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Name: _RAUL T. NOCETE_________ Date: May 24, 2010

Yr/Sec.: _BSN I-Nights_____________ Ratings: _________

 Assessment documentation form  Platform scale with height
 Coin or key attachment
 Cotton ball  Reflex hammer
 Cover card (for eye assessment)  Ruler with centimeter makings
 Gloves  Skinfold calibers, flexible tape
 Goniometer measure
 Gown for client  Small cup of water for client to
 Lubricating jelly drink
 Magnifying glass  Snellen chart
 Marking pencil  Stethoscope and
 Mini-Mental Status Examination sphygmomanometer
(MMSE) form  Substance for testing smell (eg,
 Newspaper print or Rosenbaum soap, coffee)
 Pocket screener  Supplies for collecting vaginal
 Notepad and pencil specimen (slides, spatula, cotton-
tip application)
 Ophthalmoscope
 Thermometer
 Otoscope
 Tongue depressor
 Paper clip
 Tuning fork
 Pen light
 Vaginal speculum
 Pillows (two small pillows)
 Watch


 Discuss the purpose of the physical assessment with * To help allay anxiety and prepare the
your client client for the procedures to follow
 Ask permission to perform the various examination * To get client’s consent & cooperation
 Provide privacy and confidentiality * Preserving the client’s dignity
 Respect client’s right to refuse any part of the * The client has the inherent right to
assessment dictate things concerning his health.
 Ask him/her to change gown for examination * To ensure a smooth procedure and for
the client’s comfort while examination
is done

 Observe appearance including: * Pinpointing a general idea of the

 Overall physical and sexual development client’s lifestyle by appearance such as
 Apparent age (compare with stated age) body weight, and posture compared to
 Overall skin coloring actual age.
 Dress, grooming, and hygiene ‘body build, as Detecting signs of distress and anxiety
well mass and fat distribution from behavior such as facial expression
 Behavior (compare with development stage) and general demeanor.
 Assess the client’s vital signs:
 Temperature * Vital signs provide data that reflect the
 Pulse status of several body system e.g,
 Perspiration cardiovascular, neurological, peripheral
 Blood pressure vascular and respiratory systems. This
 Pain will determine whether the client is
 Take body measurements: within normal body functions
 Height
 Weight * Taking baseline data of the client’s
 Waist and hip circumference; mid-arm body measurement will allow the
circumference examiner to make various assessment
 Triceps skinfold thickness calculations to determine whether the
 Calculate ideal body weight, BMI, waist-to- client is within the acceptable or normal
hip ratio, and mid-arm muscle area and level or not. This also serves as a basis
circumference. in deriving potential complications due
 Take vision using the Snellen chart. to the client’s body measurements.

* Snellen chart will test for the client’s

distant and near visual acuity and to
have a general idea if the client has
existing visual impairment.


 In addition to data collected about the client’s * To be able to determine the client’s
appearance during the general survey, observe: cognitive functions, thoughts processes
 Level of consciousness and moods. This will allow the
 Posture and body movements examiner to assess whether the client is
 Facial expressions in a normal state of mental being or not.
 Speech
 Mood, feelings, and expression
 Thought processes and perceptions

 Assess the client’s cognitive abilities (MMSE may be * The Mini-Mental State Examination
use): will show the clients current cognitive
 Orientation to person, time, and place functions, able to comprehend, able to
 Concentration, ability to focus and follow calculate and able to recall short-term
directions and long-term memories, and the ability
 Recent memory of happenings today to construct what he has perceived or
 Remote memory of the past shown.
 Recall of unrelated information in 5-, 10-, and
30-minutes periods
 Abstract reasoning

 Judgment
 Visual perceptual and constructional ability

 Ask the client to empty the bladder

(give the client a specimen cup if a
urine sample is needed) and change
into a gown.

* The skin plays a vital role in a human
 As you to perform each part of the head-to-toe being, being our first line of defense, it
assessment, assess skin color variations, texture, is assessed to determine abnormalities
temperature, turgor, edema, and lesions. that affects its function.
 Teach the client skin self-examination *Increasing the client’s awareness on
skin care will enhance his wellbeing.

 Inspect and palpate the head for the size, shape, and *To check for any deformities and
configuration. irregular shape and protrusions of the
 Note consistency, distribution, and color of hair. head, any underlying cause that makes
 Observe face for symmetry, facial features, the hair uneven.
expressions, and skin condition.
 Check function of cranial nerves (CN) VII: Have the *Check for facial symmetry and color
client smile, frown, show teeth, blow out cheeks, raise will determine if the cranial nerves
and chin.
(CN)VII are functioning well.
 Palpate the temporal arteries for elasticity and
* To determine any blockage or
 As the client opens and closes the mouth, palpate the
accumulation in the temporal arteries.
temporomandibular joint for tenderness, swelling, and
* To test motor function of the CN V

 Determine the function: * To pinpoint the functioning level of
 Test visual fields. each of the client’s eyes. Determining
 Assess corneal light reflex the normal alignment or deviation of the
 Perform cover and position tests. or strength of the eye by corneal light
 Inspect external eye: reflex test and cover/position test.
 Position and alignment of the eyeball in eye
socket *To determine if client eye is positioned
 Bulbar conjunctiva and sclera normally or is suffering from any
 Palpebral conjunctiva alignment deviation or impairments of
 Lacrimal apparatus the eye and the vicinity therein that
 Cornea, lens, iris, and pupil might affect his sight. To ensure that the
 Test pupillary reaction to light. pupils respond to stimulus and that it
 Test accommodation of pupils constrict and dilate accordingly. Also to
 Assess corneal reflex (CNVII-facial) test the motor function of CN VII-facial,
 Use the ophthalmoscope to inspect: whether the client can close his eye as a
 Optic disk for shape, color, size, and reflex or voluntarily and open them.
physiologic cup
 Retinal vessels for color and diameter and
arteriovenous(AV) crossings
 Retinal background for color and lesions
 Fovea centralis
 Anterior chambers for clarity
 Inspect the auricle, tragus, and lobule for shape, * Checking for tenderness will show
position, lesions, discolorations, and discharge. existing ear problems, and malaligned
 Palpate the auricle and mastoid process for tenderness. ears with corner of the eye will suggest
 Use otoscope to inspect: genetourinary disorders and
 External auditory canal for color and cerumen chromosomal defects.
(ear wax) *Checking the auditory canal to
 Tympanic membrane for color, shape, determine any blockage within.
consistency, and landmarks.
 Test hearing *Also noting any deviation on the
 Whisper test normal color of the tympanic membrane
 Weber’s test for diminished hearing in one ear which is pearly grey, and if it is
 Rinne test to compare bone and air functioning well by performing the
condition(turning fork on mastoid; the front of different ear test.
 Inspect the external nose for color, shape, and * To determine any deformities and
consistency. Palpate the external nose for tenderness tenderness that might suggest local
 Check patency of airflow through nostrils (occlude one infection.
nostril at a time and ask the client to sniff.) *Check patency of airflow to determine
 Test CN I: ask the client to close his/her eyes and smell any sign of swelling within or rhinitis or
for soap, coffee, or vanilla.(occlude nostril.) chronic allergies. And also to test the
 Use an otoscope with a short wide tip to inspect sensory function of CN I-olfactory.
internal nose for color and integrity of nasal mucosa, * To check for accumulation of polyps
nasal septum, and inferior and middle turbinates. and/or swelling within.
 Trans illuminate maxillary sinuses with a *Trans illumination will determine any
penlight to check for fluid or pus. blockage in the sinuses

Put on gloves. Use a tongue depressor and penlight as needed. *Putting on gloves as a standard
 Inspect lips consistency, color, and lesions. precaution to protect the health of both
 Inspect the teeth for number and condition. client and examiner.
 Check the gums and buccal mucosa for color, *Any lips discoloration might suggest
consistency, or lesions. anemia(pallor), cyanotic(hypoxia) ,
 Inspect the hard (anterior) and soft (posterior) palates reddish(ketoacidosis, COPD, CO
for color and integrity. poisoning), or swelling(allergies).
 Ask the client to say “aah” and observe the rise of *Checking for number of teeth and
uvula. discoloration will show some of clients
 Test CN X: Touch the soft palate to assess the gag lifestyle that affect his health.
reflex. *To check for midline elevation of uvula
 Inspect the tonsils for color, size, lesion, and exudates. and symmetric elevation of soft palate.
*To determine any inflammation on the
 Inspect the tongue for color, moisture, size, and texture.
tonsils and tongue.
Inspect the ventral surface of the tongue for frenulum,
*Palpating the tongue will reveal any
color, lesion, and Wharton ducts.
nodules that might suggest cancer, and
 Palpate the tongue for lesions.
to determine the strength of the tongue
 Test CN IX and CN X: Assess tongue strength by against resistance to assess its
asking the client to press the tongue against to tongue swallowing function.
blade *Testing the taste or sensory function of
 Assess CN VII and CN IX: Have the client close his or the tongue.
her eyes. Check use taste by placing salt, sugar, and
lemon on the tongue.

 Inspect the neck for appearance of lesions, masses, *To determine any asymmetry in the
swelling, and symmetry. neck which may indicate enlarged
 Test range of motion (ROM) thyroid gland or inflamed lymph nodes
 Palpate the preauricular, postauricular, occipital, *To check for muscle spasm or cervical
tonsilllar, submandibular, and sub-mental nodes. arthritis that might limit ROM of neck
 Palpate the trachea. *To check for deviation of the trachea
 Palpate the thyroid gland for the size, irregularity, or *To determine presence of masses and
masses. inflammation in the thyroid
 Auscultate an enlarged thyroid for bruits. *Auscultation will allow the examiner to
Palpate carotid arteries and auscultate for bruits. check for any blockage in the thyroid
and carotid arteries.
 Inspect the upper extremities for overall skin color, *To pinpoint abnormalities affecting the
texture, moisture, masses, and lesions. hands, wrists and fingers like
 Test the function of CN XI (spinal) by shoulder shrug osteoarthritis, or deformities or pain.
and turning the head against resistance. *To assess swelling of lymph nodes
 Palpate arms for tenderness, swelling, and temperature. *To identify any limitation on the ROM
 Assess epitrochlear lymph nodes. of the elbows.
 Test ROM of the elbows. *Palpate the brachial pulse to discover
 Palpate the brachial pulse. any arterial insufficiency.
 Test ROM of the waist. *To identify any abnormalities that
limits ROM of the waist.
 Inspect palms and hands and palpate for temperature.
 Test ROM of the fingers.
* To identify situations like
 Use the reflex hammer to test biceps, triceps, and
brachioradialis reflexes. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or
 Test rapid alternating movements of the hands. deformities that limits ROM of fingers
 Ask the client to close the eyes; test sensation: *Reflex hammer will test Spinal Cord
 Ask light touch, pain, and temperature levels C-5, C6 for biceps, C-6,C-7,C-8
sensation in scattered locations over hands and for ticeps and C-3,C-6 for brachia-
arms. radiales. And coordination thereof.
 Evaluate sensitivity of position of fingers. *Inability to do rapid alternating
 Place a quarter or key in the client’s hands to movements of hands indicates cerebellar
test stereogenosis. disease, upper motor neuron weakness,
 Assess graphesthesia by writing a number in or extrapyramidal disease.
the palm of the client’s hand. * To test sensory functions of the hands
 Assess two-point discrimination in the and arms, and to further identify if the
fingertips, forearm, and dorsal hands. client has lesion of the sensory cortex
which will hinder him to correctly
 Ask client to continue sitting with identify objects drawn o held by the
arms at sides and stand behind client. hand.
Untie gown to expose posterior chest.

 Inspect configuration and shape of scapulae and chest * To inspect symmetry and no abnormal
wall. protrusion. Common deviations are
 Note use of accessory muscles when breathing and scoliosis and kyphosis.
posture. *Trapezius muscles are used to facilitate
 Palpate the tenderness, sensation, crepitus, masses, inspiration in cases of COPD.
lesions, and fremitus. *Tenderness may indicate inflammation,
 Evaluate chest expansion at level T9 or T10. No crepitus should be noted, increase
 Percuss for tone at posterior intercostal spaces fremitus may indicate consolidation.
(comparing bilaterally). *Uneven chest expansion may be assign
 Determine diaphragmatic excursion. of atelectasis, pneumonia or trauma.
 Auscultate for breath sounds, adventitious sounds, and *Limitation of diaphragmatic descent
voice sounds (bronchophony, egophony, and whispered may indicated atelectasis or pneumonia
pectoriloquy). * Diminished breath sounds may
indicate obstruction or abnormalities of
 Test for two-point discrimination on the client’s back.
the pleural space.
 Ask the client to lean forward and exhale; use bell of
*To allow maximum chest expansion
stethoscope to listen over the apex and left sternal
when auscultating, and check for
border of the heart.
adventitious breath sounds that may
indicate consolidation.
 Move to front of client and expose anterior
chest. Allow client to maintain modesty.

 Inspect anteroposterior diameter of chest, slope of the * Important to note that anteroposterior
ribs, and color of chest. diameter is less than the transverse, a 1:2
 Note quality and pattern of respiration (rate, rhythm, ratio is normal
and depth)
 Observe intercostal spaces for bulging or retractions *To note abnormal breathing pattern that
and use of accessory muscles. may indicate, tachypnea, bradypnea,
 Palpate for tenderness, sensation, masses, lesions, hyperventilation and hypoventilation.
fremitus, and anterior chest expansion.
 Percuss for tone at apices above clavicles, then at *Retraction of the ICSs indicates an
intercostal spaces (comparing bilaterally). increased inspiratory effort e.g. COPD.
 Auscultate for anterior breath sounds, adventitious
sounds, and voice sounds. * Check for adventitious breath sounds
 Pinch the skin over sternum to assess mobility (ease to that may indicate consolidation.
pinch) and turgor (return to original shape).
* Pinching the skin to assess for
 Ask the client to fold gown to waist and sit tenderness and skin integrity.
with arms banging freely.

Female Breasts
 Inspect size, symmetry, color, texture, superficial *Normal breast are symmetrical and free
venous pattern, areola, and nipples of both breasts. from any discoloration, tenderness and
 Inspect for retractions and dimpling of nipples. Have protrusion besides the nipples.
the client raise her arms overhead, press her hands on *Retraction and dimpling is an
her hips, press her hands together in front of her, and indication of cancer.
lean forward. * Palpating axilla for any lesions and

 Palpate axillae for rashes, infection, and anterior, swelling of the lymph nodes an
central, and posterior lymph nodes. indication of possible cancer.

Male Breasts
 Inspect for swelling, nodules, and ulcerations. *Normal breast are symmetrical and free
 Palpate the breast tissue and axillae. from any discoloration, tenderness and
protrusion besides the nipples.
 Assist client to supine position with head
elevated to 30 to 45. Stand on client’s right * Palpating axilla for any lesions and
side. swelling of the lymph nodes, an
indication of possible cancer.

*Observation of distention, bulging or
Observe and evaluate jugular venous pressure. protrusion may indicate right-sided heart
 Assist client to supine position (lower examination * Supine position is the best position for
table). jugular venous pressure and breast self-
Complete examination of female breasts: * Presence of masses may indicate
 Palpate breasts for masses and the nipples for possible cancer of breast.
discharge. *To impart knowledge about BSE and
Teach breast self-examination early detection of cancer.

 Inspect and palpate for apical impulse. *Apical pulse serves as the Point of
 Palpate the apex, left sternal border, and base the heart Maximal Impulse(PMI) and check for
for any abdominal pulsations. possible cardiac enlargement.
 Auscultate over aortic area, pulmonic area, Erb’s point,
tricuspid area, and mitral area (apex) for: *To detect irregularities of the heart,
 Heart rate and rhythm (with diaphragm of including irregular rhythm that may
stethoscope). If irregular, auscultate for a predispose the client to decreased
cardiac output
pulse rate deficit.
*To assess the heart rhythm, and listen
 S1 and S2 (with diaphragm of stethoscope). for accentuated, diminished, varying or
 Extra heart sounds S3 and S4. (with split S which are all abnormalities.
diaphragm and bell of the stethoscope)
 Murmurs (using bell and diaphragm of *An S3 or S4 heart sound and murmurs
stethoscope). of mitral stenosis that was not detected
 Ask the client to lie on left sides; use on supine position maybe revealed when
the client assumes the left lateral
bell of stethoscope to listen the apex
of the heart
 Cover chest with gown and arrange
draping to expose abdomen.


 Inspect for: *To look for presence of rashes,

 Overall skin color discoloration (Grey Turner’s sign),
 Vascularity, striae, lesions, and rashes redness (inflammation), Dilated veins
 Location, contour, and color of umbilicus (liver cirrhosis)or dilated surfaces
 Symmetry and contour of abdomen arterioles & capillaries (hypertension)
 Aortic pulsations or peristaltic waves *Look for deviated umbilicus indicates
 Auscultate for: presence of mass or enlarged organs.
 Bowel sounds (intensity, pitch, and *A protuberant abdomen may indicate
frequency) obesity, fluid accumulation or tumor.
 Vascular sounds and frictions rubs (over *To check for bowel motility
spleen, liver, aorta, iliac artery, umbilicus, *To listen for friction-rub which may be
and femoral artery) associated with hepatic abscess or
 Percuss for: metastases. If heard at the anterior
 one over four quadrants axillary line, is an indication of splenic
 Liver location, size, and span infarction, abscess, infection or tumor.
 Spleen location and size

 Lightly palpate: *To check strength of the stomach and

 Abdominal reflex identify any abnormalities within such
 Four quadrants to identify tenderness and as masses or protrusions

muscular resistance

 Deeply palpate: *To check for abnormalities in all

 Four quadrants for masses quadrants of the abdomen
 Aorta *Checking the abdominal aorta for any
 Liver, spleen, and kidney for enlargement or sign of aneurysm.
irregularities *To identify tenderness on liver, spleen
and kidney areas. Abnormalities may
 Replace gown and position draping indicate cancer, CVA or acute hepatitis.
so lower extremities are exposed.


 Inspect the lower extremities for overall skin * To assess for indication of peripheral
coloration, texture, moisture, masses, lesions, and arterial and venous insufficiencies and
varicosities. may show possible risk of diabetes or
 Observe the muscle of the legs and feet. hypertension.
 Note hair distribution. *To note that loss of hair in the legs due
 Palpate joints of hips and test ROM. Palpate the to arterial insufficiencies.
femoral pulse. *The femoral pulse is strong and equal
 Palpate for: bilaterally, any weakness or absence
 Edema, skin temperature indicates partial or complete arterial
 Muscle size and tone of legs and feet occlusion.
 Palpate knees including poplitial pulse. *Edema is a sign of venous
 Palpate the ankles; assess dorsalispedis and posterior insufficiency, loss of muscle tone may
tibial pulses. Test ROM. indicate atrophy.
*To check for symmetry of the knees
 Assess capillary refill.
and any indication of arthritis or
 Test:
inflammation. Also the limitation of the
 Sensation to dull and sharp sensations
knees Range-Of-Motion.
 Two-point discriminations (on thighs)
*Assessing capillary refill to determine
 Patellar reflex, Achilles reflex, and plantar
any venous insufficiencies.
*To test for the senses of the periphery,
 Position senses
discrepancies may indicate insufficient
 Vibratory sensation in bony surface of big toe
arterial flow.
 Perform heel-to-shin test. *Deviation of heel to either side is an
 As warranted, perform special tests. indication of cerebellar disease.
 Position change for arterial insufficiency *The following tests are designed to
 Manual compression test determine any arterial and/or venous
 Trendelenburg test insufficiency.
 Bulge knee test *The bulge and ballottement test are
 Ballottement test done to check for fluid presence.
 McMurray’s test *McMurray’s test is performed to assess
a torn meniscus of the knee.
 Secure gown and assist client to
standing position.
EXAMINATION *To check for any indication of
kyphosis or scoliosis, and to check for
Note: Parts of these systems have already been assessed balance that may suggest any neurologic
throughout the physical examination. discrepancies.
 Posture. *Tandem walking will unsteadiness not
 Observe the client: noted with normal walking.
 Check for spinal curvatures and scoliosis. *Hopping will show any muscle
 Observe gait including base of support, weight-bearing weakness or cerebellum disorder.
stability, foot position, stride, arm swing, and post. *Romberg’s test is to detect disease of
Walks heel to toe (tandem walk) the posterior columns, vestibular
 Hops on one leg, then the other dysfunction and cerebellar disorders
 Performs Romberg’s test *To test for coordination and positional
 Performs finger-to-nose test sense, inability notes cerebellar disease
*To preserve the client’s dignity and
 Perform the female and male privacy.
genitalia examination last, moving
from the less private to more private
examination for client comport.


Female Genitalia *Lithotomy position, is the best position
in examining the female genitalia.
Have the client assume the lithotomy position. Apply gloves. Gloves are required as standard
Apply lubricant as appropriate. precaution since contact with body fluid
is imminent.
 Inspect:
 Distribution of pubic hair *To check for infestation or pediculosis
 Mons pubis, labia majora, and perineum for pubis, an indication of sexually
lesions, swelling, and excoriations transmitted disease.
 Labia minora, clitoris, urethral meatus, vaginal *To note for lesions indicative of herpes
opening for lesions, swelling, or discharge or syphilis and asymmetric labia may
 Palpate: indicate abcess.
 Bartholin glands, urethra, and Skene glands
 Size of vaginal opening and vaginal *To check for any discharge, swelling or
musculature pain indicative of infection, Neisseiria
 Insert speculum and inspect: Gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia Trachomatis,
 Cervix for lesions and discharge. *To check abnormalities in the cervix,
 Vagina for color, consistency, and discharge (bluish-cyanosis, pale cervix-anemia,
 Obtain cytologic smears and cultures. redness-inflammation).
 Perform bimanual examination; palpate: *Vaginal discharges, swelling and red-
 Cervix for contour, consistency, mobility, and ness is indicative of infection.
tenderness *Bimanual exam of cervix is to check
 Uterus for size, position, shape and for tenderness and hard-immobile cervix
consistency may indicate cancer. For the uterus,
 Ovaries for size and shape enlargement is indicative of myomas
(fibroid tumors) or endometriosis. For
 Discard gloves and apply clean ovaries, enlargement, masses and
gloves and lubricants. tenderness are abnormal.

Perform the rectovaginal examination; palpate rectovaginal *To assess for thickened structures,
septum for tenderness, consistency, and mobility. immobility and tenderness, which are
Male Genitalia and Septum

Sit on a stool. Have the client stand and face you with gown *Standing position is the most
raised. Apply gloves. convenient position when examining the
male genitalia.
 Inspect the penis, including:
 Base of penis and pubic hair for excoriation, *To check for any indication of sexually
erythema, and infestation transmitted diseases (STD), infestion of
 Skin and shaft of penis for rashes, lesions, the pubis and tenderness/redness.
lumps, or hardened or tender areas *Hardness along the ventral surface of
 Color, location, and integrity of foreskin in the shaft indicates cancer o urethral
uncircumcised men stricture, and inflammation.
 Glans for size, shape, lesions, or redness and *Discoloration of skin is indicative of
location of urinary meatus scarring or inflammation.
 Palpate for urethral discharge by gently squeezing *Chancers from syphilis, venereal warts
glans. and herpes are sometime detected in the
 Inspect scrotum, including:
*Urethral discharge when yellow is
 Size, shape, and position
associated with gonorrhea and clear or
 Scrotal skin for color, integrity, lesions, or
white discharge indicates urethritis
*To check for any indication of
 Posterior skin (by lifting scrotal sac)
hydrocele, hematocele, hernia or tumor.
 Palpate both testis and epididymis between thumb and
To check for any inflammation (STD)
first two fingers for size, shape, nodules, and
*To determine any abnormalities in the
tenderness. Palpate spermatic cord and vas deferens.
scrotal contents.
 Transilluminate scrotal contents for red glows, swelling *To check for masses in the scrotum
or masses. If a mass is found during inspection and
palpation, have the client lie down and inspect and
palpate for scrotal henia. *To note for enlarged or tender nodes
 As clients bears down, inspect for bulges in inguinal indicative of inflammation or lesions in
and femoral sites and palpate for femoral hernias. the genitalia.
 While client shifts weight to each corresponding side, *To check for bulges or thin ligaments
palpate for inguinal hernia. for possible complications like hernia.
 Teach testicular self-examination. *Teaching the client will enhance his
knowledge about the importance of early
 Ask client to remain standing and bend over detection and treatment testicular
the exam table. Change gloves. disorders.
 Inspect:
 Perinial area for lumps, ulcers, lesions, rashes, *To check for any indication of disorder
redness, fissures, or thickening of epithelium involving the perineal area and the
 Sacrococcygeal area for swelling, redness, sacrococcygeal area that may be a
dimpling, or hair possible risk for cancer, tumors or hernia
 While client bears down or performs Vasalva *To check for rectal prolapsed or
maneuver, inspect for bulges or lesions. hemorrhoids.
 Apply lubrication and use finger to palpate: *To check for any abnormalities within
 Anus the rectum, such as nodules and polyps
 External sphincter for tenderness, nodules, and which are indicative of cancer, and
hardness tenderness that maybe caused by
 Peritoneal cavity hemorrhoids and fissure.
 Prostate for size, shape, tenderness, and *To check for any abnormalities in the
consistency prostate, such as benign prostatic
 Inspect stool for color and test feces for occult blood. hypertrophy, acute prostatitis or mass
characteristic of prostate cancer.

*To check color of stool indicative of

presence of bile when grey, specks of
red with internal hemmorhoids or black
stool indicative of gastrointestinal

Total Score:










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