Theme: Identifying The Themes: Explanation and Application

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Identifying the Themes:

Explanation and Application

A narrative contains several elements, such characterization, plot and setting, that all work together to
construct the narrative’s theme. The theme is the central meaning of a narrative. It tells the reader what the
work is about. The theme is expressed through what the characters say, do and think and through the actions
that take place within the story. The theme also is revealed in how the plot and setting of the narrative are
constructed and presented.

Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or
indirectly. The theme in a story is its underlying message, or 'big idea.' In other words, what critical belief
about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or
idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature. When a theme is universal, it touches on
the human experience, regardless of race or language. It is what the story means. Often, a piece of writing
will have more than one theme.

Understanding Universal Themes

A theme can be described as the central idea found within a story or passage. It can also represent a message
or lesson the author wants to convey. When a theme is relatable by a wide range of readers, we call this a
universal theme. These are themes that many people can relate to for a number of reasons, whether it's
because they incorporate common life experiences or are simply concepts of human nature that most readers
can understand.

Universal themes allow readers to connect to the story emotionally. Some of the more common universal
themes found in literature include individual struggle towards a personal goal, a person's struggle with
humanity, falling in love, life cycles, karma, coping with tragedy, adolescence and discovering the world
around us. These are universally understood by a majority of readers due to how easily they can be applied
to their own lives.

Examples of Universal Themes

In the story 'Little Red Riding Hood', a girl goes on a walk through the forest to her grandmother's house. On
her way, she meets a wolf, who appears to be nice. She tells the wolf where she's going, which later leads to
the downfall of her grandmother. The overall theme of this story might be do not trust strangers.

It's important to note that there aren't really a finite number of universal themes. Many themes are subjective.
In reading or seeing the play, Romeo and Juliet, for example, one person might conclude that the main theme
is tension between two groups, while another person would say it’s cause and effect of rebellious behavior.
Many readers would agree that both of these themes, along with others, like first love, are present in the
story. Below you will find more examples of universal themes found in literature.

1. Humans all have the same needs: Night at the Museum, the caveman comes down and the night guard
sees he needs love and affection, one of the things all humans need.
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2. Love conquers all: Romeo and Juliet, they cared for their love above anything in their lives, even their
own life.
3. Death is part of the life cycle: Harry Potter, when Harry understands that the death of Dumbledore was
just part of his life, it was supposed to happen, when he figures it at the end of the 7th book.
4. Sacrifices bring rewards: Inheritance Series (Eragon…), Eragon sacrifices his home and his family (his
uncle) to then receive magical powers and a wonderful dragon (Saphira).

Presentation of Themes

A writer presents themes in a literary work through several ways. A writer may express a theme through the
feelings of his main character about the subject he has chosen to write about. Similarly, themes are presented
through thoughts and conversations of different characters. Moreover, the experiences of the main character
in the course of a literary work give us an idea about its theme. Finally, the actions and events taking place in
a narrative are consequential in determining its theme.

Theme Examples in Literature

Example #1

Love and friendship are frequently occurring themes in literature. They generate emotional twists and turns
in a narrative and can lead to a variety of endings: happy, sad or bittersweet. The following are famous
literary works with love and friendship themes:

-Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

-Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

-Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

-Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

-Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Example #2

The theme of war has been explored in literature since ancient times. The literary woks utilizing this theme
may either glorify or criticize the idea of war. Most recent literary works portray war as a curse for humanity
due to the suffering it inflicts. Some famous examples are:

-Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

-A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

-Arms and the Man by Bernard Shaw

-A Band of Brothers: Stories from Vietnam by Walter McDonald

Example #3

Crime and mystery are utilized in detective novels. Such narratives also include sub-themes such as “crimes
cannot be hidden”, “evil is always punished” etc. Some well-known crime and mystery theme examples are:
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-The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe

-Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

-Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

-Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Example #4

Revenge is another recurrent theme found in many popular literary works. A character comes across certain
circumstances that make him aware of his need for revenge. The outcome of his action is often bitter but
sometimes they may end up being satisfied. Examples are:

-Hamlet and Macbeth by William Shakespeare

-The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

-The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson

-A Time to Kill by John Grisham

Function of Themes
Theme is an element of a story that binds together various other essential elements of a narrative. It is a truth
that exhibits universality and stands true for people of all cultures. Theme gives readers better understanding
of the main character’s conflicts, experiences, discoveries and emotions as they are derived from them.
Through themes, a writer tries to give his readers an insight into how the world works or how he or she
views human life.


Directions: Determine what the theme is for each story and explain your answer. Remember, a theme is a
lesson or message in the story. Write in complete sentences.

1. Katie Clean invited Messy Missy to her house to work on their biology project, but Katie Clean had no
idea what a visit from Messy Missy entailed. First of all, it was raining and Messy Missy neither bothered to
take her boots off nor thoroughly wiped them on the doormat. Then Messy Missy ate a bag of hot chips on
Katie Clean’s white bedspread without asking, and Messy Missy is a sloppy eater, so hot chip powder got all
over the bedspread. Katie Clean tried to be polite and ignore Messy Missy’s sloppy behavior, but then
Messy Missy threw her chip wrapper on the floor. Offended, Katie Clean pretended that she was sick and
asked Messy Missy to leave. The next day Katie Clean asked the teacher if she could work by herself. After
explaining her situation, the teacher allowed Katie to work alone. Messy Missy would have finished the
assignment by herself, but she spilled grape soda all over her assignment.

What is the theme of the story?___________________________________________________________


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What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ______________________________________


2. Money Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got everything handed to him
on a silver platter. When he was six, Money Mark wanted to go to a basketball game. His father paid the
starting five of the Bulls and Celtics to play a private game of Nerf-ball in Money Mark’s bedroom. When
Money Mark turned thirteen, he wanted to start a band. His father hired the Rolling Stones to play with him
every Saturday at the family’s private concert hall, though his family was never there. By the time he was
twenty-one, Money Mark was bored with life. He was surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he didn’t
appreciate and Money Mark could find nothing new or exciting in his life. Despite his vast wealth, Money
Mark never found happiness. Penny Petal was born poor. Her family hardly had anything to eat, but they
loved each other. Penny Petal appreciated every thing she got. When she was six, her father walked her
around the United Center before the Bulls played the Celtics. She was excited by the crazy fans and feeling
in the air. She looked forward to the day that she could see a real game. When she was thirteen, she learned
to play the buckets. She was an extremely talented musician, a natural percussionist, and everyone on the
block loved the rhythms that poured from her palms. By the time she was twenty-one, Penny was a
successful businesswoman. Now she had everything that she had ever dreamed of and she truly loved to
share her wealth and happiness with her family who supported her through all of the hard times.

What is the theme of the story?___________________________________________________________


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ______________________________________


3. Tammy and Sammy were both students in Mr. Morton’s reading class. Mr. Morton wasn’t too strict about
deadlines, and Sammy took advantage of that. He did all of his homework in his other classes but never bothered to
complete Mr. Morton’s reading assignments, figuring that he could complete them later. Tammy, on the other hand,
completed each assignment Mr. Morton assigned the night that he assigned it. She had to stay up a little later, but she
didn’t want to get a penalty for turning in her reading work late. Tammy knew reading was a core subject and that she
had to keep “C” average for the entire year or she would have to go to summer school. When the end of the quarter
came, Tammy and Sammy had both planned on going to the Enchanted Castle amusement park, but Mr. Morton called
Sammy’s mother, and she grounded Sammy until he turned in all of his work. That weekend was horrible for Sammy.
He stayed up until 2:00 AM each night and still couldn’t complete all of the assignments. The whole while, Tammy
had a great time eating pizza at Enchanted Castle, watching movies late at night, and enjoying her weekend free of
stress and pressure. At the end of the quarter, Sammy was lucky to squeak by with a “C” minus in reading while
Tammy earned an “A.” Sammy still hasn’t learned his lesson and probably won’t complete this activity either.

What is the theme of the story?___________________________________________________________


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ______________________________________


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4. Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog were hanging out at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr. Pig was eating a huge
feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch and Mr. Dog was watching him eat. “Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give
me a slice of your pizza, I’ll let you have the next bone I find.” Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to
eat the last three slices of pizza. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dog,” Mr. Pig said, “but I paid for this pizza and it’s all mine.” Mr.
Dog sighed and waited for Mr. Pig to finish, and then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter
spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter but since he was weighed down by
such a large meal, Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter killed him. Mr. Dog easily escaped. Later that night while
returning to the scene, Mr. Dog caught the scent of something delicious and began digging around a trash can. He
found a large ham bone with lots of meat and marrow still stuck to the bone. Mr. Dog happily ate.

What is the theme of the story?___________________________________________________________


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ______________________________________


5. In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High
School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too
short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it
pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When
he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest
basketball players in history.

What is the theme of the story?___________________________________________________________


What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ______________________________________


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