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IS B N 1-57873-112-7 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA



© 2002, 2006, 2007 JZ Knight

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photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
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a division of JZK, Inc.

The contents of this publication are based on Ramtha

Dialogues®, a series of magnetic tape and compact disc
recordings registered with the United States Copyright Office,
with permission from JZ Knight.

This work is based on the partial transcription of Ramtha

Dialogues®, Tape 375, Master ofVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
th e B r id g e : T h e R e vo lu tio n of
S e l f, February 12, 14 and 18, 1998. Copyright®1998 JZ Knight.

Ramtha®, Ramtha Dialogues®, C&E®, Consciousness &

EnergySM, FieldworksM , The Tank®, Blue Body®, Twilight®,
Torsion Process'", Neighborhood WaikSM, Create Your DaySM,
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ISBN # 978-157873-112-1

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A Division of JZK, Inc.


P.O. Box 1210
Yelm, Washington 98597
These series of teachings
are designed for all the
students of the Great
Work who love the
teachings of the Ram.

It is suggested that you

create an ideal learning
environment for study
and contemplation.

Light your fireplace and

c o z y . Prepare yourself.
Open your mind to learn
and be genius.

The Fireside Series is an ongoing library of the hottest THE HALLOWED HALLS OF MIRTH AND LAUGHTER 9
topics of interest taught by Ramtha. These series of T h e S c r o ll of a M a s t e r 11
teachings are designed for all the students of the ?re~t T h e G r e a te s t T h in g s A r e A c h ie ve d i n rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
a L ig h t H e a r t 13
Work who love the teachings of the Ram. This collection IS
also intended as a continuing learning tool for the students
of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment and for everyone T h e W a tc h e r at t h e G a t e s of th e G rea t C ity 20
interested and familiar with Ramtha's teachings. In the last A M a s te r 's O c c u lt K n o w le d g e : T h e A lc h e m y of S e lf 24
three decades Ramtha has continuously and methodically
deepened and expanded his exposition of the natur: of
reality and its practical application through vorrous E vid e n c e fr o m th e W a c ky Q u a n tu m W o r ld 34
disciplines. It is assumed by the publisher that the reader M a p p in g th e U n u s e d N in e ty P ercent of Our B r a i n 36
has attended a Beginning Retreat or workshop through C e llu la r B io lo g y and th e T h o u g h t C o n n e c tio n 41
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment or is at least familiar H e a lin g th e B o d y a n d
with Ramtha's instruction to his beginning class of students. th e A r t of B e c o m in g th e O b s e r ve r 43
This introductory information is found inVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R a m th a : A
B e g in n e r 's G u id e to C r e a t i n g R e a lity, Third Ed. (Yelm: JZK ONE FINE MORN OF TRUE MASTERY AND SELF-CONQUEST 49
Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc., 2004).
We have included in the Fireside Series a glossary of EPILOGUE BY JZ KNIGHT: How IT ALL STARTED 57
some of the basic concepts used by Ramtha so the reader
can become familiarized with these teachings. We have
also included a brief introduction of Ramtha by JZ Knight
that describes how all this began for those who are
unfamiliar with the story. Enjoy your learning and
, _J
T h e S c r o l l zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
of a M a s t e r

I want you to say this as the Observer:

God I Am,
Lord God of my being,
I have dominion
over my life.
Of the following
I reject
from here on out:
I shall not allow
nor shall I accept
the runners,
the manifestations,
of my past.
I reject
my victimization
and shall not see
nor shall I honor
that this should have made my life
less than God.

And I, the Lord God of my being,

reject lack
in all of its forms,
in its connection
to my tyranny,
to my victimization,
for I shall not accept lack,
and unto me always
I shall have
whatever I desire.

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

As the Lord God of my being, nor shall I accept

I reject the runners of my personality,
utterly and completely and all that shall come to me
diseasements are the laws
and ill health, that I have ordained
for I am a joyous God this night.
whose laughter is like thunder, From the Lord God of my being,
and all the days of my life so say I.
shall be undaunted To life.
r--~ - and unstained
with ill health,
as I, the Lord God of my being,
reject this hour
that which is termed
age and death. The G r e a te s t T h in g s

I am a forever being A r e A c h ie ve d in a L ig h t H e a r t

that has never died.

Therefore the law The first thing I said to my daughter is that the greatest
of eternal life things are achieved in a light heart. It is not the heart, the
that abides in me pump, but the heart in humanity, meaning the true self,
I command not the intellectual self. The heart always represented God.
to abide in my body The intellect really represented man. Emotions
forever and ever and ever. represented man. Somewhere God had to be represented
so thet put the soul right beside the heart, and in reality
As the Lord God of my being, that is where the soul's essence sits. So the greatest things
the Lord of my genetics, are created in a light heart.
the voice of my DNA, If we were to investigate a little bit, we know that the
I command a youthful body, most remarkable healings that have ever been recorded
I command effervescence of energy,
medically were those that were healed in a .lliab! h,ililrt.
that all the days of my eternal life The greatest diseases were healed in laughter. The most
are lived in the youth dreadful disease was healed when you suddenly dropped
of my existence. the fccoda, the victimization, the stress, and all the things
that your personality thought were important and started
From the Lord God of my being, to engage life lightheartedly. You should see ~
I reject this day morni!29 as a great morning to get out of bed, run to
any less than that which I ordain, your window and look at God and see whatever nature

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6

has brought. The sun shining is not the greatest day; !jvery_
day is the greatest day. The most important thing, first
-and foremost, is to be a part of it, to be alive and be
jubilant with that energy. When we can laugh in the early
morning, heavy with sleep in our eyes, we have indeed
found the secret to longevity. Because every day is a You HAVE NEVER D IE D
lightheartedness of being, then every situation in our life
sort of becomes dim and we can aEProach everything
with li.9.b~~? and laughter. Tradingstress in for lightness
is to have a body without disease.
If the cure for every disease, and
,- the on~ we know that can cure every disease is God,
then our God must be a riotous, lighthearted entity. God
is the ultimate jester, absolutely laught~ happiness, joy,
and mirth. Everything we have asked to come from -n;e-
Lord God of our being we ask in respect, but we celebrate
in laughter because God is the hallowed halls of mirth
and laughter.FEDCBA

I have reached across 35,000 years to find you. I have
a lot to give. You cannot diminish it. Just take and accept
it. There is no one outside the providence of the kingdom
of heaven lest he denies it to himself. All are given access
to the glory of God, for the glory of God is seen in the
quiet obvious-unobvious place. Its beauty is simple and
its requests are simple without the dogma and tribulation
of humanity. God is love. -Lustacce.£t and let the sweetness
of the moment flow through you completely. So be it. I
love you. Just accept and know that you are loved and
are not outside of the providence of the God who loves
you, for I am but a poor and impoverished symbol of
that which radiates within you. I love you for finding me
and listening and dedicating your life to know. I love you
for hearing and I love you for doing. I tell you this life is
but a passing moment. What you really are is eternal;
thereby we say that the body gives us the illusion of life
when God is the only reality there is. It is a great truth.
You have never died and you never will. You never will.
So be it.
That which lives inside of you, to which the voicesrqponmlkjihgfedcba

speak, is God Almighty itself. The voices would not be

speaking if'ffiere were not that which listens, and it is that
which listens that is the secret of all ages. It is the divine
in us. The voices plead from a humble body for
permission to do and to be and to exercise their will, but
without God they have no will. The day that we become
the Observer and only the Observer, the day that we live
for the right use of life and conquer that which is termed
1 The voices in our head, the voices of our personality and our
emotional body.

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

the personality, the body, is the day that we celebrate in a great and marvelous charade by a brilliant woman; to
the echelons of Christ. It is the day that we wake up and your God it will be a messenger who awakened
truly are the masters of life. possibilities. I have never acknowledged you as anything
Remember this: The voices are talking to someone. other than those people that I have loved. For a God to
Who are they talking to? It is that mystery that is as elusive prostrate himself and kiss your hands, your forehead, c7nd
CiS'1lie wind but stable as any rock which we must long to your cheeks is the recognition from one divinity to another,
be. It is what we think we are not but we have always even though the other does not understand. Because you
been, and thus speaks the wise man to his God. The wise do not understand does not lessen the recognition.
man speaks as that which pleads to the House of God If I wanted to be famous I would not be Ramtha,
for redemption in the man's life, and wise is the woman because I already did that and was that. I am here to
who speaks to the Observer and beseeches the Observer acknowledge your divinity that I find just as intoxicating
to give credibility to her life. The day that we long no as this early spring flower. I find you so beautiful. It is not
more to be the woman or the man but that which the your face and it is not your body; it is your'energy'and
voices seek is the day that we awaken. All of you have that which gives it life that I love andhonor. The day you
the Observer ~u to which all the voices speak. It is not are the same way is the day you are like who I am. To
one man or one woman; it is all of you. That is why you some that day is close and to others it is still as far away
have been called the forgotten Gods. as the first time you heard this voice, because you haven't
My message since I appeared here was that you are understood the mystery yet.
God, not just that I was God but that you are God. These I love my people. I really don't care what the world
teachings have never been as a guru to overshadow a thinks about that because I can take care of the world,
bunch of ignorant followers with a message the followers and I have and I will. I love my people, and I want you to
could never hear because they were so blinded by the enjoy. the same~eedom. of self)hat I learned to enjoy.
guru. That has not been the choice of this journey nor is it That IS what these teachings are about. If the only thing
a righteous choice to do otherwise. The teaching~ has you ever wanted to be was a man or a woman and this
always been to revere you. That is why I kiss your hands, was the end of it, I would appear one time and tell y~Oo
the palms of your hands, that which you hold, and the live it up, be wicked, unrighteous, and boldly free. hy
outside of your hands, that which is callused with strength. w rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
0 u Id I t e l(5l,1 that? Be c a use t h en there is 0

I bend and bow to you to kiss those hands. I ~rostrate to consequence rWhJ not live it up before you give it up to
You. l..Q..cknowledge to you that which you have done in the worm? T ~ould be the message. But that isn't the
this life, unlike that which is termed common men and ,:,ay it is. Someon: hq: to remiQ~.:.Y_o:!;!
that you are not
women who never acknowledge anything you have done lust bastards of this universe but are the creators of it. I
any more than you have acknowledged it in them. know I have said this so many times from the beginning
To those who never followed but bothered to when I came here but it takes maybe years before even
understand, I will always be a mystery to reveal the truth three hear the words, really hear them. There is no greater
in their own life. I will always remain a mystery, and when teaching than what yo~e, and all I am endeavoring to
I am gone you will wonder was it the brilliance of my do is to get you to fall in love with and listen to yourFEDCBA
daughter or did I really exist. To the personality it will be
,,... ------
O b s e rv e r. ~ ~

18 19
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

missed, and they are going to run and jump on the camel
and ride right into the city gates. They will never be an
The Watcher at the Gates of the Great City
Observer again. The Observers are the ones who are
sitting outside the gates of the weat, magnificent city.
My message has never changed. We have only gone The person who ascended in therqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPO
story? - the one I
in-depth to the world of science and medical science just told you other than my own story" - was the man who
to reaffirm what the message always was. It hasn't changed sat at the gates of the great city, if you recall. He ~watchedl
because no matter how many peptides you are - I don't everyone come in every costume, smelled ~ry spice,
care if you have a zillion peptides in you - if you don't saw every color, saw rags to riches, and he was really
have the peptide of transformation, you are still dead. You looking for something he had never experienced. Finally,
are just a zillion-times dead. Science is there to support one day he realized the stream just got monotonous and
the message that can be so easily dismissed by the image, predictable. The moment he smelled nutmeg he could
but the image has a really hard time coughing up tell you exactly who was coming in, what they were riding,
objection to science. That is why I use it so wisely. And they what kind of baggage they would have, and what they
are still going to discover what I have simply told you. We were bearin~When it became that predictable, ~
use words like amygdala, hippocampus, frontal lobe, understoosL~ he was sitting at the gates of the city
lower posterior lobe, higher midbrain, reticular formation, when he could already predict everyone going in and
and others, but it is only to educate you in support of the what they had, so he got up and left. He walked into
data of the message. What is the purest message? That that which is termed a very pleasant and beautiful
you are God. How do we know that? Because how many meadow, and that was thrilling. It is at that point that he
of you_have been listening to the voices in your heads? finally left because no matter where he looked around,
- I am ~ to tell you this, and this is another great he had already experienced it. Now that was an
teaching.~s doing the listening? We know what those awakened entity.
objections are. They have everything to do with hunger, What is the relation of that entity in the story to what
fatigue, reb~, threats, guilt, digging up the past, and you have learned? When he was the Observer and just
all of that. ho s listening to them? That is perhaps the observed, he was reall~ J'looking" for something he had
greatest qu stion I have to ask my astute audience. never experienced: a piece of cloth, even a piece of cloth
Wouldn't you want to be@9 is listeniQg rather than who from some magical, foreign place. Had he ever worn it
is complaining? Obviously the complaints are as a mantle? Had he ever sat on it? Had he ever held it
beseeching that which is termed the will of something. next to his rough face? Did he ever feel it in his hands?
Wouldn't you rather be that which is the distributor of will Did he ever put it next to his breastplate and feel warmth
rather than one who is begging? from it?
We can start to see that the beggars in us are those 2 "Story II, Leaving No Footprints" inVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e le c te d S t o r i e s I I I , Specialty Tape
who complain, and they dish up all kinds of garbage. As 033 Ed. (Yelm: Ramtha Dialogues®, 1989).
long as they do that, they are not going to be seated 3 See R a m t h a , A Beginner's G u i d e to Creating R e a l i t y , Third Ed. (Yelm:
JZK Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc., 2004) and R a m t h a , T h e W h i t e
very long in front of the gates of the great city because
B o o k , Revised and Expanded Ed. (Yelm: JZK Publishing, a division of
right away they are going to see something they have
JZK, Inc., 2004).

20 21
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the M ines of M oria

I know this sounds rather old-fashioned to you, but that the past is appealing to, and why does it have to
today in your easy credit-card society and your app~al if it is a sovereign. It is so simple. T.he past is just
commercialism, what couldn't you have? Tbe story is peptides and a neuronet.QDto~e hearing the voices,
about what he saw that he didn't hav~, and he could then you are not the vOlces.~ou are hearing the
easily use his skills to get close to that piece of fabric. We complaints and the emotions, you are obviously not them.
are not even talking about a relationship here. When he They are beseeching you to act on them and'become'
sawall the beautiful people come in - exotic, plain, ~em, so obviously you are not them.
humble -Ihe understood all of t~;2The day when he Who would you like to be, a foot soldier in your life
could predict
them and had no em . n arise is the day
he was bored and got up ancfTeft. He had to get a sense
of the past or the one who can lead the charge?
thought that being a conqueror was the greatest
I always
way of
of doing that. being. Too many of you are bothered by the fact that you
• Most of you breathe the I~ ~,.ginto what is boring. think you are losing something, and you are. 'Lou are
And how do you do that? You deny truth, you become a ~ your hypocrisy, you are losing your lies, and yoC"
hypocrite, you reinvent the moment of discovery, and all are losing your deceptions for truth because you all do
along there is something laughing in you. You are trying things when you know better. If you do things in which
to pretend it is an adventure and it really isn't. This is why you know better, then @doesn't knowing better outweigh
your relationships don't last very long because you the things you do? Do you find that a great question?
already know the outcome before it even starts. Maybe it is because you have reached a point where you
I love telling you my stories because there are many are about to become something you can't even identify
levels to them, and the greatest level to each s~r is the anymore and you are needing identification.
obvious unobvious in everyone of them. ho was I tell you, the day that you realize this wisdom that is so
obse~v·ng in the Observer outside of the gates of t e great simple, then one fine morning you can say, my God,~
city. Something,)and every time§ eyes would see is listening to this?~ must be that which is listeolng) ~
somet ing it wodfd run to the Observer and say, "Have what if I erred in the past? I have only given in to an dppeal.
you seen this before, a smell of spice?" Someone was And what was the appeal coming from? My first seal, my
talking to someone. The genius of the story is that when < second seal, my third seal, my fourth seal, my bllmanitt. I
he knew that he had already seen it, heard
and been it, he got up and left."Uwasn't90in9
better -becausei'that
in an exotic setfrng. What
finally realized
is the best that humanity

he was bored
else was there to do when he
with everything,
it, done it,

even the

in to my humanity@y~nity

There you have it. The really wise entity ~d

I appealing to and @Vam
was so great, then
is the entity who is listening~.JV.nY humanity is so great,
y do I ever have to ask permission for what I am about

I appealing\Vhave

poppies and the buttercups in the field? He was ready to no guilt, no pain, and no resurgence of the~, yam I
go(1-1e .disappearedJhi~ is a true story., . bringing this argument up .? Why am I
In light of the teachings, what h~~ you done? ~sychoanalyzing so~ething and to ~ a ::P." analyzing
Perhaps the best way to put this is to as~
The next time you hear the voices you ask yourself~
is list;..~g.
is *:.
It? To my psychologist?
Haven't you ever
No, but to something.
wondered what the something
listening, ~ is it that the body is appealing to, wno is it
was?(tould it just be that you who are hearing the voices

22 23
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the M ines of M oria

have been the God of old? Did it ever occur to you in the it myself. When I led, they followed, and the Observer
all-powerful state that laid the foundations of the world., that I was, was that which was in them. -
that the only thing you have ever used it for was t~granr ~ There is not c{womal}}who is not righteously divine. It
the wishes of our e tions? How far afield have your - is just that you h;-ve deruded yourself into thinking you
emotions ever gone I ne who is listening to'you-Iaid are otherwise. You really have. You think your enemy is
J.he foundations of the world, what have you used it for? man. The enemy is not man. The enemY-is your delusion.
<,(ust to beg your emotions and your image)That is all That is the enemy. There is not a(man)in this audience
you have used it for. who isn't God. You think the enemy is your sexuality. You
think the enemy is conquest. That is not the enemy. The
enemy is/you~ YQQLvoJ...c~®ou were stripped away from.;.-_
M a s te r 's O c c u lt K n o w le d g e : The A lc h e m y of S e l f
your body and you were still here, you would be the
you d'
masters in the
. Th
knew an occult
e alchemy
Gods who are starting to turn on.
Who would you be and how would your relationships
ddenly the bodies were dispensed with? W~ld your
of self, and that true self s what the rtificial sel ppeals lovers still love you? W~ld your children still love you?

'* _ ~
of your

ou don't even know w
h ve been doing
body every
is granting
0 you are yet
~ have
WgJJld you still love th~?
like. You keep trying to perpetrate
more this robe -
That is what the Observer
the Observer.
this robe is equal to your body -
I am no

never even grown wings and flown yet.@

high is deluding your body and your brain.
that is it? Woe is you. You 19.+nkthe high is food. You think
think that the
Do you think *you are your body.
I wanted you to work on the principle of taking the
position of the Observer and r~ observing. Never take
the high is victimization.' y~ think the high is pity and the position of the emotions. ~er take the ~ition of
guilt and shame. Don't you know that someone is guTI't."
Don't even recognize it. Never take the position of
pleading that case to someone?

~ictim. Don't even recognize it. Never even take the-
I have never been a leader of weak men or women ~f your sexuality. Don't even recognizeit. Never
and I don't intend to be. I led people who were willing to .
ta!.e the position of I~k~ even recognize it._I_w~a_n_t _
dream the dream of a horizon they c=;;uldn't even imagine. you fo be the Observer,~ to whom the voices you
They followed in faith because they didn't have a home. .... hE£cilwoys been are trYing to male a pOint.
Nature was destroying it at their heels. ~ had no other When we talk about really ~r people, a ~
choic.e.. but to die or go forward. What was forward? A master, we are talking of individuals who really are clear
God, an archetype of the God in y'OU. I never led weak and have no issues. When they think about manifestati~
people. They are the people who perished at the first sign they never think of it in terms ofe it will impact their
of war or having to move and change. People in the last life. You agree ambivalently to e~_ runner I send to you
one hundred and twenty days of my life had seen the because you are thinking abou ho it will impact your
world and found a beautiful valley where they could settle lif~ou have to think about tha , then you are not the
down, and I could finally leave them to their rest. I Observer; you are still the voices.
represented the Observer in each of them because I was

24 25
T H E zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
In the great books called VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e L o r d of t h e R i n g s , there
is a great story about the Observer tliat I am teaching
you here. If you really want to read about the Observer
versus humanity, you should read them because they are
about truth. When the master teacher stands upon a very
thin bridge and says "Y.9u cannot pass" to a monstrous
necromancer - so o--;;:;inous and dreaaful it would cause
you to shudder - the Observer and the voices of the
necromancer are captured in myth more brilliantly than
any other piece that was ever written. This is the true story
of the master walking to the huge monster crossing the
bridge, under which the abyss lies, protecting those who
have already passed on the bridge. The entity, a little
master, says to the huge necromancer, "You cannot pass."
Imagine a necromancer looking at you and going,
-"What, you are not afraid of me?"
<'No, I am not, and you are not going to pass."2
This is the deeper message of that story. The
necromancer could surely tear to pieces the master on
the bridge because it is a thousand times larger than the
master, but the master has something the necr~ncer
doesn't - ~ Do you know how uncommon will is in
humanity ?ncrin necromancers? It is one of t e rare
qualities that makes greatness. ~~
pass. I don't care how big you are and I don'trqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
bad you are and I don't care how !Jgly you are, you are
not gOing to pass here because I said you are not." This
iSThe most disarming weap;;' there is, and the master
and the necromancer do battle.
When a person walks to the edge and says "you are
not going to pass" in the face of horrific danger, that is

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

the great moment the God comes out and says, "You are /wh)t are your necromancers? Those are blown-out
not going to pass.'v'don't care if you think you can kill d~~ that you have fabricated out of points of your
me, you will never kin me,~ you are still n.ot ~oing to life that are ridiculous. We are talking about utter chaos
pass. Whatever you do wit my body - I will fight you now the day that your Observer stands on the bridge and
even w~ody is gone - you still won't pass, anO says, "Look, that is it for you. You are not going to pass
y~ke~y, you have made of me even a greater !his way i~ the ne:, life, and I am here to tell you that is
monsfei':"" ~ someone can be killed, but the moment It for you.~ can bnna>the greatest, ugliest, baddest, and
they are killed their Spirit is freed and they are even more meanest allen you ~er saw who will scare your lunch
terrible. So what are you going to do with that? ~aster right out of you, but nothing is more dreadful than the
doesn't have to be a big entity; it can be a little entity. It subtle enemy, which is your past and your victimization.
[ust has to be willful
it." That is will.
-..-- and say, "You are not going
Do you know what it takes to be such a
to do ~
you continlJQu~,
if it hadn't
been for that,"
it hadn't been for
you make those into

being? B~coming the Observer, who is ~rue!i.b~ and necromancers. The more they are compelled to destroy
fearless. I aon't care how large the army is and I don't your life and your power, the bigger they become, and
~w big and bad the alien is. That alien is not going they only exist in your mind. If you look at the person
to do anything to one who walks right up and says," a, ~wn the street, they don't have a clue about the problems
no, no. You can take my body, and if you do~you are you are going through. They don't know you have a
~ sGffer as a result of it because I am going to be demon on your back. Wh~n au stand on the bridge and
worse than you ever dreamed." say "you cannot pass," a are you speaking to? You
I desire everyone of you to read that part inVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The are speakingQ~~ pro ems you have, Jh problems
Lord of t h e R in g s about the Observer and you will you talk about With your partner, your family, your friends.
understand what I am talking about here. The. master You say he did this, she did that, they did this, I don't
who really goes to Christhood is the pure O~r. It have enough, or they took it from me and look at me.
doesn't matter what garment they are~ing. "You Whatever voice it is, it is all about the necromancer on
cannot pass. Give me your sword, cut my head off, free the bridge, a~~..e __
u n!ll_~-R?int yo~_at
me from this body, because the moment you ~omanc=r eat eve21Oin.g-Gu.LQf ~. You have let
shall be a speck of d~ an I wi I e a hurricane. You It eat the heart out of your life, which is why I call you the
choose what you want to do ere." The master IS the walking dead.
genie in the bottle. He appears to be the bottle and the ,*,When is the day you stand up and say, "Loa Is,..I don't
genie is speaking from the bottle: "The moment you do really care what I am going to be on the other side of this
anything to me, my lid comes off, I am going to come bridge. You are i'i.0 ~O¥ a~.
not going to h,Ol.'e..}::Qur
out of here, and you are going to be a speck of dust ~ no~ the same' and L.!ll~not feel the same but
and I will be the hurricane. You cannot pass on any ~m of being chased by you and in,deed I
terms." That is God. God doesn't have to think about of haVing to cower to y~. I really am." That is the
what God" needs to say. God doesn't need to rehearse ay y ana and you say, "You cannot pass anymore.
it. God doesn't need to go back and reinforce it. It simply ry to destroy me. Give me your best shot/Do whatever
takes a stand and that is what it is.rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
you think made me cower before; it will never make me

30 31

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

cower again." That is the davou wear a white garment ego. ~ese books were written by a maste0who was in

and the day you-understand
Who am I talking
the excuses as to eY to? I am talking
the message.

you are not happy

to you wh~e
the greatest
Read about
on a level you
It is a relevant
thete was,
yet understand.
story today.

need other people In your life to make you happy. ~ ~ Are there such beings as the Black Riders? Yes. Are
talkina to you who are sick and all the excuses you give there such beings as Master Gandalf? Yes. Are th;,:e such
Tor sickness. I am talking to you who are unhappy and all steeds as Shadowfax? ~. Are there suZhbeings as elves?
the reasons that yo;; give unhappiness to other people. ~ Are there such beings as that which is termed hobbits?
This is about all of you who don't think you will ever be Are there such beings as trolls? ~. Is there such a place
happy until youhave all the money in the world, or you as Middle-earth? Oh, yes. It is alive and well today. You
will never be happy until you have the person of your read that. You will find with what you know now that there
dreams. This is about al~ who say someone is more truth to that set of books than anything you have
wronged you, raped you, or abandoned you. I am talking ever read.
to you. You made those necromancers. The point of this story is that we desire to lead the war
This school is about facing your necromancers and against the unjust in life anti~"'y!i~ to stand up to
going on without them, doing battle with them and saying, that which rules the worldLRemem~~that which rules
"You cannot follow me. You are not going to be the. reason the W~ld is really our world, and it becomes a personal
.Lm.£t not have a reason anymore,
for my life anymore .rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA world. It is the personal, subjective self that is important
and L.t:wJy be colorless, and my cheeks may not blush, to eac one of you and what keeps you bound, tied,
and Lmsr not know if I am a man or a woman, and_I enslaved, and what'artificially supports you)The da
~ not know how much money I have, and ~ may not you walk to the end of the bridge and say to your past
know who I care about, and I may not know what my :'you cannot pass this ~and mean it, is the day u
worth is, but the one thing I know for certain is that I never too will battle that which is termed the demon and you
have to Ii;; under the likes of you again and whatever I too will be transformed, b u that is going to be "the
am after that can be only happiness." day" YOu~· hour. ·t that you are battling?
As your required reading from Ramtha, I want you to Yo ~t, yo r liss, ou h manity thinking you are your
T h e H o b b it and T h e L o r d of t h e R in g s .4 Where is the bo ing n yo r hist . It isn't about what
wisdom of a truly great challenge? You are going to read someone did to you. The ay you are willin 0 leave it
about them in these books. I want you to read about a all b . d and~tand ~ and undefended t the bridge
homely little creature who has fur on his toes, lives in a ~ just ure will and nothing else is the day that you
little hobbit hole, and just loves eating and loves his pipe. really waKe up. That is what this message is all about,
Not very romantic for all of you image people but it is a and every great being of antiquity understood that
beginning. You are going to meet in this book a message. ZO0 you have the capacity to be thad>Like I
mysterious master teacher. You are going to learn a lot said, if you are ~aring the voices in your head, y6u have
of things ab;ut humanityand the challenge of the altered to ask yourself ..lio is that voice talking to.
4 The and T h e L o r d of t h e R i n g s by J.R.R. Tolkien (New York:
H o b b it
What do you ant to be? It is a simple question. You
Random House Publishing Group, 2002). finally have to reconcile yourself that y~u~motions are

32 33

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

saying something to someone. Wouldn't it be better to you always had to follow and reconcile~r feelings to
befhe someone rather than the emotions? Obviously the keep your life on an even keel. But ~ gives them
someone is so powerful that in order to continue being permission?40mething does>ls this a new phenomenon
the way they are, the emotions must be given a rite of or was it always there? It w6s always there. It is just that
passage. In other words, the reason you haven't seen a you are starting to listen to the voices, to listen to yourself.
lot of magic in your life is because you are busy listening And who are you? ~en Moses said to G~, "And who
to and 'granting'the argument of your limitations so that be y~u?" 9.,od said am that which I am/God
l" didn't
it holds everything status quo. The moment you put soy, I am the one you stole from, the one you rnistreoted,
/dynamite on the bridge)and blow it up, you will see just the one you abandoned." God didn't say that. God said,
liow fragmented your re,9lity can become, and it is only "1 am that which I ami that that I am." That is what God
because you have said, ~~o, you cannot pass.':> _ VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
is, and how else can you describe the Observer but in
those meager words. -
~ H~re is what I~nt lOU tQ.!ea~. If there were ever
E vid e n c e fr o m th e W a c ky Q u a n tu m W o r ld
evidence of the divine in men and women, whose
approach is the clearest? Science, quantum mechanics.
So what can I say about the Observer who has been Quantum mechanics said that every test we make, no
indiscreet or discreet, unobtrusive, allowing? We know matter how we devise the test,
, A
;ro maHer what we do, it
that all the emotions in the body always come back up _becomes ~at we expect. We can even do the cats both
to the frontal lobe to 'present·themselves for some sort of dead and clive." We created the trap in which the poison
a(;mro-wl. You never knew it before but feelings are a would drop, and it can be both dead and alive at the
plea for ag.eroval. That is what they are. Feelings are same time. We created that paradox. What did the
pleading for an 'approval~ and o~ce we get the approval quantum field do t became both. No matter what we /

is the.. mome,!1t4'e are 'reconcil;i with the feeling) That is do . b m s i If e have a gun that shoots out a light
the feel-good proceTs, the redemption process. photon and splits it - half going in one direction and
Redemption wouldn't even have a word in the human the other half going way out there - the moment the
language if this feel-good process didn't exist. You must scientist CO~I s one, the other half collapses no matter
strong feelings in order to be/redeemed'from them. where it is. ~ created that? The Observer. You see, this
Who is the re eemer? This is what Christ represented, is the wack orld of quantum mechanics. It is wacky. No
tne ultimate redeemer.rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
"1 am your bright and shining matter what theories the scientists come up with, the
morning star. I am the shepherd who has brought back quanta always behave according to their theories."
those who hav-;-g;ne astray. ~ the redeemer." The Scientists are even having a nervous breakdown over the
redeemer wasn't Jesus, Mohammed, or Buddha. The
redeemer was the icon that they represented in e 5 "Schrodinger's Cat Paradox" in T h e P r e s e n t S i t u a t i o n in Q u a n t u m
single person.keelings are seeking redemption)but who? published in 1935 by Erwin Schrodinqer.
M e c h a n ic s ,

is the emotional body seeking redemption from? e 6 The series of experiments created by Alain Aspect, Phillipe Grangier,
and Gerard Roger demonstrated the nonlocality of quantum particles
*' In order to be your personality every day of your life,
described in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox. The results of these
experiments were published in 1982.

34 35
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Bottle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

thought that when the/think 'they are discovering new fine morn. This is what that story in VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
T h e W h ite Book is
particles, all th~y are really doing is "creating' them. They cbout.? One fine morn I woke up from my pallet and went
don't know where it ends and whe-;; it begins. Scientists to my window, crusted with the frost of early morn. I looked
are looking for new particles beyond the quantum through to the east and, Qehold, the s~ wa~blaze with the rose
new particles th~re faster than the speed of light,~ and lavender hues of early morning waiting for the rising
they don't know~he new particles that are faster than oTthe great Ra that would come upon the backs of
11ie speed of light are there because they decided to look mountains and shine golden rods into misty valleys, and
for them or whether they were always there. They don't that was the morning of my awakening. That is what the
know anxmore.they are all having a nervous breakdowri) story of one fine morn means, and that is what I
It is science, not religion, that is saying, look, no understood. I understood that I was really never Ramtha,
matter what you think~u are going to create, the which is why !could live my life, have no regret, but never
~cles are going tQ~whatever you create. Ligmt continue to be it. I could live, *appreciate"who I
photons - electrons, packets of quanta - are behaving was, and soar to be something else and I had room to
to the Observer of the scientist. Is it any wonder that be that. Why wouldn't subatomic particles behave to the
quantum mechanics is but a limb of the great tree of reality of my Observer when my Obs~er ~rew't9~
science because the scientists are only the limb itself? If greater than Ramtha? If ~~ Ob;frver ~e greater
they were the tree we would really have some dynamic ~amTha,&i1srbeiog tfL win:i;Q]IJruw hy would
results, but because they are scientists they are really I be outside of th~? I wou~ the law.
limited, so they are just a limb of the tree. If they became fII Where does will urvive? ill is not a part of the
the tree, then the particles of reality would become emotional body. emotiona ay pleads to the brain
ev~r " the tree said the particles should become. for continuitx - continuity of the pa~t, continuity of one's
• is our greatest proof that God is you? Science station in life - and the brain approves it. The day we
sa .--:- the Observer that impacts the atomic field, that wake up and we start to hear the voices, we will go along
big old body of flesh called "you," who can't e s e n with the voices because it is habit. Then there will come
atom. Whether you can see an atom or not your will one mor . g tha;,~will decide - ally are a sovereign
causing their will to be formed, and that can be not being over and~ our umanity, nd that is the day
other than God itself. we wa e up to eternal WIS om an we belong to the ages.
~ @tt happens when you tell the necromancer "you
cannot pass"? ~t happens when your emotions are
Mapping the Unused Ninety Percent of Our Brain
allover you and your past is all over you? ~t happens
when you can't even communicate to your friends
.e I want you tcJ..!JllillJ'ask yourself, "~i1.listening? anymore because you don't know how to communicate
Who am I that is listening to the voices? £=leariLI cannot ' with them? The only thing you ever talked to them about
be my em0(9i ause I can only be what I am was finding pieces of the puzzle. The only things you ever
onoloqicolly Do I wa to continue to be my emotions or
7 "Chapter 21 : One Fine Morn" in R a m t h a , T h e W h i t e B o o k , Revised
do I want to be at I have never been?" When you do
and Expanded Ed. (Yelm: JZK Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc.,
that, it is the day you will come off the rock as I did one rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

36 37
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

talked to them about were.Y.Q..!:!r victimization,rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

"tQ.!:!l *:G~mportant is it to you to be loved by people
troubl~ur problems, the difficulties you are having aro ......e
you ? If that is a real need of yours, then you can't
now. hat happens when you wake up in the morning stand on that bridge. You are not ready yet. It is equally
and can no longer communicate with them? Do you go honest to be able to say, "I really need to talk about my
back and try to communicate on tha~I, or do you just past because I don't feel that I have really come to the
say "you cannot pas~more"? ~ do you have in other end of it. I have found something out. Tb.fuDore I
common with them? ~ is your covenant? The master did it, the more ,Lgenied r myself my futur~. And I think,
in the story who stood on the bridge stood alone, r~ perhaps to be even more honest, I had nothing to talk
alone, defending the little people who had passed-:-ihe about in regard to the future because there is nothing to
ma~~tood alone, and he didn't need anybody else. talk about. I was afraid not to make conversation, so I
¥-~ kind of covenant do you have with other people risked a lot of my emotion just to make conversation. I
and with each other@ourcommunion with one~ther don't know what I am going to be. What I do know that I
based upon your lack, your fear, your tragedies? Ar you) won't be is what you thought that I was." Saying that is
willing to give them up to stand alone? If you 0, you bei~nest.
deserve to stand on that bridge and say "you cannot ~an God be a joyous, riotous, live-in-the-moment
pass." Otherwise don't romanticize about this because being? Because in order to be a God, YO}J_first hav
you are just one of those who passed into safety while ge the master ~ m~s WJr humanitt(!.Q_J:~.~.~qJGod.
someone else stood there for you and said you are not <Qod doesn't have a past and God is not a victio/The
going to do it. S. kind of'communications/do you have noturo] state of a God is a very merry,VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
~ y, beautiful
with people around you? ~ do we, as the Observer, ,entity~(!he kind you love to love a-;]d 'wish you could be.)
really cut it off? It is when you no longer choose to convene Such beings naturally' affect the health of the body and
with people on the basis of the agreement you have with this is how they do it.®he maste;.r can hold its own in the
them. Does that make you popular? Probably not. But frontal lobe and say no, no, no, what really happens is
how many people are qornq to face a necromancer~ Not that emotional pain is the same sensation as physical
too many. That is something you have to weigh pain.([}our body is cut or stung and you suddenly have
personally. When is the day that you look@hem_a_n_d , a break in a nerve circuit that is sending a message to
___ s_~~,"You know, I don't even want to talk about my past the brain, then you feel pain. ~by'sical pain ..•is a break in
anymore because i!Js really degd and it is really what the neurological circuitry of the body. Emotional pain is
we have had in common. I...b..avereally wasted a lot of exactly the same thing.
time and I have tried to be 'red' when! really am 'gold.' ~Emotional pQin happens when there is a break in the
I don't reall ed it an Ion er.~ am really gratefu~or circuitry, and the break in the circuitry happens i~ frontal
my Ii e and who am today, for it.has made me the master lobe and it simply says, ~ar; suffering and·~~a~n~t ~to-!.---t---
e. So pray let us not talk about silly things
onger just for the sake of friendship."
of communication are you going to have from
And what sort
those on
to communicate
our hurt." An~e
pass," and it becomes frustrated
back down

to the
lobe said, "No,
because it needs
cells that

we are
the other side? Probably nothinc. Click, buzz, they hang redeemed, but instea~1. says no. 't.£ben the frontal lo~ ••
up the phone{Canyou d~hat1- no longer lets pass th~formatio@ ~that 'sends

38 39
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

they have receptor sites for them. The receptor site turns
back theAche~icals~o the~ that say you are weeping,
on the nucleic acids of the cell and we have the DNA
you are suffenn~, and now you are looking for redemption,
parting to pattern the message coming down from the
then:!;!e have a break'in the circuitry. You are looking for
a way out aria' you get redemption. Redemption comes by brain. The cell can read that message and send it in a

way of saying you understand, and ~ YO!L,understand pattern called RNA through that which is termed the

you have made full circuitry so the circuits stay hooked alchemical fact<2lY that runs the RNA through the little

up. In other words, there is a neuronet hooked up that is factory, creates amino acids in~ form~f roteins in
distributing those chemicals to every cell, and every cell sequence; gives it to the cell, ~ the 01 cell then
~~anges chemically. Once it is change , it -s~e-n-d""s-a-----
__ ' ••.
m_~imicltb~ attitude. And when it is mimicking the attitude,
It sends chemical messengers back up to the brain to say, messenger amino acid back up to the brain, and once
"We are with you." that chemical reaches the brain and the neuronet it
---'--=What happens then is the cell keeps putting out its becomes(hardwired)and becomes long-term memor;.'

messenger ~i9na:ur~ in the w~~ody, t~~ngs keep

<I What happens to the old brain in ich you hav~
coming up and bombarding the frontal 19be, and ninety:percent brain ~a~ntertain "no" and only ten
voice keeps talking
the Observer and
to you in your head. You have t
say, "No, you can't pass. You can't
percent to
djsconneS!.s. When
entertaln~? The
we nave a disconnection
01 brain slowly
of the old
--- V

·pass." In other words, I am not going to grant you the brain, we now have/wisdomZrhis is wh~we came down
rite of passage to satisfy you. We are not going to go here to ~?
The v.oic:s will .only argue until we give the
back and revisit the past and feel sorry for ourselves. You .Qill new information. That IS emotiona pain. When we
~ are going to get well' And because there isn't any give it new information, then we change the cell and it

- redemption, it ga~bac~ down and.the cell keeps sending no longer acts like it has been cut or hurt or abused.

~ts,mess,age upe5 law of the wilVln the frontal lobe has

~ neurons and what finally happens is the other C e llu la r B io lo g y and th e Thought C o n n e c tio n
ninety percent of the brain that is not being used
responds. The unused neurons pattern the law of the
A common cell
fr?ntal 10.Q.ebecause, remember,6he frontal lobg- ~
____ ~2fh~ m,.9.§!.er sn ~ bridae~ is not patterned intFie
norm61 neuronet. Th~f'hing that is patterned in a
normal neuronet is loop, a rite of passage, and you
i~st k~oing it ove over. You have to access and
fire a~ part of the rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(There is a new part of the brain that·wakes"uprand
when the law of the will is passed, the limbic system then
_·constructs·the peptides and the hormones that are Let us look at that which is termed a common cell
dumped through ductless glands into every part of the sliced in two. The RNA is taken through its little alchemical
cells, because it passes through the bloodstream. The factory, which the slice is being pulled through, and from
cells get new neuropeptides on their receptor sites, and that the amino acid proteins are manufactured and given

40 41
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

to the cell. T~e cell then converts itself according to each The voic~ are going to continue to'interrupt'our repose. ,
one of thes~nformational entitieyand changes. Once it Information having to do with(your)'common' thought is
has changed, it creates that which is termed peptide still going to be coming up from the brain and wO'iifstO be
informational circuitries that are dumped into the reconciled by the brain so it can be held intact . ..hs the
bloodstream and go all the way back up to the brain. In Observer we must hold the attitude and must listen to the
the brain, in that which is termed its ir;!ormatiOnQlsent~ neuron;t a;i"t fires. Once it has fired, we must'placeAthe
those peptides come back up and make their way bac frontal lobe not the neuronet's desire for continuity buG!.-
to the hippocampus, to the plJuitary, and from the 1 new paradigm. We must ~Iy have a thought that we
pituitary into the neuronet that is affected b the change '"""can'project"j"n our frontal lobe that then interrupts the floW:-
of the cell itself . means that the new attitude as the -"if you arJ:VI;consciouilyou are refiring that thou ht in the
Observer ha finally administered a change that has brain and saying "so be it." Once you become 'conscious
affected one 0 e little cells. When the cell is finall..L and can hQid the thought in your brain, you begin to
changed, it sends the information back up to that which become m6re objective about that which is "t;rmed :t~o~uoLlr _
is term-;d the limbic system in the brain, notifying it that body's conversotiQL1. The only way that you are going to
the change has been m~e. Then we have what is called quiet the voices is by holding the~ thoug~t, and the
the hardwirin..e. of the neuronet in the brain, and we are new thought is not going to feel like anything. It is sort of
finalry changed. like one woman battlin a ainst an army of
two thousand warriors. They are equipped, an that is their
sword. All they can do is say, "You cannot pass." How
THE BRAIN ~ BACK TO powerful is one who says, "You cannot pass," one who is
THE BRAIN up against two thousand armed warriors? The being that

t says you cannot pass is m rful, all9 the sword of --....

Amino acid
such a olute will a will that is not intimidated

"e - by the emotional body's nee s.

%~ H e a lin g th e Body and th e Art of B e c o m i n g th e

* ~appens
yo~~t pass" ~t
to body health@)9u
places, things,
and events? You would create new brain mass that
reconnects to the cells, and the cells become mutated
The brain is connected to all
according to "no, you cannot pass." Disease onl lives
the cells in the body. A common cell in the pa.2i(it can never live in the mind of a master. It
never will. It only lives in the mind of a victim. There IS a
Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight
lot of proof to this, for example, in people who have split

42 43

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the Mines of Moria

personalities. One personality can be buoyant, healthy, pass, and I am saying no, and it is here I make my stand.
and wonderful~ other personality can be a victim and You want war?'?That is a master. It could be a little-bitty
have all sorts of maladies, and it can change in a ~r or big master. It doesn't matter. And you know
moment. Switch a personality and you end up with a ~ know you have it in you? Because 7someone'*has
different body. Take yourselh;"'way, put a 'new'God in your been listening to the voices and that is the entity you need
Od , and you won't have any problems in this body at to decide to become instead of confused women and
all he new being will know exactly(how to rurJ>this bod~ confused men. Your body is just like this robe that is on
, I you think you don't have energy, it is because VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
y o 'r f' my body. It is going to come off, and who are you going
don't have any energy. H.2:w could you possibly have to be? Well, that is the big question. What kind of small
energy when you are running on the fumes of the past? talk are you going to have?
All the vitamins in the world are not going to make you (:What is the weather today on the bridge?">
healthy when you keep wailing and thinking you have ( O t ~ :"Well, it is stormy, pleasant." tt:»
lost something. You never lose anything. It is an illusion. What excuses are you going to use from now on?
(You see, you nevelhave"' anybody.)You never do. Unless "I just don't feel worthy."
you cannibalize them, eat them, digest them, and wear "Why?"
their proteins in your body, you never have anybody. And "I don't know why. It is just a habit."
no one ever had you. It is your illusions. The Red Lion elixir is just to bring the Observer ...l.f
• Everyone says, well, ~not as simple as it sounds. ~. That is what it does and why I am telling you that
No, it isn't.M very simple. You have to finally come to in my life I didn't use anything. I just didn't think my past
terms with ~has been listening.~do you want at was so important as to dim my future.
the end of your life? You want to go with me wherever I - • So, my people, who is the Observer? It has been
go, but are you prepared to go there? You know how I everyone, hasn't it? How many lifetimes have you lived
know you are not prepared? Because you keep clinging in different bodies that it has observed? Oh, so many.
to things that are frost on the panes of your window that What haven't you been? You have been everything. This
can be diss~in heat. You cling to things that are so is what the love of God is about. "I shall be the voice of
superficial.~ can you go with me, where you are God always, for it is my lQw and my commandment."
going to be invisible, when you are just so wrapped up in How is your body going to be after this one? Who knows?
l2.!:ll" sexuality, y~r pain, y~r suffering, ~ Who cares? One thing we know is that now your body
lack?~ can you possibly turn into the wind when you really does have a chance to live forever. For the first
are so wrapped up ir4hat you are no~very moment of time ever, it really does have a chance with this
knowledge. Here is something else we know. You will never
• ow do you change that? I taught you every use your body as an excuse ever again, and with that we
marve ous discipline in the world, but the greatest know it will never be sick again. That we know. Who will
/~iscipline is the ~ 'cll2
ili!lJ9s OJ' the bridge and says, we be? That is the adventure, beautiful people. YiJ;y try
,No, I don't care who you are, I don't care how big and to scurry around and make a mess out of the past? So
bad you think you are, you are not going to pass. You that you feel a little more secure. You don't have to do
are not going to get me because you are begging to that anymore, and how nice it is to no longer pretend.

44 45
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 FEDCBA Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the M ines of M oria

The' entity' that i~analogical mind is God}When .91.L is platter that you want it to accept or deny, it is going to
.9uiet and you can just l2..ethe Observer who is listening, have the image' dance \jght in front of it like the dancer
then whatever the Observer brings out in its form to of the seven veils. And if it~embraces·it, you are home
become law will become law ondcnothinqj stcnds in its < because it will make it law.;
way. Remember, there is -nothing more powerful than
<:.o_n~i0Usness and energy. This is the God that laid the
foundations of the world and all you are using it for is
your humanity. Isn't there room for more? There is indeed.
~ When you finally are that creature that no longer has
to dwell in your past, you are going to find a remarkable
thing happen. There is just going to be this big smile that
comes across your face and people will say, "What is
wrong with you?" And you willVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
s q y , "1 just don't have any
problems anymore." It is just a natural state of being.
People work all their lives to get so much money because
they think it will make them happy, but you have in you
alfadY what is really going to make you happy.
~ Being the Observer is a natural state of bliss)When
you don't have a past, what isn't there to be happy about?
The more you stay in the place o~s listening to the
complaints, the more enlighten~u are going to
become, I swe ou. The more y~ understand that it
is <ill
rlab.t not t~e W' feeling ---"""O"ncfyou don't have
to make any - and the more that you can simply be the
Observer, then t~£!"e eowerful and royal you become,
the r'Q..~r:..~.9..odlike
you become. There are all the reasons
in the world why your body would not want to be doing
this work, but again<y'ou have to be the Observe9that
looks at l!. ar'd says,Zyou are going to do it) I don't
.. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
acknowledge your sickness, I don't acknowledge your pity,
I don't acknowledge your lethargy, and L.Q.f>..!i.L
acknowledge any of your excuses because you have to
plead your case to me, and I do not acknowledge them.")
~I,b.§ little God is breaking out of its prison and it is starting
to feel itself. ' It is starting to have its own power and it
gets to have its own agenda, finally. This is so beautiful.
When you give an image to the Observer on a silver

46 47
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'fhen you are the Observer you have to grow up a
lot.~ery few people ever find this stage of enlightenmen;>
beca use they a re so attached to thei r huma nity, so
attached to what is wrong with them and why they can't
be something that they really do deny their God for the
sake of feeling good.JUhere were ever a case for going
to the light and having someone with you that was
observing your light review, then I want you to listen to
me very carefully. That same situation is happening when
you become the Observer and y~u are observing your
monkey-mind(That is exactly what you are about to see.)
(WFien you cando it'here'without dying)s when you have
learned the truth, the occult truth of the masters, and
job is to keep bringing
then y..9J.J[ forth the Observer and
laying down the image to where your Observer is the
only thing that you are. Then you can say, "My God, I
am God/man, I am God/woman manifest. I know what
it was to be Yeshua ben Joseph. I know the truth. I
understood what no one could possibly understand
because they cared too much about their livelihood,
their reputation, their bodies."
• Yeshua ben Joseph's children and their families were
so bold. Who do you think was speaking through Yeshua
when he said, "And whosoever leave their father's house
and follow me, and whosoever shall leave their
husbandman or their wife and follow me, and whosoever
should leave his culture and follow me will find the
kingdom of heaven"? Don't you think he knew what he
was talking about? It is very easy to see the dynamics
from that. What does a person go through to turn around
and leave~'image' their family has of them and lay it

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the M ines of M oria

down for a greater image? What sort of penalties and though he should leave his husbandman or his wife - will
what sort of anguish must they go through? To leave her inherit the kingdom of hecven.?" This was the message.
husbandman to know God, what must a woman go He was talking about the Observer.
through as a torment in order to live that righteous path, In a ~t p~ersona@y you have the devil on one side
or a man who would give up his wife and family to follow and an angel on the other. You are a split personality
God? Who can know their anguish and their torment? because someone is listening and it just happens to be
What do they want more than the kingdom of man? you. (Q could that be that you could be listening to
They want to be the sons and daughters of God, not the what ~did and be detached from what was so powerful
sons and daughters of man. No wonder Yeshua ben and emotional? The ~whO is listening is God, and
Joseph said "and to them is given the kingdom of that is how close it is. h do you have to do? You don't
heaven." Who are these preachers of mysterious doom have to die to be God; you have to' live' to be it.
preaching that which is termed words that are mystical Yeshua said, "And whosoever shall leave their family
and yet troubling, that cause us to be happy and afraid and follow me will see God," and it was the absolute
at the same moment? Are they really the angels of God, truth. Sometimes you have to deny and conquer before
supermen and superwomen? They must beG!)their you can deliver. It is the same message I knew thirty-three
madness must be so complete that they are willing to thousand years before Yeshua's time. ~II I had to do was
die for a dream that clearly this life could never have sit on that rock and understand the truth and ~
offered in the first place. fascinated with what I could have been, because I was
(Do you know how rare it is to have such people?)There everything. Thank God I didn't have a family to leave,
are not that many masters. They never made it beyond onJ. you.
their humanity. There were a lot of magicians, a lot of <...00 you have to suffer to ~me the Observerpin the
smart people, and a lot of powerful people but there were first consequences you do,~after that it is a breeze
not a lot of masters, and we know of only a few. in recent because you are really clean and the Observer in you is
history. No one knows whatever happened to them ,.5;J happy as a little baby and is connected to the Void. It is
because their death was never recorded. They were so just a happy being. It is going to grow up being wiser and
- 7
outrageous, so unique, and so terrible that when -
they happier. I came back to teach you that and tell you I can
walked into a village, the whole village was blessed by do a lot of things for you and impress your loincloths off
their presence. of you - and I have done that before - but what I want to
I am giving you the same message that your Observer do is teach you what I know and lay down the footprints so
gives to you: "If you canVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
~ (a ~ be greater than your you just do it and apply yourself. You are going to reap
• image~ your image is going to 'die and I swear you will the rewards. Y~ will get unstuck and you will be
know eternal life." That is the message from your able to fly.(fou will start exercising divine will)You will get
Observer. It isn't Yeshua ben Joseph that a person follows. up and be bold, just like I was. You will get out of bed ang
He said, "The Father that lives in me is the Father that , "I am tired of being sick Oiid being a wimp. I will
lives within you, and whosoever shall listen to the voice never be that again. I am never going to cry again. I am
of the Father - though he should leave his mother's
8 References to the Gospels according to M atthew 5: 1-12; 19: 29-30
house, though he should leave his father's house, and and Luke 17:20-21.

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Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Gandalf's Battle on the Bridge in the M ines of M oria

never going to feel lack again. I am tired of it. Never

again." You won't even care how loud your voice is and a my beloved God,
who is listening. You will just rise up and it will happen in deliverer of my being,
you and you will be on fire, and that is your one fine beauty of my life,
morning. You will say, "1 don't care. I am never going to I say to you this hour
live this way again. I am never going to be a hypocrite love I you greatly.
again. I am tired of it. I am miserable. I am unhappy. I am And though I have substituted myself
tired of taking pain pills. I am tired of feeling old. I am in your marvelous place,
tired of being sick. I am tired of being rejected. I am tired I have yet to experience
of living for someone else to make me happy. My God, I and embrace
am tired of it." And that is the day you will have your that which you are.
morning and those wings will come unglued. a love of my life,
Remember, you are going to read about the wizard on enter my being,
the bridge and he is going to say to the Balrog, "You cannot create my life,
pass. You cannot pass." The master is tiny and the Balrog and shake from my life
is terrible. The master looks at it and says, "You cannot my deceivers,
pass." That is the day you will have your one fine morning. my users,
T h e H o b b i t you are introduced to Middle-earth, my liars,
a wizard, and an unlikely hero, which would be you. I am and my hypocrites,
really happy that you are doing this. I want you to know that I alone
that you are like a troop that is just leaving the Shire. Your can share my life
adventures really do lie ahead and they are going to be with that which is termed you
momentous. But never fear, there is a wizard in your midst that have never forsaken me.
and a wise elf. I want you on an adventure, because if you To my God.
think the hobbits are on an adventure you are about to I love you.
ride the Earth changing and you are about to ride all sorts So be it.
of terrors that make the Black Riders seem like Little Miss To everlasting life.
Muffet. It is wonderful, and you are going to find out at the
end of all of these stories that those who survive the great
wars sail away to the West. Know that I love you and that
everything I have told you is the truth. And what is more
important is that I have taken the greatest of all truth ever
mentioned and said it was in you and you are it. It is not
exclusive; it is mutually inclusive. We all have it, but the
only difference between you and me is that I know I am
God and you don't.
- R a m th a

54 55


" In o th e r w or ds, h is w h o le p o i n t rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ

of fo c u s is to come h e r e
and to te a c h yo u to be e xtr a o r d in a r y."
My name is JZ Knight and I am the rightful owner of
this body. Ramtha and I are two different people, two
different beings. We have a common reality point and
that is usually my body. Though we sort of look the same,
we really don't look the same.
All of my life, ever since I was a little person, I have
heard voices in my head and I have seen wonderful things
that to me in my life were normal. I was fortunate enough
to have a mother who was a very psychic human being
and never condemned what it was that I was seeing. I had
wonderful experiences all my life but the most important
experience was that I had this deep and profound love for
God and there was a part of me that understood what that
was. Later in my life I went to church and I tried to
understand God from the viewpoint of religious doctrine
and had a lot of difficulty with that because it was sort of
in conflict with what I felt and what I knew.
Ramtha has been a part of my life ever since I was
born, but I didn't know who he was and I didn't know
what he was, only that there was a wonderful force that
walked with me, and when I was in trouble - and I had a
lot of pain in my life growing up - that I always had
extraordinary experiences with this being who would talk
to me. I could hear him as clearly as I can hear you if we
were to have a conversation. He helped me to understand
a lot of things in my life that were beyond the normal
scope of what someone would give someone as advice.
It wasn't until 1977 that he appeared to me in my
kitchen on a Sunday afternoon as I was making pyramids
with my husband. We were dehydrating food because
we were into hiking and backpacking. As I put one of

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Epilogue by JZ Knight

these ridiculous things on my head, at the other end of knew all the things I was going to ask and he already knew
my kitchen this wonderful apparition appeared that was how to answer them, but I didn't know that he knew that.
seven feet tall and glittery and beautiful and stark. You Since 1977 he patiently dealt with me in a manner
just don't expect at 2:30 in the afternoon that this is going that allowed me to question not his authenticity but things
to appear in your kitchen. No one is ever prepared for about myself as God, teaching me, catching me when I
that. So Ramtha at that time really made his appearance would get caught up in dogma or get caught up in
known to me. limitation, catching me just in time and teaching me and
The first thing I said to him - and I don't know where walking me through that. And I always said, "You know,
this came from - was, "You are so beautiful. Who are you are so patient. I think it is wonderful that you are so
you?" He has a smile like the sun. He is extraordinarily patient." And he would just smile and say that he is
handsome. He said, "My name is Ramtha the Enlightened 35,000 years old, what else can you do in that period of
One and I have come to help you over the ditch." Being time? It wasn't until about ten years ago that I realized
the simple person that I am, my immediate reaction was that he already knew what I was going to ask and that is
to look at the floor because I thought maybe something why he was so patient. But as the grand teacher that he
had happened to the floor, or the bomb was being is, he allowed me the opportunity to address these issues
dropped. I didn't know. From that day forward he in myself. He had the grace to speak to me in a way that
became a constant in my life. And during the year of 1977 was not presumptuous but, as a true teacher, would allow
a lot of interesting things happened, to say the least. My me to come to realizations on my own.
two younger children at that time got to meet Ramtha Channeling Ramtha since late 1979 has been an
and got to experience some incredible phenomena, as experience. Ram is seven feet tall and he wears two robes
well as my husband. that I have always seen him in. Even though they are the
Later that year, after teaching me and having some same robe, they are really beautiful so you never get tired
difficulty telling me what he was and me understanding, of seeing them. The inner robe is snow white and goes
one day he said to me, "I am going to send you a runner all the way down to where I presume his feet are, and
that will bring you a set of books, and you read them then he has an overrobe that is beautiful purple. You
because then you will know what I am." Those books were should understand that I have really looked at the
L i fe a n d T e a c h in g of t h e M a s te r s of t h e Far material on these robes and it is not really material; it is
E a st (DeVorss & Co. Publishers, 1964). I read them and I sort of like light. And though the light has a transparency
began to understand that Ramtha was one of those to them, there is an understanding that what he is wearing
beings, in a way, and that took me out of the are-you- has a reality to it.
the-devil-or-are-you-God sort of category that was Ramtha's face is cinnamon-colored skin, and that is
plaguing me at the time. the best way I can describe it. It is not really brown and it
After I got to understand him he spent long, long is not really white and it is not really red. It is sort of a
moments walking into my living room, all seven feet of blending of that. He has very deep black eyes that can
this beautiful being, making himself comfortable on my look into you, and you know you are being looked into.
couch, sitting down and talking to me and teaching me. He has eyebrows that look like wings of a bird that come
What I didn't realize at that particular time was he alreadyrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
high on his brow. He has a very square jaw and a beautiful

60 61
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Epilogue rqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF
by JZ Knight

mouth, and when he smiles you know that you are in understand that I am not him, that we are two separate
heaven. He has long, long hands and long fingers that beings and that when you talk to me in this body, you are
he uses very eloquently to demonstrate his thought. talking to me and not him. Sometimes over the past
Imagine then after he taught me to get out of my body decade or so, that has been a great challenge to me in
by actually pulling me out, throwing me in the tunnel, the public media because people don't understand how
hitting the wall of light and bouncing back - and realizing it is possible that a human being can be endowed with a
my kids were home from school and I just got through divine mind and yet be separate from it.
doing breakfast dishes - that getting used to missing time I wanted you to know that although you see Ramtha
on this plane was really difficult. I didn't understand what out here in my body, it is my body, but he doesn't look
I was doing and where I was going, so we had a lot of anything like this. His appearance in the body doesn't
practice sessions. You have to understand that he did this lessen the magnitude of who and what he is. You should
to me at ten o'clock in the morning and when I came back also know that when we do talk, when you start asking
off of the white wall it was 4:30. I had a real problem me about things that he said, I may not have a clue what
trying to adjust with the time that was missing here. So we you are talking about because when I leave my body, I
had a long time with Ramtha teaching me how to do that, am gone to a whole other time and another place that I
and it was fun and frolic and absolutely terrifying at don't have cognizant memory of. And however long he
moments. You can imagine if he walked up to you, yanked spends with you, to me that will be maybe about five
you right out of your body, threw you up to the ceiling and minutes or three minutes. And when I come back to my
said, "Now what does that view look like?" and then body, this whole time of this whole day has passed and I
throwing you in a tunnel - and perhaps the best way to wasn't a part of it. I didn't hear what he said to you and I
describe it is it is a black hole into the next level - and don't know what he did out here. When I come back, my
being flung through this tunnel and hitting this white wall body is exhausted. It is hard to get up the stairs sometimes
and having amnesia. to change my clothes and make myself more presentable
What he was getting me ready to do was to teach me for what the day is bringing me, or what is left of the day.
something that I had already agreed to prior to this He has shown me a lot of wonderful things that I
incarnation. My destiny in this life was not just to marry suppose people who have never gotten to see couldn't
and to have children and to do well in life but to overcome even dream of in their wildest dreams. I have seen the
the adversity to let what was previously planned happen, twenty-third universe and I have met extraordinary beings
and that happening included an extraordinary and I have seen life come and go. I have watched
consciousness, which he is. generations be born and live and pass in a matter of
Trying to dress my body for Ramtha was a joke. I didn't moments. I have been exposed to historical events to help
know what to do. The first time we had a channeling me understand better what it was I needed to know. I have
session I wore heels and a skirt. I thought I was going to been allowed to walk beside my body in other lifetimes
church. So you can imagine, if you have a little time to and watch how I was and who I was, and I have been
study him, how he would appear dressed up in a business allowed to see the other side of death. These are
suit with heels on, which he never walked in in his life. cherished and privileged opportunities that somewhere
It is really difficult to talk to people and have them in my life I earned the right to have them. To speak of

62 63
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Epilogue by JZ Knight

them to other people is, in a way, disenchanting because day you will be able to do all the remarkable things that
it is difficult to convey to people who have never been to you have heard the masters in myth and legend have the
those places what it is. I try my best as a storyteller to tell capacity to do. You will be able to do them because that
them and still fall short of it. is the journey. And ultimately that ability is singularly the
I also know that the reason that he works with his reality of a God awakening in human form.
students the way that he does is because Ramtha never Now that is my journey and it has been my journey
wants to overshadow any of you. In other words, his whole all of my life. If it wasn't important and if it wasn't what it
point of focus is to come here and to teach you to be was, I certainly wouldn't be living in oblivion most of the
extraordinary. He already is. And it is not about him year for the sake of having a few people come to have a
producing phenomena. If he told you he was going to send New Age experience. This is far greater than a New Age
you runners, you are going to get them big time. It is not experience. I should also say that it is far more important
about him doing tricks in front of you. That is not what he than the ability to meditate or the ability to do yoga. It is
is. Those are tools of an avatar that is still a guru that about changing consciousness all through our lives on
needs to be worshiped, and that is not the case with him. every point and to ·be able to unhinge and unlimit our
So what will happen is he will teach you and cultivate minds so that we can be all we can be.
you and allow you to create the phenomenon, and you You should also know what I have learned is that we
will be able to do that. Then one day when you are able to can only demonstrate what we are capable of
manifest on cue and you are able to leave your body and demonstrating. If you would say, well, what is blocking
you are able to love, when it is to the human interest me from doing that, the only block that we have is our
impossible to do that, he will walk right out here in your inability to surrender, to allow, and to support ourself even
life because you are ready to share what he is. And what in the face of our own neuronet of doubt. If you can
he is is simply what you are going to become. Until then support yourself through doubt, then you will make the
he is diligent, patient, all-knowing, and all-understanding breakthrough because that is the only block that stands
of everything that we need to know in order to learn to be that. in your way. And one day you are going to do all these
The one thing I can say to you is that if you are things and get to see all the things that I have seen and
interested in his presentation, and you are starting to love been allowed to see.
him even though you can't see him, that is a good sign So I just wanted to come out here and show you that I
because it means that what was important in you was exist, that I love what I do, and that I hope that you are
your soul urging you to unfold in this lifetime. And it may learning from this teacher. And, more importantly, I hope
be against your neuronet. Your personality can argue with you continue with it.VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
you and debate with you, but that sort of logic is really
transparent when the soul urges you onto an experience. - JZ 'l(n ig h t
If this is what you want to do, you are going to have to
~xercis~ and f~s and you are going to have to
do the work. The work in the beginning is very hard, but if
you have the tenacity to stay with it, then one day I can tell
you that this teacher is going to turn you inside out. One

64 65
...en zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ramtha's Glossary

Analogical. Being analogical means living in the Now. It is the

creative moment and is outside of time, the past, and the
Analogical mind. Analogical mind means one mind. It is the
result of the alignment of primary consciousness and secondary
consciousness, the Observer and the personality. The fourth,
fifth, sixth, and seventh seals of the body are opened in this
state of mind. The bands spin in opposite directions, like a wheel
within a wheel, creating a powerful vortex that allows the
thoughts held in the frontal lobe to coagulate and manifest.
Bands, the. The bands are the two sets of seven frequencies
that surround the human body and hold it together. Each of the
seven frequency layers of each band corresponds to the seven
seals of seven levels of consciousness in the human body. The
bands are the auric field that allow the processes of binary and
analogical mind.
Binary mind. This term means two minds. It is the mind produced
by accessing the knowledge of the human personality and the
physical body without accessing our deep subconscious mind.
Binary mind relies solely on the knowledge, perception, and
thought processes of the neocortex and the first three seals.
The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seals remain closed in this
state of mind.
Blue Body®. It is the body that belongs to the fourth plane of
existence, the bridge consciousness, and the ultraviolet
frequency band. The Blue Body® is the lord over the lightbody
and the physical plane.
Blue Body® Dance. It is a discipline taught by Ramtha in which
the students lift their conscious awareness to the consciousness
of the fourth plane. This discipline allows the Blue Body® to be
accessed and the fourth seal to be opened.
Blue Body® Healing. It is a discipline taught by Ramtha in
which the students lift their conscious awareness to the
consciousness of the fourth plane and the Blue Body® for the
purpose of healing or changing the physical body.

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ramtha's Glossary

Blue webs. The blue webs represent the basic structure at a

subtle level of the physical body. It is the invisible skeletal structure Disciplines of the Great Work. Ramtha's School of Ancient
of the physical realm vibrating at the level of ultraviolet frequency. Wisdom is dedicated to the Great Work. The disciplines of the
Body/mind consciousness. The consciousness that belongs to Great Work practiced in Ramtha's School of Enlightenment are
the physical plane and the human body. all designed in their entirety by Ramtha. These practices are
Book of Life. Ramtha refers to the soul as the Book of Life, powerful i~itiatio~s where the student has the opportunity to apply
where the whole journey of involution and evolution of each and experience firsthand the teachings of Ramtha.
individual is recorded in the form of wisdom. Emotio~al bod.y. The emotional body is the collection of past
C&E® = R. Consciousness and energy create the nature of reality. emotions, attitudes, and electrochemical patterns that make up
C&E®. Abbreviation of Consciousness & EnergySM.This is the !he .b~ain's neuronet and define the human personality of an
service mark of the fundamental discipline of manifestation and individucl. Ramtha describes it as the seduction of the
the raising of consciousness taught in Ramtha's School of unenlightened. It is the reason for cyclical reincarnation.
Enlightenment. Through this discipline the students learn to create Emotions. An emotion is the physical, biochemical effect of an
an analogical state of mind, open up their higher seals, and experience. Emotions belong to the past, for they are the
create reality from the Void. A Beginning Retreat is the name of ~xpression of experiences that are already known and mapped
the Introductory C&E® event for beginning students in which In the neuropathways ofthe brain.
they learn the fundamental concepts and disciplines of Ramtha's Energy. Energy is the counterpart of consciousness. All
teachings. The introductory teachings can be found inVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA R a m th a , consciousnesscarries with it a dynamic energy impact, radiation,
A B e g in n e r 's G u i d e to C r e a t i n g R e a l i t y , Third Ed. (Yelm: JZK or natural expression of itself. Likewise, all forms of energy carry
Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc., 2004). Students who wish to with it a consciousness that defines it.
learn the techniques and disciplines created by Ramtha can Enlightenment. Enlightenment is the full realization of the human
receive this instruction personally by participating in one of the person, the attainment of immortality, and unlimited mind. It is
events offered by Ramtha's School. the result of raising the kundalini energy sitting at the base of the
Christwalk. The Christwalk is a discipline designed by Ramtha in spine to the seventh seal that opens the dormant parts of the
which the student learns to walk very slowly being acutely aware. brain. When the energy penetrates the lower cerebellum and
In this discipline the students learn to manifest, with each step the midbrain, and the subconsciousmind is opened, the individual
they take, the mind of a Christ. experiences a blinding flash of light called enlightenment.
Consciousness. Consciousness is the child who was born from Evolution. Evolution is the journey back home from the slowest
the Void's contemplation of itself. It is the essence and fabric of levelsof frequency and mass to the highest levelsof consciousness
all being. Everything that exists originated in consciousness and and Point Zero.
manifested outwardly through its handmaiden energy. A stream FieldworksM• Fieldwork" is one of the fundamental disciplines
of consciousness refers to the continuum of the mind of God. of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. The students are taught
Consciousness and energy. Consciousness and energy are the to create a symbol of something they want to know and
dynamic force of creation and are inextricably combined. experience and draw it on a paper card. These cards are placed
Everything that existsoriginated in consciousnessand manifested with the blank side facing out on the fence rails of a large field.
through the modulation of its energy impact into mass. The students blindfold themselves and focus on their symbol,
Create Your DorM. This is the service mark for a technique created allowing their body to walk freely to find their card through the
by Ramtha for raising consciousnessand energy and intentionally application of the law of consciousness and energy and
creating a constructive plan of experiences and events for the analogical mind.
day early in the morning before the start of the day. Thistechnique Fifth plane. The fifth plane of existence is the plane of
is exclusively taught at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. superconsciousness and x-ray frequency. It is also known as the
Golden Plane or paradise.

Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Ramtha's Glossary

Fifth seal. This seal is the center of our spiritual body that connects artifacts. This term is also used to describe the true identity of
us to the fifth plane. It is associated with the thyroid gland and humanity, the forgotten Gods.
with speaking and living the truth without dualism. Golden body. It is the body that belongs to the fifth plane,
First plane. It refers to the material or physical plane. It is the superconsciousness, and x-ray frequency.
plane of the image consciousness and Hertzian frequency. It Great Work. The Great Work is the practical application of the
is the slowest and densest form of coagulated consciousness knowledge of the Schools of Ancient Wisdom. It refers to the
and energy. disciplines by which the human person becomes enlightened and
First seal. The first seal is associated with the reproductive organs, is transmuted into an immortal, divine being.
Grid sM , The. This is the service mark for a technique created by
sexuality, and survival.
First three seals. The first three seals are the seals of sexuality, Ramtha for raising consciousness and energy and intentionally
pain and suffering, and controlling power. These are the seals tapping into the field of Zero Point Energy and the fabric of reality
commonly at play in all of the complexities of the human drama. through a mental visualization. This technique is exclusively
Fourth plane. The fourth plane of existence is the realm of the taught at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
bridge consciousness and ultraviolet frequency. This plane is Hierophant. A hierophant is a master teacher who is able to
described as the plane of Shiva, the destroyer of the old and manifest what they teach and initiate their students into such
creator of the new. In this plane, energy is not yet split into positive knowledge.
and negative polarity. Any lasting changes or healing of the Hyperconsciousness. Hyperconsciousness is the consciousness
physical body must be changed first at the level of the fourth of the sixth plane and gamma ray frequency.
plane and the Blue Body®. This plane is also called the Blue Infinite Unknown. It is the frequency band of the seventh plane
Plane, or the plane of Shiva. of existence and ultraconsciousness.
Fourth seal. The fourth seal is associated with unconditional love Involution. Involution is the journey from Point Zero and the
and the thymus gland. When this seal is activated, a hormone is seventh plane to the slowest and densest levels of frequency
released that maintains the body in perfect health and stops the and mass.
aging process. JZ Knight. JZ Knight is the only person appointed by Ramtha to
God. Ramtha's teachings are an exposition of the statement, "You channel him. Ramtha refers to JZ as his beloved daughter. She
are God." Humanity is described as the forgotten Gods, divine was Ramaya, the eldest of the children given to Ramtha during
beings by nature who have forgotten their heritage and true his lifetime.
identity. It is precisely this statement that represents Ramtha's Kundalini. Kundalini energy is the life force of a person that
challenging message to our modern age, an age riddled with descendsfrom the higher seals to the base of the spine at puberty.
religious superstition and misconceptions about the divine and It is a large packet of energy reserved for human evolution,
the true knowledge of wisdom. commonly pictured as a coiled serpent that sits at the base of the
God within. It is the Observer, the great self, the primary spine. This energy is different from the energy coming out of
consciousness, the Spirit, the God within the human person. the first three seals responsible for sexuality, pain and suffering,
God/man. The full realization of a human being. power, and victimization. It is commonly described as the sleeping
God/woman. The full realization of a human being. serpent or the sleeping dragon. The journey of the kundalini
Gods. The Gods are technologically advanced beings from other energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of
star systemswho came to Earth 455,000 years ago. These Gods enlightenment. This journey takes place when this serpent wakes
manipulated the human race genetically, mixing and modifying up and starts to split and dance around the spine, ionizing the
our DNA with theirs. They are responsible for the evolution of spinal fluid and changing its molecular structure. This action
the neocortex and used the human race as a subdued work force. causes the opening of the midbrain and the door to the
subconscious mind.
Evidence of these events is recorded in the Sumerian tablets andrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

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Ramtha's Glossary

Life review. It is the review of the previous incarnation that occurs as Point Zero and primary consciousness but not as the Source,
when the person reaches the third plane after death. The person or the Void, itself.
getsthe opportunity to be the Observer,the actor, and the recipient Name-field. The name-field is the name of the large field where
of its own actions. The unresolved issues from that lifetime that the discipline of FieldworksM is practiced.
emerge at the life or light review set the agenda for the next Neighborhood WalksM• This is the service mark of a technique
incarnation. created by JZ Knight for raising consciousness and energy and
Light, the. The light refers to the third plane of existence. intentionally modifying our neuronets and set patterns of thinking
Lightbody. It is the same as the radiant body. It is the body that no longer wanted and replacing them with new ones of our
belongs to the third plane of conscious awareness and the visible choice. This technique is exclusively taught at Ramtha's School
light frequency band. of Enlightenment.
List, the. The List is the discipline taught by Ramtha where the Neuronet. The contraction for "neural network," a network of
student gets to write a list of items they desire to know and neurons that perform a function together.
experience and then learn to focus on it in an analogical state Observer. It refers to the Observer responsible for collapsing
of consciousness. The List is the map used to design, change, the particle/wave of quantum mechanics. It represents the
and reprogram the neuronet of the person. It is the tool that great self, the Spirit, primary consciousness, the God within
helps to bring meaningful and lasting changes in the person the human person.
and their reality. Outrageous. Ramtha uses this word in a positive way to express
Make known the unknown. This phrase expresses the original something or someone who is extraordinary and unusual,
divine mandate given to the Source consciousness to manifest unrestrained in action, and excessively bold or fierce.
and bring to conscious awareness all of the infinite potentials of People, places, things, times, and events. These are the
the Void. This statement represents the basic intent that inspires main areas of human experience to which the personality is
the dynamic process of creation and evolution. emotionally attached. These areas represent the past of the
Mind. Mind is the product of streams of consciousness and energy human person and constitute the content of the emotional body.
acting on the brain creating thought-forms, holographic segments, Personality, the. S e e Emotional body.
or neurosynaptic patterns called memory. The streams of Plane of Bliss. It refers to the plane of rest where souls get to
consciousness and energy are what keep the brain alive. They plan their next incarnations after their life reviews. It is also
are its power source. A person's ability to think is what gives known as heaven and paradise where there is no suffering, no
them a mind. pain, no need or lack, and where every wish is immediately
Mind of God. The mind of God comprises the mind and wisdom manifested.
of every lifeform that ever lived on any dimension, in any time, Plane of demonstration. The physical plane is also called the
or that ever will live on any planet, any star, or region of space. plane of demonstration. It is the plane where the person has the
Mirror consciousness. When Point Zero imitated the act of opportunity to demonstrate its creative potentiality in mass and
contemplation of the Void it created a mirror reflection of itself, witness consciousness in material form in order to expand its
a point of referencethat made the exploration of the Void possible. emotional understanding.
It is called mirror consciousness or secondary consciousness.VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Point Zero. It refers to the original point of awareness created by
S e e Self. the Void through its act of contemplating itself. Point Zero is the
Monkey-mind. Monkey-mind refers to the flickering, swinging original child of the Void, the birth of consciousness.
mind of the personality. Primary consciousness. It is the Observer, the great self, the
Mother/Father Principle. It is the source of all life, the Father, God within the human person.
the eternal Mother, the Void. In Ramtha's teachings, the Source Ram. Ram is a shorter version of the name Ramtha. Ramtha means
and God the creator are not the same. God the creator is seen the Father.

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Ramtha's Glossary

Ramaya. Ramtha refers to JZ Knight as his beloved daughter. She Sending-and-receiving. Sending-and-receiving is the name of
was Ramaya, the first one to become Ramtha's adopted child the discipline taught by Ramtha in which the student learns to
during his lifetime. Ramtha found Ramaya abandoned on the access information using the faculties of the midbrain to the
steppes of Russia. Many people gave their children to Ramtha exclusion of sensory perception.
during the march as a gesture of love and highest respect; these Seven seals. The seven seals are powerful energy centers that
children were to be raised in the House of the Ram. His children constitute seven levels of consciousness in the human body. The
grew to the great number of 133 even though he never had bands are the way in which the physical body is held together
offspring of his own blood. according to these seals. In every human being there is energy
Ramtha (etymology). The name of Ramtha the Enlightened spiraling out of the first three seals or centers. The energy
One, Lord of the Wind, means the Father. It also refers to the pulsating out of the first three seals manifests itself respectively
Ram who descended from the mountain on what is known as as sexuality, pain, or power. When the upper seals are unlocked,
the terrible day of the Ram. "It is about that in all antiquity. And a higher level of awareness is activated.
in ancient Egypt, there is an avenue dedicated to the Ram, the Seventh plane. The seventh plane is the plane of
great conqueror. And they were wise enough to understand ultraconsciousness and the Infinite Unknown frequency band.
that whoever could walk down the avenue of the Ram could This plane is where the journey of involution began. This plane
conquer the wind." The word Aram, the name of Noah's was created by PointZero when it imitated the act of contemplation
grandson, is formed from the Aramaic noun Araa - meaning of the Void and the mirror or secondary consciousness was
earth, landmass - and the word Ramtha, meaning high. This created. A plane of existence or dimension of space and time
Semitic name echoes Ramtha's descent from the high mountain, exists between two points of consciousness. All the other planes
which began the great march. were created by slowing down the time and frequency band of
Runner. A runner in Ramtha's lifetime was responsible for bringing the seventh plane.
specific messages or information. A master teacher has the ability Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head,
to send runners to other people that manifest their words or the pituitary gland, and the attainment of enlightenment.
intent in the form of an experience or an event. Shiva. The Lord God Shiva represents the Lord of the Blue Plane
Second plane. It is the plane of existence of social consciousness and the Blue Body®. Shiva is not used in reference to a singular
and the infrared frequency band. It is associated with pain and deity from Hinduism. It is rather the representation of a state of
suffering. This plane is the negative polarity of the third plane of consciousness that belongs to the fourth plane, the ultraviolet
visible light frequency. frequency band, and the opening of the fourth seal. Shiva is neither
Second seal. This seal is the energy center of social consciousness male nor female. It is an androgynous being, for the energy of
and the infrared frequency band. It is associated with the the fourth plane has not yet been split into positive and negative
experience of pain and suffering and is located in the lower polarity. This is an important distinction from the traditional Hindu
abdominal area. representation of Shiva as a male deity who has a wife. The tiger
Secondary consciousness. When Point Zero imitated the act of skin at its feet, the trident staff, and the sun and the moon at the
contemplation of the Void it created a mirror reflection of itself, level of the head represent the mastery of this body over the first
a point of reference that made the exploration of the Void possible. three seals of consciousness. The kundalini energy is pictured as
It is called mirror consciousness or secondary consciousness. fiery energy shooting from the base of the spine through the head.
See Self. This is another distinction from some Hindu representations of
Self, the. The self is the true identity of the human person different Shiva with the serpent energy coming out at the level of the fifth
from the personality. It is the transcendental aspect of the person. seal or throat. Another symbolic image of Shiva is the long threads
It refers to the secondary consciousness, the traveler in a journey of dark hair and an abundance of pearl necklaces,which represent
of involution and evolution making known the unknown. its richness of experience owned into wisdom. The quiver and

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Ramtha's Glossary

bow and arrows are the agent by which Shiva shoots its powerful and the mental plane. When the energy of the Blue Plane is
will and destroys imperfection and creates the new. lowered down to this frequency band, it splits into positive and
Sixth plane. The sixth plane is the realm of hyperconsciousness negative polarity. It is at this point that the soul splits into two,
and the gamma ray frequency band. In this plane the awareness giving origin to the phenomenon of soulmates.
of being one with the whole of life is experienced. Third seal. This seal is the energy center of conscious awareness
Sixth seal. This seal is associated with the pineal gland and the and the visible light frequency band. It is associated with control,
gamma ray frequency band. The reticular formation that filters tyranny, victimization, and power. It is located in the region of
and veils the knowingness of the subconsciousmind is opened when the solar plexus.
this seal is activated. The opening ofthe brain refers to the opening Thought. Thought is differentfrom consciousness.The brain processes
of this seal and the activation of its consciousness and energy. a stream of consciousness,m odifying it into segments- holographic
Social consciousness. It is the consciousness of the second plane pictures - of neurological, electrical, and chemical prints called
and the infrared frequency band. It is also called the image of thoughts. Thoughts are the building blocks of mind.
the human personality and the mind of the first three seals. Social Torsion ProcessSM • This is the service mark of a technique created
consciousness refers to the collective consciousness of human by Ramtha for raising consciousness and energy and intentionally
society. It is the collection of thoughts, assumptions, judgments, creating a torsion field using the mind. Through this technique the
prejudices, laws, morality, values, attitudes, ideals, and emotions student learns to build a wormhole in space/time, alter reality, and
of the fraternity of the human race. create dimensional phenomena such as invisibility, levitation,
Soul. Ramtha refers to the soul as the Book of Life, where the bilocation, teleportation, and others. This technique is exclusively
whole journey of involution and evolution of the individual is taught at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
recorded in the form of wisdom. Twilight®. This term is used to describe the discipline taught by
Subconscious mind. The seat of the subconscious mind is the Ramtha in which the students learn to put their bodies in a catatonic
lower cerebellum or reptilian brain. This part of the brain has its state similar to deep sleep, yet retaining their conscious awareness.
own independent connections to the frontal lobe and the whole Ultraconsciousness. It is the consciousness of the seventh plane
of the body and has the power to access the mind of God, the and the Infinite Unknown frequency band. It is the consciousness
wisdom of the ages. of an ascended master.
Superconsciousness. This is the consciousness of the fifth plane Unknown God. The Unknown God was the single God of Ramtha's
and the x-ray frequency band. ancestors, the Lemurians. The Unknown God also represents the
Tahumo. Tahumo is the discipline taught by Ramtha in which the forgotten divinity and divine origin of the human person.
student learns the ability to master the effects of the natural Void, the. The Void is defined as one vast nothing materially, yet
environment - cold and heat - on the human body. all things potentially.VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S e e Mother/Father Principle.
Tank field. It is the name of the large field with the labyrinth that Yellow brain. The yellow brain is Ramtha's name for the neocortex,
is used for the discipline of The Tank®. the house of analytical and emotional thought. The reason why it
Tank®, The. It is the name given to the labyrinth used as part of is called the yellow brain is because the neocortices were colored
the disciplines of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. The students yellow in the original two-dimensional, caricature-style drawing
are taught to find the entry to this labyrinth blindfolded and move Ramtha used for his teaching on the function of the brain and its
through it focusing on the Void without touching the walls or processes. He explained that the different aspects of the brain in
using the eyes or the senses. The objective of this discipline is to this particular drawing are exaggerated and colorfully highlighted
find, blindfolded, the center of the labyrinth or a room designated for the sake of study and understanding.
and representative of the Void. Yeshua ben Joseph. Ramtha refers to Jesus Christ by the name
Third plane. This is the plane of conscious awareness and the Yeshua ben Joseph, following the Jewish traditions of Jesus'
visible light frequency band. It is also known as the light plane lifetime.

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Ramtha's Glossary


Point Zero

Ultraconsciousness Infinite Unknown

Seventh Seal Hyperconsciousness Gamma Ray

Superconsciousness X-Ray

Bridge Consciousness Ultraviolet Blue

Sixth Seal

Conscious Awareness Visible Light

Social Consciousness Infrared

S u bco nsci ous ness Hertzian

Third Seal
The Now

Fifth Seal Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight


Thalamus (The Yellow Brain)

Second Seal Corpus

Fourth Seal Hypothalamus Callosum

Frontal Lobe ~~~-"","--"-- Midbrain

Pituitary Gland Gland
First Seal

Hippocampus Lower
and Amygdala Cerebellum

Kundalini Energy

Pons Spinal Cord

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

Formation Energy

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

80 81
Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 Ramtha's Glossary zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY


Hertalcn FEDCBA In uu e n nown

Infrared In inite n nown
Visible Li hi
In fin ite n nown
U ltra v io le t B lu e
In inite n nown
X·Ra In fin ite n nown
Gamma a In m ite n nown
In inite n nown
In fin ite n nown

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

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Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ramtha's Glossary


The Observer is responsible

for collapsing the wove function of probability
into particle reality.



Amino acid
l' informational
Particle Energy wove The Observer

The oct of observation

makes the nerve cells fire and produces thought.


The brain is connected to all

Axon firing--. the cells in the body. A common cell

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

Sodium (Na+) ion channels

initiate the action potential, and
the potassium (K+) ion channels
terminate it.

Synoptic cleft

The firing can occur at different

levels of quantum potential
determined by the Observer.

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

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Fireside Series, Volume 2, No.6 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ramtha's Glossary



Axon firing-----+

Dendrites Neurites

The blue web structure of

physical reality
Corbules, Kundalini energy rising
carbon-based microtubules to the crown of the head
through all the seven

Electrons move in and through Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

the protein filaments.

Copyright © 2000 JZ Knight

86 87


A Division of JZK, Inc.

P.O. Box 1210
Yelm, Washington 98597

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