September 2003, Vol.98, No.9: Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth

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Contents September 2003, Vol.98, No.

Editorial – A study of the true understanding of Islam reveals the promotion of peace of
the individual and society.
Mansoor Saqi – UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Notes and Comment: Headscarves - Oppression or Freedom of Choice?: A person’s
religious beliefs and customs should be given priority over secularism and false prejudice:
Sarah Waseem – UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Islam and Peace – A look at how Islam promotes the establishment of peace at all levels:
Rafiq Ahmed Hayat – Amir UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Spiritual Progress – Spiritual progress is not just about the rejection of bad deeds but the
doing of good acts and sincerity of one’s love of God:
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
QUESTION & ANSWER – Faith and Belief: The belief in religion through firm
conviction in faith rather than scientific reasoning is discussed as well as how experiences
concerning God and faith can be explained and understood:
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Islam and the Creation of Peace Loving Men and Women – The Islamic concept of peace
extends to avoiding wars, readily making peace, justice and respect for the feeling of others:
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed – Imam of the London Mosque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth – Continuing the serialisation of the book looking
this month at attempts to philosophically justify the finality of non-law bearing prophethood:
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Chief Editor and Manager: Chairman of the Management Board:

Mansoor Ahmed Shah Naseer Ahmad Qamar
Basit Ahmad
Bockarie Tommy Kallon Special contributors: All correspondence should be
Amatul-Hadi Ahmad forwarded directly to:
Fareed Ahmad
Farina Qureshi
Fazal Ahmad The Editor
Fauzia Bajwa The Review of Religions
Shaukia Mir
Mansoor Saqi. The London Mosque
Design and layout: 16 Gressenhall Road
Mahmood Hanif Tanveer Khokhar London, SW18 5QL
Mansoora Hyder-Muneeb Publisher: United Kingdom
Navida Shahid Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah
Sarah Waseem Distribution: © Islamic Publications, 2002
Saleem Ahmad Malik Muhammad Hanif ISSN No: 0034-6721
Tanveer Khokhar

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the opinions of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 1
shows that the ingredients for peace at
Editorial both the individual and collective
levels are to be found within Islam –
‘religion is about winning the hearts
Many people have preconceived ideas and minds of the people rather than
about religion which can affect and enslaving them by force’. Examples are
colour behaviour and understanding. given from the life of the Holy Prophet
One often hears rather sweeping and of Islam (sa) and from the principles
general statements, for example, that adopted by the Muslims in Spain. The
science is in conflict with religion or article states ‘The Islamic concept of
that religion is always associated with peace means adjustment and orientation
wars and strife. Further enquiry about of the individual with and towards, on
the evidence for these statements may the one side with his Creator and, on the
reveal a lack of understanding about other side his fellow human beings.
complex issues. Sometimes those who This applies to the entire relationship
make such statements have made very between individual and individual,
little effort to analyse the problems. individual and community, community
They are probably aware, at some level, and community, between nation and
that they do have certain preconceptions nation ..’.
which might not be based on sound
arguments but, nevertheless, may not In a world where people’s impression
readily acknowledge that they should and perception of religion may be based
review their position. Rather than re- on solely the soundbites or the
examining the issues in any detail they occasional newspaper headline, it is
continue to carry around those ideas, important to recognise the need to
perhaps due to inertia or perhaps explore questions in detail. The
because such ideas may be continually existence of such misconceptions about
reinforced from the media or from religion empha-sise the importance of
others. careful examination of the original
teachings and of historical evidence –
In this issue there is an article entitled and some may be surprised at what then
‘Islam – A Religion of Peace’. It states: emerges.
‘For the last one thousand years, the
Western world, has nurtured a false Mansoor Saqi – UK
image of Islam that has no relationship
with reality’. This article addresses
some of these misconceptions
concerning, for example, jihad, freedom
of conscience and religious tolerance. It

2 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Notes & Comments
Headscarves – Oppression or The new centre-right government,
freedom of choice? however, has said that it is prepared to
In September of this year, a German pass a law banning all religious effects
court ruled that a school in the southern from the classroom.
state of Baden Wuerttemberg was
wrong under current legislation to The issue of the wearing of scarves by
exclude a female teacher for insisting Muslim women is a controversial one.
on wearing a headscarf to work. The The way that we dress and the symbols
teacher in question is a Muslim. The we use to express ourselves can evoke
school had argued that wearing the powerful emotions in others. Some
headscarf violated the state’s neutral German feminists are arguing that the
stance in matters of religion. The scarf is a symbol of women’s
teacher argued that the school was oppression. They point to regimes like
violating her freedom of religion. the Taliban who insisted that women
cover from head to toe in the name of
The debate is not confined to Germany. Islam. However what these critics
In Turkey, Muslims are in the majority forget is that the headscarf is not itself
and the headscarf, is worn by more than an Islamic device to repress women.
half of Turkey’s women, Yet it is seen Certainly some regimes have used it to
as a symbol of Islamic fundamentalism segregate and isolate women. However
by the defenders of Turkey’s secularist the Qur’anic commandment to women
state and is banned in government to dress modestly is for the protection
institutions and schools. of women, and to prevent them from
being exploited by men. Women are not
In France, secularity has been enshrined objects to be viewed and exploited for
in the constitution since 1905. So one’s their beauty.
national identity has precedence over
one’s religious belief. However in 1989, Let us also remember that in the name
the then left-wing government declared of Islam, the Taliban also committed a
that the wearing of scarves was not number of un-Islamic acts, such as
necessarily incompatible with France preventing women and girls from
being a secular state. The decision on getting an education. The scarf may
whether to allow pupils to wear them or have become an icon of Islamic
not had been left up to the discretion of practice, but as we know icons can be
head teachers. distorted from their original

The Review of Religions – September 2003 3

Notes and Comments

representations. The Swastika is an Communist era, religious communities

excellent example of this. Originally it were still active in spite of tremendous
is an ancient Greek/Roman/ Indian persecution. Marx was not completely
symbol which represents luck, life, wrong when he said that religion was
love, but its use by the Nazi regime in the opiate of the masses. However it is
Germany has meant that few have any not an opiate in the sense of being a
positive associations with it. mindless addiction that prevents one
from reflecting on injustice in the
In most of the major faiths, covering of world. Religious belief and man’s
the head by ladies (and men) is normal natural inclination towards his Maker
practice. Many Christians cover their have always been present since the
heads at least when in Church. Take the beginning of time. It is an attraction
habit worn by Catholic nuns. It is a that is so powerful that it overrides
veritable icon of modesty, and is not other affiliations and rather like the
interpreted as repressive, for those who addict, the believer who finds His Lord
become nuns choose, to wear this attire, is unable to abandon Him.
as the Muslim women choose to wear
the scarf. And politicians have nothing to fear
from those believers who preserve the
Islam also urges both men and women integrity of their religion at source. All
to dress modestly. Modesty is not a religions at source enjoin men and
commandment directed solely at women to good. Islam in particular,
women. directs believers to fulfil their
responsibilities and obligations to
Surely men who submit themselves society as a whole. The Muslim is a
to God and women who submit citizen and a believer. Those in
themselves to Him, ........ government posts and in any positions
...... and men who guard their of authority should be wary of other
chastity and women who guard politicians who seek to corrupt
their chastity, and men who religious belief in order to divide
remember Allah much and women communities and create fear and evil.
who remember Him – Allah has
prepared for all of them forgiveness Sarah Waseem – UK
and a great reward.

We know from the history of Russia,

that religious belief cannot be
suppressed. Even during the

4 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace
by Rafiq A Hayat (National Amir UK) – Based on a speech delivered at the Annual
Convention [Jalsa Salana] of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK) 2003

‘Islam’ is a religion of peace. The abating even in this liberal and

word Islam means peace. How tolerant climate of today’s world.
often have we heard these words There are many reasons for this
from speakers and commen- attitude but this is not the proper
tators? moment to go into details.

Then why is it that in this But the fault does not lie with the
enlightened era, while people are West alone: some of the
discovering the richness of other extremist clerics of Islam today
faiths and religious traditions have also made their contribution
without abandoning their own in perpetuating this vision of
faith, while many Christians and extremism and intolerance. The
people of other faiths learn ignorant and politically
meditation from Buddhists, motivated clerics of Islam have
while Jews and Christians feel no distorted the beautiful teachings
qualms about reading the religion of Islam and in so doing, they
and philosophies of each others’ have changed the Holy Word into
faith, only Islam seems to have Holy War.
been excluded from this circle of
goodwill for the last one They do not realise that the world
thousand years? has changed and has moved into
21st century. The Cold War has
For the last one thousand years, finished. Perestroika and Glasnost
the Western world, has nurtured a have come and gone and the
false image of Islam that has no ground realities in the world have
relationship with reality; and the changed beyond recognition.
intensity and continuity of this Muslims, like everyone else, have
distortion shows no signs of to adopt to the changing envi-

The Review of Religions – September 2003 5

Islam and Peace

ronment. Misconceived zealots hand, those – albeit a tiny

only make a negative contribution minority – in the Muslim world
to world peace. who see the attacks as part of a
necessary anti-western Jihad, and
In fact the zealots and fanatics of on the other, those in the West –
all religions have always placed unfortunately, not such a tiny
mankind at large at the mercy of minority – who likewise see the
those extremist groups who have attacks as the logical expression
no general concern for life other of an inherently militant religious
than their own. Fortunately they tradition, one that is irrevocably
are only few and in minority, opposed to the West.
and, in no way represent the true
Muslim majority. Although of the utmost
importance in principle, it
In the aftermath of the earth- appears to matter little in practice
shaking events of 11th September to the extremists that Muslim
2001, many in the West and in the scholars have pointed out that the
Muslim world are rightly appalled terror attacks or suicide attacks
by the fact that the mass-murder carry no legitimacy in terms of
perpetrated on that day is being Islamic law and Islamic morality.
hailed by some Muslims as an act
of Jihad. Only the most deluded September the 11th, 2001 is still
souls could regard such suicide- fresh in our mind. This
attacks as Jihad. horrendous tragedy perpetrated
by a few fanatics for their
Despite its evident falsity, the political gains has suddenly
image of Islam conveyed by this revived all the old prejudices in
distortion of Islamic principles is the West. It is as if all the old
not easily dislodged from the clichés and prejudices and
popular imagination in the West. definition, have been taken out
There is an unhealthy and from the cupboard of anta-
dangerous convergence of gonism, dusted and presented to
perception between, on the one the Western public as the image

6 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

of Islam as a barbarian, anti- either in self-defence or to bring

Western and primitive religion. It stability and order in society.
is as if the wheel of history has The Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) has
turned full circle back to the ages given us a shining example of the
of the Crusades and Holy Wars. Jihad that he considered more
important. In his lifetime, the
This phenomenon of fanaticism Holy Prophet(sa) had to fight wars
and extremism is relatively new in but only when they were
Islam. It is not the religion but the unavoidable. These were the
few self-appointed leaders of wars that the Holy Prophet (sa)
religion who have traditionally called ‘The lesser Holy Wars’
brought the religions in disrepute. (al-Jihad-al-Asghar). But it was
If we read the dismal history of the continuous battle against the
religious hatred, we see that carnal soul (Nafs-i-Amara) – a
voices of reason have traditionally constant battle against all that
been drowned by the ignorant attracts man to negation of God
prejudice. Torrents of blood have and God’s Will that The Holy
been shed in the name of every Prophet(sa) called ‘The great Holy
religion, deity, ideology, faith, War’ (Al-Jihad-i-Akbar).
order and political system.
Islam is not a pacifist religion
The extremist elements in Islam and it allows the Muslims to fight
today have distorted the meaning but only to defend themselves.
and significance of Jihad within Fighting is only permitted under
Islamic teachings and all the very narrow confines. The Holy
learned Muslims all over the Qur’an, addressing the Holy
world must denounce in the Prophet(sa) says:
strongest possible terms all forms
of terrorism that masquerades as Fighting is ordained for you,
Jihad. though it is repugnant to
The Holy Qur’an permits Jihad (Ch.2: V.217)
only within narrow confines –

The Review of Religions – September 2003 7

Islam and Peace

The Holy Qur’an explains: In other words, the true warrior

of Islam smites the neck of his
And fight in the cause of Allah own anger with the sword of
against those who fight forbearance. Only the false
against you’. warrior strikes at the neck of his
(Ch.2: V.191) enemy with the sword of his
unbridled ego. For the first, the
But immediately in the same spirit of Islam determines Jihad;
verse, Muslims are reminded: for the second, only bitter anger.
While fighting in self-defence is
But do not transgress. Surely permitted, it is forbidden to use
Allah loves not the compulsion or force in the matter
transgressors’. of religion. It is a unique feature
(Ch.2: V.19) of Islam that the Holy Qur’an
pronounces clearly and unam-
Granting permission to fight, the biguously,
Holy Qur’an says:
There should be no
Permission fight is given to compulsion in religion.
those against whom war is Surely, right has become
made, because they have been distinct from wrong; so
wronged’. whosoever refuses to be led
(Ch.22: V.40) by those who transgress and
believes in Allah, has surely
Explaining the true Jihad, The grasped a strong handle
Holy Qur’an explains: which knows no breaking.
And whoso strives, strives And Allah is All-Hearing, All-
only for his own soul. Knowing.
(Ch.29: V.7) (Ch.2: V.257)

The verse gives a brief but very This is the way of Allah and
apt description of a true warrior – indeed this has always been the
a true striver in the way of Allah. way of Allah. Religion is about

8 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

winning the hearts and minds of Even the Orientalists who are too
the people rather than enslaving ready to accuse Islam with
them by force. The Holy Qur’an unfounded allegations, have not
contains an unmatched virtue that been able to find any such
it explains and clarifies all example in the life of the Holy
ambiguities. While saying, Prophet (sa). William Muir accepts
‘Fighting the way of Allah those that there is no instance in the life
who fight with you’, the Holy of Holy Prophet (sa), either in
Qur’an clearly states, ‘There is no Madinah or in Makkah where he
compulsion in the matter of used his authority to convert
religion’. This clearly means that people to Islam. The famous
while fighting is permitted, it is instances of sending letters to
only in defence and it is only in Heraclius, the Emperor of the
the way of Allah. Fear of Allah Holy Roman Empire, to the rulers
should be foremost in one’s mind. of Persia, Bahrain, Oman and
At the same time by explaining Egypt inviting them to become
that there is no compulsion in the Muslim shows that Holy Prophet
matter of religion, Allah the (peace be upon him) believed in
Almighty has specifically for- persuasion rather than
bidden the use of force, compulsion. His message was
compulsion or fighting to make short and simple:
people accept Islam. The Holy
Prophet of Islam (sa) set a shining ‘In the name of Allah, the
precedence for all Muslims. most Beneficient, the most
When in Madinah, while he had Merciful: this letter is from
the power as the Head of Muslim Muhammad, the slave of
Community, he never forced his Allah and His Apostle, to
will on others and never used any Heraclius, the ruler of
compulsion. His attitude with the Byzantine. Peace be upon the
populace of Makkah was exactly followers of guidance. I invite
the same. He did not force a you to surrender to Allah,
single person to become Muslim. Embrace Islam and you will
be safe. Embrace Islam and

The Review of Religions – September 2003 9

Islam and Peace

Allah will bestow on you a for him that he visited him in his
double reward. But if you sickness and when he died, the
reject this invitation, you will Khalifa ordered his body to be
be misguiding your people’. brought to the royal palace and
the Christian rites were
The reactions of all the rulers performed there with great
were different and Allah treated solemnity.
them accordingly.
Christians were also allowed to
My prime purpose is to show that build new churches during the
ideals of Islam were realised in Muslim reign. In the time of Abd
history by missionary activities. al Malik, a wealthy Christian of
There may be instances of forced Edessa, named Athanasius,
conversion scattered in Islamic erected in his native city a fine
History, but they are only few. church dedicated to the Mother
of God and a Baptistery. He also
Amir Mu’awiyah (661-680) built a number of churches in
issued a charter of freedom of various parts of Egypt. All this
faith in his domain and employed was done with the permission of
many Christians in his service. the Muslim rulers and has been
Christians held high offices at recorded by a Christian Historian
court. Ibn Abu Usaibi’ah states (Michael the Elder).
that the father of St John of
Damascus was a Counsellor of Throughout the Islamic history,
Abd al Malik (685-705). There there has been compassion,
were two brothers in the service tolerance and understanding for
of al-Mutassim (833-842) who non-Muslim subjects during the
stood very high in the confidence Muslim rule in various parts of
of the Commander of the the world. It is in harmony with
Faithful. One named Ibrahim the same spirit of kindly
was given care of privy seal and consideration for his subjects of
made incharge of the treasury. So other faiths that Hadhrat Umar
great was the Khalifa’s affection bin al-Khittab had an agreement

10 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

drawn up when Jerusalem When Sultan Mahmood of

submitted to him: Ghazna at the height of his
conquests reached the temple of
‘In the name of Allah the Somnat in India, he was
Comassionate, the Merciful! surrounded by priests who
This is the security which offered him heaps of gold to
Umar, the servant of God, the spare their idols. He refused to
Commander of the faithful accept the money, saying that he
grants to the people of Aelia. did not want to be known in
He grants to all, whether sick history as a trader of idols. In
or sound security for their spite of his total power over his
lives, their possession, their conquered land, he did not raise
churches, their crosses and for his sword to convert Indians to
all that concerns their Islam. Even during the Mughal
religion. Their churches shall Empire, all the emperors showed
not be changed into dwelling remarkable tolerance towards
places, nor destroyed, neither their non-Muslim subjects. Not
shall they nor their only did they not force their
appurtenances be diminished religion on others, they
in any way, nor the crosses of employed non-Muslims in key
the inhabitant nor aught of positions in government. Even
their possessions, nor shall Emperor Aurengzeb, who is
any constraint be put on them often wrongly accused of
in the matter of their faith nor fanaticism, had a Hindu subject
shall they be harmed’. as his Commander of the Armies.
(Tabari) M.J. Akbar, in his book the
Shade of Swords, explain this
One can go on and on showing point vividly:
the tolerance and peaceful
credentials and the practises of ‘If Islam spread in India, it
Muslim rulers that they never was not because of the sword
used their sword in anger to force of Babar or Akbar, but
their subjects to Islam. because of the power of the

The Review of Religions – September 2003 11

Islam and Peace

sufi mentors, mystic-saints many fresh monasteries in

like Mansoor al Hallaj and addition to the numerous
Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti. convents both for monks and
Mere monarchs could not nuns that flourished
demand obedience from a undisturbed by the
sufi; his allegiance was only Muhammadan rulers’.
to God.’
‘The Christian Clerg y
We find similar freedom and persecuted the Jews who
tolerance when we look at the formed a large minority in
spread of Islam in Spain. When Spain. Edict of brutal
Muslims first became victorious character were passed
in Spain in 711, there was only against those who refused to
Catholic Christianity and no one be baptised; and they,
was allowed to profess any other consequently hailed the
faith by order of the Church. invading Arabs as their
When Muslims established liberators from such cruel
themselves in Spain they gave oppression.’
full liberty to Christians and
Jews. T. W. Arnold, in his D o z y, Muller, Makkari and
Preaching of Islam states: other historians have nothing
but praise for the Muslim rulers
‘Of forced conversion or of Spain. Edward Gibbon in his
anything like persecution in Decline and Fall of Roman
the early days of Islam, we Empire, grudgingly concedes
hear nothing. Indeed it was that ‘the Jews of Spain hung on
probably in a great measure to the coat tails of Saracens
their tolerant attitude towards because they found freedom and
the Christian religion that liberty for their religion’.
facilitated their rapid
acquisition of the country.’ It is a fact that Jews and
Christians rose to high ranks and
‘We read also of founding of the Jewish culture, medicine and

12 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

art flourished under the Muslim English traveller who visited

rule. Arnold sums up Turkey in the early part of
beautifully: seventeenth century, tells us:
‘In 711 the victorious Arabs
introduced Islam in Spain; In ‘T h e re is seldom any
1502 an edict of Ferdinand and compulsion of conscience in
Isabella forbade the exercise of matter of religion as long as no
the Muhammadan re l i g i o n criminal offence occurs.’
throughout the kingdom. During
the centuries that that elapsed I would leave the last word to
between these two dates, Muslim George Finley. In his History of
Spain had written one of the Greece, he writes;
brightest pages in the history of
mediaeval Europe. Those were ‘We find that many Greeks of
the triumphs of civilised life, high talsent and moral character
arts and poetry, science and were so mindful of the
philosophy…….’ superiority of Mohammadans
that they voluntarily embraced
We see the same scenario in the the faith of Mahomet. The moral
Ottoman Empire. From the very superiority of the Ottoman
beginning till when the empire society must be accepted as one
had expanded from the Middle of the reasons of numerous
East to Europe, there was never conversions in the fifteenth
any compulsion to change the century.’
religion of the subjects of the
Empire. Persecution of the The same picture emerges from
Christians was strictly the Muslims in Western Asia, in
forbidden. The first Patriarch Christian Africa, from captive
after the Turkish conquest, Muslims among the Mongols and
received from the hands of the the spread of Islam in China and
Sultan himself the seal of his Malay Archipelago. Muslims
office and his pastoral staff. never enforced their religion. It
Wilfred Blunt, the famous was only by their tolerance and

The Review of Religions – September 2003 13

Islam and Peace

general conduct in everyday life sues for peace, the hostilities

that they impressed the locals must stop and peace accepted.
who became Muslims And if they should incline
voluntarily. Even those who towards peace, incline thou also
remained with their own religion towards it and put thy trust in
enjoyed freedom of faith and Allah…………And if they intend
realisation of their social careers to deceive thee, then surely Allah
that were not possible under is sufficient for thee....
other environments. (Ch.8: Vs.62, 63)

Islam is a comprehensive For the prisoners of war, Islam

religion. It realises that with lays down strict rules that the
human weakness, ambition and rights of prisoners must be
dynamism, there will be respected and no harm should
occasions when dispute, conflict come to them when they have
and even wars will be inevitable. surrendered. As soon as
Although Islam forbids initiation agreement has been reached, the
of war of aggression but it does prisoners must be set free to go
become inevitable for Muslims back to their homes.
to fight a defensive war, the
teachings of Islam lay down One can safely say that more
strict guidelines. For instance, than fourteen hundred years
the freedom and rights of non- before the compilation of the
combatants must be respected. Geneva Convention, Islam
The old and infirm, the women prescribed the rules to make
and children must be protected physical conflict restricted to
from any harm. Residential combatants and provide the
properties must be left intact and protection to the innocent.
crops and fruit orchards must not
be damaged; and the list goes on. In the field of human rights too,
Even when it comes to the one has only to read the last
opponents in the battlefield, sermon of the Holy Prophet of
Islam enjoins that if the enemy Islam(sa) to realise that hHuman

14 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

rights and the respect for human respect to your women and to
dignity was established fourteen your women a right with
hundred years ago. At the respect to you………..Treat
occasion of his last pilgrimage, your women well and kindly
he delivered his last sermon for they are your partners and
sitting on his camel. The Holy committed helpers…. O men,
Prophet(sa) after praising God and ponder well that I am leaving
thanking Him, turned to the the Book of God and the
people and said: Sunnah of His prophet. If you
follow them, you will never
‘O men, listen well to my go astray. O men, listen well
words as I do not know to my words. Every Muslim is
whether I shall meet you a brother to every Muslim,
again on such an occasion in and Muslims constitute one
future. Safety of your lives brotherhood (without distinc-
and your property is as tion of colour or race).
inviolate as this holy day and Nothing shall be legitimate to
holy month……. Whoever of a Muslim if it belongs to
you is keeping a trust of another Muslim unless it is
someone else shall return that given freely and willingly. Do
trust to the rightful owner. All not, therefore do injustice to
interest shall henceforth be yourselves.
waived. Your capital is,
however yours to keep. You The rest of the ‘Charter of
will neither inflict nor suffer Human Rights’ is already
any injustice……. Every right integral in the teachings in the
arising out of murders of pre- Holy Qur’an
Islamic days is henceforth
waived………. With God, the The contemporary world history
months are twelve in only mentions December 10,
numbers. Four of them 1948 as a landmark in the march
holy……………. O men, to of human civilisation when the
you a right belongs with United Nations proclaimed the

The Review of Religions – September 2003 15

Islam and Peace

Universal Declaration of Human concept of peace means adjust-

Rights. Let us not belittle the ment and orientation of the
credit that is due to the United individual with and towards, on
Nations because it was the first the one side with his Creator and,
time ever when the nations of the on the other side, with his fellow
world, for once unanimously beings. This applies to the entire
agreed to give dignity and relationship between individual
assurance to the human race. and individual, individual and
With 30 articles, this Charter is community, community and
one of the most comprehensive community, between nation and
in assuring the equality to man nation and, in short between the
without any prejudice to colour, whole of human race. It
creed and race. 1400 years ago, comprises all spheres of life –
God Almighty, through His political, moral, intellectual and
Divine Commandments revealed spiritual. This has always been
the most comprehensive Charter the primary concern of Islam.
of Human Rights in the Holy
Qur’an through the prophet of The Holy Qur’an provides us
Islam. with all-embracing guidance for
the establishment of peace. It
At the risk of repeating myself, I lays down the basic guidance for
must explain that the word the adjustment of human
‘Islam’ implies the achievement relations to establish peace
of peace in this world and in the between man and man.
Hereafter. It is a well-recognised
fact that peace in its true The world is not uniform either
meanings does not comprise culturally or socially. It is
solely of physical security or populated by people of different
absence of war and conflict. colours and creed, different tribes
Although important and and communities and each
essential, this condition is only a community has its own social,
limited aspect of the wider cultural and religious norms.
concept of peace. The Islamic This diversity that we observe all

16 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

around us is part of the Divine O mankind, we have created

Design and Divine Wisdom. The you from male and female,
Holy Qur’an says, and We have made you into
clans and tribes that you may
And among His Signs is the recognise one another. Verily,
creation of the heavens and the most honourable among
the earth and the diversity of you in the sight of Allah is the
your tongues and colours. In most righteous among you.
that surely are the Signs for Surely Allah is All-Knowing,
those who possess knowledge. All-Aware.
(Ch.30: V.23) (Ch.49: V.14)

The diversity is neither a sign of The only badge of honour

superiority nor an indication of recognised by Islam is the
inferiority neither does it confer righteousness of a person and his
any privilege nor handicap. conduct. Everything else is
Again, the Holy Qur ’an irrelevant.
Part of this diversity is the

The Review of Religions – September 2003 17

Islam and Peace

variation in man’s intellect. This proclaims that even God Himself,

leads, among other things, to Who indeed possesses the power
different faiths and creeds. This to do so, would not force anyone
has often been alleged to be a in the matter of conscience.
source of conflict. There is not And if thy Lord had enforced
the least reason why that should His Will, surely, all who are
be so. on the earth would have
believed together. Wilt thou,
It should be emphasised that then, force men to become
truth has only one facet but error believers?’
has many; yet no compulsion is (Ch.10: V.100)
permitted in so vital a matter as
the fundamentals of truth. It is The tolerance and respect
part of dignity with which man towards other religions is one of
has been endowed by his Creator, the unique features of Islam.
that his conscience should be Islam bases itself upon the truth
free. It is unequivocally that Divine Guidance has been
proclaimed in the Holy Qur’an given to man all through the
ages. It follows, therefore, that
There should be no all great faiths had a single
compulsion in religion. Surely Divine origin and must be
right has become distinct respected and revered.
from wrong.
(Ch.2: V.257) Say ye: We believe in Allah
and what has been revealed to
‘And say ‘It is the truth from us, and what was revealed to
your Lord; wherefore let him Abraham and Ishmael, and
who will, believe, and let him Isaac, and Jacob and his
who will, disbelieve. children, and what was given
(Ch.18: V.30) to Moses and Jesus, and what
was given to all other
The Holy Qur’an goes far in Prophets from their Lord. We
establishing this freedom that it make no difference between

18 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

any of them and to Him we accord for all times:

submit ourselves’.
(Ch.2: V.137) Say: O People of the Book!
Come to a word equal
After naming several of the between us and you – that we
prophets mentioned in the Bible, worship none but Allah, and
the Holy Qur’an directs: that we associate no partner
with Him
These it is whom Allah guided (Ch.3: V.65)
aright, so follow thou their
guidance. Islam teaches the believers that
(Ch.6: V.91) the real guarantee of peace and
security is through faith in the
Surely We sent down the Merciful and Compassionate
Torah wherein was guidance Creator. If the winning of Allah’s
and light. pleasure becomes the dominant
(Ch.5: V.45) motive of all the people of the
world, there will be an
And We caused Jesus, son of everlasting peace that will
Mary, to follow in their emerge from the inside of man.
footsteps fulfilling that which The essence of religion of Islam
was revealed before him in is faith in the Divine and that
the Torah; and We gave him faith is responsible for the
the Gospel which contained adjustment and coordination that
guidance and light fulfilling brings about peace and harmony.
that which was revealed
before it in the Torah. It is our responsibility and duty
(Ch.5: v.47) in today’s world to explain all the
beautiful teachings of peace that
Islam extended a hand of are given in the Holy Qur’an and
friendship 1400 ago to the Islam. The forces of darkness,
religionists of the world and that ignorance and prejudice have
has remained a basis of mutual surrounded the citadels of

The Review of Religions – September 2003 19

Islam and Peace

civilisations. They give a bad know. It is the crying need of

name to Islam. It is for us to the time to convince the world
combat these forces with that Islam spread during the
exposure to the true teachings of time of the Holy Prophet(sa)
Islam and by setting a true because of his prayers and
example as Muslims. supplications; and in this age,
God willing, this will happen
On the subject of love, peace and only by presenting the true
brotherhood, Hadhrat Khalifatul teachings of Islam as
Masih V, in a recent Sermon, expounded by the Promised
advised all members of the Messiah(as), the true devotee
Jama’at: and servant of the Holy
Prophet of Islam (sa).
‘It is a duty of every Ahmadi
today that he should take this A quotation of the Promised
message to the whole world Messiah and Mahdi (as) of this age
that the true teaching of Islam seems pertinent at this stage. He
is the one that has been given declared more than a hundred
to us by the Promised years ago, in his book A Message
Messiah(as). They should take of Peace:
the message of love, peace
and brotherhood; and declare ‘Irrespective of whether we
to the whole world that Islam are Hindus or Muslim, and
was not spread by the sword although we have many
but because of the excellence differences, we believe in
of its teachings. Tell those God who has created this
who are associating Islam world and all that is contained
with the sword that they are in it. We also claim
following the wrong course. commonality as human
Explain to them and pray for beings and we live in one
them because they come in country as neighbours. It is
the category of ‘Inna hum La our duty that we should
Yaalamoon’ – They do not become friends with a clear

20 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and Peace

conscience and honest inten- Muslims have lived for too long
tions. We should sympathise under the shadow of the activities
with each other on all matters of a minority who have distorted
temporal or religious. My beyond recognition the tradi-
Friends! That faith is no faith tional spirit of Islam. That
that does not teach sympathy minority has fostered inter-
for mankind. A human being national terrorism and sectarian
is not human unless he hatred to gain their political ends.
displays some element of It is time for all the Muslims to
sympathy. Our God has made stand up and explain the true
no distinction in any nation. ideology and peaceful credentials
Whatever faculties were of Islam.
given to the ancient nations
have been given to the The Holy Prophet’s(sa) message
Arabian, Persian, Chinese, was one of peace and unity, not
Japanese, European and contempt and war. From this
American nations. The earth platform, I want to make a plea, a
serves as a common ground request, an appeal to the whole
for all and the sun, the moon Muslim world! Let us get
and the stars perform together and show to the world
common service for all the true and beautiful face of
mankind. These Divine Islam - Islam that was taught by
manifestations teach us that our beloved Prophet(sa). His final
we should, also treat each message was of unity and mutual
other equally, with amity and love. Hatred did not feature in his
with tolerance. Narrow- teachings. His successors
mindedness or hard- respected the freedom of
heartedness has no place in conscience of all their subjects.
human relations.’ We will have to show to the
world by our conduct and by our
This is not the age of actions the true spirit of tolerance
confrontation or of fostering and peace. We will have to put
mutual hatred. True and faithful flesh and blood on the bare bones

The Review of Religions – September 2003 21

Islam and Peace

of theory. It is one thing to quote sectarian malice and oppression

the Qur’anic verses and the Holy and the madness of terrorism.
Prophet(sa), quite another to put
these in action in every day life. There is power that sets people
We have rich treasures of Sunnah free from age-old prejudices and
to draw for this purpose. that power is love of God
Almighty. That is the source of
What I am trying to emphasise is true religion and it brings
that it is the sacred duty of every together all who are truly human.
Muslim today to lead the world Muslims can show the world
towards peace and establishment what is true peace – peace within
of justice. It can only be done if and peace in society. Before they
we work together putting aside can do that they will have to get
the comparatively minor differ- together and purge the society of
ences. We can have unity without those who preach and practise
unanimity and we can have oppression, terrorism and
diversity without division. sectarian hatred.
Eventually we can have a world
community of Muslims without
the scourge of communal hatred,

In this journal, for the information of non-Muslim readers, ‘(sa)’ or
‘sa’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’,
are used. They stand for ‘Salallahu alaihi wassalam’ meaning
‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters
‘(as)’ or ‘as’ after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation
meaning ‘Peace be upon him’ derived from Alaihi salato wassalam’
for the respect a Muslim reader utters in the form of a prayer for
a Prophet.
Also ru or (ru) for Rahmahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah
the Exalted be upon him

22 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Spiritual Progress
Presented below is a compilation of extracts that have been taken from the
discourses and speeches of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qadian, the
Promised Messiah and Mahdi, as recorded in the collection entitled Malfoozat.
Malfoozat is the title of the ten volumes that contain the collection of discourses,
speeches and addresses of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of Qadian, the
Promised Messiah and Mahdi.
Translated by Amatul Hadi Ahmad

[Translator’s Note: All

references to the verses of the
Holy Qur’an are given in Arabic
as they occur in the text. The
English translation, presented in
Italics, is taken from the
translation of the Holy Qur’an by
Hadhrat Maulwi Sher Ali
Sahib(ra). Where the Promised
Messiah(as) has himself stated a
certain interpretation of an
Arabic verse, this is incorporated
in the main body of the text].
The founder of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community was Hadhrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). The path that a beginner should
In 1891, he claimed, on the basis of adopt in the realm of spiritual
Divine revelation, that he was the
knowledge is that he should, first,
Promised Messiah and Mahdi whose
advent had been foretold by acquire familiarity with God’s
Muhammad, the Holy Prophet of attributes such that it takes him to
Islam (peace be upon him) and by the the level of certainty about God. It
scriptures of other faiths. is then that he will be informed
His claim constitutes the basis of the about God’s being and about His
beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
perfect attributes and at that point

The Review of Religions – September 2003 23

Spiritual Progress

his soul will speak from within brief enquiry could establish its
that it has found God and that it is owner. I know that there have been
fully satisfied. When there is such cases where for such paltry
faith in God that it reaches the level amounts as 12 annas the lives of
of certainty and a person feels that innocent children have been taken.
he has ‘seen’ God and has acquired You can see from the proceedings
a familiarity with God’s attributes, of the courts what dark and fearful
at that stage a person develops a scenes emerge. Lies are told for the
revulsion for sin. The nature that petty things. Bad and evil deeds are
was once attracted to sin, now flowing like a river in full flow.
hates sin and this condition is Why is this? Simply because there
known as repentance. is no belief in God. People are
afraid of snakes and poisons
The point that after acquiring total because they believe them to be
faith one’s nature comes to hate fatal and they have faith in such
sin, is something that can be things being dangerous. I see no
clearly and easily understood. reason why there should not be a
There are in the world some hatred of sin if there were complete
poisonous animals as well as faith in God.
poisons such as strychnine. Why
does man fear these? Simply for There are two things that are
this reason that experience shows important for a human being to
that a certain poison, taken in a safeguard against the bad and to
certain quantity, proves fatal. run towards the good. There are
Many have been observed to have two aspects of goodness. One is
died after an intake of poison and abandonment of harmful acts and
that is why one is not inclined the other is performance of deeds
towards taking poison – one fears that are of benefit to others. A
it. When this is the case, what then person cannot achieve per-fection
is the reason that all manner of sins merely through giving up bad
are committed, so much so that if deeds unless there is also a move
there was even a very small coin towards doing deeds that benefit
lying in the street, someone would others. This is an indicator of how
stoop down to pick it up when a much change has, in fact, taken

24 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Spiritual Progress



place and the higher levels [of completed when there is faith in
goodness] are granted only when a God. The second stage should then
person has faith in the attributes of be one of searching for the path
God as well as knowledge of those that was adopted by God’s holy
attributes. Unless this condition is people and there is only one such
fulfilled, one cannot even protect path that has been adopted by all
oneself against bad deeds, leave God’s holy people who by
alone being beneficial to others treading this path benefited from
which is a great thing indeed. Is it God’s beneficence. The way to
not the case that people stand in discover this path is that one
awe of kings and [here in India] should try to ascertain what kind
people fear, to an extent, the penal of relationship God had with the
system of India and many people holy people.
do not go against the law. Why
then the audacity to go against the The first stage of safeguarding
law of the One who is Judge against the bad is acquired through
Supreme! Is there any reason other the manifestation of Jalali
than that there is no faith in God - attributes, that is, awe-inspiring
this is the only reason. attributes of God because He is the
enemy of those who indulge in
In short, the first stage of base and shameless acts. The
safeguarding oneself against bad second stage is granted through
deeds can only be successfully the manifestation of God’s Jamali

The Review of Religions – September 2003 25

Spiritual Progress

attributes, that is, attributes of be adequately expressed in words

beneficence and beauty. The because they are matters of the
ultimate, however, is that nothing heart. The true significance of
can be achieved unless one is these matters can only be known
granted strength and power from through feeling them when one is
God in the form of what is known granted fresh signs of light. One
in Islamic terminology as Ruhul should not, however, begin to feel
Qudus, the Holy Spirit. It is a force proud and should not consider
that is granted by God and with its experiences of deep emotion that at
descent comes inner peace and times one may have, to be the
tranquility, Sakeena, and there ultimate spiritual state. Such
develops a natural love and experiences are of a temporary
attraction for goodness. The nature. Sometimes it does happen
person endowed with Ruhul that a person reading a novel cries
Qudus runs to perform good deeds at the painful circumstances
with pleasure and enjoyment described there. The reader of the
whereas others see it is as a heavy novel clearly knows that it is an
burden. Just as even a child enjoys imaginary story and not a true one.
eating something delicious, so Hence, if crying or feeling a sense
when a person develops a of deep emotion were to be the
relationship with God and the basis of true happiness and
Holy Spirit descends upon him enjoyment, nowhere would there
from God, performance of good be people more advanced in
deeds for such a person becomes spiritual enjoyment than in Europe
like drinking a sweet and delicious because thousands of novels are
drink. The beauty that exists published there and millions of
within goodness begins to become people shed tears while reading
apparent to him and he runs them.
helplessly towards good deeds and
even the thought of bad deeds The truth is that it is part of the
makes his soul shudder. nature of man that he laughs at
something humorous and cries in
The nature of these matters, situations that lead him to tears
however, is such that they cannot and, at times, he also derives a

26 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Spiritual Progress

certain pleasure from this. This moving forward. After this, he is

pleasure, however, cannot be the made aware of the knowledge he
basis of any spiritual discernment. has of God and it is this that is a
For instance, a man falls in love true pleasure and a true bounty. At
with a woman and in his emotional such a time there is a deeply felt
state, makes up verses and recites emotion but this emotion is not
them which make him both happy temporary, rather it is filled with
and sad and he weeps. There is in joy and pleasure and the soul
human beings this capacity flows towards God like a spring of
whether it is used appropriately or pure water. In other words, before
inappropriately. A person should reaching the true ocean, one sees a
not be satisfied at just being in mirage that also appears like an
possession of this capacity. God ocean. The person who is deceived
has endowed [mankind] with this by illusion and does not move
capacity so that the true seekers forward, loses hope and is left
may not be deprived and, when without any achievement or
used appropriately, it should act as success. On the other hand, the
a prelude to the next stage of person who does not give up and
spiritual development and should keeps moving forward, is the one
become like a faculty. who attains the desired aim.
(Malfoozat Vol. 2 pp.237-241)
In short, matters such as crying or
the abandonment of certain other Worship of the God that we
material things or relationships are believe in does not require
of a temporary nature. One should strenuous mystical exercises nor
not become inactive through does it pose any need for images
reliance upon them. Matters upon and idols. In our religion, the
which a true knowledge of God attainment of [closeness to] God
can be based are such that if a and the witnessing of His
person is tried in the path of God manifestations does not neces-
again and again and is thrown into sitate undergoing extreme physical
the river of difficulties and exercises. On the contrary, those
tribulations, even then he should who love God truly, are able to
not be perturbed and should keep find Him very quickly through an

The Review of Religions – September 2003 27

Spiritual Progress

easy path and this we have seen without the idol his attention
for ourselves through practise. If a cannot be fully focused towards
human being takes one step that Being of pure and complete
towards God, He takes two beauty.
towards that person. If a person
walks speedily towards God, God A human being should examine
runs towards him and enlightens the state of his own love [of God].
his heart. If it is the case that like the love-
sick lover he sees the face of his
In my view the idol makers did not beloved at every moment, no
understand the wisdom of the matter what he is involved in, and
secret of God remaining as the his full attention is focused on the
Unseen and the Hidden. It is beloved then he should know that
precisely these attributes of God he is truly in love with God and
that open the way of desiring and that God’s love and light exist
seeking Him and as a result lead to within him. However, if it is the
the path of all knowledge and case that the various activities of
search. All the knowledge that has life and external bonds and
been acquired by man was at some obstructions distract his attention
time ‘hidden’ from and unseen by [from the countenance of God]
man. It was man’s effort and even for one moment, then I say
search that shone through and truly that such a person is not a
made him attain the desired jewel true lover of God and that is why
[of knowledge] that was sought. A the light and brilliance that is
true lover is just like that. The accorded to the true lovers [of
absence of his beloved makes no God] is not granted to such a
difference to his love. On the person. This is the very point at
contrary, the apparent separation which most people have stumbled
creates a sort of anguish and pain and have gone on to deny the very
that further enhances the feelings existence of God. Ignorant as they
of love. How can a person who are, they did not examine their
searches for God, idol in hand, own love and without taking stock
rightly claim to have true and of it they began to have wrong
sincere love [of God] when notions about God. Hence, in my

28 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Spiritual Progress

view God’s remaining invisible with remembrance of God and to

and hidden is for the purpose of act in accordance with His
man’s progress in the path of teachings and to abstain from that
sincerity and in the attainment of which He has forbidden and to
true guidance. It further serves the guard oneself at all times against
purpose of cleansing and that which He has made illegal.
sharpening man’s spiritual Obligation to one’s fellow human
capacities in order that God’s light beings is briefly that one should
may be manifested in him. not oppress others or be cruel to
[Malfoozat Vol. 1, pp.318-319] others. One should not usurp the
rights of others and should abstain
In my view a person cannot gain from bearing false witness.
any benefit until he becomes
inclined towards a pure change in The above two propositions are so
himself through his efforts. To comprehensive that all types of
quell the rebellious spirit within sins, crimes and evil deeds and the
oneself is a great achievement in a principles of all types of goodness
person’s struggle on this path. It is are encompassed by them. By the
through the rule of this rebellious same token, however, the extent of
spirit, Nafse Ammara, that a difficulty of achieving them is also
person is deprived from fulfilling great. It is easy for someone to say
his obligations to God and from that he can safeguard himself
doing his duty to fellow man. against sin through his own
There are, in fact, only two parts in strength. Man, however, can never
the Shari’a [Islamic Law]: One is separate himself from his nature.
the duty to God and the other is the The nature of man is not like a part
duty to fellow human beings. of his clothing that, should it
become filthy he can cut it off and
What is the obligation to God? It is remove it. The nature of man is an
just this that God should be integral part of the soul from its
worshipped and that none other birth. Human nature has been
than Him should be considered created so that it fears and abstains
worthy of worship. It is, moreover, only from such things that it
the obligation to occupy one self considers to be the cause of harm

The Review of Religions – September 2003 29

Spiritual Progress

to it or to be the cause of its same is true [in the spiritual realm]

destruction. No one would have of greed and selfish desires. If it is
seen a person taking strychnine the case that the greatness of God
knowing it to be poison nor can and His awe has taken hold of a
one have seen someone holding a person’s heart, disobedience to
snake knowing it to be deadly and God would seem like consuming
a real danger to his life. Would fire and he would feel it to be
anyone enter a village without worse than death.
good reason knowing that it was in
the grip of a plague that was taking The more a person gains
a heavy toll of lives? What is the knowledge of God’s power and
reason for these safeguards? Just control over all things and the
this that these things are more he becomes certain that
considered to be extremely disobedience of God will lead to a
dangerous to one’s life. severe punishment, the more he
will abstain from disobeying God
It is therefore, the case that man and from breaking His laws. You
can find salvation from sins and should note that some people ‘die’
other ills only when he is aware of even before they meet their death.
the certainty of their harmful What kind of people are those who
effects, more so than he is aware are referred to as ‘the virtuous’,
of the harmful effects of snakes ‘the devotees’ and the Aqtab, that
and thieves and such like. is, those who shine like a pole-star
Moreover, a person can only acting as a spiritual pivot for
achieve this if the Majesty and the others to follow. What is it that
Greatness and the Omnipotence of these people come to acquire that
God Almighty are kept before is so extraordinary? It is the
him. Man is capable of certainty [of knowledge about
abandoning his greed, his wishes God] that they come to possess.
and even his heart’s desires. For Certain and definite knowledge
example, a diabetic, having been necessarily and by nature forces a
advised by his doctor to give up human being towards a certain
sweet things, abandons them for direction. In relation to God,
the sake of saving his life. The vague suspicion cannot be enough.

30 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Spiritual Progress

Doubt cannot be of benefit. sins and signs of God’s favour and

Efficacy has only been placed in blessings are absent from them.
certainty. The certain knowledge What is required is that a person
of God’s attributes has an effect should abstain completely from all
greater than that of a terrifying that is against the pleasure of God
lightening. It is such an effect that and should consider the
makes the virtuous and holy disobedience to God and sins
people bow their heads before God generally to be worse than eating
and throw themselves down before fire. Moreover, one should not be
Him. Remember, then, that the influenced by the material
greater the certainty, the greater splendour or might of anyone in
will be abstention from sins. opposition to God. Even more than
that, one should not be in the least
At first glance it may appear that concerned about anyone’s ability to
there are many who make such benefit or harm besides the will of
claims but their example is like that God. In this regards all others
of a pimple that shines because it is should be treated as worthy of no
full of puss and areas surrounding it more attention than a dead insect.
also seem to glisten as a result. It is, One should become such that one’s
however, full only of obnoxious tranquility and every move is
matter that is nothing but puss and brought under the will of God,
filth. Alongside claims of piety, losing oneself in God completely.
there should be signs of abstention
from sins. Light, sunshine and heat The achievement of all these
are signs that the sun is out. Could matters is beyond the strength of
anyone consider the claim of a man. It is not within the power of a
person who says at night that the person to attain all these blessings
sun is out when there are no signs and to safeguard against all the
of the sun, as being worthy of impurities. It has, therefore, been
acceptance? No, certainly not. the way of God that for this
Similar is the situation of those purpose, He commissions and
who say that they believe when the sends a human being [as
signs of true belief are not with Messenger] to the world and
them – signs such as total dislike of manifests His extraordinary powers

The Review of Religions – September 2003 31

Spiritual Progress

at the hands of the Messenger. [The The condition that dissolves sins
distinguishing signs of such a develops only when God manifests
person are that] God accepts his His awe-inspiring attributes of
prayers and informs him of this and Greatness and Omnipotence. Such
bestows upon him a flow of manifes-tations grip the world and
revelation, conversation and other strike utter terror in the hearts of
forms of communication. people like that of a terrifying
Moreover, there are manifested at lightening storm that strikes fear in
his hands such great and the people. So it is during the time
extraordinary signs that the worldly of a Messenger of God that the
people are humbled through manifestation of the awe-inspiring
witnessing them. At the same time, attributes of God’s greatness brings
the manifestation at his hand of about a pure change in the world.
brilliant and mighty signs in his [Malfoozat Vol. 10, pp.319-322]
support, fills the hearts of [good]
people with greater knowledge of
God and with the pleasure of
certainty to such an extent that it is
as if they have ‘seen’ God. It is
through witnessing such mighty
signs of God’s greatness and power
that the hearts of men are purified
from the thought of everything
besides God and it is thus that they
are able to suppress and burn away
their selfish desires that are the
birthplace of sin. Their hearts then
come to be occupied by the awe of
God’s greatness, of His majesty
and omnipotence. In short, it is
through such means that God
[through His Messenger] prepares a
party of men whose hearts are

32 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Faith and Belief
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the
Fourth Head of the Ahmadiyya
Movement in Islam, (God’s Mercy
be upon his soul), offered to people
of all nationalities, faiths and beliefs
the opportunity of raising questions
and issues that were of interest to
them. Presented below are answers
to some questions that were raised in
two sessions held in London.
Compiled by Amatul Hadi Ahmad

QUESTIONER difficult. As people become more

educated, the more they think
My question is about acquiring that mysteries, of course, they
faith. I think that people come are, but to believe in a mystery
to believe in God through faith over and above other mysteries is
rather than through scientific more difficult. This is what they
proof and I wondered how say. This is what they claim but it
Islam helped people to acquire is inaccurate. The mystery of
that faith? creation is a mystery that you
must either understand or reject.
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru): The evidence, however, is so
I think the scientific proof is powerful that you cannot reject
there but, unfortunately, most it. One’s mind is incapable of
people are prejudiced in favour understanding it, yet the
of atheism. This is because principle of evidence is given
believing in something that you precedence over the principle of
cannot see, you cannot touch, faith. As far as human faith is
cannot feel in any way is very concerned, it could not have

The Review of Religions – September 2003 33

Faith and Belief

visualised these mysteries to trillion into trillion years,

have happened ‘naturally’. There ultimately, the whole universe
are objections against this belief must come to an end – there
that are repeated all over the should be nothing left.
human scientific experience – yet
they have to believe what they Visualise now eternity – had the
see. This is the only principle existence of the universe become
that can help people to realise the impossible eternally before, you
existence of God scientifically and I should not have been sitting
because if you remove God, no here! This is the greater objection
existence is possible – which is that the scientists should face –
the problem. If one considers the and many scientists do face it and
issue from different scientific say that they are driven to believe
angles, one will reach the same in the existence of God because
point. According to the science of this – there is no way out.
of Entropy, everything must
disappear altogether from The question then arises, ‘does
existence, may be in many God also lose his energy or does
trillions of years, but whatever he not’? This question was
energy exchange takes place, it addressed by Aristotle, and
loses a part of that energy in a Aristotle, who lived many
form which is irretrievable. It, thousands of years ago, was
therefore, dissipates into space, wiser than the scientists of today.
into thin air. Every time the He calculated philosophically
process of recreation of a and logically that because
universe takes place, in the form existence of anything is not
of a big bang or whatever you possible without a first cause,
may believe, the universe which that because the existence of
comes into being is slightly less created things is not possible
than the universe that had died because they lose energy – in
before it. This principle has to be action we lose energy – hence,
understood in minute detail. The the first cause would be
result would be that, call it conceived in a manner such that

34 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Faith and Belief

it does not lose energy. That is energy at all, He realises a thing

exactly the Qur’anic vision of in two separate areas out of non-
creation with the ‘word’, a existence and both are created in
concept that is also found in the their own zone while no extra
Bible. The word is not action – energy is required for their
the word is vision or wish for creation through their coming
something. God is not created so together. Similar rational
He must have some attributes arguments can be given in favour
that are not created. Created of God as believed in religion.
attributes are not the attributes of There are, however, many areas
the Creator. There is a divide of further discussion and
between the two. If that is not objections against this view. I do
true then the Creator must also not have time to repeat
have been created. Hence, everything that I have already
logically if we begin with the stated on this subject on previous
concept of a Creator, he must be occasions but I would refer you
different from whatever he to my book, [Revelation,
created. Our arguments are based Rationality, Knowledge and
on our experience of the creation. Truth] in which this and related
The nature of the Creator we do issues have been discussed at
not know. Hence, according to length. I think the rational
the Qur’an the nature of the community of the world will
Creator is such that He visualises agree that this is the dilemma we
a thing and it begins to be and are facing. We must believe in
finally comes into being in its God or not believe in our own
complete form – the energy is existence – that is the issue. This
balanced in such a manner that is the only dilemma. If we deny
nothing is lost. For instance, if the existence of God, we must
you bring together matter and also deny our own existence and
anti-matter, the result is zero. that we cannot! Both are linked
This, therefore, is a vision of God inseparably.
to create something out of
nothing. Without losing His

The Review of Religions – September 2003 35

Faith and Belief

QUESTIONER countered from another.

However, when experiences are
There is a great difficulty in only in relation to personal
trying to understand people’s behaviour and remain as such,
claims to have had experiences not much harm is done but it so
of God and faith. How should happens that personal experience
such claims be postulated and are related and attached to
understood? dogmas and beliefs. People begin
to justify dogma through
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru): supposed experiences of some
The role of religion, at present, is individuals. When the situation
almost at an end as far as mass develops to this stage, it enters a
convictions are concerned dangerous area simply because
because that time is lost. These dogmas from, for example,
days, the religious leaders seem Buddhism, Confucianism and
to have turned to the last line of Muslim Sufism and so on, all
defence and they talk of religious suddenly erupt to contradict each
experiences that are based other. Consequently, all the
around the individual and do not benefit [of the individual
have to be shared by others. Even experience] may be lost. I
if they do not believe in those believe that, provided the
experiences, at least the person individual religious experience is
who goes through that expe- not used as evidence in support
rience will be influenced by that of the dogmatic truth of the
and will modify his or her life people who go through this
accordingly. Hence these days religious experience, it is all
there is so much talk of spiritual right. It can even be good for the
experiences. person having the experience.
However, such experiences can
I believe this is a very dangerous be of two types.
area that will not hold water for
long. This is because experiences It can be a rational experience or
can be quoted from one side and it can be an irrational experience.

36 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Faith and Belief



Rational experience is only that this that it cannot be adopted as a

which is repeatable, like science. safe instrument for rehabilitating
Under the same circumstances it faith sufficiently for it to guide
should be capable of repeating one’s actions.
itself and demonstrate its truth
everywhere in the world, QUESTIONER
provided one adopts an
appropriate attitude. So far this My question is why I should be
has not been the case with the a Muslim, a follower of
great majority of the Prophet Muhammad, and how
‘experiences’ that are used to can I become one?
gain mass support. The
fraudulent people very quickly Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru):
take over this area and they take If you become a believer in God,
over on a mass scale, as has been that is the first step towards
witnessed in Africa, Syria and religion and when you become a
Egypt, for example, as spiritual believer in God the best approach
healers. There are so many to this issue should be to ask,
spiritual healers in the name of which is the religion that can
Islam, those who apparently help you get closer to God
work miracles exploiting the quicker than other religions, with
ignorance of the people. So much greater certainty and with less
confusion is, in fact, born out of danger? As such, when you look

The Review of Religions – September 2003 37

Faith and Belief

upon religions in comparison one would not remain Christian.

with Islam, Islam’s distinctive In Islam, it is exactly the
features will rise above upon the opposite. A belief in Islam
horizon where they could not be requires a person to believe in
confused with features of other Buddha(as), to believe in
religions. For instance, when you Krishna(as), to believe in Jesus(as),
believe in God, you also believe to believe in Moses(as), to believe
in the universality of God. It is in all the Prophets of God who
impossible for you to believe that appeared all across the world.
God sent His Messengers only to What, then, is to be considered a
one particular people, at one better teaching? Islam,
particular time and forgot all His obviously! It is a universal
other creation everywhere else in religion. It relates to the concept
the world. If it is such a God, it is of God having created all human
better not to believe in Him. God beings. If you were to compare
can only be believed in if He is Islamic teachings with teachings
universal. Therefore, one should of other religions, you will be led
find elements of universality in to Islam by the force of
religion. In whichever religion argument, by the force of
you find universality depicted rationality. There will be no other
and maintained, that is the best choice left for you. That is one
religion. way of reaching Islam. The
second is by praying to God. If
For instance, when one becomes you want to reach God, why not
a Christian, it is not essential for ask Him which is the best path?
one to believe in Buddha(as), to If you turn to Him with all
believe in Krishna(as), to believe sincerity, with a resolution that if
in Zoroasthra(as) or in any other He leads you to a faith, whatever
Prophet of God. Belief in Christ that may be, you will follow it,
alone is considered to be God will, then, take care of you.
sufficient. One cannot even This is the surest and the easiest
believe in the truth of the Prophet path to God.
Muhammad(sa) because if one did,

38 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Faith and Belief

QUESTIONER noted this fact and they say it is

amazing that Ahmadis are the
If Islam has an objective to only religious people who are
unite people why is it that the united not only in their beliefs
believers are so disunited today but also around a central
and what has the Ahmadiyya authority of the Caliphate that
Muslim Association done moulds their character alike. For
towards uniting people? instance, Immigration Officers
who see and interview Ahmadis
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru): arriving in the UK from all over
It is correct that those who the world for the Annual
believe in Islam today are Convention, remark that they are
disunited. Those who believe in amazed at the fact that all
Christianity today are also Ahmadis share a certain
disunited. Those who believe in similarity of conduct and general
other religions are also disunited. demeanour. It is the unity of
The fact is that truth does not Ahmadis that is proof of the truth
disunite – it unites. If one were to of Ahmadiyyat.
apply the same standard to the
Ahmadiyya Community, one
would find that Ahmadis whether
they are in Kosovo or in
Mauritius, in Europe or in
America, wherever they are they
are all united. This is the strength
of the Ahmadiyya Community.
This is why we claim that our
objective is to unite people. We
have demonstrated our unity. The
Ahmadiyya Community is a
united body even though it is
spread all over the world. Some
non-Ahmadi scholars have also

The Review of Religions – September 2003 39

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving
Men and Women
Based on a speech presented by Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Imam London Mosque, in
Toledo, Spain March 1988

Importance of the subject composed of i.e. men and

Since the creation of mankind, it women. Human beings have this
has been the cherished desire of inborn quality to love for peace
all to establish, enjoy and share and tranquillity but the
the fruits of peace and tranquillity. experience shows that the same
But, we have to admit this bitter peace-loving men and women
reality that it has always remained are occasionally seen destroying
a desire never accomplished in the very concept of peace. Where
totality. Mankind is yearning for does the fault lie? What is the
peace today more than ever remedy? How can this problem
before. How is it that having be solved? These and several
passed through the shattering and other questions of similar nature
devastating experience of two find their answer in the subject
world wars and in the shadow of a under discussion today.
nuclear holocaust, despite all the
efforts that have so far been put Islam, the religion of peace
forth to the contrary, man provides the full answer. Firstly,
continues to be far far away from through its most elaborate and
the realisation of his dream about comprehensive teachings, it
universal peace. provides the doctrinal basis for
the establishment of peace.
In order to bring about real peace Secondly, the noble example of
in our society, or for that matter the Holy Prophet of Islam,
in the world we live in, it is most Muhammad(sa) further illumines
essential to go about it through this path of peace, studded with
the components our society is historical land marks, serving as

40 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

a model to be followed. Thirdly, to the people in various ages

the emphasis on living up to the according to their particular
teachings of Islam and the noble needs and requirement. This
example of the Holy Prophet(sa) manifest guidance is called
goes a long way in the creation of religion and the torch-bearers of
peace-loving men and women to this guidance are described as the
ensure the ultimate translation of messengers of God. As all the
all ideals of peace into reality. religions have emanated from the
source of God, the Most
Islam: Religion of Peace and Gracious, Ever Merciful, it is but
Submission natural that all religions, taken in
This subject has a direct and deep their pure form, at their sources,
relevance to Islam which literally always stood for peace. They all
means peace and submission. had this common theme.
Both these mean-ings, describing
two main aspects of its teachings, But in spite of all that, no religion
are closely related to each other. other than Islam was given a
Therefore, explaining the basic name which literally means
teachings of Islam, we can say peace. This happened for the first
that Islam stands for time, in the history of religion,
establishment of real peace in all only in the case of Islam and it
directions and at all levels certainly constitutes a unique
through total obedience and distinction of this great religion.
submission to the will and Moreover, this name was given
commands of God Almighty. It by God Almighty Himself, yet
can also be said that peace is the another distinction of Islam. Both
ultimate object of Islam and these facts very clearly indicate
submission to His com- the Divine plan of things. God
mandments is the key to it. Almighty reserved this special
name to be bestowed upon that
According to Islam, God religion which presents the best
Almighty is the fountain head of and the most elaborate and
guidance which is made manifest comprehensive teachings about

The Review of Religions – September 2003 41

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

peace in a way never witnessed Permission to fight is given to

before in the history of religion. those against whom war is
made, because they have been
Islamic teachings on peace and wronged -and Allah indeed
war has power to help them-
Islam forbids aggression, but it Those who have been driven
urges to fight if failure to fight out from their homes unjustly
jeopardises peace and promotes only because they said. ‘Our
war. If failure to fight means the Lord is Allah’– And if Allah
extirpation of free belief and of did not repel some men by
the search of truth, it is our duty means of others, there would
to fight. This is the teaching on surely have been pulled down
which peace can ultimately be cloisters and churches and
built, and this is the teaching on synagogues and mosques,
which the Prophet of Islam(sa) wherein the name of Allah is
based his own policies and his oft commemorated. And Allah
practice. The Holy Prophet (sa) will surely help one who helps
suffered continuously and Him. Allah is indeed
consistently at Makkah but did Powerful. Mighty.
not fight the aggression of which (Ch.22:Vs.40-41)
he was an innocent victim. When
he migrated to Madinah, the And fight in the cause of
enemy was out to extirpate Allah against those who fight
Islam; it was, therefore, against you, but do not
necessary to fight the enemy in transgress. Surely, Allah
defence of truth and freedom of loves not transgressors. And
belief and in order to establish kill them wherever you meet
and ensure peace for one and all. them and drive them out from
where they have driven you
Before proceeding any further, it out; for persecution is worse
will be appropriate to study the than killing. And fight them
passages in the Holy Qur ’an not in, and near, the Sacred
which bear on the subject of war. Mosque until they fight you

42 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

therein. But if they fight you, towards it, and put thy trust in
then fight them: such is the Allah. Surely. it is He Who is
requital for the disbelievers. All-Hearing, all-Knowing.
But if they desist, then surely And if they intend to deceive
Allah is Most Forgiving,. thee, then surely Allah is
Merciful. And fight them until sufficient for thee. He it is
there is no persecution, and Who has strengthened thee
religion is freely professed for with His help and with the
Allah. But if they desist, then believers.
remember that no hostility is (Ch.8:Vs.62-63)
allowed except against the
aggressors. Excepting those of the
(Ch.2:Vs.191-194). idolaters with whom you have
entered into a treaty and who
Say to those who disbelieve, if have not fallen short of
they desist, that which is past fulfilling their obligations to
will be forgiven them; and if you nor aided anyone against
they return thereto, then you. So fulfill to these the
verily, the example of the treaty you have made with
former peoples has already them till their term. Surely,
gone before them. And fight Allah loves those who are
them until there is no righteous.
persecution and religion is (Ch.9:V.4)
wholly for Allah. But if they
desist, then surely Allah is And if anyone of the idolaters
Watchful of what they do. And ask protection of thee, grant
if they turn their backs, then him protection, so that he
know that Allah is your may hear the word of Allah:
Protector. then convey him to his place
(Ch.8:Vs.40-41) of security. That is because
they are a people who have
And if they incline towards no knowledge.
peace, incline thou also (Ch.9:V.6)

The Review of Religions – September 2003 43

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

It does not behove a Prophet not for aggrandisement or for the

that he should have captives advancement of any other
until he engages in a regular interests.
fighting in the land. You
desire the goods of the world, (ii) We can go to war only against
while Allah desires for you one who attacks us first.
the Hereafter. And Allah is
Mighty, Wise. (iii) We can fight only those who
(Ch.8:V.68) fight against us. We cannot fight
against those who take no part in
Then afterwards either warfare.
release them as a favour or by
taking ransom - until the war (iv) Even after the enemy has
lays down its burdens. initiated the attack, it is our duty
(Ch.47:V.5) to keep warfare within limits. To
extend the war, either territorially
And those of your slaves who or in respect of weapons used, is
desire a deed of liberation to wrong.
be contracted, write it down
for them if you see in them (v) We are to fight only a regular
any good potential and give army charged by the enemy to
them out of that wealth which fight on his side. We are not to
truly belongs to Allah which fight others on the enemy side.
He has bestowed upon you.
(Ch.24:V.34) (vi) In warfare, immunity is to
be afforded to all religious rites
Conclusions and observances. If the enemy
Categorically, we may say, these spares the places where religious
verses teach the following rules: ceremonies are held, then
Muslims also must desist from
(i) War is to be resorted to only fighting in such places.
for the sake of God and not for
the sake of any selfish motives,

44 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

(vii) If the enemy uses a place of is not abandoned. When the

worship as a base for attack, then aggressor desists, Muslims are to
Muslims may return the attack. desist also. They are not to
No blame will attach to them if continue the war because the
they do so. No fighting is enemy believes in a false
allowed even in the religion.
neighbourhood of religious
places. To attack religious places (xi) Muslims have no right to
and to destroy them or to do any meddle with another people’s
kind of harm to them is religion even if that religion
absolutely forbidden. seems to them to be false. If after
an offer of peace the enemy
(viii) The fact that the enemy continues to make war, then
started the attack from a religious Muslims may be sure of victory
place is not to be used as an even though their numbers are
excuse for attacking that place. small.

(ix) Fighting is to continue only (xii) If in the course of a battle

so long as interference with the disbelievers at any time
religion and religious freedom incline towards peace, Muslims
lasts. When religion becomes are to accept the offer at once and
free and interference with it is no to make peace. Muslims are to do
longer permitted then there is to so even at the risk of being
be no war, even if it is the enemy deceived. They are to put their
who starts it. trust in God. Cheating will not
avail against Muslims, who rely
(x) If the enemy desists, it is the on the help of God. An offer of
duty of Muslims to desist also, peace is to be accepted.
and forgive the past. Muslims are
to fight, while religious (xiii) Pagans, who enter into a
persecution lasts, and so long as pact with Muslims, keep the pact
religion is not for God and and do not help the enemy
interference in religious matters against Muslims, are to have

The Review of Religions – September 2003 45

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

reciprocal treatment from provided for.

Muslims. Piety requires that
Muslims should fulfill their part (xvii) Those who do not deserve
of a pact in the letter as well as to be released without ransom
the spirit. but who have no one to pay
ransom for them if they still ask
(xiv) If any of those at war with for their freedom - can obtain it
Muslims seek refuge with by signing an undertaking that,
Muslims in order to study Islam if allowed to work and earn,
and ponder over its Message, they will pay their ransom.
they are to have refuge with
Muslims for such time as may
be reasonably necessary for The Holy Prophet’s(sa)
such a purpose. directions about war
Islamic teachings however, do
(xv) It is not permitted to make not consist only of precepts laid
prisoners of the enemy save as a down in the Holy Qur’an. It also
result of regular war involving include the precepts and example
much bloodshed. The system of of the Holy Prophet of Islam(sa).
making prisoners of enemy What he did or what he taught in
tribes without war and concrete situations is also an
bloodshed practised until - and essential part of the Islamic
even after the advent of Islam, is teachings. We append here some
here made unlawful. Prisoners sayings of the Prophet on the
can be taken only from the subject of war and peace.
combatants and after a battle.
1. Muslims are forbidden
(xvi) Regarding the Prisoners of altogether to mutilate the
War the best thing, according to dead.
Islam, is to let off prisoners
without asking for ransom. As 2. Muslims are forbidden to
this is not always possible, resort to cheating.
release by ransom is also

46 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

3. Children are not to be killed, 10. When prisoners of war are

nor women. put under guard. those
closely related should be
4. Priests and religious placed together.
functionaries and religious
leaders are not to be 11. Prisoners should live in
interfered with. comfort. Muslims should
care more for the comfort of
5. The old men or women and their prisoners than for
children are not to be killed. themselves.

6. When Muslims enter enemy 12. Emissaries and delegates

territory. they should not from other countries should
strike terror into the general be held in great respect. Any
population. They should mistakes or discourtesies
permit no ill-treatment of they commit should be
common folk. ignored.

7. A Muslim army should not 13. If a Muslim commits the sin

camp in a place where it of ill treating a prisoner of
causes inconvenience to the war. atonement is to be made
general public. When it by releasing the prisoner
marches it should take care without ransom.
not to block the road nor
cause discomfort to other 14. When a Muslim takes charge
wayfarers. of a prisoner of war, the latter
is to be fed and clothed in the
8. No disfigurement of face is same way as the Muslim
to be permitted. himself.

9. The least possible losses 15. Public buildings and fruit-

should be inflicted upon the bearing trees and food crops
enemy. are not to be damaged.

The Review of Religions – September 2003 47

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

16.The possibility of peace method is impracticable. It

should always be kept in view would, therefore, seem that
human experience and human
From the sayings of the Holy wisdom point to only one method
Prophet(sa) it is evident that Islam of preventing or stopping war;
has instituted steps which have and that method was taught and
the effect of preventing or practised by the Prophet of
stopping a war or reducing its Islam.
evil. The principles which Islam
teaches are not pious precepts One more point should be added
only; they have their practical here. The above-mentioned
illustration in the example of the teachings were given by the
Prophet(sa) and the early Khalifas Prophet about the conduct and
of Islam. As all the world knows, behaviour of the Muslims in a
the Holy Prophet (sa) not only battle field. Generally it is said
taught these principles, he and believed that there is no rule
practised them and insisted on to be followed when you are in a
their observance. state of war. Question of mercy
and good treatment does not
Turning to our own time, I do arise. No one thinks of doing any
wish to say that several proposals act of charity and grace to any
for peace have been forwarded one. But here we see a man
and many ideal plans have been advising his followers to take
presented but no practical and every possible step to be kind
realistic example has been and considerate even to the
offered to show the world how to enemies. Here is a man who
prevent war, minimise its preaches and urges peace and
sufferings or stop it altogether. morality even in the battle field.
He is the Prophet of Islam,
To preach a method of stopping Muhammad(sa) who was rightly
wars, but never to be able to described by God as the
afford a practical illustration of embodiment of mercy for the
that method indicates that the whole of mankind.

48 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

The Holy Prophet’s(sa) farewell are equal. Even as the fingers

address of the two hands are equal, so
A landmark was set by the Holy are human beings equal to
Prophet of Islam (sa) when he one another. No one has any
spoke to his followers on the right. any superiority to claim
occasion of his last pilgrimage over another. You are as
and outlined the fundamental brothers.
teachings of Islam. Apart from so
many other things, he touched “Even as this month is
upon the equality of human sacred, this land inviolate,
beings and their equal rights and and this day holy., so has God
obligations. Needless to say that made the lives, property and
this very point shatters the honour of every man sacred.
concept of racial superiority, To take any man’s life or his
discrimination, hatred and property. or attack his
enmity – the various causes honour, is as unjust and
which have plagued our society wrong as to violate the
today. In this background, the sacredness of this day, this
address of the Holy Prophet(sa) is month. and this territory.
a monumental declaration of What I command you today is
human rights, proclaimed over not meant only for today. It is
1400 year ago, establishing the meant for all time. You are
real basis of universal peace. I expected to remember it and
wish to quote the relevant to act upon it until you leave
portion. The Holy Prophet (sa) this world and go to the next
declared: to meet your Maker.’

‘O men. what I say to you. In conclusion. he said:

you must hear and remember.
All Muslims are as brethren ‘What 1 have said to you, you
to one another. All of you are should communicate to the
equal. All men, whatever ends of the earth. May be
nation or tribe they may hold, those who have not heard me

The Review of Religions – September 2003 49

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

may benefit by it more than care for the peace between

those who have heard’. nations as did the Prophet of
Islam. No man ever did as much
The Holy Prophet’s(sa) address is as the Holy Prophet(sa) to promote
an epitome of the entire equality among mankind. No
teachings and the spirit of Islam. man pined as much as him for the
It shows how deep was the Holy good of man.
Prophet’s(sa) concern for the
welfare of man and the peace of This address of the Holy
the world. Inequality between Prophet(sa) is an outstanding
man and man always oppressed example of the beautiful way in
the Holy Prophet (sa). The which he used to teach his
conditions which made for this followers how to become peace-
inequality were conditions which loving people. He helped and
made for antagonism and war guided them by pointing out the
between nation and nation and pit-falls and high-lighting the
country and country. Unless the ways of achieving the object.
spirit of inequality was killed and This process continued
conditions which induced one throughout his life.
people to usurp the rights of
another and to attack their lives Practical guidance of the Holy
and their possessions – unless Prophet(sa)
these conditions which become Islam is a practical religion and
rampant at times of moral decay its founder, the Holy Prophet(sa)
were removed, the peace and was a practical man. Throughout
progress of the world could not his life, he made it a point to
be assured. The Holy Prophet(sa) practically guide his followers
taught that human life and human into various ways of translating
possessions had the same the teachings of Islam into real
sacredness which belonged to practice. In order to make his
sacred days, sacred months and followers peace-loving men and
sacred places. No man ever women he provided a living
showed such concern and such example of such qualities which

50 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

go a long way in shaping the the Jew not to address the Holy
human character. By way of Prophet(sa) by his personal name
illustration, I wish to present the but to address him as ‘Abu’l
following examples. Qasim’. The Jew said that he
would address him only by the
1. Self Control name which his parents had
In the East, one way of showing given him. The Holy Prophet(sa)
respect for a person whom one is smiled and said to his
addressing is not to address him Companions: ‘he is right. I was
by his personal name. The named Muhammad at the time of
Muslims used to address the my birth and there is no reason to
Holy Prophet (sa) as ‘O Messenger be upset at his addressing me by
of Allah’, and non-Muslims used that name.’
to address him as ‘Abu’l Qasim’
(ie., Qasim’s father: Qasim being 2. Justice and Fair Dealing
the name of one of his sons). On The Arabs were greatly given to
one occasion a Jew came to him favouritism and applied different
in Madinah and started a standards to different persons.
discussion with him. In the Even among the so-called
course of the discussion he civilised nations of today one
repeatedly addressed him as ‘O observes a reluctance to bring
Muhammad, O Muhammad’. prominent persons or persons
The Holy Prophet (sa) paid no occupying high positions or
attention to his form of address offices to account for their
and went on patiently doings, though the law is
expounding the matter under enforced rigorously against the
discussion to him. His common citizen. The Holy
Companions, however, were Prophet(sa) was however, unique
getting irritated at the in enforcing uniform standards of
discourteous form of address justice and fair dealing. On one
adopted by the Jew till one of occasion a case came before him
them, not being able to restrain in which a young woman named
himself any longer, admonished Fatimah, belonging to a highly

The Review of Religions – September 2003 51

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

respectable family was found to Prophet(sa) was very particular in

have committed theft. This this respect even regarding
caused great consternation as, if people who were opposed to
the normal penalty were imposed him. On one occasion a Jew
upon the young woman, a came to him and complained that
leading family would be Abu Bakr(as) had hurt his feelings
humiliated and disgraced. Many by saying that God had exalted
were anxious to intercede with Muhammad(sa) above Moses (as).
the Holy Prophet(sa) on behalf of The Holy Prophet(sa) summoned
the offender but were afraid to do Abu Bakr(as and asked him what
so. Eventually Usama was had transpired. Abu Bakr (sa)
prevailed upon to undertake the explained that the Jew had
mission. Usama went to the Holy started by saying that he swore
Prophet(sa) but the moment the by Moses (as) whom God, he said,
latter perceived the trend of his had exalted above the whole of
submission he was much upset mankind, and that he (Abu
and said: ‘You had better desist. Bakr(as)) had thereupon retorted
Nations have come to a bad end by swearing by Muhammad(sa),
for showing favours to highly whom God exalted above
placed persons while pressing Moses(as). The Holy Prophet (sa)
hard on the common people. said: ‘You should not have said
Islam does not permit this and I this as the feelings of other
will certainly not do it. Verily, if people should be respected.
my own daughter, Fatima, were Nobody should exalt me above
to commit an offence like that I Moses’. This did not mean that
would not hesitate to impose the the Holy Prophet(sa) did not in fact
appropriate penalty’”. occupy a higher position than
Moses(as) but that an affirmation
3. Respect for the feelings of like this addressed to a Jew was
others: likely to hurt his feelings and
People are generally careful not should have been avoided.
to hurt the feelings of their
friends and relations but the Holy

52 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

4. Regard for the poor Prophet(sa) said that there was no

A poor Muslim woman used to need for them to go out of the
clean the Holy Prophet’s (sa) Mosque, which was itself a place
Mosque in Madinah. The Holy consecrated to the worship of
Prophet(sa) did not see her in the God, and they could hold their
Mosque for some days and made services in it.
inquiries concerning her. He was
told that she had died. He said: 6. Fulfilling of covenants
‘Why was I not informed when On one occasion an envoy came
she died? I would have wished to to him on a special mission and
join her funeral prayers.’ And after he had remained in his
added, ‘perhaps you did not company for some days, he was
consider her worthy of convinced of the truth of Islam
consideration as she was poor. and suggested that he might
This was not right. Direct me to declare his adherence to it. The
her grave.’ He then proceeded to Holy Prophet(sa) told him that this
her grave and prayed for her. would not be proper as he was
there in a representative capacity
5. Tolerance in religious and it was incumbent upon him to
matters return to the headquarters of his
A deputation from a Christian Government without acquiring a
tribe of Najran visited him in fresh allegiance. If, after he had
Madinah to exchange views on returned home, he still felt
religious matters. It included convinced of the truth of Islam, he
several Church dignitaries. The could return as a free individual
conversation was held in the and declare his acceptance of it.
Mosque and extended over
several hours. At one stage the These are only a few examples,
leader of the deputation asked just like a few drops out of a vast
permission to depart from the ocean, but how beautifully do
Mosque and to hold their, they illustrate the nobility of the
religious service at some Holy Prophet’s(sa) character. Such
convenient spot. The Holy was his logical and convincing

The Review of Religions – September 2003 53

Islam and the Creation of Peace-Loving Men and Women

way of teaching and inculcating he taught a people who were at

the values of peace among his the level of animals the ways of
followers through his personal humanity; in other words, he
example. The six principles high- converted wild beasts into men,
lighted above are of fundamental and then turned them into
nature. if these principles are educated men and then made
strictly adhered to and followed them men of God. This
by the people in general, miraculous change has been
fundamental causes of hatred and described in a beautiful couplet by
enmity will be up-rooted. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)
of Qadian. Addressing the Holy
The actual outcome and the result Prophet(sa), he says ‘You found
of this wise way of reformation them (the Arabs) in a hopeless
and moulding the human moral state. lower than the
character can be witnessed in the filthiest thing in the world. And
life time of the Holy Prophet(sa). then you transformed them into a
The great revolution which took glittering piece of gold.’
place in Arabia over 1400 years
ago is undoubtedly unparalleled Finally I wish to submit that Islam
in human history. A nation known provides the theoretical as well as
for its short temper and the practical answer to the
indulgence in tribal war-fare was question of creation of peace-
reformed into a people dedicated loving men and women. It is the
to the cause of peace. He turned need of the time that the true
the fighters – who loved to teachings of Islam, contained in
destroy peace – into ambassadors the Holy Qur’an and practically
of peace, spreading and preaching demonstrated by the Holy
the message of peace throughout Prophet(sa), should be followed in
the world. He found the whole letter and spirit, with a sincere and
world in darkness and by his pious intention for the
appearance that darkness was establishment of world peace.
converted into light. Such perfect
reform was particular to him that

54 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Attempts to Philosophically
Justify the Finality of Non-Law-
Bearing Prophethood
This is an extract taken from the book Revelation,
Rationality, Knowledge and Truth, written by Hadhrat Mirza
Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV

Two major attempts have been made by Muslim theologians and thinkers to
logically justify the cessation of even non-law-bearing prophets. The first
relates to the issue of the need for a new teacher. The advent of a perfect teacher
and a perfect book, it is argued, obviates the need of any other teacher to follow.
Of course, if it can be proved that the presence of a perfect book and the
appearance of a perfect teacher are sufficient guarantees against any future
moral or spiritual decline, then there is no reason why, after this, another
prophet should ever be raised again. Regrettably however, this proposition can
neither be proved correct theoretically nor historically.

This contention is insupportable because the bringing of a book of law is not the
only function performed by prophets. Prophethood is a thing of many
splendours. After the death of a law-bearing prophet, the mere preservation of
his book and his traditions cannot offer a sufficient substitute for prophethood
itself. The case in point becomes amply clear when we examine the conduct of
Muslims after the demise of the Holy Prophet(sa). The progressive deterioration
of Muslim society should be sufficient to prove this point. The difference
between their moral status during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet(sa) and that of
Muslims today defies comparison. The Book however remains the same
perfect, unaltered, un-interpolated Book that it was fourteen hundred years ago.

The second justification in support of the Doctrine of Absolute Finality relates

to the idea of the intellectual maturity of man. The chief proponent of this view
is no less a person than *Allamah Iqbal claimed by some to be the greatest
Muslim thinker of modem times. This doctrine of maturity is based on the
assumption that the Holy Qur’an was revealed at a time when man had finally
reached the ultimate stage of his mental and intellectual maturity. As such, he

The Review of Religions – September 2003 55

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

stood in no further need of day-to-day guidance by any Divine personage as did

his ancestors of earlier ages. A beautiful philosophy but how hollow and empty
of substance it turns out to be under closer scrutiny. The very premise that man
has matured enough to be able to draw his own conclusions and chart his own
course of conduct from the principle teachings of a perfect religion is
challengeable on many counts.

It should not be forgotten that at every stage of man’s progress, he always

considered himself to be at the summit of intellectual maturity. At every point
in history, the generation which occupied it also considered itself to be at the
pinnacle of human progress. Looking back from their vantage point, all
previous generations must have appeared less mature and less advanced by
comparison. Yet at no stage in the past has man behaved wisely enough to guide
himself. Heads such as that of the Pharaoh’s were always raised in defiance of
Divine guidance. All such rebels rejected the prophets of their time with the
same inflated ideas of their own importance. All repeated the same claim over
and over again that they had matured to take care of their own affairs.
Nonetheless, history proves each of them to be wrong. It is so naive therefore,
to consider the contemporary age as the only one in which man has finally
become self-sufficient in every aspect of his moral and spiritual requirements.

As far as the concept of maturity is concerned, it is also falsified by the realities

of history. After the passing away of prophets the division and multiplication of
religious sects, based on doctrinal differences and varying interpretations, is a
universal trend that has not spared the followers of any religion including Islam.
Hence, it is not simply his intellectual maturity which helps man to draw right
conclusions from the scriptures, he must also be Divinely guided.

If ‘maturity of man’ is taken to mean that he becomes independent in drawing

his conclusions from the study of scriptures, then there must ensue a perfect
unity of agreement on all the fundamental aspects of religious teachings. Alas,
what we observe in real life fails miserably to support this view. Muslims, the
proud recipients of the last perfect Book, are no less divided among themselves
in the matter of interpretation than are the peoples of all other religions. To what
avail, therefore, is the so-called maturity of man? The history of religion proves
that people once split into sects and schisms have never been reunified by
human effort alone. The same inevitably applies to the Muslims today. Without

56 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

the agency of a Divine Reformer, they cannot be assembled again under the
single flag of Unity. But they have outrightly rejected this Divine measure, the
only avenue of hope left open to them.

The existence of about seventy-two doctrinal divisions among them, despite a

well-preserved book and a well-documented record of traditions, throws a
dismal light on the Iqbalian philosophy of the maturity of man.

Their differences are not merely marginal. They are fundamental and deep-
rooted, further multiplying and proliferating as time goes by. Add to this the
moral destitution prevailing in the Muslim world and the tragedy of their lifeless
existence becomes all the more pathetic. Commit their survival to the maturity
of their intellect and perform ablution for their funeral rites, 'ashes to ashes, dust
to dust and earth to earth - Amen!’

What misery! Why can modern intellectuals not understand that the purification
of a religious society is a task which the mere existence of a Perfect Book cannot
perform? Were it so, the followers of Islam must have retained an exemplary
state of ideological unity. This unfortunately is farthest from the truth.

All that can be said here in defence of the late Dr ‘Allamah Sir Muhammad
Iqbal is that the idea of blocking the passage of Heavenly light with this
balderdash did not originate from him. His mistake was to copy, rather blindly
one must say, the great German philosopher Nietzsche. It was Nietzsche who
had first employed the idea of the maturity of human mind in the modem age
against any need of guidance from God. In fact, Nietzsche coaxed man to come
to age and utilize his own faculties of five senses. Overman, or superman, is
Nietzsche's term for a man who reaches a stage of maturity where his senses are
developed to the full. Such a man needs no God to guide him - a God which
according to him is no more than a conjecture. Such conjectures were born out
of an imperfect faculty of reasoning during an age when man had not yet
matured enough to become his own master. Now that man had attained maturity,
he concluded in his book Thus spoke Zarathustra* – the symbolic oracle of the
wisdom of Nietzsche that there was no more need for holding onto conjectures.

‘Once one said God when one looked upon distant seas; but now I have
taught you to say: overman (superman).

The Review of Religions – September 2003 57

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

‘God is a conjecture; but I desire that your conjectures should not reach
beyond your creative Will.’ 1

‘Could you think a god? But this is what the will to truth should mean to
you: that everything be changed into what is thinkable for man, visible
for man, feelable by man. You should think through your own senses to
their consequences.’ 2

‘God is a conjecture; but who could drain all the agony of this conjecture
without dying?’2

The long and short of Thus spoke Zarathustra is a

rebellion of Nietzsche against a conjectural god
which in fact is the Christian idea of God, and to
understand Zarathustra clearly as to why he
rebelled against God, one must read the chapter
Retired.3 But for our purpose it should be
sufficient to note that the oracle of Nietzsche’s
wisdom sets man free from being guided from on
high. The maturity of his faculties is sufficient to
guide him.

This exactly is the Iqbalian philosophy against the need of a prophet after man
has matured to the maximum of his faculties. Instead of employing this
borrowed philosophy for a categorical rejection of the need for God, ‘Allamah
Iqbal neatly trimmed the maturity concept to suit his own purpose within the
framework of Islam. He conceded that though man stands in need of a Perfect
Master and a Perfect Book, once this objective is accomplished he requires no
more to be badgered with any further interference from on high. But that is not
all there is to it. The doctrine of maturity, as amended by Iqbal, does not merely
do away with the need of prophethood, it does away altogether with the need
for any communication from God even in the form of non-prophetic revelations.
This has to be the only logical conclusion drawn from his doctrine of maturity.
The maturity concept requires total independence of man from further Divine
guidance in any form. He has become capable of taking all-important decisions
for himself in the light of the guidance already vouchsafed to him. Man, Iqbal
argued, is no longer a child to be walked with his little finger held in a prophet's

58 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

hand. Has he not matured to full adulthood, to shift for himself? A sound
healthy logic it seems, but just one glance at the spiritual decadence and utter
moral destitution of man today is sufficient to dispel this argument as entirely
fallacious and conjectural.

Enough of Iqbal and his postulations. Let us now turn to Maudoodi, another
renowned scholar of the mainstream Sunni Muslims. He pleads that the absolute
cessation of prophethood after Prophet Muhammad(sa) has been a singular
blessing of God upon mankind. It is a boon, especially for the Muslims, because
it spares them the risk of rejecting a Divine messenger of God ever again. They
are shielded from ever being accursed by God, as others before them were cursed,
for committing the crime of rejecting the prophets of their time. Such a view
deserves to be treated more by way of a joke rather than a legitimate argument.

Maudoodi’s philosophy, if accepted, would imply that the very institution of

prophethood is a curse indeed otherwise its cessation could not have been
claimed to be a blessing. This appears to be more in line with the thinking of St.
Paul, who branded the law of the Torah as a curse and believed Jesus to be the
redeemer because he did away with that law. If there were no law to be broken,
argued St. Paul, there would be no sin to be committed.

The aery Maudoodi philosophy however, does not

seem to originate from St. Paul alone. It also
resurrects the image of Bahaullah. What the
Messiah had done by rejecting the law of the Torah,
according to St. Paul, Bahaullah claimed to have
done to the Qur’anic law. Thus he pronounced
himself to be the liberator of mankind from the
bondage of the Qur’an. Nonetheless he did not
imitate St. Paul entirely because St. Paul had never
claimed a role of God personified for himself. He
assigned this role of godhead entirely to Jesus.
Jesus to him, was in fact a liberator who had
undone the blunder committed by ‘God the Father’
against mankind. The very promulgation of Divine law was tantamount to the
creation of sin. Hence, by cancelling the Divine law, what Jesus actually
achieved was to have destroyed the very soil from which sin sprouted. By the

The Review of Religions – September 2003 59

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

same act of redeeming mankind he appears to have simultaneously redeemed

‘God the Father’ from the folly of creating sin.

Bahdullah applied this philosophy only partially and argued that the Qur’anic
law being too heavy and cumbersome had lost its relevance to the people of the
modern age. So by liberating mankind from this exacting ‘burden’ he feigned to
set them free, but not entirely so. He betook for himself the role of a new ‘Law-
maker’, after cancelling the previous Law. But in the final analysis Bahdullah
succeeded only in making a mockery of God and himself. The shariah that
Bahaullah dictated to replace the law of the Quran was no more and no less than
a blatant affront to common sense, reason and rationality.

Between these two modern day disciples of St. Paul, i.e. Bahaullah and
Maudoodi, nothing seems to have been left of the religion of Islam. As for the
Qur’anic law, Bahaullah claimed to have done away with it in the name of
emancipation. As for the institution of prophethood, Maudoodi ventured to
abolish it by virtue of the same Pauline philosophy. Both failed to achieve their
objectives in the sight of God. Both were applauded as great heroes in the sight
of men who were already spiritually diseased.

But Maudoodi did not follow St. Paul entirely. He did not go as far as to suggest
that the Qur’anic law should be annulled by God, lest the people should incur
His wrath by failing to abide by it. He only applied the Pauline principle to the
institution of prophethood. Even if non-law-bearing prophets are raised after the
Holy Founder(sa) of Islam, they are likely to be rejected by the majority of
Muslims as prophets have been rejected before them. Thus according to
Maudoodi's logic, the threat of the curse would keep hanging over their heads
like the sword of Damocles. In Maudoodi’s estimation by altogether doing away
with the institution of prophethood after the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa), God
has bestowed untold blessings upon mankind, particularly upon the Muslims.

If the institution of prophethood is finally brought to a close, lest people should

be cursed, it is tantamount to pronouncing prophethood itself to be a curse.
Thus, the neo-Pauline philosophy of Maudoodi would require God to do away
with the curse of prophethood altogether. What deliverance! What redemption!
Good riddance is the other name for it!

60 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

But it should be clearly understood that this logic is applicable as much to the
past as it is to the future. Why was Jesus(as) sent by God before the Holy
Prophet(sa)? Does not the Holy Qur’an categorically denounce the Jewish people
as accursed for the crime of denying him? And what happened to earlier
peoples? Did they not defy the Divine messengers sent to them and mock and
ridicule them? A sad reflection on human arrogance indeed! Thus declares the
Holy Qur’an:

Woe to mankind. Never does a prophet come to them, but they scorn him and
ridicule him!4
(Ch.36; V.31)

It is amazing why God did not think of bringing this curse to an end earlier in
time. What happened to the Jewish people throughout the long history of their
encounters with the prophets? Were they not cursed at the tongue of David(as)?
What happened to the people of the Book between the time of Moses(as) and
Jesus Christ(as)?

Was this universal human trend of treating all messengers of God inhumanly not
sufficient to make God realise that prophethood was more of a curse than a
blessing? Why was Noah(as) sent and why Abraham(as) and why Lot(as)? Did their
rejection not cause the wrath of Allah to befall upon their people? But for some
insignificant few, were they not obliterated from the face of the earth? Still, the
idea that struck Maudoodi did not strike God. Was it because it was Maudoodi’s
mind which had fabricated this myth of a god? Such infirmity of judgement
behoves only a brainchild of his. God kept sending prophet after prophet but
arrogant man continued to reject them, one after the other. The curse they thus
earned cannot be blamed on the office of prophethood, they themselves are to

Again, if this argument is accepted as valid at any particular point in time, it

must also be accepted as valid at all times since the advent of Adam(as). The fear
of rejection of Adam(as) by his people, who would thus incur upon themselves

The Review of Religions – September 2003 61

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

the wrath of God, should have been enough justification for God never to have
sent Adam (as) at all. If the fear that people should reject a lesser prophet from
among the followers of Hadhrat Muhammad(sa) is a legitimate reason for the
cessation of prophethood altogether, then the same fear should have stood in the
way of the advent of the Holy Founder(sa) of Islam even more powerfully. Is he
not the best among all the prophets? Of course he is – as the entire world of
Islam testifies. Being supreme among them, for him to be rejected was to earn
the worst curse of God ever inflicted. Alas Maudoodi seems to have completely
forgotten that not only was the Holy Prophet(sa) rejected by most of the world’s
population of his time, but also his truth is still denied by three-fourths of
mankind today. At best, it is just one-fourth of the human population which can
be described as believers in the Holy Prophet(sa). But can they really be defined
as Muslims? Is their faith in the Holy Founder(sa) of Islam genuine enough to
include them among those who really believe? Maudoodi thinks otherwise. Out
of the one billion population of the Muslims, nine hundred and ninety-nine in
every one thousand are already condemned by him to be virtually non-Muslims:

‘This huge hotch potch body of the so-called Muslims is such as nine
hundred and ninety nine out of every one thousand have no knowledge of
Islam whatsoever. They are incapable of distinguishing right from wrong.
Nor have their moral and mental attitudes been in the least Islamicised.
From father to son, from son to grandson, they have only inherited a
Muslim name and no more.’

From Maudoodi’s account of the scheme of things, God had better not send any
Divine book or messenger lest His poor creatures should be cursed forever.

Yet Maudoodi believes in the justification of God sending all His prophets since
the time of Adam(as) to the time of the best among them. If their rejection

62 The Review of Religions – September 2003

Attempts to Philosophically Justify the Finality of Non-Law-Bearing Prophethood

brought a curse from God on those who rejected them, what exceptional harm
would it do if one more like them is added to the list. But the paradox in
Maudoodi becomes more of an eyesore when he is discovered to believe in the
re-advent of Jesus Christ (as) as a prophet of God.

If instead of the old Jesus(as), a new non-law-bearing prophet was to be raised

from among the people of Islam, how could he in any way alter this eternal
grand plan of cursedness? Why should only his advent be objectionable while
all those before him since the time of Adam(as) served the same Divine decree
of a perpetual curse?

1. Kaufmann, W. (1976) The Portable Nietzsche. Penguin Books. England, p.197

2. Kaufmann, W. (1976) The Portable Nietzsche. Penguin Books. England, p. 198

3. Kaufmann, W. (1976) The Portable Nietzsche. Penguin Books. England, p.370-375

4. Translation of Ch.36:V.31 by the author.

5. Maudoodi, Syed Abul-a’ala. Musalman Aur Maujoodah Siyasi Kashmakash. Ist ed.
Vol.111. Published by Maktabah Jama’at-i-Islami, Dar-ul-lslam, Jamilpur,
Pathankot, p.130

* Zoroaster, a great prophet of Persia, is understood by many Zoroastrians to be a

dualist. many others insist he was a monotheist. His name is spelt and pronounced
differently. we have adopted Zoroaster, the English version, with which most
people are familiar. Nietzche, however, refers to him as ‘Zarathustra’. In this
context we have used his term with his spelling but the person is the same.

The Review of Religions – September 2003 63

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