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1313 Acquittance of goods seized from the captive, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall

Item, Une Cote Armere des Armes Sire Pieres

Item, one coat armor with the arms of Sir Piers.
Item, En un autre Coffre, une Peire de Plates, enclouez & garniz d'Argent, od quatre Cheynes d'Argent,
coverz dun Drap de velvet vermail, besaunte d'Or.
Item, in another coffer, one pair of plates, nailed and garnished with silver, with four silver chains,
covered in cloth of vermillion velvet, bezanty gold. (silver weapons chains, vermillion velvet 'sequined'
with gold spots or coins.)
Item, Deux Peires de Jambers de feer, ventz & noveaux:
Item, two pairs of legs of iron, sold(?) & new: (jambers might be greaves only)
Item, Autres divers garnementz des Armes le dit Pieres, ovek les alettes, garniz & freitez de Perles;
Item, other diverse garments of arms of the said Piers, with the ailettes garnished and fretted with
Item, En un sak un lancenet burny od surcils.
Item, in a sack, a polished 'lancenet' with eyebrows.
Some printed sources citing this (Fœdera ii, 203) show, Item, en un sak, un bacenet burny od surcils, i.e.
a polished bascinet with eyebrows. I am uncertain if this is a typeset error, or a scribal error which has
been repeated.
Item, En un autre Sauk, une Peire Treppes des Armes de dit Piers:
Item, in another sack, a pair of trappers with the arms of the said Piers:
Item, Un Curtyn de Cendal:
Item, a bed curtain of cendal:
Item, Deux cotes de velvet, pur plates coverir:
Item, two coats of velvet, for covering plates:
Item, Une houche pur palefrei des Armes le Roy:
Item, one housing for a palfrey with the arms of the King:
Item, Quatre Chemises & trois brais de Gascoigne, orfreses:
Item, four undershirts & thee pairs of underwear of Gascony, with orphrey. (Richly decorated bands of
golden embroidery)
Item, Une veille banere des le dit Piers:
Item, one old banner of the said Piers:

Source: A. & J. Churchill, Fœdera, conventiones, literæ, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter reges
Angliæ et alios quosvis imperatores, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates, ab ineunte sæculo
duodecimo, viz. ab anno 1101, ad nostra usque tempore habita aut tractate, 1704

Link, 25 April 2016:

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