ACL Reconstruction Using Quadriceps Tendon: HE Utting DGE

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ACL Reconstruction Using Quadriceps

Nicola Santori, MD, PhD*
Ezio Adriani, MD†
Luigi Pederzini, MD‡

Noyes et al15 in 1984 and will not be

Quadriceps tendon has recently become a viable graft addressed in this article.
The quadriceps tendon graft consists
option for primary and revision anterior cruciate ligament
of four leaves of collagenous tissue run-
reconstruction. It offers excellent biomechanical strength, a ning longitudinally and obliquely merg-
large cross-sectional area, and an appropriate length. Its ing at the base of the patella. The ante-
rior fibers of the quadriceps tendon
advantages over bone-patellar tendon-bone and semitendi-
graft continue distally joining the soft
nosus/gracilis tendon are presented. tissues over the anterior aspect of the
patella and creating an anterior tension
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament drome, patellar tendon rupture, and fat band bracing system. The fiber disposi-
(ACL) reconstruction is one of the pad herniation. Of patients who have tion acts as a tension band and contin-
most commonly performed1 and most undergone arthroscopic ACL recon- ues distally with the anterior fibers of
successful procedures in sports medi- struction using BPTB autograft, 40%- the patellar ligament.
cine. Various autograft choices have 60% have one or more of the described The quadriceps tendon graft offers
been used for ACL reconstruction,2 and complications.1,6-9 Hamstring autograft excellent biomechanical strength, large
the results in terms of stability and donor-site morbidity includes ACL ago- cross-section area, appropriate length,
return to sports activities have been nist weakness and disruption of the pro- and the advantage of having a bone
good.3 The ideal autograft should have tective ACL proprioceptive arc.9,10 plug on one end harvested from the
optimal mechanical properties and low The quadriceps tendon graft has upper pole of the patella.16 Anterior
donor-site morbidity. The most recur- several potential advantages over knee pain associated with lower patella
ring graft choices are the bone-patellar BPTB and has recently gained atten-
tendon-bone (BPTB)4 and the semi- tion as a promising option for primary
tendinosus/gracilis tendon.5 and revision ACL reconstruction.2,11-13
Unfortunately, BPTB autograft has Share Your “Pearls”
been extensively associated with persis- QUADRICEPS TENDON-
tent donor-site morbidity, such as ten- BONE GRAFT PROPERTIES Do you have a “state of
derness, anterior knee pain, pain on The quadriceps tendon-bone con- the art topic” to share?
kneeling, infrapatellar contracture syn- struct differs from the simple quadri- ORTHOPEDICS wants to hear
ceps tendon substitution reported by from you. Cutting Edge
Marshall et al,14 which consists of the manuscripts should be
From *Ospedale S. Giacomo, Rome; quadriceps tendon-prepatellar retinac- submitted electronically at
†Clinica Mater Dei, Rome; and ‡Clinica Villa
Fiorita, Sassuolo, Italy.
ulum-patellar tendon construct. This
Reprint requests: Nicola Santori, MD, PhD, method was discontinued after the
Via AF Pigafetta 1, 00154 Rome, Italy. biomechanical analysis performed by 31
1san.qxd 2/2/04 10:31 AM Page 32


bone block removal is eliminated with face. Soft tissues are removed distally
this grafting procedure. to proximally to visualize the insertion
Staubli et al17,18 performed an exten- of the vastus medialis muscle in the
sive comparison of the quadriceps ten- quadriceps tendon. This is an important
don graft and BPTB grafts. Mean reference point for graft harvesting.
quadriceps tendon graft lengths aver- A longitudinal incision is made on
aged 87⫾9.7 mm for the right knee and the quadriceps tendon approximately 3
85.2⫾8.4 mm for the left knee in addi- mm lateral from this muscular insertion.
tion to the bone block. The tendinous It must be oriented parallel with the
portion of the patellar tendon measured main body of the tendon and centered
on average 51.6⫾6.9 mm in the right over the base of the patella. A parallel
knee and 52.2⫾4.8 mm in the left knee. incision is made 10 mm laterally. Thus,
Cross-sectional area of a 10-mm wide it is possible to isolate a tendon strip
quadriceps tendon graft averaged approximately 10-mm wide and 7-mm
64.4⫾8.4 mm2. This value is signifi- thick, with a cross-section of approxi-
cantly greater than the mean measure- mately 70 mm2. An identical width of
1 ments of the patellar tendon, which the patellar tendon gives a cross-section
measured 36.8⫾5.7 mm2. of approximately 36 mm2.
The ultimate tensile load of the intact A 20⫻10-mm bone block is demar-
ACL is approximately 2160⫾157 N.19 cated on the upper patella in line with
A 10-mm quadriceps tendon graft has a the tendinous portion of the graft with
similar ultimate tensile failure load, ie, the knee flexed to 60° (Figure 1). The
2173⫾618 N compared to 1953⫾325 N knee is flexed to avoid patellar move-
of the BPTB complex.17,18 In a similar ment while performing the bone cuts.
study, Schatzmann et al20 reported the The bone block is harvested with a small
2 ultimate tensile load of a 10-mm–wide, oscillating saw, and hammering with
full-thickness central section of the chisels is avoided to prevent cracking or
quadriceps tendon to be as high as 2352 fissuring of the patella. The bone block
N. Harris et al21 showed the ultimate is drilled and mounted with a single 2-0
tensile failure load of the quadriceps Vicryl passing suture. The knee is
tendon to be 1.36 times that of a com- extended, the incision is retracted proxi-
parable BPTB graft. mally, and the quadriceps tendon is cut
Staubli et al17,18 concluded that the proximally at the preselected graft
evidence from anatomic, cryosectional, length (7-7.5 cm) by pulling the bone
3 and structural properties analyses sug- block distally (Figure 2). Two 2-0 Vicryl
Figure 1: A 20⫻10-mm bone block is gests that the quadriceps tendon graft sutures are used in a Bunnell–Krackow
demarcated on the upper patella in line
with the tendinous graft. Bone block
may be a valuable and versatile adjunct fashion on the free tendon extremity
harvesting is similar to the BPTB technique. to the surgeon’s armamentarium in cru- (Figure 3).
Figure 2: The incision is retracted ciate ligament reconstruction. The mul- The patellar defect is packed with
proximally, and by pulling the bone block tilayer structure of the quadriceps ten- autologous bone obtained while coring,
distally, the quadriceps tendon can be cut don allows this graft to be split, on one instead of drilling, the tibial tunnel or
proximally at the preselected graft length
(7-7.5 cm). Figure 3: Two 2-0 Vicryl
end, into two separate tails, making it with a conventional biodegradable
sutures are used in a Bunnell–Krackow an option in techniques that use two gelatin sponge, according to surgeon
fashion on the free tendon extremity. bundles to reconstruct the ACL or pos- preference. The anterior tension band
Total quadriceps tendon graft length is terior cruciate ligament. bracing system is recreated closing the
8.5-10 cm. prepatellar bursa over the bony defect.
QUADRICEPS TENDON The gap of the suprapatellar quadriceps
HARVESTING TECHNIQUE tendon harvesting site is similarly
A 3- to 4-cm transverse incision is closed.
made on the patella’s base. The quadri-
ceps tendon is exposed through incis- TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES
ing the fascia over the quadriceps ten- Fulkerson and Langeland11 first
don including multiple aponeurotic lay- popularized the quadriceps tendon as
ers in front of the anterior patellar sur- an alternative for primary ACL recon-

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struction and reported that dissection ones used during every arthroscopic
through the quadriceps tendon is diffi- ACL reconstruction. Fulkerson and
cult. They underlined the potential risk Langeland,11 Shelton,23 Pederzini et
of opening the suprapatellar pouch and al,24 Staubli,25 Noronha,26 and Kim et
the resultant loss of intra-articular flow. al27 prefer to fix the patellar bone block
This could result in a decreased intra- in the femoral tunnel, whereas Slullitel
operative view, subcutaneous fluid dis- et al22 and Randelli et al28 position the
tension, and increased operative time if bone block in the tibial tunnel.
an arthroscopic assisted procedure is As previously stated, the anatomical 4
used. Furthermore, if the pouch is features of the quadriceps tendon allow
opened, adhesions between the tendon this graft to be used in a two-strand
and anterior aspect of the femur22 may fashion (Figure 6). Pederzini et al24
occur with consequent restricted range described a technique featuring the
of motion and poor scarring. bone block in a single half tunnel on
A potential solution consists of care- the femur and a double tibial tunnel
fully dissecting the tendon and preserv- (Figure 7). Advantages are an increased
ing the synovial layer of the suprapatel- bone-tendon interface, easier bone
lar pouch. Another option consists of incorporation, and a more anatomical
maintaining the integrity of the vastus reconstruction with theoretically better 5
intermedius and using only three of the long-term results.
four leaves of the tendon. Both of these Various fixation devices have been
methods increase surgical time and used, with interference screws remain-
require a learning curve. ing the most common. Randelli et al28
In our experience, we try to save the fix the tendinous portion in the femoral
synovial layer; however, the pouch is tunnel with two bioabsorbable pins and
almost always opened (Figure 4). If the patellar bone-block in the tibial
accurate tendon defect closure is per- tunnel with an interference screw.
formed, this is not a problem (Figure 5). Noronha26 stabilizes the bone block in
Knee flexion ⬎120° and a temporary the femur with an interference screw
increase in intra-articular pressure guar- and the tendinous extremity with a sta-
antee a satisfactory arthroscopic view ple or screw in the anterointernal tibial
during graft insertion and fixation.22 cortex. Kim et al27 apply an alternative
Another delicate step of this proce- composite graft on the tibial side.
dure is harvesting the upper patella Spongy bone obtained while coring the
bone block. The shape of the proximal tibial tunnel is attached to the tendi-
extremity of the patella is more oblique nous portion of the graft and used to
than the distal extremity, therefore a refill the tibial tunnel.
risk of obtaining a short and oblique Adriani (unpublished data, 2001)
bone block exists. Because the soft-tis- achieves bone block fixation in the
sue layer over the patellar bone is thick- femoral tunnel with a transcondylar 7
er in this area than distally, a needle can technique and a pin that passes through Figure 4: Intraoperative view. The
synovial layer has been preserved and
be inserted through the quadriceps ten- the previously drilled bone block. This joint distension is visible at the bottom of
don to delineate the exact upper mar- method uses a U-shaped drill guide. the tendon defect. Figure 5: Arthroscopic
gins of the patella. The jaw of the guide is placed inside view of the tendon defect in the
In our experience, harvesting the the femoral tunnel and a 3.2-mm suprapatellar pouch. A good closure of
quadriceps tendon is more difficult than Kirschner wire is drilled in the conven- the defect avoids loss of intra-articular
flow and subcutaneous fluid distension.
harvesting the BPTB. We recommend tional transcondylar fashion through Figure 6: Thickness and the four-leaf
the surgeon begin with an appropriate the lateral condyle. The wire is stopped structure of the tendon allow this graft to
(8-10 cm) skin incision and then as at the margin of the femoral tunnel be used in a two-strand fashion. Figure 7:
confidence with the procedure builds, (Figure 8). Once the neoligament is Arthroscopic view. Two 7-mm tunnels
the surgical access can be shortened. positioned, the K-wire is advanced allow reconstruction of the ACL anatomy.
through the bone plug and medial
GRAFT FIXATION femoral condyle for 2 cm. The K-wire
The main surgical steps are the same is removed, and a 50- to 60-mm long, 33
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3-mm diameter bioabsorbable pin is performed post-reconstruction, provid-

implanted to stabilize the bone block ed compelling evidence of the effec-
(Figures 9 and 10). Trials of knee trac- tiveness of this graft.
tion, extension, and flexion/extension Slullitel et al22 performed 40 ACL
are performed with the graft under ten- reconstructions using an arthroscopic
sion. Tibial fixation is achieved with full-thickness quadriceps tendon tech-
bioabsorbable interference screws. nique. All knees appeared stable at fol-
low-up and patients were back to nor-
CLINICAL RESULTS mal activities of daily living in 20 days.
One main concern regarding quadri- A significant decrease in anterior knee
ceps tendon graft for ACL reconstruc- pain was reported.
tion is the paucity of literature and the Theut et al30 reported high patient
lack of prospective studies and long- satisfaction with little associated mor-
term results. bidity, and objective data collected at
Shelton23 compared two groups of follow-up were encouraging.
8 50 patients undergoing either quadri-
ceps tendon or BPTB ACL reconstruc- DISCUSSION
tion and reported the 2-year follow-up Three main autologous graft choices
results. Clinical results, KT-1000, are currently used for ACL reconstruc-
Lachman, and pivot shift tests were tion: patellar, hamstring, and quadri-
similar in both groups with less har- ceps tendon. Regardless of fixation
vest site morbidity in the quadriceps technique, clinical studies do not show
tendon group. major differences in clinical outcome
Chen et al29 reported a short series among these grafts. Therefore, other
of 12 patients. Ten patients returned to factors, such as graft harvest morbidity,
the same or a higher level of preinjury are more important when comparing
sports activity at 15- to 24-month fol- different grafts.
low-up. According to the International The quadriceps tendon-bone graft is
Knee Documentation Committee rating gaining popularity for primary as well
system, 10 of 12 patients had normal or as revision ACL surgery in Europe. The
nearly normal ratings. Recovery of main reason is the high rate of chronic
quadriceps muscle strength to 80% of patellofemoral problems with the patel-
the normal knee was achieved in 11 lar tendon graft. Treating this complica-
patients within 1 year. tion is frustrating, and suturing the ten-
Howe et al12 evaluated 83 patients don gap9 or bone grafting the patellar
with ACL reconstructions using quadri- defect31 does not reduce anterior knee
ceps tendon with a mean 5.5-year fol- problems and kneeling complaints.
10 low-up. Ninety-six percent of patients Local discomfort in the donor site
Figure 8: Arthroscopic view shows the tip were satisfied with their results, 4% region after quadriceps tendon autograft
of a 3.2-mm K-wire at the margin of the were unsatisfied. Ninety-three percent is rare. In a series of 12 patients, Chen et
femoral tunnel. Once the patellar bone of patients had no pain, and 95% had no al29 reported mild harvest site tenderness
block is fully seated in the tunnel, the K-
giving way post-reconstruction. No at average 18-month follow-up in 1
wire is advanced through the bone block.
Figure 9: A bioabsorbable transcondylar increase in failure over time (1-10 years) patient. Fulkerson and Langeland11
pin is inserted. The pin crosses the lateral was observed. The lack of a formal reha- reported no early quadriceps tendon
femoral condyle, tunnel, and medial bilitation program ⬎4 months postoper- morbidity in their series of 28 patients.
femoral condyle fixing the neoligament. atively and repaired tears of the medial Both studies regarded the quadriceps
Figure 10: MRI 6 months after ACL
or lateral collateral ligaments were sig- tendon as a low-morbidity graft.
nificant risk factors for poor recovery. Yasuda et al32 reported postoperative
Noronha26 reported 203 primary and quadriceps weakness as the main disad-
37 revision reconstructions using vantage. They reported 85% quadriceps
quadriceps tendon graft. Results were strength in men at final follow-up. In
similar to those obtained with the women, quadriceps strength at final
BPTB used in 434 cases, with less mor- follow-up was 70%, significantly lower
bidity. Magnetic resonance imaging, than preoperative strength.

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