm also very concerned about the traffic. I'm
5 access to the Palisades and the SkyClub acts as a 5 just kidding.
6 curtain wall. That is a dramatic difference in 6 MR. LaPAGLIA: So that concludes this
7 how this building will be viewed and the impact it 7 project for the evening, this application.
8 will have on any of the view corridors in the 8 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: Yes. Very
9 Heights. 9 good.
10 Moreover, we are farther out from the 10 (Whereupon, the hearing on this
11 Palisades cliffs than the SkyClub is. And we're 11 application was carried to the November 15, 2018
12 not only farther out and outside of the PPOD 12 meeting at 6:30 p.m.)
13 height restrictions, but we're lower than the 13
14 SkyClub. So between the orientation and the 14
15 access of the building and the height of the 15
16 building and the fact that it's lower than the 16
17 SkyClub, it will not have the same impact. If 17
18 anything, we are setting a new, better precedent 18
19 moving forward for how to develop in that area and 19
20 to be conscious and cognizant of the impacts that 20
21 that has on the developing community. 21
22 So with that, I'll conclude my remarks 22
23 and I'll ask for the Board's consideration. I 23
24 realize we're not taking a vote tonight, but I 24
25 just wanted to add those comments to the record. 25

Page 147 Page 149

1 Thank you. 1 CERTIFICATE
3 Mr. Verdibello. 3 I, BRIDGET LOMBARDOZZI, Notary Public
4 MR. GREGORIO: Can I just bring up 4 and Certified Shorthand Reporter of the State
5 something since he questioned my veracity here? 5 of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the
6 MR. VERDIBELLO: I did not question your
6 foregoing is a true and accurate transcript of
7 the testimony as taken stenographically by and
7 veracity.
8 before me at the time, place and the date
9 hereinbefore set forth.
9 is perfectly capable of making its own judgments
10 I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that I am neither
10 as to, you know, the statements and the evidence 11 a relative nor employee nor attorney nor
11 that was heard this evening. So, you know, I -- 12 counsel of any of the parties to this action,
12 MR. GREGORIO: I have an e-mail from 13 and that I am neither a relative nor employee
13 Ravi Bhalla, who is the mayor of Hoboken, saying 14 of such attorney or counsel, and that I am not
14 he never heard about any of this stuff. He heard 15 financially interested in the action.
15 about it in April, he rejected it, and from there 16
16 on, nothing else happened. Can I put that into 17 -----------------------------------------
18 MR. LaPAGLIA: You just did. 18 Certified Shorthand Reporter
19 ACTING CHAIRWOMAN DONNELLY: You just C.S.R. License No. XI01201
20 did and that's fine, but we also heard from two
21 councilmen from Hoboken tonight. And, frankly, I
22 don't really care about Hoboken.
23 BOARD MEMBER SHEDEED: That's on the 23
24 record. 24
25 MR. GREGORIO: And yet you were 25

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A 70:10 71:9 106:14,17 adequately 131:16 133:14

abatement 76:9 89:23 124:20 108:15 109:10 97:17 122:1 agreement
ability 39:19 124:21 143:17 109:19,23 adjacency 20:13 115:17
54:7 64:22 143:22 144:12 110:3 111:22 20:17 21:9 ahead 24:10
70:2,16 97:6 145:9 112:7 113:13 adjacent 13:4 50:6
138:4 accommodati... 116:23 118:2 14:8 20:3 21:7 AHMED 1:12
able 36:6,13 99:2 120:22 123:7 28:11,19 31:24 akin 56:3 79:19
48:1 58:12 accomplish 68:6 124:8 125:3 46:6 54:3 alarm 91:13
64:14,17 68:25 accomplished 128:11 129:11 56:23 58:19 align 86:14
70:13 85:23 145:23 130:21 133:19 63:4 64:14 aligned 92:4
89:9 93:1 account 145:6 134:6 136:3 69:18 78:21 alleviate 133:6
108:2 128:21 accounts 58:11 141:8 147:2,8 128:3 allocation 123:3
138:14 144:19 accurate 104:13 147:19 148:3,8 adjoining 63:11 allow 15:1,18
144:22 145:16 104:22 149:6 action 61:7 adjustment 1:2 50:18 63:5,5,6
absolutely 9:12 accustomed 92:23 149:12 114:8 66:1 85:8
50:23 67:9 125:10,13 149:15 administration 122:16
91:18 95:19 achieve 23:5 activate 70:14 75:22 76:1,14 allowed 47:16
99:25 110:23 25:8 26:8 78:18,22 139:12 48:8
112:2 114:3,6 85:14,24 activating 14:15 admire 133:12 allows 7:5 35:10
144:23 acoustic 32:14 60:15 ado 8:20 50:5,19
absorb 118:19 83:14 active 34:15 advances 61:4 alluded 122:4
abundance 44:1 acre 38:3 57:7 actively 91:24 advantage 8:19 alternative
106:8 acres 37:17 activity 70:14 77:22 78:3 65:16 69:19,21
Academy 52:25 58:18 acts 146:5 84:16 128:25 70:9 99:5
129:19 Acting 1:12 5:1 actual 31:4 129:18 138:5 amenities 16:13
accept 10:9 5:18,23 6:6 9:6 106:23 107:7 advantageous amenity 16:21
34:18 43:4 9:10,13 10:9 ADA 40:23 144:17 17:24 18:10
49:12 52:6 10:24 24:9 86:13 advisable 92:7 amount 36:13
acceptable 29:24 30:4,17 add 33:11 advocate 69:12 47:15 58:12
40:17 112:15 30:23 31:5 146:25 advocated 144:7 70:10 90:1
accepted 42:25 33:7,15,20 added 59:6 62:2 advocating 96:12 107:24
access 12:25 34:10,17,20 adding 38:9 132:18 108:8 123:25
35:7,10 40:15 42:5 43:3 60:13 108:21 aerial 35:4 124:14 133:13
40:23 53:6 48:14 49:8,12 132:8 aesthetic 36:8 136:24 137:1
71:13 80:10,14 51:17,25 52:4 addition 25:13 60:15 144:5
81:9 86:13 52:9 65:23 29:4 49:10 affect 139:6,16 analogous 69:2
122:17,18 66:21 67:3 additional 47:15 affidavit 6:10 analyze 131:17
137:23,24 68:1 69:9,14 47:22 56:20,20 affirm 134:4 angle 32:21,22
138:11 146:5 70:17 71:12,17 57:16,20 60:20 affordable 74:20 angles 40:16
146:15 73:4 76:4 61:12,12 64:18 75:19,23,23 answer 68:15
accessible 80:10 79:23 86:1,23 70:9 71:11 76:3,16,19 73:17 96:14
80:12 86:13 87:12 88:18 84:17 89:24 115:23 133:25 102:19
accessing 53:19 89:7,16 90:3 107:21 108:1,4 afternoon 45:12 ANTHONY 4:3
accessory 54:18 92:6,21 93:14 108:19,21 age 138:10 anticipate 44:12
accommodate 93:17,19,23 117:2,3,19 agenda 4:23 5:3 102:25
8:2 49:21 94:20 96:20,24 121:22 137:7 anticipated
50:20 53:6 99:10 100:14 address 41:2 ago 139:9 148:2 72:22
57:2 59:5 100:20 101:13 64:17 93:5,6 agree 98:7 anybody 71:18
61:12 64:14 101:18 106:11 97:13 101:20 112:17 120:8 73:5 83:14

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96:7 109:6 5:25 20:15 81:17,17 88:4 50:13 A-1 3:13 6:12,14
141:2 23:15 24:14 95:19 98:2,2,3 attendants A-100 12:17
apartment 7:5 28:23 29:3 98:6,10,11,15 50:16 77:11
16:16,18 17:8 61:7,24 76:2 99:7,9 100:1 attention 125:18 A-2 3:14 18:24
20:19 26:2,18 109:12 103:9 107:12 attenuate 84:23 19:1,5
45:4 77:24 approval 48:5 108:4,21 85:7 A-201 13:9,10
103:25 104:4 57:15 61:6,19 114:12 119:21 attorney 149:11 32:19 80:6
128:13 136:19 61:22 65:13 120:1 121:11 149:14 A-202 16:17
apartments 66:23,25 67:2 121:13 123:4 attorneys 1:18 77:17
16:19,19,20 88:12,17 124:23 129:7 1:20 6:22 A-206 31:22,22
74:18,19 76:23 134:16 130:5 135:7,8 attract 70:13 83:6,8
78:2,5 79:16 approvals 75:5 137:11,13,14 attracted 85:6 A-3 3:15 19:7
appeared 52:5 100:6 137:19 138:16 attractive 62:12 A-4 3:16 19:9
appears 53:3 approve 115:9 138:22,24 137:14 A-5 3:17 19:11
appliances approved 120:5 143:19 146:19 attributed A-6 3:18 19:1
60:23 approximate areas 26:1,4 107:23 27:16,17,19,22
applicant 1:20 92:11 69:19 78:5 AUDIENCE 4:1 32:1
5:3,9 14:23 approximately 105:24 135:7 Authority 8:12 A-7 3:19 27:17
46:24 47:22 38:2,18 72:17 137:21 144:6 automatic 91:13 27:21
48:5,9 107:21 April 140:21 argue 104:21 availability A-8 3:20 35:1
applicants 6:22 147:15 argumentative 39:21 36:25
applicant's ARANEO 4:8 108:17 available 5:24
46:21 66:9 129:16 arguments 17:1 84:16 B
application 7:8 arc 11:18 131:7 105:25 141:14 B 33:22 104:17
43:8 49:16 arced 28:9 array 83:18,20 142:9 128:12 130:22
50:14 75:10,11 architect 8:4,23 ascertain 122:14 Avenue 1:5,6 134:18 136:4
113:4 116:22 10:2 55:16 Aside 7:13 5:4,10,12 6:18 Bachelor 42:21
128:6 148:7,11 58:9 76:22 asked 40:13 37:23 39:20 back 11:18
applied 105:2 80:1 90:21 127:25 140:4 40:5,6 52:18 17:17,19 21:16
applies 68:23 99:17 139:19 140:14 54:17 59:1,2 22:8 27:3
75:11 Architects 9:25 asking 8:1 52:15 59:18 68:22 30:10,13 32:19
apply 7:23 55:5 architectural 61:25 68:12 70:3,5,6,7 32:19,22 46:1
55:8 58:4 99:21 100:8 74:12 103:11 100:3 101:22 51:10 72:14
68:17 75:13 architecture 106:24 119:6 106:20 107:1 77:9 80:6,6
applying 5:13 10:4 132:2 110:14 111:13 81:13 82:2,10
appreciate area 8:15 10:6 aspect 35:15 113:17 120:25 83:6 85:1
10:12 114:7 15:7,14 20:8 aspects 37:10 122:7 125:6 92:18 94:12
121:5 133:24 21:8,10 26:18 assert 144:11 127:10 129:13 98:15 105:10
136:2 143:7 28:10 35:16,22 associated 47:6 130:14,23 108:25 111:12
apprehensive 36:7,10,14 47:7 100:12 131:15 144:25 140:2 148:1
96:5 37:4,13 38:2 Association 145:2 background
approach 83:17 40:2 53:23,24 30:22 121:8 Avenue/Obser... 28:18
85:19 143:8,9 55:7 56:16 143:25 97:3 backyard 31:4
145:7,10 57:10 58:17,19 assume 73:11 average 110:5 back-and-forth
approached 59:8,15 60:6,9 75:4 110:9 avoid 145:1 140:9
114:1 64:3 65:4 111:3 aware 66:16 bad 62:9 81:1
approaches 66:14 68:3 atmosphere 117:1,7 142:4 badly 86:24
85:12 69:17 78:15 135:17 142:18,19 Ballou 3:5 8:23
appropriate 80:4,7,7 81:16 attendant 49:20 A-001 11:10 33:18 87:13,18

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88:24 89:15,18 123:23 124:1 biggest 115:19 110:1,4 111:23 49:25 51:15
90:6,8,12,19 behalf 5:9 14:23 bike 16:12 35:25 113:10 114:11 100:17 114:21
banding 26:15 believe 27:16 55:20 58:16 114:19,19,19 119:10 129:6
barely 109:6 38:5 57:15 64:5 115:12,21 136:14,16
barrier 58:13 59:22 61:22 bikes 15:15 116:11,20 147:4
85:15 65:14 93:12 bike-sharing 118:7 121:19 brings 5:2 61:15
barriers 86:18 103:6 105:7 15:14 122:22 125:9 75:18
base 7:22 25:16 118:10 120:9 bike/pedestrian 125:12 128:10 Broadway 85:4
94:1,2,4 133:11 137:3 53:16 132:11 134:3 Brothers 59:23
136:16 140:8,23 bit 23:2,4 25:2 142:18 147:8 brought 93:10
based 16:6,7 belong 101:2 25:23 68:21 147:23 100:18 120:6
23:17 38:8 below-grade 78:19 115:25 boards 9:23 25:7 122:25
44:19 45:2 92:1 119:22 144:9 42:20 43:1 build 48:5 86:6
50:24 78:11,12 benches 35:25 blacktop 39:8 122:25 91:20 106:2
86:5,19 95:12 bend 59:1 blasting 132:12 Board's 146:23 124:20
102:21 103:23 bends 55:10 Block 1:6 6:19 boasts 70:18 building 7:10,15
104:12,21 57:24 blocks 78:22 border 5:12 6:25 12:18,20,22
105:8 107:10 beneficial 60:25 118:14 7:1 11:20,22 13:14 14:1,12
121:20 140:16 benefit 60:25 BLOODGOOD 59:24 127:22 16:1,15 17:22
basic 108:13 109:14 127:1 4:11 134:22 borderline 58:1 17:23 18:7
basically 12:19 127:15 137:19 blowup 29:6 bottom 12:12 19:16 20:24
14:9 15:6 137:20 140:3 31:22 29:12,21 54:8 22:12 23:8
19:13 35:7,18 benefits 37:7 blue 25:2 49:6 bought 25:19 24:13,17 25:10
36:10 39:7 63:14 126:8,8 board 1:2,11,18 90:7 26:2,16 27:11
41:13 44:23 126:9 131:17 5:6,21 6:5,17 Boulevard 27:12 28:21
46:9 62:14 131:20 132:2 9:21 10:17 124:17 29:23,25 31:7
106:9 114:18 132:21 18:24 23:25 boundaries 32:7,16,18
115:7 116:1 bento 25:20 27:1 26:23 30:7 114:14,16 35:10 36:16
144:16 145:7 best 10:24 33:8 33:6,9 34:5,6 boundary 11:21 38:2 39:11
basin 58:25 52:22 67:11 43:9,10 44:20 32:23 72:7,12 40:15 45:4
117:10 better 6:7 11:1 48:4,19 49:17 73:2 46:3,14,21
basis 95:21 15:8 18:20 52:5,14 65:22 bounded 12:3 53:21 55:21,21
136:22 43:20 61:16 71:18,20 73:3 box 25:18,20 55:24 56:5,6
basketball 71:10 86:5 73:5,7,11,13 27:2 89:22 58:10 59:11,17
135:15 146:18 73:15 74:7,8 Brandy 140:22 59:22 60:2
bathroom 130:3 beyond 12:14 74:10,13,14 BRAYTON 4:7 61:9 62:13
battles 66:17 20:22 29:11 75:14,18 76:15 128:16 65:10 66:15,20
bazillion 26:12 57:13 58:16 76:21 77:5 break 92:8,18 67:4 69:16
BEAM 4:12 67:23 68:19 78:7,25 79:24 breaking 120:8 73:21 77:22,24
136:8 111:5 79:25 80:3,11 Brian 4:9 79:10 81:3,8
bear 7:15 Bhalla 141:25 80:17,21,25 101:21 82:15 84:10
beautiful 133:14 147:13 81:9,25 82:7 Bridget 6:9 85:9 90:18,25
bedroom 41:6,7 bicycling 60:18 82:10,21 83:2 149:3,17 91:5,10,22
bedrooms 77:6 bicyclists 98:14 83:7 84:6,19 brief 52:17 92:3 94:8,15
78:3 98:16 99:5 84:22 85:25 113:20 94:18 95:14
Bed-Stuy 85:4 122:11 86:2 90:5,9,14 briefly 9:11,14 96:11,17 97:17
beginning 4:23 big 74:25 88:9 91:1,16,19 9:21 33:21 97:18 101:7
76:12 121:12 101:5 124:11 92:5 95:9 42:18 103:4,12,23
begins 91:22 124:12 96:19 107:11 bring 9:4 48:17 104:5,8 110:13

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110:13 111:1,2 116:19 118:23 145:4 10:9,24 24:9 characterize

111:24 112:3 119:11 128:18 case 1:5 5:2,3,15 29:24 30:4,17 45:23 46:7
115:4,7 116:9 128:24 136:21 49:21 65:9 30:23 31:5 characterizing
118:13,15 140:13 143:18 70:1 33:7,15,20 43:13
119:3,13,14 businesses 79:15 cases 28:3 34:10,17,20 charge 127:9
122:22 126:4,5 103:9 116:16 132:16 42:5 43:3 charged 104:25
126:7 130:7 businesspeople Cast 118:21 48:14 49:8,12 charging 16:12
133:15 135:4,9 79:14 119:25 121:17 51:17,25 52:4 55:19,19 60:22
135:10 136:23 buy 98:1 129:16,19 52:9 65:23 chart 77:10
137:4,16 bypassing 134:2 135:8 66:21 67:3 charter 119:4
140:14,15,18 cause 59:12 68:1 69:9,14 check 50:3 51:11
145:12,16,22 C 130:8 70:17 71:12,17 checking 51:7
145:24,25 C 1:15 33:22 caused 65:3 73:4 76:4 CHESTER 1:13
146:2,3,4,7,15 48:20 56:9 center 12:6,7 79:23 86:1,23 child 101:6
146:16 64:25 65:18 27:23 28:7 87:12 88:18 children 130:4
buildings 7:5 120:24 125:5,5 45:22,23 46:2 89:7,16 90:3 130:18
13:4 20:3,6 149:1,1 46:8,13,16 92:6,21 93:14 chiropractic
26:18 28:15 California 10:2 53:21 79:7,9 93:17,19,23 128:19
53:22 59:15,19 119:13,16 79:21 95:4,7 94:20 96:20,24 choice 101:11
59:20 61:9 call 7:11 9:9 95:11,25 96:2 99:10 100:14 Christ 145:3
66:14 68:9,25 13:2 39:7 96:6,13,16 100:20 101:13 Christmas
85:5 105:2 71:21 139:10 100:24 103:3 101:18 106:11 139:21
111:4 119:20 called 53:24 104:2 109:1 106:14,17 circulation
131:12 135:20 75:8 119:11 128:18 108:15 109:10 131:14
135:22 139:21 calls 128:3 128:24 136:22 109:19,23 circumstance
141:4 Cal's 52:21 97:1 140:13 143:18 110:3 111:22 104:14
building's 22:5 capable 147:9 centers 106:6,7 112:7 113:13 circumstances
67:10 111:7 capacity 87:15 certain 74:17,18 116:23 118:2 144:18
built 20:24 89:20 123:18 74:18 89:3 120:22 123:7 cite 96:15
53:16 115:7,8 car 13:23 15:16 certainly 42:21 124:8 125:3 cited 101:25
139:13 141:3 16:11 44:14,16 43:12 44:8 128:11 129:11 103:13 104:3
142:20 49:25 50:6,10 76:5 85:20 130:21 133:19 cities 102:12
bulk 64:25 69:23 81:2,20 87:7 106:7 134:6 136:3 110:9 120:12
bunch 106:2 106:4 138:4,11 109:4 122:10 141:8 147:2,8 126:10,13
140:23 care 7:15 12:14 125:13 126:18 147:19 148:3,8 127:19 134:16
burden 121:23 124:2 133:16 127:15 challenges 77:19 city 1:1,1,9,24
131:19 145:19 147:22 Certified 149:4 challenging 78:1 2:2 4:22 5:13
burst 124:12,12 careful 25:22 149:18 78:20 6:19,19,25 7:1
bus 129:24 26:21 28:20 certify 149:5,10 chamber 87:19 7:16 8:7,10,12
Bushwick 85:4 29:4 32:13 cetera 130:3 chance 11:1 8:15,19 11:21
business 12:6,7 carefully 24:13 140:5 27:6 66:5 34:7 35:8,14
28:7 45:22,23 carried 148:11 chair 6:17 43:5 145:8 37:17 38:5,6
46:2,8,13,16 carry 26:23 125:14,16 change 35:15,21 39:20,23 40:19
53:20 79:7,8 cars 16:6 50:13 128:1 131:10 86:9 89:1,5 44:10 49:7
79:21 95:4,7 50:22 51:6,8,9 chairman 5:6 110:21 112:8 51:3 52:19
95:11,25 96:2 69:23 99:6,12 118:8 changes 39:14 54:11 59:23,24
96:6,12,16 101:8 104:8 Chairwoman 108:3,23 67:5 68:21
100:24 103:2,3 110:18 119:10 1:12 5:1,18,23 character 59:12 69:21 72:7,8
104:2 109:1 126:15 128:21 6:6 9:6,10,13 60:3,6 99:9 75:22 78:16,23

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87:16,20 88:1 105:13 106:25 98:5 107:6 compared 38:17 conditions 19:24
88:21 89:10,10 111:4 120:10 109:4,6 110:18 90:1 64:16 65:11
89:12,19 92:25 120:14 138:13 116:18 120:13 comparison 108:13
94:11 97:9,10 141:10 123:21 124:16 17:11 96:9,18 conflict 62:25
101:22 102:18 closer 38:2 55:4 128:5,5 137:20 compatible conformance
104:14,17 64:21 68:10 Commencing 143:19 61:16
106:20 109:14 114:25 115:1 1:10 compensate congested 94:14
111:12 112:4 118:15 comment 100:22 133:5 connect 35:23
112:10 113:17 closest 54:25 109:12 110:2 compete 69:24 39:19 87:16
118:9,20,24 code 45:5 91:5 112:11 141:10 complained 89:9 126:13
120:4,25 139:18 141:16,19,20 145:2 127:19
121:23 123:1 cognizant 141:22 complement 6:5 connected 91:20
123:10 124:19 146:20 comments 6:1 79:8,19 connecting 8:10
124:22 125:10 Coles 128:13 33:11 40:21 completed 14:12 21:21
126:21 127:10 collect 37:14 66:6 92:14 117:12 connection
128:13,23 49:25 93:1 97:11 completely 21:20 22:5
129:13 130:23 collected 27:25 109:15 112:14 35:18 38:25 88:20
131:11 132:10 collection 37:16 112:24 123:5 81:7 95:22 connections
133:17 134:15 44:23 102:9 141:11 142:6,7 97:9 110:5 8:13
134:19 135:18 colored 35:3 142:10 146:25 115:8 connectivity
136:5,11,18,24 colors 26:12 commercial compliant 55:22 126:10 127:18
137:1,19,22 Columbus 34:8 12:24 14:4 comply 56:14 connects 37:21
138:12 139:7,9 combine 40:8 41:9,11 53:25 component 41:9 Connell 1:19 5:9
139:11 140:9 combined 37:22 54:15 55:25 41:11 conscious
142:25 143:24 40:7 56:14 60:15 63:6 compound 146:20
144:24 87:16 88:21 70:11 71:4 122:19 conservation
City's 55:9 89:11 74:3 119:21 comprehensive 62:17
127:14 come 13:21,25 Commissioner 134:14 142:24 consider 45:18
City/Hoboken 15:19,22 17:17 86:3,22 87:10 143:5 104:18 126:19
106:6 17:19 26:11 113:7 127:6 comprised 102:4 128:6 132:5
civil 21:17 42:3 30:9 47:12 commissioners concern 83:19 consideration
42:21 63:21 59:1 66:6 66:2 105:11,16 124:18 31:18 104:16
clarified 142:16 71:23 86:6 112:16,19,21 concerned 70:22 132:3 133:4
clarify 95:2 93:3,20 94:12 122:4 131:5 148:1,4 146:23
141:18 96:5 111:10 141:14 concerns 97:14 considered
clarity 31:15 118:24 124:12 committed 121:20 125:24 67:17 74:7
classification 124:15 134:13 115:22 138:21 143:24 75:20 103:8
57:6 143:20 committee 114:4 144:1 145:13 105:17
classifies 7:10 comes 32:24 125:15,16 concise 112:13 considering
clear 23:4 82:17 36:17 58:2 134:11 conclude 48:11 74:17 125:14
87:4 100:21 73:15 75:1 common 40:22 146:22 considers 134:14
117:25 95:5 102:13 communication concludes 65:20 consist 17:9
client 24:18 111:11 124:6 114:7 148:6 86:18
cliff 54:25 59:10 comfort 98:23 communities conclusion consistency 13:3
69:8 coming 45:9,14 136:1 104:23 54:10
cliffs 146:11 46:12 47:8 community concrete 131:22 consistent 20:7
climate 86:9 76:25 78:24 104:19 127:1 132:3 43:13,24 61:20
close 20:11 80:10 81:18 131:11 136:15 condition 28:4 84:8
39:21 43:19 96:7 97:18 145:13 146:21 39:10 consisting 12:23

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consists 18:9 54:16,17 122:23 49:6 50:24 110:15 111:13

27:22 cornfields 110:8 crazy 30:18 51:2 95:12 122:9 124:13
constituent 110:10 create 13:2 96:13,18 127:4 136:23
127:4 corporations 14:16 16:25 135:13 138:3
construct 68:25 119:14 20:2 21:14 curtain 18:17 daylight 22:3
constructed correct 6:8 31:2 22:4 23:12,14 26:14 146:6 deal 101:5
59:23 67:4 31:16,19,20 26:15 58:13 curve 11:18 17:2 dealing 20:23,25
constructing 32:17,18 72:2 77:21,23 78:1 23:14 32:24 28:24 67:12
66:25 75:16 81:11 78:24 80:9,14 77:23 78:1,11 116:1
construction 86:4 102:18 97:19 126:15 curved 14:10 decision 75:8,9
20:6 54:15 104:2 105:13 127:18,20 32:17 131:8
consumer 135:8 110:5,23 112:3 131:21,24 curves 72:12 deck 12:25 13:1
135:10,22 117:22 132:1 135:23 customer 50:2 decks 105:18
contemplates corrections created 68:16 51:5 133:2
46:18 117:23 126:6 customers 49:23 decrease 36:13
CONTENTS corridors 7:16 creates 51:10 50:5 100:11 decreasing
3:1 27:10,13 creating 60:14 cut 5:14 13:13 38:24
context 49:18 145:20 146:8 60:17,18 85:14 140:19 deep 81:6
79:6 95:16 cost 144:14 107:12 135:17 cutting 11:25 deeply 115:6
96:10 98:14 Council 120:5 creative 85:2 C-1 65:2,19 definitely 39:4
99:4 132:10 credit 38:12 C-2 65:9,19 129:5
contextual 24:15 councilman crescent 53:1 C-30 21:19 DEFUSCO 4:6
continue 17:20 125:10,20 57:23 C.S.R 149:18 125:8 127:7
20:4 21:12 councilmen criteria 60:8 delays 99:7
24:7 27:5 36:7 147:21 63:14,18 65:2 D 108:7
40:25 128:7 counsel 149:12 65:15 76:6 D 5:20 42:11,11 deliberated
continued 72:9 149:14 critical 116:14 48:20 51:18,18 67:18
continuing count 92:11 criticized 144:8 125:5 128:12 Dell'Aquila
15:10 17:21 counting 107:4 cross 126:14 134:18,18 101:3 140:12
contrary 57:17 country 44:25 130:13 135:13 136:4 140:21
100:4 102:10 crunch 126:22 daily 95:21 demand 41:12
contributing counts 8:3 46:1 culmination Dan 8:24 42:8 50:21,22 71:5
115:22 95:3,5,12 44:25 42:15 103:16 105:5
contribution 96:15 106:23 cultures 133:23 DANIEL 3:6 demonstrated
76:2 115:23 108:6 culverts 89:22 DANIELLE 59:4
contributions couple 24:12 curb 5:14 13:13 4:12 demonstrates
75:23 76:19 31:14 82:18 curbing 35:12 dark 22:2 129:8 63:12
control 50:5 116:25 141:18 curious 77:2 135:2 denied 116:9
convenient course 33:12 107:8 darker 129:2 dense 66:13
53:18 124:11 current 29:21 data 44:24 102:3 105:25
conversation court 30:19 34:15 46:16 102:7,9,12 density 5:14
85:18 135:15 53:8 97:5 103:7,22,22 43:20 47:4
conversations cover 140:17 104:14 108:12 104:3,9,13,22 56:4,7,20 57:3
76:13 coverage 139:23 116:21 117:21 105:3,8 107:7 57:20 59:6
cool 90:10 141:5 123:19,19 122:3,13 61:13,24,25
coordinate 92:2 covered 81:7 133:11 134:2 date 4:24 6:2 62:2 64:18
core 136:11 124:14 currently 8:7 149:8 68:9 71:15
corner 19:18 co-joined 12:5 12:6 16:4 datum 84:7 73:19 74:10
36:24,25 52:18 crammed 19:14 28:6,8 day 62:9 83:24 115:20 122:15

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127:21 132:24 146:19 110:14 112:4 105:22 107:9 48:14 49:8,12

133:8 140:2 developed 64:23 133:23 137:7 108:14,17 51:17,25 52:4
deny 116:22 developer 67:10 137:21 139:12 discern 48:1 52:9 65:23
Department 71:10 78:13 144:9 108:2,23 66:21 67:3
45:18 79:4 113:24 differential 48:7 disconnect 38:3 68:1 69:9,14
depend 103:15 124:18 128:4 107:19 discrepancies 70:17 71:12,17
depiction 104:13 131:19 134:12 differently 67:25 67:13 73:4 76:4
104:23 developers difficult 58:3 discuss 14:25 79:23 86:1,23
depth 21:1 121:17 132:14 87:9 143:11 discussed 56:23 87:12 88:18
114:4 developing difficulty 65:6 59:14 61:3 89:7,16 90:3
Des 102:17 43:17 65:6 digging 21:3 63:22 92:6,21 93:14
described 31:8 105:23 146:21 dimension 12:10 discussing 93:17,19,23
122:8 development dimensional 109:11 94:20 96:20,24
design 7:15 18:8 48:6 54:11,12 67:22 discussion 75:22 99:10 100:14
28:21 84:11 54:20 55:4,13 dimensions discussions 100:20 101:13
89:22,23 90:20 55:14 56:19 83:11 14:23 40:11 101:18 106:11
91:10 97:5 59:11 60:21 dingy 129:8 76:1 114:1,2 106:14,17
118:13 123:13 61:6,14,18,19 direct 11:3 121:15,17 108:15 109:10
134:14 145:23 62:19,24 63:10 12:17 20:18 dispute 95:17 109:19,23
designated 6:18 63:13 64:4,10 33:5 37:8 dissimilar 54:9 110:3 111:22
55:12 57:11 64:24 65:13 51:13 62:8 63:7 68:20 112:7 113:13
designed 15:18 70:12 105:25 65:21 112:13 distance 44:3,8 116:23 118:2
15:21 16:16 106:10 109:8 142:14 53:5 59:16 120:22 123:7
17:24,25 80:19 118:21 119:17 directed 117:23 69:7 72:18 124:8 125:3
86:12 87:25 119:21 121:9 directing 127:8 136:19 128:11 129:11
124:4 121:10,16,19 direction 32:24 distances 31:24 130:21 133:19
desirable 60:14 128:1 133:10 directionality distant 72:4 134:6 136:3
62:11 134:11 137:13 32:13 distinct 105:6 141:8 147:2,8
desperately 143:17,19,20 directions 22:17 district 7:20 147:19 148:3,8
123:4 144:15 directly 44:9 54:23 55:12 door 81:10 82:3
despite 140:12 developments 56:24 97:2 57:9,18 121:11 DOT 107:13
145:8 100:6 121:12 diversity 136:12 double 132:19
destination-type deviation 74:6 Director 2:2 Division 2:2 doubt 140:4
14:16 132:9 DIRECT-EX... dog 52:21 97:1 downtown
detail 21:18 devised 143:21 9:18 42:16 136:21 137:12 136:15 137:19
55:15 diagrams 12:19 48:23 51:21 Dogs 52:22 138:15
details 90:17 dictate 106:9 52:11 doing 35:16 40:6 DR 4:7 128:16
detention 38:10 dictating 31:16 dirty 39:7 74:17 95:15 draftsman 72:4
58:17,25 64:6 difference 39:2 disagree 69:10 106:22 114:15 72:5 73:1
87:5 117:10 46:25 47:3,6 DiSARIO 3:6 domain 127:14 drain 91:23
detriment 59:13 47:21 48:2,10 8:25 42:8,15 DONNELLY drainage 61:1
60:5 63:24 56:5 64:11 42:18 43:7 1:12 5:1,18,23 63:23 90:2
64:8,19 107:22 146:1,6 93:19 94:21,22 6:6 9:6,10,13 draining 37:17
detrimental 59:6 different 10:6 95:2 96:23 10:9,24 24:9 dramatic 8:17
detrimentally 22:15,16 26:12 97:7 99:15 29:24 30:4,17 146:6
145:22 38:13 40:16 100:16 102:5,9 30:23 31:5 draw 72:6 96:18
detriments 52:3 97:23 102:14,19,24 33:7,15,20 111:2
63:20 65:12 98:18 99:22 103:10 104:3 34:10,17,20 drawing 12:17
develop 124:22 102:17 110:13 104:24 105:14 42:5 43:3 31:21,24 96:9

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dream 99:14 125:5,5 129:12 20:2 84:11 106:21 144:17

drive 13:13 46:9 129:12,12 85:16 engineering ESQUIRE 1:17
46:10 49:23 136:4,4,4 elements 24:15 8:24,25 33:19 1:17,19
81:19 82:2 139:1 149:1,1 31:18 80:20 40:12,13,22,25 essentially 55:23
87:20 98:19,21 earlier 6:20 133:16 42:4,9,22,23 56:8 118:22
98:23 99:6 12:13 28:5 elevate 13:17 43:1 establishment
109:2 122:9 77:16 81:16 14:1 engineers 44:21 61:23
129:21 136:22 107:16 122:8 elevated 11:25 97:24,24 102:2 estimate 36:23
driven 50:15 129:2 15:11,12 20:11 104:24 110:11 45:1 104:4
128:19 easement 131:25 20:15 58:6 enhance 15:2 105:3 111:1
drivers 96:4 easier 131:5 80:4,18 83:10 60:11 76:5 estimated 44:17
driver's 97:6 easily 57:3 89:22 elevation 23:1 79:13 45:14 46:15
drives 138:2 east 37:12 53:21 31:23 32:2,3,4 enhancement estimates 107:10
driveway 35:10 59:20 123:22 32:4,7 80:8 39:12 estimating
40:14,18 95:25 easy 71:13 77:10 83:9 84:3 88:4 enhancing 60:18 104:25
96:3 97:8,11 127:24 133:1 88:6,15 99:18 enjoy 138:15 estimation 107:9
97:16 110:19 eat 136:19 elevations 18:8 enjoyable 108:5
driveways 95:6 Ed 9:1 51:16 elevator 14:2 135:25 et 130:3 140:5
96:6,8 edge 14:10,11 50:1 81:22 enlarged 140:18 eternity 47:20
driving 78:6 22:5 35:17 91:4,15,17 enormous Eve 139:21
95:24 96:1 52:19 53:17 elevators 80:15 123:25 evening 5:5,8
99:16 100:7 60:15 85:22 eliminate 133:2 ensure 62:24 6:16 7:8,14
131:14 edification emergency enter 66:6 92:15 8:22 10:18
drop 122:9 10:17 90:22,23 91:7 101:8 15:5 33:17,17
due 40:15 95:17 edition 44:23 92:3 entered 34:23 45:11,25 46:5
duly 4:22 9:16 educational 49:1 Emerson 121:15 entering 104:10 47:11 52:15
33:22 42:12 EDWARD 3:8 142:20 entire 36:4,10 96:19 109:5
48:21 51:19 effect 26:16 employee 149:11 37:13,17 38:1 121:3 129:4
113:18 118:5 74:23 75:6,9 149:13 82:24 134:14 147:11 148:7
121:1 123:10 88:2 employees 103:2 entirely 57:13 event 86:19 87:8
125:6 128:14 effective 138:13 empties 37:15 137:6 88:7,9,22 89:4
129:14 130:23 efficiencies empty 124:4,10 entities 45:17 events 88:3,5
134:8,20 136:6 16:25 50:7 124:11 entitled 44:22 everybody 69:24
139:3 57:3 77:21 encompass 46:21 80:10 92:22
dynamic 23:13 efficiency 16:8 105:1 entrance 80:22 109:13 139:24
23:16 77:1 24:16 51:11 encourage 101:4,8 140:2
D-I-S-A-R-I efficient 43:16 116:22 entry 18:10 everybody's
42:15 77:24 78:2 ends 78:3 19:16,18 21:8 70:21 125:23
D-1 56:2 65:15 effort 133:13 energy 24:15 environment 125:24
D-5 56:4 65:16 eight 45:9 73:22 62:17 60:12 62:12 everyone's 27:22
D-6 56:4 65:16 141:5 engaging 14:17 135:23,24 evidence 5:17
eight-lane engineer 8:24 envy 131:7 6:14 19:5,7,9
E 135:13 18:2 21:17 equates 47:16 19:11 27:14,19
E 1:15,15 2:1,1 eight-story 33:18 34:14 equipment 50:5 27:21 35:1
9:16 24:25 126:4 42:24 56:22 60:22 147:10
33:22 42:11 eight-tenths 61:2 62:3 Eric 3:5 8:23 exactly 67:11
48:20 51:18 44:7 63:20,22 90:19 33:18 102:1,22
113:16,16 electric 16:11 93:15 97:8,10 especially 62:13 103:15 112:17
118:4 120:24 element 19:19 97:10,12,13 138:11 140:10 examined 9:16

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33:23 42:12 experiencing 50:23 51:3 134:12 135:1,4 fitted 127:15

48:21 51:19 126:23 54:19 130:3 137:11 143:21 five 5:21 6:7
113:18 118:5 expert 9:11 facility 50:25 feeling 74:12 44:4 112:19
121:1 123:11 33:16 41:21 51:7 feet 7:21 12:11 125:12 128:23
125:7 128:14 42:6,8,25 fact 7:4 20:14 13:3 21:1 32:5 129:17 132:8
129:14 130:24 48:18 49:13 31:17 32:17 32:7 37:1,2 five-story 20:5
134:9,20 136:6 66:4 73:6 44:1 52:21 41:9 52:25 fix 133:1
139:3 93:11 104:12 54:3,24 55:7 53:2,4 54:24 fixtures 60:23
example 26:19 146:3 55:23 61:25 54:24 57:5 flexible 143:22
67:11 experts 7:14 8:4 64:1 108:25 58:1 68:18 144:13 145:6
exceeds 55:23 8:21 15:25 112:15 117:17 69:4 71:24,24 flies 99:13
Excellent 43:3 16:9 33:9,10 117:18 126:23 72:18 81:6 flip 13:9 21:5
excess 70:18 33:11 66:9 136:10 139:23 83:11 84:4 24:5
82:11 92:13 131:7 141:22 146:16 90:11,11 115:4 flipping 18:5
exchange 82:14 143:15 factors 87:7,9 115:24,25 flood 56:15 65:4
exchanged explain 6:23 fail 89:4 124:9 132:8 80:4,8,11 86:5
114:5 48:18 49:17 fair 50:18 82:24 felt 22:4 86:20 88:6,12
excited 129:5 52:13 94:2,25 102:16 female 137:10 88:14 89:17
exempt 71:24 explaining 12:19 fairly 127:11 fence 35:18 91:22 140:5
exhibit 6:13,14 explanation fall 91:6 fencing 60:13 flooded 86:24,24
19:4,5,6,7,8,9 69:11 familiar 44:20 Field 123:23 flooding 86:19
19:10,11 27:18 explore 85:20 51:1 73:20 filed 67:7 89:12 120:17
27:19,20,21 expressly 122:3 102:3 118:8 filled 88:22 floodplain 13:16
34:22,25 35:1 extension 37:23 120:6 final 1:7 26:6 13:18 15:12
35:2 36:25 37:25 40:4 families 76:25 123:2 20:22 31:17
77:9 70:3 101:1 fancy 90:7 finally 22:24 32:6
exhibits 3:12 extent 26:13 far 5:16 42:9 126:13 floods 86:16
10:21 18:21 77:23 50:22 55:8 financially flood-proofing
23:25 117:20 extra 30:8 69:23 65:11 68:17 149:15 80:20 86:17
exist 72:21,23 70:19 73:9 117:9 find 20:15 30:12 88:10,13
111:2 extraordinaire 134:2 142:6,24 90:11 126:13 floor 12:23 13:8
existing 14:9 113:8 145:12 131:2 132:13 13:11,11 16:17
15:2,16 19:24 extremely 36:11 farce 23:2 144:21 32:2,3 49:24
28:4 29:13 56:11 108:1 farther 23:5 fine 23:22 30:5 70:12 71:5
36:6 37:22 131:11 136:10 51:10 146:10 147:20 74:3 82:14,15
59:20 60:11 138:13 146:12 finger 113:11 82:16,24 85:5
65:11 109:1 eyes 60:17 fascinating finish 18:5 26:6 88:14
exists 36:21 e-mail 127:3 131:3 finished 26:10 floors 7:9 50:1
37:22 79:13 147:12 faster 98:23 88:14 74:4 81:22
exiting 45:15 e-mails 114:5 favor 113:3,3 finishes 25:8 flow 51:1 87:25
47:9 134:22 fire 90:24 91:8 129:7
expanded F fears 133:7 91:13 flowing 121:13
123:18 F 125:5 129:12 feature 7:18 first 9:5 12:17 flows 37:12 38:8
expect 105:17 149:1 features 127:16 19:15 23:24 50:24
120:17 facade 22:15 fed 123:24 32:9 66:1 74:3 focus 136:10
experience 9:22 23:11 feel 24:5 40:17 80:3,16 90:6 focused 138:23
15:3 20:8 22:3 face 54:25 69:8 47:20 52:3 94:24 113:23 focusing 47:3
29:3 42:19 86:11 99:13 112:23 116:8 114:22 117:1 Foley 1:19 5:9
49:2 135:25 facilities 49:7,19 129:8 130:7,17 139:10 foliage 21:10

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28:11 four 13:2 16:19 garbage 127:13 98:14,15 99:8 103:14,25

folks 131:10 18:25 20:5 general 57:19 144:17 104:1,20 105:3
follow 72:16,20 24:6 113:4 61:20 62:25 gives 16:5 105:8 107:5,5
73:1 120:19 four-story 7:9 63:25 64:2 giving 95:9 107:6 108:18
followed 73:2 19:19 94:3 113:2 glad 112:5 108:22 109:7
following 72:7 Franklin 114:25 generate 44:19 glass 18:15 109:20 111:7
follows 9:17 136:4 45:7,14 95:14 23:11 24:24,25 111:18,20,24
33:23 42:13 frankly 147:21 96:11 104:5 25:1 112:8,10,11,20
48:22 51:20 free 24:5 105:9 108:18 go 5:7 10:20,23 113:7,22
113:19 118:6 freight 72:24 generated 45:2 11:7 12:21 116:17,18
121:2 123:11 friendly 15:8 47:21 95:11 16:14 18:22 118:18 119:2,3
125:7 128:15 front 10:5 11:5 103:7 104:7 24:9 26:25 119:10 120:1
129:15 130:24 34:5 51:9 105:4 107:25 32:4 35:5 121:23 122:16
134:9,21 136:7 81:10 82:3 generates 45:19 37:20 38:17,19 122:19 123:13
139:4 frontage 11:15 46:3 96:18 41:8 46:6 49:5 126:3,6 130:12
follow-up 84:20 11:16 13:12 107:13 52:23 55:15 135:21,24
108:10 14:7,13,14 generation 59:1 68:21 137:5 138:22
food 135:14 20:7 32:21 44:22 90:21 73:23 74:8 139:8,16,18
foot 32:5,10,11 35:8,11 53:2 105:5 75:6 77:17 140:11,19
84:4 88:14 58:1 86:15 generator 45:24 82:10 83:25 141:10 145:17
148:1 full 6:5 18:17 90:17,23,23 88:16,23 94:10 Goldilocks
footprint 17:1 38:19 115:17 91:3,8,17,21 94:13 95:20 144:3
41:18 121:25 GENEVIEVE 108:6 111:16 good 5:5,8 6:16
Forbes 140:22 fully 40:20 1:17 111:17,19 31:6 34:17
foregoing 149:6 full-size 11:5 gentleman 93:12 119:15 126:24 35:5 36:12
foreground function 89:3 95:18 101:17 128:25 138:18 42:5 49:8 53:5
29:10 functional 40:20 141:21 141:3 61:17 63:25
forever 111:20 Fund 76:3,20 gentlemen 125:8 goes 37:14 38:17 64:2 66:9 90:4
forget 102:1 115:23 133:25 128:9 38:22 68:24 92:16 99:8
form 116:21 funny 131:1 geographic 91:3 103:21 112:7 113:5
133:11 132:13 104:16 105:15 121:10 118:17 119:5
formalized further 8:20 geometries 122:7 120:4,11,15,18
132:4 10:7 13:5 33:5 23:17 going 10:19 11:3 120:20 121:3
format 50:20 38:21 51:13 geometry 16:23 11:9 12:16 125:24 143:1,5
former 118:7 59:17 68:21 17:2 77:20 17:17 18:5,23 148:9
125:20 69:4 79:24 97:11 19:13 20:17 gotten 143:15
formidable 100:3 106:13 getting 75:5 24:17,20,23 grade 13:19,20
58:13 106:14 149:10 81:3 83:16,17 25:19 27:12 graduate 49:5
forms 62:6 future 48:4 89:8 93:25 28:22,23 38:1 graduated 10:4
forth 42:18 117:6 133:9 96:5 99:4 38:7,17,18,23 Grand 34:9
81:13 105:7 138:10 143:17 129:2 38:24 41:15 59:21
107:10 149:9 143:18,20 gigantic 99:11 52:16 56:17 grandfathered
forward 8:19 give 18:20 23:6 66:10 73:12 75:15
10:18 11:8 G 27:6 32:8 35:4 74:19,23,24 granted 48:5
12:21 16:14 G 51:18 134:7 42:9 95:16 80:12 83:6,23 granting 60:4
18:22 21:5 134:18 139:1,1 96:10 113:8,14 85:2 89:1,19 62:16 63:23
126:24 131:22 gallons 124:24 given 62:2 63:19 94:10 96:11 65:13 132:5
146:19 game 112:9 63:21 65:3 97:6,17,25 graphic 31:24
fought 66:25 garage 54:6 94:9 69:7 71:8 100:22 103:11 grates 124:17

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gravity 123:24 73:16 74:13 Harborside 34:8 67:12,15,23 60:22

gray 25:14 75:3 89:7 hard 16:25 30:2 68:17 74:9,18 high-rise 45:4,6
great 7:15 8:18 guide 61:7 111:1 82:11,12 83:4 56:19 61:8
12:14 37:5 guidelines hardship 65:3 85:8 114:9 64:24 66:13
89:9 119:1 120:19 143:10 hardships 56:13 115:20,24 91:6 105:2
123:7 128:7 guy 130:1 Harrison 11:15 116:2 132:8,17 145:18
130:5 138:21 guys 67:9 74:15 11:17 13:12 132:24 133:8 hill 123:24
145:19 GUZMAN 1:13 20:4 21:6,15 140:16 145:12 historic 126:16
greater 7:21 74:14 75:14,18 21:21 35:8,9 145:16 146:13 historical 46:1
51:11 76:15,21 77:5 46:10 52:18 146:15 history 66:16
greatly 38:15 78:7,25 53:3 54:17 heighten 137:14 67:1
green 18:1 37:8 G-R-E-G-O-R... 57:24 94:7 heightened hit 72:9
38:11 39:11 93:8 96:1,3,25 133:5 hits 72:13
55:18,21 60:21 97:20 98:6 Heights 7:17 Hoboken 1:5,6
60:21 62:19 H 101:9 109:3 59:3 67:6 68:8 5:3,10,12,12
64:4 87:6 H 9:15,15 48:20 122:7 98:4 114:6 6:18,25 11:21
121:22 123:3,3 118:4 120:24 hazard 56:15 123:22 125:23 12:6,7 22:11
133:16 142:11 125:5 134:7,18 65:4 88:12 131:10 133:22 28:7 37:18
142:15,22 139:1 head 102:14 136:9,15,16 38:4,19,25
Gregorio 4:13 Hackensack head-on 21:7 137:20 138:2 39:19 44:6
93:7,7,16,18 10:1 hear 7:7,13 8:3 138:16,20 45:22,23 46:2
93:21,24 95:1 half 38:3 41:6 10:23 15:4 139:9 145:21 46:8,13,16
100:17,23 half-mile 62:7 41:24 42:6 146:9 52:18,20,22
101:14 139:5 Hall 139:11 46:19 66:7 help 113:7 53:20,22,23
141:21 147:4 Hamilton 121:6 92:25 112:10 126:22 135:4 54:4,12,17
147:12,25 121:7,13 heard 43:14 135:10 55:10 58:1
Gregorio's 125:22 129:21 55:15 72:3 helpful 30:12,16 59:17,21 62:5
142:1 129:21 135:14 77:6 97:7 31:4 88:19 66:15 69:18
grid 69:20 138:19 99:16,21,23 hereinbefore 70:5,7 72:8
Griffith 115:1 hand 19:22,22 147:11,14,14 149:9 79:7,8,21 84:9
groceries 81:18 113:4 147:20 hi 128:16 89:13,14 93:8
ground 12:23 hands 92:11 hearing 11:1 hierarchy 98:17 94:13,13,17,18
13:8,11,11 112:25 75:10 109:14 high 7:11,11 95:4,7,11,25
14:17 18:10 handsome 24:17 148:10 25:1 71:21 96:2,6,12,16
32:2,3 70:12 hang 136:20 heart 126:17 78:10 139:18 97:2 100:3,24
71:4 112:12 hangover 81:1 133:15 139:22 102:18 103:3
ground-floor happen 118:12 heavier 94:1 higher 43:20 104:2 109:1
54:15 55:25 120:17 heavy 11:25 68:9,9 73:18 111:10 112:4
63:6 99:19 happened 67:1 25:22,23 26:20 73:19 89:11 117:11 118:4,8
Grove 59:25 114:11 118:9 53:11 64:15 highest 73:10 118:10,19,22
60:1 118:22 120:7 147:16 72:10,13 83:10 highlight 12:12 119:20 120:17
growth 43:15,16 happening height 5:13 7:23 39:1 87:3 122:7 123:1,25
43:16,16,18,25 14:18 23:8 8:2,5 13:3 highly 121:9 125:6,11,12,15
69:12,15 70:21 118:21 119:12 22:13 31:16 highway 37:15 125:16,21,21
105:12,18,22 119:25,25 55:3 56:4,7,20 46:10 70:4 125:22 126:9
105:23 106:5,8 happens 82:13 57:2,14,16 83:15 97:3 126:16,19
119:16 happily 139:20 58:11 59:6 118:16 135:14 127:10 128:18
guarantee 86:11 happy 10:7 60:4 61:12 highways 84:25 128:24 129:18
guess 71:20 18:21 22:21 64:12,13,18 high-efficiency 129:19 130:5

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130:11 134:15 Howard 3:7 125:23 126:2,3 incorporated 87:6

134:24 135:16 48:25 49:15 126:5 146:20 89:23 instance 50:21
135:18 136:1 51:12 impasse 116:10 incorporates Institute 44:20
136:16,18,21 HPNA 134:11 impervious 105:18 102:1
136:24 137:19 hundred 72:25 36:13 incorporating instructed
138:15,19,24 hundreds 43:1 implementing 142:12 145:14
139:2,6,7,10 hungry 25:20 144:14 increase 47:25 insubstantial
140:9,10,13 importance 89:20 135:5,5 53:5
141:1,3,23,24 I 98:11,13 135:6,10 insulated 24:25
142:4,13,25 idea 31:6 79:12 important 21:22 140:16 insurmountable
143:18,23 90:10 140:11 22:4 47:2 increases 50:6 89:25
144:20,21 145:10 54:10 58:9 98:24 integrated 91:12
145:2 147:13 ideal 137:16 81:15 127:2,5 increasing 67:15 intend 21:11,14
147:21,22 138:7 136:10 138:11 132:7 24:24 25:24
Hoboken's 8:16 identified 5:11 importantly incremental intended 16:3
hold 24:7 109:21 95:5 100:10 64:11 107:22 25:24 31:9
109:24 124:24 identify 108:7 impossible 143:6 incubator 86:14
hole 124:15 illegally 115:7,8 143:12 119:23 intending 78:13
holistically image 29:6,13 improve 22:7 individual 20:19 intent 18:8 20:1
122:24 29:20,22 30:15 87:7 50:10 62:24 23:12 25:3
home 81:18 35:4 improvement 79:14 143:3 26:4,12 57:17
129:9 130:12 imagery 31:10 8:17 35:13 individuals 57:18 63:16
homeless 129:25 images 28:13 36:2 39:13,15 137:15 64:8 81:11
135:2 32:15 40:7,9 industrial 53:21 84:13
honking 87:1 immediate improvements 54:1 119:23 interact 120:12
hooked 119:24 108:3 14:11,25 15:20 industry 99:3 intercept 126:15
hope 25:20 immediately 60:9,10 61:1 inferences 111:2 interested
hopefully 119:19 56:23 63:4 63:22 64:4,6 influence 89:5 121:10 149:15
128:8 135:6,9 69:18 65:10 information interesting 7:4
141:12 impact 20:18 improving 21:24 140:25 142:2 11:24 22:13
horizon 142:22 27:11 28:22 inaccurate infrastructure 37:11 131:6
horizontal 83:17 29:19 32:14 142:16 8:8,10 86:5 interests 132:22
horns 87:1 42:10 45:20 inches 32:8 84:5 121:24 interject 14:20
Hospital 145:3 58:8 59:7 90:15 initial 66:23 introducing
hot 52:21,22 84:15 97:6 included 19:22 initiated 75:25 36:19
97:1 111:13,14 107:12,15 25:15 55:18 76:13 invented 110:7
122:8 108:9,12 111:1 78:5 inlets 37:13 invest 133:24
hour 45:8,11,12 111:8,24 115:3 includes 5:20 inside 39:11 investment
46:4,5 47:11 118:20 120:6 13:12 14:11 insignificant 24:19
hours 45:8 47:17 120:15 131:13 16:18 99:11 45:20 46:9 involved 66:24
96:8 131:14 137:5 105:19 90:1 107:14 100:19,24
house 30:18 146:7,17 including 12:24 108:1 121:14 133:13
houses 85:1 impacted 83:23 45:17 56:19 InSite 8:23 135:16 144:6
housing 45:5 145:22 144:24 33:18 in/check 51:11
54:14 74:20 impactful 56:16 inconsistent inspection Iowa 102:17
75:19,23,24 impacting 120:2 63:10 142:10 110:8
76:3,17,19 impacts 60:9 incorporate install 37:20 Iron 118:21
115:23 119:13 116:15 121:12 103:25 104:1 installed 86:19 119:25 121:17
133:25 125:21,21,22 131:3 installing 8:9 129:16,19

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135:8 72:8 78:15,23 KATE 1:12 142:1,7 144:3 28:9 36:24

ironic 115:6 83:9 85:19 keep 17:17 144:19 145:19 52:24 57:1
irregular 53:1 87:16,20 88:1 40:18 41:25 147:10,11 59:8 66:15
56:12 88:21 89:10,10 52:17 83:13 148:3 79:16 116:17
irregularly 65:5 89:12,19 93:9 85:17 knowing 86:9 126:5 131:12
isolated 59:9 94:11 97:9 keeping 79:5 knows 44:2 132:6
isolation 70:2 101:22,23 Kern 4:2 106:19 83:15 larger 24:22
71:8 102:18,18 110:25 131:4 Kolling 3:8 9:1 57:2,6 77:2
issue 16:10 104:14,17 132:7 51:16,23 52:1 126:6
82:11,13 84:24 106:3,6,20 key 13:16 14:6 52:13 65:24 largest 57:6
115:19 125:18 111:12 113:17 20:12 34:7 66:12 71:19 73:10
137:6,25 113:17 115:16 83:4,5 146:1 late 125:9,11
issues 13:16 117:10,15 kidding 148:5 L laughed 144:8
20:12,23 41:1 118:5,9,20,24 kids 122:9 L 2:1 9:15,16 LAURA 4:7
83:5 97:19 120:25,25 129:19 33:22,22 42:11 law 61:5 62:23
125:13 128:21 121:23 123:1 kind 22:2 25:9,9 48:20 51:18,18 63:16 75:9,10
item 91:12 92:2 123:10,10 28:9 30:18 123:9,9 125:5 75:12 143:2,11
items 4:23 14:6 125:6 126:21 66:16 72:11 128:12 134:18 laws 143:4
31:12 127:10,14 78:4 85:15,15 136:4,4 layer 85:13
I.T.E 44:20 128:13,14,23 95:13 99:12,13 lack 70:8 121:21 layout 16:7
129:13,13,13 105:10 129:2,7 127:11 142:10 77:18
J 130:14,23,23 131:1 135:17 Lackawanna leading 53:12
J 9:15 129:12 131:10 133:17 135:25 53:12 58:7 leads 53:17
134:18 139:1 134:8,15,19,19 know 6:21 8:15 ladies 125:8 56:24
Jackson 93:8,22 135:18 136:5,5 20:18 21:25 128:9 leave 46:17
95:21 111:12 136:11,18,24 23:9,13 30:2 laid 29:14 47:13 94:8
139:2 137:18,22,22 31:11,17 32:15 LANCE 3:7 138:4
JENNIFER 4:8 138:12 139:2,7 33:5 39:4 43:7 land 9:23 42:20 leaving 45:9
Jersey 1:1,9,9,24 139:9 140:9 52:4,5 65:25 43:17 44:24 51:8,9 104:10
1:24 5:13 6:19 142:25 143:2 66:13,22 67:1 45:5 61:5 139:19
6:25 7:1,16 8:7 143:24 144:24 67:6,8 70:19 62:23 63:15 Leer 120:1
8:10,12,19 149:5 72:2 74:16,23 107:13 143:2 left 27:1 101:12
9:23 10:1,2 John 4:13 93:7 74:24 79:18 143:11 113:12
11:21,23,23 JONATHAN 82:21 83:16 landscape 35:3 legal 104:23
14:8,18,24 4:11 88:25 89:17 landscaped length 137:8
15:1 20:13 journey 123:23 95:20 100:2,3 36:24 lesson 90:7
21:10 28:11 judge 67:8 100:4 101:2 landscaping letter 40:12,13
32:10 34:7,15 judgments 102:12,20,22 21:13 36:12,20 40:22
35:8 37:17,23 147:9 103:6 107:4 38:8 60:14 let's 65:25 81:18
38:5,6 39:20 July 128:25 108:12 110:22 lane 58:16 97:1 82:19 85:6
39:23 40:4,5 juncture 141:10 111:4,5,6,9,25 134:7 92:17
40:19 42:25 jurisdiction 113:21 114:2 lanes 96:25 level 14:17 15:23
43:2 45:18 74:11 102:7 115:16 116:13 Langan 8:25 16:5,18,21
49:7 51:3 126:20 120:14 122:10 42:8 122:2 17:23,24 18:9
52:19 53:16 justifies 71:14 126:1 127:22 LaPAGLIA 18:10 21:9
54:11 55:9 129:25 130:2 1:17,17 6:9 23:9,16 25:1
58:18 59:18,23 K 130:15 135:20 94:24 141:15 28:14 32:9
59:24 67:5 K 9:16 51:18 137:25 139:13 147:18 148:6 47:25 55:20
68:21,22 69:21 113:16 120:24 140:7 141:19 large 7:3 15:5 67:16 80:16

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98:24 107:11 133:5 40:14 55:10 12:7 28:6,10 macadam 39:2

122:15 124:16 lines 12:3 25:11 58:14 59:9 28:15,16 34:6 Madame 5:5
levels 16:2,6,16 31:25 40:1 62:20 69:22 34:8 36:19 6:16 43:5
20:16 25:12,16 58:5 64:23 104:15 37:13 39:3,5 Madison 129:20
26:2 55:25 lining 128:21 locations 69:19 39:12 44:14 130:11
74:4 108:7 listening 130:19 Lofts 121:18 46:12 53:8 magnitude
license 34:11,13 literally 6:21 129:17 134:23 54:16 55:1,2 95:10
34:15 149:18 14:12 55:1 135:7,8 57:6 60:20 main 19:16
licensed 10:1 127:12 logic 82:20,22 62:14 69:19 39:19 49:24
42:24 litter 127:12 84:17,23 72:3 78:21 123:21,24
life 90:24 91:8 little 23:2,4 25:2 logical 72:15 79:10 86:24,25 124:3
lift 16:4 50:14 25:22 44:7 logically 72:19 90:12 95:6 maintaining
lifted 58:10 49:3 67:25 logistics 8:13 98:3 99:11 127:9
lifts 15:16 68:21 78:19 LOMBARDO... 109:3 111:15 major 1:7 21:4
light 7:12 12:2 90:17 94:10 149:3,17 121:14 123:17 24:19 28:22
20:17,18 32:14 97:23 108:20 long 24:17 35:22 128:3,20 130:6 31:8 35:15
36:7 44:2 115:25 119:22 44:7 53:1 131:6 133:15 87:8 88:9
53:13 56:22,24 129:3 143:16 57:22 124:5 137:11 138:17 majority 17:25
58:19,24,24 144:4,9 longer 97:3 138:17 139:5 making 12:13
62:3 72:20,20 live 44:13,15 look 21:3 28:12 139:22 140:17 14:11 24:19
83:16,24 79:16 101:22 28:17 29:18 141:5 37:25 75:22
119:22 129:1 110:7,15 30:14 36:8 lots 54:16 147:9
133:5 118:14,14,16 38:13,16,21 107:18 MAMTA 4:10
lighting 22:6 129:16 130:1 41:12 56:11 loud 130:25 Man 49:3
36:5,6 83:14 133:23 137:1 58:23 60:7 louver 25:25 management
127:12 135:6 138:22 139:15 62:7 63:2 65:8 26:10 37:9 38:9,14
likelihood 89:12 144:19 72:11 77:17 louvers 26:1 manager 9:25
liken 108:25 lived 129:17 85:12,24 90:16 love 70:12 86:8 manager's 14:3
liking 132:23 134:23 107:22 116:14 89:13 136:13 mandatorily
limit 55:4 57:13 lives 29:8 83:15 122:1 134:1 138:3 74:20
89:4 112:13 120:14 looked 21:4 loved 112:15 manned 41:24
limitations live/work 79:17 67:25 118:17 low 24:25 77:7 manner 12:1
57:14 67:22,23 living 86:10 124:19 88:4 15:22 75:16
68:17 85:23 93:21 95:21 looking 14:14 lower 15:23 map 6:18 124:19
104:16 99:13 118:22 18:15 19:15,17 20:16 80:16 Marin 124:17
limited 14:13 135:22,25 20:25 21:6 82:15 98:17 Marione 2:2
36:11 63:21 LLC 1:5 5:4,10 22:11 24:12,16 115:4,25 120:3 4:22 24:4
77:20 122:3 LLP 1:19 30:6 31:22 146:13,16 73:16 74:1,6
line 11:21 12:10 loading 13:20,22 32:12 40:6 lowering 83:21 75:4 109:17,20
20:12,14 32:23 15:18 81:17,20 56:2 68:7 lower-level mark 6:12 10:20
53:12 55:1,10 loads 13:24 78:16,17,18,23 86:12 18:23,24 19:1
57:23,25,25 lobby 12:24 122:2 137:22 low-volt 60:23 34:24 117:19
58:19 64:15 13:19,25 80:4 138:3,8 lucky 29:7 marked 6:14
68:24 69:4 80:7,21 81:13 looped 114:16 LUZ 1:13 19:5,7,9,11
72:6,7,9,13,16 86:4,7,12 looping 12:2 23:24 27:19,21
72:17,20,24 locate 43:18 lose 85:9 M 35:1
83:10 84:14 located 7:19 loss 126:19 M 1:13 113:16 market 78:14,15
85:4 99:18 11:15 54:23,24 lost 143:16 123:9,9 125:5 79:1,12
100:9 124:1 location 11:11 lot 1:6 6:19,21 134:7,7 136:4 marking 5:17

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Marshall 22:10 103:18 114:3 metal 25:8,13,14 mixture 53:25 9:15 42:11
22:10 37:14 132:14 141:22 25:15 26:5,11 modes 99:5 48:20 51:18
66:15,18 101:1 141:24,25 metals 25:6,7 Moines 102:17 113:16,16
MARY 4:5 145:15 mic 10:22,25 moment 13:5,24 118:4,4 120:24
masonry 18:15 meeting 4:23 34:2 14:20 17:15 120:24,24,24
20:6 23:10 39:25 74:22 MICHAEL 4:6 18:17 120:24 128:12
mass 43:19,20 130:15 148:12 Michigan 49:5 money 118:25 129:12,12,12
44:1 57:21 meetings 14:24 micro 79:11 119:2 130:22,22
62:20 105:24 123:13 142:3 midsection month 28:1 134:7,18,18
106:8 meets 63:13 101:9 months 127:13 136:4 139:1
massing 12:20 member 26:23 Midwest 110:7 morning 45:7,8 name 9:24 42:14
massive 116:5 30:7 71:20 mid-level 68:4 46:4 47:9 42:15 59:22
master 42:22 73:3,7 74:13 mid-rise 7:5 110:17 129:24 93:4,6,6
55:11,13 57:11 74:14 75:14,18 67:15 mounted 91:11 101:19,21
119:20 76:15,21 77:5 mile 44:7 56:21 move 11:2 16:1 106:18
match 26:13 78:7,25 79:25 million 124:9,24 16:15 18:6 narrow 22:15
materiality 80:3,11,17,21 124:24 23:16 58:15 53:2,4 94:7
18:14 80:25 81:9,25 MILLS 4:5 79:12 84:9 98:19
materials 23:10 82:7,10,21 123:12 124:9 85:3 92:8 98:1 narrower 98:25
23:19 24:11,14 83:2,7 84:6,19 mind 7:16 83:13 moves 11:18 natural 21:14
24:20 31:9 84:22 85:25 85:17 92:10 32:22 62:18
matter 1:4 52:20 90:5,9,14 91:1 minimizing 50:8 move-in/move... nature 76:10
56:6 65:7 91:16,19 92:5 minimum 70:24 15:23 99:8
111:8 126:23 110:1,4 111:23 70:24 71:11 moving 8:19 near 62:20 82:3
MATTHEW 113:10 115:10 99:24 103:18 10:18 78:16 83:15 119:17
1:14 115:12 147:23 minor 29:17 92:10 146:19 138:9 142:21
maximum 70:25 members 1:11 65:12 MUA 39:23 nearby 28:15,16
mayor 113:25 4:1 5:6,21 6:5 minute 23:18 88:21 89:19 nearest 69:4
139:25 140:20 6:17 23:25 24:8 27:10 multiple 62:6 necessarily 8:8
141:25 147:13 24:1 142:19 108:20 113:12 81:23 16:7 71:7
mean 58:7 85:1 143:7 115:12 119:9 multi-family 73:20 79:16
85:3 89:1 men 130:2 127:6 45:5 54:14 necessary 15:20
112:3 133:14 mention 62:22 minutes 21:13 61:8,9 64:10 64:15
meaning 56:15 113:21,22 44:4 47:17,19 multi-story necessity 8:5
meaningless mentioned 40:5 112:14 113:11 54:14 61:9 need 10:22 27:3
110:12 53:11 54:13 124:25 128:24 64:10 27:14 41:10
means 49:17 58:9 62:4 138:2 municipal 8:11 51:25 56:11
89:11 94:12 66:14 76:11 misphrased 68:3 8:12 11:20 79:1,16 80:13
112:18 119:17 92:23 100:23 misrepresenta... 32:23 61:5,7 106:12 108:6
meant 124:23 MERCEDES 117:16 62:23 63:15 125:25 126:19
measure 108:9 1:13 misspoke 95:3 73:2 143:2,11 133:19 135:21
measures 88:11 merge 135:25 mistake 114:15 municipalities 140:2
88:13 mess 111:14,14 misunderstood 10:6 62:25 needed 101:6
mechanical 18:3 122:8 68:2 63:1 103:7 123:4
26:10 met 8:11 40:3 mitigating 87:7 municipality needs 86:13
mechanism 65:14 113:24 87:9 63:11 143:3 87:22 140:17
91:21 114:4 117:22 mitigation 18:2 negative 65:15
meet 40:20 131:19 139:8 mix 77:9,15 78:6 N 84:15 120:16
63:17 87:25 143:24 78:8,24 N 1:15 2:1 9:15 126:2,3

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negatively 83:23 146:18 149:5 11:13 offensive 115:6 on-street 69:24

negatives 131:18 Newark 70:4,6 Notwithstandi... offer 85:13 70:8 100:1
neighbor 120:14 Newport 134:8 61:24 office 14:3 46:2 open 38:24
neighborhood nice 22:2 November 1:9 54:1 72:5 65:21 66:3
30:22 78:18 nicer 129:7 148:11 79:10,11,11,20 130:8
110:14 118:19 130:6 number 17:6 96:17 119:19 opening 127:2
121:8 133:7 night 125:9 20:5 28:19 129:1 operate 49:6
136:11 143:25 129:4 134:25 47:4 55:16,17 Officer 139:17 operating 50:25
145:21 nightmare 68:18 73:9 officials 124:22 51:4
neighboring 130:14 74:18,24 77:2 141:23 142:4 operation 49:20
63:1 nights 125:11 77:7 78:10 offset 126:7 50:11
neighborly nine 7:8 13:6 85:9 125:13 Oh 9:12 90:8 operational 82:5
136:13 74:4 numbers 41:3 91:18 139:20 operations 48:2
neighbors 28:2 nine-story 18:12 90:12 140:1 48:4 89:2
28:22 89:14 55:24 number's 74:24 okay 5:1 6:6,15 108:3,24
125:19 143:23 NJ 131:23 132:1 nursery 101:6 6:16 9:8 10:23 operator 49:4
neither 149:10 133:6 N.J.I.T 42:23 17:21 24:11 50:19
149:13 NJDEP 88:12 N.J.S.A 61:21 27:8 30:23 opine 66:5
net 46:25 48:10 noise 85:1 62:10 33:3,13 34:10 opinion 97:15
never 118:10 nonconforming 37:3 39:17 104:11,12
128:20 140:20 53:9,10 61:15 O 42:7 48:12 131:9
147:14 nonexistent O 2:1 9:15 33:22 51:12 65:20 opportunities
new 1:9,24 8:9 143:12 42:11,15 48:20 66:9 67:3 69:9 36:15 37:8
9:23 10:1,2 normal 51:4 51:18 118:4,4 73:3 79:23 71:4 78:17
11:22,23 13:13 north 28:8 53:20 120:24,24 80:17 82:23 opportunity
14:8,18,23 59:18 84:9 125:5 128:12 83:2,3 85:25 35:24 36:18
15:1 18:21 111:18 120:7 129:12 134:18 90:3 91:19 40:8 66:8 70:4
20:13 21:10 143:23 134:18,18,18 92:5,6,13,15 126:12,21
28:11 32:10 Northern 119:12 134:18 139:1,1 93:2,17 94:20 127:17,19,20
34:14 42:24 119:16 139:1 100:14,20 129:6 141:13
43:2 45:17 notable 14:6 object 121:20 101:18 106:11 142:8
50:22 53:16 28:15 observed 107:7 109:19,23 oppose 114:20
54:15 58:17 Notary 149:3 Observer 37:15 112:25 113:6 opposed 76:23
59:1 70:2,6 note 4:22 12:9 46:10 70:3 113:13 115:13 opposing 67:7
78:24 85:18 16:22 20:9,11 95:24 96:1 123:12 131:2 116:12
93:8 101:22,22 24:12 29:16 109:2 118:16 140:6,15 opposite 11:22
102:18 106:3 81:15 83:4,8 obvious 29:2 once 6:5 77:25 141:3
107:1,3 113:17 142:3 obviously 111:7 one-bedroom option 5:24
115:16 117:10 noted 13:15 28:5 111:23 117:3 16:19 order 8:2 23:3
117:14 118:5 notice 5:15 6:11 122:8 one-bedrooms 26:8 51:7
120:25 123:10 12:10 20:4 occupation 49:1 17:10 77:11,12 85:14
125:6 128:13 25:10 28:12 occur 48:3 88:5 78:8 79:2 ordinance 66:17
129:13 130:22 46:11 84:3 106:10 one-minute-left 67:19 74:17
130:23 131:14 109:3 114:22 occurs 89:6 113:14 75:1,5 132:10
134:8,19 noticeable 48:2 odd 17:1 33:1 one-to-one 71:3 134:3
135:20 136:5 108:2,23 55:9 one-way 94:7 orientation 9:4
137:16,21 noticed 118:10 oddly-shaped 111:18 11:11,14 12:8
139:2 142:12 Notices 3:13 28:10 ongoing 85:18 12:18 27:24
143:1 144:24 notification odd-shaped 7:2 on-site 98:22 145:24 146:4

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146:14 113:17 55:22 56:1 137:11,12 53:6,15 60:12

original 87:22 Palisades 7:20 58:12 62:14 particularly 8:4 60:18 85:20
100:6 114:9 7:22 11:19 63:5 64:3 38:16 43:15 99:1 129:7
originally 19:23 12:12 28:17 69:16,19,25 48:6 50:13 130:8 131:21
outdated 122:5 29:5,9 54:22 70:10,11,16,18 56:18 61:11 135:3,5 138:6
outside 114:12 55:5 58:21,22 70:19,24 71:5 62:1 95:21 138:18
114:13,13 59:16 64:21 71:11 74:4 96:8 pedestrians
146:12 120:3,7,9,10 80:22 82:12,14 particulars 98:12,16 99:5
outskirts 126:17 145:21 146:5 82:19,25 84:17 66:23 122:11 126:14
outweigh 65:12 146:11 85:13 86:24,25 parties 149:12 pedestrian-un...
overall 18:4 21:4 paper 22:10 94:8 95:6 parts 31:8 112:4 15:6
21:22 22:7 100:25 98:20,22 99:11 pass 18:21,24 pedestrian/bic...
27:13 29:17 parallel 72:16 99:16,23,25 23:21,24,25 60:11
31:11 38:14 parcel 6:21 7:2,3 100:1,4 102:22 24:20 25:19 peels 123:22
49:11 78:2,20 7:3 103:5,9,12,16 29:18 74:22 PENNOCK 4:4
82:25 90:2 park 22:25 34:9 103:18,24 75:2 121:3
91:10 99:9 50:1,10,13 104:6,19 105:5 passed 75:12 Pennsylvania
overflow 71:9 51:4,6 70:2,4 105:18,19,23 132:10 10:3
123:17,20 98:12 100:12 116:8,8 119:7 Paterson 127:9 penthouse 18:3
124:4 104:8 115:14 119:8,9 126:15 path 15:16 people 15:15
overgrown 115:15,17 126:18,22,25 35:23 44:6,9 43:19,21 44:12
28:11 117:9,11,12 128:3,20 60:11 127:10 44:15 52:20
overlay 7:20 121:6,7,13 132:25 133:2 127:14,18 67:5 78:24
12:14 54:22 124:23 125:5 137:24,25 134:24 79:20 82:12
57:18 71:23,25 125:22 126:17 138:1,3 140:16 pathway 127:2 85:3 92:12,14
overparked 71:8 129:21,22 140:17 143:22 patio 21:21 97:19 98:19,21
overpasses 135:14 138:4 144:1,4,5,5,7,9 pattern 63:10 98:23 100:4
111:11 138:19 141:4 144:16,17,20 paved 36:10 103:1,3 104:2
overused 110:6 142:13,20 144:23 39:5 104:8,9,18,19
owned 58:17 144:22 145:5 parks 117:13 pavement 38:23 104:20 107:4
115:15 parked 50:15 119:4 135:15 39:8,8 40:23 111:15 112:24
owner 49:3 51:10 145:4 Parsippany paver 25:17 113:22 116:18
50:10 parking 5:15 106:3 Pavonia 120:25 118:22 119:3
owning 44:14 12:6,25 13:1 part 8:6,9 12:8 pay 30:8 129:25 131:7
o'clock 129:4 13:21 16:2,2,3 13:13 15:4,5 PE 34:11 133:22 137:20
16:6 18:11 20:19 21:23 peak 45:7,11 138:10,21
P 20:20,22 21:8 31:15 37:5,19 46:4,5 47:11 139:8 140:7,10
P 1:15,15 2:1 26:4 28:6,9 43:8 69:20 47:17 50:21 140:23 144:2
9:15 120:24 34:8 36:10 75:24 79:7 96:8 144:19
page 3:4,5,6,7,8 37:13 39:2,5,5 84:10 91:10 peak-hour 45:19 percent 87:22,23
3:13,14,15,16 39:10 41:2,3,3 99:21 100:5 107:14 118:20,25
3:17,18,19,20 41:5,10,13,14 127:21,21 pedestal 19:19 136:17 139:22
4:2,3,4,5,6,7,8 41:18,21,23 140:15 143:14 pedestrian 14:9 141:5
4:9,10,11,12 46:12 48:18,18 144:13,15 14:14 15:3,8 perfectly 112:14
4:13 12:10,11 49:3,4,6,13,16 145:14 15:16 20:8 147:9
paid 101:3 50:7,9,12,15 particular 7:24 21:15 22:1 perforated 26:5
Palisade 57:17 50:17,20,25 45:2 66:19 23:6,15 28:14 26:11
59:2,10 72:17 51:5 53:8 54:6 77:15 105:24 29:3 35:17,19 perimeter 36:15
72:18 106:20 54:18 55:17,20 121:11 137:5,9 35:23 36:3 period 51:8

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101:25 141:6 pilot 118:25 planting 36:11 posed 105:16 117:21

permission pinch 36:17 36:18 122:11 presently 36:20
131:25 pipe 123:24 plantings 36:15 positing 89:8 Preservation
permit 54:2 place 27:2 88:25 play 82:19,23 position 22:19 7:20 54:22
107:18 123:9 131:24 plaza 35:16,22 50:22 58:23 57:18
permits 53:25 133:22 137:22 36:7 98:17 128:17 president
54:14 57:7 149:8 pleasant 62:9 positive 60:8,9 115:10 121:7
59:19 73:22 placemat 27:1 please 10:16 63:13,18 65:14 131:9
144:20 places 136:19,20 14:21 24:9 76:5 126:2,7,8 pretty 29:17
permitted 17:12 136:20 25:22 26:20 126:9 53:5 58:22
46:25 53:9 plan 1:7 5:20 43:9 48:25 positives 60:17 110:15 120:18
54:18 56:6 11:11 13:10,11 49:17 93:4,6 possibility 76:16 prevention
61:10 63:9 16:23 21:13,16 101:20 112:13 91:20,25 62:18
68:9 107:20 21:19,19 35:3 112:25 103:13 previously 11:6
116:2 123:16 51:6 54:5 plot 114:23 possible 13:18 23:1 131:17
123:19 124:3 55:11,13 57:11 117:4 25:5 26:13 prides 136:12,12
perpendicular 57:19 59:18 plus 32:3 142:18 77:23 100:25 primarily 20:6
146:4 61:16 63:3,4 podium 7:9 8:3 postpone 6:2 134:25 138:23
Pershing 123:23 63:17 64:9,19 13:2 18:9 23:9 potential 88:20 principles 70:21
person 66:24 67:16 68:23 93:3 potentially 8:18 private 58:20
109:18 144:10 69:15 70:18 point 12:13 76:2 133:9 pro 130:16
personal 43:21 86:17 89:19 19:25 29:25 power 91:3 probably 43:14
personally 79:3 90:16 91:2 36:17 45:21 PPOD 7:23 49:21 65:24
137:3 92:10,23 99:11 54:25 55:1 54:23 66:17 68:2 71:5 72:3
persons 69:22 112:9 119:20 58:3 69:5 67:5,18,21 72:18 73:17
perspective 121:16,20 80:10 81:8,23 68:6,16,23 82:5 91:11
13:21 15:24 122:1,25 123:2 84:1 94:6,15 114:13,15 103:13 114:14
42:4 65:9 128:2 131:22 97:22 114:22 146:12 114:16 121:25
83:14 97:23 131:24 140:22 115:5 116:14 practical 143:8 122:5 136:17
99:21,22 142:25 144:15 122:14,17,18 practice 34:12 137:7,15 138:1
145:11 Plank 111:17 132:16 136:1 128:19 143:6 problem 123:2
photo 3:18 planned 16:11 pointed 66:8 practicing 10:3 problems 122:10
19:21 30:21 72:21 112:5 79:21 122:20
photograph planner 4:22 9:2 points 22:15 precedent procedure 51:4
19:24 27:23 46:19 47:5 52:16 81:23 131:12 132:15 proceed 5:19,24
29:13,15 48:16,17 51:16 114:21 116:25 133:9 134:1 6:10 9:7 33:8
photographs 68:13 99:23 123:17 137:2 146:18 52:10 66:1
27:24 30:15 109:14 140:24 141:18 PRECISION 109:15 113:6
photos 117:19 planning 2:2 pontificate 1:23 113:15
physical 69:20 34:6 43:25 97:22 prediction 104:9 PROCEEDIN...
physically 94:17 52:14 72:4,5 poor 127:11 preexisting 1:6
pictures 114:6 73:12,14 74:8 population 53:10 process 79:8
114:23,25 74:10 113:25 61:24 135:2,11 preliminary 1:7 88:16 135:21
117:2,4,5,6,6 117:22,23 porch 15:11 14:22 89:21 producing
piece 46:18 141:25 145:11 portion 100:21 140:22 133:14
71:22 145:15 100:22 prequalify 52:1 product 26:7
pieces 31:8 33:1 plans 11:6 39:24 portions 58:25 present 1:11 professional 9:1
pile 21:1 89:21 121:8 68:22 22:20 34:14 42:24
piles 20:24 142:9,20 143:5 pose 66:2 121:23 presentations 48:16,17 50:12

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51:16 68:12 promotion 39:3 42:10 92:24 93:1 qualify 9:11

97:15 110:10 61:17 44:5,13,18 95:10,18 33:21
110:20,21 proof 5:17 6:10 45:6,13,25 105:13 109:12 quality 39:6,12
137:10 proofs 56:17 46:14 47:1 109:15 112:11 39:13,16
professionals proper 22:6 48:6 49:22 121:4 137:23 quantify 96:17
78:16 111:3,25 31:21 36:12 55:14 56:5 141:10,18,20 quarter 56:21
program 120:18 131:19 60:16 61:6,14 141:23 142:9 question 33:10
project 6:23,24 properties 14:8 61:23 63:13 142:19 143:8 33:11 68:2
8:6,9,23,24 57:10 59:10 87:15 95:14 145:2 149:3 71:19,21 73:8
9:25 33:18 78:21 96:10 97:16 publication 6:11 74:15 75:3,19
35:5,7,20 36:9 property 5:11 109:8 112:9 44:22 45:6 76:15,21 77:3
37:6,20 38:11 7:1,18,19,21 137:16 published 44:19 77:14 78:9
39:9,16,22 11:12,15,17,23 proposing 35:20 104:25 105:1,8 82:5,8 84:12
40:7,9 41:3 11:24 12:1,4,5 37:19 46:24 pull 17:14 36:1 86:4 90:5
42:10 43:11,13 13:15,23 14:7 48:9 54:9 pump 91:24 93:15,18 94:23
43:24 44:5,9 14:10,18 17:3 107:21 pumping 91:21 94:24 96:14,22
44:13,15 49:22 18:7 21:11 protect 68:11 pumps 91:14 100:21 102:20
60:10,20 61:4 22:14 27:11 80:25 92:1,1 103:11,21
61:23 63:9 28:5,8,13,17 protected 81:24 punching 26:14 105:15 106:21
73:10,12 76:13 29:14 32:20 proud 139:23 purchasing 110:2 122:21
82:13 88:11,16 35:19,23 36:2 provide 41:15 138:9 124:21 127:7
89:5 92:15 36:17,20 37:16 58:12 70:16 purpose 57:17 147:6
97:9 100:12 38:5,22 46:19 71:11 93:4 57:19 63:16 questioned
104:10 105:4,8 46:22 52:17,24 99:24 101:20 64:8 97:25 147:5
105:12,17 53:14,17 54:3 117:21 purposes 11:13 questioning
107:11 113:3,4 54:21 55:5,6,7 provided 28:1 61:5 62:23 105:11 125:17
114:2,20 115:9 55:9,12 56:13 29:8 31:9,10 63:15 questions 9:3
116:12,21 56:18,21 57:8 114:5,24 put 6:3 20:16 31:14 33:5,6
118:17 119:1 57:9,12,12,16 115:18 117:5,7 27:3 29:1 51:13 65:22
120:11,15 57:22,23,25 117:18 35:25 36:15 66:2,3,8,11
125:21 126:24 58:8,16,20 provides 60:10 39:11 46:21 73:5 79:24
129:6 130:16 61:8,11 63:4 63:14 54:7 71:22 87:13 92:9,13
131:2,20 63:13 64:22 providing 82:11 74:20,25 84:25 92:24 93:4
132:15 133:12 65:5 67:24 91:9 103:19 93:1 97:12 101:16 106:13
134:12,23 69:6 71:22 provision 98:11,13 106:15 125:24
136:9,14 137:9 77:19,20 78:20 121:22 107:10 112:24 127:24 128:7
139:6,20 85:22 101:4,9 proximity 43:19 113:11 133:15 queue 50:8
140:21 142:5 107:17 108:19 57:20 59:7 143:14 147:16 queuing 13:19
142:14,21 138:9 62:2 64:21 puts 44:21 15:21 49:24
143:14 148:7 property's 59:5 79:6 83:20 putting 35:21 81:5,10,13
projects 34:6,7 59:8,9 64:9 138:14 87:5,6 95:8 82:1
35:12 43:17 proposal 10:17 PTAC 26:14 p.m 1:10 148:12 quick 86:3
87:21 100:2 12:16 14:11 public 10:25 quicker 131:4
132:18 144:6 15:5 29:14 24:1 33:11 Q quickly 13:18
promote 61:19 74:1,2 96:19 36:2 49:4 59:7 qualifications 14:1
64:1 134:4 60:25 61:17,20 9:21 10:8,10 quiet 47:19
promotes 60:20 propose 60:13 63:14,25 64:2 33:25 34:4,18 quite 5:19 124:6
61:23 62:10,11 proposed 17:7 64:5 66:4 43:4 49:13
62:17 63:15,16 29:22,23,25 71:13 92:8,12 52:6 R

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R 1:15 2:1 9:15 ratio 71:3 Rebuild 123:13 redeveloping 41:5,17 90:21
9:16 33:22 rationale 52:14 rebut 116:24 98:10 regular 136:22
42:11 48:20 Ravi 147:13 recall 86:24 redevelopment regularity 32:25
51:18 113:16 Ravine 131:15 receive 40:13 37:6 53:24 reiterate 52:16
118:4 123:9 reaches 8:8 88:17 89:24 54:5 59:18 rejected 147:15
128:12,12,12 read 74:16 received 6:13 63:3,3 68:23 related 27:10
129:12,12 112:22 11:7 19:4,6,8 121:16 125:15 54:19 85:21
130:22,22 ready 5:7 92:22 19:10 27:18,20 128:2 86:17 90:24
139:1,1 149:1 113:6,15 34:25 121:8 reduce 85:8 91:14
racing 25:9 real 23:7 58:2 127:3 131:25 87:21 145:16 relates 45:24
racks 35:25 84:13 receptacles 36:1 reducing 38:8 48:7 91:8
radius 11:13 realities 86:9 recess 92:20 38:15 99:17
62:7 reality 86:11 reclaim 127:17 reduction 39:14 relationship
rail 11:25 12:2 realize 146:24 recognition 87:25 116:7,7 37:9
20:12,14 23:3 really 14:15 20:7 68:16 reel 19:21 relative 149:11
31:24 44:2 23:12 24:16 recognize 98:7 refer 79:9 149:13
53:12,13 56:22 26:15,17 28:14 recognized reference 11:9 relatively 39:21
56:25 58:19,24 28:21 33:1 39:25 106:7 13:9 21:16,18 77:24
58:24 62:3 34:4 35:2 36:1 107:17 30:13 31:20,21 reliable 96:15
64:15 72:10,13 40:14 47:2 recognizes 106:5 41:22 77:9,10 reliance 99:25
72:16,17,20,21 53:4 56:3,11 107:13 80:6 83:4,6 relied 103:22
83:10,23 84:14 65:17 72:23 recommendati... 107:7 117:14 rely 43:21 44:13
100:9 133:5 77:20 78:6,19 54:5 103:8 131:3 106:4
railroad 12:3 78:22 84:1,8 132:11 references remaining 5:2
29:1 31:18 86:14 88:2 reconcile 67:15 117:13 remarks 146:22
53:14 58:7 89:1 98:1,15 67:19 68:13 referencing 11:7 remediation
rain 125:1 99:15 100:7 70:20 16:17 22:8 140:4
rained 81:3 107:16,18 reconciled 69:7 32:19,19 80:6 remember 59:21
rainfall 88:3 108:11 115:3 reconciling referring 95:3 137:17
raise 113:4 115:10 120:1 68:15 117:9 reminder 28:25
138:21 120:16 124:22 record 6:1,4 reflect 117:16 29:21
raised 20:20,21 127:2 130:25 8:22 10:16 141:24 142:12 remote 58:22
144:1 131:22 132:13 16:18 17:6 142:15,23 removal 64:3
Ralph 3:4 8:22 133:17 135:23 23:24 31:15 143:10 remove 61:14
9:9,24 137:17 138:15 33:12 42:14,19 reflected 141:11 85:13 98:22
ramp 13:22 81:7 138:18 143:1 49:1 51:24 reflections 25:4 removed 82:24
ran 72:16 145:9 147:22 66:6 92:15 reflective 25:15 removing 60:13
Rans 4:9 101:16 rear 13:22 15:13 93:2 95:9 reflectivity 25:2 82:25
101:21,21 22:11 29:9 97:12 101:19 regard 55:21 rendering 3:14
102:6,11,16,21 55:1,2 58:2,4 105:7 112:18 63:2 88:20 3:15,16,17,19
102:25 103:21 81:14 112:25 116:6 110:25 119:5 3:20 19:21,22
104:7 105:10 reason 20:20,21 117:1,15,25 122:17 19:22 22:9
105:15 106:13 21:4 44:8 141:23 142:3 regarding 6:17 35:3
110:4 130:25 68:10 73:14 142:11,15,17 9:3 66:17 renderings 18:6
133:21 95:15 106:24 142:23 143:10 121:21 18:19 19:12,14
rarely 96:7 115:9,21 128:4 143:15 146:25 regardless 74:11 22:8 26:13
rate 39:15 144:14 145:14 147:17,24 regards 33:24 30:9,13,14
rates 44:19,25 reasons 29:2 recreational 34:3 38:10 31:11 115:18
45:13 105:1,1 71:14 54:19 39:18 40:12 117:18

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rent 15:15 26:18 32:9 64:13 65:12 rise 7:11,12 112:12

renting 138:9 46:14,18,21 143:4 144:25 17:22 18:12 run 49:19 91:4
rents 119:15 54:2,7,20 resume 92:22 32:6 68:4 91:17 127:10
repairs 40:23 55:24 63:7 112:21 107:11 108:9 runoff 38:15
repaved 127:15 74:5 80:7 retail 14:3 41:8 rises 145:3 89:24
repeat 68:14 81:12,22 84:14 54:8 99:19 rising 19:20 runoffs 38:25
replace 35:12 85:9 95:14 100:12 103:1,8 river 68:10 runs 85:4
replacements 96:11 97:16,18 103:14 104:1 124:13 R-3 7:5 17:12
40:23 98:10,11 99:20 104:20 138:23 Riverview 30:21 41:4,17 54:13
replacing 62:13 105:2,25 106:2 140:17 143:25 55:12,22 57:7
report 122:2 106:9 107:18 retailer 103:15 RNA 114:1,11 57:9,10 64:20
Reporter 149:4 109:8 116:16 retention 87:15 115:10,10 67:21 73:18,25
149:18 119:17,18,22 87:24 124:23 116:20 117:2 75:24 107:1
REPORTING 119:24 133:1,3 retrieve 50:2 117:19 131:10
1:23 residents 16:13 retrieving 50:7 132:23 145:15 S
representative 29:1,8 67:6,9 retroactively road 98:19,20 S 1:15 2:1,1
122:6 82:15 98:4 75:13 100:25 101:7 42:11 113:16
represented 5:4 100:9,11 103:4 return 94:11 roads 46:6 98:22 113:16 118:4,4
102:7 115:15 103:14 137:16 returning 51:6 roadway 98:18 120:24 123:9
representing resiliency returns 50:2 Robert 1:19 5:8 125:5 130:22
114:18 117:11 120:18 revenue 50:5 12:13 134:7
request 51:5 142:13 review 40:14 Roberts 139:25 safe 129:8
requested resources 62:17 43:9,10 88:15 roof 17:23,23,25 137:12
126:25 62:18 97:10 18:1,4 38:11 safely 126:14
require 41:13 respect 68:5 revitalization 55:18 60:21 safer 129:18
required 41:6 84:12 95:17 37:6 87:6 91:11 130:6,9,17
70:11 75:24 97:11,19 rhetorical 71:21 119:15 safety 60:19
87:20 88:11 103:17 120:13 right 7:1,6 8:16 roofs 39:11 61:20 90:25
90:24 99:12 respectfully 17:12 19:12 rooftop 17:24 91:8 127:16
103:18,20 44:11 47:24 27:9 30:1,3,24 room 118:16 135:5
105:20 69:10 85:24 31:1,5 35:16 ROTHMAN sake 11:11,14
requirement 95:23 96:3 36:4,9 41:19 1:13 26:23 12:8 27:22,24
70:25 91:2,7 107:24 108:22 46:3,20,23 30:7 71:20 31:21
103:19 144:11 47:1 48:2 73:3 79:25 sample 24:21
requirements respond 77:14 52:19,21 66:11 80:3,11,17,21 25:21,23,23
40:20 41:4,17 88:24 108:14 67:9 72:13 80:25 81:9,25 26:9
87:25 108:16 74:8,12 77:9 82:7,10,21 samples 18:16
research 79:1 responsible 79:6 80:22 83:2,7 84:6,19 24:22,23 25:7
reservoir 49:24 143:3 145:10 83:1 84:3,6 84:22 85:25 25:16,17 31:9
residences 32:14 rest 40:21 64:20 85:5 92:16,21 90:5,9,14 91:1 Sandy 86:25
83:22 restaurant 14:4 94:9 96:24 91:16,19 92:5 sanitary 37:21
resident 121:6 116:17 98:12 101:11 110:1,4 111:23 37:22,24 40:1
128:23 133:18 Restaurants 101:13,14 roughly 59:16 sat 47:18 125:11
136:9,17 138:2 135:11 106:22 109:10 route 111:11 satellite 3:18
138:12 restrictions 7:23 118:14 124:8 RSC 9:25 27:23
residential 7:9 34:16 55:3 141:9,20 144:5 rule 71:23 75:8 saw 79:1
13:6,19,25 146:13 144:11 75:9 saying 6:20 84:2
16:16 18:12 result 7:22 8:1 right-of-way rulers 90:9 119:8 140:1
19:17 20:16 56:13 63:24 72:22 rules 71:25 147:13

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says 52:22 seeking 47:23 share 18:16 98:21 situation 69:2,6

125:20 seen 23:1 73:11 127:3 sidewalk 21:20 87:8 88:8
scale 23:7 60:2 93:24 119:20 sharing 55:20 86:14,16 91:22 116:4,10
90:8 118:14 128:21 129:1 Shedeed 1:12 sidewalks 35:13 122:6 144:13
scaled 20:2 140:20 73:7 74:13 99:1 144:17 145:1
scales 37:1 send 140:24 113:7,10 side-by-side situations 50:4
scary 129:3 senior 9:25 115:12 127:6 30:14 six 6:7 55:19
scenario 88:25 sense 18:20 23:6 147:23 signal 113:15 139:18 141:13
89:6 32:8 72:19,25 sheet 11:10 significant 48:1 six-story 140:15
school 71:21 106:1 109:16 Sherman 123:9 64:11 107:12 size 45:3 73:12
101:6 129:24 127:23 She'll 34:24 108:9 137:1 123:20
schools 119:4 sensible 143:9 shoe 148:1 significantly sizeable 37:4
science 42:21,23 separate 84:13 shoots 72:13 137:5 sizes 16:24
scoffed 144:8 105:6 124:1 shop 136:20 silver 25:13 skill 133:13
second 11:10 separates 35:19 shopping 43:23 similar 20:2 skirts 14:9
18:20 20:10 series 12:23 shops 135:11 26:5 45:24 sky 25:4,4
23:11 26:3 13:23 23:10 Shore 134:7 46:15 69:5 SkyClub 29:10
29:6 44:4 25:6 27:24 short 14:25 84:10 95:13,13 115:4 116:1
47:18 53:18 serve 95:7 97:16 140:19 111:4 132:17 120:5 139:10
56:21 74:15 97:17 shorten 112:16 144:6 146:3,5,11,14
76:21 82:20 serves 46:12 shortest 51:8 Similarly 47:11 146:17
85:5 92:10 service 1:23 5:17 Shorthand simple 44:1 skyline 28:18
101:4 6:11 108:7 149:4,18 simpler 73:16 29:11 118:16
secondary 16:13 121:4 shortly 46:20 simply 56:6 72:8 slender 17:3
86:18 services 12:25 shortsighted 116:5 slip 124:5
seconds 120:23 set 5:6 12:18 134:13 SINGH 4:10 sliver 78:4
section 11:16 19:15,23 42:18 show 19:13 134:10 122:23
49:24 103:22 104:9 22:21 23:11 sit 145:17 slowly 98:20,21
see 4:23 11:4 104:13,22 25:24 28:4 site 1:7 7:24 8:8 99:6
19:18 21:9 105:6 133:9 131:19 8:18 9:4 15:10 small 11:16
22:12,16,22 134:1 149:9 showed 134:12 15:13,21 21:3 15:19 24:21,22
23:3 24:23 setting 14:24 140:21 21:19 23:17 74:6 79:15
25:6,9,13,17 79:20 131:12 showing 11:11 31:11 33:1 89:25 132:9
26:9,17 28:16 146:18 11:12 12:11 36:10 37:10,11 smaller 79:11,15
29:10,12 30:2 seven 6:7 141:14 16:4 21:8 83:9 37:21 38:15,19 79:19
30:5 32:1 34:7 sewage 86:6 114:24 38:19 42:4 smart 43:15,15
68:7 72:10 123:21,25 shown 77:10 45:9,22 48:3 43:16,16,18,24
73:15,17 77:18 124:20 shows 31:23 50:25 52:24 43:25 69:12,15
84:8,14,24 sewer 37:22 40:7 shuffle 143:16 53:11 57:1,4 70:21 105:12
94:16 96:7 123:15,16,20 shuttle 118:23 61:15 62:1 105:17,22,23
109:6 112:21 124:3,17 130:12 64:20 75:24 106:5,8 119:16
115:2 118:18 shallow 32:23 side 13:25 21:11 76:18 79:17 119:16
119:12 121:13 SHANNON 4:4 28:8 32:22 84:9 90:19 snowed 81:4
123:3 124:5 shape 22:12 68:25 69:3 97:7 122:23 Soares 4:3 118:7
126:24 127:12 55:9 56:12,12 110:14 118:9 124:4 134:15 125:20
133:21 142:9 65:4 120:20 123:22 124:1,2 140:10 144:18 soft 20:25
seeing 73:20 127:11 135:17,18 sites 57:2 SoHo 134:23
107:5 shaped 53:1 141:4 site's 122:17 135:7
seek 134:16 57:23 65:6 sides 36:16 situated 97:9 soil 64:16

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soils 20:23,25 spare 120:23 132:20 stories 7:8 13:2 99:1 100:4
sole 97:25 speak 10:7,22,25 standards 55:23 13:6 59:20,21 104:17 111:18
solicited 103:2 12:21 13:24 58:4 110:10,20 60:2 69:1 144:21,24
solution 40:4,17 15:24 18:2 110:21 73:21,23 74:3 stretch 35:22
40:18 88:9 21:12,17 23:18 standpoint 80:9 114:3 116:7 strict 76:8
solve 40:25 32:16 34:1 stands 6:24 132:8 133:4 strip 53:4
somebody 105:22 standstill 110:17 139:18,22 stripes 25:9
100:18 129:9 speaking 55:6 start 8:12,20 141:5,6 striping 16:7
somewhat 58:10 75:17 11:9 24:2,2 storm 37:24 strong 40:18
58:11 107:2 speaks 105:23 43:12 40:1 87:8 structure 21:2
135:1 specially 59:10 started 87:1 88:22 124:11 54:6 137:18
son 130:10 specific 16:10 92:19 93:5 stormwater 18:1 structured 63:5
sorry 13:8 77:3 102:12 103:22 120:19 37:9,10,12,15 stuck 124:16
sort 36:17 69:5 131:22 132:4 starting 58:25 37:21 38:9,14 studio 16:19
84:24 121:21 specifically 65:2 84:1 38:16 58:17 76:23 78:5
122:16 135:15 96:16 102:6 starts 32:20 61:2 64:6 87:5 studios 17:9
140:4 132:23 start-ups 79:15 87:14,14,19,24 41:5 77:6,11
sound 20:17,18 specifics 12:21 state 9:20,23 88:8,21 study 93:11 94:3
83:16,25 85:15 specifies 104:9 10:2,16 17:5 story 83:22,22 94:3,25 100:23
source 142:1 spell 93:6 101:19 34:14 42:24 straight 57:25 102:4,8 106:22
south 31:23 spend 136:17 43:15,25 48:25 86:11 106:25 107:3,6
53:12 58:6 spends 137:10 51:24 88:15 straight-line 123:12,14
59:19 68:21 spike 50:21 93:5 101:19 83:17 stuff 91:3 140:18
100:3 111:18 Spoke 140:20,22 106:18 149:4 strategy 143:22 147:14
114:25 spoken 18:11 statement 43:8 street 1:23 11:16 subcommittee
southern 57:23 spot 144:21 statements 11:17 13:12 128:1
128:1 spots 69:16 141:19 147:10 19:17 20:4,7 subject 56:18
southwest 53:24 105:20 states 122:3 21:6,15,21 61:11
63:2,3 117:11 sprawl 62:19 station 44:4 22:10,10,11 submit 27:14
125:15 128:3 spreading 49:20 53:18,19 23:16 35:8,9 44:11 47:24
141:4 142:13 119:18 56:25 58:24 37:14 44:4 95:23 96:4
so-and-so sprinkler 91:14 62:5,5 130:11 46:11 52:18 107:24 108:22
112:17 square 41:9 stations 16:12 53:3,6,18 144:12 146:2
space 12:24 14:4 52:25 57:5 55:19,19 60:22 54:17 56:22 submitted 39:24
14:15,16 16:21 124:9 statistic 110:6 57:24 60:1,17 43:7
17:24 38:24 stacked 41:14 statistician 66:15,18 70:5 subparagraph
41:6,7 80:16 staff 5:16 33:12 104:11 70:6 84:5 62:15,21
84:16 121:22 50:23 66:7 statistics 101:25 86:15 93:8,22 substance
123:3,3 130:8 73:8 74:15 112:1 94:7,7,17 132:17
138:23 142:22 75:3 92:25 stay 65:24 95:22 96:1,3 substantial 60:5
spaces 15:17 112:10 117:24 stayed 47:19 96:25 97:20 63:14,24 64:7
16:5 18:10 141:25 stenographica... 98:6,13 100:13 64:19 65:11
41:5,13,16,17 stair 14:2 149:7 101:1,9 111:16 subsumed 56:9
49:22 55:17 stand 6:22 52:21 stomach 115:11 128:13 130:13 suggestion 54:4
70:19,19,23 97:2,25 stone 25:16 134:19 136:5 134:11,17
71:2 82:12,25 standard 32:11 stop 126:15 139:2 144:23 suit 67:7
102:23 138:1 51:4 65:7 storage 16:12 145:4 suited 61:11
142:11,15 99:24 110:24 store 103:1 streets 71:9 sump 92:1
spandrel 26:3 112:1 117:20 104:20 124:7 94:14,19 98:15 superimposed

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35:4 87:24 88:21,22 Tanya 2:2 4:22 90:22 95:9 134:17 136:2,3
supplied 30:21 89:10,11,21 109:11 97:8 98:4,17 138:25 141:7,8
117:2,24 91:13,14,15 taper 22:14 99:17 100:8 147:1,2
support 21:1 98:18 123:15 77:25 testified 9:17,22 Thanks 92:22
98:25 133:12 144:16 tapered 22:16 10:5 33:23 theory 72:1,2,6
136:8 systems 25:25 tapering 11:17 34:4 41:21 143:1,5
supporting 37:18 38:4,6 target 78:14,14 42:12,20 48:21 They'd 70:12
65:18 61:2 89:2 124:6,7 51:19 100:5 thing 20:9,10
supposed 67:14 90:25 91:9 tax 6:18 103:24 107:16 83:13 85:17
71:13 124:10 92:3 taxes 101:3 113:18 118:6 87:4 94:6 99:8
sure 9:24 10:19 taxicab 86:25 121:1 123:11 111:9 113:23
17:16 30:6 T taxis 87:1 125:7 128:15 115:5 119:5
34:24 44:20 T 2:1 9:15 118:4 technical 117:23 129:14 130:24 120:4 137:17
49:18 76:22 128:12 134:7 technically 7:7 134:9,20 136:6 things 16:22
77:1,8 80:2 134:18 149:1,1 7:11,19 139:3 22:13 24:12
82:9 84:21 table 3:1 30:11 techniques testify 8:25 16:9 29:16 35:25
92:4 94:22 tables 35:25 38:14 60:21 47:5 60:24 67:19
96:23 103:10 take 15:6 23:2 62:19 64:4 testifying 102:11 77:15 78:19
110:3 129:25 27:7,9 29:18 tell 102:6 103:17 testimony 5:25 81:19 82:18
142:18 145:20 30:20 38:1,12 128:2 6:4 41:24 42:9 85:2,21 99:15
surface 62:14 43:9 77:17,22 Temple 42:22 46:20 48:11 105:6 112:16
64:3 81:21 83:20 ten 93:25 113:1 63:19,21 65:21 113:21 135:12
surplus 41:16 84:16 88:2 120:23 77:16 101:24 think 30:24 31:7
surprised 26:21 92:8,17 97:23 tenant 128:17 102:21 103:1 33:7 44:14
107:2,2 104:15 106:23 tend 109:13 109:24 149:7 47:2,17 52:20
surrounding 111:20 115:7 tenet 43:18 text 50:6 54:9 56:10,17
48:3 57:10 129:18,23 tenets 106:8 thank 6:15 9:8 58:9 59:4 60:8
133:7 130:12 132:3 tennis 30:19 10:11,13,15 60:16 62:10,12
sushi 25:18 138:5 140:14 tenth 44:23 33:4,14,15 63:12,17 64:1
sworn 4:1,22 141:21 ten-minute 34:19,20,21 64:13,17 65:1
9:16 33:23 taken 7:14 19:24 92:17 39:17 42:7 65:17,24 66:1
42:12 48:21 27:25 30:18 term 14:25 43:4,5 48:12 67:24 68:1
51:19 113:18 39:10 92:20 24:17 41:25 48:13,14 49:9 69:6 71:7 75:1
118:5 121:1 149:7 49:15 142:21 51:12,14,17 76:24 82:4
123:10 125:7 takes 22:1 124:2 Terminal 53:13 52:7,8,9 60:1 84:4,12 85:11
128:14 129:14 133:3 terms 7:25 12:16 69:10 71:17 86:10 89:21
130:24 134:8 talk 13:5 20:9 13:8 15:7 18:7 80:1 85:25 96:4,14 97:15
134:20 136:6 27:10 31:12 18:14 21:1,12 86:22 87:11 97:21 98:14
139:3 65:25 82:19 21:23 24:11,13 88:18 92:5 99:2,7 103:1
syllogism 111:4 131:23 137:7 24:14,15,24 100:15 109:9 104:12 105:19
syndrome 144:3 138:22 29:17 31:7 112:6 116:23 109:3,13
Syracuse 10:5 talked 81:16 32:21 46:15 118:1,2 120:21 111:12 113:6
system 14:2 16:4 131:20 132:24 47:4,21 54:10 120:22 121:3 114:8,14
18:18 25:1 140:24 54:21 55:11 123:5,8 125:2 116:25 118:13
26:10 37:16 talking 66:12 63:8 64:12,14 125:3,9,16,17 118:17 119:5
38:10,10,25 77:16 83:1 64:16,25 65:18 128:9,11 119:11 120:4
41:15,23 48:19 93:12 107:19 77:21 78:13 129:10,11 120:11,12,15
50:9,14,17 108:8 82:18 83:3 130:19,21 120:20 122:13
63:23 87:17,19 tall 69:1 84:9 85:14,23 131:5 134:5,6 122:18,19

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127:1,8,14 72:3 134:25 51:1 56:22 59:8 62:6 29:2 32:12

131:18 132:5 tint 25:3 62:3 63:19,20 71:13 102:2 56:14 58:3
132:24 133:24 title 102:1 93:11,15,25 105:13 137:23 68:6 70:20
134:3 135:16 today 29:13 94:3,4,6 95:5 138:5,14 77:22 80:9
135:21 136:9 36:21 89:2 95:11,19 96:12 trash 15:17 36:1 99:19 100:8
136:11,25 94:25 121:19 96:15,17 97:17 travel 46:6 130:13 140:24
137:6,13,17 token 98:9 97:24,24 98:1 110:15,16 142:24 143:17
138:10,17 told 139:13 98:3,16 100:11 traveled 111:10 144:12,25
141:9 143:14 Toll 59:23 104:4,7,24,25 traveling 83:12 turn 15:19 18:19
145:23 tonight 5:24 105:5,7 106:21 97:20 81:2 94:9 97:2
thinking 28:20 15:25 74:21 106:25 107:3 treat 25:24 140:14
78:14 92:7 109:21 112:20 107:15,23,25 treated 122:24 turning 8:20
99:2 114:19 125:14 108:3,6,8,23 trees 37:8 99:7
third 1:23 22:9 127:25 130:20 109:4,6 110:2 trestle 22:2 23:3 turnpike 98:5,7
38:18,22 146:24 147:21 110:11 111:8 94:11,13 turns 70:5,6
thought 31:3 Tony 125:19 111:25 116:15 101:10 129:3 twice 116:2
71:10 73:23,24 top 7:9 13:10 121:12,21 130:1,13 two 12:3 26:1
77:6 79:7,18 29:22 32:10 122:2,15,19 triangular 28:9 41:6 46:3
90:10 96:21 36:24,24 54:7 130:9 131:14 90:7 47:16,19 77:6
127:4 82:14 102:14 133:8 135:3,5 tried 143:13 78:2 96:25
three 16:2,20 145:20 136:24 137:2,6 trigger 67:22 99:15 105:6
47:8 55:25 topic 87:14 138:18 148:4 74:19 75:1 113:11 118:14
74:3 105:18 topography traffic's 105:3 triggers 57:14 123:14 126:10
112:14 130:4 56:15 65:3 train 32:11 76:9 126:12 127:19
133:4 top-of-roof 32:7 83:11 130:11 trip 44:19,22,25 130:2 139:21
three-quarter-... total 16:5 17:6,8 130:13 45:13 47:16,20 147:20
62:4 45:10,15 47:9 transcript 1:4 105:1,1 106:23 two-bedroom
three-story 13:1 47:13 49:10 4:23 149:6 107:10 108:19 16:20
140:14 73:24 108:18 transcripts 108:21 two-bedrooms
Thursday 1:9 totally 35:20 112:22 141:12 trips 45:9,9,10 17:10 77:12,13
tidal 88:5,7,9 98:7,25 transfer 38:4 45:16,19 46:3 two-lane 13:13
89:4 tower 18:12 transit 11:23,24 47:8,9,12,12 two-way 35:9
tie 25:3 40:4 19:19 14:8,18,24 47:14 107:4,14 45:10,15 47:9
tie-ins 40:9 Towers 34:8 15:1 20:14 troublesome 47:13
time 40:10 47:20 town 123:15 21:11 28:11 122:18 tying 37:18
51:9 66:11 126:17 127:9 32:10 43:19,21 trucks 15:19 type 21:2 24:24
72:21,23 75:8 127:21,21,22 44:2 53:16 true 121:4 149:6 26:7 36:8
75:8,10 87:2 tracks 29:1 58:18 62:20 truly 6:24 35:22 56:19 90:20
101:5,25 31:19 58:7,13 83:10 85:19 Trust 76:3,19 117:16
111:13 113:10 58:24 99:18,20 106:8 115:23 133:25 types 63:8 84:10
119:7 121:25 traditional 115:16 117:10 try 7:15 16:25 117:20
123:16 135:19 26:17 79:10 117:15 131:23 36:1 52:17 typical 16:18
136:17 137:2 traffic 9:1 42:10 132:1 133:6 112:13,16 62:7 65:7
137:11 139:12 43:1,8 44:18 transit's 105:24 113:20,21 77:18
149:8 45:1,10,15,20 transplant 144:16 typically 50:4
timekeeper 45:24 46:8,11 138:12 trying 13:17 51:3 55:4 56:9
113:8 46:15,16 47:6 transportation 14:16 20:2
times 40:24 50:8 47:7,10,13,15 42:23 44:21 21:23 23:14 U
51:10,11 52:6 47:25 50:24 45:18 57:21 26:15 28:3,25 U 33:22 125:5

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128:12 79:11,11,18,20 users 98:18 98:16 vision 24:25

Ultimately 143:2 85:10 103:25 uses 12:19,24 veracity 147:5,7 visitors 69:22
unaffordable 106:2 107:20 44:24 53:25 Verdibello 1:19 visual 62:11
133:22 107:22,23 54:1,8 56:7 5:4,5,8,19,22 visuals 10:19
undeniable 108:1,4,18 63:8 6:3,8,15 9:7,8 volume 39:15
136:25 126:5 133:3 usually 76:9 9:12,19 10:13 voluntarily
underneath 12:2 137:4 utilities 8:11,12 10:14 14:19,22 75:25
87:19 94:12 University 10:5 8:16 17:4 23:23 volunteer
145:3 42:22 49:5 utility 15:17 27:4 29:20 134:10
understand unload 15:22 37:25 30:1,11,20 volunteered
24:18 89:15 unpack 81:20 utilize 36:6 31:1,3 33:4,13 76:10
94:4 95:18,20 unrealistic 86:21 50:19 79:22 33:16 34:1,19 vote 6:1,4
108:12 112:22 unreasonable utilized 15:9 34:24 36:22 109:21,22,25
119:6 125:25 21:2 41:20 42:1,7 114:19 128:8
136:25 145:13 unsafe 135:1 V 42:17 43:6 141:13 146:24
understanding unusual 56:12 valet 5:15 16:3,8 48:15,24 49:14 voted 115:21
35:5 67:14 65:5 41:14,23 48:18 51:15,22 52:2 116:11 121:19
68:5 95:10 update 22:25 49:15,19 50:4 52:7,12 65:20 voting 74:21
113:24 updates 19:13 50:9,17 81:2 73:25 75:7,16 112:20 114:20
Understood upgrade 26:17 81:21 144:15 75:21 76:7,18 116:20
22:23 34:13 89:20 valeted 41:14 79:5 116:24
80:13 87:10,18 upper 25:12 valets 82:1 118:3 141:15 W
89:18 50:1 valid 125:25 141:17 147:3,6 W 9:16 48:20
underutilized urban 62:19 valuable 62:18 verify 12:15 51:18 113:16
15:7 98:2 99:4,13 Van 120:1 version 11:6 wait 119:8
Unfortunately 105:24 106:6,7 vans 118:23 versus 47:1 48:3 waiting 91:23
88:3 131:18 110:22 Vantage 34:9 48:8 110:22 walk 6:11 21:15
unique 6:21,23 Urby 34:8 variance 5:20 130:12 44:3,9 46:7
6:24 7:18,25 urge 128:6 8:2,5 56:3,10 vestibule 81:14 62:5,8,9
39:23 57:8 use 5:13,20 9:23 60:5 62:1 vice 131:9 128:25 129:3
64:20 67:20,21 10:19 12:7 63:23 67:5 vicinity 117:13 129:19,21,23
98:3 112:3,4,5 15:15 24:24 74:9,10 122:16 142:14 129:24 130:4
114:12 122:6 28:23 30:14 126:25 128:5 view 7:16 19:15 130:10 136:21
122:10 126:10 42:20 43:16 132:6 19:15,25 21:6 138:6,14
126:11 128:17 45:1,2,5,19 variances 5:14 21:7,7 22:9,24 walked 21:25
uniqueness 55:6 50:4 53:8,10 52:15 56:2,9 23:3 27:10,12 134:24
76:12 54:18 56:3,10 62:16 65:1,16 29:17,21,22,22 Walker 3:4 8:22
unit 8:2 16:24 60:16 61:5,8 65:18 73:18 68:3 76:5 9:9,20,24
41:6,7 77:18 61:10,15 62:23 variation 16:24 131:13 145:20 10:15 17:5
136:5 63:15 64:3 variety 137:21 146:8 33:6 77:3,8
units 13:7 16:17 67:12 74:9 various 44:24 viewed 146:7 78:12 79:3
17:6,9 20:16 76:11 84:14 vary 16:20 views 28:19 29:5 80:2,5,13,24
20:19 26:15 90:11,14 94:13 vegetation 38:23 viewsheds 68:8 81:5,11 82:4,9
44:18 45:7,13 94:25 100:25 vehicle 49:23 68:11 82:17,23 83:3
46:23,24 47:1 103:12 107:13 50:10 VILARDO 1:14 83:8 84:7,21
47:4,7,12,22 111:15,17 vehicles 39:5 86:3,22 87:10 85:11 86:8
48:7,8,10 54:2 112:1 115:6,9 43:22 45:14,15 VINCENT 1:17 87:3 90:22
54:7 55:16 130:2 132:21 50:8,15 122:12 violation 67:4 91:5,18,25
57:7 71:2 143:2,11 vehicular 53:7 virtually 110:12 walking 44:3,7

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129:9 137:12 55:9 64:5 14:13,24 15:11 width 5:14 25:11

walkway 14:9 77:21 81:19 16:3 17:2 willing 117:8 wraps 26:16
14:15 15:2,7 82:2 85:7 89:2 18:23 20:1,25 133:24 wrong 31:16
21:22 22:1 94:17 111:21 20:25 21:23 wins 67:10 111:13 127:8
35:17,20 36:3 112:2 126:13 23:14,19 25:8 witness 3:3 9:5 wrote 73:24
36:4 56:24 132:20,21 25:9 26:14,15 10:11 11:2
64:5 70:14 136:23 140:7 28:3,24 31:17 14:21 15:10 X
85:20 131:21 143:1 35:15 36:5,12 22:20,23 24:5 x 1:3,8
wall 18:17 26:14 ways 32:16 36:19 37:19 26:25 30:2,9 XI01201 149:18
84:24 146:6 124:6 38:7,9,15,17 31:2 33:14,17
walls 84:25 weather 81:1 38:24 41:3,15 33:21,24 34:3
want 18:25 week 114:24 50:24 51:1 34:13,21 35:2 Y 118:4 123:9
21:18 23:20 117:3,7,19,24 52:15 54:9 42:14 43:5 128:12
26:21 27:6,9 134:25 56:2 58:12 48:15 49:10 yard 29:9 58:2,4
30:13 52:2 Weissman 4:2 67:12 69:3 51:16 52:8 yeah 19:2 65:23
66:11 76:24 22:18,22 73:20 74:21 66:19,22 67:20 92:4 111:22
79:17 84:2 106:16,19,19 76:8 77:22 68:14 69:13,17 year 87:21
85:13 92:2,11 108:10 113:20 78:15,17,23 70:23 71:16 years 43:14
97:21 98:5 115:13 80:9 83:1,9 72:1 74:2 72:25 93:25
99:24 108:14 welcome 76:25 84:4 85:21,23 80:19 123:14 125:12
111:16,17 100:16 117:4 86:10 87:13 witnesses 66:3,4 128:18,20
113:23 114:20 120:16 89:9 92:22 73:6 129:17 139:9
115:5 116:6,13 welfare 61:20 100:22 103:19 woman 129:3 148:2
117:15,25 63:1,25 64:2 107:18 108:8 wondering 78:8 yellow 11:12
126:24 131:3 well-suited 112:8,20 113:6 word 76:11 yesterday 121:9
131:21,23 56:18 59:5 113:15 116:9 work 8:14 40:16 yield 97:4
133:21 141:23 62:1 116:10 117:8,9 40:16,25 43:22 York 59:1 70:3
142:3,11,16,23 went 121:15 119:3,6 120:20 67:14 87:16 70:6 101:22
143:9 139:11 121:9,12 97:13 106:4 107:1,3 130:22
wanted 30:5 west 53:13 57:24 122:15 126:22 110:11 119:18 131:14 144:25
127:3 146:25 58:15 110:14 141:10 144:12 129:9 136:23 young 78:16
wants 140:2 123:22 124:1,2 144:14,25 worked 40:24 137:10
warranted western 35:17 145:6 146:11 140:12 Z
122:15 106:2 146:13,24 working 8:13 zigzag 94:10
Washington we'll 6:12 10:20 we've 7:14 8:11 16:24 17:2 zone 12:14 13:20
111:16,20 12:20 15:24 15:18,21 16:11 139:25 13:22 15:14,17
wasn't 75:19 17:19 21:12 18:11 20:21 works 72:10 15:18,21 17:13
77:7 139:24 23:23,24 24:2 31:8,10 39:10 143:2 57:11,19 61:10
watch 92:16 24:2 33:10 41:22 43:7,14 worried 131:11 61:16 63:16
watching 109:6 35:9,12 40:16 49:4,15 65:14 worry 27:2 64:8,19,21
water 37:14 39:6 42:6 48:17 73:10 78:5 132:15 70:24 71:23,25
39:12,13,15,16 51:15 65:21 109:17 119:20 worst 110:6 73:18,19,22
39:18,21 88:23 66:1,1 77:17 123:18 129:17 wouldn't 85:12 80:4,8 81:5,10
90:1 91:23 89:12 92:18 143:21 144:7,7 92:10 102:16 81:13,20 82:1
124:10,15,24 93:1,5 109:24 145:23 144:22 105:21 115:24
waters 140:5 141:12 whatsoever 63:8 wrap 26:4 116:3
way 10:25 22:18 we're 5:13 8:1,6 white 25:11 106:12 133:20 zoned 7:4 64:9
28:21 46:4 10:17 12:2,9 wider 98:22 99:1 wrapped 65:1 68:4 139:21
53:15,16,19 12:11 13:17 widest 37:2 wrapping 25:10 zoning 1:2 41:4

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46:18,22 53:10 13-story 7:10 200 137:4 400 71:24 70 37:1 47:1,7
54:13,21 66:17 12:22 59:11 200-foot 11:12 400-foot 37:23 47:12,22 48:10
67:16,16 73:11 130 4:9 2000 55:13 405 1:23 90:11 105:19
74:7 75:25 133 125:5 2007 94:25 41 45:14 107:21,23
76:8 107:17 134 4:10,11 2011 46:1 93:12 42 3:6 108:1,4
118:7,9 122:25 136 4:12 94:1,2 95:1 45-degree 32:21 700 59:25 60:1
125:12,16 139 4:13 2015 95:4,12 450 7:21 54:23 118:21
132:9,11 134:2 14 73:24,24,24 2018 1:9 134:24 68:18 72:18 71 41:16 70:19
134:3 139:17 145 57:7 148:11 450-foot 57:13 70:23
143:4 147 16:5 41:15 21 123:18 69:3 75 87:23 136:17
Z18-095 1:5 5:3 49:21 71:2 22 47:9 454 71:24 76 41:13
15 59:21 73:21 222 45:5 46 1:6 6:19
$ 115:4 141:6 225 34:9 48 3:7 8
$200,000 115:22 148:11 24 45:14 49 16:4 45:9 8 32:11 129:4
133:25 150 114:10 24-hour 41:23 82:25 8:30 110:16
115:24 25 47:10 59:19 8:42 92:17
0 5 8:52 92:18
151 32:7 69:1 138:2
00 32:4 16th 134:19 26 17:10 59:19 5 16:21 32:5 80 21:1 53:2,4
07302 1:24 16-inch 39:19 77:12,12 5,000 41:9 57:5 58:1 87:23
07307 101:23 160 114:9 27 3:18,19 50 13:3 32:9 132:8
160-foot 35:22 27,500 52:25 69:4 84:4,4 8001 1:6
87:22 90:11 837 129:12
1 1:9 41:8 88:14 161 17:8 44:18 57:1
500 54:24 85 115:25
1-inch 124:25 45:6,13 46:24 273 134:19
48:9 71:2 28 123:16,16 500-car 54:6
1.9 58:18 51 3:8 9
10 88:6 115:3 103:25 108:18 28,000-square...
161-apartment 7:3 52 136:4 9 3:4 45:8 123:9
10-foot-wide 545 12:11 907 128:13
35:21 103:23 29 47:13
169 101:22 299 120:24 57 45:10 908 1:24
100 45:19 576 106:19 91 46:23 48:8
107:14 118:19 130:22
17 139:21 3 113:16 107:20
118:24 139:22 3,800 41:10 92 126:4
141:5 17-story 59:17
30 37:1 124:25 6 99 17:9 77:11,12
100-year 88:6,14 18 16:16 34:9 138:2 6 3:13 32:5 78:7,10
107 93:8 139:1 47:12 69:1
148:2 300 128:12 45:12
11 16:19 32:5 32 32:11 83:11 6-foot-high
47:12 18B 129:13
18th 130:13 33 3:5 35:18
11-year-old 34 3:20 6:30 148:12
130:10 19 3:14,15,16,17
1997 10:4 36 17:9 37:17 6:56 1:10
113 4:2 49:11 77:11 60 21:1 69:4
118 4:3 1999 49:4 93:22
39 106:25 107:3 600 41:8
12 90:15 2 6001 6:19
120 4:4 2 1:5,6 5:3,9,11 4 63 52:25
123 4:5 6:17 32:7,10 4 45:12 642-4299 1:24
125 4:6 81:6 84:4 87:21 4-acre 122:23 65 45:16 46:3
125-foot 81:25 136:5 4.7 32:3
128 4:7 40 10:6 7
2(i) 62:15
129 4:8 2(j) 62:21 40:55D-2(a) 7 45:8 129:4
13 60:1 73:21,23 20 43:14 59:19 61:21 7th 129:20
74:2,5 114:3 69:1 40:55D-2(e) 130:11
128:18,20 62:10 7:30 110:16

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