Parayno, Coleen Mae R. 20140119751 BAC 518-1M Position Paper Anti-Mining Advocates Push For 'Rights of Nature' Law

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Parayno, Coleen Mae R.


BAC 518- 1M

Position Paper

Anti-mining advocates push for 'rights of nature' law

Anti-mining advocates
push for 'rights of nature'
Anti-mining advocates and environmental groups join the Salakyag ng mga Sangnilikha,
which aims to empower communities to talk about environmental issues

Angelica Y. Yang
Published 9:00 AM, June 09, 2018
Updated 8:57 AM, June 14, 2018

SYMBOLIC MARCH. Anti-mining advocates troop to Mendiola for the culmination of the moving caravan
dubbed as 'Salayag'. Photo by Angie de Silva/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – Anti-mining advocates are urging lawmakers to pass a law to

protect the "rights of nature" and impose stiffer punishment on those who harm the

The need for such a measure was discussed during a forum with various environmental
groups on Tuesday, June 5, where resource persons agreed on the government's
failure to address environmental problems linked to mining operations.

There's no such thing as "responsible mining," Jonathan Balome, an anti-mining

advocate from South Cotabato, said during the forum. Fellow advocate Marilou Verano
agreed, and cited the case of her community in Aruroy, Masbate, which is located
directly below a mining operation.

“The effects of destruction are seen in the water quality of the community. Because [the
authorities] closed the rivers, we don’t have clean water to drink. We now use mineral
water to cook our food or take a bath,” Verano said.
She added that their community wells had been contaminated by mining waste.

Verano said that Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu had yet to make good on
his promise to stop mining operations. She was referrring to Cimatu's pronouncement
last year he shared President Rodrigo Duterte's "firm desire to rid the country of abusive
and irresponsible miners."

“We will not forget his promise,” she said. “Mining still continues, and Cimatu is a
protector of mining endeavors.”

For Balome and Verano, the destructive effects of mining can only be stopped by a law
promotes the rights of nature. (READ: FAST FACTS: Mining in the Philippines)

Balome and Valero were among the other anti-mining advocates and environmental
groups, that joined the Salakyag ng mga Sangnilikha (Salakyag), which aimed to
empower communities to talk about environmental issues.

Moving caravan

Salakyag began as a moving caravan in Zamboanga City on May 28, traversing the
country until it culminated in a march to Mendiola on World Environment Day, June 5.

“Wherever we stopped, we always held a program that focused on discussing local

environmental issues in that area. We also facilitated dialogues between local
government units, civil service organizations, the Church and the communities,” said
Philippine Misereor Partnership, Incorporated (PMPI) National Director Yolly Esguerra.

Esguerra cited the "overwhelming" support for the Salakyag. “The participants of the
Salakyag joined us on their own initiative. I was scared that we would go hungry at first,
but our food was donated and sponsored by social action centers,” she told Rappler in
an interview.
SALAKYAG. Groups join the march to Mendiola to celebrate World Environment Day. Photo by Angie de

Organized by the PMPI, and the National Secretariat of the Philippines/Caritas

Philippines (NASSA/Caritas), Salakyag comes from sakay (ride), lakad (walk),
and layag (journey).


Salakyag saw itself as a "starting point to raise awareness of the Rights of Nature,
regain our lost connection and relationship to nature, bring to the fore a sustainable
lifestyle and ultimately institutionalize this through the passage of a law."

In a statement, Salakyag said the rghts of nature are anchored on two premises:

 Ecosystems and natural communities have the

right to exist and flourish
 All people, communities, and governments have
the authority to defend those rights on behalf of
those ecosystems and communities

For Esguerra, the proposed rights of nature law would provide the legal mandate to
punish anyone who destroys the environment. “This is one way to alleviate destruction
in our communities. Large mining corporations can be sued,” she said.

The proposed bill on the rights of nature is still being drafted by environmental groups.

Asked to assess the country’s environment laws, Esguerra said that current laws do not
stop destruction of the environment. “They only minimize the damage. For example,
when a species becomes extinct, no one is held accountable. In [the Rights of Nature],
the destruction of the environment is a crime,” she said.

Participation of the church

PROTEST. Religious organizations join in the symbolic march to Mendiola
on World Environment Day. Photo by Angie de Silva/Rappler

The Catholic Church also took part in Salakyag.

“We have a mission to protect life – not just human life, but also that of the
environment,” said Sr Crescencia Lucero, head of the Justice, Peace, and Integrity
Commission of the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines

Lucero said that humans are interconnected with nature. “We are creations of God. We
should take care of the environment, just like how we take care of ourselves.”

Lucero noted that human development is highlighted in the Constitution. “But we have
become too utilitarian. This is why the Church pushes for the fullness of life,” she said,
emphasizing that the fullness of life can be achieved by protecting mankind and the

Lucero also talked about her visit to several coal plants in Bataan. that emitted smoke
and other air pollutants. She noted that the coal plants emitted smoke and other air
pollutants, posing a health hazard to surrounding communities.

“This is why we push for the rights of nature. Wherever the people’s voice is, the Church
is there to support them,” Lucero said. –

Angelica studies B.A. Journalism at the University of the Philippines Diliman. She is a
Rappler intern.

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