Letter PP (Mock Class 2)

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Letter Pp

(Mock Class 2)
At the end of each section, reward S for excellent performance by adding a tooth. If S doesn’t follow the classroom rules, T
removes a tooth. Reward the student in an encouraging way throughout the lesson.
The Hello Song

Hello! How are you?

Hello! How are you?
I’m fine, fine, fine.
I’m fine, fine, fine.

T patiently teaches the Hello Song to S by singing line by line. Here is the link to the
Hello Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAxSkLLirQs&feature=youtu.be
Alphabet Chant
A is for apple, /a/ /a/ /a/
B is for banana, /b/ /b/ /b/
M is for muffin, /m/ /m/ /m/
A is for ant, /a/ /a/ /a/
B is for bird, /b/ /b/ /b/
M is for monkey, /m/ /m/ /m/

TD: T reviews the letter sounds in the Alphabet Chant.

A m
M b
B a
TD: S matches the big letters to small letters while reviewing the letter sounds.
Reward S for a job well done.
Circle It
m a
b a
a b
m b
TD: S circles the beginning letter that corresponds to the picture. Reward S for a job well done.
How Are You?

T asks S to describe their mood using the question at the top of the page. (“I’m sad,” “I’m fine,” “I’m happy”)
Target sentence: How are you? I’m sad./ fine./ happy.
TD: T teaches the letter name & sound of Pp. T reviews big and small letters.
TD: S traces the big P & small p while producing both the letter name and sound.
TD: Teach new vocab
Target sentence: -what sound does noun start
with? -Noun starts with sound.
Point & Read
a p ap
b ap
TD: S stops at each blue dot to say the letter sounds. S blends the sounds together on the last line to make a word.
a p ap
m ap
Odd One Out

TD: T asks the S to circle the picture that begins with a different sound than the
others. Reward S for a job well done.
Target sentence: -what sound does noun start with? -Noun starts with sound.
“P” Words


P__ P__ P__

TD: T teaches the word “pen” to the S and extends the learning by
eliciting answers from the student of other words that start with P.
(Except Pig, Panda, Pepper)
Use target sentence: -Noun starts with sound.
Sit and Stand
1 2

3 4

TD: 1. T says a word for each picture. If the word is correct (pig), the S continues to sit.
If the word is incorrect (banana), the S stands up. 2. Reward S for a job well done.
Fill in the Blanks

P__ B__
__m TD: S writes the missing letters (big or small letters) on the screen.
Matching Fun

TD: S identifies each picture out loud then draws a line from Pp to the pictures that start with p. T assists as needed.
Target sentence: Noun starts with sound.
TD: T uses target vocabulary and sentence patterns to have a conversation with the student about the pictures. Discuss the
pictures to extend learning. Encourage student to speak full sentences that are suitable for the student’s English level.
See you next time.
See you next time.
Goodbye, bye, bye.
Goodbye, bye, bye.

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