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“Our mission is to know and ex-

perience Jesus Christ and share
Him with all others in the power
and love of the Holy Spirit”

Volume 31 Issue 10

San Marcos United Methodist Church OCTOBER 2010


“What does money do?”

In their book, “The Day America Told the Truth”, authors James Patterson and Peter Kim revealed
some shocking statistics on how far people in this country would be willing to go for money. When
asked what they’d do for $10 million dollars: (25%) Would abandon their entire family, (23%) Would
become prostitutes for a week or more, (16%) Would give up their American citizenship, (16%)
Would leave their spouses, (10%) Would withhold testimony and let a murderer go free, (7%) Would
kill a stranger, (3%) Would put their children up for adoption.
As one cynic put it: “everyone has their price.” As the above survey indicates, some people will sell
just about anything to gain financial security. But certainly Christians wouldn’t act like that. Christians
wouldn’t have “a price” for which they’d sell themselves for, would they?
"Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many
grief's." (I Timothy 6:10) What Paul was saying was, some Christians had walked away from their
faith, their salvation, their relationship with God - to pursue financial gain. And in the end they would
realize what they had lost. Why would Christians even consider casting away their faith for the sake
of earthly riches? What mysterious power does money have, that it could cause someone to do a
thing so foolish?

Eric Hulstrand writes in Leadership magazine: "While I was preaching one Sunday, an elderly
woman, Mary, fainted and struck her head on the end of the pew. Immediately, an EMT in the con-
gregation called an ambulance. As they strapped her to a stretcher and got ready to head out the
door, Mary regained consciousness. She motioned for her daughter to come near. Everyone thought
she was summoning her strength to convey what could be her final words. The daughter leaned
over until her ear was at her mother’s mouth. ’My offering is in my purse,’ she whispered."

What does money do? It may bless you or curse you. The choice is yours. But God constantly re-
minds us that we are not the owners, but temporary stewards.

- Pastor Tae Kim

NEWS FROM PRAYER COMMITTEE There is financial help as needed. Questhaven is an
enjoyable outdoor retreat center. You may sign up at
What does KAIROS mean? We church. Transportation and directions will be available.
can get confused when we don't Any questions may be asked of Dave Walker or Donna
really know the Greek Language. Blanche or the Worship Committee.
This happened last month, so I
hope this will be helpful. The ~ Pastor Dave Walker
name of our monthly newsletter is ■
KAIROS. Please compare it with
CHRONOS. Both words mean TIME.
CHRONOS means chronological time, just time
measured out in order. KAIROS means time Happy Birthday!
that is special, that has good strong meaning,
time that is of quality and valuable.
Therefore, KAIROS is the name of
our Newsletter, so that your Time
with Jesus Christ as a Christian OCTOBER
will be very special for you.
Do not confuse either of these
words with the Greek word for
"fish" which is ICHTHUS. The
word ICHTHUS broken down by letter means
"Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior." That is why
the fish as a symbol was used to secretly identify
with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. However, Cindy Van Velzer 11
in our present world we are not to keep it a se- Carol Oakley 11
cret that we are Christians, but to share the Light
of the World with all people. KAIROS to you! Trefina Abrenica 18

Our San Marcos Spiri-

tual Retreat is sched-
uled for Saturday No-
vember 6 at
Questhaven from 9:00 In order to make your KAIROS newsletter
AM to 3:00 PM. The more about you, please consider telling a
arrival time is between
story about yourself that I can publish in
8:30 and 9:00.
the newsletter. All of our members please
Our guest speaker is Roger Williams a famous give this some thought. We all have inter-
Presbyterian preacher who just happens to be
married to our Merry Williams. Here is some in- esting events or jobs and times in our
formation about him. His messages will have to lives. Especially our Philippine members.
do with "Speaking to God" and "Speaking for
God." Tell us about your childhood, how you
came be in the US and what it has meant
This annual retreat is a special time for coming to you, your family and your children. Call
together as God's people, and is for all ages.
We shall have inspirational and meaningful mes-
me at 760-744-0170.
sages, time alone with God, time for sharing
Thank you, Jean
with others, time for prayer, time for fun, lunch
together, and Pastor Tae will lead us in Holy
Communion at closing time. This will really be a
KAIROS TIME. The cost is $20. per person, or
a maximum of $30. per family.

We welcome all NEWCOM-

ERS and guests of our
church. Sunday Worship ♦ Oct 2 at 9- am– Leadership Meeting
Service is at 10:00 am, with
Sunday School at 10:15.
♦ Oct 3– 11- am World Communion
Everyone is invited to stay after church for a treat Sunday– Joint Worship with Koreans
and fellowship in the Social Hall.

For all who enjoy going out to eat at noon with oth-
ers, there is usually a group doing that on most ♦ Oct 7 at 6– pm Worship
Sundays. Ask for Carol, Lisa or Jesse if you want 7- pm-Finance
to be included in this "Dutch treat" activity.

Check the calendar in this issue of KAIROS for in- ♦ Oct 9 at 8- am-UM Men’s Breakfast
formation on the various opportunities' that are at IHOP
available here at San Marcos United Methodist.

-Merry Williams - 760-745-7239

Welcome/Care Team Chair ♦ Oct 12 at 2:15 Welcome/Care
Team at church

♦ Oct 14 at 10– am-Love Circle


Handbells - We have now played our first time in

the church on Sunday, September 12th and our ♦ Oct 16 –9:30 am Craft Club
four new ringers were so good. They included
Rose, Lorna, Nathan and Jessica. We are enjoy-
ing having them. Anyone else interested in ringing, ♦ Oct 17-5– pm Haitian Night & Pot Luck
please come on Wednesday at 3 pm and see me. at church—Rev. Lynne Austin

I hope by next month we will

♦ Oct 21– 6– pm SPRC
have a name for our handbell
ringers. It is wonderful to have 7–pm Ch. Council
the faithful - Gay, Sophia, Jan,
Lorene and Nita. We could not
play without them and the hours they put in re- ♦ Sundays at 6:30 pm – Bible Study
hearsing. It will be our pleasure to play again in
October. Also, the tentative dates that we plan to ♦ Wednesdays—9– am—Bible study
ring are - October 10th, November 7th and Decem-
ber 19th.
-Liane Parkes ♦ Oct 26– 5:45 am-Soup Kitchen at
Interfaith in Escondido

October 2010

1 2
9-11:30 am Leadership

4 5 6 7 1:30 Fitness 8 9
11:00 Worship

11:15 Sunday School 8:00 am UMM Men’s

6:00 Worship Breakfast

12:15 LUNCH
9:00 Bible Study
6:30 Bible Study 7:00 Finance 9:30 Craft Club

10 9:45 Prayer Time

11 12 13 14 15 16
10:00 Worship November
10:00 Love Circle
2:15– PM Welcome/
10:15 Sunday School KAIROS dates
Care Team 1:30 Fitness
11:15 Coffee Fellowship 9:00 Bible Study & article
6:30 Bible Study

17 9:45 Prayer Time

18 19 20 21 1:30 Fitness 22 23
10:00 Worship
6:00 SPRC
10:15 Sunday School

11:15 Coffee Fellowship 9:00 Bible Study

5:00 Haitian night–Pot
7:00 Ch. Council
Luck-Rev. Lynne Austin

24 9:45 Prayer Time

25 26 27 28 29 30
10:00 Worship
1:30 Fitness
10:15 Sunday School

11:15 Coffee Fellowship 5:45 AM -Soup 9:00 Bible Study

6:30 Bible Study Kitchen at Inter-
faith in Escondido

31 1 NOV 2 NOV 3 NOV 4 NOV 5 NOV 6 NOV

9:45 Prayer Time

10:00 Worship

10:15 Sunday School

11:15 Coffee Fellowship

September Prayer Vigil Bible Study Groups

We had a very successful September Prayer Vigil There are presently two Bible Study groups meet-
this year. Our members prayed every day of the ing at the church. If you would like to participate in
week, all month for our pastor, his family and min- one, they are on Sunday Evenings at 6:30, taught
istry, our church, our community, our nation and by Pastor Dave Walker. They are taking a break
the world.
and the next study will be on September 19th. The
study is the Prophets. They will study 1st Peter
Thirty-one people prayed throughout the month. next.
They were:
Lorene Mendenhall, Lisa Abel, Gay Hamby, Dave
Walker, Donna Blanche, Paul Butler, Barbara Pug-
liese, Jesse Abel, Myrna Baker, Rose DeLeon,
Florence DeLeon Bernal, Felipe Bernal Jr., Flor-
ence Ferguson, Betty Chaffee, Christina Wilde,
Noni Essert, Merry Williams, Dwain Allen, Carol The second group meets on Wednesday mornings
Oakley, Mary Simelton, Ione Head, Elsa Singh, at 9:00 . They are studying “The Purpose Driven
Inez Williams, Christina Wilde, Laurel Plagge, Life” led by Pastor Tae Kim. There is space avail-
Charlie Gragg, Georgianne Brewis, Janice Walker, able if you would like to join either group. Contact
William Simelton, Francee Colace and Sophie Kim.
Pastor Dave at 760-752-1409 or Pastor Tae at 760
We asked for Peace, Purpose, Power and Bless-
ings. Thank you to all who signed up and to those SAVE THESE IMPORTANT DATES !
who prayed but did not sign up!
October 3 at 11:00 AM —World Communion
Sunday we will have a joint worship service with
the Korean Congregation with lunch to follow.
Please bring a friend or neighbor.

October 17 at 5:00 PM – Mission Night with the

Haitian Gospel group who has been here before.
They will perform for us again and Pastor Lynne
Austin will be guest speaker followed by a Pot
Luck Dinner. Proceeds to help the Port Au
Prince Children’s Hospital.

November 21 at 11:30 AM– Charge Conference

at the church. Our yearly review and next year’s
plans. All Committee Chairs please turn in your
reports for 2010 by Oct. 31 to the office. Think
about how you can best serve your church in
2011 and which committee you can serve on.

ROGER WILLIAMS, Pastor Do you doubt that anyone who uses this way of
Presbyterian Church U.S.A. introducing themselves has a sense of hu-
mor? It is not that I tell a lot of jokes, but that I
find humor one of the best ways to communi-
cate with people. If we can laugh together we can cry
together, and if we can cry together and laugh together
I was asked to give a brief we can grow together to be what The Lord
wants us to be. I have served the following
introduction of myself for the
parishes in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri.
Spiritual Retreat.

While working Wheatland Presbyterian Church of Breda, IA.

with young people, I developed a Arcadia Presbyterian Church, Arcadia, IA.
program which included asking Pratt Presbyterian Church, Pratt, KS.
them to describe themselves in Freeport Presbyterian Church, Freeport, KS.
three positive terms. Here are Mound City Presbyterian Church, Mound City, MO.
three positive terms about me. I Cameron Presbyterian Church, Cameron, MO.
am good looking, intelligent, and humorous. Gallatin Presbyterian Church, Gallatin, MO.
Milan Presbyterian Church, Milan, MO.
Green City Presbyterian Church, Green City, MO.
Evangel Presbyterian Church, Urich MO.
I am good looking, meaning I Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church, Appleton City, MO.
have taken a good look at the Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church, Ballard, MO.
world around me. I was raised in
the Midwest and have lived on both the east and
west coasts of our country. I have spent time in
the Middle East, The Orient, and South America. I
have seen and experienced what people experi-
enced, and what living is like in many different
parts of our world. I have learned that people
around the world all have similar needs: to be
loved, appreciated, and respected.

I am intelligent because I have

surrounded myself with intelligent
people. I am intelligent because I
listen. I listen to the people
around me – people of the
churches I have served people I
grew up with, and people I have met around the
world. Their life experiences
show us how we each can face
the problems of the world. I was
intelligent enough to have a fam-
ily who helped me grow, mature,
and live the life God intended.

The cost of $20 per person, or $30 for the family {2
adults + one child} includes lunch and helps pay for
the use of the Retreat Center. Scholarships are

*There will be activities for Children under the age

of 12 years. Their fee is $5.00 for the day.

- Merry Williams


Saturday November 6 at Questhaven Center

from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.


This year’s speaker is pastor Roger Wil- It is not so much the things I do that cause me to regret.
liams. He and Merry have been married for 44
years, and make their home in San Marcos. It’s the little things I leave undone, the things that I forget.

It’s words I fail to utter, the songs I fail to sing,

The letters I forgot to write, that may great comfort bring.

Roger served churches in Iowa, Kansas and Mis-
It’s the little acts of kindness, the joy I fail to give,
souri for 31 years. He comes to us with a fresh
perspective and unique insights into life applica- The smiles I fail to scatter, as day by day I live.
tions of Biblical Teachings.
It’s the sick I fail to visit, flowers I fail to send,

It’s the hand I fail to offer unto a fallen friend.

The topic is “Speaking to God . . . Speaking for
God.” Bring your Bible and a notebook and be It’s not so much the things I do that cause me to regret.
ready for an interesting and enjoyable day, while
appreciating the beautiful surroundings. It’s the little things I leave undone, the things that I forget.


All ages are welcome to participate in this day of

renewal and sharing amidst the splendor of
God’s creation.


SAN MARCOS United Methodist Church
Periodicals Postage Paid at Escondido, California 92025. Publi-
800 W. MISSION ROAD cation Number 118590. The KAIROS is published monthly by
San Marcos United Methodist Church, 800 W Mission Rd, San
SAN MARCOS, CA 92069-1428 Marcos. Postmaster send address changes to 800 West Mis-
sion Road, San Marcos, CA 92069-1428.
Phone (760) 744-0170

Office & Prayer Room open Mon-Fri 8:30—2:30

Bishop………………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Mary Ann Swenson

Superintendent…………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Myron Wingfield
Pastor ……………………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Dr. Tae K. Kim
Church Secretary……………………….……………………………………………………………………...Jean Isam
Custodian………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Bong Pak
Ministers…………………………………………………..…………………………The People of the Church (YOU!)

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