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Cute (tierno)

- The hamster is very cute, but it bites.

Vase (florero)

- There was a vase full of roses in the center of the table.

Sculpture (escultura)
- I just don't get modern sculpture.

Banned (prohibido)
- Smoking is banned in restaurants in California.

Vowel (vocal)

- There are two vowels in the word "apple”.

Thing (cosa)

- All these things have to do with your imagination.

Spelling (ortografía)

- Piter has bad spelling.

Cheat (engañar)

- Roberto used me to cheat on this nice lady.

Bag (bolso)

- I left my bag on the overhead rack in the train.

Badge (distintivo)

- Each boy student has a school badge on his cap.

Our (nuestro)

- Our friend is sad.

Thin (thin)

- I was surprised at how thin my father's face had become.

Wood (madera)
- We will be walking in the woods near our house.

Mistress (amante)

- He met his mistress during a country escapade.

Noon (mediodía)
- The waitress got up at noon to go to work


- They do really good food at that pub by the canal.

Career (carrera)

- His dad was a career politician.

Early (temprano)

- Tomorrow I get up early to go to the pool.

Jeepney (bus de Filipinas)

- Kidlat, I want to bring a Philippine - made jeepney with me

when I leave.

Church (iglesia)

- The separation of church and state is a tenet of American


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