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Literature Review for Week 2: Domain E

Linnae Edgeworth
National University
Professor Clifton Johnson

This paper examines the ways in which positive learning environments foster a sense of

community and promote student engagement in the classroom. The article titled, “Positive

Classroom Environments = Positive Academic Results” by LaTerra Wilson-Fleming and

Dylinda Wilson-Younger was selected because it examines how establishing clear procedures

and routines to your classroom emphasizes collaborative activities and joint problem-solving

among the students.


“Positive Classroom Environments = Positive Academic Results”

By creating a positive classroom environment teachers are able to provide students with more

effective learning opportunities as well as establish better classroom management. The classroom

procedures and expectations should be set and clearly defined in the first few days of school. By

outlining how the class will be conducted the teacher is able to set the tone for the class and

students also perform best when they know what is expected of them. Another strategy for

creating a positive learning environment is to greet students at the door. By greeting students at

the door this not only lets the students know that you are present, but that you are in charge of

the classroom, and an active member of their learning community. There are a number of ways

in which teachers can create positive classroom environments. According to the article “this

includes: starting the year with high expectations, encouraging student involvement, making the

classroom visually appealing, getting parents involved, and using effective praise and positive

feedback” (Wilson-Fleming, L., Wilson-Younger, D., 2012).

Artifact one incorporated in domain E demonstrates starting the year with high expectations. The

first days of school are a time to establish positive learning environments with students, begin to

build a rapport, and as a class establish classroom expectations. An explanation should be

provided to the students as to why each of the expectations are important and how they will

apply to the classroom environment. Students must also have an input in the development of a

positive environment. This involvement will allow them to become stakeholders in the learning

process and encourages an atmosphere of shared beliefs (Andrews, 2008).

The social environment that is established in the classroom also creates a positive climate for

learning. This establishes a physically, socially, and emotionally safe classroom environment for

students by developing and maintaining clear expectations for academic and social behavior.

Artifacts two and three of this domain demonstrate the sense of community in the classroom

through project-based group learning, and the grouping of student desks. The students are

grouped together in sets of four. Within each group there is at least one higher-level learner who

will serve to help other students that may be lower-level, ELL, or special needs that require

additional explanations on certain topics or directions. When the students are able to work

together this fosters a sense of community and academic pride among the students in the

classroom. Wilson-Fleming and Wilson-Younger (2012) state that “the classroom should be

arranged and set-up in a way that promotes and increases students’ learning through group


Established procedures, routines, and student grouping all create an effective environment for

student learning. Instructional time is maximized by students knowing what is expected of them

before they walk in the door. The teacher and students are all active participants in learning and

the teacher consistently evaluates the classroom social environment and its relationship to

academic achievement.

Andrew, T. (2008). Creating a learning environment that promotes respect. Retrieved from
Wilson-Flemming, L., & Wilson-Younger, D. (2012, October 22). ERIC - Education Resources
Information Center. Retrieved November 19, 2018, from

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