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Learning Plan Template

Author Erika Enriquez Date: 10/20/18 Subject: Language Arts

School-Site Mr. London Course: EDUC464 Grade Level: 4
School Don Julian Elementary

Preparation to Teach
Unit Theme This unit is on natural disasters, the lesson will be going over the key elements of natural disasters:
(Where in the unit is weathering, erosion and deposition. This lesson will be focusing on the changes within the earth that alter the
your lesson) surface. We will be going over the slow and steady, and the fast and powerful changes.
Content Standard(s): CSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.7
Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams,
time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information
contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears
ELD Standards:
Learning Goal(s) or By the end of this lesson the students will be able to identify the three elements of natural disasters and
weather they are a slow and steady process or a fast and powerful change. The students will then be able to fill
out a compare and contrast map and write a paragraph about natural disasters and provide three supporting
Materials: Smart board, text A World of Change, compare and contrast map, paper and pencil
Technology Teacher: Smart board to load the text for the initial group read, document viewer to upload images of natural
Student: IPads for typing their paragraph once completed, revised and edited

Class Background
List three things you have learned about your students that will assist you in planning and implementing this lesson.

What you learned: The students are easily distracted with each other.

How it will influence your lesson: I will create a system where they are actively involved in the
lesson that they don’t lose sight of the lesson.
What you learned: The classroom has a large number of students that fall within the spectrum and
need the lesson to simplified or broken down

How it will influence your lesson: I am going to chunk the lesson to allow the students to keep up
with what is learned and provide areas for small breaks if needed.
What you learned: The students don’t work well in small groups they tend to go off task and can’t
focus on the work at hand

How it will influence your lesson: I am going to minimize the group work and have them work in

English Learner
Student Description There are 15 students who are English Learners they are all below grade level and require a lot
of support. The frontloading of the text is crucial.
Instructional adaptation(s) based The students will review a picture file and a short video based on the key terms to form
on the strengths and needs of the connections with the content

Rationale for adaptation(s) The students will be able to see what they are learning about. They will be able to retrieve the
word from their memory when they come across it in the reading. They will have a better
understanding of what the text is trying to convey

Student who presents a different instructional challenge or from an underserved population

Student Description Ryan is in the autism spectrum. He is receiving intervention and support
Instructional adaptation(s) based Ryan need structure within the lesson and need to know what comes next. I will group Ryan
on the strengths and needs of the with another student to help support him through the lesson.

Rationale for adaptation(s) Ryan is capable of completing tasks but gets frustrated when he feels he has fallen behind.
Another student can help facilitate his process when he feels he has fallen behind

Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge

Teacher Strategies The teacher will ask the whole group “What is a disaster?” Then the students will pair-share. Then
the teacher will ask “what is a natural disaster?” The students will share their thoughts as a whole group.
The teacher will then discuss
Picture file of natural disasters
Student Activities View picture file
The students will pair-share with their partner and then share with the whole group
Group discussion

Informal The teacher will walk around and listen to the students share with their partners
Assessment Group discussion

Rationale for The pictures will create interest to the students, and they will form connections to what they already
Decisions know. I.e. volcanoes
The students will discuss what they know
The teacher can listen to the comments given by the students and gather what information is still
unknown, what the focus needs to be.
Reflection My master teacher was out today and had a sub. Naturally, the teacher took his laptop and all my
(Completed after the frontloading work was in it. His team teacher lent me her laptop to upload the reading. I initially felt
lesson) nervous because it threw my lesson off. I was a bit frustrated because for the future I will always back up
my work into a flash drive or have back up images preprinted. I had frontloaded the info the day before
and had showed the students the images and video of a flash flood, but reinforcement would have made
my lesson better.
Instructional Input

Teacher Strategies The teacher will read aloud the passage as the students follow along. Then the teacher will review
with the students key words, unfamiliar words and important words. The students will then add the
necessary words to their personal dictionary. The students will then re-read the passage with their
partner. They will then discuss the passage with a partner. With a partner the students will fill out a
compare and contrast diagram
Student Activities As a class the students will read the text together,
The students will then identify key words to add to their reading dictionary
The students will read the text again
They will then fill out a compare and contrast diagram
The students will add inforation to their reading dictionary
The students will complete a compare and contrast diagram
The students will write about natural disasters and include the proper termonology
Rationale for The group read will help students visually and orally hear the text
Decisions The reading dictionary will help students remember key words and their meaning
The compare and contrast diagram will help students form connections within the text
Reflection I allowed the students to pick what words they felt they needed to work on and write down, the next time
(Completed after the I will write down the words that they need to know on the board and have them write them down and
lesson) find a meaning to them with a partner. I didn’t feel that they really took this part as important as it was. I
need to emphasize the importance of the vocabulary words. What I did change was that I chunked the
reading with the students the second time around. I reread it with the students was new discussed each
section part by part because I didn’t have the technology to show them alternative images. The group as a
whole is low and below grade level. Doing the compare and contrast diagram with them really helped tie
in the information together. I would definitely do that again with this specific group.
Teacher Strategies Review key elements of a natural disaster
Summary of natural disasters
Student Activities The students will pair-share
Create a paragraph about natural disasters
Formal Assessment The students will create a paragraph about the elements of natural disasters and include supporting
Rationale for The students will review what they have learned and will be able to use proper terminology to define a
Decisions natural disaster and it’s elements in a paragraph

Reflection We didn’t have time to complete the summary paragraph, but I did review the elements of natural
(Completed after the disasters. The students were able to identify various forms of natural disasters as well as the elements.
lesson) They shared what they understood and I was able to check for understanding. We then went over the
vocab and recalled words that meant the same but gave a better value. I referred to them as $5 words vs.
$1 words. The students will do the summary on a future day.
1. What is the underlying This lesson contains a constructivism approach. The students are working together to generate
theoretical base for your an idea of what natural resources are and its elements. The students will then generate a
lesson decisions? paragraph based on their own understanding and will provide supporting details based on their
2. Explain how the learning The images will help EL students form connections to the new and/or unfamiliar words. The
plan connects to the social images will also help all students by identifying the elements and putting them into perspective
and emotional needs of the to their daily life. The students who need to be social will be able to vocalize their thought
students. with a partner during pair share and group reading. The compare and contrast will help all the
students find connections between two things.
3. Explain how your choice of The use of a smart board will help the students follow along as I read the text. It will provide
technology supported the visual support to the students. The document viewer will help the student visually connect with
learning goals and student the material and provide support when working on the compare and contrast map.
4. How are you going to know I will know they are actively engaged by observing their discussion and observing them
that students are actively actively complete the compare and contrast map.
5. What procedures and Students are aware of the expected behaviors, they know they need to follow the directives of
routines are needed for sharing with a partner. They will have a 30 sec warning to switch from talking to listening and
student activities and will get the same warning when they are working on filling out the map.
6. Describe how the lesson The lesson reinforces reading comprehension and builds on their existing works by adding
supported students’ academic new words to their personal dictionary. The lesson also helps them practice their writing skills
language. by creating a one paragraph summary of the text.
7. Describe how the lesson This lesson supports the students content knowledge by reinforcing new terminology as well
supported students’ content as allowing them to build on what they already know. It scaffolds the students learning and
knowledge. helps them form connections within the text. The students then write a paragraph based on
what they know and learned.

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