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All material is protected under copyright law.

Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The manipulative
love Witchcraft of
Voodoo & the
demons of Goetia
The book of Bael


All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Contents of the book of Bael

Preface……………………………………………………………………………… 3

About Voodoo & the demons of Goetia………………………………………………page 4

The magickal timing for rituals…………………………………………………….…page 5

The altar and the Witch tools………………………………………………………….page 6

How to use the Book of Shadows……………………………………………………page 15

The consecration of your Witch tools……………………………………………… 19

The frame for your rituals…………………………………………………………….page 20

The Witch’s ritual……………………………………………………………………page 22

The Elemental Forces at the four cardinal points of your circle…………………… 23

The manipulative love Witchcraft of Voodoo with two dolls……………………….page 34

A Russian Voodoo spell with Vodka & chicken heart………………………………page 39

A love spell with the Goetic demon Sitri……………………………………………page 41

The Witch’s black mirror……………………………………………………………page 49

Escaping the ritual circle in emergency cases……………………………………….page 50

The reversal of the demonic spell with the seal of Sitri…………………………… 51

The Qabalistic Cross……………………………………………………………… 54

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram…………………………………… 55

The Evocation of Archangels……………………………………………………….page 60

The love bag spell………………………………………………………………… 61

A spell to become a magnetic woman………………………………………………page 63

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

This book is the result of a spell and I suspect that I am kidnapped by demons. The writing of
endless pages is forced upon me by the demon Bael whom I summoned together with Lucifer
and Astaroth. During some moments it feels like I am absent from my body while some
power takes over my body and moves my hands. My fingers hurt due to fast writing like on
autopilot, but I feel forced and pressured to write.

Many people want to summon demons during their rituals and expect to have conversations
with the beasts. It is important to understand that spells with demons are really very powerful,
and great care must be taken with regard to the formulation of your petition to the demons. In
other case, the result of your spell may bring you a shocking result.

It is my experience that demons push the practitioner into action. Of course, you should be
careful while working with demons, because these creatures are capable of kidnapping your
mind and body.

Moreover, the demons are capable of using you as a channel of information, and will force
you to convey their messages to people. You will simply have no chance to escape the traps
of the demonic possession, because the demons will hold you firmly in their claws. Well, I
really hope you will enjoy this book.

Bonnie Berzova

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

About Voodoo & the demons of Goetia

Voodoo Hoodoo is a powerful form of magick, and you should think carefully before
deciding to perform manipulative magick to force someone to return back to you, and to be
together as lovers once more. Sometimes such magick has a tendency to produce undesirable
results. Whoever does such magick is affected by the magick in the first instance and may
become more desperate for love, and moreover, act in crazy ways because of their desperate

You may become more and more desperate and very heavily depressed. In this case you must
do rituals to curb your addictive cravings. You will have to realize that it is time to take care
of yourself and heal your emotional pain.

There are real dangers associated with the magick I do when I combine the doll of the target
with demonic seals from Goetia. This type of Witchcraft is very powerful and influences the
target on a very deep level. This happens, because I give double instructions while doing
magick: instructions to the doll of the target combined with the evocation of a demon,
followed by spoken commands regarding the tasks I expect the demon to work on.

In order to influence the target on a very deep level and without being influenced by the
demonic fumes of obsession, you have to be in absolute emotional balance and act like a
mashine. Do not allow yourself to fall into the traps of obsession. In other case if you are in
emotional imbalance, the demon may turn you into a love junkie.

When employing Goetic demons as your allies you will have to learn one additional ritual: the
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Why? Because this ritual has protective features
and clears the ritual space of roaming demons and all sorts of astral debris. In addition, the
LBRP may aid you in clearing away the fumes of obsession caused by the demonic attack in
case the spell backfires on you.

This type of manipulative love magick is more suitable for bringing back a straying lover. It is
not ethical to force a colleague to fall madly in love with you, but it might work, causing you
eventual trouble. You may get a stalker instead of a lover.

Of course, the target on which you do manipulative magick will also become affected. The
person may fall back in love with you for a while, but after some time will begin to stalk you
very aggressively. You may become afraid of violence that may emanate from the person.
The more frightened you become, the more aggression and anger to expect from the person.

In this case the love magick has gone badly wrong. You will need to protect yourself with
protection spells of Voodoo. There are methods to stop enemies from harassing you. The
target may become your enemy when the magick has gone wrong. You should be aware of the
risks associated with the manipulative love magick of Voodoo.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

But it can happen that the magick leads him or her back to you to enable you two to become
lovers again. Such outcome is possible. Then you will need to do more magick to keep your
relationship in good shape and to secure your position in your love duo.

Now about ethical love spells. It is my experience that men become very horny when I do
ethical love spells. Beware, if you are unlucky, you may become the object of heavy amorous
admirations. You will be noticed for your beauty, but be aware that men will desire you
because of their physical needs.

This is my personal experience with ethical love spells and I consider them to be dangerous. I
do not know how men experience their love spells. Perhaps they also suffer from too much
attention from the opposite gender.

The magickal timing for rituals

The most powerful moment to do magick is the day, or even better, the full moon night. From
the day when it is about 3 days left to the full moon and until the full moon day, is a very
auspicious period to do magick.

The magick is best done at night, preferably when no one bothers you. Why so? Because your
target will be asleep late during night and you may easily manipulate him or her. You can do
magick in the middle of the day too. Do your spells in secrecy and plan well in advance. If
you do magick at night, select the following nights during this short period when the
moon becomes increasingly rounder:

Sunday eve and night until sunrise

Friday eve but before midnight

If you do magick during day hours then choose the following days:

Sunday from early morning until midnight

Monday from early morning until midnight

Tuesday is not suitable for performing love magick, because Tuesday is ruled by the planet
Mars. This planet gives off an aggressive energy background that is not suitable for love

Friday from early morning until midnight

Saturday is not suitable for performing love magick, because the energy is very aggressive
and heavy (ruled by the planet Saturn).

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Recommendations from me: do magick of this type when you are sure that your target is deep
asleep during late night. You increase your odds of success.

The altar and the Witch tools

Prepare your own Holy Water (Moon Water)

You will need to prepare special Moon Water for ritual use. Witches use such Holy Water
during their rituals. Fill a clear glass bottle with water from your tap and set the bottle on the
window sill (balcony/garden). Allow the bottle to stand under the full moon a few nights
before you do your magick.

When the moon is new born and you plan to do magick during the full moon period, you may
place the water bottle out on the window sill. As the moon grows and shines on the water each
night, the Moon Water will become ready.

If by chance someone asks you what you are doing with the water bottle, you can tell the
person that you plan to water your flowers with special magickal water to make them grow
faster. This trick works and makes people smile. I know this for sure.

Outsiders do not need to know about your plans. Witches usually keep such activities a secret,
because ordinary people have great difficulty understanding Witches and their magick. Some
people are sceptical, some laugh, and some halt all friendship quickly due to the fear of the
Occult and preconceptions about Witches.

Prepare the altar

Now, when you plan to do magick it is time to decide upon the place where you will do the
ritual. You can do your ritual in your room or in some other secluded place. Make sure you
have enough space to move freely when doing your magick at the altar.

Witches do all their Witchcraft at the altar, because we need space (an area) for the burning
candles, the ritual knife and the ritual book, the bowls filled with water and salt, and spell
items. Anything can serve as your altar: a bureau with or without drawers, a table, a bedside
table, etc.

However, the furniture should be made of wood. No metal furniture! I do not know why this
is so, but I learned so from others. Apparently, metal leads electricity, and during the ritual the
environment may change with respect to electrical charges.

Prepare the candles

You will need two white taper candles to illuminate the altar. These two candles should be on
your altar as symbols of the God and Goddess. For me, the God is Lucifer. The Goddess is
Lilith. If you are into a more “Wiccan” pantheon of Gods, Diana and Lucifer are a good
choice of archetypes for you.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Many people have pointed out to me that Lucifer is Satan. I never object, because I am on the
left spectrum of Witchcraft. According to Clavicula Salomonis, Satan is assigned to the
Sephira of Kether (sphere number 1) on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Lucifer is a demonic God
and he is assigned to the Sephira of Binah (sphere number 3) on the Tree of Life. Lilith is
assigned to the Sephira of Yesod (sphere number 9). My Gods simply belong to another group
of archetypes.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

As a student of Qabalah, I work primarily Jewish magick with angelic forces. Lucifer and
Lilith are still my Gods from the time when I knew nothing about Qabalah. It is convenient
for me to do magick with the demons of Goetia while calling upon Lucifer, because many
spirits of Goetia obey him. I do not move beyond white Qabalah and Goetia for the moment.

So far we have been talking about the two white taper candles on your altar. When you will be
doing your spells, you will need other candles in various colours. It is a good idea to always
have a reserve of candles in different colours at home. I keep plenty of white and black
candles at home. Why so?

I do not do love spells very often these days, because I have no need and no desire to become
involved in a relationship. I have become a very capricious woman regarding the choice of a
life partner. It happens that I do love spells too. In this case I use red or pink candles. The
spells work and attract all sorts of men to me, but I only care for mages.

I banish troublemakers with great enthusiasm while burning black candles. The white candles
are used for various types of spells.

You may be wondering if the manipulative love spells worked their magick on my target.
Yes, those unethical spells bewitched my former lover, but unfortunately they influenced me
too. The result was tragic: I fell out of love with my former lover while he turned into a love

For the love spell you plan to do soon you will need two red candles. The shape and size is
less important, but taper candles are good to use. Make sure that the candle burns during as
little time as possible (4-6 hours). Otherwise, you must watch over the burning candles during
several days.

Select the altar cloth

The altar should be covered with a cloth to prevent the wax from spilling down on your
furniture, and also to influence your ritual so that you succeed. Ideally, the cloth should be red
when you do love spells. Other colours that resonate with love are pink and copper. If you
don’t have an altar cloth in these colours, feel free to use the textiles you have at home.

Arrange your altar

Below you can see my altar and the way I have arranged it. Well, every Witch has a unique
altar and favourite tools. At the bottom of the picture you see my ritual knife (Witches call
such a knife for the Athame). The knife is not sharp at all and is not suitable for cutting bread
or anything else. The knife is used only as a ritual knife.

My altar is positioned in the North. I look towards the north when I do my spells. Ö (Öst in
Swedish) = East, S = South, W = West, N = North. You will need a compass to know in an
approximate way the four directions: east, south, west and north. I advise to do the rituals
indoors, because people can watch your ritual with curiosity.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

My altar

Book of Shadows = a special ritual book of the Witch

Athame = a special ritual knife

This is a picture taken from my Swedish books and I will simply translate the Swedish
language for you: kitteln = kettle; salt = salt; vatten = water; ljus = candle; altar pentakel = the
altar pentacle; Gudinna och Gud = Goddess and God.

At the bottom of this picture is my ritual knife. The black book to the left is the Book of
Shadows, or in other words, it is a ritual book. I write down rituals and spells in this secret
book of mine. I will describe my altar in more detail a bit later.

The Athame and the Witch’s wand

If you do not have a ritual knife, then I advise you to create a ritual wand. Go out into the
woods and find a branch lying on the ground. The length of the branch should equal the
length between your index finger and your elbow. Do your first rituals with your wand.
Remove the bark from the branch. Obtain also a piece of sandpaper to polish the wand.

Alternatively, you can use a kitchen knife that is not sharp. Even if your tool is an
improvisation of a real Athame, your rituals will still work. At some occasions I had no
choice but to do my rituals without my Witch tools and I did well. The Athame and the
wooden wand simply help us to focus our will and make it easier for us to channel energy
from other dimensions. But this can be done with hands too.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The magnet and the planting soil for the consecration of the ritual knife

Before using the ritual knife in your rituals (manipulative love magick for example) it is
important to consecrate it. What is a consecration? It is a small ritual during which you
summon the Occult forces and declare to them that you seek power and plan to do spells.

Even if you do not have any certain plans to walk the path of Witchcraft for the rest of your
life, you will have to consecrate your ritual tools. During the consecration ritual you will
establish a link to the source of Occult power.

Purchase some planting soil or fetch the planting soil you need from someone who will be
willing to give it to you. You will need a large pot or bucket where you will pour out the
potting soil. If you have a garden, well, then you are lucky, and do not need to go on a soil
hunting trip. Just fill the bucket with the soil from your garden. You will need the bucket with
the planting soil during the consecration ritual.

The consecration of the ritual knife and other tools should begin about a week before the full
moon night. You will also need a refrigerator magnet (or any other type of magnet) to rub the
ritual knife with. Obtain these items.

Create an altar pentacle using cork and semi-precious stones

The altar pentacle is a disc

If you want to acquire Witch tools in a practical and money saving way, you will have to
make your own tools. They will be handmade and infused with your psychic energy. You can
easily make your own altar pentacle using cork and semi-precious gems.

What is a pentacle? It is a symbol that has lots of power in it. The altar pentacle should always
be present on your altar. It controls all the summoned forces during your ritual. In short, the
altar pentacle protects you while you are busy doing your magick inside your ritual circle.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

You can obtain a pot base of cork. Shops like Ikea have such pot bases for protecting the
wooden tables in the kitchen from hot cooking pots. Choose the smallest size of the cork disc.
Draw a pentacle with a pencil on the cork surface. If you don’t have any semi-precious gems
at home, you may draw lines on the symbol with a black marker pen. In other case you may
glue semi-precious gems along the lines of the pentacle symbol.

Your handmade pentacle tool must be consecrated by you before you attempt to do love spells
or any other type of magick.

Your two altar bowls: the Moon Water bowl and the salt bowl

I have two bowls on my altar. One bowl contains Moon Water and the other bowl contains
salt. Ordinary kitchen salt can be used by you when you do your spells. Any type of bowls
made of metal, glass or porcelain can be used by you. The choice is yours.

The cauldron

You will need a metal kettle. I use a copper kettle. If you do not have such a kettle right now,
you can use a ceramic bowl. Fill the bowl with sand or stones to protect it from heat that may
damage it. Place a hot charcoal briquette on the sand in the bowl. There is no need to invest
money into expensive incense sticks during your first rituals. Burn powdered cinnamon on the
hot charcoal briquette.

My altar (use this altar setup if you are new to Witchcraft)

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

You will become wrapped into smoke, but the smoke smells like a Witch. Later, when you
feel comfortable with your rituals, you may invest some money into delicious oriental scents
(jasmine, rose, vanilla, etc.) You choose if you want to use an incense holder or not. I burn
incense sticks in my copper kettle.

During the years I have practiced Witchcraft, my altar has evolved. Today it looks a bit
different than many years ago. You will also acquire multiple daggers, bowls, images, statues,
shamanic drums, ankhs and swords. But these are just tools. The most important magickal
tool is your subconscious mind. Your magickal powers will develop gradually.

My altar setup

Never allow anyone to touch your altar tools. Those folks might become the targets of your spell

I have two bowls on my altar: one contains Moon Water and the other contains salt. The bowl
with the salt is next to the north wall. The kettle, or if you like to call it for a cauldron, is to
the right and I burn incense sticks in it.

I have also a tea light candle in the red candle holder. The tea candle in the red candle holder
represents the Element of Fire (an Occult force). You will call upon this force during your

In like manner the Element of Air is an Occult force too and it is represented by the aromatic
smoke from the incense in the kettle.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The Element of Water is an Occult force and is represented by the Moon Water in a bowl on
the altar.

The Element of Earth is an Occult force and is represented by the salt in the bowl. I will
explain the theory of the Occult forces a bit later as you read on.

You can also see my ritual book on my altar. In this book, I write down all my spells no
matter if they are ethical or unethical. You should also record all the spells you do and also
the results you obtain. If you lack a ritual book today, you may use a note book instead, but
please do take accurate notes of your spells. Why? This is because sometimes, magick can go
so wrong, and you may have a need to stop the spell at once.

My altar has evolved during the years and today it looks a bit different. This is due to the fact
that I practice the magick of Qabalah. I have three daggers in total: the Athame, the dagger for
the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) and the dagger for the Banishing Ritual
of the Hexagram (BRH).

My altar today (the cigarette and the Tequila are offerings to the demons during a spell)

This is how my altar looks these days. To the left is the seal of Lucifer framed into glass.
Beside the frame with the seal of Lucifer is the Egyptian ankh that symbolises the eternity of
the human soul. Beneath the seal of Lucifer you see the Tablet of Union, which unites the four
Elements during the ritual: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The altar pentacle is under the copper

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

To the right hand side of the Nanta Earth image is a frame containing the purple seal of Lilith.
The vase with salt contains two small daggers: one for the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Pentagram (LBRP) and the dagger for the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (BRH).

One dagger is marked with a silver pentacle and the other is marked with a silver hexagram
symbol. My Athame was placed on a small table inside the ritual circle and you can’t see my
big ritual knife on this picture.

In the middle area of the wall is the Nanta Earth image that aids me in summoning the
Element of Earth during a ritual. The Egyptian Gods Bast (the cat) and Anubis (half human
and half jackal) are placed near the Nanta Earth image.

My altar today

The reason you see a cigarette and an ashtray on my altar is that I was about to summon
several demons from the Sephira of Geburah (sphere number 5) on the Qabalistic Tree of
Life. Geburah’s herb is tobacco and the demons respond to the smell of tobacco very fast.

The bottle of Tequila and the small drinking cup were a part of the spell too. The alcoholic
beverage is an offering to the demons. I simply tasted some Tequila and smoked a cigarette
during the ritual.

Besides, I placed some drops of my blood mixed with tequila, tobacco, cinnamon and other
herbs on each seal of the demons. The red colour of the seals is according to the

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

correspondences of Qabalistic magick. The colour of Geburah is red. In conclusion, this

particular type of magick was a part of my work with the Grimoirium Verum, a medieval
book about Hebrew magick dated to year 1517.

Obtain a rope

Obtain a long rope to mark the circle boundaries. The rope can be of any colour, but it is very
important that you see the rope on the floor. Once you have created your ritual circle, you will
know for sure where the circle boundary is. You must not cross the circle boundary by
touching it, for example, with the elbow or by stepping over the rope on the floor.

Therefore, you must ensure that you have plenty of space inside your ritual circle and can
move freely when you do your magick.

Obtain sunflower oil and powdered cinnamon

The sunflower oil is used for the purpose of anointing the candles that you use in your love
spells (the red or pink candles). You will anoint your red candles with sunflower oil and then
brush them with powdered cinnamon that is the herb of love. Cinnamon promotes feelings of
love and passion.

The Book of Shadows

I keep my ritual book on my altar. In this book, I write down all the magick I do, when I do
the magick (moon phase, day of the week, astrological hour, etc.), and the results obtained by
me. If you don’t have a Book of Shadows right now, use a note book. Later, when you
purchase a real ritual book, you should consecrate it. Most such ritual books come with
instructions regarding the way you can consecrate it inside your ritual circle.

How to use the Book of Shadows

A spell is a poem containing your exact instructions that will be carried out by the manifesting
powers. Please write your spells in good rhyming style in your Book of Shadows long before
you do your ritual. If you plan to do a ritual in the evening you might want to sit down and
plan. When you have a general idea regarding the items you will use in your spell, it is time to
record your spell in the Book of Shadows.

Let’s assume that you plan to do magick tomorrow. Take out your ritual book and write the

Manipulative love magick on Johan

The date when you plan to do magic (2017-M-D)

The current moon phase

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The day of the week: for example the night between day X and day Y. For advanced workings
with Goetic demons you might want to do magick during a certain astrological hour.

Spell items:

2 red or pink candles

Sunflower oil and powdered cinnamon

2 dolls + a red or a pink ribbon

Johan’s toothbrush that will be attached to his doll

Johan’s photo that will be attached to his doll (attach the photo alike a price tag to the doll)

Tiny paper strips with written thoughts (the thoughts you want the target to think)

Scissors, needle and thread

A black marker pen

Honey and maybe something more (a manipulating powder)

Activating the dolls

This should be written down into the ritual book too. My method of breathing life into the
dolls follows:

Step A Hold the doll in your right hand and let the smoke of the incense wrap the doll in
its mist. Tell the doll three times:

“With Air I begin your life that’s long enough and fair,

Come alive, speak, talk, walk and inhale the scented Air!”

Hold the doll above the flame of the tea candle in the red candle holder (the Element of Fire
on your altar) and say three times:

“With hot Fire I blow life into your soul,

Your body is now united with your soul!”

Dip your fingers into the bowl with the Moon Water and dab some water on the doll. Tell the
doll three times:

“With Holy Water you are washed by me,

Be a faithful friend and servant to me!”

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Blow on the doll slowly three times while visualizing that you are holding a miniature version
of your target in your hand. Pick up some salt from the salt bowl while your fingers are still
wet and sprinkle the doll with the wet salt. Say three times to the doll:

“With salt I grant a magickal life to you,

Now you listen to me and to Lucifer too!” End of Step A

Instructions to Johan’s doll

“With this consecration performed during this night by me,

You represent my target (Name & Surname) and him you shall be!

Every thought and word I send to you in the form of my rhyme,

Shall control my target all the time until the end of time.”

What I do to you and the orders I give in the form of the words I say,

Happens to the target (Name & Surname) each night and each day!

As if (Name & Surname) was here instead of you,

Me you shall obey, because I am in charge of you!”

With Air I blow your life into you,

With the power of Fire I direct you,

With the power of Water I control you,

With the power of Earth, I take charge of you!

As my stubborn will, so shall it be!”

Further instructions to Johan’s doll

“Doll, you are my lover whom I want back,

Pull my lover back to me so love I won’t lack,

You are my lover and him I want to see,

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

I am your Mistress and you obey me!”

Everything I do to you happens to my dear,

As if my lover was in place of you right here.

Lover, come to me very fast, and at once,

Forget your business, come to me at once.

Of me you shall think all the time,

Without me life shall be sour like lime.

No peace or rest for you,

No matter what you do.

Feel free to change the words. The rhymes must speak to you and make sense with regard to
your life situation. Always tailor each ritual to adjust it to your unique situation. Try to
structure the words into rhyming poems, because such spells work better.

You can do up to three love spells if you are really in need to do so many spells, but it is
enough to do one or a couple of spells during one ritual. There is no need to overdo the
number of spells during one and the same ritual, because the spells will drain your personal
energy and concentration.

There is nothing to fear during your rituals as long as you know exactly what you are doing.
Some people may say that you must call upon Venus (the archetype of love) and ask her to
manifest your spells. Well, they may be right, but I never managed to form a bond with
Venus. It was Lucifer who cared for me, taught me how to work with the demons, and also
helped me to fall out of love. When you do spells, ask the manifesting powers to manifest the
best possible outcome for you.


”Dear Father Lucifer, make the best thing happen to me. Let this spell be in harmony with my
soul. Bring my lover back to me, or help me to fall out of love fast and with ease!”

Allow me to give you an advice. If you need to do a spell, but it is not the best day for a love
spell to be done, you may state:

“All stars are perfectly aligned,

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

To work my spell as it is designed!”

This phrase together with the phrase above should be spoken at the end of each spell. Now
you know how to record your spells into your ritual book. Good luck!

The consecration of your Witch tools

The consecration of your ritual tools is a very important ritual. Once you have obtained or
created your ritual tools it is time to schedule in the consecration ritual. This ritual is done a
week before the moon becomes full. The day of the week does not matter, that is, any day of
the week is suitable. But make sure that nobody disturbs you when you do your first ritual.

Take a hot shower to relax after the rush of the day. Dress in along dress if you are a woman.
If you are a man, you can dress in something that feels comfortable.

You will need the following tools:

The bucket with the planting soil for the Athame

A magnet (to rub the blade of the ritual knife)

Your wooden wand if you do not have a ritual knife

Chamomile tea (for the wand) or

½ teaspoon of rosemary in 1 cup of hot water (for the wand)

A small brush to apply the herbal tea to the wand

The cauldron

The altar pentacle

2 bowls: one for the Moon Water and the other for the salt. It is enough if the water has been
exposed to the rays of the moon during one night and your Moon Water is ready. The moon
does not have to be 100% round for the water to be charged with magickal properties.

A red candle holder and a tea candle

Two white taper candles. These are placed at both ends of the altar: one to the left and the
other to the right

A lighter (no matches! Sulphur is used in curses!)

The rope

The ritual book (or a note book)

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Prepare your Temple space

Arrange your altar and gather all your Witch tools. It is a wise idea to cover the altar with an
altar cloth. The colour does not play any major role in this ritual, but I would prefer black.
Mark out the circle boundaries on the floor with the help of the rope. Your altar should be
placed in such a way that it is inside the ritual circle. Below, I present my own ritual structure
which you will use when consecrating your tools, and also when doing love magick.

The frame for your rituals

Use the frame of this ritual for your love spells and any other spells too. The frame consists of
the following moments:

1. The creation of a circle boundary. During this step you surround yourself and your
Temple space with an imaginary flaming sphere (a large globe). You should never
cross the circle boundary, except in cases of emergency.

Imagine yourself standing inside this bubble

2. The opening of the four astral gateways in a clockwise manner and the invitation of
the four guardians.
3. The invitation of the archetypes (the Gods) or the evocation of demonic entities of
Goetia, Grimoirium Verum, etc.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The boundary of your ritual circle (the rope on the floor)

4. Doing a spell with the aid of the above mentioned forces (for example a love spell
with Lucifer and the Goetic demon Sitri)
5. Raising the energy of your circle by dancing clockwise
6. Grounding your powers by collapsing on the floor
7. Saying: “Thank you!” to the superior demons (or Gods) and giving them a firm
licence to depart
8. Closing the four astral gateways in a counter clockwise manner, thanking each
guardian, and giving each guardian a firm licence to depart.
9. Disassembling the circle boundary in a counter clockwise manner and collecting the
imaginary flames from the burning sphere into the ritual knife or into the wand.

Create your ritual circle boundary

Start in the East and walk 3 rounds clockwise

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

My altar is placed in the Northern part of my circle and close to the wall. When I do spells, I
imagine the boundary of my circle penetrating the northern wall to encompass the altar. My
spells work very well. Once upon a time I used to place my altar in the middle of my ritual
circle and danced around it in a clockwise manner. But then as I advanced in my skills, I
moved my altar towards the wall.

The location of the altar is truly a matter of taste and comfort, but I always start to form my
protective fiery globe in the East. Position yourself in the Eastern part of your circle and start
walking along the rope clockwise three times when creating your circle.

While you do your first consecration ritual you can use your index finger instead of a ritual
knife or instead of the wand. Point your index finger towards the rope while creating the
boundary of the circle. Many people worry if they do not have a ritual knife or a wand to use
during this first ritual. No need to worry! The magick will work.

I wish to make an explanation of some ritual rules. In the magick of Qabalah, the practitioner
is not allowed to point the dagger towards the ground. But in the rituals of Witchcraft it is
acceptable to point the dagger towards the rope on the floor, because the dagger is used to
separate two dimensions from each other (the non-physical form the physical).

The Witch’s ritual

Position yourself in the eastern part of your circle. Visualize while you move clockwise:
flames emerging from your index finger set the rope afire. The rope starts to burn and the
flames rise towards the ceiling. A flaming globe is formed all around you.

It is important to visualize these effects, because the Witch does her magick in multiple
dimensions simultaneously: on the mental plane, the astral plane and on the physical plane.
As you walk clockwise round after round you should speak and visualize. During the first
round you say:

“I create my circle of protection. My circle is my fortress,

My circle is a permanent and functional facility, no less!”

These words mean that you create a barrier, and allow in only certain energies while blocking
other unhealthy ones. The “unhealthy” energies might encompass spirits, ghosts and other
forms of life. Therefore, you create a barrier in the form of a flaming globe to prevent pests
from attaching to you.

During the second round you may say:

“I am chasing away all unhealthy forces and vermin from this place,

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Now I am establishing my Lords Temple in my Witch space!”

During this particular round you have declared that you are erecting your Temple in your
ritual space and all astral vermin must leave in a hurry.

During the third round you may say out loud:

“This circle is beyond the Earth time and beyond Earth space,

In the name of Lucifer and Lilith I create this Temple place!”

Now you are back in the East. The next step is the call to the Elemental forces of the East,
South, West and North (while you walk clockwise).

The Elemental forces at the four cardinal

points of your circle
I will try to do my best while I now explain the theory of the Elemental forces. You do not
have to understand the theory of Witchcraft on a beginner’s level (you have to when you
study advanced magick of Qabalah) in order for your rituals to work. It is my experience that
the rituals work anyway.

Our Universe is made up of four types of energies. These energies are called for Elements
(Henry Cornelius Agrippa, “Three books of Occult philosophy”). The Elements are real
forces. The fifth superior Element is a called for the God force.

Thus the Universe consists of five Elements:

1. Element of Air
2. Element of Fire
3. Element of Water
4. Element of Earth
5. Element of the superior power (the God force)

The fifth Elemental force is known under the name God and Goddess, the Collective
unconscious, the Universal electromagnetic field or whatever you like to call this force. Each
person has developed their own abstract idea of the fifth unseen Elemental force. You call
upon this Higher Power when you want your spell to manifest results for you.

In short, the Elemental forces cooperate with the Witch to help her or him to achieve the
desired goals. These forces are represented on your altar. The incense in the kettle represents
the Element of Air, the red candle holder containing the tea candle represents the Fire

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Element, the bowl with the Moon Water represents the Element of Water, and finally, the
bowl with salt represents the Element of Earth.

Open the four astral gateways and summon the Elemental forces

Point your index finger towards the East (point the athame or the wand in your next rituals).
Do not touch the boundaries of the circle with your index finger. Summon the Element of Air.

The seal of Lucifer

Visualize the seal of Lucifer hanging in the air in the eastern part of your circle and just
behind the flaming walls of your fiery globe. Why? We cannot see these four Elemental
forces (Air, Fire, Water and Earth), and therefore it is important to symbolize the energy of
the Elements with a symbol of enormous power.

The seal of Lucifer is a very powerful symbol, and when you gaze at it for half a minute, you
invite Lucifer into your ritual circle. There is no need to doubt the presence of this superior
demonic God. He comes at once.

Later, when you become very experienced and can handle many demons at once, you may
summon Lucifer together with Astaroth and Bael during one and the same ritual. These
demons are very powerful and have servant demons like Satanachia, Sustugriel, Clauneck,
Scirlin and Khil. The demon Khil has the power to cause earthquakes on the demand of the

Sustugriel and Lucifer teach how to work with demons. They explain the dangers of working
with demons, the ethics of spells, and how to understand old medieval spell books before
attempting to use the seals contained in them in spells. I learned a lot from Lucifer. The book
you are reading now is the product of demonic sorcery. Bael wants me to write this book and
you see him in the background.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Pull apart two heavy bright yellow curtains. Open a visualized door with an imaginary rusty
key and see Lucifer in front of you. Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you.
Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just natural fire flames). In this way, you open
an astral portal and summon the Elemental force of Air.

The Spirit invoking pentagram

The demonic God Lucifer

Say aloud:

“I Queen (Lord) here, call upon the Crowned Prince of Hell Lucifer! Elemental force of the
East, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power. I rule here
and it is my Kingdom! My word is Law!”

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Move clockwise towards the southern point of your circle. Point with your index finger (with
the athame or wand) to the South and visualize the seal of Lucifer hanging in the air right in
front of you. Pull apart two heavy bright red curtains. Open an imaginary door with an
imaginary rusty key and see Lucifer in front of you. Draw a large invoking pentagram right in
front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue flames (or just in natural fire colored
flames). You have just opened the southern astral portal and summoned the Elemental force
of Fire.

Say aloud:

“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon the Crowned Prince of Hell Shaitan! Elemental force of
the South, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power. I
rule here and it is my Kingdom! My word is law!”

Move clockwise towards the western point of your circle. Point with your index finger (with
the Athame or the wand during your next rituals) to the West and visualize the seal of
Leviathan hanging in the air right in front of you. Pull apart two heavy dark blue curtains.
Open an imaginary door with an imaginary rusty key and see the seal of Leviathan floating
over the world ocean, because Leviathan is the Lord of Waters.

The seal of Leviathan

Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue
flames (or just in natural flames). You have just opened the western astral portal and
summoned the Elemental force of Water.


“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon the Crowned Prince of Hell Leviathan! Elemental force
of the West, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power. I
rule here and it is my Kingdom. My word is Law!”

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Move clockwise towards the northern point of your circle. Point with your index finger (with
the Athame or the want later) to the North and visualize the seal of Lucifer hanging in the air
right in front of you. Pull apart two heavy bright green curtains. Open an imaginary door with
an imaginary rusty key and see the seal of Lucifer floating over the space outside the circle.

Draw a large invoking pentagram right in front of you. Allow the pentagram to glow in blue
flames (or just natural fire flames). You have just opened the northern portal and summoned
the Elemental force of Earth.


“I, the Queen (Lord) here, call upon the Crowned Prince of Hell Belial! Elemental force of the
North, please come and witness your Queen (Lord) in all her (his) beauty and power. I rule
here and it is my Kingdom! My word is Law!”

Call upon the Gods

God is a force that controls the Universe with its planets that spin day and night. The sun goes
up each morning and disappears each evening to once more appear in the morning. You
surely understand intuitively that there is a Higher Power beyond our reach and

Summon Lucifer along with some Goetic demons like Haures if you are dealing with
problematic issues caused by difficult people. Visualize Lucifer clearly when you summon
him. You may not feel his presence (but I do feel him) during your rituals, but after a while
your spell will surprise you.

Papa Legba and Baron Saturday are my loyal partners in rituals of defense. Always have
offerings of alcohol, tobacco and chocolate on your altar when summoning the Loas of
Voodoo. Respect them and they will respect you. The same can be said about the demons.

Lilith can be called upon along with Lucifer, but she is more suitable to call upon when you
do love spells. But be careful, this demonic Queen can drive men crazy with desire for

Stand in front of the altar in the middle of the circle. Hold your ritual knife high up in the air
while you point towards the ceiling. Imagine that your knife is glowing with heat and say:

“I call upon you two who are one, Lucifer and Lilith! Lucifer, daddy, hear me! Lilith, my
Queen, hear me! Witness me in all my splendor and beauty! My words are Law!”

Visualize the pillar of power you receive from the Cosmos entering your ritual knife and
transfer this force into the statues of the Gods. I tend to transfer the power to the scull when I
call upon Papa Legba and Baron Saturday. Such methods are typical of Voodoo rituals,
namely the transfer of the cosmic power to the statues and veves (seals) of Gods.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The manipulative love magick of Voodoo

with two dolls

You will need two dolls: one doll will represent you and the other doll will represent your
lover. Use a ballpoint pen to draw the facial features of your both dolls: the eyebrows, eyes,
nose and lips. Try to design the dolls in such a way that they resemble the target of your spell
as close as possible. Attach the targets picture to his (her) doll by hanging the image as a price

Write the targets name on the dolls chest. This is done with a black marker pen. You may also
want to write the targets full name and surname on the dolls both legs. Write the targets name
on one leg and the surname on the other leg. Other items that you can attach to the doll of the
target are:

The person’s hair

A napkin they have used

A cigarette butt

Their comb

Their razor or toothbrush

A document with their signature

Write any specific thoughts, which you want your target to think, on a tiny piece of paper.
The size of the paper must be small in order to fit into the head cavity of the doll. You will
apply honey to this paper, fold the sweet paper and stuff into the head cavity of the target’s
doll. For example, you may want to write: “I love (your own name and surname) and miss her
(him). Life feels so empty without (your name)”

I prepare such a strip of paper and write down the thoughts (which I want my target to
ponder) long before I begin my ritual.

Gather a lighter, honey (for the head cavity of the target’s doll), pen, paper, scissors, needle
and thread (to sew shut the dolls head cavity) and put these items on your altar in good time.
If you want to control your target, you can create a device resembling a dog leash. Use the
leash on your lovers doll when you do your love spell. Put the leash on your partner’s doll and
sew the other end of the leash to your doll’s hand.

You decide which of the candles will represent your lover. Then the other candle shall
represent you. Place the two red (or pink) candles on your altar, but position them far away

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

from each other to begin with. Place your doll beside your candle. The targets doll must be
placed beside his (her) candle. Apply sunflower oil to each candle and brush them with
powdered cinnamon. This is preparative work before the actual ritual.

The ritual and the love magick of Voodoo

Create your ritual circle, open the four astral gateways with the pentagram key. Call upon
forces from these gateways. Summon Lucifer and Lilith and explain for them your purpose
with the ritual in your own words:

“I came here to unite myself with the person I love (name and surname). I love (name and
surname) very much. I want this person to love me too”.

Light the two white candles and the tea candle in the red candle holder. Pick up your partners
doll and hold it in your hand.

Step A Let the aromatic smoke from the incense wrap the doll in its mist. Tell the doll three

“With Air I begin your life that’s long enough and fair,

Come alive, speak, talk, walk and inhale the scented Air!”

Hold the doll above the flame of the tea candle in the red candle holder (the Element of Fire
on your altar) and say three times:

“With hot Fire I blow life into your soul,

Your body is now united with your soul!”

Dip your fingers into the bowl with the Moon Water and dab some water on the doll. Tell the
doll three times:

“With Holy Water you are washed by me,

Be a faithful friend and servant to me!”

Blow on the doll slowly three times while visualizing that you are holding a miniature version
of your target in your hand. Pick up some salt from the salt bowl while your fingers are still
wet and sprinkle the doll with the wet salt. Say three times to the doll:

“With salt I grant a magickal life to you,

Now you listen to me and to Lucifer too!” End of Step A

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

A love spell with the Goetic demon


Summon demons to bewitch the target

The book Goetia contains seals of 72 demons. The magick of Goetia is the more advanced
magick of Qabalah. I will explain the nature of the demon Sitri from Goetia and how to
summon him. Besides, I combine Voodoo with Goetic magick. This technique is very
powerful, because I give double instructions: to the doll of the target and to the demon.

The spell I will describe is manipulative in nature. But please be aware that the demons
accentuate our addictions, and therefore you must know your emotional condition well. You
have to be in good emotional condition in order to survive this spell, because the spell will
influence you too.

It is my experience that the spell works very fast. The target will become bewitched right
away. I saw the results of this spell after two weeks.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The demon Sitri and his abodes on the Tree of Life

The seal of the Goetic demon Sitri

The 12th spirit of Goetia is Sitri. He is a great Prince, and appeareth first with a Leopard’s
head and the wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of Exorcism he putteth
on Human shape and that very beautiful. He enflameth men with Women’s love and Women
with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired. He
governeth 60 Legions of Spirits. His seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen before thee, etc.
(Goetia/page 34).

This means that the target will become very horny. This is exactly what happened to my
target. The spell worked so violently on my target that I got scared and was forced to reverse

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

the spell. It took some months to stop the spell, so use it with caution. Of course I will
describe how to reverse the spell, because it is vitally important to be able to reverse spells.

You do not have to wear a necklace with the seal of Sitri or the pentacle of Solomon on your
chest, although such items are preferred by most practitioners of Ceremonial Witchcraft of
Qabalah. The spell you will be doing requires only that you gaze at the paper seal of Sitri
while calling this demon.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life is the map of the unseen world of demons, spirits and angels. It is
also the map of our Solar System with the Sun in the middle of the Tree of Life glyph. The
sphere of Tiphareth represents the Sun. All the other spheres represent the planets Earth,
Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the asteroid belt.

Today, I work primarily with the entities of Qabalah and summon demons very often. It is my
experience that demons are more than willing to help me. Angels are also very helpful, but
somehow I have convinced myself that demonic magick is much more powerful and brings
fast results.

Sitri belongs to the sphere of Chesed that is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The seal of Sitri
should be turquoise or orange (colour of salmon). I used an orange-pink seal. Chesed
corresponds to the day of Thursday and therefore this spell should be done during the night
between Wednesday and Thursday after midnight. Even better, do this spell during the
astrological hour of Jupiter.

Correspondences of Chesed:

Ruling planet: Jupiter

Day: Thursday

Hour: astrological hour of Jupiter

Seal in metal: tin (optional)

Paper seal colour: salmon or turquoise

Number: 4 (4 coins in money magick)

Gems: amethyst or sapphire (use tumbled amethysts in other spells with spirits of Chesed)

Herb: olive (use olive oil on the red candle)

Have some offering for the demon on your altar. Demons love tequila, chocolate and tobacco
smoke. The Loas Papa Legba and Baron Saturday love the same kind of gifts offered to them.
I often smoke inside my ritual circle to please the demons.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The demon Sitri belongs to the sphere of Chesed

The doll of the target & the candle

You will need to sew a doll of your target and attach a red textile heart to it.

Doll stuffing near the heart area: powdered cinnamon, dried petals from a rose, rosemary and

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Stuffing for the head cavity:

1. Vodka (causes confusion) and honey

2. A slip of paper with written thoughts (read the thoughts to the doll three times)
3. Powdered cinnamon, chili and sandalwood oil

You will need a red candle for this love spell. Apply olive oil to the candle and brush the
candle with powdered cinnamon. The seal of Sitri must be attached to the doll of the target
with needle and thread.

Activate the doll with the four Elements

Step A Let the aromatic smoke from the incense wrap the doll in its mist. Tell the doll three

“With Air I begin your life that’s long enough and fair,

Come alive, speak, talk, walk and inhale the scented Air!”

Hold the doll above the flame of the tea candle in the red candle holder (the Element of Fire
on your altar) and say three times:

“With hot Fire I blow life into your soul,

Your body is now united with your soul!”

Dip your fingers into the bowl with the Moon Water and dab some water on the doll. Tell the
doll three times:

“With Holy Water you are washed by me,

Be a faithful friend and servant to me!”

Blow on the doll slowly three times while visualizing that you are holding a miniature version
of your target in your hand. Pick up some salt from the salt bowl while your fingers are still
wet and sprinkle the doll with the wet salt. Say three times to the doll:

“With salt I grant a magickal life to you,

Now you listen to me and to Lucifer too!” End of Step A

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Summoning Sitri

The demon Sitri

Activate the seal of Sitri with the four Elements. Hold the seal of Sitri in the aromatic smoke
and say:

“With Air I begin your life that’s long enough and fair,

Come alive, speak, talk, walk and inhale the scented Air!”

Hold the seal above the flame of the tea candle and say:

“With hot Fire I blow life into your soul,

Your body is now united with your soul!”

Sprinkle the seal with the Moon Water and say:

“With Holy Water you are washed by me,

Be a faithful friend and servant to me!”

Powder the seal with the salt and say:

“With salt I grant a magickal life to you,

Now you listen to me and to Lucifer too!”

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Gaze at the seal of Sitri for a minute or so and start saying: “I call you spirit Sitri from the
Sephira of Chesed in the name of the Supreme Majesty, the Lord of the Universe. I call you in
the name of the most Holy Gods who are Elohim Adonay, Lucifer and Lilith. Obey me now,
because I am your Mistress.”

Note: it is not mandatory to observe the spirits of Goetia in the black mirror. I am of the
opinion that you should not distract yourself with mirrors when working out a spell on your
target. For now focus on the doll and the seal instead. I will describe how you can create your
own black mirror in an easy and money saving way as you read on.

Repeat the call to Sitri three times in total and say: “In peace I welcome you spirit Sitri from
Chesed. I call you, because I need to bewitch my target. Set the heart of (name and surname)
on fire. Let his (her) heart burn with passionate love for me. Draw this man (woman) close to
me and make him (her) desire me.”

You will need to give instructions to Sitri in the form of the spell that follows:

“Demon Sitri, please do a favour for me,

Bring the man (woman) I love to me,

Do this fast and without delay,

Bring my lover to me right away.

Demon Sitri, please help me,

Make my lover desire me,

Make my lover addicted to me,

As my will, so shall it be!”

“All starts are perfectly aligned,

To work my spell as it is designed.”

By now you have given double instructions: to the doll of the target and to the demon. Attach
the seal of Sitri to the doll with needle and thread. Let the doll rest on the altar beside the
burning red candle. Raise power and charge the doll with the ball of fire, which you project
into the doll from your palms. After you have grounded the generated force by sitting on the
floor it will be time to send away Sitri back to his home on the Tree of Life. Say to Sitri:

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

“Thank you, demon Sitri. Now my rite is over and I ask you to leave my ritual space. Go back
to your abodes. Go in peace, while harming none, as you depart back to your sphere of

End your ceremony and allow the red candle to burn out completely. Do not throw away the
target’s doll, because you may need it if the spell goes wrong. If you are a practitioner of
Ceremonial Witchcraft, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram right after you
end your ceremony. If you are new to Ceremonial Witchcraft, you have to choices: to learn
the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or to skip it.

The Witch’s black mirror

My helper: the demon Bael

You may create your own handmade black mirror if you want to summon the demons of
Goetia and observe them in the mirror. Purchase a photo frame of an optional size. The frame
can be of any shape: rectangular, square, round or oval. Place black paper behind the glass.
Your mirror is ready. Consecrate it by using parts of the consecration ritual that are to your

When you summon the demons of Goetia

Gaze at the seal of the demon of your choice from time to time. Call the demon and gaze into
the black mirror. If you see nothing in the black mirror, gaze at the seal of the demon again
and repeat the call.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

You may want to develop your mirror gazing skills, but this may take some time and effort.
Do not get disappointed if you can’t see the demons in the black mirror, because not all
people have the astral eyes for demons. But the spells with demons work very well if you use
a doll of your target and attach a demonic seal to it. The target will have a demon attached to
him (her).

This technique works very well for matters of love and also when cursing troublemakers. If
you have a troublemaker stepping on your toes, you might want to create a doll of that person
and attach the seal of demon Haures to the doll. Of course, you should go to the cemetery and
fetch home graveyard dirt. Powder the doll of the target with graveyard dirt. The agenda of
defence is the subject of my next creative project: The book of Astaroth.

The reversal of the demonic Voodoo spell

with the seal of Sitri

Manipulative love spells may go wrong, because they influence the target on the subconscious
level. The subconscious mind is very complicated and we can’t control it with our logical
thinking. If you target a man, you may be playing with fire, because the man will become
very horny.

The love spell influences the target’s subconscious mind

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

In order to reverse the manipulative demonic love spell with the seal of Sitri you will need to
schedule your ritual as close to the full moon as possible. The day of the week preferred is
Saturday. Do your ritual during the night between a Friday and Saturday after midnight.

You will need:

1 black candle

A half lemon

A large dish

A large soup bowl (to accommodate the disassembled doll)

Large scissors for cutting paper

Small scissors (for disassembling the doll)

A copy of the spell

Form your ritual circle and open the four astral gateways. Summon Lucifer and Lilith, and ask
them to help you reverse the demonic love spell. Rub the black candle with the lemon half
and light it. Say:

“Obsession is forgotten and goes sour,

Bewitchment is lifted during this hour,

My target (name and surname) is sober and free,

From my bewitchment I set this man (woman) free.”

Cut the paper (the copy of the demonic spell). Chop the paper into small pieces and place all
this garbage on the large dish. Squeeze out the lemon and make sure that all the paper pieces
become wet. Say three times:

“Demon be gone and spell be undone,

I cancel this malice because it is not fun,

To witness a man gone nuts, horny and mad,

A mad man scares me and makes me feel bad.”

Cut the seal of Sitri to chase away the demonic fumes of bewitchment from the target. As you
cut the seal visualize the target turning his back to you and walking away. Begin
disassembling the doll of the target. Do not fear! Just proceed. The target will not suffer
physically; I know this for sure, because I have reversed this spell with success.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Empty the doll of the bewitching herbs and other components. Place the disassembled doll
into the soup bowl beside the black candle and say these words three times:

“I reverse this demonic spell tonight,

I undo the wrongs and make them right,

From pangs of horny love I set this man free,

Demon is gone! This man shall be free.

No more shall this man long after me,

From this bewitchment I set him free.

I wish no malice or harm to the target of this spell,

My good intentions are witnessed by the Lord of Hell!

All stars are perfectly aligned,

To work as my spell is designed.

For the highest good of all involved.

As my stubborn will, so shall it be!

Raise power. Finish your ritual and let the candle burn out completely. Flush the sour paper
pieces into the toilet. Throw away the seal of Sitri and the disassembled doll. This spell takes
time to reverse, but after 6 months you will forget about the trouble.

The Qabalistic cross

The Qabalistic Cross (QC) is a small complementary ritual to the Lesser Banishing Ritual of
the Pentagram (LBRP). Some folks say that QC is a part of LBRP. I do these rituals on a daily
basis and in the following sequence:

1. QC
3. Evocation of Archangels
4. QC

The QC establishes a supportive pillar in your auric body in the form of a cross. The cross
symbol is protective in nature. I will supply you with the English version of this ritual. Later,
if you wish to do this ritual in Hebrew, you can do it.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Stand with your ritual dagger in your dominant hand. Point the blade towards your forehead
and visualize a glowing ball of fire enter your head from above. Say: “Yours…”

Draw this fiery ball into your body and then into your feet. Say: “is the Kingdom.”

Touch your right shoulder with the blade, while imagining the ball of light there, and say:”
And the power.”

Draw the light from the ball in your right shoulder towards your left shoulder. Touch your left
shoulder with your dagger and say: “And the glory.”

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the

This is a complicated ritual and I really doubt that you can banish the demonic fumes of
obsession just with one ritual should they hit you. But I will give you the description of this
ritual anyway, because I know that it helps if you learn it and practice it every day.

It is my experience that those who ask me to return their lover, do not believe that demonic
spells work at all, and moreover, have a bonus attached to them: the risk of demonic attack
bouncing back on the spell caster. Well, they can try the spell with Sitri and draw their own
conclusions instead of making fun of Witches.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

This page from Goetia matches the demons to their sphere on the Tree of Life

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is in Hebrew, but for your comfort I
provide you with a quick English version just in case you want to start learning Ceremonial
Witchcraft of Qabalah. Some people actually do the LBRP in English only.

If I give you poison in the form of a demonic spell, it is my duty to provide you with the cure.
Perform this ritual with your dagger or if you do not have a dagger, you may use your index
finger. If you become interested in Qabalah and start to study it seriously, you may want to
learn the LBRP in Hebrew.

Stand facing east. Draw a large Earth banishing pentagram right in front of you with your
outstretched arm. Visualize this pentagram glowing in natural color flames.

The Earth banishing pentagram in the east

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Say: “I shall be like you!” Proceed by giving the sign of Enterer. Step forward with your left
foot and project both arms forward. Visualize your arms projecting a thick bunch of laser
beams towards the Universe (I visualize daddy right in front of me).

The sign of Enterer in the east

Bring back your left foot. Align your left arm with your body. Give the sign of Silence using
the pointing finger of your right hand. Place the pointing finger of your right hand on your
lips and say: Shhhhh!”

You send away energy while giving the sign of Enterer and prevent it from returning back to
you when you give the sign of Silence. If you become tortured with obsession, send the
obsession away (visualize the target clearly and push him or her out through the pentagram)
while giving the sign of Enterer. Push the image of your obsessive idea out through the Earth
banishing pentagram and give the sign of Silence at once.

Turn to the south while drawing a flaming line in the air with your dagger. Your right hand
should be outstretched while you draw an imaginary circle around you. Draw a large Earth
banishing pentagram right in front of you.

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The Earth banishing pentagram in the south

Say: “My Lord!” Give the sign of Enterer followed by the sign of Silence (Shhhhh!).

The sign of Enterer in the south

Turn to the west. Draw an Earth banishing pentagram and say: “Lord, you who are beyond all
names!” Give the sign of Enterer followed by the sign of Silence (Shhhhh!).

The Earth banishing pentagram in the west

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The sign of Enterer in the west

Turn to the north and draw the Earth banishing pentagram there too. Say: “You are great
forever my Lord!” Give the sign of Enterer followed by the sign of Silence (Shhhhh!).

The Earth banishing pentagram in the north

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The sign of Enterer in the north

Position yourself facing east and close your eyes. Visualize a flaming globe around your
body, because you just sketched a flaming circle around yourself. You drew four banishing
pentagrams at four cardinal points of your flaming globe: east, south, west and north.
Visualize these four Earth banishing pentagrams very clearly for 30 seconds.

End of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the


All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

The Evocation of Archangels

Stand in the same spot where you ended your LBRP. Set aside your left foot. Form your body
into a cross position.

Visualize Archangel Raphael in front of you and say: “In front of me stands Raphael.”

Visualize Archangel Gabriel behind your back and say: “Behind me stands Gabriel.”

To your right stands Archangel Michael. Say: “To my right stands Michael.”

To your left stands Archangel Uriel. Say: “To my left stands Uriel.”

Imagine a ball of light in your left foot and begin extending this beam to your forehead.
Extend the beam of light from the forehead towards your right foot, and then into your left
palm. From the left palm into your right palm, and finally back into your left foot. As you do

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

this, visualize the protective pentagram becoming a part of you. Say: “And around me burns
the protective pentagram.”

Form a hexagram in front of you with the help of your imagination. Integrate this hexagram
into your body. Say: “And inside me shines the protective hexagram.”

Do the Qabalistic Cross one more time.

The love bag spell

These are the components of the love spell (add paper money for rich love)

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Love bags are used with the purpose of attracting a new lover. This particular love bag spell is
very powerful and it will draw plenty of men into your life. It is up to you if you want to boast
your magnetism and beauty in order to be noticed by the members of the opposite gender. I
will supply you with my super beauty spell as you read on.

The best time to prepare this love bag is the night of the full moon. The best nights are the
night between Sunday and Monday (after midnight) and the night between Thursday and
Friday (after midnight). Try to choose a suitable night as near as possible to the night of the
full moon.

You will need:

1 red candle (paint the candle with sunflower oil and powder with cinnamon)

5 apple seeds + 2 tablespoons of dry rose petals + 1 walnut (for wishes to come true) + a
couple of cinnamon sticks + 2 rose quartz beads + a copper coin + 1 teaspoon of basil + 1
teaspoon of vanilla sugar & 1 teaspoon of chocolate powder + a red bag + a napkin + a rubber

Place all this on a large paper napkin. Hold your hands over the mixture of these herbs, gems
and powders. Say your words:

“Love of my life, come to me,

My dear Prince you shall be.

If you are the right man for me,

Then find me and hurry onto me.

“I ask that the best man is given to me,

From ugly Frogs I ask to be set free,

Grant me my husband who is a mage,

Cancel all other men, except the mage.

I am ready to wait 100 years,

Until at last the mage appears.

Let the spell come true one day,

All material is protected under copyright law. Author: Bonnie
Berzova (also known as LadyLucifera)

Lord, hear me, to you I pray!”

Change the words to suit your taste. If you are interested in dating all sorts of men, you should
cancel the word “mage” from the spell.

Pack all the components of the spell into the napkin and secure with a rubber band. Stuff the
package into the red bag and carry the bag with you.

End of Sample


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