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Cable length runs

Standard tap

RG6 < 30m RG11 < 60m

Medium level tap

RG6 < 60m RG11 < 120m

Document - TELSTRA ID: NBN-0309

Broadband HFC Cable Network Design Rules for Lead- In and Customer Premises Wiring

4.3.1. Multiple Dwelling Units (without backbone wiring)

To minimise Lead-In pipe upgrade where practicable it is preferred to feed small multiple dwelling units from a
hardline cable (see Figure 4). The standard lead-in would be a 0.500” hardline cable, however, where conduit
occupancy is tight, a QR320 (CX32) can be used to connect between the distribution network device (such as a
directional coupler) and the tap located at, on or in the MDU.

Document - TELSTRA ID: NBN-0305

RF Network Design Rules HFC Broadband Cable Network


Figure 1 illustrates the basic HFC network architecture. Video signals are collected by various means
at the head-end. These signals may come from a satellite, terrestrial reception, a fibre optic cable, a
local studio or some other source. The head-end will process these signals into an appropriate format,
and then retransmit them onto a number of fibre optic cables. The optical signals are regenerated and
further split at a node. Optical to electrical conversion takes place at the Optical Hub. The Optical Hub
has the capacity to feed up to four separate coaxial cables; these are commonly referred to as feeder
legs. As the signal travels down the coaxial cable it is attenuated and amplifiers are used to boost the
signal so it can travel further. Taps are used to feed a small portion of the signal to the customer's
premises. This signal is then received by CPE which enables the customer to gain access to their
Broadband service (either a Set Top Unit for Pay TV services or a Cable Modem for Internet access)
select a channel, and also converts the signal into an appropriate format for the television. The
coaxial cable from the tap to the customer's premises is called the lead-in or drop cable.
Cable Types Bend Radius

0.750" CX-75 Hard cable 152.0mm

0.500" CX-50 Hard cable 89.0mm
Series 11 RG11 More Flexible 52.0mm
Series 6 RG6 Most Flexible 35.0mm
QR320 CX32 Med Flexible 75.2mm

6.4. Active Devices

There are three different types of active devices that will be used in the RF design of the Distribution
network: the Optical Hub, the Line Extender (LE) and the Global Network Amplifier (GNA). The
Optical Hub is the interface between the optical network and the RF network. The LE is a single
output amplifier designed to extend the reach of the RF Network. The GNA is a multiple output
amplifier which can receive lower level forward path signals than the LE. The LE and GNA are also
used in Multiple Dwelling Units (MDU) and in this application they are called apartment amplifiers. The
LE apartment amplifier can be powered from the network or from a local 240 V mains power outlet,
the GNA apartment amplifier must be network powered or powered from a Line Power Supply located
within the MDU.
The apartment LE must be powered locally from the MDU as a first option, and from the network as
a second option.

The apartment LE shall be powered from the network only if a 240 V mains power outlet is not
available or cannot be installed in the MDU,

If the apartment LE will be powered from the network an approval from the Telstra’s Design section
will be required. Only Telstra will determine the status of the design and will authorise any further

10.14. Business and Commercial Premises Design Rule Default

It is critical that the field surveyor establishes whether a Business Premises or Commercial Premises
design is required for a particular building as Commercial Premises designs for large buildings will be
far less demanding on network design than Business Premises designs. Large buildings will typically
only require 1 amplifier for a satisfactory design whereas a Business Premises design could require 2
or 3 amplifiers in cascade in the backbone, which have to be included and allowed for in the network
design amplifier cascade.
However, it will arise as a matter of course, that network designs will have to be produced to cater for
business premises when:
It is uncertain whether the premises is to be treated as a small business, a large business or a
commercial premises design.

The number of required wall outlets for a business premises is unknown.

Where it is not possible to establish the design parameters for a business or commercial premises,
the design default is to:
10.15. For Small Buildings of Up to 10 Stories
Produce a network design treating the building as an active Large Business Premises requiring a
single apartment amplifier.
10.16. For Large Buildings of More than 10 Stories
Produce a network design treating the building as an active Large Business Premises with 4 outlets
required / floor.
This will provide sufficient level to provide for either a Business Premises or a Commercial Premises
design when eventually established.
Survey Information
In order to produce an optimum network design for a Business and Commercial Premises default
design, the field surveyor must obtain the following minimum information:
Lead-in length from pit to a suitable location to place an apartment amplifier.

Identify the pit/pole where the lead-in joins with the street distribution network.

No. of floors.

Whether there is 240 VAC access at the proposed apartment amplifier location.

10.17. Long Lead-in Designs

Telstra only designs its network to service customers with lead-ins of less than 125 metres (ie. from
the network Tap or Directional Coupler to wall box). For a SDU long lead-in design requirements,
refer to section 10.3. To service a customer beyond 125 metres normally requires a network
extension and is only determined on a case by case basis. Design implementation is only considered
if the network can be readily altered and the commercial arrangements can be made. For any such
service applications, a site inspection and specific design is required.

Document - TELSTRA ID: NBN-0312

Minor RF Network Extension & Modification Design Guidelines


Document - 007939
MDU Customer Connections Security Boxes
There are three sizes of security boxes available. The size of security box installed at an MDU is
based upon the number and type of network devices required to be housed within the box. It is
selected and installed by the MDU constructors at the time the MDU backbone is installed.
All Telstra approved Security Boxes use diversified star keys to lock and unlock them. Small Security Box A small security box (330 (H) x 250 (W) x 150 (D) in
mm) is designed to house only one tap. The lid must be removed from the box to
access the devices housed within. Medium Security Box A medium security box can house up to two taps. Large Security Box The large security box is mainly used to house
apartment amplifiers or where three or more devices are housed.
Document - TELSTRA ID: NBN-0250
Cabling of Multiple Dwelling Units

3.5.3. Riser Shafts

Riser shaft access, where available, should be investigated as a potential network cable route.
Before selecting this cable route, ensure that access can be gained from the riser shaft to a desirable
LU entry point to allow for the installation of lateral cabling from the security boxes installed in or
adjacent the riser shaft. If difficulties are foreseen in cabling to LU’s, choose an alternative riser route.
Risers through MDUs may be shared by all or a combination of gas, electricity, water, telephone,
alarm system and MATV cables. Care must be taken when working in riser shafts not to damage,
disrupt or inhibit maintenance to other services within the MDU.

3.6. Cable Support and Protection

MDU network cabling installed in accessible areas must be protected by conduit, duct or riser guard
(metal or polymer cover). Cables run on trays, raceway or catenary wire need not be protected by
conduit, duct or riser guard when installed in accessible areas where:
Adequate protection is afforded by the tray or raceway, or

Adequate protection is afforded by adjacent building features, and

required separations from other services can be maintained.

Accessible areas are defined as 2400mm or less above floor level, and access gained without the use
of a key or special tool. A common screwdriver is not regarded as a special tool.
Surface cabling, either protected or exposed, should follow lines of building features. Refer to the
General Cabling Rules, paragraph 3.1, for further detail.

3.6.2. Cable Tray and Runway

MDU network cable may be run on existing common tray or runway. Tray or runway must be strong
enough to support the weight of the broadband cable. There must be enough space on the tray to
allow minimum clearances to be maintained from power cables. See Tables 3.2-1 & 3.2-2, General
Cabling Rules, paragraph 3.2, for clearances.
Where there is not sufficient space on the tray to maintain clearances between broadband cables and
the power (LV) cables, a rigid separator may be required. The separator may be typically conduit,
wood or metal (e.g. cable may be run on the underside of cable tray). Separation requirements will be
more critical at points of exit/entry to tray/riser. It may be necessary to enclose cable in flexible
conduit at device take off points to guarantee separation.
3.6.3. Catenary Wire Cabling
A catenary wire support system may be used to support MDU Network cabling as an alternative to
employing elaborate access methods for cable attachment, e.g. scissor lifts or suspended work
platforms. Catenary wire cabling is a method by which a strainer wire (a steel cable) is used to
support single or multiple coaxial cables. Catenary wire cabling may be run vertically or horizontally,
on external building faces, internally within ceiling spaces or under building areas such as car parks,
and between buildings on the same property. A span of cabling may be assembled on the ground,
placed in location and fixed at either end, thereby offering very efficient installation.

Recommended mounting height is between 1 metre to (bottom of box) and 2400mm (top of box).
Where recommended mounting heights cannot be obtained, the minimum height is 300mm between
floor and lower edge of box.
Boxes to house active devices shall not be located in areas exposed to sprinklers or water from other
sources (hoses, flooding, extreme weather, etc.).
When boxes are located in accessible areas, conduit or ducting should abut or continue inside boxes
to a maximum of 20mm. Cable access holes are to be the minimum practical size and must be
smooth and free from sharp or jagged edges. Cables must enter boxes via top or bottom faces, i.e.
the sides not having locks or hinges.
4.4. Underground Cable
The following installation requirements are applicable to Telstra Broadband Cabling installed on MDU
property (not on public land).
1. Where cabling is installed in a trench, cable should be installed above power cables.

2. Separation at crossing points from other buried services shall be as per the respective utility

3. Table 3. 4-1 specifies separation and depth of cover requirements.

Note 1: In addition to the separation listed (in Table 3.4 -1), a protective barrier (e.g. concrete) may be
required to cover the HV service.
Common HFC symbols
3.10. Labelling and Records
MDU cables are generally identified as “Telstra Broadband Cable” by adhesive marking tape. The
marking tape is to be applied on surface cabling, riser runs cable tray runs, underground broadband
cables on the MDU property at intervals sufficient to identify the cable as Telstra Broadband Network
Tape is available in green with black lettering (S740/52) for marking unpowered MDU cabling, orange
with black lettering (S740/53) for marking Feeder Network cables and powered MDU Network cables,
and red with black lettering (S740/51) for marking locations of power blocking devices. Further detail
of marking requirements are described in NBN-0232.
Device, box locations and cable routes, in addition to information as required by paragraph 2.3.2, are
to be recorded on a sketch plan. A copy of the ‘as built’ plan is to be laminated or sealed in a moisture
proof transparent envelope and left on site at the most accessible end of the lead-in cable , i.e. at the
first device or at the feeder network connection. A permanent soft copy is to be stored with Network
Operations Unit. Original consent, commissioning and completion forms to be filed locally by the
installation supervisor.
Customer cables are to be labelled as described in NBN-0286.

Devices must not be installed in service rooms that are likely to affect network performance,
maintenance or safety of service personnel. e.g. high voltage switch rooms, wet areas, lift motor
rooms, lift shafts, rooms with ambient temperatures >60 C
Document - TELSTRA ID: 005623
Underground Housing of HFC Network Cables and Devices

3.1 Earth Potential Rise Guidelines for Siting of Devices

Broadband devices of any type, including associated earthing systems and power supplies, must not
be installed within probable Earth Potential Rise (EPR) hazard zones. Coaxial cables may be installed
through EPR hazard zones providing there are no splices or devices located within the EPR hazard
zone. The approximate extent of EPR hazard zones is listed in Table 3.1-1.
For detailed information on earth potential rise and hazard zones consult:
1. The power authority responsible for the area.

2. AS/NZS 3835.1 Earth potential rise-Protection of telecommunications network users, personnel

and plant Part 1: Code of practice

3. 013926 EPR Hazard Management: Earth Potential Rise Hazard

Document - TELSTRA ID: 005676
Pedestal Installation

Pedestals are used in the HFC Broadband network to house equipment, as an alternative to pits and
manholes, and where poles are unavailable for the mounting of LPS. Pedestals can also be installed
in the network and inside the MDU as a cheaper more efficient way to house devices rather than
upgrading a pit. In low lying locations, e.g. manholes and pits at the bottom of hills and areas known
to be subject to flooding, active devices are to be installed in above ground pedestals.

There are a number of types available to install different configurations of devices. Refer the full
document for descriptions and installation procedures.

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