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1 Perspectives on Coastal Geomorphology: Introduction

DJ Sherman, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.1.1 Introduction 1
10.1.2 Nearshore Processes 2
10.1.3 Morphodynamic Systems 2
10.1.4 Coastal Environments 3
References 4


Coastal geomorphology studies the interactions of marine, atmospheric, geologic, and anthropogenic systems. It is an
especially important sub-discipline because coastal systems tend to be dynamic, whereas the concentrations of human
populations in coastal zones expect the environment to be static. The volume is organized around three themes. The first
theme is nearshore processes, including those associated with waves and sediment transport. The second theme is mor-
phodynamic systems, and it includes reviews of beaches, nearshore bars, tidal inlets and lagoons, barrier systems, gravel
systems, and beach–dune systems. The third theme is coastal environment, which includes chapters on rock coasts,
estuaries, coral systems, mangrove environments, developed coasts, and the evolution of coastal landforms.

10.1.1 Introduction and morphodynamic interactions, can improve the human

Coastal geomorphology remains one of the most vital sub- Traditionally, most coastal geomorphologists tended to
disciplines in the field of geomorphology, and it is concerned focus on either nearshore processes or landform responses.
with some of the most dynamic environments on the Earth. These foci called for substantially different theoretical and
The coast is the triple interface of land, sea, and air. It is also methodological approaches. Oceanographers and engineers
the environment within which most of the human population centered mainly on processes (e.g., Inman and Bagnold,
lives and where their activities have impacted coastal processes 1963), and geographers and geologists centered mainly on
and responses. Most coastal environments include, therefore, responses (e.g., Russell, 1942). Much of that changed with the
overlapping signatures of atmospheric processes, especially morphodynamics revolution that began at the Louisiana
wind and temperature; hydrodynamic processes, especially State University with the works of Jim Coleman and Choule
waves, currents, tides, and fluvial discharges; sedimentological Sonu, but exploded with the development of the Australian
and geological controls, especially particle size, bedforms, School at the Coastal Studies Institute at the University of
sedimentary structure, slope, and materials; and human im- Sydney. The broad organization of this volume, therefore,
pacts, especially shore protection structures and beach nour- follows the general categorization of topics into the themes of
ishment. In some coastal environments these signatures are so Nearshore Processes, Morphodynamic Systems, and Coastal
closely intertwined that one cannot be distinguished without Environments. Of course this distinction is sometimes mis-
reference to others. The difficulty in studying and modeling leading, as the overlap between these themes is greater than
coastal environments does not reduce the importance of ever before.
doing so. It is estimated that the human population of the Because of the complexity of coastal environments, the
Earth surpassed seven billion in late 2011, as reported in an professional literature appears in a broad spectrum of jour-
article by Smith (2011). A disproportionate number of those nals, including (but not limited to): Coastal Engineering; Con-
beings live in coastal zones that are, as pointed out by Smith, tinental Shelf Research; Earth Surface Processes and Landforms;
exceptionally vulnerable to coastal hazards at present, and Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Geo-Marine Letters; Geo-
their susceptibility to catastrophe is expected to increase. morphology; Journal of Coastal Research; Journal of Geophysical
Sea-level rise and the resulting erosion of beaches will lead to Research; Journal of Sedimentary Research; Journal of Port, Coastal
dramatic displacements of population and infrastructure. At- and Ocean Engineering; Journal of Sedimentary Research; Marine
tempts to mitigate these and other coastal changes will require Geology; Progress in Physical Geography; and Sedimentology.
substantial intervention and investment to offset deleterious Recent textbooks include those by Komar (1998), Woodroffe
impacts. This threat alone makes coastal geomorphology one (2002), Dean and Dalrymple (2002), Davis and Fitzgerald
of the most relevant of the sub-disciplines – one where increased (2004), Davidson-Arnott (2010), Bird (2011), and Masselink
understanding of nearshore processes, landform responses, et al. (2011); and a large number of more specialized texts and
references are concerned with particular coastal environments.
The interest in the field prompted Elsevier to commission a
Sherman, D.J., 2013. Perspectives on coastal geomorphology: introduction.
In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on
Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine Science. Many of the chapters
Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal in that work directly complement the content of this volume.
Geomorphology, pp. 1–4. One purpose of both the Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 1

2 Perspectives on Coastal Geomorphology: Introduction

Science and the Treatise on Geomorphology is to produce co- Sedimentation Processes; and Andrew Plater and Jason Kirby on
herent and up-to-date reviews of the diverse literature in order Sea-Level Change and Coastal Geomorphic Response.
to produce a useful and scholarly professional reference set. In
the chapters included in this volume, I believe that the goal
has been accomplished. 10.1.3 Morphodynamic Systems
The volume begins with Tony Orme’s comprehensive re-
view of what he has termed the ‘Four Traditions’ (Chapter The study of morphodynamic systems represents an analytical
10.2) of our discipline. He traces recorded interests in coastal perspective that explicitly recognizes the close feedback between
issues back to the early writings, on clay tablets, from Baby- form and process. Andy Short and Derek Jackson (Chapter
lonia, but focuses on developments from the Renaissance to 10.5) review briefly the history of the morphodynamic concept
the mid-twentieth century. The traditions Orme identifies are: and then discuss its application to a growing number of en-
(1) Earth Science; (2) Mathematical Theory; (3) Ocean Sci- vironments, but focus on sandy beaches, where the main
ence; and (4) Coastal Engineering. Developments in the last morphodynamic regimes are dissipative, intermediate, or re-
half century are discussed in the separate chapters in this flective. These regimes describe the wave energy characteristics
volume or in chapters in the Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine of different beach environments. In addition to the geo-
Science, but the paths established in the four traditions can be morphological applications of the morphodynamic concept,
identified still in the modern literature. the authors also discuss applications for coastal engineering
and beach ecology. Finally, they categorize morphodynamic
issues according to time scales of inquiry, and summarize a
10.1.2 Nearshore Processes number of research questions to advance understanding of
beach morphodynamics. Answering these questions will be
The study of nearshore processes concerns mainly the behavior among the challenges posed to the next generation of coastal
of waves and wave-driven currents and their interaction with geomorphologists.
the underlying surface to erode and transport sediments. The development of nearshore bars is an important mor-
Therefore the second chapter, by David Huntley (Chapter 10.3), phodynamic response to wave forcing and sand transport.
follows the development and application of wave theory, par- Robin Davidson-Arnott (Chapter 10.6) follows the evolution
ticularly in the context of nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment of thought associated with the study of bars and their classi-
transport, and morphodynamical interactions. In this chapter fication, and then organizes the remainder of his chapter by
we see contributions from, mainly, the two traditions of addressing four key challenges to understanding the controls
Mathematical Theory and Ocean Science, with the Coastal on bar morphodynamics: (1) what are the mechanisms of bar
Engineering tradition a close third. It is notable that all modern formation; (2) what environmental factors determine whether
wave theory traces roots to developments by eighteenth century bars will form along a particular coast; (3) what mechanisms
mathematicians, and underpins the numerical model systems control the modification and migration of nearshore bars; and
now used commonly to simulate nearshore processes and re- (4) what are the morphodynamic controls on the morphology
sponses. Huntley discusses the performance of several packaged of nearshore bars? Because nearshore bars play such an im-
modeling systems with regard to empirical data, and notes the portant role in modulating surf zone energy dissipation, this
importance of improving our understanding of what happens information is needed to properly model nearshore circu-
when waves break and how that process can be described lation and beach responses.
physically and quantitatively. The presence of barrier islands and spits is closely associ-
Sediment transport, in one sense, is not a process, but a ated with inlets and, in many cases, lagoons. The literature
response to wave and current processes. In the context of concerning these systems is reviewed by Duncan Fitzgerald
landform evolution, however, sediment transport can be and Michael Miner (Chapter 10.7). Barrier systems are wide-
viewed as comprising the suite of processes that drive change. spread (see chapter by Randy McBride and friends (Chapter
It is in this latter context that Troels Aagaard and Michael 10.8)), therefore so too are inlets and lagoons. Tidal inlets play
Hughes (Chapter 10.4) review the state-of-the-art in nearshore fundamental roles in the exchange of water and sediments
sediment transport studies, in particular those that treat sandy between terrestrial, fluvial, estuarine, and marine environ-
systems. They discuss developments in theory and empiricism, ments. The authors discuss the distinctive morphologies of
and the chapter underscores the importance of technological different types of landforms associated with inlets, especially
innovation in improving, especially, field studies of across with regard to the formation of deltas, channel morphology,
shore (shore perpendicular) and alongshore (shore parallel) and equilibrium forms of lagoons. The importance of inlets as
transport. The review also follows the development of the controls on alongshore sediment dynamics is highlighted as
Mathematical Theory, Ocean Sciences, and, to a lesser an example where human impacts have been particularly
degree, Coastal Engineering traditions, into the twenty-first deleterious.
century. Randy McBride and a team of 16 other coauthors have
There are several chapters in the Treatise on Coastal and Es- produced a comprehensive overview of the major barrier is-
tuarine Science that are relevant to the theme of Nearshore land and spit systems of the Earth’s coastlines (Chapter 10.8).
Processes. These include the chapters by Reginald Uncles on The review is organized around a coastal tectonic framework
Water and Fine Sediment Circulation; Chunyan Li on Free developed first by Inman and Nordstrom (1971), including
Surface Motions; Judith Wolf on Waves in Coastal and Estuarine the Amero-trailing edge coasts, marginal sea coasts, and col-
Waters; Johan Winterwerp on The Physical Analyses of Muddy lision coasts. The authors provide tectonic, geological, and
Perspectives on Coastal Geomorphology: Introduction 3

evolutionary models for each of the barrier systems discussed, cesses. She summarizes the major approaches to classifying
and review the dominant environmental controls on large- estuaries, how they are affected by water level changes asso-
scale morphology. The morphodynamic controls, research ciated with sea-level change and tides, how they respond to
developments, knowledge gaps, and future research needs are wave forcing and fluvial discharge, and how sediments move
discussed for each region. through the system. Jackson concludes the chapter with a
Julian Orford and Ed Anthony (Chapter 10.9) review beach discussion of continuing issues such as estuary response to
morphodynamics in the context of gravel systems, where gravel future environmental changes (such as projected sea-level
is used in the broad sense to represent sediments larger than rise), and how human activities might impact estuarine pro-
sand. Gravel beaches tend to have steep beach slopes, causing cesses and forms.
them to be morphodynamically reflective. Partially because of The literature on coral systems is reviewed by Paul Kench
that, gravel systems tend to be stable relative to their sandy (Chapter 10.13), with a strong emphasis on the geomorpho-
counterparts. However, there have been relatively few studies to logical, rather than biological, characteristics and controls on
support this empirically, as the authors point out, and it is coral reefs and related forms. The chapter is organized to
much more difficult to install and maintain instrumentation highlight themes of carbonate budgets on and around reef
systems in gravel systems. Orford and Anthony describe some systems; the distribution and evolution of those systems; de-
of the scaling and human impact challenges facing those sci- velopment of reefs through the Holocene; and morphody-
entists who work in gravel environments, especially the dif- namics and eco-morphodynamics of reefs. Kench identifies
ficulties in applying the results of relatively small-scale field four research gaps for future study involving a lack of know-
experiments to long-term gravel barrier evolution. ledge about: (1) regional scale reef development and change;
The complex theme of beach and dune interaction is (2) rates of carbonate cycling; (3) details of formation and
reviewed by Chris Houser and Jean Ellis (Chapter 10.10). morphodynamics of reef sedimentary landforms; and (4)
Beach–dune interaction concerns exchange of sediments be- hydrodynamics and sediment transport on reef platforms.
tween beach systems and dunes systems, which have been The geomorphology of mangrove environments is re-
generally treated as independent of one another. In the sense viewed by Tom Spencer and Iris Möller (Chapter 10.14). There
that one system is dominated by hydrodynamics and the other is, of course, a great deal of interest in mangroves as ecological
by aerodynamics, such a partition is sensible. The sediment systems. Spencer and Möller focus on the close linkages be-
exchange between these systems does not recognize the dis- tween mangrove systems and associated geomorphic pro-
tinction. Houser and Ellis detail the natural and scale de- cesses and responses, and assess these relationships at global,
pendency of interactions, and summarize the conceptual regional, and local scales. They describe many of the sensi-
models that treat this theme. Special attention is paid to tivities of mangrove systems to environmental change, but
complications in modeling sand transport arising from fetch note that existing work has not clearly defined the relative
effects, sediment moisture content, and vegetation. roles of event-driven versus secular environmental changes
There are other morphodynamic systems, and several are versus human impacts. Therefore, in many mangrove en-
discussed in the Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine Science. In vironments, it is quite difficult to adequately diagnose their
particular, aspects of the morphodynamic approach can be long-term viability.
found in the treatments of River-Dominated Coasts, by Colin Karl Nordstrom (Chapter 10.15) has long been at the
Woodroffe; and Tidal Flat Morphodynamics, by Carl Friedrichs. forefront of studies of human-altered, or developed, coasts. In
many coastal environments the works of humans dominate
landform change, but mostly in efforts to stabilize or fix
10.1.4 Coastal Environments geomorphic and related systems. He surveys first a quick his-
tory of human impacts on coastal environments and the
There are several coastal environments where the suites of modes through which change has been affected. Emphasis is
geomorphic processes and responses are altered substantially placed on beach nourishment and dune development as im-
by local conditions of climate or material properties. For ex- portant examples of human works designed to mimic natural
ample, Wayne Stephenson, Mark Dickson, and Alan Trenhaile forms. These approaches allow some mobility of the resulting
(Chapter 10.11) review the environmental characteristics as- landform. Nordstrom also reviews key aspects of coastal
sociated with rock coasts. The geomorphic behavior of rock structures, which tend to immobilize parts of a landscape. He
coasts departs substantially from that of sand or gravel systems concludes the piece with an overview of some of the research
because the strength of the rock materials increases the re- and policy challenges facing geomorphologists working in
sistance to change. The authors review the modes and rates of developed coastal systems.
operation of the variety of processes that modify rock coasts, Richard Davis Jr. (Chapter 10.16) has produced a concise
and the characteristics of the landforms that result. They review of the evolution of coastal landform types through the
conclude by identifying key challenges for future work, in- Holocene, a period dominated, in a coastal context, by rising
cluding how better to represent rock resistance across scales, sea level. He begins with the geological and tectonic controls
the clarification of the role of inheritance in modern landform on large-scale morphology that provide the framework for
morphologies, and the need for increased understanding of subsequent landform modification. The topic touches upon
interactions between biota and substrate, among others. many of the themes reviewed in the earlier chapters in this
Nancy Jackson (Chapter 10.12) reviews estuaries, especially volume, especially as he traces the development of estuaries,
in the context of large-scale morphology, the main estuarine barrier systems and inlets, glaciated coasts, deltas, and car-
sub-environments, and the dominant hydrodynamic pro- bonate systems. Concepts of long-term coastal change are
4 Perspectives on Coastal Geomorphology: Introduction

exemplified in a series of case studies from Australia, Europe, There are many rewards associated with editing projects
and North America. such as this. First, it is a great opportunity to work with col-
Several chapters in the Treatise on Coastal and Estuarine leagues new and old. Second, it provides a renewed overview
Science also treat the geomorphology of coastal environments of the literature of the discipline. Third, it is rewarding to see
and complement the work presented herein. These include how active the community of coastal geomorphologists (and
Megan Dethier on Classes of Nearshore Coasts; Burg Flem- friends) is. And there is the reward of finishing!
ming on Estuarine and Coastal Geology and Geomorphology; Finally, during the production of this volume, three con-
Wave-Dominated Coasts by Robin Davidson-Arnott; Dune tributors passed away. Terry Healy, Nick Kraus, and Greg Stone
Coasts by Patrick Hesp; and Glaciated and Polar Coasts by were lost to our community. Each, in his own way, made
Don Forbes. There are also important chapters, closely related important contributions to our understanding of coastal sys-
to the study of coastal geomorphology, that appear in other tems. Each will be missed.
volumes of the Treatise on Geomorphology. These include the
chapters on The Coastal Weathering Environment, by Derek
Mottershead (Chapter 4.13); Seawater and Biokarst Effects on
Coastal Limestones, by Jo De Waele and Stefano Furlani
(Chapter 6.28); Coastal Dunes, by Patrick Hesp and Ian
Bird, E.C.F., 2011. Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction, Second ed. John
Walker (Chapter 11.17); Ecomorphology of Salt Marshes, by Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 436 pp.
Sergio Fagherazzi (Chapter 12.12); and Electronic Measure- Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2010. Introduction to Coastal Processes and Landforms.
ment Techniques for Field Experiments in Process Geo- Cambridge University Press, 442 pp.
morphology, by this author with Chris Houser and Davis, R.A., Fitzgerald, D.M., 2004. Beaches and Coasts. Blackwell, Malden, MA,
419 pp.
Andreas Baas (Chapter 14.17). Dean, R.G., Dalrymple, R.A., 2002. Coastal Processes with Engineering
Some words of appreciation are also due. Many colleagues Applications. Cambridge University Press, 475 pp.
reviewed one or more of the chapters for this volume. They Inman, D.L., Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Littoral processes. In: Hill, M.N. (Ed.), The Sea.
include: Bernard Bauer, Richard Davis, Sergio Dillenberg, Jean John Wiley and Sons, New York, vol. III, pp. 529–553.
Inman, D.L., Nordstrom, C.E., 1971. On the tectonic and morphologic classification
Ellis, Eugene Farrell, Paul Gares, Patrick Hesp, Diane Horn,
of coasts. Journal of Geology 79, 1–21.
Chris Houser, Art Kroon, Bailiang Li, Richard Seymour, Colin Komar, P.D., 1998. Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Prentice Hal, Upper Saddle
Woodroffe, and Jan Vermaat. To them great thanks are owed. River, NJ, 544 pp.
Their contributions to improving this volume were immense. Masselink, G., Hughes, M.G., Knight, J., 2011. An Introduction to Coastal
The Editor-in-Chief of the Treatise on Geomorphology also de- Processes and Geomorphology, Second ed. Hodder Education, London, pp. 400.
Russell, R.J., 1942. Flotant. Geographical Review 32, 74–98.
serves thanks for the opportunity and his patience and pro- Smith, K., 2011. We are seven billion. Nature Climate Change 1, 331–335.
fessionalism. Thanks too to the Elsevier staff, especially Claire Woodroffe, C.D., 2002. Coasts: Form, Process and Evolution. Cambridge University
Byrne for shepherding this effort. Press, 623 pp.

Biographical Sketch

Doug Sherman is a Professor of Geography and Department Chair at the University of Alabama. His academic
credentials include a PhD in Geography from the University of Toronto and he was a postdoctoral scholar in the
Ocean Engineering Department at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He has been a Professor of Geography
at the University of Southern California and at Texas A&M University. He is a Fellow of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, Past Chair of the IGU’s Commission on Coastal Systems, and a Councilor of the
American Geographical Society. Professor Sherman’s research expertise is in nearshore processes and sediment
transport in coastal and aeolian systems. He has produced more than 100 scholarly publications, and his research
has been supported by numerous state and federal programs.
10.2 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology
AR Orme, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.2.1 Introduction 7
10.2.2 Concepts from the Distant Past 7
10.2.3 Questions of Time and Space 10 The Time Factor 10 The Space Factor: Mapping Coasts and Plumbing Seas 11
10.2.4 The Earth-Science Perspective – The Landlubbers 12 Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment, 1500–1800 12 Coastal Form and Process Refined, 1800–1950 14
10.2.5 The Mathematical Theorists 18 Foundations of Tide Theory before 1850 19 Refinements of Tide Theory after 1850 19 Foundations of Water-Wave Theory before 1850 19 Refinement of Water-Wave Theory after 1850 20 Theories on Ocean and Nearshore Currents, 1850–1950 21
10.2.6 The Ocean Science Perspective – The Seafarers 21 Renaissance, Exploration, and Scientific Revolution before 1850 21 Emergence of Scientific Oceanography, 1850–1950 22 Relative Sea-Level Change 23
10.2.7 The Coastal Engineering Tradition 26
10.2.8 Conclusion: Welding Noble Traditions into Modern Practice 30 Information Technology 30 Coastal Tectonics 31 Relative Sea-Level Change 31 Coastal Processes 32 Rates and Predictions of Coastal Change 33 Coastal Management 34
References 34

Glossary Cnoidal wave A shallow-water wave form defined by an

Bathymetry The measurement of water depth. elliptical function.
Beaufort scale A scale of wind force devised in 1806 Coastal ecology The study of coastal organisms and their
by British naval hydrographer, Francis Beaufort, to reflect habitats.
the amount of sail a frigate could carry, and revised in 1850 Coastal engineering The theory and practice of designing,
to reflect anemometer data, and again in 1906 to reflect constructing, and repairing hard and soft coastal structures,
sea state. and of their interaction with coastal forms and processes.
Breaker zone The zone in which incoming translatory Coastal geomorphology The study of coastal landforms
waves become unstable and collapse, normally as spilling, and the processes that shape them.
plunging, or surging breakers whose form influences water Coastal management The theory and practice of planning
motion in the surf zone farther inshore. for and management of coasts, including onshore and
Catastrophism A belief, common in the seventeenth and offshore areas directly relevant to coasts.
eighteenth centuries, that ascribes Earth’s features to divine Continental freeboard Land area above sea level as a
creation, or Noah’s flood, or catastrophes like earthquakes percentage of the continental block area.
and volcanoes. Rejection of biblical catastrophism was a Deep water Water deeper than one-half the surface
thrust of Uniformitarianism during the nineteenth century. wave length, such that the sea floor has little if any effect
Neocatastrophism recognizes that the present is not always on surface waves and their impact on sediment
the key to the past, or the future. transport.

Orme, A.R., 2013. The four traditions of coastal geomorphology. In:

Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on
Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal
Geomorphology, pp. 5–38.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 5

6 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Denudation Literally the laying bare or uncovering of Oscillatory waves Deep-water waves wherein wave forms
an underlying object by the removal of overlying material. move through the water body but, because individual water
In geomorphology, it has come to mean surface lowering particles move in closed or nearly closed orbits, the mass
by the combined action of mass wasting and erosion transport of water is ideally zero.
processes. Plate tectonics A concept developed in the mid-twentieth
Estuary A semienclosed part of a river mouth wherein century that, building on earlier notions of continental
outflowing fresh water is measurably diluted by inflowing drift, defines Earth’s crustal mobility in terms relatively rigid
sea water. continental and oceanic plates shifting across the litho-
Eustasy A term for global sea-level change, introduced by sphere and upper mantle in response to subcrustal forces
Eduard Suess (1888). In its modern sense, eustasy reflects and plate dynamics.
changes in ocean volume (e.g., attributable to glaciation) or Remote sensing The observation and measurement of
in ocean-basin capacity (e.g., attributable to tectonism). data by recording devices not in direct contact with the
Fathom An ancient but still used measure of water depth, object. These devices sense electromagnetic energy (light,
equivalent to 6 feet or 1.83 m. heat, or radio waves) and force fields (electrical, gravity, or
Foreshore zone That part of the shore lying between the magnetic surveys). Common remote platforms include
swash limit, just above higher high water, and lower low aircraft, space satellites, surface ships, and submerged vessels.
water that is exposed during a tidal cycle. The zone is Rip current A high velocity component or jet within the
characterized by swash and backwash (onshore and seaward return flow (it is not a ‘rip tide’).
seaward return flows, respectively). Sea charts Maps of coasts and oceans that record such
Isostasy A term for Earth’s potential crustal equilibrium, variables as coastlines, water depth, tides, ocean currents,
introduced by Clarence Dutton in 1882. At the coast, and sea-floor conditions (also called marine charts).
isostasy is expressed in elevation changes attributable Seaward return flow The broad current that returns
mainly to crustal loading and unloading by glacier ice backwash from the shore to the nearshore zone, sometimes
(glacio-isostasy) or water (hydro-isostasy). involving rip currents (q.v.).
Knot A unit of speed equal to 1 nautical mile (B1 min of Shallow water The zone, generally inshore of deep water,
latitude, 1.15 statute mile, 1.85 km) per hour. in which water depth is less than one-half the surface wave
Littoral drift The nearshore movement of sediment, length and in which surface waves interact with bedforms
generally involving longshore currents. and sediment transport. Gradations of shallow water are
Longshore current The movement of water, more-or-less commonly invoked relative to the breaker zone.
parallel with the shore, triggered by wave approach oblique Sinusoidal wave An ideal oscillatory wave having the
to the shore. form of a sinusoid, defined by George Airy in 1845.
Marine biology The study of marine organisms, both Surf zone The zone of agitated water between the breaker
plant and animal. zone and the foreshore.
Marine regression The fall of sea-level relative to the Swash The uprush of water, generally from a breaking
shore. The last global regression accompanied the growth of wave, across the foreshore.
the last Pleistocene ice sheets and was responsible for Translatory waves Shallow-water waves wherein, owing
exposing much of the continental shelf to a depth of to friction induced by bottom conditions, water-particle
B130 m below present sea-level. orbits become more elliptical and the upper part of the
Marine transgression The rise of sea-level relative to the wave is propelled more rapidly shoreward. These waves thus
shore. The last global transgression, commonly called the deform, shoal, eventually break, and depending on breaker
Flandrian Transgression, accompanied the melting of the type, some water moves onshore as surf and swash. These
last Pleistocene ice sheets and became responsible for waves and the nearshore currents they generate play
defining most of the world’s coasts. important roles in erosion and sediment transport.
Mean sea level The average height of the ocean surface for Trochoidal wave A progressive nonsinusoidal oscillatory
all tidal stages over a 19-year period. This is not necessarily wave, first defined by Franz Joseph von Gerstner in 1802,
the mean tide level or the specific datum used for land and whose form approximates a trochoid or prolate cycloid.
ocean surveys. Tsunami A long-period, usually shallow-water wave
Nautical The vertical distance between waterline and a triggered normally by underwater earthquakes, volcanic
ship’s main deck. activity, or landslides. The term means ‘harbor wave’ in
Nearshore zone The variable zone extending seaward Japanese; if earthquake-triggered, it may be called a ‘seismic
from the shoreline to the outer limit of translatory waves sea wave.’ It is not a ‘tidal wave.’
and related wave-induced currents. Uniformitarianism A belief, developed in the late
Neptunism A belief, attributed to Abraham Werner and eighteenth century, that the present is the key to the past,
his followers, that Earth’s rocks had been precipitated from that Earth’s surface features are mostly shaped by observable
a universal ocean, which shaped landforms as it receded. processes over a very long time. The belief stresses
Oceanography The study and mapping of the oceans, uniformity of physical principles, but not of physical
including their physical, chemical, and biological processes whose magnitude and rate change. The term is
components. akin to Actualism, but differs from Gradualism.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 7


Following perspectives on the distant past and changing notions of time and space, this essay identifies four traditions in
the growth of coastal geomorphology from the Renaissance to 1950, namely those based on Earth science, mathematical
theory, ocean science, and engineering. Each with its own methods and goals, and never mutually exclusive, these traditions
reflected the changing scientific milieus of their time. The Earth science tradition grew from quaint description, early
constrained by biblical notions but later enlightened, to a better understanding of coastal forms and processes after 1800.
The mathematical tradition emerged from theoretical and experimental studies of tides, waves, and currents, which earlier
led to equilibrium and dynamic tidal theories and then, after 1800, to distinctions between deep-water and shallow-water
waves, oscillatory and translatory waves, and a better understanding of nearshore wave deformation and decay. The ocean-
science tradition reflected the global explorations and navigational aids of early modern times, and the gradual acquisition
of real data on tides, waves, currents, coastal forms, and sediment. After 1850, scientific oceanography improved under-
standing of ocean processes and sedimentation, and the eustatic and isostatic forcing of sea-level change. The coastal
engineering tradition emerged from the need to address real issues, such as erosion, flooding, reclamation, navigation, and
harbor development. Since 1950, these four traditions have been welded into the modern practice of coastal geomorph-
ology, from which six themes are selected as exemplars: information technology (including emergent remote sensing as a
fifth tradition), coastal tectonics, refinement of form–process relations, relative sea-level change, rates of coastal change, and
coastal management.

10.2.1 Introduction the changing scientific milieus of their time. The conclusion
shows how these themes, aided by an emerging remote-
Coastal geomorphology studies landforms along coasts and sensing tradition, were welded into modern practice after
the processes that shape them. By extension, it involves 1950.
understanding the drainage basins that provide sediment to
the coast, the continental margins that store sediment and
modify processes approaching from deep water, and biotic 10.2.2 Concepts from the Distant Past
interactions with these systems, all within the context of
changing land and sea levels, and human activity. The field From earliest times, people acquired an intuitive understand-
thus involves those elements of geology, meteorology, hy- ing of coastal habitats and resources, as shown by archaeo-
drology, oceanography, and biology that shape coasts; the logical evidence for transient campsites, primitive boats,
mathematics, physics, and chemistry of relevant processes; and fishing tools, and a sense of process. Coastal cultures de-
the effects of population pressure, industry, engineering, rec- veloped traditions that were passed, commonly embellished,
reation, and management. This essay is shaped around a se- from generation to generation. Mesolithic tribes of Dogger-
lection of this cornucopia of knowledge. land in the North Sea and Neolithic farmers near the
Scientific progress should always be viewed in its human Persian Gulf were surely aware of the rising seas driving
context. Beyond fisherfolk, traders, and adventurers, most them from preferred habitats. When folklore came to be
early peoples viewed coasts as the edge of the habitable world, written down, the documentary record began, albeit often as
as natural obstacles fraught with danger and discomfort. Then, legends beguiled by ambiguity and uncertainty, as reflected in
as human curiosity expanded during and after the Renais- coastal place names such as Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway
sance, so too did interest in coasts. When, in the nineteenth and the Pillars of Hercules at the western end of the
century, steam railways began introducing more people to the Mediterranean.
seaside and steamships expanded travel and trade, human Early coastal records from the distant past include inci-
impacts on coasts accelerated. Maritime nations with eco- dental notes on Babylonian clay tablets, Egyptian papyri,
nomic, political, and military goals became more aware of and Chinese silks. Classical Greek and Roman maps and
coastal resources and began fostering research. Today, no study charts were more helpful, showing as they did rudimentary
of the coast can ignore the impacts of, and implications for, water depths, but where explanations of coastal features re-
human life and livelihood. mained elusive, the gods could be invoked. Even so, seafarers
As now practiced, coastal geomorphology developed dur- of these distant times understood the links between storms
ing the later twentieth century as advancing technology and and high seas, the perils of shoaling water and lee shores, the
globalization yielded new data and fresh concepts. None- tranquility of safe anchorages, and the nature of tides and
theless, its lineage stems from roots in the distant past, from estuaries.
the discoveries and scientific revolution of early modern times, Gradually, a spirit of more rational enquiry began probing
and the subsequent emergence of differing investigative tra- coasts of the Greek oikoumene, the habitable world, such as
ditions. Accordingly, following perspectives on the distant that known to Hecateus of Miletus (550–476 BC, Figure 1).
past and issues of time and space, this essay identifies Herodotus (484–25 BC) viewed sediment delivered seaward
four traditions in the growth of coastal geomorphology from by seasonal floods and equated the Nile’s distributaries with
the Renaissance to 1950, namely those emanating from the Greek letter delta (D). Aristotle (384–22 BC) theorized on
(1) Earth science, (2) mathematical theory, (3) ocean science, Earth’s sphericity and climates. Theophrastus (371–287 BC)
and (4) coastal engineering. Each with its own methods and identified atmosphere–ocean forcing of coastal change. Era-
goals, and never mutually exclusive, these traditions reflected tosthenes (276–194 BC) constructed wind roses and, whereas
8 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 1 The known world and its coasts around 500 BCE, according to Hecateus (550–476 BC). Reproduced with permission from Ernest Rhys
(Ed.) 1912. A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, map credit: courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.

Mediterranean waters offered limited opportunities to study Indian Ocean coasts and recorded water depths, winds, and
tides, recognized hydraulic forcing of tidal currents between currents. The Venerable Bede (672–735) and Gerald of Wales
Euboea and mainland Greece. Those who travelled farther, (1147–1220) were among those describing coastal erosion in
such as Pytheas (B325 BC) and Posidonius (135–51 BC) Britain, and Heligoland islanders recorded their shoreline
along Atlantic coasts and Seleucus of Babylon (B150 BC) shrinking from 192 km in 800 CE to 72 km in 1300 (and to
in the Arabian Sea, pondered ocean currents and the 5 km by 1900). The portolan charts that began appearing in
Earth–Moon–Sun forcing of tides. Such voyages involved a thirteenth century Europe combined existing knowledge with
grasp of celestial navigation and use of crude charts and sailing observations using the new mariner’s compass and recorded
directions such as the Periplus of Scylax. Strabo (63 BC–AD in sailing directions (portolanos).
24) blamed sea-level change on earthquakes and volcanoes, Human impacts on coasts increased over time. For some
discussed sediment transport by rivers to the sea, and related communities, defense against the sea and wetland reclamation
delta size to the erodibility of river basins. By this time, sedi- became necessary, as shown by dikes in ancient Egypt and
mentation problems caused by harbor construction were China. Later, where Romans had found a freshwater lake in
being noted from Iberia to India, Chinese scholars were ex- the Netherlands, medieval marine transgressions breached
plaining tides, and better maps were being compiled, notably coastal dunes to form the Zuiderzee. Dikes had been built
Ptolemy’s (BAD 90–168) Geographia (Figure 2). earlier but rising sea level and compaction of endiked sedi-
Following the decline of classical Mediterranean civil- ment needed windmill-driven pumps if these polders were to
izations, the expansion of Islam from the seventh century saw be reclaimed for agriculture. Across Europe, peat-cutting in
Arab and Asian mariners advance understanding of tides, coastal marshes also favored marine incursions, and vege-
winds, waves, and monsoons. A ninth-century work on the tation grazing by domestic animals, deer, and rabbits de-
astronomical forcing of tides by Abu Ma’shar reached Europe stabilized coastal dunes, leading to medieval attempts at dune
with returning travelers. Astronomers in tenth-century Basra management.
conceived a cycle of erosion and transport of terrigenous Human awareness of coasts is thus rooted in the distant
sediment to the coast, which reversed the roles of land and sea past. But many notions were wrong; others were promising
over a Great Year of 36 000 years (Ellenberger, 1996). In his but vague. Some cultures maintained mystical explanations of
Quadrans Habilitatis, the Muslim scholar Abu Rihan Bir- things they did not understand, and imaginative embellish-
unensis (CE 973-1038) depicted improving knowledge of ments appeared on maps for the want of real data. Although
Asian coasts around 1030 (Figure 3). The seven voyages led by social contacts were limited, literacy rare, and religion per-
Zheng He (1371–1435) from China (1405–33) surveyed suasive, scientific issues struggled for debate. This was to
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 9

Figure 2 The known world and its coasts around CE 150, according to Ptolemy (CE 90–168). Reproduced with permission from Ernest Rhys
(Ed.) 1912. A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, a map credit: courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.

Figure 3 The known world and its coasts around CE 1030, according to Abu Rihan Birunensis (CE 973–1038). Reproduced with permission
from Ernest Rhys (Ed.) 1912. A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, with a map credit of: courtesy the private
collection of Roy Winkelman.
10 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

change as travelers, traders, and scholars from the more pro- came to be seen mostly as the debris of former glaciers
gressive societies of Europe and Asia began exchanging ideas, (Buckland, 1823). Those favoring a seismic origin gained
notably in the emerging academies of medieval Europe and support after major earthquakes rearranged coasts near
the Islamic world. By the fourteenth century, the constraints of Port Royal, Jamaica, in 1692, and Lisbon, Portugal, in 1755.
feudalism and religious dogma were being challenged by Re- Modified Catastrophism persisted well into the nineteenth
naissance thinking. Then, over the next two centuries, the century. Georges Cuvier (1769–1832) identified six
initial pulses of global exploration and discovery emanating catastrophes to explain extinctions in the fossil record (Cuvier,
from maritime Europe heralded the scientific revolution. 1812–1821), and Timothy Conrad (1803–77) invoked
‘periodical refrigeration’ to explain similar events beneath the
Atlantic coastal plain (Conrad, 1839). In 1821, an American
scholar could still state: ‘‘Is it not the best theory of the earth,
10.2.3 Questions of Time and Space that the Creator, in the beginning, at least at the general
deluge, formed it with all its present grand characteristic
Today, it is difficult to credit some early notions of time features?’’ (Wilson, 1821: 253).
and space, but then we benefit from hindsight provided by Uniformitarianism espouses the belief that the present
better instruments and a plethora of information. Early ob- is the key to the past and that landforms are mostly shaped by
servers might describe local coasts, but what did their views slow observable processes over very long time. If this premise
really mean in terms of change over longer time and broader is accepted, then Earth time must be sufficiently long to
space? It is thus appropriate to review some concepts of time accommodate the many episodes of erosion and de-
and space that long befuddled studies of coasts and position recorded in the rocks. A greater age for Earth had
landscapes. been implied earlier. Nicolaus Steno (1638–86) had formu-
lated stratigraphic principles, notably the law of super-
position, which needed extended time (Steno, 1669). John
Ray (1627–1705) pondered how fossils in rocks could be re- The Time Factor
stricted to biblical time (Ray, 1692). Mikhail Lomonosov
Time is critical to understanding coasts: limited time con- (1711–65) deduced an age of 390 000 years from Earth’s axial
strains what is possible; extended time makes much possible. tilt (Lomonosov, 1763), and Georges Buffon (1707–88)
The time factor long confounded scholarship and was not concluded that it would take up to 75 000 years for a
addressed objectively until the advent of radiometric dating in molten Earth to cool and 3 million years to build its
the twentieth century. Even then, time issues were mainly the sedimentary cover (Buffon, 1778). Then, in his enquiry into
realm of landlubbers, until evidence that could be dated began Earth’s origins, James Hutton (1726–97) found ‘‘no vestige of
emerging from the ocean. a beginning – no prospect of an end’’ (Hutton, 1788: 304). In
In the sixteenth century, although Leonardo da Vinci (1452– 1802, Uniformitarianism gained support from mathematician
1519) invoked Po River sedimentation over 200 000 years, John Playfair (1748–1819) and biologist Jean-Baptiste
most Europeans believed Earth to be about 6000 years old. This Lamarck (1744–1829). By 1830, the intellectual climate was
was likely based on Moses’ opinion that 1000 years were but agreeable enough for Charles Lyell (1795–1875) to invoke
one day in the sight of God (Psalm 90:40), which led later limitless time in his defining ‘Principles of Geology’ (Lyell
generations to view the six days of creation as 6000 years. Then, (1830–33)). As the nineteenth century progressed, Lyell’s
in 1650, James Ussher (1581–1656) opined that Earth had concept of limitless time was in turn challenged by scientists
been created in 4004 BC, thereby setting the stage for a pro- who, from inferred cooling rates of igneous rocks and accu-
longed tussle between persons of faith who believed it and an mulation rates of sedimentary rocks, increased Earth’s age
initial few who did not (Ussher, 1650). A retrospective view from a few million to hundreds of millions of years (Orme,
defined these beliefs as pitting the Catastrophism of religious 2012). Then, as the twentieth century opened, Earth’s age was
orthodoxy against the Uniformitarianism or Actualism of dis- greatly extended by reference to radioactive decay rates of
senters (Whewell, 1832; Orme, 2002, 2012). certain minerals, which now date Earth’s origins to approxi-
Catastrophism’s limited time-frame implied that Earth’s mately 4600 million years.
features must have been formed during creation or, failing Although Earth’s age may seem of little relevance to
that, by later floods, earthquakes, or volcanoes; and what modern coasts, it does provide time-frames within which
better cataclysm than Noah’s flood, which Ussher had dated to ocean basins and continental margins come and go, seas rise
2349–48 BC! Then, for almost 200 years, belief in variants of and fall, and coastal processes operate. For example, we now
the flood theme, or Diluvialism as it came to be called, led to know that most existing ocean basins are no more than 200
much mischief. Thomas Burnet (1635–1715) ascribed the million years old and that the last major marine transgression
flood to the bursting of a fluid-filled sphere and showed how so important to defining modern coasts began approximately
nature at one stroke had dissolved the frame of the old world 20 000 years ago – ages that would have been inconceivable
and made a new one out of its ruins (Burnet, 1681). Abraham without modern understanding of Earth time. However, we
Werner (1749–1817) transmuted this theme into Neptunism, also now recognize that coastal processes do not act uniformly
a belief that all rocks had been precipitated from a primeval over time, and that catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsuna-
ocean that had shaped landforms as it receded. It was well into mis, and hurricanes do indeed reshape coasts in very short
the nineteenth century before surficial deposits, still attributed time, as exemplified by the events that ravaged the east coast of
to Noah’s flood by William Buckland (1784–1856) in 1823, Honshu, Japan, in 2011.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 11 The Space Factor: Mapping Coasts and Plumbing Gerhard Kremer (Mercator, 1512–94), whose map projection
Seas became the basis for sea charts, and Abraham Ortelius
(1527–98) who published an atlas of 70 charts, Theatrum
Today, the world’s coasts are well defined, thanks to advanced
Orbis Terrarium, in 1570 (Figure 5).
survey and remote-sensing technology. That this was not so in
Land-survey techniques improved from the late seven-
past centuries explains the many errors of early observers, in-
teenth century on, notably from work by the Cassini family in
cluding medieval perceptions of a flat Earth on which mariners
France that defined coasts for contemporary sea charts (e.g.,
sailed beyond the horizon at their peril. This was to change as
Cassini de Thury, 1783). Such maps, together with military
the Renaissance resurrected Greek calculations of Earth’s shape,
needs, paved the way for the formation of national surveys,
and maps and charts began rolling off printing presses from the
like the Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain (later
fifteenth century on. These events and the expanding interests
Ordnance Survey) in 1791. Long before creation of the US
of maritime nations heralded a remarkable phase of ocean and
Geological Survey in 1879, large-scale maps of America’s
coastal exploration. Scale globes became popular but, as Greek
Atlantic and Gulf coasts were also appearing.
scholars had found, projecting Earth’s curvature onto a flat map
Continuing marine exploration during the eighteenth and
might work locally but was no easy task over larger areas.
early nineteenth centuries, aided by advances in celestial
Mapping coasts did not come easily. Land-based surveys of
navigation using improved sextants and marine chronometers,
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were crude and coasts
provided better charts. The invention by John Harrison
distorted. Ship surveys were worse, with California commonly
(1693–1776) of a timepiece sufficiently robust for ship travel
depicted as an island. But the quest for accuracy led to im-
was a welcome replacement for lunar tables in defining lon-
proved instruments and better understanding of geodesy, lon-
gitude. Notable voyages included those to then little known
gitude, and triangulation. Published in 1693, a ‘Carte de France
polar and Pacific waters by Vitus Bering (1680–1741), James
corigée par Ordre du Roi sur les Observãons de Mrs. de l’Aca-
Cook (1728–79), George Vancouver (1757–98), John Ross
démie des Sciences’ shifted France’s west coast 1.5o of longitude
(1777–1856), Fabian Bellingshausen (1778–1852), James
eastward relative to the Paris meridian and brought the north
Weddell (1787–1834), Otto von Kotzebue (1787–1846),
and south coasts 80 km closer (Figure 4). For narrow seas, pilot
Dumont d’Urville (1790–1842), Charles Wilkes (1798–1877),
charts and navigation manuals, or waggoners as they came to
and James Ross (1800–67). English commercial needs led the
be called, were valuable assets, notably the Spieghel der
East India Company and Hudson’s Bay Company to chart
Zeevaerdt (Mariner’s Mirror, 1584) of Lucas Waghenaer
Indian Ocean and Arctic coasts, respectively. Whaling and
(1533–1606) and The Seaman’s Secrets (1587) of John Davis
sealing vessels added more information. Such charts attracted
(1543–1605). Beyond coastal waters, European ocean voyages
mapmakers, such as Bourguignon d’Anville (1697–1782) of
yielded much new information, notably those of Bartolomeu
Paris, who had never been to sea, Thomas Jefferys (d. 1771) of
Dias (1451–1500) and Vasco da Gama (1469–1524) to the
London whose quest for accurate coast surveys bankrupted
Indian Ocean; of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), John
him, and the Blunt family of New York who charted American
Cabot (1450–99), Sebastian Cabot (1476–1557), and Amerigo
waters in the early nineteenth century.
Vespucci (1454–1512) to America’s east coast; and of Ferdinand
Advances in charting coasts were also aided by new
Magellan (1480–1521) and Francis Drake (1540–96) to the
hydrographic agencies in maritime nations such as France
Pacific. These new facts reached a wider audience through
(1720), Spain (1753), Denmark (1784), and Britain (1794).
The Hydrographic Office of the Royal Navy came to produce
Admiralty Charts and descriptive Pilots for most of the world’s
coasts. The United States established a civilian Coast Survey in
1807 and a naval Depot of Charts and Instruments in 1830.
Defense needs produced some accurate harbor charts, notably
of Charleston (1807) and New London (1811), but until the
Hydrographic Office was formed in 1866, the United States
had no coordinated naval charting agency. Charts were aug-
mented by aids such as the Practical Navigator initiated in
Britain by John Hamilton Moore (1738–1807) and The New
American Practical Navigator founded by Nathaniel Bowditch
(1773–1838) in 1802. The Coast Survey became fully oper-
ational in 1832 and, after California joined the union in 1850,
began charting Pacific coasts (Figure 6). Its reports, notably by
George Davidson (1825–1911), are valuable vignettes of the
Pacific coast in the mid-nineteenth century, including Alaska
after its 1867 purchase from Russia. Coastal mapping im-
proved progressively during the early twentieth century, aided
by the gyrocompass, aerial photography, photogrammetry,
Figure 4 Carte de France, 1693, based on surveys by Jean Picard echo sounding, and radar (radio detection and ranging). Later,
(1620–82) and Philippe de la Hire (1640–1718), which moved French satellite remote sensing and global-positioning systems refined
coasts inward from earlier locations. Based on surveys ordered by coastal mapping and filled many lacunae, notably for polar
King Louis XIV. coasts and sea ice.
12 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 5 The known world and its coasts in 1570, according to Abraham Ortelius (1527–98). Reproduced with permission from Ernest Rhys
(Ed.) 1912. A Literary and Historical Atlas of Asia. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, a map credit: courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.

Mapping coasts in two-dimensions was demanding but (1806–73) to prepare a bathymetric chart for the North At-
producing three-dimensional images was more challenging. lantic, although a 1000-fathom contour interval barely hinted
Soundings had been recorded in fathoms (6 feet, 1.829 m) at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Maury, 1854; Figure 7). Then, as
for over 2000 years and as these increased so too did sampling and winching devices and detachable sinkers im-
understanding of nearshore bathymetry. Although mapmakers proved, the volume of deep-sea data proliferated (McConnell,
still struggled to depict onshore relief, chartmakers were 1981). A Carte Générale Bathymétrique des Océans first ap-
using contours (isobaths) to link soundings of equal depth to peared in 1904. Invention of electronic echo sounding (1912)
a common datum, illustrated by bathymetric charts of the and sonar (sound navigation and ranging) then revolutionized
Golfe du Lion (1725) by Luigi Ferdinando di Marsigli the speed and accuracy of underwater mapping.
(1658–1730), the Merwede estuary (1729) by Nicolaas
Cruquius (1678–1754), and English Channel (1737) by
Philippe Buache (1700–73). 10.2.4 The Earth-Science Perspective – The
By the late eighteenth century, coastal bathymetry was rea- Landlubbers
sonably defined for Europe but the shape of the deep oceans
remained unknown. Deep-water soundings had been taken Landlubbers, from the relative safety of shore, contributed
earlier but, before the advent of power winches, hauling in many early observations on coasts, feeding grist to the Earth-
more than a few fathoms of sounding line was laborious and science mill. They also heard, but did not always believe, the
the results fraught with error. Then, when nations began en- tales of returning seafarers. As technology improved, so coastal
gaging their navies in deep-sea research, initially using cannon forms and processes became better understood although,
balls on heavy hemp lines, the situation improved. Constan- apart from tides, systematic observations were rare before
tine Phipps (1744–92) took soundings in Arctic waters 1800 (Table 1).
(Phipps, 1774), and John Ross recovered bottom sediment
from Baffin Bay (Ross, 1819). In 1840, his nephew James Ross Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and
plumbed the sea floor to 5000 m off Antarctica. Soon, closely
Enlightenment, 1500–1800
spaced soundings and samples were being retrieved before
laying transatlantic telegraph cables. By 1854, sufficient Stimulated by the Renaissance, more people were exposed to
deep-sea data were available for Matthew Fontaine Maury printed maps and literary itineraries rendered in quaint
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 13

Figure 6 Drake’s Bay, California, in 1853 (Courtesy: US Coast Survey), and in 1973 (Courtesy: US Geological Survey).
14 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

and devoured’ coasts; Richard Verstegan (1550–1640) claimed

that Britain had been separated from France by seismic or
human activity after Noah’s flood and the Straits of Dover
scoured as the North Sea emptied; and Gabriel Plattes
(1600–44) stated that England had once lain under the
sea (Davies, 1969). Information was also disseminated in
books by Nathanael Carpenter (1589–1628) in 1625 and
Bernhardus Varenius (1622–1650) in 1650, which combined
quaint notions with prescient ideas like Carpenter’s notion of
beach equilibrium (Carpenter, 1625; Varenius, 1650).
Variations on the biblical flood theme long persisted, as in
Burnet’s fanciful model that attributed ragged coastlines to
differential collapse of ocean blocks into an abyss vacated by
Noah’s flood (Burnet, 1681; Figure 8). Gradually, more ra-
tional ideas began to emerge from theorists who sought
mathematical solutions to physical processes based on ob-
servation and experiment, fostered by new academies such as
the Royal Society in London (1662) and the Académie des
Sciences in Paris (1666). Stimulated by Newton, some scho-
lars suggested that the Straits of Dover had been breached by
tidal currents reversing between the English Channel and
North Sea. New ideas also prompted more logical explan-
ations of coastal erosion, notably by Lomonosov for Russia’s
Arctic coast and Jean-Etienne Guettard (1715–86) in France. Coastal Form and Process Refined, 1800–1950

As the nineteenth century dawned, perceptions of coasts as
Figure 7 Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806–73), American naval obstacles threatening danger and discomfort waned as needs
hydrographer and geographer. Courtesy: US Navy. and opportunities emerged to manipulate them for settle-
ment, trade, industry, defense, and recreation. Popular interest
language yet to be standardized. Thus did John Leland in coasts was also stimulated by the Romantic Movement,
(B1502–52) describe human-induced estuarine sedimen- by poets and painters inspired by the sea’s shifting moods
tation and a barrier-lagoon system in Devon, England: (Figure 9). These attitudes attracted many empirical studies
which, unrelated at the time, paved the way for later research.
The river of Darte by tinne works carieth much sand to Totnes By 1800, uniformitarian scientists were explaining coasts in
Bridge and chokith the depth of the river all downward, and doth terms of observable processes. Hutton (1795) discussed river-
much hurt to Dartmouth Haven y. Ther is a very large poole at mouth bars and estuarine flats. Playfair (1802) distinguished
Slapton at 2 miles in length. Ther is but a bar of sand twixt the se
between oscillatory and translatory waves, onshore currents
and this poole. The fresch water drenith into the sea thorough the
sandy bank. The waite of the fresch water and the rage of the se and seaward-return flows, and sediment coarser inshore and
brekith sumtime this sandy bank (Leland, 1543; Toulmin Smith finer offshore. He also understood how rock debris derived
(Ed.), Leland (1906-1910): 219–222). from rivers and cliff erosion ‘‘become instruments of further
destruction, and make a part of the powerful artillery with
Then William Bourne (1535–82) captured the essence of which the ocean assails the bulwarks of the land’’ (Playfair,
cliff erosion thus: 1802: 101). Lamarck (1802) understood the terrigenous
source of most coastal sediment, wave and current power, and
My opinion is thys, as the age of the worlde is of no small tyme, so the organic nature of coral reefs but, like Playfair, exaggerated
in the process of tyme the often sufferynges of the bellowes of the the erosive effects of tides and puzzled over emerging evidence
Seas have beaten away the feete of those hilles, that are by the sea
for sea-level changes.
coastes. And so undermyning it, although it were of harde stone, yet
the wayght of that which was undermined hanging over, in rayny Lyell’s rigid Uniformitarianism accorded much importance
wether, or after great frost, must needes fall downe into the Sea. to the sea, influenced perhaps by Britain’s insularity and his
And then that soyle or substuance that fell downe, in process of belief in surficial sediment deposited onshore by drifting ice-
tyme was beaten or washed away agayne, by the often soussing of bergs. Repentant catastrophist Henry de la Beche (1796–1855)
the bellowes of the sea, in the time of great wyndes and stormes,.
And then the stuffe so fallen down, being washed and consumed
described differential cliff erosion and the effect of tidal ranges
away, the sea doth begin to undermine it agayne, by litle and lytle of 15 m in Brittany and the Severn estuary (Beche, 1833;
(Bourne, 1578: Bk. V, Ch. III). Figure 10). Andrew Ramsay (1814–91) went farther, assigning
landscape denudation to marine planation, and Ferdinand
William Camden (1551–1623) and John Speed von Richthofen (1833–1905) attributed stratigraphic uncon-
(1552–1629) showed how the Irish Sea had ‘slashed, mangled, formities in China to prolonged marine denudation on
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 15

Table 1 The four traditions of coastal geomorphology, selected benchmarks, 1500–2000

Date Culture Earth science Mathematicians Ocean science Coastal engineering

1500 Late Leonardo da Vinci Columbus, da Gama

Renaissance Vespucci
Leland Copernicus
Alkmaar reclaimed
Ortelius Waghenaer
Bourne Drake, J. Davis
Camden, Verstegan
1600 Mare liberum defined
Kepler North Holland meers
Scientific Carpenter reclaimed
Revolution Galileo Reclamation of English
Descartes Fens begins
Ussher, Varenius Vermuyden
Royal Society directions
Brest tidal records
Burnet Newton, Leibniz
Ray Equilibrium tides Density currents
1700 Catastrophism Halley
Enlightenment Marsigli’s Histoire

Agrarian Bernouilli
Revolution Lomonosov Harrison’s Longitude
Guettard Franklin
Diluvialism Laplace Phipps in Arctic
Hutton Dynamic tides Lamblardie
1800 Industrial Playfair Gerstner Beaufort wind scale US Army engineers
Revolution Lamarck Oscillatory waves Fleming
Uniformitarianism Translatory waves U.S. Coast Survey
Lyell, Palmer Tide tables Beaumont, Maury
Agassiz, Ramsay Airy, Stokes C.Darwin, Dana, Jukes Recreation boom begins
Petro-microscopy Ferrel on Coriolis on coral reef theory Harlemmermeer
Evolution C.Darwin, Wallace Cialdi, Secci Humphreys & Abbot
Cyclicity Rayleigh, G.Darwin Challenger Expedition Hagen, Stevenson
Isostasy, Cornaglia Eustasy, Suess
Lake Bonneville Nansen in Fram Lely
1900 Sokolow Cornish Scripps IO founded
Airplanes Barrell Bergen Institute Marine terraces, Depéret Zuiderzee (Ijsselmeer)
Johnson, Baulig Bjerknes, Ekman Meteor Expedition reclamation begins
Jacotin Sverdrup, Munk Beach Erosion Board
Putnam Albatross Expedition
Spacecraft Plate tectonics Sea-floor spreading
Deep-sea coring US CERC
Electronic Welding of the four traditions, plus remote sensing, geographic information systems, and computer
Revolution modeling, into modern coastal geomorphology after 1950

subsiding land (Ramsay, 1846; Richthofen, 1882). However, Henri Baulig (1877–1962) in 1935, and Sidney Wooldridge
Archibald Geikie (1835–1924) held that ‘‘before the sea y (1900–63) and David Linton (1906–71) in 1939 (Baulig,
could pare off more than a mere marginal strip of land y the 1935; Wooldridge and Linton, 1939).
whole land would be washed into the ocean by atmospheric Understanding of coastal form and process gathered mo-
denudation’’ (Geikie, 1868: 254). Even during the supremacy mentum during the nineteenth century. Cliff erosion came to
of the Davisian cycle of subaerial erosion, Joseph Barrell be attributed to interactive marine and subaerial processes,
(1869–1919) and Austin Miller (1900–68) invoked marine with rock falls protecting the cliff base from persistent erosion
planation for landforms in Appalachia and Ireland, respect- (Beche, 1833). Richthofen (1886) wrote: ‘‘The weathering and
ively (Barrell, 1920; Miller, 1939), while others linked loosening of rock by sea salts, carbonic acid, the formation of
subaerial erosion cycles with changing sea levels, notably ozone, and the gripping of plants and animals – to which
16 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 8 The frontispiece Burnet’s Theory of the Earth (1689) showing Earth’s imagined past, present, and future. Clockwise from top right: (1)
initial chaotic liquid, 6000 years ago; (2) smooth crust to a water-filled globe; (3) Noah’s Flood released through crustal fractures, with Ark; (4)
floodwaters abate and return to the abyss; crustal wreckage forms Earth’s modern relief and ragged coasts; (5) conflagration precedes second
coming; (6) Earth restored to a water-filled globe; and (7) becomes a star.

must be added the action of frost in higher latitudes – aids the fjords along glaciated coasts in 1913 (Reusch, 1894; Gregory,
mechanical action of the striking billows.’’ Debate on the 1913). In 1911, a Royal Commission reported on coastal ero-
effective wave base of marine erosion led to speculation that sion around Britain and on practical measures to counter re-
broad shore platforms could only form as land subsided or treat and promote reclamation.
seas rose (Darwin, 1844; Gilbert, 1885). Richthofen (1886) For sand and shingle coasts, scientists probed the effects of
used the Spanish term ‘ria’ for drowned estuaries along waves and currents on sediment transport and beach form.
unglaciated rocky coasts; Hans Henrik Reusch (1852–1922) Brémontier (1738–1809) studied the effect of wave deform-
sought to clarify the origins of the Norwegian strandflat in ation and decay (Brémontier, 1809). Beche (1833) showed
1894, and John Walter Gregory (1864–1932) puzzled over how beaches became oriented perpendicular to dominant
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 17

Grove Karl Gilbert (1843–1918) suggested a wave base below

which waves could not move sediment, and invoked dynamic
equilibrium for shores where sediment transport persisted in
the absence of net erosion or deposition (Gilbert 1885).
From shingle beaches, Paolo Cornaglia, Vaughan Cornish
(1862–1948), and Vaughan Lewis (1907–61) entrenched the
concept of littoral drift propagated by the zigzag motion of
pebbles caused by waves moving obliquely against the beach
face and suggested that concave beach profiles developed from
sediment sorting by swash and backwash, with an equilibrium
or null point on the shoreface (Cornaglia, 1887; Cornish,
1898; Lewis, 1931). On Cape Cod, William Morris Davis
(1850–1934) invoked Gilbert’s equilibrium concept, dis-
Figure 9 Romanticism: Northumberland Coast, by Thomas Harper, tinguished between shore-normal and shore-parallel sediment
1849. Courtesy: A.R. Orme. transport, and sought to fit coastal change into his cyclic model
(Davis, 1896). Gradually, the role of wave-induced currents in
transporting sediment beyond the beach face became better
understood, specifically littoral drift by longshore currents and
seaward transport by rip currents (Shepard et al., 1941). Beach
cusps also attracted attention relative to swash and backwash
on the shoreface (Johnson, 1919; Evans, 1938, 1939). Linear
shoals in coastal waters were related to tidal currents. These
studies were helped by sediment parameters designed by
Udden (1914), Wentworth (1922), and Krumbein (1934).
River-mouth spits, barrier-lagoon systems, barrier islands,
and cuspate forelands generated much speculation. Before
science became global, such features along Baltic and North
Sea shores attracted most attention, notably by Prussian en-
gineer Gotthilf Hagen (1797–1884) in his influential Das
Meer (1863). Interest in the barrier islands of the Atlantic and
Gulf coasts of the United States came later (e.g., Davis, 1896;
Gulliver, 1896). Barrier beaches and islands were variously
explained by: (1) emergent wave-built offshore bars – Con-
stant Prévost (1787–1856) had thus explained changes from
marine to freshwater faunas in Cenozoic strata of the Paris
Basin; (2) onshore movement of sediment under a stable sea
level (Beaumont, 1845; Johnson, 1919); (3) longshore trans-
port of sediment across estuaries, forming either spits, where
river outlets persisted, or closed barriers otherwise (Gilbert,
1885, 1890; Evans, 1942; Figure 11); (4) spit breaching by
storms to form barrier islands (Hagen, 1863; Penck, 1894);
(5) adjustment of equilibrium beach profiles on emerging
shorelines (Johnson, 1919); (6) marine transgressions across
existing terrestrial ridges (McGee, 1890); and (7) onshore
transport of sediment during marine transgressions.
Figure 10 H de la Beche (1796–1855), first Director-General of the Varieties of coastal dunes were seen as interactive responses
Geological Survey of Great Britain (1835–55), made major contributions between aeolian processes, dune morphology, and vegetation
to coastal geomorphology. Courtesy: British Geological Survey. (Sokolow, 1894; Cornish, 1897; Jentsch, 1900; Solger, 1910;
Bowman, 1916). The ecology of Lake Michigan’s coastal dunes
wave approach and wrote that ‘‘shingle beaches travel in the studied by Henry Cowles (1869–1939) fed the evolutionary
direction of the prevalent winds, or those which produce the concept of plant succession (Cowles, 1899). Studies initiated
greatest breakers y until arrested by some projecting land’’ in 1919 by William Cooper on the coastal dunes of Wash-
(Beche, 1833: 79). Palmer (1834) expanded this concept of ington, Oregon, and California notably related dune forms to
littoral drift. In the 1850s, lighthouse and harbor engineer sediment supply and sea-level change (Cooper, 1958, 1967).
Thomas Stevenson (1818–87) estimated that Atlantic waves Studies of muddy coasts were long hindered by access
broke with a force of up to 30 000 kg m 2 against his struc- problems. Modern deltas were initially studied by landlubbers
tures (Stevenson, 1864). From the papal steam sloop in small boats, for example, in the Mississippi and Fraser
L’Immacolata Concezione, Alessandro Cialdi (1866) studied deltas (Beche, 1833; Humphreys and Abbot, 1861; Johnston,
waves, bedforms, and littoral currents off Italy while Secchi 1921). Ancient deltas were identified from former pluvial lakes
tested water turbidity. From Lake Bonneville’s former beaches, and stratigraphic sequences (Gilbert, 1890; Barrell, 1912), but
18 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 11 Stockton Bar, former Lake Bonneville, Utah, depicted by William Henry Holmes, led Grove Karl Gilbert (1890) to ponder barrier
beaches and lake changes. Courtesy: US Geological Survey.

Temperate salt marshes saw pioneering studies of what their

peats revealed about sea-level change and plant ecology (Blytt,
1876), and later on comparative studies of modern and an-
cient tidal flats (Kindle, 1917) and salt pans (Yapp et al.,
1917). Arctic wetlands and tropical mangrove swamps re-
mained little known. Indeed, access problems posed by mud,
tides, and shifting channels meant that studies of most muddy
coasts only began in earnest after 1950 (Orme, 1990).
As more information became available, many scientists
sought to classify coasts. Early attempts were based primarily
on stabilist concepts. Eduard Suess (1831–1914) disting-
uished between Pacific-type coasts, based on the coast-parallel
structures of the western Americas; and Atlantic-type coasts
based on structures perpendicular to northwest European
shores (Suess, 1885–1908). Gregory (1912) offered similar
ideas, and Supan (1930) a rephrased distinction between
concordant and discordant coasts. In 1919, Douglas Johnson
(1878–1944) distinguished between coasts of submergence
Figure 12 The Mississippi delta. Courtesy: NASA.
and emergence and, adapting Davisian concepts, envisaged
an irregular youthful coast, initiated by submergence, re-
treating over time to become a smooth mature cliffed coast.
Gilbert’s delta model, based on exposed topset, foreset, and Similar schemes appeared from Francis Shepard (1897–1985)
bottomset structures from Lake Bonneville, is now regarded in 1948 and H. Valentin in 1952, and the distinction
as a special case. When petroleum was found beneath the between structurally stable and mobile coastal regions
Mississippi delta, scientists began using core and geophysical proposed by Charles Cotton (1885–1970) in 1954 anticipated
data to clarify changing delta forms, switching distributaries, the plate-tectonic revolution (Shepard, 1948; Valentin, 1952;
subsidence patterns, and sea-level relations (Trowbridge, Cotton, 1954).
1930; Russell, 1936), although studies elsewhere have since
shown it to be a river-dominated exception rather than the
rule (Figure 12).
In the early nineteenth century, observations of fresh and 10.2.5 The Mathematical Theorists
salt water in river mouths led toward better understanding of
estuarine hydrodynamics and salt wedges (Fleming, 1818). The scientific revolution of the seventeenth century generated
Beche (1844) identified (in modern terms) bidirectional tidal much interest in coastal processes among mathematicians,
flows in estuaries, the greater discharge and erosivity of ebb even as geology and oceanography were still fledgling sciences.
flows, distinctions between flow competence and capacity, the Investigations of gravity and mechanics, specifically force, re-
shifting form of river-mouth bars and mudflats, and the effects sistance, and motion, were directly relevant to tides, waves,
of engineering structures. Later, in 1893, the concept of a and currents. Many early notions did indeed evolve into ele-
turbidity maximum was verified in the Gironde estuary gant mathematical theories but these posed problems in
(Glangeaud, 1939). shallow coastal waters. In general, theories developed before
Coastal wetlands attracted scientific attention during the 1850 mostly assumed ideal conditions, whereas later theories
nineteenth century, notably from Dutch and German engin- involved more variables but more elusive mathematical solu-
eers with a heritage of tidal-flat reclamation (Hagen, 1863). tions for coastal waters.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 19 Foundations of Tide Theory before 1850 tide gauge was installed in 1831. The synthetic predictions of
John William Lubbock (1803–65) were soon accepted by the
The Earth–Moon–Sun forcing of tides was recognized by some
British Admiralty, which began publishing regular tide tables in
over 2000 years ago but, despite ingenious tidal predictions,
1833. By 1850, automatic gauges were also in use in France and
scientific explanation proved elusive until Copernican theory
India, and by the Coast Survey in the United States, providing
became acceptable in the seventeenth century. Even then,
continuous records for harmonic analyses of tidal data.
theories developed by prominent scientists of the time,
such as Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) and René Descartes
(1596–1650), succumbed to the gravitational theory of Isaac Refinements of Tide Theory after 1850
Newton (1642–1727; Figure 13) in 1687 (Newton, 1687;
Cartwright, 1999). Although Newton’s Principia devoted few After 1850, tide theories and harmonic tidal analyses were
pages to ocean tides and was based on fewer data, his theory advanced in Britain by William Thomson (Lord Kelvin, 1824–
spawned a flurry of interest, especially in the Académie Royale 1907) and George Darwin (1845–1912), and in the United
des Sciences in Paris, aided by the inception of tide records at States by William Ferrel (1817–91), among others (Thomson,
Brest. Based on more tidal data recorded over longer periods, 1869; Darwin, 1879, 1883; Ferrel, 1874). In the early twentieth
Daniel Bernoulli (1700–82) refined Newton’s ideas into an century, the problems of understanding tides in smaller seas of
equilibrium theory that favored tidal prediction and de- irregular shape, which had perplexed Newton and Laplace,
veloped principles for incompressible fluids applicable to were addressed on several fronts. For example, Austrians Robert
tidal currents flowing and ebbing through coastal channels von Sterneck (1871–1928) and Albert Defant (1884–1974)
(Bernoulli, 1738). But equilibrium theory still relied on applied hydrodynamic principles to tides in the Arctic Ocean
Earth–Moon–Sun relationships on a perfect water-covered and Mediterranean and Black Seas. Joseph Proudman
sphere whereas, owing to Earth’s rotation and irregular ocean- (1888–1975) and Arthur Doodson (1890–1968) at the Liver-
basin geometries, actual tides are far more complex. pool Tidal Institute (1919–69) advanced the understanding of
Recognizing this limitation, Pierre Simon, Marquis de tides for the North and Irish Seas and English Channel.
Laplace (1749–1827, Figure 14), presented a more rigorous
dynamic theory of tides in papers from 1775 on, later restated in Foundations of Water-Wave Theory before 1850
his treatise on celestial mechanics (Laplace, 1799). This work
stimulated hydrodynamic theories for long waves (Airy, 1848) Studies of wind-generated surface-water waves surged between
and empirical analyses and predictions of tides as harmonic 1770 and 1850. During this time, wave theories were
oscillations over time (Cartwright, 1999). After Laplace, initia-
tive in tidal research reverted to Britain, where the first automatic

Figure 13 Isaac Newton (1642–1727) formulated the gravitational Figure 14 Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749–1827) developed the
theory of tides. Courtesy: President and Council of the Royal Society dynamic theory of tides between 1775 and 1799. Courtesy: President
of London. and Council of the Royal Society of London.
20 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

developed mathematically and from canal and wave-tank ex- and laid the foundations for solitary wave (soliton) theory. To
periments, notably by Laplace, Joseph-Louis Lagrange explain the mathematics of deep-water waves, it is now usual
(1736–1813), Nicolas-Théodore Brémontier, Franz Joseph von to distinguish between Airy’s simple linear solutions and the
Gerstner (1756–1832), George Biddell Airy (1801–92), nonlinear solutions of Gerstner, Scott Russell, Stokes, and later
John Scott Russell (1808–82), and George Gabriel Stokes scholars. Stokes also identified internal waves between fluids
(1819–1903). Identifying wave length, wave height, and water of differing density, relevant to estuaries, and the settling vel-
depth as the most measurable parameters, these scientists ocities of small particles in such fluids.
generated linear and nonlinear wave theories involving both
long-wave and small-amplitude concepts (Le Méhauté, 1976).
From this work emerged the distinction between oscillatory Refinement of Water-Wave Theory after 1850
waves in deep water, in which mass transport of water is
(ideally) zero, and translatory waves in shallow water, which The quest for perfect solutions for water waves was (and still
involve mass transport of water (and sediment) in the dir- is) a challenge. Accordingly, in the later nineteenth century,
ection of wave travel. many scientists sought to refine earlier work, notably William
Airy (1845; Figure 15) developed long-wave and small- Rankine (1820–72), Joseph Boussinesq (1842–1929), John
amplitude theories for progressive oscillatory waves in both Strutt (Lord Rayleigh, 1842–1919), Osborne Reynolds
deep and shallow water, and although the mathematical so- (1842–1912), Diederik Korteweg (1848–1941), Gustav de
lutions were imperfect his simple sinusoidal wave form re- Vries (1866–1934), and David Gaillard (1859–1913). Rankine
mains a useful starting point for understanding waves. (1863) improved trochoidal theory; Boussinesq (1868) and
Following Gerstner’s trochoidal (rotational) deep-water wave Strutt (1877) enhanced translatory soliton theory; Korteweg
theory (e.g., Gerstner, 1809), Stokes (1847; Figure 16) raised and de Vries (1895) developed cnoidal theory for oscillatory
oscillatory wave theory to higher approximations involving waves; and Reynolds (1877) studied energy dissipation for
some mass transport. After Lagrange, Scott Russell (1844) progressive waves and, of wide relevance across geomorph-
described translatory waves from canal experiments in 1834 ology and fluid dynamics, the transition from laminar to
turbulent flow (Reynolds’ Number).
The early twentieth century saw Gaillard (1904) and Corn-
ish (1910) study wave decay and interacting wave trains in
shallow water. In 1932, Dubreuil-Jacotin (1905–72), influenced
by Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862–1951), brought atmospheric

Figure 15 George Biddell Airy (1801–92) investigated wave theory

and crustal geophysics while serving as Astronomer Royal Figure 16 George Gabriel Stokes (1819–1903) contributed to wave
(1835–81). Picture taken from theory and sedimentology. Picture taken from
timeline/people/antiqueimages/airy.j ulnessd/legacy/fall1998/sonja/stokes.htm
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 21

motions to bear on small-amplitude oscillatory waves political and commercial rivals. For the Indian and western
(Dubreuil-Jacotin, 1932). In 1925, Jeffreys (1891–1989) at- Pacific oceans these voyages added little that was not already
tributed wave generation to atmospheric pressure differences known to Arab, Persian, Indian, and Chinese navigators.
caused by the sheltering effect of wave crests (Jeffreys, 1925). After 1650, measurements of ocean phenomena produced
Internal boundary waves were recognized in shallow waters data of much practical value and also fodder for theorists. In
stratified by density. During and after World War II, Sverdrup 1666, the Royal Society in London produced Directions for Sea-
and Munk (1947) sought principles for forecasting wind waves Men bound for Far Voyages, which urged mariners to record
and swells, Barber and Ursell (1948) developed spectral an- coastal processes and seabed conditions, and to improve navi-
alysis for wave trains, and Ralph Bagnold (1896–1990) exam- gation aids, sounding gear, and water samplers. Edmond Halley
ined interactions between shallow-water waves and sandy (1650–1742) improved the magnetic compass, mercury
bottoms (Bagnold, 1946). Snell’s Law, devised for optics by barometer, and diving bell, and clarified ocean–atmosphere
Willebrord Snellius (1580–1626) in 1621, was invoked to ex- interactions involving insolation, atmospheric pressure, winds,
plain the relation between incident wave angles and wave re- currents, salinity, and the hydrologic cycle (Halley, 1686, 1715).
fraction, notably by Munk and Taylor (1947). Many mathematical theorists of the eighteenth century also
took systematic observations of tides, waves, and currents in
coastal waters. In 1806, the naval hydrographer Francis Beau- Theories on Ocean and Nearshore Currents, fort (1774–1857, Figure 17) codified a scale relating wind force
1850–1950 to the amount of sail a frigate could carry. As circumstances
Following earlier work, Ferrel defined mathematically the in- changed, the Beaufort Scale passed through several iterations,
fluence of Earth’s rotation (Coriolis effect) on winds and including calibration to anemometer data (1850) and sea state
ocean currents (Ferrel, 1860). Norwegian Harald Sverdrup (1906).
(1888–1957), later of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Ocean and coastal currents were of particular interest to
was among the first to evaluate Arctic tidal currents. Other sailing ships of the time. In 1679, Marsigli, using a weighted
Scandinavian scientists, notably Vilhelm Bjerknes, Fridtjof line with white cork discs, distinguished between surface
Nansen (1861–1930), Vagn Walfrid Ekman (1874–1954), and currents and deep counter currents in the Bosporus and
Bjorn Helland-Hansen (1877–1957), applied physical the- showed how lighter fresher water exited the Black Sea over
ories concerning nonhomogenous fluids to atmosphere-ocean saltier bottom water entering from the Mediterranean
circulations. This work greatly enhanced the understanding of (McConnell, 1981). By 1725, he had enough data for a His-
three-dimensional fluid processes at the coast and was fol- toire Physique de la Mer, which mostly discussed Mediterra-
lowed, during and after World War I, by research at the Bergen nean currents and bathymetry (Marsigli, 1725). In 1769,
Meteorological Institute that paved the way for more effective based on reports from Atlantic seafarers, Benjamin Franklin
forecasting of both weather and storm-related coastal pro- (1706–90) produced a map of the Gulf Stream (Figure 18).
cesses. In contrast, although long recognized in principle, the James Rennell (1742–1830) then brought formal scientific
theoretical assumptions underpinning wave-induced near-
shore currents only began to be tested and advanced during
and after World War II.

10.2.6 The Ocean Science Perspective – The


Oceanographers often distinguish between blue-water science

in deep oceans and brown-water science nearer shore.
Whereas coastal geomorphology concerns the latter, it also
needs to involve the former, specifically the nature of ocean
basins and of tides, waves, and currents approaching from
deep water. Sea-level change is also discussed here because
early studies onshore were later augmented and better ex-
plained from ocean evidence. Renaissance, Exploration, and Scientific

Revolution before 1850
From the late Renaissance on, European voyages of discovery
increased knowledge of coastal features, processes, and bot-
tom conditions, essential for mariners sailing close to shore.
Data were recorded in ship’s logs, sea charts, and diaries of Figure 17 Francis Beaufort (1774–1857), naval hydrographer, best
tactical and strategic value to competing maritime nations. For known for the wind-force scale that, with later changes, still bears his
the Americas these were new materials closely guarded from name. Courtesy: Royal Navy.
22 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 18 The Gulf Stream defined by Benjamin Franklin (1706–90). Courtesy: NOAA.

methods to the study of Atlantic and Indian ocean currents 50 volumes totaling 29 500 pages were published over a 23-
(Rennell, 1832). year period, greatly improving knowledge of the oceans (e.g.,
Exploration of Pacific and polar waters expanded. Bering Murray, 1895; Murray and Renard, 1891). Other expeditions
measured currents in the strait that now bears his name. From followed, notably by the German steamer Meteor (1925–27),
his voyage on HMS Beagle (1831–36) and imbued with Lyell’s which retrieved deep-sea sediment cores and whose continu-
brand of Uniformitarianism, Charles Darwin (1809–92) de- ous echo sounding first revealed the great relief of the South
duced that fringing and barrier reefs might eventually grow to Atlantic floor; by the global echo-sounding expedition of USS
form atolls on subsiding volcanic islands (Darwin, 1842). This Stewart in 1922; and by several British expeditions to the
idea was supported by James Dwight Dana (1813–95), who Southern Ocean between 1925 and 1951. These expeditions
investigated coral reefs and shore platforms around Pacific were concerned mostly with blue-water oceanography but
islands on the Wilkes expedition (1838–42), and by Joseph smaller ships made significant findings, notably the Austrian
Beete Jukes (1811–69) on visiting Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Pola in the Mediterranean and Red Sea (1890–98), the US
in HMS Fly (1842–46) (Jukes, 1847; Dana, 1849, 1872). Coast Survey steamer Blake in the Caribbean (1877–80), and
numerous inshore and fishery research vessels.
Exploration of polar and subpolar coasts was more chal- Emergence of Scientific Oceanography,
lenging. John Franklin (1786–1847) had traced the Beaufort
Sea coast (1819–27) but his quest for a Northwest Passage
This phase saw major advances relevant to coastal science, (1845–48) ended in tragedy, as did George DeLong’s attempt
notably in physical oceanography, marine geology, and to reach the North Pole from Wrangell Island in 1879. How-
ocean–atmosphere relations. Oceanography was energized by ever, when the Norwegian ship Fram drifted in sea ice across
Maury’s work (Maury, 1854, 1855), by charts of surface cur- the Arctic (1893–95), Fridtjof Nansen could show that the
rents and counter-currents of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans polar region contained neither continent nor ice sheet. Several
(Findlay, 1853), and by Coast Survey studies of the Gulf expeditions later improved understanding of Arctic coasts
Stream, tides, and tidal currents (1845–60). whereas the loss of RMS Titanic off Newfoundland in 1912 led
In 1872, the steam-assisted corvette, HMS Challenger, ini- to founding of the International Ice Patrol. In the 1930s,
tiated the first modern oceanographic expedition under the Russian scientists began conducting surface and atmospheric
scientific direction of Charles Wyville Thomson (1830–82) research from drifting ice floes.
and, later, of John Murray (1841–1914, Figure 19). The ship Meanwhile, understanding of nearshore and ocean cur-
circumnavigated the globe and returned in 1876 with a rents was aided by better current meters. Earlier measurements
plethora of sediment samples, biological specimens, and data by timed-drifters and mechanical logs only approximated
on ocean bathymetry, chemistry, and circulation. From these, reality, and errors increased with depth (McConnell, 1981).
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 23

Figure 19 HMS Challenger which carried the first modern global oceanographic expedition from 1872 to 1876 (Murray, 1895). Courtesy: Her
Majesty’s Stationery Office, London.

Newer meters from the late nineteenth century on used vari- modern river mouths; others are confined to the continental
ous mechanical, photographic, and electrical mechanisms, slope. Some are open valleys; others have steep, even over-
and, later, wireless transmissions, to provide better infor- hanging walls. Many have submarine levées and fans toward
mation on the speed and direction of surface and subsurface their distal ends and extend as fan valleys to the deep ocean. At
currents. one time or another, submarine canyons have been attributed
The findings of brown-water scientists on the form of to tectonic activity, earthquakes, tsunami currents, erosion by
continental margins are germane to coastal geomorphology. rivers extending across emergent shelves during low sea levels,
Continental shelves and borderlands, and island margins, may spring-head sapping of canyon heads, and turbidity or density
store both terrigenous sediment and autochthonous waste currents generated by cold river flows or storm waves on
derived from marine organisms, whereas submarine canyons continental shelves or by mass failure beyond the shelf edge
and continental slopes may convey sediment to deep oceans. (e.g., Daly, 1936; Kuenen, 1938; Johnson, 1939; Shepard and
Mineralogical studies showed that most shelf sediment was Emery, 1941; Figure 20). Modern consensus favors a mix of
terrigenous, delivered by rivers, winds, and cliff erosion, ini- these processes.
tially sorted and distributed by size and settling velocity. This phase also saw the emergence of oceanographic insti-
Coastal sedimentology was facilitated by petrographic micro- tutions whose primary deep-sea focus was augmented by
scopy, initiated by Henry Clifton Sorby (1826–1908) in 1849, coastal research. In the United States, these included Scripps
and later by refined textural parameters and heavy mineral Institution of Oceanography founded in 1903 in California,
analysis. Reworking by wave-induced and tidal currents was Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1930) in Massa-
found to shape major shelf bedforms and to move sediment chusetts, and Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (1949)
considerable distances along uninterrupted coasts (Martens, in New York. In Germany, the Senckenberg am Meer Institute
1939). However, many shelves showed little or no deposition, was founded in 1928 specifically for studying coastal and shelf
leading Sverdrup et al. (1942) to conclude that most shelf sediment dynamics. International cooperation was furthered
sediment was lost to deep water. Off glaciated lands, debris by such agencies as the International Council for the Explor-
delivered by past glaciers was recognized and ice-rafted debris ation of the Sea (ICES, formed in 1899). This phase ended
past and present was found far offshore by Challenger scien- shortly after publication of an influential book on ‘The Oceans’
tists (Murray and Hjørt, 1912). Inorganic precipitation of (Sverdrup et al., 1942) and the initiation of many studies
carbonate muds was invoked to explain the Bahama Banks during World War II that were to shape future coastal research.
(Smith, 1940), and organic sediment from eroding coral reefs
was found to be important in warm waters off coasts with little
runoff. Ocean currents were invoked for transporting fine Relative Sea-Level Change
suspended sediment far from shore but rarely for coarse
sediment nearshore. Simply stated, mean sea level may change relative to a meas-
Submarine canyons off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of ured datum (traditionally a coastal marker) for two main,
North America attracted much attention during this period, sometimes related, reasons: either (1) from changes in ocean
initially from unexplained breaks in submarine cables off the volume or (2) from changes in ocean-basin capacity and
Atlantic continental shelf, later from bathymetric surveys (e.g., continental freeboard. Changes in ocean volume are com-
Veatch and Smith, 1939). Some canyons are large and deep, monly due to: (1a) modest thermohaline expansion and
notably Great Bahama Canyon (4300 m deep) and Monterey contraction of ocean waters (without changes in water mass)
Canyon (3000 m deep) off California; some merely nibble at over short time-scales (100–102 years), or (1b) the growth and
the shelf edge. Some head close inshore, commonly toward decay of continental ice masses and changing inputs of liquid
24 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 20 Francis Shepard (1897–1985), Scripps Institution of

Oceanography, studied submarine canyons, nearshore currents, and
sedimentology. Courtesy: University of California.

water over longer time-scales (101–105 years). Changes in

ocean-basin capacity and continental freeboard, which be-
come significant over time-scales exceeding 102–103 years, are
caused by: (2a) tectonic activity, generally very slow although Figure 21 The Roman market place at Pozzuoli in the Campi Flegrei
coasts may rise and fall quickly during earthquakes and vol- caldera, near Naples (commonly misnamed the Temple of Jupiter
canic events, or (2b) ocean sedimentation, which slowly re- Serapis). The lithodomous perforations made in the pillars by rock-
duces accommodation space for water, or (2c) isostatic boring molluscs reflect post-Roman relative sea-level changes
responses of Earth’s surface to transfers of mass within and involving net submergence of B7 m followed by net emergence of
beneath the crust, which may be measurable on time-scales of B6 m, attributable to volcanic activity. Charles Lyell used this
drawing by Whitney Jocelyn Annin in later editions of his Principles
101–102 years. These explanations are examined here for their
of Geology. Reproduced from Lyell, C., 1872. Principles of Geology,
influence on continental margins over the past few million
vol. 1. John Murray, London.
years, the time-frame most relevant to modern coasts. Short-
term changes in the dynamic sea surface caused by wind setup,
storm surges, tides, and thermohalinity, and long-term chan- pseudoscientific form in Benoı̂t de Maillet’s ‘Telliamed’ of
ges in Earth’s geoid, are ignored. 1748 (Carozzi, 1968), and in Neptunism and Diluvialism. By
Evidence for relative sea-level change for the recent past this time, reports of offshore ‘submerged forests’ (tree stumps
takes many forms (Figure 21). Falling seas or rising land are and peat) were implying sea-level rise (e.g., Borlase, 1758).
visibly expressed in raised beaches, shore platforms, coral However, a more practical concern for sea-level change also
reefs, and the like stranded above sea level. Rising seas or began emerging from Scandinavia where shoreline retreat
subsiding land are expressed in coastal and terrestrial features around the Gulf of Bothnia had long posed problems for
now submerged below sea level but observable from under- navigation and land ownership (Dott, 1992). But was this
water surveys and coring. This evidence also needs to be dated, retreat due to an absolute fall of sea level, favored by Anders
which until the advent of radiometric dating was imperfect at Celsius (1701–44) and Carl Linnaeus (1707–78), or to land
best. Long time series of tidal data are important measures of uplift, supported among others by Lyell (1835) who, familiar
historic change. with crustal motions in the Campi Flegrei caldera near Naples
Primitive notions of sea-level change are embedded in (Figure 21), queried its rate and extent? Auguste Bravais
many cultures. Whether myth or folklore, notions of lost lands (1811–63) answered by showing that raised beaches in
like Atlantis or biblical events such as Noah’s flood, have long northern Norway, tilted down-fjord toward the sea, indicated
colored human lore. Among early Greeks, Herodotus and that uplift rose inland (Bravais, 1840). In 1848, Chambers
Aristotle saw relict marine shells inland from the Mediterra- (1848) (1802–71) attributed Scottish raised beaches, sea
nean as evidence of former seas. During the Enlightenment, caves, and cliffs to a global fall of sea level caused by ocean-
Earth’s supposed emergence from a universal ocean took basin subsidence. Crustal change remained the preferred
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 25

Figure 23 Emergent post-glacial nearshore bars in southwest

Hudson Bay, raised by isostatic crustal response to former ice-
loading and temporary submergence. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.

America, by which time glacio-isostatic shorelines were known

from the Great Lakes. Evidence for recent uplift was also
emerging from tide-gauge records (Gutenberg, 1941). Al-
though crustal loading by large water bodies had been pos-
tulated for the Great Lakes in 1743 (White, 1951) and for Lake
Bonneville by Gilbert (1890), hydro-isostasy was not seriously
considered for ocean shores during this period.
The term ‘eustatische Bewegungen’ (eustatic movements,
Figure 22 Clarence Edward Dutton (1843–1910) coined the term later ‘eustasy’) was coined in 1888 by Eduard Suess
isostasy in 1882 to explain crustal adjustments to transfers of mass. (1831–1914; Figure 24) to describe rhythmic changes of glo-
The terms glacio-isostasy and hydro-isostasy came to be widely used bal sea level inferred from the stratigraphic record (Suess,
in coastal geomorphology. Courtesy: US Geological Survey.
1885–1908). Suess attributed falling seas and emerging lands
to episodic subsidence of the sea floor on a cooling and
explanation for sea-level change during the nineteenth cen- contracting Earth, and rising seas to the subsequent displace-
tury. Even so, growing acceptance of glacial theory, a concept ment of ocean waters by sediment shed from emerging con-
involving extensive glaciation during a former ‘ice age,’ tinents. These mechanisms eventually collapsed alongside the
popularized in 1840 by Louis Agassiz (1807–73), led Charles contracting-Earth hypothesis, but were revived later within the
MacLaren (1782–1866) in 1842 to invoke a fall of sea level plate-tectonic paradigm. Regardless, Gilbert (1895) invoked
commensurate with continental ice growth (Agassiz, 1840; climate change arising from Earth’s orbital cycles, notably the
MacLaren, 1842). precession of the equinoxes, to explain rhythmic bedding in
From the 1880s, sea-level changes began to be seen in Cretaceous marine sediment. From here it was logical to at-
terms of isostasy and eustasy, concepts relevant today but not tribute global sea-level change to climate forcing, notably
as originally intended. The term ‘isostasy’ was coined by glacio-eustasy related to the growth and decay of continental
American geologist Clarence Dutton (1841–1912) ‘‘to express ice sheets. Thus did Reginald Daly (1871–1957) revisit the
that condition of the terrestrial surface which would follow coral-reef problem in a glacio-eustatic context, while also
from the flotation of the crust on a liquid or highly plastic speculating on glacio-isostatic forcing of forebulge uplift be-
substratum’’ (Dutton, 1882, Figure 22). Earth’s crustal dis- yond the ice front (Daly, 1910, 1934).
equilibrium had been debated for decades but it was Dutton Once glacio-eustasy was accepted, the pendulum of
who defined isostasy, which he did not fully understand and change swung hard over in favor of the climate forcing of
applied to the wrong problem (Orme, 2007). In the guise of global sea level. Extending evidence from Algeria (Lamothe,
glacio-isostasy, the term was applied to crustal adjustments 1899), Charles Depéret (1854–1929) identified suites
caused by ice-loading and unloading, suggested in 1865 by of late Cenozoic marine terraces across the Mediterranean
Jamieson (1829–1913) from raised shorelines in Scotland (Depéret, 1918). For many years thereafter, attempts were
(Jamieson, 1865). Gerard De Geer (1858–1943) similarly made to apply Depéret’s shoreline sequence world-wide,
explained tilting of emergent Scandinavian shorelines and based on elevation and paleontology, and to correlate this
provided a geochronology for the past 12 000 years by marine evidence with subaerial planation surfaces and river
counting annually laminated lake and shallow marine sedi- terraces. But Depéret’s correlations came in part from severely
ment (varves) (De Geer, 1892, 1912). deformed coasts, leading their spurious nature to be exposed
Emergent shorelines were also noted by early travelers in by the plate-tectonic revolution. Andrew Lawson (1861–1952)
Canada where survey data began to establish the nature and had recognized tectonic deformation of Pleistocene
rate of crustal uplift (Bell, 1896; Figure 23). Fairchild (1918) marine terraces in southern California as early as 1893, and in
mapped postglacial crustal deformation for northeast North 1942 William Putnam (1908–63) showed how marine and
26 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 25 Contrasting modes of Pleistocene shoreline emergence.

Upper: eustasy dominant – the 125-ka shore platform on the
relatively stable Prawle coast, Devon, now lying 6–8 m above present
mean sea level, and covered by relict periglacial deposits from
backing frost-riven seacliffs. Lower: tectonism dominant – the suite
of shore platforms dating from 125 ka, 80 ka, and 40–60 ka along the
Ventura coast, California, raised and tilted by powerful tectonic uplift
in a eustatic context. The 80-ka platform now reaches 175 m above
sea level and is tilted 91S. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.
Figure 24 Eduard Suess (1831–1914) attributed ‘eustatic
movements’ to ocean-floor subsidence (sea-level fall) caused by
Earth’s contraction, and to ocean-water displacement (sea-level rise)
by accumulating sediment (Joseph Kriehuber, 1869).

estuarine terraces exhibited increasing deformation with

age across an active anticline (Lawson, 1893; Putnam,
1942; Figure 25). As geochronology improved, such evi-
dence was invaluable for understanding neotectonism (e.g.,
Orme, 1998; Stewart & Vita-Finzi, 1998). Nevertheless, where
coasts have escaped massive late Cenozoic tectonism and
glaciation, for example, in southern Africa and southwest
England, glacio-eustasy is the prevailing mechanism
(Figure 25).
The most recent rise of sea level, initiated as the last major
continental ice sheets began melting around 20 000 BP,
shaped the broad outlines of most coasts, augmented by gla-
cio-isostatic and hydro-isostatic adjustments. In 1924, recog-
Figure 26 Submerged forest, Durham. Intertidal peats, often with
nizing the time-transgressive nature of this event, Dubois tree roots intact, have long been invoked as evidence for relative sea-
(1924) named it the Flandrian transgression. Although sub- level change, in this case from postglacial eustatic and isostatic
merged forests and drowned valleys had long suggested recent movements along the North Sea coast. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.
submergence (Borlase, 1758; Figure 26), the precise timing
and rate of this event were little known until the advent of
improved geochronologies after 1950.
restricted to the immediate coastal zone. In today’s terms, en-
gineering works generally involve hard structures, such as sea-
walls and breakwaters, which intercept and reflect waves and
10.2.7 The Coastal Engineering Tradition currents, or soft structures, such as nourished beaches and
planted vegetation, which absorb incident wave and wind en-
Coastal engineering involves the planning, design, and con- ergy. Ideally, coastal engineering should involve not only the
struction of works aimed at reclaiming land from the sea, provision of suitable structures but also predictions of the effect
countering subsidence, protecting shorelines, facilitating navi- of coastal processes on, and the environmental impact of, these
gation, and providing harbors. Of these activities, coastal rec- works. Thus coastal geomorphology acquires its engineering
lamation may embrace large areas, whereas the others are more tradition.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 27

Coastal reclamation has long been practiced on a modest where Brémontier (1796) countered problems of dune mi-
scale, for example, by prehistoric peoples in Asia, the Persian gration (B20 m yr 1) caused by overgrazing and vegetation
Gulf, and Europe who endiked intertidal slob for fishponds removal by planting maritime pine.
and salt-tolerant crops, and built trackways across coastal Many early projects were developed by military engineers
marshes; they were simply managing natural sedimentation because they could call more readily on the resources neces-
processes to their benefit. Likewise, Roman engineers re- sary to design, construct, and repair coastal works. This may
claimed strips of coastal marsh for agriculture, and medieval still be true, for example, with the US Army Corps of Engineers
monasteries were able to command the labor and resources although, from its activation in 1832, the civilian Coast Survey
needed to effect further reclamation. From the thirteenth was also studying sediment encroachment and engineering
century, the Dutch were constructing windmills equipped with impacts on harbors. Over the past 200 years, most coastal
paddle wheels, and later with Archimedes screws, to remove nations have developed agencies to coordinate coastal devel-
water from endiked polders. However, technical limitations opment and, belatedly, to address resulting problems. Until
generally restricted impoldering to small areas whose fragile recently, however, lessons learned in one area were rarely
earthen dikes were often destroyed by storm seas, and where passed on, thereby allowing problems to develop elsewhere
reclamation was aggravated by the shrinkage and cutting of with scant regard for possible solutions.
exposed peat (Orme, 1966). As engineering technology improved and ships became
Around 1600, with the invention of the revolving cap for larger, from small trading vessels to modern container ships
windmills that enabled wind to be used from any direction, and oil tankers, harbors moved from sheltered estuaries to
wetland reclamation on a larger scale became a practical deeper waters, often requiring dredging, reclamation, and
proposition. Many lakes in north Holland, between Amster- massive breakwaters (Figure 29). Thus was the medieval Pool
dam and Den Helder, were reclaimed for farming before 1650. of London succeeded by large Victorian docks down the
These methods were soon applied to the English Fens, a 4000- Thames estuary, which in turn gave way to distant container-
km2 embayment inland from The Wash that had been formed ship terminals. All such changes provoked impacts, as engin-
late in the Flandrian transgression. Reclamation of the Fens eered structures supplanted natural systems and large ports
began in earnest around 1630 and, aided by the prominent such as Rotterdam and Los Angeles grew with scant regard
engineer, Cornelius Vermuyden (1595–1677), saw vast tracts for littoral drift or coastal ecology. Updrift construction of
drained and endiked by the 1660s (Dugdale, 1662). However, breakwaters and jetties commonly caused downdrift erosion
as in Holland, reclamation led to peat shrinkage, surface problems that, despite improved designs such as offset
lowering, and reflooding, which remained a problem until the structures and sand-bypassing, continue today. In similar
introduction of steam (B1800), diesel (B1900), and electric vein, improving technology has come to mitigate natural
pumps (B1945). These technological advances also allowed hazards, but at a cost. Thus, after hurricane devastation in
the vision of Cornelis Lely (1854–1929) for the reclamation 1900, the port of Galveston, Texas, was given protection by
of the 5000-km2 Zuiderzee, flooded by medieval incursions raising the land by 3 m with fill dredged from the bay and
of the North Sea, to be achieved between 1919 and 1986, providing a seawall that became 15 km long. Nevertheless, the
producing several large polders and the present Ijsselmeer and city of New Orleans, Louisiana, built on and behind natural
Markermeer (Orme, 1966; Figure 27). levées in the subsiding Mississippi River delta from 1700 on-
Like coastal reclamation, other engineering works in an- ward, was ill-prepared for the consequences of Hurricane
tiquity were modest compared to the accelerating activities of Katrina in 2005.
recent centuries. More than 2000 years ago, people were The growth of seaside holidays in the nineteenth century
building defenses against the sea and suffering the con- stimulated both engineering projects and human awareness
sequences of their failure. Early Egyptians, Phoenicians, of coastal management issues. Coasts as recreational venues
Greeks, and Etruscans built rubble-mound breakwaters, jetties, had attracted the urban wealthy in the eighteenth century,
and seawalls, but the practical Romans were the preeminent notably from London to Brighton, and from Philadelphia
engineers of classical times, often building concrete structures to Cape May, but the railway mania after 1840 initiated a
aided by cofferdams, although Strabo described how the much larger influx of people. The railway reached Brighton
harbor at Ephesus promoted sedimentation (Figure 28). In from London in 1841, Blackpool from Lancashire mill
later centuries, engineered structures provided storm pro- towns in 1846, and Atlantic City from Camden (opposite
tection for subsiding Venice, larger ports for expanding trade, Philadelphia) in 1854. For the burgeoning urban societies
and promenades and protection for recreation. Until the of northern Europe and North America, this influx peaked in
nineteenth century, however, these projects were mostly small the mid-twentieth century, facilitated by the advent of cars,
– lighthouses to alert mariners, stone harbors in sheltered motor coaches, and holidays-with-pay. After that, cheap air
bays, short seawalls at exposed localities, bulkheads in estu- travel brought greater numbers of people to distant coasts,
aries, and wooden groins to counter beach erosion. Then, as notably from northern Europe to Mediterranean and Persian
projects proliferated, many engineers came to understand the Gulf shores, which in turn begat further management prob-
impacts of coastal processes on their structures and vice versa. lems. Decaying seaside resorts elsewhere often survived as
The problems of hard structures were exemplified in a 1789 havens for retirement, second homes, education, and light
memoir in which Lamblardie (1747–97) complained that industry.
harbors in Normandy had become choked by a littoral drift of In more developed countries, the coastal recreation boom
sand and shingle (Lamblardie, 1789). Conversely, the utility of between 1840 and 1960 was met by a plethora of engineering
soft structures was expressed in the Landes of southwest France works, notably in northwest Europe. Harbors were enlarged
28 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 27 Reclamation of the Zuiderzee, 1966 (inset: Zuiderzee before enclosure by the Afsluitdijk in 1932). In 1986, the proposed reclamation
of Markerwaard was indefinitely postponed and it became Markermeer. Courtesy: Dienst der Zuiderzeewerken.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 29

for pleasure vessels; piers, promenades, and seawalls were In the United States problems of erosion and navigability
lengthened. Southend pier, in the macrotidal Thames estuary, led in 1930 to formation of the Beach Erosion Board within
eventually became 2158 m long. Beaches backed by seawalls the US Army Corps of Engineers. This agency was charged with
and promenades suffered erosion from reflected waves but defining problems of coastal erosion, navigation, and harbor
were denied replenishment from formerly eroding cliffs, for access, and advising local authorities on engineering solutions.
example, by 16 km of cliff-foot promenade at Bournemouth, Although stimulated initially by pressing issues along the At-
Dorset (Figure 30). Structures were commonly built with lantic coast, an early study along the Pacific coast defined lit-
scant regard to historical erosion, notably along the 200-km toral drift as a ‘river of sand’ flowing parallel with the shore
New Jersey shore where erosion was attributed initially to (O’Brien, 1931). During World War II, agency scientists con-
subsidence rather than to storms (Johnson and Smith, 1913). ducted significant research from wave-tank experiments, and
As recreational boating increased, wetlands were dredged for real and photogrammetric intelligence on proposed landing
marinas, notably in southern California, and harbor entrances beaches (Quinn, 1977). This research role later expanded,
needed longer jetties (Figure 31). The latter in turn trapped involving larger wave tanks and experimental basins (e.g.,
more sediment updrift and caused more erosion downdrift, as Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg), field groups
shown by jetties completed at Cold Spring Inlet in 1911 that supported by amphibious vehicles, cooperating universities,
caused massive erosion of Cape May beaches (Quinn, 1977). and expanded engineering activity. Traditional hard structures
Barrier islands along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts were invaded lost favor to soft techniques, notably sand bypassing
by homes and fixed in place by engineered waterways and beach nourishment, designed to work with, rather
between the islands, with major consequences for beach than against, natural forces. A manual on Shore Protection
replenishment. Planning and Design, which first appeared in 1954 and since

Figure 30 Bournemouth seawall and promenade extends 18 km

Figure 28 Roman boat-dock cut into aeolianite at Dor, Israel. Over along the English Channel coast. It was built to protect seacliffs in
the past 4000 years, this locality has seen successive harbors built erodible Eocene sediment from marine erosion, but the reflective
by Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and others. Courtesy: A.R. Orme. seawall has also caused net beach loss. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.

Figure 29 Boso Peninsula, Honshu, showing extensions to Ioka harbor occasioned by increasing boat size and by uplift during the 1923 Kanto
earthquake and tsunami. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.
30 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Figure 31 Channel Islands Harbor, California, excavated in a former

lagoon and wetland, and accessed through jetties protected by an
offset breakwater. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.

revised by the Coastal Engineering Research Center (the

Board’s successor after 1963), became an essential reference
for coastal engineering and coastal geomorphology world-
wide. This agency is matched by similar bodies in other coastal Figure 32 St Lucia Estuary, South Africa. This color infrared image
nations, such as Delft Hydraulics in the Netherlands and exemplifies the high-resolution imagery that began to be acquired in
Hydraulics Research Wallingford in Britain. the later twentieth century, here revealing physical and ecological
features in a subtropical estuary. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.
The coastal engineering tradition has been a mixed bless-
ing. Some impressive structures have been built over the
centuries and much has been learned about coastal geo-
aerial photographs have been joined since the 1950s by im-
morphology in the process. But as engineered structures, hard
agery from specialized airplanes and space satellites (Fig-
and soft, have grown mathematically, so their impact on
ure 32). Primitive echo-sounding techniques of the early
coasts has increased exponentially. Many natural stretches of
twentieth century have given way to modern sonar, radar,
coast have disappeared entirely, engineered out of existence in
lidar, and acoustic tomography. Photogrammetry has yielded
order to protect and enhance perceived human needs.
to digital image processing. Since the 1970s, satellite altimetry
has measured with increasing precision the changing ocean
surface, the vertical motion of tide gauges on which sea-level
10.2.8 Conclusion: Welding Noble Traditions into measurements traditionally relied, and the sea floor. Today,
Modern Practice data obtained from airborne and space sensors, and from
seaborne and submersible platforms are integral to coastal
Coastal geomorphology has developed since 1950 against a research.
backcloth of quickening science and technology. World War II Since the 1950s, shipborne drilling and geophysical tech-
spurred scientific progress, but later population growth, niques have been extended from shallow waters to deep
resource use, industrialization, trade, engineering, defense, oceans. The Deep-Sea Drilling Project (1963–85) and its
and recreation have each emphasized the need to understand successors have revised notions of marine geology, coastal
better and, where possible, modulate the effects on coasts of origins, and sea-level change. Progressive maritime nations
natural hazards and human activities. As interdisciplinary generally maintain coastal and ocean-going vessels, manned
research and international cooperation have increased, and robot submersibles, and aircraft for research. These en-
land-based and shipborne scientists, theorists and coastal gage in coastal surveys, sediment coring, water sampling,
engineers have come to weld their differing traditions into process measurements, acoustic bottom profiling, and geo-
modern practice. This conclusion outlines six themes of physical surveys using onboard gravimeters, magnetometers,
coastal research, conceptual rather than exhaustive, that have and seismic recorders. Larger vessels carry computers for glo-
benefited. Progress since 1950 may be gauged by comparing bal positioning and automated data logging and plotting
texts from the 1950s (Guilcher, 1954; Zenkovitch, 1957; King, systems, whereas miniaturized technology facilitates studies
1959) with more recent works (Woodroffe, 2002; Schwartz, from smaller boats. Instrument packages on anchored surface
2005; Davidson-Arnott, 2010). and subsurface buoys record and transmit continuous data on
tidal range, wave height, current flow, and water temperature.
Advances in computing, from the large slow mainframe ma- Information Technology
chines of the 1960s to modern, high-speed portable com-
Recent decades have seen rapid progress in the collection and puters, have enabled accelerated processing of large data sets,
processing of coastal data. Visual observations and soundings ideally suited to wave and tide data, and to modeling of
have been augmented by remote sensing wherein traditional shallow-water processes and sediment responses.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 31 Coastal Tectonics Relative Sea-Level Change

Although the age of discovery invited speculation about the Recent progress in understanding sea-level change has seen
mirror image of opposing Atlantic coasts, this was ignored concepts of glacio-isostasy and glacio-eustasy refined with re-
by those who saw only a stable Earth with fixed continents spect to orbital forcing of climate change involving cycles of
and oceans. Then, in 1912, Alfred Wegener (1880–1930) 101–106 years, and changes attributable to tectonic forcing
proposed the concept of continental drift, which found sup- better constrained over longer time-scales. At shorter time-
port in fault offsets of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and transatlantic scales, tide-gauge and remote sensing data have identified
geological comparisons (Wegener, 1912; Ampferer, 1925; significant sea-level oscillations over decadal and millennial
Du Toit, 1927, 1937). Initially ridiculed, the concept was time-scales.
resurrected after 1950 by marine scientists investigating the Orbital forcing of climate change, invoked earlier (Croll,
deep-sea floor (Dietz, 1961; Hess, 1962). During the ensuing 1864; Milankovitch, 1920), was resurrected by evidence from
plate-tectonic revolution, ocean ridges became spreading laminated deep-sea cores. Foraminifera from Atlantic bottom
centers offset by transform faults, ocean trenches became sediment retrieved by the Meteor expedition (1925–27) had
subduction zones, and coastal origins were rewritten to ac- suggested relatively recent warm–cold–warm conditions
commodate crustal mobility (Orme, 1998, 2002). Inman and (Schott, 1935), and Pacific cores from the Albatross expedition
Nordstrom (1971) pointed toward an explanation of coastal (1947–48) defined nine warm–cold cycles, thought at the
origins by distinguishing between collision coasts, where time to represent the entire Pleistocene (Arrhenius, 1952).
plates were actively colliding, and trailing-edge coasts, where Longer deep-sea cores, notably Core V-28–238 retrieved from
plates were separating. the western equatorial Pacific in 1971 (Shackleton and
Today, we commonly identify coastal types in terms of Opdyke, 1973), and advances in isotope stratigraphy, micro-
passive and active tectonic margins. Coasts of passive or di- paleontology, paleomagnetism, and radiometric dating, sub-
vergent continental margins range from those of embryonic sequently established the time-frame for correlating sea-level
oceans, such as the Red Sea, to those flanking the Atlantic changes with late Cenozoic cold–warm oscillations. Empirical
Ocean, with its broad continental shelves and carbonate and theoretical studies have since advanced understanding of
platforms. Coasts of active margins include those where
plate convergence, subduction, high seismicity, and earth-
quakes are common, such as Andean-type margins, named
from where the Nazca oceanic plate subducts beneath the
South American continental plate, and Marianas-type and
Japanese-type margins typified by island-arc formation (Fig-
ure 33). California-type active margins occur where plate
convergence is complicated by lateral shear related to trans-
form faults of subducted oceanic ridges, notably along the
San Andreas fault system (Figure 34). Defining plate margins
in these ways has resurrected the interplay between crustal
tectonics and coastal geomorphology (Stewart and Vita-Finzi,

Figure 34 The San Andreas fault between Bolinas Lagoon (bottom

left) and the Russian River (top center) exemplifies the California-type
Figure 33 The major 1923 Kanto earthquake and tsunami, transform margin (north is top right corner). The Pacific plate west
triggered by Pacific plate subduction beneath the Japanese island arc, of the fault is sliding NNW past the North American plate to the east
raised a rocky submarine platform and seacliff to form a new coastal (NASA). The present rate of displacement between these plates
plain for the Boso Peninsula. The devastating Fukushima-Miyagi averages 48 mm yr 1, distributed between the San Andreas fault
earthquake and tsunami of 2011 were similarly triggered. Courtesy: proper and subparallel faults in a zone extending 400 km inland from
A.R. Orme. the continental margin (Irwin, 1990). Courtesy: NASA.
32 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

sea-level change, notably for links between isostasy and re- that repeat transgressions can superimpose Holocene barrier-
gional glaciation (e.g., Andrews, 1970) and coastal tectonics lagoon systems on similar Pleistocene features (Orme, 1972;
(e.g., Peltier, 1998), between eustasy and tectonism (e.g., Hobday and Orme, 1975).
Chappell, et al., 1998; Orme, 1998; Figure 35) and climate Advances in isotope geochemistry and dating techniques
(e.g., Pirazzoli, 1996), and for modern issues of rising sea-level have helped in evaluating marine sediment. Before 1950,
and global warming (e.g., Douglas et al., 2001). For example, relative ages of past sea levels had been deduced from stra-
dated back-barrier marsh and overlying beach deposits suggest tigraphy, paleontology, geomorphology, and other correlative
that marine transgressions are the mechanism likely to explain techniques. Except where defined from historical records and
the development of most barrier beaches (Kraft, 1971), and varves, true dates were lacking. Although developed in the
early 1900s, radiometric techniques began to be applied to
coastal sediment in the 1950s when the radioactive isotope
C began constraining the age of the Flandrian transgression
(Figure 26). Other radiometric methods followed, aided by
the advent of accelerator-mass spectrometry in the 1970s.
These included the use of uranium series that could be back-
dated to last interglacial times, potassium-argon methods
applicable to deep time, and other isotopes with half-lives
varying from very short (e.g., 210Pb and 137C dating of recent
marsh sediment) to much longer (e.g., 36Cl, 10Be). Coastal Processes

Coastal processes and their interaction with engineering
structures have become much better understood in recent
decades. Longer time series, combined with high-speed
Figure 35 Pleistocene marine terraces raised by episodic tectonism computers and spectral analysis, have clarified the nature and
to B200 m above present sea level along the Pacific coast of Baja effect of waves, tides, and other shallow-water processes
California, Mexico. The river is antecedent to, and cuts through, the (Figure 36). Building on earlier theories but now wary of
rising coast range. Courtesy: A.R. Orme. transferring deep-water solutions to shallow water, much re-
search has focused on coastal morphodynamics and sediment
mobility, aided by advanced instruments, information tech-
nology, and modeling. Stimulated by oil exploration, three-
dimensional studies of deltas have proliferated (e.g., Coleman,
1976; Figure 12); navigational and ecological issues have
spurred estuarine research (e.g., Dyer, 1997); and rocky
coasts have been well studied (e.g., Trenhaile, 1987, Suna-
mura, 1992). Among other themes attracting attention include
beach-dune interactions (e.g., Sherman and Bauer, 1993),
river-mouth morphodynamics and sediment mobility
(e.g., Schwarz and Orme, 2005; Figure 37). Davies (1972)

Figure 37 The Tugela River, Indian Ocean coast, South Africa. In

Figure 36 The semidiurnal tidal range of 2 m at Morro Bay, central the summer wet season, it delivers much sediment, which is moved
California. Tidal cycles play major roles in estuarine and wetland north (right) by longshore currents induced by waves approaching
dynamics. Courtesy: A.R. Orme. obliquely from the Southern Ocean. Courtesy: A.R. Orme.
The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology 33

wrote an admirable synthesis of geographic variations in Rates and Predictions of Coastal Change
coastal development.
Models have been prominent in recent decades, from the Assuming that prediction is the ultimate goal of science,
conceptually simple, such as the process–response model measuring the nature and rate of recent coastal change must
(Krumbein, 1963) that invokes complex feedbacks between contribute significantly to future management objectives.
form and process, to the hopefully predictive, such as the Apart from sea-level change over the longer term, it is im-
dissipative-reflective model (Short, 1979; Wright and Short, portant for management goals to understand shorter term
1984) that relates beach morphodynamics to breaker types, changes in rates of erosion, sediment transfer, and sedimen-
nearshore gradient, and sediment mobility. Many mathemat- tation under both natural and human-impacted conditions.
ical models seek to relate measurable processes to definable Ideally, this involves time-series of data of sufficient frequency
forms (e.g., Guza and Inman, 1975). The concept of the and duration to identify significant departures from seasonal,
littoral cell, a discrete segment of coast that is more-or- annual, and decadal mean conditions. In this respect, natural
less self-contained with respect to sediment gain and loss, coastal changes attributable to episodic El Niño-Southern
has enhanced explanations of spatial change (Inman and Oscillation (ENSO) forcing have been shown to be important
Frautschy, 1966). (e.g., Storlazzi and Griggs, 2000), whereas multidecadal beach

Figure 38 The need for education and coastal management in California. Top: Malibu backshore homes threatened by beach loss. Bottom left:
Santa Barbara cliff-top patio suffering cliff retreat (now lost). Bottom right: Oxnard backshore home (since lost and replaced). Courtesy: A.R.
34 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

changes attributable to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is the starting point for understanding coasts, essential to the
have also been documented (Zoulas and Orme, 2007; Orme continuing educational process that leads to the informed
et al., 2011). Rates of seacliff retreat, beach change, dune mi- application of accepted scientific principles to coastal
gration, wetland loss, and so forth, whether related to shorter problems.
term cyclic forcing or longer term sea-level change, are clearly
relevant to coastal management.
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38 The Four Traditions of Coastal Geomorphology

Biographical Sketch

Antony R. Orme (PhD, University of Birmingham, England, 1961) is Emeritus Professor of Geography in the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Raised in Devon, England, his career began at University College,
Dublin (1960–68), before joining UCLA in 1968.
His research interests have embraced many aspects of geomorphology (coasts, rivers, deserts, and mass
movement) and Cenozoic studies (sea-level change, pluvial lakes, neotectonism, and isostasy), as well as the
history and paradigms of the Earth sciences, and issues of coastal and watershed planning and management. He
has worked extensively in western North America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Britain, and Ireland. His
research has been supported by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Coastal
Engineering Research Center, Waterways Experiment Station, Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory),
U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of State (Agency for International Development), U.S.
Department of the Interior (National Park Service), the National Science Foundation, and various regional, state
and city agencies, and several national governments.
His teaching interests involve all the above fields, and he has also been active in university administration. He
has served as editor or editorial board member of numerous journals, including Physical Geography, which he
founded and served as Editor-in-Chief from 1980 to 2010. Recent awards include the Founders’ Medal of the
British Society for Geomorphology (BGRS, 2000), and the Mel Marcus Distinguished Career Award of the As-
sociation of American Geographers (2002).
He has authored or edited several books and monographs, including Ireland (1970), Coasts under Stress
(1982), Lake Thompson: A Desiccating Late Quaternary Lake System (2004). With Andrew Goudie (Oxford), he
developed and edited advanced texts in the Oxford Regional Environments series; and contributed several
chapters to the physical geographies of Africa (1996), North America (2002), and South America (2007). His recent research papers address river-mouth and
beach morphodynamnics, multidecadal coastal changes, Pleistocene and Holocene pluvial lakes, coastal dunes, sea-level fluctuations, geomorphic responses
to interactive tectonic and climate forcing, climate change issues, Clarence Dutton and questions of isostasy, and shifting paradigms in geomorphology.
10.3 Waves
DA Huntley, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.3.1 Introduction 40
10.3.2 Linear Waves 41 Nature and Limitations of Linear Wave Theory 41 Descriptors of Coastal Waves 43 Implications for modeling 46 Shoaling and Breaking of Linear Waves 47 Wave propagation 47 Wave breaking and surf zone waves 48 Currently Available Linear Models 51
10.3.3 Nonlinear Waves 52 Introduction 52 Overview of Theories 53 Stokes waves 54 Boussinesq theories 54 NSWE 59 Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) models 59 Parameterization of nonlinear parameters in linear wave models 60
10.3.4 Long-Period Waves 60 Introduction 60 Nature of Long-Period Waves 61 Forcing and Suppression of Long-Period Motion 63 Magnitude and Cross-Shore Pattern of Infragravity Wave Energy 66 Long-Period Motion and Morphodynamics 67
10.3.5 Summary and Conclusions 69
References 69

Glossary will generate new sinusoidal frequencies, as shown by

Boundary conditions Descriptions of the conditions of eqn [58].
variables at the boundaries of a numerical model domain. Perturbation expansion An expansion of a nonlinear
At open boundaries these conditions will specify the flow equation in terms of small deviations (perturbations) from
of information (e.g., waves) into and out of the domain. its linear form. The small deviations are expressed in the
At closed boundaries (e.g., the coastline) they will form of a nondimensional ‘expansion parameter’ and the
specify limits on the motion (e.g., wave reflection or expansion generates a series of terms in increasing powers
absorption). of this parameter. These terms are expected to decrease in
Nonlinear equations In linear equations, changes in one magnitude with the increasing power (i.e., the expansion
variable create proportional changes in another variable ‘converges’). A perturbation theory keeps these terms up to
(e.g., eqn [5] shows that a doubling of wave height, H, will a given power of the expansion parameter, known as the
result in a doubling of the horizontal velocity, u). ‘order’ of the perturbation theory.
A nonlinear equation does not show this proportional Riemann invariant A mathematical combination of
dependence. For example, the second term on the left of variables, from a nonlinear equation, which remains
eqn [50] involves the product of two terms in u, so if u is constant along a trajectory defined by another
doubled this term will quadruple (for the same spatial mathematical combination of those variables. For example,
scale). The resulting effect on Z will thus be greater than a the nonlinear shallow water equations, applied to waves
proportionate doubling. If u takes a sinusoidal form then propagating in the x-direction in water of constant depth,
this second term will involve products of sinusoids and thus have Riemann invariants (u72C) which remain constant

Huntley, D.A., 2013. Waves. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J.
(Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10,
Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 39–73.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 39

40 Waves

along trajectories given by dx/dt ¼ (u7C), where u is the effect of turbulence is contained in the ‘Reynolds stress’
horizontal velocity and C the wave phase velocity. term, involving products of turbulent velocities. These
Self-organization The ordering of a system involving turbulent velocities are unknown and attempt to find the
strong feedback into internal patterns not contained in the form of the Reynolds stress using additional equations
external forcing. For example, beach cusps, with regular based on the Navier–Stokes equations result in further
alongshore spacing, have been shown to emerge by self- unknown turbulence parameters. This uncertainty must
organization from a system with strong feedback between therefore be ‘closed’ at some level by relating unknown
swash motion of the water and the morphological response turbulent terms to known variables (e.g., wave or mean
of the beach face. flows). The simplest closure scheme assumes that the
Shock waves Waves with a front face, which approximates Reynolds stress term is equal to the transverse gradient (the
to a vertical slope. Stable forms of such waves only exist in shear) of the mean flow multiplied by an ‘eddy viscosity.’
the presence of dissipation at the front of the wave so Higher-order schemes generally parameterize the energy
cannot be simulated by the standard nonlinear shallow exchange between turbulence and mean flows.
water equations. Wind fetch The distance over the water that the wind acts
Turbulence closure schemes When the Navier–Stokes to generate waves. It is usually taken as the distance to the
equations are averaged over rapid turbulence timescales, the nearest upwind point of land.


The aim of this chapter is to provide a review of the theory and modeling of coastal waves in the context of modeling
nearshore morphodynamic processes. The first section deals with linear wave theory, with a focus on the shoaling and
breaking of random waves in shallow water. The second section reviews the important nonlinear aspects of nearshore wave
motion. The third section describes the nature and origins of long-period waves, with periods in the range 20–200 s. The
chapter ends by emphasizing the importance of feedback between waves and evolving morphology in creating nearshore
morphological features.

10.3.1 Introduction stronger forward accelerations of the flow which can also in-
fluence net sediment transport.
Surface waves have a major controlling influence on sediment In shallow water, the orbital motion of the water under
transport and therefore on the formation and behavior of waves also ceases to be entirely closed, with a small net
morphological features of the seabed in coastal and nearshore translation of water particles and, hence, a steady flow in the
waters. Over most of the continental shelf, to depths of 100 m wave direction. Although in many coastal situations this flow
or more, the motion of the water under waves is an essentially may be countered by tilts of the sea surface and return flows,
symmetric oscillation, with flow in the direction of wave the resulting patterns can have a strong influence on net
propagation under the wave crest balanced by flow in the re- sediment transport rates and directions.
verse direction under the trough. The wave motion, therefore, These issues have led to a great deal of research effort to
does not in itself cause a net transport of sediment in either understand the nature of waves in coastal and nearshore
direction. However, the seabed stresses associated with the waters and to model them mathematically. Several excellent
oscillatory motion can become large enough to set the seabed text books describe this research with a range of different
sediments into motion, stirring them so that they can then be approaches, from broad overviews such as those of Komar
moved by steady or slowly moving currents, driven, for ex- (1998) and Davidson-Arnott (2010) to more detailed
ample, by tides or winds. For a given instantaneous current theoretical treatments found, for example, in Dean and
speed, wave motion creates a much larger stress at the seabed Dalrymple (1984), Dingemans (1997), and Svendsen (2005).
than a steady current, so the influence of waves on sediment The aim of this chapter therefore is not to reproduce the de-
transport rates can be disproportionately large. tails contained in these texts but to provide a review of wave
As waves travel into shallower water (typically shallower theory and modeling as it impacts on sediment transport
than about 10 m), the influence of waves in creating a net modeling and hence on the modeling of morphological forms
transport of sediment can become more direct. Distortion of and morphodynamic processes in coastal and nearshore water
the wave profile due to nonlinear effects results in more depths. It aspires to provide an overview of the nature of
peaked wave crests and more flattened wave troughs, causing different wave modeling approaches, to describe their suc-
the forward flows to be stronger than the reverse flows. This cesses and limitations and to indicate the current state of the
potentially leads to greater sediment transport under the crests art in providing wave input to models of coastal morphody-
and therefore a net transport in the wave direction. As the namics. The resulting sediment transport modeling and
waves approach the breaking point they also typically develop coastal morphodynamics are considered in other chapters in
steepened forward faces and flattened back faces, resulting in this volume.
Waves 41

The next section of this chapter, Section 10.3.2, considers of Laplace, Airy showed that eqn [1] is an exact solution to
linear wave modeling, which remains the most widely used irrotational (essentially meaning frictionless) water motion in
technique. Intrinsically, however, linear theory does not in- water of any depth provided that the wave amplitude is small
clude the nonlinear effects, which are known to be vital for compared to the water depth and to the wavelength of the
successful modeling of sediment transport in shallow water. wave. Airy’s theory gives a ‘dispersion relation’ linking the
Section 10.3.3 therefore reviews the current state of nonlinear wavenumber to the wave frequency, in the form:
modeling, but also considers ways in which nonlinear effects
can be added to linear models, generally through empirical o2 ¼ gk tanh kh ½2
Section 10.3.4 deals with motion at longer periods than where tanh denotes the hyperbolic tangent, k is the magnitude
incident wave periods, the infragravity motion that can of k, g is the gravitational acceleration, and h is the water
dominate flows close to the shoreline and that can have a depth. In terms of the wavelength, L, and wave period, T, this
significant influence on sediment transport, particularly in the equation is equivalent to:
inner surf and swash zones. The largest contribution to this g 2 2ph
infragravity energy is in the form of free waves that are either L¼ T tanh ½3
2p L
trapped to the shoreline or radiate away into deeper water.
However, in considering the forcing of these waves by non- Since the wave will travel a distance of one wavelength in one
linear interaction of the incident waves, the author touches wave period, the speed of wave propagation, known as the
briefly on the generation of other slowly varying motion in the wave ‘phase velocity’ C, is simply L/T, and from eqn [3], this is:
nearshore zone.
The chapter ends with a brief summary and some com- g 2ph
C¼ T tanh ½4
ments about possible future developments. 2p L

For sediment transport and the resulting morphodynamics,

the velocity of the water under the waves is of primary im-
10.3.2 Linear Waves
portance and the Airy theory also provides equations for these
‘orbital velocities.’ The horizontal velocity, in the direction of Nature and Limitations of Linear Wave Theory
wave propagation, is given by:
The simplest and most fundamental description of wave
H cosh kðh þ zÞ
motion in the ocean is the sinusoid, with a surface elevation, u¼ o sin ðkx  ot þ jÞ ½5
Z, which varies with horizontal position in the direction of 2 sinh kh
wave propagation, x, and with time, t, in the form:
where z is the vertical distance measured upward from the
H water surface. At the seabed, z¼  h, and the cosh term
Z¼ sin ðkx  ot þ jÞ ½1
2 is unity.
Similarly, the vertical velocity under an Airy wave is given
where k is the wavenumber of the wave (¼ 2p/L, with L the by:
wavelength), o is its (radian) frequency (¼ 2p/T, with T the
wave period), j is the phase of the wave, and H is the wave H sinh kðh þ zÞ
w¼ o sin ðkx  ot þ fÞ ½6
height (Figure 1). The minus sign in this equation means 2 sinh kh
that the wave in this case travels in the positive x-direction be-
cause the magnitude of x must increase as t increases in order to The resulting orbital motion of the water under a wave
keep the value of the phase of the wave in the brackets constant takes the form of closed ellipses, with the vertical excursion of
and hence follow a particular position on the wave shape. the ellipse equal to the wave height at the water surface
This form of wave profile is most commonly associated but decreasing with increasing distance below the surface
with the name of the nineteenth century English mathemat- (Figure 2). The horizontal excursion is also greatest at the
ician, Sir George Biddell Airy. Building on the pioneering work surface and decreases with increasing depth.

(x, t)
Crest z
H x


Figure 1 A sinusoidal wave. Reproduced with permission from Figure 1.1 in Dean, R.G., Dalrymple, R.A., 1984. Water Wave Mechanics for
Engineers and Scientists. Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey, USA.
42 Waves

Long wave/shallow water Intermediate
Figure 2 The orbital motion of water beneath an Airy wave. Reproduced with permission from Nielsen, P., 2009. Coastal and Estuarine
Processes (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering). World Scientific, 34 pp.

Other important properties of linear waves are the energy incident on beaches. Equation [9] shows that in deep water
per unit area of the sea surface, E, which is given by: such a wave will have a wavelength of 156 m and a phase
speed of 15.6 m s1. Equation [9] will remain approximately
1 valid until the depth reduces to about a half of the wavelength,
E¼ rgH2 ½7
8 so the deep water approximation requires that the water depth
exceeds about 78 m. For the shallow water form of eqn [10],
simple iteration shows that the depth to wavelength ratio of
and the speed of propagation of wave energy, the ‘group vel-
one-twentieth is exceeded if the depth exceeds about 2.5 m.
ocity,’ cg, which is in the direction of wave propagation and is
Thus, unfortunately, for most depths in coastal waters the full
given by
equations must be used and the shallow water forms can only
1 2kh be used very close to the shoreline.
cg ¼ nC where n ¼ 1þ ½8 Real ocean waves are not, of course, the regular sinusoids
2 sinh 2kh
given by eqn [1]. However, the major characteristic of Airy’s
These equations reduce to simpler forms when the water linear wave theory is that, because the waves are in principle
depth is more than about half the wavelength, with infinitely small in amplitude relative to the wavelength and
the water depth, waves of different wavelengths, periods,
g 2 heights, and directions of propagation can be superimposed
L¼ T on one another. Their small amplitude means that there is no
g interaction between the sinusoidal waves; they can simply be
C¼ T
2p added together to form a complex combination of wave mo-
pH kz   tions. Fourier’s theory of 1807 showed that any pattern of
u¼ e sin kx  ot þ f ½9
T undulations that repeats itself after a given recurrence length
pH kz   can be reproduced by a combination of sinusoids, which are
w¼ e cos kx  ot þ f
T harmonics of the recurrence length. It was not until after the
cg ¼ Second World War that his theory was extended to non-
2 recurring patterns like those of sea waves. The key assumption
is that, for these nonrecurring undulations, the recurrence
The water velocities tend to zero with increasing depth due length is infinite, resulting in an infinite number of harmonics
to the exponential term and are negligible at the seabed. differing in wavelength, period, and direction by infinitely
The equations also simplify when the water depth is much small increments, each harmonic having infinitely small
smaller than the wavelength (generally, taken as less than amplitude. The pioneering work of Rice (1944, 1945) and
one-twentieth of the wavelength), with others developed these ideas in the context of signal process-
ing and Barber and Ursell (1948) were amongst the first to
L ¼ ghT apply them to the complex and changing wave patterns of the
C2 ¼ gh real ocean. The result is a wave spectrum that gives the dis-
rffiffiffi tribution of wave energy in a real wave field as a function of
H g  
u¼ sin kx  ot þ f ½10 both frequency (describing the contributions from different
2 h
wave periods and wavelengths) and direction. Figure 3 shows
pH  z  
w¼ 1þ cos kx  ot þ f an example of a spectrum of wave orbital velocity showing the
T h
cg ¼ C distribution of wave energy as a function of frequency.
The assumption that a real sea is made up of a superposition
of sinusoidal waves also leads to the prediction that the dis-
These equations [10] show that waves in shallow water tribution of wave heights observed over a period of time will
travel with a celerity that depends only on the water depth, approximate to the Rayleigh distribution if the range of wave
and the horizontal orbital velocity is the same at all depths. frequencies is small. This was first shown theoretically by
To gain an assessment of when eqns [9] or [10] might Longuet-Higgins (1952) and subsequently demonstrated to be
apply, consider a wave with a period 10 s, typical of waves true, even for relatively wide ranges of wave frequencies, in
Waves 43


Spectrum 2. 8. 5. 10 AUG 72
N = 1536 Δt = 0.5 s
Δf = 0.025 Hz

Spectral energy ((m/s)2 /Hz)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3 A typical wave spectrum for wave orbital velocity. The energy centered at a given frequency and within a given bandwidth is given by
the integrated area under the spectrum over the bandwidth. The vertical axis is the one-dimensional frequency spectrum, S(f).

numerous field measurements (see e.g., Tucker and Pitt, 2001). as input to sediment transport and morphodynamic models
The form of the Rayleigh distribution is shown in Figure 8. and consider the implications of these simplifications. He
These developments based on Airy theory provide excellent then considers the extensions of linear wave theory to model
descriptors of waves in deep water but as waves move into shoaling and breaking waves in the surf zone. The successes
shallow water and shoal and eventually break, the funda- and the limitations of linear models in such apparently non-
mental assumptions of Airy theory are violated because the linear conditions are discussed and this leads to a consider-
wave height becomes comparable to water depth and to the ation of nonlinear wave theories.
wavelength. Fortunately, and rather surprisingly, laboratory
(Flick et al., 1981) and field measurements on real beaches Descriptors of Coastal Waves
(e.g., on Torrey Pines Beach, California by Guza and Thorn-
The most complete description of oceanic waves is the dir-
ton, 1980) show that linear theory provides remarkably good
ectional wave spectrum, S(f, y), where f is the wave frequency
approximations (typically within 10% when computing or-
( ¼ o/2p) and y is the direction angle of wave propagation.
bital velocities from elevations) for waves in coastal waters,
This two-dimensional (2D) function gives the spread of wave
even, as we shall see in Section, for shoaling and
energy over both frequency and direction so that waves at each
breaking waves. The linear theory does of course omit some
frequency have an associated spread of directions of propa-
wave characteristics of potential importance for sediment
gation, as illustrated in Figure 4. Measurement of a directional
transport. It cannot, for example, simulate the distortion of
spectrum involves either simultaneous measurement of the
wave shape that occurs as a wave approaches the shoreline and
wave field over a range of different horizontal locations, using
shoals and breaks, or simulate the observation that the orbital
an array of sensors or remote imagery, or detailed measure-
motion of the water under a wave is not quite closed but has a
ment of the curvature of the sea surface at a point using a
small net displacement in the direction of wave propagation.
device like the ‘pitch-roll-heave buoy.’ Tucker and Pitt (2001)
Both of these effects become increasingly important as the
give a clear description of the requirements and limitations of
water depth becomes small and they require a more complex,
some available methods used to extract directional spectra
nonlinear or parametric approach, as will be discussed in
from wave measurements.
Section 10.3.3. Linear theory does, however, provide a rea-
It is usual to separate the frequency and directional com-
sonable quantitative description of wave celerities, the mag-
ponents of the directional wave spectrum into the form:
nitudes of the wave orbital velocities (below the immediate
vicinity of the wave crest) and the propagation of wave mo- Sðf ,yÞ ¼ Sðf Þ Gðy,f Þ ½11
mentum responsible for driving surf zone longshore currents.
It is therefore central to many modeling approaches to the where S(f) gives the magnitude of the spectrum as a function
simulation and prediction of coastal waves and the associated of frequency. G(y,f) gives the directional spread at frequency f
morphodynamics (see Section and is normalized so that
In the sections which follow, the author first looks at de- Z þp
scriptors of linear wave fields. In particular he describes the Gðy,f Þdy ¼ 1 ½12
simplifications that are generally necessary in describing waves p
44 Waves

S (m2 Hz−1 rad−1)


0 –1.5

0.05 –1

0.1 –0.5

0.15 0

0.2 0.5

f (Hz) 0.25 1  (rad)

Figure 4 An example of a directional wave spectrum, for wave elevation. It shows the wave conditions in 8 m water depth off Duck, NC at
07.00 on 10 October 1990, during the Delilah experiment. The solid line above the frequency axis is the one-dimensional frequency spectrum,
S(f), and the line above the direction axis is the directional energy distribution integrated over all frequencies. Reproduced from van Dongeren,
A.R., Reniers, A.J.H.M., Battjes, J.A., Svendsen, I.A., 2003. Numerical modeling of infragravity wave response during Delilah. Journal of
Geophysical Research – Oceans 108(C9), 3288, with permission from AGU.

The 1D (or omnidirectional) spectrum, S(f), can then be order moment as

treated separately from the directional distribution, G(y,f). pffiffiffiffiffiffi
H1=3 ¼ 4 m0 ½15
The 1D spectrum, S(f), can be computed from measure-
ments of the variation of wave height over time at a single
and this is now generally used as the spectrally derived def-
point and is therefore the easiest to obtain. However, the de-
inition of the significant wave height.
tailed information contained even in such a simplified spec-
The average wave frequency, fm, is given by
trum is generally difficult to incorporate into models of
morphodynamic behavior, and it is therefore useful to reduce fm ¼ m1 =m0 ½16
the spectrum to a smaller number of variables. The frequency
moments of the spectrum (m), in the form: and the average zero-crossing wave frequency, fz, has been
Z N shown by Rice (1945) to be equal to
mn ¼ f n Sðf Þ df ½13 rffiffiffiffiffiffi
0 m2
fz ¼ ½17
provide some useful variables. For example, the zero-order
moment (m0), the integral over the frequency spectrum, Other combinations of frequency moments can be used to
Z N quantify the breadth of the 1D spectrum, i.e., the spread
m0 ¼ Sðf Þ df ½14 around the peak frequency:
is equal to the overall variance of the water surface elevation. m2 2
When multiplied by the water density, r, and gravitational ep ¼ 1  ðCartwright and Longuet-Higgins, 1956Þ
m0 m4
acceleration, g, it is equal to the wave energy per unit area of
sea surface (eqn [7]). Longuet-Higgins (1952) also showed rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
that the significant wave height, H1/3, the average of the m0 m2
np ¼  1 ðLonguet-Higgins, 1957Þ ½19
highest 1/3 of waves in a wave record, is related to the zero- m1 2
Waves 45

Both ep and np approach zero for narrow-banded spectra,

with the energy centered closely around the peak, and 1 for
broadbanded spectra. However, ep suffers from the disadvan-
tage that it tends to 1 regardless of the spectral width. This is
because frequency spectra typically tend to fall off as f5 with
increasing f for large f, so that the value of m4 is large and

Spectral density, S(f) (m2s)

sensitive to the upper frequency bound of the moment inte-
gral. Thus np is to be preferred. It also has been shown to be
inversely proportional to the average number of waves in a SJ(fp)
wave group (Longuet-Higgins, 1957). SPM(fp)
Another frequency moment measure of spectral width was
suggested by Goda (1976)
Qp ¼ fS2 ðf Þdf ½20
m0 2 0

and was shown to relate to wave group length and other wave Pierson–Moskowitz
groupiness parameters. However, Tucker and Pitt (2001) and SPM(f )
Elgar et al. (1984) criticize this parameter, particularly for fp
spectra with multiple peaks. Frequency, f (Hz)
In fact all of these moment-based parameters can be mis- Figure 5 Pierson–Moskowitz and JONSWAP spectra. The vertical
leading if the underlying spectrum is not unimodal, as is fre- dashed line shows the peak frequency, fp. Reproduced with permission
quently the case in coastal waters. For example, a bimodal from Figure 3.7 in Dominic, R., Andrew, C., Christopher, F., 2004.
spectrum, with a low-frequency peak due to swell waves and a Coastal Engineering: Processes, theory and design practice. Spon
higher-frequency peak caused by local sea waves, will provide Press, Abingdon, Oxon.
an estimate of mean frequency, fm, which is a weighted average
North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) spectrum (Hasselmann
over the two spectral peaks, a frequency at which little wave
et al., 1973), which is based on measurements made in the
energy may actually exist. In principle this problem can be
North Sea (Figure 5). In terms of the Pierson–Moskowitz
overcome by computing separate integral moments over
spectrum, SPM(f), the JONSWAP spectrum, SJ(f), takes the form:
bandwidths associated with the two peaks, giving separate
swell and sea parameters but this is rarely done. ðf  fp Þ2
A widely used alternative approach to limiting the number exp 
2ðsfp Þ2
of parameters associated with a spectral description of waves is SJ ðf Þ ¼ SPM ðf Þg ½23
to assume that the spectrum matches a ‘standard frequency
spectrum’ with a limited number of parameters to describe the where the multiplier provides for the peak enhancement.
spectral shape. The most widely used standard wave spectrum There are now four fitting parameters, two, fp and a, from the
was obtained by Pierson and Moskowitz (1964) from a study Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum, and a further two, g and s,
of a range of open ocean spectra. The Pierson–Moskowitz from the peak enhancement factor. g is the factor by which the
spectrum takes the form: Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum is increased at the peak fre-
  ! quency and the parameter s determines the width of the
g2 5 5 fp 4 enhanced peak. Generally, the width of the enhanced peak is
SPM ðf Þ ¼ a f exp  ½21
ð2pÞ4 4 f not symmetrical about the peak, so s is further divided into a
value sa for frequencies below and up to the peak and sb for
where a ¼ 0.0081 and fp is the frequency at the peak of the frequencies above the peak.
spectrum (Figure 5). In terms of the mean frequency, fm The values of the JONSWAP parameters are commonly given
(eqn [16]), and the zero-crossing frequency, fz (eqn [17]), as functions of the dimensionless fetch distance of the wind:
derived from spectral moments, the peak frequency is ap- gx
x¼ 2 ½24
proximately equal to 0.77 fm and 0.71 fz (Tucker and Pitt, U10
2001). Pierson and Moskowitz (1964) relate the peak fre-
quency directly to the wind speed measured 19.5 m above the where x is the (dimensional) fetch length and U10 is the wind
water surface, U19.5, in the form: speed 10 m above the water surface. The generally accepted
values then take the form:
fp ¼ ½22
x 0:33 g
fp ¼ 3:5
In coastal waters, wave conditions are likely to be deter-
a ¼ 0:076x 0:22
mined by fetch as well as wind speed and wave spectra are ½25
found to be more peaked around the peak frequency than the g ¼ 3:3
Pierson–Moskowitz standard spectrum. For coastal wave pre- sa ¼ 0:07
diction, the most commonly used standard spectrum is the Joint sb ¼ 0:09
46 Waves

3 that net sediment transport is determined disproportionately

by the faster velocities, and hence by the larger waves in the
varying conditions of a real spectrum of waves. Net transport
under a spectrum of waves is therefore likely to be larger than
would be expected from monochromatic waves of the same
overall energy. Energy equivalence would require a mono-
G ()

chromatic wave height (or wave velocity) equal to the root

mean square (rms) value of the equivalent spectrum of wave
heights (or velocities). One way to overcome this problem is
1 s = 12 therefore to choose a monochromatic wave height or wave
velocity which is larger than the rms value. Ockenden and
Soulsby (1994) found that by using a monochromatic wave
velocity, Uw, given by:
– 0   pffiffiffi
Uw ¼ 2Urms ¼ U1=3 ½27
Figure 6 The form of the directional spread function, eqn [26], for
s ¼1, 3, 12, 30, and 100. where U1/3 is the ‘significant wave velocity’ and Tp the peak
period, net bedload transport under combined wave and
current conditions could be simulated to within 20%, except
As an alternative to relating fp and a to wind conditions, at very low current speeds (o0.2 m s1). In contrast, Fredsøe
values of fp and H1/3 can be specified and the value of a chosen and Deigaard (1992) suggest that suspended load transport
so that the integrated area under the spectrum is equal to the under combined wave and current conditions, with mean
variance for this wave height ( ¼ (H1/3/4)2). The XBeach pro- flows of 10% of wave rms velocities, is best modeled using
gram, for example, uses this approach and ensures the correct Hrms and the significant wave period, Ts. The appropriate en-
variance by direct integration. Soulsby (1997) however, pro- hancement of the rms characteristics therefore remains
vides an analytical expression for a as a function of H1/3 and fp uncertain.
when g¼ 3.3. A different but related factor is that, for waves in water of
The directional distribution, G(y,f), of eqn [11] is also intermediate depth or deep water, the wave orbital velocities
frequently assumed to take the parameterized form: calculated from spectrum of wave heights and from the
equivalent monochromatic rms wave height will be differ-
1 ent. This arises because the orbital velocity at a given depth
Gðy,f Þ ¼ NðsÞcos2s ðy  y1 Þ ½26
2 under a linear Airy waves depends upon the wavenumber or
frequency as well as the wave height (eqns [5] and [6]).
where y1 is the dominant direction and s is a spread par-
For example, eqn [5] shows that the horizontal orbital vel-
ameter, with smaller values of s resulting in broader dir-
ocity at the seabed increases with increasing frequency
ectional spreads (Figure 6). N(s) is the normalization
due to the o term but decreases with increasing frequency
factor to satisfy eqn [12] (see e.g., Tucker and Pitt, 2001).
due to the attenuating effect of the 1/sinh(kh) term, with
In general, both s and y1 can be frequency-dependent. How-
the latter being dominant. Thus the orbital velocity from the
ever, a typical default value of s would be 10 (the XBeach
spectrum will be weighted toward lower frequencies, with
default value) though it could be substantially higher where a
smaller depth attenuation compared to the monochromatic
narrow directional spread is expected (e.g., Reniers et al.
equivalent. The result is that wave orbital velocities com-
2004). Generally, a single direction for y1 is used for un-
puted from a spectrum are larger than from the equivalent
imodal spectra such as the JONSWAP spectrum or two sep-
monochromatic wave. In shallow water, this effect dis-
arate values might be used for bimodal spectra, one for
appears because there is no frequency dependence between
lower-frequency swell and one for higher-frequency sea
wave height and velocity, but in deeper water the effect can
become large. Soulsby (1987) compared velocities from
JONSWAP spectra and from equivalent monochromatic Implications for modeling waves for a range of depths and peak frequencies, with the
When modeling sediment transport in coastal waters, it is results shown in Figure 7. His SANDCALC sand transport
clearly simplest to model waves as sinusoids of a single fre- algorithm (Soulsby, 1997) includes a correction for this
quency and height (i.e., monochromatic waves) propagating effect.
in a single direction. Waves of this kind simulate most closely The directional spread of a real spectrum also has an in-
long-crested swell waves approaching a coast, where propa- fluence on the sediment transport. Battjes (1972) pointed out
gation from a distant storm has created a narrow-banded that, although a monochromatic wave and a wave spectrum
spectrum and refraction has narrowed the directional spread. can have the same rms wave velocity, the velocity is entirely in
But what are the disadvantages of using such a simplified a single direction for a unidirectional wave whereas it is spread
description of waves? What is gained by using a more com- into different directions for a directional spectrum of waves
plete, but more complex, description? and the magnitude of the velocity in the dominant wave dir-
The fact that sediment transport depends upon the current ection is therefore reduced. Battjes (1972) shows that the
velocity to a relatively high power (see later chapters) means relative error in the square of the horizontal velocity in the
Waves 47

U w Tn
2H Tn= (h/g)1/2
U rms Tn



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Tn /T1 Tn /T2

Figure 7 Bottom velocities computed for monochromatic waves, with constant height H and period T, and for random waves with a JONSWAP
spectrum, using the rms wave height, Hrms, and the zero-crossing period, Tz. Depth dependence is included through the parameter Tn ¼(h/g)1/2.
Reproduced with permission from Soulsby, R., 1997. Dynamics of Marine Sands. Thomas Telford, London.

principle wave direction is given by: derived from linear wave models, and these will be briefly
considered in Sections 10.3.3 and 10.3.4.
As waves propagate into shallower water they refract and
nsin2 y travel in a direction increasingly perpendicular to local depth
d¼ ½28
ncos2 y contours, diffract around obstructions which are small com-
pared to their wavelength, and change their height and their
speed of propagation. These processes for linear waves are well
where n is the ratio of wave group velocity and celerity (eqn
described in many texts, in outline form, for example, in
[8]), y is the difference of angle from the principle direction
Komar (1998) and in more mathematical detail, for example,
and the double overbar represents integration of the dir-
in Dean and Dalrymple (1984), Horikawa (1988) and
ectional spectrum over both frequency and direction. For deep
Svendsen (2005) amongst others. They will not therefore be
water, Battjes (1972) finds that eqn [28] implies that velocity
covered in detail here.
can be overestimated by assuming unidirectional waves by as
The simplest assumption to make about linear wave
much as 33% but the effect is likely to be smaller in shallow
propagation is that the slope of the seabed is small so that the
water, where wave refraction is likely to result in a narrower
linear solutions for waves over a constant depth remain
directional spread. In fact, Ockenden and Soulsby (1994)
valid. For wave height variations, a wave energy equation can
found that the width of the directional spread had very little
be used:
effect on mean transport rates.
qE q
þ ðEcg Þ ¼  D ½29 Shoaling and Breaking of Linear Waves q t q xa Wave propagation
Models of the propagation of linear waves through variable where q /q xa denotes the horizontal gradient operator and D
water depths are clearly needed when modeling coastal is the rate of dissipation of wave energy by bottom friction or
morphodynamics and such models can take a variety of wave breaking. If negative, D can also incorporate the rate of
forms. One important distinction is between phase-averaging increase in wave energy due to wave generation and transfer of
and phase-resolving models, the former dealing with quan- energy between wave components in a spectrum. A related
tities averaged over a wave period and the latter resolving equation for wave energy in the presence of spatially varying
quantities within a wave period (including wave shape and mean currents is given, for example, by Svendsen (2005, p.
phase). Most linear models are phase-averaged whereas 317). In eqn [29], the values of E and cg are estimated using
phase-resolving models are more typical for nonlinear mod- linear theory (eqns [7] and [8]), so that it becomes effectively
els, where wave shape is explicitly modeled (see Sec- an equation for the variation of wave height as a function of
tion 10.3.3). In linear models, wave transformation over wave period and water depth. For nearshore wave propagation
variable depth is generally determined through consideration over short distances, dissipation by bottom friction and wave
of the phase-averaged wave energy and this will be the focus generation by the wind are frequently assumed to be neg-
of this section. Other strictly nonlinear features of coastal ligible so that, outside the surf zone, eqn [29] implies con-
waves such as wave-induced currents and changes of water servation of energy as the wave propagate.
level are commonly considered by using the phase-averaged If we assume steady conditions with no dissipation and
‘radiation stress’ (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart, 1964) also ignore wave refraction so that adjacent wave rays remain
48 Waves

parallel to each other as waves propagate into shallow water, equation (e.g., Svendsen, 2005). To avoid this problem,
eqn [29] reduces to a requirement that the energy flux, Ecg, Bretherton and Garrett (1968) showed that for linear waves
remains constant as wave propagate into shallow water. without dissipation, the energy equation in the presence of a
Equations [7], [9], and [10] can then be used to relate the wave current can be reformulated into a simple conservation
height in deep water, H0, to the wave height H in water of equation:
depth h, in the form:  

q E q   E
pffiffiffiffiffi þ Ua þ cgra ¼0 ½32
gT q t or q xa or
H02 ¼ H2 gh ½30
where Ua is the component of the depth-mean current and cgra is
which in turn leads to Green’s law (Green, 1837) the relative wave group velocity, as seen by an observer traveling
g 1=4  T 1=2 with the current, both in the direction a, and or is the relative
H frequency. The ratio E/or, often denoted by N, is known as the
¼ ½31
H0 h 4p ‘wave action.’ This wave-action conservation equation includes
the effects of refraction but does not include diffraction effects.
Thus we expect wave height to increase with decreasing Christoffersen and Jonsson (1980) and Christoffersen (1982)
water depth as h1/4. modified the wave-action equation to allow for dissipation and a
The wave energy equation (eqn [29]) does not provide similar equation allowing for wave dissipation and for wave
information about changes of wave propagation direction due generation is used in the WAve Modelling project (WAM)
to refraction and diffraction, so separate equations are re- (Komen et al., 1994) and Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN)
quired to model these effects. The simplest models assume (Booij et al., 1999; Ris et al., 1999) wave models. The XBeach
Snell’s law or use ray tracing techniques for refraction (see e.g., model for nearshore morphodynamics also uses a wave-action
Dean and Dalrymple, 1984) but these techniques suffer from equation. These models use the spectral form of the wave action:
predictions of infinite wave height at caustics, where waves
rays cross, a problem that can only be satisfactorily overcome Eðf ,yÞ
Nðf ,yÞ ¼ ½33
by including diffraction effects. Diffraction itself can also be or ðf ,yÞ
modeled using equations derived originally for light waves
(see Penney and Price, 1952) but these are generally only used which allows for the transformation of a wave spectrum as the
for diffraction around structures such as breakwaters (see waves propagate.
Section 4.9 in Dean and Dalrymple, 1984).
A better approach, and one now more widely used, is to Wave breaking and surf zone waves
combine refraction and diffraction into a single equation. The processes of wave breaking through the surf zone cannot,
Berkhoff (1972) developed an equation of this type by as- of course, be simulated using the linear wave equations since
suming that the slope of the seabed is small so that the depth they assume very small (strictly, infinitesimally small) wave
change over a wavelength can be ignored (i.e., small vaues of heights. Nonlinear theories for wave breaking are discussed
hxL/h, where hx is the slope of the seabed in the direction of in Section 10.3.3, but, rather surprisingly, addition of a
wave propagation). The resulting ‘mild slope equation’ is parameterization of wave breaking to a linear wave energy or
discussed in some detail by Dingemans (1997), and Berkhoff’s wave-action propagation equation is found to give results in
(1972) equation has been extended by Li (1994) to include good agreement with observations, as we shall see. The wave
wave reflection. Svendsen (2005) describes other develop- velocities near the bed and other properties such as wave ce-
ments of this equation to relax the mild slope assumption. lerity through the surf zone are also found to be modeled with
The original mild slope equation is difficult to solve numer- reasonable accuracy from wave heights by linear theory. In this
ically and requires boundary conditions to be specified section we will therefore review the parameterizations which
around a closed domain, so its application has been limited. A are currently in use to determine breaking wave dissipation.
computationally simpler form of the mild slope equation, Linear wave theory, combined with conservation of energy,
known as the parabolic approximation, was devised by Radder predicts that waves traveling directly into shallow water,
(1979). It has the disadvantage that it assumes that waves without significant refraction, breaking or energy loss from
propagate primarily in a single direction so is unable to deal bottom friction, slow down and increase in height as the water
with reflected waves, but it has the advantage that it can be depth decreases (e.g., eqn [31]). Eventually the waves reach a
solved progressively from a single boundary. This parabolic height at which breaking occurs, and there have been many
approximation forms the basis of the refraction/diffraction empirical studies that show that the form of wave breaking
(REF/DIF) wave model of Kirby and Dalrymple (1994). depends upon the ratio of wave height to wavelength (the
Svendsen (2005) describes more recent work to deal with wave steepness) and on the slope of the seabed (see e.g.,
wider wave-directional spreads. Komar, 1998). For very shallow beaches, waves break as
Where wave and mean currents occur together, as is typi- spilling breakers, developing foaming rollers at the wave crests
cally the case in coastal waters, the energy eqn [29] can be as they propagate toward the shore; the wide surf zone on
extended to include the exchange of energy between the these shallow beaches will generally contain several spilling
current and the waves and the change of wave energy flux breakers across the surf zone. For very steep beaches, however,
as waves travel on a current. The resulting equation is, how- waves typically form surging breakers, where the wave col-
ever, complex and lacks the simplicity of a conservation lapses from the base, which surges up the shore with relatively
Waves 49

little surface foam; in these cases only one wave breaks at a as for solitary waves. There is, therefore, theoretical justifi-
time and the surf zone is narrow and hard to define. For cation for g to depend also on the wave steepness, H/L, except
intermediate beach slopes, waves typically break as plunging where the breaking depth is already shallow water. Empiric-
breakers, whose crests overtake the main wave shape and ally, the laboratory data also suggests that the value of g in-
plunge downward in front of the wave, creating regions of creases with beach slope, tan b, a suggestion consistent with
high turbulent energy and air-filled foam. Several non- the idea that wave breaking takes time to develop, allowing a
dimensional parameters have been suggested to define the wave to travel into shallower water before breaking as the
conditions under which these different types of breaker occur beach slope increases.
but the most commonly used is the ‘surf similarity parameter’ Goda (1970) analyzed laboratory data from eight sources
or ‘Iribarren number’ (Miche, 1944; Irribarren and Nogales, and for four different beach slopes and suggested a breaking
1949; Battjes, 1974): criterion based on the deep water wavelength, L0, and hence
 1=2 directly related to the wave period (eqn [7]) of the form:
x ¼ tan b ½34 Hb hb  

L0 ¼ 0:17 1  exp 1:5p 1 þ 15ðtan bÞ4=3 ½39

L0 L0
where b is the beach slope angle and L0 is the wavelength in
deep water. H is usually taken as the wave height in deep water where the subscript b denotes conditions at the break point.
but sometimes the wave height at the break point is used Goda (2007) reanalyzed these data and modified this equa-
(though strictly in this case the equivalent nondimensional tion, replacing the multiplier of 15 in front of the beach slope
number is x/O(tan b); see, e.g., Huntley et al., 1977). Fol- parameter with 11. Where hb/L0{1, eqn [39] reduces to:
lowing Galvin (1968) and others, it is generally agreed that
g ¼ 0:8 ð1 þ 15ðtan bÞ4=3 Þ ½40
surging or collapsing breakers occur for values of x greater
than 2 and the transition from spilling to plunging breakers
The situation becomes more complex when considering
occurs as x increases above 0.4.
random waves on natural beaches and a number of studies
For any breaker type, the first requirement when intro-
have used g to define breaking wave heights throughout
ducing wave breaking into a linear wave model is a parameter
the surf zone and not just at the onset of breaking. Thornton
that determines the critical wave height at which breaking
and Guza (1982) defined g as Hrms/h and found a value
begins. The simplest criterion for wave breaking is to assume
of 0.42 in the inner surf zone. Soulsby (1997) suggested a
that waves break when ratio of wave height, H, to water depth,
value of 0.55 for H1/3/h for a mild beach slope. However,
h, reaches a given constant value, g (breaker index or breaker
there is considerable uncertainty about the appropriate de-
criterion), where wave height becomes the breaker height, Hb
pendence of the breaker index on beach slope and on
and the depth the breaker depth, hb:
the wavelength or wave steepness. While eqn [36] suggests no
Hb dependence on hb/L in deep water (reducing to eqn [37])
¼g ½35
hb and only a slowly increasing dependence as water depth
decreases, the field measurements of Raubenheimer et al.
McCowan (1894) found that the maximum height for (1996) and Sénéchal et al. (2001) both suggest a positive
solitary waves gives g ¼ 0.78 and this is the value frequently linear dependence on tan b /(hb/L) in intermediate
used for regular breaking waves though, as Svendsen (2005) water depths, albeit with significantly different slopes and
pointed out, more recent work shows that the theoretical value intercepts. Ruessink et al. (2003), in stark contrast, found a
of g should be 0.8261 and in any case the peaked but sym- direct dependence on hb/L and no dependence on
metrical shape of a solitary wave of maximum height does not beach slope. However, it is important to distinguish between
resemble real breakers with steeper forward faces. Laboratory different definitions of g. Although Raubenheimer et al.
data using regular waves show g varying from less than 0.5 to (1996) and Sénéchal et al. (2001) used Hrms/h, Ruessink
more than 1.5 (e.g., Goda, 2007). et al. (2003) used Hb/h, where Hb is the maximum wave
Miche (1951) showed theoretically that the height at which height assumed to be possible due to breaking in a varying
a monochromatic wave of height H and wavelength L will incident wave field, with waves smaller than Hb remaining
break in water of constant depth h is given by: unbroken. Overall there is no consensus about the best cri-
  terion to define the onset of breaking and different models use
Hb 2ph
¼ 0:142 tanh ½36 different forms, often treating g as a tuning parameter in
L L model calibration.
Once breaking, the basis of parameterized surf zone
which, in the deep water limit, reduces to models is the assumption of a steady state version of the en-
Hb ¼ 0:142L ½37 ergy flux balance eqn [29], in the form:

thus limiting the wave steepness, and in the shallow water the q ðEcg Þ
¼ D ½41
limit becomes qx

where E is the energy of the wave field, cg is the wave group

velocity, x is the cross-shore direction, positive onshore, and D
Hb ¼ 0:78hb ½38 is now the time-averaged energy dissipation rate due to wave
50 Waves

breaking and bed friction; both E and cg are generally esti- now more widely used:
mated from Hrms and the water depth and wave period using  
linear wave theory (eqns [7] and [8]). Note that eqn [41] does H0
g ¼ 0:5 þ 0:4 tanh 33 ½43
not include reflected wave energy but this is not expected to be L0
significant omission except on steep beaches with surging or
collapsing breakers. where H0 is the rms wave height in deep water and L0 is the
To parameterize D, it is usual to consider it as the product deep water wavelength associated with the peak frequency.
of the dissipation rate associated with a breaking wave of given Thornton and Guza (1983; hereafter TG83) used a related
height, and the fraction of waves which are breaking at any approach but, based upon field observations, assumed that
given point in the surf zone. Battjes and Janssen (1978; the proportion of breaking waves is distributed across the
hereafter BJ78) were the first to apply these ideas to the entire height range rather than centered at the maximum
transformation of a random wave field through the surf zone height, with an empirical weighting toward higher waves.
based upon a stochastic approach. To estimate the fraction of One problem with the initial parameterization of BJ78 and
breaking waves, they assumed a Rayleigh distribution of wave TG83 is that they assume that breaking is directly and in-
heights outside the surf zone (see Section BJ78 as- stantaneously related to the local depth whereas in reality wave
sumed that in surf zone, this distribution is truncated at a breaking persists beyond the initial point of breaking. This
maximum wave height, Hb determined by a wave breaking effect is particularly important on the shoreward side of a
criterion. The fraction of breaking waves is then the pro- barred beach where wave breaking persists over the bar crest
portion of waves in the Rayleigh distribution that have heights and into the trough. Initial empirical corrections to account
above Hb (Figure 8). All of these breaking waves were as- for this effect included setting the effective depth used in the
sumed to have the height Hb and the dissipation of energy by breaking criterion as a weighted average of the depth seaward
each breaking wave was modeled by applying a bore model from the local depth (Roelvink et al., 1995) or defining a
based on Stoker (1957). The breaking criterion used by BJ78 ‘transition zone’ with cross-shore length defined as a function
was a modified version of eqn [36]: of the local surf similarity parameter (Southgate and Nairn,
  1993). However, these ideas have generally been superseded
H g 2ph
¼ 0:142 tanh ½42 by direct modeling of the roller of foaming water on the front
L 0:88L
face of a breaker, a concept introduced by Svendsen (1984a, b)
and Roelvink and Stive (1989). In roller models, the energy of
allowing for a variable g. BJ78 used g¼ 0.88 in eqn [42], but an
the breaking wave is assumed to go into the roller where it
alternative form dependent on the offshore wave steepness
remains locked to the incoming wave, traveling at its phase
was subsequently suggested by Battjes and Stive (1985) and is
velocity, and dissipating by friction at the interface between the
roller and the underlying wave. Lippmann et al. (1996; here-
after LBT96) added the roller energy flux to a surf zone model
similar to TG83. Baldock et al. (1998; hereafter BHBV98) also
1 included rollers and, like TG83, assumed that the wave heights
in the surf zone remained Rayleigh distributed, but they only
integrated dissipation rates over heights exceeding Hb, ob-
taining another expression for the fraction of breaking.Their
scheme has recently been modified by Janssen and Battjes
(2007) to remove a possible singularity in shallow water.
HR · p(h)

With these parameterizations of D, eqn [41] can be solved

sequentially from offshore to the shoreline (or inner surf
zone) over arbitrary depth variations to give the mean (or
significant) wave height and the fraction of breaking waves as
functions of distance from the shoreline for given offshore
wave conditions. An example of wave height predictions for
h = Hs field conditions is given in Figure 9.
0 In a test of the BJ78, TG83, LBT96, BHBV98, and four other
0 1 2 3
h /H R closely related models against data from laboratory and field
measurements, Rattanapitikon (2007) found that all of the
Figure 8 Breaking wave height distributions. The incident wave models provided reasonable predictions of wave height
height is assumed to be Rayleigh distributed and the vertical line throughout the surf zone, with rms errors typically around
shows an example of the critical wave height for breaking. Different 10%. All of the models contained empirically derived, nu-
models make different assumptions about how the breaking wave
merical constants (between 2 and 5 depending on the model,
energy dissipation is distributed. BJ78 assume that all breaking
mainly associated with the breaking criterion) but, en-
waves are at the critical height; TG83 and LBT96 assume that
breaking wave heights are distributed across the Raleigh distribution, couragingly, only modest improvements were found when
with a weighting toward higher waves based on field observations; these constants were optimized away from their default values.
BHBV98 assume that breaking wave heights have the range of The original Battjes and Janssen (1978) model, combined
heights under the Rayleigh distribution to the right of the critical with the Battjes and Stive (1985) (eqn [43]) values of g, was
height. found to give the best overall fit. In a similar test, Apostos et al.
Waves 51

W(H) from eqn [21]


Hrms (m)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Elevation (m)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Cross-shore distance (m)
Figure 9 A comparison between predicted and observed wave heights, Hrms, near to and within the surf zone. The measurements are from the
same location and time as the data shown in Figure 4. The asterisks are the measurements, the dashed, and the dash-dot lines show predictions
made using the roller model of Lippmann et al. (1996) and the model of Thornton and Guza (1983), respectively. Reproduced from Lippmann,
T.C., Brookins, A.H., Thornton, E.B., 1996. Wave energy transformation on natural profiles. Coastal Engineering 27, 1–20.

(2008) investigated nine models (including the four models understanding of the processes of wave breaking and feeds
named above and closely related modifications) and com- concerns that models optimized for wave height may not best
pared predicted shoaling and breaking wave heights with simulate other features of surf zone hydrodynamics, including
observations from six field sites, including barred and non- those more relevant to sediment transport.
barred beaches. They focused particularly on the influence of
the choice of breaker index, g. They found that the use of the Currently Available Linear Models
default values for each model resulted in median rms errors
for wave height of between 10% and 20%, while tuning the Despite the remaining uncertainties, linear models form the
free parameter in each model reduced the error by about 50%. foundation of many open source, nearshore hydrodynamic
They also found that although no tuned model produced the models. The widely used SWAN model, described by Booij
best predictions for all field data, a parameterization of g in et al. (1999), is based on the wave action eqn [32] and in-
terms of the offshore wave height reduced the error for at least cludes a spectral version of the wave breaking model of Battjes
some of the data. and Janssen (1978) due to Eldeberky and Battjes (1995), to
Although the different models can each be tuned to match allow for breaking of directional wave spectra. The model also
observed wave height transformation through the surf zone, includes nonlinear interactions between wave components,
they produce very different predictions of the fraction of waves wave refraction, blocking and reflection by opposing currents,
which are breaking. Figure 10, from Huntley et al. (2009), generation by wind and a range of other important processes.
shows an example based upon a deep water rms wave height The MIKE 21 SW model from the Danish Hydraulics Institute
of 1 m and peak period of 10 s, where the breaker index, g, has is a similar spectral wave-action model based on work by
been chosen for each model (with other parameters set to Komen et al. (1994) and Sørensen et al. (2004) and also uses
their default values) so that the wave height predictions closely the Eldeberky and Battjes (1995) breaking wave model.
match each other. The predicted fraction of breaking varies A particularly versatile model for nearshore and surf zone
widely between models and can exceed 1. This uncertainty is modeling, specifically designed to simulate erosional con-
recognized (e.g., Stive and de Vriend, 1994) and leads to the ditions and shoreline setback by dune slumping, is the XBeach
conclusion that the fraction of breaking should be treated as a model (Roelvink et al., 2009;
tuneable model parameter rather than a realistic physical XBEACH/). The wave model in XBeach combines the wave-
characteristic. However, it does highlight the current limited action equation based on the HISWA model of Holthuijsen
52 Waves


rms wave height (m); fraction of breaking waves






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Depth (m)
Figure 10 Predictions of shoaling and breaking of waves of 1 m deep water height and period 10 s propagating over a beach slope of 0.01, for
the four breaking wave models described in the text. The curves reducing toward zero as the depth decreases show the modeled rms wave
heights and curves increasing as depth decreases show the fraction of breaking waves. Solid line: Thornton and Guza (1983); Dashed line:
Battjes and Janssen (1978); Dashed-dotted line: Baldock et al. (1998); Dotted line: Lippmann et al. (1996).

et al. (1989) with a roller energy equation after Reniers et al. nearshore waves such as wave heights, orbital velocities, and
(2004). It also provides several options for breaker dissipation propagation speeds. For wave spectra, integrated character-
and a range of possible wave inputs at the outer boundary, istics averaged over many wave cycles, such as wave energy, the
including monochromatic or bichromatic regular waves, variance of the nearbed orbital velocity, and depth-averaged
waves from JONSWAP spectra or from spectra externally radiation stresses are also modeled to a useful degree of ac-
generated, for example, using the SWAN model. The wave curacy. Empirical expressions to remove energy due to wave
model is coupled to nonlinear shallow water equations breaking allow linear theory to be extended even into the surf
(NSWE) to drive mean flows and motion at infragravity fre- zone, again with some degree of accuracy. For sediment
quencies (see Section 10.3.4) and an advection–diffusion transport prediction and morphodynamics, linear theory can
model for sediment transport driving a morphodynamic therefore be used to model magnitudes of wave-induced bed
model for bed level changes. Many of the options in XBeach stresses and the stirring effect of waves in putting sediment
need further verification against observations and it is there- into motion (cf. Bagnold, 1963; Inman and Bagnold, 1963).
fore primarily a research tool, but it does encapsulate the state There are important wave characteristics that cannot be
of the art in predictive beach modeling. modeled using linear wave theory. In particular, the readily
For modeling coastal morphodynamics, linear wave mod- observed changes of the elevation profile of waves as they
els must be coupled to models that drive mean flows and propagate into shallow water, with the development of peaked
flows varying on timescales of wave groups and longer, as in crests and broadened troughs leading to steepened forward
the XBeach model. These current models are generally based faces and shallower back slopes (Figure 11) cannot be mod-
on the NSWE and are driven by radiation stresses computed eled using linear theory. These changes of wave shape are very
from the linear wave model. Subsequent sediment transport important for sediment transport modeling because they
components of these morphodynamic models typically also break the symmetry between the forward and backward pat-
use the wave energies from the linear model to provide wave tern of wave orbital velocities. Flows under peaked wave crests
stirring. Examples include Reniers et al. (2004) and Ruessink are faster, but of shorter duration, than reverse flows under
et al. (2007). These developments are described in other wave troughs, and this tends to create a net sediment trans-
chapters of this book. port, averaged over a wave cycle, in the direction of wave
propagation. This effect is generally characterized by the
skewness (Sk) of the wave orbital velocity, which is the average
of the instantaneous velocity to the third power
10.3.3 Nonlinear Waves
Sk ¼ u3 ½44 Introduction
The previous section has shown that linear wave theory can be where the overbar denotes wave averaging (note that this
used with surprising accuracy to model the basic features of definition differs from the usual statistical definition of
Waves 53

Sinusoidal wave
Real wave



Figure 11 Changes of profile as waves propagate into shallow water. (a) Shows the development of a peaked crest and flattened trough,
leading to skewness. Reproduced with permission from Figure 8.1.1 in Svendsen, I.A., 2005. Introduction to Nearshore Hydrodynamics. World
Scientific, Singapore. (b) Shows the development of a steeper front face as the wave propagates further into shallow water, leading to
asymmetry or acceleration skewness.

skewness, which would be a normalized version of Sk ob- first we consider a context for the different ways in which the
tained by dividing by the velocity variance to the power 3/2). models relax the strict requirements of linear theory.
The skewness of eqn [44] appears, for example, as the driver of
bedload tranport in the theory of Baillard and Inman (1981).
Steepening of the forward face of a wave relative to the Overview of Theories
back face, generally known as ‘asymmetry’ to distinguish it Linear wave theory requires that the height of a wave, H, is
from skewness, is also important for sediment transport be- much smaller than the water depth, h,
cause it breaks the symmetry of the accelerations under the
wave, with higher, shorter duration, accelerations in the dir- H
d¼ {1 ½46
ection of wave propagation and milder, longer, accelerations h
in the reverse direction. These accelerations are directly related so that the surface boundary conditions can be applied at the
to the horizontal pressure gradients that influence sediment still water surface. However, a closer look at the implications
transport (e.g., Bagnold, 1963; Hanes and Huntley, 1986; of relaxing this requirement, using perturbation theory
Sleath, 1994) and its asymmetry under nonlinear waves is (see the discussion of Stokes’ theory below), reveals another
usually characterized by the ‘acceleration skewness,’ As: parameter which must also be much smaller than one:

A s ¼ ut 3 ½45 Hk cosh khðcosh 2kh þ 2Þ

3 {1 ½47
4 2sinh kh
where ut is the acceleration of the horizontal velocity in the
direction of wave propagation. The influence of acceleration For small water depths, this parameter (neglecting nu-
skewness on sediment transport is parameterized by, for ex- merical constants) reduces to:
ample, Nielsen (1992) and Hoefel and Elgar (2003).    
Terrile et al. (2009) provided a recent demonstration of the H L 3 H L 2
Ur  ¼ {1 ½48
importance of these skewness and asymmetry effects for bed L h h h
stresses under waves, based on laboratory measurements.
Austin et al. (2009) used field measurements to assess the where Ur is known as the Ursell number. Thus the ratio of
relative importance of onshore velocity skewness, asymmetry water depth to wavelength:
(acceleration skewness), and bed-ventilation on the cross-shore h
suspended sediment flux on planar and barred beach faces m¼ ½49
during medium-energy wave conditions (Hs ¼ 0.2–1.6 m),
finding that acceleration skewness is the dominant factor. also plays a role in nonlinear extensions from linear wave
Other important features of coastal waves such as the theory. Note that, since in shallow water, m becomes sub-
Stokes drift, a steady flow in the direction of wave propa- stantially smaller than one, the requirement of a small Ursell
gation, are also not included in the linear theory. Considerable number in principle places a severe constraint on d, and hence
effort therefore continues to be devoted to the development of on the wave height, if linear wave theory is to be valid.
nonlinear models for waves that can be implemented in Values of the three parameters, d, m, and Ur (¼ d/m2),
models for coastal sediment transport and morphodynamics. specify the nature of any nonlinear wave model for shallow
In the following sections we review some of these models but water. However, they have distinct physical influences. The
54 Waves

wave height parameter d determines the strength of the non- function solution to the fundamental irrotational Laplace
linearity of a wave and generally causes a steepening of the equation (described in Dean and Dalrymple, 1984) as a
wave profile which eventually can lead to breaking. The Fourier series of N harmonics whose amplitudes are deter-
wavelength parameter m, however, determines the degree to mined by requiring that the surface and bottom boundary
which sinusoidal waves with different wavelengths, contrib- conditions are satisfied at N þ 1 points from the wave crest to
uting to a steepened wave profile, propagate at different speeds the trough. The solution provides a surface wave profile and
and hence ‘disperse’ or smooth the steepening shape. The associated depth-dependent orbital velocities. In principle this
Ursell number controls the balance between these terms. An technique can provide results which are accurate to any de-
Ursell number of one, for example, allows the formation of a sired level by choosing a large enough value for N, so it has
nonlinear wave of constant form over a flat bed (the solitary been used to assess the accuracy of other models and to pro-
wave), where the steepening influence of d is exactly offset by vide predictions of the impact of high waves on offshore
the dispersive effect of m. structures. It has not been widely used to model waves in
The family of nonlinear wave models can be classified ac- shallow water, though a form of stream function theory was
cording to appropriate ranges for d, m, and Ur. In the following used by Reniers et al. (2004) to estimate skewness and
sections some of these models are reviewed. asymmetry from a linear wave energy model. Stokes waves Boussinesq theories

Stokes (1847) developed one of the first extensions of linear In shallow water, m becomes too small for the Stokes’ theory
theory, using a perturbation expansion based on eqn [47]. The expansion to work well and it is here that the equations first
mathematical details of Stokes’ theory can be found in Dean developed by Boussinesq (1872) become more appropriate.
and Dalrymple (1984) and Dingemans (1997). For Boussinesq models, both m and d are assumed to be o1
In shallow water, Stokes’ theory involves a perturbation but with UrE1. The assumption of small m means that these
expansion in the Ursell number which must therefore be small models are sometimes known as long wave theories, since the
for the perturbation expansion to converge rapidly. It is not, wavelength is larger than the depth. Allowing Ur to approach
therefore, an efficient model for nearshore waves of finite unity also allows modeling of shallow-water waves of realistic
amplitude. However, in intermediate and deep water, where m amplitude. For waves of constant form, the Boussinesq equa-
is of the order of one, the perturbation expansion becomes tions lead to the so-called cnoidal waves, of which the simplest
essentially an expansion in H/L. Taken to the fifth order in the is the solitary wave. However, the equations also encompass
perturbation parameter, the theory has been widely used for the possibility of waves whose shape evolves as they propa-
offshore wave modeling (see Fenton, 1985, 1990). Cokelet gate, so they form the basis of a wide range of nonlinear
(1977) took the expansion to very high order to study waves at coastal models.
and close to the maximum height. The basic equations for Boussinesq waves were given in a
Stokes’ theory computes the amplitudes of harmonics of seminal paper by Peregrine (1967). In terms of the depth-
the fundamental sinusoidal wave. These harmonics are forced averaged velocity, u, the horizontal momentum equation in
waves, in the sense that they propagate at a phase speed forced the direction of wave propagation, x, takes the form:
by the fundamental wave rather than the free wave speed and
they are therefore phase-locked to the fundamental. The qu qu q Z 1 2 q 3u
þu þg ¼ h ½50
result is a wave that is peaked at the wave crest and flattened at qt qx q x 3 q 2 xq t
the trough, with a significant elevation (and velocity) skew-
ness as is frequently observed in nature (Figure 11(a)). The and the depth-integrated continuity equation is:
theory also predicts that the motion of the water under the
wave is not a completely closed orbit but has a net displace- q Z q ½ðh þ ZÞu
þ ¼0 ½51
ment in the direction of wave propagation, the Stokes drift. qt qx
Another important result from higher-order Stokes models is
that, at third order and above, the dispersion relation, and The second term on the left of eqn [50] and the addition of
hence the phase velocity, involves a dependence on the wave Z to h in eqn [51] result from retaining terms of order d. These
height as well as the wavelength, increasing as the wave height terms thus represent to first order of the nonlinearity due to
increases. the finite amplitude of the waves. The term on the right of
Although Stokes’ theory is generally not used for modeling eqn [50] results from retaining terms up to order m2, and
nearshore waves, it can be used as a test of the offshore limit of represents the frequency dispersion effect described earlier.
inshore models. For example, the offshore limits of the Higher-order term of O(dm2 and m4) and above are not in-
Boussinesq models (discussed below) have been assessed by cluded in these equations.
comparison with Stokes’ model predictions (Svendsen, 2005). Since the work of Peregrine (1967), Boussinesq techniques
Li (2008) also uses the velocity profiles of Stokes waves as a to model the propagation of waves in shallow water have
basis for equations, which extend into both shallow and continued to develop. Svendsen (2005) provides a detailed
deep water. overview of these developments. One major direction of work
It is worth noting in passing that an alternative approach has been to extend the model into deeper water, with larger
used to model high waves in intermediate water depths is the values of m. It is well known that different forms of the
stream function approach developed by Dean (1965) and Boussinesq equation result from the use of different wave
Rienecker and Fenton (1981). It involves writing the stream velocities; the depth-averaged velocity (eqns [50] and [51]),
Waves 55

the velocity at the seabed, the velocity at the mean water level eddy viscosity. Kennedy et al. (2000) were able to demonstrate
and the instantaneous depth-averaged discharge have all been that this technique adequately reproduces wave height decay
used. However, these different versions of the equations have and setup for regular waves breaking on planar beaches. The
different properties as m increases above about 0.1, with the second, more physically based, approach uses the concept of a
depth-averaged velocity version, for example, showing rapid turbulent roller riding on the front face of a breaking wave, first
divergence from the expected linear or Stokes forms of the introduced by Svendsen (1984a, b). The additional term in the
phase speed. These problems have been addressed by multi- momentum equation is related to the thickness of the roller
plying the dispersion terms by a factor tuned to give the best fit and to the mean front slope of the breaking wave. This is the
to offshore phase speeds or by choosing an optimized depth most widely used approach and has been further developed by,
for the reference velocity used in the equations (see e.g., amongst others, Madsen et al. (1997a) and also applied to the
Svendsen, 2005). These and related developments mean that propagation of irregular waves (Madsen et al.,1997b; Ozanne
the restriction on m is now essentially eliminated. For example, et al., 2000; Bayram and Larson, 2000). The third and most
Madsen et al. (2002, 2003) provided a formulation that claims recent approach, known as the vorticity model, divides the
to be accurate for simulating wave heights and velocities to motion under breaking waves into an irrotational part similar
values of m up to at least 2, Lynett and Liu (2004) demon- to the nonbreaking solution and a rotational part resulting
strated a multilayer approach accurate to at least m¼ 6 and from breaking which provides the additional momentum flux.
Bingham and Agnon (2005) derived Boussinesq-type equa- This approach was first suggested by Veeramony and Svendsen
tions that are acceptably accurate for any value of m. Thus (2000) and has been further developed by Briganti et al. (2004)
modern Boussinesq theories can extend offshore essentially and Musumeci et al. (2005).
indefinitely. Cienfuegos et al. (2010) comment that none of these ap-
There have been similar developments to relax the re- proaches has yet shown a clear superiority over the others. The
quirement of small d. Serre (1953) derived a Boussinesq roller approach has the advantage of a clearer physical basis
equation that retains all terms involving d and Wei et al. but its numerical implementation is complex and it relies on
(1995) derived an equation set which retains terms to third at least five different tuning parameters. The vorticity model
order in d and to second order in m. The equations of Madsen provides the most detailed description of the flow within a
et al. (2002, 2003) combine the advantages of these devel- breaking wave, predicting a strong vertical gradient in the flow
opments and the improved methods of dealing with large speed under a roller which is in better agreement with ob-
values of m to produce equations which are able to model servations than other approaches. However, it is also compu-
nonlinear wave propagation from depths with mE2 to the tationally complex. The eddy viscosity approach is the least
point of wave breaking. satisfactory as a description of the physics but has the ad-
The Boussinesq equations have also been extended to two vantage of greatest simplicity. In the context of our currently
horizontal directions and to varying depth. Extension to 2D is very limited knowledge of the appropriate physical scaling of
straightforward (at least in principle) but allowing the depth parameters in the breaking process, all three approaches
to vary is more complex. For simplicity, it is generally assumed continue to be used by different researchers.
that the slope of the seabed is small (O(m2)) so that the only An example of comparison between measured and mod-
modification to the horizontal momentum equation based on eled wave profiles, from Cienfuegos et al. (2010), for regular
depth-averaged velocity (e.g., eqn [50]) is the addition of a shore-normal waves in a laboratory flume up to and into the
term that is linear in the bottom slope and proportional to the surf zone, is shown in Figure 12. The model reproduces well
local depth (Peregrine, 1967; Svendsen, 2005). the changes in profile shape, from a predominantly skewed
Another vital development of Boussinesq modeling is to shape outside the surf zone to an asymmetric shape as it
extend the equations into the surf zone where waves are breaks and then evolves through the surf zone. It must,
breaking. The Boussinesq equations do not predict breaking however, be emphasized that this encouraging result deals
because they are based on conserving momentum flux, in only with regular, shore-normal laboratory waves.
contrast to the wave breaking process, which involves en- Extension of Boussinesq models to wave breaking in two
hancing the momentum flux compared to an equivalent dimensions began with Pruser (1991) and Kabiling and Sato
nonbreaking wave (Svendsen, 2005). As a Boussinesq wave (1993) who used an eddy viscosity approach. Models using
steepens, the dispersive effects strengthen and eventually limit the roller concept have been developed by Sørensen et al.
the steepness of the wave and prevent breaking. As with linear (1994; 1998) and Madsen et al. (1997a). A major advantage
wave theory it is necessary to add an additional physical of these 2D models is that they can reproduce wave-induced
process to simulate wave breaking and also to provide a cri- nearshore currents and long waves (see next section) directly
terion to determine when this process begins, for example, in because they intrinsically include the nonlinear forcing re-
the form of a limiting wave steepness or a ratio of wave height sponsible for these phenomena. This contrasts with linear
to water depth. However, we cannot simply use the empirical models, which typically involve a decoupled process where
energy-based breaking conditions used in linear wave models wave models are first used to estimate nonlinear parameters,
since the Boussinesq equations are phase-resolving and based for example, the radiation stresses, which are then used as
on an instantaneous momentum flux balance rather than a drivers in a separate current model. As pointed out by Sør-
wave-averaged energy balance. Instead, three different ap- ensen et al. (1998), this decoupling means that interaction
proaches have been developed. between waves and the induced currents, directly included in a
The first approach, introduced by Zelt (1991) and Karambas Boussinesq model, requires an iterative process for linear
and Koutitas (1992), adds a momentum term in the form of an models. First attempts to include wave–current interaction in a
56 Waves

 − b = −2.4 m  − b = 2.4 m
15 15

10 10
 − − (cm)

5 5

0 0

−5 −5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 − b = 0.0 m  − b = 3.6 m
15 15

10 10
 − − (cm)

5 5

0 0

−5 −5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
 − b = 1.2 m  − b = 4.8 m
15 15

10 10
 − − (cm)

5 5

0 0

−5 −5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 12 Comparisons between measured and Boussineq-modeled wave profile shapes for regular laboratory waves propagating up a plane
1:35 slope. The breakpoint is at x–xb ¼ 0 so the top left-hand figure is outside the breakpoint and the remaining figures track through the surf
zone down the left-hand side and then down the right hand side. The solid lines and dashed lines are the measured and modeled profiles,
respectively. Reproduced from Cienfuegos, R., Barthelemy, E., Bonneton, P., 2010. Wave-breaking model for Boussinesq-type equations including
roller effects in the mass conservation equations. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering 136(1), 10–26, with permission
from ASCE.

Boussinesq model were made by Yoon and Liu (1989). The most tests of Boussinesq models have focused on predictions
model of Madsen et al. (1997a) provided solutions for weak of the wave heights of shoaling and breaking waves and on
currents and Chen et al. (1998) extended the model to cur- mean water levels (wave setup), with relatively little attention
rents as strong as the wave phase velocity, with encouraging paid to parameters of most importance for sediment transport
agreement with analytical calculations. prediction such as wave velocities and velocity skewness and
The Boussinesq equations can be solved in the frequency asymmetry. For example, Kirby and Kaihatu (1996), Madsen
domain, assuming solutions in the form of a given number of et al. (1997b) and Koefoed-Hansen and Rassmussen (1998)
sinusoidal frequency components (e.g., Kaihatu, 2003), but considered only elevation skewness and asymmetry, albeit
the method requires a large number of components for ir- generally with good results, and Elgar et al. (1997) found
regular waves and, for breaking waves, involves the unresolved similar good agreement for irregular waves in the field. As a
problem of partitioning energy dissipation from breaking into recent example, Cienfuegos et al. (2010) compared predictions
the different frequency components. The equations are of a fully nonlinear Boussinesq model which modeled
therefore most commonly solved in the time domain, with a breaking using a modified eddy viscosity technique, with la-
time-varying boundary condition propagating wave motion boratory measurements using a variety of regular and solitary
into the computational domain from an outer boundary. This waves. They find encouraging quantitative agreement for wave
method of solution is highly versatile, allowing, for example, heights and elevation skewness and asymmetry. For example,
directionally spread irregular waves to propagate over variable for regular spilling breakers, the rms errors, averaged over the
bathymetry in a 2D model, as in Sørensen et al. (1998). Their whole shoaling and breaking domain, for elevation, skewness,
model for waves and currents over a rip channel and in the and asymmetry were 8%, 15%, and 22%, respectively. Their
vicinity of a breakwater shows encouraging semiquantitative model requires fitting five empirical parameters but an en-
agreement with laboratory wave basin observations (Hamm, couraging result is that a single parameter set can successfully
1992; Mory and Hamm, 1997; see Figure 13). model a range of different spilling breaker conditions. The
How do these Boussinesq models compare quantitatively same parameter set cannot successfully model plunging
with observed wave characteristics in coastal waters? In a re- breakers because of the need for a higher critical value for the
view, Ozanne (1998; see also Ozanne et al., 2000) found that breaking wave slope and a more intense and concentrated loss
Waves 57

(1997) appears to have conducted the only study specifically

aimed at assessing a number of models (in his case, 7) against
a single data set.
Simulations of sediment transport and morphodynamics
using Boussinesq models remain rare. Rakha et al. (1997)
combined the model of Madsen et al. (1991) and Madsen
and Sørensen (1992) with an intrawave boundary layer and
sediment transport model to simulate cross-shore beach
profile changes. Comparisons with the large-scale laboratory
(a) observations of Arcilla et al. (1994) and Roelvink and Reniers
(1995) show some agreement but are of most interest
in showing the sensitivity of the results to the model as-
sumptions and the conclusion that adequate modeling of
the groupiness of the incident wave field is essential to ac-
curate predictions. In a similar study, Long et al. (2004)
combined the Boussinesq model of Wei et al. (1995) with
a boundary layer model to simulate cross-shore bar migration
and compared their results with observations made during
the Duck ’94 campaign (Elgar et al., 2001). Focusing on an 8-
day period when the bar showed a large onshore migra-
tion, they find quantitative agreement with the observed
migration of the bar crest, with an error of less than 25%
in the modeled onshore migration distance, but under-
(b) estimation of the height of the crest. The model runs assumed
alongshore uniformity so the role of alongshore variability in
Figure 13 Comparison between modeled (a) and observed (b) wave
the differences between model and observed behavior is
diffraction in the vicinity of a laboratory breakwater. Reproduced
from Sørensen, O.R., Schäffer, H.A., Madsen, P.A., 1998. Surf zone
dynamics simulated by a Boussinesq type model. Part III: This brief overview shows that Boussinesq models for
wave-induced horizontal nearshore circulations. Coastal Engineering coastal waves are still under development along a number of
33, 155–176. different lines, with fully nonlinear and fully dispersive ver-
sions now available and a variety of techniques being used to
parameterize wave breaking. It is far clear which of these
versions is optimum and indeed optimizing depends upon
of energy by breaking, but even for plunging breakers the balancing the competing effects of accuracy and computa-
conditions in the inner surf zone are reasonably well simu- tional efficiency. However, there are some operational models
lated by the model. available. The model of Madsen and Sørensen (1992), using a
Amongst the few assessments of velocity predictions is the Boussinesq model enhanced to improve behavior for larger
work of Bosboom et al. (1996) who compared measured and values of m, combined with a roller model for wave breaking
predicted velocity time series. Bosboom et al. (1997) also (see also Madsen et al. 1997a, b; Sørensen et al., 2004), forms
tested model predictions of second and third velocity mo- the basis for the Danish Hydraulics Institute MIKE 21 BW
ments against laboratory data for long waves and short waves model. The TELEMAC suite of 2D finite element models from
in the laboratory propagating over complex bathymetry and EDF-LNHE in Paris also includes a Boussinesq option. The
found better agreement for the long waves. Ozanne et al. BOUSS-2D model from the U.S. Army Engineering Research
(2000) compared velocity and velocity moment predictions and Development Center (Nwogu and Demirbilek, 2001) is
measured in large-scale laboratory experiments with predic- also designed as an operationally available model. The public
tions using a weakly nonlinear Boussinesq model with wave domain FUNWAVE model, available from the University of
breaking due to Madsen et al. (1991), Madsen and Sørensen Delaware, is based on the fully nonlinear model of Wei et al.
(1992) and Schäffer et al. (1993). They found that the pre- (1995) and the most recent version uses 2D curvilinear co-
dictions of the higher moments were particularly sensitive ordinates (Shi et al., 2001). These models, however, are pri-
to the assumed critical wave front slope used to trigger marily used for coastal and harbor wave predictions rather
wave breaking but they achieved fair agreement between than sediment transport.
measured and predicted higher-order moments and undertow The use of Boussinesq models for sediment transport is
(Figure 14), despite over-estimation of the depth-averaged in its infancy and there is no clear consensus about what
velocities in the cases with regular waves. As expected, the form of model is the most appropriate. The relatively few
scatter increased with increasing Ursell number (above about tests of model predictions in the context of sediment trans-
10), due to poorer modeling of the influence of higher port do suggest that they can in principle provide a fair
harmonics. basis for morphodynamic modeling but the computa-
Despite these encouraging results, the fragmented develop- tional complexities involved mean that the application of
ment of Boussinesq models has resulted in a similarly frag- Boussinesq models remains primarily limited to research
mented approach to model testing. Surprisingly, Dingemans activities.
58 Waves

A1 A2
3 2

Velocity skewness

1 1

−1 0
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
12 7

Velocity kurtosis
10 6
2 3
0 2
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
1 1
Velocity assymmetry


−3 −2
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
(a) x (m) x (m)

B1 B2
2 2
Velocity skewness

1 1

0 0

−1 −1
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
4 5
Velocity kurtosis


1 1
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
1 0.6
Velocity assymmetry

0 0.2
−1 −0.2
−2 −0.6
30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60
(b) x (m) x (m)
Figure 14 Comparisons between predicted velocity moments using a Boussinesq model and measurements in a large wave flume. (a) Runs
labeled A produced plunging breakers while (b) those labeled B were for spilling/plunging breakers. In each case, 1 denotes regular waves and 2
irregular waves. The lines represent the predictions for different values of critical angle for the front face of a breaker, ranging between 171 and
261. Reproduced from Ozanne, F., Chadwick, A., Huntley, D.A., Simmonds, D.J., Lawrence, J., 2000. Velocity predictions for shoaling and
breaking waves with a Boussinesq-type model. Coastal Engineering 41, 361–397.
Waves 59 NSWE

 (m) at  = 0.15, 0.125, 0.10, 0.075,

0.05 and 0.025 m and at shoreline
As waves move into very shallow water and become increas-
ingly steep, the nonlinear influence of the relative wave height
(d) becomes much more important than the dispersive effect
of the relative wavelength (m) and the Ursell number becomes
much larger than one. Under these conditions the high order
derivatives involved in the Boussinesq dispersion term be-
come unreliable and eventually the Boussinesq solution
breaks down. This problem is especially severe at the shoreline
itself, which is an unavoidable boundary condition even when
interest is focused on wave motion in deeper water. It is in
these very shallow water conditions, typically from midsurf
zone into the inner surf zone and up to the shoreline, that the
NSWE are generally used. They are particularly applied to 0 20 40 60 80
problems associated with shoreline motion, swash dynamics, Time (s)
wave run-up and overtopping, and wave propagation around Figure 15 Measured (solid line) and predicted (dashed line) wave
very shallow, nearshore bathymetry. Brocchini and Dodd elevations in the inner surf zone and shoreline, based on a nonlinear
(2008) provided an excellent recent review of the applications shallow-water equation (NSWE) model. Reproduced from Dodd, N.,
of NSWE to coastal engineering problems so only an outline 1998. Numerical model of wave run-up, overtopping and
will be included here. regeneration. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
In their simplest form, the NSWE take a form similar to the Engineering 124(2), 73–81, with permission from ASCE.
Boussinesq eqns ([50] and [51]) but omitting the dispersion
term on the right hand side of the momentum eqn [50]. More Recently, the NSWE have been coupled to sediment
generally, terms are added to deal with the forces caused by transport and morphodynamic models to predict morpho-
dissipation due to breaking and bottom friction. One im- logical response to nearshore waves. Hudson and Sweby
portant characteristic of the equations is that they do not (2003) and Hudson et al. (2005) use a 1-D equation set to
allow for waves of permanent form; waves continue to steepen model the evolution of a single sand wave on a flat bed as
(Figure 11(b)) and techniques must be developed to deal with waves pass over it, with some promising results. Dodd et al.
‘shock’ waves with vertical forward faces that eventually form. (2008a) used NSWE to model the development of beach
These and other problems mean that a great deal of research cusps, and Dodd et al. (2008b) considered the emolding by
has gone into efficient and accurate computational methods the swash and inner surf zones of a beach modified by land-
for solving the equations. The choice of the best form depends based processes such as flooding and cliff erosion. It is clear
on the particular application. that the NSWE have a vital role to play in addressing im-
The NSWE were studied first by Stoker (1957), who portant coastal engineering and morphodynamic problems
modeled wave propagation by using the fact that the equa- particularly related to swash, run-up, and overtopping.
tions possess characteristic curves along which waves propa-
gate, whilst preserving ‘Riemann invariants.’ Application of the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)
characteristics approach involves propagating forward and models
backward characteristic curves from a set of grid points and Both Boussinesq and NSWE models represent simplifications
then recalculating the characteristics from new points where of the full 3D Navier–Stokes equations but, with increasing
these curves intersect. The problem with this approach is that computer power it is becoming possible, at least for short
the resulting grid points are irregularly spaced and change at time-periods, to use versions of the full Navier–Stokes equa-
each time step, making the scheme computationally difficult. tions to predict nearshore wave characteristics. The major
Generally, therefore, the equations are not usually solved in potential advantage of this approach is that the process of
their characteristic form. The problem of developing shock wave breaking is explicitly included without the need to spe-
waves was originally solved by so-called ‘shock-fitting’ tech- cify breaking conditions a priori. However, even the
niques, where shock waves are detected and then treated using Navier–Stokes equations require some form of simplification
a different equation set. Following Hibberd and Peregrine to deal with small-scale turbulence and the most commonly
(1979), however, most modern methods apply a ‘shock cap- used simplification is to average over turbulence timescales,
turing’ technique that uses artificial dissipation to allow for known as ‘Reynolds averaging,’ combined with a ‘turbulence
stable solutions in the presence of bores or, more frequently, closure scheme’ to model the turbulence-averaged quantities;
uses finite volumes based on fluxes. A variety of techniques is such models are generally called RANS models. To apply to
also available to model the wetting and drying of the shoreline unsteady wave motion, it is also necessary to include a fluid
itself and the influence of bed slopes, both factors requiring tracking scheme to keep track of the complex free surface but
careful consideration and subject to continuing research. such schemes are now generally available within commercial
Nevertheless, the resulting predictions are found to compare computational fluid dynamics (cfd) models.
well with simple situations where analytical solutions are To date, application of cfd RANS models to shoaling and
available and with some 1D and 2D laboratory measurements breaking waves has been limited to 2-DV (i.e., shore-normal
(see Brocchini and Dodd, 2008, for a review). Figure 15 shows wave propagation with alongshore uniformity) simulations.
an example. The first such simulation was by Lin and Liu (1998) who
60 Waves

successfully simulated 20 s of data from a single wave breaking characteristic as functions of wave height which can be used in
event for comparison with laboratory measurements (Ting the simpler linear wave models.
and Kirby, 1995). Bradford (2000) compared instantaneous as The earliest and best known functional forms are those of
well as ensemble-averaged model simulations with the same Doering and Bowen (1995) who used bispectral analysis of
laboratory data, with encouraging results. Chopakatia et al. field data to produce empirical equations relating both
(2008) used a similar, commercially available cfd RANS model skewness and asymmetry of wave orbital velocity to the local
to simulate shore-normal wave propagation and breaking over Ursell number. Their expression for skewness shows that the
a natural barred beach, for comparison with field data from maximum value occurs for an Ursell number of approximately
the 1990 Delilah field experiment at Duck, NC (Birkemeier, one (see Figure 16), in fair agreement with other field results
1991). They modeled a 35.5 min period, driving the outer not used in their original derivation. Ruessink et al. (2009)
boundary, at 800 m offshore in a depth of around 8 m, with find a similar pattern of behavior for skewness and asymmetry
the measured wave time series. The results are generally good, but suggest modeling these variations as functions of the ratio
with wave heights predicted with an rms error of 0.04 m. of significant wave height to water depth, though, as with
Mean undertow velocities are over-predicted inshore and off- Doering and Bowen (1995), the scatter of their data is large.
shore of the bar and under-predicted over the bar, but this is The laboratory study of Liu et al. (2010) also relates the
likely to be attributable to the model assumption of along- skewness to the ratio of wave height to water depth, finding a
shore uniformity. Wave breaking in the model was defined by relationship of the form:
computing the maximum kinetic energy of turbulence be-
tween a wave crest and trough in the top 100 mm of the water Sk ¼ 2:1  0:26 ½52
column and setting a threshold value above which breaking is
assumed. With the threshold chosen to best fit field obser-
The Xbeach model for nearshore morphodynamics in-
vations of the fraction of breaking waves, a realistic pattern of
cludes a parameterization of skewness and asymmetry, which
breaking over the bar and into the shoreline was obtained and
is similar though not identical to that of Doering and Bowen
the modeled front face slopes of breaking and nonbreaking
(1995), attributed to Ruessink and van Rijn. In Xbeach, these
waves provided some confirmation of the critical slopes for
terms are used in the horizontal advection–diffusion equation
the onset of breaking used in Boussinesq models.
for sediment, appearing as an equivalent velocity term, pro-
Although these early results are encouraging, the compu-
portional to the difference between skewness and (negative)
tational demands of RANS models make it unlikely that they
asymmetry and to the rms wave velocity; this equivalent vel-
will be used to address practical sediment transport and
ocity is added to the Eulerian short-wave-averaged mean flow.
morphodynamic problems directly in the near future. How-
Further validation tests are needed to assess whether this
ever, the method is being used to address generic questions
provides a satisfactory simulation of the influence of these
relating to parameterization used in other, less computer-
nonlinear terms for a range of wave conditions. More complex
intensive, methods of simulating coastal waves. For example,
ways of assessing skewness and asymmetry include the use of
both Fuhrman et al. (2009) and Ruessink et al. (2009) use
stream function theory applied to the wave energy from the
RANS models to conduct tests of the sensitivity of sediment
linear model (e.g., Reniers et al., 2004) but these are much
transport under waves to wave height, velocity skewness,
more computer-intensive.
asymmetry, and other variables, for comparison with labora-
tory results using U-tubes. Interestingly, Fuhrman et al. (2009)
concluded that wave skewness is the most important con-
10.3.4 Long-Period Waves
tributor to onshore bedload transport outside the surf zone,
whereas Ruessink et al. (2009) found that phase lag effects, Introduction
where mobilized sediment has not completely settled before
flow reversal, enhance net transport rates under oscillatory It is obvious to anyone who has viewed the surf zone of a
flows dominated by asymmetry and reduce net transport relatively shallow beach that the waterline moves up and
under flows dominated by skewness. There is clearly much down the beach on a timescale that is typically much longer
work of this kind still to be done to ensure adequate para- than that of the incoming breakers. Except on the steepest
meterization of these wave profile effects in wave models. beaches, there seems to be very little connection between
waves breaking at the outer edge of the surf zone and the Parameterization of nonlinear parameters in motion of the shoreline at its inner edge. Low-frequency
linear wave models motion typically dominates the shoreline movement. This
The review of nonlinear models suggests that the prediction of low-frequency motion is also found in measurements of vel-
velocity skewness and asymmetry is still subject to consider- ocities under waves in the nearshore zone and in some cases,
able uncertainty and these uncertainties increase further for particularly, in the inner surf zone where breaking limits the
sediment transport predictions when it is acknowledged that height of incident sea and swell waves, it can dominate the
sediment response frequently displays a time lag relative to total wave energy (Holman et al., 1978; Guza and Thornton,
instantaneous hydrodynamic conditions (e.g., Ruessink et al., 1985; Russell, 1993 and many others). It is now clear that this
2009). Nevertheless, there is evidence that skewness domin- low-frequency motion exists on a wide range of timescales (for
ates outside the surf zone whereas asymmetry increases a discussion of the range of frequencies of water motion that
shoreward through the surf zone and this had led to some can exist on natural shorelines, see e.g., Masselink and
attempts to develop empirical expressions for these nonlinear Hughes, 2003), but particular focus has been given to motion
Waves 61



Equation 4.10 Sww


Equation 4.11
−0.8 Aww


0.01 0.1 1 10
Ursell number
Figure 16 The Doering and Bowen (1995) predicted variations (solid lines) of wind-wave skewness (Sww) and asymmetry (Aww) as functions of
the Ursell number. The observed wind-wave skewness and asymmetry are shown by triangles and circles, respectively. Reproduced from
Doering, J.C., Bowen, A.J., 1995. Parameterization of orbital velocity asymmetries of shoaling and breaking waves using bispectral analysis.
Coastal Engineering 26, 15–33.

with periods in the range 20–200 s, known as the ‘infragravity where x ¼ (x,y) is the horizontal vector direction. Following
band,’ where coherent wave motion is known to occur. Eckart (1951), we seek solutions for this equation in the form:
Interest in long-period motion is also sparked by recog-
nizing that the scales of many nearshore morphological fea- Z ¼ X ðxÞeiðky y7ot Þ ½54
tures, in particular typical cross-shore and alongshore scales of
nearshore sand bars, are too large to be related directly to
incident waves but might be linked to waves of longer period denoting a wave traveling in the alongshore (y) direction with
(see, e.g., Bowen and Huntley, 1984). In the context of near- wavenumber ky (2p/alongshore wavelength) and frequency o
shore morphodynamics, long-period motion is therefore po- and with amplitude varying in the cross-shore (x) direction as
tentially important as both a component of the total wave X(x), a function to be determined by solving eqn [53]. If we
energy and a source of gradients in sediment transport at ap- assume that the beach is alongshore uniform and planar with
propriate scales. a constant slope angle b, analytical solutions for X(x) are
In the following sections the author reviews the nature of found, giving Z in the form:
long-period waves, and the processes responsible for gener-  
ating them and limiting their size. The author also reviews Z ¼ eky x Ln 2ky x eiðky 7ot Þ ½55
current ideas on how they link to the topography of mor-
phological features in the nearshore zone.
where Ln denotes a family of Laguerre polynomials (given e.g.,
by Abramowitz and Stegun, 1965) with separate functional
forms for each integer n (0, 1, 2, y..), known as the mode Nature of Long-Period Waves
number. The exponential term in this solution ensures that the
Since long-period motion is generally observed to be strongest amplitude of the wave tends to zero with increasing offshore
close to the shore, it is of interest to investigate what kinds of distance but the seaward decay is modulated by the shape of
wave motion are possible in shallow water over a sloping bed. the Laguerre polynomial. For the zero mode, the decay is a
The starting point for this investigation is generally the long simple exponential decrease but the mode number gives the
wave inviscid mild slope equation, which combines the con- number of zero-crossings in amplitude in the cross-shore
tinuity and momentum equations into a single equation for direction; the associated orbital velocities for modes 1 and 2
the elevation, Z: are shown in Figure 17. Since the wave energy is confined to
the nearshore region, at the edge of the water, these waves are
known as ‘edge waves.’ A schematic picture of the elevation of
  a mode 1 edge wave is shown in Figure 18.
q 2Z q qZ An important feature of these edge wave solutions is that
 gh ¼0 ½53
q t2 q x qx they give different dispersion relationships between wave
62 Waves

frequency and wavenumber for each mode, in the form: For the mild beach slopes typical of natural beaches, tan
bEb and sin [(2n þ 1)b]E(2n þ 1)b so the wavelengths pre-
o2 ¼ gky ð2n þ 1Þtan b ½56 dicted by eqns [56] and [57] for the same frequency and mode
Thus for each frequency, there is a family of modes with number are almost identical.
wavelengths that increase as the mode number increases. However, eqn [57] has the interesting and important fea-
Also note that eqn [56] gives an alongshore wave phase speed ture that a solution only exists for (2n þ 1)bop/2. This means
(o/ky) which is independent of the depth (as required) and that, unlike the shallow water solution, there is a maximum
that, for natural beach slopes and small mode numbers, the mode number for edge waves, which depends on the beach
phase speed is much smaller than the deep water phase speed. slope, large slopes having fewer modes than mild slopes. As
The long wave mild slope eqn [53] is valid only for shallow Ursell (1952) pointed out, this limit occurs because, above it,
water (long waves) but Ursell (1952) derived more general waves at the shoreline can link directly with offshore waves,
(and more complex) analytical solutions for the same along- with their alongshore wavenumbers matching those of waves
shore uniform, planar beach case without this limitation. His propagating at an appropriate angle to the shoreline; the angle
dispersion relationship takes the slightly different form: will be parallel to the shoreline where (2n þ 1)b ¼ p/2 and
increasingly inclined on- or off-shore for larger values, as il-
o2 ¼ gky sin ½ð2n þ 1Þb ½57 lustrated in Figure 19. These links allow waves to ‘leak’ be-
tween the nearshore and offshore regions so they are no
3.0 longer trapped at the shoreline as edge waves but become
‘leaky mode waves.’
2.0 A helpful physical interpretation of this feature is to con-
u(x ) sider edge waves to be trapped to the shoreline by refraction. If

–1.0 v(x)
Free wave

Forced wave
2.0 n=2 wavelength
u(x )
1.0 v(x )
0.25 Shoreline
0.5 0.75 1.0
x /L Leaky wave Edge wave
Figure 17 Variation of edge wave orbital velocities with cross-shore Figure 19 Matching forced wave alongshore wavelengths to
distance, x (divided by the alongshore wavelength, L), for modes 1 and offshore free waves. In the leaky wave case the inshore wavelength is
2. u(x) is the onshore velocity and v(x) is the longshore velocity. The less than the offshore wavelength, so can be linked to the alongshore
amplitudes are normalized so that v(x) ¼1 at the shoreline, x¼0. component of a free offshore wave. In the edge wave case, the
Reproduced with permission from Hails, J.R., Carr, A.P. (Eds.), 1975. wavelength of the inshore wave is greater than that of the offshore
Nearshore Sediment Dynamics and Sedimentation: an Interdisciplinary free wave so no match is possible; the inshore wave is trapped to
Review, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, London, 316 pp. the shoreline.

Mean sea level

Figure 18 Schematic of the edge wave amplitude pattern for a mode 1 edge wave on a plane beach. The viewpoint is over the sea, looking
obliquely toward the shoreline which is at x ¼0. Mean sea level is at z¼ 0.
Waves 63

we consider waves radiating out from a disturbance created at 0.045

the shoreline, waves propagating directly seaward will radiate
away but as the angle of propagation turns more shore-parallel
there will be a critical angle at which the radiating wave will be 0.040
turned back to the shore by refraction over the sloping seabed.
This wave will reflect from the shoreline, reradiate at the same
initial angle and be refracted back again and so on. Thus it will
be trapped to the shoreline, with an alongshore repeat pattern 0.035
determined by its offshore extension. Waves propagating at
even more shore-parallel angles will move less far offshore
before being refracted back and so have smaller offshore ex- 0.030
tents and shorter distances between shoreline reflections, as
qualitatively predicted for lower mode edge waves. Schäffer

Frequency (Hz)
and Jonsson (1992) consider this interpretation more fully. 0.025
Analytical solutions to eqn [53] exist for other simple cases,
including exponential beach profiles (Ball, 1967) and planar
slopes truncated to constant depth at a specified offshore
distance, but for more general beach topography, numerical
solutions can be computed (Holman and Bowen, 1979; Howd
et al., 1992). There have also been some developments to deal
with edge waves traveling on longshore currents (Howd et al., 0.015
1992; Falques and Iranzo, 1992).
Huntley and Bowen (1973) were the first to find direct
evidence for edge waves in the field using velocity measure- 0.010
ments made close to the shoreline. They found zero-mode
edge wave motion at the first subharmonic (twice the period)
of the incident waves. These observations were of considerable 0.005
interest because of the apparent link between the scale of these
edge waves and the alongshore spacing of beach cusps com-
monly observed in the swash zone (Guza and Inman, 1975;
Coco et al., 1999). The existence of edge waves in infragravity 0 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025
motion on natural beaches was convincingly confirmed by
Wave number m−1
Huntley et al. (1981), who showed that the frequencies and Longshore currents November 21 1978
alongshore wavenumbers of nearshore velocities in the infra-
gravity band showed good agreement with the expected dis- Figure 20 Measured dispersion relationship for infragravity
frequencies. The rectangular regions indicate where the energy is
persion relationship (eqns [56] and [57]; see Figure 20).
significantly larger than the background level, with increasing
Edge waves are free waves with energy trapped in the prominence as the color deepens. The curved lines show the
nearshore zone and can be considered ‘normal modes’ of expected relationships for the first four edge wave modes (n ¼0–3).
water motion over a seaward sloping bed. Leaky mode waves Reproduced from Huntley, D.A., Guza, R.T., Thornton, E.B., 1981.
are also free waves but their energy is free to propagate away Field observations of surf beat, 1. Progressive edge waves. Journal of
from the shoreline into deeper water. However, it is not im- Geophysical Research 86(C7), 6451–6466, with permission from
mediately obvious how such motion is generated and thus AGU.
what is the relative importance of edge waves and leaky mode
waves on natural beaches. A related question is how important
these wave motions are relative to long-period motion that is components. At the second order, the nonlinear interaction
forced by nonlinear processes acting on the incident wave and between two sinusoids with wavenumbers k1 and k2 and fre-
which remain trapped to incident waves. In the following quencies o1 and o2 takes the general form:
section the author briefly addresses these questions.
sin ð k 1 x  o1 tÞ sin ðk 2 x  o2 tÞpsin ½ð k1 7k2 Þx  ðo1 7o2 Þt
½58 Forcing and Suppression of Long-Period Motion
thus generating new wave components at the sum and dif-
In deep water, the linear sinusoidal components making up a ference of the original component wavenumbers and fre-
wave spectrum can be considered uncorrelated, with random quencies. The interaction of a single sinusoid with itself
phases relative to each other. However, as we have seen, as produces a wave at the first harmonic frequency and wave-
waves propagate into shallow water nonlinear effects create number (and higher harmonics at higher orders) resulting in
systematic distortions in wave shape and orbital velocities. distortion of the wave profile, as described by the Stokes’
These distortions can be interpreted in terms of interaction theory reviewed in the previous section. The difference
between component sinusoids leading to new contributions frequency in this case will be zero and hence be a steady
to the spectrum which are locked in phase to the original flow, the Stokes drift. More generally, interaction between the
64 Waves

Wave group 1 ∂sxx

h ∂x

surf zone
1 ∂sxx
= const.
h ∂x
Bound infragravity wave
Figure 21 Wave group and associated bound infragravity wave.
Reproduced with permission from PhD Thesis of Gerben Ruessink,
Utrecht University, 1998. 1 ∂sxx Break-point
h ∂x = 0
components of a wave spectrum produces a wide range of new
Distance offshore
motion at frequencies both above and below the original
frequencies. Figure 22 The moving breakpoint resulting from regular grouping of
In general, the waves produced by these interactions do not incident waves. The forcing of infragravity wave motion depends
obey the free wave dispersion relationships and are therefore upon the gradient of the radiation stress of the incident waves,
denoted here by (1/he)q Sxx/q x. Reproduced from Symonds, G.,
‘bound waves,’ bound to the primary waves and expected to
Huntley, D.A., Bowen, A.J., 1982. Two-dimensional surf beat: long
disappear if the primary wave decays (e.g., by breaking).
wave generation by a time-varying breakpoint. Journal of Geophysical
However, for long waves in shallow water, with m2{1, the Research – Oceans 87, 492–498, with permission from AGU.
dispersion relation becomes essentially the same for all fre-
quencies, raising the possibility of the generation of free waves
by a process known as ‘resonance.’ frequency that propagate both seaward and shoreward
For waves traveling directly onshore (defined as the (Figure 22). The shoreward propagating wave is assumed to
x-direction), simple addition of pairs of phase-locked primary reflect at the shoreline and merge with the seaward-propa-
waves with wavenumbers k1x and k2x and frequencies o1 and gating wave of the surf zone. This apparently strong mech-
o2 results in an envelope of wave height with a repeat length anism for the forcing of infragravity waves is to some extent
equal to 2p/(k1x–k2x) propagating at a speed of (o1–o2)/ offset by the assumption that the groupiness of the incident
(k1x–k2x), the group velocity of the primary waves (Figure 21). waves is suppressed by wave breaking inside the surf zone so
The resulting nonlinear forcing at the difference frequency that forcing is limited to the region of the breakpoint itself.
(eqn [58]) therefore propagates with the group envelope at the The relative contributions of bound waves and breakpoint-
group speed. Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964) used their forced waves are discussed in the following section.
radiation stress concept to show that, assuming a steady so- Regardless of the mechanism of growth of the forced wave
lution, the resulting bound wave consists of a set-down of as it propagates through decreasing water depths, once it
mean water level under the maximum of the wave envelope reaches the shoreline it takes on the characteristics of a free
and a corresponding set up under the minimum. The ampli- wave. Experimental and theoretical evidence suggest that the
tude of this bound wave is predicted to be proportional to wave reflects there and propagates back seaward as a free wave.
1/(gh–c2g ), which, as the depth decreases, tends to infinity as The first evidence for this was found by Munk (1949) and
h5/2 (e.g., Svendsen, 2005), a very large rate of increase which Tucker (1950), who detected seaward-propagating long-period
illustrates the problem of resonance. However, these equations waves well outside the surf zone that were correlated with
assume that energy transfer to the forced wave occurs in- shoreward propagating wave groups but with a time lag con-
stantaneously so that it is always in equilibrium as the depth sistent with travel to the shoreline and back. More recent ob-
changes. In reality, the rate of energy transfer is too small to servations confirm this phenomenon (e.g., van Dongeren et al.,
keep up with the changes of depth as a wave shoals and as a 2003) and seaward-propagating long waves have even been
result the bound wave lags behind the wave envelope, growing measured refracting and reflecting from offshore canyons
at a smaller rate than predicted by equilibrium arguments (van (Thomson et al., 2007). Beaches are, therefore, sources of free
Dongeren and Svendsen, 1997; Battjes et al., 2004). long waves in open oceans and are generally considered to be
The bound wave theory of Longuet-Higgins and Stewart the major contributor to ‘earth hum’ at infragravity frequencies
(1964) does not explicitly involve wave breaking but in reality measured in seismic records (Bromirski and Gerstoft, 2009).
the strongest forcing of waves at the group period is likely to Wave groups typically also possess alongshore variations
occur at the break point. A simple model for this forcing is the due to the directional spread and the resulting short-crestedness
‘breakpoint forcing’ mechanism proposed by Symonds et al. of the incident waves. The interaction illustrated by eqn [58]
(1982). Their hypothesis suggests that the movement of the will therefore also drive forced motion with alongshore struc-
outer edge of the surf zone, offshore as the high waves of a ture and free edge waves can result if the edge wave dispersion
group arrive and shoreward for the smaller waves, effectively relationship is satisfied. Gallagher (1971) was the first to in-
acts as a wave-maker, generating free waves at the group vestigate this process theoretically and his work was further
Waves 65

developed by Foda and Mei (1981). Analyzing field data from a sensitive to the directional spread of the incoming short
barred beach, Ruessink (1998a, b) found that bound wave waves. They also suggest that infragravity wave generation can
energy was equal to or even larger (up to a factor of four) than be modeled well by linear processes, with the forcing dom-
free wave energy in the vicinity of the break point but its con- inated by cross-shore gradients in the short-wave radiation
tribution to total infragravity wave energy diminished rapidly stress.
offshore and inshore. More recent and more extensive field Processes of energy loss from the infragavity motions have
measurements made during the Delilah campaign at Duck, NC, also been extensively studied since they are clearly important
USA (Birkemeier et al., 1997; Lippmann et al., 1998; Herbers to predictions of overall infragravity wave energy. As described
et al., 1994, 1995a, b) have shown that bound waves contribute earlier, observations (e.g., Ruessink, 1998a) show that the
up to 30% of the total infragravity wave energy, with the con- bound wave energy increases with decreasing depth much
tribution increasing with increasing incident wave energy, but more slowly than predicted by the Longuet-Higgins and
that free edge waves, refractively trapped to the coast, made the Stewart (1964) theory, leading to the suggestion that surf zone
dominant contribution. However, as Herbers et al. (1995a) dissipation is occurring. Initial ideas centered around the hy-
demonstrated, the relative contributions of forced and free pothesis that the increased frictional dissipation due to the
infragravity wave energy depends strongly on the regional set- short waves was responsible for this dissipation of infragravity
ting of the beach. They compared energy levels on two beaches wave energy (Guza and Bowen, 1976) but direct breaking of
with comparable beach slope, one at Oahu, Hawaii, where the infragravity waves (Battjes et al. 2004; van Dongeren et al.,
offshore of the beach the depth increases rapidly to over 200 m 2004) has also been suggested as a dominant mechanism.
within a few hundred meters of the shore, and the other at Henderson et al. (2006) compare predictions from an energy
Duck, N.C., with a wide and slowly sloping offshore shelf. For balance model with data from the Duck94 experiment and
comparable short-wave conditions, the free infragravity wave find that nonlinear transfer between frequency components
energy at Oahu was typically 2 to 4 times lower than at Duck alone could explain the observations, with no need to invoke
because offshore-radiating long waves can propagate away into breaking and with reduced agreement when a bed friction
the deep water rather than be refractively trapped to the shore term was introduced (best fitting in fact occurred for a non-
as at Duck. In contrast the forced wave contributions were al- physical negative friction coefficient!). However, they con-
most identical at the two sites. sidered only a single, relatively low wave (offshore HsE0.4 m)
Numerical modeling of the Delilah measurements, based condition. The extensive laboratory measurements of van
on forcing by linear incident waves, by Reniers et al. (2002) Dongeren et al. (2007) do convincingly show that breaking of
and van Dongeren et al. (2003), provides good agreement incoming infragravity waves does indeed occur, as illustrated
with measured nearshore infragavity spectra, confirming the in Figure 23, on beaches with shallow slope. The associated
dominance of edge waves, but shows that the results are reduction in the reflection at the shoreline was found to be in



Hrms.hi Hrms.lo Hrms (m)





−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
h (m)
Figure 23 Breaking of infragravity waves in a laboratory flume. The measured Hrms for the high-frequency incident waves is shown as a dashed line,
and for the low-frequency infragravity waves as a solid line. The total wave height is shown as a dash-dotted line. The horizontal axis shows the still
water depth. Reproduced from van Dongeren, A.R., Battjes, J.A., Janssen, T., van Noorloos, J., Steenhauer, K., Steenbergen, G., Reniers, A., 2007.
Shoaling and shoreline dissipation of low-frequency waves. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 112(C02011), with permission from AGU.
66 Waves

reasonable agreement with the dependence on the surf simi- Turning to the cross-shore variation of infragravity wave
larity parameter, x, found by Battjes (1974) to apply to inci- energy, theoretical considerations suggest that the energy of
dent waves: nonbreaking free waves (including free waves generated by the
break point forcing mechanism) varies with water depth as
R ¼ 0:1x2 ½59 h1/2 (Green’s law, eqn [31]), whereas the energy of an iso-
tropic edge wave field varies as h1 (Herbers et al., 1995a). The
showing that infragravity waves break under similar con- Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964) bound waves should vary
ditions to the incident waves. as h5, though, as argued above, much slower rates of increase
might be expected for forced waves that are out of equilibrium
with the forcing. The depth-dependence of infragravity wave Magnitude and Cross-Shore Pattern of
energy is therefore depends on the relative contributions of
Infragravity Wave Energy
free and forced waves.
For coastal morphodynamic modeling, it is important to be Laboratory and theoretical approaches (e.g., List, 1992;
able to predict the magnitude of infragravity wave energy Schäffer, 1993; Svendsen and Veeramony, 2001; Baldock
compared to incident wave energy, and also to model the et al., 2000; Baldock and Huntley, 2002; Baldock, 2006; Liu
distribution of infragravity wave energy across the nearshore et al. 2010) remain ambiguous about the relative importance
zone. In this subsection the author briefly reviews current of bound wave forcing and breakpoint forcing; Baldock
understanding of these factors. (2006), for example, described laboratory experiments where
The field data of Ruessink (1998a, b) from a barred North breakpoint forcing of free waves was found to be the dom-
Sea beach show the infragravity wave energy in water depths inant mechanism for long wave generation, whereas Liu
between 4 and 6 m to be only around 1% of the incident wave et al. (2010) described other laboratory experiments where
energy, with a maximum value of 6.7%. Similar results are the bound wave mechanism dominates. Baldock et al.
found for the Delilah data set (Lippmann et al., 1997). (2000) suggested that dominant breakpoint forcing requires
However, this ratio varies with incident wave height. Ruessink that the excursion of the breakpoint under groups must be
(1998a, b) finds that, outside the breaking wave zone, the total less than around 0.2 or 0.3 times the long wave wavelength.
energy in the infragravity frequency band, Eig, increases with Baldock (2006) further argued that the break point forcing
the offshore short-wave energy, Es, in a power law form: mechanism is likely to dominate if the primary short waves
and the bound wave are not in shallow water at the
Eig pEs m ½60 breakpoint. Battjes et al. (2004) and van Dongeren et al.
(2007) studied forced waves in a laboratory flume and
For the total infragravity energy, m was found to be in the suggested that the exponent of h depends upon a dimen-
range (0.9–1.2), with higher values for the forced wave com- sionless bed slope:
ponents (m ¼ 1.4–2.1) and lower values for the free com- rffiffiffi
ponents (m ¼ 0.39–0.7); the smaller values tended to be found tan b g
b¼ ½63
closer inshore. For free waves, Herbers et al. (1995a), using o h
data for depths between 8 and 30 m found larger values of the
exponent, with an approximately linear dependence (m ¼ 1). where o is the (radian) frequency of the long-period waves.
Ruessink’s values for the forced wave components are gener- Using the depth at the breakpoint as the reference value of h,
ally somewhat lower than the value m¼ 2 predicted for bound values of b (denoted bb) larger than about one give an ex-
waves forced by the Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964) ponent similar to that for free waves but for bbo0.1 the ex-
mechanism but are consistent with the empirical equation ponent approaches the much larger bound wave value, with
found for laboratory waves by Liu et al. (2010): intermediate values of bb providing intermediate values of the
exponent (Figure 24). Battjes et al. (2004) and van Dongeren
s et al. (2007) noted that bb is directly related to the Irribarren
Eig ¼ 0:344  0:01Es ½61
h Number (Battjes, 1974) and also to the parameter used by
Symonds et al. (1982), with larger values indicating pre-
Interestingly, Liu et al. (2010) find the ratio Eig/Es correlates dominance of their breakpoint forcing process. The slope
linearly with the skewness of the short waves, with: dependence implied by bb is also consistent with the sugges-
tion by Baldock (2006) that breakpoint forcing dominates if
Eig ¼ 0:041Es Sk ½62 waves break in water of intermediate depth rather than in
shallow water. This arises because a forced wave approaching
When combined with their relationship between skewness the breakpoint on a steep beach will be smaller than on a
and Hs/h (eqn [52]) this leads directly to eqn [61]. beach where the bound wave has developed over a long run of
The larger exponents for the forced waves show that, out- incident wave groups over shallow water before reaching the
side the surf zone, these waves become increasingly important break point. The beaches and wave conditions in the USA and
as the incident wave energy increases. Inside the surf zone, the Netherlands where most infragravity wave measurements
however, the free energy increases faster than the power law have taken place have values of bbo0.25, so the larger ex-
would suggest, whereas the forced waves appear to reach a ponents associated with shoaling zone forcing of bound waves
constant amplitude so, as a result, the free waves become more is expected to dominate. However, it should be noted that the
prominent. dependence of bb on the inverse of the wave height (through
Waves 67



+ ×
× ×

1 ×

0.5 ×

× + × × ×

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Figure 24 The depth-dependence of incoming infragravity wave height as a function of bb (eqn [63] with h¼hb), based on laboratory
measurements. The parameter a is the exponent of the local depth, where the infragravity wave height is proportional to ha. Reproduced from
van Dongeren, A.R., Battjes, J.A., Janssen, T., van Noorloos, J., Steenhauer, K., Steenbergen, G., Reniers, A., 2007. Shoaling and shoreline
dissipation of low-frequency waves. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 112 (C02011), with permission from AGU.

the breakpoint depth) appears contrary to Baldock’s (2006) Long-Period Motion and Morphodynamics
suggestion since it increases the relative contribution of the
bound wave for waves breaking in deeper water. Further work As the introduction to this section pointed out, a major reason
is clearly required, particularly, for storm wave conditions with for the interest in long period, infragravity waves stems from
high waves. their potential link to nearshore morphological features. It
Regardless of the nature of infragravity wave forcing, the is, therefore, pertinent to review ideas on the interaction be-
total infragravity wave energy is likely to be dominated by free tween the infragravity wave and nearshore morphology.
waves. Comparing measurements of total infragravity wave Initial ideas were based on the hypothesis that long-period
energy in 15 m depth and 5 m depth off the Californian coast, motion, and particularly long period, edge-wave motion of
Thomson et al. (2007) found a best fit dependence of between low mode number, could create morphology at the longshore
h1/2 and h1, and a scatter of values mostly confined between and cross-shore scales of the wave motion if the patterns were
these limits; none of the measurements came close to an h5 arrested in space by reflection, to create standing waves
dependence. (Bowen and Inman, 1971), or by phase coupling between
Another interesting conclusion is that an incoming forced edge wave modes of the same frequency (Holman and Bowen,
wave increases in height as it shoals faster than an outgoing 1982). Bowen and Huntley (1984) reviewed these ideas but
free wave decreases in height as it moves offshore, so we might recognized that the strong frequency dependence of the
expect the ‘reflection coefficient,’ defined as the ratio of out- alongshore wavelength and cross-shore scales of edge waves
going to incoming infragravity wave energy, to be large when demands that they have a very narrow frequency range if they
measured offshore, possibly exceeding unity even if reflection are to produce morphological features with the well-defined
at the shoreline is incomplete. Measured offshore reflection length scales observed in nature. Field observations, on the
coefficients do indeed often exceed unity, with van Dongeren contrary, tend to show edge wave existing over a wide fre-
and Svendsen (1997), for example, finding values as high quency band (e.g., Figure 20).
as 100. More recently, the importance of feedback between fluid
The overall conclusion from this overview is that the dis- motion and sediment response has been recognized and
tribution of infragravity wave energy is highly dependent on ‘coupled models’ where this feedback is explicitly included
the topography of the nearshore zone as well as the incident have been very successful in simulating the development of a
wave conditions. Estimates based on local conditions are in- range of nearshore morphological features. Thus it now ap-
adequate and prediction of the distribution therefore requires pears much more likely that infragravity waves respond to
modeling of the overall nearshore region. changes in morphology rather than being themselves the
68 Waves

creators of that morphology. Some of the results of studies of due to nonlinear interaction between them. Chen and Guza
interaction between long-period motion and morphology are (1998, 1999) show theoretically how interaction of edge
briefly reviewed below. waves with morphology can scatter energy into other modes.
Bowen and Huntley (1984) had hinted that one possible Field measurements of flows in the presence of beach cusps
mechanism linking broad banded edge wave to morphology are inconclusive about whether cusps and edge wave coexist.
might be feedback between the water motion and developing Masselink et al. (2004), for example, found no evidence for
morphology, with edge waves of a scale that matches the edge waves in cusps on a natural beach but Ciriano et al.
morphology growing preferentially. Bryan and Bowen (1996) (2005) did find significant motion consistent with low mode
studied this hypothesis theoretically for the case of a beach edge waves in a field of beach cusps developing from an ini-
with an alongshore bar at a given distance offshore. They tially alongshore-uniform beach. This motion increased in
found bar-trapped edge-wave modes that have maximum energy as the cusps grew and the predominant direction of
elevation amplitudes or longshore velocities over the crest alongshore propagation of the edge waves changed as the
of the bar and exponentially decreasing amplitudes away from orientation of the cusp horns changed, confirming a coupling
the bar crest. In the presence of a steady alongshore current, between the motion and the cusps. However, the role of the
the maximum of the edge wave can be displaced from the edge waves in the growth of the cusps could not be deter-
actual bar crest to the ‘effective minimum depth’ of Howd mined and these authors concluded that beach cusp evolution
et al. (1992). Edge waves trapped at the shoreline have their ‘might control the dynamics of the low mode edge waves.’
maximum amplitude at the shoreline, so bar-trapped edge Bowen and Inman (1969) hypothesized that the along-
waves can be detected by comparing energies at the shoreline shore spacing of rip currents is also related to the presence of
and over the bar crest. Bryan and Bowen (1998) analyzed data edge waves but, despite numerous attempts (e.g., Huntley and
from the Delilah field campaign and found some evidence for Short, 1992), the link has proved difficult to establish. On the
bar-trapped modes, and van Dongeren et al. (2003) used their contrary, an extensive NSWE model study by Reniers et al.
nonlinear model of the Delilah conditions, driven by the (2004) of the development of morphology on an embayed
measured incident waves, to show that bar-trapped modes do beach, driven by realistic, incident wave-directional spectra,
indeed occur, at least in the presence of a well-defined bar and concluded that no preferential, infragravity-wave length scale
broad alongshore current, though their energy accounted for developed in the water motion over initial alongshore uni-
only 12% of the total infragravity wave energy. However, there form bathymetry that could trigger a quasiperiodic morpho-
was no suggestion that these bar-trapped modes were re- logical response. Instead, quasisteady flows resulting from
sponsible for the location of the bar. group-induced vortices did exhibit a preferred length scale and
Considerable research has been devoted to studying the these flows generated quasiperiodic morphology of the scale
coupling between edge wave motion and beach cusps, since of observed rip-current spacing. Edge wave motion was ob-
there does appear to be a strong link between the alongshore served in their model but it was influenced by the topography
scales of the cusps and the zero-mode edge wave at the sub- rather than vice versa.
harmonic (twice the period) of the incoming waves. However, Thus, there is growing evidence that, in the link between
the alongshore scales appear to be equally consistent with morphology and hydrodynamics, the morphology comes first,
forcing by self-organization feedback (Werner and Fink, 1993; through self-organization, and changes in the infragravity
Coco et al., 1999) and other evidence that edge waves create wave hydrodynamics are a response to it rather than driving it.
beach cusps remains elusive. The most direct study of the This is not, however, to say that infragravity wave motion is
potential link was made by Coco et al. (2001), who ran their unimportant for nearshore morphodynamics. The fact that
self-organization model using a regular alongshore template infragravity wave energy is greatest in the surf zone, and
of swash amplitude to simulate a preexisting standing edge dominates in many cases close to the shoreline itself (e.g.,
wave. They found that cusps developed about twice as quickly Russell, 1993) means that it has a vital role in the pattern of
and with slightly more pronounced relief after only two cycles overall nearshore wave energy and therefore the stirring effect
of the regular template with an alongshore wavelength which in sediment transport. Although the drift velocity patterns
matched the cusp wavelength obtained from random swash suggested by Holman and Bowen (1982) are probably too
by self-organization. The conclusion is that cusps might be small to be important, other more direct influences, for ex-
rather more likely to occur in the presence of edge waves but ample, the advection process proposed by Aagaard and
are not essential to their formation. The numerical study of Greenwood (2008), might be important in very shallow water.
beach cusp formation using a NSWE approach by Dodd et al. Roelvink et al. (2009) found that infragravity wave energy is
(2008a) found that cusp growth is dominated by nonlinear important for dune erosion because it can extend the reach of
interaction between the water motion and the developing the waterline up the beach to the dune foot. Greenwood et al.
topography, a self-organization mechanism, rather than being (2009) found from field experiments in a rip channel, that
a response of the beach to edge wave motion. infragravity waves control net magnitude and direction of
A number of theoretical studies show edge waves re- sand transport rate when other influences caused by the rip
sponding to morphology rather than vice versa. Guza and current and the shoaling incident waves are close to a balance.
Bowen (1981) found theoretically that the formation of cusps These rather subtle effects can be important but the domin-
from a planar, alongshore uniform beach can reduce edge ating influence of long-period wave motion on coastal
wave amplitude by detuning the edge wave dispersion rela- morphology proposed in the 1970s and 1980s cannot now be
tionship. Bowen (1997), however, hypothesizes that the rela- sustained. The observations do not show the required spatial
tive proportion of edge wave energy increases with cusp size patterns of flow, and the feedback between flow and
Waves 69

morphology has been shown to be much stronger and more References

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both linear and nonlinear methods. Linear models remain the 1994. The Delta Flume ’93 Experiment. Coastal Dynamics ’94. ASCE,
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of these effects using semiempirical algorithms. Nonlinear Bagnold, R.A., 1963. Mechanics of marine sedimentation. In: Hill, M.N. (Ed.), The
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servations. There is still much to be learned about how best
39, 213–242.
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Biographical Sketch

David Huntley is emeritus professor of Physical Oceanography at the University of Plymouth, U.K. He has 40
years of experience in the study of nearshore processes and coastal physical oceanography, including 13 years as a
professor in the Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University in Canada. He pioneered the use of fast-
response sensors to measure wave and sediment dynamics in and near surf zones, resulting in a much clearer
understanding of beach dynamics. In coastal physical oceanography his interests have centered on the meas-
urement and modeling of seabed stresses, and on turbulent mixing and dispersion at the sea surface. His recent
modeling research has demonstrated the value of simplified models for the simulation and prediction of coastal
and shelf seabed forms. He was associate editor of Continental Shelf Research between 1992 and 2009 and
recently was Visiting Scientist at the UK Met Office in 2006, Visiting Scientist at the University of Waikato, New
Zealand in 2007 and Associate Faculty at Oregon State University, USA in 2007. He has authored over 100 refereed
publications and has given many invited talks on his research both at Conferences and at public events.
10.4 Sediment Transport
T Aagaard and M Hughes University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen K., Denmark, and University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.4.1 Introduction 75
10.4.2 Measuring Nearshore Sediment Transport 76 Measurement Devices for Suspended Load 76 Measurement Devices for Bedload 78 Measurement of Total Sediment Transport 78
10.4.3 Sediment Mobilization and Suspension 79
10.4.4 Cross-Shore Sediment Transport 82 Transport Mechanisms 82 The Cross-Shore Distribution of Suspended Sediment Transport 87 Cross-Shore Suspended Sediment Transport on Dissipative, Intermediate, and Reflective Beaches 88 Sediment Transport in 3D Morphological Settings 88 The Role of Bedload Transport 90 Numerical Models of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport and Beach Profile Change 90
10.4.5 Longshore Sediment Transport 91
10.4.6 Swash Zone Sediment Transport 93
10.4.7 Concluding Remarks 101
References 101

Glossary Lagrangian/Eulerian reference frame There are two

Acceleration skewness The third-order moment of fundamental ways to describe fluid flow. One is the
instantaneous fluid acceleration, du3t /dt. It is associated with Lagrangian description that tracks each fluid particle at all
an asymmetry of the wave shape about the vertical axis and times. For example, the Stokes drift can only be resolved in
typically occurs under sawtooth-shaped bores in the surf zone. a Lagrangian reference frame. The other is the Eulerian
Boundary layer streaming A (Eulerian) net current in the description, where the fluid motion is specified at a fixed
wave boundary layer, generated by the oscillatory flow. point in the water column. Spatially fixed instruments
Expansion and contraction of the bottom boundary layer (current meters) can only resolve the Eulerian velocity.
associated with the passage of waves create weak vertical Stokes drift A (weak) onshore-directed mean current
flows. Due to the presence of the seabed, the horizontal and that arises because the fluid particle orbits are not
vertical flows in the boundary layer are not 901 out of phase, closed under waves. The wave orbital diameter depends
and the time-averaged product of horizontal (u) and inversely on distance below the mean water surface and it is
vertical (w) flows is nonzero over a wave period. This therefore larger under wave crests than under wave troughs.
generates a shear stress (t¼ uw) on the fluid particles, which This leads to a slow onshore drift of the fluid particles. The
results in a weak, generally onshore-directed, mean current. name is associated with the British mathematician G. G.
Gravity waves They are generated by the wind and Stokes who introduced a theory for finite-amplitude waves.
comprise wind waves and swell. They have wave periods Another term for this phenomenon is Lagrangian drift.
between 1 and 20 s (0.05–1 Hz) and their main restoring Velocity skewness The third-order moment of
force is gravity. instantaneous fluid velocities, u3t . It is associated with an
Infragravity waves They have periods between 20 and asymmetry of the wave shape about the horizontal axis. As
200 s (0.005–0.05 Hz) and they are forced directly or waves shoal, wave crests become narrow and peaked,
indirectly by groups of gravity waves. Bound long waves whereas wave troughs become wide and shallow. Fluid
are locally forced (infragravity) waves that are bound to velocities become larger under wave crests than under wave
and propagate with groups of gravity waves, whereas troughs and seen over a wave period, and the velocity
two-dimensional standing (infragravity) waves and skewness becomes positive (i.e., onshore directed).
three-dimensional (infragravity) edge waves are free waves /u S
Normalized velocity skewness is expressed as /u2 St 3=2 ,
that are reflected against the shoreline and form cross-shore, where /S indicates the time-average.
standing wave patterns.

Aagaard, T., Hughes, M., 2013. Sediment transport. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in
Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 74–105.

74 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Sediment Transport 75


Sediment transport is the mechanism that translates the work of hydrodynamic processes into morphological change. This
chapter discusses the transport of noncohesive sediment in wave-dominated settings. Following an introductory section,
techniques for measuring sediment transport are described, providing context for the following sections. Section 10.4.3
discusses the physical mechanisms that mobilize and suspend sand into the water column. Processes resulting in cross-shore
(onshore/offshore) sediment transport, and ultimately beach erosion and accretion, are described in Section 10.4.4 and
longshore sediment transport in Section 10.4.5. Finally, sediment transport in the swash zone is discussed in Section 10.4.6.

10.4.1 Introduction various instants in time. Grains may also come to rest at or in
the bed, only to be exposed and/or transported during the
Sediment transport is the process that provides the coupling next wave cycle. Any exclusive mode of sand transport is dif-
between hydrodynamic processes and beach morphology. ficult to identify in the nearshore (Hanes, 1988), so for con-
Without any transport of sediment, there would be no mor- venience the transport mode is generally classified as either (1)
phological change and there would be no beaches. The rela- dominantly bedload where the sediment grains are moving in
tionship between sediment transport and morphological contact with the bed and are supported by other grains, or (2)
change is described by the sediment conservation equation: dominantly suspended load where the grains are supported by
  turbulence in the surrounding fluid (Bagnold, 1966). An ap-
dz dq dC proximate threshold that distinguishes bedload from sus-
¼  þ ½1
dt dx dt pended load is a volume concentration of 0.08 m3 m3
(corresponding to about 140 g l1), above which significant
where z is the bed elevation, q is the sediment transport rate, C intergranular collisions occur and bedload dominates (Komar,
is the amount of sediment in the water column (the sediment 1998).
load), t is the time, and x is the distance in the direction of Another generally applied simplification is the separation
transport. The first term on the right hand side of eqn [1] of the sediment transport vector into cross-shore and long-
states that a positive gradient in sediment transport rate along shore components relative to the orientation of the shoreline
the transport path results in a lowering of the seabed along or to the depth contours. This makes transport concepts and
that path over time, whereas a negative transport gradient modeling much more tractable, and the sediment conser-
leads to accretion. The second term on the right hand side of vation equation is then generally modified to:
the equation describes the temporal change in the amount of dz dqx dqy
sediment kept in suspension above the seabed. This term can ¼   ½2
dt dx dy
be ignored if the timescale considered is longer than a few
wave cycles (seconds or minutes), because sand is rarely kept
where qx is the cross-shore sediment transport rate, and qy is
suspended in the water column for longer periods of time.
the longshore sediment transport rate, and x and y are the
This chapter provides a discussion of noncohesive sedi-
cross-shore and longshore coordinates. In most cases both
ment transport in the nearshore with a focus on the transport
terms on the right hand side of the equation are nonzero and
of sand- and gravel-sized sediment under the influence of
sediment is transported obliquely to the orientation of the
wave action. The nearshore is defined here as consisting of the
shoreline. Note that the temporal variation in sediment load
lower shoreface, the upper shoreface, and the beach face
(eqn [1]) has been ignored here.
(Figure 1). Different wave regimes dominate across the near-
shore, resulting in distinctly different sediment transport
characteristics. The lower shoreface is dominated by shoaling
wave processes, and wind- and tide-generated currents are Upper shoreface Lower shoreface
additional significant contributors to the transport of sedi- surf zone shoaling wave zone
ment. The morphologically active upper shoreface, generally
containing one or more nearshore bars, is dominated by MWL
Elevation (m)

breaking wave processes in the surf zone. In addition to waves

incident from offshore, secondary, low-frequency waves, and
mean currents generated by the processes of wave breaking are −4 Beach
responsible for the movement of sediment. Finally, the beach swash
face is affected by the high-velocity uprush and backwash −8
flows of the swash zone, which produce large landward- and
seaward-directed transport rates. −12
Coarse sediment such as gravel is typically transported as 0 1000 2000 3000
bedload, when grains roll, slide, or hop along the bed, Distance from shoreline (m)
whereas the finer sand fraction can also be suspended in the Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the nearshore showing the
water column and carried along with the flow. The strongly morphological and hydrodynamic zones considered in this chapter.
oscillatory velocity field under waves means that individual MWL is mean water level. Note that elevations and distances are not
sand grains can be subjected to any of these transport states at absolute.
76 Sediment Transport

10.4.2 Measuring Nearshore Sediment Transport to both mean and oscillatory flows using the following rela-
tionship. The instantaneous suspended transport rate, qs(t) at
Measurement of sediment transport under waves is not a tri- a given elevation above the bed, z, is the product of sediment
vial task because of the different modes of transport, reversing concentration, c, and the velocity by which the grains are
flows, generally high-energy conditions which make instru- transported by the fluid, ug,
ment deployment and maintenance difficult, and large sedi-
ment transport gradients that make for a highly dynamic qs ðtÞ ¼ ug ðtÞcðtÞ ½3
seabed that rarely remains in the same vertical position for
long periods of time. Furthermore, despite the fact that great The equation can be integrated over the timescale of
strides have been made recently, instruments and equipment interest and over water depth to yield the net suspended
for measuring sediment transport still suffer from various sediment transport rate. It is generally assumed that ug ¼ u,
limitations and several complementary techniques must where u is the speed of the surrounding fluid. Although ap-
commonly be employed. proximately true for fine sand (or smaller grain sizes), the
assumption becomes increasingly difficult to justify for me-
dium and coarse sand.
Techniques to resolve the time-dependent nature of sus- Measurement Devices for Suspended Load
pended sediment concentrations (eqn [3]) began when
One of the first to investigate suspended sediment concen- Brenninkmeyer (1976) deployed an optical transmissometer
tration under waves was Watts (1953) who used suction to measure the attenuation of light due to suspended particles.
pumps, originally devised for measuring sediment transport in Downing et al. (1981) later introduced an improved device;
rivers, to determine mean suspended sediment concentration the optical backscatter sensor (OBS) that is smaller in size and
profiles. Suction pumps and bottle sampling have since been less sensitive to air bubbles in the water. The OBS-sensor
used by Nielsen (1984) and Kroon (1991), for example. A works by emitting an infrared light that is reflected and
comprehensive study on the efficiency of pump samplers was backscattered by sediment in the water. The backscattered
performed by Bosman et al. (1987), who found that pump signal is detected by a photodiode and transformed to a
sampling yielded satisfactory results, provided that pump in- voltage, which is a linear function of sediment concentration.
take velocity exceeds the ambient flow by a factor of three. The rapid frequency response (sampling rates of 10–20 Hz can
Given the relatively small and strongly time-varying sediment be achieved, depending on exact sensor type) of the OBS
concentrations in the water column throughout most of the means that they are capable of resolving the detailed features
nearshore zone, the sampling bottles need to be large to yield of fluctuating sediment concentration under waves. The in-
a reliable measure of mean sediment concentration over a struments can be deployed in vertical arrays to resolve sedi-
reasonable timescale. ment concentrations through the water column over long
An alternative method for sediment trapping and for dir- periods of time. Consequently, they have been widely used for
ectly computing sediment transport rates was introduced by suspended sediment concentration and transport measure-
Hom-ma and Horikawa (1962) and later refined by Kraus ments in the nearshore. An example of a sediment concen-
(1987). The measurement devices are called streamer traps, and tration time series obtained from an OBS deployed close to
they consist of a vertical array of polyester, sieve cloth bags that the bed in the inner surf zone is illustrated in Figure 2.
are mounted on a stainless steel rack. The traps are carried Sediment concentration and velocity were recorded at 10 Hz
manually to the deployment site where samples are taken over and sediment response to sequences of large and small waves
a time frame of 5–10 min. The contents of the bags are then is evident. It is abundantly clear, however, that there is no
dried and weighed. Field deployments indicate that the traps straightforward relationship between sediment concentration
provide consistent and robust estimates of longshore and cross- and velocity magnitude.
shore transport rates (Kraus and Dean, 1987; Brander, 1999). Despite the general success of OBS-sensors in providing
However, the technique is limited to favorable (relatively shal- realistic, quantitative measures of suspended sediment con-
low) water depths and wave heights (relatively small) inside the centration, they do suffer from several shortcomings. The
surf zone. It can only be used under low-energy conditions and output voltage depends not only on sediment concentration,
in situations where unidirectional currents are sufficiently but also on sediment grain size and color (Black and Rosen-
strong to avoid entangling the bags, thus limiting the technique berg, 1994; Battisto et al., 1999; Hatcher et al., 2000; Down-
to measurements of longshore transport and cross-shore ing, 2006). Therefore the sensors must be calibrated with the
transport in rip currents under relatively small waves. The local sediment at the deployment site, ideally with a sample of
technique has also proved useful in the swash zone to sep- the sediment in active suspension. The sensor sampling vol-
arately quantify uprush and backwash sediment transport during ume decreases with increasing sediment concentration, and
single swash events (Hughes et al., 1997a). because sensor diameter is typically about 15 mm, care must
Although trap-based techniques are useful for estimating be taken when deploying these instruments near the bed. At
the amount of sediment carried by mean currents, they cannot elevations less than 40–50 mm, the sensors can create turbu-
resolve the time-dependent nature of sediment concentration lence and artificially enhance sediment suspension. Sensors
nor the transport due to oscillatory wave motions. Measure- are typically deployed in a spatially fixed position, so if the
ment devices for both flow velocity and suspended sediment seabed accretes or erodes, the vertical sensor positions need to
concentration have become increasingly sophisticated, and are be adjusted or measured frequently in order to provide rea-
now capable of measuring suspended sediment transport due sonable estimates of sediment concentration profiles and
Sediment Transport 77

100 2

Sediment concentration (g l−1)


Velocity (m s−1)


0 −2
1900 1950 2000 2050
Time (s)
Figure 2 Time series of cross-shore velocity (thick line) and suspended sediment concentration measured at 10 cm above the bed (thin line).
Data were recorded in the surf zone at Vejers on the Danish North Sea coast. The water depth at the instrument station was 1.32 m and the
significant wave height was 0.82 m.

transport (Ogston and Sternberg, 1995). Finally, the OBS is

sensitive to air bubbles and foam, which may increase sensor
outputs by 25% (Puleo et al., 2006). Care must therefore be
taken when interpreting OBS-signals obtained under breaking
waves in the inner surf zone, or in the highly aerated swash
To overcome some of these instrument deficiencies, smaller
fiber-optic backscatter sensors (FOBS) were developed (Beach
et al., 1992). The diameter of these sensors can be made as
small as a few mm, and therefore vertical sensor arrays can be
deployed very close to, and, indeed, into the seabed (Foster
et al., 2000; Aagaard et al., 2005; Austin and Masselink, 2008).
By using laser diodes, some sensor types, such as the UFOBS-7
(Downing, 2006), sample sediment concentrations in fixed
sampling volumes located some distance away from the sensor
head. Problems with sensitivity to air bubbles have not been
Figure 3 Arrays of OBS and FOBS sensors deployed on a stainless
identified with this latter type of sensor (Aagaard and Hughes, steel H-frame with an electromagnetic and an acoustic current meter.
2006), but clearly the deployment of such instruments still A second instrument station is submerged in the background, and
represents a physical intrusion in the bottom boundary layer. the photo was taken at low tide.
Instantaneous sediment concentration measurements ob-
tained with vertical arrays of OBS-sensors (such as illustrated
in Figure 2 for a single sensor) can be paired with measure- The introduction of acoustic backscatter sensors (ABS)
ments of ambient fluid velocity from colocated fast-response overcame some of the disadvantages associated with OBS-
current meters (Figure 3) to provide estimates of the net sensors by providing the capability of obtaining remote
suspended sediment flux (eqn [3]). The resulting transport measurements of suspended sediment concentration con-
estimates can then be split into transport contributions from tinuously through the water column at a resolution as fine as
mean flows and waves using the uc-integral concept (Jaffe about 5 mm, with sampling rates of several Hz (Hay and
et al., 1984): Sheng, 1992; Osborne et al., 1994). When two or more sen-
sors with different acoustic frequencies are deployed, estimates
hqs i ¼ huci ¼ huihci þ u0 c0 ½4 of suspended sediment grain size can be made (Crawford and
Hay, 1993). The drawback with ABS-sensors is their very high
where u is the instantaneous fluid velocity and c is the in- sensitivity to air bubbles (Hanes et al., 1988) and the intricate
stantaneous sediment concentration. Brackets denote time- algorithms required to invert the backscattered signal to ob-
averaged quantities and primes represent oscillatory terms. tain sediment concentration (Sheng and Hay, 1988; Thorne
Huntley and Hanes (1987) demonstrated how the u0 c0 term in and Hanes, 2002; Betteridge et al., 2008). Nevertheless, these
eqn [4] can be resolved in frequency space, by using cospectral sensors are seeing increased use, particularly in deep water
techniques, to obtain information on sediment transport rates and/or on the lower shoreface where bubbles from wave
and directions associated with different wave frequencies. breaking do not penetrate to the sensor sampling depths
78 Sediment Transport

0.4 by oscillatory flows should be interpreted in terms of a net

transport, and it is not clear that the assumption that ad-
vection velocity is uniform over the entire mixing depth is
valid. Moreover, it was originally assumed that tracer dispersal
Elevation above the bed (m)

0.3 is exclusively a measure of bedload transport (Komar and

Inman, 1970). This, probably erroneous, assumption was
made on the basis that suspended sediment transport is
characterized by more or less permanent suspension of the
particles. This is certainly not the case under waves (Hanes,
1988; see also Figure 2), so tracer techniques should at best
yield an estimate of bedload plus some/most suspended load
0.1 transport.
A methodology that has shown some promise for the es-
timation of bedload transport is the remote imagery of the
seabed geometry and measurement of bedform migration
0 rates using sonars (Greenwood et al., 1993). The determin-
ation of bedload transport rates from this technique relies on
0.01 0.1 1 10
the assumption that bedform migration rate is directly com-
Sediment concentration (g l−1)
parable to bedload transport (Hay and Bowen, 1993; Tray-
Figure 4 Profile of suspended sediment concentration calculated kovski et al., 1999). Hoekstra et al. (2004) obtained
from a pulse-coherent acoustic Doppler profiler. Measurements were agreement within a factor of two between estimated bedload
obtained under nonbreaking waves in a bar trough. Wave ripples on transport determined by bedform migration as recorded by a
the seabed had a wavelength of l¼11 cm and a height Z¼2 cm.
ripple profiler and model predictions from a numerical bed-
load transport model. However, the method is only applicable
(Traykovski et al., 1999; Cacchione et al., 2008; Dolphin and
in situations when distinct bedforms appear on the seabed.
Vincent, 2009). Acoustic/Coherent Doppler Profilers (ADP/
Moreover, it is not clear to what extent suspended load might
CDP; Zedel and Hay, 1999; Newgard and Hay, 2007; Ha et al.,
contribute to bedform migration.
2011) offer some of the same possibilities as the ABS with
For laboratory measurements, Ribberink and Al-Salem
the added advantage that colocated velocity measurements
(1995) developed a conductivity concentration meter that
for sediment transport calculations are obtained. Figure 4
measures sediment concentration in the bedload layer. The
shows a mean sediment concentration profile obtained with a
measurement principle uses the difference in conductivity
pulse-coherent ADP under shoaling waves and on a
between water and sediment and through calibration, the
rippled bed.
relative quantity of the two phases can be determined. A sys-
It should be clear from the preceding discussion that per-
tem consisting of two such probes was used by McLean et al.
fect sensors for quantitative measurements of suspended
(2001) to estimate bedload transport, based on the cross-
sediment concentration and transport in the field do not yet
correlation signal between the two probes. The sensors, which
exist. However, reasonable estimates can be made and the
have a diameter of about 4 mm, are inserted through the
techniques are more robust and reliable than techniques for
bottom of a flow tunnel or a wave flume and point upward
estimating bedload transport.
through the bed. These devices rely on very precise positioning
to resolve the bedload layer at mm-scale and would require Measurement Devices for Bedload almost continuous re-positioning on a dynamic natural beach,
making them impractical for field measurements. The devel-
Early studies of bedload transport used sediment tracer tech-
opment of devices for bedload measurement is still in its
niques (e.g., Ingle, 1966; Komar and Inman, 1970), which
infancy and remains a priority research issue.
involved the injection of tagged sediment grains and a tracking
of their dispersal in the direction of transport. The technique
has mainly been applied to study longshore transport, and the
bedload transport rate (qb) is given by Measurement of Total Sediment Transport
qb ¼ vðxÞbðxÞDx ½5 Determination of temporal bed-level changes and the direct
x application of the sediment conservation equation (eqn [1])
can be used to estimate indirectly the total transport of sedi-
where v(x) is the advection velocity of the tracer at a given ment, i.e., the sum of bedload and suspended load. Bed-level
cross-shore coordinate, x, and b is the mixing depth of the changes can be determined using conventional survey tech-
tracer (Madsen, 1989; White and Inman, 1989). Estimates of niques (Dean et al., 1987), rods inserted into the seabed
net longshore (bedload) sediment transport are obtained by (Greenwood and Hale, 1980), electromagnetic bed-level sen-
integrating qb across the surf zone. Considerable effort has sors (Ridd, 1992; Aagaard et al., 2001), or acoustic devices
been invested in attempting to develop predictive equations installed at some distance above the seabed (Thornton et al.,
for tracer mixing depth (e.g., Kraus, 1985; Ciavola et al., 1998). In the intertidal and swash zones, buried pressure
1997), however, several problems exist with the tracer tech- sensors (Baldock et al., 2005) and ultrasonic altimeters
nique. For example, it is not clear how tracer diffusion caused (Blenkinsopp et al., 2011) have been used to resolve bed-level
Sediment Transport 79

changes and sediment transport gradients at high temporal roughness (ks ¼ 2.5D, where D is the mean sediment grain
and spatial resolution. In order to resolve both the magnitude size) with additional terms added when ripples exist on the
and direction of the transport bed-level measurements at seabed (see Nielsen, 1986, 1992). For nearshore oscillatory
several positions are required. In the case of a cross-shore flows over sandy beds, calculated wave friction factors are
transect (assuming no longshore transport) there must also be typically of the order of 0.01.
closure (no bed elevation changes) at one end of the profile. The abovementioned parameterizations of fw were de-
In the case of a 2D array of measurements there must be veloped from laboratory experiments over fixed beds and it
closure along two boundaries of the array. could be questioned how well such conditions represent the
real world. Moving sand grains increase the roughness above
that expected for fixed grains. In addition, since the dynamic
10.4.3 Sediment Mobilization and Suspension forcing that generates bed friction is expressed exclusively
through orbital amplitude, the parameterizations do not take
Sediment is mobilized by friction between the moving fluid into account turbulence generated by other sources, for ex-
and the sediment grains resting on the seabed. In the bottom ample wave breaking, which in some cases can penetrate to the
boundary layer, friction generates small turbulent vortices that seabed (Cox and Kobayashi, 2000; Aagaard and Hughes, 2010).
set up stresses between fluid and grains, termed bed shear Smyth et al. (2002) used a coherent acoustic Doppler
stresses. The bed shear stress is a quantity that is of major im- profiler and the Reynolds stress concepts to introduce a
portance in determining the way sediment reacts to fluid method to derive the friction factor directly from near-bed
forcing. measurements of (turbulent) vertical and horizontal flows:
A rigorous definition of the bed shear stress is t ¼ r(u00 w00 )  00 2
where r is the fluid density, and (u00 w00 ) is the Reynolds stress 2w
fw ¼ 2 ½8
which is the product of turbulent horizontal (u00 ) and vertical u
(w00 ) velocities in the bottom boundary layer. Until recently,
this formulation has seen little use in wave-dominated en- where w00 is the vertical turbulent flow component and u is the
vironments, because it has been difficult to measure a three- horizontal velocity vector. Friction factors are typically larger
dimensional (3D) velocity field in thin wave boundary layers for breaking than for nonbreaking wave conditions because of
at the high frequencies required to resolve the turbulent vel- the vertical flux of horizontal momentum into the boundary
ocity components. An alternative and more conventional layer caused by turbulence associated with wave breaking
definition of the bed shear stress reads t ¼ ru2 , where u is the (Feddersen et al., 2003). Inner surf-zone field measurements
friction velocity at the bed and it depends on the near-bed of the ratio of fw determined from eqn [8] to fw determined
velocity gradient du/dz. In the nearshore, peak wave orbital from the Swart-equation (eqn [7]) are shown in Figure 5. The
velocities are, in most circumstances, faster than mean ratio between the two expressions for fw ranged from 2 to 10
current speeds, and because of the reversing nature of the and it increased with local relative wave height, the latter being
flow, wave boundary layers are much thinner than current
boundary layers. Consequently, velocity gradients in the 10
wave boundary layer are generally much steeper than in
current boundary layers. Waves therefore generate more bed
friction and larger bed stresses, and thus they are the main 8
mechanism responsible for stirring sediment in the nearshore.
The thickness of the wave boundary layer is generally on
the order of 0.10 m or less. Shear plates have recently been 6
fw/fw; Swart

used in the laboratory to directly measure the bed shear stress

(Barnes et al., 2009), but such equipment is too fragile to use
in field settings. A common circumvention of the problem has 4
been to define the bed shear stress under waves as

t ¼ ½rfw u2 ½6 2

where u is the maximum horizontal free-stream velocity in the

wave cycle (at the top of the wave boundary layer) and fw is a 0
wave ‘friction factor,’ or a transfer function between free-stream 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
velocity and friction velocity. The friction factor is often spe- Hs h−1
cified after Jonsson (1966) or Swart (1974). The latter ex-
pression reads: Figure 5 The ratio between friction factors fw determined from eqn
! (8), and the Swart friction factor (eqn [7]) as a function of relative
ks wave height Hs/h. Measurements were obtained in an inner surf
fw ¼ exp 5:213  5:977 ½7 zone with breaking waves. Adapted from Dohmen–Janssen, C.M.,
Hanes, D.M., 2002. Sheet flow dynamics under monochromatic
nonbreaking waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 107(C10), 3149,
where fw is expressed as a function of orbital amplitude doi:10.1029/2001/JC001045, with permission from American
(A¼uT/2p, where T is the wave period) and bed (grain) Geophysical Union.
80 Sediment Transport

a measure of the ability of wave-generated surface turbulence suspension where the grains are principally supported by the
to reach the bed. Turbulence injected from wave breaking surrounding fluid.
therefore appears to be a significant added source of bed shear Lifting of sediment grains into suspension occurs when
stress in shallow water depths on the upper shoreface. turbulent fluctuations near the bed become sufficiently large,
The mobilization of bed sediment by waves can be esti- and it is generally assumed that this occurs when the ratio
mated using the Shields parameter, which is a nondimen- between friction velocity and grain settling velocity increases
sional expression for the bed shear stress and is defined as above unity. The upward mixing of sediment in the water
t column can occur either through diffusion of the suspension
y¼ ½9 or as convection, in which case the sand grains are lifted as
rðs  1ÞgD
more or less coherent clouds of sediment. Convection dom-
inates when steep ‘vortex’ ripples (Bagnold, 1946) are present
where s is the relative sediment density. Based on field on the bed and vortex shedding occurs from these bedforms.
and laboratory experiments, Nielsen (1986) found that the The generation of small sediment-laden vortices typically takes
threshold of sand motion occurs for ywE0.05, where the place in the lee of steep bedforms at orbital velocity maxima
subscript denotes the Shields parameter calculated for wave under wave crests and wave troughs, and these vortices are
motion only. This is a value that is typically assumed in ap- subsequently ejected from the bed at velocity reversals
plications, but the uncertainties involved in calculating the (Nakato et al., 1977; Osborne and Greenwood, 1993; van der
bed shear stress in eqn [9] make the procedure of using a Werf et al., 2008; Mignot et al., 2009).
threshold Shields parameter less than straightforward. Green The vertical distribution of suspended sediment, averaged
(1999) used orbital velocity measurements and a video cam- over several wave periods, can be described by the time-
era to test the threshold velocity equation proposed by Komar averaged sediment convection-diffusion equation:
and Miller (1973):
 ½ dc
u2 A ws CðzÞ þ es ¼0 ½11
¼ 0:21 ½10 dz
ðs  1ÞgD D

Using ‘significant’ orbital velocity to arrive at orbital where C is the (mean) sediment concentration, z is the vertical
amplitude, Green (1999) found that this equation is a good distance above the bed, and the overbar indicates wave-
predictor of initial sediment movement outside the surf zone averaged terms. The equation states that the upward mixing of
and it circumvents the difficulties of using the Shields par- sediment, expressed through a ‘sediment diffusivity,’ es, is
ameter approach. balanced by sediment settling, expressed by the sediment fall
The methodology expressed by eqns [10] and also [9], velocity, ws. Several expressions for es exist in the literature and
when fw is specified by the Jonsson/Swart approach (e.g., eqn one of the most recent formulations was proposed by Van Rijn
[7]), assumes that sediment stirring is a function of orbital (2007). It is likely that sediment diffusivity scales with near-
velocity magnitude and grain size only. An increasing body of bed turbulent velocity and the rate at which this turbulence is
literature indicates that wave shape, causing fluid accelerations produced; such that large waves, short wave periods and fine
and decelerations, also has an impact on sediment mobiliza- sediment grain sizes result in large diffusivities and mean
tion (e.g., Chapter 10.3, this volume). For example, Foster concentration profiles where sediment concentration de-
et al. (2006) provided field evidence suggesting that pressure creases relatively slowly with distance above the bed. A more
gradients derived from fluid accelerations under asymmetric rapid decrease in sediment concentration above the bed will
waves were important to the incipient motion of sediment. then occur for smaller, long-period waves and coarse grain
The observed thresholds of sediment mobilization under sizes, where the sediment diffusivity will be small. The
asymmetric waves were smaller than predicted using equations micromorphology of the seabed also affects sediment diffu-
that consider exclusively horizontal fluid velocity. Moreover, sivity and larger values of es are observed with wave ripples
shear stresses generated by mean currents, although being than with flat beds (Vincent and Downing, 1994). This is
subordinate in most cases, are clearly not negligible and they partly because of the larger roughness elements that cause
interact nonlinearly with wave-generated, bed shear stresses, additional turbulent vortex generation over ripples.
thus enhancing the total bed shear stress. Models for bed shear Wave breaking is another mechanism that affects sediment
stresses in combined wave–current boundary layers have been diffusivity. In shallow water depths and particularly when
proposed by Grant and Madsen (1979) and Soulsby (1997). waves are plunging, surface-generated turbulence can reach
Once the sediment grains have been mobilized, they can the bed and may significantly increase sediment concen-
move as grain-supported bedload, either in a sheet flow layer tration/diffusivity and sediment transport (Kana, 1978; Yu
where the volumetric concentration decreases from et al., 1993). In a recent study, Aagaard and Hughes (2010)
CE0.6–0.7 in the stationary bed to CE0.08 (where inter- observed that wave impact on the bed can generate large
granular forces become unimportant), or in a layer corres- sediment clouds, and under plunging waves in the breaker
ponding to the height of migrating bedforms (Hoekstra et al., zone up to 85% of the suspended sediment load in the water
2004). In the sheet flow case, the bedload layer is on the order column may be associated with large vortices generated by
of 10 grain diameters thick and the thickness increases with wave breaking. When a breaking wave vortex hits the bed,
bed shear stress (Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes, 2005). Above clouds of sediment are lifted upward in a convective process,
the moving bed layer, sediment moves in intermittent and such clouds may be advected several meters away from the
Sediment Transport 81

breakpoint before sediment settles out (Black et al., 1995; in vertical grain size fractionation. Under full-scale shoal-
Beach and Sternberg, 1996). ing waves in a laboratory wave flume, Greenwood and Xu
The shape of the suspended sediment concentration profile (2001) observed an 18% decrease in mean grain size be-
depends on the process that dominates the upward mixing of tween elevations of 4 and 24 cm above the bed.
the sediment grains. When convection is dominant, for ex- 3. Bedforms – ripples on the seabed enhance bed shear
ample, due to vortex shedding from bedforms or breaker vor- stresses and both vertical mixing lengths and sediment
tices lifting the sediment in coherent packages, vortex size and diffusivities are much larger when the bed is rippled than
intensity is near-constant over the lower part of the water col- when it is flat. With flat beds, sediment diffusivity is rela-
umn and sediment diffusivity is therefore near-constant in the tively smaller and the suspended sediment may be con-
vertical. Mean sediment concentration profiles will then take on fined to the lower tens of mm of the water column where
an exponential shape. In cases when diffusion dominates, tur- the sediment moves in a high-concentration, carpet-like
bulent vortices generated by bed friction expand as they sheet flow. Bedforms further affect the phase relationship
propagate upwards; diffusivity then increases linearly with between fluid velocity and sediment concentration in a
height and mean suspended sediment concentration profiles nontrivial way, especially under irregular waves.
approximate a power-function (Dolphin and Vincent, 2009). 4. Wave groups – a successive ’pumping up’ of sediment oc-
It is clear that the theoretical descriptions of sediment curs under groups of large waves, because of the finite
mobilization and the vertical distribution of sediment con- sediment settling velocity, leading to much larger sediment
centration (e.g., eqn [11]) are oversimplified. Figure 2 illus- concentrations at the end of a wave group than at the be-
trated the seemingly erratic nature of sediment suspension ginning of a group (Hanes, 1991; Osborne and Green-
under strongly breaking waves in the surf zone. Figure 6 wood, 1993; Williams et al., 2002).
shows a contrasting example of sediment concentrations re- 5. Wave breaking – the added turbulence due to wave
corded under shoaling waves at 8 m water depth on the lower breaking creates additional bed shear stress and vertical
shoreface, and under these less complex conditions there is sediment mixing (Yu et al., 1993; Scott et al., 2009). Under
still no straightforward relationship between orbital velocity plunging breakers, large vortices with vertical velocities up
and sediment concentration. The time series shown in Figures to 1 m s1 have been observed in the field, and they can lift
2 and 6 also demonstrate the strongly time-dependent nature large clouds of sediment upward from the bed (Aagaard
of sediment suspension under natural conditions. It is and Hughes, 2010). However, vortices from spilling
clear that no single process can explain the variability in breakers are much more limited in vertical extent and
concentration magnitude, but that many processes interact. rarely reach the bed. Consequently, sediment loads under
The following is a list of factors that have been demonstrated plunging waves are typically larger than under spilling
to affect near-bed sediment concentrations during field waves (Kana, 1978).
experiments: 6. Infragravity waves can become very energetic in the inner
surf zone where they may contribute significantly to sedi-
1. Fluid velocity – larger (horizontal) fluid velocities, whether
ment suspension, as suggested by modulations of the
of wave or current origin, enhance the bed shear stress and
sediment concentration magnitude at time scales of
therefore mobilize and suspend larger amounts of sedi-
20–100 s (Russell, 1993; Aagaard and Greenwood, 1995a).
ment. The coexistence of waves and currents results in
nonlinear enhancement of the total shear stress and sedi- Attempting to disentangle and model the contributions
ment mobilization. from each of these processes – and probably more – is a major
2. Sediment grain size – finer sediment is more easily sus- task and bulk parameterizations may presently prove more
pended and mixed upward in the water column. Further- successful.
more, a distribution of grain sizes exists in the bed and the Another complication is phasing of sediment concentration
finer grains will be suspended to larger elevations, resulting relative to fluid velocity (Figures 2 and 6). Instantaneous

10 50
Sediment concentration (g l−1)

Velocity (cm s−1)



0 −50
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (s)
Figure 6 Time series of cross-shore velocity (thick line) and suspended sediment concentration at 5 cm above the bed (thin line), recorded at
7.6 m water depth off the Danish North Sea coast. The significant wave height was 1.32 m and the sampling frequency was 2 Hz.
82 Sediment Transport

suspended sediment concentrations (and sediment concen- Transport Mechanisms

tration profiles) under waves fluctuate continuously over a wave
period, and the way that instantaneous concentration (c(t)) is On the upper shoreface it is generally accepted that – to a first
related to instantaneous fluid velocity (u(t)) is of critical im- approximation – cross-shore sediment transport is controlled
portance to the direction and net magnitude of sediment by the balance between onshore transport oscillatory motions
transport. Increasing time lags often exist between fluid forcing caused by incident wind waves and swell and offshore trans-
and sediment concentration for increasing elevations above the port due to wave-generated mean currents. On the lower
bed, because of the time it takes for sediment to respond to shoreface transport due to wave motions is still important, but
fluid motion and mix upward in the water column. Such time mean currents generated mainly by tides and winds are also
lags significantly impede our ability to predict (suspended) important (Seymour, 1980; Fewings et al., 2008). The orien-
sediment transport rates. Not only do the time lags depend on tation of these mean currents is typically alongshore, although
elevation above the bed, but they also depend on the shape of significant on/offshore-oriented mean currents occur near the
the bed. There are relatively small time lags for flat beds and bed in situations with up/downwelling. Sediment transport rates
large phase lags when ripples and vortex shedding occurs are generally smaller on the lower shoreface than on the upper,
(Osborne and Greenwood, 1993). Very detailed laboratory as wave stirring of sediment is weaker.
measurements of phase relationships between fluid velocity Focusing for the moment on the effect of wind waves and
and sediment concentrations in and above the bed were ob- swell, a wave-cycle-averaged net transport is usually caused by
tained under regular, monochromatic, nonbreaking waves in a an asymmetry in the velocity field, for example, caused by
large wave flume by Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes (2002). The wave shoaling. During shoaling, wave and orbital velocity
waves were strongly skewed with large velocities under the wave skewnesses develop such that the magnitude of onshore-
crest (Figure 7). Their measurements indicate that sediment directed orbital velocities become larger than offshore-directed
was almost exclusively mobilized under the wave crest, and in orbital velocities and the duration of onshore flows becomes
the bedload layer, sediment concentrations were nearly in shorter than the duration of offshore flows. In the absence of
phase with fluid velocity. A significant time lag relative to the further complicating factors (e.g., bedforms altering the phase
fluid forcing was introduced for the suspended sediment, and relationship between flow and sediment suspension) this
for elevations above 18 mm, maximum concentrations ap- velocity skewness leads to a net onshore transport by wind
peared on the offshore wave stroke leading to offshore trans- waves, because sediment transport is a nonlinear function of
port of sediment. Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes (2002) also fluid velocity. Velocity skewness has long been perceived as the
observed that time lags increase for fine sand and short wave major cause for net onshore wave-induced sediment transport
periods. (Wells, 1967).
It is likely that such time lags become less systematic with A theoretical example of the development of velocity
natural waves, further complicating a detailed description and skewness and sediment transport potential is illustrated in
modeling of sediment mobilization and transport. Figure 8. Wave shape and orbital velocity have been computed
using second-order Stokes wave theory and assuming a wave
height of 1 m and a wave period of 10 s. The sediment transport
potential is calculated by assuming qpu3 (Bagnold, 1963;
10.4.4 Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Bailard, 1981) and the lower panels illustrate transport poten-
tial integrated over wave crest and wave trough, respectively.
The fluid velocity required to transport sediment in the As illustrated in Figure 8, when waves propagate into
nearshore (eqn [4]) can be produced by a variety of shallower water, the wave shape and the sediment transport
hydrodynamic processes, some of which are dominant in potential become increasingly asymmetric and increasingly
the cross-shore dimension and some of which are dominant larger (wave-averaged) onshore sediment rates occur. Doering
in the longshore dimension. This section discusses cross- et al. (2001) found that a relationship exists between the
shore transport. In most cases, spatial gradients in cross- magnitude of the wave orbital velocity skewness and the Ursell
shore sediment transport are much larger than longshore number, defined as:
transport gradients and therefore the configuration and mor- HL2
phologic change of the nearshore profile over time is a re- Ur ¼ ½12
flection of the integrated result of cross-shore sediment
transport processes. where H is the wave height, L is the wavelength, and h is the
Because of instrumental constraints, experimental work water depth. If that is the case, then in theory it should be
has dealt mainly with suspended sediment transport rather possible to predict the wave-induced sediment transport rate
than bedload transport and consequently most of the fol- and direction from the Ursell number. However, it is well
lowing will address suspended load. A more specific dis- known that the net suspended sediment transport rate under
cussion of the aspects of bedload transport will follow skewed waves can be directed against the waves if the bed is
separately in Section covered by steep vortex ripples (Section 10.4.3). Bedforms
Despite the difficulties just described with modeling the induce phase lags between (orbital) velocity and sediment
detailed mechanics of sediment transport under waves, cross- concentration through the ejection and subsequent con-
shore sediment transport and the process mechanisms in- vection of sediment-laden vortices at flow reversal (Vincent
volved in that transport are fairly well understood in a and Green, 1990; Doucette, 2000; van der Werf et al., 2007).
qualitative sense. Such phase lags are also a major reason why the direction of
Sediment Transport 83

Velocity (m s−1)



−1.4 mm

0.5 −0.4 mm
Concentration (m3 m−3)


−0.0 mm


0.1 0.5 mm

1.0 mm
2.3 mm
0 4.2 mm
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
t /T (−)

10.6 mm
18.0 mm
2.5 25.3 mm
40.1 mm
77.0 mm
202.0 mm
Concentration (m3 m−3)



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
t/T (−)
Figure 7 Laboratory measurements of ensemble-averaged sediment concentration at different elevations in and above the bed, plotted against
wave phase t/T, where T is the wave period. The top panel shows horizontal fluid velocity with positive velocities directed onshore. Negative
elevations are below initial bed level.
84 Sediment Transport

h = 50 m h = 10 m h=5m
0.08 0.6 1

Orbital velocity
0.04 0.3 0.5

(m s−1)
0 0 0
−0.04 −0.3 −0.5
−0.08 −0.6 −1
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
(a) Time (s)
Transport potential

0.001 0.15 0.8

0.0005 0.075 0.4
(m3 s−3)

0 0 0
−0.0005 −0.075 −0.4
−0.001 −0.15 −0.8
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
(b) Time (s)
transport potential

0.0015 0.3 1

0 0 0
−0.0015 −0.3 −1
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
(c) Time (s)
Figure 8 (a) Theoretical wave orbital velocities computed from second-order Stokes wave theory for a wave height of 1 m and a wave period of
10 s at water depths of h ¼50, 10, and 5 m. (b) Shows sediment transport potential computed from q¼u3, and (c) shows total transport
potential under wave crests and wave troughs for the three depths. Note that y-axis extremes are different for different water depths. Positive
values are directed onshore.

suspended sediment transport is not uniform in the vertical, is the elevation above the bed, ws is the sediment fall velocity,
or why transport magnitude is not simply related to the and T is the wave period. Thus, phase lags decrease with
magnitude of C. Figure 9 shows a set of illustrative measure- proximity to the bed, large grain sizes and long-wave periods
ments of suspended sediment transport profiles obtained by (see also Figure 7).
Vincent et al. (1991) during a minor storm event on the lower Orbital velocity skewness continues to increase as long as
shoreface off Queensland Beach in Nova Scotia, Canada. The waves continue to shoal, but once the waves reach the upper
wave-induced transport was directed offshore very close to the shoreface and begin to break, the skewness decreases. Instead,
bed at the beginning and end of the event when orbital vel- a wave shape asymmetry develops that is expressed by a steep
ocities were relatively small, and ripples with a height 41 cm front face and a gently sloping rear of the wave; the wave form
were believed to exist on the seabed. The wave-related trans- assumes a sawtooth shape, approximating a bore. Surf bores
port reversed to onshore at higher elevations in the water are associated with fluid acceleration skewness; large acceler-
column. During the maximum of the storm event, when ations occur at the bore front and weaker decelerations occur
ripples were likely washed out or small in amplitude, the after passage of the bore crest.
wave-related transport was directed uniformly onshore in the Numerical models for sediment transport that rely ex-
vertical. Vincent et al. (1991) hypothesized that the shifting clusively on orbital velocity skewness as the only mechanism
transport patterns were intimately related to changing bed- for onshore transport (e.g., Bailard, 1981; Marino-Tapia et al.,
form geometries, which in turn affected the phase relation- 2007a,b) have tended to under-predict the onshore com-
ships between u and C. ponent of sediment transport. This has prompted researchers
When energy levels increase and bring about an increase in to search for alternative mechanisms for onshore sediment
wave orbital velocity and bed shear stress, bedform steepness transport and Drake and Calantoni (2001) and Hsu and
decreases and bedforms eventually disappear as the plane bed Hanes (2004) suggested that fluid acceleration skewness may
stage is initiated. This causes decreasing phase lags between u be one such mechanism. Fluid acceleration is a useful means
and C (Osborne and Greenwood, 1993). Detailed, large-scale for quantifying the asymmetric nature of waves, encapsulating
laboratory experiments on such phase lags were reported for processes such as phase shifts of the bed shear stress relative to
plane bed sheet flow conditions by Dohmen-Janssen et al. free-stream velocity (caused by the thin bottom boundary
(2002). They found that phase lags scaled with z/wsT where z layer and thus large bed shear stresses under the front face of
Sediment Transport 85

301/3 Houser and Greenwood (2007) found large sediment sus-

Wave transport pension events correlated well with large fluid accelerations.
Current transport
10.0 In the surf zone, fluid acceleration may also be a proxy for
Total transport
breaker/bore turbulence (Puleo et al., 2003) since turbulence
0.0 levels may be large and reach the bed at the front face of
301/5 breaking waves, especially when the waves are plunging
(Aagaard and Hughes, 2010). There appears little doubt that
onshore, wave-induced transport is strongly related to asym-
metries in the wave form, whether these are expressed through
301/7 fluid velocity or fluid acceleration skewness. The significance
of such skewness is likely to be more important for long-
10.0 period waves (and/or coarse grain sizes), because the sediment
grains mobilized and transported onshore under the wave
0.0 crest then have more time to settle (and/or settle more
301/9 quickly) before velocity reversal.
The foregoing discussion might suggest that sediment
transport due to wind waves is always onshore directed. As the
authors have touched upon earlier, this is not the case. Off-
301/11 shore wave-induced transport may occur if velocity skewness is
negative and/or if bedforms (e.g., steep vortex ripples) shift
10.0 the phase relationships between fluid velocity and sediment
concentration by more than approximately 901, or because of
0.0 bed slope. Strong wave/current interaction within the surf
301/13 zone can also lead to larger amounts of sediment being mo-
bilized on offshore wave strokes with a resulting offshore
wave-related transport.
Wave-induced transport may be either augmented or op-
302/2 posed by the transport due to mean currents. In Figure 9, for
example, the wave-induced onshore transport is opposed by
10.0 an offshore-directed mean transport caused by a quasi-steady
mean current. On the lower shoreface, mean cross-shore
0.0 transport may be caused by downwelling or upwelling flows
due to onshore- or offshore-directed wind stress (Wright et al.,
1991), tidal flows in cases when these are not oriented quite
parallel with the shoreline (Houwman and Hoekstra, 1999),
or Lagrangian Stokes drift. These types of flows are commonly
302/6 relatively weak and waves are generally perceived as domin-
ating the net cross-shore (onshore) sediment transport under
10.0 nonbreaking wave conditions, for example, on the lower
Onshore Offshore shoreface. Because beaches exist in the first place and because
0.0 it is a general observation that they tend to accrete under
8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 −2.0 −4.0 −6.0 −8.0 nonbreaking wave conditions, this assumption makes intui-
Transport rat (mg cm−1 s−1) tive sense. Although it is probably fair to say that the process
Figure 9 Record-averaged sediment transport profiles recorded by assemblages and the relative strength of various transport
Vincent et al. (1991) on the lower shoreface of Queensland Beach, processes are reasonably well known for the upper shoreface,
Nova Scotia using an acoustic backscatter system. The panels are such is not the case at intermediate (and large) water depths
arranged sequentially; the onset of the storm is represented by the on the lower shoreface. Laboratory experiments conducted
upper panel and the end of the storm by the lower panel. Total under more or less idealized conditions are generally in-
transport is the sum of transports due to incident waves and mean conclusive and only a few field experiments exist with an aim
currents, respectively. The wave contribution is highlighted with dark
to document net long-term cross-shore sediment transport.
shading showing the onshore wave-related transport component,
while light shading represents the offshore wave-related component.
Consequently, the cross-shore exchange of sediment between
Adapted from Vincent, C.E., Hanes, D.M., Bowen, A.J., 1991. Acoustic the lower and the upper shoreface is poorly known.
measurements of suspended sand on the shoreface and the control Once waves start to break in the surf zone on the upper
of concentration by bed roughness. Marine Geology 96, 1–18. shoreface velocity skewness decreases and offshore-directed
mean currents are enhanced significantly; the latter because of
the shallow water depths and the added contribution to the
waves), as well as pressure gradients into the bed (Austin et al., offshore-directed return currents from wave breaking and
2009). Predictions of observed, onshore oscillatory sediment surface rollers (Svendsen, 1984). Consequently, inside the
flux using a Meyer-Peter/Müller type of model improved breakpoint the mean (current-induced) transport may, in
when fluid acceleration was included (Austin et al., 2009) and some cases, assume complete dominance leading to large, net
86 Sediment Transport

offshore suspended sediment transport. As sediment concen- of example QIG is plotted as a function of local water depth
trations are much larger on the upper than on the lower relative to water depth at the wave breakpoint, h/hb, for two
shoreface (Figures 2 and 6), mean currents on the upper beaches in Figure 10(a). Seaward of the wave breakpoint,
shoreface are generally instrumental in creating large mor- oscillatory infragravity flux is mostly offshore directed, as ex-
phological changes during storms. pected, probably due to bound long-wave motions. Inside the
Offshore-directed mean currents on the upper shoreface wave breakpoint the importance of infragravity motions po-
comprise both undertow and rip currents. When wave break- tentially increases approximately linearly, such that it may
ing is strong, both types of flows can attain large velocities, up constitute about 70% of the total sediment flux near the
to ca. 0.5 m s1 for undertows (Aagaard et al., 2005), and in shoreline. However, the transport can be either offshore-, or
excess of 1 m s1 for rip currents (Brander and Short, 2000). onshore-directed and it may also be negligible.
However, onshore-directed mean currents and mean transport Calculating the absolute magnitude of infragravity flux and
may also occur on the upper shoreface, for example in cases plotting these data against distance to the wave breakpoint
when cell circulations exist in 3D morphological settings. demonstrated a clear transport pattern. Landward of the
Onshore-directed mean flows can develop across shallow bars breakpoint, infragravity transport was onshore, consistent
between rip current channels, representing the onshore-
directed limb of the circulation cell (Aagaard et al., 1998;
2006), and the speed of such onshore-directed rip feeder flows
may be of the same order of magnitude as the offshore- 0.6 Dissipative beach
Intermediate beach
directed rip current (MacMahan et al., 2005). 0.4
Oscillatory flows due to infragravity waves are another
significant mechanism for cross-shore suspended sediment 0.2

transport in the nearshore. Contrasting reports have emerged 0.0
on the relative importance and directional attributes of the
infragravity-wave transport component. Seaward of the
breakpoint, oscillatory infragravity transport typically consti- −0.4
tutes only a minor fraction of the net transport and it is dir- −0.6
ected offshore (Ruessink et al., 1998). The reason for such a
preferential direction of transport is tied to the occurrence of
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
short wave groups and the bound infragravity waves forced by
(a) h/hb
these groups. Groups of large wind/swell waves result in en-
hanced mobilization of sediment from the bed and this 1
sediment is advected offshore by bound long-wave troughs Dissipative
that are phase-locked to the groups of large wind/swell waves Intermediate
(Shi and Larsen, 1984). 0.5
Inside the (incident) wave breakpoint, infragravity motions
are commonly standing in the cross-shore dimension. Net
qIG (kg m−2 s−1)

suspended-sediment transport rates due to oscillatory infra- 0

gravity waves have been found negligible in some cases
(Ruessink et al., 1998; Conley and Beach, 2003), and in other
cases they dominate the total transport (Beach and Sternberg, −0.5
1991; Russell, 1993). In the inner surf zone of a dissipative
beach, Houser and Greenwood (2007) found that infragravity
sediment fluxes were large and their direction depended on −1
the position of the wave breakpoint. When waves broke sea-
ward of a bar crest the infragravity transport was directed
onshore and forced an onshore migration of the bar. When −1.5
waves broke landward of the bar crest the infragravity trans- −40 −20 0 20 40
port component was directed offshore. x−xb (m)
These conflicting reports on the role and significance of
infragravity waves were partly reconciled by Aagaard and Figure 10 (a) The contribution from oscillatory infragravity waves to
Greenwood (2008). They normalized the infragravity sus- total suspended sediment flux, QIG (eqn [13]), plotted against local depth
pended sediment flux by the total sediment flux at a point, relative to water depth at the wave breakpoint, h/hb. The breakpoint is
nominally located at 5 cm above the bed: located at h/hb ¼1. (b) Infragravity oscillatory suspended sediment fluxes
qig plotted against distance relative to the nearest breakpoint, x  xb.
QIG ¼   ½13 Positive values of x  xb indicate measurement positions landward of the
qig þ jqinc j þ jqm j breakpoint, and positive sediment fluxes are directed onshore. Data were
collected at a dissipative beach (Skallingen, Denmark; circles) and at an
where qig, qinc, and qm are the sediment fluxes due to infra- intermediate-state beach (Staengehus, Denmark; crosses). Reproduced
gravity waves, incident waves and mean currents, respectively. from Aagaard, T., Greenwood, B., 2008. Oscillatory infragravity wave
In this formulation, qig expresses the relative contribution of contribution to surf zone sediment transport – the role of advection.
oscillatory infragravity motions to total sediment flux. By way Marine Geology 251, 1–14.
Sediment Transport 87

with Houser and Greenwood (2007), and decreased with and erosion, respectively. A typical example is shown in Fig-
distance from the breakpoint, while the opposite was true ure 11 from a double-barred beach where suspended sediment
seaward of the breakpoint, with a cross-over in transport dir- fluxes are plotted for both a high- and low-energy situation. In
ection at the breakpoint (Figure 10(b)). Aagaard and Green- the former situation wave breaking occurred across both
wood (2008) proposed that wave breaker zones constitute nearshore bars, whereas some wave reformation occurred in
pick-up areas where large amounts of sediment are entrained the troughs between the bars. In the latter situation wave
and suspended in the water column, and that standing infra- breaking only occurred over the inner bar.
gravity motions then act as an advection mechanism for In the high-energy case, the net suspended sediment fluxes
moving sediment away from the breaker zone. Both the were directed offshore at all measurement positions, except at
magnitude and direction of infragravity transport at a given the outermost station at the toe of the outer bar. The offshore
position on the upper shoreface is determined by the relative sediment fluxes were caused by a dominance of the mean
position of the wave breaker zone. transport component caused by undertow. Sediment fluxes
Under storm conditions, infragravity oscillations can be- increased seaward and reached a maximum on the crest of the
come very large, particularly in the innermost surf zone. In outer bar, and then decreased down the seaward slope of that
such cases it has been shown that they may assume a dom- bar. Such a transport pattern will generate a zone of erosion
inant role in the suspension of sediment (Beach and Stern- on the landward slope of the outer bar and a zone of accretion
berg, 1988; Aagaard and Greenwood, 1995a). Oscillatory on the seaward slope, resulting in offshore bar migration. In
infragravity transport direction and magnitude may well then the low-energy case sediment fluxes were directed mainly
be a function of local infragravity velocity skewness rather landward. Specifically, fluxes were landward directed at bar
than sediment pick-up in a breaker zone. crests and seaward on the landward bar slopes. The onshore
The net suspended-sediment transport at any given position fluxes were driven by incident waves with positive orbital-
on the upper shoreface is generally regarded as the sum of the velocity skewness, and such a transport pattern generates
three transport components discussed above: (1) incident erosion over the seaward slope of the bar and deposition on
wind waves and swell that mainly, but not always, transport the landward slope causing an onshore bar migration. Note
sediment onshore; (2) mean flows that mainly, but not always, the much smaller observed transport rates during low-energy
transport sediment offshore, and (3) infragravity waves that conditions, which is consistent with observations that mor-
commonly transport sediment in either direction. The largest phological relaxation times are much longer under low-energy
transport rates occur in the bottom 50 or 100 mm of the water conditions compared to high-energy conditions.
column (Conley and Beach, 2003) where sediment concen- A similar spatial distribution of cross-shore transport was
trations are large, an exception perhaps being in zones of observed by Marino-Tapia et al. (2007a). Following Russell
plunging breakers where sediment is lifted to higher elevations and Huntley (1999), they obtained a large number of velocity
(Yu et al., 1993). Furthermore, net sediment fluxes may be measurements from six different beaches and they calculated
vertically segregated, with oscillatory (onshore directed) fluxes the third and fourth cross-shore velocity moments, which
dominating in the very near-bed region where phase coupling were used as proxies for bedload and suspended load
between u(t) and c(t) is large, and mean fluxes dominating at
larger elevations because of increasing current speed and de-
(kg m−2 s−1)

creasing phase coupling with distance from the boundary. 0.1

This simplification ignores potential sediment transport −0.1

processes such as Lagrangian mass transport due to Stokes drift −0.2

and boundary layer streaming. Such processes are generally −0.3
neglected, mainly because the former cannot be observed using
(kg m−2 s−1)

stationary instruments and the latter is difficult to resolve.

Boundary layer streaming causes weak mean currents that are

confined to the bottom boundary layer and oriented in the
direction of wave propagation, but they have not been posi-
tively identified in field measurements. This may be due to ei- 2
Elevation MSL (m)

ther the small vertical scales involved or because these currents

are insignificant compared to other mean flows. Nevertheless, in 0
a numerical modeling study Henderson et al. (2004) con-
cluded that boundary layer streaming and Lagrangian mass −2
transport may both be important and potentially contribute to
onshore sediment transport and nearshore bar migration.
0 50 100 150 200
Distance from baseline (m) The Cross-Shore Distribution of Suspended
Sediment Transport Figure 11 Net cross-shore suspended sediment fluxes measured at
5 cm above the bed at an intermediate-state beach, Staengehus,
The way that cross-shore sediment transport varies across the Denmark. The upper panel shows fluxes during a low-energy
shoreface determines how the morphology changes. Spatially situation and the middle panel is for a high-energy situation. The
changing transport rates and directions set up transport con- cross-shore profile is shown in the bottom panel for reference.
vergences and divergences corresponding to zones of accretion Positive sediment fluxes were directed onshore.
88 Sediment Transport

transport, respectively. The best-fit lines through the data flux occurred mainly at incident wave frequencies, but as in-
points were termed transport shape functions and these shape cident wind wave energy decayed over the bar, infragravity
functions showed that velocity moments were positive (due to waves dominated the velocity field in the inner surf zone. The
positive orbital velocity skewness) in the wave shoaling re- oscillatory sediment flux, displayed by the cospectra, occurred
gions seaward of wave breaker zones, indicative of net onshore exclusively at low frequencies. Such infragravity-band,
transport, whereas velocity moments were negative (due to cospectral dominance is rarely seen on intermediate beaches
offshore-directed mean currents) through the majority of the where incident waves reform in troughs between bars. On
surf zone, indicative of net offshore transport. These shape such beaches, dissipation of incident wave energy is not as
functions therefore predict erosion over much of the surf zone strong and the infragravity-wave flux tends to remain sub-
with sediment transport convergences in breaker zones, con- ordinate to sediment fluxes by incident waves.
sistent with the patterns illustrated in Figure 11. The general Direct field measurements of nearshore sediment transport
form of the proposed shape function was confirmed qualita- on the shoreface of reflective beaches are lacking. On this
tively by Tinker et al. (2009) who measured suspended sedi- beach type the lower shoreface extends to the wave breakpoint
ment transport directly instead of using velocity moment at the toe of the beach face and mean currents, such as
proxies, which formally assume proportionality between u(t) undertows, are probably confined to a very narrow region near
and c(t). the foreshore and probably indistinguishable from swash
flows. As waves are shoaling almost all the way to the beach it
is to be expected that sediment transport will be dominated by
wind/swell wave skewness, with a secondary offshore-directed Cross-Shore Suspended Sediment Transport on
contribution from bound infragravity waves. As wave skew-
Dissipative, Intermediate, and Reflective
ness increases with decreasing water depth, and sediment
stirring increases with increasing wave-orbital velocity toward
Cross-shore sediment transport is qualitatively and quantita- the beach, onshore-directed sediment transport rates probably
tively different on different types of beaches, because of the increase consistently toward the beach, potentially leading to a
different history of wave transformation on each beach type transfer of sand directly from the shoreface to the beach, again
(see Chapters 10.5 and 10.12, this volume). Dissipative bea- depending on the complications introduced by bedforms.
ches exhibit gentle cross-shore slopes, a relatively small vertical
relief between nearshore bars and intervening troughs, and
therefore (almost) continuous wave breaking through a wide Sediment Transport in 3D Morphological Settings
surf zone. Breaking waves are mostly of the spilling type.
Intermediate-state beaches possess steep, prominent bars with The spatial distribution of cross-shore sediment transport de-
strong wave breaking, commonly of the plunging type and scribed above strictly only applies when the morphology is
wave reformation in troughs (Wright and Short, 1984). Since homogeneous alongshore. In the shallow inner surf-zone the
wave set-up and undertow speed depend on the slope of the morphology is commonly rhythmic with crescentic or trans-
bed (Longuet-Higgins and Stewart, 1964; Longuet-Higgins, verse bars interspersed with rip channels. The mean current
1983; Aagaard et al., 2002), the mean current speed and hence circulation is then horizontally segregated, with strong off-
the offshore-directed (mean) sediment transport component shore-directed rip currents in rip channels and weaker on-
can be expected to be smaller, but extending over longer shore-directed flows across the bar shoals completing the
horizontal distances on dissipative beaches compared with circulation cells (Haller et al., 2002). Due to the difficulties
intermediate-state beaches. On intermediate beaches strong with installing instruments in an active rip current and the
undertows occur over bars with weak undertows in troughs. positional instability of rip channels, only a few studies have
Moreover, suspended sediment loads will be locally large obtained measurements of sediment transport measurements
under plunging waves on intermediate beaches and small in in rips. Because rip current velocity depends on the intensity of
troughs where wave breaking does not occur. In contrast, incident wave dissipation across the shoals and the cross-sec-
cross-shore gradients in sediment load tend to be smaller on tional area of the rip channel that the return flow is forced
dissipative beaches because turbulence from spilling breakers through, rip velocity and related suspended sediment trans-
does not impact the bed to the same extent as turbulence from port is typically tidally modulated, with maximum current
plunging waves. As a consequence, gradients in cross-shore speeds and offshore sediment transport rates occurring at low
suspended-sediment transport rates are expected to be larger tide (Aagaard et al., 1997; Brander, 1999; MacMahan et al.,
on intermediate-state beaches than on dissipative beaches, 2005; Austin et al., 2010). When the rip current is most active
causing the former to be more dynamic in terms of mor- at low tide, net sediment transport in rip channels is offshore
phological change, which is in agreement with observations directed because the mean (current-induced) transport com-
by Wright and Short (1984). ponent is dominant, but at high tide, or when waves are small,
Infragravity motions are generally more important to the wave dissipation across bar shoals and ensuing rip velocity are
net sediment transport on dissipative than on intermediate weak and onshore transport due to incident wave velocity
beaches, because of the continuous dissipation of incident skewness may prevail.
wave energy and the concomitant growth of infragravity waves Suspended sediment transport across bar shoals in be-
on the former. Figure 12 shows cross-shore velocity spectra tween rip channels is almost persistently onshore directed,
and cospectra of sediment flux from the surf zone of a dissi- perhaps due to acceleration skewness under breaking waves.
pative beach. Across the nearshore bar the oscillatory sediment The onshore-directed mean currents that are generated across
1E + 002 80 1E + 002 80 10 2 1E + 002 40 10 80
10 40 10 40 1 10 40
1 1
0.1 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0
0.1 0.1
0.1 −40 0.1 −40 −1 0.1 −40
0.01 −80 0.01 −80 0.01 −2 0.01 −40 0.01 −80
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
f (Hz) f (Hz) f (Hz) f(Hz) f(Hz)


Elevation (m DNN)




40 90 140 190 240
Distance (m)

Sediment Transport
Figure 12 Cross-shore velocity spectra (black, and left ordinate axis) and cospectra of cross-shore oscillatory sediment flux (blue, and right ordinate axis) at a dissipative beach. Note the progressive
decrease in sediment flux at incident wave frequencies (f40.05 Hz) as the shoreline is approached, and the simultaneous increase in sediment flux at infragravity frequencies (fo0.05 Hz). The offshore
significant wave height was 1.9 m and the mean water level was þ 0.9 m relative to mean sea level.

90 Sediment Transport

the shoals and that feed the rip currents increase in strength by Dohmen-Janssen and Hanes (2002, 2005). Estimates of
with decreasing water depth because of more complete wave grain velocities were obtained in the sheet flow layer under flat
dissipation and depth confinement. Hence, the onshore bed conditions in a large wave flume using conductivity
transport at bar shoals is typically dominated by mean cur- probes. The imposed fluid motions had large velocity skew-
rents at low tide while oscillatory wave motions may dominate ness. Consistent with definitions, the top of the sheet flow/
when water depths are larger at high tide (Aagaard et al., 1998, bedload layer was selected as the level at which sediment
2006) leading to onshore bar migration (Bruneau et al., concentration dropped below c ¼ 0.08 m3/m3, and based on
2009). this criterion, the observed sheet flow layer was in the order of
10 grain diameters thick and the experimental results indi-
cated that on flat beds and in pure wave motion, bedload
transport is about an order of magnitude larger than transport The Role of Bedload Transport
in suspension. However, the measured suspended sediment
Previous sections have focussed on suspended sediment concentrations were 1–2 orders of magnitude smaller than
transport. There has been a long-standing debate concerning what is typically observed in natural surf zones.
the relative significance of bedload versus suspended load. The The experimental evidence is thus highly contradictory on
debate has come about partly because of semantic difficulties: the issue of bedload relative to suspended load magnitude.
What exactly is bedload? In some cases, the distinction has Until reliable instruments for measuring bedload under nat-
been made on the basis of sensor location relative to the ural conditions become available it is unlikely that the issue
seabed, but a more rigorous definition was provided by Bag- will be resolved.
nold (see Section 10.4.1). The fact that bedload cannot yet be With regard to the processes driving nearshore bedload
reliably measured in natural shoreface settings contributes to transport, orbital velocity skewness is a critical ingredient,
the uncertainty surrounding its importance. because wave-induced bed shear stresses are larger than shear
Based on sediment tracer measurements Komar (1978) stresses generated by mean currents. Bedload transport is
argued that bedload contributes by far the largest fraction typically directed onshore (Styles and Glenn, 2005) consistent
(75–90%) of the total longshore sediment transport. The ar- with onshore-directed orbital velocity skewness, and
gument was made that the tracer centroid in those experi- in situations when mean currents and net suspended sediment
ments moved much more slowly than the mean current. transport are directed offshore this offers an explanation for
Hanes (1988) later pointed out that these observations the often-observed cross-shore grain size segregation with a
could be equally well explained by intermittent sediment seaward-fining trend, since coarse grains are likely to travel in
suspension. close vicinity to the bed and finer grain sizes higher in the
Given the difficulties with measuring bedload reliably, water column (Vincent et al., 1983).
techniques using bedform-tracking devices have been used on In addition to velocity skewness, acceleration skewness
the assumption that bedform migration mirrors bedload may also be important to bedload transport. Hsu and Hanes
transport (Hay and Bowen, 1993; Osborne and Vincent, 1993; (2004) and Calantoni and Puleo (2006) applied two-phase
Hoekstra et al., 2004; Maier and Hay, 2009). Dyer and Soulsby and discrete particle numerical models, respectively, to suggest
(1988) tracked migrating ripples to estimate bedload transport that under sawtooth waves, horizontal pressure gradients
along with measurements of suspended sediment concen- generated by fluid acceleration contribute significantly to the
tration and they found that for steady (tidal) currents on the net transport in the sheet flow layer, although they found that
lower shoreface of Start Bay, UK, bedload dominated imme- the effects were still subordinate to those of velocity skewness.
diately above the threshold velocity whereas suspended load
was up to a factor of 17 times larger when flow velocities were
strong. Styles and Glenn (2005) used a data-driven bottom Numerical Models of Cross-Shore Sediment
boundary layer model to conclude that bedload on the mid-
Transport and Beach Profile Change
Atlantic shelf was more important than suspended load. On
the upper shoreface and under strong wave action, Aagaard Field and laboratory measurements of sediment transport
et al. (2001) used a bed-level sensor to track migrating have contributed vastly to our understanding of how beaches
megaripples and OBS-sensors were used for recording sus- behave in nature. The question then is how well does the
pended sediment transport; the tentative conclusion was that assimilation of this knowledge into numerical models quan-
bedload constituted 25% of the total sediment transport, with titatively reproduce natural beach behavior? Many math-
the remainder being transported in suspension. Other ex- ematical/numerical models for cross-shore sediment transport
perimental work (Kobayashi et al., 2005; Kleinhans and exist and these were typically validated using measurements of
Grasmeijer, 2006) and model tests (Li and Davies, 1996; cross-shore profile change and applying the sediment con-
Wenneker et al., 2011) have also suggested that suspended servation equation.
load is far more important than bedload under most One model frequently used by the scientific community is
conditions. the energetics model which was originally formulated by
When shear stresses become large bedforms are washed out Bagnold (1963) and later modified for wave-current flows by
and it is usually assumed, for example, based on Shields- Bowen (1980) and Bailard (1981). The model relies on a
diagrams, that suspended load becomes even more dominant velocity time series input, and it predicts bedload transport as
than in situations when bedforms exist. This assumption is a function of the third-order, near-bed, velocity moment and
contradicted by the detailed large-scale laboratory experiments suspended transport as a function of the fourth-order
Sediment Transport 91

moment. Omitting the gravity terms that arise because of advective sediment transport and nonlinear boundary layer
sloping seabeds and which are negligible in most applications, streaming.
the model can be expressed as: Thus, a wide range of possible mechanisms has been tested
to explain the onshore transport of sediment that must be
eb   es   involved in observed onshore bar migration during beach
iðtÞ ¼ rcf juðtÞj2 uðtÞ þ rcf juðtÞj3 uðtÞ ½14
tan j ws recovery. These mechanisms include velocity skewness, accel-
eration skewness, boundary layer streaming, Stokes drift, and
where i(t) is the instantaneous immersed-weight sediment turbulence generated by wave breaking. The conclusion must
transport at the point where velocity measurements are made, be that no single mechanism in isolation appears to be suf-
u(t) is the instantaneous fluid velocity, r is the fluid density, cf ficient to fully account for observed and inferred onshore
is a drag coefficient analogous to a friction factor, eb and es are sediment transport on the upper shoreface.
‘efficiency factors’ for bedload and suspended load, respect- Research models for sediment transport have also found
ively, f is the internal angle of friction, and ws is the sediment their way into engineering models for beach profile change.
fall velocity. The model has been tested on numerous occa- Examples include LITCROSS (STP; Fredsøe, 1993), CROSMOR
sions, for example, using high-quality survey data from Duck, (TRANSPOR; Van Rijn (2007)) and UNIBEST and its extension
N.C., USA (Thornton et al., 1996; Gallagher et al., 1998; Xbeach (Roelvink and Stive, 1989; Ribberink and Al-Salem,
Marino-Tapia et al., 2007b). These tests all agree that the 1995; Roelvink et al., 2009). These models are morphody-
model works well under erosive conditions when the net namic models in which a sediment transport module is in-
sediment transport is directed offshore due to the undertow, cluded in looped computational schemes that also include
but it cannot simulate profile development under fair-weather input of offshore boundary conditions, wave transformation
accretion conditions when sediment is driven onshore by the and nearshore profile change. A number of these morphody-
dominance of oscillatory wave motions (Voulgaris et al., 1998; namic models were tested by Van Rijn et al. (2003) against
Marino-Tapia et al., 2007b). With respect to the relative frac- large-scale laboratory and field data sets. Reasonable simu-
tion of bedload and suspended load, model predictions in lations were obtained of beach response to storms (when
moderately or highly energetic situations indicate that sus- mean currents (undertow) dominate the sediment transport
pended sediment transport is typically a factor of 3–5 larger and when the net transport is consequently directed offshore),
than bedload transport, but any conclusions obviously but again the models were less successful during beach re-
depend on how well the model represents nature. covery phases and when longer time scales were considered,
The problems concerning a general underprediction of partly because of inadequate modeling of 3D phenomena in
onshore wave-induced transport, and the fact that the ener- the inner surf zone. It is probably fair to conclude that our
getics model does not specifically consider sediment concen- ability to quantitatively predict and model nearshore profile
tration, but instead models sediment stirring/concentration change through detailed cross-shore sediment-transport
implicitly through u2 and u3, have prompted researchers to models is still some way into the future.
propose more detailed numerical models and to consider
additional mechanisms beyond (oscillatory) velocity skewness
for onshore sediment transport. For example, Henderson et al. 10.4.5 Longshore Sediment Transport
(2004) presented a wave phase-resolving model that includes
sediment transport due to boundary layer streaming and Longshore sediment transport rates are commonly consider-
Stokes drift (but excluding bedload and turbulence generated ably larger than cross-shore transport rates. In most cases,
by breaking waves) and their tests of this model were prom- however, longshore transport gradients are much smaller than
ising since the model was able to simulate onshore sediment cross-shore gradients and hence the effect of longshore
transport and ensuing landward bar migration at Duck. transport is generally more limited in influencing beach pro-
Similar results were obtained from an alternative phase- file change along open beaches. Quantitative studies of long-
resolving model proposed by Hsu et al. (2006) that intro- shore sediment transport have a much longer history than
duced different friction factors for waves and currents. studies of cross-shore transport, partly because of the engin-
A two-phase model developed specifically for sheet flow eering need to solve siltation problems experienced at tidal
sediment transport, and driven by measured wave, current and inlets and harbor entrances.
turbulence information was proposed recently by Amoudry In contrast to cross-shore transport, longshore sediment
et al. (2008). This model calculates the Reynolds-averaged, 1D transport is typically unidirectional over large spatial and
vertical mass and momentum equations of the separate fluid temporal scales and the transport is mainly driven by mean
and sediment phases in order to predict suspended as well as currents. The longshore component of orbital velocity tends to
high-concentration bedload transport. A later model-exten- be small on the upper shoreface, due to refraction of incident
sion by Scott et al. (2009) included turbulence from breaking waves. Furthermore, in many cases, mean longshore currents
waves and tests in a large-scale laboratory experiment are stronger than oscillatory cross-shore currents and hence
demonstrated an ability to reasonably predict instantaneous exhibit proportionately larger transport rates. Consequently,
near-bed suspended-sediment concentration profiles, but longshore sediment transport due to wind waves can be
the model could not simulate onshore sediment transport considered negligible and this considerably simplifies the
associated with observed landward bar migration and problem of identifying and separately quantifying the causa-
beach accretion. The reasons for the failure of the model tive mechanisms. Incident wind/swell waves are perceived to
were suggested to include nonlocal (onshore-directed) provide the main part of the bed shear stress for mobilizing
92 Sediment Transport

the sediment, which is then advected alongshore by quasi- later extended by Bailard (1981) who integrated the instant-
steady currents. aneous transport equations for bedload and suspended load
The terms ‘longshore sediment transport’ and ‘littoral drift’ to arrive at a set of equations involving the higher-order mo-
generally refer to the transport driven by wave-induced long- ments of orbital velocity. To arrive at a total longshore trans-
shore currents on the upper shoreface. If the shoreline is port rate across the surf zone these equations need to be
straight and uninterrupted, then annual net alongshore integrated across that distance. They have also been applied in
transport can become very large; sometimes on the order of the study of cross-shore transport (eqn [14]).
106 m3 a1, for example, along the Danish North Sea coast. Controversy has surrounded whether K (and K0 ) are really
Historically, the amount of sediment transported along the constants, or whether they depend on wave/sediment charac-
coast (within the surf zone on the upper shoreface) has been teristics. Komar (1988) found no dependency of K on mean
related to the amount of energy available in the waves arriving sediment grain size or beach slope, although this might have
at the wave breakpoint (Dean and Dalrymple, 2002), such been expected unless the motion/suspension threshold was
that the volumetric transport rate can be determined by: significantly exceeded for all grain sizes. Based on laboratory
data, Kamphuis and Readshaw (1978) suggested that K varies
KPl KECg sin ab cos ab with the Iribarren-number (i.e., beach slope, wave steepness
Ql ¼ ¼ ½15
ðrs  rÞgð1  pÞ ðrs  rÞgð1  pÞ and thus breaker type) and this was later supported through a
literature survey that demonstrated a clear dependency of K on
In this equation, which probably has its origin with the Los the Iribarren-number. Plunging/collapsing breakers result in
Angeles District of the US Army Corps of Engineers (Eaton, larger K than spilling breakers (Bodge, 1989). Different studies
1951), E is the wave-energy density, Cg is the wave group have obtained K in the range 0.08–2.2 (Dean and Dalrymple,
velocity, ab is the wave incidence angle at the breakpoint, rs is 2002). Based on impoundment studies, Dean et al. (1987)
the sediment density, r is the fluid density, p is a correction obtained K¼ 0.84–1.43, with a grain size dependency such that
factor for pore space, and K is a constant of proportionality. K increases with decreasing grain size, as expected. Wang et al.
Instead of considering the processes actually driving the (1998) used streamer traps to measure longshore sediment
sediment transport, bed shear stress and longshore current transport on 29 low-energy beaches exhibiting a wide range of
speed are replaced by a proxy which is the longshore com- bathymetries (barred/nonbarred; steep/gently sloping) and a
ponent of incident wave-energy flux. Much effort has been wide range of sediment grain size distributions (albeit all sandy
invested in trying to arrive at a single, optimum value of K. beaches). They found that measured transport rates were an
Early tests of eqn [15] relied mainly on field and laboratory order of magnitude smaller than predicted by eqn [15] when
measurements using tracer data, and/or sediment impound- using the recommended value of K. This study cast doubt on
ment techniques. Later, streamer traps and vertical arrays of the practice of employing different measurement techniques to
OBS were used. In a review of the then-available literature, arrive at a singular value of K, and Wang et al. (1998) con-
Komar (1998) arrived at an optimum value of K¼ 0.70 when cluded that it is essential to reconcile the different measurement
using the root-mean-square wave height in the expression of techniques of tracers, traps and short-term impoundments. By
the longshore component of wave-energy flux. This was inference, it appears likely that one or more of these techniques
slightly lower than the K¼ 0.77 previously suggested by Komar is incapable of reliably measuring sediment transport.
and Inman (1970) on the basis of their pioneering tracer A comparative study, involving several measurement tech-
studies on two different California beaches. niques, was undertaken by Tonk and Masselink (2005). From
Instead of considering wave-energy flux, Inman and Bag- an intercomparison of longshore suspended-sediment trans-
nold (1963) developed a model based on the amount of power port measured simultaneously with streamer traps and with an
utilized by the flow to transport sediment and they arrived at an array of OBS-sensors, they showed that the two techniques
equation of the same form as eqn [15], but naturally with a yielded similar transport rates. Through combination of the
different constant of proportionality. Using engineering quan- two techniques, the authors succeeded in obtaining longshore
tities and assumptions about the relationship between long- transport rates over large spatial and temporal scales. The
shore current magnitude and wave-energy flux, the Inman and calculated rates showed good agreement with the wave power
Bagnold (1963) equation can be simplified to approach and the recommended magnitude of K. It was evi-
dent that Ql is a strongly fluctuating quantity, however, which
Ql pK 0 Hb2 V ½16 calls into question the approach of using short streamer trap
deployments for making inferences about long-term, long-
where V is the longshore current speed and Hb is the shore transport rates.
(significant) wave breaker height (see Kraus et al., 1982; The large range of optimized calibration factors (K and K0 )
Komar, 1998). Such a model is intuitively more appealing obtained on different types of beaches suggests that the vari-
than that represented by eqn [15], because it explicitly con- ability may not only be due to measurement inaccuracies and
siders the speed of the longshore current (and is not limited to partly flawed measurement techniques, but also due to im-
longshore currents generated by wave breaking) and the bed portant processes that are not accounted for in these ap-
shear stress is modeled through the squared wave height, proaches. Clearly, in order to obtain scientific understanding
which is proportional to the squared wave orbital-velocity. and more precise predictive capabilities of longshore sediment
Field studies (Miller, 1999) have suggested that this equa- transport rates, such processes need to be identified. For ex-
tion may indeed be more reliable than the wave-energy flux ample, Smith and Kraus (2007) stated that it is necessary to
approach. The formulation of Inman and Bagnold (1963) was explicitly consider the oscillatory velocity component in shear
Sediment Transport 93

stress estimates for quantifying the amount of sediment mo- A further transport maximum is generally located at the
bilization. Furthermore, they demonstrated that much larger shorebreak close to the beach face (Bodge, 1989; Rosati et al.,
longshore transport rates occur for plunging breakers than for 1991). Seaward of the surf zone, longshore sediment transport
spilling breakers of the same wave height, which is consistent driven by wave-generated currents rapidly drops off (Kraus
with the study of Tonk and Masselink (2005). and Dean, 1987).
A similar conclusion was reached by van Maanen et al. More sophisticated numerical models than eqns [15] and
(2009) who tested the more detailed Bailard equation (eqn [16] exist for longshore sediment transport in the surf zone.
[14]) for suspended load. Using field measurements of sus- Numerical models commonly use sediment diffusivity con-
pended sediment concentration and fluid velocity in the cepts (eqn [11]) to describe the mean and/or time-varying
shallow intertidal zone, they found that the Bailard model vertical distributions of suspended sediment concentrations,
often underestimated observed longshore transport rates. and bed concentrations are parameterized using mean or in-
Apart from potential experimental errors associated with the stantaneous bed shear stress (e.g., Rakha et al., 1997; Van Rijn
measurements of concentration using OBS-sensors, reasons (2007)). The magnitude and vertical distribution of sediment
for the underprediction were suggested to be a failure to ac- loads are then coupled to the vertical distribution of longshore
count explicitly for wave breaking in the prediction of sedi- current speeds.
ment mobilization. Reflecting the overwhelming dominance of studies on
Despite inconclusive evidence, sediment grain size must longshore sediment transport in the surf zone rather than on
also have an effect on longshore transport magnitude. The the lower shoreface, this section has so far covered only
constants of proportionality in the longshore transport equa- longshore transport driven by wave-induced currents. How-
tions were derived for sandy beaches. In the case of coarser ever, waves are capable of stirring sandy sediments at depths
sediment fractions, mobilization thresholds should become much larger than the wave breaker depth, and longshore
increasingly important. For example, van Wellen et al. (2000) transport also occurs on the lower shoreface where it is mainly
found that K-values on shingle beaches were much lower than driven by tidal and wind-induced currents. Since tidal currents
standard values given in the literature for sandy beaches. are reversing, such transport is often considered to balance in
Another plausible reason for the wide range of observed the long term with negligible net transport of sediment. Ob-
K-values relates to the fact that longshore transport in the servations of large bedforms (sand waves and sand ridges) on
surf zone cannot always be perceived as a ‘wave-stirring, the lower shoreface (McBride and Moslow, 1991; Cacchione
current-transport’ mechanism. When longshore currents are et al., 1994; van de Meene and van Rijn, 2000; Anthony and
strong, low-frequency (fE0.001–0.01 Hz) fluctuations of Leth, 2002) indicate that this is not always the case, however.
the current may develop. These fluctuations are super- Symmetric tidal flows augmented by wind driven currents can
imposed on the steady current; they exhibit a meandering transport considerable amounts of sediment alongshore in the
pattern alongshore and are termed shear waves, although shoaling wave zone (Hequette et al., 2008). Field measure-
they possess little or no surface expression. Current shear is ments by Cacchione et al. (1999) also indicated that large
strongest where the current is fast, and consequently, shear amounts of (fine) sand are transported at considerable depths
waves are often observed over nearshore bars and/or in the along the California coast during storms.
wave breaker zone. Since the sediment transport rate is Figure 13 shows field measurements of suspended sedi-
generally considered dependent upon higher-order mo- ment transport at 8 m water depth on the lower shoreface off
ments of velocity, fluctuations in longshore current speed the Danish west coast. The reversing alongshore tidal currents
(due to shear waves for example) might be expected to have are reflected in reversing sediment transport, but during en-
a significant effect on longshore sediment transport rates ergetic events, current speed and direction is strongly affected
and hence the magnitude of K. Aagaard and Greenwood by the wind and sediment transport tends to be unidirectional
(1995b) monitored longshore suspended sediment trans- for several tidal cycles. For this particular site, Aagaard et al.
port during a storm across a bar, and they reported that an (2010) estimated an annual northward directed transport on
average of 15% of the net (suspended) transport was due to the lower shoreface that was in the order of 105 m3 yr1, thus
shear waves and this transport was directed with the mean in some cases, longshore transport on the lower shoreface
current. In a similar study conducted within the intertidal cannot be neglected.
zone, Miles et al. (2002) found that shear waves contributed
12% to the longshore transport of sediment, but in this case
the low-frequency oscillatory transport was directed op- 10.4.6 Swash Zone Sediment Transport
posite to the longshore current direction. The explanation
for the contradictory transport directions probably rests Investigation of swash zone sediment transport, in terms of
with the phasing of suspension events relative to the oscil- both experimental effort and knowledge, is still in its infancy
latory motions (Miles et al., 2002). compared with studies of the other nearshore environments.
Much effort has also gone into studying the cross-shore But the efforts have accelerated rapidly over the past 15 years.
distribution of longshore sediment transport. Maximum The approaches available to measure sediment transport in the
transport rates tend to occur where waves are breaking and swash are the same as those further offshore, but their appli-
where energy dissipation is at a maximum. Since barred bea- cation is more challenging due to the shallow and intermittent
ches commonly exhibit multiple zones of breaking located water depths. Early experimental studies used bedload traps,
over successive bars, peaks in longshore transport are associ- modified from those used in fluvial environments (Hardisty
ated with bars, and lower transport rates occur in troughs. et al., 1984; Jago and Hardisty, 1984), as well as streamer traps
94 Sediment Transport


qy (m3 m−1 hr−1)



(d) 0 200 400 600 800 1000


V (m s−1)


(c) 0 200 400 600 800 1000

h (m)

(b) 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Hs (m)

0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) h
Figure 13 Field measurements of (a) significant wave height, (b) mean water depth, (c) longshore mean current velocity, and (d) longshore
suspended sediment transport in the lower 30 cm of the water column on the lower shoreface, off Vejers on the Danish North Sea coast.
Reproduced from Aagaard, T., Kroon, A., Greenwood, B., Hughes, M., 2010. Observations of bar decay and the role of lower shoreface
processes. Continental Shelf Research 30, 1497–1510.

to measure total load transport rates (Hughes et al., 1997a; velocity and a friction factor to obtain the bed shear stress
Masselink and Hughes, 1998). On high energy, dissipative (eqn [6]). Most observations of the local horizontal flow vel-
beaches with relatively deep, infragravity swash, OBS have ocity over a swash event are consistent with the following
been used to measure the suspension concentration and infer pattern in an Eulerian reference-frame (Figure 14): peak vel-
suspended load transport rates (e.g., Butt and Russell, 1999; ocity in the landward direction occurring at the start of the
Puleo et al., 2000; see also Section 10.4.2). The ultimate goal swash event when the shoreline arrives at the measurement
of modeling sediment transport rates is generally to predict location; decelerating flow toward the time of flow reversal; an
morphological change, which is the result of spatial gradients acceleration of the flow following flow reversal in a seaward
in net sediment transport. Recent experimental methodology direction; and finally the peak velocity in the seaward dir-
has attempted to resolve the critical net transport gradients ection occurring near the end of the swash event, marked
more directly by measuring rapid bed elevation changes across when the shoreline recedes past the measurement location.
the beach profile (Baldock et al., 2005; Masselink et al., 2009; The duration of the uprush is typically shorter than the
Blenkinsopp et al., 2011). backwash, thus the velocity skewness is directed offshore
The current state of the art with respect to sediment (Masselink and Russell, 2006), although this is not necessarily
transport modeling has not advanced far beyond ad hoc the case and depends on a swash boundary condition in a way
modifications to equations initially developed for steady that is still not yet fully understood (Guard and Baldock,
flows. Implicit in these is the assumption that the sediment 2007; Power et al., 2011). Even under modest wave conditions,
transport rate is in equilibrium with the local forcing; i.e., the peak flow velocities routinely reach 1–2 m s1, and up to
bed shear stress. The usual approach uses the horizontal flow 3 m s1 on the steepest beaches where swash is driven by a
Sediment Transport 95

30 where q is the immersed-weight sediment transport per unit

X (m) width of beach integrated over the half-swash cycle of interest
ADV (uprush or backwash), u is the mean flow velocity during the
location half-swash cycle, t is the duration of the uprush or backwash,
tan j is the friction angle of the sediment, and tan b is the
beach gradient. In the case of the uprush, tan b is positive and
in the case of the backwash it is negative. The parameter k is an
h (m)

empirical coefficient. Theoretically, it represents friction effects

in relation to the bed shear stress as well as the Bagnold’s
0 transport efficiency factor.
The Meyer-Peter and Müller sediment transport equation,
modified for the swash, can be written as (Hughes et al., 1997a)
Cor. (%)

++ + ++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++
50 ++ F ¼ kðy  yc Þ3=2
+++ ++
++ ½18
+ ++
++++ +
0 ++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++
where F is the dimensionless sediment transport over a half-
1 swash cycle, y is the Shields parameter (eqn [9]) in which the
u (m s−1)

bed shear stress t (eqn [6]) is calculated based on the peak

0 flow velocity, and yc is the critical Shields parameter required
−1 for sediment motion. The parameter k is again effectively a
calibration coefficient accounting for a range of physical pro-
cesses not explicit in the model (see below). Masselink and
u (m s−1)

Hughes (1998) also provide formulations of these two models

0 (eqns [17] and [18]) based on instantaneous flow velocities.
−1 Several studies have tested the accuracy of the models against
field measurements and some examples are listed in Table 1.
460 462 464 466 468 470
t (s) There appears to be little in the way of consistency in the
calibration coefficient k for either the modified Bagnold or
Figure 14 Example of a single swash event showing (from top to
Meyer-Peter–Müller transport equations (Table 1). This
bottom): time series of the shoreline position X (with location of the
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) used to measure flow velocity probably reflects the fact that each of the studies has measured
marked); the local swash depth h; the signal correlation (Cor., solid different modes of sediment transport – either bedload, sus-
line) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, crosses) of the ADV signal used pended load, or total load. Rather than an explanation, this
as indicators of data quality; the unprocessed horizontal velocity further highlights inconsistencies. For example, the modified
record u (solid line); and the processed record (open circles). The Bagnold model is for bedload, so one might expect the k-value
vertical dashed lines through the bottom three panels delimit reliable in studies measuring total load would be larger than those
ADV data. Note that in the bottom panel, the flow velocity is measuring bedload only, but the reverse appears to be the case
undefined when the beach is ‘dry’. Reproduced from Hughes, M.G., (Table 1). Similarly, in the case of the modified Meyer-
Baldock, T.E., 2004. Eulerian flow velocities in the swash zone: field
Peter–Müller equation, one would not expect k-values be-
data and model predictions. Journal of Geophysical Research 109,
tween those studies measuring total load and those measuring
C08009, doi: 10.1029/2003JC002213, with permission from American
Geophysical Union. suspended load only to be so similar (Table 1). These in-
consistencies are at least in part due to the inherent errors in
measurements of sediment transport, flow velocity, and the
shore-breaker (Masselink and Hughes, 1998; Butt and Russell, methods used to estimate bed shear stress. It has been recog-
1999; Hughes and Baldock, 2004; Masselink and Russell, nized for some time, however, that there are other relevant
2006). Bed shear stresses and sediment transport loads are, factors that are not yet fully understood or included in the
therefore, large in the swash zone. Near-bed suspended sedi- current generation of sediment transport models.
ment concentrations can reach 100–200 kg m3 (e.g., What is consistent across the studies listed in Table 1 is that
Osborne and Rooker, 1999; Butt and Russell, 1999; Puleo the calibration coefficient for the uprush is significantly larger
et al., 2000; Masselink et al., 2005; Miles et al., 2006), and the than the backwash (with the exception of Hardisty et al.,
total immersed mass transported in a half-swash cycle can 1984). Comparing the measured suspended sediment con-
reach several tens of kg m1 beach width (Hughes et al., centration over a typical swash cycle with that expected from
1997a; Masselink and Hughes, 1998). an equilibrium-type transport model (i.e., concentration pro-
Two equilibrium-type sediment transport equations that portional to the velocity-cubed) confirms the general im-
have been applied to the swash are those initially developed by pression that processes not accounted for in this model type
Bagnold (1963; 1966) and Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948). The make sediment transport during the uprush appear more
Bagnold sediment transport equation, modified for application effective than the backwash (Figure 15); particularly given that
to the swash zone, can be written as (e.g., Hardisty et al., 1984) the velocity skewness is directed offshore (e.g., Hughes and
Baldock, 2004; Masselink and Russell, 2006). Unaccounted
ku3 t for processes that have been proposed include: (1) settling lag;
q¼ ½17
tan j7tan b (2) advection of bore-suspended sediment; (3) unsteady and
96 Sediment Transport

Table 1 List of studies testing eqns [17] and [18] against field data

Model and study k-up k-back k-up (inst.) k-back (inst.) tan b D50 (mm)

(Modified) Bagnold
Hardisty et al. (1984) – bedload 70 70 – – 0.03–0.05 0.23–0.66
Hughes et al. (1997a, b) – total load 13.4 – – – 0.12 0.3
Masselink and Hughes (1998) – total load 25.9 14.4 14.5 7.4 0.14 0.5
Masselink et al. (2009) – total load – – 9.0 6.5 0.06 0.4
(Modified) Meyer-Peter–Müller
Masselink and Hughes (1998) – total load 19.9 8.9 – – 0.14 0.5
Masselink et al. (2005) – suspended load 16.4 11.3 – – 0.015–0.025 0.27–0.29

Also listed are the calibration coefficients for each study, reduced to a common dimensional form (kg m  3) in the case of the Bagnold equation and a common nondimensional
form in the case of the Meyer-Peter Müller equation. For the Bagnold equation either the mean flow velocity over the half-swash cycle or instantaneous flow velocities were used. In
the case of the Meyer-Peter Müller equation, the peak flow velocity was used.
Source: Data from Hardisty, J., Collier, J., Hamilton, D., 1984. A calibration of the Bagnold beach equation. Marine Geology 61, 95–101; Hughes, M.G., Masselink, G., Brander,
R.W., 1997a. Flow velocity and sediment transport in the swash zone of a steep beach. Marine Geology 138, 91–103; Hughes, M.G., Masselink, G., Hanslow, D., Mitchell, D., 1997b.
Towards a better understanding of swash zone sediment transport. Proceedings Coastal Dynamics. ASCE, New York, pp. 804–823; Masselink, G., Hughes, M.G., 1998. Field
investigation of sediment transport in the swash zone. Continental Shelf Research 18, 1179–1199; Masselink, G., Russell, P., Turner, I., Blenkinsopp, C., 2009. Net sediment
transport and morphological change in the swash zone of a high-energy sandy beach from swash event to tidal cycle time scales. Marine Geology 267, 18–35, and Masselink, G.,
Evans, D., Hughes, M.G., Russell, P., 2005. Suspended sediment transport in the swash zone of a dissipative beach. Marine Geology 216, 169–189.

1 1

0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
(a) t (b) t
Figure 15 (a) Measured normalized suspended sediment concentration mapped onto the x–t plane. Concentration was normalized against the
maximum observed value in the data set, and x and t were normalized against the maximum runup length and swash period. (b) Predicted
suspended sediment concentration on the basis of a transport model of the form q¼f(u3). Reproduced from Hughes, M.G., Aagaard, T., Baldock,
T.E., 2007. Suspended sediment in the swash zone: heuristic analysis of spatial and temporal variations in concentration. Journal of Coastal
Research 23, 1345–1354, with permission from Coastal Education and Research Foundation.

nonuniform flow; (4) turbulence; and (5) vertical flow Using a nonlinear shallow water model to describe the swash
through the bed (Hughes et al., 1997a, b, 2007; Masselink and hydrodynamics, Pritchard and Hogg (2005) showed that set-
Hughes, 1998; Turner and Masselink, 1998; Butt et al., 2001, tling lag can overcome offshore-directed velocity skewness and
2004; Masselink and Puleo, 2006). produce net transport in the onshore direction.
Despite the assumption inherent in eqns [17] and [18] that Advection of presuspended sediment from the bore front
the sediment transport rate is in equilibrium with the bed and the bore collapse zone would also increase the sediment
shear stress, in reality this cannot be true, particularly for the transport rate in the uprush above that expected from the local
suspended load component since it takes a finite time for bed shear stress alone. The ability of the bore to deliver sedi-
sediment to settle to the bed. In decelerating flow during the ment into the swash depends on the concentration carried by
uprush, this settling lag will have the effect of more sediment the bore as well as the volume flow that the bore delivers. The
being transported than expected under equilibrium con- former is probably related to the bore strength and the intensity
ditions, thus requiring a greater calibration coefficient for the of any interaction with the preceding backwash (Puleo et al.,
uprush compared with the backwash in eqns [17] and [18]. 2000; Butt et al., 2004; Hughes et al., 2007). The latter has been
This effect may be enhanced by hindered settling due to tur- investigated in the laboratory and it appears that fluid from a
bulence (Nielsen, 1992) or the presence of high sediment distance of up to half of the swash length behind the bore front
concentrations. A 50% reduction in the settling velocity of is advected into the swash zone, and approximately 25% of the
sediment with high suspended sediment concentrations has sediment carried by the bore can reach the midswash zone
been demonstrated for swash flows (Baldock et al., 2004). (Baldock et al., 2008; Alsina et al., 2009).
Sediment Transport 97

Vertical velocity gradients in the bottom boundary layer of term describing landward-directed flow acceleration (Nielsen,
the swash seem to be greater during the uprush compared 2002; Puleo et al., 2003), but this appears to be important in
with the backwash; the most likely explanation being only a very localized region close to the bore collapse point,
the unsteady nature of the flow (Cowen et al., 2003; Rau- with acceleration over the majority of the swash zone being
benheimer et al., 2004; Masselink et al., 2005). Larger vel- always directed seaward (Hughes and Baldock, 2004; Pritch-
ocity gradients mean that there will be larger bed shear ard and Hogg, 2005; Baldock and Hughes, 2006). Aagaard and
stresses for a given free-stream flow velocity during the up- Hughes (2006) attempted to account for some turbulence
rush, thus requiring a larger calibration coefficient for the effects by using a bed shear stress formulation that more ex-
uprush in eqns [17] and [18]. Furthermore, during the up- plicitly includes the Reynolds stresses, rather than adopting
rush, the flow is decelerating so the flow velocity responsible the usual assumptions associated with a formulation based on
for entraining sediment will always be larger than that as- the horizontal flow. They achieved some improvement in
sociated with the sediment in transport, while the opposite is predictive skill, as did Butt et al. (2004) by including bore-
true in the backwash. This advection lag also works to make generated turbulence into the energetic-based equations.
the transport during the uprush appear more efficient than Notwithstanding these efforts, however, a usable sediment
equilibrium concepts would predict (Hughes et al., 2007; transport model that includes all of the important physical
Pritchard, 2009). processes recognized above is still some way off. All available
Turbulence in the swash zone is locally generated at the formulations require calibration for the beach and wave
bed throughout the swash cycle due to shear, and is also conditions of interest, as well as the position of interest in the
generated at the free-surface and advected into the region swash zone (Aagaard and Hughes, 2006).
during bore collapse (Yeh and Ghazali, 1988; Petti and Longo, It is still a matter for debate as to what proportions of
2001). The net result is that the uprush is more turbulent than sediment transport occur as bedload versus suspended load in
the backwash, particularly in the region near the bore collapse the swash. It is generally acknowledged that both occur, and
point (Hughes et al., 2007). Consequently, larger bed shear some suggest a separation between the half-cycles: pre-
stresses will occur during the uprush than expected from the dominantly suspended load during the uprush and bedload
horizontal flow velocity alone (Aagaard and Hughes, 2006). during the backwash (Horn and Mason, 1994; Masselink and
This, together with a lower settling velocity for suspended Puleo, 2006). It is clear that transport occurs at high shear
sediment due to the turbulence, would enhance the sediment stress levels, as indicated by the calibration coefficients for eqn
transport efficiency of the uprush over that expected from the [18], which are generally larger than the usual value of 8–12
equilibrium transport models. (Table 1; cf. Nielsen, 1992). The Wilson (1987) criterion for
The final unaccounted for process in the energetic-based sediment transport as sheet flow (y40.8) is typically satisfied
transport models that has been recognized is the effects of in the swash zone (Hughes et al., 1997b; Masselink and
vertical flow through the bed. These effects may increase the Hughes, 1998). By most definitions, sheet flow includes both
apparent efficiency of the uprush over the backwash in two bedload and suspended load transport modes, albeit the
ways. First, infiltration of the swash flow into the beach can suspended load generally stays very close to the bed. There is
lead to thinning of the boundary layer and bringing faster again debate as to which transport mode will dominate sheet
velocities closer to the bed, hence greater bed shear stresses flow. Arguments based on Bagnold (1966) would suggest
and sediment transport for a given free-stream flow velocity. predominantly suspended load, whereas arguments based on
Second, downward seepage through the bed may have a sta- Wilson (1987) or Nielsen (1992) would suggest bedload (see
bilizing effect due to drag on the sediment grains and an in- Hughes et al., 1997a for discussion).
crease in their effective weight (Turner and Masselink, 1998; Putting semantics aside for the moment, it certainly be-
Baldock et al., 2001). Groundwater exfiltration has the reverse comes easier to obtain high temporal-resolution measure-
effect in both cases. Using field data and a modified sediment ments of sediment transport as one moves away from the bed,
transport model, Butt et al. (2001) argued that boundary layer thus the detailed nature of suspended sediment transport has
thinning/thickening will dominate on beaches where the been a focus of many recent studies. As suggested above,
sediment size is greater than 0.4–0.6 mm, and seepage effects however, there is no clear understanding of how representative
will dominate for smaller grain sizes. The effects seem small this is of the total load transported. The vertical distribution of
for sandy beaches compared with likely measurement errors; suspended sediment in the nearshore zone commonly con-
an apparent difference in the uprush transport of 10% and forms to an exponential profile, and this appears to also be
backwash transport of 4.5% (Butt et al., 2001). Based on true for the swash zone (Miles et al., 2006). In this case, the
morphodynamic evidence, others have argued that infiltration concentration Cz at elevation z above the bed is
effects on sediment transport are insignificant for sandy bea-
ches (Weir et al., 2006). It seems likely that the effect on Cz ¼ Co ez=ls ½19
sediment transport from vertical flow through the bed will be where Co is a reference concentration at the bottom of the
best developed on gravel and coarser beaches where the vertical profile representative of the mobile bed, and ls is a
backwash discharge can be reduced by up to 50% due to in- mixing length scale defined as the ratio of the sediment diffu-
filtration of the uprush (Austin and Masselink, 2006). sivity to the settling velocity of the sediment. Some measured
Efforts have been made to increase the sophistication and values of reference concentrations and mixing lengths inferred
accuracy of eqns [17] and [18] by modifying them to address from fitting eqn [19] to field data are listed in Table 2. Both
some of the issues just discussed. For example, the unsteady variables are larger for the uprush than the backwash, which is
nature of the flow has been addressed through inclusion of a consistent with the general observation that suspended
98 Sediment Transport

Table 2 List of reference concentrations and mixing lengths below 50% on gently sloping beaches (Hughes and Moseley,
measured in the swash zone on two beaches of contrasting beach 2007). So despite having learnt a great deal about the nature of
slope and grain size sediment transport under free swash, it is uncertain how
helpful this will be to predicting morphological change on the
Site Co ls tan b D50 (mm)
beach if it represents significantly less than the whole picture
Perranporth 0.015–0.025 0.27–0.29 of the swash zone. Moving forward, the nature of swash
Uprush 130 0.039 interactions and their influence on sediment transport as well
Backwash 71 0.023 as the connection between the swash zone and inner surf zone
Perranporthb 0.032 0.24 are critical areas for investigation.
Uprush 188 0.05 A partial response to these complexities is the use of sedi-
Backwash 42 0.04
ment-transport shape functions, which largely circumvent the
Sennenb 0.084 0.58
difficulties of wave–swash interactions and coupling with the
Uprush 255.3 0.06
Backwash 172.3 0.068 inner surf zone. Shape functions describe the net sediment flux
as a function of the independent variable distance, or some
Data from Masselink, G., Evans, D., Hughes, M.G., Russell, P., 2005. Suspended variable that has a consistent behavior with distance, usually in
sediment transport in the swash zone of a dissipative beach. Marine Geology 216, the cross-shore direction. Early shape functions involved
169–189. measuring the moments of flow velocity across the surf and
Data from Miles, J., Butt, T., Russell, P., 2006. Swash zone sediment dynamics: a
swash zones and then deriving the net sediment-transport
comparison of a dissipative and an intermediate beach. Marine Geology 231,
function through application of energetics-based transport
models (e.g., Russell and Huntley, 1999; Masselink, 2003).
However, these suffer from the shortcomings described earlier
sediment concentrations are largest during the uprush, and also for equilibrium-type transport models. More recently, meas-
that the sediment is mixed higher up into the water column. urements of the net sediment fluxes have been used to derive
The latter is probably due to the greater turbulence intensities the shape function, either from coincident measurements of
already described for the uprush as well as the greater accom- flow velocity and suspended sediment concentration (Butt
modation space (or depth). The two variables are not steady, et al., 2002; Aagaard and Hughes, 2006; Tinker et al., 2009), or
but rather they change with time during a swash event. Avail- from measurements of bed elevation change and applying the
able observations from a single beach show that the reference principle of mass conservation (Weir et al., 2006; Masselink
concentration is maximum at the start and end of the swash et al., 2009). The independent variable in sediment-transport
event, whereas the mixing length is largest at the start of the shape functions is often scaled to be dimensionless with the
uprush, falls off rapidly and then remains relatively constant intention that the shape function can be applied to a variety of
over the remainder of the swash cycle (Masselink et al., 2005). beaches. To date, a shape function from one beach has not
Figure 16 depicts a useful summary of sediment transport been applied to another, however, and it seems unlikely that
under free (noninteracting) swashes. The generally negatively such an exercise would be successful given the degrees of free-
skewed velocity time series is shown, together with the gen- dom associated with shape functions. For example, Weir et al.
erally deeper uprush compared with the backwash. The earli- (2006) described four different shape functions for berm
est stages of the uprush and the latest stages of the backwash morphodynamics alone. Considerably more field measure-
are shown associated with the deepest mobilization of the bed ments are required to determine if there is a relatively man-
and the greatest transport, consistent with the largest flow ageable set of unique shape functions that account for most of
velocities and bed shear stresses at these times. Turbulence the morphodynamic behaviors one seeks to model. Even then,
intensity is greater and vertical mixing is larger in the uprush predicting the correct rate of morphological change will almost
than in the backwash. Sheet flow transport is shown associ- certainly still require tuning of the shape functions for each
ated with the times of largest flow velocity and bed shear situation.
stress, whereas bedload is shown dominating either side of Net sediment fluxes over a single or a group of swash events
flow reversal. Around the time of flow reversal, the water can be very large (up to 100 kg m1 beach width (Masselink
column can be clear of sediment. The boundary layer decay et al., 2009)). Nevertheless, to maintain a stable beach slope the
and growth with time for the uprush and backwash, respect- sediment transported landward by the uprush must be bal-
ively, are also shown and they highlight the importance of the anced by that transported seaward by the backwash when
unsteady nature of the flow. averaged over a relatively small number of swash cycles. On a
Most of the studies summarized to this point have sought natural beach, individual random swashes begin at different
to minimize the complexity of the problem by hand-selecting points on the beach face, run up to different elevations, and
swash events that are largely free from interaction with pre- interact to a lesser or greater extent with preceding or sub-
ceding swashes or following waves; so called free swash sequent waves at different locations on the beach face. While
(Hughes and Moseley, 2007). Most existing hydrodynamic sediment transport by free swashes are an important part of
models for swash are only suited to this situation (e.g., beach morphodynamics, dealing with sediment transport in
Pritchard and Hogg, 2005; Guard and Baldock, 2007), and as the presence of random interacting swash is clearly equally
we have seen, existing sediment transport models are certainly important. When incoming bores are traveling over an existing
not up to dealing with the complexities of interacting swash. swash lens, there are landward-directed flow accelerations,
The region of the swash zone that is dominated by free swash horizontal pressure gradients, and injections of near-bed
may be nearly 100% on steep beaches, but is usually well turbulent kinetic energy with the passage of each bore front
Sediment Transport 99

Swash velocity


Top boundary layer

Sediment settling
Immobile bed
Sheet flow layer
Swash depth

Sediment suspension

Suspension Settling Suspension Sheet flow

Dry bed + + At rest Bed load + + Dry bed
sheet flow bed load bed load suspension

Figure 16 Schematic of the sediment transport process during a swash event, free from interaction with preceding or following waves; in an
Eulerian reference frame. Reproduced from Masselink, G., Puleo, J., 2006. Swash zone morphodynamics. Continental Shelf Research 26, 661–680.

(Puleo et al., 2003; Butt et al., 2004). These can significantly where free swashes are most common would ensure that
enhance sediment mobilization (Calantoni and Puleo, 2006). offshore sediment transport occurs across the entire swash
Similarly, when strong backwash flows arrest the passage of the zone, thus causing beach erosion (Hughes and Moseley,
next incoming wave in a hydraulic jump, the large vertical flow 2007). Alternatively, if the net sediment transport direction is
velocities can also enhance sediment mobilization (Butt and onshore on the lower beach face, then advection of sediment
Russell, 2005). Whether a beach face erodes or accretes prob- onto the upper beach face could overcome the offshore-
ably has as much to do with the net transport direction under directed velocity skewness, thus resulting in beach accretion
interacting swash as it does with that under free swashes. (Hughes and Moseley, 2007). The next generation of swash
The degree to which wave–swash interactions are influ- zone sediment-transport models almost certainly requires
encing sediment transport on the beach face must be re- capability to describe interacting and free swash to correctly
flected in the ratio of the wave period in the inner surf zone predict the exchange of sediment between the lower and
(Tis) to the swash period (Ts). If Tis/Tso1, there should be upper beach face.
considerable wave–swash interactions on the beach face (cf. As an extension to Figure 16, Figure 17 presents a con-
Kemp, 1975). Under increasing wave-energy conditions, the ceptual description of sediment transport in a natural swash
wave spectrum generally becomes more broad-banded lead- zone consisting of random interacting swashes in a Lagrangian
ing to increased wave–swash interaction, and Kemp (1975) reference-frame. An incoming bore is shown in panel (a),
showed that these conditions lead to offshore sediment carrying suspended sediment toward the beach face where the
transport. If the net sediment transport direction is offshore preceding swash cycle has fully completed. In panel (b), the
on the lower beach face where swash interactions are most incoming bore has collapsed and the swash lens is moving up
common, and hence there is no sediment advection to the the beach carrying residual turbulence and sediment from the
upper beach, then velocity skewness on the upper beach incoming bore, as well as sediment locally entrained in the
100 Sediment Transport

Interacting Free Interacting Free

swashes swashes swashes swashes

(a) (d)

(b) (e)

(c) (f)

Figure 17 Schematic of the sediment transport process during a swash cycle that includes interaction with following waves during the uprush and
backwash; in a Lagrangian reference frame. The lengths of straight arrows indicate relative flow velocity, short curved arrows indicate turbulence or
vertical flow, and gray dots indicate suspended sediment. The zone of wave-swash interactions is characterized by positive and negative flow
accelerations and potentially positive or negative velocity skewness, whereas the zone of free swash is characterized by only negative accelerations
and skewness.

swash zone. The flow throughout the uprush is decelerating and enhance the sediment load carried by the next bore, increasing
most of the sediment is shown being carried by the swash tip, the sediment that will be carried by the next swash cycle, ir-
where the bed shear stresses and turbulence are greatest (Barnes respective of the fact that its runup length will probably be
et al., 2009). Panel (c) shows a following bore moving up the relatively modest due to the energy dissipation in the hydraulic
beach and interacting with the existing swash lens while it is jump.
still climbing the beach. The modified flow field due to the To summarize, the zone of wave–swash interactions is
second bore is shown enhancing sediment mobilization in the characterized by positive and negative flow accelerations and
interior of the underlying swash lens. In panel (d), the swash is potentially positive or negative velocity skewness, whereas
shown having almost reached its runup length and the internal the zone of free swash is characterized by only negative ac-
flow is approaching reversal. In this example, the flow is shown celerations and skewness. The advective exchange of turbu-
as being relatively clear, but the entire suspended sediment load lence and sediment between these two parts of the swash
need not necessarily settle before the backwash commences. zone are critical to morphodynamic modeling. A variety of
The backwash is shown accelerating down the beach face in alternative interaction scenarios could have been presented
panel (e), picking up sediment from the bed as it progresses. In in Figure 17, and the point is that random interacting swash
panel (f), another bore is shown approaching the beach before will likely confound the modeling efforts long after the
the preceding backwash is complete. The opposing horizontal complexities of sediment transport by free swash have been
flows and the vertical flow associated with the hydraulic jump solved.
Sediment Transport 101

10.4.7 Concluding Remarks Aagaard, T., Kroon, A., Greenwood, B., Hughes, M.G., 2010. Observations of bar
decay and the role of lower shoreface processes. Continental Shelf Research 30,
This chapter has summarized the current state of the art in our
Aagaard, T., Nielsen, J., Greenwood, B., 1998. Suspended sediment transport and
understanding of nearshore sediment transport, specifically in nearshore bar formation on a shallow intermediate-state beach. Marine Geology
wave-dominated settings composed of sandy sediment. The 148, 203–225.
knowledge base in this particular area of geomorphology is Alsina, J.M., Falchetti, S., Baldock, T.E., 2009. Measurements and modelling of the
large, yet many gaps remain. The subject area continues to be advection of suspended sediment in the swash zone by solitary waves. Coastal
Engineering 56, 621–631.
the focus of a dynamic research effort by geomorphologists, as Amoudry, I., Hsu-T., J., Liu, P.L.-F., 2008. Two-phase model for sand transport in
well as engineers and oceanographers. There are many ques- the sheet flow regime. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, C03011.
tions at the fundamental level that remain to be resolved; for Anthony, D., Leth, J.O., 2002. Large-scale bedforms, sediment distribution and sand
example, the relative contributions of bedload and suspended mobility in the eastern North Sea off the Danish west coast. Marine Geology
182, 247–264.
load transport across the nearshore zone. Bed shear stress
Austin, M.J., Masselink, G., 2006. Observations of morphological change and
continues to be the preferred parameter for predicting sedi- sediment transport on a steep gravel beach. Marine Geology 229, 59–77.
ment transport processes, but the most appropriate means for Austin, M.J., Masselink, G., 2008. The effect of bedform dynamics on computing
quantifying and accounting for all the important contributors suspended sediment fluxes using optical backscatter sensors and current meters.
is still evolving. These and similar issues are important to our Coastal Engineering 55, 251–260.
Austin, M., Masselink, G., O’Hare, T., Russell, P., 2009. Onshore sediment transport
fundamental understanding of sediment transport, but the
on a sandy beach under varied wave conditions: flow velocity skewness, wave
solving of all these alone will probably not provide the pre- asymmetry or bed ventilation? Marine Geology 259, 86–101.
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Biographical Sketch

Troels Aagaard is an associate professor in physical geography at the Institute of Geography and Geology, Uni-
versity of Copenhagen, Denmark where he obtained his PhD in Coastal Geomorphology in 1990 and a DSc in
2003. He held an NSERC International Fellowship in 1991–92 to conduct postdoctoral research on coastal
sediment transport at the University of Toronto and was head of the Coastal, Estuarine, and Marine Research
Group at the Institute of Geography, U. Copenhagen in 2004–06. He received the Niels Nielsen award from the
Royal Danish Geographical Society in 1993. His main research interests are coastal processes, morphodynamics,
and sediment transport, and he has published about 80 papers on these topics. Through his career, he has
collaborated with scientists from, and on beaches in, Denmark, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands,
and the UK.

Michael Hughes completed his PhD at the Coastal Studies Unit, University of Sydney investigating wave runup on
beaches. Since then, he has worked in both academia and government research agencies. Michael has maintained
his initial research interests in beach and surf zone morphodynamics, but also enjoyed opportunities that
broadened his research experience to include most marine environments; from coastal estuaries and beaches,
across the shelf to ocean basins. This experience includes investigating cohesive sediment dynamics in estuaries
and deltas, quantifying seabed dynamics in the vicinity of sand banks occupying shallow seaways, characterizing
physical aspects of benthic habitats, and modeling physical disturbance as an ecological factor in determining
marine biodiversity.
10.5 Beach Morphodynamics
AD Short, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
DWT Jackson, University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.5.1 Introduction 107

10.5.2 Beach Morphodynamics 109 Beach Time Series 110 Empirical Relationships 110 Beach Experiments 110 Swash Morphodynamics 111 Geological Control on Beach Morphodynamics 112 Morphodynamics and High Magnitude Events 113 Wave–Beach–Dune Interactions 114 Engineering Impacts on Morphodynamics 114 Shoreface Morphodynamics 114 Beach Monitoring 115 Modeling 116 Beach Ecology 117
10.5.3 Beach Morphodynamics – Status 117 Instantaneous 117 Event 118 Beach experiments 118 Video and remote technology 118 Beach types and states 119 Large Scale Coastal Behavior (Engineering) 120 Geological 122
10.5.4 Beach Morphodynamics – the Way Forward 122 Impacts of Climate Change 122 Sediment Transport 122 Beach Erosion 123 Beach Type and Changes in Beach Type 123 Formation of Rhythmic Features 123
10.5.5 Discussion and Conclusion 123
References 124

Glossary Berm A near horizontal swash deposited accumulation of

Bar A generally submerged raised area of sand, located sand on the upper beach face.
in the surf zone and lying adjacent to or seaward of a beach. Dissipative beach A wide, low gradient, multi-bar, higher
Beach A wave deposited accumulation of sediment, energy wave-dominated beach across which waves break
generally sand, but ranging up to boulders, deposited several times thereby dissipating their energy.
between the upper swash limit and wave base. Edge wave A low frequency wave trapped in the surf zone
Beach cusp Regular undulation in the upper swash zone between the shore and the bar may be stationary as a
produced by edge waves and swash. standing edge wave or propagated alongshore as a
Beach morphodynamics The mutual interaction of progressive edge wave.
waves, tides, and currents with the seabed and impact of the Eulerian circulation Fluid motion that focuses on
seabed on those processes. specific fixed locations in space which fluid flows as time
Beach type The form of a beach which is dependent on passes.
the relative contribution of waves, tides, and sediment size. Intragravity wave energy Surface gravity wave
Beaches may be wave-dominated, tide-modified or tide- with frequency lower (30–300 seconds) than wind
dominated. waves.

Short, A.D., Jackson, D.W.T., 2013. Beach morphodynamics. In: Shroder, J.

(Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology,
pp. 106–129.

106 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Beach Morphodynamics 107

Langrangian circulation Fluid motion where the observer Swash Occurs when a wave reaches the dry shoreline and
follows the fluid particles as they move on a pathline of the immediately collapses and run up the beach face as a thin
whole water mass through space and time. layer of water, known as swash and up rush.
Nearshore zone The area between wave base and the area Swash zone The area between the shoreline where waves
of wave breaking the area over which waves shoal prior to collapse and run up the beach as swash, and the landward
breaking. limit of that swash.
Reflective beach A steep, narrow beach fronted by deeper Tide-dominated beach A beach where the tide range
water, with waves only breaking at the base of the beach and is more than 10 times the wave height. Typified by
being partially reflected back out to sea. a wide intertidal zone and daily migration of the surf
Rip current A narrow strong flow of water from the zone.
shoreline seaward through the surf zone. Tide-modified beach A beach where the tide range is
Sand Grains with diameters between 0.06 mm and 2 mm. between 3-10 times the wave height. Typified by a steeper
Sediment Material that has been eroded and transported high tide beach and wider low tide beach, which may have
by gravity, wind, water or ice; includes silt, sand, gravel, rips.
boulders, and organic debris. Wave-dominated beach A beach where the tide range is
Surf zone The area between the point of wave breaking less than three times the wave height. Typified by surf, bars
and the shoreline, also known as the breaker zone. and rips.
Contains surf zone currents that may move onshore,
alongshore and offshore.


The morphodynamic approach to the study of beaches had its origins at the Coastal Studies Institute at Louisiana State
University in the late 1960s and formed the basis of the Australian approach beginning in the mid-1970s where it was
formalized by Wright and Thom (1977). Unlike the previous fragmented approach to beach studies, the morphodynamic
approach provided a time–space framework within which all beach systems could be located at timescales from the
instantaneous to the Quaternary, and spatially across all coastal environments. Equally important was the interdependence
of processes and morphological response, so that beach systems could be studied in a state of dynamic equilibrium with
the prevailing processes and boundary conditions. This approach enabled the full spectrum of beach systems and types to
be identified and characterized and is utilized to examine beach response at scales from the instantaneous, to event, to long
term. This chapter covers the development of the morphodynamic approach; its application within and across the beach
environment; the present level of understanding; and areas requiring more research.

10.5.1 Introduction Wright and Coleman’s (1971) classic study of deltas (also
Wright, 1976). When the CSI moved into beaches in the late
Beach morphodynamics refers to the dynamic interactions 1960s, it coincided with the arrival of Choule Sonu. Sonu
between wave shoaling and breaking processes and bed re- analyzed an 18-month time series of daily beach change col-
sponse across a range of time–space scales. This interaction lected at Nags Head, North Carolina, by then graduate student
becomes more complex with additional processes, such as tide Bob Dolan. He used these data to develop a two-dimensional
and wind, and boundary conditions such as antecedent (2D) beach change model (Sonu and van Beek, 1971). Then,
morphology, geology, sediment characteristics, and biota. The he led the first truly morphodynamic beach experiment called
morphodynamic approach to beaches and coastal systems ‘SALIS’ for sea–air–land–interactions. This experiment took
involves the recognition of the range of interactions occurring place at rip-dominated Destin Beach on the Florida panhandle
across the full beach system (wave base to swash limit). It in the summer of 1971. The study included measurements of
attempts to measure and model both salient processes and sea breeze, which generated the waves, beach and surf
morphological responses, together with the positive and zone topography, wave breaking, and surf zone circulation
negative feedbacks between process and response, which, (Figure 1; Sonu, 1972; Sonu et al., 1973); and out of which
through time, maintain a dynamic equilibrium across the Sonu and James (1973) recognized the Markovian nature of
beach system. beach behavior and Sonu (1973) developed the first three-
The morphodynamic approach to coastal systems had its dimensional (3D) beach model. CSI’s next field experiments
origins at the Coastal Studies Institute (CSI) at Louisiana State on the north Alaskan coast (Figure 2) resulted in Wiseman
University (LSU) in the 1960s, led consecutively by Richard et al. (1973) and Short et al. (1974) applying these models in
Russell, William McIntire, and Jim Coleman. These intrepid their study of the beaches along the north Alaska coast. Short
geoscientists, with Office of Naval Research (ONR) funding, (1975) also used wave measurements and field surveys from
roamed the world’s coasts and in doing so developed a holistic the multibarred, north Alaskan coast to corroborate the link
approach to the study and understanding of coastal systems. between standing waves and bar formation proposed by
This was first applied in a truly morphodynamic approach in Suhayda (1974) and Bowen (1975).
108 Beach Morphodynamics

Atmosphere and ocean Fresh water

Beach system

Coastal flows
losses Topography
Boundary layer
Sediment transport

Sediment Stratigraphy
Figure 1 Swash zone measurements at Destin, Florida during the Sediment balance
1971 SALIS experiments. Photo by A.D. Short.
gains and
losses Δt

Environmental conditions
Figure 3 The morphodynamic relationships between boundary
conditions (topography), inputs, interactions (central boxes) and
resulting surface morphology (topography), and underlying stratigraphy
in the coastal environment. Reproduced from Cowell, P.J., Thom, B.G.,
1994. Morphodynamics of coastal evolution. In: Carter, R.W.G.,
Woodroffe, C.D. (Eds.), Coastal Evolution: Late Quaternary Shoreline
Morphodynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 33–86.

Wright and Thom (1977) defined the morphodynamic

approach as involving the analyses of:

Figure 2 Surveying a north Alaskan barrier island beach in 1972, 1. the character and spatiotemporal variability of coastal en-
while waves break and ice grounds on the offshore bar. Photo by vironmental conditions;
A.D. Short. 2. the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes of
interaction and transformation which operate within the
coastal system to produce morphologic patterns and mor-
Two CSI members of both the Destin and Alaskan field
phologic changes; and
teams, Don Wright and Andy Short, went on to form the
3. the short- and long-term evolutionary sequences that ul-
Coastal Studies Unit (CSU) at the University of Sydney in
timately yield preserved morphologies and stratigraphies,
1976 and in doing so took the morphodynamics approach
and which progressively alter the dynamic environment
with them to Australia. It was in Australia, using the country’s
and process combinations.
vast range of wave–beach–tide environments, that the CSU
team was able to rigorously apply the morphodynamic These interactions, illustrated in Figure 3, show topographic
approach across a wide range of coastal domains. and process boundary conditions; interactions between dy-
The breadth of their approach was detailed in Wright and namic process and morphology that produce sediment trans-
Thom (1977) wherein Wright teamed with another CSI–LSU port and change; and, finally, the topographic expression and
graduate, Bruce Thom, to write the first paper to review the underlying stratigraphy, that partly records these events and that
morphodynamic approach to what they called ‘coastal de- forms the basis of coastal depositional landforms.
positional landforms’. Although the paper had its foundations Wright and Thom (1977) clearly saw the approach being
in their experience at CSI–LSU, they also appreciated the re- applied at all timescales, from the instantaneous to the Qua-
cent advances in mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic ternary, and in all manner of coastal depositional systems
processes and the rapid advances being made in both com- from beaches to deltas and dunes. It is interesting that al-
puter technology and the instrumentation with which to though the beach fraternity has grasped this approach, it has
measure, record, store, and analyze the vast quantities of field not had the same reception in other fields of geomorphology.
data becoming available. For the first time, it was possible to This may be explained in part by the fact that Wright, Thom,
accurately and simultaneously record waves and currents, and colleagues in Australia were already applying it to beach
sediment transport, and bed changes, and to test these against morphodynamics with a series of papers in the late 1970s to
theories of nearshore wave behavior and bed response (e.g., the early 1980s establishing a firm foundation in the beach
Bowen and Inman, 1969, 1971). environment, as well as presenting the now well-entrenched
Beach Morphodynamics 109

Time scale Process

Geological Climate change
Large scale Tectonics
Millennia Net shoreline Sea level
Net shoreline
Centuries movement Sediment supply
Large size beach cycles
Decades Major storm erosion Wave climate cycles

Years Annual wave climate

Events Beach position tide regime

Seasonal wave
Seasonal beach cycles
Months Tide cycles storm
Instant- Beach migration
Days aneous Beach face Wave trains

Hours Ripple migration Tide

Seconds Waves
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Length (feature) scale (km)
Figure 4 The relationship between the scale of coastal sedimentary features and their temporal variability, together with the four major
time–space paradigms used in the study of coasts. Reproduced from Cowell, P.J., Thom, B.G., 1994. Morphodynamics of coastal evolution. In:
Carter, R.W.G., Woodroffe, C.D. (Eds.), Coastal Evolution: Late Quaternary Shoreline Morphodynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
pp. 33–86.

beach model. What followed was a series of morphodynamics swash waves, tide, and wind), the sediment of the beach en-
papers and reports from the CSU reporting on: time series of vironment, and any ancillary boundaries, such that changes
beach change (Short, 1978, 1979; Wright et al., 1979; Thom and in one lead to adjustment and changes in the other in an
Hall, 1991); beach experiments across a wide range of wave–tide attempt to maintain a dynamic equilibrium, minimizing the
environments (e.g., Wright et al., 1982a, 1982b, 1982c); dune need for further change. The development of a morphody-
environments (Short and Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1983); regional- namics approach to beach studies in the 1970s provided
scale morphodynamics and its relation to coastal evolution a major new paradigm that revolutionized the way beaches
across contemporary to Quaternary timescales (Short and Hesp, were studied and accompanied an explosion in our under-
1984; Short and Fotheringham 1986; Short et al., 1986); and standing and study of beach systems. In theory, at least, it
across the shoreface (Cowell et al., 1992, 1999). enabled the study of beaches to be scaled up from the in-
The best review of the morphodynamic approach can be stantaneous to the Quaternary and vice versa. The fragmented
found in Cowell and Thom (1994) where, following on from approach to beaches and beach systems was replaced with an
Wright and Thom (1977), they emphasized the applicability integrated approach that linked the full spectrum of beaches
of the approach across a broad range of time and space scales in time and space. Within each beach system, the morpho-
(Figure 4). The following year, Wright (1995) published his dynamics approach accommodated the 2D, cross-shore rela-
book dealing with the morphodynamics of continental tionship between shoaling and breaking waves, the surf zone
shelves, thereby taking the approach into the larger time and and swash, and the underlying mobile topography, including
space scale (Figure 5). The morphodynamic approach can the nearshore slope, surf zone topography, and beach face
therefore be applied to any geomorphic system across any slope; as well as 3D beach responses to changing wave–tide
time and space scale. The remainder of this chapter focuses on conditions. Between beach systems, the approach explains
its application across the beach–shoreface environment, as the transition in processes and form across the spectrum from
defined in Figure 5. high-energy, wave-dominated beaches to low-energy tide-
dominated systems. The level of interactions and explanation
can be scaled from the instantaneous as the boundary layer
10.5.2 Beach Morphodynamics interacts with sand gains and bedforms, through beach
erosion–accretion cycles, to large-scale coastal behavior, to
Beach morphodynamics refers to the mutual interaction be- Holocene and Quaternary shoreline evolution and stratig-
tween hydrodynamic processes (principally shoaling-breaking raphy (Figure 4).
110 Beach Morphodynamics

Dunes and Beach Upper shoreface Lower shoreface
backshore berm
Surf zone Nearshore (wave shoaling zone) Offshore

Low tide

Limit of runup
Break Wave base?
in slope?
(a) Johnson shoreface

(b) Niedoroda shoreface


(c) Time-scale dependent extent of shoreface

Figure 5 The shoreface is affected by shoaling waves, breaking waves and swash at scales from instantaneous to millennia. Each produces a
characteristic bed response and all are linked through time and space by morphodynamic couplings. Reproduced with permission from Cowell,
P.J., Hanslow, D.J., Meleo, J.F, 1999. The Shoreface. In: Short, A.D. (Ed.), Handbook of Beach and Shoreface Morphodynamics. Wiley,
Chichester, pp. 37–71. Beach Time Series Wright et al., 1985); bar number (B Short and Aagaard,
1993); and embaymentized circulation (d’, Short, 1999); all of
The Australian approach to beach morphodynamics sparked
which are summarized in Table 1 to provide an overview of
an immediate reaction as other coastal groups took on a more
the contribution of various environmental parameters to the
morphodynamic approach to the beaches they were studying.
description and classification of beach type and state. The O
This was first manifest in a number of publications primarily
was modified by Klein and Menezes (2001) in their study of
based on time series of beach change from a wide range of
Brazilian beaches; while McLachlan et al. (1993) also used O
micro- through macro-tidal regimes, as well as swell through
in their examination of the relationship between beach ecol-
sea conditions (e.g., Aubrey, 1979; Willyams, 1980; Goldsmith
ogy and morphodynamic state. In Australia, Hegge et al.
et al., 1982; Shaw, 1985; Short, 1992; Carter and Orford,
(1996) proposed a morphodynamic classification of sheltered
1993; Wijnberg and Wolf, 1994; Klein and Menezes, 2001;
beaches; whereas more recently Short (2010a) has examined
Norcross et al., 2002). The most ambitious was at Duck, North
the role of geological inheritance in influencing contemporary
Carolina where Lippmann and Holman (1990) pioneered the
beach behavior and linked barrier type and volume to
use of video technology to monitor long-term beach change
wave–beach morphodynamics (Short, 2010b).
and classify beach states; whereas the regular Duck cross-shore
surveys were used by Larson and Kraus (1994) and Lee et al.
(1998) to monitor longer-term and storm-driven beach Beach Experiments
change. It quickly became apparent that the wave-dominated
(micro-tidal) beach model of Wright and Short (1984) was The morphodynamic approach was also applied to beach ex-
not directly applicable to meso- to macro-tidal situations and periments involving selection of type sites and measurements
to multibar (predominately sea) environments. This situation of both processes and beach response across a wide range of
has been remedied through fieldwork in higher-tide ranges environments. Experiments continued in eastern Australia
and sea environments. (Masselink and Hegge, 1995; Turner, 1995); western Australia
(Masselink et al. 1997, Masselink and Pattiaratchi, 1998,
2001); New Zealand (Brander and Short, 2000); Canada
(Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; Canadian Coastal Empirical Relationships
Sediment Study, Willis, 1987); Japan (Horikawa, 1988); and
Because of the inherent complexity of the beach environment, in the USA, where the Field Research Facility at Duck has
an empirical approach has been successfully used to predict a been the focus of ongoing multifaceted experiments since
range of beach conditions, including beach type (relative tide the 1980s. Bryan et al. (1998) used field observations from
range (RTR), Masselink and Short, 1993); beach state (O, the Duck DELILAH experiments to verify that bar-trapped
Wright and Short, 1984); changes between beach states (Oe, edge waves can be the dominant edge wave modes driving
Beach Morphodynamics 111

Table 1 Impact of environmental parameters on beach type, state, stability, circulation, and bar number

Tide range Wave height Wave period Sediment size Embayment geometry (Gradient)
TR (m) Hb (m) T (s) Ws (m s ) D50(mm) Sl (m) Cl (m) tanb

Beach type Beach state Embayment impact Bar number

RTR ¼ TR/Hb O ¼ Hb/WsT d0 ¼ Sl 2 =100 Cl Hb B ¼ Xs=tanbTi 2
x ¼ (as2)/(g tan2b)

Wave-dominated Circulation Bar number

o3 Oo1, xo2.5 1 Reflectivea d0 419 Normal o20 ¼ 0 Bar
O ¼ 2–5, x ¼ 2.5–20 2–5 intermediate d0 ¼ 8–19 Sub 20–50 ¼ 1
O46, x420 6 Dissipative d0 o8 Cellular 50–100 ¼ 2
Tide-modified 100–400 ¼ 3
4400 ¼ 4 þ
3–10 Oo2 7 Reflective þ LTT d0 419 Normal
O ¼ 2–5 8 Reflective þ LT bar and rips d0 ¼ 8–19 Sub
O45 9 Ultradissipative d0 o8 Cellular
10–B50 Oo2 10 Beach þ ridged sand flats
11 Beach þ sand flats
12 Beach þ tidal sand flats
13 Beach þ mud flats
Tidal flats
Numbers refer to beach state (see Figures 13 and 14).
Shaded areas indicate beach type.
Source: Modified from Short, A.D. (Ed.), 1999. Beach and Shoreface Morphodynamics. Wiley, Chichester, 379 pp.

longshore currents over the bar, a mechanism predicted by Hughes and Turner, 1999, for review). Morphologically, the
Bryan and Bowen (1996). swash zone is planar and seaward sloping, and expressed
On the USA west coast, Seymour (1989) coordinated the sometimes as low-elevation swash bars associated with inter-
ambitious Nearshore Sediment Transport experiments. More storm or post-storm recovery periods. Occupying a low vertical
recently MacMahan et al. (2004, 2006, 2009) have investigated structure, swash bars can, and frequently do, superimpose
the rip-dominated Monterey Bay beaches, where they have themselves on top of the much more visually apparent inter-
conducted some of the most advanced experiments monitoring tidal bars at the beach. Swash bars usually move shoreward
surf zone bathymetry and both Eulerian and Lagrangian cir- and spill into the troughs of larger bars, helping to refill the
culation. This approach has also been successfully applied by main beach volume and to accrete the back beach zone
Austin et al. (2010) on macro-tidal English beaches. (Jackson et al., 2007).
In Europe, there has been a surge in beach studies since the The wave conditions of the inner surf zone and the local
early 1990s, many in sea-driven and/or meso- to macro-tidal beach gradient will largely drive the hydrodynamics of the
environments, particularly in the United Kingdom (Jago and swash zone. Within dissipative beaches, incident wave energy
Hardisty, 1984; Kroon and Masselink, 2002; Voulgaris et al., dissipates and decays shoreward across the surf zone. There is
1998; Masselink and Puleo, 2006; Masselink et al., 2008b; a simultaneous growth in infragravity energy, as energy is
Jackson et al., 2007; Austin et al., 2009; Masselink et al., 2006, transferred from one wave mode to the other. The latter
2009, 2010); Spain (Guillen and Palanques, 1993); Denmark therefore generally dominates the inner surf zone where it is
(Aagaard et al., 1998a, 1998b, 2002; Vinther et al., 2004; manifest as wave setup and setdown. During larger wave
Greenwood et al., 2004; Hughes et al., 2007); and France conditions, as the surf zone widens and dissipation increases,
(Levoy et al., 2000, 2001; Anthony et al., 2004; Lafon et al., the infragravity element increases even more. Conversely, on
2005; Masselink et al., 2008a; Dehouck et al., 2009; Almar more reflective steeper beaches, incident waves are dissipated
et al., 2010). much less and wave energy propagates with little hindrance to
reach the beach, contributing higher-incident wave energy
levels at the swash zone (Ruessink et al., 1998).
Field studies have shown there to be a combination of Swash Morphodynamics
shoreward sediment transport in the uprush and seaward sedi-
The swash zone represents an important wave-driven transport ment transport in the backwash (Miles et al., 2006). This results
zone in all beach systems and is the visible expression of both in a high, total sediment transport, but a sometimes small, net
beach erosion and accretion. It is defined as the section of the transport (e.g., Butt and Russell, 1999; Osborne and Rooker,
beach profile where fluid coverage is intermittent, or that part 1999). The overall direction of transport and therefore profile
of the beach which stretches from the bore collapse point (on change will be dictated by the subtle balance of two large sedi-
the beachface) to the highest limitation of the uprush (see ment transport magnitudes (Osborne and Rooker, 1999).
112 Beach Morphodynamics

Resulting shear stresses from the overturning wave front plus local forms (accommodation space) and changes. The volume of
turbulence creates ideal conditions for suspending and trans- beach sediment fluctuates in time and space as it is worked
porting sediment. Work has shown higher turbulence during upon by dynamic forcing through the action of waves and
uprush events than during back rush phases and therefore overall currents (Jackson et al., 2005; Jackson and Cooper, 2009).
net transport is usually onshore within the swash environment Those forces are themselves mediated by certain geological and,
(Butt et al., 2004). Houser and Barrett (2010) found a strong in places, biological parameters. These include rock and reef
relationship between the behavior of the inner bar, the nature of boundaries and outcrops which change bed roughness, influ-
the swash, and whether the swash zone eroded or accreted. ence wave refraction, attenuation and breaking, and moderate
Considering the swash in more detail, Guard and Baldock (2007) water flow through the beach (McNinch, 2004). Much of
examined the influence of the seaward boundary condition on our thinking on beach morphodynamics is dominated by
the internal swash hydrodynamics, which they found to be consideration of unconstrained beach environments, particu-
dependent on the shape and wave length of the incident bore. larly in the profile dimension. This is exemplified by the 2D
The swash zone is therefore an important element of the shoreline profile of equilibrium concept and the Bruun rule.
coastal beach system, providing the conduit through which Our understanding of the relationship between dynamic
bars attach to the shore and resupply the beach and ultimately forcing and beach response, expressed as combined indices
backshore (Jackson et al., 2007) and provide aeolian sand for such as the surf-scaling parameter, O and relative tide range
foredune construction (Aagaard et al., 2004). However, during (RTR), has evolved into a suite of conceptual models of beach
periods of high waves, the swash zone sediments become morphodynamics (Table 1). Although the identification of
saturated and sediment is eroded and transported into the beach states using this approach has been used widely, there
surf zone. have been some noted differences between beach states pre-
dicted and beach states observed (Jackson et al., 2005; Gómez-
Pujol et al., 2007). This is partially a product of the lag Geological Control on Beach Morphodynamics
between changing processes and beach response. Furthermore,
All beaches exist within a particular 3D geological framework, where the volume of beach sediment is constrained in depth
which determines the boundaries within which the beach (Figure 6) through the presence of an immobile substrate or

Figure 6 Example of subsurface geological control present on beaches along the Ards Peninsula, Northern Ireland. Here sandy beaches are
accommodated within the local geology which at times is seen protruding through the beach matrix. The volume of sand within the beaches is
likely to be finite, highly mobile with unstable beach states, driven by local wave events. Reproduced from Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland.
Beach Morphodynamics 113

(a) 1977

Figure 7 An example of the influence of geology on the beach at

Point James, South Australia. The headlands define beach length, as
well as circulation with a single topographic (headland) rip draining
the surf zone. Photo by A.D. Short.

geological intrusion, the beach morphodynamic behavior may

be somewhat different than that within an unconstrained
(sediment abundant) setting (Browder and McNinch, 2006;
Schupp et al., 2006; Hapke et al., 2010).
Beaches that are constrained by a finite sediment supply are
likely to be more unstable, flipping from state to state within a
highly mobile envelope of change. Also, because of the pres-
ence of topographic and megarips, these beaches are exposed to
more rapid and more severe erosion than unconstrained bea- (b) 2000
ches. Short (2010a) summarized the impact of geological con-
trol on Australian beaches as causing ‘‘y relatively short often Figure 8 Five Finger Strand, NW Ireland. (a) In 1977 a series of
embayed beaches; greater wave attenuation and resulting lower foredunes backed by a steep scarp (previous high-magnitude storm
breaker waves and associated lower energy beach types; greater event) cut into the high-vegetated dune. The same view (b) in 2000
wave refraction and thereby more crenulate beaches; induce illustrates the removal of foredunes and active erosion on the dune
scarp from more contemporary high-magnitude events. Reproduced
topographic and during high waves megarips (Figure 7); and
from Cooper, J.A.G., Jackson, D.W.T., 2003. Geomorphological and
bi-directional wave climates to induce beach rotation.’’
dynamic constraints on mesoscale coastal response to storms,
Western Ireland. In: Davis, R.A., Howd, P.A., Kraus, N.C. (Eds.),
Coastal Sediments ’03. Proceedings 6th International Symposium on Morphodynamics and High Magnitude Events Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes.
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, pp. 1–13.
Observations of low-frequency but high-energy storm events
and their impacts on coasts have been made in a variety of
settings. In general, these events are believed to be important of high tide, sufficient storm duration, and favorable coastline
drivers of coastal systems, accomplishing much more mor- orientation. Over a 170-year period, only two major storms
phological change in single storms than during long periods (evolved hurricanes from the Atlantic) produced any real sig-
of fair weather conditions (Morton et al., 1995). Storms are nature along the Irish coastline. However, outside these high-
thus commonly regarded as key drivers of medium-term end events, other less powerful storms can, at particular sites
coastal evolution. Recently, however, Zhang et al. (2002) have like Five Finger Strand, NW Ireland, drive local beach and
questioned the significance of storms in shoreline recession in dune morphodynamics by bringing sediment on and off the
the United States and concluded they are unimportant in the beach and dune systems in large quantities (Figure 8). Add-
medium-term (decadal scale) because of rapid, post-storm itionally, tidally influenced responses during storms were re-
recovery mechanisms. Sallenger (2000) examined storm im- corded by Etri and Mayerle (2006) along the Dithmarschen
pact on US barrier islands and found four regimes of impact: Bight on the German North Sea coast. They found that when
swash, collision, overwash, and inundation. The dominant storms occurred during neap tides they produced a more fo-
regime depends on the coupling of forcing processes and cused response (erosion) whereas spring tides helped smear
barrier morphology. Similarly, Cooper and Jackson (2003) the storm energy across a wider spatial area, thus reducing the
noted that the indented, embayed Atlantic-facing coastline of seabed erosion. Houser and Greenwood (2005) monitored
western Ireland demonstrated only limited impact from major the behavior of a multibarred system in Lake Huron during
storm events. They noted that for major storm impact on the storm events. They found a threshold existed between wave
coastal morphology to take place, there must be a coincidence conditions and bar decay and growth, and between onshore
114 Beach Morphodynamics

and offshore migration. They recognized the importance of

morphodynamic feedback between bars and local wave dis-
tribution in developing predictive models of bar behavior. Wave–Beach–Dune Interactions

The beach is the primary source of sand for coastal dune
systems. As such, the supply of sand to dunes is intimately
linked to beach morphodynamics. The nature of foredune
morphodynamics was first examined by Hesp (1983), whereas
Short and Hesp (1982) examined the relationship between
beach state, beach stability, foredune type and stability, and
rate of aeolian sand supply to dunes, as well as the type of
backing dunes. Soon thereafter, Psuty (1987) edited the first
volume on beach–dune interactions.
In Denmark, Aagaard et al. (2004) examined onshore bar
Figure 9 Breakwaters constructed at the popular Marina di Pisa
migration, bar welding, and aeolian sand transport and found
beach, Italy. Although the breakwaters shelter the coast, they are both
a persistent link between sand transport across the surf zone
a hazard in themselves as well as resulting in strong topographic rips
and into the dunes. Davidson-Arnott et al. (2005) then flowing out between the gaps in the walls. Photo by A.D. Short.
measured aeolian sand transport across the same beach and
found that it responded instantly to wind velocity and was
very dependent on moisture content. defenses, and the damming of catchment areas for water de-
Sherman and Bauer (1993) commented that ‘‘Although the mand, depletes net sediment supply, interrupts or stops
important first steps of producing conceptual models of longshore sediment transport, and ultimately leads to beach
beach–dune interaction related to nearshore morphody- erosion and the need for beach nourishment projects along
namics y. have been made, it remains a daunting prospect to major tracts of coastline. The introduced sediment is generally
develop the appropriately parameterized, process-based, nu- mined offshore and placed in an area either on the shore face
merical equivalent.’’ Houser (2009) added ‘‘in retrogressive or on the beach itself to produce an overfull profile. The
environments synchronization of transport and supply sediments are then reworked alongshore and offshore by the
suggests that dune evolution is quasi-periodic y and local wave and current regime (Grunnet and Ruessink, 2005;
predictable by considering the dune within the broader con- Ojeda et al., 2008). This can result in the introduced sediment
text of the beach-nearshore system.’’ He added at present ‘‘the being rapidly eroded from the beach and redistributed to at-
lack of information in this regard remains a central barrier to tain a more equilibrium profile. In doing so, this changes the
the development of a theory of beach-dune interaction that local bathymetry of the surf and breaker zone of the site.
can be translated across scales and between field sites.’’ Coastal engineering works can and do impact beach
morphodynamics (see e.g., Tanaka, 1983). Hard structures
permanently modify the beach morphology, which reduces Engineering Impacts on Morphodynamics beach permeability; modifies waves breaking and surf zone
circulation; as well as locking or trapping sediment (Sherman
Human habitation of many of the world’s coastlines has at et al., 1990). All of these are a predictable result of the inter-
times introduced a conflict between natural processes and action of the structure or works within an existing and
human activities. The construction of structures such as groins, modified morphodynamic regime. The important factor is to
seawalls, and breakwaters or attempts to modify local mor- predict, acknowledge, and prepare for these changes as part of
phodynamics through engineering approaches can dramatic- the engineering design, and not, as is often the case, feign
ally alter the natural functioning of the coastal system. The ignorance when the beach disappears. Coastal engineering can
conflict between engineers and scientists over how they solve play a positive role in coastal management as illustrated in
coastal issues has had a long and at times vitriolic history (e.g., successful projects such as the massive Gold Coast sand by-
Pilkey and Dixon, 1998). Differences in the appropriate passing system (Figure 10). However, to be successful, the full
timescale over which the coastal system should be examined, ramifications of the projects must be modeled, predicted,
along with the perceived impact engineered structures have on prepared, and budgeted for, with the local community fully
local morphodynamics, are just some of the traditional areas informed throughout.
of conflict.
Mass tourism to beaches developed over a relatively small Shoreface Morphodynamics
timescale (decades) such as that witnessed along the southern
Spanish and Italian coastlines of the Mediterranean during the The shoreface extends from wave base to the limit of run-up
1970s, and can have enormous impacts on the natural be- (Figure 5), and represents a complex and poorly understood
havior of beach systems (Figure 9). The need for the presence part of the coastal zone. It plays a critical role in acting as a
of a beach of a particular size to attract and accommodate transport corridor, a sediment source area, and an exchange
large number of visitors becomes paramount. This, combined zone between the beach and inner shelf zone, ultimately
with the building of marinas, promenades, large-scale sea driving the dynamics of beach behavior. Modeling of the
Beach Morphodynamics 115

Compared to other shoreface settings, relatively little is

known about shoreface morphodynamics of steep, high-
energy, and geologically constrained (embayment) locations
(Roy et al., 1994; Backstrom et al., 2009a, 2009b). Most
shoreface studies have been undertaken in sediment-abundant
areas where the profile can adjust to a more stable form.
However, where there is a sediment deficit, the profile steepens
and becomes increasingly mobile, with an immediate impli-
cation for the onshore beach systems. Beaches backing such
systems are likely to be more mobile, routinely switching be-
tween beach states. Medium-term studies (2–5 years) are re-
quired to gain an improved understanding of shoreface
behavior in these environments. Furthermore, it is important
to determine whether the morphodynamics of steep embay-
ment shorefaces are significantly different from those on long,
straight, and gentle shorefaces, which are currently better
Figure 10 Training walls constructed in 1967 at the mouth of the understood.
Tweed River, New South Wales, interrupted the northerly longshore
sand transport, trapping millions of cubic meters of sand and causing
downdrift erosion. Sand bypassing commenced in 2000 and by 2010
had pumped 6 million cubic meters from the pumping jetty (in Beach Monitoring
background above) north under the river mouth. Photo by A.D. Short. Beaches are inherently dynamic features, which led to the early
recognition of the need to continuously monitor their be-
shoreface has provided significant clues to sediment transport havior. This was initially, and in many locations still is,
rates and qualitative behavior under a number of scenarios. achieved through laborious beach-profiling programs. Al-
The stochastic, nonlinear, and multidimensional variables though this provides valuable data, they are limited in their
operating on the shoreface change continuously with time and spatial and temporal coverage, and are expensive and time
therefore remain notoriously difficult to quantitatively predict consuming. Similarly, aerial photographs provide excellent
(Cowell and Thom, 1994). Given its sometimes high-energy spatial coverage of beach systems, but are also limited in their
setting, the shoreface is also difficult to observe over sufficient temporal coverage. Beach profiling has been supplemented in
periods to fully understand its behavior (Backstrom et al., recent years by a growing array of remote sensors that can
2008). In fact, the high spatial and temporal variability in provide both real time and continuous spatial and temporal
shoreface morphodynamics normally result in simplistic coverage of beach behavior.
shoreface models, like the Bruun rule (Bruun, 1954, 1962) or Video imaging of beaches commenced in the 1980s
the profile of equilibrium (Dean, 1991), to be largely in- and became best developed as part of the ARGUS program
effectual in predicting coastal response to changing conditions (Holman and Stanley, 2007). The images (Figure 11) have
(Cooper and Pilkey, 2004). been used to provide time series of beach evolution, shoreline
Worldwide investigations of shoreface environments have and bar patterns, bar migration, beach morphodynamics,
been performed along the largely straight coastlines of the and wave measurements (Almar et al., 2008; Lafon
eastern USA (Niedoroda et al., 1984; Wright, 1995) and the et al., 2004; Ranasinghe et al., 2004b; Shand, 1999; Quartel
Netherlands (van de Meene and van Rijn, 2000; Stive and et al., 2007; McNinch, 2007; Smit et al., 2007); and they are
Vriend de, 1995) as well as off the more geologically con- often used for beach management (Turner and Anderson,
strained coasts of southeast Australia (Roy et al., 1994) and 2007).
Canada (Hequette and Hill, 1993; Hequette et al., 2001); and Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) survey methods
more recently, along the higher-energy coast of Northern Ire- (Figure 12) have also provided a significant step forward in
land (Backstrom et al., 2007, 2009a, 2009b). Many of these the ability to accurately measure the nearshore and coastal
studies have shown that the morphodynamics of the shoreface zone and provide large spatial measurement of bathymetry
are driven largely by the frequency and magnitude of high- and topography over a relatively short survey time. Although
energy storm events that mobilize the seabed and dramatically the depth of water through which LiDAR can operate is re-
shift sediments across the entire shoreface. Previous investi- duced by breaking wave conditions and turbidity, the method
gations have demonstrated that sand is commonly transported is otherwise capable of providing a high-resolution framework
far beyond the surf zone and upper shoreface during storms, (bathymetry) over which, for example, shallow water wave-
with transport occurring as far offshore as the inner shelf refraction models such as SWAN can be used. Other techni-
(Smith and Hopkins, 1972; Pearson and Riggs, 1981; Snedden ques such as ground-based radar are also providing useful
et al., 1988; Hequette et al., 2001; Thieler et al., 2001; Amos (and cheaper) ways of measuring wave heights in the near-
et al., 2003; Roy et al., 1994). Moreover, longer-term studies of shore zone (Wolf and Bell, 2001; Ruessink et al. 2002;
shoreface processes have shown that seabed changes can ex- McNinch, 2007). Deronde et al. (2006) used airborne hyper-
tend further offshore (Nicholls et al., 1998). All these events spectral data and airborne LiDAR data to assess beach
have consequences for the availability of sediment to the morphodynamics along the entire Belgian backshore and
beach. foreshore.
116 Beach Morphodynamics

On a global scale, satellite imagery, such as that presented examination of all beach systems and today is the major
by Google Earth,TM provides complete spatial coverage of the source of images for any presentation on beaches.
world’s beaches. Although limited in its temporal domain, the Remote-sensing techniques will likely be the most realistic
wide coverage and high resolution permits the desktop way forward in providing useful data for studies of nearshore
morphodynamics. They represent a method capable of col-
lecting information over the required spatial and temporal
scale to be of use in future investigations and therefore help
examine more realistically the behavior of nearshore circu-
lation patterns and associated coastal responses in this com-
plex environment. Modeling
Modeling beach morphodynamics requires the ability to
model all the parameters outlined in Figure 3. To date, this is
not possible, so at best models are restricted to 2D represen-
tations of cross-shore behavior or to generating 3D patterns
that, although resembling aspects of beach morphology, have
no physical linkage. The most commonly used models are
therefore based on 2D representation, which can only repli-
cate the 3D beach environment, by generating multiple
transects. The best known of these are the increasingly re-
Figure 11 Argus time exposure image of Palm Beach, Australia. The
dundant Bruun rule (Pilkey and Cooper, 2004), which some
intensity fluctuations in the real time images have been averaged,
still use, and increasingly S-Beach (CHL, 1989) and GENESIS
resulting in a stable depiction of the wave-breaking pattern which
reflects the bar and rip pattern. Reproduced from Ranasinghe, R., (Hanson and Kraus, 1989), which are both used to model
Symonds, G., Black, K., Holman, R., 2004b. Morphodynamics of cross-shore response to changing conditions. The shoreface
intermediate beaches: a video imaging and numerical modelling translation model (STM) (Cowell et al., 1992) is used to plot
study. Coastal Engineering 51, 629–655, with permission from cross-shore response at scales from days to millennium. More
Coastal Engineering. recently, the XBeach model, in development since 2006, is a




Figure 12 LiDAR (LADS) image of Magilligan, Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland, revealing a complex picture of successive foredune ridges
as well as nearshore bathymetry. Image resolution is at 4 m spacing of sample points; vertical exaggeration 3 . Reproduced from Jackson,
D.W.T., Beyers, J.H.M., Lynch, K., Cooper, J.A.G., Baas, A.C.W., Delgado-Fernandez, I., 2011. Investigation of three-dimensional wind flow
behaviour over coastal dune morphology under offshore winds using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and ultrasonic anemometry. Earth
Surface Processes and Landforms 36, 1113–1124.
Beach Morphodynamics 117

2D model that considers wave propagation, long waves, and the relationship between beach morphodynamics and local
mean flow, sediment transport and morphological changes of biological behavior has received only modest attention
the nearshore area, beaches, dunes, and back-barrier during over the years. Within sandy beach systems, both benthic
storm conditions. The model is still in its infancy, but has been and in situ biota are dependent on habitat type and stability
used recently by Roelvink et al. (2009) to assess dune erosion and water circulation, and as these vary through time so
and breaching along a number of sandy, dune-fringed sites on must the biota adjust to wave, tide, and storm forcing. The
the coast of the Netherlands. beach biota both represent an important coastal ecosystem
Morphodynamic models often demonstrate poor per- and provide also positive and negative feedback on bed
formance when compared with natural beach response behavior. Within certain beach environments, bioturbation
(de Vriend et al., 1993; Nicholson et al., 1997; Sutherland (feeding birds, worm casts, etc.) of the sediments can play
et al., 2004) partly because the physical processes that are important roles in sediment dynamics (Grant et al., 1982;
driving morphological change occur on much shorter time- Jackson et al., 2005), commonly leading to increased sedi-
scales than the actual changes themselves. Short-term forcing ment transport potential. For example, bioturbation may lead
parameters such as tides and waves drive the redistribution of to roughening of the surface, reduced sediment cohesion and
sediment across particular 3D framework surfaces. This pro- higher mobility of the sediment itself (Fries et al., 1999;
duces sediment transport pathways that are driven temporally Quaresma et al., 2004). Conversely, algal mats and seagrass
and spatially by both cyclical and random events, leading to debris on the surface may help bind the surface sediments into
highly complicated fluid and sediment motions, making a less mobile substrate, increasing the energy levels at which
realistic modeling extremely difficult. Attempts at under- the sediment can move (Grant et al., 1986; Escartin and
standing the behavior of these systems have been undertaken Aubrey, 1995).
using a number of techniques and applied under a range of
scales. One approach that is gathering increasing momentum
is the concept of system self-organization (Falqués et al., 10.5.3 Beach Morphodynamics – Status
2008). Nonlinear behavior in any natural system can exhibit
complex patterns that in themselves are not related to similar In the 40 years since beaches were first viewed from a mor-
patterns within an associated forcing environment. Observed phodynamic perspective, there has been a surge in the number
rhythmic patterns found within 3D beach morphology (e.g., of coastal groups working on beaches; the variety of beach
cusps) have been proposed to be driven by self-organized environments being investigated; and the sophistication of
processes related to the interaction between fluid flow and both hardware and software used to monitor, measure, model,
morphology. If we consider a hypothetical situation with an and analyze beach systems. Where does this leave us in 2011?
initial linear (flat) sediment surface (e.g., beach face) with One way to assess our present understanding and application
uniform wave forcing, it gives rise to beach morphology in of beach morphodynamics is to use Figure 4 as a framework
equilibrium. In reality, this could not be sustainable as het- within which to locate progress since the 1970s with the four
erogeneous breaking wave conditions would give a nonuni- major space–time approaches: instantaneous, event, large
form energy distribution along this morphology. If one scale (engineering), and geological.
perturbation occurs as a result, then this sets up a chain
reaction of events and leads to a spontaneous growth of Instantaneous
morphological features across what was once a smooth
surface. Nearshore models describing morphodynamic self- At the instantaneous level (seconds to hours) there has been
organization generally consist of the following elements: (1) limited progress owing to the difficulty in obtaining mean-
wave transformation – refraction, shoaling, and breaking ingful measurements at this scale, in particular, during high-
descriptors; (2) mean currents and water levels over hetero- energy events. There are also inherent problems associated
geneous bathymetry; (3) sediment transport induced by wave with scaling up the complex interactions and nonlinear rela-
and currents; and (4) bathymetric updating (Caballeria et al., tionships based on those measurements. Most studies at this
2002; Reniers et al., 2004; Coco and Murray, 2007; Gallagher, level tend to focus on boundary-layer dynamics and sediment
2011). Although still in its infancy compared to other scientific transport, most of which, by logistical necessity, are confined
analyses of complex systems, the self-organization concept to fair weather conditions, whereas most change takes place
appears to be a pragmatic approach for modeling coastal during high-wave conditions. Some of the most ambitious
morphodynamics across a range of spatial and temporal experiments took place during the 1990s at the Duck facility
scales. However, as discussed below, there remain concerns including DELILAH (1990), Duck94, and Sandy Duck (1997).
about this approach. The aims of Sandy Duck were to measure small- and medium-
scale sediment transport and morphology (sediment grains to
100 m scale); wave shoaling, wave breaking, and nearshore Beach Ecology
circulation; and swash processes including sediment motion,
Sandy beach ecology is generally related to morphodynamic with the overall aim of integrating these across the time–space
conditions (waves, tide and sediment) occurring at a site and scales.
ecologists have commonly attributed zonation of organisms On the west coast was the similarly ambitious 1978–81
in the intertidal zone to certain elevation levels of wave–swash Nearshore Sediment Transport Study (Seymour 1989) and
exposure (e.g., McLachlan and Jaramillo, 1995; Alves and in Canada the 1983 Canadian Coastal Sediment Study
Pezzuto, 2009). Although characteristically linked in nature, (Willis, 1987). More recent research at this level has been
118 Beach Morphodynamics

undertaken in Denmark by Aagaard and colleagues (see e.g., laws whose observable manifestations depended on a number
Aagaard et al., 1998a, 1998b, 2002); and the Coastal Process of bulk site characteristics such as beach slope and wave height
Research Group at Plymouth which has been working at and period. By sampling a set of end-member beaches, insight
timescales from the instantaneous to event to seasonal across a into the underlying physics should be made obvious (Holman
range of generally meso- and macro-tidal beaches around and Stanley, 2007). The Argus network now includes 10
southern England and in France (see e.g., Masselink et al., cameras worldwide; whereas the comparable European
2008a, 2008b; 2010; van Houwelingen et al., 2008). All the CoastView project involves cameras operated by 12 groups
above led to considerable improvement in our understanding (Huntley and Stive, 2007).
of the range of motions in the surf zone and their impact on In recent years, beach experiments have also tended to
sediment entrainment and transport. However, linking these focus more on the event scales, commonly coupled with video
to the next step, the formation, movement, and erosion of monitoring to obtain at least an understanding of bulk mor-
mesoscale topography including the swash zone, bars, trough phological changes. Lippmann and Holman (1990) used the
and channels, is proving more difficult. Duck video to characterize the full sequence of beach types
observed. Aagaard and Holm (1989) monitored wave run-up;
Shand (1999) monitored bar migration patterns; van Encke- Event vort and Ruessink (2003a, 2003b) monitored bar patterns
The beach changes at the event scale (days to years) are the over weekly to yearly timescales; and more recently, Almar
most readily observable and remain the focus of most mor- et al. (2010) have monitored bar migration during storm
phodynamic studies. It spans the time frame of most field events.
experiments; of all shoreline monitoring programs; of LiDAR Today videos can monitor shoreline position and change
and video technology; and of the major storm and recovery (Turner et al., 2006), surf zone topography and beach state
events that periodically impact the coast. It is also the scale (Ranashinghe et al., 2004b; Figure 11), bar migration (Shand,
that the public, politicians, and the media turn to when 1999); wave period and bathymetry (Aarninkhof et al., 2003;
looking for the impacts of climate change, even though the Stockdon and Holman, 2000); breaker wave height and per-
impacts are usually not detectable at this scale. iod across the surf zone (; shoreline
oscillation (swash) including wave runup and infragravity
setup and setdown (Holland and Holman, 1993); and surf- Beach experiments zone currents (Chickadel et al., 2003). They can also be used
Beach experiments still remain the most productive means for counting people on the beach (
of investigating beach morphodynamics, particularly those Since the mid-1990s, has monitored over
that encompass both hydrodynamic processes across the 100 coastal sites globally. The data from these sites are being
surf zone and the associated morphological change. Our used by their research arm CoastalCOMS to provide time
ability to investigate both these areas has been enhanced in series of beach state and morphological change. The data are
recent years with improved instrumentation, in particular, the being interrogated to provide accurate measurements of
acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) for Eulerian flows shoreline position and change, wave height and period,
and the use of global positioning system (GPS) buoys to infragravity wave period, wave runup and setup; and surf zone
monitor Lagrangain flows. These have been used in the surf currents, as well as counting people on the beach. In Australia
zone to monitor 3D current and wave flows, particularly in rip and the US, these data are being used to monitor shoreline
currents. Surf zone topography can now be measured using change and public safety.
GPS-depth sounders mounted on jet skis. When combined, One of the most ambitious programs to monitor beach–
these provide the most comprehensive overview of beach nearshore changes has been associated with the Tweed River
morphodynamics over timescales of hours to days. The Sand Bypassing System (TREBS) on the border of New South
best examples of this approach have been undertaken by Wales and Queensland (Figure 10). Established in 2000, it has
MacMahan et al. (2009) along the rip-dominated beaches of been continuously bypassing sand under the Tweed River at a
Monterey Bay. rate between 500 000 and 600 000 m3 yr–1. Detailed seabed
surveys on both sides of the bypass site, coupled with wave- Video and remote technology rider data and modeling of cross-shore sediment transport,
The event level understanding has seen most progress. This have resulted in the development of very accurate models of
has been achieved through the monitoring and measurement cross-shore and longshore transport (Boswood et al., 2001).
of beach processes and changes using a range of techniques; These data clearly demonstrate that most transport takes place
the use of empirical relationships to explain this change; and during high-wave events on the inner and outer bar, with
the limited application of both edge wave, self-organizing and relatively little moving along the shoreline. The results are in
modeling approaches to predict the changes. The advent of stark contrast with some of the more simplistic models of
increasingly low-cost video cameras and their application to longshore transport.
monitor surf zone behavior, through the Argus video-moni- LiDAR technology developed during the 1990s can now
toring system, for example, has provided the greatest insight provide very accurate 3D mapping of the land surface in-
into the nature and behavior of the surf zone topography cluding beaches and shallow seabed. This has been applied in
across a wide range of settings. The Argus system was de- the coastal zone to accurately map the beach environment
veloped under the hypothesis that nearshore hydrodynamics (Figure 11) and monitor beach changes, particularly following
and morphodynamics are governed by a finite set of physical serve coastal erosion events. In the era of rising sea level,
Beach Morphodynamics 119

1. Dissipative 4. Transverse bar and rip

m 10

5. Low tide terrace

2. Longshore bar and trough

0 0

0 50

0 0
20 10

0m 0m
30 15

3. Rhythmic bar and beach

6. Reflective

0 0

0 50

0 0
20 10

0m 0m
30 15
Figure 13 The 13 wave-dominated (1–6), tide-modified (7–9), and tide-dominated (10–13) beach states occurring around the Australian coast.
See Figure 14 and Table 1 for their relation to wave height, sand size, O, and RTR. Reproduced from Short, A.D., Woodroffe, C.D., 2009. The
Coast of Australia. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 288 pp.

LiDAR mapping is now being used to map areas of potential beach types and their associated environmental controls from
inundation. high-energy wave-dominated through to the lowest energy
beaches fronted by mud flats (Figures 13 and 14; Short, Beach types and states 2006). As mentioned above, the morphodynamics of many of
In Australia, Short (2006) completed a 14-year circum- these systems, particularly in higher energy micro- through
Australia research project that provided information on macro-tidal environments are now being investigated. The same
every Australian beach, and from this the full spectrum of cannot, however, be said for beaches at the lower energy end
120 Beach Morphodynamics

10. Beach + ridged sand flats

7. Reflective + low tide terrace (+rips)

0 HT
0 0
10 LT

1 00 LT 2 00

2 0m
11. Beach + sand flats
8. Reflective + low tide bars and rips

0 HT
0 0
10 LT
100 200

200 0m
12 and 13. Beach + tidal sand/mud flats

9. Ultradissipative

0 0 HT
0 0
10 10 LT
0 0
20 20

0m 0m
30 30
Figure 13 (Continued)

of the spectrum, where the infrequency of dominant processes Large Scale Coastal Behavior (Engineering)
makes field experimentation logistically difficult. Houser and
Hill (2010) conducted one of the few field experiments across a Following a low-key, invited symposium in Amsterdam in
lower-energy environment. They measured wave attenuation 1989 (Terwindt and Battjes, 1990), large-scale coastal behavior
across a sand flat and found that attenuation increased with (LCSB) (years–decades–centuries) burst upon the inter-
increasing wave height and/or decreasing water depth. This national scene with a 1993 conference in Clearwater, Florida
provides a mechanism for limiting sediment resuspension and (List, 1993). The rapid rise of the study of LSCB is owing
accumulation of fine sediments on the flats. to its relevance (decades to 100 years) for coastal planning,
Beach Morphodynamics 121

2.5 0 5 10 15
Wave height (m)
2 1
2.0 5 43 WD
1.5 8
9 10
0.5 10 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1.4 20 11
Sand size (m)


1.0 TD

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
80 40
Relative tide range

40 13
30 50
0 Tidal flats
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(a) Beach state (b)

Figure 14 (a) The relationship between beach state and wave height, sand size and relative tide range (bars ¼ standard deviation) (Short, 2006);
and (b) the relationship between beach type and O (Hb/Tws) and RTR (TR/Hb). WD ¼ wave dominated; TM ¼ tide modified; TD ¼ tide dominated.
Numbers (see Figure 12) refer to modal beach state location on Australian coast. Based on data from Short, A.D., 2006. Australian beach
systems – nature and distribution. Journal of Coastal Research 22, 11–27.

management and, particularly, politicians in an era of which have now recorded monthly beach behavior for periods
climate change. Moderate progress has occurred here with of 30–40 years. The Duck facility, for example, commenced in
some of the longer-term monitoring sites now having 1977, and daily video monitoring began in 1986. In Australia,
been observed for several decades and providing an accurate the Moruya surveys initiated by Thom and Mclean in
insight into decadal scale changes, trends, and climatic 1972 (Thom and Hall, 1991) provide extremely valuable
forcing. At the same time, 2D shoreface modeling has pro- information on the size of storm demand and the rate of
gressed substantially since the Bruun Rule, with an array of beach and foredune recovery. The Narrabeen surveys initiated
models including SBeach (CHL, 1989), GENESIS (Hanson by Short in 1976 provided the first of a growing body of evi-
and Kraus, 1989) and STM (Cowell et al., 1992). Although dence of the link between beach oscillation and rotation and
some models use the self-organizing approach to predict various climate indices such as the Southern Oscillation Index
patterns in beach and surf zone topography, they are not (SOI) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (Ranasinghe
based on any physical connection to the salient environ- et al., 2004a; Short and Trembanis, 2004; Harley et al.,
mental parameters and produce intriguing patterns rather 2011). What is important about these relationships is that they
than robust predictions. can provide a surrogate for how the wave climate might be-
The renewed focus on longer-term beach behavior that have in a changing climate and thereby how beaches may
commenced in the late 1960s was followed by the establish- behave in the future. Weinberg and Terwindt (1995) utilized
ment of a few long-term, beach-monitoring sites, some of decades of shoreline monitoring to quantify the behavior of
122 Beach Morphodynamics

the Dutch coast, whereas in Ireland, Cooper et al. (2007) re- Impacts of Climate Change
ported on decadal scale coastal behavior based on a 170-year
How beaches will respond to climate change, in particular,
record. On the US west coast, Komar et al. (2001) and Dingler
how climate change leads to continued sea-level rise, are
and Reiss (2002) monitored the impact of El Nino-SOI
questions being asked by scientists, managers, and politicians.
(ENSO)-generated cyclone conditions.
However, it is the coastal scientists and engineers that must
The past decade has also seen the increasing application of
provide the answers. The simplistic approach is to apply the
the results of event and LSCB studies to address coastal
Bruun rule (Bruun, 1962). However, several studies have
management issues, particularly in the field of beach safety
questioned this approach as being too simplistic and too
(Short and Hogan 1994; Scott et al., 2007; MacMahan et al.,
ignorant of the many ancillary parameters that can affect
2010) and shoreline management (Turner et al., 2006; Turner
shoreline response (Pilkey and Cooper, 2004). The most so-
and Anderson, 2007). These approaches are also being called
phisticated of these approaches is the application of the STM
upon to provide insight into the coastal impacts of climate
developed by Cowell et al. (1992) and applied to climate
change, particularly the impact of rising sea level and changing
change scenarios by Cowell et al. (2006). The STM considers
wave climate.
all parameters that may modify the shoreface, including
its topography and composition, cross-shore sediment char-
acteristics, all potential sources and sinks of sediment, and Geological
structures such as seawalls.
The geological scale (centuries to millennium) has seen Response to changes in wave climate will be just as im-
some exceptional work being undertaken by Goodwin (2003) portant on many beaches, as wave climate will vary the in-
and Goodwin et al. (2006) who are reconstructing long-term tensity, frequency, and direction of major events, causing
wave climate and using it to explain Holocene shoreline changes in the level of beach oscillation, longshore and cross-
evolution along parts of southeast Australia. Apart from shore transport, and on embayed beaches – beach rotation.
this groundbreaking research, there has been little other pro- The most productive approach to date has been the use of
gress, primarily because there has been little interest in longer-term wave-beach monitoring programs, that have pro-
applying morphodynamic principles to long-term shoreline vided a sufficiently long time series (years–decades) to permit
evolution. Interestingly, as Figure 4 illustrates, this was one of preliminary correlation with climate indices such as the SOI
the tenants of the original Wright and Thom (1977) paper, and PDO (Short and Trembanis, 2004; Ranasinghe et al.,
which was in fact titled ‘Coastal depositional landforms’. 2004a). Although beaches make the headline in the climate
However, as is common within the community of geo- change debate, it is in fact the lower-lying, low-gradient coastal
morphologists, most of those interested in longer time frames areas that will be most impacted by sea-level rise. The approach
have yet to grasp the interdependence on processes as well for these coasts is to use LiDAR mapping to produce high-
as stratigraphy. resolution maps that identify areas of potential inundation. Sediment Transport

10.5.4 Beach Morphodynamics – the Way Forward The prediction of sediment transport rates and directions,
both cross-shore and longshore, has been one of the holy
Although beaches are superficially simple and can empirically grails of coastal science since Cornaglia (1889). Longshore
be defined with the use of three to four variables, in detail transport models have typically been based on simplistic
they become incredibly complex, sometimes appearing empirical relationships; attempts to quantify sand transport in
chaotic. As a consequence, although there has been good the field; and back scaling through measures of down drift
progress in establishing empirical relations between process sand accumulation. The best outcomes to date have been
and beach response, the same cannot be said for those based on both modeling of sand entrainment and transport
pursuing an approach based on first principles that endeavors across the shoreface (Bayram et al., 2007), coupled with sea-
to scale up from sediment transport into meso-scale beach-bar bed mapping to monitor bed changes and rates of actual
forms. Attempts to model the beach environment are transport (Boswood et al., 2001). By contrast, studies of cross-
hampered by the inherent complexity of its interactions, shore transport have largely been based on measures of surf
as well as their linear and nonlinear relationships, positive zone transport and attempts to scale up from there as manifest
and negative feedback within and between the interactions; in S-Beach and GENESIS modeling. At longer timescales, Short
considerable inertia and lag owing to the vast quantities (2010b) has used measures of Holocene barrier volume to
of sediment that must be moved every time conditions provide rough estimates of rates of onshore Holocene sand
change; and the influence of external factors such as supply around the entire Australian coast.
sediment supply, wave and wind regimes, ice on high latitude The study of wave–beach–dune morphodynamics and the
beaches, and geological and biological controls. Given the controls of sand transport from the beach to dunes was ini-
present state of knowledge, where does this leave us as we face tiated with Short and Hesp (1982), followed in North America
the future with increasing demand for predictions of how by Sherman and Lyons (1994); and more recently Thornton
coasts, and particularly beaches, will behave in an era of rising et al. (2007), who verified the relationship between rip lo-
sea levels, changing wave climates, increasing human pressure cation and dune erosion. In an era of rising sea level and
and pollution, and in many places, diminishing sediment predicted massive dune erosion, this generally neglected field
supply? is in need of more attention (Houser, 2009).
Beach Morphodynamics 123

Figure 15 High waves have inundated the beach and are eroding
the dune in this view of Narrabeen beach, Australia. Photo by A.D.
Short. Beach Erosion

Prediction of beach erosion from whatever cause is one of Figure 16 Rhythmic beach and bar, western Cape York Peninsula,
the prime requirements in coastal management (Figure 15). Australia. Photo by A.D. Short.
It forms the basis of setback and hazard lines, buffer zones and
retreat strategies, as well as estimations of sediment volumes
required in beach nourishment projects. To date, volumes of interactions between wave dynamics and sediment. With edge
storm demand sediments are usually based on beach profile wave theory, the waves initiate sediment movement, whereas
data, whereas predictions of extreme water levels, which can with self-organization theory, a perturbation in the sediment
then be used to predict erosion, are based on models such as surface initiates a change in wave dynamics. Each theory has
SBeach (Hanson and Kraus, 1989) and Xbeach (Roelvink critical problems that need to be resolved before we can begin
et al., 2009). A more recent approach is to use all processes to confidently model beach behavior. Beach cusps are, how-
that contribute to elevated sea level and their probability of ever, just one component of the total beach topography, which
occurrence to provide a probabilistic approach to elevated is in turn an expression of the beach morphodynamics. Ap-
water levels (Callaghan et al., 2008, 2009). proaches to modeling these components need to be expanded
to include the entire beach system. Beach Type and Changes in Beach Type

10.5.5 Discussion and Conclusion
Beach type and state (Figures 13 and 14) can be predicted using
the empirical relationships shown in Table 1. However, although
The morphodynamic approach to coastal systems had its
these provide insight into the combination of parameters re-
origins in the USA in the late 1960s and was formally intro-
quired to produce each type and state; our ability to predict real
duced by Wright and Thom (1977). Since then, while it has
time changes in beach state has not progressed much since
had a wide range of applications across the coastal sphere, in
Wright et al. (1985). They predicted beach state based on both
both coastal science and engineering, the focus has been on
the prevailing O and a weighted mean O, which decreased in
beach research. Also, although the approach is equally rele-
value at a given rate over a set number of days. At Narrabeen
vant across the field of geomorphology, no other subfields
Beach, for example, they found a decrease of 10% over 30 days
have taken it up, staying with more traditional and fragmented
provided the best predictor, however, other environments will
require different combinations. This is a research area where
Within the coastal field, the predominant applications are
continuous video monitoring is producing excellent time series
relatively narrow, generally focusing on single beaches or ex-
of both wave–tide processes and associated beach change. Such
periments and over relatively short time frames (hours to
data should be able to provide more information on their
weeks). The advent of video technology has been rapidly ex-
interrelationships (Price and Ruessink, 2011).
tending this time frame to months and years. Outside of work
in Australia, there has been sparse application of morphody-
namic approaches to longer time frames, especially millennial, Formation of Rhythmic Features
and to regional coastal systems. This reflects, in part, the
The formation of rhythmic features, in particular, beach cusps, nature of funding for coastal research, which tends to be
megacusps, and rips (Figure 16) is, at present, predicted using experiment based, and again a reticence on the part of Qua-
either edge wave or self-organization theory. Both rely on ternary researchers to consider a more morphodynamic
124 Beach Morphodynamics

Figure 17 Transition from a cuspate pattern to a straight berm over a six-day period, Tairua Beach, New Zealand. Reproduced from Almar, R.,
Coco, G., Bryan, K.R., Huntley, D.A., Short, A.D., Senechal, N., 2008. Video observations of beach cusp morphodynamics. Marine Geology 254,

approach to the systems they study. Although the beach lends resulting turbulent mixing that occurs within planar and
itself to this approach, with highly visible and measurable barred systems. The shear stress parameter is currently only
processes and rapid and visible changes, all other geomorphic afforded a single, homogeneous value in models, but in reality
systems, no matter what time–space scale, can be studied from is likely to be spatially and temporally heterogeneous across
a morphodynamic perspective. the beach face zone. This shortcoming has serious reper-
The morphodynamic approach has been utilized for cussions for modeling efforts.
the study of beach systems for over 40 years. Combined Finally, while this chapter has focused on beach morpho-
with increasingly sophisticated field instrumentation and dynamics one must ask why a similar approach has not been
experimentation, it is providing a unified understanding taken up not only in other coastal fields but also in other fields
of both the complex and dynamic interactions within of geomorphology. Woodroffe (2003) has shown how it can
these systems. Although beaches occur across a wide range of be applied across the full range of coastal fields from beach to
wave–tide–sediment environments, located within an ever- muddy shore, rocky coast and coral reefs, and as mentioned
changing range of boundary conditions, all beaches can be earlier it has been applied across the Quaternary in relation to
readily located within a relative small range of beach types and coastal evolution. However, this has not been so in related
states, types that are both predictable and, at an empirical geomorphological fields. In part, this can be explained by its
level, readily explained. early and rapid acceptance by coastal scientists who can clearly
The issues still facing the study of beaches include our see and monitor the dynamic interactions that are beach
inability to scale up from first principles because of the in- morphodynamics. However, although coastal scientists have
herent nonlinearities, positive and negative feedback, and initiated its application into coastal dunes, this has not been
overall 3D complexities of surf zone interactions. Another the case with dune scientists focused on arid systems, nor the
major issue is the edge waves versus self-organization debate. fluvial, glacial, desert, mountain, and other geomorphologists.
While we still await substantial confirmation of field evidence Perhaps each needs a seminal paper, such as Wright and Thom
of the geomorphological work of edge waves, likewise, self- (1977) to kick start a fresh paradigm in their respective fields,
organization models produce interesting and realistic patterns followed by research applying it to their landscapes.
but their operation continues to elude field verification. For
example, the concept of the system self-organization of beach
cusps results in predictions of erosion and accretion and
conservation of mass, whereas in the field, typical beach cusps References
have been shown to be not only accretional but also to involve
net sediment volume changes (Figure 17; Almar et al., 2008). Aagaard, T., Davidson-Arnott, R., Greenwood, B., Nielsen, J., 2004. Sediment
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Beach Morphodynamics 125

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and eroding dunes. Marine Geology 240, 151–167. Wright, L.D., Thom, B.G., 1977. Coastal depositional landforms: a morphodynamic
Turner, I.L., 1995. Simulating the influence of groundwater seepage on sediment approach. Progress in Physical Geography 1, 412–459.
transported by the sweep of the swash zone across macro-tidal beaches. Marine Zhang, K., Douglas, B., Leatherman, S., 2002. Do storms cause long-term beach
Geology 125, 153–174. erosion along the U.S. East barrier coast? Journal of Geology 110, 493–502.
Turner, I.L., Aarninkhof, S.G.J., Holman, R.A., 2006. Coastal imaging applications
and research in Australia. Journal of Coastal Research 22, 37–48.
Turner, I.L., Anderson, D.J, 2007. Web-based and ‘real-time’ beach management
system. Coastal Engineering 54, 555–565. Relevant Websites
van de Meene, J.W.H., van Rijn, L.C., 2000. The shoreface-connected ridges along
the central Dutch coast – part 1: field observations. Continental Shelf Research
20, 2295–2323. Coastal Observation and Monitoring Solutions.
van Enckevort, I.M.J., Ruessink, B.G., 2003a. The behaviour of nearshore bars on
weekly to yearly time scales determined from video imagery. Part 1: alongshore Google Earth.
uniform behaviour. Continental Shelf Research 23, 501–512.
van Enckevort, I.M.J., Ruessink, B.G., 2003b. The behaviour of nearshore bars on NOAA Coastal Services Center: Coastal Inundation Toolkit.
weekly to yearly time scales determined from video imagery. Part 2: alongshore
non-uniform behaviour. Continental Shelf Research 23, 513–532. NSW Government Land and Property Management Authority: Tweed River
van Houwelingen, S.T., Masselink, G., Bullard, J.E., 2008. Wave and tidal forcing of Entrance Sand Bypassing Project.
multiple intertidal bar dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33,
Vinther, N., Nielsen, J., Aagaard, T., 2004. Cyclic sand bar migration on a spit- CENTER: Field Research Facility.
platform in the Danish Wadden Sea – spit-platform morphology related to
variations in water level. Journal of Coastal Research 20, 672–679. USGS: St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Center.
Beach Morphodynamics 129

Biographical Sketch

Andrew Short is a coastal geomorphologist specializing in coastal processes and beach dynamics. He has degrees
from the University of Sydney, University of Hawaii, and Louisiana State University and has worked on the coasts
of North and South America, including north Alaska and Hawaii, Europe, New Zealand, and the entire Australian
coast. He is presently Honorary Professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney, Adjunct
Professor in the Griffith (University) Centre for Coastal Management, Senior Coastal Scientist (part-time) with, Scientific Adviser to Surf Life Saving Australia, Deputy Chair of National Surfing Reserves
(Australia), and on the Executive Committee of World Surfing Reserves. He also runs his own consultancy called
Coastal Studies and serves on the NSW Coastal Panel and the Eurobodalla Coastal Management Advisory
Committee. He has written 12 books including ‘The Coast of Australia’’ published in 2009, over 200 scientific
publications. His extensive contribution to both coastal science and beach safety was recognised on Australia Day
2010 with an Order of Australia Medal.
Short has also investigated all 10685 mainland beaches (inc Tasmania) plus another 1500 beaches on 30 major
islands, and all 1245 Australian coastal barrier systems. The beach information is available on line (http:// and as an Iphone app. It is also written up in an eight volume eight beach series, one for each state
and territory, published by Sydney University Press.

Derek Jackson is a Professor of Coastal Geomorphology at the Centre for Coastal & Marine Research, School of
Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. Since graduating in 1993 as PhD student of the
late Bill Carter at Ulster, he has focused his research efforts on examining coastal morphodynamics and geo-
morphology at a number of spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, this includes aeolian sediment transport on
beaches and dunes, nearshore wave/sediment transport processes as well as investigating long-term coastal
change. He has worked on beaches and dunes of the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Japan, and U.S.A. Prof.
Jackson acts as advisor to European Union and UK funding bodies and is a peer review college member for the UK
Natural Environment Research Council. He has published extensively in the field of coastal morphodynamics and
is currently co-director of the Centre for Coastal & Marine Research at the University of Ulster, a Fellow of the
Royal Geographical Society and Fellow of the Geological Society of London.
10.6 Nearshore Bars
RGD Davidson-Arnott, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.6.1 Introduction 130

10.6.2 Nearshore Bar Morphology 133
10.6.3 What Mechanism(s) Related to Waves, Currents, and Sediment Transport in the Nearshore Lead to the
Formation of Nearshore Bars? 136 Template Models of Bar Formation 137 Self-Organizational Models of Bar Formation 138
10.6.4 How Do Controls Such as Sediment Size, Nearshore Slope, and Wave Climate Determine Whether
Nearshore Bars Form on a Sandy Coast? 139
10.6.5 What Are the Mechanisms Related to Waves, Currents, and Sediment Transport That Control Morpho-
logical Change in Nearshore Bar Systems on a Time-Scale of Hours to Weeks and Months? 141
10.6.6 How Do Factors Such as Sediment Size, Nearshore Slope, and Wave Climate Interact with the Short-Term
Morphodynamics to Control the Number, Size, and Spacing of Bars in the Nearshore and Intertidal
Zones? 143
10.6.7 Summary and Conclusions 145
References 145

Glossary that generate fluctuations in the water level close to shore

Antinodal point A point associated with a standing wave with a period that is determined by the passage of a pair of
where the vertical motion is a maximum and horizontal high and low wave groups. This may also be termed
motion is zero. surf beat.
Bound long wave The long-period wave associated with Nodal point A point associated with a standing wave
the passage of a series of wave groups. The long wave travels where the vertical oscillation is zero and horizontal
at the speed of the wave groups and is therefore bound to movement is a maximum. The amplitude of the vertical
them. oscillation increases away from the nodal point.
Edge wave A wave formed as a result of the interaction of Progressive wave A wave on the water surface whose form
surface waves with a topographic boundary – commonly travels in a horizontal direction. Waves generated by winds
the beach, cliff, or seawall. Edge waves oscillate in an blowing across the sea surface are progressive waves and
alongshore direction and in addition may have one or more travel initially in the direction that the wind is blowing
undulations perpendicular to the shoreline. Edge waves toward.
may be either progressive or standing. Standing wave A wave on the water surface characterized
Infragravity waves Waves with a period much longer than by oscillations in the vertical plane but no movement of the
that of the incident wind waves. They may be produced by wave in the horizontal plane. May be formed as a result of
the interaction of incident waves with the beach or by the reflection of a wave from the shoreline and may also be
presence of alternating groups of higher and lower waves associated with the movement of tides in a basin.


Nearshore bars are formed in the nearshore and intertidal zone of shoaling and breaking waves. They are 0.25–4 m high,
25–150 m wide, and 50 m to several kilometers long. Most bars form parallel to the coast and have a gently sloping stoss
slope, rounded crest and a steeper lee slope that may approach the angle of repose. The most accepted models of bar
formation involve the convergence of onshore sand transport under shoaling and breaking waves with offshore transport by
undertow near the bed. Bars migrate offshore during storms accompanied by strong onshore winds. Onshore bar migration
occurs under swell waves during periods between storms and may lead to welding of the bar(s) with the beach if the period
between storms is sufficiently long.

Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2013. Nearshore bars. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in

Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 130–148.

130 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Nearshore Bars 131

10.6.1 Introduction Beginning in the mid-1970s, the development of fast re-

sponse pressure transducers, electromagnetic current meters,
Nearshore bars are large bedforms aligned roughly parallel to and optical backscatterance probes (Downing et al., 1981;
the shoreline that are present in the inner shoreface on many Sherman et al., Chapter 14.18) initiated a proliferation of field
sandy coasts (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; Short, experiments designed to measure waves, fluid flow, and sedi-
1999; Wijnberg and Kroon, 2002). They are typically asym- ment transport processes in the nearshore, including the
metric in profile with a relatively gentle seaward slope, a breaker and surf zones associated with both planar and barred
rounded or nearly flat crest, and a steeper landward slope with beaches (Huntley and Bowen, 1973; Wright et al., 1982;
a curved or rectilinear transition to the trough landward of the Sherman and Greenwood, 1984; Holman and Sallenger, 1993;
bar (Figure 1). The number of bars present ranges from 1 to 3 Aagaard et al., 1998), and this has been accelerated in the last
on most barred coasts, but in a few locations where the two decades with the work of large research groups associated
nearshore slope is very gentle it may exceed 10 (Greenwood with government institutions as well as individual universities
and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; Short and Aagaard, 1993; in Japan, Europe, and the USA (e.g., Seymour, 1989). These
Wijnberg and Kroon, 2002). Bar height and depth of water field experiments, together with advances in the development
over the bar crest scale with breaking wave height and increase of theoretical and numerical models of all forms of water
with distance offshore, as does the spacing between bars, motion and sediment transport have led to significant ad-
which is generally on the order of many tens of meters. In plan vances in our understanding of the short-term (seconds to
view, bar shape ranges from linear, to sinuous, to crescentic, hours) hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the inner
with increasing complexity close to the shoreline (Figures 2 nearshore, including barred beaches. They have also permitted
and 3). The innermost bar or bars (inner bar system) are the linkage of measurement of flow and sediment transport
commonly attached to shoal areas at the base of the foreshore processes with measurement of morphological change meas-
through transverse or crescentic bar forms and the alongshore ured over hours to days. However, except for measurements at
wave length corresponds to that of the dimensions of rip cell a few sites using specialised machines, towed sleds, or scaf-
circulation (Figures 2 and 3(a)). The bar or bars located fur- folding erected in the surf zone (e.g., Birkemeier and Mason,
ther offshore (outer bar system) are physically separated from 1978; Sallenger et al., 1983), continuous measurement of
direct interaction with the beach. Visual observations, re- morphological change has proven difficult under energetic
peated profiling, and monitoring using video and still cameras conditions beyond the intertidal zone. Point measurements
have shown a wide range of bar dynamics with onshore, off- can be obtained using some form of sonar, an array of light-
shore, and alongshore movement, and changes in the form emitting diodes, or resistance staff (e.g., Greenwood et al.,
and number of bars all being recorded over periods ranging 1993; Aagaard et al., 2001), but these are generally expensive
from o1 day to weeks and months. Short-term measurements and subject to erosion, burial, or saturation of the signal by
of waves, currents, and sediment transport associated with high concentrations of sediment near the bed.
nearshore bars show that the bars have a significant impact on The difficulties of measuring hydrodynamics and sediment
the characteristics and location of wave breaking, longshore, transport in the field resulted in numerous studies of the
and rip current generation and on the patterns, direction, and controls on nearshore bar formation in wave tanks (Keulegan,
magnitude of instantaneous sediment transport. 1948; Watts, 1955). However, results of the early studies
As is true for most geomorphological studies, the history of proved to be misleading because of the use of monochromatic
research on nearshore bars reflects in part the growth in the waves and major scaling problems associated with small wave
technology available to measure both morphological change tanks and natural sediment, as well as beach slopes that were
and the dynamics of fluid flow and sediment transport in an unrealistically steep. It is only recently that studies using much
energetic environment where such measurements are quite larger wave tanks, which avoid scale issues, and random wave
difficult. The few studies of nearshore bars before 1945 were generators have provided an opportunity to carry out realistic
largely qualitative observations of the number and spacing of studies of bar formation in the laboratory, though still pri-
bars in selected locations and some measurements using sur- marily on 2D profiles (Kraus and Larson, 1988; Wang et al.,
veying and sounding (Evans, 1940 – see also earlier work cited 2003; Van Thiel de Vries et al., 2008).
in this paper). After 1945 through to the mid-1970s, field Although advances in surveying techniques, especially the
studies of nearshore bars consisted primarily of mapping their development of DGPS have made the task of surveying and
form and movement through repeated surveys using a com- echo sounding easier, repeated measurements over time-scales
bination of standard surveying equipment and echo sounding of weeks to months are time-consuming and expensive. At
from a small boat, and through analysis of aerial photographs time-scales longer than a few weeks, measurement of bar
(King and Williams, 1949; Shepard, 1950; Clos-Arceduc, movement and changes in bar numbers and location have
1962; Hom-ma and Sonu, 1962; Davis et al., 1972; Green- been enhanced by repeated surveys carried out at fixed piers
wood and Davidson-Arnott, 1975; Exon, 1975; Short, 1979). such as the Field Research Facility of the US Corps of Engin-
Concurrent measurements of hydrodynamics and sediment eers at Duck, North Carolina (Plant et al., 1999; Reeve et al.,
transport were rare and largely confined to measurements of 2007), and by measurement of changes in the plan form and
wave transformation and nearshore circulation using wave location of bars over periods of months and years using video
staffs and drogues. Some indirect measures of sediment and still photography such as the Argus system (Shand et al.,
transport were obtained through the study of bedforms and 2001; van Enckevort and Ruessink, 2003a, 2003b; Ranasinghe
sedimentary structures (Clifton et al., 1971; Davidson-Arnott et al., 2004; Holman and Stanley, 2007; Harley et al., 2011;
and Greenwood, 1974, 1976). Ojeda et al., 2011).
132 Nearshore Bars

High water level

Mean water level

Water depth (m)

2.0−4.5° 2

0 100 200 300 400 500 600



Elevation (m)



0 200 400 600 800 1000
(b) Distance (m)

Mean water level

Water depth (m)


0 50 100 150 200




Depth (m)

−1.5 MLLW


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
(d) Offshore distance (m)

Figure 1 Nearshore bar profiles: (a) Two-bar system with an inner and outer bar showing the landward asymmetry of the bar form and typical
values for the seaward and landward bar slopes. Note the distinct break in slope at the seaward margin of the outer bar. The dashed red line is the
average profile slope from the base of the foreshore to this point and suggests that the bars are built up above the equilibrium slope while the
troughs are excavated below it. Profile from Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick. Reproduced from Greenwood, B., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1979.
Sedimentation and equilibrium in wave-formed bars: a review and case study. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16, 312–332. (b) Profile of a 3-
bar system, Skallingen, Denmark. Reproduced from Aagaard, T., Davidson-Arnott, R., Greenwood B., Nielsen, J., 2004. Sediment supply from
shoreface to dunes: linking sediment transport measurements and long term morphological evolution. Geomorphology 60, 205–224. DNN
corresponds to the Danish ordnance datum and is 0.14 m above mean water level. (c) Profile across a multiple bar system, Wasaga Beach, Lake
Huron, Canada. After Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., McDonald, R.A., 1989. Nearshore water motion and mean flows in a multiple parallel bar system.
Marine Geology 86, 321–338. (d) Profile across a multiple-bar system in the intertidal and subtidal zones, Linden Beach, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Reproduced from Dawson, J.C., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., Ollerhead, J., 2002. Low-energy morphodynamics of a ridge and runnel system. Journal of
Coastal Research Special Issue 36, 198–215.
Nearshore Bars 133

Outer bar

Straight bars Crescentic bars

Transverse bars

Inner bar


Figure 2 Sketch of common bar forms in the inner and outer bar systems.

Although much work remains to be carried out on the 10.6.2 Nearshore Bar Morphology
morphodynamics of nearshore bars at both short and me-
dium timescales, we now have a much better understanding of Sandy beach systems where the nearshore profile is developed
the linkages between hydrodynamics and sediment transport entirely in sediments normally have an equilibrium form that
in the inner nearshore and the mechanism controlling the reflects a response to the characteristic wave climate and to the
formation, migration, and 3D morphology of nearshore bars sediment size distribution across the shoreface. The shoreface
and at least partial answers to fundamental questions about profile is generally exponential, with the slope increasing
the origin of bars and controls on their dynamics at time- toward the beach and may be described by an equation of the
scales ranging from hours to years (e.g., Aagaard and Hughes, form (Dean, 1991; Dean et al., 1993):
Chapter 10.4). Reviews of the post-1960s literature on bar
morphology and of some of the early theoretical models for h ¼ Asm ½1
bar dynamics are provided in Greenwood and Davidson-
Arnott (1979), Aagaard and Masselink (1999), Wijnberg and
where h is the depth at an offshore distance X, A is an em-
Kroon (2002), Greenwood (2005) and Davidson-Arnott
pirical coefficient which is a function of the settling velocity of
(2010, Chapter 7). Rather than going over similar ground,
the characteristic sediment particle size, and the exponent m is
the focus of this section is on reviewing recent progress in
generally assigned a value of 2/3. The form of the equilibrium
providing answers to four fundamental questions concerning
profile on sandy beaches is relatively smooth and featureless
the controls on nearshore bar morphodynamics. These ques-
seaward of the inflection point that marks the transition to
tions are:
the lower shoreface, and the fit to the exponential profile in
eqn [1] is generally very good. However, the upper shoreface,
1. What mechanism(s) related to waves, currents, and sedi-
and particularly the zone landward of the outermost breaker
ment transport in the nearshore lead to the formation of
line, can exhibit considerable variation in form, both tempo-
nearshore bars?
rally and spatially, and these variations are not predicted by
2. How do controls such as sediment size, nearshore slope,
the equation. Four characteristic profile forms can be recog-
and wave climate determine whether nearshore bars form
nized (Figure 4): (1) nonbarred systems with a smooth, pla-
on a sandy coast? What is the link between these and the
nar to curvilinear profile seaward from the low tide line; (2)
mechanism(s) responsible for nearshore bar generation?
barred systems characterized by the presence of one or more
3. What are the mechanisms related to waves and currents
bars and associated troughs all year round; (3) profiles that
and that control morphological change in nearshore bar
alternate between barred and nonbarred, often on a seasonal
systems on a time scale of hours to weeks and months?
basis; and (4) profiles with two or more ‘semi-permanent’ bars
4. How do factors such as sediment size, nearshore slope,
in the intertidal zone and generally one or more in the sub-
and wave climate interact with the short-term morphody-
tidal zone. On nonbarred profiles the surf zone will vary in
namics to control the number, size, and spacing of bars
width depending on wave height, and there is no preferential
in the nearshore and intertidal zones and their range
location for wave breaking. On barred profiles the seaward
over time?
slope of each bar is relatively steep and breaking is preferen-
Section 10.6.2 comprises a brief summary of nearshore bar tially located on or seaward of the bar crest(s) with reduced
occurrence and morphology and thus provides the back- breaking or wave reformation in the troughs.
ground material necessary to address the four questions posed Profiles from beaches with restricted fetch where bars are
above. Sections 10.6.3–10.6.6 focus on each of the questions present all year round offer the best opportunity to examine
in turn, and Section 10.6.7 provides a summary, conclusions, relationships between bar properties and controls. Some of
and future prospects. the earliest papers on bars (Evans, 1940; King and Williams,
134 Nearshore Bars




Figure 3 Photographs showing a range of bar forms in the nearshore and intertidal zone: (a) Vertical aerial photograph taken in 1997 at
Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward Island, showing a complex shore-attached shoal area with transverse and linear bars and occasional rip
channels. The second bar in the inner system is highly crescentic with distinct shoals at the horns and crescentic bars on the seaward side with
relatively deep troughs and rip channels. The third bar, which is part of the outer bar system, is sinuous to crescentic and shows no evidence of
rip cell circulation. A fourth bar lies further offshore in deeper water. Note that the alongshore length scale of the third bar is much larger than
that of the inner bars. See Figure 8 for a profile across this system. (b) Straight multiple parallel bars on a very gentle nearshore slope at
Wasaga Beach, Canada – see profile in Figure 1(c). (c) Intertidal and subtidal bars at Linden Beach Canada – see profile in Figure 1(d).
Nearshore Bars 135



Storm profile





Figure 4 Beach and nearshore profiles illustrating the four main morphodynamic responses to varying wave climate: (a) planar nonbarred
profile all year round; (b) barred profile all year round; (c) profile alternating between barred and nonbarred states; (d) profile with permanent
bars in the intertidal and sub-tidal zones.

1949) established that the height and spacing of bars tend to equilibrium depth associated with the height of the breaking
increase offshore as does the depth of water over the bar crest. waves (King and Williams, 1949; Greenwood and Davidson-
On occasion, the outermost bar is lower than the next one Arnott, 1975; Sallenger et al., 1985; Houser and Greenwood,
landward, and this is likely because it is only occasionally 2005; Price and Ruessink, 2011).
active or is in a state of decay (Ruessink and Kroon, 1994; It is possible to classify bars on the basis of their morph-
Aagaard et al., 2010). Profiles from 12 fetch-limited sites in the ology (cross-shore and alongshore form), location, and dy-
Great Lakes and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Davidson-Arnott, 1988) namics (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; Wijnberg
show the general trend related to bar height and spacing and Kroon, 2002). Bars are generally asymmetric in cross-
(Figure 5(a)). This study also found that the number of bars sectional form, with the landward slope being steeper than the
was highly correlated with the nearshore slope and that there seaward slope (Figure 1(a)), and the slope in shallow water
was a much weaker tendency for bar number to increase with may approach the angle of repose (Davis and Fox, 1972; Davis
increasing fetch length (a surrogate for deep water wave height et al., 1972; Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1974; Dabrio
(H0)) for the same nearshore slope (Figures 5(b) and 5(c)). and Polo, 1981). On a multiple bar profile, the height of the
This is at least in part related to the distance offshore at which outer bar and depth of water over the crest is roughly equal to
initial wave breaking occurs and thus the width of the zone the significant wave height of storm waves (Figure 1). The
available for wave reformation before breaking is initiated on height of subsequent bars and the spacing between them de-
the succeeding bar. The height of the bars and depth of water creases landward as they respond either to smaller waves
over the crest also increases seaward and is roughly pro- during lesser storms or to waves that have already broken and
portional to the height of the breaking waves associated with lost height over the seaward bars (King and Williams, 1949;
them (Pruszak et al., 1997). Observations suggest that during Davidson-Arnott, 1988). In general, as the nearshore profile
large storms, bars migrate offshore until they are in an slope becomes flatter, the number of bars on the profile
136 Nearshore Bars

Distance offshore (m)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
East Christian Island
W. Beckwith Island
0 Christian Island
−2 E. Beckwith Island 6 4

Outer bar height (m)

0 5 r = 0.86 r = 0.67
Thunder Beach

Number of bars
−4 3
1 4
0 Little Sable Point
3 2
1 Wasaga Beach
Depth (m)

−4 1
2 1
0 Wendake Beach
−1 0 0
−2.2 −2.0 −1.8 −1.6 −1.4 −1.2 −2.2 −2.0 −1.8 −1.6 −1.4 −1.2
0 Long Point
Log nearshore slope Maximum fetch length (km)
6 800
Depth to outer bar crest (m)

Distance offshore to outer

0 Sauble Beach
−3 5 r = 0.67 r = −0.68
1 600
0 Kouchibouguac Bay 4

bar (m)
−6 3 400
Van Wagners Beach
−6 200
0 Pinery, South 1
−5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Depth (m)

0 (b) Maximum fetch length (km) Nearshore slope

Magdalen Island

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

(a) Distance offshore (m)

Figure 5 Morphological variations in nearshore profiles for 14 fetch-limited sites in the Great Lakes and Gulf of St. Lawrence characterized by
the presence of bars all year round: (a) profile form; (b) plots of regressions between morphological properties of the bars shown in (a) and
various parameters thought to control profile characteristics. Reproduced from Figures 2 and 3 in Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 1988. Controls on the
formation and form of barred nearshore profiles. Geographical Review 78, 185–193, with permission from American Geographical Society.

increases, and in some areas with a very gentle slope in fine 10.6.3 What Mechanism(s) Related to Waves,
sediments more than five bars may be present (Exon, 1975; Currents, and Sediment Transport in the
Davidson-Arnott and Pember, 1980; see Figures 1(c) and Nearshore Lead to the Formation of
3(b)). In plan view, bars may be continuous and linear in a Nearshore Bars?
shore-parallel direction, or they may be crescentic with
crescent horns closer to the shoreline (Figure 2). Close to Many conceptual, theoretical, and numerical models exist for
shore, bars are commonly broken alongshore by rip currents the formation of nearshore bars. Unfortunately, it is difficult
and may be attached to the lower foreshore at shoal areas to test these in the field because of a number of practical
(Figure 3(a)). On gently sloping beaches, bars may extend problems, most notably that there are only a few areas where
into the intertidal zone and are dynamically stable. Recent bar generation from a planar bed can be expected (e.g., the
work (Kroon and Masselink, 2002; Dawson et al., 2002; west coast of the USA and the New South Wales coast of
Masselink, 2004; Masselink et al., 2006) has shown that these Australia) and thus make it possible to design a field experi-
ridge and runnel bars are maintained by the same cross-shore ment to monitor conditions during such an event. In these
processes as subtidal bars when they are submerged at high areas where seasonal onshore migration under large swell
tide (Figure 3(c)). In contrast, inner bars that migrate into waves can produce a completely planar profile, bar generation
the intertidal zone are generally characterized by a distinct generally takes place during major storm events, with the new
slip face formed by sand avalanching down the landward bar becoming established several hundred meters offshore
face of the bar, and the process may result in the welding of (Shepard, 1950; Short, 1979; Wright and Short, 1983).
the bar onto the beach face (Davis et al., 1972; Masselink However, to date no field experiments have been carried out
et al., 2006). with the explicit aim of measuring wave and current processes
Nearshore Bars 137

during the formation of a nearshore bar. Because of the cha- generated in the surf zone by surf beat, bound long waves, and
otic conditions present during these large storm events, it is edge waves. Bars are thought to form in areas of net convergence
not even clear whether bars form close to the shoreline and of the drift velocities associated with the standing wave – under
migrate offshore, or form near the location of the outer either the nodal or the antinodal points. Such waves may
breaker zone. The only unequivocal field measurements produce either linear forms or three-dimensional crescentic
made during bar generation appear to be those reported by forms (Short, 1975; Bowen, 1980; Bowen and Inman, 1971;
Aagaard et al. (2008), who rather fortuitously had instruments Carter et al., 1973; Holman, 1983; Roelvink and Stive, 1989;
deployed close to shore during a storm event where an inner Bauer and Greenwood, 1990; O’Hare and Huntley, 1994). One
nearshore bar was formed. Bar generation from a planar attribute of the standing wave and edge wave models is that
profile has been observed on numerous occasions in they account for the presence of multiple bar systems (e.g.,
wave tank studies. Few of these have reproduced conditions Carter et al., 1973; Short, 1975; Aagaard, 1990). One of the
observed in the field and most, if not all, have scaling issues earliest and most persistent models was that relating crescentic
that reduce confidence in their applicability to the nearshore bar formation and form to the presence of edge
prototype scale. waves (Figure 6). The number of bars is determined by the
Although it is difficult, therefore, to assess directly from modal number (n) of the edge wave (the modal number defines
field experiments the validity of a model of bar generation, the number of times the standing wave crosses the still water
some criteria from field measurements of the dynamics of line in the offshore direction; Huntley, Chapter 10.3), and the
existing nearshore bars and from measurements and obser- wave length of the crescent is equal to half the alongshore wave
vations of conditions where bars are present and where bar length of the edge wave. The edge wave length for a beach of
formation occurs should be met by the model if it is to be uniform slope can be derived from (Ursell, 1952):
given credibility. These criteria include:
1. Bar generation should occur with a nearshore bed slope in Le ¼ sin½ð2n þ 1Þb ½2
the range of 0.005–0.03 (1:200–1:35);
2. Bar generation should occur under conditions with large where Le is the wave length of the edge wave, Te is the edge
storm waves and a broad-banded spectrum; wave period, n is the modal number of the edge wave, and b is
3. Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics during the final the beach slope. On real beaches with varying slope angles,
stages of bar generation should be similar to those reported this needs to be modified to produce reasonable results
from field measurements;
4. The model should demonstrate some form of feedback
effect that reinforces the initial perturbation of the near- y/L
shore profile; 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0
5. The cross-shore bar dimensions (height and length) and
slope of the seaward and landward faces should be similar
to those of bars found at locations with a similar sediment 0
size, slope, and wave climate.
It should be noted that the first two criteria are rarely met
in wave tank experiments.
Models of bar formation can be placed into: (1) template 0.25
models in which an existing pattern in the hydrodynamics
forces the generation of the bar in a particular location or
locations and there is no feedback between the hydro-
dynamics and the resulting morphology (e.g., Bowen and
Inman, 1971; Carter et al., 1973); and (2) self-organizational
models in which the bars develop from an initial perturb-
ation and there is continuous feedback between hydro-
dynamics, sediment transport, and morphology (e.g.,
Blondeaux, 2001; van Enckevort et al., 2004; Greenwood, 0.25
2005; Coco and Murray, 2007; Falqués et al., 2008). All in- n=2
volve a mechanism or mechanisms that result in a con-
vergence of drift velocities and resulting sediment transport
so that eventually equilibrium is achieved where the time- 0.5
averaged sediment transport is zero everywhere on the profile
(Greenwood, 2005).
Figure 6 The theoretical form of crescentic bars generated by mode 1
(a) and mode 2 (b) edge waves. A mode 0 edge wave has no zero-
crossings of the still water surface and therefore rhythmic topography Template Models of Bar Formation is confined to the beach face in the form of cusps. Note that the wave
lengths of the two bars associated with a mode 2 edge wave are the
Template models include the presence of a variety of low- same. Reproduced from Bowen, A.J., Inman, D.L., 1971. Edge waves
frequency, standing waves in the surf zone, including those and crescentic bars. Journal of Geophysical Research 76, 8862–8871.
138 Nearshore Bars

(Holman and Bowen, 1979). A weakness of the edge wave and plunging, so that there is little or no penetration of vor-
model is that it predicts a single wave length for all bars, tices down to the bed in the trough – or even on the bar crest.
whereas field studies generally show that the alongshore wave A better proposed mechanism for bar generation is related
length of outer crescentic bars is greater than that of the as- to the presence of offshore flows in the form of undertow
sociated inner bar (see Figure 3(a)). (Wright et al., 1982; Svendsen, 1984a, 1984b; Greenwood
A major limitation of template models is that the drift and Sherman, 1984; Stive and Wind, 1986; Davidson-Arnott
velocities associated with them are very small compared to and McDonald, 1989; Sallenger and Howd, 1989; Haines and
those associated with waves and wave-generated currents Sallenger, 1994; Thornton et al., 1996; Reniers et al., 2004;
such as undertow and rip cell circulation (Aagaard and Aagaard and Vinther, 2008). Seaward of the breaker zone,
Greenwood, 2008). Another major limitation is that standing sediment transport is generally landward under shoaling
wave models generally require that the energy be concen- waves due to velocity skewness or asymmetry, whereas wave
trated in a dominant wave frequency. Most measurements setup in the surf zone generates undertow that transports
of infragravity energy during storms show that it is broad- sediment seaward close to the bed, with flow speed decreasing
banded (Holland and Holman, 1999; Reniers et al., 2004; in the breaker zone (Figure 7). The erosion and offshore
Aagaard and Greenwood, 2008). Standing waves produce transport of sediments by the undertow aids in the excavation
convergence and deposition under nodal points if bedload is of a trough. Convergence in the breaker zone results in sedi-
dominant, whereas it occurs under the antinodes if sus- ment deposition that generates the bar (Dyhr-Nielsen and
pended sediment is dominant (Carter et al., 1973; Short, Sørensen, 1970; Dally and Dean, 1984; Dally, 1987). As the
1975). Under energetic storm wave conditions, suspended bar forms there is likely some positive feedback because the
sediment transport is thought to be dominant in the breaker increasing angle of the seaward slope and the shallower water
and surf zones, whereas bedload transport might be expected depth on the bar crest leads to increased wave breaking
to be dominant some distance seaward (though this may be (both the proportion of waves that break and the intensity
influenced by sediment size and by bed roughness related to of breaking will increase). As a result, wave setup and the
bedform type). Selection of a dominant cut-off frequency strength of the undertow are enhanced and the zone of sedi-
might result from topographic controls (Kirby et al., 1981) or ment transport convergence becomes more focussed (Holman
a cut-off mode related to wave groups or surf beat (Aagaard, and Sallenger, 1993; Garcez-Faria et al., 2000). This mech-
1990; Baldock et al., 2010). Given the low slopes associated anism was documented by Aagaard et al. (2008) as being re-
with all barred coasts, the topographic control hypothesis sponsible for the bar formation observed in the inner bar
seems unlikely. As a result, template models are no longer system at Vejers, Denmark.
favored as a primary control on bar generation (Bryan and A number of models of sediment transport (Aagaard and
Bowen, 1997; van Enckevort et al., 2004), though it is still Hughes, Chapter 10.4) now exist that are based primarily on
possible that net sediment transport patterns for sediment some application of the energetics approach (Bagnold, 1963;
suspended by incident waves may be influenced by infra- Bowen, 1980; Bailard, 1981) and are able to produce bar
gravity energy (Aagaard and Greenwood, 2008). Finally, the formation and offshore migration under shoaling and break-
influence of group-bound long waves in the surf zone has ing waves (Gallagher et al., 1998; Drønen and Deigaard, 2007;
received increasing recognition (Osborne and Greenwood, Masselink et al., 2008). Ideally an equilibrium position is
1992; O’Hare and Huntley, 1994; Baldock et al., 2010) and reached where the depth of water over the crest produces just
merits further attention in relation to the morphodynamics sufficient breaking to generate an undertow that balances the
of developing and established bars. landward transport under shoaling waves. In practice this
equilibrium is seldom achieved precisely because the wave
conditions during a storm rarely remain constant for a long
enough period for bar migration to reach this position. Self-Organizational Models of Bar Formation
A model of bar formation due to eddy diffusivity (Black
The most promising models of nearshore bar generation are et al., 2002) also relies primarily on incident waves and the
self-organizational models that are related to the convergence diffusion of sediment put in suspension due to wave breaking.
of transport under breaking waves. The earliest hypotheses A proposed model of bar formation due to nonlinear inter-
were related to the excavation of sediment by vortices associ- action between shoaling incident waves and the bed (Boczar-
ated with plunging breakers to form a trough and the move- Karakiewicz and Davidson-Arnott, 1987) can also be placed in
ment of some of this material offshore to form the bar. This is the category of self-organizational models.
readily observed in small wave tanks (Keulegan, 1948; King Unlike models of bar formation by standing waves, which
and Williams, 1949) with regular waves (constant height and explicitly include the possibility of multiple zones of con-
period), although there is some doubt as to whether the fea- vergence and thus multiple bar formation under a particular
ture produced is the scale equivalent of a true nearshore bar. set of conditions, the cross-shore flow mechanism is related to
However, in the field with irregular waves, the breaker location a single break point. In some instances an extreme event can
for plunging waves is highly variable, and stable bars do not ‘reset’ the whole surf zone, but generally, if bars are present in
appear to form due to this mechanism. In addition, growth of the nearshore, their position shifts in response to breaker lo-
the bar results in wave breaking taking place on the seaward cation and to the rate of energy dissipation on the outer bar;
slope and bar crest, not in the trough, so that the mechanism that is, there is morphological feedback between the location
is not self-reinforcing. Steep storm waves break primarily as and depth of water over the bar crests and wave breaking
spilling breakers, or in forms intermediate between spilling (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1975, 1979; Short and
Nearshore Bars 139

Bar initiation
Winds, waves
Wave and wind set up Wide breaker zone

Bar established
Wave and wind set up
Narrow breaker zone

Sand transport direction Net water motion

Figure 7 Sketch of the sediment transport patterns associated with bar formation through the convergence near the breaker zone of onshore
transport under shoaling and breaking waves and offshore transport in the undertow. The growth of the bar form leads to a narrowing of the
breaker zone and increased breaker intensity.

Aagaard, 1993; Castelle et al., 2010a, 2010b; Price and Rues- on some form of surf similarity parameter (Galvin, 1968;
sink, 2011). Thus, during major storm events, multiple break Guza and Inman, 1975; Battjes, 1974), with sediment
points are common, with zones of wave reformation in the size being used as a surrogate for slope. Wright and Short
landward troughs (Figure 8). The presence of wave setup and (1984) used the dimensionless fall velocity parameter O
offshore flows in the form of undertow over multiple bar to distinguish between non-barred (reflective) and barred
systems has been measured in the field (Davidson-Arnott and (intermediate and dissipative) beaches on microtidal coasts in
McDonald, 1989; Greenwood and Osborne, 1990). Australia:

O ¼ Hb =Ws T ½3
10.6.4 How Do Controls Such as Sediment Size,
Nearshore Slope, and Wave Climate where Hb is the breaking wave height, Ws is the fall velocity
Determine Whether Nearshore Bars Form on associated with the mean particle size, and T is wave period.
a Sandy Coast? Reflective beaches occur for values of Oo1, dissipative beaches
for O46, and intermediate beaches are associated with values
Observations in the field and in large-scale laboratory of O in between. This appears to work quite well for the wave
experiments all suggest that where the upper shoreface is climate of much of the east and south coast of Australia.
completely developed in sand, the equilibrium form can However, no explicit link occurs between the parameter and
be predicted using three variables: wave height (H), wave conditions that give rise to the generation of bars. A number
period (T), and sediment size (diameter D or settling velocity of other similar parameters have been derived, each with
w). The way in which these three interact to control the different critical values (e.g., Sunamura, 1988; Kraus and
equilibrium form is complex because, for example, breaker Larson, 1988). Based on this relationship (Short, 1999), re-
location is dependent on the absolute value of H, the type flective nonbarred beaches can be expected to occur wherever
of wave breaking is controlled by wave steepness H/L, nearshore and beach sediment is coarser than 2–4 mm in
where wavelength L is dependent on T as well as water diameter. Nonbarred sandy beaches occur on coasts domin-
depth, and sediment size is an important control on nearshore ated by waves with low steepness (H/L) values, such as those
slope. Sediment size also influences bed roughness and associated with swell waves propagated over very long
the proportion of sediment transported as bed load versus distances or where waves have been refracted into sheltered
suspended sediment load – this is clearly a critical factor embayments.
for models based on offshore transport by undertow. Predic- Dissipative beaches that have bars present in the profile
tion of the equilibrium profile form can therefore be based continuously are characterized (Short, 1999) as the high-
140 Nearshore Bars

B4 T4



−2 T2
Depth (m)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
(b) Distance offshore (m)
Figure 8 (a) Wave breaking on multiple bars with zones of wave reformation in the troughs between them, Greenwich Dunes, Prince Edward
Island; (b) nearshore profile showing the presence of two bars in the outer bar system. The numbered bars and troughs in the photograph
correspond to those on the profile.

energy end of the beach spectrum with gentle nearshore slopes these locations seems to be wave steepness rather than the
producing a wide surf zone and spilling breakers. They are absolute wave height because multiple parallel bars typical of
associated with open coasts exposed to long-period swell, dissipative beaches occur even in areas where the significant
but where storm events producing high, short-period waves wave height during storms is o1 m (Exon, 1975; Davidson-
occur at almost any time of year (e.g., the New South Wales Arnott and Pember, 1980). Intermediate beaches exhibit a
coast of Australia and west coast of New Zealand), and thus wide range of bar morphology and may become nonbarred
there is insufficient time between storm events for removal of for periods of time if they are exposed to long period, rela-
the bar. tively low steepness, swell waves during periods between
Bars also occur on exposed coasts with restricted fetch storms (Shepard, 1950; Wright and Short, 1984). The classic
lengths (e.g., the Great Lakes, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, fair-weather (summer) planar profile and storm (winter)
and Alaska) or where swell wave activity is limited (e.g., the barred profiles characteristic of the California coast are an
east coast of Canada and the USA). In these areas the outer extreme example of this, with creation of a barred profile
bars are active during storms and become inactive during the occurring during winter storms and the bars migrating
nonstorm periods (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; shoreward or dissipating under the summer swell wave
Wijnberg and Kroon, 2002). The inner bars may also remain conditions.
largely inactive on leeward coasts but migrate onshore on Dalrymple (1992), using large wave tank data from Kraus
windward coasts. A primary control on bar formation in and Larsen (Kraus and Larson, 1988; Larson and Kraus, 1989),
Nearshore Bars 141

developed a single predictor using deep water waves: development. Thus, Sandbanks Beach on the north-east coast
of St. Kitts has a gradient of about 0.006 and mean grain
P ¼ H02 =W 3 T ½4 size about 0.15 mm. Typical waves reaching the bay during
the period when the trade winds are strongest have values
Barred profiles occur for values of P410 400. A com- for Hb of 0.75–1.25 m, and T from 4 to 7 s, putting the
parison with typical field values for H, T, and W for barred beach well within the barred category predicted using eqn [4]
coasts in the Great Lakes and Gulf of St. Lawrence (described (Dalrymple, 1992) and the dissipative beach category using
in Davidson-Arnott, 1988) suggests that this parameter works eqn [3] (Wright and Short, 1984). Rip currents do not appear
well for small grain sizes and relatively low wave heights, but to form on this beach, nor on the more exposed beaches of
more exposed sites with larger waves and/or larger grain size North Friar’s Beach and North Frigate Beach a few kilometers
are classified as nonbarred. This suggests that the cut-off values to the west (Davidson-Arnott, 2010, Chapter 8), so that return
derived from the wave tank testing may not work well in the flow occurs as undertow, thus favoring bar development under
field and may reflect the two-dimensional nature of wave the model described in the previous section. Similarly, a wide,
tank experiments, the simple waves used, and the commonly dissipative beach is formed at Jericoacoara, on the north-east
steeper gradients than are normally associated with bar for- coast of Brazil on an area with persistent trade winds during
mation. It also emphasizes the point that in the prototype, the summer months but where no bars are present.
wave conditions likely vary over the course of a bar-forming The absence of bars in these areas may indicate the exist-
event and choosing values for H and T for field conditions is ence of a threshold for bar generation that reflects both the
not simple. intensity of suspended sediment generation within the breaker
The use of the terms dissipative and reflective as applied to zone and a strong enough undertow close to the bed to pro-
beach states in the Wright and Short model (Wright and Short, duce a net offshore transport, and the convergence necessary
1983, 1984) probably deserve some reappraisal. Many non- to initiate bar development. In mid-latitudes, bar initiation
barred beaches are gently sloping and not reflective – waves appears to occur primarily during intense storms where the
breaking on them dissipate their energy over a relatively wide undertow is enhanced by wind setup due to strong onshore
surf zone with no bars present (Figure 9). winds. It is possible that the relatively light trade winds do not
Most sandy beaches in the Caribbean are nonbarred des- generate sufficient undertow to cross this threshold. Thus,
pite conditions on the windward coast that should favor bar while we have a reasonable explanation for the generation of a
nonbarred profile under persistent conditions of low, long-
period swell waves, we do not have a similar explanation for
the absence of bars in these areas that are not subject to long-
period swell.

10.6.5 What Are the Mechanisms Related to Waves,

Currents, and Sediment Transport That
Control Morphological Change in Nearshore
Bar Systems on a Time-Scale of Hours to
Weeks and Months?

The descriptive beach stage model of Wright and Short (1984)

(a) and subsequent minor modifications to include work by
Sunamura (1988) and Lippman and Holman (1990) is the
most complete schematic explanation of the morphodynamic
behavior of nearshore bar systems (Figure 10(a); Short and
Jackson, Chapter 10.5). The complete accretionary sequence
for a single bar system begins with the dissipative stage with a
straight outer bar generated by wave breaking, as spilling
breakers. This occurs a considerable distance offshore, and
sediment transport is dominated by return flow close to the
bed and relatively uniform alongshore during a major storm.
Under nonstorm conditions, the bar migrates landward under
shoaling waves and plunging breakers. Return flow is dom-
inated by rip cell circulation that produces a crescentic form to
the bars with the bar crescent located where the rip current
flows offshore (Figure 10(a)). In relatively deep water the
(b) collective migration of the bar is likely driven by asymmetric
Figure 9 Photographs showing dissipative beaches with no bars: flows under shoaling or weakly breaking waves, and the
(a) swell waves breaking on a gently sloping beach, west coast of landward slope of the bar is less than that associated with
Ireland; (b) wave breaking on North Frigate Beach, windward coast of avalanching (Hsu et al., 2006; Ruessink et al., 2007; van
St. Kitts (West Indies). Maanen et al., 2008). However, where the bar crest is in
142 Nearshore Bars

Straight bar Crescentic bar
Weak Rip Rip
Breaker Zone
200 Bar



0 High tide cusps

Normal waves Oblique
waves Oblique waves
Crescentic bar Rip
200 Breakers


Mega High tide
0 cusp cusps Mega cusp
horn embayment

Normal waves Oblique



Welded bar High tide

0 cusps

Normal waves Oblique Oblique
waves Normal waves
200 Minor rip
Mini-rip Breakers

Ridge Terrace

High tide cusps Skewed

0 Runnel

Figure 10 Plan view of the sequence of beach and nearshore morphology for a wave-dominated sandy beach for accretionary (left) and erosional
(right) wave conditions. Reproduced from Figure 7.4 in Short, A.D., 1999. Wave-dominated beaches. In: Short, A.D. (Ed.), Handbook of Beach and
Shoreface Morphodynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, pp. 173–203, based on Short, 1979; Wright and Short, 1984; Sunamura, 1988;
Lippman and Holman, 1990. LBT¼ Longshore Bar Trough; RBB¼Rhythmic Bar and Beach; TBR¼Transverse Bar Rip.

relatively shallow water, wave breaking is more complete, es- 1972; Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1974; Gómez-Pujol
pecially at low tide. This leads to the generation of surf bores et al., 2011). If the fair weather conditions persist for long
across the bar crest with enhanced rates of landward transport enough, the bars pass through the intermediate stages of
leading to the generation of a slip face ridge (Davis et al., rhythmic bar and beach (RBB) and transverse bar rip (TBR),
Nearshore Bars 143

and finally to a reflective beach with no bars present. The limited, changes in bar number and location may occur within
model also shows that on intermediate beaches, the bar sys- a relatively narrow range (Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott,
tems may be reset by storm wave action before a completely 1975; Reichmüth and Anthony, 2007). On other coasts, such
planar profile is produced. The model can be used for systems as the New South Wales coast of Australia, a wide range of bar
where two or more bars are formed (Short and Aagaard, topographies may be present, but here swell wave activity
1993). Further observations of nearshore bar behavior using seems to be dominant, so that bar migration is primarily
the Argus monitoring system in, for example, New South onshore and is reset during relatively infrequent storms.
Wales (Ranasinghe et al., 2004) and Queensland (Price and Coasts where offshore bar migration appears to dominate,
Ruessink, 2011), Australia, have provided evidence for the such as the Dutch coast, may reflect a much greater frequency
robustness of the stages originally detailed by Short (1979) of storm events relative to periods dominated by long-period
and Wright and Short (1984). swell. As results from the medium-term monitoring of near-
On coasts subject to long periods of fair weather accom- shore bar behavior become available from a larger number of
panied by swell waves large enough to move sediments on the coasts, it should be possible to refine our understanding of
bar, such as the coast of California, the full cycle may be these relationships (Kroon et al., 2008).
completed annually. In other areas where there is more lim-
ited exposure to large swell and/or the length of fair-weather
periods is much shorter, the full cycle is rarely or never com-
pleted. In fetch-limited environments, where swell is generally 10.6.6 How Do Factors Such as Sediment Size,
absent, the outer bar(s) remain inactive during fair-weather Nearshore Slope, and Wave Climate Interact
conditions. An analysis of the dynamics of a double bar beach with the Short-Term Morphodynamics to
on the west coast of France (Castelle et al., 2007) shows the Control the Number, Size, and Spacing of
range of observed beach states compared to the potential Bars in the Nearshore and Intertidal Zones?
based on the wave climate with one, two, and rarely three bars
present (Figure 11). This section addresses two questions related to the controls on
In other locations, monitoring of bar number and position the equilibrium bar morphology and shape:
has shown a broader range of bar types and morphodynamic
1. What determines the characteristic number of bars and
behavior. A number of studies have reported offshore migra-
features such as their spacing offshore, height, and depth of
tion of bars and their eventual dissipation (Ruessink and
water over the crest; and
Kroon, 1994; Wijnberg, 1997; Shand, 2007; Aagaard and
2. What controls the shape, orientation, and alongshore re-
Greenwood, 2008). The net offshore movement (NOM) ap-
gularity of bars?
pears to result from seaward transport across the crest by
near bed return flows during storms – that is, by the same Observations and measurements show that the depth of
mechanism described in Section 10.6.3 that gives rise to the water over the outer bar crest is roughly the same as Hs, and
formation of bars – and which has now been documented in the height of the bar is also similar. A major determinant of
many studies (e.g., Greenwood and Davidson-Arnott, 1979; the offshore distance of the outer bar is thus the height of the
Lippman et al., 1993; Plant et al., 2001; Houser and Green- (most recent) large storm waves and the nearshore profile
wood, 2005; Almar et al., 2010). In these areas, in contrast to slope (Davidson-Arnott, 1988; see Figure 5(b)). The greater
the model of Wright and Short, bar generation takes place offshore distance for the location of the outer bar would also
close to the beach and thus fills a gap left by the offshore seem to favor development of a greater number of bars. Al-
migration of the inner bar (Ruessink and Terwindt, 2000; though this is generally true, there are a number of exceptions
Ruessink et al., 2000; Shand, 2007). Offshore migration and to this (Davidson-Arnott, 1988; Short and Aagaard, 1993;
bar decay does not appear to result in a loss of sediment to the Wijnberg, 1997), possibly related to increasing storm wave
outer shoreface, but rather decay of the outer bar appears to height (Davidson-Arnott, 1981). What is also clear from some
result from onshore return through individual grain move- of the studies discussed in Section 10.6.5 is that there is con-
ment rather than collective movement of the bar itself. In siderable feedback between the processes operating on a bar
some areas bar behavior is complicated by the process of bar system and the number and position of the bars. Thus the
splitting or bifurcation, which leads to the connection of inner bars are subject to a narrower range of wave conditions
portions of two bars and produces a complicated spatial pat- because of the filtering effect of waves breaking on the outer
tern of bar dynamics (Shand et al., 2001; Shand, 2007). bar(s) (Wijnberg and Kroon, 2002; Houser and Greenwood,
Recent long-term studies of bar dynamics (Wright and 2005). Landward migration of bars during periods of smaller
Short, 1983, 1984; Wijnberg and Terwindt, 1995; Ranasinghe waves may lead to a reduction in the number of bars, whereas
et al., 2004; Shand, 2007; Castelle et al., 2007; Ruessink et al., offshore migration during intense storm events may result in
2009) seem to point to the wave climate of each coast playing the formation of a new inner bar, thus adding to the number
an important role in determining bar creation, migration, and (Houser and Greenwood, 2005; Castelle et al., 2007; Shand,
stability, with the range and direction of nearshore bar 2007). Similarly, on some coasts where there is relatively
movement being controlled by the complex interaction of steady alongshore migration of bars, the outer bar may reach a
available fetch, exposure to long-period swell waves, and the distance offshore where it gradually decays and a new inner
frequency and magnitude of storms. On coasts such as those bar is then generated (van Enckevort and Ruessink, 2003a;
of the Great Lakes and the Mediterranean Sea, where the range Shand, 2007). Similar variations in the number of bars in the
of conditions under which sediment transport takes place is intertidal zone of meso- to macrotidal beaches have been
144 Nearshore Bars

700 m
600 m
500 m
Observed Expected Occurrence
400 m
300 m
200 m
100 m
0m severe storm
(a) Dune
700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m
300 m
200 m
100 m
(b) Dune

700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m
300 m Winter storm
200 m
100 m
(c) Dune

700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m
300 m
200 m
100 m
(d) Dune
Modal beach
Intermediate states
700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m
300 m
200 m
100 m
Dune 0m
700 m
600 m
500 m
400 m prolonged fair
300 m
weather conditions
200 m
100 m for a few months
(f) 0m

700 m
600 m
Unlikely to happen:
500 m
400 m would require fair
300 m weather condition
200 m
100 m
for a year
Dune 0m

Figure 11 Preliminary model showing the possible range of beach states at Truc Vert beach on the Aquitaine (west) coast of France and the
conditions necessary to generate each type. The area has a mesotidal to low macrotidal tidal range with one to three bars present in the
intertidal and subtidal zones. Intermediate forms labeled (b)–(f) have generally been observed at the site, while a fully dissipative form (a) might
be expected after a sequence of intense storms accompanied by storm surge. Reproduced from Figure 11 in Castelle, B., Bonneton, P., Dupuis,
H., Sénéchal, N., 2007. Double bar beach dynamics on the high-energy meso–macrotidal French Aquitanian coast: a review. Marine Geology 245,
Nearshore Bars 145

observed (Kroon and Masselink, 2002; Reichmüth and An- sloping coasts, multiple breaker zones with wave reformation
thony, 2007). may develop, producing a series of bars and troughs. Although
Complex shoaling and refraction patterns close to the seaward transport is generally attributed to undertow for
beach result in quite a wide range of morphology and orien- linear bar systems that are continuous alongshore, in three-
tation of bars in the inner bar system (Sonu, 1972; Green- dimensional crescentic bar systems, and linear bars associated
wood and Davidson-Arnott, 1975; Short, 1979). However, with periodic rip channels in the inner nearshore, sediment
bars that are not connected to the beach face have a plan may be transported landward over the bar crest by wave bores,
shape that ranges from straight through sinuous to crescentic alongshore in the troughs, and offshore only in the rip
(Figures 2 and 3(a)). In general, the alongshore wavelength of channels, or across the center of the bar crescent. Whether
crescentic inner bars is similar to that of rip cell systems. this mechanism can lead to bar formation is not completely
Where both inner and outer bars are crescentic, the wave demonstrated, but it is evident that alongshore and offshore
length of the outer bars is two or three times greater than that sediment transport by rip current circulation is an important
of the inner system. element in the dynamics of three-dimensional bar dynamics.
Similar to bar formation, models designed to explain dif- Sediment size and the slope of the nearshore are important
ferences in bar shape can be divided into template models and controls on the number of bars formed and likely influence
self-organizational ones. Standing-wave models should gen- both their morphology and dynamics. However, it is evident
erate straight bars (Carter et al., 1973), and crescentic bars can that wave climate has a major influence on the range of bar
be attributed to standing-edge waves (Bowen and Inman, dynamics that has been observed globally, including the ab-
1971; Holman and Bowen, 1982). Most of the reservations sence of bars in many locations. The beach stage model pro-
concerning bar generation by template models also apply to vides a description of bar morphology and dynamics that is
their potential control of bar shape. Recent work favors self- now supported by studies from a number of other locations
organizational models with some degree of morphological worldwide. Nevertheless it has limited explanatory value, and
feedback, likely operating to control the evolution of forms it does not do as well in areas characterized by a short fetch or
such as rip channels (e.g., Brander, 1999; Austin et al., 2010) limited exposure to swell waves.
and also the interaction between bars where more than Photographic monitoring stations such as that provided by
one bar is present (Falqués et al., 2008; Castelle et al., 2010a, the Argus system are providing a wealth of data on bar form
2010b). and migration over periods of years in mid-latitudes all over
Observations from a number of areas suggest that where the world. Unfortunately, although many data exist on the bar
offshore flows are dominated by undertow, the bar form tends position, topographic data are generally confined to rare echo
to be straight or slightly irregular. Where rip cell circulation is sounding surveys and wave and sediment transport data only
absent or only weakly developed, the outer bar or bars may when there is a short-term experiment at a particular location.
always be linear (Davidson-Arnott and McDonald, 1989). In The result is that data on currents and sediment transport,
other areas, as discussed in Section 10.6.5, where outer bars especially over outer bars, are still very sparse. The system
are generated from a planar profile during a large storm event, provides little evidence of sediment transport processes in
the initial bar form is straight, producing the dissipative beach areas where no bars are present and serves to underscore the
state of Wright and Short (1984). Subsequent onshore fact that there are still gaps in our understanding of what
migration under fair-weather swell waves is characterized by controls the shift from a nonbarred to a barred state, what are
the development of a rhythmic, crescentic form (Figures 2 and the key processes determining this, and whether there is a
3(a)) with increasing concentration of wave breaking on the distinct threshold that separates conditions leading to positive
shallow cusp horns and seaward-flowing rip currents in the rip feedback and bar development from those that produce
channel across the center of the crescent (Wright and Short, negative feedback and the absence of bars. It may be that the
1984; Brander, 1999; MacMahan et al., 2006; Castelle et al., ease with which bars can be monitored using photography has
2007; Austin et al., 2010). However, under conditions where led to a preoccupation with their dynamics at the expense of
infragravity energy is focussed in a narrow band, it is likely sediment transport measurements under a range of dynamic
that standing waves may influence nearshore flow patterns conditions and nearshore profile morphology.
and sediment transport, and thus the three-dimensional form
of the bar system (Aagaard and Greenwood, 2008; Castelle
et al., 2010a). References

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Biographical Sketch

Robin Davidson-Arnott grew up in Trinidad, W.I., and went to Canada in 1966 to attend university. He obtained a
B.A. in Geography from the University of Toronto in 1970 and a Ph.D. in 1975 from the same institution,
specializing in Coastal Geomorphology. After teaching at Toronto for a year he obtained a position as Assistant
Professor at the University of Guelph in 1976, where he has remained ever since. He was promoted to Professor in
1988 and retired in September 2009. He continues to be active in research and professional service as a Professor
Emeritus. During his time at Guelph he taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in Physical
Geography and supervised 33 M.Sc. and 6 Ph.D. students. Robin’s Ph.D. research focused on the morphody-
namics and sedimentology of nearshore bars in Kouchibouguac Bay, New Brunswick. He carried out further work
on nearshore and intertidal bars at several sites in the Great Lakes and on the east coast of Canada. His research
has also involved studies of nearshore erosion of cohesive bluff shorelines, sandwave dynamics on beaches,
sedimentary processes on salt marshes in the Bay of Fundy, and field experiments on aeolian sediment transport
on beaches and beach/dune interaction. He has published extensively in journal articles and book chapters, and is
also the author of a recent textbook on coastal processes and geomorphology.
10.7 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts
DM FitzGerald, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
MD Miner, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, New Orleans, LA, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.7.1 Introduction 150

10.7.2 What is a Tidal Inlet? 150
10.7.3 Inlet Morphology 150 Tidal Deltas 150 Flood-tidal delta 151 Ebb-tidal delta 152 Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphology 152
10.7.4 Tidal Inlet Formation 152 Breaching of a Barrier 153 Spit Building Across a Bay 153 Drowned River Valleys 153 Lateral Inlet Migration 153 Landward Inlet Migration 153
10.7.5 Tidal Inlet Relationships 154 Inlet Throat Area – Tidal Prism Relationship 154 Variability 154 Ebb-Tidal Delta Volume – Tidal Prism Relationship 155 Variability 155
10.7.6 Sand Transport Patterns 155 General Trends of Sand Dispersal 155 Inlet Sediment Bypassing 155 Stable inlet processes 155 Ebb-tidal delta breaching 156 Inlet migration and spit breaching 157 Bar complexes 157
10.7.7 Tidal Inlet Effects on Adjacent Shorelines 157 Number and Size of Tidal Inlets 157 Tidal Inlets as Sediment Sinks 157 Changes in Ebb-Tidal Delta Volume 158 Wave Sheltering 158 Effects of Inlet Sediment Bypassing 158 Drumstick barrier model 158 Human Influences 159
10.7.8 Coastal Lagoons 159 Lagoons as Equilibrium Landforms 160 Expanding and Shrinking Lagoons 161 Expanding lagoons 161 Shrinking lagoons 161 Lagoon hydrodynamics 161
10.7.9 Lagoon Inlet Response to Sea-Level Rise 163
10.7.10 Conclusions 163
References 163

FitzGerald, D.M., Miner, M.D., 2013. Tidal inlets and lagoons along
siliciclastic barrier coasts. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J.
(Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10,
Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 149–165.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 149

150 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

Glossary commonly used to define the shore-parallel body of water

Ebb-tidal delta Arcuate- to elongate-shaped shoal on the behind a barrier island or barrier spit.
seaward side of a tidal inlet. It is formed by ebb-tidal Recurved spit Hook-shaped spit that builds into a bay or
currents and modified by waves and flood-tidal currents. along the coast through the addition of curved beach ridges.
Flood-tidal delta Horseshoe- to multilobate-shaped sand Tidal inlet Opening in the shoreline through which water
shoal located landward of a tidal inlet. It is formed by flood- penetrates the land, thereby providing a connection
tidal currents and modified by ebb-tidal currents. Some between the ocean and bays, lagoons, and marsh and tidal
flood deltas are a product of storm processes. creek systems. The main channel of a tidal inlet is
Lagoon Shallow coastal body of seawater that is separated maintained by tidal currents.
from the open ocean by a barrier or coral reef. A term


This chapter discusses the dynamics and processes of tidal inlets and lagoons throughout the world. Physical relationships
and morphology of these systems are explained in terms of tidal versus wave energy, tidal exchange, backbarrier hypso-
metry, estuarine circulation, and geological controls. Tidal inlet controls on barrier island morphology are treated.
Expanding and shrinking lagoons, wetland loss, and accelerated sea-level rise are discussed.

10.7.1 Introduction but in these cases, inlet dimensions and sediment transport
trends are still governed, to a large extent, by the volume of
Tidal inlets occur along barrier coastlines throughout the water exchanged at the inlet mouth and the reversing tidal
world. They provide a pathway for navigation between the currents, respectively.
open ocean and sheltered waters. Along many coasts, in- At most inlets, over the long term, the volume of water
cluding much of the East and Gulf Coasts of USA, the only entering the inlet during the flooding tide equals the volume
safe harborages, including many major ports, occur behind of water leaving the inlet during the ebbing cycle. This volume
barrier islands. The importance of inlets in providing navi- is referred to as the tidal prism. The tidal prism is a function of
gation routes to these harbors is demonstrated by the large the open water area and tidal range in the backbarrier complex
number of improvements that are performed at the entrance as well as frictional factors that govern the ease of flow
to inlets, such as the construction of jetties and breakwaters, through the inlet and lagoon.
dredging of channels, and the operation of sand bypassing
Diversity in the morphology, hydraulic signature, and
sediment transport patterns of tidal inlets attests to the com-
10.7.3 Inlet Morphology
plexity of their processes. The variability in oceanographic,
A tidal inlet is specifically the area between two barriers or
meteorologic, and geologic parameters, such as tidal range,
between the barrier and the adjacent bedrock or glacial
wave energy, sediment supply, storm magnitude and fre-
headland. Commonly, the recurved ridges of spits consisting
quency, freshwater influx, and geologic substrate, and the
of sand that was transported toward the backbarrier by re-
interactions of these factors are responsible for this wide range
fracted waves and flood-tidal currents form the sides of the
in tidal inlet settings.
inlet. The deepest part of an inlet, the inlet throat, is located
normally where spit accretion on one or both of the bordering
barriers constricts the inlet channel to a minimum width and
10.7.2 What is a Tidal Inlet? minimum cross-sectional area. Here, tidal currents normally
reach their maximum velocity. Commonly, the strength of the
A tidal inlet is defined as an opening in the shoreline through
currents at the throat causes sand to be removed from the
which water penetrates the land, thereby proving a connection
channel floor, leaving behind a lag deposit consisting of gravel
between the ocean and bays, lagoons, and marsh and tidal
or shells or, in some locations, exposed bedrock or indurated
creek systems. Tidal currents maintain the main channel of a
tidal inlet.
The second half of this definition distinguishes tidal inlets
from large, open embayments or passageways along rocky Tidal Deltas
coasts. Tidal currents at inlets are responsible for the continual
removal of sediment dumped into the main channel by wave Closely associated with tidal inlets are sand shoals and tidal
action. Thus, according to this definition, tidal inlets occur channels located on the landward and seaward sides of the
along sandy or sand and gravel barrier coastlines, although inlets. Flood-tidal currents deposit sand landward of the inlet,
one side may abut a bedrock headland. Some tidal inlets co- forming flood-tidal deltas. Ebb-tidal currents deposit sand on
incide with the mouths of rivers (estuaries: Chapter 10.12); the seaward side forming an ebb-tidal delta.
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 151 Flood-tidal delta become colonized and altered by marsh growth, and are no
Flood-tidal delta’s presence or absence, size, and development longer recognizable as former flood-tidal deltas. At other sites,
are related to a region’s tidal range, wave energy, sediment portions of flood-tidal deltas are dredged to provide navigable
supply, and backbarrier accommodation space. Tidal inlets waterways and thus are highly modified.
that are backed by a system of tidal channels and salt marsh Flood-tidal deltas are best developed in areas with mod-
(mixed-energy coast) generally contain a single, horseshoe- erate-to-large tidal ranges (1.5–3.0 m) because in these regions
shaped flood-tidal delta (e.g., Essex River Inlet, MA, USA; they are well exposed at low tide. As tidal range decreases,
Figure 1). In contrast, inlets that are backed by large shallow flood deltas become largely subtidal shoals. Most flood-tidal
bays may contain multiple flood-tidal deltas. Along some deltas have similar morphologies consisting of the following
microtidal coasts, such as that of Rhode Island, flood deltas components (Hayes, 1975, 1979):
that form at the end of narrow inlet channels cut through the
barrier. Changes in the locus of deposition at these deltas 1. Flood ramp: This is a landward shoaling channel that
produce a multilobate morphology that resembles a lobate slopes upward toward the intertidal portion of the flood-
river delta (Boothroyd et al., 1985). Flood delta size com- tidal delta. Strong flood-tidal currents and landward sand
monly increases as the amount of open water area in the transport in the form of flood-oriented sandwaves dom-
backbarrier increases. In some regions, flood deltas have inate the ramp.

Essex inlet Flood-tidal delta

Flood-tidal 5
delta 3 1 Flood ramp
2 Flood channel
4 3 Ebb shield
2 4 Ebb spit
5 Spillover lobe

Ebb-tidal Ebb-tidal delta

1 Main ebb channel
Bar 2 Marginal flood
2 channel
0 500 1 3 Swash platform
nd 3
Meters isla
Ba rrier 6 4 Terminal lobe
N 2 4 5 Swash bars
6 Channel margin
linear bars

Mainland Flood-tidal
Mainland Bay Ocean
Terminal lobe
Barrier Ebb-tidal Inlet
island delta Flood-tidal throat
A delta B

Figure 1 Ebb- and flood-tidal models (Hayes, 1979). Aerial photograph of Essex Inlet, MA. Inlet cross-sectional model (FitzGerald, 1996).
Reproduced from Hayes, M.O., 1979. Barrier island morphology as a function of tidal and wave regime. In: Leatherman, S.P. (Ed.), Barrier
Islands: From the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. Academic Press, New York, NY, pp. 1–28, and FitzGerald, D.M., 1996. Geomorphic
variability and morphologic and sedimentologic controls on tidal inlets: journal of coastal research. In: Mehta, A.J. (Ed.), Understanding Physical
Processes at Tidal Inlets: Based on Contributions by Panel on Scoping Field and Laboratory Investigations in Coastal Inlet Research. Special
Issue No. 23, Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, pp. 47–71, with permission from ASCE.
152 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

2. Flood channels: The flood ramp splits into two shallow lobe. The deposit slopes relatively steeply on its seaward
flood channels. Like the flood ramp, these channels are side. The outline of the terminal lobe is well defined by
dominated by flood-tidal currents and flood-oriented breaking waves during storms or periods of large waves at
sandwaves. Sand is delivered through these channels onto low tide.
the flood delta. 5. Swash bars: Waves breaking over the terminal lobe and
3. Ebb shield: It defines the highest and landward-most part across the swash platform form arcuate-shaped swash bars
of the flood delta and may be partly covered by marsh that migrate onshore. The bars are usually 50–150 m long,
vegetation. It shields rest of the delta from the effects of the 50 m wide, and 1–2 m in height.
ebb-tidal currents. 6. Channel margin linear bars: These are bars that border the
4. Ebb spits: These spits extend from the ebb shield toward the main ebb channel and sit atop the swash platform. These
inlet. They form from sand that is eroded from the ebb shield bars tend to confine the ebb flow and are exposed at
and transported back toward the inlet by ebb-tidal currents. low tide.
5. Spillover lobes: These are lobes of sand that form where the
ebb currents have breached through the ebb spits or ebb
shield depositing sand in the interior of the delta. Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphology
Through time, some flood-tidal deltas accrete vertically The general shape of an ebb-tidal delta and the distribution of
and/or expand in lateral extent. This is evidenced by an in- its sand bodies are determined by the relative magnitude of
crease in areal extent of marsh grasses, which require a certain different sand transport processes operating at a tidal inlet. At
elevation above mean low water to exist. At laterally migrating tide-dominated inlets, ebb-tidal deltas are elongate, with a
inlets, new flood-tidal deltas are formed as the inlet moves main ebb channel and channel margin linear bars that extend
along the coast and encounters new open water areas in the far offshore. Wave-generated sand transport plays a secondary
backbarrier. However, at most stable inlets, sand comprising role in modifying delta shape at these inlets. Because most
the flood delta is simply recirculated. The transport of sand on sand movement is in an onshore–offshore direction, the ebb-
flood deltas is controlled by the elevation of the tide and the tidal delta overlaps a relatively small length of inlet shoreline.
strength and direction of the tidal currents. During the rising This has important implications concerning the extent to
tide, flood currents reach their fastest velocities near high tide which the inlet shoreline undergoes erosional and de-
when the entire flood-tidal delta is covered by water. Hence, positional changes.
there is a net transport of sand up the flood ramp, through the Wave-dominated inlet systems tend to be small relative to
flood channels and onto the ebb shield. Some of the sand is tide-dominated inlets. Their ebb-tidal deltas are driven on-
moved across the ebb shield and into the surrounding tidal shore, close to the inlet mouth, by the dominant wave pro-
channel. During the falling tide, the strongest ebb currents cesses. Commonly, the terminal lobe and/or swash bars form
occur near mid to low water. At this time, the ebb shield is out a small arc outlying the periphery of the ebb-tidal delta. In
of the water and diverts the currents around the flood-tidal many cases the ebb-tidal delta of these inlets is entirely sub-
delta. The ebb currents erode sand from the landward face of tidal. In other instances, sand bodies clog the entrance to the
the ebb shield and transport it along the ebb spits and even- inlet, leading to the formation of several major and minor
tually into the inlet channel where once again it will be moved tidal channels.
onto the flood ramp, thus completing the sand gyre. At mixed-energy tidal inlets, the shape of the delta is the
result of tidal and wave processes. These deltas have a well-
formed main ebb channel, which is a product of ebb-tidal Ebb-tidal delta currents. Their swash platform and sand bodies overlap the
Ebb-tidal delta is an accumulation of sand that has been de- inlet shoreline many times the width of the inlet throat as a
posited by the ebb-tidal currents through an inlet and which result of wave processes and flood-tidal currents.
has been subsequently modified by waves and tidal currents. Ebb-tidal deltas may also be highly asymmetric, such that
Ebb deltas exhibit a variety of forms, dependent on the relative the main ebb channel and its associated sand bodies are
magnitude of wave and tidal energy of the region as well as positioned primarily along one of the inlet shorelines. This
geological controls. Along mixed-energy coasts, most ebb-tidal configuration normally occurs when the major backbarrier
deltas contain the same general features including: channel approaches the inlet at an oblique angle or when a
1. Main ebb channel: This is a seaward shoaling channel that preferential accumulation of sand on the updrift side of the
is scoured in the ebb-tidal delta sands and inlet throat. It is ebb delta causes a deflection of the main ebb channel along
dominated by ebb-tidal currents. the downdrift barrier shoreline.
2. Marginal-flood channels: These are shallow channels
(0–2 m deep at mean low water) located between the
channel margin linear bars and the onshore beaches. The 10.7.4 Tidal Inlet Formation
channels are dominated by flood-tidal currents.
3. Swash platform: This is a broad, shallow, sand platform The formation of a tidal inlet requires the presence of an
located on both sides of the main ebb channel, defining embayment and the development of barriers. In coastal plain
the general extent of the ebb delta. settings, the embayment or backbarrier was commonly created
4. Terminal lobe: Sediment transported out of the main ebb through the construction of the barriers themselves, like much
channel is deposited in a lobe of sand to form the terminal of the East Coast of USA or the Friesian Island coast along the
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 153

North Sea. In other instances, the embayment was formed due the tidal prism of the bay remains approximately constant,
to rising sea level inundating an irregular shoreline during the as the opening gets smaller, the current velocities must
late Holocene. The embayed or indented shoreline may have increase. A tidal inlet is formed as the spit reaches a stable
been a rocky coast such as that of northern New England and configuration.
California or it may have been an irregular, unconsolidated
sediment coast such as that of Cape Cod in Massachusetts or
parts of the Oregon coast. The flooding of former river valleys Drowned River Valleys
has also produced embayments associated with tidal inlet Tidal inlets have formed at the entrance of drowned river
development such as seen at Mobile Bay in the northern Gulf valleys because of the growth of spits and the development of
of Mexico. barrier islands that narrow the mouths of estuaries. It has been
shown through stratigraphic studies, particularly along the
Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of USA, that, in addition to drowned Breaching of a Barrier river valleys, many tidal inlets are positioned in paleo-river
Rising sea level, exhausted sediment supplies, and human valleys where there is no river leading to this site currently
influences have led to thin barrier systems that are vulnerable (Morton and Donaldson, 1973; Halsey, 1979; Siringan and
to breaching. The breaching process normally occurs during Anderson, 1993). These incised valleys represent old river
storms, after waves have destroyed the foredune ridge and courses that were active during the Pleistocene when the sea
storm-surge elevated waves have overwashed the barrier and level was lower, and they incised into the exposed continental
deposited sand aprons (washovers) along the backside of the shelf in response to base level lowering. Modern tidal inlets
barrier. Although this process may produce a shallow over- become situated in these valleys because tidal currents, more
wash channel, seldom are barriers cut from their seaward side. easily, remove the unconsolidated sediment within the valleys
In most instances, the breaching of a barrier is the result of the than the more indurated sediments comprising the interfluves.
storm-surge elevated waters in the backbarrier bay. When the
level of the ocean water falls, the elevated bay waters flow
across the barrier toward the ocean, gradually incising the Lateral Inlet Migration
barrier and cutting a channel. If subsequent tidal exchange Some tidal inlets have been positionally stable since their for-
between the ocean and bay is able to maintain the channel, a mation, whereas others have migrated long distances along the
tidal inlet is established. The breaching process is enhanced shore. In New England, and along other glaciated coasts,
when offshore winds accompany the falling tide, provided an stable inlets are commonly anchored next to bedrock outcrops
overwash channel is present to facilitate drainage across the or resistant glacial deposits. Along the California coast, most
barrier (Fisher, 1962). Many tidal inlets that are formed by this tidal inlets have formed by spit construction across an embay-
process are ephemeral and may exist for less than a year, es- ment with the inlet becoming stabilized adjacent to a bedrock
pecially if stable inlets are located nearby. However, in some headland. In coastal plain settings, stable inlets are commonly
instances, the new breach may capture part of the bay’s tidal positioned in former river valleys. One factor that appears to
prism so that it remains open, decreasing the tidal prism at separate migrating inlets from stable inlets is the depth to which
other inlets. In the case where bay area is increasing over the the inlet throat has eroded. Deeper inlets are commonly situ-
long term, such as the case seen in coastal Louisiana because ated in consolidated sediments that resist erosion. The channels
of rapid relative sea-level rise and wetland erosion, breaches of shallow migrating inlets are eroded into sand.
may remain open to accommodate the increasing bay tidal Although the vast majority of tidal inlets migrate in the
prism. Barriers most susceptible to breaching are long and direction of dominant longshore transport, there are some
thin and wave dominated. inlets that migrate updrift (Aubrey and Speer, 1984). In these
cases, the drainage of backbarrier tidal creeks control flow
through the inlet. When a major backbarrier tidal channel Spit Building Across a Bay approaches the inlet at an oblique angle, the ebb-tidal currents
The development of a tidal inlet by spit construction across an coming from this channel are directed toward the margin of
embayment generally occurs early in the evolution of a coast the inlet throat. If this is the updrift side of the main channel,
(see Chapter 10.16). The sediment to form these spits may then the inlet will migrate in that direction. This is similar to a
have come from erosion of the nearby headlands, discharge river where strong currents are focused along the outside of a
from rivers, or from the landward movement of sand from meander bend causing erosion and channel migration. Inlets
inner shelf deposits. Most barriers along the coast of USA and that migrate updrift are generally small to moderately sized
elsewhere in the world are 3000–5000 years old coinciding and occur along coasts with small-to-moderate net sand
with a deceleration of Holocene sea-level rise. It was then that longshore transport rates.
spits began enclosing portions of the irregular rocky coast of
New England, the western coasts of North and South America, Landward Inlet Migration
parts of Australia, and many other regions of the world. As a
spit builds across a bay, the opening to the bay gradually de- Tidal inlets that occur along retrograding (transgressive)
creases in width and in cross-sectional area. It may also shorelines migrate landward with the adjacent barriers. As the
deepen. Coincident with the decrease in size of the opening is shoreline retreats, the zone where processes governing tidal
a corresponding increase in tidal current velocities. Assuming inlet morphology are focused on the inlet throat, where tidal
154 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

flushing of sand that is transported to the inlet by waves, is 1011

translated in a landward direction. The landward migration of
the inlet throat is facilitated by scouring of the landward A = 4.69 × 10−4 P0.85
portions of the channel and deposition of sediment in the

Total prism (spring or diurnal) ft3 (p)

seaward portion of the channel, a process that is greatly ac- 2
celerated during storms (Miner et al., 2009a). During barrier 1010
retreat, a large component of landward sand transport occurs
at flood-tidal deltas and recurved spits associated with land-
ward migrating inlets (Armon, 1979; Kulp et al., 2006).
Similar to laterally migrating tidal inlets, a landward- 109 2
migrating inlet’s position along the shoreline and future re-
treat path may be controlled by the erodability of the substrate
or the backbarrier morphology that governs tidal hydraulics. 1
For example, results from regional stratigraphic studies have
demonstrated that tidal inlets in Louisiana are commonly 108
actively incising into former distributary channel deposits
because the relatively coarse grained, fluvial-channel deposits
From O’Brien (1931, 1965)
erode more readily than the semiindurated clays in which they
incise (Kulp et al., 2006, 2007). 107
102 103 104 105 106
Minimum cross-sectional area of inlet (ft2)
(a) below MSL (A)
10.7.5 Tidal Inlet Relationships

Tidal inlets around the world exhibit several consistent rela- 1000
tionships that have allowed coastal engineers and marine A = 13.8 × 10−5 P1.23
geologists to formulate predictive models: (1) inlet throat, Sand volume of ebb-tidal delta, V (yd3)
cross-sectional area is closely related to tidal prism (O’Brien,
1931, 1969; Jarrett, 1976) and (2) ebb-tidal delta volume is a 100
function of tidal prism (Walton and Adams, 1976). Inlet Throat Area – Tidal Prism Relationship

The size of a tidal inlet is tied closely to the volume of water
going through it (Figure 2(a); O’Brien, 1931, 1969). Although
inlet size is primarily a function of tidal prism, to a lesser
degree inlet cross-sectional area is also affected by the delivery
of sand to the inlet channel. For example, at jettied inlets, tidal 1
After Walton and Adams (1976)
currents can more effectively scour sand from the inlet chan-
nel and therefore they maintain a larger throat cross-section 1 10 100 1000
than would be predicted by the O’Brien Relationship. Simi-
(b) Tidal prism, P (108 ft3)
larly, for a given tidal prism, Gulf Coast inlets have larger
throat cross sections than Pacific Coast inlets. This is explained Figure 2 Relationships demonstrating a correspondence between
by the fact that wave energy is greater along the West Coast tidal prism and (a) inlet cross-sectional area and (b) sand volume of
and therefore the delivery of sand to these inlets is higher than the ebb-tidal delta.
at Gulf Coast inlets. Jarrett (1976) has improved the tidal
prism – inlet cross-sectional area regression equation for the For instance, the inlet tidal prism can vary by more than 30%
US inlets by separating into three classes: the low-energy Gulf from neap to spring tides due to increasing tidal ranges
Coast inlets, moderate-energy East Coast inlets, and higher- (NOAA Tide Tables, 2011). Consequently, the size of the inlet
energy West Coast inlets. Even better correlations are achieved varies as a function of tidal phases. Along the southern At-
when structured inlets with jetties are distinguished from lantic Coast of USA, water temperatures may fluctuate sea-
natural inlets. sonally from 351 to 40 1F. This causes the surface coastal
waters to expand, raising mean sea level by 0.30 m or more Variability (Nummedal and Humphries, 1977). In the summer and early
It is important to understand that the dimensions of the inlet fall, when mean sea level reaches its highest seasonal ele-
channel are not static, but rather the inlet channel enlarges vation, spring tides may flood backbarrier surfaces that nor-
and contracts slightly over relatively short time periods (o1 mally are above tidal inundation. This produces larger tidal
year) in response to changes in tidal prism, variations in wave prisms, stronger tidal currents, increased channel scour, and
energy, effects of storms, seasonal changes in dominant wind larger inlet cross-sectional areas. At some Virginia inlets, this
direction and meteorologically driven tides, and other factors. condition increases the cross section of the inlet throat by
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 155

5–15% (Byrne et al., 1975). Long-term (41 year) changes in the tidal flow leaving the backbarrier is constricted at the inlet
the cross section of inlets are related to inlet migration, sedi- throat. This causes the currents to accelerate in a seaward
mentation or erosion in the backbarrier, morphological direction. Once out of the confines of the inlet, the ebb flow
changes of the ebb-tidal delta, and anthropogenic influences. expands laterally and the velocity decreases. Sediment in the
main ebb channel is transported in a net seaward direction
and eventually deposited on the terminal lobe because of the Ebb-Tidal Delta Volume – Tidal Prism decrease in current velocity. One response to this seaward
Relationship movement of sand is the formation of ebb-oriented sandwaves
In the mid-1970s, Walton and Adams (1976) showed that the with heights of 1–2 m.
volume of sand contained in the ebb-tidal delta is closely re- In the beginning of the flood cycle, the ocean tide rises while
lated to the tidal prism (Figure 2(b)). They also showed that water in the main ebb channel continues to flow seaward as a
the relationship improved slightly when wave energy was result of its momentum. Owing to this phenomenon, water
taken into account in a manner similar to Jarrett’s divisions. initially enters the inlet through the marginal-flood channels
Waves are responsible for transporting ebb-tidal delta sand because they are the pathways of least resistance. The flood
back onshore, thereby reducing the volume of the ebb-tidal channels are dominated by shore-parallel and landward sedi-
delta. Therefore, for a given tidal prism, ebb-tidal deltas along ment transport, and are floored by flood-oriented bedforms.
the West Coast contain less sand than equal-sized inlets along On both sides of the main ebb channel, extending from the
the Gulf or East Coast. channel to the inlet shorelines, the swash platform is most af-
fected by landward flow produced by the flood-tidal currents
and breaking waves. As waves shoal and break, they generate Variability
landward flow, which augments the flood-tidal currents but
The Walton and Adams Relationship works well for inlets all
retards the ebb-tidal currents. The interaction of these forces acts
over the world. However, field studies have shown that the
to transport sediment in net landward direction across the
volume of sand comprising ebb-tidal deltas changes through
swash platform. In summary, at many inlets, there is a general
time as a response to the effects of storms (Miner et al.,
trend of seaward sand transport in the main ebb channel,
2009a), changes in tidal prism (List et al., 1997; FitzGerald
which is countered by landward sand transport in the marginal-
et al., 2007), or processes of inlet sediment bypassing
flood channels and across the swash platform.
FitzGerald et al. (1984). When sand is moved past a tidal inlet,
it is commonly achieved by the migration of large bar com-
plexes across the ebb delta and their attachment to the land- Inlet Sediment Bypassing
ward inlet shoreline. These large bars may contain more than
300 000 m3 of sand and represent more than 10% of sediment Along most open coasts, particularly in coastal plain settings, a
volume of the ebb-tidal delta (FitzGerald,1988; Gaudiano and shore-oblique, dominant wave approach causes net move-
Kana, 2001). ment of sediment in an alongshore direction. Along the East
Coast of USA, for example, this varies in magnitude from 100
to 200 000 m3 year 1 (Komar, 1997). The manner whereby
10.7.6 Sand Transport Patterns sand moves past tidal inlets and is transferred to the downdrift
shoreline is called inlet sediment bypassing. The primary
The movement of sand at a tidal inlet is complex due to re- mechanisms of sand bypassing natural inlets include: (1)
versing tidal currents, effects of storms, and interaction with stable inlet processes, (2) ebb-tidal delta breaching, and (3)
the longshore transport system. The inlet contains short- and inlet migration and spit breaching (Figure 3). One of the end
long-term reservoirs of sand that vary in size from the rela- products in all the different mechanisms is the landward mi-
tively small sandwaves, on the floor of the inlet channel, that gration and attachment of large bar complexes to the inlet
migrate meters during each tidal cycle, to the large, flood-tidal shoreline. Discussion of bar attachment processes can be
delta shoals where some sand is recirculated, but the entire found in FitzGerald (1982) and FitzGerald et al. (2001).
deposit may remain stable for hundreds or even thousands of
years. Sand dispersal at tidal inlets is complicated because in Stable inlet processes
addition to the onshore–offshore movement of sand pro- This mechanism of sediment bypassing occurs at inlets that do
duced by tidal and wave-generated currents, there is constant not migrate and whose main ebb channels remain approxi-
delivery of sand to the inlet and transport of sand away from mately in the same position. Sand enters the inlet by: (1) wave
the inlet by the longshore transport system. In the discussion action along the beach, (2) flood-tidal and wave-generated
below, the patterns of sand movement at inlets are described, currents through the marginal-flood channel, and (3) waves
including how sand is moved past a tidal inlet. breaking across the channel margin linear bars. Most of the
sand that is dumped into the main channel is transported
seaward by the dominant ebb-tidal currents and deposited on General Trends of Sand Dispersal
the terminal lobe.
The ebb-tidal delta has segregated areas of landward versus At lower tidal elevations, waves that break on the terminal
seaward sediment transport that are controlled primarily by lobe of the delta transport sand along its periphery toward the
the way water enters and discharges from the inlet, as well as landward beaches, in much the same way as sand is moved in
the effects of wave-generated currents. During the ebbing cycle, the surf and breaker zones along beaches. At higher tidal
156 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

Stable inlet processes Ebb-tidal delta breaching Inlet migration and spit breaching
Time 1 Ebb flow
Main ebb channel
Dominant longshore
longshore Erosion
transport Erosion
Channel Spill-over
margin linear Channel channels Inlet migration longshore
migration and spit transport
Ebb tidal delta accretion
Ebb migration
Time 2 Spit breaching

Incipient spit Inlet filling

Growth of
bar complexes
of spill-over
Swash bar Landward bar Spit
formation and migrations accretion

Time 3 Ebb
Eventually welding flow
to the beach Bar welding
Spit attachment
Accretion Spit
Channel margin linear accretion
bar formation Channel Landward bar
deflection migration

Figure 3 Mechanisms of sediment bypassing tidal inlets. Reproduced from FitzGerald, D.M., Kraus, N.C., Hands, E.B., 2001. Natural
mechanisms of sediment bypassing at tidal inlets, ERDC/CHL. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, 10 pp.

elevations, waves breaking over the terminal lobe create swash delivery of sediment by longshore transport produces a pref-
bars on both sides of the main ebb channel. The swash bars erential accumulation of sand on the updrift side of the ebb-
(50–150 m long and 50 m wide) migrate onshore because of tidal delta. The deposition of this sand causes a deflection of
the dominance of landward flow across the swash platform. the main ebb channel until it nearly parallels the downdrift
Eventually, they attach to channel margin linear bars and form inlet shoreline. This circuitous configuration of the main
large bar complexes. Bar complexes tend to parallel the beach channel results in inefficient tidal flow through the inlet, ul-
and may be more than a kilometer in length. They are fronted timately leading to the breaching of a new channel through
on their landward side by a slipface (251–331), which may be the ebb-tidal delta. The breaching process normally occurs
up to 3 m in height. during spring tides or periods of storm surge when the tidal
The stacking and coalescence of swash bars to form a bar prism is very large. In this state of event-driven increase in tidal
complex is the result of the bars slowing their onshore mi- range, the ebb discharge piles up water at the entrance to the
gration as they move up the nearshore ramp. As the bars gain a inlet where the channel bends toward the downdrift inlet
greater intertidal exposure, the wave bores cause the onshore shoreline. This causes some of the tidal waters to exit through
bar migration act over an increasingly shorter period of the the marginal-flood channel or flow across low regions on the
tidal cycle. Thus, the rate of bar movement decreases. Even- channel margin linear bar. Gradually over several weeks, or
tually, the entire amalgamated bar complex migrates onshore convulsively during a single large storm, this process cuts a
and welds to the upper beach. When a bar complex attaches to new channel through the ebb delta. This produces a more
the downdrift inlet shoreline, some of the newly accreted sand direct pathway for tidal exchange through the inlet. As more
is then gradually transported by wave action to the downdrift and more of the tidal prism is diverted through the new main
beaches, thus completing the inlet sediment bypassing pro- ebb channel, tidal discharge through the former channel
cess. It should be noted that some sand bypasses the inlet decreases and it fills with sediment.
independent of the bar complex. In addition, some of the The sand that was once on the updrift side of the ebb-tidal
sand comprising the bar reenters the inlet via the marginal- delta, and which is now on the downdrift side of the new
flood channel and along the inlet shoreline. main channel, is moved onshore by wave-generated and
flood-tidal currents. Initially, some of this sand aids in filling Ebb-tidal delta breaching the former channel, whereas the rest forms a large bar complex
This means of sediment bypassing occurs at inlets with a that eventually migrates onshore and attaches to the downdrift
stable throat position, but whose main ebb channels migrate inlet shoreline. The ebb-tidal breaching process results in a
across their ebb-tidal deltas like the wag of a dog’s tail. Sand large packet of sand bypassing the inlet. Similar to the
enters the inlet in the same manner as described above stable inlets discussed above, some sand bypasses these inlets
for Section Stable Inlet Processes. However, at these inlets, the in a less-dramatic fashion, grain by grain on a continual basis.
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 157

It is noteworthy that at some tidal inlets, the entire main inlet cross-sectional area, and wave sheltering of the ebb-tidal
ebb channel is involved in the ebb-tidal delta breaching pro- delta shoals (FitzGerald, 1988).
cess, whereas at others just the outer portion of main ebb
channel is deflected. In both cases, the end product of the
breaching process is the realignment of the channel to a Number and Size of Tidal Inlets
configuration that more efficiently conveys water through the
The degree to which barrier shorelines are influenced by tidal
inlet, as well as sand being bypassed in the form of a bar.
inlet processes is dependent on their size and number. As the
O’Brien Relationship demonstrates, the cross-sectional area of Inlet migration and spit breaching
an inlet is governed by its tidal prism. This concept can be
A final method of inlet sediment bypassing occurs at laterally
expanded to include an entire barrier chain in which the size
migrating inlets. In this situation, an abundant sand supply
and number of inlets along a chain are primarily dependent
and a dominant longshore transport direction cause spit
on the amount of open water area behind the barrier and the
building at the end of the barrier. To accommodate constant
tidal range of the region. In turn, these parameters are a
tidal prism and spit construction, the inlet migrates by eroding
function of other geological and physical oceanographic fac-
the downdrift barrier shoreline as sediments from the updrift
tors. Wave-dominated, microtidal coasts tend to have long
spit platform fill the channel. Along many coasts, as the inlet is
barrier islands and few tidal inlets and mixed-energy coasts
displaced further along the downdrift shoreline, the inlet
have short stubby barriers and numerous tidal inlets (Hayes,
channel that extends into the backbarrier lengthens, retarding
1975, 1979). Presumably, the mesotidal conditions produce
the exchange of water between the ocean and backbarrier. This
larger tidal prisms than those along microtidal coasts, which
condition leads to large water level differences between the
necessitate more holes in the barrier chain to let the water in
ocean and bay, making the barrier highly susceptible to
and out of the backbarrier. Many coastlines follow this general
breaching, particularly during storms. Ultimately, when the
trend, but there are many exceptions due to the influence of
barrier spit is breached and a new inlet is formed in a hy-
sediment supply, large versus small bay areas, dominance of
draulically more favorable position, the tidal prism is diverted
meteorologically driven tides, and other geological controls
to the new inlet and the old inlet closes. When this happens,
(Davis and Hayes, 1984).
the sand comprising the ebb-tidal delta of the former inlet is
transported onshore by wave action. This typically occurs in
the form of a landward-migrating bar complex. It should be Tidal Inlets as Sediment Sinks
noted that when the inlet shifts to a new position along the
updrift shoreline, a large quantity of sand has effectively by- Tidal inlets not only trap sand temporarily on their ebb-tidal
passed the inlet. The frequency of this inlet sediment bypass- deltas, but are also responsible for the long-term loss of
ing process is dependent on inlet size, rate of migration, storm sediment moved into the backbarrier. At inlets dominated by
history, and backbarrier dynamics. flood-tidal currents, sand is continuously transported land-
ward. This enlarges flood-tidal deltas and builds bars in tidal Bar complexes creeks. Sand can also be transported into the backbarrier of
Depending on the size of the inlet, the rate of sand delivery to ebb-dominated tidal inlets during severe storms. During these
the inlet, the effects of storms, and other factors, the entire periods, increased wave energy produces greater sand trans-
process of bar formation, landward migration, and bar at- port to the inlet channel. At the same time, the accompanying
tachment to the downdrift shoreline may take from 6 to 10 storm surge increases the water surface slope at the inlet. This
years. The volume of sand bypassed can range from 100 000 to results in stronger than normal flood-tidal currents. The
more than 1 000 000 m3. The bulge in the shoreline that is strength of the flood currents coupled with the high rate of
formed by the attachment of a bar complex is gradually ero- sand delivery to the inlet results in landward sediment trans-
ded and smoothed as sand is dispersed along the downdrift port into the backbarrier. Along the Malpeque barrier system
shoreline and transported back toward the inlet. In some in- in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, New Brunswick, Canada, it has
stances, a landward migrating bar complex forms a salt water been determined that over a 33-year period, 90% of the sand
pond as the tips of the arcuate bar weld to the beach stabil- transferred to the backbarrier took place at tidal inlets and at
izing its onshore movement. Although the general shape of former inlet locations along the barrier (Armon, 1979).
the bar and pond may be modified by overwash and dune Sediment may also be lost at laterally migrating inlets
building activity, the overall shoreline morphology is fre- where sand is deposited as channel fill. If the channel scours
quently preserved. Lenticular-shaped coastal ponds or marshy below the base of the barrier sands, then the beach sand that
swales become diagnostic of bar migration processes and are fills the channel will not be replaced entirely by the deposits
common features near many inlets. excavated on the eroding portion of the channel. Because up
to 40% of the length of barriers is underlain by tidal inlet fill
deposits that range in thickness from 2 to 10 m (Moslow and
10.7.7 Tidal Inlet Effects on Adjacent Shorelines Heron, 1978; Moslow and Tye, 1985), this volume represents
a large, long-term loss of sand from the coastal sediment
In addition to the direct consequences of spit accretion and budget. Another major process producing sand loss at laterally
inlet migration, there are ancillary effects. These include vol- migrating inlets is associated with the construction of recurved
ume changes in the size of ebb-tidal deltas, sand losses to the spits that build into the backbarrier. For example, along
backbarrier, processes of inlet sediment bypassing, increasing the East Friesian Islands in the North Sea, recurved spit
158 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

development has caused the lengthening of barriers along this period before jetty construction (1849–1880), Morris Island
chain by 3–11 km since 1650 (FitzGerald et al., 1984). During had been eroding at an average rate of 3.5 m yr 1. After the
this stage of barrier evolution, the large size of the tidal inlets jetties were in place, the shoals eroded and gradually dimin-
permitted ocean waves to transport large quantities of sand ished in size, so did the protection they afforded Morris Island,
around the end of the barrier to form recurves that extend far especially during storms. From 1900 to 1973, Morris Island
into the backbarrier. Because of the size of the recurves and the receded 500 m at its northeast end. The recession increased
length of barrier extension, this process has been one of the along the length of the island, reaching a maximum of 1100 m
chief natural mechanisms of bay infilling (FitzGerald and at its southeast end, a rate three times what it had been before
Penland, 1987). jetty construction (FitzGerald, 1988). Changes in Ebb-Tidal Delta Volume Effects of Inlet Sediment Bypassing
Ebb-tidal deltas represent huge reservoirs of sand that may be Tidal inlets interrupt the wave-induced longshore transport of
comparable in volume to that of the adjacent barrier islands sediment along the coast, affecting both the supply of sand to
along mixed-energy coasts (i.e., northern East and West Frie- the downdrift beaches and the position and mechanisms
sian Islands, Massachusetts, southern New Jersey, Virginia, whereby sand is transferred to the downdrift shorelines. The
South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana). For instance, the effects of these processes are well exhibited along the Copper
ebb-tidal delta volume of Stono and North Edisto Inlets in River Delta barriers in the Gulf of Alaska. From east to west
South Carolina is 197 106 m3 and the intervening Seabrook– along the barrier chain, the width of the tidal inlets increases
Kiawah Island barrier complex contains 252 106 m3 of sand as does the size of the ebb-tidal deltas (Figure 4; Hayes, 1979).
(Hayes et al., 1976). In this case, the deltas comprise 44% of In this case, the width of the inlet can be used as a proxy for
the sand in the combined inlet-barrier system. The magnitude the inlet’s cross-sectional area. These trends reflect an increase
of sand contained in ebb-tidal deltas suggests that small in tidal prism along the chain, which is caused by an increase
changes in their volume would dramatically affect the sand in bay area from east to west, while tidal range remains con-
supply to the landward shorelines. stant. Also quite noticeable along this coast is the greater
A transfer of sand from the barrier to the ebb-tidal delta downdrift offset of the inlet shoreline in a westerly direction.
takes place when a new tidal inlet is opened, such as the This morphology is coincident with an increase in the degree
formation of Ocean City Inlet when Assateague Island, of overlap of the ebb-tidal delta along the downdrift inlet
Maryland, was breached during the 1933 Hurricane. Initially, shoreline. The offset of the inlet shoreline and bulbous shape
the inlet was only 3 m deep and 60 m across, but quickly of the barriers are produced by sand being trapped at the
widened to 335 m when it was stabilized with jetties in 1935. eastern, updrift end of the barrier. The amount of shoreline
Since the inlet formed, more than 14 million cubic meters of progradation (build out) is a function of inlet size and extent
sand has been deposited on the ebb-tidal delta (Stauble and of its ebb-tidal delta. What we learn from the sedimentation
Cialone, 1996). Trapping the southerly longshore movement processes along the Copper River Delta barriers is that tidal
of sand by the north jetty and growth of the ebb-tidal delta inlets can impart a very important signature on the form of the
have led to serious erosion along the downdrift beaches. The barriers (FitzGerald, 1996).
northern end of Assateague Island has been retreating at an
average rate of 11 m per year. The rate of erosion lessened Drumstick barrier model
when the ebb-tidal delta reached an equilibrium volume and
In an investigation of barrier islands shorelines in mixed-
the inlet began to bypass sand (Stauble and Cialone, 1996).
energy settings throughout the world, Hayes (1979) noted that
many barriers exhibit a ‘chicken leg drumstick’ barrier island
shape. In this model, the meaty portion of the drumstick Wave Sheltering
barrier is attributed to waves bending around the ebb-tidal
The shallow character of ebb-tidal deltas provides a natural delta producing a reversal in the longshore transport direction.
breakwater for the landward shorelines. This is especially true This process reduces the rate at which sediment bypasses the
during lower tidal elevations when most of the wave energy is inlet, resulting in a broad zone of sand accumulation along
dissipated along the terminal lobe. During higher tidal stages, the updrift end of the barrier. The downdrift, or thin part of
intertidal and subtidal bars cause waves to break offshore, thus the drumstick, is formed through spit accretion. Later studies
expending much of their energy before reaching the beaches demonstrated that landward-migrating bar complexes from
onshore. The sheltering effect is most pronounced along the ebb-tidal delta determine barrier island morphology and
mixed-energy coasts where tidal inlets have well-developed overall shoreline erosional–depositional trends, particularly in
ebb-tidal deltas. mixed-energy settings (FitzGerald et al., 1984).
The influence of ebb shoals is particularly well illustrated Studies of the Friesian Islands demonstrate that inlet pro-
by the history of Morris Island, SC, USA that forms the cesses exert a strong influence on the dispersal of sand and in
southern border of Charleston Harbor. Before human modi- doing so dictate barrier form (FitzGerald et al., 1984). In
fication, the entrance channel to the harbor paralleled Morris addition to drumsticks, the East Friesian Islands exhibit many
Island and was fronted by an extensive shoal system. In the other shapes. Inlet sediment bypassing along this barrier chain
late 1800s, jetties were constructed at the harbor entrance to occurs, in part, through the landward migration of large swash
straighten, deepen, and stabilize the main channel. During the bars (41 km in length) that deliver up to 300 000 m3 of sand
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 159

0 10
Cordova km

Egg Island

Down drift

Figure 4 Copper River delta barrier chain illustrating how increase in bay area from east to west increases tidal prism producing larger tidal
prisms and greater effects on barrier island morphology. Reproduced from Hayes, M.O., 1979. Barrier island morphology as a function of tidal
and wave regime. In: Leatherman, S.P. (Ed.), Barrier Islands: From the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. Academic Press, New York,
NY, pp. 1–28.

when they weld to the beach. In fact, it is the location where thereby changing bay areas and inlet tidal prisms. In some
the bar complexes attach to the shoreline that determines the instances, tidal prisms were reduced to a critical value, leading
form of the barrier along this coast. If the ebb-tidal delta to inlet closure. At these sites, the tidal currents were unable to
greatly overlaps the downdrift barrier, then the bar complexes remove the sand dumped into the inlet channel by wave ac-
may build up the barrier shoreline some distance from the tion. Similarly, when the Intracoastal Waterway was con-
tidal inlet, forming humpbacked barriers. If the downdrift structed along the central Gulf Coast of Florida in the early
barrier is short and the ebb-tidal delta fronts a large portion of 1960s, the dredged waterway served to connect adjacent
the downdrift barrier, then bar complexes weld to the down- backbarrier bays, thereby changing the volume of water that
drift end of the barrier forming downdrift bulbous barriers. was exchanged through the connecting inlets. The Intracoastal
Waterway lessened the flow going through some inlets, while
at the same time increased the tidal discharge of others. This
resulted in the closure of some inlets and the enlargement of Human Influences
others (Barnard and Davis, 1999).
Dramatic changes to inlet beaches can also result from human
influences, including the obvious consequences of jetty con-
struction that reconfigures an inlet shoreline. By preventing or 10.7.8 Coastal Lagoons
greatly reducing the ability of sediments to bypass an inlet,
jetty construction causes the updrift beach to prograde, Coastal lagoons are shallow water geomorphic features that are
whereas the downdrift beach, whose sand supply has been generally elongate, shore-parallel, and physically separated from
diminished or completely cut off, erodes. There can also be the ocean by a strip of land such as a barrier island, spit, or reef
more subtle human impacts that can equally affect inlet (Ward and Ashley, 1989). This definition spans a continuum of
shorelines, especially those associated with changes in inlet coastal water bodies whose end members range from those that
tidal prism, sediment supply, and the longshore transport are completely closed off from the influence of the ocean to
system. Nowhere are these types of impacts better demon- those that are only partially shielded and connected to the
strated than along the central Gulf Coast of Florida, where ocean by tidal inlets (Ward and Ashley, 1989). Salinity of
development has resulted in the construction of causeways, coastal lagoons may range from fresh to hypersaline.
extensive backbarrier filling and dredging projects, and the This section is concerned with lagoons along coastlines
building of numerous engineering structures along the coast. that are fronted by siliciclastic barrier islands and barrier spits,
A detailed study of this region by Barnard and Davis (1999) where the lagoon exists as a result of a barrier island or spit
has revealed that since the late 1980s, 17 inlets have closed development during slowed transgression and stillstand. Ex-
along this coast and at least 5 closures can be traced to human amples include Pamlico Sound, North Carolina and Laguna
influences caused primarily by changes in inlet tidal prism. For Madre, Texas; the eastern Nile Delta, Lagoa dos Patos in Rio
example, road access to several barriers has been achieved Grande do Sul, Brazil; and Wallaby Island lagoon in New
through the construction of causeways that extend from the South Wales, Australia. Flooded river valleys, such as Mobile
mainland across the shallow bays. Along most of their lengths, Bay, Alabama, are not considered lagoons by this definition
the causeways are dike-like structures that partition the bays, although they are bounded by barrier islands and spits.
160 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts Lagoons as Equilibrium Landforms lagoons along the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts are in
equilibrium with respect to geometry (width vs. depth) and
Lagoons are effective sediment traps, with sediments origi- depth (sedimentation rate) with respect to relative sea-level
nating primarily from barrier shoreface erosion, barrier over- rise rates (Nichols, 1989). Because lagoons are such effective
wash during storms, tidal inlet processes (flood-tidal delta and sediment traps, the depth of most modern lagoons is con-
recurved spit accretion), aeolian processes, fluvial discharge, trolled by their width, which determines fetch and therefore
and mainland runoff. It has been shown that most modern effective wave base (Barrell, 1912; Price, 1947; Swift and

Figure 5 Historical evolution of Lake Pelto and the Isle Dernieres from 1853 to 1988. Note the coincidental increase in extent of Lake Pelto and
segmentation of the island chain. Reproduced from Williams, J., Penland, S., Sallenger, Jr. A.H., 1994. Atlas of Shoreline Changes in Louisiana
from 1853 to 1989. US Geological Survey and Louisiana State University, Reston, VA, Miscellaneous Investigation Series I-2150-A, pp. 103, with
permission from US Survey.
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 161

Moslow, 1982). This phenomenon maintains a relatively Wangerooge

consistent lagoon depth relative to width in a regime of stable Spiekeroog
sea level or constant sea-level rise, with a few exceptions where N
a surplus or deficit of sediment results in lagoonal infilling or Langoog

deepening, respectively (Nichols, 1989; Wells and Kim, 1989).


Accelerated sea-level rise rates, barrier island sediment man-

agement and dune stabilization efforts, and anthropogenic

er B
alterations to watershed hydrology that affect sediment yield

of streams have the potential to offset the balance between
sediment supply and sea-level rise in the future.

0 5 Expanding and Shrinking Lagoons 1750
Sedimentation changes in lagoonal systems and morpho- 1960
logical changes to lagoonal shorelines can strongly influence (a)
lagoon–coastal ocean tidal exchange, tidal prism, tidal inlet
dimensions, and coastal sedimentation patterns. 80 000 500 Expanding lagoons Total barrier island length

Lake Pelto, Louisiana, is an example of an expanding lagoon
that separates the Isles Dernieres barrier island chain from 60 000 450

Drainage area (km2)

the wetlands of the mainland Mississippi River delta plain
(Figure 5). These deltaic barrier islands represent a former
sandy mainland shoreline that became detached as subsidence- Legnth (m) 40 000 400
driven, rapid, relative sea-level rise resulted in submergence
and erosion of backbarrier wetlands (Penland et al., 1988).
Total drainage area
This mode of barrier island formation is an example of the
mainland-ridge detachment hypothesis proposed by Hoyt
20 000 350
(1967) for genesis of some mid-Atlantic coast barriers during
the slowing of late Holocene sea-level rise. In this regime of Total inlet width
rapid relative sea-level rise (approximately 9.2 mm a 1; Miner
et al., 2009b), lagoon development and expansion landward 0 300
of the coastal ridge is facilitated by erosion of semicontinuous (b) 1650 1750 1860 1960
bay shorelines to form a series of small marsh islands that
Figure 6 Friesian Islands historical changes illustrating (a) effects of
fringe the lagoon. As the marsh-fragment islands disappear,
poldering and lagoon filling (FitzGerald and Penland, 1987). Note the
fetch across the lagoon increases, which increases wave energy, easterly migration of the drainage divides (vertical lines) extending
accelerating lagoon expansion (Reed, 1989) and increasing the from barrier to mainland and (b) trends of decreasing lagoon area
depth of effective wave base. Lake Pelto has undergone ap- (drainage area) and subsequent decrease in inlet width and increase
proximately 350% increase in average width from approxi- in barrier length (FitzGerald et al., 1984). Reproduced from
mately 2 km in 1853 (McBride et al., 1992) to 7 km in 2009. FitzGerald, D.M., Penland, S., Nummedal, D., 1984. Control of barrier
To accommodate the increased tidal prism resulting from bay island shape by inlet sediment bypassing: East Friesian Islands, West
area expansion, multiple tidal inlets have formed along the Germany. Marine Geology 60, 355–376.
Isles Derniere shoreline; and between 1887 and 2006, the
combined tidal inlet throat width increased from 0.5 to 9 km, FitzGerald et al., 1984). The sand supply that was responsible
whereas barrier island area decreased by 62%. for lengthening the barriers came from a decrease in tidal
prism and attendant reduction in the size of the ebb-tidal
deltas. In a regime of accelerated sea-level rise, if rising waters Shrinking lagoons
converted polders (land reclaimed from the sea) back into
The Friesian Islands along the southern North Sea coast con-
intertidal flats, the barrier chain would revert to its former
tain a backbarrier that has a high tide, wide lagoon that drains
morphology as a consequence of the increased tidal prism
at low tide to expose an extensive system of channels and tidal
(FitzGerald et al., 2004). This example demonstrates that la-
flats. During a 310-year period between 1650 and 1960, the
goonal systems can exert strong controls on sedimentation
lagoonal area decreased by 30% (149 km2), mainly because of
patterns along barrier island chains.
land reclamation of tidal flat areas along the landward sides of
the barriers and along the mainland shore (Figure 6(a);
FitzGerald and Penland, 1987). Secondary losses were attrib- Lagoon hydrodynamics
uted to recurved spit extension into the backbarrier. These
processes resulted in a reduction of the tidal prism and a co- It should be recognized that once a barrier and lagoon system
incident narrowing of the tidal inlets by 52% (11 km) and a are formed, there is a period of adjustment for a length that
lengthening of the barriers by 29% (14 km; Figure 6(b); depends on the hydrodynamics of the tidal inlets. For
162 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

1200 2000
Land loss 1935−2000
1000 1990

Land loss (km2)

1978 16.3 Average
600 rates
28.4 land loss
(km2 yr–1)
1935 19.4
Sea-level rise (cm)

−5 Relative sea-level rise 1947−2006
(a) 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

2006 North 3.5 m
Quatre bayou pass
Caminada pass Pass abel
0 7m


−10 5 m Contour -1980s

0 200 400 600 800 Barataria pass 10.5 m
Barataria pass

5 m Contour-1930s

Caminad pass 0 1 2 3 4 5 km

0 200 400 600 800
5 5
Pass abel Quatre bayou pass
0 0

−5 −5

−10 −10

−15 −15

−20 −20






























Figure 7 Historical changes in Barataria Bay showing trends in: (a) land loss and relative sea-level rise and (b) increasing dimensions of the
tidal inlets and size of the ebb-tidal deltas. Reproduced from FitzGerald, D.M., Kulp, M.A., Huges, Z., Georgiou, I., Miner, M.D., Penland, S.,
Howes, N., 2007. Impacts of rising sea level to backbarrier wetlands, tidal inlets, and barrier islands: Barataria Coast, Louisiana. Coastal
Sediments ’07. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes. May 13–17,
2007. New Orleans, LA, pp. 1179–1192.
Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 163

example, along the Virginia and southern New Jersey coasts, Table 1 Inlet cross-sectional area (m2)
Lucke (1934) proposed that lagoonal infilling was caused by
Year Abel Barataria Caminada Quatre Bayou Total X-sect area
the import of sediment through tidal inlets, resulting in tidal
shoal development and eventually the establishment of salt 1880 0 4304 809 133 5246
marshes (Redfield, 1965). The preferential disposition of 1930 395 6271 1353 2590 10 609
marsh islands and other marsh areas proximate to tidal inlets 1980 4193 7182 1532 3777 16 684
and the presence of open water areas behind the middle of 2006 6669 7374 3372 6726 24 141
barriers and distant from the inlets are consistent with this
The shallow depth and expansive nature of some lagoons example, the control of inlet locations and depth through the
(e.g., Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, North Carolina, NC; construction of jetties can reduce navigation hazards, but at
Texas lagoons; barriers and lagoon system associated with the the same time introduce deleterious sediment budget changes
Copper River Delta; Barataria Bay, Louisiana, LA) lead to fac- to adjacent beach and dune systems. Land-use changes can
tors, in addition to tides, that dictate circulation, including the impact the magnitude of tidal prisms and make previously
influence of winds, wave setup, and freshwater influx (Kjerfve stable inlet system unstable so that they may close, migrate, or
and Knoppers, 1991). For example, circulation in lagoons enlarge. Because coastal barrier systems around the world are
along the central coast of Texas is forced by a tidal range of less often sites of intensive human development, such instabilities
than 0.3 m. Consequently, currents in these lagoons are are commonly threats to resources. For these reasons alone,
commonly dominated by the passage of frontal systems that continued research to improve our ability to predict and
generated northeasterly winds and net westerly flow. Fisher control inlets should remain a priority.
et al. (1972) explained the position of tidal inlets at the
western end of lagoons as a consequence of this event
circulation. References
The East Friesian Islands environments are dominated by
strong prevailing winds that blow from the westerly quadrant. Armon, J.W., 1979. Landward sediment transfers in a transgressive barrier island
These winds generate a longshore transport system that has system, Canada. In: Leatherman, S.P. (Ed.), Barrier Islands: From the Gulf of St.
Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. Academic Press, New York, NY, pp. 65–80.
resulted in a long-term, easterly migration of the tidal inlets.
Aubrey, D.G., Speer, P.E., 1984. Updrift migration of tidal inlets. Journal of Geology
Likewise, these westerly winds produce a net easterly flow of 92, 531–546.
water and net easterly movement of fine-grained sediment in Barnard, P.L., Davis, R.A., 1999. Anthropogenic versus natural influences on inlet
the lagoon. This has resulted in an easterly migration of the evolution. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Coastal
drainage divides (see Figure 6(a); FitzGerald and Penland, Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, June 21–23, 1999.
ASCE, Long Island, New York, pp. 1489–1504.
Barrell, J., 1912. Criteria for the recognition of ancient delta deposits. Geological
Society of America Bulletin 23, 377–446.
Boothroyd, J.C., Friedrich, N.E., McGinn, S.R., 1985. Geology of microtidal coastal
10.7.9 Lagoon Inlet Response to Sea-Level Rise lagoons: Rhode Islands. In: Oertel, G.F., Leatherman, S.P. (Eds.), Barrier Islands.
Marine Geology 63(1–4), 35–76.
Byrne, R.J., Bullock, P., Taylor, D.G., 1975. Response characteristics of a tidal inlet:
The historical development of Barataria Bay in Louisiana il-
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record, the cumulative inlet cross sections have more quad- Dynamics of Tidal Inlets. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 186–225.
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It is clear that understanding the dynamics and evolution of FitzGerald, D.M., Kulp, M.A., Huges, Z., Georgiou, I., Miner, M.D., Penland, S.,
coastal inlets and lagoons is important for the long-term Howes, N., 2007. Impacts of rising sea level to backbarrier wetlands, tidal inlets,
management of the associated coastal environments. For and barrier islands: Barataria coast, Louisiana: Coastal Sediments ’07.
164 Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts

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pp. 1179–1192. from 1853 to 1989. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA and
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Bay, Mississippi River delta. Sedimentology 15, 1125–1148. Morton, R.A., Donaldson, A.C., 1973. Sediment distribution and evolution of tidal
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Island. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 57, 746–754. Geology 10, 285–299.
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Tidal Inlets and Lagoons along Siliciclastic Barrier Coasts 165

Biographical Sketch

Duncan FitzGerald is a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences with an expertise in coastal processes,
stratigraphy, and morphodynamics. He received his Masters in Geological Oceanography at Texas A&M University
and his PhD in Geology at the University of South Carolina, USA. He is a marine geologist who studies sediment
exchange, hydrodynamics, and coastal evolution of marshes, estuaries, river deltas, barrier islands, and tidal inlets.
His three major research themes are presently focused on coastal response to accelerating sea-level rise, impact of
major storms along the Louisiana coast, and climatic and oceanographic controls on strand plain development in
Brazil. His textbook on coastal geology is used both nationally and internationally. He is a Fellow of the
Geological Society of America and has received numerous teaching awards at Boston University, MA, USA.

Mike Miner received a BS and MS in geology from the University of Mississippi and his doctorate at the University
of New Orleans (UNO). He held a post-doctoral position at the UNO Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental
Sciences from 2007 to 2010 and began to work for the US Department of Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) in March 2010. Dr. Miner’s research over the past decade has focused on coastal and shelf
geomorphic evolution and sediment dynamics, coastal response to hurricanes and sea-level rise, and deltaic
evolution with applications to improving coastal management strategies. Mike works in the BOEM Gulf of Mexico
Region Marine Minerals Program which is located in New Orleans, Louisiana and manages Federal offshore sand
and gravel resources for beach nourishment and barrier island ecosystem restoration projects. He also holds an
adjunct faculty appointment in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at UNO.
10.8 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis
RA McBride, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
JB Anderson, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
IV Buynevich, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
W Cleary, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, USA
MS Fenster, Randolph Macon College, Ashland, VA, USA
DM FitzGerald, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
MS Harris, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, USA
CJ Hein, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
AHF Klein, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário Trindade, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
B Liu, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
JT de Menezes, Laboratory of Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing, Itajaı́, SC, Brazil
M Pejrup, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
SR Riggs, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA
AD Short, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
GW Stonew, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
DJ Wallace, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
P Wang, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.8.1 Introduction 174

10.8.2 Trailing-Edge Coasts 177 Barrier Systems along the New England Coast, United States (Paraglacial) 177 Geologic setting 177 New classification of paraglacial barriers: the New England prototype 178 Recent advances and future directions 179 Barrier Systems along Mid-Atlantic Bight, United States: Cape Charles, Virginia to Montauk Point,
New York 180 Geologic setting 180 Coastal geomorphology and processes 181 Primary geomorphic units of the Mid-Atlantic Bight coast 181 Classic studies of barrier systems of Mid-Atlantic Bight 183 Quantitative overview of wave energy, tides, currents, weather, storms, and predominant wind directions 183 Synthesis of regional morphodynamics, shoreline change, and barrier-system evolution 184 Current and future research, developments, and issues for Mid-Atlantic Bight 185 Geologic Framework of North Carolina’s Barrier Island Systems, United States 186 Geologic setting 186 Types of North Carolina barrier systems 188 Human modification and natural process on the barrier systems 189 Future research directions 189 Barrier Systems along the Georgia Bight, United States: Cape Fear, North Carolina to Cape Canaveral,
Florida 189 Geologic setting 190 Coastal geomorphology, processes, and dynamics 190 Primary geomorphic zones 190 Classic studies 191 Physical processes 191 Regional morphodynamics, shoreline change, and barrier-system evolution 192 Research, developments, and issues 192 Barrier Systems along the Florida Atlantic Coast, United States 192 Geologic setting 192

McBride, R.A., Anderson, J.B., Buynevich, I.V., et al., 2013.

Morphodynamics of barrier systems: a synthesis. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in
Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal and Submarine Geomorphology,
pp. 166–244.


166 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 167 Barrier-island morphodynamics 193 Future research 195 Barrier Systems of the Santa Catarina Coast, Southeastern Brazil 195 Geologic setting 195 Coastal geomorphology and processes 198 Coastal setting 198 Geomorphic units 199 Research along the Santa Catarina coast 199 Future research directions 199 Barrier Systems along the Wadden Sea: European North Sea Coast (German Bight) 201 Geologic setting 201 Coastal geomorphology and processes 202 Significant current research developments 203 Future research directions 203 Australian Barrier Systems 204 Geologic setting 204 Coastal geomorphology and processes 205 Barrier research 205 Future directions for research 207
10.8.3 Marginal Sea Coasts 207 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems along the Gulf of Mexico Coast of Florida, United States: Sanibel
Island to Perdido Pass, Florida 207 Geologic setting 207 Barrier-island morphodynamics 209 Future research 211 Barrier Systems along the North-Central Gulf of Mexico Coast, United States: Alabama, Mississippi, and
Louisiana 211 Geologic setting 213 Coastal geomorphology and processes 214 Louisiana barrier systems 214 Isles Dernieres 214 Bayou Lafourche 215 Plaquemines 215 Chandeleur Islands 215 Inner-shelf shoals: submerged barrier systems 216 Mississippi barrier systems 216 Cat Island 216 Ship Island 217 Horn Island 217 Petit Bois Island 217 Alabama barrier systems 217 Significant current research, developments, and issues 217 Future research directions 217 Barrier Systems along Northwest Gulf of Mexico Coast, United States: Texas 217 Geologic setting 217 Coastal geomorphology and processes 218 Geographic zones 218 Classic studies 218 Coastal processes 218 Regional morphodynamics, shoreline change, and barrier-island evolution 218 Current research 218 Future work 220
10.8.4 Collision Coasts 220 Barrier Systems along the Gulf of Alaska, Pacific Ocean 221 Geologic setting 221 Coastal geomorphology and barriers 222 Significant current research and future developments 224 New Zealand Barrier Systems 224 Geologic setting 225 Coastal geomorphology and processes 225
168 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis Significant current research 225 Future research 225
10.8.5 Migration and Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: Primary Factors 225
10.8.6 Future Research Directions and Suggestions 227
Acknowledgements 228
References 228

Glossary sediments between two active tidal inlets and this sediment
Afro-trailing-edge coast Coast defining a passive accumulation (barrier island) lies between the shoreface
continental margin that faces a divergent boundary but the and the back-barrier estuary (Oertel, 1985). For a littoral
opposite side of the continent is also a passive margin sand body to be designated a barrier island, six required
where that coast also faces a divergent boundary (e.g., east sedimentary environments must be present: (1) mainland,
and west coasts of Africa and Greenland). See Inman and (2) back-barrier estuary, (3) tidal inlets and tidal-inlet
Nordstrom (1971). deltas, (4) barrier island, (5) barrier platform, and
Aggradation The process of vertical upward-building (6) shoreface (modified from Oertel, 1985).
sediment deposition. Barrier morphodynamics The combination of and
Aggrading barrier island or system Where sediment interaction among all processes (dynamics) such as
supply and relative sea-level rise are in equilibrium, substrate gradient, sediment supply, waves, tides, wind,
enabling the barrier system and each sedimentary vegetation, relative sea level, and tectonics that combine to
environment within the system to build vertically. control the response and shape (morphology) of a barrier
Amero-trailing-edge coast Coast defining a passive system.
continental margin that faces a divergent boundary (e.g., Barrier morphostratigraphy The internal structure of a
east coast of North and South America) but the opposite barrier system, including the nature and arrangement of the
side of the continent is a collision coast. (See Inman and major sedimentary units.
Nordstrom, 1971.) Barrier spit Elongated, wave-built accumulation of sand
Annual landfall probability The time-averaged that is built laterally through longshore sediment transport
representation of hurricane impacts over a year, expressed as and is attached on one end to a mainland coast.
a percentage (i.e., number of hurricane events divided by Barrier system A more inclusive term than a ‘barrier-
years multiplied by 100). island system’ (see below). A chain of barrier islands and
Apogee When the Moon is furthest from the Earth during spits along an open-ocean coast, composed of several
the Moon’s monthly elliptical orbit around the Earth, which distinct islands.
causes a decrease in the gravitational pull between the two Barrier-island evolution The response of barrier
planetary bodies. Consequently, tidal range is decreased. islands (aggradation, regression, and transgression) to
Apogee occurs every 27.6 days. coastal-change forcing mechanisms (e.g., relative sea-level
Asthenosphere Ductile layer in the upper mantle of the changes, sediment supply variations, hurricane
Earth that extends from the base of the lithosphere impacts, etc.).
(B80–100 km into the Earth’s interior) to a depth of about Barrier-island platform The coastal plain landscape
700 km. The asthenosphere is ductile because of partial across which a barrier-island complex migrates during
melting. marine transgression. Often, the platform is not flat, but
Backshore Landward portion of the beach that extends rather incised by rivers, creeks, and tidal channels before the
from the berm crest (or mean high tide) to the base of the arrival of the barrier island on its landward retreat.
dunes, cliff face, or vegetation if dunes are not present. This Barrier-island system A major coastal system composed
portion of the beach is covered by water only during storms of six required interactive sedimentary environments: (1)
and exceptionally high spring tides. mainland, (2) back-barrier estuary, (3) tidal inlets and tidal-
Barrier A shore-parallel, long-term accumulation of inlet deltas, (4) barrier island, (5) barrier platform, and (6)
wave-, wind-, and/or tide-deposited sediments and/or shoreface (modified from Oertel, 1985). See the term
organic matter that rises above the high-tide level and is ‘barrier island’.
separated from the mainland by a brackish water body Bay (Basin) hypsometry The vertical distribution of bay
(e.g., bay or estuary), salt marsh, or change in landform or surface area with height (Boon and Byrne, 1981). Often
lithology. Barriers derive their name from the protection defined by the ‘hypsometric (area to height) relationship’
they afford the mainland from coastal storms and among the basin area lying above a given elevation contour,
sea-level rise. the maximum basin area and the height interval
Barrier chronology The reconstruction of barrier between peak and minimum basin elevation (see Strahler,
evolution on the basis of age dating of samples from barrier 1952).
stratigraphic units. Bayhead delta A depositional landform formed by river
Barrier island The subaerial expression of an discharge and sediment progradation into the head of a bay
accumulation of wave-, wind-, and/or tide-deposited or estuary (e.g., Atchafalaya delta).
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 169

Beach ridge The clastic sand and/or gravel ridges – often upstream ice dam at ca. 9 ka and is now the site of the
regressive and containing shell fragments – that are built longest barrier chain in the Gulf of Alaska. The delta
primarily by wave processes, such as the emergence and stretches along 75 km of the Gulf of Alaska coastline,
growth of longshore bars during constructional wave extends offshore to a depth of 50 m, covers an area of about
activity, or the erosion of the lower beach and deposition by 2000 km2 (Thilenius, 1990), is up to 180 m thick, and
wave swash along the upper beach during storms. Low areas contains approximately 446 km3 of sediment (Reimnitz,
between ridges are called swales. 1966).
Berm A low impermanent, nearly horizontal or landward- Cuspate embayments Geomorphic coastal bays that are
sloping bench on the backshore of a beach formed of defined by the cape structures and associated cape shoal
sediment and/or material deposited by storm waves or deposits, which are extensive, shore-perpendicular, shallow
spring high tides. Some beaches have one or more berms sand shoals that extend seaward across the continental shelf
whereas others have none. and include Diamond Shoals off Cape Hatteras, NC;
Berm crest The seaward or outer limit or edge, and Lookout Shoals off Cape Lookout, NC; and Frying Pan
generally the highest elevation of a berm on a beach. The Shoals off Cape Fear, NC.
crest of the most seaward berm demarcates the boundary Delta plain Landward portion of a delta that contains
between the foreshore and the backshore. subaqueous and subaerial environments such as
Bight A large embayment or indentation along the coast distributary channels, natural levees, back swamps, crevasse
(e.g., Georgia Bight, German Bight, Mid-Atlantic Bight). splays, and interdistributary bays, and that extends from the
A bight is commonly characterized by a funnel shape and low-tide line landward to the most-upstream distributary.
wider continental shelf that may result in the amplification of Diurnal tides One high and one low tide during a lunar
tidal range toward the apex of the embayment. In response to day (24 h and 50 m).
the increasing tidal range, barrier-island morphology tends to Divergent boundary Zone along which two lithospheric
evolve from wave-dominated to tide-dominated toward the plates diverge (e.g., mid-oceanic ridge or rise) because of
apex. seafloor spreading. New oceanic crust (basaltic) is formed at
Central Texas coast Matagorda Peninsula, Matagorda divergent boundaries.
Island, St. Joseph Island, Mustang Island, and North Padre Drumlin Elongated teardrop or whale-shaped hill ranging
Island. from 10 to 50 m in height formed by the movement of
Chenier An isolated transgressive sandy and/or shelly glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or
ridge with progradational littoral mudflat deposits both ground moraine or bedrock, with the steep side commonly
landward and seaward of the ridge. (See Hoyt, 1969; Otvos facing up-glacier.
and Price, 1979; McBride et al., 2007.) Drumstick barrier island A mixed-energy, tide-
Coastal plain The low terrestrial platform on a dominated barrier island that has a shape of a chicken
continental margin adjacent to the ocean that extends drumstick (wide, meaty end and thin, boney end) when
inland to 200 m or 300 m elevation and represents the viewed from above (i.e., plan view). Good examples are
accumulation of materials from the erosion of interior found along the outer barrier-island coasts of South
highlands. Carolina, Georgia, southern Delmarva Peninsula, and
Collision coast A coast that faces offshore trenches (see southern New Jersey.
Inman and Nordstrom, 1971), where oceanic crust is East Texas coast Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston Island, and
subducted into the asthenosphere as the result of two Follets Island. Also known as the Upper Texas coast.
lithospheric plates colliding. Subduction below a continent Ebb-tidal current Tidal current associated with the falling
(oceanic–continental collision) is classified as a continental tide and usually flowing seaward out of an estuary or
collision coast (e.g., western coast of South America, tidal inlet.
northwest coast of the United States), and subduction Ebb-tidal delta Arcuate to elongate-shaped shoal on the
below an island arc (oceanic–oceanic collision) is classified seaward side of an active tidal inlet. Formed by ebb-tidal
as an island–arc collision coast (e.g., Aleutian Islands, currents and modified by waves and flood-tidal currents
Japanese Islands, and New Zealand). (see Hayes, 1980).
Complex barrier islands Sediment-rich barrier islands Estuary A semi-enclosed coastal body of water that
characterized by abundant sand supply that build high and extends landward to the effective limit of tidal influence and
wide barrier segments dominated by beach ridge-swale within which seawater enters from one or more free
features, back-barrier dune fields, and maritime forests, all connections with the open sea and is diluted by freshwater
which represent multiple evolutionary stages of development. derived from land drainage (e.g., Delaware Bay; Chesapeake
Continental shelf The shallow, seaward-sloping platform Bay; Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, North Carolina;
that is part of the continent (granitic crust) that extends Mobile Bay, Alabama).
from the modern shoreline to the shelf break at Eustatic sea-level change Worldwide change in sea level
approximately 120 m water depth. resulting from a change in the volume of the oceans or the
Copper River Delta A ‘marine-dominated fan-delta’ size of the ocean basins.
(Galloway, 1976) or ‘mixed-energy delta’ (Hayes and Ruby, Extratropical storm Mid- to high-latitude cold-core
1994) located at the mouth of the Copper River, Gulf of cyclones (see also northeaster) that occur along frontal
Alaska, USA. It first formed following the breach of an boundaries during late fall, winter, and early spring.
170 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Fetch Distance the wind blows over open water. Headland beach Narrow beach dominated by older
Flandrian European climatostratigraphic stage sediment or rock units in the shoreface or outcropping on
(interglacial) that covers the period from around 12 000 the beach. Headland beaches occur along the mainland
years ago, at the end of the last glacial period, to the present interfluves between river valleys and generally have minimal
day. Flandrian is first and only stage of the Holocene sand available, resulting in thin, narrow sand beaches
epoch. perched on older sediments or rocks.
Flood-tidal current Tidal current associated with the Holocene epoch The most recent subunit of time within
rising tide and usually flowing landward into an estuary or the Quaternary Period that extends from 10 kya to present
tidal inlet. and is an interglacial period.
Flood-tidal delta Horseshoe to multilobate-shaped sand Hurricane Tropical cyclonic storm with wind velocities
shoal located landward of a tidal inlet, formed by flood- exceeding 117 kmh1 (74 mph). The term is used for storms
tidal currents, and modified by ebb-tidal currents (see occurring in the North Atlantic, whereas the terms typhoon
Hayes, 1980). Some flood-tidal deltas are a product of and tropical cyclone are typically used in the western Pacific
storm processes. and Australia/Indian Ocean, respectively. Winds rotate
Forced regression Seaward translation of the coastline in around a low-pressure center (i.e., eye), counterclockwise in
response to relative sea-level fall, irrespective of sediment the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern
supply. Results in erosion of nonmarine and shallow Hemisphere.
marine environments adjacent to the coastline; resulting Inlet throat The narrowest, deepest part of the main
sedimentary deposits (including ‘strandplains’) display channel of a tidal inlet, where tidal currents typically reach
progradational and downstepping stacking patterns their maximum velocity.
(Posamentier et al., 1992). Isostasy The vertical movement of land on a local to
Foredune A sand dune located immediately landward regional basis. Crustal loading, as by ice (glacioisostasy),
of the beach-backshore area and oriented parallel water (hydroisostasy), sediments (lithoisostasy), or volcanic
or near parallel to the shoreline. The first or foremost flows leads to isostatic depression or downwarping or
dune also known as the fore dune ridge or primary subsidence, whereas removal of load leads to isostatic uplift
dune. or rebound or upwarping.
Foreshore The intertidal portion of the beach that Last glacial maximum (LGM) When glacial ice on the
extends from the low-tide line to the landward change in Earth was at its peak, approximately 21–18 kya. Global sea
slope, usually the berm crest. Also referred to as the levels were low, continental shelves were subaerially
forebeach or beach face. Includes the swash zone, the exposed, and the coastal regions were tens to hundreds of
part of the foreshore over which the waves uprush and kilometers seaward of their current position located near
backrush. the continental shelf break.
Georgia Bight Geographic area between Cape Hatteras, Lithosphere Outer rigid shell of the Earth, typically
NC, and Cape Canaveral, FL that forms a large coastal 80–100 km thick, consisting of oceanic crust (basalt),
embayment that is dominated by barrier islands. continental crust (granitic), and the rigid upper portion of
German Bight Geographic area along the Dutch, German, the mantle.
and Danish coasts that forms a large coastal embayment Lithospheric plates The outer rigid shell of the Earth that
that is dominated by barrier islands (Frisian and North extends from the surface to depths of 80–100 km and is
Frisian Islands). broken up into 12–14 medium- to large-sized lithospheric
Glacioisostacy Lithospheric depression or rebound due plates (e.g., North American, South American, Pacific, Juan
to the weight or melting of glacier ice. de Fuca, Nazca, Cocos, Eurasian, African, Indian-Australian,
Good Friday Earthquake Also known as the ‘Great and Antarctic). These plates are dynamic and move at rates
Alaskan Earthquake’ and ‘Portage Earthquake’; a 9.2 ranging from 1 to 18 cm yr1.
magnitude megathrust earthquake epicentered near College Littoral drift Sediment that has been transported in the
Fjord, 20 km north of Prince William Sound (Gulf of nearshore zone by the longshore current. Littoral drift is
Alaska) on 27 March 1964. It was caused by rupture of the the sediment that has been moved, not the process of
fault zone joining the Pacific and North American plates. movement. The process is called longshore sediment
Vertical displacement ranged from  2.3 to þ11.5 m. It is transport.
the second largest earthquake ever recorded and, combined Longshore bar Shore-parallel sand bar in the nearshore
with the subsequent tsunami and mudslides, was zone that is formed by wave processes.
responsible for the death of nearly 150 people and for $311 Longshore current Shore-parallel current in the
million in property loss. nearshore zone that is produced by waves approaching and
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) A shallow-subsurface- breaking on a beach obliquely.
imaging technique that employs pulses of electromagnetic Longshore current convergence zone Offshore
waves in the VHF to UHF (ca. 20–1000 MHz) radar Central Texas coast (south of Mustang Island) where the
frequency range. Reflections of the radar wave are nearshore and offshore coastal wind-driven oceanographic
produced when they strike buried objects or the boundary currents converge (Lohse, 1955; Curray, 1960; Morton,
of sedimentological units with different electrical 1979) and deliver sediment (Curray, 1960; Watson,
properties. 1971).
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 171

Longshore sediment transport The process of shore- angle (quadrature), coinciding with first and third quarter
parallel sediment movement along the coast in the surf and moons. During neap tides, tidal range is at a minimum
breaker zones by wave suspension and the longshore where the lowest high tide and highest low tide occur. Neap
current. tides occur every 14.7 days, a fortnight.
Macrotidal range Tidal range greater than 4 m. Neo-trailing-edge coast Coastlines along linear seas that
Marginal sea coasts Continental or mainland coast (e.g., have been created by spreading zones (see Inman and
northern Gulf of Mexico coast, mainland coast of eastern Nordstrom, 1971). These coasts face divergent boundaries
Eurasia, Bering sea coast) that faces the backside of a and are geologically young, such as those along the Red Sea
volcanic island arc (Outer Antilles, Japanese Islands, and Gulf of California. Neo-trailing-edge coasts tend to
Aleutian Islands) and for which a marginal sea or gulf look like collision coasts because they are so young and
separates the two (e.g., Gulf of Mexico, South China Sea, immature.
Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea). See Inman and Nordstrom Northeaster (Nor’easter) Type of extratropical cyclone
(1971). that tracks northward along the North American Atlantic
Mesotidal range Tidal range between 2 and 4 m. coast (USA and Canada) that produces strong winds and
Meteorological tides Water-level fluctuations caused by waves from the northeast because of counterclockwise
winds or changes in barometric pressure instead of rotation of winds around the low-pressure system.
astronomical factors. Also known as wind tides. Northern coastal zone (North Carolina) Northeastern
Microtidal range Tidal range less than 2 m. portion of North Carolina’s coastal system that is underlain
Mid-Holocene highstand The maximum elevation of sea by thick sequences of Quaternary sediments that are
level reached during the Holocene, noted throughout the generally unconsolidated and thicken northward to fill the
Southern Hemisphere and in some equatorial regions (Isla, subsiding Albemarle Embayment.
1989; Roy et al., 1994; Angulo and Lessa, 1997; Angulo OSL dating (optical stimulated luminescence) After
et al., 2006). Occurred as a consequence of global deposition, quarts and feldspar mineral grains accumulate
hydroisostasy: collapsing forebulges in previously glaciated energy in crystal defects. The amount of accumulated energy
continental margins (the ‘near field’) during the mid- is caused by radioactive decay in the sediment matrix and
Holocene created accommodation space that siphoned the cosmic radiation, which is a function of burial time.
water from ‘far-field’ (generally southern ocean) regions Trapped energy can be released by exposure to light and
(Mitrovica and Milne, 2002). Additional accommodation in from this energy release age may be estimated.
the near field was created by hydroisostatic loading of the Outwash plain A broad, low-relief plain composed of
coastal oceanic crust, thus accounting for an additional sediment (typically sand and fine gravel) deposited by
40% of sea-level fall in far-field regions (Milne et al., 2005). meltwater flowing as confluent alluvial fans that emerge
Along the southern Brazil coast, mean sea level reached from multiple meltwater valleys at the terminus of a glacier.
2–4 m above present at ca. 5.8 ka (Angulo et al., 2006). Overwash The process where sediment is transported by
Mixed-energy coast A coast in which the morphology has swash landward from the beach across a barrier system and is
developed through a relative balance in tidal energy and deposited in an apron-like accumulation along the backside
wave energy. Mixed-energy coasts can be subdivided into of the barrier island or barrier spit. Overwash usually occurs
tide-dominated and wave-dominated types. during storms when waves break through the frontal dune
Mixed-energy, tide-dominated barrier system Where ridge and flow landward toward the marsh or estuary.
tidal energy dominates over wave energy, resulting in Palimpsest Sedimentary features usually found on the
barrier-island morphology that is characterized by shorter seafloor or estuarine bottom that were formed under a set of
barrier islands and an increase in the number of active tidal conditions different than those that modified the features
inlets (see Hayes, 1980, 1994a, 1994b; Davis and Hayes, subsequently and exhibit attributes of both an earlier
1984). The tidal inlets are typically characterized by large, depositional environment and a later environment.
well-developed ebb-tidal deltas. Pangaea Last supercontinent (single landmass) that
Mixed-energy, wave-dominated barrier system Where existed from about 260 to 200 mya, prior to the breakup
wave energy dominates over tidal energy, resulting in and drifting of the continents to their present geographic
barrier-island morphology that is characterized by longer positions.
barrier islands and a decrease in the number of active tidal Paraglacial Unstable condition caused by a significant
inlets (see Hayes, 1980; Davis and Hayes, 1984). The tidal relaxation time in processes and geomorphic patterns
inlets are typically characterized by large, well-developed following glacial climates; landforms with morphology
flood-tidal deltas. and/or sediments inherited from glaciation.
Moraine Any glacially formed accumulation of Passive continental margin Type of continental margin
unconsolidated glacial debris (soil and rock), which can found in the middle of a lithospheric plate that was created
occur in currently glaciated and formerly glaciated regions, by the extension of crust and formation of an ocean basin
such as those areas acted upon by a past glacial maximum. similar to the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., breakup of Pangaea). The
An end moraine forms along the ice front, with the terminal margin on either side of that basin is generally less active
end moraine delimiting the farthest extent of the ice sheet. tectonically than other continental margins (e.g., collision
Neap tides Diminished tidal range along the coast that is coasts such as the US west coast), although earthquakes do
produced when the Earth, Moon, and Sun form a right occur (e.g., Charleston, 1886; Mineral, VA 2011).
172 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Perigee When the Moon is closest to the Earth during the marsh, estuarine, and mainland sediments, thus forming a
Moon’s monthly elliptical orbit around the Earth, which transgressive succession.
causes an increase in the gravitational pull between the two Saale The term applied in northern Europe to the third
planetary bodies. Consequently, tidal range is amplified. classical glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch, after the
Perigee occurs every 27.6 days. Perigee is particularly Elster glacial stage and before the Weichsel; equivalent to
important when it coincides with syzygy (i.e., spring high the Riss and Illinoian glacial stages. Northern European
tides) and/or storm surge, which further raises water levels climatostratigraphic and floral stage.
(e.g., 1962 Ash Wednesday Storm along US Altantic coast). Salt marshes in the Wadden Sea region Most of the
Plate tectonics Theory regarding the dynamics of the natural salt marshes in the Wadden Sea region have been
Earth’s surface, especially the lithosphere. The lithosphere is diked during the last 500 years, and only minor areas of
broken into 12–14 medium- and large-sized plates that undiked salt marsh remain. Today, undiked salt marshes are
move on the order of 1–18 cm yr1 because of convection found on the lagoon side of the barrier islands and along
cells in the asthenosphere that drive seafloor spreading and the mainland coast in front of the dikes.
subduction. The theory explains earthquake activity, mid- Sand Sediment grains ranging in size between 0.0625 and
oceanic ridges, deep-sea trenches, mountain building, 2.0 mm in size.
volcanism, and the distribution of landmasses. The theory Sand dunes Mounds or ridges of sand and silt that are
of plate tectonics is the centerpiece of the disciplines of transported and deposited by the wind and commonly
geology and earth science. found landward of the beach usually forming a foredune or
Pleistocene epoch A subcomponent of the Quaternary transgressive dunes.
Period that extends from 1.64 mya to 10 kya and was Sea Islands The stretch of shoreline characterized by short
dominated by glaciations and interglacials. barrier islands and numerous tidal inlets that extends from
Progradation The seaward movement of a shoreline Charleston Harbor Inlet, South Carolina to St. Johns River
caused by the deposition of sediments (e.g., deltas). mouth, Florida.
Prograding barriers Type of barrier, barrier island, or Sea-level highstand For the Quaternary Period, the
barrier system that builds seaward during its evolution position of sea level during interglacials, when continental
because of an abundant sediment supply. Barrier sands ice sheets were smallest because of warmer global
typically are underlain by shoreface and shelf sediments, temperatures and sea level reaching its highest elevations.
thus forming a regressive succession. The Holocene epoch is an interglacial, so Earth is currently
Quadrature When the orientation of the Sun, Earth, and experiencing a sea-level highstand.
Moon forms a 90-degree angle (1st or 3rd quarter Moons) Sea-level lowstand For the Quaternary Period, the
causing destructive gravitational effect or pull among the position of sea level during glaciations, when continental
celestial bodies that results in diminished tidal range (neap ice sheets were largest because of colder global temperatures
tides) on Earth. and sea level reaching its lowest elevations (B–120 m
Quaternary Period The time of ice ages and major climate below present); these sea-level lowstands (i.e., shorelines)
shifts (glaciations and interglacials) on Earth defined as were commonly located on the outer continental shelf near
lasting from 1.64 million years ago (mya) to the present time. the shelf break. The last sea-level lowstand occurred about
The Quaternary Period consists of two epochs: the Pleistocene 18 kya, during the height of the last glaciation (Wisconsin).
(1.64 to 10 kya) and the Holocene (10 kya to present). Sediment budget Quantitative analyses of sediment
Recurved spit A coastal geomorphic feature typically inputs and outputs of a littoral cell and where sediment
characterized by curved beach ridges formed by longshore sources and sinks are identified.
sediment transport and deposition, and on which the end Semidiurnal tides Two high and two low tides during a
of the spit is deflected landward by wave refraction or two lunar day (24 h and 50 min).
opposing currents. Setdown A lowering of water level in the surf zone
Regression The seaward movement of a shoreline, because of offshore winds pushing ocean water away from a
regardless of the forcing mechanisms (e.g., relative sea-level shoreline (wind setdown) or lowering of the water level
changes, sediment budget variations, coastal processes, during wave breaking (wave setdown).
storm impacts, etc.), as defined by Curray (1964). Setup An increase in water level in the surf zone because
Regressive barrier A barrier system that builds seaward, of onshore winds (wind setup), Ekman Transport, the
usually marked by a series of beach and/or foredune ridges. inverse barometric effect, and/or breaking waves (wave
Relative sea level The net sea level along coasts as setup) piling up water along a shoreline.
determined by taking into consideration eustatic (global Shelf sediment Sediment derived from the inner
ocean level) and isostatic (local to regional land changes) continental shelf. May be carbonate, siliceous, or a mixture
processes and factors. of the two.
Relative sea-level rise A net rise in sea level as determined Shoal bypassing Sediments that continue to move with
by taking into consideration eustatic and isostatic factors. the littoral currents around the ebb-tidal delta and attach to
Retrograding barrier Type of barrier, barrier island, or the shoreline downdrift of the tidal inlet (i.e., inlet
barrier system that is topographically low in profile and that sediment bypassing).
moves landward primarily through overwash processes Shoal retreat massifs Large sedimentary bodies that
during storms. Barrier sands typically are underlain by developed during sea-level rise. Caused by the drowning
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 173

and reworking of large sand deposits located near the Tertiary The time period between the Age of Dinosaurs at
mouths of large estuaries. the end of the Cretaceous Period (65 million years ago) and
Shoreline change The time-averaged subaerial shoreline the start of the Pleistocene epoch and Quaternary Period
movement or migration using shoreline positions from two (1.64 million years ago).
or more time periods such as the years 1887 versus 2012. The Wadden Sea A sea that extends 450 km
(Positive values typically indicate seaward movement or along the Dutch, German, and Danish North Sea coasts,
migration, whereas negative values indicate landward covering 10 000 km2, some 2000 km2 of which has 23
movement or migration.) Shoreline positions can be inhabited barrier islands and seven small vegetated islands,
measured from the high-water line or from a geomorphic as well as a number of major sand bodies without
feature such as a berm crest. vegetation.
Significant wave height The average height of the highest Tidal inlet or entrance An opening or conduit along the
one-third of waves in a given nearshore area. shoreline that allows water to flow directly between the
Siliciclastic sediment Sedimentary particles derived from open ocean and estuary. The primary channel of the tidal
the weathering and erosion of preexisting rock and inlet is maintained by tidal currents.
comprised primarily of silica-bearing minerals such as Tidal prism The volume of water that is exchanged
quartz. through the inlet throat of a tidal inlet or entrance during
Simple barrier islands Sediment-poor barrier islands each half-tidal cycle (flood or ebb), excluding any
characterized by minor sand supply that build low and freshwater flow (e.g., rivers).
narrow simple barrier segments dominated by inlet- and Tidal range The vertical distance between high tide and
overwash-dynamics, all of which tend to be young relative low tide. Tidal range varies over a lunar month in response
to complex barrier islands. to the different phases of the moon (i.e., new moon, first
South Texas coast The geographic area of South Padre quarter moon, full moon, third quarter moon). Spring tides
Island. occur during new and full moons, and neap tides occur
Southern coastal zone (North Carolina) Southeastern during first and third quarter moons.
portion of North Carolina’s coastal system that is underlain Tidal wave The bulge of water associated with tidal
by rocks of Upper Cretaceous through Pliocene ages propagation within an amphidromic system (e.g.,
with a thin and highly variable unit of Quaternary sand and counterclockwise rotation of the tidal wave in the Northern
mud. Hemisphere and clockwise rotation in the Southern
Spring tides Amplified tidal range along the coast that is Hemisphere). Term should not be confused with
produced when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned tsunami.
(syzygy), coinciding with new and full moons. During Transgression The landward migration of a shoreline,
spring tides, tidal range is at a maximum where the highest regardless of the forcing mechanisms (e.g., relative sea-level
high tide and lowest low tide occur. Spring tides occur every changes, sediment budget variations, coastal processes,
14.7 days, a fortnight. storm impacts, etc.) as defined by Curray (1964).
Storm surge Elevated water levels associated with Transgressive barriers A barrier system that moves
tropical and extratropical cyclones that are created by a landward by overwash and/or aeolian processes.
combination of strong onshore winds and low Transgressive dunes Coastal dunes that move landward
barometric pressure. (i.e., domal effect). Storm surge usually in the form of blowouts, parabolics, or transverse
excludes the influence of wave heights and tidal dunes.
fluctuations. Volcanic island arc Group of volcanic islands that are
Strandplain Broad accumulations of sediment formed in characterized by a curvilinear pattern and are created in
parallel or semiparallel ridges oriented approximately response to the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath an
parallel to the coastline (Roy et al., 1994). Often lack tidal ocean plate (e.g., Aleutian Islands, Japanese Islands,
lagoons, salt marshes, and incising tidal creeks; rather, they Philippines, Outer Antilles).
are connected directly to the mainland, though they may Wadden Sea wind climate Prevailing winds in the
border estuaries whose creeks extend into the plain (Roy Wadden Sea region are westerly, especially during autumn
et al., 1994). and winter in connection with low-pressure systems moving
Subduction A tectonic process where one lithospheric across the North Sea. Typical average annual wind speed for
plate is driven downward into the asthenosphere under the central part of the Wadden Sea is 8 m s1 along the
another plate because of density differences between the island coast and about 6.5 m s1 along the mainland
two plates. Submarine trenches are created because of the coast.
subduction process. Wave base The depth to which the water column and
Syzygy When the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned in a sediment are disturbed by the propagation of surface waves
straight line (new or full Moon) causing a constructive across a water body. This depth is typically defined as equal
gravitational effect or pull among the celestial bodies that to half the wavelength.
results in the amplification of tidal range (spring tides) on Wave height The vertical distance between the wave crest
Earth. and the adjacent trough.
Terrestrial sediment Sediment derived from the erosion Wavelength The horizontal distance between two
of land. adjacent wave crests or troughs.
174 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Wave period The amount of elapsed time for two Weichsel The term applied in northern Europe to the
successive wave crests to pass a stationary point. classical fourth and last glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch,
Wave refraction The bending of an obliquely approaching after the Saale glacial stage; equivalent to the Wurm and
wave crest that results from differential changes in water Wisconsinan. European cold-climate paleofloral stage.
depth beneath the wave and, therefore, changes to the A number of sources were used to assist in the compilation
celerity along the wave crest. of the glossary including individual journal articles (as cited
Wave-dominated barriers A coastal region where wave in the individual definitions below), Encyclopedia of
energy dominates tidal energy, resulting in long, narrow Beaches and Coastal Environments (Schwartz, 1982),
barrier-island systems characterized by few active tidal inlets Glossary of Geology (Neuendorf et al., 2005), Encyclopedia
that have large, well-developed flood-tidal deltas (e.g., of Coastal Science (Schwartz, 2005), and the textbook
Outer Banks of North Carolina). entitled Beaches and Coasts (Davis and FitzGerald, 2004).


The morphodynamics of open-ocean barrier systems (barrier islands, barrier spits, and mainland or headland beaches),
synthesizing classic studies, current scientific knowledge, and future research directions regarding a number of barrier
systems globally are reviewed. Within a coastal tectonic framework, the authors address: (1) Amero-trailing-edge coasts
(USA’s New England coast, mid-Atlantic Bight coast, North Carolina Outer Banks, Georgia Bight coast, and Florida Atlantic
coast; Brazil’s Santa Catarina coast; German Bight coast; and southern and western Australian coasts); (2) marginal-sea
coasts (USA’s Florida Gulf Coast; Gulf Coast of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana; Texas Gulf Coast; and eastern
Australian coast); and (3) collision coasts (USA’s Alaskan Pacific coast and New Zealand). Moreover, the chapter includes a
glossary and robust current set of references.

10.8.1 Introduction based on coastal type (e.g., coastal plain and delta), sediment
type, and chronology.
Investigations of open-ocean barrier systems started about 165 Many summaries of barrier-island distribution have been
years ago. Although nineteenth-century scientists de Beau- published (Gierloff-Emden, 1961; Leontyev, 1965; Zenkovich,
mont (1845), Gilbert (1885), and McGee (1890) published 1967; Glaeser, 1978; Henderson, 1989; Stutz and Pilkey, 2001,
the first papers about the three possible modes of barrier- 2002; Pilkey, 2003; Stutz and Pilkey, 2011). On the basis of the
island origins, it was not until the late 1960s that these coastal seminal work of Inman and Nordstrom (1971), Glaeser
depositional features jumped to the forefront of scientific (1978) developed the first comprehensive compilation
discourse, when the great debate about barrier-island genesis showing the distribution of barrier islands within a plate-
unfolded as a series of discussion and reply articles in response tectonic framework. It showed that the greatest abundance of
to Hoyt’s (1967) now-classic article, ‘barrier-island formation’
(Fisher, 1968; Hoyt, 1968, 1970; Otvos, 1970a, 1970b).
Debate regarding the three modes of barrier-island genesis 6
was resolved when Schwartz (1971) advocated a multiple
causality of barrier islands. Subsequent summaries of different
) ted

igh a

aspects of barrier-island processes, geology, migration, and

(h min

evolution are found in Schwartz (1973), Leatherman (1979a,



w) ate

1981, 1987), Heward (1981), Fisher (1982), McCubbin

Mean tidal range (m)

(lo min


(1982), Nummedal (1983), Davis and Hayes (1984), Davis gy



(1985), Boothroyd (1985), Kraft and Chrzastowski (1985), n


d- e)

Oertel and Leatherman (1985), Nummedal et al. (1987),

3 ixe (tid
Fletcher and Wehmiller (1992), Reinson (1992), Davis
(1994a), Short (1999), Woodroffe (2003), Davis and ergy
FitzGerald (2004), and Stutz and Pilkey (2011). 2 Mixe ave)
Regarding morphology, Hayes (1979) proposed a barrier- (w
island classification that was based on oceanographic pro-
cesses of mean wave height and mean tidal range and that 1 ted
organized barrier coastlines into specific types: (1) wave- e-do
dominated; (2) mixed-energy, wave-dominated; (3) mixed-
energy, tide-dominated; and (4) tide-dominated (Figure 1). 0
Subsequently, Davis and Hayes (1984) and Hayes (1994a, 100 200
1994b) refined this classification. Other classification schemes Mean wave height (cm)
that emphasize different parameters also exist. McBride Figure 1 Coastal classification of barrier systems based on
et al. (1995) presented a geomorphic model that synthesized oceanographic processes (wave height, tidal range). Reproduced
barrier-island behavior using eight shoreline-response types from Davis, R.A., Kuhn, B.J., 1985. Origin and development of
(Figure 2), whereas Pilkey (2003) developed classifications Anclote Key, west-peninsular Florida. Marine Geology 63, 151–171.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 175


6 Headland
5 1
3 3

1 1
3 1 4 4
5 6 6
4 1
2 Ocean No scale implied

Rotational instability 8
Breakup 7
Bayside 5


7 7 5
3 6
7 Counterclockwise
(b) Seaside (c) 2 rotation

Geomorphic response types Environments

1. Lateral movement Upland

Island breaching
2. Advance
3. Dynamic equilibrium
Shoreline movement vector
4. Retreat
Beach ridge
5. In-place narrowing Stable midpoint
6. Landward rollover
Beach Accretion
7. Breakup
8. Rotational instability Salt marsh Erosion

Figure 2 Vector representation of shoreline movement along barrier systems. (a) Generalized geomorphic response-type model. (b) Component
of model illustrating barrier evolution from in-place narrowing to breakup. (c) Another component of model depicting rotational instability. This
response type rotates either counterclockwise (as shown) or clockwise around a stable midpoint. Reproduced from McBride, R.A., Byrnes, M.R.,
1995. A megascale systems approach for shoreline change analysis and coastal management along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies Transactions 45, 405–414, with permission from BEG.

barrier islands occurs along trailing-edge coasts, where broad, (5) barrier platform, and (6) shoreface. Furthermore, a barrier
low-relief coastal plains lie adjacent to the inner shelf, both of spit is a laterally prograded coastal depositional landform that
which are composed of abundant unconsolidated sediment. extends from a mainland or headland into open water along
Later, Stutz and Pilkey (2001, 2011) conducted more detailed the outer coast and consists primarily of unconsolidated
global surveys that identified approximately 2149 individual sediments transported and deposited mainly by longshore
barrier islands totaling about 20 783 km in length, or 10% of all sediment transport. In either case, an estuary or marsh backs
continental shorelines (Figure 3). Their research revealed that by the barrier island and barrier spit. Mainland or headland
length, 63% of barrier islands are along trailing-edge coasts, 21% beaches constitute coastal segments that lie alongshore (i.e.,
along marginal sea coasts, and only 16% along collision coasts. laterally adjacent to) barrier islands or barrier spits.
The literature regarding barrier-system morphodynamics is The chapter sections are organized according to Inman and
copious – in this chapter, we have synthesized its classic studies, Nordstrom’s (1971) plate-tectonic classification of coasts: trail-
current scientific knowledge, and future research directions for a ing-edge coasts (neo, Afro, and Amero), marginal-sea coasts,
number of barrier systems around the world. Open-ocean and collision coasts (continental and island arcs). All of the
barrier systems are the chapter’s focus – barrier islands, barrier trailing-edge coasts addressed in this synthesis are Amero-
spits, and headland or mainland beaches dominated by terri- trailing-edge coasts and include the New England coast, USA;
genous clastic sediment. It does not address fetch-limited bar- Mid-Atlantic Bight coast, USA; North Carolina Outer Banks,
rier islands (Pilkey et al., 2009) or barrier systems dominated by USA; Georgia Bight coast, USA; Florida Atlantic coast, USA;
carbonates (e.g., barrier reefs) or mangroves. Santa Catarina coast, southeastern Brazil; Wadden Sea along
Oertel (1985) defined a barrier-island system as having six European North Sea coast (German Bight); and southern
required components, as Figure 4 illustrates: (1) mainland, and western coasts of Australia. Marginal sea coasts addressed
(2) estuary (e.g., lagoon, marsh, bay, and sound), (3) tidal here are the Florida Gulf of Mexico coast, USA; north-central
inlets and tidal deltas (flood and ebb), (4) barrier island, Gulf of Mexico coast (Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana),
176 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Arctic Ocean
Arctic Ocean

Europe Asia

Ocean Pacific
Africa Ocean

Ocean Atlantic Indian
South Ocean
America Ocean


Figure 3 Global distribution of barrier islands. Arrows indicate barrier islands along deltas. Reproduced from Pilkey, O.H., 2003. Celebration of
the World’s Barrier Islands. Columbia University Press, New York, 400 pp.

Inlet and inlet shoals




2 er
n r
oo rrie

lag -ba





Figure 4 Barrier island system showing the six required interactive sedimentary environments. Reproduced from Oertel, G.F., Leatherman, S.P.
(Eds.), 1985. Barrier islands. Marine Geology 63, 1–396.

USA; Texas Gulf of Mexico coast, USA; and east coast of Aus- setting (tectonics, relative sea-level (RSL) change, and sedi-
tralia. Collision coasts include the Alaskan Pacific coast, USA ment supply), (3) the coastal geomorphology and processes
(continental) and New Zealand (island arc). The coastlines of (e.g., geomorphic units, classic studies, quantitative overview
Australia are presented together as a group. of physical processes, synthesis of regional morphodynamics,
The content organization for all the coastal sections below and barrier-system evolution), (4) current research activities,
are similar: (1) an introduction, (2) the coastal geologic and (5) future research directions.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 177

10.8.2 Trailing-Edge Coasts resultant postglacial RSL history of New England and the ad-
jacent continental margin is one of the most complex in the
Trailing-edge coasts face mid-oceanic ridges (divergent Atlantic Ocean basin (Belknap et al., 1989; Van de Plassche
boundaries), where two plates are spreading apart (Inman et al., 1989; Gehrels et al., 1996; Donnelly et al., 2004) and
and Nordstrom, 1971). These coasts are subdivided into has been used as a framework for understanding the initiation
neo-trailing-edge, Afro-trailing-edge, and Amero-trailing-edge and evolution of coastal barriers (Barnhardt et al., 1997; van
coasts. These coastal subtypes are related to the progressive Heteren et al., 1998, 2000; Buynevich and FitzGerald, 2005).
development of new ocean basins, primarily in response to Whereas the RSL history of southern New England is a rela-
the breakup of the last supercontinent, Pangaea, about tively subdued fall replaced by a eustatically mediated rise, the
200 Ma. RSL envelope for Maine exhibits a rapid fall followed by
Neo-trailing-edge coasts typically are characterized by nar- variable rates of rise, punctuated by stillstands (Figure 6(a);
row to nonexistent continental shelves, rocky shorelines with Belknap et al., 1989; Barnhardt et al., 1997). This forcing is
little unconsolidated sediment, and poorly developed adjacent important not only for the availability and distribution of
coastal plains with few rivers. As such, barrier systems are rare. inland sediment sources, but also for onshore sand reworking,
Afro-trailing-edge coasts typically have wider continental timing and elevation of proto-barrier emplacement, and sub-
shelves, better-developed coastal plains, and more rivers that sequent morphodynamics. Similar to many parts of the world,
deliver greater volumes of sediment to the coast, resulting in the deceleration in RSL approximately 6000–5000 years ago
more depositional landforms (e.g., barrier systems and deltas). was one of the primary triggers of barrier formation, which in
Moreover, the coastline on the opposite side of the continent turn allowed the formation of back-barrier marshes – the key
from the Afro-trailing-edge coast is a trailing-edge coast, not a RSL archives (Figure 6(a)). Combined with abundant sand
collision coast. Thus, depositional landforms in the form of supply from local glacial landforms and large river systems,
barrier and deltaic systems are more common. the initial barrier retrogradation was replaced by progradation
Amero-trailing-edge coasts generally are characterized by and aggradation that are characteristic of the past 4500–4000
wide continental shelves (e.g., east coasts of North and South years (van Heteren and van de Plassche, 1997; Buynevich and
America), well-developed coastal plains, and extensive fluvial FitzGerald, 2001; FitzGerald et al., 2002). However, because of
systems that deliver high sediment volumes to the coast, re- relatively high tidal ranges established along most of the New
sulting in numerous depositional landforms (barrier systems, England margin, RSL of the past 1500–1000 years has played a
deltas, dunes, and estuaries). In addition, the coastline on the secondary role in controlling the extent of storm overwash,
opposite side of the continent from the Amero-trailing-edge availability of sand for aeolian transport, and tidal-inlet
coast is a collision coast with associated mountains. These morphodynamics.
mountain chains (e.g., Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and Andes) Recent studies clearly demonstrate that in addition to being
serve to organize the continental drainage so that large glacial and offshore sediment sources, major New England river
fluvial systems (e.g., the Amazon River) flow away from the systems remain active as conduits for coarse-grained sediment
collision coast and discharge high sediment loads to the (FitzGerald et al., 2002). The Kennebec–Androscoggin River
trailing-edge coast, resulting in numerous barrier systems and and Saco River systems (Maine; Figure 5), the Merrimack
deltas. River (Massachusetts), and to a lesser degree the Connecticut
River derive their bed load from upstream, granite-sourced
paraglacial landforms and are associated with submerged low- Barrier Systems along the New England Coast, stand deltas and extensive barriers, whereas other fluvial sys-
United States (Paraglacial) tems (Penobscot, Piscataqua, and several rivers in Connecticut)
drain fine-grained metasedimentary and metavolcanic regions
The New England Atlantic coast of the United States (Figure 5) and typically deliver mud to the coast (FitzGerald et al., 2000,
is a classic example of a paraglacial coastline, with landforms 2002; Fenster et al., 2005). Recent research supports the
and sediment derived largely from the Wisconsin glaciation. suggestion that even today, coarse-grained sediment bypasses
Johnson (1925) compiled one of the first comprehensive de- the dams and provides an episodic flux to the river mouth,
scriptions of the New England Atlantic coastline, including ultimately contributing to barrier lithosomes (Kelley et al.,
references to barrier types, mainland beaches, and tombolos. 1989; FitzGerald et al., 1994, 2002; van Heteren et al., 1996;
His description of the drumlin coastline of Boston Harbor Barnhardt et al., 1997; Buynevich and FitzGerald, 2005).
became central to the understanding of how many glaciated Aside from its complex bedrock physiography, paraglacial
coastal landscapes developed (Johnson, 1925; Zenkovich, and fluvial depocenters, and sea-level history, the New Eng-
1967). New England’s morphological and textural variability land margin exhibits a wide spectrum of hydrographic con-
of coastal barriers makes it one of the best examples of para- ditions. Mean tidal ranges decrease from extreme macrotidal
glacial barrier regions in the world (FitzGerald and Rosen, (46 m) conditions at the apex of the Gulf of Maine (cul-
1987; FitzGerald et al., 1994). minating in the world’s greatest range in the Bay of Fundy at
approximately 17 m) to microtidal (o1 m) conditions at the Geologic setting exposed shores of Cape Cod and the islands off it (Figure 5).
Though tectonically stable at present, the New England South of the New Hampshire coastline, tidal ranges increase to
margin has experienced dramatic differential glacioisostasy 2–3 m within large embayments (Merrimack Embayment,
related to the most recent Wisconsin glaciation (Bloom, Boston Harbor, Cape Cod Bay, and Long Island Sound). The
1963; Uchupi and Oldale, 1994; Barnhardt et al., 1995). The relationships between mean tidal range and mean offshore
178 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis


ME 3.8

3.2 Lubec


Jasper Beach

Σ 44°
Sa Kennebec River barriers N
co Λ
sc Saco Bay Θ
at Wells−Ogunquit embayment
aq Γ Δ
ua Crescent and Seapoint Beaches
R. Z Plum Island

2.5 Castle Neck/Coffins Beach X

Merrimack R. Good Harbor Beach W
NY Popplestone Beach GULF OF MAINE
North Shore
U Sandy Neck T
Mann Hill 2.3
Beach Provincelands Spit S
CAPE 42°

2.7 COD Coast Guard Beach

RI G Nauset Spit

1.3 J Cape Cod

CT D 0.6 Monomoy Island R

NANT. 1.1

SOUND Coatue Beach


t R.




1.8 C E O

Block I. Horseneck Martha’s V. P
A LONG ISLAND Popponesset Spit
2.3 Beach L
H Q 0 25 50 75 100 km
Long Island
72° W 68°

Figure 5 Location map of New England barriers and their morphological classes (English and Greek capital letters). Reproduced from
FitzGerald, D.M., van Heteren, S., 1999. Classification of paraglacial barrier systems: coastal New England, USA. Sedimentology 46, 1083–1108,
with permission from Wiley. Mean tidal ranges (in meters) are also shown.

wave height determine where within Hayes’ (1979) hydro- coastal and inner-shelf regions (Kelley, 1987; Belknap et al.,
graphic scheme the shoreline segments from western Con- 1989; Barnhardt and Kelley, 1995; Barnhardt et al., 1997).
necticut to northern Maine fit. The northern New England Through barrier morphology and sea-level history, the evo-
barriers and large embayments fall into the mixed-energy, tide- lution of several New England barrier chains has been linked
dominated category, and the exposed, south-facing barriers of with the development of the adjacent back-barrier settings
southern New England (from Cape Cod to eastern Connecti- (Boothroyd et al., 1985; Duffy et al., 1989; Buynevich and
cut) are characterized as wave-dominated (FitzGerald et al., FitzGerald, 2003; Hein et al., 2012b).
1994; FitzGerald and van Heteren, 1999). The existing conceptual models of barrier evolution and
the resultant morphological diversity formed the foundation New classification of paraglacial barriers: the for geologic and process studies of New England barriers. Key
New England prototype aspects included sediment sources, alongshore continuity
Primarily on the basis of examples from the adjacent coastline (compartmentalization) of depositional coastline segments,
of Nova Scotia, Canada, Boyd et al. (1987) proposed a and the influence of tidal inlets on barrier morphodynamics
barrier evolutionary model based on local sediment supplies (Aubrey and Gaines, 1982; FitzGerald, 1988). On the basis of
from glaciogenic landforms (drumlins and moraines). these aspects, FitzGerald and van Heteren (1999) assembled
Subsequently, other researchers extended that morphody- the most comprehensive classification of paraglacial barriers
namic approach southward to the Maine coast, with bedrock as of that time, focusing on New England (Figure 5). Building
geology and paraglacial sediment distribution playing a major on Hayes’ (1979) hydrographic scheme, they then used key
role in the first-order morphological classification of inter- and intrabarrier landforms – mainland, headlands, and
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 179



Stabilization of C
Glacioisostatic half-mile barrier 1
40 emergence (eastern complex)
Transgression of
proto-Silver Lake
(central complex) Headland- Mainland-
20 separated segmented
Onshore migration
Elevation (m)

of proto-barriers
(central and eastern
complexes) H N M
Present V
0 sea level
U 2 3 P
Emplacement of Γ
sand dune barrier H
−20 (western complex) Z
1 1
Formation of E X 4 R
−40 baymouth barriers I,Σ
(western and east-central
complexes) T=6 I T=6


16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
(a) Time (ka BP) (b)

Figure 6 (a) Mid-central Maine sea-level curve showing the major phases of barrier development in the Kennebec River complex (see Figure 5 for
location). Reproduced from Barnhardt, W.A., Belknap, D.F., Kelley, J.T., 1997. Stratigraphic evolution of the inner continental shelf in response to
late Quaternary relative sea-level change, northwestern Gulf of Maine. Geological Society of America Bulletin 109, 612–630, with permission from
GSA. (b) Ternary classification (unfolded tetrahedron) of New England barriers. Reproduced from FitzGerald, D.M., van Heteren, S., 1999.
Classification of paraglacial barrier systems: coastal New England, USA. Sedimentology 46, 1083–1108, with permission from Wiley. The corners of
the diagram (T) represent the ratio between inlet number (I), mainland bluffs (M), and headlands (H), with T¼ 1 for central ternary diagram and
T¼6 for the corners of three peripheral triangles. (Individual data points refer to coastal segments labeled with capital letters in Figure 5.)

inlets – to subdivide New England barriers into four main become a standard research approach to studying New Eng-
types (FitzGerald and van Heteren, 1999, types 1–4). land barriers in recent decades.
Type 1 (isolated) and type 2 (clustered headland-separ-
ated) barrier morphologies are based largely on antecedent Recent advances and future directions
(inherited) topography, whereas type 3 (mainland-seg- Beginning with the work by FitzGerald et al. (1992) in
mented) and type 4 (inlet-segmented) are subdivided to reflect southern Massachusetts, high-resolution ground-penetrating
the hydrographic conditions into (1) wave-dominated, (2) radar (GPR) imaging emerged as a new technique not only
mixed-energy, and (3) tide-dominated (Figure 6(b)). For ex- for stratigraphic research of coastal barriers, but also for
ample, according to these subclasses, the southern shorelines reconstructing the key morphological elements such as ante-
of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Island, where outwash cedent topography, styles and geometries of barrier pro-
plains supply sediment to salt-pond-fronting baymouth bar- gradation, and buried inlet channels. In many areas of New
riers, are classified as type 3a – wave-dominated, mainland- England, as well as in other parts of the world, barrier
segmented. (See coastal segments M and P, respectively, in morphology has been masked, modified, or obliterated by
Figures 5 and 6(b).) development or aeolian activity.
Because true barriers are nearly absent in tide-dominated Because of the inherent heterogeneity of paraglacial sedi-
settings (types 3c and 4c), most of these systems fall within six ments and thick freshwater lenses within barrier lithosomes,
major types of barrier coasts (types 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4a, and 4b). In GPR imaging has been especially successful in New England
addition to establishing this new scheme of barrier morpho- (Buynevich et al., 2009). Here, styles of coastal progradation
types and on the basis of intense geologic investigations and signatures of past storm-induced erosion (paleoscarps)
conducted primarily in the 1990s, FitzGerald and van Heteren have been revealed through detailed imaging of coastal
(1999, their Figure 5) proposed detailed stratigraphic and barriers (FitzGerald et al., 1992; van Heteren et al., 1998;
evolutionary models for the six barrier-coastline types. Such Buynevich et al., 2001, 2004; Dougherty et al., 2004). Figure 7
coupled geomorphological and stratigraphic studies have shows a shore-parallel GPR image of a baymouth barrier
180 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Miacomet Nantucket

(a) (b)
W Ground surface E 0
Approximate depth (m) Recent inlet Old inlet

Valley fill

0 10 20 m
6.2 180

Figure 7 An example of a geophysical image showing the diverse subsurface morphological elements of a baymouth barrier, southern shoreline
of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts (see location P in Figure 5). (a) Oblique aerial photograph of Miacomet Pond and adjacent outwash plain,
with a small inlet along its western part. (b) Location of the study region on Nantucket Island. (c) Shore-parallel geophysical image revealing the
outline of a spring-sapping valley, the bidirectional valley fill (inward-facing arrows), as well as two shallow channel structures. Reproduced from
Uchupi, E., Oldale, R.N., 1994. Spring sapping origin of the enigmatic relict valleys of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Islands,
Massachusetts. Geomorphology 9, 83–95.

fronting a large salt pond on Nantucket Island (Figure 5, Geologic setting
coastal segment P). The image shows several recent inlets The Mid-Atlantic Bight consists of broadly curvilinear
nested within a paleovalley fill (Buynevich, 2006). shorelines that are dissected by large estuaries and smaller
The integrated geophysical, sedimentological, and mor- embayments; are backed by a wide, gently sloping and dipping
phostratigraphic approach to studying many New England (1–21), seaward-thickening sedimentary wedge (maximum
barriers has revolutionized our understanding of the past and thicknessE4 km) coastal plain; and are fronted by a contin-
present evolutionary stages of their development (van Heteren ental shelf, a similarly wide, gently sloping subaqueous
et al., 1996; Buynevich and FitzGerald, 2003; Buynevich et al., extension of the coastal plain; The present-day coastal
2004; Hein et al., 2012b). Combined with multidating techni- morphology is the cumulative product of first-order tectonic
ques (AMS radiocarbon and optical dating of key morpho- forces that began when the supercontinent Pangaea formed
logical and stratigraphic elements), this approach will continue and then began rifting to form the Atlantic Ocean about
to improve our understanding of the links between climatic and 200 Ma, and second-order processes and features such as
oceanographic forcing, ecosystem dynamics, and recent human- climate (sea-level changes and storm activity), sediment
induced changes on the large-scale coastal behavior of New supply, basin accommodation changes, regional drainage,
England barriers. antecedent geology, glaciations (directly and indirectly), and
hydrographic regime.
Provenance studies show that the Appalachian Mountains Barrier Systems along Mid-Atlantic Bight,
served as the ultimate source of the siliciclastic sediment along
United States: Cape Charles, Virginia to
the southern portion of the Mid-Atlantic Bight coast, and that
Montauk Point, New York
glacially derived New England Highland sediments are the
The Mid-Atlantic Bight coast extends approximately 600 km ultimate source for the material comprising the northern
from Cape Charles, Virginia to Montauk Point, New York portion (Swift et al., 1971b; Milliman et al., 1972; Kelling
(Figure 8). The states within the Mid-Atlantic Bight from south et al., 1975; Niederoda et al., 1985; Darby and Tsang, 1987;
to north include Virginia (126 km), Maryland (51 km), and Ward and Strickland, 1985; Williams and Meisburger, 1987).
Delaware (39 km) (collectively known as the Delmarva Pen- Regional drainage basins from these highlands delivered
insula); New Jersey (196 km); and the southern Long Island abundant sediment to the Coastal Plain, continental shelf,
shore of New York (185 km). The New York Bight separates the and intervening coastal zone. Numerous sea-level advances
glacially influenced and south-facing Long Island coast from and falls related to Quaternary glaciation reworked these
the nonglacially influenced and generally east-facing reaches to Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary formations to create a
the south of the New York Bight. Beaches and barrier-island wide swath (200–275 km) of relict and palimpsest coastal
systems dominate the Mid-Atlantic Bight, and barriers com- environments landward and seaward of the present-day coast
prise approximately 90% of the coast (Figure 8). (Colquhoun et al., 1991; Oertel and Kraft, 1994; Foyle and
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 181


4 1
PA NJ 3 Raritan
embayment ic
South New Jersey arch nt
lt a an
2 A ce

DE Legend
4 Barrier beach
Salisbury embayment
3 Mainland beach
Atlantic Coastal Plain
2 Structural arch
Net longshore
transport direction
N NDBC wave buoy
NOAA tide stations

Norfolk 0 100 km

Figure 8 Mid-Atlantic Bight coast showing extent of the Coastal Plain, structural arches and embayments, and generalized longshore transport
trends along the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Numbers refer to (1) mixed-energy, tide-dominated barrier islands; (2) wave-dominated barriers and spits;
(3) eroding headlands; and (4) cuspate spits along Delmarva Peninsula (dark green), New Jersey (burgundy), and Long Island (dark blue).
Reproduced with permission from Hapke, C.J., Lentz, E.E., Gayes, P.T., McCoy, C.A., Hehre, R., Schwab, W.C., Williams, S.J., 2010b. A review of
sediment budget imbalances along Fire Island, New York: can nearshore geologic framework and patterns of shoreline change explain the deficit?
Journal of Coastal Research 26(3), 510–522; Oertel, G.F., Kraft, J.C., 1994. New Jersey and Delmarva barrier islands. In: Davis, R. (Ed.), Geology
of Barrier Islands. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 207–226, and Ward, L.W., Powars, D.S., 2004. Trip 9 – Tertiary lithology and
paleontology, Chesapeake Bay region. In: Southworth, S. W., Burton, W. (Eds.), Geology of the National Capital Region – Field Trip Guidebook,
Joint NE-SE GSA Sections Meeting 24–27 March 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1264, pp. 263–297.
preface.html (October 2011).

Oertel, 1997; Duncan et al., 2000; Lambeck et al., 2002). (Rampino and Sanders, 1980, 1981). However, one barrier is-
Shoal retreat massifs located at or near the present-day estuary land in Virginia (Fishermans Island) formed during the past
mouths and capes, shoreface attached and detached ridges, two centuries (Kraft, 1971; Oertel and Overman, 2004). Vari-
and subaerial marine terraces are a few features that attest to ation in the development of barrier systems has resulted from
these processes. (See, e.g., Swift, 1975a; Field and Duane, differential sediment fluxes (e.g., river sediment loading, sedi-
1976; McBride and Moslow, 1991.) ment dispersion from headlands, and shoreface erosion), spa-
The present-day barriers formed during the most recent tially variable antecedent (pretransgression) topography, and
Flandrian–Holocene sea-level transgression (Swift, 1975b; neotectonism (e.g., glacioisostatic adjustments and coastal
Halsey, 1979; Rampino and Sanders, 1980, 1981; Foyle and downwarping caused by groundwater withdrawal) (Holdahl
Oertel, 1997). Radiocarbon dates of basal salt-marsh peat de- and Morrison, 1974; Brown, 1978; Newman et al., 1980; Oertel
posits indicate that most islands formed during a slowdown and Overman, 2004).
in the rate of sea-level rise (SLR) during the late Holocene
(to 1.5–2.0 mm yr1) that began 7.5 ka to 3.75 ka (Sheridan
et al., 1974; Kraft, 1976; Belknap and Kraft, 1977; Chrzas- Coastal geomorphology and processes
towski, 1986; Kraft and Belknap, 1986; Psuty, 1986; Finkelstein Primary geomorphic units of the Mid-Atlantic Bight
and Ferland, 1987; Byrnes, 1988; Van de Plassche, 1990; Niki- coast
tina et al., 2000; Douglass 2001, 2005; Engelhart et al., 2009) A natural organization of the barrier systems exists at various
(Figure 9). However, Stanley et al. (1994) found no evidence of spatial scales and thus has enabled geomorphic classifications
a slowdown in the SLR rate for New Jersey. In some regions of the Mid-Atlantic Bight on a macroscale (compartments
along the Mid-Atlantic Bight, the formation and discontinuous, covering hundreds of kilometers), a mesoscale (tens of kilo-
stepwise retreat of barriers might have begun as early as 9 ka meters covering individual barriers) and a microscale (1 km
182 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Age (years BP)

14 000 12 000 10 000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0


Elevation relative to MHW (m)



Maine (Kelley et al., 1995)

Clinton, Connecticut −20
(Van de Plassche et al., 1989)
Long Island (Rampiro, 1979)
New Jersey (Stuiver and Daddario, 1963)
Updated Delaware (smooth)
Maryland inner continental shelf
(Toscano et al., 1989)
Virginia (Van de Plassche, 1990)
Figure 9 An updated RSL curve from Nikitina et al. (2000) for the Delaware coast compared with other regional curves. Note the similarity of
the original curve of Belknap and Kraft (1977) to the newer Nikitina et al. (2000) curve containing 22 additional radiocarbon dates of basal peat
deposits. The updated curve indicates a sea-level rise rate of 0.9 mm yr1 from 1250 yr BP to present. Reproduced from Nikitina, D.L., Pizzuto,
J.E., Schwinner, R.A., Ramsey, K.W., 2000. An updated Holocene sea-level curve for the Delaware coast. Marine Geology 171, 7–20.

within a barrier system). Using broad morphological elements Additionally, coastal classification schemes occur at a
of barrier systems, Fisher (1967a, 1982) classified the Mid- microscale (1 km within a barrier system) for portions of the
Atlantic Bight into distinct coastal compartments with four Mid-Atlantic Bight. For example, Harris (1992) delineated five
major landscape elements from north to south: (1) an updrift geomorphic regions on Hog Island, Virginia and Richardson
spit or cuspate foreland; (2) a convex seaward-eroding head- and McBride (2007, 2011) and Richardson (2012) identified
land; (3) a concave–convex, long, and linear barrier-island distinct geomorphic zones on Parramore and Cedar Islands,
system; and (4) strongly concave short barriers. Swift (1969, Virginia, based on dominant processes and shoreline responses.
1975b) classified the Mid-Atlantic Bight into four coastal Using north Assateague Island as a prototype, Brock
‘compartments’ consisting of four sections: spit or cape, et al. (2004) used a multitemporal light detection and ranging
baymouth barrier, long barrier spit and island, and short (LIDAR) analysis and metrics to develop a four-class morpho-
barrier island and barrier beach. Oertel and Kraft (1994) dynamic classification for barrier islands: (1) aggradational,
modified Fisher’s (1967a, 1982) classification of the Mid-At- (2) progradational, (3) transgressive, and (4) degradational.
lantic Bight to include a ‘left- and right-handed’ spit complex, Wolner et al. (2011, 2012) recently have developed a new eco-
a northern wave-dominated reach (for elements 1–3 above) morphodynamic framework to model barrier-island evolution
and a southern (distal) tide-dominated reach (for element 4 (Figure 10). This model envisions the physical processes, bio-
above). logical processes, and coupled interactions and feedbacks from
The Hayes (1979) and Davis and Hayes (1984) models, as the interplay of physical and biological processes as controlling
discussed in Section 10.8.1 and several sections within this the height and width of a barrier island. Within this framework,
chapter provide a mesoscale (tens of kilometers) classification islands are classified as one of two end-member geomorphic
scheme for barrier systems that is based on the relationship scenarios along a continuum of intermediate islands: ‘high’ is-
between hydrographic regime and coastal morphology. lands, which are dominated by internal processes (those that
Leatherman et al. (1982) and Kochel et al. (1985) developed trap sediment and develop interior portions of the islands) and
a mesoscale classification scheme for the Virginia barrier is- have considerable relief above sea level, and ‘low’ islands, which
lands that is based on shoreline-migration rates: (1) a north- are dominated by external processes (originating beyond the
ern parallel beach retreat group, (2) a middle rotational barrier) and have relatively little relief above sea level (Fig-
instability group that exhibits the classic morphology of a ure 10). Ultimately, this framework will provide a model capable
mixed-energy barrier system, and (3) a southern nonparallel of qualitatively predicting the impact of climate change on bar-
beach retreat group. rier systems.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 183

High Island
Internal processes dominate

‘Catastrophic’ Sources Dispersal

Sediment Feedbacks Vegetation ‘Stability/instability
budget threshold’

Wind Extent of back-

barrier marsh

Low Island
External processes dominate

Figure 10 Schematic of the ‘Ecomorphodynamic Framework for Barrier Island Evolution’ conceptual framework model. Reproduced from
Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J., Young, D.R., Brantley, S.T., Bissett, S.N., McBride, R.A., 2012. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and barrier-island
response to disturbance: insights from the Virginia barrier system, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Geomorphology. Classic studies of barrier systems of Mid-Atlantic geomorphologic elements, including overwash and aeolian
Bight morphodynamics (Fisher and Stauble, 1977; Leatherman,
Classic scientific studies of the Mid-Atlantic Bight barriers 1979b; Kochel and Wampfler, 1989) and the impact of the
began in the early 1970s and have tended to be on a state-by- formation of Ocean City Inlet during a 1933 hurricane on
state basis or by coastal compartment. Kraft and his colleagues Assateague Island (Underwood and Hiland, 1995). McBride
and students were among the first to study stratal architecture (1999) identified the location of historic tidal inlets along the
of coasts and barriers and the impact of headlands and ante- Delmarva and New Jersey barrier systems and emphasized two
cedent geologic framework on coastal morphology within the primary mechanisms that control barrier-island tidal-inlet
Mid-Atlantic Bight (Kraft 1971, 1976; Kraft and Margules, dynamics.
1971; Belknap and Kraft 1977, 1981, 1985; Halsey, 1979; Kraft Along the Virginia barrier-island coast north of the
and John, 1979; Kraft et al., 1979, 1987; Demarest et al., Chesapeake Baymouth, Halsey (1979) demonstrated that
1981). That team produced some of the first site-specific and the relict pre-Holocene topography had a substantial
regional interpretive cross sections and block diagrams of effect on coastal landforms and barrier systems – the barrier is-
the Atlantic continental margin geosyncline and coastal en- lands migrate landward on the interfluves of Pleistocene
vironments of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia (Figure 11). drainage networks and tidal inlets occupy the paleochannels
Later, Honeycutt and Krantz (2003) refined the geologic frame- carved into Pleistocene sediments. Goettle (1981) docu-
work and examined the relationship between it and shoreline mented the stratigraphic signature of the large recurved
changes along the Delaware coast. spit complex at the southern end of Assateague Island. Dolan
Classic studies along the glacially-influenced Long Island et al. (1979), Leatherman et al. (1982), and Rice and
coast provided an understanding of the importance of the Leatherman (1983) used shoreline changes to analyze and
pretransgression surface on barrier-island migration, the role predict morphologic changes and to categorize the
of moraine headland erosion of eastern Long Island, long- Virginia barrier islands into geomorphic groups. Classic work
shore transport, and remobilization of shelf deposits on on tidal inlets has occurred primarily at Wachapreague Inlet by
the development of the Long Island barrier island system DeAlteris (1973), DeAlteris and Bryne (1975), Byrne et al.
(Rampino and Sanders, 1980, 1981; Leatherman, 1985; (1974, 1977), and Boon and Bryne (1981). Oertel and his
Panuzio, 1969; Kana, 1995; Rosati et al., 1999; Schwab et al., colleagues and students (Oertel et al., 1992; Foyle and Oertel,
2000, and Hapke et al., 2010a). Oertel and Kraft (1994) pro- 1997; Swift et al., 2003) conducted seismic stratigraphic ana-
vided an overview of the coastal processes and morphologic lyses and provided a chronostratigraphic framework for the
features along the New Jersey and Delmarva coasts. Nordstrom coastal zone and inner shelf along the southern Virginia bar-
et al. (1977) and Ashley et al. (1986) estimated longshore rier islands.
transport fluxes along the New Jersey coast. Studies along the
Maryland coast have focused on the highly developed Fenwick Quantitative overview of wave energy, tides,
Island and the more natural Assateague Island, much of currents, weather, storms, and predominant
which is managed by the US National Park Service or US Fish wind directions
and Wildlife Service. Studies related to Fenwick Island have Seasonally distinct weather patterns influence the Mid-Atlantic
tended to address the need for sand resources (Dalrymple and Bight coast. Anticyclonic (driven by high-pressure systems)
Mann, 1985; Anders et al., 1987; Stauble, 1994), whereas those prevailing summer winds from the south reach 12–20 km h1
related to Assateague Island have focused on more general (Oertel and Kraft, 1994) and produce waves r1.5 m in
184 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

E Angola F
Herring Neck Baymouth
Creek Estuarine barrier
6 20′
washover barrier Rehoboth Bay
3 10′ tidal Big Piney Isle Coastal
creek (Buried hill) lagoon
0 Low
S.L. Buried marsh
3 10′ 300 yr BP)


6 20′ consin
F−M sand o

9 t al
30′ Lagoonal silt sedim s
e nt
Marsh mud and plant debris
12 Sandy mud

1 2 3 miles

1 2 3 4 km
Figure 11 Original regional, shore-normal, interpretive cross section of upper Pleistocene and Holocene coastal environments (stratigraphy and
lithosomes) within the Rehoboth Bay, Delaware region, based on an intensive coring program conducted within this reach during the early 1970s
by John Kraft and colleagues (Kraft, 1971). Later versions of this cross section extended the profile across the shoreface and added dates to the
stratigraphic boundaries and horizons (Kraft et al., 1973; Oertel and Kraft, 1994). Reproduced from Oost, A.P., 1995. Dynamics and sedimentary
development of the Dutch Wadden Sea with emphasis on the Frisian inlet. Geologica Ultraiectina, No. 126. Utrecht University, 455 pp.

height. The longshore currents are generally northerly in the Table 1 Mean and spring tidal ranges for selected tide stations
summer but southerly in the winter along the Mid-Atlantic within each state of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Location of tide stations
Bight. All Mid-Atlantic Bight coasts are affected by cyclonic shown in Figure 8 as red-filled squares
disturbances (high- and mid-latitude low-pressure systems)
Location State Mean range (m) Spring range (m)
associated with strong horizontal thermal gradients that pro-
duce extratropical (northeasters) and tropical (hurricanes) Quinby Inlet entrance VA 1.2 1.5
storms (Davis et al., 2000; Hayden and Hayden, 2003). Ocean City Inlet MD 0.7 0.8
The impact of individual storms depends on the shoreline Rehoboth Beach DE 1.2 1.4
orientation relative to the storm track, storm frequency, and Sandy Hook NJ 1.4 1.6
storm intensity (magnitude) (Byrnes and Gingerich, 1987). Shinnecock Inlet NY 0.9 1.1
However, though Hayden and Hayden (2003) did not
detect any trends or variability in storminess for the Virginia
barrier-island coast, evidence is growing that warmer global Similar tidal ranges exist along the Delmarva Peninsula, with
temperatures have increased the destructive potential of hur- a mean tidal range of 0.7–1.2 m, depending on location
ricanes and the number of hurricanes that reach category 4 or (Table 1).
5 (Emanuel, 2005; Webster et al., 2005; Mann and Emanuel, Wave heights along the Mid-Atlantic Bight vary spatially
2006). Komar and Allan (2007) related the increasing hurri- and temporally, but 7–10 years of historical data from three
cane activity to a corresponding increasing of wave energy buoys managed by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)
observed in the Atlantic Ocean during the past 30 years. ( within the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Semidiurnal tidal patterns caused by a north-to-south show relatively similar significant wave heights (Table 2). As
progressive tidal wave affect the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The mean expected, because of the climatology of the region, monthly
tidal range of 1.3 m and the east–southeast predominant significant wave heights generally are lowest during the sum-
wind direction along the Long Island barrier system produces mer months and highest during the winter months (Table 2).
a microtidal, wave-dominated regime characterized by net-
westward longshore transport (Leatherman, 1985; Duncan Synthesis of regional morphodynamics,
et al., 2000), with local reversals arising from wave-direction shoreline change, and barrier-system
variation (Kana, 1995; Rosati et al., 1999). The mean tidal evolution
range along the New Jersey coast is 1.4 m (Sandy Hook), Multiple processes at work on multiple temporal and spatial
with a minimum of 0.9 m in the nodal zone between Barnegat scales have impacted the regional morphodynamics, shoreline
Inlet and Beach Haven (Table 1) (Oertel and Kraft, 1994). changes, and barrier-system evolution along the Mid-Atlantic
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 185

Table 2 Summary wave statistics for three National Data Buoy Center in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (locations shown in Figure 8): Mean and standard
deviation (S.D.) of significant wave height and maximum wave height by month. Historical data for the buoys spanned from 7 to 10 years

Month ALSN 6, New York/New Jersey 44012, Delaware CHLV2, Virginia

12/1989–7/2007 10/1986–11/1993 8/1984–12/2004

Mean (m) S.D. (m) Max (m) Mean (m) S.D. (m) Max (m) Mean (m) S.D. (m) Max (m)

Jan 1.1 0.6 5.0 1.2 0.8 8.4 1.1 0.6 5.3
Feb 1.0 0.6 4.8 1.1 0.5 4.4 1.2 0.7 5.1
Mar 1.1 0.7 6.0 1.2 0.6 5.2 1.2 0.6 4.9
Apr 0.9 0.4 3.8 1.2 0.5 4.2 1.0 0.5 4.3
May 0.9 0.4 3.1 1.0 0.4 3.0 0.9 0.5 4.2
Jun 0.8 0.3 2.8 0.8 0.3 2.6 0.8 0.3 5.2
Jul 0.7 0.3 3.2 0.7 0.2 2.4 0.7 0.3 3.7
Aug 0.8 0.4 2.8 0.8 0.3 4.0 0.9 0.4 5.4
Sep 0.9 0.4 4.3 0.9 0.4 4.0 1.1 0.6 6.3
Oct 0.9 0.5 4.9 1.1 0.5 4.6 1.1 0.6 4.4
Nov 0.9 0.6 4.7 1.1 0.6 4.5 1.1 0.5 4.6
Dec 1.0 0.7 7.3 1.2 0.6 5.2 1.1 0.6 4.5

Source: Data obtained from NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center,

Bight. Over the long term (103–104 yr), the coastal environ- sediments that exhibit ‘‘petrographic attributes of an earlier
ments of the Mid-Atlantic Bight migrated landward from the depositional environment and in addition of a later (modern)
shelf edge to their present-day locations during the Flandrian environment.’’ Modern-day deposition is limited to back-
transgression (Swift, 1975b; Halsey, 1979; Rampino and barrier environments, bayhead deltas, large recurved
Sanders, 1980, 1981; Foyle and Oertel, 1997). On an inter- spits, and tidal deltas (Duane et al., 1972; Darby, 1990;
mediate timescale (100–102 yr), tide-producing forces (set up Duncan et al., 2000).
by present-day amphidromic system dynamics in the Atlantic Because storms produce the strongest currents and result in
Ocean and the effects of the continental shelf and shoreline the most geologic work (erosion, deposition, and shoreline
configuration on the propagation of the progressive migration) along the Mid-Atlantic Bight, several studies have
tidal wave) and wave energy have shaped the Mid-Atlantic Bight used the term ‘storm-dominated’ to describe the Mid-Atlantic
into its present-day configuration and produced its current Bight coast in general (Davis and Hayes, 1984; Niederoda
coastal landforms (ranging from wave-dominated to mixed- et al., 1985; Swift et al., 1985; Morton and Sallenger, 2003)
energy, tide-dominated reaches). The present-day regional and the reaches within it (e.g., for New Jersey, see Field
morphodynamics, coastal environments, and shoreline changes and Ashley, 1987; Ashley et al., 1991). Although the influence
reflect the relative concentration or dissipation of these forces of storms on long-term shoreline changes (decadal to cen-
along the coast in concert with sediment availability, antecedent tennial) varies along the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Byrnes et al.,
geologic framework, and other feedback mechanisms (e.g., 1989; Fenster et al., 2001, 2003; Honeycutt et al., 2001),
ecomorphodynamic). A recent analysis of shoreline changes Fenster and Dolan (1994) found a nearly ubiquitous shore-
along the Mid-Atlantic Bight by Hapke et al. (2010b) showed line-migration trend reversal along the Mid-Atlantic Bight
that 67% of the shoreline has experienced long-term erosion from accretionary to erosional (or to less accretionary) during
(i.e., landward shoreline migration) at 0.6 m yr1, and that the late 1960s and early 1970s. They implicated a peak in
54% has eroded in the short term at 0.3 m yr1. Significant extratropical storm frequency and magnitude as the cause of
spatial variation in shoreline trends exists within the Mid- this reversal. Storm surges can erode barrier systems dramat-
Atlantic Bight as a function of more localized processes such as ically, move them landward through overwash, and/or create
tidal-inlet dynamics, fluctuations in sediment supply, and surge channels that lead to inlet formation (Leatherman,
storm impact (Byrnes, et al., 1989; Fenster and Dolan, 1996; 1985; Byrnes and Gingerich, 1987; Byrnes et al., 1989;
Richardson and McBride, 2007, 2011). Sallenger, 2000).
The discharge of rivers into large estuaries within the
Mid-Atlantic Bight inhibits sediment from supplying the
present-day coast with coarse clastic material (Meade, 1972, Current and future research, developments,
1982). Consequently, the Mid-Atlantic Bight is characterized
and issues for Mid-Atlantic Bight
as a sand-starved system (Wright, 1995). The sediment
Current research, developments, and issues along the Mid-
within the active barrier sand prism comes from the erosion of
Atlantic Bight primarily focus on
older, preexisting deposits such as Pleistocene headlands,
or from relict shoreface deposits (Williams, 1975; • assessing the impact of anthropogenic alterations to the
Williams and Meisburger, 1987; Schwab et al., 2000). In their coastal zone, including the effects of structures and sand
studies of the Mid-Atlantic Bight shoreface, Swift et al. (1971a) mining (Byrnes et al., 2004; Kelley et al., 2004; Maa et al.,
introduced the term ‘palimpsest’ (sediments on the 2004) and hard structures (Fenster et al., 2010) on beaches
continental shelf reworked several times) to describe and barriers;
186 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

• developing accurate sediment budgets for various coastal feedbacks) that play a critical role in developing barrier
compartments (Fenster et al., 2008; Fenster and Dolan, 2009); landscapes and morphology (Figure 10) (Wolner et al.,
• using new technologies such as LIDAR to facilitate coastal 2009, 2011, 2012).
research (Brock et al., 2004);
• determining the economic potential of offshore resources
(exploration and production of renewable and non- Geologic Framework of North Carolina’s Barrier
renewable energy, strategic minerals, and sand and gravel);
Island Systems, United States
• developing coastal vulnerability indices, such as those the
United States Geological Survey developed for national The North Carolina coastal system is large and complex,
parks, that rank Mid-Atlantic Bight coasts by five categories consisting of about 325 miles of ocean shoreline, 23 inlets,
of coastal change related to sea-level rise: geomorphology, over 3000 square miles of brackish-water estuaries, and up to
regional coastal slope, rate of RSL rise, shoreline change 10 000 miles of estuarine shorelines. The coastal system
rates, and mean tidal range and mean wave height (Pen- forms the interface between the Atlantic Ocean and a wide
dleton et al., 2004a, 2004b); Coastal Plain composed of Cretaceous through Holocene
• assessing the effects of hard and soft engineering solutions sediments (Figure 12). The Coastal Plain formed in a gener-
on coastal processes and responses, including the impact of ally stable tectonic setting on the trailing edge of the North
sand mining on beaches; American plate. Minor tectonic uplift has occurred along the
• modeling coastal processes and responses (e.g., morpho-
mid-Carolina Platform High in the southernmost portion of
logical behavior modeling; Cowell et al., 1995; Stolper
North Carolina, along with minor subsidence in the Albe-
et al., 2005; Brenner and Moore, 2010);
marle Embayment in the northern coastal zone (Riggs and
• assessing the impact of climate change (i.e., sea-level rise,
Belknap, 1988; Snyder et al., 1993; Riggs et al., 1995).
increases in storm intensity and wave energy, changesto back-
barrier hypsometries and attendant tidal prisms) on barriers
and back-barrier systems (Psuty, 1996; Psuty and Ofiara, Geologic setting
2002; Cooper et al., 2008; Fenster et al., 2011); and The geologic map of the North Carolina Coastal Plain
• identifying and understanding coupled interactions between (Figure 12) suggests major differences between the northern
physical and biological processes (ecomorphodynamic and southern coastal zones that result from the underlying



ll l





PA Diamond




Cape Lookout
UT Cape Lookout Quaternary
H Shoals Surficial deposits, undivided
RO Tertiary Cretaceous
NA Peedee fm.
Pinehurst fm.
N Waccamaw fm.

Yorktown fm.

Black Creek fm.

Cape Fear

−10 m

Belgrade fm.

LONG BAY (−33 ft) Riverbend fm. Middendorf fm.


0 km 50 Eocene

miles Cape Fear fm.


0 30 Frying Pan Shoals Castle Hayne fm.

Figure 12 Geologic map of the North Carolina Coastal Plain displays the two coastal zones and the four coastal bays separated by three
prominent cape-shoal features. The geologic map is from the North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985. Geologic map of North Carolina: North
Carolina Geological Survey, Raleigh, 1 sheet, scale ¼ 1:500,000.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 187

Table 3 Differential characteristics occur between the southern and northern continental shelves of North Carolina and result from variations in
the geologic framework, spatial geometry, and physical–chemical dynamics. Figure 12 shows the location of the two zones

Continental shelf Continental shelf

Characteristics of the southern coastal zone in North Carolina Characteristics of the northern coastal zone in North Carolina

Cretaceous–Miocene geologic framework Pliocene–Quaternary geologic framework

Dominantly rock with sediment interbeds Dominantly sand to mud sediment deposits
Extensive flat hardbottoms with scarps Local rock hardbottoms
Thin and ephemeral surface sand deposits
Wide and shallow continental shelf Narrow to moderately wide continental shelf
Range¼35–80 km Range¼15–55 km
Depth¼MSL to  50 m Depth¼MSL to  50 m
Gentle submarine slope Steep submarine slope
Avg. ¼0.8 m km  1 Ave. range¼ 1.2–2.9 m km  1
Dominated by warm Gulf Stream dynamics Dominated by cold Labrador current dynamics
Dominated by tropical storms Dominated by extratropical storms
Moderate to large storm surges Low to moderate storm surges
Low to high wave energy Moderate to very high wave energy
Highly variable currents Highly variable currents

geologic framework. The line drawn from Raleigh through deposits, which are extensive, shore-perpendicular, shallow
Cape Lookout separates the two coastal zones; each has sand shoals that extend seaward across the continental shelf:
a unique geologic framework, resulting in distinct types of Diamond Shoals off Cape Hatteras, Lookout Shoals off Cape
continental shelves, barrier islands, inlets, and estuaries (Riggs Lookout, and Frying Pan Shoals off Cape Fear. The geographic
et al., 1995; Pilkey et al., 1998). orientation of each compartment and variable continental-
Rocks of late Cretaceous through Pliocene ages (Hine and shelf geometry determine wave and current dynamics, astro-
Snyder, 1985; Snyder et al., 1993; Riggs et al., 1996) underlie nomical and storm-tide characteristics, and types of storm
in the southern coastal zone. This region has only a thin, system and response to them, including extratropical storms
highly variable skim (o1 to 10 m) of Quaternary sand and tropical storms (Dolan et al., 1988). Consequently,
and mud. The older units are indurated sediments associated the coastal system morphodynamics of barrier islands and
with the Carolina Platform. This structural platform rises associated estuaries within the northern and southern
close to the Earth’s surface, causing the older, generally con- coastal zones of North Carolina are incredibly different
solidated units to be exposed on the continental shelf and (Table 3).
eroded and truncated by the shoreline. This erosional topo- The North Carolina barrier islands are storm dominated
graphy results in relatively steeper upland slopes and common with tropical storms (tropical depressions to hurricanes) in the
exposures of the older rock units that control the shoreline summer and fall seasons and extratropical storms (north-
geometry. easters and northwesters) in the fall, winter, and spring.
In contrast, the northern coastal zone is underlain by Because of the different spatial orientation of the barrier
younger Quaternary sediments (Swift et al., 1972; Heron et al., islands, geometry of the continental shelf, and associated
1984; Riggs et al., 1992; Wehmiller et al., 1995; Sager and current systems, the dominant energy input to the southern
Riggs, 1998; Mallinson et al., 2005, 2010; Thieler et al., 2006; coastal zone is from the tropical storms, whereas the energy
Parham et al., 2007) that are generally unconsolidated and input for the northern coastal zone is dominated by the
thicken northward to fill the subsiding Albemarle Embayment extratropical storms. Because many different variables exist
with up to 70 m of sediment. The coastal sediments associated with each storm event, the short-term barrier-island
were deposited during many sea-level fluctuations from mul- responses to the diverse wind, wave, tide, and current con-
tiple glaciations and deglaciations of the Quaternary ice ditions are extremely varied. Thus, the net short-term barrier-
ages. Consequently, the surface topography is dominated island response including longshore sediment transport,
by young sediments with low upland slopes, with the older shoreline erosion and accretion, inlet opening and closing,
rock units deeply buried beneath the thick Quaternary inlet migration, dune building and deflation, and overwash
sediments. are dictated by each storm event. However, the net long-term,
The different geologic frameworks of the southern and longshore sediment transport is generally from north to south
northern zones produce dissimilar continental shelf geom- and the net long-term pattern of barrier-island migration is
etries, physical and chemical conditions, and sediment sup- recession as the barriers respond to the ongoing rise in sea
plies (Table 3). The North Carolina coastal system has four level (Everts et al., 1983; Zervas, 2004; Horton et al., 2009;
geomorphic bays (Figure 12), each with its own physical and Kemp et al., 2009; Riggs et al., 2011).
chemical dynamics and resultant biological and geological Most of the North Carolina barrier islands are sediment
components (Swift et al., 1972; Riggs and Belknap, 1988; poor (about 75%) and have been migrating upward and
Riggs and Ames, 2003). These cuspate embayments are de- landward at rates between hundreds of meters and a thousand
fined by the cape structures and the associated cape-shoal or more meters over about the last 150 years (Fisher, 1967b;
188 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Everts et al., 1983; Riggs et al., 1995, 2011). About 20% of the adjacent beaches by storms (Riggs et al., 1990; Riggs et al.,
barriers are sediment rich and have been either semistable or 1995; Boss and Hoffman, 2000; Thieler et al., 2006).
accreting new sediment for the same time period. Ultimately,
sediment availability, along with the rate of sea-level rise,
determines the evolutionary history of each portion of the Types of North Carolina barrier systems
coastal system. In addition to the sand that is already on any The Holocene rise in sea level disparately flooded the geologic
given barrier island, there are generally four potential sources frameworks of the southern and northern zones, producing
of new sand that play important roles in the sediment budgets different kinds of barrier-island-inlet systems and associated
of each of the North Carolina barrier islands. estuaries (Table 4) with different evolutionary histories (Heron
et al., 1984; Dolan and Lins, 1986; Moslow and Heron, 1994;
1. Inlets between barrier segments contain sand deposits that Riggs et al., 1995, 2011; Pilkey et al., 1998; Cleary and Marden,
occur within the various channel systems, the flood-tide 1999; Riggs and Ames, 2003; Culver et al., 2007). The North
delta, and the ebb-tide delta (Hayes and Michel, 2008, Carolina coast is characterized by three basic types of barrier-
2011; Cleary and Marden, 1999). island systems). The barrier type is not only determined largely
2. Sand and gravelly sand deposits of paleo-riverine channels by the availability of sand, but also by the drainage system
and paleodeltas deposited on the continental shelf by large topography and underlying geologic framework.
Piedmont-draining rivers when sea level was lower during Complex barrier islands form if an abundant sand supply
the last ice age and subsequent period of rising sea level is available to build a high, wide barrier segment. Complex
(Boss et al., 2002; Mallinson et al., 2005). barriers are sediment-rich and consist of a series of beach
3. Sand from adjacent cape-shoal structures that extend across ridges and swales, extensive dune fields, and maritime forests,
the present continental shelf is available to adjacent down- and often represent multiple evolutionary stages of develop-
drift, coastal segments: Diamond Shoals off Cape Hatteras ment. If only minor sand supplies are available, a low, narrow,
(Boss and Hoffman, 2000), Lookout Shoals off Cape simple barrier island will form. Sediment-poor, simple barriers
Lookout (McNinch and Wells, 1999; Park and Wells, 2005), are dominated by inlet dynamics and overwash dynamics and
and Frying Pan Shoals off Cape Fear (Riggs et al., 1990). tend to be younger than complex barrier islands. Headland
4. Locally, older, sand-rich sediment units, exposed on the beaches are coastal segments that are dominated by older
shoreface and the continental shelf sea bed, immediately sediment or rock units in the shoreface or on the beach and
offshore of the beach, are slowly being eroded by waves, that occur along the mainland interstream divides (i.e.,
currents, and biological processes and deposited on interfluves) between river valleys. Generally, headland beaches

Table 4 Differential characteristics occur between the southern and northern coastal zones of North Carolina and result from variations in the
underlying geologic framework, geographic and paleotopographic controls, and the physical–chemical dynamics. Figure 12 shows the location of
the two zones

Barrier island characteristics of the southern coastal zone in Barrier island characteristics of the northern coastal zone in
North Carolina North Carolina

Cretaceous–Miocene geologic framework Pliocene–Quaternary geologic framework

Dominantly rock control Dominantly sediment control
East- to south-facing barrier islands Northeast- to southeast-facing barrier islands
Depth of shoreface¼MSL to  8 to  10 m Depth of shoreface¼MSL to  10 to  20 m
Astronomical tides¼low mesotidal Astronomical tides¼high microtidal
Dominant wave energy ¼moderate Dominant wave energy ¼high

Steep subaerial slope (avg.¼2 m km  1) Gentle subaerial slope (avg. ¼0.1 m km  1)

Coastal plain-draining rivers (many) Piedmont-draining rivers (4)
Black-water rivers Brown-water rivers
Low sediment input High sediment input
Low freshwater input High freshwater input
Results: short barrier islands Results: long barrier islands
Numerous tidal inlets (18) Few tidal inlets (5)
Mesotidal astronomical tides/currents High microtidal astronomical tides
Maximum saltwater exchange Minimal saltwater exchange
Estuarine results Estuarine results
Narrow back-barrier estuaries Deeply embayed drowned rivers
Regularly flooded Irregularly flooded
Astronomical-tide-dominated Wind-tide- and wave-dominated
High brackish salinities Highly variable salinities

Source: Table is modified from Riggs, S.R., Ames, D.V., 2003. Drowning the North Carolina Coast: Sea-Level Rise and Estuarine Dynamics. North Carolina Sea Grant College, North
Carolina State University, Raleigh. Publication No. UNC-SG-03-04, 152 pp.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 189

have minimal sand available, resulting in thin, narrow sand consists of long, thin barrier islands with few tidal inlets to the
beaches perched on older sediments or rocks. Simple barrier north and south (see Cleary and Marden, 1999; Riggs and
islands are the dominant type of barrier system in North Ames, 2003), with the central half comprising short drumstick
Carolina, constituting 70% of the ocean shoreline, whereas barriers separated by closely spaced ebb-dominated tidal inlets
complex barriers make up 25% of the shoreline. Headland (Hayes, 2010) (Figure 13). Also referred to as the South
beaches characterize 5% of the ocean shoreline and occur only Atlantic Bight, the Georgia Bight is 800-km long and forms a
in the southern coastal zone. broad coastal arc from the terminal spit-cape system of Cape
Fear, North Carolina, to the accretionary beach-ridge complex Human modification and natural process on of Cape Canaveral, Florida. Myrtle Beach and Charleston,
the barrier systems South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and Jacksonville and
Human development and coastal engineering have become a Daytona Beach, Florida are major population centers within it.
dominant force in modifying barrier-island evolution (Dolan, See Atkinson et al. (1983), Hayes (1994a, 1994b, 2010), Dame
1973; Pilkey et al., 1998; Riggs et al., 2011). Human modifi- et al. (2000), and Barnhardt (2009) for detailed summaries of
cations such as construction (e.g., bridges, roads, and barrier this geomorphologically diverse coastal region.
dune-ridges), beach-management procedures (e.g., hardening,
sandbags, and nourishment), and inlet-management practices
(e.g., closing, hardening, channel dredging, channel realign-
−80° −78°
ment, and sand mining) are anthropogenic interventions that

interrupt the natural barrier-island dynamics. The conflict NC
between humans and natural processes only increases during
Cape Fear
storm activity, particularly during times of the rising sea level.

O old
Tourism in coastal North Carolina has become a large part Myrtle Beach

ak en
S ce

l. B
of the state’s economy. Growth and development within the W uns an

at e Is
Win ie t B le

coastal system is happening as if no limits exist and with little

yah s

Bay Pawleys I. I. ch.

regard to the dynamic processes of change. In reality, some tee Debordieu I.
R. North I.
North Carolina barrier islands are collapsing into shoal sys-

Cape Romain
tems, creating havoc with the infrastructure; shoreline re- Bulls I.

cession is causing substantial land loss; and whole ecosystems Charleston Capers I.

Dewees I.
are being destroyed or are evolving or migrating. These Isle of Palms
problems are direct responses to increasing rates of sea-level Sa Sullivans I.

Morris I.
rise and saltwater encroachment that are affecting the estuar- n na Folly Bch.
ine ecosystems and water quality, eroding coastal lowlands, h Kiawah I.
R Seabrook I.
shifting land-use patterns, and changing the magnitude of Edisto I.

Hunting I.
flood and drought conditions in upland areas. If the ongoing

Fripp I.
Savannah Hilton Head I.
climate changes continue, the booming coastal urban centers

Dafuskie I.

and their citizens, as well as the vigorous economies resulting Tybee I.

Wassaw I.
from the tourism and other significant local industries in- Alta Ossabaw I. A I
creasingly will be impacted. R. maha St. Catherines I.

Sapelo I.
Wolf I.
GA Future research directions St. Simons I.
Jeckyll I.
Going forward, research must improve our understanding of Cumberland I.
the rates, magnitude, and consequences of increasing climate Amelia I.

Little Talbot I.
change, as well as the impacts caused by changes in the storm Jacksonville

activity and by sea-level rise. The goal should be to establish a



solid scientific framework and an educational plan to help ns



develop coastal policy and management options for a . Jo


Anastasia I.
changing future. Society must adapt to these changes to

maintain a viable coastal economy and to preserve a healthy


coastal resource base upon which that economy depends.


FL Daytona Beach Barrier Systems along the Georgia Bight, United
States: Cape Fear, North Carolina to Cape
Canaveral, Florida N 50 Cape Canaveral

The coastal-barrier system within the Georgia Bight comprises

groupings of short and long barrier-island segments that are −82° −80°
responding to the regional processes (Nummedal et al., 1977; Figure 13 The Georgia Bight between Cape Fear, NC, and Cape
Hayes, 1994a, 1994b, 2010) superimposed on a variable and Canaveral, FL, may be subdivided into an Arcuate Strand to the
complex surficial geologic framework (Harris et al., 2005; north, Sea Islands in the central segment, and Atlantic Beach Ridges
Barnhardt, 2009). Approximately half of this coastal region to the south.
190 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis Geologic setting established, barriers migrated to their present location ap-
Situated on the passive margin of the western Atlantic, the proximately 1–2 ka, many sections of which experienced
sedimentary wedge beneath the Georgia Bight coastal system beach-ridge development and progradation. As older barrier
has been developing since the middle to late Mesozoic (Hayes, island cores are overtopped, transgression becomes more
1994a). The passive continental margin of this section of the rapid. Sea level is currently rising in all sections of the study
southeastern United States is bounded on the west by a wide, area (Table 5), and response varies considerably. Florida and
low coastal plain, and on the east by a continental shelf that is Georgia maintain overall small average rates of accretion,
wider than 100 km in the north but narrows to less than while South Carolina and North Carolina record much higher
50 km off Cape Canaveral. Long-term subsidence in the center rates of erosion (see Morton and Miller, 2005).
of the bight with uplift at the Cape Fear Arch and Ocala Uplift The largest freshwater inflow to the system comes from the
create the overall morphology and regional tide and wave Cape Fear River, the Winyah Bay drainages (Pee Dee River
trends shown in Figure 14 (Hayes, 1976, 2010). system), the Santee River, the Savannah River, and the Alta-
Elevation changes in Pleistocene beach ridges on the coastal maha River, with less flow from the smaller coastal-plain rivers
plains adjoining the bight have been attributed to tectonic of the St. Johns River and from isolated back-barrier estuaries
downwarping (Winker and Howard, 1977). Cretaceous to (Dame et al., 2000). Currently, river basins draining into the
Pleistocene-age materials (from north to south, respectively) Georgia Bight do not deliver significant amounts of coarse
underlie much of the barrier-island platform and shelf of this sediment to the active coast (Kana and Gaudiano, 2008; Hayes,
region. Paleochannels extend offshore from some river systems 1994b), but suspended load to and within the estuaries can be
(Barnhardt, 2009), weakening the substrate and allowing for the significant (Dame et al., 2000; McCarney-Castle et al., 2010).
occupation by more stable, deeper inlets (Harris et al., 2005).
Long-term sea-level records since the last glacial maximum Coastal geomorphology, processes, and
(LGM) are rare, but shelf morphologies and archaeological dynamics
sites indicate a typical LGM to modern record typical to global Primary geomorphic zones
sea-level changes (Figure 15). Specific to the Georgia Bight, The dominant regional morphology is broadly defined by a set
sea level rose from approximately 125 m at the LGM to of sea islands (Ziegler, 1959; Hayes, 1994a, 1994b) in the
about  22 m at the Younger Dryas period where central bight that are bound on either end by a set of
shelf-incision and expansive estuarine strata are preserved long coastal strands with thin barrier islands and mainland
(Harris et al., 2011). attached systems (Hayes, 1979; Fisher, 1968; Duc and
Barrier formation in the Georgia Bight began approxi- Tye, 1987; Pilkey et al., 1981; Price and Zenkovitch, 1964;
mately 5000 to 6000 years ago as rapid Holocene sea-level rise Brown, 1977; White, 1970; Tanner, 1960). The Sea Island
slowed (Harris, 2000; see Figure 15). Once the barriers were segment was classically named for the coastal segment

Spring tidal range (m)

0.9 1.5 2.1 2.9








l ran

of S
Mexico 100 0 100
0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Mean wave height (m)
(a) (b)

Figure 14 (a) The Georgia Bight is between the Cape Fear Arch to the North and the Ocala Uplift to the South. (b) The increased tidal range in
the center of the bight, with reduced wave heights, creates segmented Sea Islands dominated by inlet processes. Reproduced from Hayes, M.O.,
1976. Lecture notes. In: Hayes, M.O., Kana, T.W. (Eds.), Terrigenous Clastic Depositional Environments. Tech Rep 11-CRD, University of SC,
Columbia, SC, pp. 1–131, and Hayes, M.O., 2010. Shore of South Carolina; geomorphology and coastal processes. Shore and Beach 78, 3–19.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 191

Thousands of years BP Radiocarbon years

20 15 10 5 0 10 8 6 4 2 0
0 0

Elevation (below mean sea level)

See panel (b)

Elevation (below mean sea level)


−50 6


Calendar years 12
6000 4000 2000 0 2000 AD

(a) (b)

Figure 15 Sea-level curves for the Georgia Bight. (a) Sea-level positions since the last glacial maximum approximately 20 000 years ago.
Modified from Harris, M.S., Luciano, K.T., Johnson, K., Leslie, S., Sedberry, G.R., Wright, E.E., Siuda, A., 2011. Quaternary records of the
continental shelf and lower coastal plain, South Carolina (USA): examples of well-preserved stratigraphic records and distinct landscapes from
MIS-5 to the present. XVIII International Quaternary Association Congress, Bern Switzerland, Programme, 3120 pp, with permission from INQUA, (last accessed 29 October 2011). (b) Detailed Holocene sea-level curve based on archaeological information near the
Savannah River. Modified from Colquhoun, D.J., Brooks, M.J., Stone, P.A., 1995. Sea-level fluctuation: emphasis on temporal correlations with
records from areas with strong hydrologic influences in the southeastern United States. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 17, 191–196.

Table 5 Mean sea-level trends based on linear plots through long-term tide records (extracted from NOAA,

Location First year Total years to 2006 Rate (mm yr  1) 795% confidence interval

Wilmington, NC 1935 72 2.07 0.40

Grand Strand, SC (Springmaid Pier) 1957 50 4.09 0.76
Charleston, SC 1921 86 3.15 0.25
Fort Pulaski, GA 1935 72 2.98 0.33
Jacksonville, FL (Mayport) 1928 79 2.40 0.31
Daytona Beach, FL 1925 59 2.32 0.63

from Hunting Island, South Carolina to Little Talbot Island, coastal barrier features (Ziegler, 1959; Tanner, 1960; Schwartz,
Florida, and was so-named because of the large, well- 1973; Nummedal et al., 1977; Nummedal and Fisher, 1978;
established, stable island core there (Ziegler, 1959). However, Hayes, 1979, 1994a; Dame et al., 2000). Early structural
because of island geomorphologies and inlet processes, the classifications of coastal systems (e.g., Johnson, 1919), though
segment later was extended northward to Bull Island, South thorough in description, have been superseded by process-
Carolina. based inferences to coastal morphologies. Davies (1964) de-
Analysis of barrier-island lagoon morphology led Hayden veloped his morphogenetic approach to coastal systems on the
and Dolan (1979) to statistically quantify subdivisions of the basis of wave and tide distributions worldwide, which led to
Georgia Bight and place them into three major sections – Hayes’ (1979) classic wave-and-tide-regime approach to
shorter barrier islands and complex back-barrier systems in the understanding coastal-system dynamics in central South Car-
central portion of the bight and longer barrier islands to the olina (Kiawah Island is a classic site) and worldwide. In the
north and the south with less-intricate lagoon and marsh Georgia Bight, sea islands become more prominent as tide
complexes. Under Finkl’s (2004) comprehensive coastal clas- increases and wave energy decreases (Figures 13 and 14)
sification system, the Georgia Bight comprises an allomorphic (Nummedal et al., 1977; Hayes, 1979, 1994a, 2010).
(soft-rock), neolittoral, mature passive margin with a mid-
latitude barrier-fronted morphotype. Physical processes
The Georgia Bight coastline is characterized by wave-dominated Classic studies barrier islands on the margins to mixed-energy, tide-domin-
Classic, general subdivisions of the coastal barrier system ated barrier islands along the apex (Hayes, 1976, 1979, 2010),
provide a general understanding of the distributions of various with a tidal range that increases from o1 m at each of the
192 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

capes to 43 m near Savannah (Figure 14). Waves are pre- the region. The use of sidescan sonar, multibeam bathymetric
dominantly wind-driven from the south in the summer surveys, LIDAR, GPR, and high-resolution shallow strati-
and from the northeast in the winter, with currents influenced graphic studies have been paramount in understanding the
by the dominant wave field, as well as by river runoff near- local details of coastal geometries (Harris et al., 2005; Barn-
shore and the Gulf Stream offshore (Atkinson et al. 1983; hardt, 2009) in light of the wave-and-tide model (Davies,
Blanton et al. 2003). Hurricanes can hit any portion of the 1964; Hayes, 1979) that dictates other scales of reference
Georgia Bight, though hurricane impact decreases toward the (Kana and Gaudiano, 2008). These studies are being used to
bight center, with most storms hitting the Cape Fear region. better equip coastal zone managers in their decision-making
Although immediate hurricane effects are recognized in the processes in the populated zones. Better assessment of marsh
impact on infrastructure and the population, their geologic and lagoonal systems (Dame et al., 2000) enables better
signatures are more difficult to recognize and often are not assessment of organic resources in the bight.
recorded in the geologic record (Hippensteel, 2011). Major foci of future research will be on document-
ing existing resources throughout the barrier-island system, Regional morphodynamics, shoreline change, and from the offshore platform to the mainland and with par-
barrier-system evolution ticular interest in estuarine shorelines and evolution, and
Each coastal segment within the Georgia Bight undergoes dif- on understanding the effects of engineering on the beach
ferent morphodynamics, depending on the coastline configur- system. New methodologies, including airborne and land-
ation and the influence of short- and long-term processes. The based LIDAR combined with multibeam bathymetric surveys
long stretches of uninterrupted shorelines undergo predomin- and multispectral surveys, will provide baseline data for
antly wave-dominated littoral drift, whereas the Sea Islands management decisions on resource allocation and preser-
display much variability in shoreline dynamics. Much research vation. The geologic framework has been shown to be of
has been done toward understanding the importance of inlet major importance to all studies, whether environmental or
dynamics in the evolution of these coastal systems (Hayes, engineering related. As offshore sediment sources become
1979, 2010; FitzGerald, 1979, 1984; May and Stapor, 1996; harder to locate and obtain, tax-funded regional projects
Kana et al., 1999; Kana and Gaudiano, 2008). Shoal bypassing combined with marine spatial planning will increasingly drive
(Kana et al., 1999; Gaudiano and Kana, 2001; Kana and Gau- how resources are allocated and preserved. Using mathemat-
diano, 2008) influences the downdrift barrier through channel ical models (cf. Thieler et al., 2000) to improve shoreline
compression against the shoreline and temporary erosion of the change estimates and sediment budgets on annual to decadal
barrier before accretion of the bypassed sediment mass onto the timescales (Harris et al., 2005; Kana and Gaudiano, 2008) will
barrier. Hayes (1994a) showed that up to 70% of the modern increase our understanding of the net sources and sinks of
sediment volume may be stored temporarily in the ebb shoals. fine- and coarse-grained sediments in the barrier-island
Shoreline change has been documented in the region since system.
the mid-nineteenth century by using plane-table surveys,
transits, aerial photographs, and LIDAR methods (Morton and Barrier Systems along the Florida Atlantic Coast,
Miller, 2005; Harris et al., 2009). Regional and national United States
shoreline surveys provide shoreline erosion rates for this re-
gion (Anders et al., 1990; Miller and Morton, 2005; Morton Along the Atlantic coast of Florida (Figure 16), barrier islands
et al., 2006; Harris et al., 2009). By combining shoreline span nearly 600 km and barrier-island morphology evolves
change rates with beach profiles and dredge data, sediment from mixed-energy along the northern portion to wave-
budgets have been calculated for the arcuate strand (Patch- dominated along the central to southern portions (see Num-
ineelam et al., 1999; Gayes et al., 2003), and the Charleston medal et al., 1977). In terms of the sediment type, the Florida
area Sea Islands (Kana and Gaudiano, 2008). Atlantic coast barrier islands are located within the transition
The short-term changes in the sedimentary record are re- zone characterized by siliciclastic depositional environments
corded in a longer history of barrier-island dynamics through that dominate the northern stretches and carbonate systems
the stratigraphy of the region. Focusing on inlets in the central that dominate much of southern Florida. They are among the
portion of the bight, Hayes (1979), his students, and other most heavily developed barrier islands in the world, with
researchers have sought to understand the longer-term dy- anthropogenic modification playing a significant, even dom-
namics through the characteristics of ebb-tidal deltas (Imper- inant, role in their morphodynamics. With few exceptions at
ato et al., 1988), tidal-inlet successions (Hubbard et al., 1979; the northern end of the system, the Florida Atlantic barrier-
Moslow and Tye, 1985; Tye, 1984; Fitzgerald, 1979, 1984), island chain is characteristic of a narrow back-barrier lagoon.
beach-sediment sources (Wehmiller et al., 1995; Hippensteel McBride (1987) found that the average ratio of lagoon width
et al., 2005; Hippensteel, 2008), the general barrier-system to barrier-island width for the eastern coast of Florida, except
stratigraphy (Moslow and Tye, 1985; Tye, 1984), and the the Canaveral area, is 1.25:1, as compared to the world average
underlying geologic framework of the coastal system (Harris of approximately 6:1 (Tanner, 1960).
et al., 2005; Barnhardt, 2009). Geologic setting Research, developments, and issues The generally north–south-oriented Atlantic coast of
Current research regarding the Georgia Bight focuses on the Florida changes from mesotidal along the northern portion
geologic framework and near-surface stratigraphic architecture (Figure 17) to microtidal along the southern portion
as it relates to coastal geomorphology and erosional trends in (Figures 18 and 19), with tidal conditions largely controlled by
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 193

averaging around 1.4 m (Figure 20). During the summer

months (April through September), waves are calmer, aver-
aging about 0.9 m. The maximum wave height measured
during summer months is 10 m and is related to hurricanes.
During winter storms, the maximum wave height is 6 m.
50 km
Generally, wave heights along the southern portion are lower
than along the northern portion.
Barrier islands along the northern portion of the Florida
Atlantic coast (Figure 16(b)) receive considerable terrestrial
sediment from rivers and tidal creeks through the vast coastal
marsh. Conversely, barrier islands along the east-central and
southeast coastal portions receive little to no modern terres-
trial sediment. Numerous outcroppings of the oxygen isotope
stage (OIS) 5e Anastasia Formation (beach-rock and coqui-
noid sandstone) along the shoreline provide iron-stained shell
carbonate debris to the littoral system. Where present, these
(b) 10 km
outcroppings of lithified sandstone also significantly influence
local shoreline configuration.
10 km Net annual longshore sediment transport is southerly, with
annual transport rates of 460 000 m3 along the northern
(d) coastal portion (Figure 16(b)), decreasing to 90 000 m3 near
the southern end of the barrier-island chain near Miami Beach
20 km (Dean and O’Brien, 1987). This trend is the result of the
combined southward decrease in wave energy and sediment
(e) supply. Overall, the present morphodynamics of the barrier
islands along the Florida Atlantic coast are controlled by the
southward decreasing tidal and wave energies and sediment
supply. In addition, a significant portion of this barrier-island
coast is heavily developed, especially along southeast Florida;
these anthropogenic activities have a dominant influence on
local and regional morphodynamics.
The morphology of the barrier islands along the Atlantic
(d) coast of Florida is strongly influenced by tidal inlets (see
Nummedal et al., 1977, Davis and Fox, 1981). McBride (1987)
examined the 40 historical, active, and artificially cut tidal
inlets along the Atlantic coast of Florida on the basis of his-
torical maps and published data. The morphodynamics and
(e) 0.5 km (a) stability of the tidal inlets also reflect the influences of the
southward-decreasing tidal range and wave energy, evolving
Figure 16 Barrier systems along the US Florida Atlantic coast.
Aerial photos obtained from Google Earth. (b) From top to bottom, from relatively stable mixed-energy tidal inlets with large tidal
St. Marys Entrance, Fernandina Beach, Nassau Sound, and St. Johns prism to unstable, migratory (presently artificially stabilized)
River Entrance. (c) Top to bottom, Ponce De Leon Inlet and Cape wave-dominated inlets with small tidal prism.
Canaveral National Seashore. (d) From top to bottom, Sebastian Inlet,
North Hutchinson Island, and Ft. Pierce Inlet. (e) Ft. Pierce Inlet. Barrier-island morphodynamics
Barrier-island morphodynamics along the northern Florida
Atlantic coast (Figure 16(b)) are similar to those along the
shoreline orientation changes along the Georgia Bight. Tides Georgia and South Carolina coasts (see Nummedal et al.,
along the northern Florida barrier-island coast are semidiurnal 1977; Hayes, 1994a, 2010). Florida’s northern Atlantic
with a range of nearly 3.0 m (Figure 17). The range of the barrier islands are shorter and wider than the wave-domi-
semidiurnal tides decreases to about 2.0 m along the east- nated barriers along its east-central and southeastern
central Florida coast (Figure 18), and decreases further to 1.0 m sections, demonstrating typical mixed-energy, tide-dominated
along the southeast coast (Figure 19). The decreasing tidal drumstick morphology with large ebb-tidal deltas. Its back-
energy serves as the main reason for the transition from mix- barrier environment is largely coastal marsh with numerous
energy barrier islands along the northern portion of the coast tidal creeks, in contrast to the open-water estuaries that char-
southward to wave-dominated barrier islands. acterize much of the Florida Gulf coast barrier islands.
Average monthly significant wave heights (from 1988 to Except for the protruding Cape Canaveral barrier-island
2001) measured at the NDBC station 41 009 (mid-coastline, complex, most of the central and southeast Florida Atlantic
Figure 16(c)), 37 km east of Cape Canaveral at 42 m barrier islands are wave-dominated, yielding long narrow is-
water depth, range mostly from 1 to 2 m. Waves are higher lands with small or no ebb-tidal deltas and a narrow back-
during the winter months (October through March), barrier bay that is less than 3.5 km wide (Figure 16(d)).
194 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

1.2 Fernandina Beach
Water level relative to MSL (m) 0.6
−1.4 Predicted Measured
Figure 17 Measured and predicted tides at Fernandina Beach, northeast Florida, an example from 1 April 2010 to 1 May 2010. Data obtained
from NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center,¼frdf1

Trident Pier

Water level relative to MSL (m)







Predicted Measured

Figure 18 Measured and predicted tides at Trident Pier, east-central Florida, an example from 1 April 2010 to 1 May 2010. Data obtained from
NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center,¼trdf1

The formation of the relatively wide Canaveral barrier complex significant offsets at many inlets (Figure 16(e)), the result of
is controlled by a variety of factors, including antecedent geol- sediment accumulation along the updrift (north) side and
ogy (White, 1958), paleomorphology of the Anastasia For- erosion along the downdrift (south) side. The absence of ebb-
mation, convergence of (or gradient in) longshore transport tidal deltas eliminates the possibility of natural sand bypassing
(Brooks, 1972), and upward shoaling of nearshore bars along the terminal lobes, a process that is common along
(Kofoed, 1963). Almost all of the tidal inlets were formed by mixed-energy barrier islands (FitzGerald, 1984). Dean (1988)
hurricane-induced breaching and subsequently were stabilized suggested that more than 80% of the erosion along the Florida
artificially with jetties. Because they interrupt and impound the coast can be linked directly to tidal inlets. Artificial sand by-
net-southward longshore sand transport, the jetties create passing through beach nourishment and mechanical bypassing
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 195

Virginia Key

Water level relative to MSL (m)






Predicted Measured
Figure 19 Measured and predicted tides at Virginia Key, southeast Florida, an example from 1 April 2010 to 1 May 2010. Data obtained from
NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center,
Significant wave height (m)

12 Future research

The Florida Atlantic barrier-island chain is one of the most
heavily developed coastal regions in the world and has very
8 dense population. Anthropogenic activities have influenced the
6 morphodynamics of these barrier islands at a regional scale.
4 Managing this heavily developed coast under the conditions of
2 potential accelerated rising sea level and increasing storminess
provides a tremendous challenge for future research. The close
proximity of this coast to very sensitive carbonate environments












adds to the complexity of researching regional sustainability. Barrier Systems of the Santa Catarina Coast,

Figure 20 Average monthly wave conditions along the east-central Southeastern Brazil
Florida Atlantic coast (from 1988 to 2001). The error bars indicate
one standard deviation and the diamond represents the maximum
This section reviews the barrier studies for the mid-Holocene
wave height. Data obtained from NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center, highstand transgressive systems to the mid- to late-Holocene ¼41009 regressive strandplains along the subtropical Santa Catarina
coast of southeastern Brazil (Figure 22). In addition to out-
lining the geology, geomorphology, and coastal processes
often are applied to maintain the continuity of longshore along this coastline, it discusses detailed examples of evo-
sediment transport along this coast. lution of three barrier-strandplain systems.
Extreme storms play a significant role in the Florida
Atlantic coast barrier-island morphology. Storm-induced Geologic setting
breaching is responsible for the origin of most of the tidal The Santa Catarina coast (Figure 22) is characterized by high
inlets. The wetlands and densely vegetated mangrove swamp relief of the proximal Serra Geral and Serra do Mar Mountains.
that characterize much of the back-barrier shoreline region Collapse of a large Cretaceous plateau during the Tertiary per-
tend to obstruct the landward propagation of storm-induced iod (58 Ma) created a series of grabens and horsts (Zalán and
washover deposition within the back-barrier bay (Wang Oliveira, 2005) that have been reduced to rocky scarps along an
and Horwitz, 2007). Washover deposition commonly yields elongated east–west high that separates the Pelotas and Santos
both normal- and reverse-graded beds, with coarser fractions marginal basins (Giannini, 1993). These processes produced a
composed of shell debris (Figure 21). The normal-graded bedrock-dominated coastline characterized by a series of bays
bedding occurs in the nonvegetated region seaward of the and re-entrants that are defined by bedrock headlands. The
wetlands, whereas the reverse-graded bedding tends to dis- modern coastline is tectonically inactive and fronted by the
tribute in the densely vegetated area. low-gradient (0.01%) Florianopolis Shelf (Angulo et al., 2009).
196 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

85°0′0″ W 80°0′0″ W

30°0′0″ N 30°0′0″ N

25°0′0″ N 25°0′0″ N

85°0′0″ W 80°0′0″ W
0.0 m F G C H I D E C B J K A

0.2 m

0.4 m

0.6 m

0.8 m

1.0 m

1.2 m

1.4 m

1.6 m

N Longshore transect S W Cross-shore transect E

Figure 21 Sediment cores from Hutchinson Island, through washover deposits caused by Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne in 2004, showing the
normal graded (NG) and reversed graded (RG) bedding and their spatial distribution. Reproduced from Wang, P., Horwitz, M.H., 2007. Erosional
and depositional characteristics of regional overwash deposits caused by multiple hurricanes. Sedimentology 54, 545–564.

Large-scale sea-level fluctuations throughout the Quater- (Horn Filho et al., 1997; Caruso et al., 2000). Contrastingly,
nary Period have reworked coastal sediments and formed a only two Quaternary barriers, dating to the OIS 5e and mid-
series of transgressive barriers and regressive barrier-strand- Holocene (OIS 1) highstands (Villwock et al., 1986; Martins,
plain systems that have partly straightened the bedrock-dom- 1988), have been identified in central and northern Santa
inated shoreline. In southern Santa Catarina, where the Catarina, where the coastal range abuts the modern coast.
coastal mountain range is located up to 25 km inland Records of the OIS 5e (B120 ka) highstand occur as sandy
(Figure 22), three sets of Quaternary barrier systems are sep- terraces and are preserved almost continuously from latitude
arated from one another by freshwater wetlands and 51S to 351S along the Brazilian coast (Dominguez, 2009).
lagoons (Horn Filho et al., 1997; Caruso et al., 2000; Dom- During the highstand, RSL was 872 m above the present
inguez, 2009). These barriers tentatively have been attributed to level (Dominguez, 2009), producing barriers and strandplains
three of the four major sea-level highstands of the last 350 000 more than 5 km inland of the present coast. More recently,
years (marine oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 9c, 5e, and 1) eustatic sea-level rise that followed the LGM resulted in a
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 197





Figure 22 Map of the coast of Santa Catarina in southeastern Brazil, indicating the boundaries of the four sectors described in the text. The
yellow line marks the approximate landward boundary of Quaternary deposits. Also shown are the locations discussed in text, including strand-
plain systems at Navegantes, Tijucas, and Pinheira, shown in Figure 24. Reproduced from Horn Filho, N.O., Diehl, F.L., 1994. Geologia da
planı́cie costeira de Santa Catarina. Alcance 1(1), 95–102.

sea-level highstand (B5.8 ka) that in some locations en- (Milne et al., 2005). Along much of the southern coast of
croaches on the Pleistocene highstand barriers. Along the Brazil, this most recent forced-regression coupled with an
southern Brazil coast, evidence of this highstand ranges from abundant sediment supply has produced extensive (45-km
paleo-lagoonal deposits located above modern mean sea level wide) regressive barrier-strandplain systems.
to complex barrier island–lagoon–inlet–washover systems. The ultimate sediment source for southern Santa Catarina
Many of these features are well preserved several km land- state is largely unknown. Because of the proximity to the
ward of the modern shoreline, stranded as sea level has coastal mountain ranges, fluvial drainage in eastern South
fallen 2–4 m since the mid-Holocene (Angulo and Lessa, 1997; America is dominantly inland into the Rio de la Plata and São
Angulo et al., 2006). This complex sea-level history Francisco basins. Only small, local rivers feed sediment to
(Figure 23) results from global hydroisostasy: collapsing fore- the Santa Catarina coast. Although sediment from these
bulges in previously glaciated continental margins (the ‘near smaller rivers has created several moderately sized strand-
field’) during the mid-Holocene created accommodation space plains in central and northern Santa Catarina (e.g., at Tijucas
that siphoned water from ‘far-field’ (generally southern ocean) and Navegantes, Figures 22 and 24) (Asp et al., 2005; Buy-
regions (Mitrovica and Milne, 2002). Additional accom- nevich et al., 2005; FitzGerald et al., 2007a, b; Buynevich et al.,
modation in the near field was created by hydroisostatic 2011), the presence of extensive Pleistocene and Holocene
loading of the coastal oceanic crust, thus accounting for dune systems (410–50 m high and extending more than
an additional 40% of sea-level fall in far-field regions 2 km inland) and a number of strandplains not associated
198 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Elevation (m)


−3 Explanation
Sea-level data points for Sea-level data points for
−4 Santa Catarina south Santa Catarina north
of −28° latitude of −28° latitude
Sea-level envelope for Sea-level envelope for
−6 Santa Catarina south Santa Catarina north
of −28° latitude of −28° latitude
−7 Santa Catarina sea-level
Modern mean sea-level prediction (Milne et al.,
−8 2005)


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Age (ka)
Figure 23 Sea-level indicator data and proposed paleo-sea-level curves for southern Brazil in meters above modern mean sea level, based on
the curve presented by Angulo et al. (2006). Data points are derived from radiocarbon analyses of encrusting gastropods (vermitids:
Petaloconchus varians). Sea-level envelopes and vermitid records of Angulo et al. (2006) for the southern Brazil coast north of 281 S (open
squares) and south of 281 S (open circles) are shown as indicated in explanation (legend). The solid line is reference-model predicted sea-level
behavior (see Milne et al. (2005) for details). No reliable sea-level data have been reported for this coast prior to c. 7 ka, when sea level reached
its modern elevation during the post-glacial transgression. Reproduced from Angulo, R.J., Lessa, G.C., de Souza, M.C., 2006. A critical review of
mid- to late-Holocene sea-level fluctuations on the eastern Brazilian coastline. Quaternary Science Review 25(5–6), 486–506, and Milne, G.A.,
Long, A.J., Bassett, S.E., 2005. Modelling Holocene relative sea-level observations from the Caribbean and South America. Quaternary Science
Review 24, 1183–1202.

with river systems (e.g., Pinheira, Figures 22 and 24) (Fitz- the northeast, the wind regime is dominated by the passage of
Gerald et al., 2007a, b; Hesp et al., 2009; Hein et al., 2012a) moderately strong cold fronts that induce southerly winds
suggests that the Rio de la Plata (Uruguay and Paraná Basins) (Nimer, 1989; Klein, 1997). Larger storms are rare; although
1000 km to the south and other sand sources on the adjacent care must be taken with respect to record bias, only two re-
continental shelf may have also contributed significant sedi- corded tropical cyclones have impacted this coastline in 4100
ment volumes to the southern Santa Catarina coast (Bigarella, years: Cyclone Catarina in 2004 (McTaggart-Cowan et al., 2006)
1975; Milliman, 1975; Rocha et al., 1975; Dominguez et al., and Tropical Storm Anita in 2010.
1987; Cleary et al., 2004; Hein et al., 2012a). Sea swells tend to be bimodal: A sea swell from the south
with a period of 12 s has significant heights ranging from 1.25 Coastal geomorphology and processes to 2.00 m, and an 8-s sea swell from the east has an average Coastal setting significant height of 1.25 m (Araújo et al., 2003). The larger
Santa Catarina is in the southern subtropics, in a transitional southerly swell results in net-northerly longshore transport
zone between temperate and tropical environments, as reflected (Giannini, 1993; Muehe 1998; Dillenburg et al., 2000;
in the widespread presence of salt marshes along the lagoon- Martinho, 2004); however, transport rates and directions are
dominated shoreline to the south (e.g., Santo Antonio and highly variable, in part because of local wave refraction/
Imaruı́ Lagoons) and the mangroves in the bays to the north diffraction patterns (FitzGerald et al., 2007a, b; Siegle and
(e.g., from Santa Catarina Island to Babitonga Bay). The annual Asp, 2007). This wave climate is largely reflected in the
precipitation of coastal Santa Catarina is 1250–1400 mm (Hesp morphology of inlets and headland bay beaches (Klein, 2004;
et al., 2007). Its climate is largely controlled by the presence of Klein and Menezes, 2001; Klein et al. 2010). Tides along the
two high-pressure air masses, the South Atlantic tropical anti- Santa Catarina coast are mixed, microtidal with a mean spring
cyclone and the polar migratory anticyclone (Orselli, 1986), tidal range of 0.46 to 1.06 m (at Imbituba and Enseada, re-
though local orographic effects are responsible for some climatic spectively), and strongly influenced by meteorological factors
variability along the coast. Although prevailing winds are from (Truccolo, 1998).
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 199 Geomorphic units between local sedimentary processes, climatic variations, and
In categorizing the Brazilian coastline, Dominguez (2009) de- sea-level change responsible for Holocene coastal evolution
fined the southern Santa Catarina coast as part of the ‘strike-fed along the ’Barrier coast’ segment of Santa Catarina (Amaral et
sandy coast,’ a microtidal, wave-dominated sandy coast with al., 2012). Additionally studies along a series of strandplains
well-developed barrier–lagoon systems. In this classification, (Navegantes, Tijucas and Pinheira) along the rugged bedrock
central and northern Santa Catarina fall within the ‘high-relief headland-strandplain coast (Figure 24) (Cleary et al., 2004; Asp
rocky coast,’ typified by headlands and barriers systems. et al., 2005; Buynevich et al., 2005; FitzGerald et al., 2007a, b;
Others have sought to further subdivide the Santa Catarina Scolaro, 2009; Buynevich et al., 2011; FitzGerald et al., 2011;
coast into a series of three to eight geologic–geomorphic sectors Hein et al., 2012a) have revealed considerable variability in the
(Martin et al., 1988; Diehl and Horn Filho, 1996; Hesp et al., sedimentology, stratigraphy, and facies architecture among
2009). Here we propose four coastal segments based on gross these plains that is the result of differences in wave exposure,
morphology (see Figure 22). From south to north, these are: origin, volume and type of sediment supply, and antecedent
topography for each basin. For example, the ground-pene-
1. Barrier coast (Passos de Torres to Santa Marta Cape): pro-
trating radar records reveal that all plains exhibit truncated re-
grading foredune ridges backed by lagoons, coastal ponds,
flectors, suggesting that erosional events have contributed to
and lowlands; several small tidal inlets connected to
ridge morphology and have influenced sedimentation patterns
freshwater drainage or saltwater lagoons; lagoons often
and the resulting stratification. The angle of the clinoforms
contain intralagoon deltas (e.g., Tubarão River delta;
varies among plains and appears to be related to grain size and
Figure 22); extensive transgressive dune fields that migrate
wave energy. The greater apparent dip of the Pinheira Plain
south–southwestward (Giannini and Santos, 1994).
versus the Navegantes Plain may be due to the more-protected
2. Headland–cuspate-barrier coast (Santa Marta Cape to Papa-
nature of Pinheira Plain and its lower wave environment
gaios Island): small bedrock headlands separated by cuspate
compared to the exposed Navegantes Plain. Additionally, the
barriers, forming log-spiral embayments; barriers backed by
Tijucas Plain contains extensive mud deposits in the form of
lagoons of variable size that are connected to the ocean by
cheniers, overbank deposits, and mud tidal flats, whereas mud
small tidal inlets; active dune systems are common.
is much less abundant at Navegantes and Pinheira and pri-
3. Rugged bedrock headland–strand plain coast (Papagaios
marily forms a surficial cover (41.2-m thick) between some of
Island to Ponta do Vigia, including Santa Catarina
the ridges (FitzGerald et al., 2007a, b).
Island): large bedrock headlands, re-entrants, and bays
All three strandplains have prograded over the past 5000
dominate; prograded foredune ridges; irregular bedrock
years at rates ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 m yr1; however, a series of
coast smoothed by beach ridges and chenier plains; coastal
15 radiocarbon dates from Tijucas indicates that progradation
dune systems that migrate north–northwestward, opposite
rates there have increased with time, reflecting a decrease in ac-
the direction most southern dune systems migrate.
commodation space because of sediment infilling and attendant
4. Strand plain–estuarine coast (Ponto do Vigia to São Francisco
basin shoaling. This process also reduced wave energy, which
Island): foredune ridges and plains formed between large
caused a gradual transition from a sand-rich strandplain to a
estuarine systems, reflecting a regime of abundant sediment
series of mud–sand chenier ridges to – within the last 1000 years
supply; widely spaced bedrock promontories create slightly
– a fully mud-dominated environment (FitzGerald et al., 2011).
irregular shoreline shape; characterized on a smaller scale
At Tijucas and Navegantes, this work also has documented
by narrow barrier spits, tidal inlets, and small rivers.
geophysical and sedimentological evidence of transgressive
barrier islands backed by marsh and lagoon systems, each
cresting approximately 4 m above modern mean sea level and Research along the Santa Catarina coast dating to the mid-Holocene highstand (Figure 25) (FitzGerald
Much of what is known about the development of the et al., 2007a, b; Hein et al., in press). In Tijucas, the Holocene
Santa Catarina coast is based on the extensive mapping of barrier is backed by a lagoon that abuts a laterally dis-
Francisco Caruso, Jr. and Norberto Horn Filho (Caruso and continuous, 4-m-high sand ridge, tentatively interpreted as the
Awdziej, 1993; Horn Filho and Diehl, 1994, 2004; Caruso, OIS 5e shoreline (FitzGerald et al., 2007a, b, 2011).
1995, 1997; Diehl and Horn Filho, 1996; Caruso et al., 2000;
Horn Filho and Simó, 2008; Horn Filho et al., 2011). Other Future research directions
recent studies have complemented those mapping efforts with These studies of the mid-Holocene transgressive barriers and
detailed evolutionary models of individual sites (Asp et al., late-Holocene regressive barrier-strandplain systems along the
2005; Buynevich et al., 2005; Barboza et al., 2009; FitzGerald Santa Catarina coast have revealed the complex interrelation-
et al., 2007a, b; Martinho et al., 2008; Sawakuchi et al., 2009; ships between various mechanisms driving their formation
Amaral et al., 2012; Hein et al., in press). Hesp et al. (2009) (sea-level change, climate change, and sediment supply). For
provided a detailed overview of the present state of know- example, at Tijucas, imprinted on the gradual shift from a
ledge, largely derived from this expansive body of work. sandy environment to a muddy environment are rapid (dec-
In the past several years, sedimentological, geophysical, adal to centennial) alternations between sandy and muddy
chronological, and morphological surveys of the Santa Catarina regimes. These likely are related to changes in the fluvial bed
coast have begun to ground truth, enhance, and replace previ- load and suspended load ratio that were caused by climate
ous evolutionary models. For example, a recent paleoenviron- change; they in turn produced modifications in vegetation
mental reconstruction of a lagoon system proximal to the Santa patterns, in bedrock weathering and soil formation processes,
Marta Cape (see Figure 22) revealed the complex interactions and ultimately in sediment contribution in the drainage basin
200 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Elevation above MSL (m)

West East
4 Mud
2 Sandy

50 m
Elevation above MSL (m)

West East
−6 20 m
Elevation above MSL (m)

4 West East
2 Beach and dune
−2 Shoreface
80 m

Figure 24 Post-processed GPR profiles across beach ridges from three Brazilian strandplain systems discussed in detail in the text. Graphic
logs are from vibracores collected along the profiles; sediment grain sizes are given by both width and color of boxes (gray – mud; beige – very
fine to fine sand; yellow – medium sand; and dark brown – coarse sand). Beach ridges vary in both grain size and apparent dip between each
location (Tijucas: medium to coarse sand, 9–101; Navegantes: fine to medium sand, 1.5–2.51; Pinheira: fine to very fine sand, 4–51).
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 201

Tijucas mid-Holocene highstand barrier

Elevation above MSL (m)

6 West East


Mud Overwash Mud
−2 layers
80 m
Lagoon Barrier/Overwash Regressive strandplain sequence

Navegantes mid-Holocene highstand barrier

Elevation above MSL (m)

North South

2 Overwash

−2 40 m
Lagoon Barrier / Regressive strandplain
Overwash sequence
Figure 25 Sample post-processed and topographically corrected (using RTK-GPS data) ground-penetrating radar lines across transgressive mid-
Holocene highstand barriers in Tijucas and Navegantes (locations shown in Figures 22 and 24). Barriers are denoted by topographically high ridges
and the presence of overwash layers. They are backed by lagoons (muddy in Tijucas, where the Tijucas River delivers large quantities of mud; and
sandy in Navegantes, where the Itajaı́ River generally delivers only sand) and fronted by seaward-dipping regressive strand plain systems deposited
as sea level fell during the middle to late Holocene. Tijucas data (upper profile) modified from FitzGerald, D.M., Cleary, W.J., Buynevich, I.V., Hein,
C.J., Klein, A.H.D.F., Asp, N.E., Angulo, R.J., 2007a. Strandplain evolution along the southern coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Coastal
Research SI 50, 152–156, with permission from JCR. Navegantes data (lower profile) from Hein, C.J., FitzGerald, D.M., Cleary, W.J., Menezes, J.T.d.,
Klein, A.H.d.F., Albernaz, M.B., in review. Diverse Sedimentological Signatures of the Mid-Holocene Highstand in Brazil, Quaternary Research, 14 pp.

(FitzGerald et al., 2011). Contrarily, because of its shelf sedi- part was designated a United Nations Educational, Scientific,
ment source, no such alternations occur at Pinheira; however, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site
there a barrier-lagoon–inlet system dating to about in 2009.
3.2  2.8 ka has been identified within the regressive strand- The area where the Wadden Sea is today was covered by ice
plain succession and was related to minor oscillations in sea- during the Saale glaciation but was uncovered during the
level fall during that time (Hein et al., 2012b). Further study of Weichselian glaciation. The morphology from these two glaci-
each of these barrier–strandplain systems in Santa Catarina ations and the associated meltwater combined with fluvial
will help develop our understanding of variations in the di- erosion and deposition during the Pleistocene epoch created
verse forcing mechanisms that contributed to their formation. the paleolandscape on which the Wadden Sea islands de-
veloped. Many of the barrier islands are located on local
Pleistocene highs, and two of the islands, Texel and Sylt, have Barrier Systems along the Wadden Sea: outcrops of Pleistocene sediments. For a description of the
European North Sea Coast (German Bight) Holocene evolution of the Wadden Sea, see, for example, Van
Located in the southeast part of the North Sea, the Wadden der Spek and Beets (1992), Oost (1995), and Vos and van
Sea is the most important coastal wetland area in Europe Kesteren (2000) for the Dutch part; Streif (2004), Chang et al.
(Figure 26). The Wadden Sea extends 450 km along the (2006), and Lindhorst et al. (2008) for the German part; and
Dutch, German, and Danish North Sea coasts, covering Bartholdy and Pejrup (1994), Aagaard et al. (1995), Johan-
10 000-km2, some 2000 km2 of which has 23 inhabited bar- nessen et al. (2009), and Nielsen et al. (2009) for the Danish
rier islands and seven small vegetated islands, as well as a part. Ehlers (1988) provided a detailed description of the recent
number of major sand bodies without vegetation (Figure 27). development and morphodynamics of the entire Wadden Sea.
The Wadden Sea is the tidal estuary between the barrier islands
and the mainland. Geologic setting
The Wadden Sea occurs within three countries – the Neth- A RSL rise of 3–4 mm yr1 is observed in the Wadden Sea
erlands, Germany, and Denmark – which have established the region today, a combination of the present regional isostatic
Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation for the protection and crustal movement there of 0 to –1 mm yr1 (Gehrels et al.,
management of this important natural habitat. It has national- 2006) and the recent global eustatic sea-level rise of about
park status in all three countries, and the Dutch and German 3 mm yr1. At the LGM, sea level was about 120 m lower than
202 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Skallingen. The barrier islands vary in length, and this vari-

ation appears to be controlled by the tidal range or more
specifically by the size of the tidal prism (Nummedal and
Fischer, 1978; Hayes, 1979). In fact, the Wadden Sea coast and
its continuation along the North Sea coast of Denmark is a
Sweden classic example of tidal range and tidal prism controlling
barrier-island length. The most prominent morphologic fea-
tures of the Wadden Sea barrier system are foreshore and
beach, coastal dune ridge, salt marsh, tidal inlets, tidal deltas,
tidal channels, tidal creeks, and tidal flats.
The Dutch and German Wadden Sea island shorelines are
undergoing severe erosion, especially Texel and Sylt, which
North Sea
have Pleistocene-age cores and outcrops. Moreover, beach
nourishment projects are not holding up. In Denmark,
the Skallingen peninsula is experiencing severe erosion, too,
whereas Fanø and Rømø Islands are regressive barriers. Net
longshore sediment transport along the Danish Wadden Sea
coast is southerly, whereas the West and East Frisian Islands
experience net easterly transport.
Ebb- and flood-tidal deltas are common along the Wadden
Sea barrier coast, and several of the old flood-tidal deltas have
become vegetated and appear at the lagoon side of the
Wadden Sea tidal inlets as small, low-relief islands. Beach
width varies considerably from island to island and along the
Netherlands 100 km same island. Many Frisian Islands experience erosion along
their western end and deposition along their eastern end. Sea
Figure 26 The Wadden Sea (dotted pattern) extends 450 km along
walls have been constructed several places to prevent erosion.
the Dutch, German, and Danish North Sea coast (German Bight). The depositional end member is the Danish island, Rømø,
whose beach is 41 km wide, possibly one of the widest in the
world (Figure 29). About 65% of the Wadden Sea area
now. Melting of the Fennoscandian ice shield caused the sea emerges at low-water, exposing large areas of intertidal flats
level to rise rapidly. Vink et al. (2007) modeled the sea-level composed of medium-grained sand and mud. Muddy tidal
changes in the Wadden Sea region for the last 10 000 years flats typically occur in the inner, sheltered parts of the tidal
(Figure 28). It appears that sea level rose rapidly from 10 ka basins. In the northern part of the Wadden Sea, accretion rates
until approximately 7 ka by a mean rate of some 8 mm yr1. commonly are large, 10–20 mm yr1, exceeding sea-level rise
From 7 ka until today, the rates of sea-level rise have been considerably (Andersen et al., 2006).
decreasing, with a mean of 2 mm yr1. Some researchers claim Most of the natural salt marshes have been diked during
that sea-level rise in this period has been discontinuous (e.g., the last 500 years and only minor areas of undiked salt marsh
Behre, 2007) because of crustal adjustments caused by the remain. Today, undiked salt marshes occur on the lagoon side
former glaciation, such as fore-bulge collapse. of the barrier islands and along the mainland coast in front of
Although evidence exists that the first barrier islands started the dikes. The transition from the intertidal flats to the
to form in the Wadden Sea about 8 ka, the landscape as we supratidal salt marsh frequently is marked by an erosional
know it today began to form when the rate of the sea-level rise cliff. The largest of the almost natural salt marshes is at the
slowed down. During the early Holocene, the major sediment Skallingen peninsula in Denmark, and covers some 10 km2
source to the barrier islands and the tidal lagoons was the (Aagaard et al., 1995). During the past several decades, net
North Sea seafloor, where the landscape formed earlier but was deposition at Skallingen has been on the same order of
drowned and eroded (Hofstede, 2005). Today, sediment magnitude as recent sea-level rise (Andersen et al., 2011).
transported to the barrier-island system originates from coastal Little consensus exists among researchers as to the recent
erosion and sediment discharge from major rivers such as the sediment budget for the Wadden Sea. Sediment accumulation
Rhine, Ems, Weser, and Elbe rivers. The largest sand supply is in rates for the Danish part indicates that sedimentation prob-
the northern Wadden Sea, where southerly net littoral drift ably can keep pace with sea-level rise (Madsen et al., 2007,
exceeds 0.5 106 m3 yr1 (Pedersen and Bartholdy, 2006). 2010), whereas research in the German areas points to a mud
depletion (Flemming and Ziegler, 1995) because of a change Coastal geomorphology and processes in the normal energy gradient caused by dike construction.
Tidal range in the Wadden Sea varies from 1.3 m in the Most of the mainland coast is protected by dikes and sea walls.
southernmost part at Texel and increases along the West Nummedal and Fischer (1978), Ehlers (1988), Oost
Frisian and East Frisian Islands to a maximum of 3.5 m in the (1995), Streif (2004), and Chang et al. (2006) presented
German Bight at the outlet of the Elbe River (Nummedal and classic studies on the Holocene evolution of the area.
Fischer, 1978). North of the Elbe River, tidal range decreases Aagaard et al. (1995) presented studies on the area’s recent
gradually to about 1.5 m at the northernmost barrier island, development.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 203



North Sea

Borkum Juist
Terschelling Ameland



Figure 27 Specific barrier islands along the German Bight that front the Wadden Sea, all of which are located in the southeast portion of the
North Sea. Twenty-three barrier islands, seven minor vegetated islands, and a large number of major sand bodies covering an area of some
2000 km2 shelter the Wadden Sea against waves from the North Sea.

Prevailing winds in the Wadden Sea region are westerly, Andersen et al., 2011). New technologies that use high fre-
especially during autumn and winter periods in connection quencies of electromagnetic current meters to measure current
with low-pressure systems moving across the North Sea. velocities have enabled accurate computation of bottom shear
Typical average annual wind speed for the central part of the stresses (Andersen et al., 2006). Also, new methods have been
Wadden Sea is 8 m s1 along the island coast and about developed to measure settling velocities of suspended sedi-
6.5 m s1 along the mainland coast (Hofstede, 2005). West- ment. In addition, long-term, high-frequency monitoring of
erly winds exceed 30 m s1 almost every year and cause wind bed-level changes recently has been conducted (Andersen
setup inside the Wadden Sea of up to 5 m above MSL. Mean et al., 2006). Algorithms for these new processes have been
annual wave heights along the North Sea coast are about incorporated into numerical models (Lumborg et al., 2006).
0.5 m, and maximum wave heights are greater than 5 m Another significant advance in Wadden Sea research in
(Aagaard et al., 1995). Maximum tidal current velocity in the recent years is the use of optically stimulated luminescence
inlets is B1.5 m s1, decreasing to about 1 m s1 in major (OSL) dating, which has made it possible to establish high-
tidal channels inside the Wadden Sea. In small tidal creeks resolution sediment-accumulation rates for both muddy and
within the Wadden Sea, maximum current velocities rarely sandy sediments (Madsen et al., 2005, 2007; Fruergaard et al.,
exceed 0.5 m s1. Typical maximum current velocity across 2011). Finally, research on the interaction between the
tidal flats is 0.3 m s1. biota and the physical environments has improved our
understanding of the integrated Wadden Sea system (Andersen Significant current research developments et al., 2006, 2011; Borsje et al., 2008; Madsen et al., 2010).
The most significant advances in Wadden Sea research over the
past decade have been in quantification of sediment fluxes and Future research directions
their morphological response in the intertidal areas and the As noted earlier, little to no consensus exists on what
supratidal salt-marsh areas (e.g., Lumborg and Pejrup, 2005; the sediment budget is for the Wadden Sea. Budgets for
204 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis


–20 20
RSL (m)


1−2 23 21

–30 13
3−5 18 16

8 10
9−10 7
14−16 6
–40 18−20 5
21−22 3
23 2
24 1

10 8 6 4 2 0
cal ka BP
Figure 28 Relative sea-level curves for the Netherlands, Germany, and the southern North Sea. The curves are presented by Vink et al. (2007) based
on a regional best-fit Earth model for 24 stations in NW Europe. It appears that from 10 ka to 2 ka, relative sea-level decreased from SW to NW.
Furthermore, it appears that the region experienced a rapid sea-level increase from 10 ka until 7 ka, and has experienced a slower but continuous
increase from 7 ka until today.

fine-grained sediment in Denmark that are based on sediment Australian Barrier Systems
core dating indicate a large import of fine sediment from the
Australia has a 30 000-km-long open coast that ranges from
North Sea (Bartholdy and Pheiffer-Madsen, 1985; Pejrup et al.,
the balmy tropics at 91 S in Torres Strait to the wave- and
1997). Numerical modeling of the net flux of fine-grained
wind-blasted midlatitudes at 431 S in southern Tasmania (see
sediment covering an entire year supports these findings
Figure 30). The coast is exposed to a range of wave, tide, wind,
(Lumborg and Pejrup, 2005). Furthermore, new investigations
and climatic environments, resulting in a large number of
using OSL dating of sandy sediment cores show that sand ac-
Pleistocene and Holocene barrier systems and a wide range of
cretes at approximately the same rate as mud (Madsen et al.,
barrier types and sizes. The exposed high-wave and wind-
energy southern and western coasts are the site of numerous
In the German and Dutch part of the Wadden Sea, it
barrier systems, most backed by extensive dune systems and
appears that the barrier system is being sediment starved and
many reaching massive proportions in height and longshore
that the Wadden Sea might drown because of an accelerating
and inland extent. The moderate-energy eastern coast tends to
rise in RSL. Both hypotheses may be true because of the
have more-restricted embayed beach and dune barrier systems,
different sand supply for the northern and southern parts
whereas northern Australia has a range of barriers from che-
of the Wadden Sea. New research addressing this question
niers through to transgressive dunes, including the only bar-
is needed because it is vital for the management of the
rier islands.
Wadden Sea that the sediment dynamics of the system are
well understood. At the same time, the influence of the biota
on sediment stability and thereby on net sediment deposition Geologic setting
should be further addressed. Such studies already have Australia is located centrally on the Australian plate and is re-
been initiated by Borsje et al. (2008) and Lumborg et al. markably stable tectonically, with most of the coast classified as
(2006). a passive margin or trailing edge. Most Pleistocene shorelines
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 205

North Sea Rømø barrier island Lagoon

oblique bars

sand flat
sand transport
Net sand

Figure 29 Arial photo showing the Danish barrier island Rømø. This island shows a regressive coast with beach with in excess of 1 km. The
major morphological units and sand-transport directions are shown. Redrawn from Johannessen, P.N., Nielsen, L.H., Nielsen, L., Møller, I.,
Pejrup, M., Andersen, T.J., 2009. Upper Jurassic barrier-island sandstone reservoir geometry in the Danish Central Graben constrained by
application of a Holocene – Recent Wadden Sea analogue. Petroleum Geology Conference Proceedings 7, 127–143.

are at or near present sea level, with tectonic activity restricted Hesp and Short (1999) found that Australian barrier for-
to the southeast of South Australia, where a 400-km-wide se- mation is influenced by substrate gradient, sediment supply,
quence of barrier regression has been preserved through the wave energy, tides, wind, sea level, geologic inheritance, and
regional uplift (Short and Woodroffe, 2009). In general, Aus- tectonism. Barriers are spread right around the coast, with sig-
tralia is a low, flat, stable platform with mature terrestrial nificant regional variability in the size and type.
sediments in the north and east, whereas shelf carbonate
sediments dominate across the more arid south and west. Barrier research
Australia has 2746 barrier systems that occupy 12 175 km Coastal geomorphology and processes (40%) of the coast (Short, 2010). However, only a handful of
Northern Australia is a generally low passive margin coast these have been investigated in any detail. Thom and Roy and
exposed to a tropical monsoonal climate with a summer wet colleagues presented the first thorough investigations of bar-
season accompanying the northwest monsoons together with rier morphostratigraphy, chronology, and evolution initially
occasional tropical cyclones, and a drier winter dominated by along the New South Wales (NSW) coast, followed by work in
the southeast trade winds. The accompanying waves are low to Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. The results of these
moderate seas, whereas tides range from meso to mega, studies formed the basis of models of sea-level history and
maintaining a generally tide-dominated coast. The subtropical barrier evolution in southeast Australia (Figure 31; Roy et al.,
high dominates most of the continent, resulting in an arid 1980; Roy and Thom, 1981; Thom, 1984; Thom and Roy,
interior and south and west coasts and a more humid north- 1985). These models were then extended by Roy et al. (1994)
ern and eastern fringe. The subpolar lows impinge across the to incorporate the relationship between barriers and the inner
southern coast, bringing strong westerly winds and precipi- shelf and in particular a critical role played by the substrate
tation. The lows also generate the world’s largest waves in the gradient, with beaches and barriers only forming on slopes
Southern Ocean, which deliver year round swell 2–3 m high between 0.11 and 0.81. More recently, Cowell et al. (1995,
swell to all of southern Australia and a more moderate swell 2006) used the southeast Australia barriers to develop a model
along the east coast. of shoreface and barrier response to climate change in which
Holocene sea level reached its present level or slightly substrate gradient and type also play a major role.
higher right around the coast by 6.5 ka (Figure 31). On the In Queensland, Hopley (1987) investigated regressive
higher-energy eastern and southern coasts, the rise was barrier systems to determine the Holocene sea-level history; in
accompanied by massive shelf sand supply with the beach investigating the large Burdekin River delta, Belperio (1983)
barrier, and in places massive dune formation accompanied described the barrier islands and spits associated with the delta
the sea-level rise and stillstand. After the stillstand, across the shoreline. During the 1980s, Queensland’s Beach Protection
lower-energy northern coast, barrier sediment supply was Authority conducted a number of regional coastal investi-
generally derived from the numerous river systems and locally gations that in part reviewed knowledge of the associated
derived from fringing coral reef. barrier systems.
206 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

120° E 130° E 140° E 150° E

Torres Strait

Arafura Sea
Timor Sea Melville
Bathurst Island
10° S Gulf Cape York
Darwin 10° S
Cape Arnhem

Joseph Bonaparte Gulf Arnhem

Groote of 3

Land Archer

16 Da Eylandt


ly R Roper R

. Carpentaria
1 Coral


Ord Mitchell



u nd

OCEAN Cooktown


Kimberley Gilb

ert Sea


N ic

Fitz h o ls o n R.


t R.

Eighty Mile


Gu Ca

Beach 4
uth est

Burdekin R.


De G

Ex orth


Forte 20° S


rey R

ton R

. Fitzroy R.
Gascoyne R. WESTERN pricorn
Fraser Island



Mary R.



Bay R.
Tweed R.
14 Nullabor
30° S r
ve 30° S
an Ri
g Macleay R.
R. 11 Gulf lin
Great Australian Bight St Vincent 6

R −

n ry
Cape Naturaliste Hunter R.

ea bu

Eyre Peninsula

ep s
N wke

13 Adelaide Mu Sydney


y Shoalhaven R. Tasman


Cape Kangaroo Island CANBERRA

12 11 Melbourne
Cape Howe Sea
Province boundary Ninety Mile Beach
Wilsons Promontory
10 Bass Strait
Subprovince boundary 0 800 km 7
6 Province number 40° S
9 Hobart

110° E 120° E 130° E 140° E 160° E

Figure 30 Three major sedimentary provinces and 17 subprovinces used to classify Australian barrier systems. Reproduced from Short, A.D.,
2010. Sediment transport around Australia – sources, mechanisms, rates and barrier forms. Journal of Coastal Research 26, 395–402.

In Western Australia, Semeniuk conducted detailed in- Large dune systems are associated with many Australian
vestigations of barrier formation in the south (Semeniuk and barriers, and a limited number of attempts have been made to
Meagher, 1981) and regional coastal studies in the northern date these. In Queensland, Pye (1983) dated massive trans-
Pilbara region (Semeniuk, 1993). In northern Australia, some gressive tropical dune systems; in NSW, Pye and Bowman
research has focused on the development of chenier-beach (1984) dated cliff-top dunes near Sydney; in the Northern
ridge plains, with Rhodes (1982) working in the Gulf of Territory, Lees et al. (1995) also dated tropical transgressive
Carpentaria; Chappell and Grindrod (1984) investigating the dunes; and in Tasmania, Duller and Augustinus (1997) dated
extensive Princess Charlotte Bay chenier plain; Lees (1987) at coastal dunes in northern Tasmania. Short (1988), Thom et al.
Point Stuart in the Northern Territory; and Short (1989) (1994), and Lees (2006) reviewed regional Australian dune
reviewing Australian chenier research. systems and their chronology.
In the southeast of South Australia, Murray-Wallace et al. Hesp and Short (1999) presented a time–space sequence
(2001, 2002) used a range of dating techniques to date a of Australian Holocene barrier evolution and morphody-
100-km-wide, regressive barrier sequence back to 800 ka. namics in which barrier type, evolution, and morphody-
These same systems extend even further inland, with sugges- namics is closely related to wave energy and the rate and
tions that the innermost barriers located 400 km inland date supply of sediment to the shore (Figure 32). They defined
as early as the Pliocene (Roy et al., 2000). seven barrier types ranging from the low-energy regressive
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 207

10 8 6 4 2 0 available, testing whether barrier evolution and periods of

dune transgression and stability are localized or regional in
Karumb Spen
a cer G extent. The individual barrier chronology is highly relevant to
Great Barrier Reef ulf
assessing the state of contemporary shorelines, whereas the
MSL regional barrier behavior has important implications for the
role of regional scale climate indicators in triggering episodes
of coastal evolution, including the formation of cheniers and
4 beach ridges in northern Australia, and the timing of episodes
of dune transgressions across southern Australia, which in
turn has implications for potential impacts of the climate

Depth (m)
10.8.3 Marginal Sea Coasts
Northern Territory
According to Inman and Nordstrom (1971), marginal sea
Southeast Australia coasts occur along continental mainland shorelines (e.g., the
Central Queensland 16 United States Gulf Coast and the Australian east coast (both
Huon Peninsula
discussed above), and the Asian mainland east coast), are
fronted by shallow bodies of water (e.g., the Gulf of Mexico,
the Tasman Sea, the East and South China Seas, and the Sea of
8 6 4 2 0
Japan), and face the backside of volcanic island arcs such as
Time (ka) the Caribbean Islands, New Zealand, the Aleutian Islands, the
Japanese Islands, and the Philippine Islands. Marginal sea
Figure 31 Holocene sea-level record for the Australian region coasts typically are characterized by wide continental shelves,
showing the rapid rise to about 6.5 ka when sea level reached its
well-developed coastal plains, and large fluvial systems that
present or slightly higher level around Australia and New Zealand.
may discharge large sediment loads to the coast. Con-
Reproduced from Short, A.D., Woodroffe, C.D., 2009. The Coast of
Australia. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 288 pp. sequently, these coastlines may be characterized by extensive
barrier systems, such as the United States Gulf of Mexico coast
as discussed next.
chenier, beach ridge, and foredune ridge plain (Figure 33) to
(with increasing wave energy) regressive then transgressive
systems, to – in places–massive transgressive barrier–dune Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems along the
systems (Figure 34). Gulf of Mexico Coast of Florida, United States:
In an overview of Australian beach and barrier systems, Sanibel Island to Perdido Pass, Florida
Short (2010) divided the 30 000-km-long coast into three Barrier islands span over 600 km of the Gulf of Mexico coast
major provinces and 17 subprovinces (Figure 30) on the basis of Florida. In general, two barrier-island chains have de-
of sediment sources and general Holocene barrier form and veloped along the Florida Gulf Coast: the east–west trending
size. The subprovince barriers range in mean volume from barrier-island chain along northwest Florida (Figure 35), and
small 800 m3 m1 chenier plains to massive 70 000 m3 m1 the north–south trending west-central Florida barrier-island
transgressive dune systems, with an overall mean volume of chain (Figure 36). The barrier-islands along the northwest
23 000 m3 m1. Short found that the main controls on Aus- Florida coast typically are wave-dominated, whereas those
tralian barrier morphodynamics and evolution are wave en- along the west-central Florida coast range from wave-domin-
ergy, predominately shelf sediment supply accompanying ated to mixed-energy (Davis and Hayes, 1984). The back-
sea-level transgression, and, for the dunes, wind. barrier environment is dominated by shallow estuaries of
various sizes with limited fluvial water and sediment input. Future directions for research
The biggest issue facing Australian barrier research and coastal
research in general is the perennial problem of the vastness, Geologic setting
variety, and in places the remoteness of their coasts, as well as The Florida Gulf Coast is microtidal. Tides along the northern
the relatively few coastal scientists investigating barriers. This Gulf Coast are diurnal with a range typically of less than 0.6 m
is further compounded today by a shift in post-graduate re- (Figure 37). Because of the small tidal range, meteorological
search focus from field-based studies to desktop studies. Al- tides play a relatively significant role in the overall water-level
though the latter provides excellent spatial coverage, it cannot fluctuation, especially in the bays (Figure 37, April 23–26).
provide the morphostratigraphy and chronology required to The tide regime along the west-central Florida coast is different
understand barrier evolution. So in general, a need exists for from the diurnal tides along the northwest Florida coast
more studies of barrier stratigraphy and chronology. These (Florida Panhandle). The west-central coast tidal range is
should be aimed at detailing the nature and evolution of in- about twice as large, with spring ranges reaching 1.2 m
dividual barrier systems, and when sufficient data are (Figure 38). In addition, tidal cycles are mixed diurnal and
208 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

6 6–3 3–0
A Hb 0m
Samphire facies
Mangrove facies 6 6–3 3–0
B Hb 0m
Dune sand
Shelly sand
6 6–3 3m
C Marine sand Hb 0m
10 6 6–3 3–0
10 m
Hb < 1
D Sea grass

10 7 4–3 2
3 4
5 3–0

20 m
Hb 1 – 1.5
E Overwash
Ω3–6 1

10 6–7 5–0
1 Hb > 2 4
F – 5
Ω > 3 2
Primary dunes

10 1 6–7 4 6–0
Hb > 2
G – 5
Ω >
Primary dunes
(Cliff top)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rising sea level Stillstand

Figure 32 Proposed time–space sequence of seven southern Australian barrier types in relation to wave energy and rate, quantity and timing of
sediment supply, all of which increase from A to G. Reproduced with permission from Hesp, P.A., Short, A.D., 1999. Barrier morphodynamics.
In: Short, A.D. (Ed.), Handbook of Beach and Shoreface Morphodynamics. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 307–333.

Figure 33 Barrier islands on the southern Gulf of Carpentaria coast Figure 34 Gunyah beach and barrier in South Australia is exposed to
backed by a supratidal salt flats and a degraded Pleistocene barrier. high waves and strong onshore winds and backed by a transgressive
Photo: A.D. Short. dune system extending 10 km inland. Photo: A.D. Short.

semidiurnal, with largely diurnal spring tides and semidiurnal passages (e.g., Ivan in 2004 and Dennis in 2005), which
neap tides. generate wave heights of 410 m and a storm surge of 42 m
Wave energy along the Florida Gulf Coast is relatively low. (Wang et al., 2006; Wang and Horwitz, 2007; Claudino-
The average significant breaking wave height along the Sales et al., 2008, 2010; Morton, 2008, 2010). Winter
northwest Florida coast is 0.67 m (Browder and Dean, 2000). storms associated with the passages of cold fronts also have
This stretch of coast is significantly influenced by hurricane significant impact on the barrier-island morphodynamics
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 209

20 km



(c) 30 km

(b) 10 km 50 km

Figure 35 Barrier system along the northwest Florida Gulf of Mexico coast (Florida Panhandle) from Perdido Pass, FL eastward to Dog Island,
FL. Aerial photos obtained from Google Earth. (b) From left to right, Perdido Pass, Perdido Key, and Pensacola Pass. (c) From left to right,
Pensacola Pass, Santa Rosa Island, and East Pass. (d) From left to right, Saint Joseph Spit, Saint Vincent Island, Saint George Island, and Dog

(Stone et al., 2004). Wave energy along the west-central Flor- Barrier-island morphodynamics
ida coast is lower than along its northwest coast, with an Barrier-island morphodynamics along the northwest Florida
average significant wave height in the nearshore area of about Gulf of Mexico coast typically are wave-dominated, as
0.3 m (Figure 39). The influence of cold-front passages is illustrated by Santa Rosa Island (Figure 35(c)). This barrier is-
apparent, as illustrated by the frequent high-wave events land is roughly 85 km long and is narrow (0.2–1.0 km wide),
during the winter season (Wang and Beck, 2012). with dune heights generally of less than 7 m (Claudino-Sales
The summer of 2004 was exceptional, with substantial et al., 2008, 2010). The two inlets, Pensacola Pass at the west
influences from the passage of three tropical storms – Frances, end and East Pass at the east end, are relatively small with small
Ivan, and Jeanne (Elko and Wang, 2007). Figure 39 shows ebb-tidal deltas. Both inlets are artificially stabilized and
these three high-wave storm events (records 3069–3423). maintained.
Although representing a short period of time, Figure 39 Overall, barrier-island morphology and stratigraphy are
illustrates the typical pattern of nearshore wave conditions strongly influenced by extreme storms (e.g., Hurricane Ivan in
along the west-central Florida coast, that is, without the 2004), resulting in regional overwash and landward-dipping
influence of the tropical storms. stratigraphy (Horwitz and Wang, 2007). Along the wider
The development of the barrier islands along the Florida portion of the barrier island, dune erosion and washover
Gulf of Mexico coast started at about 3000–5000 BP, when the deposition in the low-lying barrier interior dominate the
rate of sea-level rise slowed down (Davis et al., 1979; Davis morphologic response to hurricane impact, whereas along the
and Kuhn, 1985). Generally, upward shoaling and spit mi- narrower portions, the impact of major hurricanes causes
gration are believed to be the primary mechanisms of barrier- landward barrier-island migration (Figure 40). Houser et al.
island formation in this area (Otvos, 1970a, 1970b; Davis and (2008) found that the shoreface ridges on the inner conti-
Kuhn, 1985). The barrier islands along the Florida Gulf of nental shelf play a significant role in controlling the response
Mexico coast receive little to no direct terrestrial sediment of dunes and shoreline to storm impacts. Because of the ab-
supply (Davis, 1994b, 1997). Sediment sources for barrier- sence of terrestrial sediment supply and the potential accel-
island construction and maintenance are the reworking of erated rate of sea-level rise and increased storminess, most of
older siliciclastic sediments and the production of carbonate the northwest Florida barrier islands are in a destructive phase
skeletal sediments by marine organisms. The northwest Flor- (Donoghue, 2011). The exceptions are the barrier islands and
ida barrier islands are dominated by medium quartz sand. The spits associated with Cape San Blas (St. Joe Spit, St. Vincent
biogenic carbonate sediment content varies considerably Island, and St. George Island) (Figure 35(d)). The protruding
along the west-central Florida barrier islands, with a generally headland at Cape San Blas likely supplies sediment to the
increasing trend toward the south. spit-type barrier islands, leading to the well-developed
Overall, the present morphodynamics of the barrier islands series of beach ridges and recurved spits that characterize
along the Florida Gulf of Mexico coast are controlled by much of St. Vincent Island and St. Joe Spit, respectively
sediment redistribution through longshore and cross-shore (Figure 35(d)).
sediment transport that reflects a delicate balance between A variety of barrier islands, including wave-dominated
wave and tidal forcing (Davis and Hayes, 1984). Sediment and mixed-energy systems, developed along the west-central
supply plays a minor role in the present barrier-island Florida coast (Davis, 1994b). Compared to Santa Rosa Island,
morphodynamics. Moreover, a significant portion of this the west-central Florida barrier islands are shorter and
barrier-island coast is heavily developed. Anthropogenic activ- wider, and they often display mixed-energy drumstick or
ities such as inlet stabilization and other hard and soft shore- humpback morphologies (Figures 36(b)–36(e)). In addition,
protection measures have significant influence on local and the interaction between a barrier–inlet pair with adjacent
regional morphodynamics (Davis and Barnard, 2000, 2003). barriers and inlets is much more active.
210 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis


3 km

10 km (c)

2 km


20 km

4 km
50 km

(e) (a)

Figure 36 Barrier-island chain along the west-central Florida Gulf of Mexico coast. Aerial photos obtained from Google Earth. (b) From top to
bottom, Anclote Key, Three Rooker Island, and Honeymoon Island. (c) From top to bottom, Hurricane Pass, Clearwater Beach Island, Clearwater
Pass, Sand Key Island, Johns Pass (JP), Treasure Island, Blind Pass (BP), Long Key Island, and Pass-a-Grille Inlet. (d) From top to bottom, Cayo
Costa Island, Boca Grande Pass, North Captiva Island, Redfish pass, Captiva Island, Blind Pass, and Sanibel Island. (e) Estero Island. (f) From
top to bottom, Hickory Inlet, Little Hickory Island, and Delnor-Wiggins Pass.

The Johns Pass (JP)–Blind Pass (BP) system (Figure 36(c)) amount of sand bypasses the Johns Pass ebb-tidal delta, driven
is an excellent example of multi-inlet morphodynamics (Wang by the net-southward longshore sediment transport and re-
et al., 2011; Wang and Beck, 2012). The opening of Johns Pass sulting in a wide beach at the downdrift attachment point
in 1848 by an unnamed hurricane gradually captured the tidal (Figure 41(a) and 41(b)).
prism of the JP–BP system, transforming the mixed-energy As Johns Pass has expanded and developed, the Blind
Blind Pass into a wave-dominated migratory inlet. Presently, Pass ebb-tidal delta has diminished in size (Figure 41(c)–
Johns Pass delivers about 80% of the tidal prism, and Blind 41(e)). This process of diminishing size often leads to the fol-
Pass only 20%. Typical of a mixed-energy tidal inlet, a large lowing sequence of morphological evolution: (1) ebb-tidal
ebb-tidal delta develops at Johns Pass (Figure 41). A certain delta collapse onto the downdrift beach (Figure 41(c)),
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 211

Pensacola Bay

Water level relative to MSL (m)

Predicted Measured
Figure 37 Measured and predicted tides in Pensacola Bay, north Florida, an example from 1 April 2010 to 1 May 2010. Data obtained from
NOAA’s National Date Buoy Center,¼pclf1

Clearwater Beach
Water level relative to MSL (m)






Predicted Measured

Figure 38 Measured and predicted tides at Clearwater Beach, west-central Florida, an example from 1 April 2010 to 1 May 2010. Data obtained
from NOAA’s National Date Buoy Center,

(2) development of a wide downdrift beach for a short time frequency of major storms. For the west-central Florida barrier
period (Figure 41(d)), and (3) subsequent severe erosion of islands, the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic interactions
the downdrift beach (Figure 41(e)). In the case of Blind Pass of the multiple inlets, combined with aggressive anthropo-
and many other west-central Florida inlets, historically, an- genic modifications, are challenging topics for future research.
thropogenic development characteristically has occurred along Predictive studies using mathematical models will be crucial
those temporarily wide downdrift beaches created from the in future research approaches.
ebb-delta collapse. Such short-sighted anthropogenic devel-
opment, rather than the erosional stage that naturally follows,
is the real cause of the many severe ‘erosional hot spots’ along Barrier Systems along the North-Central Gulf of
the west-central Florida barrier islands.
Mexico Coast, United States: Alabama,
Mississippi, and Louisiana Future research The north-central Gulf of Mexico coast includes three states:
Future research will focus on the very existence of the north- Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama (Figure 42). Four barrier
west Florida Gulf of Mexico barrier islands under the probable systems exist along the Louisiana coast: Isles Dernieres, Bayou
conditions of accelerated sea-level rise and increased Lafourche, Plaquemines, and the Chandeleur Islands (Penland
212 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Average Hsig = 25.6 cm

Significant wave height (cm)

Record #
Figure 39 Wave conditions measured at approximately 400 m offshore Upham Beach (near the southern end of inset C in Figure 36) at 4 m
water depth. The measurements were conducted from 25 November 2003 to 26 February 2005, with some gaps in time because of equipment
maintenance. Records 1–2208 (roughly the left half of the graphs) represent winter season. Records 2208–4181 (roughly the right half of the
graphs) represent summer season. Reproduced from Wang, P., Beck, T.M., Roberts, T.M., 2011. Modeling regional-scale sediment transport and
medium-term morphology change at a dual inlet system examined with the Coastal Modeling System (CMS): a case study at Johns Pass and
Blind Pass, west-central Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59, 49–60.

South- Gulf side Distance (m) North- Bay side

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Two-way travel time (ns)

0 0
10 wt

Depth (m)
50 2
Two-way travel time (ns)

0 Road disturbance
10 Water table wt

Depth (m)
20 1
40 lv
50 lv
Pre-lvan bay shoreline Pre-lvan bay bottom 2
(b) GPR transect
Post-lvan road GPR transect

Pre-lvan road

250 250
Meters Meters
(c) (d)

Figure 40 An example of GPR transect across Santa Rosa Island (a and b), and pre- (c) and post-Ivan (d) aerial photos. Reproduced from
Wang, P., Horwitz, M.H., 2007. Erosional and depositional characteristics of regional overwash deposits caused by multiple hurricanes.
Sedimentology 54, 545–564.

and Boyd, 1981; McBride and Byrnes, 1995, 1997; Rosati and O’no Island (Byrnes et al., 1991; Stone, 1991; Morton, 2008;
Stone, 2009). Four barrier islands exist along the Mississippi Rosati and Stone, 2009) (Figure 42). East of the Mobile Bay
coast: Cat, Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois (Byrnes et al., 1991; system, the coast is characterized by extensive beach-ridge
Rosati and Stone, 2009). One barrier island, Dauphin Island, plains along the large barrier spit known as Morgan Peninsula
exists in Alabama, in addition to Perdido Key (west half) and (Rodriguez and Meyer, 2006), which is supplied sediment by
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 213

Bathymetry (m)
N 7.0
Z 0 km 1 –1.0

(a) (b)

1926 1957 2006

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 41 Sand bypass through ebb-tidal delta attachment at John Pass (a and b), erosion, and the eventual diminishing of Blind Pass ebb-
tidal delta. Reproduced from Wang, P., Beck, T.M., 2012. Morphodynamics of an anthropogenically altered dual-inlet system: John’s Pass and Blind
Pass, west-central Florida, USA. Marine Geology. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.06.001.

the erosion of updrift beaches to the east (e.g., truncated ends the west (Byrnes et al., 1991; McBride and Byrnes, 1995; McBride
of concave seaward beach-ridge deposits) and possibly off- et al., 1995; Morton, 2008; Byrnes et al., 2011).
shore sediment sources. In addition, abandoned and sub- The northern Gulf Coast is a microtidal, storm-dominated
merged barrier systems in the form of inner-shelf shoals lie on environment (Davis, 1997). Under fair-weather conditions,
the Louisiana inner continental shelf: Ship Shoal, Trinity the Gulf Coast basically is a low-wave-energy environment
Shoal, and St. Bernard Shoals (Penland et al., 1988, 1989; with a mean annual wave height of 0.75 m and a mean wave
Pope et al., 1991; McBride et al., 2004) (Figure 42). period of less than 5 s (Davis, 1997). However, a significant
wave height of 15.96 m was recorded at NDBC Buoy 42040 Geologic setting during Hurricane Ivan in 2004 (Pangchang and Li, 2005), and
Coastal Louisiana is characterized by two primary geomorphic was the historic record at that time; approximately one year
zones: the Mississippi River delta plain in southeastern Louisiana later, though, during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a significant
(Roberts, 1997) and the Mississippi River Chenier Plain in wave height of 16.76 m was measured by the same buoy
southwestern Louisiana (McBride et al., 2007). The Chenier (Wang and Oey, 2008). Moreover, a storm surge of 10 m was
Plain outer shoreline alternates between shoreline advance and observed along the Mississippi coast during Hurricane Katrina
retreat (Byrnes et al., 1995), whereas most of the delta plain in 2005 (Fritz et al., 2007). Additionally, frequent cold fronts
outer shoreline of the Mississippi River undergoes severe erosion, during the winter season have significant impact on barrier
except for isolated areas around the mouths of the Mississippi coasts in this region (Davis, 1997; Pepper and Stone, 2002).
and Atchafalaya rivers (McBride and Byrnes, 1995, 1997; Regarding astronomical tides, tidal range along the north-
Penland et al., 2005). The Mississippi–Alabama coast consists of central Gulf of Mexico region is o0.60 m during tropic phases
a series of barrier islands, each of which is migrating generally to and o15 cm during equatorial phases (Stone and Xu, 1996).
214 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

94°0′0″ W 93°0′0″ W 92°0′0″ W 91°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 89°0′0″ W 88°0′0″ W 87°0′0″ W

32°0′0″ N

32°0′0″ N
Louisiana Mississippi Alabama
31°0′0″ N

31°0′0″ N
Cat Ship Petit Bois
Island Island Island
30°0′0″ N

30°0′0″ N
Morgan Peninsula
r Island
d el s St. Bernard Shoals
an and
Sabine Bank Ch Isl

29°0′0″ N
29°0′0″ N

Tiger Shoal
Trinity Shoal Plaquemines
Isles 100°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 80°0′0″ W

40°0′0″ N
40°0′0″ N
Ship Shoal

28°0′0″ N
28°0′0″ N

shoreline United States of America

30°0′0″ N
0 25 50 100 150 200

30°0′0″ N
Gulf of Mexico
27°0′0″ N

0 950 km

100°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 80°0′0″ W

94°0′0″ W 93°0′0″ W 92°0′0″ W 91°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 89°0′0″ W 88°0′0″ W 87°0′0″ W

Figure 42 Map of the north-central Gulf of Mexico showing distribution of barrier systems and shelf sand shoals (submerged former barrier-
island systems) in this region.

Figure 43 shows five US Army Corps of Engineers Wave In- Coastal geomorphology and processes
formation Studies (WIS) stations from the vicinity of the barrier Louisiana barrier systems
systems (stations 101, 128, 142, 144, and 153), displaying them Barrier systems on the Louisiana coast were formed by re-
on the map as hollow red diamonds. Data are from 1980 to working of the abandoned delta lobes or headlands, and are
1999 and show the distribution of significant wave height in rapidly migrating landward and many are breaking up
meters, wave direction in degrees, and frequency of occurrence in-place in response to high rates of relative sea-level rise
( Wave rises (~1 cm/yr), lack of sediment supply, and storm impacts, thus
illustrate that the highest wave heights and the dominant dir- causing severe barrier-island degradation over time (Penland
ections are from the south-southeast, southeast, and south, et al., 1988; McBride and Byrnes, 1995, 1997).
respectively, a function of dominant wind direction and fetch
off the northern Gulf of Mexico coast. Isles Dernieres The Isles Dernieres formed
RSL rise is approximately 6 mm yr1 along the Chenier approximately 420 yr BP from the abandoned Bayou Petit
Plain coast, 10 mm yr1 in the Mississippi River delta Caillou delta (Penland et al., 1988; Kulp et al., 2005), which
plain, and 2–3 mm yr1 along the Mississippi–Alabama coast was separated from the adjacent mainland by Caillou Boca,
(National Research Council (NRC), 1987). Surface subsidence Pelto Bay, and Big Pelto Bay in 1853. From 1887 to 1988, the
has long been recognized in this area, especially in the Mis- average gulfside and bayside erosion rates for the Isles Der-
sissippi delta plain, caused by compaction of geologically nieres were 11.1 and 2.4 m yr1, respectively, causing island
young sediments (Roberts, 1985; Kulp, 2000; Meckel et al., narrowing (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). The island area
2006; Törnqvist et al., 2008; McBride et al., 2011), tectonism decreased during this period from 3532 to 781 ha, approxi-
(Durham and Murray, 1967; Dokka, 2006), and hydrocarbon mately 78% (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). The once-
production (Chan and Zoback, 2007). Subsidence contributes continuous Isles Dernieres was fragmented into five
to 70–80% of RSL rise along the Louisiana coast (Penland and islands through gulfside and bayside erosion, overwash,
Ramsey, 1990; McBride et al., 2011). and island breaching. These are known as Raccoon, Whiskey,
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 215

Figure 43 Wave statistics based on wave hindcast data from Wave Information Studies (WIS), US Army Corps of Engineers.

Trinity, East, and Wine islands (McBride et al., 1995; Plaquemines The Plaquemines barrier sys-
McBride and Byrnes, 1997). Morphodynamically, the Isles tem formed on the abandoned Plaquemines delta lobe
Dernieres have experienced in-place breakup over the past (Penland et al., 1988; Kulp et al., 2005) and consists of West
150 years as documented by McBride et al. (1995). Grand Terre Island, East Grand Terre Island, Cheniere Ron-
quille, Shell Island, and Scofield Bayou. Between 1887 and Bayou Lafourche The Bayou Lafourche delta 1988, average erosion rates along the Plaquemines shoreline
was abandoned approximately 300 yr BP, which caused averaged 5.5 m yr1 and shoreline morphodynamics was
the Caminada-Moreau Headland to erode and transport dominated by a mixture of in-place breakup, retreat, and
sediment laterally to form downdrift flanking barrier islands landward rollover (McBride and Byrnes, 1997).
(Timbalier Island, East Timbalier Island, and Grand Isle) and
spits (Elmer’s Island) (Penland et al., 1988). From 1887 to Chandeleur Islands The Chandeleur Island
1988, Timbalier Island migrated laterally at a high rate system is the oldest transgressive barrier system in Louisiana,
(B80 m yr1) and decreased from 1485 to 542 ha, losing having formed by the abandonment of the St. Bernard delta
64% of its area (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). In contrast, complex approximately 2 ka (Frazier, 1967; Penland et al.,
during this time East Timbalier Island experienced rapid 1988; Kulp et al., 2005; Twichell et al., 2009). From north to
landward rollover, with gulfside erosion and bayside accre- south, it comprises Chandeleur Island, Curlew Island, Grand
tion rates of 23.1 and 24.0 m yr1, respectively, and main- Gossier Island, and Breton Island. Longshore currents and
tained its area (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). The sediment transport are bidirectional with a drift divide in the
Caminada–Moreau Headland eroded at an average rate of central portion of Chandeleur Island (Ellis and Stone, 2006;
13.3 m yr1, whereas Grand Island underwent clockwise ro- Georgiou and Schindler, 2009), as shown in Figure 44.
tational instability with 0.9 m yr1 of net accretion along the From 1855 to 1989, Chandeleur Island underwent rapid
gulfside shoreline but average erosion rate of 1.0 m yr1 landward rollover with an average gulfside retreat rate of
along the bayside shoreline (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). 6.5 m yr1, whereas the bayside shoreline accreted at 2.9 m yr1
Between 1887 and 1988, Grand Isle’s area decreased about (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). For the same time period, island
9%, from 1059 to 960 ha (McBride and Byrnes, 1997). area decreased from 2763 to 1749 ha, approximately 37%.
216 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

During Hurricane Katrina in 2005; however, LIDAR surveys offshore the Chandeleur Islands, originated from the aban-
showed that peak island elevation had decreased from 6 to donment of the St. Bernard delta complex (Penland et al.,
2.1 m. The once-continuous sandy barrier-island changed into a 1988, 1989; McBride et al., 2004; Rogers et al., 2009).
discontinues series of marsh fragments, losing approximately
85% of its surface area (Sallenger et al., 2007; Fearnley et al., Mississippi barrier systems
2009). Thus, the Chandeleur Islands have evolved morphody- Unlike the Louisiana barrier systems that are genetically
namically from experiencing landward retreat between 1855 and tied to the abandonment of Mississippi River delta complexes,
1989 (McBride and Byrnes, 1997) to in-place breakup since the the barrier systems along the Mississippi–Alabama coast
1990’s, especially after the impact of Hurricane Katrina. most likely were formed by a multiple causality and are
migrating westward (Byrnes et al., 1991; McBride and Inner-shelf shoals: submerged barrier systems Byrnes, 1995; McBride et al., 1995; Morton, 2008; Byrnes
Ship Shoal is a transgressive marine sand body that originated et al., 2011).
from a former barrier shoreline that developed on the aban-
doned Maringouin delta B6.1 ka (Penland et al., 1988, 1989) Cat Island Cat Island is the only component
and continues to migrate slowly landward at B5 m yr1 of the Mississippi barrier system that historically has experi-
(Penland et al., 1988). Trinity Shoal, another submerged enced minimal morphological change (Byrnes et al., 1991;
barrier system, originated from the Teche delta, which was Morton, 2008). The central core of the island, oriented gener-
abandoned B3.5 ka (Pope et al., 1991); Trinity Shoal is in- ally east–west, is well sheltered from long-period swell waves
tegrated with the abandoned Maringouin–Teche delta com- because of the progradation of the Mississippi River Delta to the
plexes (Penland et al., 1989). St. Bernard Shoals, which lie south, and thus, the island has become subsequently reoriented

91°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 89°0′0″ W 88°0′0″ W

Louisiana Mississippi Alabama

8770 East

30°0′0″ N
30°0′0″ N

5000 East
20 000
60 000 West

10 000

20 000





29°0′0″ N
29°0′0″ N



10 000 East
−10 000
−30 000
−50 000 West
−70 000

0 10 20 40 60 80 Gulf of Mexico
28°0′0″ N

91°0′0″ W 90°0′0″ W 89°0′0″ W 88°0′0″ W

3 1
Figure 44 Longshore sediment transport rates in m yr along the barrier systems in the study area are shown and are reproduced from
Stone, G.W., 1991. Differential sediment supply and the cellular nature of longshore sediment transportalong coastal northwest Florida and
southeast Alabama since the Late Holocene. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 376 pp.; Cipriani, L.E.,
Stone, G.W., 2001. Net longshore sediment transport and textural changes in beach sediments along the southwest Alabama and
Mississippi barrier islands, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 17(2), 443–458, and Ellis, J., Stone, G.W., 2006. Numerical simulation of net
longshore sediment transport and granulometry of surficia sediments along Chandeleur Island, Louisiana, USA. Marine Geology 232(3–4),
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 217

along its eastern end into a low-lying spit orientated generally 2007; Day and Giosan, 2008; Törnqvist and Meffert, 2008;
north–south. The island lost approximately 40% of its surface Blum and Roberts, 2009). Another focus of recent research is
area from 1848 to 2007 (Morton, 2008). the accelerated loss of coastal land (Penland et al., 2005;
Morton, 2008), as is the impact of hurricanes on the evolution Ship Island Ship Island lost 60% of its land of these barrier systems (Stone et al., 2004; Morton, 2008;
between 1848 and 2007 (Morton, 2008; Otvos and Carter, Otvos and Carter, 2008). Moreover, interior wetland loss results
2008), and because of island breaching during Hurricane in increased tidal prisms and inlet cross-sectional areas, and
Camille in 1969, separated into two islands: West Ship Island expanding ebb-tidal delta volumes offshore of active tidal
and East Ship Island (Byrnes et al., 1991; Schmid, 2003). High- inlets, which removes critical sediment from the littoral pro-
frequency waves associated with postfrontal winds are causing cesses through diversion and sequestration (FitzGerald et al.,
chronic beach erosion along both barriers (Chaney and Stone, 2004, 2007a, b). In addition, Rosati et al. (2010) discussed
1996; Stone, 2000, 2001). substrate compressibility and how it could modify the mor-
phologic evolution of a barrier island. Regarding the Missis- Horn Island The downdrift (westerly) growth sippi-Alabama barrier island system, a comprehensive and
rate of Horn Island averaged 50 m yr1 from 1849 to 1917, and quantitative sediment budget has been lacking until the work of
22 m yr1 from 1917 to 1986 (Byrnes et al., 1991; Otvos and Byrnes et al. (2011). Thus, previous claims of sediment deficits
Carter, 2008). In 1984, Hurricane Ivan cut a breach 400 m wide and dredging impacts at inlet entrances are unsupported (e.g.,
at the low and narrow eastern island, which then was elimin- Morton, 2008) and must be further investigated.
ated by Katrina in 2005 (Otvos and Carter, 2008). Compared to Future research directions
the rest of the Mississippi barrier system, Horn Island lost the
A key research topic for ongoing research will be protection and
least land (19%) from 1849 to 2007 (Morton, 2008). It appears
restoration of the Louisiana and Mississippi barrier systems.
as though longshore and possibly also cross-shelf transport are
From 1932 to 1990, the Mississippi delta lost approximately
occurring, in which sediment is derived from updrift (east) and
2800 km2 of land (Penland et al., 2002), which has caused an
introduced from the shelf (Byrnes et al., 1991; Cipriani and
increase of hydrodynamic energy in the bay or wetland areas
Stone, 2001).
landward (Stone and McBride, 1998; Stone et al., 2005b).
Without sediment input, another 10 000–13 500 km2 of land Petit Bois Island Petit Bois Island was separ-
is likely to disappear from the Mississippi delta by 2100
ated from Dauphin Island and shifted 12.4 km westward from
(Blum and Roberts, 2009). Determining how to protect these
1882 to 1974 (Byrnes et al., 1991; Otvos and Carter, 2008). The
barrier systems from erosion or even restore them is critically
downdrift growth rate of this island averaged 56 m yr1 from
important to government and scientists (Day et al., 2007; Blum
1849 to 1917 and 10 m yr1 from 1917 to 1986 (Otvos and
and Roberts, 2009; Rosati and Stone, 2009).
Carter, 2008). Petit Bois Island lost 52% of its land area from
1848 to 2007 (Morton, 2008). Barrier Systems along Northwest Gulf of Mexico Alabama barrier systems Coast, United States: Texas
West of the entrance to Mobile Bay lies Dauphin Island, which
Stretching some 460 km, Texas has one of the most unique
was the largest island in the Mississippi–Alabama island chain
barrier-island coastlines along the Gulf of Mexico margin. The
before Petit Bois Island separated from it in the eighteenth
nine major barrier islands along the coast (Figure 45) span the
century (Morton, 2008). The area of Dauphin Island increased at
three barrier-island types: 45% are retrogradational, 20% are
a rate of 73 000 m2 yr1 from 1847 to 1940, and 71 700 m2 yr1
aggradational, and 35% are progradational (Morton, 1994).
from 1940 to 1958. However, the island experienced net erosion
after 1958, at a rate of 61 000 m2 yr1 from 1958 to 1996 and
22 000 m2 yr1 from 1996 to 2007 (Morton, 2008). Geologic setting
Mobile Bay serves as a sink for littorally reworked sediment The Texas coast is located along a passive margin, and long-
along the Mississippi and Alabama coastal systems (Stone and term (105 years) subsidence due to tectonic processes is
Stapor, 1996; Byrnes et al., 2010, 2011). The Alabama barrier minimal (B0.05 mm yr1) (Morton, 1979; Paine, 1993).
formation is fed by sediment eroded from truncated beach Subsidence caused by shallower processes (e.g., consolidation
ridges and the shelf (Stone et al., 1992; Stone and Stapor, and fluid withdrawal) varies locally, and ranges between B1
1996). Approximately 50% of Perdido Key occupies the east- and 22 mm yr1 (Paine, 1993).
ern flank of the Alabama coast and is a low-profile, over- Sediment supply for the Texas barriers has been regulated
washed system. Erosion along the coast is occurring at by the availability of reworkable inner-shelf deposits,
0.7 m yr1 along the eastern half of Perdido Key (Stone, fluvial delivery, and updrift shoreline reworking (Bird, 1969;
1991). Net longshore drift is westward (Figure 44). Anderson et al., 2004). Though reworking inner-shelf deposits
(i.e., paleodeltas and channels) likely was an important con- Significant current research, developments, tributor to the initial formation of the barrier-island systems, it
and issues was exhausted during the last transgression from B10 ka to
Recent research has discussed the importance of Louisiana 4 ka (Morton, 1979; Anderson et al., 2004). The major fluvial
barrier systems to the wetlands, ecology, and economy systems along the Texas coast include the Sabine, Trinity,
(McBride and Byrnes, 1997; Williams et al., 1997; Stone and Brazos, Colorado, and Rio Grande Rivers (Figure 45). How-
McBride, 1998; Stone et al., 2004, 2005a, 2005b; Day et al., ever, only the Brazos (Taha and Anderson, 2008) and
218 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Colorado Rivers (Blum and Valastro, 1994) have overfilled probability) (Wallace and Anderson, 2010), and the history of
valleys and probably were important sand delivery systems hurricanes impacting the Texas coast during modern times is
needed to initially form the barrier islands in the Holocene also well-documented. The Great Galveston hurricane of 1900
(Morton, 1994). Over historic time, the only potentially sig- is perhaps the most well known because of the devastation
nificant fluvial sediment suppliers to the coast were the Brazos and fatalities suffered on Galveston Island (Weems, 1957;
and Rio Grande Rivers (Morton, 1979), although both now Larson, 1999); however, the geologic impact along the Texas
appear to be minimal contributors because of damming and coast by Hurricanes Carla (1961) (Hayes, 1967), Cindy (1963)
irrigation practices (Morton and Pieper, 1975; Mathewson and (Hayes, 1967), Allen (1980) (Snedden et al., 1988), and
Minter, 1976). Updrift reworking of barrier islands is a com- Ike (2008) (Byrnes and McBride, 2009; Goff et al., 2010) have
mon process that today is quantified (Morton, 1979), but in all been studied in detail as well.
the geologic record remains difficult to document.
RSL rise along the Texas coast has been well constrained for Regional morphodynamics, shoreline change, and
the Holocene, and has decelerated from B9 to B0.60 mm
barrier-island evolution
yr1 over the past B10 000 years (Figure 46) (Milliken et al.,
Texas barrier islands and their evolution have been well studied
2008). The historic average rate of RSL rise along the Texas
over the past several decades (LeBlanc and Bernard, 1954; Fisk,
coast ranged from B6.4 mm yr1 (Galveston Island, east
1959; Shepard, 1960; Bernard et al., 1959, 1970; Wilkinson,
Texas) to B5.2 mm yr1 (Rockport, central Texas) to B3.5
1975; Wilkinson and McGowen, 1977; Wilkinson and Basse,
mm yr1 (South Padre Island, south Texas) (NOAA, 2012).
1978; Morton and McGowen, 1980; Morton, 1994; Rodriguez
et al., 2004; Simms et al., 2006; Garrison et al., 2010; Wallace Coastal geomorphology and processes
and Anderson, 2010) (Figures 45 and 46). In general, the Geographic zones
coastal longshore current convergence zone (Lohse, 1955;
The Texas coast can be separated into three distinct geo-
Curray, 1960; Morton, 1979) controls sediment delivery to the
morphic zones: east (Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston Island,
different zones of the Texas coast.
Follets Island), central (Matagorda Peninsula, Matagorda
The central Texas barriers are older and more stable than
Island, St. Joseph Island, Mustang Island, Padre Island), and
those in east and south Texas because of higher sediment supply
south Texas (South Padre Island) (Figure 45). The region
from these converging currents (Curray, 1960; Watson, 1971).
spans four major climate regimes (Thornthwaite, 1948):
This has allowed central Texas barriers to keep pace with rela-
humid (far east Texas), wet subhumid (east central Texas), dry
tively rapid rates of sea-level rise (e.g., B3–9 mm yr1), whereas
subhumid (central Texas), and semiarid (south Texas).
east and south Texas barriers did not stabilize until the rate of
sea-level rise slowed to B2 mm yr1 (Figures 45 and 46). Classic studies
Hurricane impacts can also drastically control barrier island
The late Quaternary sea-level history and coastal evolution has
evolution, and evidence exists that impacts of tropical storms
been well established for the Texas coast (Barton, 1930;
combined with accelerated sea-level rise during historic time are
Shepard, 1956; LeBlanc and Hodgson, 1959; Curray, 1960;
leading to accelerated coastal change in east Texas (Wallace,
Bernard and LeBlanc, 1965; McGowen et al., 1977). Pion-
2010; Anderson and Wallace, 2011). Historically, shoreline
eering research on central Padre Island characterized the sea-
change rates have been approximately –1.5 m yr1 in east Texas,
level history, barrier history, and stratigraphy (Fisk, 1959).
–0.30 m yr1 for central Texas, and –1.9 m yr1 for south Texas
This was later followed by a characterization of coastal barrier
(Gibeaut et al., 2006).
and bay environments in central Texas (Shepard, 1960). Along
the upper Texas coast, studies focused on barrier-island evo-
lution, chronology, and subsurface architecture (Bernard et al., Current research
1959, 1970; LeBlanc and Hodgson, 1959). This work set the As with most sand-starved barrier-island systems, a major issue
framework for which to conduct coastal research along the along the Texas coast is barrier erosion and the related inter-
Texas coast today. action between public policy and development (Dolan and
Wallace, 2012). Current research along the Texas coast focuses on Coastal processes putting historic coastal changes into a geologic context (Wallace
Along the Texas coast, fair-weather waves in the nearshore et al., 2009; Wallace, 2010; Anderson and Wallace, 2011).
typically range from 30 to 60 cm high, with periods of 2 to 6 s Because the Texas coast is very low gradient, it is dramatically
(Bretschneider, 1954; Bretschneider and Gaul, 1956; Watson influenced by accelerations in the rate of sea-level rise and by
and Behrens, 1976) and a diurnal, microtidal range (o1 m) hurricane impacts. Anderson and Rodriguez (2008) recently
(Morton, 1994). Predominant wind conditions throughout documented that during periods of rapid sea-level rise
the year are out of the southeast, though with some variability (5–9 mm yr1) during the Holocene, rapid bay flooding events
(Figure 45) (Lohse, 1955). Because of this wind regime occurred contemporaneously throughout many Texas bays
and the curved shape of the coastline, longshore currents in (Figure 46). Their study motivated current research toward de-
east Texas generally move toward the southwest, and those termining whether modern barrier erosion rates are un-
in south Texas generally move northward (Curray, 1960). This precedented in the context of accelerated sea-level rise during
results in a longshore current convergence zone offshore historic time (Anderson et al., 2010; Wallace, 2010; Anderson and
central Texas (Lohse, 1955; Curray, 1960; Morton, 1979). Wallace, 2011).
Over the late Holocene, intense hurricanes have impacted Wallace and Anderson (2010) recently determined the fre-
the Texas coast at a rate of B0.46% (annual landfall quency of intense hurricane strikes for Texas over the late
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 219

Trinity River
San Jacinto River
Sabine River

0 50
Bolivar Peninsula

Galveston Island
Brazos River
Follets Island
Lavaca River Colorado River
Brazos Delta

San Antonio 18 m
River East Texas
Matagorda Peninsula

Mission River 36 m
Matagorda Island
Nueces River
St. Joseph Island
+ 28°
54 m
Texas 72 m ct
Mustang Island N O

Prevailing Sept.
90 m winds
. No
Fe v. D
b. ec.

Padre Island .A

96°30 .J
+ 27° un
72 m .A
Shoreface gradient variability
18 m South 4
Depth (m)

South Padre Island 8
54 m
36 m 10 Galveston Bolivar
Rio Grande River 12 Matagorda Island Peninsula
+26° 14 South Padre Island
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance from shoreline (km)
Figure 45 The Texas coast (Copyright (2001) Wiley). Annual prevailing wind directions are shown (modified after McGowen et al., 1977a). The
shoreface gradient increases from east to south, and ranges from a broad shelf to a ramp setting, respectively (Siringan & Anderson, 1994). East
and south Texas barriers range from 1 to 11 m and from 0.4 to 7.2 km in thickness and width, respectively, while central Texas barriers range
from 1 to 20 m and from 0.5 to 7.1 km in thickness and width, respectively (Morton, 1994). Vegetated dunes are prominent along central Texas
barriers, but are rare in the east and south.
220 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

0 Peat [Milliken et al., 2008]

0.60 mm yr−1
−2 Peat [Törnqvist et al., 2004a, 2004b] 2 mm yr−1
Peat (Törnqvist et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2006)
−4 Donax sp. [Milliken et al., 2008]
−6 Best-fit regression
R2 = 0.97

yr −
Depth (mbsl)

Bay flooding events


Bolivar Peninsula
−12 Galveston Island
Follets Island
−14 Matagorda Peninsula

r −1
−16 Matagorda Island

Mustang Island

−18 North Padre Island
−20 Current
South Padre Island
average migration
rates (m/yr)
−1.37 East Texas
−1.24 Central Texas
−1.90 South Texas

12 000 10 000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0

Age (cal yr B.P.)
Figure 46 Holocene Gulf of Mexico sea-level curve with barrier island histories. During the early part of the Holocene (B10 000 yr BP), relative
sea-level rose at an average rate of B9.0 mm yr1. This rate of rise then decelerated to long-term average rates of 5.0 mm yr1
(B9000–5000 yr BP), 2.0 mm yr1 (B5000–2000 yr BP), and 0.60 mm yr1 (B2000–200 yr BP). Bolivar Peninsula formed B2500 yr BP
slightly seaward of its modern location (~1500 yr BP in near present day location), and laterally accreted shortly after its formation (Rodriguez
et al., 2004). Galveston Island formed B5500 yr BP and prograded until B1800 year BP, when it began retreating (Bernard et al., 1959;
Rodriguez et al., 2004). Follets Island formed in its near present day location B2500 yr BP, and has had a history of transgression throughout
its evolution (Bernard et al., 1970; Morton, 1994; Wallace et al., 2010). Matagorda Peninsula is thought to be B3000 years old, and has been
retreating for B1500 yr BP (Wilkinson and McGowen, 1977). Matagorda Island formed B4000 yr BP, and has been prograding throughout its
history (Wilkinson, 1975). Mustang Island formed B9500 yr BP, and has aggraded through tidal inlet migration from B7500 yr BP to present
(Simms et al., 2006). North Padre Island formed at least B3700 yr BP, and has both prograded and transgressed during its history (Fisk, 1959).
South Padre Island has remained relatively stable for at least the past several millennia (Wallace and Anderson, 2010), and likely formed well
before B2000 yr BP (indicated by arrow) in its near present position (unpublished radiocarbon data). Barrier histories are represented by solid
lines for stability and/or aggradation, and dashed lines for transgression. Contemporaneous Texas bay flooding events are denoted by dashed
orange lines (Anderson and Rodriguez, 2008).

Holocene. Data like these can be used to place the historic rate of Although subsidence along the Texas coast has been exam-
intense hurricane strikes along the Texas coast into a geologic ined (Morton et al., 2006; Paine, 1993), it remains relatively
context. poorly understood regionally, and needs to be studied in
greater detail. Also, questions still remain about formation,
evolution, and chronology for some of the central Texas barriers Future work (e.g., St. Joseph, Matagorda Peninsula, and Matagorda Island).
The recent devastation caused by Hurricane Ike (2008)
has piqued research interest in the role of hurricanes in
barrier evolution. At the forefront of this research is a 10.8.4 Collision Coasts
debate concerning the fate of offshore sand beds transported
along the Texas shelf during hurricanes (Goff et al., 2010; Collision coasts face offshore trenches (Inman and Nordstrom,
Snedden et al., 1988; Hayes, 1967). Furthermore, the total 1971), where oceanic crust is subducted into the asthenosphere.
frequency of hurricane impacts over geologic timescales Subduction below a continent (oceanic–continental contact) is
remains poorly documented, and future research will aim to classified as a continental collision coast (e.g., west coast of the
develop and apply new methods for determining the impact United States (Dingler and Clifton, 1994); Alaskan Pacific coast
of past hurricanes to the Texas coast (e.g., by examining (see below)), and subduction below an island arc (oceanic–
marine foraminifera species in bays and lagoons, and a oceanic contact) is classified as an island-arc collision coast
detailed inner-shelf storm-bed analysis). (e.g., New Zealand (see below)). Collision coasts typically are
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 221

Chug Alaska
Prince Gulf of
Bering Glacier Malaspina Alaska
William Fig. 47b Cape Glacier
Sound Katalla

Hinchinbrook Cape
Island Copper Icy Malaspina
River Kayak Suckling
Bay Foreland Yakutat
barriers Island
N Bay
Gulf of Alaska Bay
50 km

Copper River


3m m

Egg Co
Island pp
(Fig. 50) Rive
r Delta barriers
e tra
r t (LS 3m
25 km 2.5

Figure 47 (a) Map of coastal systems of the Gulf of Alaska. Locations noted include those discussed in text as boundaries between six
geomorphological units described by Hayes, M.O., Ruby, C.H., 1994. Barriers of Pacific Alaska. In: Davis Jr. R.A. (Ed.), Geology of Holocene
Barrier Island Systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 395–433. (b) Contour map showing uplift along the Copper River Delta (region indicated by red box
in (a)) resulting from the Good Friday Earthquake of 27 March 1964. Reproduced from Galloway, W.E., 1976. Sediments and stratigraphic
framework of the Copper River fan delta. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 46, 726–737.

characterized by narrow continental shelves; rocky, cliffed the glaciated landscape and the large contribution of sediment
shorelines with a sediment deficit; and poorly developed coastal from numerous meltwater streams (Figure 47). Because of the
plains with mountainous terrain close to the coast, resulting in nature of this compendium, we will concentrate on the
small river systems that have small drainage basins. Extensive Copper River Delta barrier system.
barrier systems normally are absent on collision coasts. Geologic setting
The Gulf of Alaska is a steep, bedrock-dominated coast, lying
adjacent to the Alaska Range and the Wrangell-Saint Elias, Barrier Systems along the Gulf of Alaska, Pacific
Talkeetna, and Chugach Mountains. These mountain ranges
were formed by tens of kilometers of thrusting, uplift
This section deals with the barrier systems and accretionary and erosion (Page et al., 1986) along the suture zones of the
coastal landforms along the Gulf of Alaska stretching from Dry igneous Peninsular/Wrangellia (Pennsylvanian), Chugach
Bay westward to Hinchinbrook Island, east of Prince William (Jurassic and Cretaceous), and Prince William (Paleogene)
Sound, and encompasses beach-ridge and outwash plains, accretionary terranes (Winkler and Plafker, 1981; Jones et al.,
spit systems, eroding coasts, and a barrier-island chain. The 1984; Plafker et al., 1989).
presence of these widespread and varied barriers along the Glaciation has been the dominant force shaping these
tectonically active, collision coast of Alaska is attributed to mountains during the Quaternary, releasing large quantities of
222 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

100 Explanation

(m above modern sea level)

Prince Rupert, BC
Kitimat, BC
Queen Charlotte I., BC Copper River Rupert

Neceta I., AK Delta

50 Prince of Wales I., AK Neceta I.

Prince of
Wales I.
Charlotte I. Kitimat

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Age (× 103 14C yr BP)
Figure 48 Holocene relative sea-level curves for the Gulf of Alaska. No sea-level curves have been determined for the inner Gulf of Alaska
(proximal to the Copper River Delta). Note high degree of spatial variability. Curves modified from Clague et al. (1982) and Mobley (1988). Inset:
Satellite image from NASA ‘World Wind.’

sediment for delivery to the coast. Sediment is derived from west of the Copper River Delta (NRC, 1972), resulting in lo-
four primary sources: the Malaspina and Bering Glaciers, the calized uplift of the Copper River deltaic plain from 1.8 to 3 m
Alsek River, and the Copper River (Hampton et al., 1986). (Ferrians, 1966; Plafker, 1969; NRC, 1972; Figure 47(b)).
Approximately 18% of the Copper River drainage basin was
covered by glaciers as of 2007 (Brabets and Conaway, 2009). Coastal geomorphology and barriers
The Copper River is the largest sediment source to this section The Gulf of Alaska is a mixed-energy, mesotidal embayment
of coast and the sixth largest basin in Alaska, with a length (Davies, 1964; Hayes, 1979) with tidal range varying at nearby
of nearly 470 km and a drainage area of 62 700 km2. It de- Cordova from 3.5 m to 6.5 m (determined from U.S. Coast and
livers approximately 40 106 m3 of sediment per year to the Geodetic Survey tide tables; Galloway, 1976), with a strong di-
coast, at least 15% of which is bed load (Reimnitz, 1966). urnal inequality. High freshwater discharges result in net ebb
Moreover, suspended sediment plumes from the river extend dominance and a freshening of coastal waters during the sum-
up to 40 km off the delta (Reimnitz and Carlson, 1975). mer in areas adjacent to freshwater sources (Galloway, 1976).
About 9 ka, sediments carried by a flood, caused by the The Gulf of Alaska is located at the northern extremity of
breaching of an upstream ice dam, initiated the formation of the Pacific temperate rainforest and experiences weather pat-
the Copper River Delta. It reached intertidal levels between 6.5 terns driven by the interaction of warm, moist marine air from
and 5.25 ka, is now up to 180 m thick, and contains ap- the Pacific current with the coastal mountain range (Thilenius,
proximately 446 km3 of sediment; modern sand extends off- 1990). Average annual precipitation is around 237 cm (Bishop
shore to a depth of 50 m (Reimnitz, 1966). The modern et al., 2000) and temperatures are mild, ranging on average
Copper River Delta which has been classified as both a mar- between freezing and o18 1C. A detailed wave study con-
ine-dominated fan-delta (Galloway, 1976) and a mixed-energy ducted by Nummedal and Stephen (1976) showed that the
delta (Hayes and Ruby, 1994), stretches along 75 km of the Gulf of Alaska experiences some of the highest wave energy in
Gulf of Alaska coastline, covering an area of about 2000 km2 the world. Storms are frequent, dominated by easterlies and
(Thilenius, 1990). Offshore of the delta, the shelf has an southeasterlies driven by the Pacific Polar front from mid-
average gradient of 01150 and contains several prominent autumn to early spring (Reimnitz, 1966; Shulski and Wendler,
valleys (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). 2007); these result in net northwesterly longshore currents,
Although no sea-level curve exists for the Gulf of Alaska, with transport rates varying from 6.5 million cubic meters to
nearby reconstructions (Figure 48) indicate rapid isostatically- the west to 170 000 m3 to the east (Nummedal and Stephen,
driven fall during the early Holocene, followed by a gradual 1976). This net-westward transport (Figure 47) is evidenced
eustatic rise starting around 7 to 8 ka (Clague et al., 1982; by spit-growth patterns and beach-protuberance morpholo-
Mobley, 1988). This has resulted in the formation of pro- gies (Hayes and Ruby, 1994), as well as by the northwesterly
gradational barriers fronting, and proximal to, the mouths of deflection of the Copper River Delta into Prince William
rivers, such as the Copper River, that sporadically deliver large Sound (Reimnitz, 1966). This exceptionally high longshore-
supplies of coarse-grained sediment to the coast (Galloway, transport rate, coupled with the abundance of glacially-
1976). Modern slow sea-level rise along the Gulf of Alaska, derived coarse sediment, results in an unusually large sand
driven by deltaic subsidence (2.5–3.8 cm yr1 along the Copper availability (Galloway, 1976) for beach-ridge and barrier-is-
River Delta; Reimnitz and Marshall, 1965) is commonly largely land formation.
overprinted by rapid tectonic uplift. This results in a high degree Some of the earliest studies on the Gulf of Alaska focused
of variability across short (o100 km) sections of coast (Mann on the region inland of the coast, most notably on the Copper
et al., 1998); for example, the Richter magnitude 9.2 Good River and its delta (Mendenhall, 1905). In the late 1960s,
Friday Earthquake (27 March 1964) was epicentered 130 km efforts were focused largely on the effects of the Good Friday
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 223

Mountains Glacier

Beach-ridge plain

Dune field

Decreasing grain size





Braided stream

Salt marsh Salt


Tidal flats

Ebb-tidal deltas
barriers LST

Figure 49 Depositional models for two coastal types in the Gulf of Alaska. Modified from Hayes, M.O., Ruby, C.H., 1994. Barriers of Pacific
Alaska. In: Davis Jr. R.A. (Ed.), Geology of Holocene barrier island systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 395–433. (a) Outwash plain depositional model.
(b) Deltaic plain depositional model.

(or ‘Great Alaskan’) Earthquake of 1964 (Ferrians, 1966; The most complete review of the coastal geology of the
Reimnitz, 1966; Plafker, 1969; NRC, 1972). However, the in- Gulf of Alaska was given by Hayes and Ruby (1994), who
creased attention paid to this region following that earthquake divided this section of coast into six geomorphic regions (note
led to a series of geomorphological and process-based coastal that locations discussed below are all shown in Figure 47):
geology studies throughout the 1960s and 1970s, including
those of Miles Hayes, Dag Nummedal, Christopher Ruby, and 1. Beach-ridge plain (Dry Bay to Yakutat Bay, including
Jon Boothroyd (Boothroyd and Ashley, 1975; Hayes et al., Yakutat Foreland): prograding beach-ridge plain produced
1976; Nummedal and Stephen, 1976; Ruby, 1977; Ruby and from sediment derived from several outwash streams.
Hayes, 1978; Hayes and Ruby, 1994). Other studies, primarily 2. Outwash plain–beach-ridge system (Malaspina Foreland):
focused on the Copper River Delta and its barriers, include the beach-ridge and outwash plain dominated by sediment
dissertation work of Erk Reimnitz (1966), and the later mor- discharge from the retreating Malaspina Glacier, the largest
phological studies of Gustavson (1974), Galloway (1976), piedmont glacier in the world.
Reimnitz and Plafker (1976), Thilenius (1990), Brabets 3. Retreating coast (Icy Bay to Cape Yakataga): eroding coast
(1997), and Brabets and Conaway (2009). due to retreating Guyot Glacier.
224 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

4. Outwash plain–beach-ridge system (Bering Foreland; Cape Further to the northwest, the mixed-energy barriers of the
Yakataga to Cape Suckling): beach-ridge-plain and Copper River Delta form an elongated line of spits and barrier
outwash-plain development. islands across the entire width of the delta and river mouth;
5. Kayak Island Promontory (Cape Suckling to Cape Katalla): the largest of these islands is 420 km long, 3 km wide, and 5
barrier systems formed in the lee of Kayak Island. to 10 m above mean high water (Thilenius, 1990; Figures
6. Barrier-island chain (Cape Katalla to east end of Hinchin- 47(b) and 49(b)). These barriers have a drumstick shape
brook Island): barrier-island system developed from sedi- (Hayes and Ruby, 1994) and demonstrate evidence of seaward
ment discharge by the Copper River. and northwesterly migration, driven by delta progradation
and longshore currents. In a westerly direction, inlet widths,
The prograding plains of the Yakutat, Malaspina, and
the size of the ebb-tidal deltas, and the downdrift offsets of the
Bering Forelands consist of three major components:
inlets all increase (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). The drumstick
the stream-dominated, commonly relict, outwash plain; the
shape of the barriers becomes more pronounced to the west as
beach-ridge-plain system, consisting of steep beaches and
well, which likely reflects increased wave refraction and on-
washover terraces; and vegetated longitudinal, southeast–
shore bar migration to the downdrift-inlet shoreline (Fitz-
northwest oriented dune field built upon the beach ridges
Gerald, 1988). Following the uplift associated with the Great
(Figure 49(a); Hayes and Ruby, 1994). These systems are
Alaskan Earthquake, these barriers all grew considerably
composed of medium- to coarse-grained sand, with common
(Thilenius, 1990) and underwent dramatic reorientation and
gravel-sized (up to boulders) material in the Malaspina Fore-
progradation (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). The modern barriers
land (Gustavson, 1974). Sediment is derived primarily from
are generally composed of moderately- to well-sorted me-
outwash streams and erosion of proximal moraine systems
dium-grained sand with occasional coarser material (pebbles,
and reworked by the strong waves of the adjacent open Gulf.
cobbles, and boulders) proximal to outcrops of Quaternary or
Grain size typically decreases rapidly downdrift, away from the
older rocks (Hayes and Ruby, 1994; Reimnitz and Plafker,
mouths of the streams and exposed moraines. Beaches tend to
1976) and are separated by inlets and backed by intertidal flats
be steep, and ephemeral tidal inlets with small to lacking
that extend up to 100 m landward of the barriers (Thilenius,
ebb- and flood-tidal deltas are found in some places along this
1990). Landward of these barriers, an extensive estuary con-
section of coast. Prograding, recurved spits are common, es-
sists of intertidal and supratidal wetlands and associated
pecially along the shoreline of the Kwik Stream fan delta.
creeks, rivers, ponds, and lakes; and subtidal estuaries, flood-
Back-barrier environments (marsh, lagoon) are nearly non-
plains, river terraces, and recent glacial outwash piedmont
existent and dunes are rare and, if present, typically composed
(Thilenius, 1990).
of low, vegetated foredune ridges. The only exception is along
parts of the Bering Foreland, which contains large longitudinal Significant current research and future
dune fields that have formed in response to the abundance of developments
glacial silt and dominant east–southeast winds that obliquely The Great Alaskan Earthquake uplifted the Copper River
cross this shoreline (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). Delta and surrounding region up to 3 m, significantly
In Controller Bay, a major estuarine complex behind the impacting the barrier chain. Not only were the barriers and
bedrock Kayak Island, two tombolo-like features have formed, immediate surrounding areas lifted out of the water, but in the
one mainland-attached and one a barrier island. These fea- back-barrier, many subtidal and intertidal areas were con-
tures, Okalee Spit and Kanak Island are 14 and 7 km long, verted to intertidal and supratidal environments, respectively.
respectively, and likely formed from sediment derived from This change in back-barrier hypsometry reduced the tidal
longshore transport and local outwash streams from the prisms exchanged through the tidal inlets, leading to smaller
Bering Glacier (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). equilibrium tidal-inlet cross-sectional areas and ebb-
tidal deltas. As demonstrated by Hayes and Ruby (1994)
(Figure 50), the growth of Egg Island, the westernmost island
in the chain, can certainly be directly attributed to the 1964
earthquake and uplift event. However, the continued growth
of the island between 1970 and 1974 can only be explained by
a large influx of new sediment. One explanation is that the
decrease in tidal prism due to a change in bay hypsometry
resulted in a reduced equilibrium volume of ebb-tidal delta.
1964 This sand was driven onshore by the strong wave energy of this
1970 region, causing an enlargement of the island’s footprint. These
1975 5 km types of relationships are now being explored in terms of how
an acceleration in SLR rates may influence back-barrier en-
vironment and, in turn, how changing bay tidal prisms may
Figure 50 Documented changes in the morphology of Egg Island, affect coastal sand reservoirs (FitzGerald et al., 2006).
Copper River Delta, following the Good Friday Earthquake of 27
March 1964. This event raised Egg Island by approximately 3 m
(Figure 47(b)). Note that changes tended to accentuate the drumstick New Zealand Barrier Systems
shape of the barrier. Reproduced from Hayes, M.O., Ruby, C.H.,
1994. Barriers of Pacific Alaska. In: Davis Jr. R.A. (Ed.), Geology of New Zealand consists of two elongate islands that span from
Holocene barrier island systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 395–433. 34 to 471 S and combined have about 10 000 km of open
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 225

coast (Kirk, 1982). Healey (2005) identified nine coastal that 31% focused on beach studies, including gravel beaches
provinces based on wave energy, geologic inheritance, sedi- (many backed by barriers); 25% on coastal management and
ment supply, and plate setting. The high wave and wind en- hazard topics; 10% on estuaries and inlets (commonly bor-
ergy west coasts are the site of major barrier systems, including dered by barriers); and only 4% on coastal evolution, pre-
massive transgressive-dune systems. The moderate-energy east sumably including barrier evolution. They concluded ‘‘ythere
coasts include both numerous embayed beaches and barriers are clearly vast tracts of the New Zealand coastline on which
and the extensive outwash Canterbury plains, whereas else- limited research has occurred and consequently there is a poor
where geologic inheritance dominates the steep Fiord and understanding of the formation of the coasty .’’
Malborough coasts and the North Island’s southeast coast. Future research Geologic setting Shepherd and Hesp (2003) concluded ‘‘... in spite of the pre-
New Zealand sits astride the transcurrent Alpine fault, which cedence in New Zealand of a wide variety of coastal environ-
separates the colliding Australia and Pacific plates and bisects ments and barrier types, few barriers have been investigated
both islands. As a consequence, it is tectonically active, with rigorously and their stratigraphy and chronology remain poorly
active volcanoes, major active faults, earthquakes, areas of uplift known.’’ Healey (2005), in summarizing post-1970s coastal
and subsidence, mass movement and regular tsunami. The research in New Zealand, highlighted ‘beach erosion and
country is typified by high relief and young immature sediments morphodynamics’ and ‘beach-shoreface-inner shelf sedimen-
and much of the coast is classified as convergent or collision. tation dynamics’ as areas where progress had been made, as
well as emphasized the need to include the shoreface shelf in Coastal geomorphology and processes any studies of shoreline evolution, as well as contemporary
New Zealand faces into the prevailing subpolar lows that de- stability.
liver regular high southwest swell and seas (1–3 m) and
onshore westerly winds to the west coasts, with moderate swell
on the east coasts. Tides are predominately micro, with meso- 10.8.5 Migration and Morphodynamics of Barrier
tides along North Island’s central west coast and the South Systems: Primary Factors
Island’s embayed north coast. New Zealand, like Australia,
underwent a rapid rise in sea level to a stillstand about 6.5 ka In the classic paper by Curray (1964), he simplified the
(Figure 31), with regional tectonics affecting subsequent sea complex set of processes operating along a coast and identified
level. There was massive shelf sediment supply to beaches, the two primary factors affecting shoreline movement: RSL
barriers, and coastal dunes accompanying the sea level rise and change and rate of net sediment deposition along a coast (i.e.,
stillstand, followed by subsequent river and cliff supply related sediment budget). These two factors play a central role in
to the steep mountainous terrain, high precipitation, and mass controlling coastal morphodynamics of barrier systems and
movement that delivers high volumes of sediment ranging from determine whether the barrier system migrates landward
clay to boulders. However, only a small proportion of the ter- (transgressive or retrogradational) or seaward (regressive or
restrial sediment is sufficiently coarse to be incorporated in progradational), or remains stationary (e.g., aggradational).
beach-barrier systems. Longshore transport is predominately Morton (1977, 1979) refined the factors that cause shoreline
northward (Figure 51), with sand, sand-gravel, and gravel movement and identified five primary factors: RSL, coastal
beaches and barriers common. processes, climate, sediment budget, and human activities
(Figure 53). Kraft and Chrzastowski (1985) further refined the Significant current research primary factors of coastal change by recognizing 10 factors:
Hesp et al. (1999), in a review of coastal research in New local tectonism, regional tectonism, eustatic sea-level change,
Zealand, found barrier systems in New Zealand range from tectonism in the hinterland, climatic change in the hinterland,
regressive chenier, beach ridge, and foredune ridge plains; to climatic change in the depositional area, overall tectonic-
regressive then transgressive systems; to massive transgressive depositional setting, ocean currents and wave regime, source
Holocene and Pleistocene barrier-dune systems. A more de- and type of sediment, and human activity in the coastal zone.
tailed New Zealand barrier review presented by Shepherd and Curray (1964) defined a transgression as the landward
Hesp (2003) found barriers are widespread but are more migration of a shoreline, regardless of the forcing mechanisms
prevalent on the North Island’s west coast and Bay of (e.g., RSL change, sediment budget, storm impacts, and
Plenty, and the South Island’s Westland and Stewart Island climate change), whereas a regression is the seaward movement
(Figure 52). They also related barrier formation to substrate of the shoreline regardless of the forcing mechanisms. Barrier
gradient, sediment supply, wave energy, tides, wind, sea level, islands have long been thought to follow an equilibrium profile
geological inheritance, and tectonism; and provided schematic model maintained by sea-level rise and storms (Bruun, 1962;
sketches and examples of the common New Zealand barrier Swift, 1976), although examples exist where the application of
types. Two of the few barriers investigated in any detail are the such a profile can be debated (Pilkey et al., 1993; Thieler et al.,
large Matakana Island barrier (Shepherd et al., 1997) and the 2000). Thus, barrier island systems are classified into general-
gravelly barrier spit at Kaitorete (Soons et al., 1997). ized stratigraphic models on the basis of shoreline response,
In general, however, there has been little concerted research and these are known as transgressive (retrogradational), re-
focused on ‘barrier systems’; rather, the barrier work com- gressive (progradational), and aggradation (vertical accretion)
monly has been an adjunct to other studies. A review of New (Figure 54), which also tend to summarize the general mor-
Zealand post-graduate research by Kench et al. (2008) found phodynamics of the barrier shoreline. Often, over the geologic
226 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis


Ninety Mile Karikari Peninsula

Ahipara 1 Waitemata Harbour
2 Manukau Harbour
Offshore gradient to 20 m Northland
<0·5° 0.5−1.0° >1.0°
N North Kaipara Firth of Thames
Most frequent wave South Kaipara
approach direction barrier Coromandel Peninsula
Awhitu Peninsula
Barriers (Manukau barrier) Miranda
Bay of
Matakana Plenty
Island East
Araroa Cape

Pakarae R

Cape Egmont Taranaki Mahia
Hawke Peninsula
Patea Bay
South Taranaki Waverley Waimarama Cape Kidnappers
Bight Wanganui
Farewell Spit
Golden Bay dunefield
3 Marlborough Sounds Tasman Porangahau
4 Cloudy Bay Bay
Otaki R
5 Cape Campbell
3 Castlepoint
Karamea umu Wairarapa
Rabbit 4
Nelson 5
Island Boulder Cape Palliser
Westport Bank Turakirae
Wairau Head
Barrytown Palliser
Greymouth Bay

Okarito Pegasus
Lagoon Bay
Bruce Bay Kaitorete Banks
barrier Peninsula
South Westland Lake Ellesmere
barriers South


0 100 200



Figure 51 Location of New Zealand barriers systems, indicated by thicker black line around the coast. Also, the deep-water wave direction
(arrows; length proportional to frequency of waves >3 m) and average offshore gradient to 20-m depth contour. Reproduced from Hayes, M.O.,
Ruby, C.H., 1994. Barriers of Pacific Alaska. In: Davis Jr. R.A. (Ed.), Geology of Holocene barrier island systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 395–433.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 227

history of a barrier island, a system can exhibit periods of more 10.8.6 Future Research Directions and Suggestions
than one of these classifications depending on the interplay of
forcing mechanisms. Suggested directions for coastal geomorphic research are
identified and synthesized below. In the years to come, coastal
geomorphic researchers should consider the following:

1. Emphasize an integrated geophysical, sedimentological,

morphostratigraphic approach to studying past and
present barrier systems that is combined with multidating
techniques (AMS radiocarbon and optical dating of key
morphological and stratigraphic elements) to improve
our understanding of the links among climatic and
oceanographic forcing, ecosystem dynamics, and recent
human-induced changes on large-scale coastal behavior.
2. Develop a better understanding of the rates, magnitude, and
consequences of increasing climate change and evaluate the
impact of climate change (i.e., sea-level rise, increases in storm
intensity and wave energy, and changes to back-barrier hyp-
sometries and attendant tidal prisms) on barrier and back-
barrier systems. Understanding the response of barrier islands
to past known climate changes can thus provide a geologic
Figure 52 Mouth of the Okuru River on New Zealand’s South Island context to aid in planning and management scenarios.
showing the 3000-m-high Southern Alps in the background, the 3. Improve shoreline-change estimates and sediment budgets,
extensive river floodplain-delta, and the elongate barrier spit, backed ultimately driven by mathematical models (cf. Thieler
to the north by regressive barrier ridges. Photo: A.D. Short. et al., 2000), working at annual to decadal timescales to

Climate Evapotranspiration
Riverine discharge
Shoreline erosion
Onshore transport Wave climate
Aeolian processes Longshore currents
Sinks Tides
Sediment Coastal Wind
Shoreline accretion budget processes Storms
Storm washover
Riverine discharge
Tidal inlets ? Valley aggradation
Coastal structures
or incision
Aeolian processes
Offshore transport
Resource extraction

Highway construction
Dune alterations Tectonic subsidence
Subsurface fluid withdrawal Human Relative
Compactional subsidence
River-basin development activities sea level
Eustatic sea-level changes
Coastal structures Secular sea-level changes
Maintenance dredging
Beach maintenance
Artificial passes
Figure 53 Interaction of the primary factors controlling shoreline movement and coastal morphodynamics. Arrows point toward the dependent
variables; the number of arrows originating from or terminating at a particular factor indicates the relative degree of independence or interaction
(e.g., human activities are independent of the other factors, but they affect sediment budget, coastal processes, relative sea-level conditions, and
climate). Reproduced from Morton, R.A., 1977. Historical shoreline changes and their causes, Texas Gulf Coast. Gulf Coast Association of
Geological Societies, Transactions 27, 352–364, with permission from AAPG.
228 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Transgressive vibracores, geophysical techniques (GPR, high-resolution

Beach seismic), and dating) to refine barrier-system evolution
Marsh rather than following the current trend of purely desktop
studies (nonfield-oriented investigations).
Wa 9. Focus on investigating underrepresented or unexplored
ver barrier systems of the world and getting the results pub-
Lag lished in the peer-reviewed literature.


The authors wish to thank Amanda and Victor Van Beuren of

Van Beuren Publication Services for their editorial services, as
well as Chris Seminack, Nik Deems, and Kristen Ewer for their
technical assistance during manuscript preparation. Also, we
appreciate the critical peer reviews provided by Dr. Richard A.
Lagoon Davis and two anonymous reviewers, whose comments greatly
improved earlier versions of this paper. In addition, it is with
great sadness and shock to share that one of our coauthors, Dr.
Offshore Greg Stone, passed away on 17 February 2011 during the
writing of this barrier systems chapter. Greg was a wonderful
colleague, who had a friendly disposition, a dry sense of
humor, and a constant twinkle in his eye. In conversations
Dune with Greg, the topic of kids would always come up as he
would make it a point to ask about your children and then
share stories about Carter, his son. He will be sorely missed as
Lagoon/Estuary both a coastal scientist and a friend. In honor of his many
Shoreface research accomplishments regarding coastal processes, we
dedicate this chapter to him, Gregory W. Stone.


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Biographical Sketch

Dr. Randolph A. McBride is an Associate Professor of Geology and Oceanography in the Department of At-
mospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, VA, USA. Prior to joining
the GMU faculty in 1997, Dr. McBride spent 14 years in Louisiana working at the Louisiana Geological Survey in
Baton Rouge and at the Coastal Studies Institute at Louisiana State University. He also worked as a geologic
consultant on the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989 and 1990. He earned his PhD from Louisiana State
University in Oceanography and Marine Geology under the direction of Dr. Harry Roberts. Dr. McBride’s research
interests and publications focus on coastal depositional systems along the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts, with an
emphasis on late Quaternary coastal, shelf, and estuarine geology; coastal geomorphology and processes; and
coastal oceanography. Dr. McBride has conducted field research in the Mississippi River Delta and Chenier Plains,
the Mississippi–Alabama–Florida barrier-island coast, on the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf, the Outer Banks of
Virginia-North Carolina, the barrier islands along the Delmarva Peninsula, and the Chesapeake Bay. Dr. McBride
has published over 80 scientific articles and professional maps and atlases. For the past six years, he has served on
the Editorial Board of GeoMarine Letters, an international science journal focused on marine geology.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 241

Dr. John Anderson is a Professor in the Department of Earth Science at Rice University in Houston, TX, USA. He
holds the W. Maurice Ewing Professorship in Oceanography. He served as chairman of the department from 1992
through 1998. Dr. Anderson earned his BS from the University of South Alabama, his MS from the University of
New Mexico, and his PhD in 1972 from Florida State University. Dr. Anderson has participated in 24 scientific
expeditions to Antarctica; his research there has focused on the history of the ice sheet, glacial response to climate
change and potential contributions to sea-level rise. His other research focuses on the evolution of the Gulf Coast
and on predicting coastal response to climate change this century. He has authored two books Antarctic Marine
Geology and The Formation and Future of the Upper Texas Coast, and has coedited five books, including a Geological
Society of America Special Paper entitled Response of Upper Gulf Coast Estuaries to Holocene Climate Change and Sea-
Level Rise. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers and mentored over 60 graduate students. Dr. Anderson
received the 1992 GCAGS Outstanding Educator Award, the 1996 Rice University Graduate Teaching Award, 2004
Rice University Presidential Mentoring Award, and was the 2007 recipient of the Society of Sedimentary Research
Shepard Medal. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, past president of the Society for Sedimentary
Research, and Academic Director of the Shell Center for Sustainability.

Dr. Ilya Buynevich is an Assistant Professor of Geology in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at
Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Dr. Buynevich employs a combination of sedimentological and
geophysical techniques to reconstruct coastal evolution. He began his geological career at Odessa National
University, Ukraine in 1989 and earned a PhD in Geology from Boston University. After working at the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, he joined the faculty at Temple University, where his research focuses on barrier
morphodynamics, aeolian landscape evolution, event sedimentology, ichnology, and applied high-resolution
geophysics (ground-penetrating radar imaging). He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Coastal Research and
Vice President of the Eastern Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM). Over the past two decades,
he conducted field projects along the coastlines of the eastern United States, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Kuwait,
and Brazil.

Dr. William J. Cleary recently retired as a Professor of Geology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the
University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW). His office and research lab were located at the Center for
Marine Science. He earned his BS in Geology at Southern Illinois University in 1965 and subsequently earned his
MS in Geology at Duke University in 1968. Prior to earning his PhD in Geology at the University of South
Carolina in 1972, Dr. Cleary worked as a Petroleum Exploration Geologist with Pan American Petroleum Cor-
poration. Upon completion of his PhD, he held a postdoctoral research position at the University of South
Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Cleary’s research while at the University of South Carolina involved
genesis and transport of sand on the continental margin and in the deep ocean. Such a diverse background has
afforded him the opportunity to work in a variety of marine and coastal settings since accepting a position as
Assistant Professor of Geology at UNCW in 1972. Since the early 1980s, Dr. Cleary’s research has focused on
coastal geology, shoreline erosion related to tidal inlets, and offshore sand resources. He has supervised or advised
approximately 30 graduate students at UNCW and other universities. He has authored or coauthored over 75
publications in national and international scientific journals.

Dr. Michael S. Fenster earned his BS and MS in Geology from the University of Mississippi, his PhD from Boston
University in coastal and marine geology, and pursued his postdoctoral research at the University of Virginia. In
1999, Dr. Fenster joined the Randolph-Macon College faculty in Ashland, VA, USA where he now holds the
position of Professor and is Director of the Environmental Studies Program. Dr. Fenster’s research has focused on
determining how long-term drivers of change (e.g., climate change, sea level) and short-term disturbances (e.g.,
storms) interact to alter morphologic, sedimentologic, and ecologic state changes along barrier islands. He has
also conducted numerous studies of sediment transport and ecosystems in New England and mid-Atlantic es-
tuaries. Dr. Fenster has published more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and given more than 50 presen-
tations at scientific meetings on these topics. Since 2005, the National Science Foundation has funded Dr.
Fenster’s research along Virginia’s barrier islands. Most recently, he served as Chair of a scientific and engineering
panel that reviewed the Environmental Impact Statement for NASA/Wallops Flight Facility’s Shoreline Restoration
and Infrastructure Protection Program.
242 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Dr. Duncan FitzGerald is a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Boston University with expertise in
coastal processes, stratigraphy, and morphodynamics. He received his MS in Geological Oceanography at Texas
A&M and his PhD in Geology at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. He is a marine geologist who
studies sediment exchange, hydrodynamics, and coastal evolution of marshes, estuaries, river deltas, barrier
islands, and tidal inlets. His three major research themes are presently focused on coastal response to accelerating
sea-level rise, impact of major storms along the Louisiana coast, and climatic and oceanographic controls on
strand plain development in Brazil. His textbook on coastal geology is used both nationally and internationally.
He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America and has received numerous teaching awards at Boston

Dr. M. Scott Harris is a geologist with over 25 years of experience exploring the geology, evolution, and dynamics
of the coastal plain, barrier islands, and continental shelf of the middle-Atlantic and Southeastern United States.
Trained in geology at the College of William of Mary with Dr. Gerald Johnson, environmental sciences at the
University of Virginia with Dr. Robert Dolan, and coastal geosciences the University of Delaware with Dr. John
Wehmiller, Dr. Harris’ research includes regional-scale and very high-resolution stratigraphy and sedimentology as
they relate to coastal dynamics, Quaternary sea levels, and geoarchaeology. Currently, his research focuses on the
influence of framework geology on modern coastal evolution, high stands of sea level over the last five-hundred
thousand years, continental-shelf dynamics from the shoreline to the shelf edge, and the utilization of geographic
information systems in geological and archaeological investigations. In 2009, Dr. Harris won the International
Coastal Symposium’s Best Paper and Presentation Award for his work on shoreline erosion rate analyses in South
Carolina. Dr. Harris is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences at the
College of Charleston in South Carolina, USA.

Christopher Hein earned a BS from Cornell University in 2003 and a PhD in coastal marine geology from Boston
University in 2012. His research interests include the integrated impacts of climate and sea-level change in the
evolution of barrier islands and strand plains and the climatic forcing of fluvial sediment supply to the coastal
zone. He is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, investigating fluvial
sediment and organic carbon-export dynamics in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Bengal Fan system and the appli-
cation of organic biomarker records to the reconstruction of Holocene coastal evolution in southern Brazil.

Dr. Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein earned his PhD in Marine Sciences (Marine Geology) from the Uni-
versity of Algarve, Portugal in 2004. He is currently an Adjunct Professor (Geological Oceanography), Department
of Geosciences, Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil. For 17
years, he was Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Earth Science and Sea Technology, University of Vale do Itajaı́.
Topics of interest are shallow-water oceanography with an emphasis on coastal evolution and morphodynamics.
Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis 243

Dr. Baozhu Liu is a Research Assistant Professor at the Coastal Studies Institute at Louisiana State University in
Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Baozhu Liu studied Marine Geology at Tongji University in Shanghai, China, and earned
his PhD under the supervision of Professor/Academician Zhizheng Ye, Professor/Academician Pinxian Wang, and
Professor Congxian Li in 1993. He then worked as a Research Scientist at the Institute of Marine Geology in
Qingdao from 1993 to 1995, and an Associate Professor at Ocean University of Qingao from 1995 to 1999, where
he taught marine sedimentology and conducted research on the coast and continental shelf of the Bohai Sea and
Yellow Sea. He conducted paleocurrent analysis by using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility at the Geological
Survey of Japan as a STA fellow from 1999 to 2001, and then came to the Coastal Studies Institute as an research
assistant professor in 2001, since then he has been working in the WAVCIS lab on coastal processes. He has
published 30 refereed journal articles, four book chapters, and 20 conference presentations.

Joao Thadeu de Menezes studied oceanography at the University of Vale do Itajaı́, Brazil, and earned his PhD in
Marine Geology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2008. He has been a professor at the University
of Vale do Itajaı́ since 1999. His research focuses on the study of beach morphodynamics, coastal erosion, beach
nourishment and coastal sensitivity of sea-level rise, and employs the tools of numerical modeling, GIS, and
remote sensing. He has published over 20 papers and five book chapters.

Dr. Morten Pejrup is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Copenhagen,
Denmark and also leads the Earth System Science Centre: EAST, of the Science Faculty. Professor Pejrup specializes
in sediment transport and morphodynamics in the estuarine environment. His field research entails recent
sedimentology with emphasis on tidal hydraulics, the impact of a rising relative sea level on the morphological
development of estuaries, and the stability of coastal lagoons and salt marshes, as well as modeling of the
interaction between physical and biological processes and their control of morphological and sedimentological
stability of estuarine systems. His research areas include the Wadden Sea and several estuarine environments in
Western Europe and Greenland. Dr. Pejrup is the author or coauthor of some 125 scientific articles, reports, and
outreach publications.

Dr. Stanley R. Riggs earned his BS in Geology at Beloit College in 1960, MS at Dartmouth College in 1962, and his
PhD at the University of Montana in 1967. He has been on the faculty in the Department of Geological Sciences at
East Carolina University since 1967, where he is Distinguished Professor of the Thomas Harriot College of Arts
and Sciences and Distinguished Research Professor of East Carolina University. Dr. Riggs is a coastal and marine
geologist who has conducted research on modern coastal systems since 1962. His research extends from inland
river, lake, and pocosin environments, to estuarine and barrier island systems, and seaward across the continental
shelf. His areas of interest lie in sedimentation, stratigraphy, coastal and marine geology, energy and mineral
resources, and their inter-relationship with the development of human civilization. Dr. Riggs has carried out long-
term research programs on these topics in North Carolina, throughout the US Atlantic coast, and other coastal
regions of the world.
244 Morphodynamics of Barrier Systems: A Synthesis

Professor Andrew Short is a marine scientist specializing in coastal processes and beach dynamics. He has earned
degrees from the University of Sydney, University of Hawaii, and Louisiana State University and has worked on
the coasts of North and South America, including north Alaska and Hawaii, Europe, New Zealand and the entire
Australian coast. He is presently Honorary Professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney;
Adjunct Professor in the Griffith (University) Centre for Coastal Management; Senior Coastal Scientist (part-time)
with; Scientific Adviser to Surf Life Saving Australia; Deputy Chair of National Surfing Reserves
(Australia); and on the Executive Committee of World Surfing Reserves. He also runs his own consultancy called
Coastal Studies and serves on the NSW Coastal Panel and the Eurobodalla Coastal Management Advisory
Committee. He has written 12 books including the The Coast of Australia, and over 200 scientific publications. His
extensive contribution to both coastal science and beach safety was recognized on Australia Day 2010 with an
Order of Australia Medal.

Dr. Gregory William Stone received a bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Ulster in Ireland, then
studied coastal geomorphology at University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland, USA and earned his PhD in
1990. After serving as a research associate and visiting professor at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, FL,
USA, he accepted a position in the Department of Geography and Anthropology at Louisiana State University
(LSU) in Baton Rouge. In 1997, he accepted a faculty position in the LSU Department of Oceanography and
Coastal Sciences and became a member of the Coastal Studies Institute (CSI), and served as the CSI director from
2008 to 2011. He taught and advised graduate students in the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences,
as the major professor of 13 PhD and 11 MS students. He was awarded the ExxonMobil Professorship of Marine
Geology in 2001 and the James P. Morgan Distinguished Professorship of Marine Geology in 2003. He secured
funding and established the WAVCIS (The Wave-Current Information System) program, which has been oper-
ational since 1998, and supporting coastal restoration efforts in Louisiana, as well as teaching and research in
coastal sciences. He has over 80 journal papers, four books, and about 60 conference presentations. He un-
expectedly passed away on February 17, 2011.

Dr. Davin J. Wallace is currently a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Earth Science at Rice
University in Houston, TX, USA, and has accepted a National Science Foundation EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship
after that appointment. He earned a BS degree Cum Laude in 2006 from Tulane University, where he double
majored in Geology and German Literature and Language. In 2010, he earned a PhD degree in Earth Science from
Rice University under the advisement of Dr. John B. Anderson. His research interests include coastal geology,
sedimentology, paleotempestology, and response to global change. He has authored seven peer-reviewed papers
and book chapters.

Dr. Ping Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geology at the University of South Florida in
Tampa, FL, USA. He studied coastal sedimentary geology at the University of South Florida, USA, and earned his
PhD in 1995 under the supervision of Professor Richard A. Davis. Subsequently, he worked as a research associate
with the late Professor Gregory Stone at the Coastal Studies Institute at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
Since 2001, Dr. Wang has been teaching and conducting research at the Department of Geology at the University
of South Florida. His research focuses on nearshore sediment processes and morphodynamics, coastal geology
and geomorphology, shore protection, and coastal management. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers,
book chapters, and conference papers.
10.9 Coastal Gravel Systems
J Orford, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
E Anthony, Université de Provence, Aix en Provence Cedex, France
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.9.1 Introduction 246

10.9.2 Difficulties in Undertaking Gravel-Beach Morphodynamic Analysis 247
10.9.3 Scale Differentiation of Coastal Gravel Systems 249
10.9.4 Short-Term Controls: Beachface Processes and Responses 249 General Gravel-Beachface Hydrodynamics 249 Morphology of Gravel Beachfaces 250 The Step 251 The Berm and Cusps 252
10.9.5 Morpho-Sedimentary Approaches to Gravel-Beach Morphodynamic Domains 253
10.9.6 Tidal Modulation 255
10.9.7 Gravel-Beach Profile Variation 255
10.9.8 Extreme Events, Barrier Overtopping, and Overwashing: Bridging Short- to Long-Term Morphodynamic
Processes 256
10.9.9 Barrier Resilience and the Morphodynamic Perspective 259
10.9.10 Morphodynamics and Long-Term Gravel Barrier Development 261
10.9.11 Morphodynamic Implications of Human Intervention on Gravel Systems 262
10.9.12 Conclusions 263
References 264

Glossary associated with increasing beach width in a down-drift

Berm A constructive wave-built beach face feature direction.
generally occurring at the swash reach associated with any Facies The observed characteristics of (generally)
particular high tide position. Cumulatively over the neap to sediment size, morphology, or minerogenic composition,
spring tidal half-cycle, one berm is realized, associated with which show differentiation in time or space.
highest tidal position. On the falling spring-neap cycle, a Used as variable to describe the actual realized nature of
series of berms may be realized at each successive lower sediment.
position achieved by the swash-reach of each successive Gravel A term used to describe the texture of particles on
falling tidal level. the Wentworth Scale, which are between 4- and 256-mm
Cannibalization The tendency for a beach system where B-axis size (i.e., pebbles and cobbles). In recent years, the
the longshore sediment supply has reduced or failed, to use use of gravel-dominated in beach analysis tends to relate
the existing beach sediment as a further source for to sediment that is predominantly greater than sand (i.e.,
subsequent longshore sediment transport down-drift. 42-mm B-axis) and can be of a size from granules through
Cannibalization generally starts at the up-drift position and to boulders.
progressively works down-drift through the beach sequence. Morphodynamics A mode of analysis by which beach
Cannibalization is generally the cause for beach ridge morphology is related to the spectrum of quasi-periodic
swash-alignment to develop as the up-drift consequence of water-sediment interactions induced from incident
such sediment loss. and trapped waves. Morphodynamics also involves
Dissipative One end of the beach morphodynamic morphological modulation of the water-sediment
continuum where the lowest beach slopes (generally with interactions. Beach morphology has been constrained to a
sand) are associated with a minimum of reflected wave continuum of energy excitations ranging from dissipative to
energies. reflective as measured, for instance, by the surf-similarity
Drift-alignment Descriptive term indicative of a beach or index.
beach-ridge system dominated by active longshore drift, Mosaic A term coined to describe the possibilities of
and typical of prograded beach ridges. Drift-alignment is gravel particle size and shape combinations to be associated
generally indicative of greater up-drift sediment input, than with differing swash flow conditions. There is a suggestion
down-drift output. In plan-view, drift-alignment is that mosaics may be the equivalent response to varying

Orford, J., Anthony, E., 2013. Coastal gravel systems. In: Shroder, J. (Editor
in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic
Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 245–266.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 245

246 Coastal Gravel Systems

morpho-dynamic gravel beach regimes as those experienced beach profile migrate landward. Over time, the whole beach
on sand beaches. ridge is rolled over itself.
Overtopping Process in which a small percentage of Step A mixed erosional and depositional ridge-like form
swash flows reach the top of the beach ( ¼ crest). They have usually located at the edge of gravel beaches at low tide and
the potential to move particles to the ridge top and help to formed at the break point of LT incident waves.
build up the crest. The crest is usually only included in such Traditionally seen as occupying the seaward edge of the
swash flows during storms. swash zone. It may migrate onshore during the tidal cycle,
Overwashing Process in which swash flows reach the but where gravel beaches are fringed by low-tide sand
beach crest and pass over it to flow down the back of the terraces, the step gets stranded at the break of slope between
sediment accumulation. Generally only observed when the gravel and sand.
beach is part of a free-standing barrier. Such flows have the Surf-similarity index A measure of morphodynamic
potential to move sediment from the beach face, and beach potential by which the reflectivity of wave energy is
crest, down the back barrier slope, and are central to the calibrated. There are several surf-similarity indices, which
barrier rollover process. generally use a ratio of incoming wave structure (e.g., wave
Reflective One end of the beach morphodynamic steepness H/L) against overall beach slope (usually
continuum where the steepest beach slopes (usually with expressed as a tangent of slope). Indices tend to calibrate a
gravel) are associated with a maximum of reflected wave continuum between dissipative and reflective systems.
energies. Swash alignment Descriptive term for a beach or beach-
Resilience A variable time-based (diurnal tidal cycle to ridge system associated with weak longhore drift. The term
years) capacity by which gravel barriers may rebuild applies to a sediment-starved single beach ridge, generally
coherency and geomorphic function, despite experiencing indicative of greater down-drift sediment output, than up-
extreme events that may have initially destabilized barrier drift input. In plan-view, swash alignment is associated with
form. diminishing beach width in a down-drift direction. Swash
Rollover A gravel beach which experiences overwash will alignment is generally associated with cannibalization of
in time transport beach face material to the back barrier. In up-drift beaches, and a breakdown of longshore barrier
so doing, this process exhumes old back-barrier deposition coherency into segmented sections characterized by
through the beachface as the beach crest and associated sedimentary capes and bays.


Gravel beaches occupy a dominantly reflective morphodynamic domain, which has so far been relatively unexplored
compared to their sandier counterparts. The dynamics of gravel beachfaces are considered in terms of step and berm
evolution and their contribution to profile variation. Extensions of gravel profile types are considered in terms of relative
gravel to sand volumes under the profile. The use of sediment assemblages and their association with both process
dynamics and microscale morphology are presented via the concept of mosaics, which is considered to be the best
approach toward better definition of microscale gravel beach morphodynamic regimes. There are limited morphodynamic
links with gravel barrier evolution, though the mosaics as a statement of long-term barrier stability might be considered as a
likelihood statement of potential future change.

10.9.1 Introduction swash flows reach over the beach crest (overtop and over-
wash), such that it is difficult to differentiate between beach
Sediments larger than sand are important components of the and barrier development other than on a timescale basis,
world’s coastline. Gravel as a collective term has come to where the latter is determined by extreme events on annual to
mean, colloquially, all clastic sediments larger than sand. century scale and the former on a semidiurnal basis.
Though gravel mode-size definition (i.e., Wentworth scale) is Over the past 30 years, considerable understanding of
only a partial element of the effective size range, ‘gravel’ per se sand-beach behavior has been gained through analysis of
has become synonymous within the coastal literature for beach morphodynamics: the same cannot be stated about
heterogeneous sized and shaped sediments that are ‘other’ gravel beaches (Buscombe and Masselink, 2006; Hayes et al.,
than sand and finer sediments (Carter and Orford, 1993; Pye, 2010). Anthony (2009) provided the most recent com-
2001). Morphologically, gravel beaches form either the sea- prehensive review of coastal gravel systems, and inevitably this
ward face of ‘free-standing’ barriers, more or less detached chapter reflects that approach in terms of controls on mor-
from the backshore mainland, or ‘fringing’ beaches (Carter phodynamics. By inference, given that gravel beaches are as-
and Orford, 1993) that have no defining backbeach landward sociated with the steepest beach slopes, they tend to be
slope. The processes of gravel-beach development are con- morphodynamically characterized as ‘reflective’ (Short, 1999).
tinuous in space with the development of gravel barriers, as This status is also related to a spatially minimal wave-shoaling
Coastal Gravel Systems 247

zone, due to steeper offshore slopes commonly associated noted that the larger the dominant sediment size, the more the
with gravel systems. This leads to beachface domination by timescale of reaction and relaxation may lengthen, causing a
incident wave energy with some limited secondary sub- mismatch between morphodynamics measurement and for-
harmonic excitation control on swash motion that may mative beach development. Research on gravel is commonly at
influence beach-cusp generation (Huntley and Bowen, short-term scales of time (days) and space (profile); and yet, the
1975). Gravel beaches might be viewed as the least exciting, long-term development of the barrier form to which the beach
and possibly, least excitation end of the beach morpho- is associated is generally the major control on the sediment
dynamics continuum (Short, 1999), and one that shows proportions and, to some degree, the plan-form control on
least variation in understanding through any associated wave energy both across-shore and alongshore, and thereby on
energy–sediment–morphology interactions (Buscombe and the beachface morphological expression. Although recent
Masselink, 2006). Though this assessment has some validity, studies of gravel-beach morphodynamics over a half-tidal cycle
this chapter will examine these contentions and identify that using high-resolution monitoring techniques have highlighted
this crude characterization may be masking a range of time significant profile changes (Horn and Li, 2006; Austin and
and scale interactions that need further elucidation. Indeed, Buscombe, 2008), these are short-term changes and their con-
one can argue that though gravel beaches can be considered tribution to magnitude–frequency controls on gravel-beach
through a morphodynamics approach, to understand their evolution is debatable. The difficulties of working under high-
long-term development into gravel barriers, the role of mor- energy event conditions on gravel beaches is obvious, but it is
phodynamic regime and domain has a diminished, if not proving a continuing handicap in establishing beachface con-
absent, role. Past analysis has proposed the understanding ditions during these low-frequency formative conditions that
of gravel barrier activities through the concept of morpho- may well condition beach and barrier development for multi-
sedimentary responses to changing sea level, sediment supply, decades, if not longer.
wave climate, and basement structure (Orford et al., 1996). Most research on gravel beaches has focused on profile
There is an alternative definition proposed by Buscombe and surveys and on associated sediment organizational patterns.
Masselink, 2006 (see Section 10.9.5), that uses a different The ability to discriminate between gravel beaches’ profiles
approach to a morpho-sedimentary analysis consistent with and what elements of the profile constitute the central elem-
smaller spatial scales (and possibly reduced timescale) as an ents of a process-driven approach to profile variation have
appropriate perspective for gravel beach variation. This chap- been virtually left alone, despite an initializing debate between
ter will attempt to use this alternative morphodynamic basis Caldwell and Williams (1986) and Orford (1986). Jennings
to propose limited potential continuity of morphodynamic and Shulmeister (2002) have identified the difficulty in setting
analysis from gravel beaches to gravel barriers. out a gravel-beach profile typology, and attempt to address
Gravel beaches are essentially defined by their heterogeneity this difficulty by proposing three differing basic profile types
of sediment size, morphology, and density (Hollander and based on morphodynamic properties of 42 New Zealand
Elmore, 2008), forming a continuum that spans the complete beaches using Iribarren number (i.e., morphodynamic con-
range of coarse clastic environments, from fine gravel (2 mm) text), beach width, average grain size, and storm-berm height
to boulders (meters). On that basis, though gravels can be a (Figure 1). Type 1 profiles are pure gravel beaches with steep
dominant response to Quaternary glacial activity – as a high-to- slopes (tan b ¼ 0.08–0.24) and gravel extending from the
medium latitudinal paraglacial response (Orford et al., 2002), storm berm to below mean low-water spring tide level. It was
coastal gravels can be associated wherever sediment pathways initially this beach type that stimulated the earliest research on
produce concentrations of gravel-sized sediment, and, as such, what is known as ‘shingle’ beaches around the southern UK
coastal gravels can be also associated with a range of en- flint-dominated coasts (e.g., Steers, 1948; Carr and Blackley,
vironments: tectonically active coasts with fluvial inputs 1974, for a resume of this type of work), though ironically
(Wells, 1996); with major stable blocks with long-term fluvial some of these systems had a substantial interstitial element of
erosion and associated coastal deposition (Bluck, 1999); as fine sand that went unrecognized at the time. Type 2 profiles
well as with bioclastic production and destruction of corals in feature-mixed sand and gravel beaches with moderate slopes
equatorial regions (Hayes, 1967). Hayes et al. (2010) provided (tan b ¼ 0.04–0.13) due to sand and gravel components
a further detailed statement of coastal gravel distribution. intermixed across-shore and at depth. This type of gravel sys-
tem has formed the basis for much of the recent decade’s
attempts at assessing gravel morphodynamics (Mason and
10.9.2 Difficulties in Undertaking Gravel-Beach Coates, 2001; Wilcock et al., 2001; Pontee et al., 2004;
Morphodynamic Analysis Chadwick et al., 2005; Buscombe and Masselink, 2006; Horn
and Walton, 2007; de San Román Blanco et al., 2006; Ped-
There are a number of reasons as to why studies of gravel rozo-Acuña et al., 2007; Austin and Buscombe, 2008). Type 3
morphodynamics are limited with respect to a gravel-beach profiles are associated with a composite sand and gravel beach
context. The paucity of detailed process measurements has been with an upper steep gravel beach fronted by a low-angle,
attributed to the difficulty in deploying sensitive equipment in intertidal sand-dominated terrace, with overall beach slopes
energetic environments with highly mobile gravel-size clasts of tan b ¼ 0.05–0.14. Bluck’s (1967) seminal work on sedi-
(e.g., Mason and Coates, 2001). A sediment mobility paradox ment size–shape assemblages was undertaken on this profile
exists by which the largest gravel, and hence frame forming, type (Sker type), as was Orford’s (1975) and Williams and
resists movement unless under extreme events, after which Caldwell’s (1988) work on variability of gravel-beach sedi-
stability may ensue for prolonged periods. Orford et al. (2002) ment assemblages.
248 Coastal Gravel Systems

Reflective 0 5 10 m
Storm berm Storm cusps

High-tide berm and cusps

Sand run 4m
‘Swash’ berm
M.L.W.S ‘Swash’ cusps
Gravel 2
Gravel lag M.L.W.S
(a) 10 m 0 Low-tide step
5 Sea

Storm berm 0 7 14 m

Reflective Storm cusps

up d
M.H.W.S Run ‘Swash’ berm
M.H.W.S ‘Swash’ cusps
4 Planar runup zone
Sand 2

0 Breakpoint step
20 m 15 10 5
(b) Sea

Dissipative Reflective 0 5 10 m
Storm berm
Spilling breakers Collapsing/plunging M.H.W.S Storm cusps

‘Swash’ cusps
‘Swash’ berm
6m M.L.W.S.
Sand 2
Outer breakers
(c) 0
20 m 15 10 5 Sea

Figure 1 Three characteristic gravel-beach profiles and their associated plan-view morphology identified by Jennings and Shulmeister (2002):
(a) type 1 dominant gravel; (b) type 2 mixed sand and gravel; and (c) type 3 partitioned upper HT gravel and LT sand terrace. Profiles vary with
respect to gravel/sand ratio apparent on the profile surface, though textural composition may reflect overall sediment volume and subsurface
morphology. Profile variability may impose differing breaker types (spilling, plunging, and collapsing) as a function of subtidal and intertidal
beach slope variability. Dominant beach morphologies are berms, step, and cusps (see text for development); the latter are a significant response
in a reflective morphodynamic regime that is characteristic of gravel-dominated beaches. Reproduced from Jennings, R., Shulmeister, J., 2002. A
field based classification scheme for gravel beaches. Marine Geology 186, 211–228.

Both profile and sediment characterizations require fast (Orford and Whalley, 1991) that are not time-commensurate
survey and analysis. Issues of measurement of mass sediment with available rapid size analysis. Although newer methods of
have inevitably reduced the spatial comprehension of many in situ measurement (acoustic-based) are advocated, they are
studies. Gravel-beach profile variation reflects sediment vari- expensive to deploy, such that rapid joint mass particle
ation both at depth and across the surface. The problem of size–shape analysis is still to be attained. The use of differ-
in situ variation of sediment with depth is being addressed ential Global Positioning System (dGPS) and, latterly, Light
through the use of ground-penetrating radar (Neal et al., 2002, Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) is now making analysis of
2003). The long-standing problem of analysis of hetero- beach-scale relief change more effective as a way of integrating
geneous sizes, which in gravels is also complicated by the the old 2D profile changes into longshore beach lengths that
functional aspects of particle morphology (Bluck, 1967), is are sufficient to meet implicit scale length requirements of 3D
starting to be addressed by the use of rapid image analysis sediment volume and size gradients.
(Graham et al., 2005; Buscombe and Masselink, 2009). Such Implicit in morphodynamics analysis is the movement of
rapid shape analysis is still dominated by photogrammetric sediment. Traditionally, this has been followed by aggregate
two-dimensional (2D) analysis, as true three-dimensional changes through profile analysis. Progress is also being
(3D) analysis requires more time-consuming methods achieved in the monitoring of the transport of beach-gravel
Coastal Gravel Systems 249

clasts. Allan et al. (2006) have used radio frequency identifi- run-up, and related simple divisions between sea (storm) and
cation technology (RFID) to detect passive integrated trans- swell wave (fair-weather) conditions that generated profile
ponder (PIT) tags inserted in gravels. Each PIT tag has its own variability. The use of berm and step morphology as de-
unique identification number. These tags are inexpensive, terminants of constructive and destructive phases (respect-
glass-encapsulated transponders that are sealed within the ively) in gravel profiles follows this approach (Sunamaura,
clasts, thus minimizing any effect on the hydrodynamic 1975; Orford, 1977). However, Ivamy and Kench (2006) have
character of the particles. The tags are powered by an antenna, expressed concern that observations of inferred incident waves
and have a potential life span of up to 50 years. Allan et al. underestimate the energy transformations in the swash zone
(2006) successfully tested this method of tracking, and con- and, hence, drive hydrodynamics that can develop sediment
sidered it as having tremendous potential for examining transport. Recent studies of hydrodynamics (e.g., Blewett et al.,
complex gravel movement and the parameters that control 2000; Van Wellen et al., 2000; Mason and Coates, 2001;
gravel distribution on a beach. Lee et al. (2007) have used Masselink and Li, 2001; Holmes et al., 2002; Lorang, 2000,
statistical analyses to determine the number of tracer particles 2002; Clarke et al., 2003; Kulkarni et al., 2004; Pontee et al.,
required to define the mean longshore transport distance of 2004; Isla and Bujalesky, 2005; Austin and Masselink, 2006;
indigenous littoral gravel with precision. In recent years, the Horn and Li, 2006; Ivamy and Kench, 2006; Pedrozo-Acuña
expansion of knowledge on swash transport of gravel has been et al., 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010; Austin and Buscombe, 2008;
greatly facilitated by the increasing sophistication of field Masselink et al., 2010) have provided a substantial under-
measurement of variation of bed and sediment transport standing of both the hydrodynamics and short-term mor-
(Masselink et al., 2010). phological response of gravel beaches under varying wave and
In their review of processes and responses of gravel bea- tide conditions.
ches, Buscombe and Masselink (2006) pointed out the prob- Anthony (2009) pointed out the underlying assumptions
lems of empirical measurement, especially under extreme about the nature of hydrodynamic conditions commonly as-
conditions. This means that much of the recent empirical sociated with gravel beaches, which are principally controlled
work may be weighted toward the low-magnitude, higher- by steep beach slopes relative to their nearshore slopes:
frequency events. In recent years, the difficulty of appre-
1. waves can advance much farther inshore before breaking
hending the morphodynamics of the gravel beach in the field
and generating almost directly incident-frequency swash
has prompted recourse to more physical scale modeling (e.g.,
motion over a relatively narrow region;
Pedrozo-Acuña et al., 2008, 2010) and the possibility of
2. breaking is generally associated with a relatively uniform,
translating numerical methods that consider the upper end of
shore-parallel breaker line;
the magnitude analysis (e.g., Roelvink et al., 2009).
3. the surf zone is commonly very narrow and premature
breaking may sometimes simply be due to short steep
10.9.3 Scale Differentiation of Coastal Gravel waves;
Systems 4. the swash zone is also very narrow, and transport within
this zone dominates the sediment dynamics of these
The analysis of beach-to-barrier control is developed as a scale- beaches;
dependent approach. Clearly, over time and space, all gravel 5. longshore currents within the narrow swash zone can also
barriers involve the short-term changes of seconds (waves) to be important; and
days (tides) that assist in the development of beaches. Space 6. the beach dynamics can be significantly modulated by
scales are dominated by gravel particle sizes (e.g., cross-beach tides.
profiles) and by sand modes (e.g., depth of beach sediment)
The author also pointed out that any low-tide sand terrace
and longshore morphology (e.g., cusps), but all are driven by
can alter wave characteristics, especially the breaker type dur-
the primary hydrodynamics and the degree of interaction
ing the tidal cycle. Beach slope changes due to sand pro-
between them and the beach slope and roughness surface
portion (i.e., types 2 and 3 above) have been shown to alter
formed by the gravel. The long-term changes (annual to cen-
the reflective status such that the best reflectivity occurs with
tennial and greater) to beaches are associated with variation in
the purest gravel (type 1) beaches. As tidal range expands and
sediment supply, extreme forcing, and sea-level changes,
sand presents a more visible lower foreshore element, then
which together modulate beaches into barriers. However, one
reflectivity becomes more variable as a function of tidal stage
other element that influences long-term changes is the way
(Mason et al., 1997; Ivamy and Kench, 2006). Mason et al.
that beaches are allowed to spatially adjust to the underlying
(1997) identified from field experiments that reflection of
basement surface in the process of development as a barrier,
swell can vary between 20% and 85%, as a function of tidal
which influences profile type.
state on type 2 beaches, though short-period waves showed
less reflective variation (20–30%).
The lack of a distinct surf zone means that it is really the
10.9.4 Short-Term Controls: Beachface Processes
swash zone and its associated flow asymmetries due to wave
and Responses
period and groundwater fluctuations, which dictate the
on–offshore transport paths. The lack of offshore surf trans- General Gravel-Beachface Hydrodynamics
formations and the steepness of gravel beaches ensure that
Most early characterizations of gravel-beachface dynamics most energy is released at the wave break point and that the
were associated with primary incident wave heights and swash beachface potential is only for fluid motions at incident and
250 Coastal Gravel Systems

sub-harmonic frequencies (Huntley and Bowen, 1975; Austin beaches comprising an important sand fraction are less prone
and Masselink, 2006; Austin and Buscombe, 2008). Austin to dissipation through infiltration than pure gravel beaches
and Masselink (2006), working on a type 2 beach, found because of the lower permeability of the sand. The assumption
typical values of the surf similarity parameter (xb) of 1.2 and of high permeability is, thus, dependent on the specific char-
reflection coefficient (R) of 0.5. They also observed that acteristics of the gravel beach being studied (Jennings and
breakers (either surging or plunging) transferred energy dir- Shulmeister, 2002).
ectly into incident-frequency swash motions that engendered In(ex)filtration effects on swash flows are most prominent
most of the monitored sediment transport (Figure 2). at the swash reach and at the breaker point, respectively. The
Because gravel beaches are regarded as steep and highly asymmetry of swash flows and related shear stress (Kemp,
permeable (e.g., Carter, 1988; Van Wellen et al., 2000; Horn 1975) tends to move larger gravels (competency aside) on-
and Li, 2006; Austin and Masselink, 2006; Horn and Walton, shore, whereas backwash (assisted by gravity) moves smaller
2007), it has long been assumed (and visually observed) that particles seaward. This onshore size asymmetry of deposition
swash and backwash flows are modified by the infiltration and has been a constant observation of most gravel-beach studies,
exfiltration caused by surface beach permeability. Such flows but it is only really on type 2 profiles and where sediments
can also be open to both substantial enhancement and re- have been o10 mm in size that measurements of flow and
tardation from existing content of groundwater (both static sediments have been viable to support this perspective (Mas-
and dynamic), given the open-worked nature of many gravel selink and Li, 2001; Horn and Li, 2006; Ivamy and Kench,
beaches. This process of in(ex)filtration and, hence, swash 2006, Masselink et al., 2010). Flow asymmetry allows con-
flow modification will be dependent on beachface hydraulic structional sediment deposition at the swash reach. Over tidal
conductivity varying with sediment size and stratification of cycles, incremental deposition can move onshore and may
sediment texture within the beach (e.g., Masselink and Li, ultimately result in the defined morphology of a berm (Austin
2001). Fully open-work gravels, with fastest infiltration re- and Masselink, 2006; Horn and Li, 2006).
sponses, are generally a surface phenomenon of beaches and
even type 1 beaches generally show an infilling matrix of finer Morphology of Gravel Beachfaces
gravels (not necessarily sand sized) at low depths that can
effectively channel subsurface water flows. Given the presence Gravel-beach profiles are characterized by distinct morpho-
of sand in type 2 profiles, the potential for fast-reacting fluc- logical breaks in slope, associated mainly with two 2D con-
tuations of groundwater is evident, though Mason et al. (1997) structional ridge-like features that can appear on the overall
and Kulkarni et al. (2004) have also reported that mixed cross-beach slope: the low-tide step and upper-tide berm

Z (m)

0 33 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

2 Reflective

10 11 12 13 14 15 16


10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(c) Time (h)
Figure 2 Recognition of the dominance of a reflective morphodynamic regime on gravel beaches is exemplified by this field measurement of:
(a) the tidal elevation (z); (b) the surf scaling parameter (e: Guza and Inman, 1975); and (c) a modified shallow water form of the Irribarren
number (x: Battjes, 1974) on a macrotidal gravel system at Slapton barrier, south Devon, UK. The trace is over 6 h and the signal has been
smoothed. The dominance of surging waves and reflectivity is identified. The associated beach profile is shown in Figure 4. Adapted from Austin,
M.J., Buscombe, D., 2008. Morphological change and sediment dynamics of the beach step on a macro-tidal gravel beach. Marine Geology 249,
Coastal Gravel Systems 251

(Austin and Masselink, 2006), as well as 3D cusp morphology. The Step
Somewhat confusingly for gravel studies, step terminology has
also been used to refer to an upper beachface constructional The step is, technically, not a feature of the swash zone because it
element, whereas the lower feature on type 3 profiles has been is permanently submerged (Buscombe and Masselink, 2006),
called a bar (Orford, 1977, 1986: Figure 3). This nomen- but, as these workers noted, its initiation and maintenance are
clature follows Sunamura (1975), who considered the differ- strongly linked to swash processes because turbulent wave
entiation between upper beach step (onshore constructional) breaking at the step leads to a transfer of post-breaking processes
and lower beach bar (offshore constructional) as a function of to the swash zone, in the absence of a surf zone. The step feature
offshore wave steepness, beach slope, relative grain size, and may be mobile, as tidal range allows waves to move onshore, but
swash phase. The last term is an adjustment factor that is re- the slow reaction time of this feature can cause it to be stranded
quired to recognize the adjustment of incident waves to the by tidal lift at which time it can become a partial filter, de-
hydrodynamic conditions of the swash phase (cf. Kemp, pending on the incident wave spectrum. As Ivamy and Kench
1975) post-wave breaking. Recent research indicates that ab- (2006) identified, with a mixed wave regime comprising both
rupt breaks in profile slope generate steep hydrodynamic wind waves and swell on the type 2 beach of Torere, New Zea-
gradients accompanied by the convergence and divergence of land, there was more likely to be interference at low tide (LT) due
sediment considered responsible for the morphodynamic to step presence, than at high tide (HT), with more mixed flows
variability of gravel beaches (Orford and Carter, 1984; Austin at LT than at HT. These results highlight the important role of the
and Masselink, 2006; Ivamy and Kench, 2006; Austin and step, a major morphological unit of reflective beaches, in filtering
Buscombe, 2008). In view of the recent upsurge in gravel- incident wave energy and providing a temporal control on the
beach field experimentation, the revisionist use of swash-reach type of wave energy that propagates onto the beachface during a
berm and break-point step terminology will be maintained tidal cycle. Hughes and Cowell (1987) hypothesized that the
(Figure 4). morphodynamic adjustment of step dimensions to wave height

Beach elevation (m O.D.)


8 Constructional H.W.S.
swash limit
10.02.74 berm STE
6 P


BAR Constructional
gravel edge Inter-tidal

0 5 10

Distance downbeach (m)

Inter-tidal sand

Figure 3 Within type 3 profile variation (three characteristic beach profiles), which shows how process variation can induce profile change.
Profile names reflect Sunamura’s (1976) profile typology. Step profile: dominant fair-weather, low wave energy conditions with major high-tide
constructional berm (Bstep). Bar profile: intermediate wave energy associated with localized storm event with constructional berm (Bbar) at
gravel edge associated with spilling waves across the sand terrace toward midtide. Composite profile with elements of step and bar profile
morpology: associated with an extreme event, which allows overtopping of storm crest at high tide (extension of step profile), dominant
downcombing of beachface at falling tide, and constructional berm (Bbar) at the gravel edge. Reproduced from Orford, J.D., 1986. Gravel beach
profile characterization and discrimination: some points for discussion. Journal of Coastal Research 2, 205–210, with permission from JCR.
252 Coastal Gravel Systems

limit Berm

Swash lens

Step Still water level

Step face

Secondary step/ripples

Surf/nearshore zone

Figure 4 Nomenclature of gravel beach showing constructional berm and step positions relative to breaking wave and swash limit on a type 2
profile. Extensions of swash limit under extreme events will bring the beach crest into the landward edge of the beachface. In this nomenclature,
the nearshore starts seaward of the step. A type 3 profile may have a step at the gravel edge with a further extension of the intertidal zone
across a sand terrace before the nearshore zone occurs at the low-tide position. The likelihood of a surf zone developing seaward of the step is
usually only with type 3 profiles; type 1 profiles have a negligible if absent surf zone. Reproduced from Austin, M.J., Buscombe, D., 2008.
Morphological change and sediment dynamics of the beach step on a macro-tidal gravel beach. Marine Geology 249, 167–183.

acts in the same way as a dissipative surf zone. The step acts as a swash limit. Such berm building provides an additional
bar that leads to wave shoaling close to the shoreline. Step height mechanism for the maintenance of beachface reflectivity by
tends to increase with wave height. Buscombe and Masselink inducing beachface steepening, and as such is the most ob-
(2006) speculated that as wave heights increase, so does back- vious feature on most gravel beaches. Berm position is related
wash strength, thus activating vorticity generation, hydraulic to position in the tidal cycle, with extant berms generally re-
jump interaction with incoming bores, step generation, and lated to spring HT position. Berms are formed where a sig-
beachface reflectivity, all making this area the most spatially nificant proportion of the uprush infiltrates into the
concentrated and energetic in the breaker-swash zone. beachface, such that swash/backwash symmetry is most
The step formation partially depends on the breaking wave marked at this point. Water-table elevation may allow a berm
type (Miller, 1976), where short-period waves more likely to to be higher due to enhanced swash uprush. Berms created
break as plunging rollers develop the vortex roller structure within the spring-to-neap tide half-cycle are generally
that is generally associated with offshore sediment movement. ephemeral as stranded features, which tend to be reworked on
Surging breakers would be expected to flatten the step, rising spring limbs. Swash overtopping during the rising phase
whereas plunging breakers would steepen the step face. High of the tidal cycle induces vertical berm growth by causing the
energy and flow pressure at the step are indicative of turbulent berm to roll over landward and the crest to reestablish at the
lift of larger particles (Austin and Masselink, 2006; Ivamy and high-water mark. Austin and Masselink (2006) reported that
Kench, 2006; Austin and Buscombe, 2008), suggesting that the cross-shore location of the berm was principally controlled
onshore asymmetrical bores’ shoaling over the relatively flat by the general shoreline elevation and was dependent on the
step crest can advect sediment lifted at the step. Austin and phase of the spring–neap cycle, following similar observations
Masselink (2006) also made the contention that step growth by Hine (1979) in his model of berm development as a
was able to maintain a reflective beach profile. Where gravels function of phase of tidal cycle. The development of a berm
show a strong shape–size spectrum, the steps tend to be as- can be in the form of rollover of an accretional mass moving
sociated with larger spherical and roller-shaped particles upbeach (generally macro-tidal) or as a series of swash bars
(Bluck, 1967; Orford, 1975, Williams and Caldwell, 1988). that are welded against an upper berm (micro- to mesotidal)
(e.g., Pontee et al., 2004). All of this action is dependent on
the capacity of mobile sediment on the profile. Berm thickness
will be dependent on sediment availability. Both Bluck (1967; The Berm and Cusps
2011) and Orford (1975) and Orford et al. (2001) have
Berm formation is directly linked to sediment transport on- identified the strong potential of berm development to be
shore involving swash asymmetry due to infiltration at the related to size–shape availability (Figure 5). Where there is
Coastal Gravel Systems 253

(a) Cross-Beach particle grading by shape and size (b) Beach gravel facies

disk Imbricate medium
zone disk/blade zone
Particle Prolate 0.8 ? ? ?
1i reservoir Outer
1ii fill cobble frame
2i 5

Particle sphericity*
2iii 4
3i 2ii 2iv
2iv 4
3i Intertidal 0.6 ?
fringing 3iii 3ii 2ii
2 3ii/3iii 5 2iii
Glacigenic sand
m zone 2i ?
0 Basement 0.4 3i 1ii
0 10 m 1i
Storm Constructional step Downbeach Winnowed berms at 20 45 70 95 120
fan of land-
beach profiles, upbeach grading by size low tidal range, Median ‘B’ axis (mm)
ward dipping winnowed berms, and sphericity. (3ii/3iii/5).
overwash (3i).
sediment. * After Sneed and Folk (1958)
Overridden by fringing gravel ridge Rear of wavecut platform in glacigenic material

Figure 5 (a) The association of sediment assemblages (facies) and gravel-beach morphology from Llanrhystyd (west Wales). (b) Sediment
facies based on cluster analysis of nearly 400 beachface sediment samples based on particle size (B-axis) and morphology (Sneed and Folk’s
(1958) sphericity index). Facies nomenclature follows Bluck (1967). These are the probable facies’ beach positions, but not all facies are evident
at all times, though facies 1i and 1ii were a constant realization during the 2-year survey period. Reproduced from Orford, J.D., Forbes, D.L.,
Jennings, S.C., 2002. Organisational controls, typologies and time scales of paraglacial gravel-dominated coastal systems. Geomorphology 48,

wide size–shape potential, then availability of disks and with post-storm conditions in which longer-period incident
blades allow more substantial and steeper-faced berms under waves are present. The lack of swash cusps often reflects lack of
reflective upper-swash flows. incident swell waves susceptible to edge-wave excitation. Bluck
Clearly, any longshore gradient of swash reach elevation (2011) has presented a model of preferential cusp generation
will show stochastic variability (Hughes et al., 2010) as well as that is dependent upon tidal range and beach-sediment
any variability related to longshore variation in breaker height. thickness. Though the edge-wave model is widely held, there is
This means that perturbations in the berm–crest elevation are an alternative model presented based on a swash-circulation/
common. However, it is evident that strong rhythmic variation self-organization model (Werner and Fink, 1993; Masselink
in run-up can be forced, such that berm deposition is also et al., 1997; Masselink and Pattiaratchi, 1998).
disturbed in a rhythmic 3D morphology (longshore cusp
wavelengths of nearly tens of meters) that forms the landward
edge of swash cusps. Within the morphodynamics regime, this 10.9.5 Morpho-Sedimentary Approaches to Gravel-
morphology is associated with sub-harmonic edge waves Beach Morphodynamic Domains
(usually of 0/1-mode) excited on reflective beach slopes,
which can interfere with cross-shore swash flows to generate a Bluck (1967), in a seminal paper associated with modern
longshore rhythmic extension–retardation of run-up (Huntley gravel-beach studies, identified how the joint properties of
and Bowen, 1975). This variation interacts with the berm to sediment size and morphology could be influential in de-
form the ephemeral quasi-rhythmic cusps composed of veloping spatially differentiated, sediment facies across gravel
coarser sediment at the horns and finer sediment in the bays. beaches. He presented the concept of discrete cross-shore
Size differentiation of coarse particles being a marked feature zonal assemblages of large disks (beach crest) – medium
of gravel beaches, the differentiation between horns and bays blades – small rollers/spheroids – large rollers and cobble-
is much more marked than on sandy beaches, although sized spheroids (beach seaward edge), which could be related
gravel-beach cusps are less coherent morphologically, and are to the morphology of both berm and step, and the inter-berm-
more commonly a collection of loose sediment structures, step sorting surface. Orford (1975) and Orford et al. (2001)
sorted by size, and commonly forming lines of material down indicated that this zonation could be reduced to a continuum
the foreshore (Sherman et al., 1993). form of particle selection/rejection (under storm conditions),
Clearly, a range of spatially variable flow–sediment inter- with the discrete zones emerging as a consequence of sub-
actions occurs in cusp formation. Sherman et al. (1993) have sequent selective reworking of the available sediment range
shown how such morphologies develop over several tidal under constructive or fair-weather conditions associated with
cycles, with the coarser horns extending at lower tidal ele- berm building. The range of realized facies on any beach is
vations and, in turn, showing size–shape gradients as the strongly controlled by shape availability, such that beaches
limited sediment suites are spatially reworked. Extant cusps with isotropic lithologies, which show little morphological
are best seen at the highest tidal levels and can be associated variation from basic spheroids, tend not to show this
254 Coastal Gravel Systems

selectivity, so that size is the main spatial discriminator (Carr, swash–beach morphology and aggregate particle behavior that
1969; Carr et al., 1970). This explains why a dominance of underlies mosaics (facies) of particle populations.
early studies on south UK beaches (flint dominated) did not Buscombe and Masselink (2006) further proposed the in-
identify particle shape as a useful particle differentiator. It was sightful concept that it is in this mosaic inception and per-
only with consideration of anisotropic gravel populations by sistence that we should look for the detail of reflective
Bluck (1967) that particle shape was observed as an influential morphodynamics on gravel beaches. Mosaic variation is con-
element in beach-gravel analysis. sidered analogous to the bedforms resulting from the range of
Buscombe and Masselink (2006) proposed that the surf conditions and sediment/morphological variation asso-
standard morphodynamics associated with sand-based coastal ciated with intermediate and dissipative responses of sand
systems was neither replicable, nor sufficient, to explain the beaches. A further development that remains to be tested
time sequences and sediment variations that were established under detailed analysis is the suggestion presented by Carter
on gravel-based systems. They reviewed the complexity of and Orford (1993) and restated by Buscombe and Masselink
water–sediment interactions established in the gravel swash (2006: 44) that
zone, as well as the complexity of sediment selection and par-
tition. The latter, through both concepts of size–morphology the emergence of sorting patterns through selection, rejection, and
variation working together to produce hydraulic-equivalence- acceptance tend to create patterns which resist further movement.
defined selection, as well as particle acceptance and rejection as In other words, the formation of textural mosaics and morpholo-
gies would progressively have fewer configurational possibilities,
defined by both the transported sediment and the static-bed
which would limit further gravel reorganisation. Therefore, gravel
sediment to ensure overpassing and/or hiding, are identified as foreshores tend to become more organised, creating mosaics of
key elements of developing the mosaic of sediment distri- sediment which have a distinct form (the sediment structures of
butions that are a function of specific site character and back- Bluck, 1967, 1999), which are able to withstand and control
ground populations (Figure 6). Recent process-measurement transport (or limit work done – this notion is discussed in terms of
‘entropy’ by Carter and Orford, 1993).
work has begun to decompose the relationships between

The geometry of mixed beds - particle selection and rejection

leading to overpassing, armoring and sediment zonation.
(a) (b)

Fine Course v. course lag corridor
(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Rejection Course


Cross-shore: Course


After Carter (1988)

Figure 6 Exemplification, by size distribution changes, of how gravel populations can be differentiated to create both graded and discontinuous
size facies through particle selection, rejection, and acceptance. These are key mechanisms by which the process–particle–beach morphology
mosaics of gravel beaches are realized. Alongshore grading photo from Komar, P.D., 1998. Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Prentice Hall
New Jersey, 544 pp. Reproduced from Buscombe, D., Masselink, G., 2006. Concepts in gravel beach dynamics. Earth-Science Reviews 79,
Coastal Gravel Systems 255

They go on to note that this type of gravel organization may low-tidal-range systems, whereas in high-tidal-range systems,
exert a future ‘memory’ effect by providing a template for fu- this relative proportion is reduced in favor of the crest disks
ture morphology/sediment interactions through facies per- and outer cobble frames of the bottom beach. This strati-
sistence (Sherman et al., 1993) as a function of sediment graphical development cannot be divorced from the profile’s
relaxation and/or sediment inertia. Carter and Orford (1984, sediment volume balance, as regardless of tide range, pro-
1993) have suggested that sediment assemblages create pat- graded systems will show a stronger beachface domination of
terns, which may resist further change, as the formation of seaward-inclined pavements and imbricate-dominated sedi-
textural mosaics, and morphologies would progressively have ment assemblages, whereas transgressive sequences are gener-
fewer configurational possibilities, which would limit further ally dominated by landward-dipping overwash units, which are
reorganization. Such facies persistence, largely determined by exhumed in the midtide zone as the contemporary beachface
the ability to self-organize, has been suggested as a significant migrates landward under a rollover process.
characteristic of gravel beaches under changing conditions
(Sherman et al., 1993).
This concept of successional sediment facies may prove to 10.9.7 Gravel-Beach Profile Variation
be a fruitful way of exploring short-term to longer-term asso-
ciations with gravel dynamics, though crucial to this approach This size–morphology–density heterogeneity has proven to be
is providing effective measures of distribution character- a problem for any tendency to beach characterization solely by
ization. It is this linking of morphology with sediments that modal grain size. By extension, the definition of gravel-beach
underlines their conceptual framework of gravel-beach dy- type has also caused confusion (e.g., Caldwell and Williams,
namics, via what they term ‘morpho-sedimentary analysis’. 1986; Orford, 1986), particularly in relation to the charac-
Much still remains to be done to establish the state defin- terization of key elements of constructive/destructive morph-
itions, associated probabilities and system controls that ology. Later analyses have considered the macrostructural
underlie this concept, though Carter and Orford (1984, 1993) profile elements (e.g., distinctive gravel and sand zones) to
have already explored some of the analytical aspects of state show different structural types of profile as a function of
transitions within gravel assemblages, both cross-shore and geographical region, for example, Single and Hemmingsen’s
longshore. (2001) concern for a specific New Zealand mixed gravel and
sand profile compared to a ‘pure’ gravel profile characteristic
of the UK has probably overcompensated wave exposure as
10.9.6 Tidal Modulation against other variables structuring profile typology. Jennings
and Shulmeister (2002) through their tripartite analysis indi-
Tidal action is important in controlling wave access potentially cated distinctive profile differences, the variability of which is
in breaker type and character of swash, as the tidal frame rises/ still open to question. Types 1–3 could be variants of a bi-
falls (Jennings and Shulmeister, 2002; Pontee et al., 2004; modal sand-and-gravel sediment system where the pro-
Austin and Masselink, 2006; Buscombe and Masselink, 2006; portions of sand to gravel are structurally varying due to
Ivamy and Kench, 2006; Austin and Buscombe, 2008). Ivamy sediment supply and wave energy. Orford et al. (2003b)
and Kench (2006) identified that in a mesotidal system, the showed from a prograded Holocene dune and beach in
step control on both breaking and filtering of wind waves, was Northern Ireland how these varying sediment proportions
effectively lost by HT when wave breaking moved across the over a century scale have radically delivered a differing mor-
lower beach. Orford (1977) found that on a type 3 profile phodynamic beach regime from dissipative to reflective, which
with storm activity on a spring tide at high water (HW), in turn controls the depositional record. The resultant sub-
breaker type became spilling compared to plunging at LT and surface architecture of interbedded sand-and-gravel systems
that the potential for crestward transport of disks was more further identifies an implicit problem of gravel-beach analysis,
evident under such conditions, whereas at LT the rollers and in that commonly a surface-only description is used in the
spheroids were moving seaward, only to be held up by the profile characterization (a rare exception is provided by Horn
large cobble lag at the gravel edge. and Walton, 2007), such that even a supposedly pure gravel
Bluck (1999; 2011) has explicitly considered the role of feature of Chesil Beach, UK, has considerable fine sediments at
tidal range on the beachface as an inhibiting/accelerating depth, both as interstitial and primary bedding (Carr, 1969).
agent to the development of specific sediment assemblages Recent exploration of gravel-profile variation (Hayes et al.,
(mosaics). He indicated that with meso–macro-tidal range 2010) has begun to rectify this omission by showing the
(UK systems), the differentiation/selection regimes of the mid- sediment variation at depth beneath gravel systems both in its
beach are spatially extended, though this has to be seen as sediment type and mobility. Likewise, their work has started to
relative to both the available beach volume and the relative show the variation in gravel-beach profiles drawn from dif-
sand-to-gravel ratio. Both conditions will constrain the profile fering wave energy and sediment regimes (e.g., Oak, 1984),
type (Section 10.9.7) and, hence, mosaic-building capabilities. which underlines the limiting nature of existing profile
It is in this mid-beach zone (originally identified by his con- typologies.
cept of the sand-run as a winnowing–sorting–sieving environ- Step and berm development are identifiable as key elem-
ment) that what he termed ‘pavements of well-selected (by ents of gravel-beach profiles and indeed have been used to
size and shape) particles’ are enabled. He also gives major define within-variation of type 2 profiles (Caldwell and Wil-
credit to the selective seaward-dipping stratification of liams, 1986; Orford, 1986) due to changing incident wave
cusps as a principal element of midtide-prograding facies in character and profile persistence (memory effects). However,
256 Coastal Gravel Systems

though the earlier discussion of beach-profile types was based gravel areas where mosaic development under maximized re-
on the relative sand-to-gravel composition, there was a further flectivity is likely, whereas in any energy lees, the increasing
implicit structural element to gravel-beach disposition that sand element floods out much of the cross-beach mosaic
needs consideration. Proportions of sediment texture are only potential, with only large disks and imbricate smaller disks
one aspect of the structures of gravel-beach profiles, as both and blades evident at berm and ridge top. Overall, cross-beach
overall wave power, sediment supply, and the underlying facies development appears to be optimal on swash-aligned
basement upon which the profile is built, will interact to beaches where zero net longshore transport occurs, whereas
control profile development. beach systems dominated by longshore transport tend to be
Hayes et al. (2010) have attempted to differentiate types of characterized by less well-defined, cross-beach facies (Orford
gravel facies and structural controls on beach form, via the et al., 2002). In prograding systems, the interplay of storm
profile, as a function of wave-energy exposure (Figure 7). They construction of beach ridges and of fair-weather constructions
used characteristic profiles of open-ocean (Alaska and Australia), in the mid-beach- to low-beach area would tend to distort and
protected-bay (Alaska), and semi-enclosed sea (Wales) sites that mask the classic cross-beach facies gradients (Orford et al.,
exemplify variation in overall wave exposure – particularly in 2002).
swell and local wind-wave proportions. These profiles show The tendency of profiles to be cumulative can be explored
differences in the relative development of specific particle through the progradation of profiles within a drift-aligned
assemblages: large disks, imbricate disks, swash-reach berms, context. Bluck (1999; 2011) has considered the internal
winnowed berms, armored lags, and outer cobble frames – each structure in a dominantly gravel-based system along the
associated with an aggregate morphological envelope that reflect micro-tidal Namibian coastline, where the Orange River
feedback controls on sediment selection and sediment inertia. coarse sediment load is driving a 200-km zone of sediment-
There are also differing structural contexts on the profile’s rich drift-aligned gravel beaches and barrier. Bluck identified
subsurface, which are articulated through into the nearshore cusps as the integral morphological element exhibited in
shoaling slopes that influence the morphodynamic regime. beachface stratification, and regarded them as the causation of
Jackson et al. (2005) have cogently argued that insufficient at- the main sediment assemblages and thicknesses of deposition
tention has been given to the geological context of morphody- in the mid-beach area. Cusp might seem to be indicative of
namics, for example, through its control of overall shoaling a reflective regime; however, this coast is dominated by
slope, and, in the case of gravel beaches, this is crucial given the long-period oceanic swells that, on a low nearshore slope
neotectonic and paraglacial contexts that the gravel profiles of (associated with the prograding front of the regressive beach
Hayes et al. (2010) expose. Although morphodynamically, these sequence), indicate a more probable intermediate morpho-
profiles are all overall ‘reflective’ (mainly due to steep beach dynamic regime, associated with surf cusps, which are sub-
slope), the combination of: (1) the varying within-beach gradi- stantially longer in periodicity and have the potential to
ents, (2) the changing in situ bathymetric control on wave dominate the limited tidal range. It is unlikely that this
breaking (and breaker type) due to macro–mesotidal range, and cuspate condition will dominate depositional patterns on
(3) the radically shifting frictional transport surfaces presented by meso–macro-tidal transgressive coasts.
assemblages to swash flows during the tidal cycle, contribute to Neal et al. (2002) highlighted patterns of development in
local morphodynamic regimes that add to spatial partitions of mixed sand and gravel systems that are particularly well elu-
the regional reflective domain of the whole profile. In an attempt cidated through the possibilities offered by the differentiation
to differentiate sub-environments of sand beaches in the higher of radar facies using ground-penetrating radar. The radar facies
tidal range, the spatial concepts of inner- and outer-beach do- analysis of mixed sand-and-gravel beach ridges conducted by
main are used. This might prove to be a strategic approach that Neal et al. (2003) show a complex prograding sequence of
can be concentrated into further subdivisions of gravel systems foreshore, overtop, and overwash deposits associated with
linking toward the potential scale of mosaics. Much still needs to dominant berm-ridge deposits separated by seaward-dipping
be done to establish this type of profile partitioning and asso- bounding surfaces. The beach ridges are essentially composed
ciated feedback controls (cf. Buscombe and Masselink, 2006). of vertically stacked overtop/overwash units overlying the
One further dimension of profiles that needs to be con- berm ridges. The radar facies enabled Neal et al. (2003) to
sidered is that of beach volume and textural composition conclude that beach-ridge development in this mixed textural
available on the profile to be reorganized. Beach volume is a setting occurred under favorable conditions of overtopping
function of sediment supply and the degree to which sediment and overwashing of the upper beachface. They further identi-
supply or lack of supply allows the overall beach system to fied inter-annual to decade variations in wave climate, ante-
move in and out of drift alignment (sediment sufficiency) or cedent beach morphology, shoreline progradation rate, and
swash alignment (sediment deficiency). The greater the beach- sea level as the likely key factors that generate such favorable
sediment volume relative to tidal range, the less reflective the processes of beachface development.
beachface is likely to be, such that reflective morphodynamics
are more overt with swash alignment, than with drift align-
ment. Type 3 profiles in the UK tend to be associated with 10.9.8 Extreme Events, Barrier Overtopping, and
depleted sediment-drift- and swash-aligned systems within Overwashing: Bridging Short- to Long-Term
headland to bay-head systems. Segmentation of the drift sys- Morphodynamic Processes
tem encourages rotation of beaches to meet oblique incident
(and refracted) waves that partition sediment textures on a Beach morphodynamics are essentially process controlled by
longshore basis. This leads to less surface sand in exposed variation in incident wave, which is potentially dominated by
Coastal Gravel Systems 257

Cobbles and
boulders Boulders

(a) 12° LT



Increasing wave height and frequency

High-tide berms
(C + P)
(mobile fine gravel)

Beachface Low-tide terrace
zone (C)
zone (C + B)


zone Outer
Winnowed frame
berms (spheres and rollers)

Coa Sand
(d) rse

storm Moderate-sixed
berm Active storm berm

ridge Cobbles and
Armor boulders

(e) LT

Figure 7 Hayes et al. (2010) development of a gravel-beach profile typology adjusted for sediment variation from boulders through to sand, and
beach exposure to ocean-limited sea-protected coast wave-energy variation. Hayes’s type C profile equates to the type 1 dominant gravel profile
and a type D profile equates to the type 3 gravel and sand profile. Reproduced from Hayes, M.O., Michel, J., Betenbaugh, D.V., 2010. The
intermittently exposed, coarse-grained gravel beaches of Prince William Sound, Alaska: Comparison with Open-ocean gravel beaches. Journal of
Coastal Research 26, 4–30, with permission from JCR.
258 Coastal Gravel Systems

annual variation. However, with gravel systems, it may be tidally modulated constructional process, beach-crest building
postulated that there is a longer time–domain control im- is dependent principally on extreme events and the stochastic
posed by extreme events. Such events can generate extended realization of a small percentage of swash flows that can reach
run-up, superimposed upon surge increases also super- to an existing crest top (Hughes et al., 2010). Such extreme
imposed on tidal elevation, sufficient for swash to reach the events are commonly storm based, but overtopping has also
top of the beach crest (overtopping), or to cross the beach been associated with strong swell events (Carr, 1983). Lorang
crest to flow down the backbeach landward slope (over- (2000, 2002) has considered the dynamics of crest building as
washing). Although these processes are not per se part of the a function of particle size and wave run-up.
traditional morphodynamic regime, it is proposed that as The extension of flows sufficient to start overwashing and
these low-frequency events are sufficient to control overall movement of backbeach material landward via either dis-
beach-crest height (Orford et al., 2002), thereby forming a crete washover fans (assisted by the excitation of high-level
boundary condition to the morphodynamic regime as well as beachface cusps that concentrate swash uprush sufficient to
the morpho-sedimentary regime by which barriers are mo- eroded crest-top throats), or breach positions across the
bilized. Extreme-event processes are strategically sufficient for strike of the beach crest, associated with later backbarrier,
inclusion into the process set for gravel morphodynamics fan transport landward are crucial to the beach-to-barrier
systems. Swash overtopping tends to build the crest elevation, transition and have links to antecedent morphodynamic
and by further steepening the overall beach gradient, increase beachface products. Orford and Carter (1984) identified the
reflectivity. Swash overwashing reduces the crest height and overwash process on an Irish gravel barrier, as leaving a
with landward passage of swash (overwash) to infiltrate on the strong rhythmic spacing of throats, probably templated to
backbeach slope, can radically reduce overall beachface re- the palimpsest of old (or in the same event?) storm-
flectivity by asserting a backbeach spatial dissipative regime generated upper beachface swash cusps triggered by sub-
(Figure 8). harmonic-excited-edge waves. This longshore consistency of
Beach-ridge building may have analogous elements of the overwash process is potentially a morphodynamic
berm building, but, whereas, berm construction is generally a mechanism associating with landward displacement of the

Catastrophic overwash
Rmax >>>> Bh ?
? ?

3: freeb Sluicing overwash
Mo ative R max >>> B h
Maximum runup: R max

Rmax >> Bh ==BBh
r e ebo
2 ::NNeeu
dee 2
M a rd
1: eebo
Overtop de fr
Mo itive
Rmax = Bh s

Surge +
Erosion Deposition
run-up level

Beachcrest height: B h

Figure 8 Schematic representation of stages of barrier overtopping and overwashing as determined by the relative value of Rmax (maximum
elevation of surge plus run-up volumes) minus Bh (barrier-crest elevation) that defines freeboard or barrier resistance to cross-barrier crest
flows. Three modes of freeboard are identified with schematic association of different scenarios of beachface reworking, crest overtopping, and
crest overwashing. Note that more extreme values of overwashing will lead to greater degree of reorganization of backbarrier sediments.
Catastrophic overwashing that would lead to major leveling of the barrier ( ¼ breakdown) has yet to be observed on gravel-dominated barriers in
the UK.
Coastal Gravel Systems 259

barrier under high-level storm, plus surge-generated, dissi- 10.9.9 Barrier Resilience and the Morphodynamic
pative flows. Such a process is probably continued by any Perspective
increasing extremity of the generating event. Orford et al.
(2003a) identified a spatial extension to increasing extreme The resilience of gravel barriers is an issue that has been less
events, with the merger of longshore fans associated with a addressed than other aspects of barrier dynamics, probably
broadening of throats to such a point that the entire crest because such resilience occurs in response to rare forcing
top had been translated landward by what has been termed events of extreme energy that impact on the short- to longer-
sluicing overwash (Orford and Carter, 1982). It is only with term morphodynamics of the barrier, or involve long-term
an increase in mean sea-level position (secular rise) that barrier functioning that cannot be monitored without re-
such landward deposition can be re-incorporated into the course to chronostratigraphic methods. An example of long-
general body of the barrier (Orford et al., 1996) through the term barrier resilience related to the pulsating activity of tidal
distinctive ‘rollover’ process associated with transgressive inlets (repeated openings and closures) has been described by
barriers. Long et al. (2006), with reference to Dungeness foreland, UK.
There is one element of this sediment change that needs A true gravel beachface morphodynamic perspective has only
further observation: how does a fringing beach become a been addressed by Orford et al. (2003a) who identified
barrier (with a distinctive backslope)? Clearly, there is a rela- how an artificially maintained gravel barrier in southwestern
tionship between definitive construction of a beach crest or England (Porlock, Somerset) was overwhelmed by an intense
beach ridge via the overtopping developments at the swash westerly depression (degenerate ex-hurricane Lili 1996, rated
limit under extreme events. In this sense, there is a potential at 1: 100 year event) by which the beach crest was set back and
limit to the growth of the crest through the availability of virtually flattened by sluicing overwash (Figure 9). Subsequent
extreme events that only build up a crest, as opposed to flows cross-barrier profiles over a period of 4 years showed how this
being too extreme, such that overwashing lowers a crest. The dissipative spatial extension was reorganized by the range of
balance of probabilities means that overtopping, even with normal swash flows to produce a new beach crest at the new
marginal occurrence, is more likely than overwashing, so that landward edge of prevailing swash reach that was landward of
crest building will take place to form at the effective swash the old crest line. Reworking of beachface sediment allowed a
limit at a rising elevation, which then defines an emerging progressive elevation and slight seaward migration of the
backbeach/barrier slope. beach crest out of the original washover fans. This rebuilding

9 Pre-Lili
Crest elevation change (m)

May 2000
March 2000
December 2000

9 July 1999
8 February 1999

7 6 Post Lili October 1996

Elevation (m O.D.)

6 Trajectory of resistance
5 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0
December 1988 Crest horizontal change (m)
February 1999
3 July 1999

2 March 2000 Proposed

May 2000 post-event
1 profile October 1996
December 2000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Distance (m)
Figure 9 An example of gravel-barrier resilience observed through the long term (sub-decade changes). Barrier profiles are drawn from Porlock
gravel barrier before and after the effects of ex-hurricane Lili in reorganizing the barrier in October 1996. Beach profiles are from a mix of
sources: the 1988 profile is from UK Environment Agency, and Bray and Duane (2001) between 1999 and 2001. Note the barrier crest rebuilding
evident between July 1999 and December 2000. The structural change in crest height and crest spatial position defines the trajectory of
resilience (inset), as the crest is rebuilt and dissipative cross-barrier flows turn into reflective flows as the crest berm is rebuilt and limits swash
260 Coastal Gravel Systems

identifies how overtopping swash raises a new berm (incipient interaction of tidal-modulated control on surge level relative
crest) that concentrates swash flows to the new beachface and to the barrier crest (Figure 10) and the changing ratio of
reestablishes the reflective morphodynamic regime. However, overwash to overtopping thereby allowed. In this case, the
the lower overall beach slope associated with this natural, resilience of the barrier is set to a diurnal scale. Resilience was
more stable, beach crest means a reduced morphodynamic related to original width of the barrier such that, despite the
reflectivity. There is a sense of long-term barrier reorganization landward migration of the crest, the peak surge was insuffi-
as expressed by a trajectory of the crest position in a time/ cient to level the barrier as in the case of Porlock, and as such,
elevation space, which illustrates the long-term (multi-annual) barrier restructuring left a sufficient sediment volume to act as
development of barrier resilience (inset to Figure 9). a feedback brake on redistributing barrier sediment during the
Orford et al. (2003a) also presented an example of a rad- falling tide, which allowed a fast crest rebuilding through
ically faster barrier-resilience timescale, in which a north overtopping, as the wave plus surge elevation fell relative to
Norfolk (Cley, UK) gravel barrier was reorganized during an the freeboard of the barrier crest.
extreme event (The North Sea Flood of 1953, rated at 1:4100 The susceptibility to resilience, and the attendant mor-
years) that Lamb (1991) referred to as the most extreme storm phodynamics of a gravel barrier appear to be subordinated,
of the twentieth century in the North Sea. Using aerial pho- judging from the examples analyzed by Orford et al. (2003a),
tography taken immediately after the event, distinctive evi- to both intrinsic and extrinsic large-scale controls that include
dence of sluicing overwash, throat–washover fans, and barrier size, antecedent beachface morphodynamic status
crest–overtop morphology (based on longshore and onshore (essentially the degree of coarse-grained-induced beachface
size variation) was used to support interpretation of a se- reflectivity and finer-grained-induced dissipativeness, generally
quence of barrier-crest and backbarrier sediment reorganiza- of a lower foreshore, when this latter exists), storm intensity
tion phases during the post-surge peak. These reorganization (eventually tsunami intensity) and duration, and tidal
phases have been interpreted as being related to the modulation (essentially a function of tidal range and tidal

Surge + run-up level

Relative crest

a Barrier crest position


Deposition Erosion

Onshore b
d Overtop (Z1)

Relative height change

a Sluicing overwash (Z3)

b d

Barrier crest height (b)

(Z2 + Z1)

Freeboard status

− Mode 3 c
a Bar development?
Mode 2
LT Mode 1 HT d LT
+ Tidal cycle
Reflective Dissipative

Figure 10 Schematic control on storm-surge overwash as a result of freeboard availability based on Blakeney gravel-barrier response to the
1953 extreme storm (North Sea Flood). Freeboard is controlled by the difference between tidal modulation of surge þ run-up elevation and
barrier–crest elevation. Variation in freeboard identifies three domains ((a)–(c)) of morphology associated with dissipative overtop and overwash
conditions. Domain (d) is the reflective domain of the beach face where overtopping has ceased due to falling tidal elevation. Modulation of a
constant extreme storm-surge elevation by semi-diurnal tidal cycle generates both variable barrier-crest elevation and variable barrier-crest spatial
position, as a consequence of fluctuating overtop–overwash flow volumes. This is a graph of resilience in which spatial position and time of crest
height in a semi-diurnal tidal cycle are considered. Z1–Z3 are stages of overwashing and overtopping morphology identified in Orford, J.D.,
Jennings, S.C., Pethick, J., 2003a. Extreme storm effect on gravel-dominated barriers. Coastal Sediments’03. In: Davis, R.A. (Ed.) Proceedings of
the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003. World Scientific Publishing Corporation and East Meets West Productions, Corpus
Christi, TX, CD-ROM, 12 pp. (ISBN 981-238-422-7), with permission from World Scientific Publishing.
Coastal Gravel Systems 261

residence times in the course of the tidal excursion). Besides sediment characteristics of this condition link back to the
sheer barrier volume (as in the case of Cley), the morphody- likely mosaics realization. This is a limited discernable linkage
namic component of such resilience over time is hinged on between barrier behavior and morphodynamics per se, though
the morpho-sedimentary context that must be considered a barriers will relate to morphodynamics also via the nearshore
pervasive element of gravel-barrier dynamics. Response to slope. Prograding barriers, by the context of beachface sedi-
high-energy events may not involve offshore gravel loss but a ment surplus, are likely to show less reflective conditions given
spatial beachface redistribution of sediments that modulates shallower nearshore slopes, whereas transgressive barriers are
the ensuing morphodynamics and involving a rapid change potentially more likely to be reflective due to steeper beachface
(hinged on storm and tidal modulation conditions) from slopes. However, the nature of offshore slope tendency with
steep reflective to flatter, more dissipative. The latter involves transgressive barriers is not unequivocal, as without the ad-
energy loss by swash run-up and seepage over a wider and justment cover of a sediment surplus (as in prograding sys-
flatter beachface, and a slow progressive shift (under ‘modal’ tems), they are defined by the chance nature of a submerging
energy conditions) to more reflective beachface conditions. landscape.
The role of particle zoning, the importance of which has
been highlighted earlier in the upper beach to beach–crest
10.9.10 Morphodynamics and Long-Term Gravel area parallel to the shore, has been suggested as an important
Barrier Development criterion in the ratio of overtopping to overwashing. This is
thereby a measure of barrier stability (Forbes et al., 1995),
Given the time domains of morphodynamic analysis, there which is therefore an index of barrier behavior, though not a
appears to be little overt relationship between morphody- determinant. Forbes et al. (1995) provided detail of sediment
namic domain development per se, and long-term barrier de- size and shape variability in space and time with both
velopment. To develop an analysis, a relationship must be stable and unstable gravel barriers to show how realization of
shown between morphodynamic regime and the basic con- facies may be interpreted as a function of barrier mobility. The
trolling factors, such that gravel-barrier genesis and evolution presence of distinct zoned facies associated with more con-
are engendered. The following analysis is based on Anthony’s sistent sorting of particle shape and size is more likely to be
(2009) review of controls on barrier development. associated with overtopping, whereas barriers with disjointed
Macroscale controls on gravel-barrier development have sorting trends and disturbed facies are likely to be dominated
been thoroughly examined by Forbes et al. (1995) and Orford by overwash and barrier rollover. Orford et al. (2002) sug-
et al. (1995, 2001, 2002), especially with regard to the forcing gested, for instance, that the development of a large disk
functions of sea level, sediment supply, and basement control. population in the upper beach is more probable under over-
Gravel-barrier development appears to be a complex function topping than overwashing conditions, possibly serving as a
of sediment-supply conditions, (inducing aspects of drift- and prelude to barrier overstepping (Orford and Carter, 1995).
swash alignment), and relative sea-level change (RSL). Gravel Facies arrangements are unlikely to persist in transgressive
beaches may be swash- or drift aligned, the difference in state barriers dominated by storm activity, which causes both on-
relating to the balance between the potential longshore shore overwashing and mid-beach downcombing. The impli-
transport rate as an energy term and the availability of sedi- cations are that sediment assemblages as mosaics may be
ment to be transported along the shore by this energy (Orford indicative of past persistent trends, but are not in themselves
et al., 1996, 2002). A longshore sediment-rich supply results determinants of future barrier behavior, though in a Bayesian
in drift alignment, whereas sediment scarcity in longshore probability context, they may be an a priori statement of likely
supply results in swash alignment (Figure 11). Sea-level rise is post priori future outcomes as characterizing the likely macro
identified as a major factor in controlling the rate of terrestrial status of the barrier.
sediment supply to the beachface, but this effect is modulated A further dimension of morphodynamic linkages lies with
by variations in availability of sediment volume (Orford et al., the view that gravel barriers may be self-organizing forms
1995, 2002; Chadwick et al., 2005). Variation in sediment (Forbes et al., 1995; Orford et al., 2002), based on the capacity
supply or wave climate can induce beachface reworking, with for barriers to develop as a patterned state, from an initial
persistent longshore loss being identified as the starting do- unpatterned state, with characteristic scales indirectly related
main of cannibalization (Dolique and Anthony, 1998; Isla to the length scale of the external forcing. These workers ar-
and Bujalesky, 2000; Anthony and Dolique, 2001; Orford gued that barrier behavior is conditioned by negative and
et al., 2002), which eventually ends with swash alignment and positive feedback into both patterned and unpatterned states,
the minimization (approaching a net zero rate) of longshore but in the case of self-organized systems with energy inputs,
reworking in favor of cross-beach reworking. The consoli- the state realization pathway is directed toward organized ra-
dation of swash-aligned sediment into a single crested barrier ther than disorganized states. Long periods of negative feed-
and its subsequent landward migration will be dependent back are associated with self-regulation. During such periods,
upon the rate of sea-level rise. Jennings et al. (1998) have used wave–sediment interaction acts to reduce the impact of forcing
associated back-barrier paleo-ecological evidence to indicate perturbations and to stabilize the barrier and provide the
that the coherence and continuity of swash-aligned barriers template that dictates mosaic realization. These long phases of
were controlled by low rates of sea-level rise (c. o4 mm yr1), negative feedback are punctuated by short spates of barrier
with progressive discontinuity (tidal breaches) occurring as breakdown followed by rapid reorganization that leads to new
RSL rise increased to 46 mm yr1. Single-crested barriers are barrier formation. What is yet to be established is the extent to
most likely associated with transgressive conditions and the which extant mosaics may prolong barrier stability.
262 Coastal Gravel Systems

Source Overlapping prograding corridor/sink


Wave cre
Qy ≥ 0
Breaker approach
Drift-aligned barrier

Rolling source ‘cannibalizing’ the corridor Corridor/sink

Back-barrier lagoon
Depletion of sediment source

rock basement

Depleting source

Qy = 0 Breaker Qy ≥ 0 Qy ≥ 0
Cannibalizing barrier

Onshore migrating sink

rock basement


Depleted source Qy = 0 Qy = 0
Breaker approach

Swash-aligned barrier

Figure 11 A strategic difference in barriers is between drift-aligned (sediment rich) and swash-aligned (sediment poor to starved) barriers. The
former are related to high sediment supply, dominantly from alongshore; the latter occur when longshore sediment supply dwindles. Barriers
experiencing a diminishing sediment supply tend to reshape themselves through cannibalization, by which existing beach sediment is reworked
down drift along the dominant transport corridor, as a diminishing substitute for an exhausted terrestrial source. This sediment realignment is
progressive along the barrier until the planform of the beach matches the refraction arc of the breaking wave and no further longshore reworking
can take place. At the swash-aligned stage, cross-beach transport dominates and mosaics are potentially best developed. Cross-beach sediment
transport is accelerated if secular sea-level rises, driving overwash and barrier rollover that fragment the mosaics. Reproduced from Orford, J.D.,
Forbes, D.L., Jennings, S.C., 2002. Organisational controls, typologies and time scales of paraglacial gravel-dominated coastal systems.
Geomorphology 48, 51–85.

This ability to self-organize determines a further dimension members representing system stability, and between which the
of the resilience of transgressive gravel barriers. Self-organiza- system may switch. Morphodynamics are critical within the
tion may operate at the ‘microscale’ mosaic level, but can be stability phases, and also through the reassertions of beachface
translated, via process stability, into ‘macroscale’ self-organ- development, are influential in the process of rebuilding bar-
ization. Orford et al. (2002) suggested that at this larger scale riers in the post-reorganization (breakdown) phase.
self-organization is expressed through either positional stabil-
ity in the form of a stationary barrier, or positional instability
via rollover. Positional stability is associated with the growth or 10.9.11 Morphodynamic Implications of Human
consolidation modes of development defined by Orford et al. Intervention on Gravel Systems
(1996) with the establishment of a single ridge controlled by
overtopping processes, whereas positional instability is asso- Human intervention into the coastal zone has been acceler-
ciated with the breakdown mode, dominated by barrier roll- ating during the twentieth century and its cumulative impact
over due to overwashing. Orford et al. (2002) argued that on deflecting coastal systems has left a substantive and non-
because positional stability and instability are measures of self- transient legacy. Gravel systems in the UK have been exten-
organization, they may both be considered as two end sively used in coastal defense, as gravel-based coastal barriers
Coastal Gravel Systems 263

occur as a major component of coastal length. Gravel-based downslope during autumn and winter storms. These storms
barriers are reworked in two principal ways: (1) the heights of are associated with plunging waves that are particularly
barriers are extended by physical re-profiling from the barrier effective and concentrated, on this almost tideless shore, over
front and rear and (2) the width of the beachface is aug- the narrow active zone of the beach profile where steep re-
mented by the adding of gravel volume (renourishment) so flective berms are built. The high dynamic pressures associated
that the beach buffering effect during extreme events is en- with this narrow zone of concentrated wave breaking, and
hanced. Neither method is mutually exclusive, with many energy reflection from the steepened profile, are deemed to
examples from southeast UK showing both reasons tied as contribute to the transport of gravel downslope to depths
justification of gravel modification. Both methods are seen as from which it cannot be recovered by fair-weather waves.
supporting the beach as a flood-defense scheme (FDS), by Renourishing gravel-based beaches along the southern
which the beach is used as a physical barrier to wave energy coast of England has been a major element in maintaining
and elevated storm plus tide-water levels, which might these contemporary sediment-scarce, flint-dominated, gravel
otherwise inundate any of property, infrastructure, services, beaches as a buffer to wave flooding and erosion of property
and/or agricultural land at the rear of the barrier. This inter- and infrastructure, over the past half century. These gravel-
vention is now essentially an economic cost–benefit action, dominated beaches lack a substantial sand component due to
though since EU habitat legislation (Natura, 2000) the use of regional sediment partitioning by tidal dynamics in the east-
maintained gravel barriers as FDS has become a principal ern English Channel (Anthony, 2002). A number of these
element in maintenance of biodiversity, for example, the southern English beaches have a history of three to four
maintenance of coastal freshwater wetlands for avian diversity. phases of alternating between drift and swash alignment over
These developments are currently of great concern given the the last 5000 years (Orford and Jennings, 2007), but are cur-
potential for rapid coastal change under accelerating sea-level rently in a regional sediment-deficit mode that necessitates
change; however, consideration in this section will only be major renourishment to prevent shoreline retreat. The con-
made of what such changes might do to the beach–barrier tinuing reflectivity of these transgressive-tending profiles is
morphodynamics. likely to accelerate losses of sediment longshore and offshore.
In effect, heightening of the crest is designed to prevent Powell (1990) has attempted to establish an equilibrium
swash uprush from either overtopping or overwashing, that is, profile for these renourished gravels, but as it does not specify
the barrier acts as an impermeable dyke or FDS for the back- the morphodynamics state of the system, it is unlikely to be
barrier locale. This has a major unintended consequence, as effective in predicting a long-term (decade) statement of
this action reduces the long-term geomorphologic functioning eventual beach behavior. The need for active recharge within
of the barrier. It cannot respond to sea-level change or climate- decades does not allow the development of mosaics that may
change-induced wave forcing, by retreating through rollover. pattern the sediment into more stable configuration. Likewise,
Over time, the barrier is placed in an increasing out-of- the forcing of profiles into non-swash aligned solutions is also
equilibrium position through enforced spatial stability. Crest preventing the assertion of stable mosaics given the artificial
heightening may enhance morphodynamic reflectivity by enhancement of longshore transport.
steepening the overall beachface gradient. It also means that
the asymmetry of cross-beach sediment transport is accentu-
ated toward the offshore direction especially under storm ac- 10.9.12 Conclusions
tivity, such that beachface sediment volume may be reduced.
Bradbury and Orford (2007) have shown that crest mainten- The past decade has seen a substantial development in
ance of a Norfolk (UK) gravel barrier has been associated with understanding about gravel beachface processes and re-
the loss of nearly 25% of the barrier’s cross-section volume sponses, which are complementary to the development of
during the half-century that this barrier has been maintained knowledge concerning gravel-barrier origin and evolution
both in position and crest elevation. during the preceding decade. The use of these two concept sets
Significant loss of nourished gravel may occur where gravel is not unitary with respect to establishing morphodynamic
beaches are fringed by a steep nearshore zone, essentially in understanding of coastal gravel systems. There is certainly
the Mediterranean. The 4.5-km-long gravel beach fronting the strength to a recognition that the reflective domain of steeply
city of Nice, on the French Riviera, in southeastern France, was sloping gravel systems is not as unexciting as may have been
artificially nourished from 1976 to 2005 to the tune of postulated from the first flush of success in its analysis on
558 000 m3, making this long-term operation one of the most sand-based systems. Although the scale of variation of bed-
significant for gravel beaches in the world. Beach width did form is substantially less in gravel systems than their sandier
not increase over this 30-year period of massive gravel nour- counterparts, there is a beginning of recognition of the variety
ishment, thus clearly implying loss of recharged gravel off- of process–morphology–sedimentary responses that can be
shore on this steep coastal margin. Gravel loss following encapsulated in a micro-scale, morpho-sedimentary analysis
nourishment is probably favored by the practice of artificial that needs further exposition. It is expected that this devel-
beach widening through flattening of a 5–15-m-wide ‘active’ opment, based both on probability approaches and event
zone of the profile in summer in order to enhance the realization analysis, will be helped by context in a morpho-
‘carrying’ capacity of this highly frequented beach. Beach dynamic perspective. However, any upscaling links of this type
widening and flattening following nourishment bring close to of analysis are still uncertain with respect to future macroscale
the very steep inner shoreface zone, several cubic meters of perspectives on the traditional morpho-sedimentary analysis
gravel for each meter of beach that may be permanently lost associated with gravel-dominated barriers.
264 Coastal Gravel Systems

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266 Coastal Gravel Systems

Biographical Sketch

Julian Orford obtained his PhD (1978) from Reading University and has worked in geography at Queen’s
University, Belfast since 1977. He is professor of physical geography and was head of the School of Geography,
Archaeology and Palaeoecology (2005–09) at Queen’s. His research has concentrated on the dynamics and
development of gravel beaches and barriers in Britain, Ireland, and eastern Canada, with respect to relative sea-
level change and sediment supply. Over the past decade, he has been working on the responses of coastal
morphologies to both sea-level change and increased storminess related to climatic change. In particular, he is
focusing on the trigger role of extreme events on coastal morphology, beach/dune interactions, and swash-aligned
gravel barrier behavior. His research work on coastal function and behavior has stimulated collaboration with EU
R&D, UK Government agencies, NGOs, and coastal consultancies over the future of the UK coastline and in-

Edward Anthony obtained his PhD (1982) and D Litt (1988) theses at the University of Strasbourg. Following an
earlier lectureship at the University of Nice (1988–94), where he first became involved with gravel beaches, he
moved to a professorial position at the Université du Littoral in Dunkerque, a new university strongly involved in
coastal research, where he was involved in teaching, research, and top-level administration from 1994 to 2009,
before moving to Aix-Marseille University. Over the past decade, he has been working on the morphodynamics of
macrotidal bar–trough beaches, on beach–dune interactions, on Holocene coastal paleoenvironments in
northern France and in West Africa, and on sedimentary processes associated with the muddy Amazon-influenced
coast of South America.
10.10 Beach and Dune Interaction
C Houser, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
J Ellis, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.10.1 Introduction 267

10.10.2 Process-Scale Aeolian Transport from Beach to Dune 268 Boundary Layers, Sediment Entrainment, and Transport 268 Transport Models 268 Surface Moisture and Crusts 269 Topographic Variability and Vegetation 270 Fetch 272
10.10.3 Beach–Dune Interaction at Tidal and Storm-Scales 272 Transport Potential and Sediment Supply 272 Beach and Backshore Accretion 274 Backshore Erosion and Dune Scarping 276 Wrack and Lag 277
10.10.4 Beach–Dune Interaction over the Holocene 277
10.10.5 Beach–Dune Interaction Models 279
10.10.6 Conclusions 282
References 282


This chapter examines beach–dune interactions, the sediment transport, and morphological connection between beach and
dune systems, from a process perspective. We introduce the components of beach-dune interactions from small to large
temporal scales: process, tidal and storm, and Holocene. The chapter concludes by integrating the previously discussed
concepts and introducing dominant beach–dune interaction models. Linking these processes over a range of spatial and
temporal scales has proven quite difficult, remains an important focus of the science, and provides opportunity for future

10.10.1 Introduction waves and surge during storms (Leatherman, 1979; Kriebel
and Dean, 1985; Thom and Hall, 1991).
Coastal dunes occur along many of the world’s marine and In general, coastal dunes develop where there is an avail-
freshwater coasts, and range in size from small hummocks to able supply of beach sediment (Swift, 1976), a sufficient fetch
large, shore-parallel ridges, and to complex transgressive for the transport of sediment from the beachface to the
dunefields that extend inland for tens of kilometers. Ultim- backshore (Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003), and vegetation
ately, dune development depends on the exchange of sedi- to capture the sediment (Nickling and Davidson-Arnott, 1990;
ment between the beach and backshore by wind, which varies Davidson-Arnott, 2005; Davidson-Arnott et al., 2005). Inter-
with the speed and direction of the wind, tidal range, the vening factors that may modulate sand transport by wind
availability and characteristics of sediment, and the morpho- include the intrinsic properties of beach–dune interfaces, such
dynamic state of the beach and nearshore. Differences in the as microscale topography, vegetation cover, moisture content,
rate of dune formation and morphology reflect differences in and extrinsic factors, such as surrounding morphology and
the wind regime, wave climate, temperature and precipitation, storm wave impact on the upper beach and dune front. Our
littoral sediment supply, sediment size and mineralogy, and understanding of the interactions between beach and dune
vegetation type and density (Olson, 1958a, b; Jennings, 1964; systems is complicated by the need to link aeolian, swash, and
Ritchie, 1972; Borowka, 1980; Short and Hesp, 1982; Pye, nearshore processes over a sequence of alternating erosional
1982, 1983; Hesp, 1989; Klijn, 1990). The amount of sedi- and accretional periods. Due to the complexity of linking
ment transported from beach to dune is also regulated (to these processes, predictions of beach–dune sediment budgets
varying degrees) by erosion and washover of the dune by and morphological change based on empirical relationships
are not reliable at the smallest spatial and temporal scales
(Sherman et al., 1998) and tenuous when extrapolated to re-
gional scales (see Davidson-Arnott and Law, 1996; Davidson-
Houser, C., Ellis, J., 2013. Beach and dune interaction. In: Shroder, J.
Arnott et al., 2005).
(Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, The short-term processes affecting beach–dune systems are
pp. 267–288. largely dependent on the balance of the aeolian transport

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 267

268 Beach and Dune Interaction

potential and the intensity of storms that erode the backshore Unless the wind is steady, using the Prandtl-von Kármán
and scarp the dune. Long-term patterns of dune develop- equation to estimate shear stress can introduce significant
ment are dependent on sediment supply, which is in turn errors (Bauer et al., 1992; Namikas, 2003) that are com-
dependent on the availability of sediment from alongshore, pounded when estimating the sediment transport rate (Sher-
and offshore sources, and sufficient time for dune recovery man and Hotta, 1990), especially when employing models
following storm activity (Sabatier et al., 2009). Sherman and such as Bagnold’s (1936) that cube shear velocity.
Bauer (1993) suggested that a ‘robust conceptual framework In general, grains will be moved by the wind when the
or grand, unifying theory’ of beach–dune systems requires that fluid forces of lift and drag overcome the effects of the weight
‘small-scale’ aeolian sediment transport processes can be in- of the particle and cohesion between adjacent particles. The
tegrated with ‘mesoscale’ investigations of beach morphology, drag force results from the fluid flow over and around the
and dune evolution and the development of beach–dune exposed particle (i.e., the shear stress), whereas the lift force
systems over the Holocene. This review of beach–dune inter- results from lower fluid static pressure above the grain and the
action is structured relative to those different time scales and steep velocity gradients at the grain surface. The shear velocity
concludes with a review of the conceptual models that try to required for the initiation of motion depends largely on the
integrate process and form across several of those scales. grain diameter and a coefficient, which varies with sediment
packing and shape (Iversen et al., 1976). For a more detailed
discussion on the initiation of motion, refer Bagnold (1941),
Hunt and Nalpanis (1985), Middleton and Southard (1984),
10.10.2 Process-Scale Aeolian Transport from
or see Chapter 11.6. Once entrained, the dominant mode of
Beach to Dune
sand transport is saltation (Bagnold, 1941). When aero-
dynamically entrained grains impact the sediment surface,
Ultimately, beach–dune interaction depends on aeolian sedi-
they transfer momentum to the stationary grains on the bed.
ment transport across the beach and backshore. This section
In other words, there is a cascade effect in which the few
examines the transport processes that are unique to the beach
aerodynamically entrained grains cause an exponential in-
and backshore environment. More details about boundary
crease in the number of grains in motion across the beach;
layers and aeolian sediment transport are found in Bauer
generally the newly entrained grains move via reptation.
(1991) and in Chapter 11.6 of this Treatise.
Equilibrium or steady-state saltation develops very rapidly
(1–2 s), which some suggest may translate into a large dis-
tance for equilibrium transport to develop across the beach Boundary Layers, Sediment Entrainment, and
(e.g., Gillette et al., 1996).
Much of the interaction between beach and dune occurs on
the backshore, a transitional area between the dynamic wave- Transport Models
and tide-dominated surf and swash zones, and the dunes built
through aeolian transport. The availability of sediment on the Various methods are used to measure sediment transport rates
backshore is dependent on deposition of beach or dune in the beach–dune environment: vertical and horizontal traps
sediment during storms when water levels tend to be elevated (Bagnold, 1938; Leatherman, 1978; Nickling and McKenna
above normal tidal heights (see Section Transport Neuman, 1997; Rasmussen and Mikkelsen, 1998; Wang and
of this sediment is dependent on the ability of onshore winds Kraus, 1999), sediment tracers (Willetts and Rice, 1985), and
to entrain and transport more sediment from the beach to the sensors (Stockton and Gillette, 1990; Spaan and van den
dune than is lost from the dune during storms that erode Abeele, 1991; Baas, 2004; Davidson-Arnott and Bauer, 2009;
the dune. Ultimately, the amount of sediment transport across Ellis et al., 2009; Udo, 2009; Sherman et al., 2011). Tradi-
the backshore from beach to dune depends on the adjustment tionally, transport rates are ascertained using sets of traps that
of the wind to the beach morphology and size (fetch), the passively collect transporting sand. More recently, sensors are
limits to transport and the presence of vegetation to capture used to directly or indirectly measure transport rates. However,
the sediment. However, our understanding of small-scale field-based measurements are not always feasible and sedi-
sediment transport processes on the beach, backshore, and ment transport rates are estimated using models (Bagnold,
dune are confounded by limitations of the available technol- 1936; Kawamura, 1951; Zingg, 1953; Kadib, 1965; Hsu, 1973;
ogy and the complexity of the transport in the prototype. Lettau and Lettau, 1977; Horikawa et al., 1986; McEwan and
Wind blowing over a surface leads to the formation of a Willetts, 1994). These models are similar in that they include
boundary layer, the region closest to the surface, which is empirical ‘constants’ and are based mainly on wind tunnel
slowed by the frictional resistance offered by the sediment and experiments. The first model for sediment transport rate (q)
other roughness elements (pebbles, shells, wrack, etc.). The was introduced by Bagnold (1936). Kawamura (1951) in-
lower portion of the wind profile over a flat homogenous cluded a threshold shear velocity for the first time. The
surface is defined as a log-linear increase in velocity with in- performance of these models and others like them is highly
creasing height (Oke, 1978) as described by the Prandtl-von variable from site to site (e.g., Svasek and Terwindt, 1974;
Kármán equation, or ‘Law of the Wall.’ Beaches that are steep McCluskey, 1987; Sarre, 1988; Bauer et al., 1990; Bauer
or with a berm and swale topography will have an under- et al., 1996; Davidson-Arnott and Law, 1996; Jackson and
developed boundary layer or multiple internal boundary lay- Nordstrom, 1998; Sherman et al.,1998) and the different co-
ers (Short and Hesp, 1982; Bauer, 1991; Houser et al., 2008). efficients and form of the equations leads to very large
Beach and Dune Interaction 269

absolute differences in the predicted transport rate (Horikawa decreases with intermediate gravimetric water contents (Yang
et al., 1986; Nickling and Davidson-Arnott, 1990; Sherman and Davidson-Arnott, 2005).
and Hotta, 1990; Anderson and Willetts, 1991; Sherman et al., The extent and variability of surface moisture depends on a
1998; Sherman and Li, 2012). Complicating the use of these range of oceanographic and atmospheric forcing including,
models in the field is the assumption that the local wind field: wave set-up and run-up (Hanslow and Nielsen, 1993), baro-
(1) is steady and uniform; (2) occurs over a flat, horizontal, metric pressure changes (Dominick et al., 1971), and ocean
and unobstructed surface of dry, noncohesive sediment; and tide ranges (Turner, 1993). The sloping beachface is a non-
(3) that transport is dominated by saltation in equilibrium linear filter that causes the intersection of the water table and
with the local wind field (Sherman and Lyons, 1994). Several beachface (the exit point) to rise with the storm tide, but lag
have compared field-based measurements of mass transport behind the tide as it starts to ebb (Turner and Masselink,
to model results with little success (Berg, 1983; Sarre, 1988; 1998). In response, a seepage face, where the groundwater
Chapman, 1990; Bauer et al., 1990; McEwan and Willetts, flow is vertically outward, develops above the mean water
1994). For example, Sherman et al. (1998) found that pre- level. The length of the seepage face varies directly with the
dicted-to-observed transport ratios were between 0.65 and hydraulic conductivity, tidal period, and tidal extent, and
5.00. Bauer et al. (1990) and Nordstrom and Jackson (1992) inversely with the beach slope (Turner, 1993). As the water
determined Bagnold’s (1941) model over-predicted measured table falls and the beach dries as the tide recedes, a wider
transport rates. Greeley et al. (1996) found that the Bagnold expanse of dry sediment is available for transport. However,
(1941) and White (1979) models agreed most with trapped the beach landward of the seepage face can remain moist
sediments when compared to the models of Hsu (1973), through the creation of a capillary fringe that extends B0.2 to
Kawamura (1951), Lettau and Lettau (1977), Williams (1964), 0.5 m above the water table (Turner and Nielsen, 1997).
and Zingg (1953). The potential source for error when making As the gravimetric water content in sediment exceeds
the comparison between predicted and observed transport lies B1%, sufficient interparticle cohesion makes aerodynamic
in the model and the inefficiencies in sediment transport in- entrainment much more difficult (McKenna Neuman and
strumentation (Horikawa, 1990; Nickling and McKenna Nickling, 1989; Wiggs et al., 2004). Field studies have shown
Neuman, 1997; Baas, 2004; van Pelt et al., 2009; Barchyn and that soil moisture contents over which transport events can
Hugenholtz, 2010; Sherman et al., 2011). occur tend to be greater than those measured in the laboratory
The ideal conditions on which the models are based on, or predicted theoretically. Hotta et al. (1984) suggested that
rarely if ever occur: It is common to have a moist sand surface the threshold shear velocity increases by 7.5 cm s1 for each
(cf., Namikas and Sherman, 1995; Corneilis and Gabriels, 1% increase in soil moisture up to a moisture content of 8%,
2003; McKenna Neuman, 2003; Jackson and Nordstrom, at which point entrainment ceases. Equations have been for-
1998; Wiggs et al., 2004), surface crusting (cf., Leys and mulated to use in tandem with sediment transport rate models
Eldridge, 1998; Rice and McEwan, 2001), topographic vari- to compensate for the presence of moisture. Although the
ability (cf., Iversen and Rasmussen, 1999; Hesp et al., 2005), earliest correction for moisture was formulated by Chepil
and vegetation present (cf., Arens et al., 2001; Kuriyama et al., (1956), the most frequently used is Belly (1964):
2005). Entrainment and transport are also influenced by
inconsistencies in the wind, such as unsteadiness (cf., Ellis, utw ¼ ut ð1:8 þ 0:61log10 wÞ
2006), intermittency (Rasmussen and Sorensen, 1999;
Davidson-Arnott and Bauer, 2009), and variations in fetch where w is the percent moisture content by weight, and u*tw is
length (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1992; Jackson and Cooper, the adjusted threshold shear velocity. Sherman et al. (1998)
1999; Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003; or Dong et al., 2004; found that this adjustment was most applicable for moisture
Delgado-Fernandez and Davidson-Arnott, 2011). These com- contents up to 7%, whereas Jackson and Nordstrom (1998)
plicating factors not only affect our ability to predict aeolian and Sherman et al. (1998) observed transport on surfaces with
sand transport, but also affect the transport of sand between w 4 7% following light rains, and Sarre (1988) found that the
the beach–dune systems. correction could be used up to w ¼ 14%, although moisture
contents o7% were not measured. This discrepancy may, in
some cases, reflect the presence of saltating grains from a dry
upwind source and an increase in the elasticity of the moist
surface (Jackson and Nordstrom, 1997; McKenna Neuman Surface Moisture and Crusts
and Scott, 1998). In the absence of a dry upwind source, ae-
Surface moisture is one of the most important controls on olian transport is dependent on the rate of surface drying
aeolian sand transport from beach to dune (e.g., Svasek and through evaporation, which can take 10–30 min following a
Terwindt, 1974; Hotta et al., 1984; Arens, 1996; Sherman soaking rain (Gillette, 1999). Spatial and temporal variations
et al., 1998; Wiggs et al., 2004; Yang and Davidson-Arnott, in surface moisture can lead to intermittent transport
2005; Bauer et al., 2009), and spatial and temporal variations (Davidson-Arnott et al., 2005), or organization of the saltation
in soil moisture can degrade the ability of the transport cloud into streamers (Baas and Sherman, 2005; see Figure 1),
models (Sherman et al., 1998). In general, surface moisture even in the presence of a steady wind (McKenna Neuman and
spatially varies across the beach, from the wet and variable Langston, 2006).
foreshore and berm to the dry backshore and dune (Yang and In addition to surface moisture, the presence of physical
Davidson-Arnott, 2005; Namikas et al., 2010). The uniformity and biological crusts limits sediment transport and increases
increases when the sand is either very wet or very dry, and threshold velocities. The former occur as moisture evaporates
270 Beach and Dune Interaction

Figure 1 Streamers (light-colored linear streaks) from beach to

dune under a steady south wind at Burley Beach, Lake Huron,
Ontario, Canada (Photo by C. Houser). Figure 2 Moisture variation across a dissipative ridge and runnel
beach in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada with
foredune in background (Photo by C. Houser).
and the salt recrystallizes, creating a cement-like bond between
individual particles (Nickling, 1978, 1984; Pye, 1980; Nickling
and Ecclestone, 1981; Gillette et al., 1980, 1982). In addition
flow is reduced as the wind angle relative to dune orientation
to salt crusts, biological crusts limit sediment entrainment and
becomes more oblique and as the apparent slope of the dune
transport in humid beach environments (Pluis and de Winder,
decreases (Walker et al., 2006). Erosion of the backshore and
1989; Pluis and van Boxel, 1993). Sediment is bound through
dune foot leads to a scarped slope that promotes aeolian
extracellular excretions that act as cementing agents and fila-
sediment transport to the lee slope and the migration of the
mentous growths that form a mesh around the sediment
dune landward (Bauer and Sherman, 1999; Davidson-Arnott,
(Goossens, 2004). The ability of the crust to stabilize the
2005). Only as sediment accumulates at the base of dune
surface is dependent on the mat thickness and heterogeneity
scarp and a vegetated sand ramp develop does the turbulent
(McKenna-Neuman and Maxwell, 1999).
shear layer at the crest weaken. Christiansen and Davidson-
Arnott (2004) suggest that the critical ramp height for effective
sediment transfer from beach to dune is 0.6  the dune height Topographic Variability and Vegetation
or a ramp-to-crest distance of B1 m. The dune ridge topo-
The beachface and backshore are rarely flat, as is typically graphically steers the alongshore obliquely offshore winds
assumed from a modeling perspective. Intertidal bar morph- into the dune so that sediment is supplied from beach to the
ology is common on many beaches and is responsible for developing ramp (Svasek and Terwindt, 1974; Arens et al.,
continuous boundary layer adjustment across the beachface. 2001; Walker et al., 2006).
In addition, damp troughs segment the beach and limit the The effect of acceleration across the backshore, ramp,
availability of sediment from the beach (Anthony et al., 2006; and dune is partly offset by the presence of vegetation, which
see Figure 2). Outside of the influence of the intertidal bars extracts momentum from the wind, protects the surface, and
the gentle slope of a dissipative beach has little effect on the traps sediment (Wolfe and Nickling, 1993). In the presence of
flow (Sherman and Lyons, 1994). The lack of disturbance vegetation or a high density of roughness elements (shells,
allows a gradual increase in the near-surface wind speed, rocks, wrack, etc.), the velocity profile is displaced upward
which promotes the transport of sediment from the beach to from the surface to a new reference plane that scales with the
the backshore and dune (Short and Hesp, 1982). On steep density, height, porosity, and flexibility of the roughness
reflective beaches, the wind is accelerated across the foreshore elements (Oke, 1978). Low-lying vegetation that spreads
and berm crest, leading to flow separation landward of the across the surface provides a great protection to the surface,
crest (Bauer et al., 1996) and the inability of the boundary creating an effective trap for sediment. This vegetation type
layer to adjust (Short and Hesp, 1982; see Figure 3). At a acts as a physical barrier to the saltating grains, causing them
smaller spatial scale, aeolian ripples with heights ranging be- to be deposited below the canopy. For thin-stalked, taller
tween 20–50 mm with wavelengths between 0.1–2.5 m form grasses, sediment becomes trapped in the lee of the individual
onshore of the intertidal zone, forcing boundary layer ad- stems creating small sand shadows (Hesp, 1981) and de-
justments (Wilson, 1972; Pelletier, 2009). position occurs over a broad area (Hesp, 1989). As density or
As the wind encounters the toe of the dune there can be a breadth of the vegetation increases, the sand shadows will
stagnation (speed-down) at lower wind speeds followed by a coalesce (Arens et al., 2001), and deposition will occur in a
compression of the flow and speed-up as the air encounters narrow band along the landward edge of the beach (Hesp,
the stoss slope of the dune (Hesp et al., 2005; Walker et al., 1989). The amount of sediment deposited within an embryo
2009). The amount of speed-up is directly dependent on the dune also depends on the seasonal growth of the vegetation,
angle of the stoss slope, and can exceed 200% for slopes which can lead to capture as the vegetation attains its max-
greater than 351 and direct onshore winds. Acceleration of the imum height through the late summer and fall, and sediment
Beach and Dune Interaction 271

4.0 2.0
3.5 Reflective subaerial beach Dissipative subaerial beach
3.0 88
99 1.5 98
2.0 1.0 96
1.5 95
Elevation (m)


Elevation (m)
87 85 0.5 90
0.0 80
−0.5 Dune 0.0
−1.0 85
−1.5 70 −0.5
−2.0 Backshore 60
80 Gently sloped
−2.5 −1.0 beachface
−3.5 70 −1.5
−4.0 60
−4.5 −2.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
(a) Cross-shore distance (m) (b) Cross-shore distance (m)

(c) (d)

Figure 3 Wind profiles over a reflective (a) and a dissipative beach (b) modified from Short, A., Hesp, P., 1982. Wave, beach and dune
interactions in Southeastern Australia. Marine Geology 48, 259–284. Also shown are representative reflective (c) and dissipative (d) beaches
respectively from New Zealand (Photo by P. Hesp) and the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada (Photo by C. Houser).

release to the backing foredune as the grasses die back through

the winter and spring.
In addition to climatic conditions, the type of vegetation
+ Positive

present at a site depends on the amount of sediment being

transported from beach to dune and the rate of sand accretion Positive-stimulatory
(Maun, 1998; Figure 4). Although grasses can thrive with response
intermediate rates of burial (Van der Putten et al., 1993),
Growth response

Neutral then
woody shrubs and herbaceous plants are partially to fully negative response
intolerant of burial and sand blasting (Nickling and Wolfe,
1994; Maun, 1998). In this respect, the ability of dune
vegetation to capture sediment and promote vertical growth
is dependent on the degree to which a species is burial
Negative −

dependent, which is in turn dependent on the sediment

transport potential at the site (Ranwell, 1958; Hewett, 1970;
Van der Valk, 1974; Moreno-Casasola, 1986; Sykes and Negative-inhibitory
Wilson, 1990; Zhang and Maun, 1989; Kent et al., 2001; response
Maun, 2004). Tyndall et al. (1986) argue that the dependency
of dune vegetation on burial is related to the differential
ability of species to establish seedlings from buried seeds, Sand accretion
whereas Dech and Maun (2005) suggest that vegetation gra-
Figure 4 Functional relationship between vegetation growth
dients follow deposition gradients closely. The density of
response and sand accretion showing positive, neutral, and negative
vegetation, which is also species dependent, affects how responses. Modified from Maun, M.A., 2004. Burial of plants as a
sediment is captured. Higher stem densities produce steeper selective force in sand dunes. In: Martı́nez, M.L., Psuty, N.P. (Eds.),
dunes of greater height compared to lower densities in which Coastal Dunes: Ecology and Conservation. Ecological Studies.
sediment is deposited more evenly (Arens et al., 2001). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, vol. 171, pp. 119–135.
272 Beach and Dune Interaction Fetch where a is the angle of wind approach from shore-normal.

Although transport is greater for oblique winds, a tradeoff
Assuming that the availability of sediment on the beach and in
occurs with increasing obliquity, as sediment is distributed
the backshore is not limited by surface moisture, nonerodible
over an increasing length of the dune (Davidson-Arnott and
roughness elements, surface crusting, and vegetation, saltation
Dawson, 2001; Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003). The supply
transport increases exponentially until the air is saturated
of sediment to the foredune (Ql) is:
(Gillette et al., 1996) and ‘steady-state’ transport occurs (Ungar
and Haff, 1987). The distance required for the transport to
Ql ¼ Qc cosa ½2
reach steady-state from the leading edge of the sand is termed
the fetch length (Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003). For wind
speeds at or close to the threshold, the length of the fetch is where Qc is the sediment transport rate at the top of the beach
dependent on the ability of saltating grains to further eject with a width of c (Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003). In
sediment downwind (Chepil, 1957), whereas for winds well general, shore-normal winds have a ¼ 01, c ¼ l, and Wb 4 Fc,
above the threshold, the length of the fetch is dependent on the whereas alongshore winds have a ¼ 90, c ¼ 0, and F Z Fc.
rate at which momentum is extracted from the wind (Gillette The above equations suggest that maximum transport into the
et al., 1996). If the available fetch length is shorter than required dune on a narrow beach occurs during winds approaching the
to achieve equilibrium transport, then the transport rate will be shoreline between 601 and 701 from shore normal (Bauer and
lower than predicted by an equilibrium transport model (Bauer Davidson-Arnott, 2003). The critical fetch length may not be
and Davidson-Arnott, 2003). Field studies suggest that the an important constraint on sediment supply to the dunes
critical fetch length is on the order of tens of meters (Nordstrom where there is a relatively large supply of dry sand in the
and Jackson, 1992, 1993; Van der Wal, 1998; Davidson-Arnott backshore (Jackson and Cooper, 1999). Lynch et al. (2006)
and Dawson, 2001; Davidson-Arnott et al., 2008; Bauer et al., argued that it is the availability of sediment emplaced in the
2009). Transport increases exponentially over the first few backshore by nearshore processes rather than the fetch length
meters but with distance the increase in transport is slower that determines the amount of sediment delivered to the
(Dong et al., 2004) and asymptotic as transport heights increase dunes (see also Saye et al., 2005; Christiansen and Davidson-
and grain speeds increase (Wang et al., 2008). If the availability Arnott, 2004; Houser, 2009).
of sediment is limited, then the required fetch to achieve Delgado-Fernandez and Davidson-Arnott (2011) have
equilibrium transport increases substantially (Davidson-Arnott provided a new conceptual model that incorporates the fre-
et al., 2005, 2008; Bauer et al., 2009). quency, magnitude, and duration of wind events with changes
Gillette et al. (1996) reviewed three possible explanations for in the fetch length (Figure 5). Following Wolman and Miller
fetch: avalanching, soil resistance, and aerodynamic feedback. (1960), the authors suggested that the total predicted trans-
Avalanching is the movement of particles from saltating grains port across the beachface is greatest for moderate storm events
descending on the stationary bed and transferring energy and that the strongest winds are too infrequent to contribute
(Chepil, 1957). Soil resistance explains that as distance from substantially to the dune volume. Combined with the change
leading sand edge increases, particles become more susceptible in available fetch and higher probability of wave scarping (see
to sandblasting, thus increasing the potential for erosion. Section, transport to the dune effectively stops and
Aerodynamic feedback, proposed by Owen and discussed by the largest storm winds are not the most important to dune
Gillette et al. (1996), is the increase of the apparent aero- development. Based on a medium-term monitoring program,
dynamic roughness height during saltation. Increasing rough- they found that a large portion of the total transport into the
ness heights leads to the formation of internal boundary layers dune occurred with a few small to medium wind events, and
that allow for increased transfer of momentum to the surface, that the angle of wind approach and fetch length was more
thus increasing the potential for transport. This system is a important than having a strong wind. The balance between
positive feedback mechanism. Gillette et al. (1996) concluded moderate accretionary winds and strong erosional winds
that when wind velocity just exceeds the threshold for move- is expressed at the storm-scale (Section 10.10.4), in which
ment, the fetch effect is caused from aerodynamic feedback and beach–dune interaction is defined by the nearshore bar cycle.
avalanching. For conditions well above threshold speeds, aero-
dynamic feedback drives the fetch effect (Gillette et al., 1996).
Since the critical fetch length tends to be limited by the 10.10.3 Beach–Dune Interaction at Tidal and Storm-
beach width for shore-normal winds, transport rates tend to Scales
be significantly greater for alongshore winds (Davidson-Arnott
and Law, 1996; Nordstrom and Jackson, 1993), particularly Transport Potential and Sediment Supply
during storms in which water levels are elevated (Cloutier and
As discussed in the preceding section, the amount of sediment
Héquette, 1998). As shown by Nordstrom and Jackson
that is transported from beach to dune for a given wind speed
(1993), transport rates for oblique winds with a 37 m fetch
and direction is limited to varying degrees by the presence of
were almost double the transport rates for onshore winds with
moisture, boundary layer adjustments, and lag deposits. Each
a fetch of 18 m. The available fetch (F) for a given beach width
of these controls influences the length of the required fetch for
(Wb) is calculated as:
transport to reach a maximum, which can be further reduced
through inundation by tidal excursions, storm surge, and wave
Wb set-up and run-up that can erode the sediment stored in the
F¼ ½1
cosðaÞ backshore and dune. In this respect, sediment accumulation in
Beach and Dune Interaction 273

d product of frequency and rate

b frequency of occurrences
a potential transport rate
d re cont
of m
a Incre
Decrease of
available fetc

e predicted transport toward foredunes

(a) Applied stress

d total predicted transport

d product of frequency, rate and duration

f observed transport
b frequency of occurrences

a potential transport rate

c duration of wind event

Mean wind speed
Probability of aeolia
b transport decrease
Probability of wave
scarping increases
Mean wind speed

(b) (c)

Figure 5 Conceptual model of Delgado-Fernandez and Davidson-Arnott (2011) based on the frequency–magnitude model of Wolman and
Miller (1960). Reproduced from Delgado-Fernandez, I., Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D., 2011. Meso-scale modeling of aeolian sediment input to coastal
dunes: the nature of aeolian transport events. Geomorphology 126, 217–232.

the backshore and dune (for an individual storm or multiple was relatively weak at that time, the onshore winds were not
storms) is not strictly dependent on the transport potential, accompanied by storm surge.
but rather the synchronization of the transport potential with In this respect, the availability of sediment varies in re-
an available supply of sediment (Short and Hesp, 1982; Hesp, sponse to water levels including storm surges, seasonal vari-
1988; Sherman and Bauer, 1993; Houser, 2009). This is sup- ations, and long-term trends, which also determine the
ported by Psuty (1992) who described alongshore variation in potential for dune erosion during storms (Davidson-Arnott,
dune development and erosion on Fire Island as a response to 2005). Although the fetch model of Bauer and Davidson-
the offshore bathymetry that determines wave set-up, storm Arnott (2003) suggests that transport from beach to dune is
surge elevations, and beach state. dependent on the fetch length, it does not account for the
The importance of a long fetch and an available supply of amount of sediment available, which is determined by near-
sediment to be transported, suggests that transport may be shore processes and the cyclical nature of the beach and bar
limited to periods with strong onshore or slightly oblique system. Van Dijk et al. (1999) found that the amount of
winds that are not accompanied by storm surge reaching the sediment that is available for transport depends on the sedi-
backshore (Arens, 1996). As shown by Ruz and Meur-Ferec ment supply on the beachface, and model results suggest
(2004), sand accumulation in the dunes along the northern that only through replenishment of sediment can sediment
coast of France tends to be limited to the summer season continue to be transported landward. Bauer and Davidson-
despite strong winds in the winter and spring seasons (see also Arnott (2003) suggested a need to integrate their fetch model
Haxel and Holman, 2004). The stronger winds are accom- with a littoral sediment budget model such as Bowen and
panied by storm tides that not only limit the fetch length, Inman (1966) to account for both transport and supply
but also erode the beachface and scarp the dune (Figure 6). limitations. Changes in beach width due to storm, seasonal,
The sediment is emplaced on the lower foreshore and in the and multidecadal changes in water level affects the beach
nearshore as bars that eventually migrate landward during width, which in turn increases the transport potential (Bauer
the summer season to reattach to the foreshore and dune. and Davidson-Arnott, 2003), the availability of sediment
During this period of recovery, the now planar upper-beach available for transport (Davidson-Arnott and Van Heyningen,
allows storm waves to reach the base of the dune and further 2003), and the potential for erosion of the dunefoot
scarping by smaller tides. Accumulation in the dunes was only (Davidson-Arnott, 2005). An increase in beach width may
observed once the beach and backshore had recovered also result from the alongshore migration of sand waves
through the summer. Although the aeolian transport potential (Stewart and Davidson-Arnott, 1988; Carter et al., 1990;
274 Beach and Dune Interaction


Figure 7 Transport over variable surface composed of moist,

lagged, and dry sediment at Burley Beach, Lake Huron, Ontario,
Canada showing an anemometer and trap transect deployed by Robin
Davidson-Arnott (Photo by C. Houser).

the beach dries vary inversely with the beach slope, and dir-
ectly with the hydraulic conductivity, tidal period, and tidal
extent (Turner, 1993). Drying of the upper-sediment surface
from sediment is entrained significantly slower than typically
assumed (Atherton et al., 2001) and also sensitive to the rate
of evaporation. Following a high tide and precipitation event,
drying is slow where the water table lies close to the surface
(b) and fast where the water table has retreated well (Yang and
Davidson-Arnott, 2005; Darke and Neuman, 2008). As a re-
Figure 6 Dune scarps at (a) Skallingen, Denmark and (b) the Queen
sult, surface moisture across the beach varies from the wet and
Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada (Photos by C. Houser).
variable foreshore and berm to the dry backshore where most
of the transport takes place (Yang and Davidson-Arnott,
Ruessink and Jeuken, 2002), which forces the innermost bar 2005). Similar observations led Jackson and Nordstrom
higher on the shoreface. Not only does this provide more (1997) to identify five transport states that can exist on a
sediment for aeolian transport, but also provides greater pro- beach: (1) entrainment of moist sediment; (2) in situ drying of
tection to the dune foot during storms. sediment and entrainment of surface sediment; (3) entrain-
Lynch et al. (2009) suggested that sediment exchange be- ment of dry sediment in bedforms migrating across the moist
tween beach and dune can occasionally result from offshore sediment; (4) saltation of sediment across the moist surface;
winds. Flow separation over the seaward slope of the dune and (5) entrainment from a dry surface upwind (Figure 7). As
causes the near-bed winds to be directed landward and a consequence and as previously noted, surface moisture re-
available sediment in the backshore to be transported toward sults in poor correspondence between measured transport
the dune (see also Lynch et al., 2010; Jackson et al., 2010). rates and model predictions that depend on both beach slope
While the observations of Lynch et al. (2009) avoid the and gravimetric water content (Sherman et al., 1998).
problem of aeolian transport under strong onshore winds that
tend to be accompanied by storm surge and a restricted fetch, Beach and Backshore Accretion
the importance of offshore winds in dune accretion requires
further study. In contrast to the results of Lynch et al. (2009), The shore zone comprising the shoreface, foreshore, and
Wal and McManus (1993) observed seaward dune migration backshore is affected to varying degrees by wave shoaling,
and sediment transport from dune to backshore and beach breaking, and swash, and can be separated into four zones: (1)
during offshore winds. Despite reworking by swash at high a zone largely influenced by shoaling wave processes; (2) a
tide, the sediment accreted on the beach during these offshore zone controlled by surf zone and shoaling wave processes; (3)
winds is returned to the dune by onshore winds. a zone dominated by swash and surf processes; and (4) a zone
Although the beach width is at a maximum at low tide, the across which swash and aeolian transport dominate (Masse-
amount of sediment available for onshore transport depends link and Short, 1993). The width of each zone depends on the
on the distribution of surface moisture, which in part depends tidal range and the slope of the shoreface, which in turn de-
on the rate at which the beach water table retreats seaward pends on the sediment size, modal wave height and wave
during falling tide. The water table follows the tide during the period (Wright and Short, 1984), and offshore and alongshore
flood event, but this pattern is not repeated during the ebbing sediment sources. A reflective beachface characterized by a
tide as the water table lags behind the tide (Turner and Mas- steep foreshore, prominent berm, and narrow to wide back-
selink, 1998). The rates at which the water table retreats and shore develops during nonstorm (accretional) conditions.
Beach and Dune Interaction 275

The available fetch length for aeolian transport depends on In the absence of intertidal bars welding to the beach, the
the seaward extension of the backshore with continued fore- recovery of the beachface and backshore is dependent on the
shore accretion during fair-weather conditions. On dissipative emplacement of thin laminae of sediment advected landward
beaches characterized by a longer, flatter profile, the exchange by the swash (Hughes et al., 1997; Butt et al., 2004; Jackson
of sediment between beach and dune depends on the delivery et al., 2004; Pritchard and Hogg, 2005). Recent evidence from
of sediment to the beach and backshore by surf and swash Houser and Barrett (2010) suggests that the balance between
processes (e.g., Jackson et al., 2004; Pritchard and Hogg, 2005; erosional and accretional swash depends on the seaward
Houser and Barrett, 2010) or the landward migration of sub- boundary condition of the swash zone. As described by Elfrink
tidal and intertidal bars during storms (Aagaard et al., 2004; and Baldock (2002), the depth and velocity of the swash de-
Houser and Greenwood, 2005, 2007). pends on the transformation of the incident waves and spe-
The importance of intertidal bar migration has been clearly cifically the degree of wave saturation inshore as defined by
demonstrated by Aagaard et al. (2004) at Skallingen, Denmark. the wave height to water depth ratio. Saturation leads to more
Landward migration of the bars on this gently sloping, dissi- symmetrical swash with a relatively strong uprush with a
pative shoreface during storms is a result of relatively weak sediment concentration (C) that is greater than the suspension
undertow currents (Aagaard et al., 2004) and a persistent on- potential (S) of the backwash (Guard and Baldock, 2007).
shore-directed transport, particularly within the intertidal zone Greater saturation was observed with the more gently-sloped
(Houser and Greenwood, 2007; Houser et al., 2006). The per- foreshore fronted by a shallow nearshore terrace and on both
sistent landward migration of the subtidal and intertidal bars slopes when wave breaking was forced by the nearshore bars at
indicates that the beach–dune interaction is largely controlled and close to low tide. Assuming no new supply of sediment,
by sediment supply rather than aeolian transport. Construction sediment from the lower swash zone is advected landward and
of dikes to the north of Skallingen in 1900 has restricted sedi- accretes within the upper-swash leading to a steeper swash
ment supply leading to an end to dune aggradation (Aagaard profile at low tide. At high tide and when the foreshore is
et al., 2007). The bar behavior described at Skallingen and the fronted by a trough, wave saturation is at a minimum and the
potential for dune accumulation in response to storm tides is deeper, more asymmetric swash has a weaker inflow with less
not representative of the persistent offshore migration of bars advected sediment than is removed by the backwash. Again,
further south on the Dutch Coast (see Ruessink and Kroon, assuming no net loss of sediment from the foreshore slope,
1994; Wijnberg and Terwindt, 1995) and in New Zealand this sediment accretes within the lowerswash leading to a
(Shand, 2003), or the cyclical (storm-dominated) bar migration gentler slope.
observed at Duck, North Carolina (Lippmann and Holman, The dependency of swash transport and morphological
1990). Anthony et al. (2006) suggested that differences in the change on the boundary conditions at the seaward limit of the
beach–dune sediment budget of a storm-dominated system are swash zone results from the time-varying combination of
controlled by the availability of sediment from the tide- and water depth, and the shape and wavelength of the incident
storm-dominated shoreface. Landward transport of this sedi- wave. At the smallest-scales, the swash zone changes in re-
ment and the welding of shoreface tidal banks creates a wide sponse to wave-scale changes in height, period, and infra-
upper beach that maximizes aeolian transport and accretion in gravity-scale variations in both the incident waves and water
the backshore and dune. depth. The centimeter-scale variations in bed elevation at this
Where and when the beach is narrow or characterized by scale are superimposed to changes in response to tidal-scale
intertidal bars, there is insufficient fetch and available sedi- variations in the degree of wave saturation inshore (Elfrink
ment for dune accretion (Anthony et al., 2006). As noted, and Baldock, 2002), which may be reinforced by changes in
intertidal bars dissect the beach with damp troughs (aeolian- swash infiltration and exfiltration. Welding of the inner-bar-
muting zones) that may limit the fetch and sediment transport created, a nearshore terrace in which wave heights were sat-
from the beachface to the backshore (Anthony et al., 2006, urated, which in turn lead to swash with greater inflow and
2007; Masselink and Anthony, 2001; Mulrennan, 1992). Un- sediment accretion. The accretion was not simply the result of
like the dynamic swash bars at Skallingen (Aagaard et al., a larger supply of sediment at the base of the foreshore, but by
2004), the intertidal bars described by Anthony et al. (2006) the transformation of the wave field by the shallower depths of
are relatively stable ridge and runnel forms that do not migrate the welded bar. In this respect, swash zone hydrodynamics,
landward to supply sediment to the backshore. Landward sediment transport, and morphological change at wave and
migration appears only possible for the swash bars described tidal scales are dependent on the broader nearshore state (see
by Aagaard et al. (2004) and not the ridge and runnel bars Wright and Short, 1984). As the nearshore changes during and
examined by Oblinger and Anthony (2010). Thus, notwith- following storms, the swash zone will exhibit the greatest
standing the large beach width, bar-trough beaches are char- change in bed elevation and slope. This is consistent with
acterized by a narrow upper beach and backshore with limited previous observations that intertidal sediment transport
fetch and sediment supply. However, Reichmuth and Anthony (Aagaard and Hughes, 2006) and inner-bar behavior (Houser
(2007) found that fair-weather swash transport during spring et al., 2006; Houser and Greenwood, 2005) varies in response
tides can infill the troughs of the uppermost intertidal bar, to changes in the nearshore state.
creating a wider upper-beach and backshore for transport, but In many cases, the deposition of sediment by swash leads
this may also lead to greater surface moisture and reduced to berm formation, supratidal shore-parallel depositional
transport. It is also possible that sediment delivery to the ridges with a steep seaward face and a slightly landward dip-
dunes is dependent on the larger fetch length associated with ping berm terrace (see also Komar, 1976). Height of the berm
slightly oblique winds (Bauer and Davidson-Arnott, 2003). is dependent on wave run-up, which in turn dependent on the
276 Beach and Dune Interaction

wave height and period of the incident waves (Takeda and that were correlated with the migration of the intertidal and
Sunamura, 1982; Okazaki and Sunamura, 1994). The terrace subtidal bars. Specifically, they found that the evolution of the
may terminate in a runnel that collects swash at spring high dune was correlated with cross-shore migration of the bar
tides. These features are most pronounced on micro- and system and the alongshore variation in the beach state on a
mesotidal intermediate beaches and are not common in decadal scale.
macrotidal or dissipative environments. Where there are fre- Erosion and scarping of dunes has been the focus of a
quent or seasonal variations in wave energy, there may be number of studies (Dolan, 1972; Parker, 1975; Leatherman,
remnant or abandoned berms in the backshore backing an 1979; Vellinga, 1983, 1984; van de Graaf, 1977; 1986; Carter
active berm at the shoreline. The steep face of the berm and and Stone, 1989; Carter et al., 1990; Edelman,1972; Hughes
the complex and water-filled topography of the backshore can and Chui, 1981; Dette and Uliczka, 1987; Larson and Kraus,
limit aeolian transport in the backshore and accretion in the 1989; Overton et al., 1987; Overton et al., 1994). In general,
dune (Short and Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1988). dune erosion is related to the antecedent morphology of the
beach and dune, sediment texture (size, shape, and packing),
water level, and incident wave forcing (Larson et al., 2004). Backshore Erosion and Dune Scarping
The rate of erosion decays exponentially through a storm as
Backshore and dune accretion depends on the emplacement the beach and nearshore establish a new equilibrium with the
and landward transport of sediment on the beachface during sediment eroded from the dune (Dette and Uliczka, 1987),
fair-weather conditions. This sediment is eroded when ele- and Hughes and Chui (1981) suggested that most of the
vated water levels exceed the backshore elevation (Sallenger, erosion can occur before the peak surge. In this respect, storm
2000; Ruz and Meur-Ferec, 2004) and are combined with duration may also control the amount of erosion (Edelman,
storm waves (e.g., Ruggiero and McDougal, 2001; Pye and 1972; Hughes and Chui, 1981), since a short storm does not
Blott, 2008). Storm surges can completely eliminate aeolian provide sufficient time for the swash to impact the dune (e.g.,
sediment accumulated during the summer, such that upper Overton et al., 1987; Overton et al., 1994).
beach/dune evolution is strongly controlled by the magnitude Because dune scarping is largely the result of basal under-
and frequency of occurrence of high water levels (Ruz and cutting by swash, the steep scarp may fail as a slab wedge or a
Meur-Ferec, 2004), the duration that storm waves impact the steeply inclined rotation failure (Carter and Stone, 1989;
beachface (e.g., van Gent et al., 2008), and the prestorm beach Carter et al., 1990). Maintenance of a scarp ultimately de-
width (Thornton et al., 2007). The sediment deposited in the pends on the moisture content of the dune sediment and
upper-beach and backshore can be quickly eroded during a interparticle cohesion, with no scarp developing where the
subsequent storm despite a strong transport potential associ- sediment is cohesionless, and on the degree of vegetation
ated with the onshore winds (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1992). cover and density on the scarp crest. The failure may protect
Even if the storm surge just exceeds the backshore elevation, the dune from further landward retreat and collapse, particu-
dune recession can occur through the loss of stability at the larly when the failure occurs as a single discrete slump or slide.
base of the dune and mass failure (Erikson et al., 2007). These larger, less frequent failures tend to be promoted by
Castelle et al. (2010) has linked dune erosion to storm vegetation that increases cohesion and allows for steeper
frequency, with greater erosion rates observed during later scarps. Dunes lacking vegetation tend to have less steep slopes
storms in a sequence of storm events. This is explained by the that fail continuously or intermittently through small ro-
outer bar decay following the late winter extreme event, which tational collapses. Failure of the slope creates a dune ramp
did not provide any significant protection during subsequent that allows for sediment accumulation at the crest (Hesp,
storms. In this respect, periods of erosion and accretion may 1988).
be associated with variations in the nearshore bar morphology As noted, erosion of the backshore and dunes leads to a
in response to and recovery from storms. The model of Wright scarped, seaward dune slope that promotes sediment transport
and Short (1984) is the most commonly cited morphometric to the lee slope and the migration of the dune landward
model that describes how the cycle of bar forms in response to (Davidson-Arnott, 2005). Conaway and Wells (2005) ob-
storm erosion and fair-weather accretion. Over the longer served rapid onshore aeolian transport and dune growth by
term, a given beach will tend to exhibit a ‘modal’ (or most increasing both sediment availability and by altering and de-
frequently recurrent) state, which depends on the modal wave nuding the seaward slope. This behavior is recognized to
conditions, around which a spread of higher or lower waves varying degrees in beach–dune models (e.g., Psuty, 1992) and
may prevail (Wright and Short, 1984). Lippmann and Hol- through observations on Lake Erie (Davidson-Arnott and Law,
man (1990) identified a similar pattern to that of Wright and 1996) and at Skallingen, Denmark (Aagaard et al., 2007). An
Short (1984), but it turned out (over a longer period of ob- increase in sea level will also lead to the landward migration of
servation) to be part of a larger scale ‘bar cycle’ that depended the nearshore and beach profile, creating the potential for the
on the presence or absence of a second, outer bar (e.g., Shand, dune system to retreat landward without loss of height
2003; Houser and Greenwood, 2005). The bar cycle tends to (Davidson-Arnott, 2005). As argued by Psuty (1992), many
be extremely episodic and is associated with the crest of the eroding shorelines continue to retain foredunes despite cen-
outer bar reaching a threshold depth that allows a larger turies of documented landward displacement. Migration of
proportion of the incident waves to pass unbroken into the the beach–dune system in line with the rise in sea level re-
inner nearshore, thus maximizing the set-up driven undertow quires sediment eroded offshore by the storm surge to be
that erodes the beachface and moves the bars offshore. Guillen delivered first to the beachface by nearshore (surf and swash)
et al. (1999) identified decadal scale variations in the dune toe processes and then transported to the backshore by the wind.
Beach and Dune Interaction 277 Wrack and Lag rise. Ruz and Anthony (2008) argued that wrack and brush-
wood fences are only effective in promoting backshore ac-
In addition to the emplacement of fresh sediment or erosion
cretion if there is a positive littoral supply and limited storm
of the backshore, storm surges can also deposit masses of
surge during the initial stages of accretion.
brown algae (Sargassum fluitans and S. natans; Figure 8) and
The supply of sediment on the beachface can be limited by
other wrack near the high tide line (Tanaka and Fosca, 2003),
the development of a lagged surface of shells and pebbles that
which can promote the accumulation of sediment and the
can develop over a couple of days when conditions are fa-
development of embryonic dunes (Davies, 1990; Hesp, 1983,
vorable (Carter, 1976; see Figure 10). The lag limits sediment
1984, 1989; Carter et al., 1992; Anthony et al., 2006; Tsoar,
available from the beach and backshore, such that the wind is
2005). Where vegetation is able to develop from, and within
unsaturated and the ability for vegetation to capture sediment
the wrack, sediment transport decreases rapidly, and sediment
is reduced (Houser et al., 2008). As shown by both Carter et al.
accumulates readily within the backshore (Kuriyama et al.,
(1992) and Houser et al. (2008) a lagged backshore can lead
2005), compared to sediment accumulation at the dune foot
to a mobile dunefield. Under slow wind speeds, however, the
where the vegetation was absent. Conway and Wells (2005)
lagged surface can capture sediment and act as a sand reservoir
also suggested that the accumulation of wrack and sediment
until wind speeds increase and the deflation surface re-
can limit storm erosion, at least for the initial part of the
develops (Carter, 1976). Frey and Dörjes (1988) attributed the
storm. The species composition of the wrack and its ability to
development of wrack line shell deposits to longshore drift
capture sediment appears to be dependent on the beach
that causes the shells to accumulate in small beach ‘pockets,’
morphology and the degree of wave exposure (Orr et al.,
although shell lines are common along the high tide line of
2005). However, Nordstrom et al. (2006) found that although
many beaches. The shells are moved offshore or deposited
fresh storm wrack can have great local impact of sediment
along the upper-elevation of the surge during storm con-
transport and accumulation, the effect is temporary. Williams
ditions, but are again deposited on the beach under fair-
et al. (2008) also found no statistically significant difference in
weather conditions.
backshore and dune sediment accumulation between adjacent
beaches that were raked and not raked of beach wrack.
Although the importance of algae in modifying the ex-
change of sediment between beach and dune is not clear, 10.10.4 Beach–Dune Interaction over the Holocene
Walker and Barrie (2006) argued that large woody debris de-
posited as wrack is able to promote dune development along Beach–dune interaction over the Holocene is marked by
the western coast of Canada (Figure 9). The woody debris acts transitions between erosional and accretional dune phases
as both a barrier to saltation and is capable of extracting that reflect decadal-scale changes in storm frequency and
momentum from the wind, thereby promoting sediment de- magnitude (Morton et al., 1994; Orford et al., 1999), sedi-
position and facilitating the development of an incipient ment supply (Cooper, 1993; FitzGerald et al., 2000), sea-level
foredune. The amount of sediment that is transported into the change (Storms et al., 2002), and precipitation (e.g., Jelgersma
backshore and the morphology of the backshore and dune and van Regteren Altena, 1969; Ahlbrandt et al., 1983; Pluis,
exhibit a spatial dependency on the physical characteristics 1992). Numerous examples occur through the Holocene
and relative in-filling of the log debris jam (Eamer and Walker, where a multidecadal change or trend in the wind regime,
2010). The authors argue that the woody debris enhances the sediment supply, or anthropogenic disturbance has affected
development of incipient dunes in the backshore, thereby the exchange of sediment between beach and dune. For ex-
buffering the coast against increased storminess and sea level ample, Ranasinghe et al. (2004) described erosion and

Figure 9 Driftwood wrack promoting sediment accretion and dune

Figure 8 Algal beach wrack at Padre Island National Seashore, development in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada
Texas (Photo by C. Houser). at the site of Anderson and Walker (2006) (Photo by C. Houser).
278 Beach and Dune Interaction

width of the coastal sequence preserved between successive

dune scarps was correlated to the time interval that elapsed
between storms, indicating a relatively calm period that per-
mits deposition. Many coastal dune systems in western Europe
were activated and reactivated during the Little Ice Age (LIA),
in response to a combination of low sea level and strong
winds (Clemmensen and Murray, 2006; Klijn, 1990; Pye and
Neal, 1993; Clemmensen et al., 2001; Wilson et al., 2001,
2004; Clarke et al., 2002; Dawson et al., 2004; Matthews and
Briffa, 2005). These conditions provided sufficient wind en-
ergy to transport available sediment on the wide exposed
shoreface (Aagaard et al., 2007). Thermoluminescence dating
suggests that dune building was most active between AD 1550
and 1850 (e.g., Wilson et al., 2004; Clarke et al., 2002), par-
ticularly along the west coast of Denmark (Liversage and
Robinson, 1993). The last major phase of dune activity was
around 1820, during a period of apparent increased stormi-
ness in which beachface erosion and dune scarping by storm
surge destabilized many coastal dunes leading to large trans-
gressive dune fields according to Pedersen and Clemmensen
(2005). Dune stabilization was initiated by a decrease in storm
activity during spring and summer and rise in sea level,
although the planting of marram grass starting in 1792 may
have also contributed (Pedersen and Clemmensen, 2005).
At most locations in the North Sea basin, deposition during
the LIA was associated with onshore westerly winds, although
coasts where westerly winds blow offshore also experience
a period of increased coastal dune deposition (Aagaard et al.,
2007). Orford et al. (2000) found that dune-building phases
during the LIA were not synchronous alongshore in eastern
(b) England. Similarly, the periods of dune building in Denmark
and Holland are also not synchronous. Clemmensen et al.
Figure 10 Shell and pebble lagged surfaces at (a) Pensacola Beach, (2001) found evidence of increased dune activity in northern
Florida and (b) the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada Denmark between AD 1100 and 1850 with a peak around AD
(Photos by C. Houser). 1700 (Clemmensen et al., 2001), whereas Christiansen et al.
(1990) inferred a period of enhanced activity during AD
accretion cycles in embayed beaches of New South Wales, 1450–1750 just further south. Along the southwest coast of
Australia. During La Nina conditions, the southern part of the Denmark, Clemmensen and Murray (2006) identified four
embayed beach accretes and dune development is promoted, separate dune building phases between 1550 and 1850,
whereas El Nino conditions cause beach and dune erosion in whereas Klijn (1990) identified two periods of dune activity
these same areas. Although these phases tend to occur at a around AD 1300–1600 and AD 1750–1850 along the coast of
decadal scale, the cumulative effect of multiple erosion and Holland. In addition to the potential for dating errors and
accretion cycles (net gain or net loss) defines the long-term preservation of aeolian deposits, Orford (2005) also suggested
trend over the Holocene. Pye (1990) suggested that in general, that variations in dune building may reflect changing air pres-
high winds, anthropogenic disturbance, and relatively low sure patterns driven by NAO conditions or in sediment avail-
sediment supply and frequent storm events lead to an eroding ability and supply at particular sites.
coastline characterized by parabolic dunes and transgressive It is not clear whether dune formation in the North Sea
sand sheets and dunefields, whereas high winds and a large basin occurred in response to a rising or a falling sea level.
sediment supply lead to accreting shorelines and parallel dune Schofield (1975), Saunders and Davidson-Arnott (1990),
ridges. However, as noted by Short and Hesp (1982) large and Lees (2006) all suggested that dune formation is caused
parabolic and transgressive dunefields are common on inter- by falling water levels that exposes more of the foreshore for
mediate to dissipative beaches with high wind energy and greater aeolian transport to the dune. However, a regressive
sediment supply in New Zealand (e.g., Muckersie and Shep- sea level also results in an increase in vegetation and dune
herd, 1995), South Africa, and Brazil (Dillenburg and Hesp, stabilization, whereas increased scarping, washover, and
2009). A more conservative interpretation of the Pye (1990) breaching with sea level rise limits vegetation and increases the
model is that changes in sediment supply and wind regime potential for (transgressive) dune formation (Cooper, 1958;
can cause significant transitions in the dune field. Pye, 1983). In this respect, Aagaard et al. (2007) argued that
Buynevich (2007) have linked periods of dune scarping dune accretion at such places as Skallingen was caused by an
during the past 500 years to an increase in the frequency increase in storm surge activity and sea level rise. This was
or intensity of extratropical storms in the Gulf of Maine. The supported by Giannini et al. (2007), who found that dune
Beach and Dune Interaction 279

development in southern Brazil was initiated by relative laminae that become exposed to aeolian transport at mid- to
sea level rise in postglacial period through both thermo- low-tide elevations. In mesotidal environments, there is the
luminescence and optically stimulated luminescence dating. potential for intertidal bar development (Masselink and Short,
Similar results were reported by Dillenburg and Hesp (2009) 1993), which reduces the available fetch and transport from
for the Brazilian coast. Giannini et al. (2007) suggested that in the beach to the backshore and dune (Anthony, et al., 2006,
the presence of onshore winds the sediments deposited in the 2007; Masselink and Anthony, 2001). Although swash bars
intertidal zone can be transported landward into the dunes may migrate landward to provide sediment directly to the
(e.g., Cooper, 1958; Thom et al., 1981; Pye and Bowman, backshore (Aagaard et al., 2004), ridge and runnel bars do not
1984). The storm surge emplaces sediments in the backshore migrate leading to a narrow upper beach and backshore with
through either intertidal bar migration or swash deposition, limited fetch and sediment supply. Under the largest tide
where it becomes available for transport as the sediment dries ranges, berms, and intertidal bars become less prominent or
and becomes exposed to the wind. In this respect, elevated absent and the profile becomes more concave in profile
water in the presence of storm waves can both erode sediment allowing for greater sediment transfer and dune development.
from the backshore and dune (e.g., Vespremeanu-Stroe and Reflective beaches are characterized by steep beach cusps
Preoteasa, 2007), but also bring sediment to the beachface and and berms or a steep linear beachface (Short and Hesp, 1982).
backshore. The wind accelerates across the steep beachface and berm and
Moura et al. (2007) examined dune dynamics in response decelerates rapidly beyond the crest, leading to a reduction in
to sea level fluctuations over the Holocene and described the transport potential across the backshore. Only in places
transgressive dune formation in response to rapid sea level rise where the backshore is relatively wide to permit adjustment of
and drought conditions. They argued that the dunes stabilized the boundary layer and the transport potential be sufficient to
with the wet Atlantic climate as sea level reached a maximum permit dune development. Intermediate beaches exhibit con-
and the beach width was at a minimum, and dune develop- siderable variability in form from relatively steep beachfaces
ment was initiated as the beach width and sediment supply at the reflective end of the spectrum to relatively flat at the
increased with falling sea level. However, they did not consider dissipative end of the spectrum. Where there are intertidal
the possibility that dune vegetation can extend into the or supratidal bar structures or topographic variation, the
backshore and keep pace with the progradation, and that only boundary layer is unable to adjust, thereby limiting sediment
in the absence of vegetation in the backshore would dune transport (Short and Hesp, 1982; Houser, 2009). Intermediate
aggradation result from sea level fall. Similarly, Bryan et al. beaches tend to be associated with parabolic dune fields,
(2008) presented evidence to suggest that morphological ad- whereas dissipative and reflective beaches tend to be associ-
justment (and change in the transfer of beach and dune ated with large-scale and small-scale dune fields respectively
sediment) occurs at multidecadal scales in response to El Niño (Short and Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1988).
and La Niña episodes that modulate waves and sea level, as Sherman and Lyons (1994) used a numerical model to
well as changes in sediment supply. Oscillations in dune quantify sediment transport for reflective, intermediate, and
building and erosion are also observed on the Great Lakes as a dissipative beach types to examine the relative importance of
result of lake level variations (e.g., Olson, 1958; Loope and slope, grain size, and moisture. The authors found that there
Arbogast, 2000; Arbogast et al., 2002). Radiocarbon dating was only a 20% difference in transport between the reflective
suggests that transgressive dune activity occurs during high and intermediate beaches when only grain size and slope were
stands that tend to occur every 150 years (Loope and Arbogast, considered. With the inclusion of moisture, transport across
2000) and that widespread dune activity occurred as water the dissipative beach was almost two orders of magnitude
levels rose during the Nipissing transgression (Hansen et al., greater than on the reflective beach. Note, however, that their
2010). Increasing sediment supply to the southern part of the leeward-berm backshore width was the same in every case, a
lake has been responsible for the development of broad bea- condition which does not reflect the natural morphologies of
ches backed by large foredunes that are largely protected from these three different beach types. Davidson-Arnott and Law
wave erosion (Arbogast et al., 2004). (1996) also found that the larger fetch length of a dissipative
beach allowed for greater sediment transport across the beach.
Dissipative beaches also have a lower mobility (less variation
10.10.5 Beach–Dune Interaction Models in the position of the shoreline) and lower frequency of wave
set-up reaching the upper-beach and backshore (Short and
Based on a survey of Australian beaches, Short and Hesp Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1988). In contrast, intermediate and re-
(1982) emphasized the role of wave energy in controlling the flective beaches have a more variable fetch in response to
morphodynamic state of the beach and nearshore, which greater beach mobility and a higher frequency of wave set-up.
controls the amount of sediment transported from beach to More transport across a dissipative beach equates to greater
dune. In general, they argued that the more dissipative the deposition in the backshore and dune, which leads to greater
beachface, the less flow disturbance and the greater sediment dune volumes backing dissipative beaches (Short and Hesp,
transport off and across that surface (Hsu, 1977; Hesp, 1982; 1982; Hesp, 1988). Jackson and Cooper (1999) have shown
Kaimal and Finnigan, 1994). Based on wind measurements that the critical fetch is not an important constraint on sedi-
across a microtidal beach, the lack of disturbance on a dissi- ment transport for beaches with a large supply of dry sand in
pative beach allows for a gradual increase in the near-surface the backshore. This led Lynch et al. (2006) to argue that the
wind speed (see Figure 5; Short and Hesp, 1982). Sediment availability of sediment, rather than the fetch effect, is the
accretion involves broad deposition or removal of swash primary control on the transport rate and amount of sediment
280 Beach and Dune Interaction

delivered to the dunes (see also Saye et al., 2005 and Chris- intermittently strands the foredunes and restricts the duration
tiansen and Davidson-Arnott, 2004). of sediment accumulation at a single point. Rapid prograda-
Based on the observations from the Sefton coast in north- tion leads to ridge and swale topography characterized by low
western England, Pye (1990) presented an alternative model foredune ridges, whereas less rapid progradation allows sedi-
that accounts for: (1) the rate of littoral sand supply; (2) the mentto accumulate along a single foredune ridge. Psuty (1992)
wind energy available for transport; and (3) the effectiveness of predicted maximum foredune development where the sedi-
sand-trapping vegetation. Beach ridge plains develop in re- ment budget of the beach is slightly negative (erosional) and
sponse to a positive sand budget and low wind energy, and allows for intermittent scarping of the dune face and sediment
develop into a parallel foredune ridge with stronger winds transfer inland of the foredune crest (Hesp, 1988). As the
capable of moving sediment into the developing dunes. If the beach budget becomes increasingly negative, less sediment
vegetation is of low density or discontinuous, possibly in re- would be available for aeolian transport and the dune base
sponse to direct or indirect impact by human activity, irregular would experience more frequent erosion by waves and surge.
hummock dunes develop as an assemblage of irregular sand Sherman and Bauer (1993) modified Psuty’s (1992) model to
hills with blowouts and incipient parabolic dunes. A single include steady state sediment budget conditions. The addition
foredune ridge develops if the vegetation is sufficient to trap of steady state conditions allows explanation for wind con-
sediment, and the amount of sediment transferred from beach ditions that are below threshold velocity and large-scale dune
to dune balances the littoral supply. Slowly migrating parabolic transgression due to sea level rise. However, both the Pye
dunes develop where the amount of sediment transferred from (1990) and the Psuty (1992) model are unable to explain the
beach to dune is less than the littoral supply, ultimately leading large parabolic and transgressive dunefields occurring on
to low-relief, transgressive sand sheets where the littoral supply high wind energy and high sediment supply beaches of New
is much smaller than the aeolian transport. The rapid lowering Zealand (e.g., Muckersie and Shepherd, 1995), South Africa,
of the beach surface through aeolian transport leads to an in- and Brazil (Dillenburg and Hesp, 2009).
creased risk of storm wave damage and loss of vegetation. This The models of beach–dune interaction described above
model is supported by the results of Ruz and Allard (1994) who largely ascribe regional variations in dune morphology to
found that large subarctic foredunes develop during periods of fixed constraints on the beach and nearshore state (Short and
lower sediment supply and slow beach progradation (cf. Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1988) and sediment budget (Pye, 1990;
McCann and Byrne, 1989, 1994). Where rapid seaward devel- Psuty, 1992), without explicit recognition of the processes
opment of the beach is promoted by a large sediment supply, involved in the exchange of sediment between beach and
low foredune ridges, and foredune terraces were observed. dune. Granted, the model of Short and Hesp (1982) and
Psuty (1992) presented an alternative model in which both Hesp (1988) account for beach mobility, this is not necessarily
dune volume and morphology are related to the negative a surrogate for aeolian transport from beach to dune. Only
or positive sediment budget of the beach and the dune a limited capacity remains to predict the evolution of
(Figure 11). Where the beach budget is large, foredune beach–dune systems through these models, largely because the
development is limited because the expanding beach beachface tends to be viewed as a static transport surface
without regard to the supply of sediment or the transport po-
tential. Hesp (2002) provided an alternative model of beach-
Foredune Dune-ridge foredune interaction according to whether the foredune is
development Maximum topography
eroding, accreting, or stable (Figure 12). Minor to major wave
quadrant quadrant
development erosion leads to a steep scarped foredune in which a foredune
+ Positive

ramp redevelops (Figure 13). If the ramp is not revegetated, the

dune will recede landward, possibly developing into a blowout
Reduced foredune
or parabolic dune (see also Levin, 2011). As noted by Hesp
Foredune budget

growth rate dimensions (2002), significant erosion can force the dune to jump to
a more erosional form characterized by scarps, slumping, and
the dieback of vegetation or even to partial or complete re-
Blowouts moval of the dune through washover. Depending on the ability
Parabolics Foredune of the dune to rebuild and revegetate determines whether it
Hummocks attenuation will build in place or redevelop further landward. As argued in
Negative −

the present review, sediment accumulation in the backshore

and dune is not only dependent on the available fetch and
wind speeds as suggested by Bauer and Davidson-Arnott
Beach-ridge (2003) and supported by Short and Hesp (1982), but also
Washover topography
depends on the availability of sediment on the beachface and
in the backshore. The amount of sediment available on the
Negative Positive beachface and in the backshore is dependent on the amount
Beach budget of sediment added to and subtracted from these areas by
Figure 11 Beach–dune interaction model. Adapted with permission swash and surf-zone processes. This led Houser (2009) to
from Psuty, N., 1992. Spatial variation in coastal foredune argue that dune development depends on the synchronization
development. In: Nordstrom, K.F., Psuty, N.P., Carter, R.W.G. (Eds.), of transport potential and sediment supply in both space and
Coastal Dunes: Form and Process. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 3–13. time. Since beachface accretion tends to be dominated by
Beach and Dune Interaction 281

1 Stable

Stable to prograding
Blowcut 1

3 Gradual erosion 2
Stable Prograding coasts
1 3
1 2

3 2 1 3b
Erosion and

landward movement

3 2 4
1 Eroding
Erosion to stage 5 coasts 4b

5 5b
Blowcut or sandsheet
3 Gradual erosion
1 Wave erosion
of knobs
Complete erosion event (Formation of new foredone)
(a) Stage 1

Minor to major wave erosion (or) Various scales of overwash
D Storm event

Long term development 3 Scarp fill and 3

A−C 1 In-place
scenarios (1−3) 2 revegetation 1
1 3 Recession and
3 2 Erosion and 1 rebuilding

(c) (d)

Figure 12 Beach–dune interaction model of Hesp (2002) showing different stages of foredune development relative to the balance of storm
erosion and poststorm recovery.

landward migration and welding of nearshore bars, the con- variations in dune height depend on the alongshore cor-
cept of synchronization suggests that dune development is respondence of sediment supply and transport potential,
dependent on the episodic delivery of a sediment supply from which varies with the beach state (Houser and Hamilton,
the nearshore at the scale of a bar cycle. Similarly, Ruessink 2009). Historically, and following the 2004/2005 U.S. Gulf
and Jeuken (2002) suggested that the alongshore variation in Coast hurricane season, Houser and Hamilton (2009) sug-
dunefoot position is dependent on the alongshore migration gested that the exchange of sediment between beach and dune
of sandwaves with a fresh supply of sediment and wide fetch. in erosional areas with a relatively reflective foreshore is lim-
To this point, beach–dune interaction has been treated ited by the steep gradient and limited fetch of the beach berm,
from a traditional bottom–up perspective, in which the small- whereas the larger beach width and lack of berm development
scale exchange of sediment between beach and dune over tidal in intermediate sections of the island are more conducive to
and storm scales is ultimately responsible for dune develop- the transport of sediment from beach to dune (Short and
ment and evolution at much longer timescales. Recent Hesp, 1982; Hesp, 1988).
evidence suggests that alongshore and regional variations in The discrepancies between these beach–dune interaction
dune development are related to preexisting geological con- models largely reflects a poor understanding of the relative
trols and shelf gradients (e.g., Hesp et al., 2009) (Houser and importance of sediment supply and aeolian transport poten-
Hamilton, 2009; Servera et al., 2009; da Silva and Hesp, 2010; tial, which has resulted from a combination of scale- and
Hapke et al., 2010). Intrasite variability in dune morphology site-dependent observations. Following Sherman and Bauer
along Mocambique Beach in southern Brazil is controlled by (1993), beach–dune interaction at the smallest scale is
shoreline orientation relative to the prevailing wind leading the result of aeolian transport over a fixed surface (Sec-
to small foredunes in the south, parabolic and transgressive tion 10.10.3). As the temporal and spatial scales increase,
dunes along the central part of the coast, and large trans- beach–dune interaction becomes increasingly dependent on
gressive dunes in the north (da Silva and Hesp, 2010), con- the dynamic nature of the beach and backshore resulting from
sistent with the Short and Hesp (1982) model. Smaller scale bar migration cycles, which affects both sediment supply and
282 Beach and Dune Interaction

the availability and characteristics of sediment, and the mor-

phodynamic state of the beach and nearshore. Coastal dunes
develop where there is an available supply of beach sediment,
a sufficient size fetch for the transport of sediment from the
beachface to the backshore, and (but not always) vegetation to
capture the sediment. The amount of sediment transported
from beach to dune depends on intrinsic factors of the beach
morphology including microscale topography, vegetation
cover, moisture content, and extrinsic factors such as sur-
Figure 13 Unvegetated dune ramp along a previously scarped rounding morphology and storm wave impact on the upper
foredune at Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland (Photo by beach and dune front. Over slightly longer timescales (the
C. Houser). mesoscale), coastal dune morphology is largely dependent on
the aeolian transport potential and the intensity of storms that
erode the backshore and scarp the dune. Over much longer
periods, dune development is dependent on sediment supply,
which in turn is dependent on the availability of sediment
Trends supply
from alongshore, and offshore sources. Linking these pro-
cesses over a range of spatial and temporal scales has proven
quite difficult, and predictions of beach–dune sediment bud-
gets and morphological change based on empirical relation-
Geologic setting ships are not reliable at the smallest spatial and temporal
climate and sea level scales (Sherman et al., 1998), and tenuous when extrapolated
Cycles to regional scales (Davidson-Arnott and Law, 1996; Davidson-

Arnott et al., 2005).

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288 Beach and Dune Interaction

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Chris Houser is a coastal geomorphologist in the Department of Geography at Texas A&M University. Since
graduating in 2004 as PhD student of Dr. Brian Greenwood at the University of Toronto, Chris has focused his
research on coastal morphodynamics with a focus on the response and recovery of barrier islands along the Gulf
of Mexico to extreme storms. This involves research at a range of spatial and temporal scales from swash zone
processes, to nearshore bar behavior and aeolian sediment transport from beach to dune.

Dr. Jean Ellis is a coastal scientist in the Department of Geography and Marine Science Program at the University
of South Carolina. Jean is a former NOAA Knauss Fellow, serving at NASA Headquarters. She finished her PhD in
2006 from Texas A&M University, and then went to work at NASA Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. A major
thrust of Jean’s research is currently focused around small-scale aeolian sediment transport. She is also working on
nearshore hydrodynamics along a coast with offshore breakwaters and analysis of historical land-use and land-
cover patterns to aid restoration and conservation decision makers.
10.11 Rock Coasts
WJ Stephenson, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
ME Dickson, University of Auckland, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand
AS Trenhaile, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.11.1 Introduction 289

10.11.2 Processes 290 Sea Level 291 The Role of Tides 291 Waves 291 Wave quarrying 291 Abrasion 292 Weathering 292 Salt weathering 293 Wetting and drying 293 Biology 293 Mass Movement 294
10.11.3 Rocky Coast Landforms 295 Relict, Composite, and Plunging Sea-Cliffs 296 Shore Platforms 297 Near-horizontal platforms 298 Sloping platforms 299 Inheritance 300
10.11.4 Rock Coast Modeling 300 Coastal Profiles 300 Plan Shape 302
10.11.5 Conclusions 303
References 303


Rock coasts constitute the majority of the world’s shorelines and result from erosive processes. Rates of erosion vary from
almost nil to tens of meters per year. Cliff and shore platforms are the most common landform types but even these display
significant variations in morphology depending on sea-level history, tidal range, the relative contributions of marine and
subaerial processes, and geological properties of the rock. Smaller scale features such as stacks and arches are important
elements and contribute significantly to landscape values and subsequently, tourism economies. The evolutionary history of
rock coasts is difficult to reconstruct because of their erosional origin but modeling has revealed much about how such
coastlines have developed over the latter part of the Pleistocene and Holocene, and it has also provided important insights
into the modeling of these coasts to modern sea-level and coastal processes.

10.11.1 Introduction rock strength occurs along a very wide continuum. Sea cliffs
are the most characteristic landforms along the rocky shore-
Rock coasts are ubiquitous along the world’s coast lines, oc- lines. According to Emery and Kuhn (1982), cliffs, including
curring at all latitudes and in all morphogenetic environ- those cut into hard and soft rocks, as well as cohesive clays and
ments. Rock coasts can be defined as those that are composed sands, occur along about 80% of the world’s coasts (Figure 1),
of consolidated material (rock) of varying strength (Suna- although little work has been done to substantiate this figure.
mura, 1992). The strength of material forming rock coasts can Rock coasts may also be composed of shore platforms that
vary enormously from very hard granite to soft materials such either slope (411) or lie close to horizontal. Shore platforms
as clay and consolidated gravels. The common distinction are commonly front cliffs but in some cases platforms are
between hard and soft rock coasts is thus misleading, because backed by beaches and sand dunes. Unlike coasts composed
of accumulations of sediment, rock coasts are almost entirely
erosional in origin and consequently reconstructing the evo-
Stephenson, W.J., Dickson, M.E., Trenhaile, A.S., 2013. Rock coasts. In:
lutionary history of rock coast landforms presents significant
Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on
Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal challenges to earth scientists. Furthermore the erosional origin
Geomorphology, pp. 289–307. of rock coasts also presents significant management challenges

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 289

290 Rock Coasts

Figure 1 Distribution of cliffed coasts around the world. Adapted from Emery, K.O., Kuhn, G.G., 1982. Sea cliffs: their processes, profiles, and
classification. Geological Society of America Bulletin 93, 644–654, with permission from Geological Society of America.

as rock coasts lack the capacity to recover from erosive events determinant of where coast lines occur, so it is first necessary
in the way beaches or other sedimentary environments return to examine the role of changing sea levels in the evolution of
sediment to their form. Paradoxically the scenic value attached rock coasts. Closely associated with sea-level changes are tides,
to rock coasts owes its origin to that same suite of erosional because these determine the vertical range within which rock
processes, so management and conservation requires main- coasts develop, and, to a certain degree, rock coast morph-
taining erosive processes that are not attractive in most coastal ology. The traditional role of waves and weathering are ex-
management strategies. plored. In addition, the roles of biological processes are also
Rock coasts are also at the center of several key debates in considered. Section 10.11.3 reviews how geological and
coastal geomorphology. For example, Cruslock et al. (2010) lithological frameworks determine landform morphology.
considered shore platforms in different genetic settings to Different rock coast landforms are presented and explained
demonstrate equifinality. The environmental significance of within a geological framework. Reconstructing the evolution-
boulder deposits are beginning to be better understood by the ary history of rock coasts is problematic because of an ero-
examination of cliff top deposits (Hansom et al., 2008) and sional origin, so that modeling is currently the best approach
viewed more critically through the consideration of geological to understand how rock coasts have evolved and how they
settings (Stephenson and Naylor, 2011a, b; Knight and Bur- might evolve into the future. Consequently Section 10.11.4
ningham, 2011). Large boulders deposited on cliff tops or far reviews modeling efforts that bring together our current state
inland beyond the reach of normal sea conditions have previ- of understanding of how rock coasts develop.
ously been attributed to tsunami (Bryant et al., 1992, 1996;
Young et al., 1996). Work on rock coasts is illustrating how
boulders and even megaclasts can in fact be attributed to (the 10.11.2 Processes
work of) extreme storm events (e.g., Hall et al., 2006, 2008;
Etienne and Paris, 2010; Switzer and Burston, 2010). Thus de- Rock coasts are exposed to a wide range of processes that are
bates over the role of tsunami as an agent of change of coastal unique in terms of geomorphic process response systems, es-
landscapes are becoming better understood and the role of pecially when compared to other coastal systems. In addition
storm waves is better recognized. What is yet to be understood to marine processes such as wave impact, quarrying, and
is whether these high magnitude–low frequency events make a abrasion, subaerial processes may reduce rock strength and in
significant contribution to long-term rock coast development. some settings can be the dominant process set. Subaerial
Today there are still many challenges to understanding the re- processes include the full range of physical and chemical
sponse of rock coasts to contemporary processes across a variety weathering processes and the relative significance of any par-
of scales and to interpreting the long term response, or evo- ticular one (e.g., wetting and drying, salt weathering, heating
lution, of these coasts (Naylor et al., 2010). and cooling, solution) is variable in time and space. In add-
In this chapter, we review these debates in rock coast ition to marine and subaerial processes, biological activity is
geomorphology and provide an overview of the role of dif- also important. Included here are not only erosion processes
ferent process and geological frameworks that lead to rock but also bioprotection that can act to reduce the efficiency
coast landforms. The evolutionary pathways that rock coasts of physical processes and construction where organisms con-
take are explored through the use of models. In Sec- struct reefs or accumulate sediment. Where rock coasts are
tion 10.11.2 we discuss the processes that drive rock coast wholly or partly composed of cliffs, mass movement is an
landform development. Sea level is the fundamental important process that causes cliff erosion and retreat.
Rock Coasts 291 Sea Level Waves

Sea level is the primary control of coast evolution as it is the Waves impacting on rock coasts impart a variety of forces, but
basic spatial and temporal frame of reference upon which understanding the erosional efficiency of these forces still re-
processes responsible for shoreline development occur. Rock quires a great deal of empirical research. Until recently there
coasts evolve slower than sedimentary coasts because of the have been relatively few field studies reported in the literature.
greater resistance of their material composition, but as a Undoubtedly waves erode rock coasts and transport the wea-
consequence there is a much greater potential for rock coasts thered and unconsolidated debris, but the precise quantifi-
to be preserved in the landscape after sea-level changes. This cation of the relationship between wave forces and rock
has two important implications. First, many rock coasts may resistance, as expressed by Sunamura (1992, 1994), remains
not change rapidly enough to record all sea-level variations, elusive. Sunamura proposed that rock coast erosion occurs
particularly short term Holocene variations. Second, some when the erosive force of waves exceeds the resisting force of
rock coasts may have undergone more than one episode of rock. The challenge that remains is to accurately quantify both
development when sea-level reoccupies a similar elevation, or forces. Waves can erode by (1) directly expending a force (water
tectonic processes lift submerged shorelines to coincide with a hammer) by hydraulic quarrying of jointed blocks, or (2) by
contemporary sea level. The challenge for scientists investi- abrasion when waves mobilize loose sediment against bedrock.
gating rock coasts is to recognize the impact of multiple sea Our understanding of wave processes on shore platforms
levels occupying rock coasts and identify the morphologies has been hampered by a lack of field investigations. In recent
that have been inherited from earlier sea-level histories. times the number of field investigations has grown and new
Patterns of Quaternary sea-level change (2.5 Ma – present) data reveal that the hydrodynamics of waves across shore
are generally known although the details of sea-level durations platforms are as complex as the surf zones of beaches. Work by
and elevations at specific sites are not (Pirazzoli, 1991). Sea- Stephenson and Kirk (2000a) considered how energy was
level change since the last two glacial periods are of most sig- transformed across platforms, noting the highly dissipative
nificance to rock coast development although some rock coasts nature of the platforms they studied. Taylor (2003) was the
may be inherited from sea levels dating back to the Tertiary, first to record wave energy in the infragravity band on shore
65–2.5 Ma ago (Trenhaile, 1989). It is likely that highly resist- platforms. Farrell et al. (2009) demonstrated that the wave
ant rock coasts have retained some degree of inheritance from breaking criterion of 0.42 h (water depth) for inner surf zone
the last interglacial at approximately 125 ka (Trenhaile, 2002). root-mean-squared wave height (Hrms) proposed by Thornton
More recently Trenhaile (2010a) has endeavored to examine the and Guza (1982) applied to the platform they studied in
role of relative sea-level rise during the Holocene, and this is Portugal. Prior to Taylor (2003) no attention had been given
considered further in Section 10.11.4. to infragravity energy or consideration of the geomorphic
consequence of such energy for rock coasts. This has changed
recently with a number of published studies examining wave The Role of Tides transformations and energy dissipation across shore platforms
(Ogawa et al., 2011; Ogawa et al., 2012; Beetham and Kench,
If sea level determines where and for how long coastal processes
2011; Marshall and Stephenson, 2011). Unsurprisingly, infra-
act on shorelines, tides determine the vertical range within
gravity energy is present on shore platforms during rising and
which those processes operate. Even the location of supratidal
high tides when the platform acts to modulate incident wave
processes are partially determined by tidal range. Globally, rock
energy in a similar way as the surf zones of beaches excite
coast morphologies develop in all tidal environments and
infragravity motions. It remains to be seen what, if any, con-
vertical ranges. In addition, rock coast landforms develop in
sequence there is for the geomorphic evolution of rock coasts
lakes where tides are absent (Matthews et al., 1986; Allan et al.,
as a result of infragravity energy.
2002; Trenhaile, 2004a; Aarseth and Fossen, 2004). Lake levels
can fluctuate both naturally and from management inter-
vention (as in the case of hydropower generation) but whether
these fluctuations mimic tides with a geomorphic consequence Wave quarrying
for lacustrine rock coasts remains unclear. Wave quarrying is thought to be the most important erosive
Tidal range has been identified as a primary control of process on shore platforms in the storm wave environment of
gross morphology of shore platforms. Trenhaile (1999) re- the northern hemisphere (Trenhaile, 1980, 1987). Quarrying
viewed the published data on shore platform gradient and is the breaking free and removal of rock fragments by shock
tidal range for a variety of coasts around the world. He found pressures from breaking waves, water hammer, and the com-
that there is a strong positive relationship between these pression of air in rock joints. Although shock pressures and
variables (r2 ¼0.85), with steeper sloping platforms occurring water hammer are generated by breaking waves, both breaking
in areas with the highest tidal ranges, including in the Bay of and broken waves can cause compression of air in joints. Air is
Fundy in eastern Canada and the Severn Estuary in south compressed in joints and bedding planes as water rushes in,
western Britain. In addition, tidal range and type (diurnal, followed by a sudden explosive release as the water recedes
semidiurnal, or mixed) determine how and where wave energy (Trenhaile, 1987). Robinson (1977a, b) proposed that
is distributed within the vertical range of the tide and the quarrying becomes more effective when sand is washed into
horizontal extent of the shore profile. Fluctuations in baro- cracks and keeps them open. He called this process ‘wedging.’
metric pressure, wind, and wave set up can also change the Wave quarrying is limited in extent over a shore platform,
vertical range within which wave forces are expended. since maximum pressures occur at or near the mean water
292 Rock Coasts

level whose position on a shore platform and in front of a cliff abrasion as ‘the result of sweeping, rolling, or dragging of
is controlled by the tide and wave set up (Trenhaile, 1987). rocks and sand across gently sloping rock surfaces, or the
The effectiveness of quarrying has been assessed largely on throwing of coarse material against steep surfaces.’ Abrasion
the basis of morphological evidence such as fresh block scars relies on the presence of sediment and sufficient wave energy
and angular blocks on platforms and in front of cliffs. Few to move it, and it generally occurs in a narrow zone, the extent
studies have attempted to determine the effectiveness of of which is controlled by the character of the tide and wave
quarrying using field data. This is largely because of the environment, and the accumulated sediment. Conversely,
difficulty of working in a very dynamic environment and Sunamura (1976) noted that large or very thick accumulations
problems with the availability of suitable instrumentation. of sediment can prevent abrasion by acting in a protective
Trenhaile and Kanyaya (2007) measured waves on platforms manner. Robinson (1977a, b, c) found that abrasion occurred
in the macrotidal Bay of Fundy on the Atlantic coast of North on a shore platform in northeastern England at a height of
America and the micromesotidal coast of Gaspe, Quebec, and 10 cm above a beach at a cliff foot and extended 14.5 cm
concluded that calculated wave stresses are capable of re- below the beach. Waves moved sediment at a depth of 5 cm
moving large rock blocks from the platform in this area. In- and as deep as 13.5 cm under the largest waves (Robinson,
stantaneous recordings of block removal are required to 1977c). Robinson (1977a, b, c) found that abrasion was more
improve our knowledge of this process but since it most often effective during winter when storms are of greater magnitude
occurs under during storm conditions, it is difficult to obtain and frequency. Abrasion rates in this setting were as high as
real time observations. Cruslock et al. (2010) used a block scar 4.5 cm yr1. Blanco-Chao et al. (2007) demonstrated how
inventory to illustrate the removal of blocks on the Swedish abrasion was effective on shore platforms where the landward
and Fårö Island coasts in the Baltic Sea. Systematic repeat margin of the platform was buried by deposits of fluvio-nival
surveys revealed the removal of blocks over a 4-year period. and periglacial slope deposits. Sediments, liberated from the
Naylor and Stephenson (2010) used repeated photography slope deposits by erosion were made available in the upper
following storms to demonstrate the removal of blocks from a part of the tidal range as abrasive tools. In this zone, abrasion
platform surface on the Glamorgan coast in South Wales. Hall rates were between 0.13 and 1.8 mm yr1. These rates are
et al. (2006), Hansom et al. (2008), and Hall et al. (2008) similar to those measured with microerosion meters, reported
used a combination of historical photography, mapping, from other shore platforms where abrasion is absent (Ste-
dating, and modeling to show the effectiveness of wave phenson and Finlayson, 2009).
quarrying on cliffs and cliff tops in the British Isles. Blocks The significance of abrasion to shore platform develop-
deposited at the 15 m elevation on The Grind of the Navir on ment is unclear. Given that abrasion is a spatially and tem-
the Shetland Islands, Scotland, have been quarried from the porally discrete process, and works most effectively only where
cliff face during annual-frequency storms. Atlantic storm and when abrasive sediments accumulate, typically at the
waves have also been demonstrated as effective generators of landward margin of shore platforms, then large parts of shore
cliff top storm deposits by Suanez et al. (2009). Along the platforms are apparently eroded by other processes. Never-
coast of Banneg Island located in the archipelago of Molène, theless, abrasion is significant in many areas because of rela-
in Brittany, France, wave quarrying has liberated blocks that tively high erosion rates (where they occur) and the landward
were subsequently deposited on top of cliffs. migration of the cliff-foot zone as shore platforms develop.
Boulders and megaclasts strewn along rock coasts on shore Conversely, many shore platforms have developed in the
platforms and cliff tops are frequently cited as evidence for the complete absence of abrasive materials.
occurrence of tsunami (Noormets et al., 2002, 2004; Scheffers
et al., 2005; Scheffers and Scheffers, 2006; Morton et al.,
2006). However such evidence remains controversial (Felton Weathering
and Crook, 2003; Switzer and Burston, 2010) and in light of
recent work illustrating the ability of storm waves to deposit Coasts are perhaps the ideal weathering environment because
boulders on cliff tops the role of tsunami is being questioned of a plentiful supply of salts, water, temperature extremes, and
(Hall et al., 2006; Hansom et al., 2008; Hall et al., 2008; Paris bare rock surfaces. Although both physical and chemical
et al., 2011). Nevertheless, there are examples of very large weathering processes and biological activity occur, consider-
boulders located on cliff tops that are incapable of being ation of weathering usually focuses on (1) wetting and drying,
transported by storm waves, and tsunami remain the only (2) solution, and (3) salt weathering. Many rock types are
plausible explanation (e.g., Goto et al., 2010). Thus, both susceptible to chemical dissolution as well as physical fatigue
storm waves and tsunami are responsible for wave quarrying, from repeated wetting and drying by tides and aided by salt
but their relative contribution to long-term rock coast evo- water. In warmer environments wetting and drying can be
lution remains unclear. important while on higher latitude coasts freeze-thaw may be
more significant. The relative contribution of each type of Abrasion weathering depends upon the suite of environmental con-
Abrasion has been identified as an important erosive process, ditions, so that the importance of each will be different spa-
particularly on shore platforms (Sunamura, 1976; Robinson tially and temporally. Seasonal variations are likely to be
1977a, b, c; Kennedy and Beban, 2005; Blanco-Chao et al., important in temperate environments. The suite of weathering
2007). Abrasion operates where sediments that are as hard or processes is also responsible for a number of micromeso scale
harder than the underlying bedrock accumulate and are landforms such as tafoni (Figure 2), pits, and model/karren
moved by wave action. Trenhaile (1987, p.25) defined (on limestone).
Rock Coasts 293

Figure 2 Honeycomb (tafoni) weathering. Vernier calipers are Figure 3 Water Morphology of water layer weathering morphology
230 mm long. of shallow pans surrounded by raised rims. The location of the raised
rims is determined by the occurrence of joints. Salt weathering

Cooke and Smalley (1968) identified three mechanisms by Sedimentary rocks such as shales and mudstones are particu-
which salt causes weathering: (1) pressures exerted by crystals as larly susceptible to this form of weathering because the clay
they grow from solution, (2) pressures exerted by expanding minerals found in them expand on wetting and shrink on
salt crystals due to heating, and (3) pressures from volume drying (Yatsu, 1988). The observation that rock surfaces on
changes induced by hydration. Furthermore, three variables shore platforms undergo swelling when measured with a
control the effectiveness of salt weathering: (1) the nature of the microerosion meter has been linked with wetting and drying
salts and their solutions, (2) the properties of the affected (Kirk, 1977; Stephenson and Kirk, 2001; Stephenson et al.,
materials, and (3) the nature of the environment in which salts 2004; Kanyaya and Trenhaile, 2005; Trenaile, 2006; Porter and
may cause the materials to disintegrate (Cooke, 1979). Cooke Trenhaile, 2007; Porter et al., 2010a, b, c) and is consequently
and Smalley (1968) noted that the degree of saturation of the thought to contribute to rock stress, weakening, and eventual
solution is important, as is the duration of exposure of the bed erosion.
materials to supersaturated conditions. The capacity to absorb Wetting and drying is well recognized on shore platforms
water, porosity, microporosity, the rate at which solutions where flat surfaces allow water to pool. In this particular situ-
penetrate rocks and tensile strength, are all properties of rock ation the process has been termed ‘water layer weathering.’ It
that control the effectiveness of salt weathering (Cooke, 1979). can operate wherever sea water can accumulate and evaporate.
Using laboratory experiments, Goudie et al. (1970) found that Water layer weathering was first recognized by Bartrum and
igneous rocks were little affected by salts, whereas chalk, lime- Turner (1928). The physical process of water layer weathering
stone, and sandstones broke down rapidly after repeated im- remains to be fully explained but most researchers consider it
mersion in saline solutions. Cooke and Smalley (1968) important in addition to wetting and drying, salt weathering,
proposed that the growth of crystals from solution is important chemical weathering, and the movement of solutions through
in humid coastal deserts, where dissolved salts are abundant. rock capillaries (Trenhaile, 1987). Kanyaya and Trenhaile
Salt weathering operating on rock coasts in warmer temperate (2005) and Trenhaile et al. (2006) used tidal simulators to
environments is probably a significant weathering agent, but replicate real time wetting and drying conditions on more than
little work has been conducted to establish the relative contri- 1000 cores comprising different rock types in a series of la-
bution of individual weathering processes relative to others on boratory experiments. Their results showed that wetting and
coastal rock coasts. A number of laboratory or simulation drying worked more effectively on coarse grained rock (sand-
studies have examined the relative roles of salts and other stone) when salt water was used compared to wetting and
weathering processes. Jerwood et al. (1990a, b) in a series of drying with fresh water. However the opposite result occurred
experiments using groups of chalk cubes immersed in water in finer grained rocks (basalt and argillites), with more erosion
and different salt solutions showed how different salts impacted occurring during wetting and drying using fresh water than salt
differently on freeze thaw weathering, for example. Sodium water. The processes of water layer weathering produces a dis-
chloride enhanced freeze thaw while magnesium sulfate in- tinct morphology where shallow pools are surrounded by
hibited freezing and subsequent rock fatigue. How the results of raised rims associated with joints (Figure 3). The raised rims
laboratory experiments apply to field settings remains unclear around the pool occur along joints and retain water in the joint.
(Tingstad, 2008). The significance of salt weathering is difficult The rims undergo fewer wetting and drying cycles than the
to determine, particularly when wetting and drying is also oc- pools which consequently weather and lower more quickly.
curring simultaneously. Biology Wetting and drying
The intertidal location and proximity to sea spray of many rock A common definition of bioerosion is the removal of lithic
coast landforms facilitates repeated wetting and drying. substrate by the direct action of organisms (Neumann, 1966).
294 Rock Coasts

A bewildering array of organisms are capable of eroding the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean and found that rates varied
bedrock on rock coasts and these operate from above the from 0.9 cm yr1 to 4.5 cm yr1. Trenhaile (1987) presented a
spring high tide line that is regularly splashed, but not sub- summary of 42 investigations of bioerosion rates which range
merged by ocean water (the supratidal zone), to depths that from 30 to 50 mm in 3 to 4 weeks by algae on carbonates, to
are permanently submerged (the subtidal zone). On rock 1 m yr1 on limestone by boring sea urchin (Paracentrotus
shores microboring occurs as a result of cyanobacteria and lividus). Naylor et al. (2012) has been critical of geomorph-
chlorophytes, and other boring activity is carried out by in- ologists for not paying greater attention to the role of
vertebrates including sponges and mollusca such as chinton, bioerosion and when bioerosion has been considered it has
gastropods, and bivalves. been in an oversimplified manner. They argue that erosion
Rates of bioerosion vary enormously from microns to rates reported as millimeters per year of downwearing fail to
meters per year, depending on the type and population disclose the complexity of bioerosion and advocate erosion
densities of the organisms responsible. Erosion is achieved rates instead be reported as volume loss. Naylor et al. (2012)
through grazing, chemical reaction to secretions, and boring. also attempt to show how bioerosion at the scale of milli-
Grazing gastropods feed by scraping the rock surface with their meters can influence erosion rates at larger scale and con-
radula to ingest the rock and digest the endolithic algae con- cluded that bioerosion is cross-scalar, influencing erosion at
tained in the rock (Figure 4). Grazing on chalk platforms larger scales.
along the English Channel by limpets (Patella modelli) con- In contrast to agents causing erosion, biota on rock coasts
tributed between 12 and 35% of the annual lowering rate of can also provide protection from other erosive processes
2.3 mm yr1 (Andrews and Williams, 2000). Trudgill (1976) (Naylor and Viles, 2002; Naylor et al., 2002). Hills (1949)
measured rates of boring organisms on Aldabra Atoll, part of modeling this protective role on platforms in Victoria, south-
eastern Australia, where the extensive covering of Hormosira
banksii (Neptune’s necklace, sea grapes, or bubbleweed) pre-
vents erosion by mechanical or subaerial processes. Stephenson
and Kirk (1998) measured erosion rates on shore platforms and
found that winter rates were lower compared with summer. The
main reason for this was that cooler winter temperatures
allowed extensive covering of algae over the platform which
prevented drying, trapped sediment, and provided protection
from wave erosion. Bioprotection has not been widely studied
and the relative importance of it compared to bioerosion and
other erosion processes is unknown. Macroalgae (e.g., Durvil-
laea modelling, a common bull kelp) can dissipate wave energy
through mechanical movement and protect rock surfaces
against wave impact forces. The removal of macroalgae by
strong waves, however, often removes the rock to which they
were attached, resulting in block erosion (Figure 5).
Even less well understood than bioprotection is biocon-
struction on rock shores (coral reefs excluded). Encrustation of
Figure 4 Grazing track of a limpet. The limpet has traversed from rock surfaces by a variety of organisms such as barnacle and
left to right of the images scrapping the rock surface to remove and vermetid worms provides additional protection to rock sur-
ingest the rock. Endolithic algae are digested and the rock excreted. faces by the construction of sessile (fixed in one place) shells.
Naylor and Viles (2000) documented meter-scale reef building
on the seaward edge of shore platforms in southern Wales
(UK) by honeycomb worms (Sabellaria alveolata) that build
tubes by cementing sand grains together. These reefs may play
a role in dissipating wave energy by reducing the water depth
and forcing wave breaking. Mass Movement

In addition to marine and weathering processes, sea cliffs are
subject to mass movement and other processes that drive
slope evolution. The type of mass movement occurring on
rock coasts (e.g., topple, fall, slide, avalanche, and flow) de-
pends on the climate, groundwater hydrology, and geological
and lithological framework of the coast (Trenhaile, 1987;
Sunamura, 1992; Hampton and Griggs, 2004). Understanding
Figure 5 Durvillaea antarctica washed up on a beach with bedrock the relative contributions of the subaerial, marine, and mass
attached. The block detached from a rock mass is 50 cm in the movement processes that control sea cliff erosion is complex
long axis. as these processes vary regionally and commonly work
Rock Coasts 295

M >> SA


M > SA


M = SA

Figure 6 Cliff failure with associated rock fall in Blue Lias

limestone, Glamorgan, South Wales coast (UK).
M < SA
together. Cliff erosion is commonly viewed as a result of Fan
marine processes where waves undercut cliffs and reduce cliff
support until collapse occurs, and the fallen debris is sub- (a) (b)
sequently removed by waves to expose the cliff – thereby re-
Figure 7 Idealized cliff profiles cut in homogenous rocks, showing
peating the cycle (Figure 6). However, sea cliffs can continue
(a) geological history, and (b) relative efficacy of marine (M) and
to erode even when abandoned by the sea or in the absence of
subaerial (SA) processes. Adapted from Emery, K.O., Kuhn, G.G.,
undercutting because of mass wasting processes (Nott, 1990; 1982. Sea cliffs: their processes, profiles, and classification.
Lee and Clark, 2002). Consequently, coastal cliff profiles de- Geological Society of America Bulletin 93, 644–654, with permission
cline in gradient. In many areas, cliff erosion is also a function from Geological Society of America.
of the amount, mobility, and morphology of the sediment or
mass movement debris at its base, which determine the ac- but in some locations profiles have been partially rejuvenated
cessibility of the cliff face to wave attack. In addition, surface by undercutting. In some cases there is little evidence of a
and ground water also play parts in producing conditions for formerly degraded profile.
cliff failure. Surface water running down cliff faces washes Shore platforms generally occur where cliff erosion has
material down slope. Groundwater causes loading and lubri- been active, although they may be partially or completely
cation in discontinuities, thus reducing the strength of rock covered by beaches. In contrast, where steep cliffs plunge into
materials. Seepage of ground water at the cliff face can erode deep water, wave energy is reflected from the cliff-face
material and weaken discontinuities. Water can also cause and marine erosion processes are ineffectual. These different
weathering and dissolution, thereby further reducing rock evolutionary pathways are heavily dependent on the local
strength. sea-level history, sediment supply, lithology, antecedent
topography, tectonics, and the local process regime.
Stacks and arches (Figure 8) are smaller scale features of
10.11.3 Rocky Coast Landforms many rock coasts and are commonly valued components of
coastal landscapes, important to tourism and sightseeing. The
Worldwide, the morphology of sea cliffs is highly varied, re- geomorphic significance of such features is seldom investi-
sulting from the complex interplay between different erosion gated. An exception is the work of Trenhaile et al. (1998) who
processes and the bedrock in which the cliffs have formed. assessed the role of rock hardness and joints in the develop-
Moreover, many rocky coasts have evolved slowly and may ment of stacks at Cape Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick,
have partly inherited their morphology from processes oper- Canada. Stacks in rock with the same strength as the sur-
ating under different climatic conditions. Figure 7 provides a rounding shore platforms resulted from the patterns, spacing,
simple conceptual framework that considers the varied de- and location of jointing and faults. In other cases, stacks occur
velopment of sea-cliff morphology. During the Last Glacial, because they are formed from more resistant rock and become
global eustatic sea-level was as much as 120 m below present isolated as the surrounding shore line retreats. Earlier work by
(Chappell and Shackleton, 1986). Hence, for many thousands Shepard and Kuhn (1983) also noted the importance of
of years, many contemporary sea cliffs were subject only preferential erosion along joints and channels cut by surges in
to subaerial processes that degraded and rounded cliff the development of sea arches and caves. Johnson (1925)
profiles. Subsequent climatic warming was accompanied by a documented the development of a sea arch from a cave which
marine transgression that drove sediments landward, flooded broke through the other side of a promontory. In both ex-
embayments, and reexposed cliffed coasts to wave attack. At amples researchers utilized historical photographs to docu-
present, some degraded (former) profiles remain at the coast, ment the evolutionary sequence of arch development.
296 Rock Coasts

‘slope over wall,’ ‘hog’s back,’ and ‘beveled cliffs’ (see Trenhaile,
1987). There has been much discussion of the origin of
composite profiles. Fisher (1866) originally suggested that
alternating periods of marine and subaerial erosion might be
responsible, whereas Challinor (1949) thought that the upper,
gently sloping surface and the lower, steep cliff face could form
contemporaneously. Improved recognition of the nature of
repeated Quaternary sea-level fluctuations led later researchers
toward the view that the degraded, rounded profile is likely
formed by subaerial processes during periods of lower sea
level, whereas with warmer climates, rising sea levels renew
wave attack and steepen the base of the cliff (e.g., Cotton,
1951; Guilcher, 1958). This view has been supported by
Kirkby’s (1984) modeling that supported Savigear’s (1952)
view of the very gradual nature of degraded slope develop-
ment. The simplest development of composite cliffs involves
one glacial–interglacial cycle in which all previous evidence of
development have been destroyed. Flemming (1965) and
Cotton (1967) discussed such a possibility in the context of
cliffed profiles around the Auckland Islands in the Southern
Ocean. However, in other instances, cliff profiles may have
been produced by several phases of erosion across multiple
glacial/interglacial cycles (Wood, 1959; Griggs and Trenhaile,
The form of composite cliffs results from the interplay
between several factors. Arber (1949) discussed the interplay
between geology and the process environment while con-
Figure 8 Stack on Flower Pot Island, Bruce Peninsula, between sidering the development of cliff profiles in Devon and
Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Cornwall along the southeastern coast of England (UK). She
noted that landward dipping strata generally give rise to ‘hog’s
back’-type composite cliffs, but in cliffs without structural Relict, Composite, and Plunging Sea-Cliffs
planes the resulting profile tends to be very steep with a flat
‘Former’ sea-cliffs (Figure 7) are cliffs that were exposed top, provided that marine processes are dominant. If there is a
to marine undercutting in the distant past, perhaps during balance between marine and subaerial processes, then the
the Last Interglacial, high sea level (124–119 years BP), or upper portion of the profile may be rounded whereas the
even prior to that. Cliff profiles were subsequently degraded lower portion may be steep because of wave undercutting (as
during the Last Glacial, and for a number of local reasons depicted in Figure 7). In highly resistant rocks, vertical slopes
the cliffs were not reexcavated during the Holocene. can persist even in the absence of basal undercutting by wave
Good examples of such profiles occur on coasts exposed to action. Hence, where precipitous hard-rock cliffs occur in
tectonic uplift, such as the central Californian (USA) coastline, coastal environments, the profile that develops during glacial
where a suite of marine terraces exhibit paleocliff profiles that periods is not a degraded, rounded hillslope, but is instead a
become more rounded with age (Rosenbloom and Anderson, near-vertical cliff face mantled at its toe by talus. If the cliff is
1994). On tectonically stable coasts, most rocky shorelines high and the lithology resistant, there will be insufficient time
have been reactivated to some extent by Holocene raised for the talus slope to accumulate and build to the cliff top. At
sea level. Lord Howe Island (located 600 km east of Australia in the
The importance of different local controls was well Tasman Sea), for instance, very large talus slopes occur at the
demonstrated in Savigear’s (1952) classic study of slope- base of near-vertical basalt cliffs 800 m high (Dickson, 2004;
development in southern Wales (UK), where he noted that a Dickson and Woodroffe, 2005). Holocene sea-level rise has
laterally extending beach system in front of a cliffed hinterland been unable to remove these very large talus deposits, and the
had resulted in the cliffs progressively losing contact with the cliffs are relict in the sense that marine erosion processes are
sea, resulting in a gradual conversion of the cliffs to debris- currently ineffectual. Where lower cliffs occur around Lord
mantled slopes. The sequence of cliff profiles was immediately Howe Island, smaller talus slopes accumulated during the Last
identified as showing ergodic evidence of space–time substi- Glacial, and wave action has since been sufficient to remove
tution (Burt, 2003). the talus. In some locations, the rocks are sufficiently hard that
These examples are typical of many observations that cliff upon removing talus, the cliff face was drowned, rather than
profiles are generally steepened under wave attack and de- eroded by sea-level rise. These are referred to as plunging cliffs.
graded under subaerial erosion. Some cliffs, known as com- An important feature of plunging cliffs is that deep water oc-
posite cliffs, consist of a number of distinct slope elements. A curs at the cliff toe, preventing waves breaking against the cliff
variety of terms have been used to describe composite cliffs face, and preventing an accumulation of debris within the
that have fairly gentle slope above a steep cliff face, including water column that might be used in abrasion (Cotton, 1949).
Rock Coasts 297

As a result, plunging cliffs are generally considered to be re- twentieth century made it clear that repeated sea-level move-
sistant to erosion (Figure 9). ments provided the mechanism necessary for continued cliff-
Davis provided one of the first specific descriptions of ing, rather than gradual subsidence.
plunging cliffs in basaltic rocks around the Pacific Islands and
also on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand (Davis, 1928). At a Shore Platforms
similar time, Daly (1927) described plunging cliffs around the
island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean. Darwin Plunging cliffs are resistant to marine erosion, but where cliffs
(1844, 1846) also considered the development of the cliffed do yield to erosive forces a range of morphologies can be
coast of Saint Helena, and pondered how marine processes produced. Shore platforms are one of the most distinctive fea-
could have continuously cut the cliffs around the island under tures. The critical conditions necessary for the erosion of rock
stable levels of land and sea. Darwin (1846, p. 26) concluded coasts were considered in detail by Tsujimoto (1987). He se-
that the island must have slowly subsided in order that waves lected 25 sites around the Japanese coast and quantified rock
could continue their attack with ‘fresh and unimpaired vigor.’ resistance using measurements of compressive strength as well
Darwin’s theory was overlooked for many decades as re- as a discontinuity index based on longitudinal, wave velocity
searchers believed that waves could cut rock to a great depth measurements. Wave force at each site was calculated on the
below sea level, thereby enabling the continued delivery basis of nearshore bathymetry and incident wave conditions. As
of high energy waves to the cliff toe. Dietz and Menard Figure 10 illustrates, this work showed that when a threshold is
(1951) and Dietz (1963) eventually dispelled this notion, exceeded between rock resistance and wave force, rocky shore
and a greater understanding of Quaternary glaciations in the morphology changes from plunging cliffs to shore platforms.
A large proportion of the rocky coast literature is focused
on the horizontal or gently sloping surfaces that develop at the
base of cliffs as they retreat. Various terms have been used to
describe these features, but the most appropriate is ‘shore
platform,’ which usefully has no genetic connotation, for there
remains some debate in respect to the relative importance of
different controls on shore platform evolution. At a broad
scale, a process-based distinction between sloping and near-
horizontal platforms is possible on the basis of tidal range. In
most areas where the tidal range is from the high end of the
mesotidal to the macrotidal, shore platforms are sloping
(typically 1.51 to more than 41), and they extend from the
cliff-platform junction to below the low tide level without a
clear break in slope. Platform gradient increases as tidal range
increases, implying that erosion at different tidal stages exerts
an important influence on platform development (e.g., see
Trenhaile, 1974, 1987, 1999; Trenhaile and Layzell, 1981). In
microtidal areas, shore platforms are usually near-horizontal,
Figure 9 Plunging cliff at the entrance to Sydney Harbor, Australia. with a gradient of about 11 or less, and ‘often’ but not always

Shore platform (type A and B)

No platform (plunging cliff)

p (tonne m–2)

Shore platform formation

No platform formation


101 102 103 104

S∗ (tonne m–2)

Figure 10 Demarcation between shore platform and plunging cliff. Reproduced from Tsujimoto, H., 1987. Dynamic conditions for shore
platform initiation. Science Report of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba A8, 45–93, with permission from Dspace.
298 Rock Coasts

they have a distinctive scarp at the seaward edge. Sunamura

(1992) referred to these morphologies as ‘Type-A’ (sloping)
and ‘Type-B’ (near-horizontal) and viewed the presence of a
seaward scarp as an essential distinction. One difficulty arises
in classification because some microtidal locations have plat-
forms with very low gradients and no clear seaward scarp (e.g.,
Edwards, 1951; Hills, 1972; Kennedy and Dickson, 2006). The
gradient of these platforms may be minimal, commonly 11 or
less, but the presence or absence of the scarp is generally used
in classifying the morphology as Type-A or Type-B. Potential
confusion exists, therefore, because microtidal platforms of
very low gradient without a clear seaward edge might be
considered Type-A alongside platforms that have developed in
quite different conditions in macrotidal environments. For the
purposes of this section we discuss ‘near-horizontal’ platforms
(gradients of less than about 11), which generally occur in
microtidal areas, and ‘sloping platforms’ which have gradients
of greater than about 11 and generally occur in high mesotidal
and macrotidal areas, separately. In the case of near-horizontal
platforms we specifically discuss the presence or absence of a
clearly marked seaward scarp. Near-horizontal platforms

Contemporary shore platforms, as opposed to those inherited
from previous high stands of sea level, were probably initiated at
the beginning of the Holocene still-stand (i.e., 6000–7000 years
BP). Sunamura (1975, 1976, 1991) conducted laboratory ex-
periments on model cliffs composed of Portland cement, quartz
sand, and water. When subjected to wave attack, notches de- Figure 11 Seaward edge of a horizontal platform on Kaikoura
veloped in the cliff face and deepened over the experiments, Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand, showing abrupt seaward edge
which generally ran for around 100 h (Sunamura, 1992). In the sometimes referred to as a low tide cliff.
field a continuation of this process would lead to a stress state in
the cliff face that would result in cliff collapse. Subsequent debris
removal would expose a cliff and near-horizontal platform with
an abrupt seaward scarp (Figure 11). Basal erosion of cliffs is an
important process, and the simple cantilever-collapse mech-
anism plays an important role in the gradual evolution of many
rocky coasts. However, it is interesting to note that recent
measurements on cliffs in North Yorkshire (UK) show that
complex rock-fall patterns occur on the faces of sea-cliffs without
a high degree of connectivity to basal erosion processes (Lim
et al., 2005, 2010a, b).
Near-horizontal platforms with a characteristic seaward
scarp have been described in many areas, particularly around
Australasia (e.g., Bartrum, 1924, 1926; Jutson, 1939; Edwards,
1941; Hills, 1949; Gill, 1967; Cotton, 1963; Bird and Dent,
1966; Kirk, 1977; Stephenson and Kirk, 2000a, b; Dickson,
2006; Kennedy and Dickson, 2006; Kennedy, 2010) and Japan
(e.g., Takahashi, 1977; Tsujimoto, 1987; Sunamura, 1992).
The width of these platforms is measured from the cliff-toe to Figure 12 A near-horizontal platform, 100–130 m wide, cut in
the seaward edge, and varies between narrow platforms only a sandstone at Pakiri, 65 km northeast of Auckland, North Island, New
few meters wide to platforms hundreds of meters in width Zealand. The platform is elevated just above high tide level and
(Figure 12). Platform elevation also varies considerably, with plunges into 10–13 m water depth.
some platforms formed around low-tide level, others at a
range of inter-tidal elevations, and yet others at a range of when salt weathering processes operate on structural weak-
supratidal elevations up to several meters above high tide. nesses in the rock mass (e.g., Ongley, 1940). These structural
Multiple Holocene shore platform elevations are preserved on benches differ from shore platforms, which develop at an
some coasts due to tectonic uplift (e.g., Kennedy and Beban, elevation that is not predetermined by rock structure.
2005). On stable coasts it is also possible to form benches in The laboratory results of Sunamura (1991) imply that
cliff faces at multiple elevations tens of meters above sea level shore platform elevation increases as rock resistance increases.
Rock Coasts 299

This observation is consistent with many field observations platforms. He described the results of laboratory experiments
(e.g., Gill, 1967; Trenhaile, 1969, 1987; Hills, 1971; Kirk, (Sunamura, 1991) that show that the submerged part of a
1977; Reffell, 1978; Gill and Lang, 1983; Thornton and Ste- homogenous cliff is free from erosion, because the assailing
phenson, 2006). Sunamura (1991) also deduced that platform force of breaking waves decreases exponentially with water
elevation should be higher where nearshore water depth is depth. Sunamura (1992) further pointed out that following
greater. At Lord Howe Island (Tasman Sea) the elevation of storms, field observations show that seaward scarps com-
basalt shore platforms positively correlated both with rock monly remain covered in marine flora/fauna. He concluded
resistance and nearshore water depth (Dickson, 2006). Some that the seaward scarp does not recede under present sea level
researchers have also noted that higher platforms tend to form provided that platforms are cut in insoluble rocks without
where wave exposure is greater (e.g., Kirk, 1977; Reffell, 1978). significant lithological structures. This latter ‘proviso’ is par-
Multiple controls on platform elevation mean that their ticularly important, for in many situations shore platform
potential use as paleosea-level markers is fraught with dif- development occurs in areas where there are significant
ficulty. One of the earliest descriptions of near-horizontal lithological structures. Despite this, most recent studies of
platforms was made by Dana (1849), who described surfaces shore platforms in microtidal settings assume that the seaward
with a clear seaward scarp around the Bay of Islands, New edge has remained stationary over the course of platform de-
Zealand. Bartrum (1916, 1926) noted that the elevation of velopment. This is clearly not the case in the Bay of Islands
these platforms is a little below HWL, and subsequently de- (North Island, New Zealand), where joints generally run
veloped a theory that rock saturation level might control parallel to the cliff face and have been heavily eroded, in some
platform elevation. This formed an early focus for debate instances causing a platform to be completely dissected,
around the relative roles of weathering and wave erosion causing a decrease in platform width (Kennedy et al., 2010).
processes. Trenhaile and Mercan (1984) subsequently showed Significant erosion of the seaward edge of platforms affords
that rock saturation does not control elevation, and Kennedy one possible explanation for anomalous relationships be-
et al. (2010) recently surveyed the platforms in the Bay of tween platform width and exposure to wave energy, although
Islands, showing that they occur at a range of elevations be- many other factors could be important from site to site.
tween a little above mean high spring tide and closer to mean A second important matter in respect to the seaward scarp
sea level. They noted that platform elevation tends to increase concerns the issue of preservation. It is possible along short
both with exposure to wave action and with the depth of water sections of coast in which the tidal range is micro or low
immediately in front of the platform. mesotidal, to observe platforms with very gentle slopes alter-
A level of agreement has emerged with respect to controls nating between areas that have a clearly marked seaward scarp
on the elevation of near-horizontal platforms, but no such and those that descend beneath sea level without a clear edge
consistency is apparent with respect to platform width. Several (e.g., Healy, 1968; Stephenson and Kirk, 2001). Gill (1972)
studies have noted that wider platforms occur where rock re- noted that the seaward edge is generally preserved where rock
sistance is lowest (e.g., Agar, 1960; Everard et al., 1964; resistance is higher, and Bird and Dent (1966) commented
Takahashi, 1977). Similarly, the narrowest platforms commonly that local availability of abrasive material seems to be im-
occur where more resistant rocks limit the extent of platform portant. In addition to distinguishing a critical condition be-
widening. However, in some areas resistant rocks are associ- tween plunging cliffs and shore platforms, the data collected
ated with wider platforms, whereas less resistant rocks have by Tsujimoto (1987) also provides for discrimination between
narrower platforms (e.g., Edwards, 1941; So, 1965). Similar sloping (Type-A) and near-horizontal (Type-B) platforms. In
discordance exists with respect to exposure to wave energy, rocks of lesser resistance the seaward edge is destroyed by wave
because width is commonly greater where wave exposure is attack leading to the sloping form.
greater (e.g., Swan, 1971; Trenhaile, 1972), but in some in-
stances wider platforms actually occur in sheltered embay- Sloping platforms
ments (e.g., Edwards, 1941; Hills, 1949; Bird and Dent, 1966). A strong positive correlation occurs between tidal range and
A number of factors obfuscate platform–width relationships. the gradient of sloping platforms (Trenhaile, 1974, 1987).
For instance, some shore platforms may have been formed Seaward scarps generally do not form in high mesotidal set-
over more than one sea-level cycle (e.g., Brooke et al., 1994). tings (tidal range 3 to 4 m) and are absent from macrotidal
Another issue concerns the assumption that the seaward edge environments regardless of rock type. Sloping shore platforms
of shore platforms marks the origin of platform cutting. Many have been the subject of many conceptual models. A widely
early researchers considered the possibility that the seaward held view of their development follows the theoretical work of
scarp of near-horizontal platforms might retreat (e.g., Bar- Challinor (1949) who proposed that such platforms might
trum, 1926; Jutson, 1939; Edwards, 1951; Hills, 1949). On retreat self-parallel, with constant geometry, provided that
aeolianite coasts the edge of shore platforms can be seen to be rates of downcutting are sufficiently rapid to allow continued
undercut with many dislodged blocks in front of the platform wave attack at the cliff toe. Several mathematical models
(e.g., Gill, 1972; Dickson and Woodroffe, 2005). Blocks in subsequently expanded on this work. Flemming (1965) sim-
front of the seaward scarp can be seen in other lithologies also, plified the important processes involved in self-parallel retreat
but as Stephenson (2000) pointed out, because of the slow by neglecting the possible effects of rock weathering, tidal
rate of change, it is not always clear whether these blocks have movement, and beach development. The model implied that
been sourced from the seaward scarp or the landward cliff. cliff recession decreases with time but never ceases. By con-
Sunamura (1992) noted that there has been little con- trast, the equations developed by Sunamura (1978a, b, 1992)
sideration of wave dynamics on the seaward edge of shore imply that erosion rates decline over time and eventually
300 Rock Coasts

become zero when the wave assailing force is below the re- (Woodroffe et al., 1995; Dickson and Woodroffe, 2005), and
sistance of the cliff rock. This suggests that platform geometry the possible effects of Holocene higher sea level have been
becomes wider and flatter as rock resistance decreases, al- noted in Sydney, Australia (Kennedy, 2010). An analysis of
though the model does not account for weathering, or the high-resolution, laser scan data from Shag Point, South Island,
accumulation of beach materials, or the effect of tide range. In New Zealand, which revealed the extent of two distinct sur-
contrast Trenhaile (1983) specifically modeled the effects of faces, raises the possibility that Holocene sea-level movements
variable rates of erosion at different tidal levels. Again the initiated platforms at more than one elevation (Palamara
model showed that initial rates of platform development are et al., 2007).
rapid, but eventually that rates of erosion at high and low tidal Trenhaile (2010a) considered the issue of a higher Holo-
levels become similar, resulting in an equilibrium morph- cene sea level using a numerical model. Interestingly, although
ology. Walkden and Hall (2005) and Walkden and Dickson the model results supported previous work that showed a link
(2008) recently explored the development of sloping plat- between tidal range and platform slope, and between rock
forms in soft rocks using a numerical model, and reached a resistance and platform type, the model runs imply that
conclusion similar to that of early conceptual models: erosion Holocene sea-level history provides a further reason for the
rates decrease asymptotically from some initial condition (e.g., difference between sloping platforms and subhorizontal
a vertical cliff), and eventually the sloping rock shore profile platforms. This example highlights the importance of model-
dynamically adjusts to wave forcing but over time maintains a ing as a valuable method for understanding longer term rock
similar profile, provided that boundary conditions are con- coast development.
stant. Similar equilibrium profiles develop with stable sea level
in Trenhaile’s (2010b) cohesive-clay coast model.
Field studies have shown that the size and amount of debris
on sloping platforms leads to changes in the platform profile 10.11.4 Rock Coast Modeling
(Robinson, 1977a, b, c). On chalk cliffs, more elevated plat-
forms were noted in embayments near Kent, England (UK) Rock coasts develop very slowly and attempts to determine
because sand in embayments resulted in wave runup accessing modes and rates of long-term development are constrained by
higher parts of the cliff than on headlands (Wood, 1968). the general absence of datable deposits and suitable dating
However, the reverse situation has also been noted on the Isle techniques. Many attempts have been made to model the
of Thanet in Kent (So, 1965), where lower platform surfaces evolution of rock coasts (e.g., Trenhaile, 2003), although their
have been attributed to the abrasive role of sediment in low- inherent complexity – the product of myriad geological and
ering platforms. Wright (1970) noted that alongshore variation morphogenic factors – makes it difficult to represent all the
in the cliff–platform junction on the southern coast of England variables that play a role in their development. Although
generally correlates with changes in tidal range, but the lo- Sanders (1968) and Sunamura (1973, 1975) studied the
cations of more resistant strata are also important (Wright, erosion of plaster and cement blocks in wave tanks and
1967). Similarly, Trenhaile (1972) showed that in the Vale of flumes, most rock coast models have been mathematical and
Glamorgan, Wales, the elevation of the cliff–platform junction focused on the two-dimensional development of coastal pro-
increases as the magnitude of tidal range increases, but con- files, and especially with intertidal shore platforms and sub-
siderable variability is owing to differences in local lithology. marine continental shelves. Inheritance Coastal Profiles

Understanding the role of inheritance in rock coast evolution is The first models of coastal profiles were qualitative, structured
one of the most significant problems in rock coast research within a cycle of erosion and based on the premise, which was
(Trenhaile, 2002). Several studies have shown that because of prevalent in the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth
the slow rate of change of rock coasts, shore platform morph- century, that submarine erosion is effective down to depths of
ology observed today may have been partly formed during the about 100 m or more, and thus able to produce extensive
Last Interglacial or before (Bird and Dent, 1966; Woodroffe marine surfaces while sea level is stationary (Ramsey, 1846;
et al., 1992; Young and Bryant, 1993; Brooke et al., 1994; Stone Johnson, 1919). Davis (1896) inferred, in diagrammatic form,
et al., 1996; Trenhaile et al., 1999; Blanco Chao et al., 2003; that wave-eroded submarine surfaces become wider through
Gómez-Pujol et al., 2006). Although based on measurements of time while maintaining a constant gradient, whereas Johnson
relatively rapid erosion rates, Kirk (1977), and later Stephenson (1919) proposed that surface gradients decrease, albeit at a
and Kirk (1998) argued that the shore platforms on Kaikoura slow rate in the early stages of development, as surface width
Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand are contemporary fea- increases. Conversely, Challinor (1949) thought that sub-
tures developed in the last 6000 to 7000 years. marine surfaces undergo parallel slope retreat, without any
It is important to consider if Holocene sea-level fluctu- change in width or gradient, as they migrate landward. Several
ations (where they occurred) influenced platform develop- workers also suggested that shore platforms experience paral-
ment to any great extent. There have been few detailed studies lel slope retreat (Edwards, 1941; Bird, 1968; Trenhaile, 1972).
of the effect of Holocene sea-level change on rock coasts, al- These conceptual models were based on the assumption that
though the effect of a Holocene highstand on calcarenite the negative feedback relationship between bottom gradient,
shore platform morphology is clear at Lord Howe Island rates of wave attenuation, and the energy reaching the cliff
Rock Coasts 301

foot produces a constant rate of erosion at different elevations The present morphology of slowly changing rock coasts is
within the intertidal zone. also the result of Quaternary changes in sea level, and in many
Most of the early mathematical models were concerned areas changes in the elevation of the land. Scheidegger (1962,
with erosion with constant sea level in tideless seas (Flem- 1970) and King (1963) modeling the effect of steadily rising
ming, 1965; Scheidegger, 1970; Sunamura, 1976, 1978a, b). and falling sea level on rock coasts, and Sunamura (1978b)
Trenhaile’s (1983) model calculated erosion rates at the high modeling the development of erosional continental shelves,
and low tidal levels but did not consider rates at intermediate albeit in a tideless sea, during the Holocene transgression. The
elevations. Trenhaile and Layzell’s (1981) model was the first effect of different Holocene relative sea-level curves, which are
to consider erosion within the intertidal zone, based on the characteristic of different geographic locations, was examined
percentage frequency or total time each year that the water by Trenhaile and Byrne (1986), based on Trenhaile’s (1983)
surface, and consequently wave action, is at each intertidal wave erosional model, and the same model was used to in-
elevation (the tidal duration value). vestigate the formation of continental shelves and wide coastal
Mathematical models developed in Japan related the rate of terraces with changing sea level over five glacial–interglacial
cliff erosion (dx/dt) to the height of the waves at the cliff foot cycles (Trenhaile, 1989). Cinque et al. (1995) and Anderson
and the compressive and impact strength of the rocks (Hor- et al. (1999) included, in addition to Quaternary changes in
ikawa and Sunamura, 1967). Sunamura (1977) proposed that: sea level, the effect of tectonic uplift on marine terrace for-
mation. Trenhaile’s (2000) model, which considered the way
dx=dt p 1nðfw =fr Þ ð1Þ that wave energy is expended within the intertidal zone, was
used to study: (1) the effect of high sea level during the last
where dx/dt is the mean cliff erosion rate, fw is the assailing two interglacial sea stages on contemporary intertidal shore
force of the waves, and fr is the resisting force of the rocks. The platforms (Trenhaile, 2001a); (2) the evolution of shore
term fr can be approximated by (rgH/Sc) þ C, where r is the platforms and erosional continental and volcanic island
density of sea water, g is the acceleration due to gravity, H is shelves during the Quaternary (Trenhaile, 2001b; Quartau
the wave height at the cliff base, Sc is the compressive strength et al., 2010); (3) the formation of subaerial and submarine
of the rock, and C is a dimensionless constant. Tsujimoto terraces during the Quaternary on tectonically mobile coasts
(1987) provided expressions for fw and fr based on wave (Trenhaile, 2002); and (4) the effect of Holocene changes in
pressure and the longitudinal sound wave velocity in the rock relative sea level on subaerial to submarine profiles (Trenhaile,
body, as well as nondimensional constants representing 2010a). The main conclusions of these investigations were
abrasion and the effect of weathering. Although these in- that:
vestigations attempted to identify and quantify factors that
1. Shore platforms are over-steepened and truncated by fall-
determine rates of cliff erosion, it is questionable whether
ing and rising sea level during the onset and end of glacial
these simple variables can adequately represent the driving
stages, respectively, and then modified and restored to a
and resisting forces. There are also many other variables to
state of quasiequilibrium during the ensuing interglacials,
consider, including the effect of tidal variations, which deter-
largely by erosion at the high tidal level (Trenhaile, 2001b).
mine the frequency of wave attack at the cliff foot, the dip and
2. Marine terraces are formed during interglacial stages on
strike of the rock, and the presence, mobility and quantity of
rising landmasses and during glacial stages on subsiding
cliff-foot deposits, and whether they function as protective or
landmasses. The number of terraces increases with the rate
erosive agents (Trenhaile, 1999). It is unlikely that math-
of uplift and subsidence and with the slope of the land
ematical equations can adequately represent the effect of
(Trenhaile, 2002).
many of these factors, and rock coast models may therefore
3. Although tidal range is also important, falling relative
have to continue to rely, at least in part, upon empirical data.
sea level from its mid-Holocene maximum, 1 to 2 m above
Field evidence indicates that most mechanical wave ero-
its present level, promoted subhorizontal platform devel-
sion occurs through processes that are closely associated with
opment in Australasia and over much of the Southern
the water surface, including water hammer and air com-
Hemisphere, whereas the asymptotic rise in sea level over
pression in joints, bedding planes, and other rock crevices
much of the Northern Hemisphere promoted the devel-
(Sanders, 1968; Robinson, 1977a; Trenhaile, 1987). Trenhaile
opment of sloping platforms (Trenhaile, 2010a).
(2000) developed a wave-erosion model that used basic wave
equations to explore the interaction between wave dynamics, Most rock coast modeling has been concerned with
tidal regimes (tidal range, tidal duration distribution), rock mechanical wave erosion on sloping platforms in mega to
resistance, coastal morphology, and erosion at the shoreline. mesotidal environments, and the additional effect of wea-
The model predicted that, under stable sea-level conditions, thering has only been considered recently. Downwearing data
shore platform width increases and gradient decreases until a from transverse arrays of microerosion meters was incorpor-
state of static equilibrium is reached, when the attenuated ated into a model that considered the role of weathering in
waves at each tidal elevation are unable to erode the rock. conjunction with wave quarrying, abrasion, and beach devel-
Because the breaker depth is related to the wave height, high opment (Trenhaile, 2005), and in a wave erosional model
waves expend more of their energy in crossing wide, turbulent to investigate the development of sloping and horizontal
surf zones than lower waves crossing narrow surf zones; con- shore platforms (Trenhaile, 2008a, b). Other models have
sequently, there was no consistent relationship in the model considered the effect of weathering, acting alone, in shore
runs between the width of the shore platforms and deep water platform development (Trenhaile, 2001c, 2004b). These
wave height. models suggested that weathering is unable to produce wide
302 Rock Coasts

shore platforms by itself, although it can play an important Kamphuis’s (1986) erosional equation and described a broad
direct role in lowering and widening wave-cut surfaces, as well coastal system that could be perturbed to represent manage-
as facilitating wave quarrying by acting along joints and other ment interventions and climate change (Dickson et al., 2007).
rock discontinuities, and by lowering platform surfaces, re- Walkden and Dickson (2008) used the model to explore the
ducing rates of wave attenuation. effects of sea-level rise on soft-rock shores with little beach
Many coasts are composed of rocks that break down into sediment. Ashton et al. (2011) reproduced the basic finding of
clays and other fine-grained particles that are carried offshore, Walkden and Dickson (2008) and used a simpler model to
or of rocks that break down too slowly to produce extensive discuss the potential responses of different types of cliffed
sandy or pebble beaches. Nevertheless, there is commonly a coasts to changes in the rate of sea-level rise. Trenhaile’s
thin strip of sand or pebble at the cliff foot, or in small pockets (2009) model combined elements of previous hard rock
trapped against scarps or in topographic depressions, and models (Trenhaile, 2000, 2001a) with additional expressions
some rocky intertidal zones are covered entirely in beach representing the effect of wave-generated bottom shear stres-
sediment. The occurrence and morphodynamics of platform- ses, and depending on beach thickness, determined using
beaches has received little attention in the literature, although Trenhaile’s (2004c) model, the abrasional or protective role of
many beaches have a rock foundation and will therefore re- beach material. This combined model has also been used to
spond in a different way to storms and rising sea level than study the effect of rising sea level and increased storminess on
beaches on entirely depositional coasts. Trenhaile (2004c) hard and soft rock coasts (Trenhaile, 2010a, b, 2011).
modeled beaches on shore platforms to determine the con-
ditions under which deposition takes place, and how plat-
form-beaches adjust to changing wave conditions. The model Plan Shape
was based on the assumptions that: sediment accumulation
occurs where the local gradient of the platform is lower than Much less work has been conducted on the plan shape than
the gradient of the beach face (which depends on grain size, on the sectional shape of rock coasts, or in integrating changes
breaker height, and wave period); and deposition takes place in the vertical and horizontal planes. Many rocky coasts have
on the most landward of the suitable sites. Consequently, if an irregular plan shape consisting of protruding headlands
the surface is linear and has a gradient that is lower than the and intervening fiord or ria inlets, or shallower bays that are
beach face for the prevailing wave conditions, sediment ac- commonly occupied by bay-head beaches. Crenulated estu-
cumulates at the cliff foot, and then, depending on sediment arine coasts were created by the drowning of river valleys by
availability, extends increasingly seaward. On concave and rising sea level during the Holocene, and their morphology is
convex platform profiles, accumulation begins on the gently not directly related to differences in the resistance of the rocks
sloping, seaward portions and on the more gently sloping to erosion, although river valleys frequently develop along
landward portions, respectively, as long as these local gradi- faultlines or other zones of structural or lithological weakness.
ents are lower than the beach face gradient. During storms, In southeastern Australia, for example, the length of estuarine-
platform-beaches become thinner and more gently sloping bays is related to the area of the associated drainage basins,
and, depending on such factors as sediment grain size, plat- and their size depends upon the stream order at the coast and
form gradient, wave characteristics, and storm duration, may the degree to which the sea has penetrated into the drainage
disappear completely. The model suggested that because network (Bishop and Cowell, 1997). Conversely, bays that are
platform and sandy beach face gradients are generally similar, not at the mouth of river valleys are generally produced by
only a small proportion of the material eroded from the cliff differential erosion of material that is weaker than in the ad-
and platform can be stored in the intertidal zone. The beach- jacent headlands. Variations in erosional efficacy along a coast
platform model was also used as a component of a wave may reflect the occurrence of different rock strata striking at
erosional-weathering model to predict spatial and temporal high angles to the coast, the presence of folded rocks, faulting,
variations in the protection afforded to the underlying rock or more subtle, and harder to distinguish, variations in rock
surface by thick beach deposits and the abrasive effects of structure. The amount of debris that accumulates at the foot of
thinner accumulations (Trenhaile, 2005). a cliff, protecting it from erosion, is partly determined by the
The term ‘soft rock’ is commonly used to refer to cohesive height of the cliff. This factor is of little importance in clays
clays, shales, and other weak or weathered materials. Cohesive and other fine-grained materials that are quickly broken up
clay coasts represent a ‘soft rock’ subset of a broad spectrum and carried offshore in suspension, but it can play an im-
of rock coast processes and forms, with cliffs and shore plat- portant role in rocks, that because of joint density and bed
forms that are similar to those in quasihomogeneous shales. thickness, break down into large rock fragments that remain at
Soft rock coasts experience fairly rapid coastal erosion the cliff foot for years. Therefore, variations in cliff height can
and the consequent threat to human life, and property has influence cliff recession rates, and because of low cliffs around
generated a need for predictive bluff recession and other ero- the mouths of rivers, cause bays to develop without any
sional models with constant and rising lake and sea levels marked alongshore variation in the resistance of the rock to
(Bray and Hooke, 1997; Kamphuis, 1986; Nairn et al., 1986; erosion.
Sallenger et al., 2005; Lee, 2005; Collins and Sitar, 2008; The long-term development of crenulated coasts is gov-
Hapke et al., 2009). erned by several important feedback mechanisms. As bays
Several attempts have been made to model the effect of develop along outcrops of weaker material, offshore gradients
changing sea level on soft rock coasts (Dar and Dar, 2009). become much lower than off the adjacent headlands and
Walkden and Hall’s (2005) model was partly based on the waves are consequently more attenuated in the bays.
Rock Coasts 303

Additionally, as the bays become deeper, wave refraction in- terrestrial laser scanning, cosmogenic dating, and wave re-
creasingly concentrates wave energy on the headlands and cording, is improving our understanding of these common
reduces it in the bays; bay erosion may be further inhibited by coastal landforms. However, significant challenges remain
the accumulation of eroded material in bay-head beaches. particularly in terms of representing rock resistance to erosion
Therefore, theory suggests that crenulated coasts eventually processes across a range of scales, unraveling inheritance, and
attain a state of equilibrium, whereby stronger, less attenuated the long term evolution of cliffs and shore platforms. Further
and refracted waves erode largely bare cliff foots on headlands field-based investigations of surf zone hydrodynamics are re-
at the same rate as weaker, more attenuated and refracted quired to better understand the erosional effectiveness of wave
waves erode beach-protected cliffs in bays (Johnson, 1919; processes and the significance, if any, of infragravity energy on
Muir-Wood, 1971; Komar, 1976; Philpott, 1984). It might be rock coasts. The role of weathering and biological processes in
expected that the depth of the bays would increase with the reducing rock resistance still has not been fully explained. For
difference in the erosional resistance of the rocks in the bays example, the relative contributions of bioerosion, protection,
and headlands, and decrease with the distance between the and construction at any one site should be assessed. Further
headlands. modeling will aid in predicting how rock coasts respond to
The development of crenulated coasts has important im- climate change and sea-level rise.
plications for the prediction and mitigation of cliff erosion,
and particularly for anticipating the effect of rising sea level.
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Biographical Sketch

Wayne Stephenson is currently a Senior Lecturer in Geography in the Department of Geography at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. From
1999 to 2010 he was a member of the Geography Department at the University of Melbourne in Australia. He holds a PhD and MSc from the University of
Canterbury. His research is focussed on the geomorphology of rock coasts.

Dr. Mark Dickson is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Environment, University of Auckland. He studied Geography at Massey University before completing a
PhD at the University of Wollongong where he studied the geomorphic evolution of hard rock shorelines around Lord Howe Island. Mark worked as a
postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bristol where he modelled the effects of climate change on rapidly eroding soft-rock coasts. He then returned to
New Zealand on a FRST Postdoctoral Fellowship and worked at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research modeling on chronically eroding
gravel shorelines. Mark has been at the University of Auckland since 2008. His current research interests include cliff erosion and shore platform devel-
opment, prograded barrier coasts and chenier plains, gravel coasts, and a range of coastal management issues associated with these landforms.

Alan Trenhaile (BSc, PhD, DSc) grew up in Abertillery, South Wales (UK). He was an undergraduate and graduate
student in the Geography Department of University College Swansea (now Swansea University), a constituent
college of the University of Wales. Upon completion of his doctorate, which was on the wide shore platforms
along the northern coast of the megatidal Severn Estuary, he accepted a position in the University of Windsor,
Ontario, Canada, where he now holds the title ‘University Prof.’ in the Department of Earth and Environmental
Sciences. He has continued to work on various aspects of rock coasts. In addition to mathematical modeling of
hard and soft rock coastal evolution with changes in relative sea level and climate, his recent work, in the field and
through laboratory experiments, has been concerned with the processes operating on the sloping and horizontal
shore platforms of eastern Canada. Work is also being conducted in several other areas, including near La Paz,
Mexico, in the southern Baja Peninsula, Galicia in northwestern Spain, and on several island archipelagos in the
Atlantic Ocean. In addition to many research papers and several edited volumes, Dr. Trenhaile is the author of a
number of books, including: ‘The Geomorphology of Rock Coasts’ (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK);
‘Coastal Dynamics and Landforms’ (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK); ‘The Geomorphology of Canada’
(Oxford University Press, Toronto); and ‘Geomorphology: a Canadian Perspective’ (Oxford University Press,
Toronto), which is now in its fourth edition.
10.12 Estuaries
NL Jackson, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.12.1 Introduction 308

10.12.2 Definition and Distribution 309 Characteristics and Dimensions 310
10.12.3 Classification of Estuaries 311 Geomorphic Classification 311
10.12.4 Estuarine Morphodynamics: Physical Factors 312 Sea Level 312 Tides 313 Waves 314 River Discharge 314
10.12.5 Morphodynamics and Evolution 315 Sediment Transport in Estuaries 315 Estuarine Geomorphic and Sedimentary Facies 315 Tide-dominated estuaries 315 Wave-dominated estuaries 316 Mixed wave-tide-dominated estuaries 316 River-dominated estuaries 316
10.12.6 Estuarine Subenvironments 316 Lower Intertidal 317 Tidal flats 317 Bedforms 317 Upper Intertidal Zone 318 Unconsolidated shorelines 318 Cohesive shorelines 319 Geomorphic–Biotic Interactions 320 Human-Modified Estuarine Systems 321 Restoration Practices 322
10.12.7 Future Issues 322
References 323


Estuaries are among the most biologically productive and geomorphologically complex environments in the coastal zone.
Estuaries vary considerably in terms of geomorphology, tides, drainage basin and fluvial processes, water chemistry, wave
characteristics, sediment provenance, upland land use and land cover, biodiversity, and degree of human modification. This
chapter presents background information on the definition, classification, and characteristics of estuaries as well as the
physical processes that shape morphology. A review of research is presented, focusing on broad-scale estuarine morphology
and evolution and an examination of contemporary processes and forms in the intertidal zone. The chapter includes a
discussion of current issues in estuarine research, including geomorphic–biotic interactions, human-modified estuaries, and
restoration practices. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion of future areas of concern given current attention to
climate variability and sea-level rise. Although the focus is on geomorphic research, there are references to key work within
biology, chemistry, and hydrology.

10.12.1 Introduction
zone. Estuaries are unique ecosystems that provide spawning
grounds for many organisms, feeding stops for migratory
Estuaries are among the most biologically productive and
birds, and natural filters to maintain water quality. Estuaries
geomorphologically complex environments in the coastal
have value to humans for shipping and boating, fishing, rec-
reation, mineral extraction, and release of waste materials.
Jackson, N.L., 2013. Estuaries. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman,
Estuaries vary considerably in terms of geomorphology, tides,
D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. drainage basin and fluvial processes, water chemistry, wave
10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 308–327. characteristics, sediment provenance, upland land use and

308 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Estuaries 309

land cover, biodiversity, and degree of human modification. lateral boundaries of the basin and the connection to the sea
Research on estuaries is extensive and the subject of several that establishes the density gradients that drive circulation
textbooks, scholarly monographs, and edited volumes over (Dyer, 1997).
the past 20 years (e.g., Nordstrom, 1992; Nordstrom and The definition of an estuary, based on Cameron and
Roman, 1996; Perillo, 1995a; Dyer, 1997; Pye and Allen, Pritchard (1963), is the most frequently cited among geo-
2000; Fitzgerald and Knight, 2005; Hardisty, 2007). The morphologists (Kench, 1999) and includes four types of
research on estuaries can be broadly categorized into three estuaries that meet the criteria: drowned river valleys, fjords,
areas: physical studies related to mixing and circulation bar-built estuaries, and tectonically controlled estuaries. Re-
(Dyer, 1997; Uncles, 2002), biological studies on species searchers have found the need to develop a more universal
and habitats (Little, 2000), and geomorphological studies definition to include basins with different geomorphic attri-
on morphodynamics and evolution (Pye and Allen, 2000; butes from those common to the temperate regions of the
Heap et al., 2004; Fitzgerald and Knight, 2005; Anderson world that informed the definition of Cameron and Pritchard
and Rodriguez, 2008). Although estuaries constitute a sig- (1963). The multidisciplinary dialog (Day, 1981; Kjerfve,
nificant portion of the world’s coast, the published research 1994; Elliott and McLusky, 2002; Tagliapietra et al., 2009;
focuses largely on only a small subset of systems in Africa Potter et al., 2010) has expanded the geomorphic range
(e.g., Mgeni), Asia (e.g., Pearl and Yangtzee), Australia of what constitutes an estuary to include intermittently
(e.g., Batesman, Murray, and Swan), Europe (e.g., Mersey, open water bodies (Day, 1981), rivers flowing into nontidal
Severn, and Siene), North America (e.g., Chesapeake, water bodies (Herdendorf, 1990), and lagoon environments
Columbia River, Delaware, Narragansett, Puget Sound, San (Kjerfve, 1994). In policy circles, countries have developed
Francisco, and St. Lawrence), and South America (e.g., Bahia independent, and at times, scientifically conflicting definitions
Blance and Rio de la Plata). Much of the research is based on for the term estuary. For example, in Europe the term ‘transi-
empirical studies of individual estuaries and includes regional tional waters’ is used to provide an overarching term for im-
comparisons of estuarine systems and classifications of types plementation of policy directives (McLusky and Elliott, 2007),
of estuaries. Recent advances in instrumentation have led and in the USA the ‘estuary type’ areas of the Great Lakes are
to better quantification and modeling of these systems included in the regulatory definition of the National Estuary
(Fitzgerald and Knight, 2005). Program (United States Environmental Protection Agency
This chapter presents a review of research on broad-scale (USEPA)). A universally acceptable definition has yet to sur-
estuarine morphology and evolution and an examination face and it is likely that the discussion will continue. In this
of contemporary processes and forms in the intertidal zone. chapter, estuary will include systems as defined by Cameron
The chapter concludes with a discussion of current issues in and Pritchard (1963) but will also provide discussion on
estuarine research and future areas of concern given current systems that are not ‘classical’ estuaries, such as lagoons. The
attention to climate variability and sea-level rise. Although the intent is to present the reader with a broad picture of research
focus is on geomorphic research, there are references to key and discussion in the field.
work within biology, chemistry, and hydrology. The geographic distribution of estuaries is, in part,
influenced by how these systems are defined, but inherited
characteristics of the continental shelf, coastal lithology, tec-
10.12.2 Definition and Distribution tonic activity, and sea-level fluctuations also influence the lo-
cation of these systems (see Nichols and Biggs, 1985, Figures
The word ‘estuary’ is a derivation of the latin word aestus, 2, 3; Perillo, 1995b, Figures 1, 2). The morphology of estuaries
meaning ‘of the tide’. Estuaries are generally considered areas around the world is highly variable and attributed to physical
where saltwater from the ocean mixes with freshwater from factors such as climatic variation (tropical, humid, and
land drainage; but there are numerous definitions for the term temperate), fluvial discharge (seasonal and episodic), wave
(Perillo, 1995b) reflecting the complex physical, geomorpho- energy (locally generated, ocean generated), tidal regime
logical, and biological processes present. Among the earliest (micro, meso, and macro), and sediment availability and
definitions is that of Pritchard (1952), who defined an estuary characteristics (including textural properties of size and
as ‘‘a semi-enclosed coastal body of water having a free con- sorting) from upland and marine sources. For example, in
nection with the open sea and containing a measurable Australia more than 738 estuaries occur (Bucher and Saenger,
quantity of sea water.’’ This definition was later modified by 1991) and include drowned river valley and bar-built estuaries
Cameron and Pritchard (1963) to ‘‘a semi-enclosed coastal in the south, and delta-front estuaries in the north (Kench,
body of water having a free connection with the open sea and 1999). In North America, the estuaries include both drowned
within which sea-water is measurably diluted with fresh water river valleys and bar-built estuaries along the Atlantic and
derived from land drainage.’’ As Pritchard (1967a) explained, Gulf coasts, and also include fjords and tectonically influenced
the definition is based on the physical processes of circulation, estuaries on the Pacific coast (Pritchard, 1967a). In South
salinity, and density. Estuaries are commonly identified as one Africa where most micro-tidal estuaries are incised within
of four types based on vertical stratification and mixing: highly bedrock valleys, the estuaries are predominantly river
stratified, fjords, partially mixed, and well mixed. These pro- dominated or tide dominated (Cooper et al., 1999). In
cesses define not only the physical and biological attributes of Denmark, two large estuarine-fjord systems (Limfjord and
an estuary but also the geomorphology of the estuary insofar Isefjord–Roskilde Fjord) and numerous smaller estuaries (bays
as basin geometry influences circulation and salinity. The cir- and coves) are located on the 7300 km coastline (Conley
culation patterns common to estuaries are controlled by the et al., 2000).
310 Estuaries Characteristics and Dimensions fine-grained sediment in the upper tidal flats to sand-size
sediments in the main tidal channel. The upper sector of the
Estuaries are shaped by fluvial, estuarine, and marine pro- estuary is generally dominated by fluvial processes and a
cesses that give rise to a complex array of tidal channels, tidal small delta may exist at the head of the estuary where de-
flats, marshes, beaches, barriers, and deltas. These processes position occurs due to a reduction in flow. The sediment
can act in concert such as where marine processes close an in this region may be composed of coarser material depending
inlet by bar formation and fluvial processes later reestablish on basin geology. The lower sector of the estuary is
the opening to the sea by bar breaching. Sediment occurring where marine processes (waves and tides) have their greatest
in an estuary is a product of all three processes and can range imprint on estuarine morphology. A tide-constructed delta
from silts and clays to sand and gravel (Guilcher, 1967). may be present at the mouth of the estuary, or a wave-con-
Where an estuary begins and ends is a function of the structed sand barrier may be present. The middle sector of the
physical criteria used (salinity, tidal influence, and origin estuary is a mixed regime of fluvial and marine processes, and
of sedimentary facies) but the limits of an estuary fluctuate bedload sediment is generally the finest in this location. The
over time (Figure 1). Pritchard (1967a) defined the upper and presence and extent of these regions vary, depending on type
lower boundary of an estuary based on salinity. The upper and stage of evolution of the estuarine system (Dalrymple
boundary is where salinity is 0.1% and the lower limit is et al., 1992).
where salinity is 32%. Dalrymple et al. (1992) employed Many estuaries in the world exhibit similar size and shape
geomorphic criteria and defined the upper limit as the facies relationships (Dyer, 1997). The most commonly used empir-
boundary between tidal and fluvial influenced sediments. The ical relationship is that of O’Brien (1931), who proposed that
lower limit of the estuary is the facies boundary between the cross-sectional area of the entrance of an estuary at mean
marine and estuarine sediments. The seaward boundary may tide elevation (A) is a function of the tidal prism (P), so that
be delimited by geomorphological features such as a delta at A ¼ cPn, where c and n are scale and shape coefficients. A larger
the mouth of a drowned river valley estuary or a barrier tidal prism will result in greater velocities, increased sediment
fronting a bar-built estuary. Hopkinson and Hoffman (1984) transport, and cross-sectional area. Where velocities decrease
extended the seaward limit beyond the coastal land masses to below the sediment threshold, there will be no further in-
the nearshore where seawater is diluted from land drainage. creases in the cross-sectional area. This relation has been used
Estuaries consist of one or more tidal channels and to classify estuaries in New Zealand (Hume and Herdendorf,
intertidal flats and a grading of sediment occurs from the 1993) and the UK (Townend, 2005) and has shown a good fit

Tidal limit Salinity gradient

Process gradient

River dominant
Freshwater dominant

Fluvial/tidal sediment

Upper Head
River and tidal 0.1


Mixed river and Mixed

marine (fresh- and



Marine dominant
(waves and tides)

Marine sediment
Ocean Saltwater dominant

Figure 1 Generalized process and salinity gradients in a typical estuary. Modified from Pritchard, D.W., 1967a. What is an estuary: physical
view point. In: Lauff, G.H. (Ed.), Estuaries, Publication No. 83. AAAS, Washington, DC, pp. 3–5 and Dalrymple, R.W., Zaitlin, B.A., Boyd, R., 1992.
Estuarine facies models: conceptual models and stratigraphic implications. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 62, 1130–1146.
Estuaries 311

to estuarine morphology (i.e., drowned river valley, fjord, and them into distinct groups (Kurtz et al., 2006). Estuaries may be
bar-built estuary). classified or described on the basis of numerous criteria
The relative contribution of freshwater and saltwater to an (Table 1) but some of those important to geomorphology
estuary can produce salinities that are lesser or greater than the include physiography and morphology (Pritchard, 1967a;
ocean inputs when losses due to evaporation are considered. Fairbridge, 1980), stage of development and degree of infilling
Positive estuaries are defined by conditions where the resultant (Roy, 1984), tidal range (Hayes, 1975), and morphologic
salinity is less than the salinity of the ocean. Freshwater de- evolution (Dalrymple et al., 1992; Cooper, 1993). Many of the
rived from land drainage, groundwater, or precipitation ex- early classification systems were descriptive rather than func-
ceeds evaporation losses. Negative estuaries are defined by tional and current work has focused on the integration of
conditions where the resultant salinity is greater than the physical, geomorphic, and biological attributes as a basis for
salinity of the ocean. In this case, evaporation losses are greater analysis (Kurtz et al., 2006; Hume et al., 2007). The following
than freshwater inputs (Pritchard, 1952). Estuaries where the section presents an overview of general estuarine morphology
freshwater drainage is in balance with losses from evaporation based on the work of Pritchard (1967a) and Fairbridge (1980).
are referred to as neutral estuaries. Cameron and Pritchard
(1963) classified estuaries based on their salinity structure and
included four types: highly stratified estuaries (salt wedge and Geomorphic Classification
fjord type), partially mixed estuaries, and well-mixed estuaries.
Salinity is important not only to estuarine circulation From a geomorphic standpoint, estuaries can be broadly clas-
but also to biological productivity. Species abundance sified as drowned river valleys and rias, fjords, bar built, and
and diversity decrease with decreasing salinity (Day et al., those formed by faulting or local subsidence (Pritchard, 1967a;
1989), and the relationship between circulation and bio- Fairbridge, 1980) (Figure 2). Drowned river valley estuaries are
logical productivity has been documented for different estu- generally funnel shaped and occur in many locations, including
arine mouth morphologies. the east coast of the USA (e.g., Delaware Bay), England (e.g.,
Thames and Mersey estuaries), France (e.g., Seine), and Aus-
tralia (e.g., Batesman Bay) (Perillo, 1995b). This type of estuary
is the result of rivers eroding deep V-shaped valleys during the
10.12.3 Classification of Estuaries
last glacial period that were subsequently inundated when
melting ice sheets caused a rise in sea level. The planform and
The wide variability of estuaries throughout the world has
cross section of these estuaries are generally triangular or funnel
generated considerable research on methods for classifying
shaped. In systems where sedimentation rates are less than rates
of sea-level rise, the river valley topography is maintained.
Table 1 Selected classification systems for estuaries Rias are drowned valleys that are generally deep, elongated,
and narrow (Castaing and Guilcher, 1995). Rias may not be
Classification Types References estuarine along their entire lengths but are characterized by a
Geomorphology Drowned river Pritchard (1967a) and
narrow zone at the head of the estuary where circulation
valley Fairbridge (1980) produces salinity values lower than the adjacent ocean (Evans
Ria and Prego, 2003). Sedimentation is generally restricted to the
Fjord (Fjard) upper reaches near the headwaters (Healy et al., 1996), and
Bar-built the accommodation space (the area available for infilling to
Faulting or local occur) within the basin may increase with increasing sea-level
subsidence rise leading to upward and outward accretion (Psuty and
Blind Morriera, 2000). Ria-type estuaries occur in New Zealand
Delta-front (Healy et al., 1996), Portugal (Psuty and Morriera, 2000), and
Degree of lnfilling Drowned river Roy (1984) Spain (Castaing and Guilcher, 1995).
valley Fjords are glacially scoured, U-shaped valleys that were
Barrier inundated by a rising sea level (Syvitski and Shaw, 1995).
Saline coastal Fjord-type estuaries occur in the upper latitudes of North
lakes America, Europe, and South America. Most fjords possess a
Evolution Wave-dominated Dalrymple et al. (1992) shallow rock sill near the mouth that forms an estuarine basin.
Tide-dominated and Cooper (1993) The sill may be the result of deposition or basin deepening
Mixed (Woodroffe, 2003). Fjords receive a small proportion of their
River-dominated sediment from marine inputs. Most sedimentation is the result
Tidal range Micro-tidal Hayes (1975)
of glacial and/or fluvial processes but the sediment volume is
Meso-tidal often small relative to the size of the basin.
Macro-tidal Bar-built estuaries have a geologic history similar to that of
drowned river valleys, but recent marine sediment transport
Stratification and Stratified (alongshore or cross-shore) results in creation of a barrier or
salinity structure Partially mixed Cameron and Pritchard
spit across the mouth. The inlet at the mouth is small relative
Mixed (1963), and Pritchard
to the size of the shallow estuary created behind the barrier. In
some cases, the barrier may restrict exchange of water between
312 Estuaries

Head Head Head

High relief
Mouth Sill
Ocean Ocean

Funnel shaped Ria Fjord




Bar-built Lagoon Tectonic

Figure 2 Geomorphic types of estuaries. Modified from Fairbridge, R.W., 1980. The estuary: its definition and geodynamic cycle. In: Olausson,
E., Cato, I. (Eds.), Chemistry and Biogeochemistry of Estuaries. Wiley, Chichester.

the ocean and estuary except during high tides. This type of 10.12.4 Estuarine Morphodynamics: Physical
estuary is dominant along the coastal plain of the southeast Factors
United States (Dame et al., 2000) and the Pacific coast (USA).
This type also occurs in Australia (Roy et al., 2001) and Africa Research on estuarine morphodynamics has focused on the
(Anthony et al., 2002). development of models that predict behavior at timescales
Some estuaries formed in valleys that were created by tec- that are both long (geologic such as Holocene evolution) and
tonic processes, which is the case on the Pacific coast where short (individual events such as tidal cycles and storms) and
the San Andreas fault contributed to the development of San spatial scales that are large (estuary) and small (marsh, man-
Francisco and Tomales Bays (Emmett et al., 2000). Bar grove, beach, mudflats, and offshore bars). The forcing func-
building can contribute to estuarine evolution on tectonically tions that create, maintain, or change system behavior at
active coasts by helping to enclose ocean bays. different temporal and spatial scales include sea-level rise,
Lagoons are not considered to be estuaries according to episodic floods, seasonal river discharge, and waves generated
the classic definition of Cameron and Pritchard (1963) but over a tidal cycle.
are considered estuaries by many scientists and managers
(Potter et al., 2010). Lagoons may be considered an end
member of the estuarine continuum, situated between estu- Sea Level
aries and strandplains and tidal flats (Boyd et al., 1992). They Estuaries are geologically young features on the Earth’s surface,
can occur in micro-, meso-, and macro-tidal environments formed in response to sea-level stabilization over the past
(Cooper, 1994a) but not in strongly tidal-dominated areas 6000 years. The vertical and horizontal positions of estuaries
(Boyd et al., 1992). They generally form on transgressive are the result of inherited lithology and fluctuations in sea-
coasts with low-gradient continental shelves and in regions level rise, with sea-level elevation at or above current levels
where the rate of sea-level rise is slow (Cooper, 1994a). La- during interglacial periods and up to 150 m below present
goons may possess flood tidal deltas that provide substrate for levels during glacial periods. Sea level is the result of changes
subsequent marsh development and a fluvial delta in cases in the volume of ocean water due to thermal expansion and
where a river discharges to the lagoon. Several models have contraction and glacial advance and retreat as well as changes
been developed to describe the evolution of lagoon systems in the elevation of the Earth’s surface. These processes may
due to sediment accumulation and sea-level rise (Roy, 1984; operate in isolation or in concert and their relative influence
Nichols, 1989; Cooper, 1994a). The stage of a system on the changes with both spatial scale and temporal scale. Postglacial,
continuum is influenced by sediment input (fluvial and global sea-level change was strongly influenced by the ex-
marine), characteristics of the basin, and rates of barrier change of mass between glacial ice sheets and the ocean. More
transgression. recent regional sea-level histories have revealed both a
Estuaries 313

lowering and rising of sea level from still stand levels changes, freshwater flow, hypsometry, and sediment supply
(Edwards, 2007) due to departures in climate and isostatic (Cooper, 1993). Slagle et al. (2006) found evidence of re-
changes (Pirazzoli, 1993). Lambeck and Chappell (2001) re- gional erosion, or nondeposition, with intervening periods
ported sea-level histories from several locations where the data of deposition in the Hudson River Estuary (USA) that they
have been adjusted to account for tectonic activity. These data, attributed to limited accommodation space. Townend et al.
as well as data reported in Pirazzoli (1993), reveal the effects (2007) found periods of sedimentation and erosion of the
of local conditions on sea-level trends across the globe. Falling Humber Estuary with export of sediment occurring during
sea levels have occurred in areas where former ice sheets periods when extensive tidal flats were present.
existed (i.e., Hudson Bay, CA) due to isostatic rebound. Areas Where fluvial sediment supply is limited or where post-
located beyond the former ice margins reveal a steep sea-level glacial sea-level rise and isostatic adjustment have increased
rise curve followed by a deceleration in the rate of rise be- the volume of the basin, the accommodation space is in-
ginning approximately 6000 years BP (i.e., southern England, creased such as in the case of Laguna Madre, USA (Morton
Atlantic coast of USA). In locations at considerable distances et al., 2000). In cases where sediment infilling is high, the
from the ice margins (i.e., Australia), sea level reached an estuary will become shallow and the result is a decrease in the
elevation close to the present-day position approximately rate of transgression (Woodroffe, 2003). Antecedent morph-
6000 years BP with little variation since that time. For ex- ology of the land that becomes inundated also influences
ample, in areas such as northern Australia that have been available accommodation space and estuarine evolution
relatively stable tectonically, estuaries have experienced similar (Rodriguez et al., 2008; Heap and Nichol, 1997). A flat, pas-
sea-level-rise histories (Chappell and Woodroffe, 1994). sive margin coastal plain will generate an estuary with a large
Radiocarbon dates indicate that the maximum extent of the ice volume compared to a steep, active margin coast given similar
sheets during the last glaciation occurred approximately 17 increases in sea-level rise (Boyd et al., 1992).
000–18 000 years BP (Woodroffe, 2003). Postglacial, sea-level
rise began soon after this peak in glacial extent.
Estuaries and lagoons are transgressive features (Cattaneo Tides
and Steel, 2003) and they form under conditions where rela-
tive sea-level rise exceeds the rate of sediment infilling (Boyd Estuaries are located in micro-, meso-, and macro-tidal en-
et al., 1992). The development of estuaries coincided with sea- vironments, with tidal ranges generally defined by the classi-
level rise and inundation of coastal lowlands following the last fication of Davies (1964) where the micro-tidal range is
glacial period and the sea-level still stand that began ap- o2 m, meso-tidal is 2–4 m, and macro-tidal is 44 m. Plan-
proximately 6000 years ago. Deltas and coastal plains on the form morphology is an important control on the variation of
outer edge of the present continental shelf were the first to be tidal range and the magnitude of the tidal currents within the
inundated during the most recent sea-level rise (Russell, estuary (Nichols and Biggs, 1985). Convergence of the lateral
1967). Estuaries increased in complexity with sea-level rise boundaries of a funnel-shaped estuary causes the tidal wave to
and inundation of the tributaries of fluvial valley systems or compress laterally. In the absence of substantial bed friction,
narrow resistant bedrock formations. the tidal range will increase. In the presence of substantial
Pethick (2001) outlined a conceptual model for estuary friction, the tidal range will decrease. Thus, the relationship
transgression as a result of relative sea-level rise based on between convergence and friction controls the amplitude of
the ‘rollover’ model (Allen, 1990). Changes that occur to the the tide within the estuary. In cases where convergence is
estuary are a result of the redistribution of sediment within the greater than friction, the tidal range and the strength of the
estuary as well as inputs from the marine environment. The tide will increase toward the head of the estuary (hypersyn-
estuary maintains its position in the tidal and wave energy chronous estuaries). Tidal-dominated estuaries are generally
frame by a vertical (upward) and horizontal (up-estuary) hypersynchronous with stronger tidal velocities in the mid-
movement in response to sea-level rise. An increase in water estuary and weaker tidal velocities near the head and mouth of
depth in the lower estuary results in the propagation of the estuary (Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). In cases where
ocean waves into the estuary and erosion of the upper inter- convergence is less than friction, the tidal range will decrease
tidal sediment that displaces the marsh/tidal flat boundary throughout the estuary (hypsosynchronous estuaries).
inland. This sediment will be deposited landward to the The transition of an estuary to different morphologic
inner estuary and subsequently redeposited in the upper states may be explained, in part, by the relationship of tidal
intertidal zone. The redistribution results in an increase of asymmetry to net sediment transport. An estuary reaches an
the surface elevation of the marsh and tidal flat in the equilibrium state when the quantity of sediment transported
new location and transgression of the marsh edge. The salt during flood tide is balanced by the quantity of sediment
marsh/tidal flat boundary of these inner estuarine areas con- transported during ebb (Dyer, 1997). The conditions that
tinues to erode as the fetch length and depth for local wave lead to equilibrium are a function of tidal velocity, the depth
generation increase because of the rise in sea level. The mi- of the channel, and intertidal area of the estuary (Dronkers,
gration rate of the landward marsh boundary is a function of 1986). The distortion of the tidal wave and asymmetry that
the upgradient slope and the vertical accretion rate of the develops (ebb–flood duration) upon entering the estuary is
marsh surface. the major influence on the net sediment transport direction
Accommodation space, or the volumetric area available for in the estuary (Postma, 1967). Under flood-dominated con-
sediment infilling or water volume in an estuary, will influence ditions, high-velocity, short-duration flood flows are dom-
estuarine transgression and is a function of relative sea-level inant over low-velocity, long-duration ebb flows. The greater
314 Estuaries

flood-directed bed shear stress, relative to the threshold for (Carter, 1980), Port Stephen Bay, Australia (Vila-Concejo
the sediment size, increases the sediment volume in trans- et al., 2010), and Bay of Plenty, New Zealand (deLange and
port, and the direction of net transport will result in de- Healy, 1990). High-magnitude, low-frequency events can
position or infilling of the estuary. Friedrichs and Aubrey transport significant quantities of sediment from the ocean to
(1988), in a study of US estuaries, found that flood domin- the estuary such as reported by Vila-Concejo et al. (2010) and
ance was dependent on the ratio of the tidal amplitude (M2) cause erosion to estuarine beaches, but ocean-generated storm
to the hydraulic depth. Ebb dominance was influenced by the waves can also result in depositional conditions on the fore-
volume of storage over the intertidal zone, as a proportion of shore (Jackson, 1995).
the carrying capacity of the main channel. Estuaries that are Interest also exists for understanding the effect of waves
deep tend to be ebb dominated and estuaries that are shallow (ocean and locally generated) in estuaries from a biological
tend to be flood dominated (Wang et al., 2002). Assessing the standpoint. The horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is con-
phase difference in the M2 (principal semi-diurmal lunar sidered a keystone species in Delaware Bay (USA) and spawns
constituent) and M4 (quarter-diurnal nonlinear harmonic annually on the foreshores of the sandy beaches in the estuary.
over-tide of M2) tidal constituents of the macro-tidal Dee Waves generated in the estuary during storms as well as those
Estuary, Moore et al. (2009) found the estuary to be generally entering the mouth of the estuary from the Atlantic Ocean are
flood dominant and experiencing sediment infilling which capable of suppressing spawning activity. Smith et al. (2002)
agreed with long-term historical data. Townend (2005) used found that horseshoe crab spawning was correlated to wave
a sample of 188 estuaries in the UK and found the majority activity, with greater spawning densities associated with lower
to be flood dominant also due to a high ratio of tidal amp- wave heights (o0.12 m).
litude to hydraulic depth. Vessel wakes can influence sediment suspension in an es-
The transition to an ebb-dominated system has been at- tuary (Schoellhamer, 1996) and sediment transport on bea-
tributed to the physical extent of tidal flat development in the ches (Curtiss et al., 2009). Schoellhamer (1996) found that
estuary (Friedrichs and Aubrey, 1988; Kang and Jun, 2003). sediment suspended by vessel wakes were more susceptible to
Brown and Davies (2010) classified the Dyfi Estuary as ebb resuspension by tidal currents after deposition compared to
dominant based on observations in the main entrance chan- undisturbed sediment. Curtiss et al. (2009) found vessel wakes
nel but found the upper estuary to experience flood-asym- contributed to sediment mobilization during nonstorm con-
metric flows they attributed to tidal channel and tidal flat ditions on a mixed sand and gravel beach in Puget Sound
distribution that resulted in net transport in the up-estuary (USA).
direction. More accurate determination of whether an estuary
is a source of, or a sink for, sediment requires consideration of
additional factors, such as sediment characteristics, fluvial River Discharge
processes, estuarine stratification, and sea-level changes.
Sediment flux from rivers to the coastal ocean is episodic and
has been associated with seasonal (Tamura et al., 2010) and Waves
decadal (Inman and Jenkins, 1999) timescales. Delivery of
Waves may be generated within the estuary by local winds or sediment from rivers to an estuary is a function of basin
they may be ocean waves that enter the mouth of the estuary. geology (size, relief, and erodibility of sediments), water flow,
In tide-dominated estuaries, characterized by a relatively open and human modifications to the drainage basin (change in
connection to the ocean, waves generated in the ocean are land use/land cover) or the river channel (damming, diver-
capable of traveling into the estuary, although the magnitude sion, and concretization) (Inman and Jenkins, 1999). Drain-
of energy is reduced as a result of diffraction and dissipation age basins with steep slopes and erodible material create
caused by shallow water depths and bottom friction. Thus, the conditions for rivers to deliver greater quantities of sediment
lower estuary, at and near the mouth, is subject to more ocean to the estuary compared to drainage basins with low gradients
wave influence compared to the upper estuary (Dalrymple and and dominated by vegetated uplands. Increased impervious
Choi, 2007). Ocean waves and currents can form a spit or sand cover can increase streamflow due to runoff and result in in-
bar across the mouth when river flow is weak or episodic creased streambed erosion, as described by Inman and Jenkins
(Cooper, 1993). The formation of the bar may be seasonal (1999).
and associated with depositional swell or it may be the result Episodic floods are an important process in estuarine dy-
of longshore sediment transport (Ranansinghe et al., 1999; namics; they may increase the quantity of sediment delivered
Ranansinghe and Pattiaratchi, 2003). The dimensions of the to the estuary or result in estuarine scour and sediment export
bar may provide a partial or complete barrier to closure. to the nearshore, thus ‘‘resetting the evolutionary clock’’
Breaching of the bar and reestablishment of the connection (Cooper, 1994b). In a comparison of tide-dominated and
between the estuary and marine environment are dependent river-dominated micro-tidal estuaries, Cooper (2002) found
on the strength of river flow or waves and surge. that the morphological response to episodic floods was dif-
There is interest in understanding the morphologic re- ferent based on spatial characteristics of erosion, flood mag-
sponse to ocean-generated waves entering the mouth of nitude thresholds to initiate morphologic change, and speed
the estuary. Ocean waves entering an estuary have been of post-flood sediment reworking.
observed in a number of locations, including Delaware, The episodic nature of river flow may reduce the capacity of
Chesapeake, and Newport Bay, USA (Ludwick, 1987; the river to maintain a continuous connection with the sea,
Moory and Osborne, 1992), Lough Foyle, Northern Ireland and the low magnitude of sediment discharge limits delta
Estuaries 315

development (Jennings and Bird, 1967). Many estuarine sys- upper reaches of the estuary. In macro-tidal estuaries, the
tems have intermittent connections to the sea (Roy, 1984; turbidity maximum has been attributed to tidal asymmetries
Cooper, 2001). Closure can be the result of low river discharge that increase sediment transport potential toward the head of
or is the result of marine sediment transport processes that the estuary (see Section
create a wave-constructed berm (Carter et al., 1992; Elwany
et al., 2003; Weir et al., 2006). These systems are dependent on
periods of high river discharge to flush the inlet and reestab- Estuarine Geomorphic and Sedimentary Facies
lish a connection (Elwany et al., 1998). When the river flow is
Estuaries are generally considered ephemeral features. Their
highly sporadic, there is a need to rely on human intervention
continued existence requires a balance between relative sea-
to artificially open the inlet (Elwany et al., 2003; Weir et al.,
level fluctuations (eustatic and isostatic) and sedimentation
2006; Morris and Turner, 2010).
from river discharge (Knebel, 1986) and oceanic inputs
(Woodroffe et al., 1993). Periods of progradation occur when
the quantity of sediment deposited from fluvial or marine
10.12.5 Morphodynamics and Evolution processes exceeds the rate of inundation due to sea-level rise.
Progradation may also occur when there is a fall in sea level
In addition to broad-scale, long-term processes of climate with no deposition, and the net result is the development of
change and sea-level rise that influence rates of discharge and tidal flats and strand plains (Boyd et al., 1992). In the first
inundation, wave, tide, and river processes drive estuarine case, the endpoint is the development of a delta (Dalrymple
hydrodynamics and sediment transport and account for et al., 1992) characterized by the lack of a channel meander
the distribution of marine and fluvial-derived sediment in the pattern and net bedload transport in the seaward direction. In
estuary and the morphology of sedimentary deposits. The the second case, the endpoint may be a strandplain or tidal
morphodynamics of estuaries occur over different timescales flat, depending on the ratio of the wave height to the tidal
ranging from short-term, episodic weather events that trans- range. Intermediate states exist between these two endpoints
port sediment, to longer-term changes that occur as a result of based on the process regime present.
geologic and sea-level history. The type and distribution of morphologic and sedimentary
facies have been used as diagnostics for determining the evo-
lutionary stage of an estuary along the estuary–delta con- Sediment Transport in Estuaries tinuum (Roy, 1984; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Heap et al., 2004).
Conceptual models have identified the relative contribution of
Entrainment, transport, and deposition of sediment in an
fluvial and marine processes to estuarine morphology and
estuary are the result of a complex suite of river, tide, and wave
evolution (see Roy, 1984; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Cooper,
processes operating over different temporal scales (Nichols
1993) and are based, in part, on regional studies that charac-
and Biggs, 1985). Traditional research on hydrodynamics and
terize one estuary or compare multiple estuaries. These studies
sediment transport in estuaries was focused more on mean
include tide-dominated, macro-tidal estuaries (Woodroffe et al.,
and residual or subtidal flows but current interest is focused
1989; Allen, 1990; Dalrymple et al., 1990), tide-dominated,
on shorter-term processes such as turbulence and intratidal
micro-tidal estuaries (Cooper, 2002), and micro-tidal estuaries
flows (Uncles, 2002).
in wave-dominated (Roy, 1984; Anthony et al., 1996) and river-
The textural properties of the sediment available to be
dominated (Cooper, 1994b) environments.
entrained and transported is a controlling factor in the like-
lihood that erosion or deposition will occur. Entrainment will
occur when the bed shear stress exceeds the critical value for Tide-dominated estuaries
the sediment sizes available. Once entrained, the coarser Tide-dominated estuaries occur in macro-tidal environments
sediment will be transported via bedload and the finer sedi- (tidal range 44 m). They are generally funnel shaped with
ment will be transported via suspended load. Sediment wide mouths and high current velocities. Tidal currents are the
transported by river flow may exhibit a bimodal population of dominant process of transport of sediment compared to river
coarse and fine sediment. The coarser fraction will settle to the or oceanic processes (Allen, 1990; Dalrymple and Choi,
bed, whereas the finer fraction will remain in suspension 2007). In tide-dominated estuaries, river flow decreases and
(Dyer, 1995). The finer fraction may aggregate via flocculation tidal currents increase in the seaward direction (Dalrymple
that will influence the settling velocity and deposition on the and Choi, 2007). The middle sector of the estuary (Figure 1)
bed. represents a zone of sediment accumulation with contri-
In meso- and macro-tidal environments, a turbidity max- butions from both fluvial and marine sources (Dalrymple and
imum exists; a zone where suspended sediment concen- Choi, 2007).
trations are greater than those occurring in either the river or Dalrymple et al. (1990) characterized the sedimentary
estuarine flow. The location of the turbidity maximum is a characteristics of the macro-tidal Cobequid Bay–Salmon River
function of both river and tidal processes. High river discharge Estuary, in Canada. The axial sediments are characterized by
will move the zone seaward, and on shorter timescales the the presence of elongate tidal sand bars in the lower sector of
zone will shift in response to the rise and fall of the tide (Dyer, the estuary that trend parallel to the dominant current dir-
1995). The development and maintenance of the turbidity ection. Sand flats and braided channels are located in the
maximum have been explained by residual circulation in middle sector of the estuary and a single channel is located in
partially mixed estuaries that returns fine sediment to the the river-dominated head of the estuary. Tidal currents are at a
316 Estuaries

maximum in the inner part of the estuary. Sediments decrease from the marine environment occur via transport through the
in size from the mouth to the head. Dominant direction of inlets that separate the barriers as well as overwash transfers
sediment transport is landward with accumulation in the during storms. The dominant sand bodies in meso-tidal
upper sector at the head of the estuary. These characteristics estuaries are the deltas (ebb and flood) formed by tidal inlet
stand in stark contrast to those that occur in the Kennebec processes. The mixed wave-tide estuaries along the northeast
River Estuary (USA). Fitzgerald et al. (2000) revealed that the Atlantic of the USA are generally flood dominant and have
characteristics of the rock-bound, macro-tidal estuary do not flood tidal deltas that are larger than their ebb counterparts.
conform to the planform geometry or sedimentary character- The result of this sediment accumulation is an extensive
istics described by Dalrymple et al. (1992) and they ascribed shallow-water zone on the seaward margin of the estuary that
these differences to structural control of the estuary. The es- deepens in the direction of the mainland. Sediments near the
tuary is narrow and the bedrock-cut channel results in the lack inlet are coarse and sediments near the mainland margin are
of development of extensive intertidal sedimentary deposits fine where fluvial processes are dominant (Psuty and Silveira,
(Fenster and Fitzgerald, 1996). The processes that influence 2009).
the morphodynamics of the system are high-magnitude spring
freshets that increase river discharge and deliver sediments to
the lower estuary. A circulation cell is present in the lower River-dominated estuaries
estuary exchanging sediment among the estuary mouth, Dalrymple et al. (1992) argued that a river-dominated cat-
nearshore and offshore zones, and adjacent beaches. egory is not required because fluvial dominance is an indicator
of the rate of infilling and not of morphology. Cooper (1993) Wave-dominated estuaries presented evidence from the South African coast that river-
Wave-dominated estuaries generally occur in micro-tidal (tidal dominated, micro-tidal estuaries do not necessarily display the
range o2 m) environments and their morphologic evolution characteristic downstream facies changes observed in wave-
is tied to the changes that occur at the mouth of the estuary and tide-dominated estuaries, and the energy level may re-
(Roy, 1984). Different types of barrier estuaries occur, based main similar along the axis of the river valley. River-dominated
on the characteristics of the mouth of the estuary. A barrier estuaries can range from those completely dominated by river
estuary can form where sediment transported from adjacent processes (river channels) to those that experience some
ocean beaches creates a barrier at the mouth and the magni- marine inputs at the mouth. Marine influence is minimized
tude of river discharge controls the reopening. Barrier lagoons due to high fluvial discharge and steep gradients, and these
and inter-barrier estuaries form on low-relief coastal plains. estuaries do not exhibit coastal progradation. River-dominated
Intermittent estuaries consist of basins that are separated from estuaries may be in equilibrium when overall sediment vol-
the ocean for extended periods of time. These estuaries gen- ume does not change with time (Cooper, 1993) or in dis-
erally form where river discharge is not competent to maintain equilibrium when there is a gradual increase in sediment
an open channel through the barrier created by wave-induced volume over time (Sondi et al., 1995).
transport of beach sediment (Anthony et al., 2002). High Although there is a growing literature on estuarine
variability in rainfall regimes in some regions is an important morphologies from a range of environments and qualitative
factor in the development of highly saline lagoons. High descriptions of some of the potential morphodynamic path-
waves associated with storms can breach the depositional ways that could occur, a need still exists for better quantifi-
barrier at the estuarine mouth and reestablish connection with cation of both processes and responses. Heap et al. (2004)
the ocean or can occur via river flow during episodic floods. pointed out that the development of a quantitative model for
The complexity of the facies development in this type of estuary to delta transition is hampered by the lack of hard
estuary is a function of sediment infilling and barrier devel- data on the abundance and distribution of sedimentary facies
opment. In general, these estuaries have two regions of high for a representative distribution of estuaries. Advances in
energy: an upper sector near the head, where river processes, instrumentation have enabled collection of high-frequency
sediments, and bedforms dominate, and a lower sector near process data and achieve finer resolution of sedimentary
the mouth, where wave and tidal processes and marine sedi- deposits over space and through time. These data can also
ments dominate. The middle sector is a location where tidal enable better integration of spatial and temporal scales
currents are reduced, locally generated waves and wind- of change besides enabling analytical approaches that have
induced flows are important, and extensive mudflats and potential for advanced model development (Fitzgerald and
marshes are present (Roy et al., 2001). Knight, 2005). Mixed wave-tide-dominated estuaries

Mixed wave-tide estuaries (such as those in meso-tidal en-
vironments with a tidal range of 2–4 m) can be found behind 10.12.6 Estuarine Subenvironments
barrier islands and barrier spits (Hayes, 1979). These estuaries
owe much of their morphologic signature to the sediment The cross-shore intertidal gradient of estuaries contains a rich
characteristics of the barrier that forms the marine boundary. variety of geomorphic assemblages, including tidal flats and
The estuaries may be classified as intermediate between tide- barforms, marshes and mangroves, and sandy barriers and
dominated and wave-dominated systems (Dalrymple et al., coastal bluffs. These subenvironments provide an array of
1992). Within the estuary are meandering tidal channels, ecosystem functions and services that increase the importance
point bars, and marsh deposits. Transfers of sediment of understanding their morphodynamics.
Estuaries 317 Lower Intertidal Shore-parallel sand bars occur in micro-, meso-, and
macro-tidal environments. Located in the intertidal zone, they Tidal flats
are persistent features (Yamada and Kobayashi, 2007). Off-
Tidal flats may be comprised of predominantly mud or sands
shore losses of sediment from the foreshore to these bars
or they may transition between muds or sands on a seasonal
are rarely compensated by transport back to the foreshore
basis. The spatial variability in sediment composition and
(Nordstrom and Jackson, 1992). In drowned river-valley
morphology of tidal flats is influenced by exposure to wave
estuaries such as Delaware Bay (USA), the bars are of low
activity (Ryan and Cooper, 1998). The cross-shore profile of
amplitude (o0.10 m), extend approximately 0.5 km bayward,
tidal flats is generally characterized by either continuously
and are exposed during low spring tide (Botton et al., 2003).
concave or convex morphology that is controlled by the tidal
Data on vertical erosion and accretion reveal little annual net
range and the wave climate (Whitehouse et al., 2000; Le Hir
change, and response to storms is highly variable where
et al., 2000). Convex hypsometry has been associated with a
multiple sites are compared (Miller et al., 2002). In micro-
large tidal range, long-term accretion, or low waves; concave
tidal environments, the bars can persist as subtidal forms.
hypsometry has been associated with a small tidal range, long-
Dolan and Dean (1985) attributed the formation of subtidal
term erosion, or wave activity (Roberts et al., 2000; Uncles,
sand bars in the micro-tidal Chesapeake Bay (USA) to mul-
2002). Not all estuarine environments have typical tidal flat
tiple waves breaking across the low gradient slope.
morphology. Eliot et al. (2006) described an estuarine beach
Ridge and runnel systems can occur in some estuaries
in the Swan River Estuary, Australia, where the surface of the
(Carling et al., 2009). These bedforms trend parallel to the
fronting terrace extends below mean low tide, but fluctuation
shoreline and have heights of up to 1.5 m and lengths ranging
in exposure and inundation of the terrace is associated with
from 10 to 100 m where observed in estuaries (Carling et al.,
nontidal forcing of water levels in the estuary.
2009). Hydrodynamic and sedimentologic data from the
Mudflats have been classified based on tidal range, slope,
Severn Estuary (UK) demonstrated that the development of
and exposure to wave activity (Dyer et al., 2000). Most current
runnels was associated with fluid erosion and fine sediment
research on mudflats refers to short-term studies of sediment
suspension. The ridges that formed were accretionary units of
transport and morphologic change (Uncles, 2002). The pro-
silt and sand and not residual forms produced from the
cesses that influence sediment transport and location of ero-
noneroded surface incised by runnels (Williams et al., 2008;
sion and deposition are a function of wave activity of tidal
Carling et al., 2009).
currents (cross-shore and longshore) and wind-induced cir-
Transverse bars are attached to the lower foreshore and are
culation (Le Hir et al., 2000). Dewatering of flat sediments at
generally oriented perpendicular to the shoreline or at an
low tide and discharge of tidal creeks can also influence tidal
angle that trends parallel to the dominant wave approach.
flat morphology. In general, tides induce onshore transport of
These barforms occur along micro-tidal, low-energy shorelines
muds, whereas waves and drainage favor offshore transport
of the Gulf of Mexico (USA), the sheltered shoreline of a
(Le Hir et al., 2000).
barrier island on the Atlantic coast (USA), and in the Swan
River Estuary in Western Australia (Bruner and Smosna, 1989; Bedforms Nordstrom et al., 1996; Eliot et al., 2006). They can reach
Irregularities in bed elevation can be the result of physical lengths of up to 100 m with amplitudes between 0.2 and
forcing (waves, tides, and wind) as well as dewatering of sur- 0.75 m (Niederoda and Tanner, 1970). In estuaries, the ex-
face sediment due to exposure at low tide, bioturbation, and change of sediment between the foreshore and the transverse
presence of vegetation. The most conspicuous morphological bars is low. Nordstrom et al. (1996) conducted a tracer ex-
features in the lower intertidal zone include both shore- periment and found that cross-shore sediment transport from
parallel and transverse bars (Figure 3). the foreshore to the transverse bars was concentrated within a

(a) (b)

Figure 3 Photographs showing (a) shore-parallel bars in Delaware Bay (USA) and (b) transverse bars on the landward side of a barrier island
in the Gulf of Mexico (USA).
318 Estuaries

short distance offshore from the location of bar attachment to zones, small-scale variations in submergence rates, effects of
the foreshore. Our understanding of the processes that give varying amounts of sediment in eroding formations, and
rise to the development, growth, maintenance, and possible effects of obstacles to longshore sediment transport, such
migration of these forms is rudimentary. The development as headlands, that define drift compartments (Nordstrom,
of transverse bars has been attributed to many processes, 1992). Differences in the gradient of wave energy between the
but within low-wave-energy environments, like estuaries, wave low-energy (upper) and high-energy (lower) shorelines in an
refraction is the leading driver (Niederoda and Tanner, 1970). estuary and between the high-energy (windward) and low-
This process explanation was later confirmed by Caballeria energy (leeward) sides of an estuary also contribute to differ-
et al. (2002), who developed a nonlinear model to predict the ences in the types of estuarine shoreline environments and
conditions for formation of both crescentic and transverse their dimensions. Marsh is likely to form on alluvium in the
bars in the nearshore. Their model qualitatively matches upper reaches of the estuary, on the upwind side of the estuary
the shape and spacing of these bar forms as reported by or on the downwind side of the estuary in the lee of headlands
field observations in estuaries (Niederoda and Tanner, 1970; that provide protection from breaking waves. Beaches are
Nordstrom et al., 1996), but a quantitative link still requires likely to form on the downwind side of estuaries, because
instrumented field measurements on wave processes and there is sufficient energy in the locally generated waves to
sediment transport. erode coastal formations or prevent vegetation from growing
in the intertidal zone. Upper Intertidal Zone Unconsolidated shorelines
The planform configuration of estuaries is exceedingly com- Beaches in estuaries form a class of low-energy types (Jackson
plex and the location of intertidal subenvironments varies et al., 2002). Beaches are most common where wave energy
over relatively short, alongshore lengthscales (Phillips, 1986). can entrain available sediments (Knebel et al., 1988) and they
Estuarine shoreline environments (beaches, marshes, and may front small, transgressive barriers (Cooper et al., 2007;
mangroves) generally occur in small isolated reaches with Pilkey et al., 2009) or cliff and bluff environments (Jackson
different orientations and with great variability in morph- et al., 2002; Shipman, 2008) (Figure 4).
ology, vegetation, and rates of erosion. This variability results Beaches may be unvegetated or partially vegetated and
from regional differences in fetch and water depth, exposure composed of sand, gravel, or shell (Nordstrom, 1992). The best
to dominant and prevailing winds, variations in subsurface development of beaches occurs where relatively high wave en-
stratigraphy, irregular topography inherited from drainage ergies have exposed abundant unconsolidated sand or gravel in
systems, differential erosion of vegetation or clay, peat, and the eroding coastal formations. Adequate source materials
marsh outcrops on the surface of the subtidal and intertidal occur where these formations are moraine deposits, submerged

Bluff shoreline

Ac Sand Reworked
ef bluff sediment
Wa ores
ve ho
cu r
t te e
ce Gravel

Marsh barrier shoreline

platform Dune
Marsh Fo
Well-sorted sands ho

Low tide
Peat terrace

Figure 4 Types of upper intertidal environments in estuaries. Modified from Jackson, N.L., Nordstrom, K.F., Smith, D.R., 2002.
Geomorphic–biotic interactions on beach foreshores in estuaries. Journal of Coastal Research SI36, 414–424.
Estuaries 319

glacial streams, coarse-grained fluvial deposits, and sand de- variation in beach morphology and spatial variation in tex-
livered by ocean waves and winds, such as the estuarine tural properties of sediments on the surface and down to the
shorelines of spits and barrier islands (Freire et al., 2007). depth of wave reworking (Rosen, 1980; Sherman et al., 1994;
The textural properties of the sediments that form these beaches Malvarez et al., 2001). Storm surge and low-frequency changes
may be predominantly sand (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1993; in ocean water level may play an important role in beach
Jackson et al., 2005), mixed sand and gravel (Curtiss et al., dynamics on micro-tidal environments (Armbruster et al.,
2009), or predominantly gravel (Shipman, 2008). 1995; Eliot et al., 2006). Nordstrom and Jackson (1992)
Beach formation is favored where high ground protrudes presented a profile change model for estuarine beaches based
into relatively deep water, where wave refraction and wave en- on differences in wave characteristics observed on 21 sand
ergy loss through dissipation on the bay bottom are minimal beaches with a tidal range of nearly 2.0 m. Two types of beach
(Nordstrom, 1992). The dominant processes of sediment re- profile response were identified, depending on whether cross-
working on beaches in estuaries are generally driven by locally shore or longshore sediment transport dominated. In both
generated waves, although refracted and diffracted ocean waves cases, sediment exchange was limited to a zone between the
may be present. Ocean waves that enter the estuary generally upper limit of swash at high water and the break in slope
create beaches close to the inlets. Sediment transported into the separating the foreshore from the low tide terrace. On beaches
estuary by ocean waves may form spits in the lee of headlands where cross-shore transport is the dominant process, sediment
in the estuary. Beaches created by waves generated within es- exchange between the upper and lower foreshore is accom-
tuaries are most common in shoreline re-entrants, where sedi- plished by changes in the locally generated wave energy level
ments can accumulate over time. Other beaches occur where due to variations in wind speed. An increase in the wave
sand is plentiful on the bayside of barriers enclosing the estuary, height causes erosion of the upper foreshore and deposition
particularly on former recurves, subaerial overwash platforms, on the lower foreshore, whereas a decrease in wave height
and former oceanside dunes (Nordstrom, 1992). Beaches may returns sediment to the upper foreshore. Changes in wind
form on the bayside of eroding marshes from coarse-grained direction and wave angle are responsible for inducing long-
sediment removed from the eroding substrate. Beaches may shore sediment transport and may be responsible for parallel
precede and favor marsh growth by creating spits that form low- foreshore retreat (and advance) that is not accompanied by a
energy environments landward of them. Both processes create a conspicuous change in slope. Dominance of cross-shore or
beach-ridge shoreline that combines features characteristic of longshore processes is a function of shoreline orientation to
beach shorelines and marsh shorelines. Peat, representing the the dominant winds and fetch, and the presence of shore-
substrate of former marsh, is commonly exposed in outcrops normal obstacles (such as shore protection structures) that act
on eroding beaches transgressing marshes. The outcrops are as sediment traps.
resistant because of the presence of fine-grained materials that Aeolian dunes occur in estuaries and may be relict dunes
have been trapped by upward growth of the marsh and by the resulting from aeolian transport from the oceanside, or may be
binding effect of vegetation (Nordstrom, 1992). true estuarine landforms, the result of aeolian sediment trans-
Sandy beaches in estuaries are characterized by a narrow port in the estuary (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1994; Varnell
backshore (o10 m), steep planar foreshore (6–91), and et al., 2010). Dunes created by aeolian transport in the estuary
a broad, relatively flat, bay bottom, low-tide terrace occur where beaches are sufficiently wide to provide a viable
(Nordstrom, 1992; Fenster et al., 2006; Freire et al., 2009) or sediment source or where the shoreline is stable enough to
subtidal terrace (Eliot et al., 2006). Reported heights of locally allow ample time for slow accretion or to prevent wave erosion
generated waves range from 0.15 to 0.50 m, with periods of (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1992). Estuarine beaches are narrow,
2–5 s, and they break directly on the foreshore and convert even at low tide, so substantial source widths for aeolian
immediately to swash. The width of the swash zone can be transport occur only over a portion of each tidal cycle and only
only 3 m during small storms (Jackson and Nordstrom, when the wind blows at an oblique angle to beach orientation
1993). Ocean waves entering estuaries during storms can re- (Nordstrom and Jackson, 1994). Wave energy must be suf-
sult in increased wave periods (45.0 s) and swash runup ficient to prevent colonization of intertidal vegetation, but
widths (up to 9.0 m) (Nordstrom et al., 2006). The low wave erosion cannot be too great for aeolian forms to survive. On-
energies on estuarine beaches limit reworking by storm ero- shore aeolian transport occurring between moderate-intensity
sion and post-storm deposition. Nordstrom (1992) reported storms may create only a thin aeolian cap on top of the back-
upper foreshore losses during storms of more than 3.0 m3 m–1 beach or overwash platform.
and landward displacement of the foreshore of over 4 m, with
breaking wave heights of 0.4–0.8 m and periods of 3.4–4.5 s. Cohesive shorelines
The cycle of offshore transport to a break-point bar, followed Coastal marshes are valuable as open space, as breeding
by post-storm deposition by swash-bar migration that is grounds and food sources for marine and estuarine animals, as
common on ocean beaches, is absent (Nordstrom, 1992), and traps for sediments and nutrients from rivers and runoff, as
the bayward extent of sediment exchange is generally o10 m. natural filters in maintaining water quality, and as buffers to
Potential for longshore sediment transport occurs because runoff from uplands (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993). Marshes
short-period estuarine waves undergo little refraction and may are a conspicuous subenvironment in estuaries and occur pre-
break at a relatively sharp angle to the shoreline (Nordstrom dominantly in temperate climates, whereas mangroves occur in
et al., 2003). subtropical and tropical environments (Woodroffe, 2003).
Waves, tides, and currents are significant geomorphic The occurrence of marshes, like beaches, depends on their
agents on sandy estuarine beaches that account for temporal environmental setting and mode of origin, defined by factors
320 Estuaries

such as bedrock geology, availability of sediments, and recent foraging. Maintaining ecosystem functions and services will
sea-level rise history. Marshes occur in a range of estuarine depend on our ability to synthesize multidisciplinary data into
basins, including drowned river valleys, bar-built estuaries, a format that can be used in a management context (Cooper
lagoons, and rias (Allen, 2000). Their location in the estuary et al., 1994). The relationship between geomorphic and biotic
can include the upper estuary at the margins of rivers, at the processes in estuaries has been examined at several scales to
toe of coastal bluffs, and on the landward side of barrier is- determine whether there is a link between biological pattern
lands and spits (Wood et al., 1989). The estuaries along the and estuarine morphology (Dethier and Schoch, 2005). At the
Atlantic coast of the USA include both drowned river-valley macro-scale, the morphodynamics of the estuary influence
estuaries to the north and bar-built estuaries to the south. species abundance and diversity. Species are sensitive to tem-
Drainage basin characteristics (size and land cover) and re- perature and salinity gradients within an estuary, and these
sultant sediment load are influential to the presence, size, and gradients are a function of shape and the connection of the
substrate characteristics of marshes and submerged vegetation estuary to the sea (Pritchard, 1967a). In a study of estuaries in
(Roman et al., 2000). Marshes may develop within small southeastern Australia, Roy et al. (2001) identified four zones
embayments or at the mouth of stream channels (Knebel (marine flood-tidal delta, central mud basin, fluvial delta, and
et al., 1988). Sediment in marshes tends to be fine grained but riverine channel/alluvial plain) that are common to these es-
coarser sediments can occur where fluvial inputs are low and tuaries and ecologically important to estuarine species. The
marine sources are high (Allen, 2000). relative value of these zones is a function of the salinity gra-
Marshes occupy the upper intertidal zone and are affected dient, the rate of infilling, and the influence of human de-
by wave action, storm surge, and tidal flows that affect velopment. They found that bar development at the mouth of
sediment transport and cycles of erosion and accretion. the estuary influenced the ability of species to migrate into the
The ability for a marsh to maintain its position in the tidal estuary. The timing of opening and closure of the inlet of an
frame is a function of the elevation of the marsh surface estuary also have important ecological implications. Whitfield
elevation in relation to sea level. Increase in surface elevation et al. (2008) found that successful recruitment of certain
is the result of accumulation of sediment as well as biomass species of fish and invertebrates was influenced by the timing
production (Reed, 2002), but subsurface processes are of the opening and closing of the estuarine inlet. The mag-
also important contributors to surface elevation changes nitude of breaching and depth of the inlet increased tidal
(Cahoon, 2006). Marshes in the same estuary can undergo exchange and salinity in the estuary prior to closure of the
different levels of vulnerability to increases in sea level. In inlet that was beneficial for recruitment but the magnitude of
Chesapeake Bay (USA), submerged upland marshes on the river flow associated with breaching could also lead to declines
eastern shore are characterized by a lack of a well-integrated, in species in the estuary.
tidal creek network. Tidal creeks that do develop tend to be One question that remains is whether estuarine classifi-
ebb dominant, resulting in export of sediment from the cations can be used to indicate biologic function. Edgar et al.
marsh. These marshes are more vulnerable than those that (2000) classified 111 estuaries in Tasmania based on physical
form in the meanders of the major tributaries and receive and salinity characteristics (seaward barrier, tidal range, sal-
ample sediment inputs from flood events (Stevenson and inity, estuary size, and river runoff) and statistically assessed
Kearney, 1996). their ability to serve as surrogates of biological pattern derived
Mangroves are most commonly associated with tropical from invertebrate and fish data. Results revealed that classifi-
climates and are located in broad intertidal areas characterized cation of estuaries by a combination of salinity and physical
by low wave energy and where there is a source of fine-grained variables was a more successful indicator than using a classic
sediment (Woodroffe, 1992). Mangroves exist in a range geomorphologic grouping of the estuaries.
of environmental settings, including river-dominated, tide- At the micro-scale, fauna alter sedimentary characteristics
dominated, and wave-dominated environments (Thorn, by mechanically activating and transporting sediments,
1982), and their morphology and evolution are influenced bonding them by chemical secretions, or altering boundary
by characteristics of substrate and rates of sedimentation layer conditions by changing bedform conditions (Rhoads
(Woodroffe, 1992). Tidal flow in mangroves is influenced by and Stanley, 1965; Nowell et al., 1981; Jumars and Nowell,
vegetation density, evapotranspiration, and groundwater flow 1984; Meadows and Tait, 1989; Fries et al., 1999; Statzner
(Wolanski, 1992). Mangroves generally exhibit a zonation of et al., 2003). The relative roles of physical and faunal processes
vegetation species (Thom et al., 1975), and the type of vege- differ depending on the amount of wave and current energy,
tation present is a function of inundation (frequency and the grain-size characteristics of sediments, and species type.
duration), waterlogging of substrate and pore-water potential, Intertidal species can decrease or increase the likelihood for
and salinity (Woodroffe, 1992). entrainment of sediment by altering the sediment or bed
properties (Widdows and Brinsley, 2002). Species can stabilize
the bed by enhancing sediment cohesiveness and thus increase
the critical erosion threshold (Andersen, 2001). Species can Geomorphic–Biotic Interactions
increase surface roughness and enhance erosion rates by
Great interest occurs concerning the interactions between geo- bioturbation of the sediment (Wright et al., 1997). In low-
morphology and biology (Black et al., 1998; Naylor, 2005), wave-energy environments (such as estuaries), the biological
particularly in regions where species are threatened. Estuaries processes can have an influence on sediment mobilization and
are one of the most ecologically productive environments, transport of a magnitude comparable to that of waves and
offering habitat for spawning, development of juveniles, and tidal currents alone (Wood and Widdows, 2002; Jackson et al.,
Estuaries 321

2005). Field investigations and development of models to turbulence, nearshore current velocities, sediment activation,
predict sediment transport in estuaries need to account for and longshore sediment transport at the base of the structure
these interactions (Uncles, 2002). (Kraus, 1988; Plant and Griggs, 1992; Kraus and McDougal,
1996; Miles et al., 1997). Empirical field studies note the for-
mation of scour pits directly in front of shore-parallel structures Human-Modified Estuarine Systems after storms (Morton, 1988), causing a lowering of the profile
Estuaries have experienced significant morphological and (Birkemeier et al., 1991), narrowing of the beachface (Hall and
ecological changes from human modifications that have Pilkey, 1991), and slower recovery of the profile after storms
eliminated many intertidal environments, impaired water, and (Nakashima and Mossa, 1991). Support for these findings in
sediment quality, and threatened many of the species that estuaries remains uncertain without further assessment.
depend on the estuary for all or part of their life history Beach nourishment is most generally associated with ex-
(Kennish, 2002). In some regions of the world (e.g., the mid- posed coasts with intensive levels of development or great
Atlantic coast of the US), the imprint of humans has had recreational value, but it is also important in estuaries where it
serious consequences for other species that occupy the estuary can potentially provide beach habitat as well as shore pro-
(Paul, 2001) but there are instances where these species have tection (Nordstrom, 1992; Shipman, 2001; Jones and Hanna,
adapted to human-induced stresses (Botton et al., 2006). Re- 2004; Fenster et al., 2006; Andrade et al., 2006). Written
mote-sensing and geographic information system (GIS) tech- documentation of appropriate volumes, sediment com-
nologies have provided a platform for assessing estuarine position, and purposes of beach nourishment is lacking for
parameters such as sedimentation rates (Zheng et al., 2010), many operations in estuaries, and few studies assess the effects
morphology (Mason et al., 2010), and integrating data that of beach nourishment in estuarine environments once the fill
can be utilized in a management framework for enhancing is emplaced (Shipman, 2001; Jackson et al., 2007; Jackson
estuarine water quality (Ng et al., 2010). et al., 2010). Differences in grain-size characteristics introduced
Humans can affect the geomorphology of estuaries by in nourishment operations can result in differences in the form
changes in land use and land cover of the upland or by and mobility of estuarine beaches and their drainage (Nord-
armoring and diking the shore (Figure 5). These activities can strom, 1992). Estuarine beaches have been nourished with
alter sedimentation rates in an estuary relative to those that source material dredged from offshore (Douglass and Weggel,
would occur under natural conditions. Historical changes in 1987) and adjacent creeks or inlets (Fenster et al., 2006) or
land use that eliminate forest cover can contribute to sedi- mined from inland sand and gravel quarries (Shipman, 2001).
mentation (Willard et al., 2003), and modification via rec- Use of nonbeach sources can result in departures in sediment
lamation and embankment can reduce the intertidal area, size and sorting from native material. Preexisting surface gravel
tidal prism, and current velocities, and increase sedimentation will be buried. Gravel is a prominent and ecologically valuable
(van der Wal et al., 2002). characteristic of many low-energy beaches (Nordstrom and
The leading methods of shoreline armoring in estuaries are Jackson, 1993; Rice, 2006; Ciavola and Castiglione, 2009), so
installing bulkheads and performing beach nourishment. this loss may be locally important. Most nourishment oper-
Despite the prominence of bulkheads on estuarine shorelines, ations in estuaries involve placement of fill on the intertidal
few process-based studies of their effects have been conducted foreshore and are designed to build wider backshores and
(Nordstrom et al., 2009). Many inferences concerning the higher berm elevations to protect against wave erosion and
physical effects of bulkheads in estuaries are based on other overwash. Creation of a high berm has the advantage of in-
vertical structures in ocean environments (Kraus, 1988; Kraus creasing beach volume without covering the bay bottom. The
and McDougal, 1996; Miles et al., 1997). Findings from studies restriction in the horizontal and vertical extent of reworking on
on exposed shorelines reveal that the interaction of waves with estuarine beaches because of the low wave energies implies that
structures results in an increase in wave reflection and naturalization of fill sediment will be a slow process. The

(a) (b)

Figure 5 Photographs of bulkheading for shore protection in (a) Delware Bay and (b) Puget Sound, USA.
322 Estuaries

implications of these changes to the beach are the potential habitat value as well as enhance it, depending on morphology
reduction in ecological value for species that forage, migrate, or (Jackson et al., 2010) and sediment characteristics (Rice, 2006)
transgress the beach environment (Jackson et al., 2010). of the nourished beach. The possibility of decreasing habitat
value is of particular concern, because the application of
nourishment will be more widespread in the future. Restoration Practices Managed realignment, the landward movement of flood-
defense structures to increase intertidal area, is a growing
Restoration activities to enhance or create habitat are now practice in Europe. Projects have focused on the re-establish-
widespread in many estuaries but the success of these projects ment of tidal flats and marsh environments, but assessment of
over the long-term requires a better understanding of the these types of projects from models and field data reveals
linkages between physical, geomorphological, and biological the problems of re-establishing tidal exchange, replacing lost
processes. Habitat is defined as ‘‘the kind or range of en- habitat and high project costs relative to recovery of ecosystem
vironments in which a species/population/life history stage functions and services (Elliott et al., 2007; French, 2008;
can live’’ (McCoy and Bell, 1991). Structurally, coastal habitat Hughes et al., 2009).
is made of sediment and vegetation reworked by the com-
bined effects of waves, tides, wind, and currents. The use of
estuarine habitat by species is spatially and temporally vari-
able due to cross-shore and alongshore gradients in wave 10.12.7 Future Issues
energy, salinity, temperature, and oxygen. Thus, the geographic
location of optimal habitat for a population or species can How estuaries respond to projected estimates of sea-level rise,
vary from year to year. The question for many managers and including associated changes to habitat assemblages (sandy
restorationists is whether optimum habitat for a particular beaches, benthic areas, and marsh systems), is uncertain
species is available in the proper location as physical and (Fitzgerald et al., 2008; Ganju and Schoellhamer, 2010). In-
chemical changes shift (Peterson, 2003) and as humans ma- creases in storms, coastal flooding, and water temperatures
nipulate the environment. In areas where geomorphic systems will change the form and function of estuaries in the future.
are stressed by high erosion rates or human alteration, res- Sediment availability and the geomorphic type of the estuary
toration activities have attempted to create new habitat or have been identified as important controls on the morpho-
enhance existing degraded habitat. dynamics of the estuary system in response to these changes
In estuaries, restoration is most generally associated with the (Reeve and Karunarathna, 2009). If sediment influx to the
rehabilitation of degraded marsh systems (Teal and Weinstein, system is continuous, the estuary will likely maintain its
2002; Wolters et al., 2005) and numerous case studies have morphology. If sediment influx is restricted, morphologies will
documented the success and failure of restoration sites to track be reduced or eliminated. Potential impacts based on future
toward target states (Zedler and Callaway, 1999). A growing climate-change scenarios in Chesapeake Bay (USA) include
number of instances are known where beach environments are increased flooding and the elimination of marshes (Najar et al.,
being restored to enhance habitat (Figure 6; Jackson et al., 2010). Where intertidal zones are modified or eliminated by
2007). Beach nourishment is employed in estuaries primarily human alterations, the anticipated response of an estuarine
for shore protection but great interest exists from federal, state, transgression is prevented (Townend and Pethick, 2002).
and private agencies to use beach nourishment projects to en- Construction of hard protection structures along the shoreline
hance habitat while protecting human development. Beach in response to sea-level rise will prevent the migration of the
nourishment is likely to preserve habitat value better than marsh inland and also sequester sediment that will be needed
bulkheading, but nourishment has the potential to decrease to maintain both marsh and beach systems.

(a) (b)

Figure 6 Photographs of use of beach nourishment to restore ecosystem functions on human modified shorelines in (a) Delware Bay and (b)
Puget Sound, USA.
Estuaries 323

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Biographical Sketch

Nancy Jackson is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science at New Jersey Institute
of Technology. Her research focuses on coastal processes on beaches and dunes in estuarine and ocean en-
vironments. She held the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in environmental science at the Polytechnic in Turin in
2005. She is an associate editor of Estuaries and Coasts. She received her bachelor’s degree from Clark University,
her master’s degree from Antioch New England Graduate School, and her doctorate from Rutgers University.
10.13 Coral Systems
PS Kench, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.13.1 Introduction 329

10.13.2 Reef Systems and Geomorphic Complexity 330 The Importance of Ecological Processes for Geomorphic Development 330 An Eco-Morphodynamic Framework for Coral Reef Development 333 Reef Landforms and the Importance of the Carbonate Sediment Factory 335
10.13.3 The Distribution and Evolution of Coral Reefs 337
10.13.4 Geomorphic Development of Holocene Coral Reefs 338 The Internal Anatomy of Reef Framework 339 Styles of Reef Growth 341 Reef Growth and Sea-Level Dynamics 343
10.13.5 Rates of Reef Growth 343
10.13.6 Developments in Geomorphology of Sedimentary Landforms 344
10.13.7 Lagoon Sedimentation and Geomorphic Development of Reefs 347
10.13.8 Reef Island Morphology and Evolution 348 Long-Term Controls on Reef Island Evolution 350 The Relationship between Sea-Level Change, Reef Growth, and Island Formation 350 Recognition of the Importance of Sediment Supply on Island Building 351 Process Controls on Island Development 352 Reef Island Morphodynamics 354
10.13.9 Summary and Conclusions 355
References 356

Glossary Eco-morphodynamics The interaction and co-adjustment

Atolls Annular mid-ocean reefs that enclose a central of coral reef structure, morphology, and physical
lagoon. The reef rim may support reefs islands and may also hydrodynamic and ecological processes that is mediated by
be dissected by deep or shallow passages. the production, transfer, and deposition of calcium
Barrier reef Coral reefs separated from continental carbonate.
shorelines or high islands by a lagoon. Fringing reefs Reefs that develop close to continental
Beachrock Lithified unconsolidated calcium carbonate shorelines or high islands. These reefs are generally shore-
sediments in the intertidal zone of tropical and subtropical attached, but back-reef areas can be marginally submerged.
beaches. Beachrock mirrors the disposition of the High-energy window A period of higher wave energy
unconsolidated beach including the beach slope and conditions across submerged reefs that was caused by reef
stratigraphy. growth lagging sea level during the Holocene marine
Bioerosion The destruction and removal of consolidated transgression.
carbonate material (e.g., coral or reef framework) by the Island oscillation index A parameter derived to describe
direct action of organisms. differences in the susceptibility of morphological change of
Biolithic Cemented rock composed of the skeletal beaches around reef island shorelines.
remains of calcareous organisms. Reef energy window index A parameter used to establish
Cay sandstone Cemented rock beneath the surface of a the relative activity of wave energy on reef flat surfaces that
reef island. Cay sandstone forms from the cementation of is able to perform geomorphic work.
unconsolidated carbonate sediments. Reef islands Morphologically coherent wave-built
Coral reef A three-dimensional structure comprising a accumulations of carbonate sediment, derived from the
living veneer of corals growing on, or forming, a wave- surrounding reef flat, deposited on or adjacent to reef
resistant feature, and its associated sediments. Coral reefs surfaces. Reef islands are subaerial deposits that can become
are substantially built by skeletons of successive generations vegetated. They are classified based on sediment texture and
of corals and other calcareous-producing reef biota. vegetative cover.

Kench, P.S., 2013. Coral systems. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Sherman,
D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol.
10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 328–359.

328 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Coral Systems 329


Coral reefs are globally unique landforms formed in the tropical ocean from the interaction between ecological and
physical processes. Reefs are also among the most valuable ecosystems on the Earth, although they are threatened by an
intensifying range of stresses that include anthropogenic activities and global climate change. This chapter examines
developments in the scientific understanding of the formation and geomorphic dynamics of coral reefs and reef-associated
landforms. Reef science has its foundations in descriptive accounts of the form and distribution of coral reefs, driving
considerations of the evolution of reef systems. With the assistance of developments in field-sampling techniques, in-
strumentation, and analytical techniques, an increased recognition has occurred of the geomorphic complexity of reef
systems, and the process controls on reef landform development and change, which operate at a range of spatial and
temporal scales. These process controls are explored using an ecomorphodynamic framework to examine the ocean-basin
scale controls on the distribution and evolution of coral reefs; the importance of the carbonate factory in reef geomorphic
development; new insights into the controls on the formation and fabric of reef structure at millennial timescales; and the
process controls on the formation of sedimentary landforms and their temporal dynamics. The chapter also highlights key
areas for ongoing research that include carbonate budget dynamics that modulate geomorphic development, improved
resolution of local and regional-scale patterns of reef landform development, and process controls on the morphodynamics
of reef landforms. Such knowledge is fundamental to better resolve the future trajectories of reef landforms in response to
global climatic change.

10.13.1 Introduction that in turn control reef and lagoon circulation and wave en-
ergy levels that impact coastlines.
Coral reef geomorphology is the study of the distribution, Coral reef landforms are unique as they are formed from
morphology, and processes that control the formation and the interaction between the ecological processes that are re-
morphological change of coral reefs and reef-associated sponsible for the growth of coral and other carbonate pro-
landforms. The science of coral reefs had its inception in the ducers, and the physical processes such as waves, currents,
earliest modern voyages of discovery to the tropical oceans. and sea-level change that modulate ecological processes and
Navigators (e.g., Cook) and naturalists (e.g., von Chamisso, redistribute carbonate material within reef systems. The study
Banks, and Darwin) in the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- of coral reef geomorphology aims to understand how these
turies provided the first accounts of the extent, distribution, process interactions vary across a range of timescales and
and shape of coral reefs. These observations spawned the great control the morphological development of whole reef struc-
‘coral reef problem’ which sought to explain the structure tures and reef-associated landforms.
and distribution of reef systems and which dominated much Global assessments indicate that reefs are subject to an
scientific debate for more than a century. Although coral reef intensifying range of threats that include anthropogenic im-
geomorphology had its inception in the nineteenth century, it pacts such as overfishing, coastal development, and pollution
was only during the early stages of the twentieth century, with (Hughes et al., 2003; Burke et al., 2011). Changes in global
increased scientific inquiry to resolve the coral reef problem, climate exert further stresses on reef systems. In particular,
that a clearly defined discipline emerged. With the assistance increased ocean temperatures, changes in ocean water chem-
of developments in field sampling, instrumentation, and istry (acidification), increased storminess and sea-level change
analytical techniques, the past 100 years have seen a significant all threaten the health and structural integrity of reef systems
advance in recognition of the geomorphic complexities of reef (Hughes et al., 2003; Buddemeier et al., 2004; Burke et al.,
systems and understanding of the process controls on devel- 2011). Reef monitoring programs indicate that 20% of the
opment of reef landforms. world’s coral reefs have been lost with a further 25% heavily
The tropical coral ecosystems that produce reef landforms degraded and at risk of imminent collapse (Wilkinson, 2004).
cover an estimated 284 000–300 000 km2 of the Earth’s sur- Approximately 75% of global reefs are considered threatened
face (Spalding et al., 2001). Although relatively modest in (Burke et al., 2011). Coral reef landforms are at risk from the
area compared with other geomorphic systems, coral reefs are same range of stressors including changes in sea-surface tem-
considered among the most valuable on the Earth, providing perature, sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and anthropogenic
goods and services in excess of US$375 billion per annum to activities (Parry et al., 2007; Smithers et al., 2007). Many
millions of people (Best and Bornbusch, 2005). The ecological projections expect reef landforms to become physically
value of reefs is well recognized as they are zones of high unstable. In extreme cases, the citizens of small atoll nations
biological diversity and habitat to 25% of known marine are expected to become environmental refugees (Connell,
species (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Reef sys- 1999). However, projections of the geomorphic response of
tems are also important nurseries for commercial fisheries, reef landforms to environmental change have been primarily
sources of nutrition, and income for coastal communities based on assumptions that the short-term ecological con-
(Burke et al., 2011). Less well recognized is the geomorphic dition of reefs is the primary control on geomorphic change.
value provided by reefs as a consequence of the ecosystem From a geomorphological viewpoint, assertions of drown-
services they provide. Coral reefs provide the physical foun- ing islands and observations of the ecological deterioration
dation of a number of mid-ocean atoll nations (e.g., Kiribati, of coral reefs can be placed in a longer-term context of reef
Tuvalu, Maldives, and Marshall Islands). In addition to pro- evolution and landform change. The geomorphic examination
viding habitat, reef structure regulates oceanographic processes of reef landforms spans event to millennial timescales and,
330 Coral Systems

therefore, provides a powerful vehicle to examine how short- of living coral and reef-associated organisms that overlie
term ecological transitions propagate through the geomorphic sequences of previously deposited calcium carbonate separ-
system to produce and modify reef landforms. Consequently, ated by solutional unconformities (Figure 1). These structures
reef geomorphology is uniquely positioned to contribute to evolve over geological (millennial) timescales. Geomorphic
contemporary scientific debates concerning the future trajec- classifications of reefs are typically based on the size and
tories and persistence of coral reef systems (Hopley et al., 2007). shape of reefs and their proximity to continental landmasses
This chapter presents a review and synthesis of con- (Table 1; Stoddart, 1969a; Ladd, 1977; Figure 2). Atolls,
temporary understanding of the controls on the formation fringing reefs, barrier reefs, and reef platforms comprise the
and change of coral reef landforms. The chapter begins with a primary reef types. However, a diverse range of secondary reef
brief overview of the diversity in reef landforms, ranging from features have also been described, but are smaller in size and
macro-scale reef structures to meso- and micro-scale features are associated with the major reef morphologies (Table 1).
of reef surfaces and sedimentary landforms, as a basis to As geomorphic units, coral reefs range in area from less
consider developments in geomorphic understanding of reef than 1 km2, in the case of smaller patch reefs, to more than
systems. The evolution and change of these landforms are 100 km2 in extent. Networks of reefs can form barrier com-
placed within a morphodynamic framework that reflects the plexes up to 2400 km in length, such as the Great Barrier Reef,
interaction of biological and physical processes at a range which is the largest biological construction on the Earth.
of temporal scales. Reef landforms are primarily composed of Beneath this macro-scale classification of reef types, geo-
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and the dynamics of the car- morphologists have recognized a suite of features on reefs
bonate factory and its importance in landform behavior are that range from the macro- to micro-scale (Table 2, Figures 1
outlined. The remainder of the chapter focuses on the main and 2). Each reef possesses distinct morphological zones
geomorphic units of reef systems, highlighting major advances developed in response to processes associated with unique
and contemporary research questions in understanding the combinations of water depth and relative exposure to incident
formation and dynamics of coral reef structure and sedi- hydrodynamic energy (e.g., forereef and reef flat). These major
mentary landforms. reef zones are also host to a range of smaller geomorphic
Historically, an imbalance in the distribution of geomor- units that can be attributed to net reef development (e.g., spur
phologic research on coral reefs has been weighted toward the and grooves) or the transport and redeposition of detrital
evolution and structure of coral reefs. The chapter examines sediment (Table 2, Figure 1).
the state of knowledge and recent developments in under- Reef sedimentary landforms are surficial accumulations of
standing reef evolution. Through this increased attention to unconsolidated sediment deposited by wave and current pro-
reef structure, geomorphologists have begun to document and cesses on, or adjacent to, a coral reef structure that includes
explore the process controls on the surficial geomorphic fea- sand aprons, reef islands, and beaches (Table 2, Figure 1). On
tures of reef systems. This aspect of reef geomorphology has geological timescales, they represent ephemeral stores of detrital
historically received less attention; however, in recent decades, material in the carbonate sediment budget. These deposits are
it has increased in prominence due to advances in research important at the human timescale because as mentioned pre-
instrumentation and pragmatic demands to understand geo- viously, they form the foundation of a number of mid-ocean
morphic processes to support management of reef landforms. atoll nations. Sedimentary units within reef systems may also be
This chapter does not intend to provide reviews of the history subject to lithification processes (e.g., formation of beachrock,
of reef development on a region-by-region basis (e.g., Hopley cay sandstone, Stoddart and Steers, 1977) which afford these
et al., 2007 and Hutchings et al., 2008 for the Great Barrier units greater persistence on reef platforms.
Reef and Riegl and Dodge, 2008 for the USA). Furthermore,
although a topic of interest, the chapter does not focus on the The Importance of Ecological Processes for
expected impacts of global climate change on reef geo-
Geomorphic Development
morphology (see recent review by Kench et al., 2009a).
Instead, the chapter examines recent developments in geo- The geomorphic products of coral reefs are unique in that
morphologic understanding of reef structure, surficial sedi- they are composed almost exclusively of CaCO3 produced
mentary deposits on reef surfaces (e.g., reef islands), and primarily through ecological processes. The primary sources
contemporary processes that control geomorphic change in of reef carbonate are the skeletons of corals and other
reef systems. reef-dwelling organisms that precipitate calcium carbonate
(e.g., crustose coralline algae, foraminifera, calcareous algae,
and mollusks). The provenance of these organisms is intra-
10.13.2 Reef Systems and Geomorphic Complexity basinal, with the production and deposition of sediment
occurring within or adjacent to the reef platform.
Coral reef systems possess a diverse range of geomorphic Key constructional components of coral reefs are herma-
features. This diversity in landform units has evolved in re- typic corals, which can contribute to the structural framework
sponse to different processes that operate at a range of of coral reefs. Hermatypic corals are characterized by a sym-
space and timescales. The different geomorphic units also biotic relationship between a coral animal and single-celled
show varying levels of persistence in the geological record. algae, zooxanthellae, which live in coral tissue. This relation-
A primary division of geomorphic features can be made ship enables corals to secrete a rigid skeleton of calcium car-
between coral reefs and reef sedimentary landforms. Coral bonate through a process known as calcification, a biologically
reefs are three-dimensional structures consisting of veneers mediated mechanism by which calcium (Ca2 þ ) and carbonate
Coral Systems 331

Coral reef

Reef island
Reef crest Reef flat Sand Patch reef Algal
apron (b)
reef Lagoon

Holocene reef Pleistocene reef


Cay sandstone/ Vegetated island core

Phosphate rock
Beachrock Shingle
Mobile beach rampart
Conglomerate edge
msl platform Reef

Sand apron
Coral reef flat

Figure 1 Schematic depiction of coral reef geomorphic units. (a) Cross-section of an atoll showing reef structure and major subunits of the reef
platform typical of many reef settings. (b) Sedimentary landform units typically found on or adjacent to coral reefs.

Table 1 Major reef types and physical characteristics

Reef type Description Location Dimension/scale

Primary reef types

Atolls Annular reef rim enclosing a lagoon a. Oceanic 100–101 km diameter
b. Continental shelves, barrier lagoons 101–103 km2 area
Barrier reef Linear reefs separated from land by a lagoon Continental shelves or platforms or high islands 101–103 km long
Fringing reef Reefs attached to shoreline without lagoon Continental and island shorelines 101–101 km long
Table/platform reef Isolated intertidal reefs without lagoon a. Oceanic 101–101 km diameter
b. Continental shelves, barrier lagoons
Secondary reef types
Faro Ring-shaped reef with lagoon Atoll lagoons or barrier lagoons 101–101 km diameter
Knoll Isolated mounds covered by living coral Atoll and barrier lagoons 103–101 km diameter
Patch reef Small sea- level reefs Submarine shelves or lagoons 101–101 km diameter
Ribbon reef Long, narrow, sinuous reef Section of barrier or atoll reef system 101–101 km long
Bank reef Linear or semi-circular reef Continental shelf or barrier lagoon 101 km long

Source: Reproduced from Ladd, H.S., 1977. Types of coral reefs and their distribution. In: Jones, O.A., Endean, R. (Eds.), Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs, Geology 2. Academic
Press, New York, NY, vol. iv, pp. 1–17.

(CO32–) ions derived from supersaturated seawater are con- where cool water upwelling prevails. Due to their reliance
verted to CaCO3 (Kinzie and Buddemeier, 1996). on photosynthesis, reef-building corals are constrained to the
Geographically, coral reefs and carbonate sediment- shallow photic zone (the depth of water at which surface light
producing systems occur in shallow tropical and subtropical levels are reduced to 1%). The depth of the photic zone varies
marine settings between the latitudinal limits of 28o N and considerably from 490 m in nonturbid waters to 5 m in
28o S (Figure 3). These broad latitudinal limits and the highly turbid environments. Salinity is a further limit on coral
complex distribution of reefs within this region are controlled growth. Although corals can endure a large range in salinity
by variations in a number of key environmental parameters (23–42 ppt), reefs are generally absent from river mouths that
(Kleypas et al., 1999). The sea-surface temperatures within have characteristically low salinity levels and high sediment
which corals thrive ranges from 17 to 34 1C. Coral growth is yields. Variations in the nutrient load of reef waters can also
limited when sea-surface temperatures lie outside this range regulate coral growth. Corals thrive in low-nutrient waters, but
for considerable periods of time. Consequently, corals are high-nutrient levels can severely inhibit coral production
absent along the eastern margins of Africa and South America (Perry and Larcombe, 2003).
332 Coral Systems

Fringing reef Fringing reef

(a) (b)

Barrier and fringing reef Barrier reef

(c) (d)

Atoll Atoll

(e) (f)

Reef platform Reef platform

(g) (h)

Figure 2 Examples of coral reef structural types. Fringing reefs (a, b) which are shore attached; barrier reefs (c, d) where reefs are detached
from coastline and separated by a shallow or deep lagoon; atolls (e, f) where annular reefs enclose a lagoon; and isolated mid-oceanic reef
platforms (g, h).
Coral Systems 333

Table 2 Summary of macro- and meso-scale structural and sedimentary geomorphic features of coral reef platforms

Macro-scale morphological Structural subunits Unconsolidated sedimentary units Lithified sedimentary units
components of reef platform

Forereef: Spur and grooves Talus slopes –

Off-reef sand chutes
Reef crest: Algal ridge – –
Reef flat: Sub-tidal flat Sand sheets Conglomerate platform
Iintertidal flat Gravel sheets Basset edges
Iintertidal channels Shingle ridges Phosphate rock
Sub-tidal swash bars Cay sandstone
Intertidal sand bars Beachrock
Supratidal islands
Mobile beaches
Backreef: Reef flat Sand aprons –
Lagoon: Knolls, patch reefs Sand aprons –
lagoon infill
Deep reef channel: – Sand chutes –

60° E 120° E 180° 120° W 60° W 0°

60° N 60° N

Mean winter 15 °C
sst isotherm

40° N 40° N

20° N 20° N

0° 0°

20° S 20° S

40° S 40° S

Coral reef areas Cool currents 2000 4000

Zone of mean 20 °C winter SST isotherm Warm currents
60° S 60° S
Figure 3 Distribution of coral reefs in the tropical seas. Note boundaries of ocean water temperature limits. An Eco-Morphodynamic Framework for Coral framework. The set of constructive processes include carbonate
Reef Development production by secondary framework builders (e.g., crustose
coralline algae) and benthic organisms (foraminifera, bryo-
The geomorphic development of a reef and its associated sedi- zoans, calcareous algae, and mollusks) and precipitation of
mentary structures depend upon the growth of corals and other cements that bind and stabilize sediments (Scoffin, 1992).
calcifying organisms. However, reducing the relationship to one Destructive processes include bioerosion, the action of organ-
driven by carbonate production oversimplifies such develop- isms in destroying reef framework through mechanical boring,
ment, which depends upon a range of additional ecological, etching and chemical dissolution (Perry and Hepburn, 2008),
chemical, and physical processes that cycle carbonate sediment and physical processes, whereby waves mechanically break the
within and through reef systems. Some of these processes can skeletal structure of carbonate material (Scoffin, 1993).
aid the construction of reef landforms, some convert framework Reef scientists have long recognized the fact that the de-
to detrital carbonate sediment and others can remove reef velopment of coral reef systems reflects a dynamic balance
334 Coral Systems

between constructive and destructive processes (e.g., Darwin, (skeletal sands and gravels) for landform construction. Sec-
1842; Scoffin, 1992; Perry and Hepburn, 2008). Initially, the ond, alterations in boundary controls will force change in
recognition of these dynamics underpinned explanations of coral reef system state (ecological, physical, and geological
the presence and gross structure of coral reefs. The by-products characteristics). Such changes in boundary conditions can
of reef growth and destruction (detrital sediment) can also occur as a consequence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Ex-
lead to landform construction and change. For example, reef trinsic factors include changes in the atmosphere–ocean sys-
islands rely on production and transfer of carbonate sediment tem such as sea-level rise, increases in ocean temperatures, and
from an adjacent reef platform, although they have typically ocean chemistry variations, and have the potential to funda-
been regarded as losses to the reef sediment budget (Scoffin mentally alter the cycling of carbonate in reefs (Hoegh-
et al., 1980; Hubbard et al., 1990; Kleypas et al., 2001). Over Guldberg, 1999; Kleypas et al., 2001; Buddemeier et al., 2004;
the past century, an expansion of research to describe and Kench et al., 2009a). Increased water temperatures have
account for other morphological features on, and adjacent to, caused widespread damage to living coral communities, where
coral reef structures has recognized that the balance of con- high temperatures promote a stress response in which the
structive and destructive processes on reefs operates at a range symbiotic algae are expelled from coral skeletons causing coral
of space and timescales. Variability in that balance (e.g., in bleaching. Ocean acidification may also compromise the
extent, rates, duration, and timing) produces the diversity of structural integrity and rate of calcification of skeletal organ-
macro- to micro-scale geomorphic units within reef systems isms, reducing the availability of carbonate material in reef
(Tables 1 and 2, Figure 1). systems. Changes in intrinsic factors (e.g., physical and eco-
Physical processes that mechanically erode, transport, and logical processes) can also force dynamic change in reef sys-
deposit calcium carbonate are of paramount importance in tems. These intrinsic linkages are themselves impacted by
controlling the distribution, structure, and morphology of anthropogenic activities such as overexploitation of physical
reefs and sedimentary landforms (Scoffin et al., 1980). Once a and biological resources and coastal construction (Brown and
reef is constructed, feedbacks exist that modify micro- Dunne, 1988; Jackson et al., 2001; Sheppard et al., 2005).
environments, process interactions, and the distribution of Third, the magnitude, mode, and timescales of geomorphic
ecological communities and morphological products. The change (responsiveness) in the system are likely to vary con-
term ‘eco-morphodynamics’ was recently introduced as a siderably between different components of a reef system. For
conceptual framework to provide more detailed exploration of example, formation of coral reef platforms is modulated by
the complex relationships that exist between ecological and sea-level oscillations at millennial timescales (Kennedy and
physical processes and reef geomorphology (Kench, 2011a, Woodroffe, 2002; Montaggioni, 2005). By contrast, shoreline
Figure 4). dynamics of reef islands occur at event to decadal timescales in
Eco-morphodynamics is an extension of the morphody- response to alterations in wave energy input (Maragos et al.,
namic concept that has been widely used by geomorphologists 1973; Flood, 1986; Kench and Brander, 2006a). Fourth,
to account for the co-adjustment of landforms and processes in feedbacks exist that can be temporally specific or cascade
coastal environments (Wright and Thom, 1977; Cowell and across timescales. Both provide a degree of self-organization to
Thom, 1994). Morphodynamics encompasses hydrodynamic geomorphic development. For instance, at millennial time-
processes (waves and currents) and their interaction with the scales, sea-level change controls the patterning of reef growth.
coast that drives morphological adjustment via the movement In turn, the reef structure modulates wave and current pro-
of sediment. Whereas hydrodynamic processes respond in- cesses (Gourlay, 1988; Kench and Brander, 2006b) that govern
stantaneously to morphology, a temporal lag occurs in the the structure of ecological communities (Chappell, 1980;
morphological response to hydrodynamic forcing as time is Done, 1982), reef morphology (Yamano et al., 2003), sedi-
required for sediment transfers to occur. Sediment can therefore mentation processes, and short-term morphological develop-
be considered to be a time-dependent coupling mechanism. ment of reef-associated landforms (Sheppard et al., 2005).
Unique to coral reef systems, the sediment reservoir is Fifth, feedbacks are nonlinear with significant time lags
produced solely by ecological processes that produce calcium existing for changes to propagate through the geomorphic
carbonate. Furthermore, different coral reef settings (locations; system. For instance, ecological transitions may occur in re-
geomorphic zones) vary greatly in the rates at which they sponse to short-term bleaching episodes, anthropogenic stress,
produce calcium carbonate (Kinsey, 1983). Consequently, the or biological disease (Liddell and Ohlhorst, 1993; Eakin,
carbonate sediment factory is a highly space- and time- 1996). However, depending on the magnitude of change in
dependent coupling mechanism. This time dependency the ecological system (e.g., the severity and spatial extent of
emerges not only from the temporal lags in redistribution of coral mortality and the rate of recolonization by corals) the
material but also from the time frames associated with or- carbonate factory may take decades to alter its sediment
ganism growth, mortality, and conversion to detrital sediment budget status (Perry et al., 2008). Ultimately, depending on
(Perry et al., 2008). The influence of such temporal lags on the magnitude and temporal scale of ecological change (per-
morphological change in reef systems is poorly understood. sistence or ephemeral transition) alterations in the carbonate
The structure and function of the eco-morphodynamic budget may, or may not, propagate through the system to yield
framework of a coral reef system (Figure 4) highlight a detectable changes in the geomorphic system at decadal to
number of key characteristics of importance to the co-adjust- centennial time frames (Kench et al., 2009a). Currently, these
ment of physical processes, reef ecological communities, and system sensitivities, thresholds, temporal lags, feedbacks, and
geomorphic products. First, the cycling of calcium carbonate is timescales of relevance to reef geomorphic development and
of fundamental importance for supplying the building blocks change are inadequately resolved.
Coral Systems 335

Extrinsic factors Intrinsic factors

Coral reef system

Physical Biological
processes Processes

Reef ecology
Atmospheric properties
forcing temperature Calcification
salinity Primary
chemistry Holocene
Coastal reef growth
water level
currents Reef platform

Carbonate cycling

Mechanical and

Cemented in reef

Anthropogenic Detrital sediment

Sediment transport

Reef Sand Reef Off reef

islands aprons flat export

Postdepositional processes
- Biological/Chemical

Figure 4 Structure and function of the eco-morphodynamic model for the coral reef system. The model shows co-adjustment of biological and
physical processes, and coral reef morphology and reef sedimentary landforms that operate at a range of timescales. Gray-shaded boxes and
dark arrows highlight linkages between the contemporary eco-morphodynamic system at event to centennial scales, which are embedded in the
broader morphodynamic system that controls coral reef development at centennial to millennial scales. Reproduced with permission from Figure
7.2 in Kench, P.S., Perry, C.T., Spencer, T., 2009a. Coral reefs. In: Slaymaker, O., Spencer, T., Embleton-Hamann, C. (Eds.), Geomorphology and
Global Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 180–213. Reef Landforms and the Importance of the 1977; Smith and Kinsey, 1976; Smith and Harrison, 1977).
Carbonate Sediment Factory Results highlighted marked differences in calcification rates
between ecological and morphological sections of a reef
The dynamics of carbonate sediment production and cycling platform ranging from 4.0 kg m2 yr1 on shallow forereefs
is fundamental to understanding the geomorphic development to 0.8 kg m2 yr1 for shallow backreef lagoon environments
of reef landforms. A carbonate budget approach provides (Smith and Kinsey, 1976). However, these studies identified
a mechanism to evaluate the balance of constructive and gross productivity and ignored processes of destruction
destructive processes in landform development. Pioneering and sediment redistribution. By contrast, census-based ap-
studies in the 1970s adopted hydrochemical techniques proaches, which combine surveys of species presence and
(based on changes in water chemistry) to identify gross abundance with growth rates, afford the opportunity to
productivity rates of reef assemblages (Davies and Kinsey, determine the relative contributions of different carbonate
336 Coral Systems

producers to total reef productivity, as well as opportunities ecological condition of a reef from one of coral dominance
for detailed spatial comparisons between carbonate contri- (and inferred positive carbonate budget state) through a series
butions and sediment composition, and between patterns of intermediate stages to one dominated by algae (and in-
of framework versus direct sediment production at sub-reef ferred negative carbonate budget). The model simulations
scales (Stearn and Scoffin, 1977; Harney and Fletcher, 2003). were constructed using existing records of change in reef
For example, Hart and Kench (2007) showed that reef flat ecological condition and budget status. Simulations showed
productivity ranged from 3.9 kg m2 yr1 in coral-dominated that the relative importance of carbonate-producing and cyc-
zones to 0.065 kg m2 yr1 in zones dominated by benthic ling processes is transitional over time and space within reefs.
secondary producers (foraminifera and mollusks). Importantly, the model indicates that ecological transitions
In general, there have been few attempts to construct may be only temporary and that shifts in ecological condition
carbonate budgets in reef systems. Notable exceptions include do not necessarily impose a direct and linear negative impact
those from Barbados (4.48 kg CaCO3 m2 yr1; Scoffin on the net carbonate budget state of a reef. Uva Island, off
et al., 1980), Jamaica (1.1 kg CaCO3 m2 yr1; Land, 1979), the Pacific coast of Panama, provides an instructive example of
St. Croix (0.91 kg CaCO3 m2 yr1; Hubbard et al., 1990), the impact of changes in ecological state on reef carbonate
Hawaii (0.89 kg CaCO3 m2 yr1; Harney and Fletcher, 2003), production. The reefs of Uva Island underwent a 50% re-
and Indonesia (ranging from 11.68 to  7.6 kg CaCO3 m2 duction in live coral cover as a consequence of increased water
yr1; Edinger et al., 2000). Invariably, these budget studies temperatures during the 1982/83 El Niño. The shift in eco-
have focused on net platform accretion, whereas the gener- logical state of the reef was exacerbated by an increase in
ation of detrital sediment and its fate in controlling sedi- bioerosion by grazing echinoids which resulted in a change in
mentary landform accumulation has largely been ignored budgetary status of the reef from a positive (0.34 kg m2 yr1)
(see Harney and Fletcher, 2003 and Hart and Kench, 2007). to negative (–0.19 kg m2 yr1) condition (Eakin, 1996).
This lack of knowledge is anomalous, given the importance However, it is also possible that loss of coral cover may not
of carbonate sediment production, transport, and deposition lead to a change to negative budget status. For example,
to the construction of reef landforms, and is considered a Mallela and Perry (2007) showed that despite major reduction
major research gap in coral reef geomorphology (Kench et al., in coral cover over the past 25 years at reefs close to Discovery
2009a). Bay, Jamaica, the reefs maintain a positive carbonate budget
Using a modeling approach, Kleypas et al. (2001) high- state (B1.2 kg m2 yr1) due to a coincident reduction in
lighted a range of conceptual end members in the spectrum bioerosion processes.
of reef development states that are dependent on variations in The transitions between ecological states of reefs and their
rates of carbonate production, sediment import and export, effect on carbonate budget have revealed significant impli-
and carbonate cycling. Production-dominated reefs occur cations for geomorphic development and change of reef
where CaCO3 production exceeds rates of carbonate degrad- landforms. First, the geomorphic response of landforms is
ation and yields a positive budget, a state that has been dependent on the magnitude and direction of change in the
common on many reefs through the Holocene. Import- carbonate budget. For example, although a positive budget
dominated reefs contain a high proportion of material state may promote reef development, a shift to negative
derived from outside the reefs, which in some cases may budget status may promote the loss of three-dimensional
be terrigenous in origin (Smithers and Larcombe, 2003). structure of reef platforms (Edinger et al., 2000; Lewis, 2002).
Export-dominated reefs may have not only high primary car- Second, the trajectories of morphological change in reef
bonate production rates but also high rates of carbonate landforms may differ depending on whether changes in the
removal, typically due to physical processes. The result may carbonate budget have a major influence on the reef frame-
be low net accumulation rates. Reefs of this type highlight the work or sediment supply. The move to negative budget state
disparities that that may exist between the ecological func- when accompanied by increased bioerosion (e.g., Eakin,
tioning of a reef and its geomorphic performance (Kleypas 1996), or acid dissolution as a result of ocean acidification,
et al., 2001). Bioerosion-dominated reefs exhibit negative may promote loss of reef structure. However, increases in
budgets, with carbonate production being exceeded by either the generation of detrital sediment may be beneficial for
direct biological substrate degradation and/or the conversion the construction of sedimentary landforms. Consequently,
of framework to sediment that is subsequently exported impacts on reef structure and sedimentary landforms may be
(Benzoni et al., 2003; Riegl and Piller, 2000). The different coupled, but out of phase. These examples show that changes
states proposed by Kleypas et al. (2001) suggest that changes in the ecological condition of reefs, as measured by short-term
in relative dominance of individual processes may alter the observations of coral cover, do not necessarily impose a linear
budgetary status of a reef and, therefore, its geomorphic change in the carbonate production system and geomorphic
development. response. Third, whether short-term oscillations in ecological
Based on the end-member states of Kleypas et al. (2001), condition influence the carbonate budget state and propagate
Perry et al. (2008) developed a conceptual model of reef through to the geomorphic system is likely to be dependent
production status that reflects the relative importance of pri- on the residence time of a system in a specific budgetary
mary (coral) and secondary (calcareous encruster) carbonate regime. Fourth, temporal shifts in budgetary status of a reef
production, and bioerosion processes in forcing transitions in system are likely to control positive and negative phases of
net budgetary status of reefs (Figure 5). Model simulations geomorphic change of reef landforms. Fifth, the carbonate
were undertaken using the well-known ecological phase-shift budget approach, as advocated by Perry et al. (2008), clearly
concept (Done, 1992) where disturbance may shift the demonstrates the ability of geomorphology to integrate
Coral Systems 337

Primary CaCO3 production

Physical breakdown/
transport of framework
Sediment import D
for incorporation
into reef framework A2
Net accretion
Intermediate disturbance
or Sediment export off-reef
shifts in background and/or for
environmental conditions reef sedimentary
E A landform construction

Major disturbances
Recolonization by corals

Recolonization Net erosion D
by corals
A1 disturbance Biological breakdown and
Major C transport of framework
disturbance constituents

Secondary CaCO3 production Bioerosion

(coralline algae and other calcareous encrusters) (grazing fish, echinoids, endolithic sponges,
bivalves, worms, and microborers)
Figure 5 Conceptual model showing temporal transitions in reef production status controlled by the relative importance of primary (coral) and
secondary (calcareous encruster) carbonate production, and carbonate breakdown to sediment by bioerosion. Letters A–C represent different
carbonate budget states that may be driven by ecological changes in growth rates or bioerosion intensity. Also note D is the generation of
detrital sediment available for landform construction. Reproduced from Figure 4 in Perry, C.T., Spencer, T., Kench, P.S., 2008. Carbonate budgets
and reef production states: a geomorphic perspective on the ecological phase-shift concept. Coral Reefs 27, 853–866, with permission from

ecological dynamics into medium-term understanding of sequences of reefal limestone in mid-ocean basins. Darwin’s
geomorphic change on reefs on the order of 101–103 years, model provides a genetic sequence of oceanic reef types that
the timescale of relevance to addressing questions of the evolve as a central volcanic island subsides beneath the sea
future geomorphic condition of reef landforms. Sixth, and (Figures 6 and 2). These reef types include fringing reefs that
consequently, the carbonate budget approach provides an adjoin and surround a volcanic high island, barrier reefs with a
additional index of reef health that can assess the effects of well-developed lagoon between the reef edge and much re-
short-term variations in ecological condition on the carbonate duced volcanic island, and atolls characterized by an annular
budget. Lastly, it should be highlighted that few studies exist reef rim enclosing a central lagoon and where the volcanic cone
that examine the carbonate budget state of the world’s reef has subsided beneath the sea surface (Figure 6).
systems. This is an area for fertile research to build a more The coral reef problem was a geomorphological problem
robust understanding of carbonate budget dynamics and their and dominated coral reef research for more than a century.
impact on reef geomorphology. Protagonists hotly debated Darwin’s subsidence model and
two competing theories emerged. Daly’s glacial control theory
proposed that oscillations in sea level through the Pleistocene
10.13.3 The Distribution and Evolution of Coral allowed marine beveled platforms to evolve during sea-level
Reefs lowstands, thus providing the substrate for further coral growth
during sea-level highstands (Daly, 1910, 1915). By contrast,
The heart of the ‘coral reef problem’ was the search for a co- Hoffmeister and Ladd (1944) proposed the antecedent plat-
herent explanation for the global distribution and evolution of form theory in which any shallow submarine bank or bench
coral reefs. Extensive geomorphological (mapping) data sets on could provide the substrate for coral reef development. Ul-
the apparent simplicity and recurring pattern of Pacific Ocean timately, this debate was only resolved following a series of
atolls were initially synthesized by Lyell (1832) in the Principles scientific advances that provided a comprehensive modern
of Geology. However, Charles Darwin provided the first inte- explanation for the structure and distribution of coral reefs.
grated process model of the formation of coral reef structure Confirmation of the subsidence theory was sought from
(Darwin, 1842). Recognizing that reef-building corals thrive in a series of deep drilling programs in the central Pacific
the shallow photic zone, Darwin proposed subsidence of vol- (Figure 7). The first attempts were undertaken on Funafuti
canic substrate as the most likely mechanism that produces vast Atoll in Tuvalu (central Pacific) in the years 1896–98 where
338 Coral Systems

Fringing reef Barrier reef Atoll

Reef flat Reef flat Lagoon Reef flat

Sea level
Coral Coral
reef Coral reef Lagoon
Volcanic reef


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6 Darwinian sequence of coral reef development accounting for the formation of fringing (a), barrier (b), and atoll (c) reefs. Note the
model reflects gradual subsidence of a volcanic core and maintenance of reef growth near sea level. See Figure 2 for examples of each reef type.

drilling reached a maximum depth of 340 m and terminated growth can resume. Vertical reef growth continues until it
in limestone rock (David and Sweet, 1904). Coring exped- reaches sea level, the vertical growth limit of reefs. Multiple
itions were undertaken in the Great Barrier Reef in the 1920s sea-level oscillations throughout the Tertiary and Quaternary
and showed much thinner limestone sequences overlying a have produced alternating periods of subaerial erosion during
range of substrates including terrigenous sediments (Richards, lowstands and reef growth during sea-level highstands. Con-
1938). However, final confirmation of Darwin’s model fol- sequently, modern reefs reflect growth in response to the most
lowed deep drilling in the Marshall Islands in 1951. Two core recent marine transgression during the Holocene and form a
holes from Eniwetok atoll penetrated over 1200 m of reef relatively thin veneer over older reef limestones (Figure 1).
limestones and reached basaltic rocks at depths of 1287 and Therefore, although Darwin’s model and plate tectonics
1411 m (Ladd et al., 1953). Analysis of core material revealed all provide a robust theory for the structural development of
the limestones were produced by shallow-water carbonate atolls that subside at rates on the order of 102 mm yr1, the
producers, thus confirming the slow subsidence of the volcanic surface morphology of modern reefs is controlled by sea level
basement. Rates of subsidence of the volcanic basement were which modulates reef growth at rates on the order of
estimated at 0.025 mm yr1 (Stoddart, 1973). Drilling sub- 101 mm yr1 (up to three orders of magnitude greater than
sequently occurred in Mururoa Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, subsidence rates).
where volcanic basement was attained at 415 and 438 m and A major goal of reef geomorphologists over the past four
at Midway Atoll, Hawaiian Islands, where basalts were en- decades has been to understand the growth and controls on
countered at 157 and 384 m (reviewed in Spencer et al., 2008). development of coral reefs. In particular, research has focused
The development of plate tectonic theory also provided the on resolving the regional differences in the patterning of reef
framework to account for the regional distribution of reef growth as a function of the relationship between Holocene sea-
systems. The movement and thermodynamics of ocean plates, level change and depth of the antecedent platform. Further-
which migrate away from mid-ocean spreading centers, cool more, differences in the rate and styles of reef growth have been
and subside, and the behavior of hot spots at intraplate of considerable interest, particularly in light of possible trajec-
locations, provide a large-scale geophysical explanation for tories of geomorphic response of reefs to global climate change
Darwinian subsidence and modern explanations for the evo- (for recent reviews see Kennedy and Woodroffe, 2002; Mon-
lution of reef morphologies, and the orientation and age taggioni, 2005; Hopley et al., 2007; Macintyre, 2007). This body
structure of island archipelagos, which typically increase in of research has largely been attributed to the advent of the
age with distance from the hot spot or spreading axis (Scott portable drilling system (Macintyre, 1975) which has allowed
and Rotondo, 1983; Figure 8). shallow coring of the Holocene and upper Pleistocene reef se-
quences. To date, there have been on the order of 1000 reef
cores retrieved from the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Caribbean reef
10.13.4 Geomorphic Development of Holocene Coral regions via a range of coring methods (Montaggioni, 2005;
Reefs Hopley et al., 2007). This relatively large number of cores belies
spatial aggregation of studies and there are still large areas where
The contemporary geomorphology of coral reefs is controlled few reef cores have been derived (e.g., central Indian Ocean).
by a number of other factors that influence reef development at Most drilling programs have been characterized by a focus on
shorter timescales than subsidence. The effects of fluctuations seaward to leeward core transects with a dominance of cores
in sea level must be superimposed onto the geophysical tem- from reef flat environments, and comparatively few cores from
plate of subsidence and plate tectonics. Contemporary coral forereef and lagoonal settings. Detailed analysis and synthesis of
reefs have occupied the accommodation space between sea the biolithic composition of cores have revealed new insights
level and the underlying substrate. During sea-level lowstands, into the fabric and growth modes of modern reefs. Furthermore,
coral substrate is denuded, which lowers the platform surface. radiometric dating of core materials has provided a chrono-
As sea level rises and inundates the denuded surface, reef logical framework to examine the rates of reef growth.
Coral Systems 339


barrier reef Eniwetok Midway Mururoa
1926 1937 1960 1896−99 1951−52 1947 1960s 1964−65

183 173
(S) 193
(M) 223 (D-E)

500 461
578 577
(W) (D-W)
Depth (m)


Reef limestone

1000 Reef limestone

with quartz sand
Marine sands

Dolomitic limestone

Carbonaceous clay
and limestone
Volcanic clay and
(E1) Basalt

1500 (F1)
Figure 7 Deep drilling records from locations in Pacific atolls and the Great Barrier Reef. Reproduced from Stoddart, D.R., 1973. Coral reefs:
the last two million years. Geography 58, 313–323. The Internal Anatomy of Reef Framework detailed analysis of reef cores reveals that detrital rubble,
sand and void space can comprise up to 70% of the volume of
In the mid- to late twentieth century, the perception of the reef framework (Macintyre and Glynn, 1976; Hubbard et al.,
fabric of coral reefs was one in which they were principally 2001). Such findings question the role of in situ coral in
composed of interlocking coral skeletons, in growth position, reef framework development and highlight the fact that
that created a rigid, wave-resistant framework (e.g., Low- bioerosion, transportation, encrustation, and cementation
enstam, 1950; Newell et al., 1953) and which provided the are equally important in reef construction as calcification
structural stability of a reef (Hubbard et al., 2008). This per- (Hubbard et al., 2008).
ception was largely based on extrapolation of observations of Detailed analysis of the composition and changes in bio-
coral reef assemblages on the surface of modern reefs and, lithic assemblages comprising reef cores has identified seven
consequently, it was assumed that biological construction was distinct types of reef framework and three detrital facies
the primary process in reef framework development. However, (summarized in Table 3; Montaggioni, 2005). Collectively,
340 Coral Systems

Zone 4 Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1

Subduction in Reef coral growth ceases Fringing reefs Subaerial erosion
Kamchatka trench in cold water become atolls and fringing reefs
Atolls carried under to
form guyots
19° N, 155° E
canic chain Hawaii
54° N, 163° E pe of peaks in vol
Relative slo
Gardner Kauai
Midway pinnacles
Suiko atoll
Sea level seamount

spheric plate
Pacific litho Melting

ctio Asthenosphere

Figure 8 Representation of the major factors controlling the geological formation and age structure of mid-ocean archipelagoes. Figure shows
the development sequence of the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain. Reproduced from Figure 5 in Scott, G.A.J., Rotondo, G.M., 1983. A model
to explain the differences between Pacific plate island atoll types. Coral Reefs 1, 139–150, with permission from Springer.

analysis of these facies reveals important insights into the temporal development of reef morphology. The interactions
nature of reef framework. First, the proportion of coral that between substrate depth and wave energy, which over the long
comprises framework varies considerably from more than term have been modulated by sea-level variations, have gov-
60% in some robust-branching assemblages to less than 20% erned changes in reef ecological communities and, therefore,
in low-energy settings. Second, reworking of coral and ce- the fabric, growth potential, and morphology of reefs. Three
mentation of detrital sediment by coralline algae is a con- major associations of reef-building facies have been identified
spicuous feature of reef fabric. Third, some frameworks do not that can contribute to the construction of reef margins
rely on coral skeletons, but are dominated by other calcareous (Figure 9):
producers such as coralline algae. Fourth, as noted above,
detrital material can dominate the volume of reef framework. 1. Uniform sequences of framework-building facies that re-
Fifth, detrital assemblages can be differentiated by the grade of flect constant environmental conditions during reef devel-
sediment. opment. Such homogeneous facies development is typical
The framework facies possess distinct assemblages of car- of sheltered reef crest to reef flat zones as seen in the
bonate-based organisms that reflect differences in the inter- fringing reef of Fantome Island, Great Barrier Reef (John-
play between environmental controls and the balance son and Risk, 1987; Figure 9(a)).
of destructive and constructive processes. In particular, the 2. The stacking of two distinct framework facies. This se-
framework facies have been related to hydrodynamic energy quence is characterized by a basal unit of lower-energy
and provide insights on the environmental setting (and coral communities, which is overlain by a shallower
paleoecological setting) in which assemblages contribute to higher-energy coral or coral/algal assemblage. Typically,
reef development (Table 3). For example, the relative pro- the lower unit comprises domal facies of poritid/faviid,
portion of in situ coral and detrital sediment is related to arborescent, or tabular acroporid frameworks (Table 3)
hydrodynamic energy. In cyclone-affected systems, reef mar- reflecting development at depths less than 10 m. The upper
gins comprise secondary framework, which reflects redeposi- facies are characterized by robust-branching growth forms
tion and algal encrustation of transported corals and can encrusted by coralline algae (e.g., Koror barrier reef,
occupy more than 60% of the reef volume (Hubbard et al., Figure 9(b)) reflecting a shift to shallower and higher-
1998). In exposed (nonstorm) energy settings, in situ coral energy environmental conditions as reefs reach their ver-
may play a more significant role in framework development tical growth limit. These stacked facies are characteristic of
comprising 40–50% of reef volume (Hubbard et al., 1998; exposed to semi-exposed open reef systems (barrier reefs
2001). Framework in low-energy settings commonly com- and atolls) such as Mururoa in the Pacific Ocean and
prises piles of detrital material containing only isolated corals Mayotte in the Indian Ocean (Montaggioni, 2005).
(Davies and Hopley, 1983). 3. Alternating sequences of shallow higher-energy and deeper
As reef structure/facies reflect variations in the environ- lower-energy frameworks (Montaggioni, 2005) as ex-
mental setting under which reef development occurs, transi- emplified by the 20-m-thick sequence at Pointe-Au-Sable
tions in facies through cores have provided insights into the Reef, Mauritius (Figure 9(c)).
Coral Systems 341

Table 3 Summary of major reef facies based on analysis of Indo-Pacific drill cores

Reef facies Key facies characteristics Dominant species Environmental setting

Reef framework facies

1. Coralline algae facies Coralline algae laminated crusts binding Hydrolithon, Neogonioli- High energy windward reef crest
coral or coral rubble up to 2.0 m thick. thon, Mesophyllum,
Lithophyllum spp.
2. Robust-branching Open interlocking framework of thick Acropora and Pocillopora High energy shallow forereef and outer
coral facies branching, wave-resistant corals, spp. Subordinate domal reef flat (0–6 m depth)
encrusted by coralline algae. Framework corals, e.g. Porites and
cavities filled with gravel/sand. Goniastrea spp.
3. Domal coral facies 3a. Dense dome-shaped corals separated Porites, Faviid, Goniastrea 3a. Moderate energy reef slopes 10–15 m
(two subfacies) by coralline algae and debris of spp. depth
branching coral.
3b. Scattered coral heads entombed in a 3b. As above but more sheltered
porous matrix of calcareous sand and environments
4. Tabular-branching Open loose or rigid structural framework Acropora hyacinthus Moderate wave energy semi-exposed/
coral facies of tabular coral entombed in porous sheltered upper and mid-forereefs, reef
matrix of gravels, sands, and silts. Plate- flats, and backreef slopes, 2–15 m depth
shaped corals associated with a variety
of branching forms.
5. Arborescent coral Framework of upright thin branching Acropora gr. Muricata Sheltered settings 0–20 m
facies corals with thin coralline algal crusts Acropora gr. Divaricata Modern inner reef flats and backreef
over coral clasts and sediment. Cavities Pocillopora compressa slopes
contain calcareous sand.
6. Foliaceous coral facies Loose bifacial fronds from ‘leaf’ Pavona Pavona, Pachyseris, Sheltered backreef habitats
spp. and flat platy and whorled coral Montipora, Turbinaria Turbid environments 0–15 m depth
colonies. Coral can be ‘grain-supported’ spp.
by fine sands and muds.
7. Encrusting coral Encrusting corals on reef crests and Wide range of coral species Low energy and turbid reef settings,
facies forereef slopes. Framework support in encrusting growth 0–420-m depth
consists of encrusting foraminifera, red mode
algae, and serpulids.
Detrital facies
8. Skeletal rubble facies Unconsolidated poorly sorted angular to Branching acroporids, Intertidal to sub-tidal storm-deposited
round gravel of corals, bivalves and poritids and pocilloporids gravel sheets on reef flats and backreef
coralline algae. Has calcareous sand
matrix. Present in most reefs.
9. Carbonate sand facies Bioclastic sand. Present in all cores and Scleractinian corals, Reflect localized sediment production on
volumetrically can be a major coralline algae, mollusks, reefs
component of reef material (10–80%). benthic foraminifera,
green algae
10. Carbonate mud facies Fine-grained, carbonate dominated Fine grained remains of a Lower-energy depositional environments.
sediment (o63 mm). Present in cores wide range of skeletal Proportion of mud increases with depth
from a range of reef zones. Can be constituents.
lithified or unconsolidated.

Summarized from Montaggioni, L.F., 2005. History of Indo-Pacific coral reef systems since the last glaciation: development patterns and controlling factors. Earth Science Reviews
71, 1–75.

Collectively, these data show that reefs are able to alter their morphology of reef development. The growth modes of reefs
reef-building assemblages in response to changing environmental are strongly modulated by sea-level dynamics. In general, two
conditions (water depth and wave energy). The phase lag for dominant growth types respond to sea-level change: vertical
establishment of reef-building communities, and transitions from development in response to increased water depth over reefs
one reef assemblage to another, combined with inherent differ- as sea level rises and lateral progradation as reefs reach their
ences in the potential growth rate of differing facies types has vertical growth limit or fill their accommodation space.
controlled the style of vertical and lateral reef growth. This ul- Initially, three styles of reef accretion were identified that
timately controls the geomorphic characteristics of modern reefs. included keep-up, catch-up, and give-up reefs (Figure 10;
Neumann and Macintyre, 1985). Keep-up reefs track sea level
as it rises, maintaining a reef crest at sea level; catch-up reefs Styles of Reef Growth initially lag behind sea-level rise but, through rapid vertical
Ultimately, temporal and spatial transitions of reef facies, where growth, reach sea level as its rise slows or stabilizes; and give-
aggregated to the reef platform scale, control the mode and up reefs find themselves in rapidly increasing water depths
342 Coral Systems

FR Fringing reef flat


5m 100 m


FR Reef crest Fringing reef flat


100 m

Fore reef Reef crest Backreef


100 m

Tabular Domal Arborescent Terrigenous

Basement branching coral coral sand and mud

Holocene Robust Foliaceous Isochrons

reef branching coral coral (Cal Ka B.P.)
Figure 9 Examples of the three major facies anatomy patterns for the construction of reef margins. (a) Fantome Island, fringing reef flat, Great
Barrier Reef showing uniform facies (Johnson and Risk, 1987). (b) Koror barrier reef, Palau showing an example of a dual stacked facies
(Kayanne et al., 2002). (c) Pointe-Au-Sable reef, Mauritius showing a three facies assemblage (Montaggioni and Faure, 1997).

and they shut down as failed reefs. The differences in reef of this classification (Blanchon and Blakeway, 2003), the three
facies transitions outlined above provide some understanding growth modes have been largely accepted. Recently, this tri-
of the environmental changes influencing patterns of vertical partite classification has been extended to incorporate alter-
reef development. Despite some debate over the robustness nate development responses of reef backstepping, where sites
Coral Systems 343

Time 1
f Emergent
highstand f
d e
mid-Holocene Prograded
d Keep-up
Depth − elevation

b 2
1 Catch-up

Sea level
b 1 Backstepped

a 2
1 Drowned

Figure 10 Modes of reef growth in response to sea-level change. Reproduced with permission from Figure 5.11 in Woodroffe, C.D., 2002.
Coasts: Form, Process and Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 211 pp.

of reef growth are abandoned on sloping shelves and rees- to mid-Holocene, until reefs filled the accommodation space.
tablished at new locations; lateral accretion of the reef front Indo-Pacific reefs have been at sea level for at least 1000 and as
once reefs achieve their vertical growth limit; and reef flat many as 6000 years. This period has been dominated by lat-
die-off following relative sea-level fall and reef emergence eral reef growth, resulting in broad reef flat surfaces. Reef flats
(Figure 10; Woodroffe, 2002). have also become emergent following sea-level fall. By con-
Consideration of reef growth has typically focused on pat- trast, in the Caribbean, sea level has continued to rise
terns and rates of vertical accumulation. However, geomorph- throughout the Holocene, although the rate of rise has de-
ologists treat reefs as three-dimensional structures and lateral creased over the past 5000 years. In response, Caribbean reefs
development is an essential consideration for understanding the have undergone catch-up in the early Holocene and maintain
geomorphic development of reefs. Although vertical accumu- a keep-up growth mode (Toscano and Macintyre, 2003).
lation of reefs is the dominant response to increasing sea level, Records of the nature of postglacial sea-level rise also reveal
once reefs fill the vertical accommodation space continued that the increase in sea level of 125 m during the Holocene
vertical growth is constrained by sea level and the dominant axis was not uniform. Rather, sea-level change occurred in three
of reef development shifts to lateral progradation. This mode is rapid pulses, separated by periods of relative stability. For
typical of reefs under sea-level still-stand conditions. Reef flat example, Meltwater Pulse 1A lasted 500 years (14.2–13.8 ka)
development is controlled by both the duration that a reef has and was associated with a 15-m increase in sea level at rates
been sea level constrained and the lateral accommodation up to 40–50 mm yr1. Reefs were subject to periods in
space, which is, in turn, controlled by substrate gradient. which accommodation space opened rapidly, which may have
forced shifts in coral assemblages, and exerted pressure on
reef growth performance. This event has been implicated in Reef Growth and Sea-Level Dynamics
the turn-off and give-up of reefs in some regions (e.g., Hawaii,
Differences in Holocene sea-level dynamics between reef Webster et al., 2004) and backstepping of reefs around
regions have modulated reef growth and the morphology of Barbados (Figure 10; Toscano and Macintyre, 2003).
modern reefs and reef flats. In the Indo-Pacific, sea level first
reached the present level approximately 6000 years ago, rose
to 1.0 m above the present level in the mid-Holocene before 10.13.5 Rates of Reef Growth
falling to the present level (Figure 11). This pattern has
imparted a number of characteristics on reef growth From a geomorphological perspective, the growth of a coral
and morphology. Reef growth response to sea-level rise was reef reflects the net processes of biological construction,
dominated by keep-up or catch-up growth in the early bioerosion, mechanical and chemical deposition (e.g., detrital
344 Coral Systems

Years ka before present Years ka before present

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
4 4
Mid-Holocene highstand
2 Emergent reef 2
Present msl Present msl
0 0
Algal crusts Microbialite reefs
Lateral reef growth
2 wide sediment 2 Shallow
Robust head
covered reef flats reef flats with
and encrusting Keep-up Reefs
4 post 5 ka 4 vertical accretion
continuing and
Rubble as prograding algal reefs
6 reef approaches
Elevation relative to sea level

wave base
8 8 Acropora cerpalmata
Catch-up dominated
Fragile branching Reefs
10 framework 10

High accretion
12 rate 12 Catch-up

14 14 Rapid growing

Acropora cervicornis

sea le
16 16


an s
18 vel en 18
Formation of basal

ea l
rubble zone

20 20 Basal rubble zone

close to sea level

22 22

Inundation of Pleistocene surface 8.5−9.0 ka Inundation of Pleistocene surface 8.0−9.0 ka
24 24

26 Pleistocene reef/substrate 26 Pleistocene reef/substrate

28 28

(a) (b)

Figure 11 Contrasting sea-level curves and reef growth responses from the Indo-Pacific (a) and Caribbean (b).

sediment and cementation), and mechanical and chemical variations in reef growth exist within individual reef systems
erosion (transport and solution). These processes can be according to ecological zones and energy exposure. For in-
highly variable at short timescales and between reefs. How- stance, in the barrier reefs of Tahiti (Montaggioni, 1988) and
ever, the processes are integrated across the geomorphic Palau (Kayanne et al., 2002) windward, outer-reef margins
timescale (decades to millennia) and radiometric dating were characterized by keep-up reef growth at rates of ap-
of coral cores has allowed net, long-term rates of coral reef proximately 6 mm yr1, whereas leeward reef growth followed
growth to be determined (Figure 12). Data show significant a catch-up mode at rates of 3–4 mm yr1. Temporal variations
variability in reef growth between regions and between dif- in reef growth rate have also been identified as a result of shifts
ferent framework types. between catch-up and keep-up growth modes, and globally
Rates of vertical growth of reef framework range from 1 to reefs have exhibited a reduction in growth rate as they ap-
30 mm yr1 (modal rate of 6–7 mm yr1, Montaggioni, 2005; proach their vertical growth limit (Montaggioni, 2005; Hopley
Hopley et al., 2007). Fastest rates of growth were found in et al., 2007).
highly porous frameworks of tabular and branching corals, There have been comparatively few studies of rates of
whereas the lowest rates occurred in foliose and encrusting lateral reef growth. In Indo-Pacific reefs, rates of lateral
corals and coralline algal reefs. Detrital-dominated reefs exhibit reef accretion range from 15 to 84 mm yr1 (modal rate
vertical accretion rates that range from 0.2 to 40 mm yr1. of 50 mm yr1) for reefs in semi-exposed to sheltered settings.
These can be divided into three groups that reflect different The fastest rates of lateral progradation occur in high-energy
hydrodynamic energy regimes. Lower modal rates of accretion reef margins and range from 24 to 300 mm yr1 (modal
of 1–3 mm yr1 occur in low-energy lagoonal settings with rate of 90 mm yr1, Yamano, et al. 2003; Montaggioni,
mud-dominated materials. Rates of detrital reef accumulation 2005).
on the order of 4–8 mm yr1 characterize sand and rubble
facies on moderate energy reef flat and backreef settings. The
fastest detrital rates of framework accumulation (410 mm 10.13.6 Developments in Geomorphology of
yr1) occur in storm settings where sand and gravel sheets are Sedimentary Landforms
able to be deposited episodically (Montaggioni, 2005).
Examination of net rates of reef development masks spatial The generation of detrital sediment on reef platforms and its
and temporal variations in reef growth behavior. Spatial transfer by wave and current processes are critical for the
Coral Systems 345

Fringing/Barrier reefs

Indo-Pacific atolls

North Great Barrier Reef

Central Great Barrier Reef

Southern Great Barrier Reef

Belize Barrier Reef

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Rate of vertical reef growth (mm a−1)
Figure 12 Range of vertical reef growth rates through the Holocene for different reef provinces. Reproduced with permission from Figure 7.8 in
Kench, P.S., Perry, C.T., Spencer, T., 2009a. Coral reefs. In: Slaymaker, O., Spencer, T., Embleton-Hamann, C. (Eds.), Geomorphology and Global
Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 180–213.

formation, maintenance, and ongoing development of a suite 1990; Hughes, 1999). These off-reef sediment fluxes are net
of geomorphic features in reef systems (Figure 1). As outlined losses to the reef calcium carbonate budget and make no
above, the primary sources of detrital material in reef systems contribution to geomorphic development of the reef platform
are the skeletons of corals and other organisms or plants that surface. However, these exported sediments can make a major
induce CaCO3 deposition. In addition to ecological processes, contribution to sedimentation processes surrounding reef
chemical precipitation can be important in the production of platforms. For example, Ryan et al. (2001) showed that the
carbonate material (e.g., ooids) on some reefs, whereas ter- accretionary prism generated by off-reef sediment transport
restrial inputs can also impact locally in the sediment systems from Wistari Reef, in the Great Barrier Reef, equaled the vol-
of fringing and barrier reefs. ume of sediment contained in the reef platform during the
The dominance of ecological processes in generating sedi- Holocene.
ment on coral reefs imparts a number of unique characteristics Sediment retained on reef platforms can be reincorporated
to reef sediment systems. First, the provenance of sediment and cemented into reef framework, contributing to the long-
producers is intrabasinal, with sediment production, trans- term development of reef morphology (discussed earlier,
port, and deposition occurring either on, or in close proximity Hubbard et al., 1990; Perry et al., 2008). Alternatively, material
to, reef platforms with minimal transport distances (Scoffin, can be transferred to central- or backreef zones where
1992; Tucker and Wright, 1990; Kench, 1998a). Second, depositional landforms such as rubble ridges, gravel sheets,
sediment may be produced on a continual basis, although the reef islands, or coastal plains can accumulate (Maragos et al.,
extent of this is poorly resolved. 1973; Stoddart and Steers, 1977; Hopley, 1982; Calhoun and
The production of bioclastic sediment depends on a Fletcher, 1996; Woodroffe et al., 1999; Figures 2 and 13).
complex set of processes that include calcification by calcar- These landforms form in the intertidal to subaerial zones
eous organisms and its conversion to the sediment reservoir. and act as medium-term stores of sediment within the reef
Calcification is mediated by organism-specific metabolism platform system. Transport of sediment to backreef lagoons
and varies significantly between species and between primary promotes sub-tidal deposition of material and contributes to
framework builders (coral and coralline algae) and secondary lagoon infill. Lagoons act as long-term sinks of sediment
producers (foraminifera and mollusks). The contribution of (Macintyre et al., 1987; Kench, 1998b; Purdy and Gischler,
secondary benthic organisms to the sediment reservoir is 2005).
largely a function of organism growth rate, fecundity, and At the intra-reef platform scale, subtle variations in pro-
turnover as skeletons contribute directly to the sediment res- cesses produce a suite of reef sedimentary landform units that
ervoir upon death. However, conversion of primary frame- can be differentiated based on the location of sediments
work to detrital sediment depends on a complex set of relative to the reef surface, reef type, presence of noncarbonate
additional processes that include mechanical and biological substrate, and elevation of landforms with respect to sea level.
breakdown of substrates (Scoffin, 1992; Madin, 2005). Thus, In fringing reef settings, detrital carbonate deposition typically
the relationship between calcification and sediment gener- occurs toward the leeward edge of reefs at the interface be-
ation is not linear, with time lags for the decay of reef tween the reef and terrestrial environment. Subaerial coastal
framework that may span 101–103 years. plains, beaches, spits, and barriers form through progradation
The eco-morphodynamic framework (Figure 4) indicates of sediment across the backreef zones (Figures 2(a) and
that carbonate sediment is cycled within reef systems and re- 2(b)). In these settings, terrigenous sediments delivered to the
tained in a number of distinct zones. Some detrital sediment coast mix with biogenic sediments and contribute to landform
may be exported off the reef platform, down the forereef, development. By contrast, in barrier reefs, lagoons separate
along sand chutes, or through the flushing of fine material the reef structure and noncarbonate shoreline. Sediment
from reefs in suspension (Hine et al., 1981; Hubbard et al., generated from reefs can actively contribute to lagoon infill
346 Coral Systems

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)


(g) (h)

Figure 13 Reef islands and common geomorphic units of reef islands. (a) Linear islands on the Majuro Atoll reef rim, Marshall Islands. (b)
Isolated reef platform island, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef. Low-lying reef islands in Tuvalu (c) and the Maldives (d). (e) Beach composed
of medium sand, Maldives. (f) Beach composed of coarse coral rubble, Tuvalu. (g) Beachrock (cemented beach sands) lining the shoreline of a
Maldivian reef island. (h) Conglomerate platform (cemented storm rubble sheet) outcropping at the shoreline of Funafara Island, Funafuti Atoll,
Coral Systems 347

and the formation of subaerial deposits depends on transport 10.13.7 Lagoon Sedimentation and Geomorphic
of sediment to backreef or central reef locations. Land build- Development of Reefs
ing in barrier reef environments may also occur through
transport of sediment from reefs into lagoons and its sub- Early observations of lagoon sediment bodies focused on the
sequent reworking and deposition at the shoreline where examination of surficial facies patterns based on differences in
mixing with terrigenous sediments also contributes to texture and constituents (e.g., Cloud, 1952; Illing, 1954;
landform accumulation (Figures 2(b) and 2(c)). In atoll en- McKee et al., 1959). The imperative for these descriptive
vironments or isolated platform reefs, sediments can accu- studies was the recognition that ancient reefs and bioherms
mulate directly on the reef surface or over lagoon sediments, were important sites of oil reservoirs and that surficial deposits
forming reef islands (Figures 2(e) and 2(f); Figures in modern reefs provide analogs for interpreting ancient de-
13(a)–13(d)). posits. Analyses of lagoon sediment facies focused on the
From a geomorphic perspective, the development of reef environmental controls on deposit formation as a function
sedimentary landforms is controlled by a number of boundary of hydrodynamic energy, depth, and ecological zonation
conditions. First is the sea level and its modulation of (e.g., Flood and Scoffin, 1978; Gabrie and Montaggioni,
coral platform development, which is implicated as a critical 1982; Scoffin and Tudhope, 1985; Wardlaw et al., 1992).
control on the stability of sedimentary landforms. Second is These studies showed that sediment contributing to lagoons
the accommodation space that defines the available volume comprised both autochthonous contributions, from in situ
for sediment deposition as controlled by substrate gradient, production, and allochthonous contributions of sediment
elevation, and sea level (Cowell and Thom, 1994). The upper from the adjacent reef platform (Scoffin, 1992).
limit of land building is controlled by processes of storm Knowledge of the rates and processes of lagoon infill are
wave runup, which are modulated by relative sea level. For based on a limited number of studies that have combined
reef islands, the lower boundary defining accommodation analysis of surface and subsurface sediments, from vibracores,
space is governed by reef margin and reef flat elevation and with radiometric dating of sediment sequences to establish
lagoon depth. Third is the energy exposure and reef top a chronology of sedimentation (summarized in Table 4).
hydrodynamics, which in coral reef settings are modulated Collectively, such studies indicate that differences in the
by the relationship between reef elevation, sea level, and provenance of sediment contributing to lagoons and temporal
incident ocean swell. Fourth is the sediment supply that is changes in relative importance of autochthonous and alloch-
controlled by reef productivity and processes of sediment thonous sediments modulate geomorphic development of
generation. reef systems. Such transitions in the dominant sediment
In contrast to the geomorphic development of reef plat- sources for lagoons have been correlated with Holocene
forms, knowledge of the evolution and morphodynamics development of reef platforms.
of reef sedimentary landforms is not well developed. The Rates of autochthonous production in lagoons are slow
following sections present a review and synthesis of the con- (B0.6 mm yr1; Gischler, 2003; Table 4). Therefore, as sea
temporary understanding of the controls on the formation level rose during the Holocene, rates of lagoonal sedimen-
and ongoing change of reef sedimentary landforms. For the tation were not able to keep pace, increasing the accom-
purposes of this discussion, sedimentary landforms are div- modation space in lagoons. Once reefs reached sea level, the
ided into sub-tidal deposits that contribute to lagoon infill filling of lagoons by detrital carbonate from reef flats became
and subaerial deposits that comprise reef islands and coastal one of the major constructional processes, and sedimentation
plains (Kench et al., 2009a). rates increased rapidly (Marshall and Davies, 1982; Tudhope,

Table 4 Summary of lagoon characteristics, Holocene sediment thicknesses, and sedimentation rates for representative reef platform and atoll

Location Lagoon area (km2) Maximum lagoon Maximum Holocene Mean sedimentation rate
depth (m) sediment thickness (m) (mm yr1)

Glovers Reef 194 18 6–7 0.46
Lighthouse Reef 112 8 6–7 0.53
Turneffe Islands 225 8 6–7 0.82
North Sound 90 6 3 0.85
Abaco Bight 2750 7 2 0.24
Bermuda 290 20 2–3 0.32
Pacific Ocean
Enewetak Atoll 980 62 10 1.25
One Tree Reef, Great Barrier Reef 10 10 9–10 1.25
Davies Reef 18 25 7.5 3.4
Indian Ocean
Mayotte 1500 80 6 0.35
Cocos (keeling) Islands 120 20 18 0.28
348 Coral Systems

1989). This transition is considered to reflect the fact that islands, complex multiple islands, and low wooded islands
during vertical reef growth, carbonate sediment is retained in (e.g., David and Sweet, 1904 in Funafuti atoll; Umbgrove, 1947
the reef framework. However, once reefs attain sea level, excess in the East Indies; Spender, 1930; Steers, 1937; and later
carbonate is shed from the reef system (Tudhope, 1989). The Stoddart et al., 1978 in the Great Barrier Reef; Steers and
resultant progradational sand aprons that invade lagoons are Lofthouse, 1940 in Jamaica; and Stoddart, 1965 in Belize;
widespread features of reef systems (Purdy and Gischler, Table 5). Detailed geomorphic observations identified signifi-
2005). Only a limited number of studies have undertaken cant variations in the geomorphic and sedimentary character-
detailed examination of the sedimentary characteristics and istics of islands. Such observations identified a large range of
progradation of sand aprons that promote lagoon infill planform shapes and topographic features of islands; signifi-
(Macintyre et al., 1987; Tudhope, 1989; Smithers et al., 1993; cant differences in the grade and composition of island sedi-
Kench, 1998b). For example, in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, ments (e.g., fine sands to coarse boulders) that were related to
Indian Ocean, sand aprons have been described as episodic- relative energy exposure; a suite of lithified island sediments
ally encroaching into the lagoon at rates of 1.0 m yr1 and this that can occur on islands (e.g., beachrock, cay sandstone, and
equates to vertical accumulation rates of 0.5–1.0 mm yr1, phosphate rock); and differences in vegetation complexes as-
compared to deep leeward sections of islands which have sociated with islands (Figure 13; for detailed reviews see
rates of 0.25–0.5 mm over the past 2000 years (Smithers et al., Stoddart and Steers, 1977; Hopley et al., 2007). These early
1993). Studies of the sand aprons also showed that once observations also identified variations in island characteristics
vertical accumulation had filled the accommodation space, between reef settings. For example, shingle or coarse rubble
the sand flats act as sediment bypass zones for continued islands typically occur in high-energy (exposed) settings and
lagoon sedimentation (Kench, 1998b). are generally higher in elevation than other island types. By
From a geomorphic perspective, lagoon sedimentation is contrast, sand islands are located in lower-energy or sheltered-
an important process in reef platform development. Complete energy settings and commonly possess lower elevations.
lagoon infill is seen as a specific stage in the sequential de- The physical properties of islands have been used to de-
velopment of reef platforms, in which the lagoons are initially velop classification schemes (Spender, 1930; Fairbridge, 1950;
treated as empty buckets that gradually fill with sediment shed Stoddart and Steers, 1977). Four principle criteria have been
from the surrounding reef together with in situ lagoonal pro- employed to classify island types: the location and number of
duction (Schlager, 1993; Purdy and Gischler, 2005). The infill islands on reef platforms, reflecting exposure to energy; island
of lagoons at current sea level is clearly a possible outcome for shape and morphological complexity; the caliber of sediments
some reefs and this sequence has been used to predict the (sand, gravel, or mixed); and the presence, extent, and type of
development of planar reef surfaces (Tudhope, 1989; Hopley vegetative cover (Hopley et al., 2007, Table 5). A further major
et al., 2007). division in islands is apparent between those formed centrally
However, whether an individual reef reaches this filled on isolated reef platforms or infilled planar reefs and those
condition depends upon a range of factors that include the that form on the peripheral reefs of atolls and barrier reefs
following: the length of time reefs have been at sea level in the (Figures 13(a) and 13(b)).
Holocene; the comparative rates of detrital sediment pro- Based on morphological differences, early attempts were
duction in the lagoon and surrounding reef rim; the accom- made to place islands in an evolutionary sequence. However,
modation volume (lagoon width and depth); and efficiency of as recognized by Stoddart (1965) it appears more likely that
processes to transport sediment to lagoons. Many lagoons islands form evolutionary end members controlled by site-
require 103–104 years to fill under current rates of sedimen- specific interactions in energy exposure, sediment caliber, and
tation and it is likely that complete infill will not occur as substrate configuration. Such recognition of the importance
sea-level oscillations are expected to interrupt a particular of processes in island development has shifted the focus of
sequence (Purdy and Gischler, 2005). geomorphic inquiry of reef islands over the past 30 years from
simplistic evolutionary accounts to understand the controls on
island formation and morphodynamics. The imperative for
10.13.8 Reef Island Morphology and Evolution this research has been heightened in recent decades by con-
cern over the future stability of reef islands. The combination
Reef islands are conspicuous geomorphic features located of low elevation, small areal extent, and reliance on locally
on or adjacent to reef surfaces that can support vegetation generated reef sediments makes reef sedimentary landforms
complexes and human habitation (Figure 13). Islands are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and
accumulations of detrital sediment (sand and gravel) de- sea-level rise. In extreme cases, total loss of reef islands will
posited by waves and currents that rarely reach more than 5 m undermine the physical foundation of atoll nations such as
above sea level. As geomorphic entities, they are medium-term Tuvalu and the Maldives (Dickinson, 1999; Barnett and Adger,
stores (103 yr) of sediment in the reef carbonate sediment 2003; Kahn et al., 2002). In response to these concerns, the
budget. major goals of contemporary geomorphic inquiry into reef
The geomorphic characteristics and origin of reef islands islands are to identify the major boundary controls on island
have been the subject of significant scientific interest for more formation, understand the factors promoting the onset of is-
than a century. Initial studies of reef islands were descriptive land building, establish the age and chronology of island
and highlighted the large diversity in island types that included development and change, identify the modes of geomorphic
unvegetated sand or shingle cays, vegetated sand or shingle development of reef islands, and evaluate the dynamics of
islands, mixed sand and shingle islands (motu), mangrove island landforms.
Table 5 Summary of major reef island types, morphological properties, and relative geomorphic stability

Island type Morphology Vegetation Geomorphic features Setting Stability

Solitary islands
Linear–oblate Unvegetated Small and ephemeral Leeward lower-energy settings Very unstable
Intertidal shingle Form linear shingle ramparts, parallel to Unvegetated Shingle ramparts can become cemented Windward higher energy reef settings Stable
deposits reef edge and form bassett edges.
Sand cays Subaerial accumulations of calcareous a. Unvegetated Concentric parallel sand ridges. Leeward planar reefs in moderate to low Unstable
sand Distinctive swash ridges and central energy settings
b. Vegetated when Concentric ridges, seaward high swash Leeward planar reefs in moderate to low Stable core
island core ridges and central depression. energy settings Mobile beaches
becomes stable Beachrock common on shorelines.
Shingle cays Subaerial deposits of coral shingle a. Unvegetated Recurved spits, partial cementation, Small reefs and or higher energy Variable
beachrock and conglomerate. settings
b. Vegetated when Commonly form linear ramparts. Can Windward margins of atolls or centrally Stable
shingle becomes become cemented. Prominent on exposed reef platforms.
stable seaward ridges.
Mixed sand and Composite islands shingle seaward ridges Vegetated Linear to oblate in plan. Basin surface Exposed peripheral rim of atolls, or reef Stable
shingle cays (Motu) and leeward sand ridges morphology, prominent ridges. backed by lagoon
Beachrock prevalent. Conglomerate
Mangrove islands Mangroves colonize surface of reef Vegetated with Cay has sand ridges. Mangrove traps Sheltered locations, planar reefs with Unstable in storms
platforms. Reefs may also have mangrove fine sediments. Terrigenous micro- to mesotidal range
windward sand ridges sediments may be present.
Multiple islands
Two or more discrete islands types on the Vegetated and Commonly windward shingle cay and Larger platforms that enable deposition As for other island types
same reef platform nonvegetated leeward sand cay. Other features as of two geomorphic units
for sand and shingle islands.
Low wooded islands Consist of: Vegetated. Each island Develop on small reef platforms with Small reef platforms in moderate to low Stable shingle island.
unit has unique infilled lagoons. Can occupy large energy settings Less stable sand cay
a. Windward shingle islands formed by
vegetation proportions of the reef top. Possess
ramparts characteristics all features of all shingle and sand
b. Leeward sand cay

Coral Systems
islands. Basset edges, ramparts.
c. Central platform occupied by mangrove

Source: From Stoddart, D.R., Steers, J.A., 1977. The nature and origin of coral reef islands. In: Jones, O.A., Endean, R. (Eds.), Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs, Vol. IV: Geology 2. Academic Press, New York, NY, pp. 59–105; Hopley, D., Smithers,
S.G., Parnell, K.E., 2007. The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: Development, Diversity and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; Kench, P.S., 2011b. Low wooded Islands. In: Hopley, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 639–644; McLean, R.F., 2011. Atoll Islands (Motu). In: Hopley, D., (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 47–50, and Smithers, S.G., Hopley, D., 2011. Coral cay classification and evolution. In:
Hopley, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 237–253.

350 Coral Systems Long-Term Controls on Reef Island Evolution et al., 1999), Kiribati (Woodroffe and Morrison, 2001), and
Tuvalu (McLean and Hosking, 1991), although regionally the
Given the susceptibility of islands to environmental change,
timing of island formation differs as a result of contrasting reef
there have been remarkably few studies that have attempted to
growth histories. Further examination of island evolution
resolve the precise nature of the controls on, and chronology
shows that island building in the Pacific occurred following
of, island formation. A limited number of detailed investi-
late Holocene sea-level fall. This apparent synchronization
gations have been undertaken that have combined topo-
of changing sea level and land building has led to the assertion
graphic surveys with subsurface investigations of island
that sea-level fall was a trigger for island accumulation
sediments and radiometric dating to provide a temporal
(Stoddart, 1969b; Schofield, 1977; Dickinson, 1999).
framework for the onset and accumulation of islands (Table 6,
The implication from this model is that sea level rise will
Figure 14). Radiometric ages on island sediments indicate that
force morphological instability as water depths over reefs
the reef islands began forming in the mid- to late Holocene.
However, studies have identified differing models of island
However, regional differences in the pattern of late Holo-
formation, which provide critical insights into the controls
cene sea-level dynamics and reef growth responses have pro-
and styles of island evolution (Figure 14).
vided contrasting boundary conditions for the onset and
accumulation of landforms. Evidence from the central Indian
Ocean provides an alternative sequence of island formation The Relationship between Sea-Level Change,
(Figure 14(b)). Construction of detailed chronostratigraphic
Reef Growth, and Island Formation
sequences across three reef platform islands in the Maldives
Sea level and its affect on reef growth have been implicated as indicates that the islands there formed during the mid-
a primary control on the formation and future change of reef Holocene (5000 year BP), across submerged reefs and infilled
islands. Conventional theory adopted a sequential model of shallow lagoons, prior to reefs achieving their vertical growth
island evolution in which sea-level stabilization, complet- limit (Figure 14(b), Kench et al., 2005). Dating evidence
ion of vertical reef growth, and reef flat development at sea suggests that these islands formed very rapidly in a 1500-year
level were necessary preconditions for island formation window during a period when water depth over reefs was
(Figure 14(a)). Evidence in support of this linear model is greater than the present. Following island formation, the outer
apparent from examples in the Pacific and eastern Indian reef margins continued to grow vertically and shut down the
Oceans, where sea level has been at or slightly higher than the hydrodynamic process regime affecting island shorelines. This
present sea level for the past 6000 years. In this setting, vertical closing of the energy regime on reefs has contributed to the
reef growth was rapidly constrained and lateral reef accretion relative stability of the islands for the past 3500 years (Kench
became the dominant growth mode resulting in construction et al., 2005). This model is likely to have similarities to the
of broad reef flats. These reef flats later became emergent as a Caribbean where landforms have developed under continual
consequence of late Holocene sea-level fall and they provided rising sea level throughout the late Holocene (Toscano
the foundation for sediment accumulation and island build- and Macintyre, 2003; Figures 11(b) and 14(b)). Recent re-
ing in the mid- to late Holocene (Figure 14(a)). Radiometric construction of the sea-level history in the Maldives identified
dating from a number of studies supports this model as the a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand of at least 0.5 m above the
age of island materials postdates vertical reef growth and reef present level 3500–2000 years ago (Kench et al., 2009b). This
flat development in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Woodroffe period of highstand postdates reef island formation and is

Table 6 Summary of existing studies of the chronology of reef island evolution

Location Reef type Island No C14 Maximum Minimum age Reference

type dates age (yBP) (yBP)

Pacific Ocean
Makin atoll, Kiribati Oceanic RP VSI 16 2690 410 Woodroffe and Morrison (2001)
Fongafale atoll, Tuvalu Atoll rim Motu 20 2000 1000 McLean and Hosking (1991)
Malamala Island, Nadi Bay, Fiji Barrier RP VSC 8 1942 752 McKoy et al. (2010)
Navini Island, Nadi Bay, Fiji Barrier RP VSC 6 2458 374 McKoy et al. (2010)
Unvegetated cays, Nadi Bay, Fiji Barrier RP USC 3 956 332 McKoy et al. (2010)
Warraber Island, Torres Strait RP VSC 35 5770 740 Woodroffe et al. (2007)
Lady Elliot Island, GBR Barrier RP VSI 64 3200 Present Chivas et al. (1986)
Multiple cays, northern GBR Barrier RP VSC/I 18 4380 2190 Polach et al. (1978)
Indian Ocean
Cocos (Keeling) Islds Atoll rim Motu 45 4280 420 Woodroffe et al. (1999)
Udoodhoo Island, Maldives Atoll RP VSC 4 4050 940 Ali (2000)
Mendhoo Island, Maldives Atoll RP VSC 3 3070 920 Ali (2000)
Dhakandhoo Island, Maldives Atoll RP VSC 8 5125 4325 Kench et al. (2005)
Hulhudhoo Island, Maldives Atoll RP VSC 11 5168 3736 Kench et al. (2005)
Thiladhoo Island, Maldives Atoll RP VSC 9 5402 1518 Kench et al. (2005)
Coral Systems 351

6000 yBP 6000 yBP

Sea level
Sea level

3500 yBP 4500 yBP


2000 yBP 3000 yBP

Present 1500 yBP

(a) (b)

Pleistocene reef Holocene reef Lagoon infill Island sediments

Direction of reef growth Direction of sea level movement

Figure 14 Contrasting models of the formation of reef islands on coral reefs. (a) Aggregate Pacific Reef platform model. (b) Central Indian
Ocean model after Kench et al. (2005). Note differing relationships between sea level and reef elevation at time of island formation. Large and
thin arrows signify direction of sea-level change and reef growth, respectively.

evidence that reef islands can withstand higher sea levels of the subsequent accumulation history may follow different
the magnitude projected for the near future. patterns. As noted above, Maldivian reef islands appear to
Collectively, the handful of studies from different regions have formed in a narrow 1500-year window in the mid-
provides critical insights on the role of sea level and reef growth Holocene and effectively ceased building 3500 years ago
in controlling island formation. First, island formation has (Kench et al., 2005). By contrast, on Warraber Island in the
occurred under differing sea-level-change histories including Torres Strait, island formation has occurred incrementally over
rising sea level. Second, sea-level fall is not a necessary pre- the past 3000–5000 years in response to continued supply of
condition for island building. Third, reef flat formation at sea sediment (Woodroffe et al., 2007). Furthermore, in storm-
level is not a necessary pre-cursor for island formation. Fourth, dominated settings island development has occurred through
island formation can occur in the latter stages of reef platform episodic deposition of storm-generated rubble (Maragos
development as it approaches its vertical growth limit. Fifth, et al., 1973; Bayliss-Smith, 1988; Hayne and Chappell, 2001).
geological analogs exist that indicate reef islands can physically Variations in accumulation history of reef islands (and
adjust to increased sea level on the order of 0.5 m. other sedimentary landforms) may be explained through
temporal variations in sediment supply during the Holocene
and recognition that the relationship between reef carbonate Recognition of the Importance of Sediment
productivity and sediment generation is nonlinear. Variations
Supply on Island Building
in sediment supply are, therefore, likely to reflect temporal
Reef island building requires the supply of sediment to fill the alterations in the balance between reef growth and product-
accommodation space. Although island building was initiated ivity. For example, onset of island building in the mid-
in the mid- to late Holocene (Table 6), evidence suggests that Holocene may coincide with reefs either reaching sea level or
352 Coral Systems

reaching wave base and releasing a pulse of excess sediment as the principal process mechanism activating geomorphic
(Table 6; Woodroffe et al., 1999; Harney et al., 2000; process on reefs and controlling the formation of reef islands
Woodroffe, 2003). Pulses of sediment generation also oc- (Stoddart and Steers, 1977; Gourlay, 1988, 2011a). The geo-
curred as a result of reef flat emergence (Figure 14(a)). Such morphic importance of wave–reef interactions is manifest in
sea-level-forced transitions in reef flat ecology are likely to two ways. First, reefs act as a filter to wave energy controlling
have altered the dominant skeletal components available for energy available for geomorphic work. Second, the planform
land building from sediments generated from frame builders configuration of reefs both refracts and diffracts wave energy
(coral and coralline algae) to those derived from benthic and controls the nodal location of sediment deposition on
sediment producers (e.g., foraminifera and calcareous green reef surfaces (Gourlay, 2011a; Figure 15(a)).
algae). For instance, on Green Island, Great Barrier Reef, an The filtering of wave energy is achieved through the inter-
ecological shift to a foraminifera-dominant reef flat following action of waves with reef structure, which is modulated
sea-level stabilization is credited with triggering island for- by water depth across the reef surface. Numerous studies
mation (Yamano et al., 2000). Similar reliance for island have documented reductions in wave energy of up to 97%
building on a narrow range of skeletal constituents has been as incident waves are transformed and break at the reef edge
identified by Woodroffe and Morrison (2001) in Makin Island, (e.g., Roberts et al., 1977; Lee and Black, 1978; Roberts and
Kiribati. The reliance of some landforms on a select number of Suhayda, 1983). Residual energy leaks onto reef surfaces and
skeletal constituents also suggests that sediment availability is available to influence island development. This transmis-
through the late Holocene is also likely to have been influ- sion of wave energy onto reef surfaces is greatest at higher
enced by biological perturbations (e.g., mass death events of water stages (Roberts et al., 1977; Brander et al., 2004). Recent
secondary producers) that release pulses of sediment to the studies of wave and current processes on reef platforms have
reef system, which control episodes of land development. shown the importance of reef width and relative water
Current analogs suggest that landforms that are reliant on a depth across reefs in controlling the delivery of wave energy to
narrow range of constituents, and those landforms that have island shorelines (Brander et al., 2004; Lowe et al., 2005;
ceased building and have no apparent significant influx of Kench and Brander, 2006b; Kench et al., 2009a). The reef
sediment (i.e., are relict deposits), will be most susceptible to energy window index was proposed to capture the influence of
future morphological change in response to changes in sedi- these physical properties on the level of geomorphic activity of
ment supply and altered boundary processes. reef surfaces (Kench and Brander, 2006b). In general, wave
It is commonly assumed that the reef carbonate factory energy (and geomorphic work) on reefs and island shorelines
produces a quasi-continual supply of sediment. However, increases as relative water depth (h) increases and reef
studies suggest that the supply and composition of sediments width becomes narrower. By contrast, the magnitude of wave
available for land building can vary temporally in response energy diminishes with increasing reef width, as friction dis-
to changes in reef growth/reef ecology (Yamano et al., 2000; sipates wave energy. The net effect of cross-reef energy re-
Woodroffe, 2003) and these in turn influence the accumu- duction is a reduction of ability to activate the sediment
lation of coastal deposits. Furthermore, scientific understand- transport system.
ing of the processes that turn on and turn off sediment supply The geomorphic importance of water depth control on
as it relates to the construction of landforms is poor and is an wave height across reef platforms is evident at instantaneous
urgent priority for research. Preliminary modeling studies through to geological timeframes. At instantaneous timescales,
suggest that changes in sediment supply, through alterations tidal variations modulate the magnitude of wave energy
in either sediment generation or littoral budgets, may be that propagates onto reef surfaces. At geological timescales, the
more important than sea level in affecting the stability of reef relationship between sea level and reef growth modulates the
landforms (Kench and Cowell, 2003; Woodroffe, 2003). ability of waves to interact with the reef surface and controls
the gross magnitude of wave energy propagating over reefs.
During the mid-Holocene, reefs in catch-up growth mode
were not sea-level-constrained and water depth over reefs was Process Controls on Island Development
greater than the present, allowing higher ocean wave energy to
Gross differences in energy exposure have been recognized as a propagate onto reefs (Figure 14). As reefs caught up with sea
critical factor in the location, morphology, and sedimentary level, this energy window closed. This period in the develop-
character of reef islands. Initial conceptual understanding ment of reefs has been characterized as the mid-Holocene
treated energy as a relative measure with regard to exposed high energy window and has been implicated as an important
versus sheltered settings, and windward versus leeward phase of construction of a range of sedimentary landforms
locations. In recent decades, the development of instru- in the Great Barrier Reef (Hopley, 1984) and Maldivian reef
mentation with the ability to record high-frequency meas- islands (Kench et al., 2005).
urements of waves and currents has significantly advanced Wave breaking at the reef edge and at island shorelines also
understanding of the hydrodynamic forcing on island for- induces wave setup (super-elevation of the still water level)
mation and change. and may produce setup gradients that control currents on
The interaction of ocean swell with coral reefs modulates reefs, and island shorelines (Figure 15(c); Gourlay and Coll-
oceanographic, ecological, and geological processes in coral eter, 2005; Jago et al., 2007; Gourlay, 2011b, 2011c). The
reef systems (see Hamner and Wolanski, 1988; Nakamori magnitude and pattern of currents are therefore controlled by
et al., 1992; Roberts et al., 1992; Hearn et al., 2001; Wolanski, the incident-wave field and have been shown to be sensitive
2001). Wave interaction with coral reef platforms is recognized to changes in incident-wave characteristics. For example, in the
Coral Systems 353

Wave setup Ocean Atoll reef platform Lagoon

generated flows Island

Wave setup

Wave approach
Shingle generated flows

Wave approach
Sand cay


Wave approach

Wave refraction Wave refraction

at reef edge at reef edge Re-formed waves
(a) (b)

Breakpoint Wave setup Nodal point of

100 gradient Decay depositioon
and se in ocean w
% wave energy

dimen a n
t trans ve energy goo
por t c
apacit y i n la rgy
a e
y Dec ave en
Setup-driven reef current
Set down Reef Reef flat
Ocean crest Island deposition occurs where wave Lagoon
energy and capacityof flow to carry
sediment declines. Islands build toward reef
edge and ridges become higher controlled by
level of wave energy and shoreline runup


Figure 15 Conceptual models of wave interaction with reef platforms, resultant current gradients, and controls on island building. (a) Isolated
reef platforms where wave energy can refract around the platform. (b) Wave interaction with linear atoll reef rim. (c) Idealized ocean to lagoon
cross section showing the decay in wave energy and generation of wave setup-driven currents across reefs. Note that processes are presented
assuming there is no island. The decay in wave energy and current energy reduces the capacity to transport sediment providing an envelope for
the accumulation of sediments at nodal points on reefs (islands). As islands build toward reef edge they accrete vertically in response to
increased wave energy and runup processes.

Maldives, seasonal variations in wind direction are known to allows seaward ridges to build higher with respect to sea level.
promote reversals in reef platform wave-induced current pat- This energy–sedimentation relationship provides a process
terns, which in turn modulates shoreline change (Kench and explanation for the basin morphology of island surfaces and
Brander, 2006a; Kench et al., 2009c, 2009d). the progressive increase in the seaward island margin closer to
Observations of nearshore hydrodynamics have also the reef edge.
shown that reef platform shape can impart significant control On large atolls with linear rims, the refraction of waves
on hydrodynamics of reef surfaces (Figure 15). On small reef around reef platforms and islands is prevented by the reef
platforms it is possible that incident swell is able to refract structure (Figure 15(b)). In these settings, wave energy,
completely around the reef edge and control depositional current and sediment-transport gradients are unidirectional
nodes on reefs (Gourlay, 1988, 2011a; Figure 15(a)). Under from the reef edge to lagoon (e.g., Kench, 1998b; Kench and
such circumstances, field measurements have shown that McLean, 2004). Consequently, the limit of sediment accu-
greater energy levels can occur on leeward shorelines (Jago mulation is controlled by the competency of flow to transport
et al., 2007; Samosorn and Woodroffe, 2008; Kench et al., sediment of varied grain size. Under such process conditions,
2009a). As both wave and current energy decline from the reef islands can grow through seaward deposition across reefs and
edge across reef platforms, the intersection of energy gradients the seaward margin increases in height (Figure 15(c)). In large
across small platforms provides the critical nodal point for atolls, localized lagoon-generated wave energy can influence
sediment accumulation (Figure 15(c)). As islands build the shoreline of islands, although this energy gradient is
and prograde across reef surfaces, shorelines are placed in typically lower in magnitude and promotes the formation
increasingly energetic conditions. Consequently, shoreline of lower-elevation lagoon ridges (Kench et al., 2006a;
runup processes are more energetic and this mechanism Figure 15(c)).
354 Coral Systems Reef Island Morphodynamics wave events. For instance, Hurricane Hattie caused mass
destruction of some reef islands in the Belize Barrier Reef
Reef islands are dynamic landforms that are in continual ad- (Stoddart, 1963). In storm-dominated reef settings, islands
justment to changes in the process regime forced by alterations are commonly composed of coarse rubble on their exposed
in climate, oceanographic boundary conditions, and sediment reef margins, whereas islands on leeward reefs are typically
supply. These boundary conditions force morphological composed of sand.
change at a range of temporal scales. Evidence that reef islands Storm events are able to erode large volumes of material
are dynamic landforms has long been recognized by geo- from living coral communities on the forereef, and deposit
morphologists (Verstappen, 1954; Stoddart, 1965; Hopley, this sediment on the reef surface and on islands (Scoffin,
1978). Typical morphological adjustments observed include 1993). For example, Hurricane Bebe in 1972 deposited
shoreline erosion, accretion, sediment washover, shoreline 1.4 106 m3 of storm rubble on the windward reef flat of
realignment, and island migration. However, the issue of is- Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu (Maragos et al., 1973). Subsequent re-
land stability and change has recently emerged as a topic of working of this storm rubble onto island shorelines increased
international interest in the context of global climate change. island area by approximately 10% (Baines and McLean, 1976).
Consequently, there has been an increase in studies examining Sequential deposition of storm rubble banks is clearly a
the physical responses of islands to changing environmental mechanism of island formation as demonstrated at Lady Elliot
conditions. Island, Great Barrier Reef (Chivas et al., 1986; Hayne and
Extreme events (cyclones and tsunami) can impart both Chappell, 2001). Recent tsunami events also provide analogs
erosional and constructional responses on reef islands. Bay- of the impact of extreme wave inundation on reef islands.
liss-Smith (1988) proposed one of the earliest morphody- The first quantitative observations of tsunami impacts were
namic models in which the mode of change was dependent undertaken in the Maldives where detailed mapping of island
upon variations in the interplay between the caliber of island morphology and sediments before and after the Indian Ocean
sediments (gravel or sand) and the frequency and intensity of tsunami (2004) identified both erosion scarping of island
storms (Figure 16). Islands in reef environments with low shorelines and vertical building of islands through washover
storm frequency are generally composed of sand-size material of beach sediments to island surfaces (Kench et al., 2006b,
(sand cays), which are susceptible to erosion during extreme 2008).
Storm intensity

0 Time (yrs) 100


Gravel shoreline
Island volume

Sand shoreline

0 Time (yrs) 100


Figure 16 Conceptual model of reef island morphodynamics in response to storm events. (a) Conceptual storm frequency and intensity. (b)
Morphological response of sand cays and shingle islands. Gray line in (b) depicts short-term shoreline dynamics. Reproduced with permission
from Figure 7.13 in Kench, P.S., Perry, C.T., Spencer, T., 2009a. Coral reefs. In: Slaymaker, O., Spencer,T., Embleton-Hamann, C. (Eds.),
Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 180–213.
Coral Systems 355

At seasonal timescales, oscillations in wind and wave cli- and rates of landform development both within and between
mate have been correlated with predictable changes in island reef regions.
shorelines. For example, Kench and Brander (2006a) exam- Whereas the theory of plate tectonics and deep drilling of
ined the morphological sensitivity of 13 islands in the reef systems led to the ultimate explanation for the enduring
Maldives to predictable changes in monsoon conditions problem of coral reef structure and distribution, a set of
(Kench et al., 2006a). Results showed large (up to 53 m of higher-frequency boundary controls govern the formation
beach change) and rapid excursions of beach material of contemporary reef landforms. Sea-level change, accom-
around island shorelines in response to monsoonally forced modation space, carbonate cycling (that control framework
changes in nearshore circulation. However, at the annual production, generation of detrital sediment, and cemen-
scale, seasonal oscillations in morphology were balanced. tation), and prevailing process regimes are now recognized as
The magnitude of seasonal morphological change and sensi- the primary factors that influence the formation, mode of
tivity of islands to change were found to vary between islands development, and contemporary dynamics of reef landforms.
as a function of reef platform shape, which controls wave Eco-morphodynamics provides a powerful framework to
refraction patterns. Kench and Brander (2006a) proposed examine the co-adjustment of these physical and ecological
the island oscillation index to predict the sensitivity of islands processes in reef systems. This framework has been con-
to changes in wave climate. Analysis showed that circular is- structed and validated through field investigations and pro-
lands were most sensitive to changes in incident-wave vides critical insights into the geomorphic development of reef
processes. landforms (Figure 3). First, the relative importance of con-
At interannual to decadal timescales, changes in wind re- trolling factors varies across a range of temporal and spatial
gime (e.g., El-Nino Southern Oscillation variations) and their scales. For example, although sea level is a critical factor in
impact on reef processes (waves, currents, and sediment modulating reef growth at centennial time frames, it is of
transport) have been implicated in the physical adjustment subordinate importance in controlling shoreline dynamics of
of islands on reef surfaces (Verstappen, 1954; Flood, 1986; reef islands, which are controlled by a contemporary process
Aston, 1995; Solomon and Forbes, 1999; Dawson and regime. Regional differences in sea-level change also control
Smithers, 2010). Most recently, Webb and Kench (2010) spatial variations in of reef development (Figures 10 and 11).
examined inter-decadal changes in the planform character- Second, the magnitude, mode, and timescales of geomorphic
istics of atoll islands in the central Pacific. The timescale of change (responsiveness) in reef landforms vary considerably
analysis corresponded to a period of recorded sea-level rise of between different components of a reef system (e.g., reef
2 mm yr1. Results showed that all islands had undergone structure vs. island beaches). Third, the eco-morphodynamic
morphological change, although the style and magnitude model identifies feedbacks that can be temporally specific,
of change varied. Forty-three percent of islands increased in or cascade across timescales and geomorphic components
area on reef platforms surfaces; another 42% showed little of a reef system, providing self-organization to landform
net change; and 15% of islands contracted in area. The net development (e.g., sea level, reef growth, and process charac-
changes masked larger gross morphological adjustments in teristics). Fourth, feedbacks may also be nonlinear, with sig-
islands. In particular, shoreline erosion and lateral extension nificant time lags for changes to propagate through the
of islands were common. Collectively, these adjustments in- geomorphic system (e.g., ecological transitions and their im-
dicated migration of islands on reef platforms toward the pact on the geomorphic system). Although such relationships
lagoon. Such findings are consistent with those of Stoddart are becoming better understood, system sensitivities, thresh-
(1963), who attributed lagoon migration of islands in the olds, temporal lags, feedbacks, and timescales of relevance to
Belize Barrier Reef to rising sea level. reef geomorphic development and change are poorly resolved
and are an important priority for research.
The recognition that coral reef landform development
spans event to millennial timescales indicates that geo-
10.13.9 Summary and Conclusions morphology is uniquely placed to contribute to global dis-
cussions on the trajectory of reef landforms in response to
The depth of understanding of the complexity and controls on global environmental change. In particular, geomorphology is
coral reef geomorphology has increased significantly over the able to evaluate the role of short-term ecological transitions in
last century. Early investigations laid a descriptive foundation the context of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the geo-
of the form and distribution of coral reefs and sought coherent morphic system. In this regard, assumptions of simple linear
explanations to account for the presence of reef systems at the responses that suggest that reef ecological decline always
ocean-basin scale. Shifts in scale of analysis to the individual produces losses in reef structure and reef landforms must be
reef unit, and to a focus on process controls at short time- challenged in the context of the effects on carbonate cycling;
scales, aided by developments in field methods and analytical the extent and duration of ecological decline; the time lag for
techniques, allowed new understanding of the geomorphic of any impact on the carbonate factory to propagate through the
reef systems to emerge (Spencer et al., 2008). This complexity geomorphic system; recognition of which landforms may be
is expressed in the diversity of landforms recognized on reef affected; and the mode and magnitude of response of land-
systems, which span, for example, entire reef platforms at the forms (see Hopley et al., 2007; Kench et al., 2009a for recent
macro-scale, sedimentary landform units at the meso-scale to syntheses).
cemented beach rock at the micro-scale. Most significant Although our understanding of reef geomorphological
has been the recognition of the heterogeneity in the patterns systems has improved markedly, a number of significant gaps
356 Coral Systems

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Biographical Sketch

Paul Kench is associate professor in the School of Environment at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He
obtained his PhD from the University of New South Wales in Australia where he studied the hydrodynamics and
sediment-transport processes in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean. He has held academic posts at the
University of Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Waikato, New Zealand. As a coastal geomorphologist,
his principal field of research interest is coral reef geomorphology. He has active research interests in reef island
formation and the process controls on reef island change and has current projects underway in the Maldives,
Tuvalu, and Marshall Islands.
10.14 Mangrove Systems
T Spencer and I Möller, University of Cambridge, Downing Place, Cambridge, UK
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.14.1 Introduction 361 Geomorphology and Mangrove Morphodynamics 362
10.14.2 Large-Scale Controls on Mangroves 363 Global Distribution 363 Geological Controls on Mangrove Distributions 364 Mangrove Forest Development and Long-Term Sea-Level Change 365
10.14.3 Regional Scale Dynamics of Mangrove Forests 366 Introduction 366 Microtidal, Deltaic Settings 367 Meso- to Macrotidal, Deltaic–Estuarine Settings 368 Open Coasts 368 Carbonate Settings 368
10.14.4 Local-Scale Dynamics 368 Water Movement in Mangroves 369 Wave Dissipation in Mangroves 372 Sedimentation Processes in Mangroves 373 Timescales of sedimentation 373 Inorganic surface sedimentation 374 Organic Near-Surface Sedimentation 376 Subsurface Processes and Surface-Elevation Change 377
10.14.5 Regional, Event-Based Dynamics 378 Mangrove Surface-Elevation Change, Hurricanes, and Cyclones 379 Mangroves and Tsunamis 381
10.14.6 Mangroves and Global Environmental Change 382
10.14.7 Concluding Remarks: Geomorphology and Mangroves in the Twentieth Century 383
References 386

Glossary Ecological services The benefits that particular

Clementsian successional model Highly influential ecosystems provide through their existence to their
deterministic model of vegetation change that which surroundings, both in their immediate vicinity and globally
dominated plant ecology in the early twentieth century. (e.g., through the ecosystem’s modification of atmospheric
Associated with Frederic Clements (1874–1945), who composition). Although such services benefit all living
argued that successional sequences of communities (seres), organisms, the benefit of ecological services to humans has
following environmental disturbance, were highly become increasingly recognized over recent years and is
predictable and culminated in a climatically determined commonly categorized into ‘regulatory’ (e.g., climate
stable climax state in which vegetation is best suited to local regulation via carbon sequestration), ‘provisioning’ (e.g.,
conditions. agricultural produce), ‘supporting’ (e.g., soil formation),
Cyanobacteria Photosynthesizing bacteria (single cell and ‘cultural’ (e.g., spiritual, aesthetic) services.
or colonial species) that are common in almost Effective length scale A parameter that is a function of the
any environment on the Earth and play a significant projected area of all mangrove vegetation elements (A) and
role in the Earth’s total photosynthetic activity. In the volume of the vegetation (VM) within a total volume of
mangrove ecosystems, their presence is particularly flow (V ( ¼ water depth (H)  surface area)). It is calculated
important in fixing nitrogen as part of the microbial as (V  VM)/A and has been shown to be related to the drag
communities that, as filamentous mats, also act to stabilize induced by the vegetation under particular flow speeds, that
the soil surface. is, to the flow retardation properties of the vegetation.

Spencer, T., Möller, I., 2013. Mangrove systems. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in
Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 360–391.

360 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Mangrove Systems 361

Gap-phase dynamics in mangrove forest Canopy gap particularly Henry C Cowles (1869–1939). Used in a
creation, following disturbances that range in scale from mangrove context, particularly by BG Thom, to stress the
individual treefalls to large, extensive canopy gaps created interactions between forest hydrology, sedimentation,
by storms, hurricanes, or lightning strikes, sets in train a subsidence, vegetation colonization, and mangrove peat
complex process of mangrove forest succession and development in deltaic environments and explain the shifts
regrowth, generally referred to as gap-phase dynamics. At in mangrove location and the impact upon the topographic
any one point in time the mangrove forest shows a mosaic changes accompanying the delta cycle of distributary
of canopy structures, with different forest patches of varying inception, growth, and decay.
planform and at differing phases of recovery following gap Pneumatophores Rubbery, semirigid aerial roots covered
creation. in pores, or lenticels, which promote the direct exchange of
Hypersalinity A situation in which the salinity of coastal oxygen between the atmosphere and internal plant tissues
or estuarine waters in a given setting exceeds usual marine and thus allow respiration in environments where soils are
salinities (30–35 ppt). This situation can arise in hot waterlogged. These ‘breathing straws’ are common in some
climates, when freshwater input is less than losses occurring species of mangrove (such as the black mangrove Avicennia
through evaporation and (where salinity exceeds around germinans), with radiating root networks protruding upward
90 ppt) can put excessive stress on mangroves, resulting in through the soil surface.
stunted growth. Tidal subsidy model Based on EP Odum’s (1913–2002)
Outwelling hypothesis The notion that highly productive observation of the positive correlation between tidal
tidal coastal wetlands (including mangroves) act as net range and salt marsh standing crop, this model argues
exporters of nutrients and organic matter to adjacent waters. that tidal power subsidies the functions of nutrient flux,
The idea is generally associated with the studies of EP recycling, waste management, and oxygen supply to root
Odum (1913–2002) on US east coast wetlands in the systems and microbial communities in coastal ecosystems,
1960s, but has been much debated since then, with allowing plants to divert more converted solar energy
subsequent research highlighting the difficulty of (photosyntates) to vegetative productivity. Only at the
establishing nutrient budgets in coastal wetland extremes of tidal range do tidally driven stresses exceed the
environments, their seasonal and event-related variability, subsidy effect. In the 1980s, these ideas were extended to
and their dependency on both tidal hydrodynamics and accretionary processes in coastal wetlands to suggest a
wetland elevation, size, and coastal setting. similar positive correlation between tidal range and the
Physiographic ecology Associated with the early ability of wetland surface accretion to keep pace with sea-
twentieth century Chicago School of ecology, and level rise.


Geomorphological landforms and processes underpin the valuable ecological functions and ecosystem services performed
by river-dominated, tide-dominated, and interior mangrove forest systems. At the local scale, mangrove system morpho-
dynamics are characterized by complex interactions between tidal channel flows and shallow-flooded vegetated surfaces,
with wave energy dissipation across mangrove margins. Surface-elevation change in mangroves reflects the balance between
surface sedimentation processes and subsurface processes and, exceptionally, responses to hurricane and tsunami impacts.
Geomorphology has a role to play in assessments of mangrove status under anthropogenic pressures and in providing
insights into trajectories for effective mangrove rehabilitation and restoration.

10.14.1 Introduction vegetate the upper intertidal areas of tropical coastlines, typi-
cally at levels from just below mean sea level to ca. 2 m above
Mangroves are plants (mostly tree species) that show a series this level (Ellison, 2009).
of physiological, morphological, and life history adaptations In recent decades, mangroves have been seen to provide a
to the difficulties of both establishment in mobile substrates wide range of ecological services (although not all these per-
subject to current flows and wave activity, and subsequent ceived benefits have been rigorously tested and proven ac-
survival over a wide range of salinities (0–90%) in water- cording to Manson et al., 2005). Thus it has been claimed that
logged, anoxic sediments. These remarkable adaptations in- mangroves: (1) provide important nursery grounds for juvenile
clude prop, ‘knee,’ and buttress roots, oxygen-capturing fish and shellfish; (2) through the outwelling of nutrients, crit-
pneumatophores, salt exclusion and secretion mechanisms, ically support estuarine, and nearshore productivity (Boto and
and viviparous seedlings (Figure 1; e.g., Lugo and Snedaker, Robertson, 1990; Twilley et al., 1996); (3) protect against coastal
1974; Tomlinson, 1986; Saenger, 2002). In addition, highly flooding and erosion (Gedan et al., 2011); (4) act as nutrient
evolved plant–soil–microbe relations allow the efficient use of and pollutant filters; and (5) play a key role in global biogeo-
nutrients, rapidly cycled between trees and large belowground chemical cycling through the sequestration of carbon (Twilley
reservoirs (Alongi, 2005, 2008). As forests, they can densely et al., 1992; Bouillon et al., 2008). The mangrove ecosystem
362 Mangrove Systems

Figure 1 (left) Rhizophora mucronata and (right) Avicennia officinalis, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Singapore Island. Photo by T. Spencer.

demonstrates an important set of feedback relationships be- that underpin the ecological functions and values identified
tween biological activity, landform evolution, and water flows. above. The exact nature of these linkages has been contested,
These relationships have important implications for mangrove even though the relevant fluxes are all controlled by tidal
clearance, timber extraction patterns from mangrove forests, and exchange and freshwater flows. As Woodroffe (1992) has re-
rules for the replanting and restoration of mangrove (Mazda marked, biologists typically see mangrove ecosystems as out-
et al., 2005). Planting of dense thickets of mangrove may meet welling systems and highly productive ‘sources’ of organic
coastal protection needs but equally influence exchanges of matter, whereas the geological view sees mangrove forests as
water, sediments, and nutrients that maintain system health and efficient sediment ‘sinks,’ capable of building substantial
vigor (Sanford, 2009). These exchanges depend on the inter- thicknesses of coastal sediments. These two positions can be
action of wave and tidal hydrodynamics, surface elevations, and reconciled by seeing them as two coordinates within the range
the characteristics of the vegetation canopy. of interlinked space and timescales that characterize mangrove
In spite of the recognition of these critical roles and system dynamics.
interrelationships, degradation and loss of mangrove eco- This hierarchy of space and timescales has been recognized
systems over the past three decades has been intense and by several authors. Thus Thom (1984) identified three com-
appears to be increasing (Valiela et al., 2001; McFadden et al., ponents – ‘background’ geophysical, geomorphic, and
2007). The immediate concern, therefore, is to determine what biologic – within mangrove systems, with the second com-
benefits are lost as sizeable areas of wetland are converted to ponent being divided into three spatial scales, from general
other uses as a result of coastal development and population character of sedimentation, through dominance of particular
growth (Barbier et al., 2008a). These issues were brought into processes, to the sublandform scale of microtopography. These
sharp relief by the impact of the Asian tsunami in December ideas were taken up by Semeniuk (1985) who distinguished
2004 where it was widely claimed that the presence of man- between the large-scale ‘occurrence’; the medium-scale ‘com-
groves significantly reduced loss of life and property behind position’; and the small-scale ‘zonation’ of mangrove com-
them; we return to these issues, which have become highly munities on the coast of NW Australia. Similarly, Twilley and
politicized (see Section We note here, however, Rivera-Monroy (2009) provided the hierarchical sequence of
that one result of this controversy has been that coastal sci- global distribution, geomorphologic type, ecological type, and
entists have identified a need for ‘‘ ‘detangling the effect’ habitat unit (Figure 2).
of the physical and vegetative properties that determine Finally, Woodroffe (2002) identified a range of timescales,
whether mangrovesyare effective coastal barriers against from seconds to millions of years, over which physical factors
periodic, economically damaging storm events’’ (Barbier et al., and biological processes operate on mangrove shorelines
2008b). A research agenda has been proposed to provide an (Figure 3). Thus, for example, ecological changes occur on
‘‘in-depth investigation of the protection function of various timescales of minutes to days for physiological functions,
mangrove formations and coast-geomorphological settings, months to years for tree growth and replacement, and decades
various root types and various species compositions’’ (Koe- to centuries for large-scale changes in forest community
dam and Dahdouh-Gerbas, 2008; and see also Cochard et al., structure (Alongi, 2008).
2008). These ideas all represent different perspectives on the
broader conceptual framework of coastal morphodynamics:
the mutual coadjustment of coastal form and process. Such
approaches have been very effectively applied to coastal geo- Geomorphology and Mangrove Morphodynamics
morphology (e.g., Cowell and Thom, 1994), not least in
The particular focus of this chapter is a belief in the need identifying the critical time and space scales – variously des-
to appreciate the geomorphological landforms and processes ignated ‘historical,’ ‘engineering,’ ‘planning,’ and ‘societal’ – for
Mangrove Systems 363

Global distribution:

25° N

25° S
Oceanic Geomorphologic type:
Islands Environmental settings

km 2
Ecological type:
Hydrology and
Lagoon Estuary topography



Riverine Fringe

Habitat units:

and soil

Resource gradients

Regulator gradients

Hydroperiod gradients

Figure 2 Hierarchical classification system to describe patterns of mangrove structure and function based on global, geomorphological
(regional), and ecological (local) factors. Reproduced from Twilley, R.R., Rivera-Monroy, V.H., 2009. Ecogeomorphic models of nutrient
biogeochemistry for mangrove wetlands. In: Perillo, G.M.E., Wolanski, E., Cahoon, D.R., Brinson, M.M. (Eds.), Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated
Ecosystem Approach. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 641–683.

human responses to global environmental change. Such 181 103 km2 (Spalding et al., 1997), although this team has
models have recently been extended to better understand the recently revised their total downward to 152 103 km2
medium-term dynamics of coral reef geomorphic systems (Spalding et al., 2010). This is comparable to the 2003 FAO
(Perry et al., 2008) and are here applied to mangrove systems estimate of 147 103 km2 (Wilkie and Fortuna, 2003).
(Figure 4). This chapter is structured around key observations More than 50 species of mangrove exist. Diversity is
and issues that occur at these different, yet interlinked, space greatest in the Indo-Pacific biogeographic province, with a
and timescales. second center of diversity broadly comparable in the Atlantic
province (Figure 5). This pattern is widely regarded as being
determined over evolutionary timescales by patterns of con-
tinental coalescence and fragmentation, driven by long-term
10.14.2 Large-Scale Controls on Mangroves
plate tectonic processes (Duke et al., 1998). Such processes
may also explain what appear to be the extended latitudinal Global Distribution
extent of populations, possibly relict, of Avicennia subspecies
Considerable variability exists in the estimated global coverage on the coasts of Southeastern Australia and the North Island,
of mangrove ecosystems (Ruiz-Luna et al., 2008). Reports New Zealand (Saintilan et al., 2009).
of the size of mangrove areas range from as small as Equatorial mangrove communities can support a dry
100 103 km2 (Bunt, 1992) to as large as 240 103 km2 weight biomass of up to 300–500 tons ha1 and rates of net
(Twilley et al., 1992). A commonly quoted figure is that of primary production can be very similar to those of tropical
364 Mangrove Systems

Eustatic sea level
Ocean circulation
Steric sea level
Channel migration
Floods and storms
Waterbody mixing

Biological Evolution
Mangrove life history
Salt marsh plants
Epidemic diseases
Propagule viability
Organism interactions

Seconds 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014

Years 100 102 104 106 108

(b) Time
Figure 3 Timescales over which (a) physical factors and (b) biological processes operate on mangrove shorelines. Reproduced with permission
from Figure 8.22 in Woodroffe, C.D., 2002. Coasts: Form, Process, and Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

rainforest (Clough, 1992; Alongi, 2002). There are strong Australia supports four species of mangrove compared to
latitudinal gradients away from the Equator in mangrove 20 species at the same latitude on the wetter east coast
biomass and litterfall (Saenger and Snedaker, 1993) and in net (Duke et al., 1998). Rainfall also plays an important role in
primary productivity (Alongi, 2009). Most contemporary determining mangrove distributions. This is partly because
latitudinal limits to mangrove establishment appear to be low precipitation and high evaporation rates lead to hyper-
largely determined by temperature. Mangroves are restricted to salinity (and the replacement of mangrove communities by
coastlines where the mean air temperature of the coldest unvegetated salt flats; e.g. as seen in Senegal in the 1980s
month exceeds 20 1C and the seasonal range is less than 10 1C, (Diop et al., 1997)) and partly because the combination of
definitions that correlate with the sea-surface temperature temperature and moisture determines soil mineralogy,
20 1C isotherm and susceptibility to episodes of frost (Saenger which itself influences mangrove colonization and growth.
et al., 1997; Woodroffe and Grindrod, 1991; Saintilan et al., Most (90%) of the world’s mangroves occur in the humid
2009). Avicennia appears to be more tolerant of low tem- tropics (precipitation/potential evapotranspiration (P/Etp)
peratures than Rhizophora or Laguncularia (Markley et al., 40.75). Mangroves rarely occur in subhumid climates (P/Etp
1982). In the northern Gulf of Mexico, there is a fluctuating 0.50–0.70), are uncommon on semiarid coasts, and are rare
interplay between the presence of mangrove and salt marsh on arid coasts, only occurring where some winter rain occurs
vegetation. Mild winters favor the colonization of A. germinans (Blasco, 1984).
whereas sequences of winter freezes result in mangrove mor-
tality and expansion of the cordgrass Spartina alterniflora
(Stevens et al., 2006). Conversely, drought periods appear to Geological Controls on Mangrove Distributions
promote die-back in Spartina although allowing the spread of
Avicennia (McKee et al., 2004). The northernmost mangroves These climatic controls provide necessary, but not sufficient,
on the east coast of the Americas occur in Bermuda (321 180 N) controls on the distribution of mangroves. This potential
as a result of the influence of the Gulf Stream and the absence for establishment is only translated into occupation if
of freezing temperatures. Ellison (2009) argued that the suitable substrates and accommodation space are available,
presence of cold western boundary currents restricts latitudinal generally controlled at this scale by plate tectonic setting.
extension on west coasts compared to east coasts. Differences Inman and Nordstrom (1971) distinguished between collision
in species diversity also occur. Thus the drier west coast of (or active) coasts that are characterized by rocky, steep margins
Mangrove Systems 365


Millennia response to
Geomorphic sea-level and
Centuries Changing changes
sediment supply

Decades Ecological
Temporal scale


Surface elevation
Years events

growth and
Days Tides
Sediment transport
Hours Waves

0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Spatial scale (km)
scale Within-forest
scale Geomorphic
Figure 4 Time–space hierarchy of processes operating within mangrove forest environments. Adapted from timeframes and spatial scales
identified in coastal geomorphology (e.g., Cowell and Thom, 1994; Perry et al., 2008).


Low High

Figure 5 Global distribution of mangroves (modified from Veron, 1995). Scale of diversity ranges from 0 to 10 species (low); 10–50 species
(medium); and 450 species (high). Adapted with permission from Figure 1.7 in Slaymaker, O., Spencer, T., Embleton-Hamann, C. (Eds.), 2009.
Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

landward of narrow continental shelves, and trailing-edge (or as exemplified by the island arc coasts of SE Asia. Finally, it
passive) coasts that are low-gradient sedimentary coasts, as- must be recognized that mangrove distributions have been
sociated with major river systems and generally supporting severely modified by anthropogenic removal in many parts of
major delta complexes, and fronted by wide continental the world (Spalding et al., 2010).
shelves. These contrasts are particularly well developed in
South and Central America; the extensive coastal wetlands of
the Guineas, SW Atlantic coast (discussed in Section Mangrove Forest Development and Long-Term, can be contrasted with the more restricted areas of
Sea-Level Change
mangrove forest associated with the coastal margins of the
Pacific coast (West, 1977). However, active tectonics can de- In many locations, contemporary mangrove systems form
liver large sediment loads to tropical and subtropical coasts a surface veneer over deep sequences of mangrove peats
and build deltaic plains that are then colonized by mangroves, of Holocene age. These settings reflect the coincidence of
366 Mangrove Systems

relatively stable sea levels over the past 7000 years with detail at these regional scale dynamics and the types of man-
the presence of near-horizontal, near-sea-level surfaces grove systems associated with them.
(Woodroffe and Davies, 2009). Mangrove systems on low-
gradient continental shelves probably tracked the lateral
movement of the shoreline with postglacial sea-level rise
10.14.3 Regional Scale Dynamics of Mangrove
(which may have been over hundreds of kilometers in some
locations, such as the Sunda and Sahul Shelf regions of
Australasia). By contrast, mangroves on steep-sided oceanic Introduction
atolls were most likely drowned by the rapid rates of sea-level
rise at ca. 8 ka BP and only recolonized by mangroves with the The large-scale expressions of mangrove extent determined by
establishment of reef top islands at 3–4 ka BP (Woodroffe and continental-scale structural geology and Holocene sea-level
Grindrod, 1991). The details of the presence/absence and history are translated downward into finer-scale patterning
positioning of mangroves, and their long-term (thousand related to regional geomorphological setting (Figure 2). Tra-
year) development, are likely to have been strongly influenced ditionally, explanations of mangrove ecology have been
by regional variations in the nature of Holocene sea-level underpinned by a Clementsian model of plant community
change, and the reflection of these changes in shifts in the succession. At a point in space, such an approach incorporates
position of not only Mean Sea Level (MSL) but also the the idea that each plant community actively ‘prepares the
Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) (Woodroffe, 2002). In par- ground’ for the next stage in development, ultimately leading
ticular, Woodroffe (1992) has drawn attention to the funda- to a nonmangrove, perhaps tropical rainforest ‘climax’ com-
mental difference between Western Atlantic/Caribbean Sea munity. With model application to regions where active
and Indo-Pacific Holocene sea-level histories. In the case of sedimentation leads to the seaward progradation of the
the former, sea-level rise has taken place at a decelerating rate shoreline, this temporal sequence should be seen at a point in
over the last 6000 years and only reached its present level in time, through a pattern of shore-parallel zones of vegetation
the last 1000 years (Toscano and Macintyre, 2003). In the types. There are clearly instances where high sediment supply
latter case, sea level reached its present level at ca. 6 ka BP and and a gentle offshore gradient facilitate rapid shoreline pro-
then remained at this level, or fell back from a slightly higher gradation, and where a succession of mangrove types occur.
level between ca. 5 and 2 ka BP, to the present (Montaggioni, The classic location most often quoted is the west coast of
2005). In tropical estuaries, mangrove forests initially mi- Malaysia (Watson, 1928; Carter, 1959), but similar patterns of
grated vertically and up-estuary as former river valleys were mangrove progression over extending mud flats have been
flooded in the early stages of the postglacial transgression. reported from Thailand (Panapitukkul et al., 1998). However,
Following sea level stabilization in the period sometime after another major successional example, Davis’ (1940) model of
6 ka BP, estuarine embayments began to infill with sediments mangrove community transitions for the Florida mangroves,
and associated mangrove communities. Woodroffe (1992) has been shown to be only locally applicable and in-
identified three models of infill. Model 1 is a progradational appropriately applied to a partially transgressive, rather than
model, where an initial mangrove fringe is replaced by a more a simply regressive, shoreline (Woodroffe, 1992). Finally,
seaward mangrove belt backed by higher, nonmangrove es- Semeniuk (1980) has demonstrated that zoned mangrove
tuarine plains. Model 2 is a ‘big swamp’ model, characterized shorelines in King Sound, Western Australia, are characteristic
by the rapid development of extensive mangrove forest in a of a retreating coast, undergoing sheet erosion, cliff erosion,
short time period (6.8–5.3 ka BP in northern Australia and tidal creek extension. It is now clear, therefore, that the
(Woodroffe et al., 1985)). This phase was followed by the successional model forms only one of a series of mangrove
evolution of a funnel-shaped tidal river into a sinuous, me- response models. Furthermore, and fundamentally, it seems
andering channel with mangrove replacement by, depending more appropriate to see mangroves as responding opportun-
on climate, peat swamp forest, or temperate wetlands, or istically to the presence of surfaces at appropriate elevations
unvegetated forest sabkas (Woodroffe, 1993). In Model 3, the and with substrate characteristics conducive to mangrove
barrier estuary/mud basin setting, mangroves colonize pro- colonization and community development. In deltaic en-
tected shores behind estuarine barriers, and fringe infilling vironments, the classic example of this approach comes from
mudbasins as estuarine embayments evolve toward channel- the ‘physiographic ecology’ of BG Thom (Zimmerman and
ized systems that send high river discharges directly to the Thom, 1982). This model explained the patterning of man-
coast (Woodroffe, 1992). In all of these cases, and in the case grove communities in Tabasco, Mexico, as a response to
of mangrove swamp development in carbonate settings (e.g., the changing distribution of active and abandoned deltaic
Ten Thousand Islands, SW Florida (Parkinson, 1989)), it is distributary channels. In carbonate settings, Woodroffe (1982)
clear that major changes in mangrove position and extent can has shown how mangrove communities on Grand Cayman,
be triggered by quite small changes in the rate of sea-level West Indies, have been controlled by an underlying karstic
change. Furthermore, even at the same rates of sea-level basement. Furthermore, Stoddart (1980) has demonstrated
change, changes in sediment supply can switch a mangrove how the expansion of a mangrove parkland on platform reef
system from shoreline progradation to shoreline retreat. Such surfaces on the northern Great Barrier Reef has been triggered
changes may be anthropogenically driven. Thus in southern by the development, following cyclones, of protective
Thailand, the damming of major rivers appears to have ag- reef-marginal coral-rubble ramparts. The implications of
gravated the rate of mangrove loss and coastal erosion such studies, therefore, are that mangroves respond oppor-
(Thampanya et al., 2006). The next section now looks in more tunistically to geomorphological change rather than actively
Mangrove Systems 367

determining that change. Furthermore, the resulting spatial Interior

patterning of mangrove communities is unlikely to show
a banded zonation but rather a more complex mosaic of
mangrove types, driven by rapidly fluctuating physiochemical Sink
conditions, and quite subtle variations in surface-elevation
and substrate characteristics. In such a mosaic, individual Hammock
species can recur at more than one elevation (Bunt, 1996).
Importantly, these different geomorphic settings can be Scrub
married to a complementary classification scheme that stresses
system function. Woodroffe (1992) proposed three end Riverine Overwash
members (Figure 6(a)) based on the dominant controlling
physical processes: river-dominated; tide-dominated; and in-
terior mangrove forests, mapping onto this ternary diagram
Strongly Bidirectional
the six neotropical mangrove types identified by Lugo and outwelling Fringe flux
others (Lugo et al., 1976; Cintrón et al., 1986). Ewel, Twilley,
and co-workers subsequently recast this approach using the River Tide
dominated dominated
terms riverine (for river-dominated), fringe (tide-dominated),
and basin (interior) mangrove forests (Figure 6(b)).
They further divided the riverine forests into those char- Basin
acteristic of muddy, deltaic coasts, of typically near fully-
marine salinity, and estuarine systems, typified by a range
of fluvial and marine sediment inputs and corresponding
salinity values. Mangrove forests on carbonate coasts do not fit
easily into any of these classifications. They are perhaps best Flooding Flooding
viewed as an extreme example of tide-dominated systems, frequency frequency
from river from tides
with no freshwater input (Twilley and Rivera-Monroy, 2009).
Woodroffe (1992) also identified mangrove forests associated
with drowned bedrock valleys outside of this scheme.
It has been argued (Twilley, 1995) that substantial differ-
ences exist in hydrology, nutrient cycling, and ecological
productivity between the three major functional groups. Thus,
echoing the ‘tidal subsidy’ model of EP Odum (1980), and
ideas developed for the ecological (Reed, 1995) and sedi-
Riverine Fringe
mentary (Stevenson et al., 1986) performance of tidal marsh Salinity of floodwaters
systems, greater flow rates along the gradient riverine – fringe – (b)
basin mangrove are likely to be matched by increasing prod- Figure 6 (a) Relationships among three functional types of
uctivity. This is because of the increased supply of nutrients mangrove forests (river-dominated, tide-dominated, and interior
and mineral sediments, the lower accumulation of toxic sub- sites), dominant physical processes (in italics), and six types of
stances in porewater, and the greater aeration of the soil matrix neotropical forest types (after Woodroffe, 1992); (b) three functional
along this gradient (Ewel et al., 1998). These effects become types and process gradients. Reproduced from Ewel, K.C., Twilley,
more important with increasing drainage basin size. According R.R., Ong, J.E., 1998. Different kinds of mangrove forest provides
different goods and services. Global Ecology and Biogeography
to Duarte et al. (1998, p. 277), in The Philippines and
Letters 7, 83–94, with permission from Wiley.
southern Thailand, ‘‘most (460%) of the variance in man-
grove growth rate across systems could be accounted for by
differences in the nutrient concentration of the leaves, which
was in turn related to the interstitial nutrient concentration Microtidal, Deltaic Settings
and the silt plus clay content of the sediments [and] sediments
at the mouths of large rivers had high silt, clay, and nutrient In microtidal, fluvially dominated deltas, freshwater plants
contents, thus allowing the development of nutrient-sufficient, dominate where river water discharges into lagoons or onto
fast-growing R. [Rhizophora] apiculata seedlings. The growth of the continental slope; mangrove forest is restricted to the areas
R. apiculata seedlings increased significantly when the plants of higher salinity associated with abandoned distributaries
grew adjacent to rivers draining areas 410 km2.’’ and coastal lagoons. In the southern Gulf of Mexico deltas of
Examples from the various ‘end members’ are discussed Tabasco and Campeche, Mexico, Avicennia mangrove forest
in more detail below, although it must be recognized that in occurs on low levees and mudflats, Rhizophora is found on
reality individual mangrove forests sit within a continuum of stable lagoon shores and along old, deteriorating distribu-
geomorphic types. Thus, for example, mangrove commonly taries, and tall forests of Avicennia/Rhizophora/Laguncularia fill
colonizes the fringes of tropical coastal lagoons, settings formed the interdistributary bays (Thom, 1967). As mineral sediment
by the interaction of fluvial sediment supply with wave-driven inputs cease in the abandoned delta, peats develop as sub-
sediment redistribution (e.g., Niger delta, West Africa (Allen, sidence becomes all-pervasive and increasing salinities favor
1965)). the inland spread of mangrove ecosystems. The sequence is
368 Mangrove Systems

brought to a halt when freshwater flows reoccupy the site in a January and April, these mudbanks migrate westward at rates
process known as ‘delta switching.’ As in the case of salt of ca. 1.5 km a1. Individual mudbanks are separated by
marshes (Reed, 2002), there is thus a dynamic of mangrove 10–40 km wide interbank areas, the bank–interbank wave-
establishment, growth/expansion, and replacement by non- length representing a ca. 30 year cyclicity in sediment supply
mangrove systems. In the well-documented Mississippi Delta (Allison et al., 2000). Where a section of coastline is pro-
plain, this linked geomorphic and ecological cycle lasts ca. tected from wave attack by a mudbank, rapid sediment ac-
500 years (Thom, 1967). cumulation occurs as fluid muds are advected onshore,
associated with deposition rates of 8–26 106 tons a1, and
seaward progradation rates up to hundreds of meters per year
(Allison and Lee, 2004). These surfaces are rapidly colonized Meso- to Macrotidal, Deltaic–Estuarine Settings
and stabilized by mangroves (Figure 7). The upper intertidal
Mangrove forests are extensive in deltas where high sediment fringe is colonized by a mangrove ecosystem dominated by A.
loads combine with mesotidal (42 m) ranges. Locations in- germinans, associated in the pioneer settlement phase above
clude the Meghna deltaic plain of the Ganges–Brahmaputra– mean high water neaps with Laguncularia racemosa. Rhizophora
Meghna delta, Bay of Bengal (Umitsu, 1997); the abandoned mangle and Rhizophora racemosa characterize associated estu-
distributaries of the tide-dominated Mahakam River delta, arine environments and the mixed mangrove forest behind
Borneo (Allen et al., 1979); and the tide-dominated western the Avicennia zone (Plaziat and Augustinus, 2004), with the
Sundarbans, Bay of Bengal (Ellison et al., 2000). Mangrove detailed patterning of these vegetation communities deter-
forests are also strongly associated with the tidal channel mined by growth development and self-thinning processes
margins, tidal flats, and linear shoals that characterize tropical and by forest gap creation and tree regeneration (Fromard
estuarine coasts. Examples include the Ord River (Thom et al., 2004). With continued mudbank migration, however,
et al., 1975) and Darwin Harbour (Semeniuk, 1985), N these areas become subjected to wave erosion and rapid
Australia, and the Klang River, western Malaysia (Coleman shoreline retreat (Figure 7). This process removes
et al., 1970). 6–23 106 tons a1 of sediment and its mangrove cover, a
One of the most extensive mangrove areas in the world, process that continues until the arrival of the next mudbank
covering 43350 km2, characterizes the Gulf of Papua, on the system (Allison and Lee, 2004).
southeastern margin of the island of New Guinea. Here,
3.84 108 tons a1 of sediment are supplied to a broad con- Carbonate Settings
tinental shelf, principally by the Fly, Kikori, and Purari Rivers.
These river flows interact with tidally driven currents in excess Mangroves also occur where the terrestrial supply of silici-
of 1 m s1 (tidal range: 2.4–5.1 m; Dalrymple et al., 2003). In clastic sediments is low or nonexistent and is replaced by the
the period 1973–2000, the seaward margins of R. apiculata in situ supply of carbonate sediments and/or the accumulation
mangrove islands experienced erosional retreat of 200 m, of local mangrove peat deposits. Mangrove development in
creek bank environments extended by 100–200 m and there such settings is discussed in more detail below (see Section
was accretionary infill, colonized by Sonneratia lanceolata and Thom (1984) identified three carbonate settings:
Avicennia marina, over distances of 500 m between islands. carbonate platform (such as the mangrove forests of the
Vertical accretion rates varied from 1.3 to 7.2 cm a1, with the Bahamas, western Atlantic Ocean); sand-shingle barrier; and
greatest mean rates (4.4 cm a1) being at mid-intertidal ele- Quaternary reef top (Figure 8). In addition, Ellison (2009)
vations. Accretion rates were lower in the lower intertidal zone documented settings of inland mangroves, isolated from the
(where sediments were eroded by tidal currents) and in the sea. These generally occur in areas of hypersalinity and growth
upper intertidal zone (where inundation was less frequent) forms are stunted as a result (e.g., Barbuda, West Indies:
(Walsh and Nittrouer, 2004). Stoddart et al., 1973). Such mangroves are commonly sus-
tained in limestone karst terrain by subterranean conduit
connections to saltwater (e.g., Bermuda: Thomas, 1993;
Tuvalu: Woodroffe, 1987) or represent relict communities Open Coasts
stranded by Late Quaternary sea-level falls (e.g., Christmas
Mangroves can become established on open coasts, even in Island, Indian Ocean: Woodroffe, 1988).
environments of relatively high tidal and wave energy, if
mudbanks are present to dissipate incident wave energy
(Perry, 2007). The 1600 km long coastline of the Guianas 10.14.4 Local-Scale Dynamics
(French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana), NE South America,
is the longest mud shoreline on the Earth, supplied and At the habitat unit scale, three types of gradient intersect.
sustained by the silt/clay load of the Amazon River These are gradients of: (1) resources (including nutrient
(1200 106 tons a1; Meade et al., 1985). About 20% of availability (particularly of phosphorous), light levels, and
this load is deflected northwestward alongshore toward the accommodation space); (2) regulators (e.g., salinity, pH);
Orinoco delta, Venezuela (Eisma et al., 1991). Some 40% of and (3) hydroperiod (the combination of the frequency,
this sediment supply is stored in the form of some 20–25, depth, and duration of inundation). Together they determine
10–40 km long, shoreface-attached and largely subtidal patterns of soil geochemistry (Clark et al., 1998) and
mudbanks that lie subparallel to the coast (Allison et al., mangrove productivity (Chen and Twilley, 1998; Twilley
2000). Driven by the tradewinds, particularly between and Rivera-Monroy, 2009). These biogeochemical processes
Mangrove Systems 369

Erosional Sur

Older bank muds

Leading edge Coastal setup level

MHW plain
Fluid mud reservoir MLW

Older bank muds

Soft mud

Maximum progradation Mangroves


Older bank muds

Consolidating bank mud

Trailing edge to interbank

Net mudbank

Older bank muds

Figure 7 Mangroves and mudbanks, coast of French Guiana. (a) Eroded interbank surface is replaced by (b) leading edge mudbank deposition
in the subtidal zone with fluid mud delivered to the upper intertidal zone during periods of coastal wave setup. (c) Seaward progradation is
accompanied by mangrove stabilization but ceases offshore with passage of the mudbank. (d) Wave attack resumes and partially removes
sedimentary wedge, indicating net seaward growth with each mudbank–interbank cycle. Reproduced from Allison, M.A., Lee, M.T., 2004.
Sediment exchange between Amazon mudbanks and shore-fringing mangroves in French Guiana. Marine Geology 208, 169–190.

interface, in turn, with physical processes of sediment supply, characterization by a key ‘system state’ variable. Studies in tidal
subsidence, and autocompaction. Thus, for example, experi- wetlands in general have established such a variable to be
mental burial of mangrove seedlings in Southern Thailand surface elevation (French, 2006). Knowledge of spatial vari-
showed differences in seedling survivorship, height, and an- ations in surface-elevation change can give insight into the
nual internode production between three common mangrove controlling processes at work. Furthermore, elevation change
species with variations in burial depth (Thampanya et al., has significance in determining different degrees of mangrove
2002b). system vulnerability to current and near-future sea-level
In theory, it should be possible to construct budgetary rise. As well as biological processes, surface-elevation change
models to define the performance of mangrove forests under is directly linked to the movement of water over the wetland
the various combinations of biogeochemical and physical surface, continuously delivering, depositing, or removing
process regimes identified above. However, considerable material from the mangrove system.
complexity is introduced into such calculations by the inter-
actions between tidal and fluvial hydrodynamics, fine sedi-
ment transport and sedimentation, and organic soil Water Movement in Mangroves
formation. Furthermore, given the volumes of water and
sediment involved, even small errors in flux calculations can The flow of water plays an extremely important role in the
propagate into large changes in budgetary status. An alter- transport of nutrients and sediment through, into, and out
native way forward is to assess system performance through of the mangrove system (see, e.g., Van Santen et al, 2007;
370 Mangrove Systems

QUEENSLAND Shingle ramparts (steep inner sides

GREAT BARRIER REEF 15 50 numbered from interior outwards
North East
Point Upper edge of steep outer coral slope
LOW ISLES New north-east Shingle tongues of former Outer Rampart
R15 R1–R16
Lat. 16°23′ S. Long.145°34′ E. breastwork transposed from Key map of Stephenson, et al
Based on a Survey by M.A. Spender 1929 20 Migrations of Shingle 1928−1945
34 23 4 Colonisation by
with modifications by F.W.Moorhouse 1934 New Shingle breastworks
Coral Heads (Pinnacles) young rhizophora
and by R.W.Fairbridge and C.Teichert 1945 (steepsided rampart No. 4)
Non-sharply defined boundaries
20 3
Scale of feet R14 Site of “Outer Rampart”
100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 15 2 Rampart No. 3 in 1928
Depths in feet Anchorage

Vegetation areas
Porites R13 Site of Outer Rampart
10 Pond Gap D after cyclone of 1934

t es
R12 Beach rock
t ra

Beach rock temporarily

12 exposed by 1934 cyclone

Light house 5
ul R11
Sand-cay Rhizophora
Temporary Sand-spits developed Mean sea level
during northerly gales of winter. 12′ Avicennia
Greatly reduced during period Low water level
Sand Bruguiera
of S.E. Trade Winds. R9
bar Sa Young colonisation
ba R8 Deep Pools (2−3 ft.
below reef-flat level)

Sand Flat

o Mangrove


tre it

es Sp R7

Open 3
W Swamp New eastern breastwork


South-West Thalamita Flat

Green Ant


Point Island R6

Gap A Sand R5
27 Moat O New Gap
43 Fungia n
60 B ‘g
3 p la
Ga de 3



15 3


New south-east

35 2

M Mangrove breastwork
o 4 R3
Deepening of Gaps B and C by storms

between 1934–45 has led to partial R2
lowering of moat level and consequent Ga Incipient breastwork 1934
restriction of coral growth therein. Colonisation. of inner edge
15 of rampart No. 2 by
10–20 year old
South East Pr
3` ai
3 Moat Apex lin
63 R1 10 W
20 in
50 d
Ram Flat

Colonisation of inner edge of rampart No. 3

N 2 rt


by 1−5 year old rhizophora


Shingle rampet Living coral


Ft cemented coral
No 3 pavement
heads H.W.L. 62
5 Ft.
Datum 0
5 5 Isolated Avicennia only
Green Ant Island with
10 10 growing on 2nd rampart Cross Section of Rampart System
Bore to 14 feet below datum; after
grass & terrestrial vegetation on east side of Low Isles
20 20 & partly engulfed by
(shore line at lower springs)

18′′ of cemented coral debris, found Bruguiena 1945

Area of most vigorous advancing shingle
Intersection of datum

30 nothing but soft grey mud Maximum measured 30 (vertical scale exaggerated five times)
seaeard slope 41 (1:1:1) coral growth Avicennia
40 40 4th rampart
Sandhill H.W.L
50 50 10 Ft (inearly stage) 10Ft.

5 1st rampart 3rd rampart H.S.L 5

60 60 2nd rampart Datum
North-South Cross Section Traces of earlier 0
Mangrove swamp shingle Eroded Shelf, cemented
70 of Shingle Ramparts to Seaward 70
Trough with Rhizophora shingle & coral matl
80 (vertical scale exaggerated five times 80 Offshore slope
pitted & eaten as by
100 200 Feet 300 400 500 with living corals
chemical action
500 400 300 200 100 0 Feet 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 and coral heads

Figure 8 ‘Mangrove swamp’ and ‘mangrove park’ associated with carbonate reef platform at Low Isles, northern Great Barrier Reef. Reproduced
from Fairbridge, R.W., Teichert, C., 1948. The Low Isles of the Great Barrier Reef: a new analysis. Geographical Journal 111, 67–88, with
permission from Wiley.

Woodroffe, 2002). In SW Thailand, exposure to water move- creek (often41 m s1) exceed those over the swamp surface
ment is an important determinant of differences in success of by an order of magnitude, leading to water surface slopes as
seedling establishment between common mangrove species high as 1 m per 1000 m distance on the ebb tide (as water is
(Thampanya et al., 2002a). Water flows thus act as a critical being held back over the intertidal surfaces while subsiding in
control on mangrove establishment, succession, and resilience the creeks themselves) (Wolanski et al., 1992). Such water
in the face of anthropogenic and natural stresses on the surface slopes vary with vegetation type and setting. Fringing
system, although Woodroffe’s (1985a, b) studies at Tuff type mangroves, such as the Kandelia candel swamp of the Tong
Crater, New Zealand, have shown that the relationship be- King Delta, Vietnam, cause noticeably less flow asymmetry
tween flow measurements and budget estimates is complex than mangroves characterized by dense prop root and pneu-
and much uncertainty still surrounds the exact nature of matophore layers, such as Rhizophora and Bruguiera (Mazda
this linkage. Water movement in mangroves on local to et al., 1997a, 2005). Generally, ebb peak velocities in the latter
regional and instantaneous (seconds–hours) to ecological exceed flood peak velocities by 20–50%, thereby maintaining
(hours–years) scales (see Figure 4) is forced by meteoro- the channel morphology and resulting in the potential for net
logical, tidal, and climatic factors. exports of sediments and nutrients (Figure 9).
Tidal flows can act as a key control on mangrove hydro- The high friction over the mangrove forests is caused by a
dynamics, but their relative importance depends on tidal set- combination of bed friction and drag forces associated with
ting (e.g., tidal range, proximity of mangrove to tidal inlet the vegetation (Mazda et al., 1997b, 2005, Furukawa et al.,
mouth). The increased flow resistance over the mangrove 1997; Wu et al., 2001), as well as turbulent motions through
forest surface relative to the creeks means that velocities in the the narrow gaps between vegetation elements (eddy viscosity)
Mangrove Systems 371

Water level in creek
t1 t2


Figure 9 Tidal asymmetry in mangrove creek and adjacent mangrove surface area, schematically illustrating the water surface at ebb (time t1)
and flood (time t2); water flow is held back over the high-friction surfaces, causing a higher water surface over the vegetated regions at a given
time after tidal high water (t2) compared to the same time before high water (t1). Reproduced with permission from Wolanski, E., Mazda, Y.,
Ridd, P., 1992. Mangrove hydrodynamics. In: Robertson, A.I., Alongi, D.M. (Eds.), Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems. American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, pp. 43–62.

(Furukawa et al., 1997; Mazda et al., 2005). It has been argued matrices. Field measurements in Rhizophora sp./Bruguiera
that the combined hydraulic friction can be summarized by gymnorhiza mangroves in Australia have shown that flow pat-
Manning’s coefficient (n). Within mangroves, ‘n’ has been re- terns at this centimeter–meter scale can be extremely complex.
ported to range from 0.1 to 0.4, exceeding its value in the Although fast jets of flow can form through small gaps be-
creeks by an order of magnitude (Wolanski et al., 1992). tween roots and trunks (several orders of magnitude greater
Mazda et al. (1997b, 2005) described how the Reynolds than mean flow speed), eddies and stagnation regions may
number (Re) of the flow (related to its turbulence) can be form around and behind individual stems or zones of dense
related to frictional forces caused by drag if certain properties vegetation cover (Figure 10; Furukawa et al., 1997). The
of the vegetation are known. In particular, they related the model experiment by Furukawa et al. (1997) also indicates
‘effective length scale’ (LE) of vegetation to drag empirically, that the degree to which such features form depends on the
via measurements of flow velocity reduction through man- overall tidal current velocity: a higher modeled current velocity
groves (where LE is the ratio of the proportion of vegetation scenario (0.2 m s1) led to a greater number of stagnation
within a volume of water to the surface area of that vegetation regions behind roots than a lower current velocity scenario
projected into the flow direction). Importantly, the complex (0.05 m s1).
vertical structure of mangrove trees means that LE varies with In estuarine settings, the influence of tidal flows on man-
water depth (e.g., from 1.0 in o0.5 m depth to 0.15–0.25 in grove hydrodynamics must be seen alongside that of fluvial
o0.1 m depth in the case of Rhizophora and Bruguiera (Mazda (freshwater) inputs. In the Segara Anakan lagoon, Central
et al., 1997b)). This leads to significant variations in Reynolds Java, for example, high sedimentation rates, associated entirely
number (turbulence) and in frictional drag with depth. with river flow, have led to a significant reduction in lagoon
The flow asymmetry introduced by such high frictional area over the last century (from 6440 ha in 1903 to 930 ha in
drag over the vegetated surfaces has, however, also been shown 2004) (Holtermann et al., 2009). Often these inputs are
to cause a range of secondary flow features. These features highly seasonal. In the subtropical, microtidal and mangrove-
hold significance for the transport and dispersion of nutrients fringed Richmond River, north east Australia, almost all the
and sediments within mangrove swamps. By means of nu- annual suspended load is fluvially derived; 90% of this fluvial
merical model experiments, Mazda et al. (1999) showed that sediment is transported into the estuary over a time period in
the retention of water over high-friction surfaces adjacent to a the wet season accounting for less than 5% of the year
creek can lead to dispersion both seaward and landward (Hossain and Eyre, 2002). Seasonal variations in temperature,
within creeks. The degree of this dispersion is determined atmospheric pressure, and wind conditions can have as sig-
largely by the timing of the tidal flow and the drag coefficient nificant an effect on the balance between fresh and salt water
that characterizes the vegetated creek margins. The greatest input into mangrove fringed estuaries as variations in pre-
dispersion occurs in high and low drag conditions when the cipitation. Wolanski et al. (1992) pointed out that a zone of
time taken for water that has left the creek at the flooding cycle maximum salinity may form in the upper estuary, when eva-
to return to the creek on the ebb is longer and shorter re- potranspiration rates are high and freshwater inputs decrease
spectively than water that remained in the creek throughout to a minimum during the dry season. This zone of maximum
the tidal cycle. Others have reported the existence of flow salinity may, however, form mid-estuary if tidal variation is
vortices on creek margins and recognize the importance of the low, leading to an isolation of the inner estuary from the outer
commonly highly sinuous nature of creek systems (Wolanski estuary by a zone of highly saline water. It can take a con-
and Ridd, 1986; Wolanski et al., 1992). Cross-sectional vari- siderable time for this zone of high salinity to be flushed out
ations in flow velocities within creeks have been reported of estuaries after freshwater flow resumes. Conditions of
(Ong et al., 1994). hypersalinity may also result in areas of mangrove that are at
At the smaller, mangrove surface scale, tidal flow velocities elevations high enough to prevent frequent flushing by tidal
vary markedly due to the presence of complex trunk/root flows, forming salt flats. These are commonly seasonally
372 Mangrove Systems


10 cm s–1

20 cm




Figure 10 Flow modeling results showing localized jets and eddies through mangrove root. Reproduced from Furukawa, K., Wolanski, E.,
Mueller, H., 1997. Currents and sediment transport in mangrove forests. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 44, 301–310.

exposed when meteorological conditions cause tides to be distance in a Sonneratia forest (Mazda et al., 2006). For short
suppressed. When these areas do become inundated, they act period (2–3 s) storm waves in the Can Gio mangrove biosphere
as important exporters of salt, silicate, and orthophosphate reserve, South Vietnam, 35% of incident wave energy is typi-
(Wolanski et al., 1992). cally dissipated, but this rises to 100% within 40–50 m of the
seaward forest edge (Vo-Luong and Massel, 2008). The vari-
ability of results in these field studies highlights that the effect
of mangrove vegetation on wind waves is complex, vegetation Wave Dissipation in Mangroves
species (Figure 11), and density dependent, and thus particu-
Wetlands (both freshwater and coastal) have been recognized larly difficult to represent in numerical models.
for several decades as reducing damage due to flooding and Waves are attenuated by wave breaking in the reduced
severe storms (Gedan et al., 2011) with direct economic water depth within the mangrove forest and by drag and in-
and societal benefits arising from this function (see, e.g., ertial forces around mangrove roots, stems, and, in sufficiently
Woodward and Wui, 2001). For mangroves, much of the wave deep water, the tree canopy. Wave energy dissipation due
energy dissipation literature relates to extreme water levels and to wave breaking is largely a function of wave parameters
the attenuation of extreme long period (10–60 min) tsunami (wave height, length, and period) and water depth (i.e., the
waves (see Section, rather than more frequent morphology of the intertidal zone) and can be numerically
storm and cyclone impacts, although a growing body of lit- approximated if these parameters are known. Wave energy
erature now exists on the modeling and measurement of dissipation by mangrove roots, trunks, and canopy is related
waves within different types of mangrove forests (see, e.g., to the drag and inertial forces introduced by the presence of
Mazda et al., 1997a; Massel et al., 1999; Mazda et al., 2006; the physical obstructions to water flow. The key difficulty in
Quartel et al., 2007; Vo-Luong and Massel, 2008). achieving accurate modeling of wave dissipation by man-
The degree to which waves are dissipated within mangrove groves is thus the representation of the complexity of the
vegetation varies widely between studies. Quartel et al. (2007) mangrove root, trunk, and canopy structure in hydrodynamic
reported a wave height reduction within a Kandelia candel models. Although progress has been made recently with dy-
mangrove forest in the Red River delta, Vietnam, to exceed that namic models able to represent varying trunk/root densities
over an unvegetated mudflat by a factor of 5–7.5. Others have within the mangrove forest, vegetation remains represented in
reported a wave energy reduction of 50% over a 150 m distance the form of vertical cylinders. Trunks are represented as cy-
in a Rhizophora forest (Brinkman et al., 1997) and over a 100 m linders that protrude through the water column and roots
Mangrove Systems 373


No vegetation, high tide


Wave height (m)

high tide

0.4 Sonneratia
high tide

elevation (m)


0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) Distance (m)
Figure 11 Swell waves penetrating mangrove, Gulf of Tonkin coast, Vietnam. Decrease in amplitude with distance into the mangrove is a function of
tidal height and mangrove species present. Reproduced from Wolanski, E., Brinson, M.M., Cahoon, D.R., Perillo, G.M.E., 2009. Coastal wetlands: a
synthesis. In: Perillo, G.M.E., Wolanski, E., Cahoon, D.R., Brinson, M.M. (Eds.), Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Elsevier,
Amsterdam, pp. 1–61.

represented as cylinders that do not (Mazda et al., 2005; Field measurements of complete wave spectra within
Vo-Luong and Massel, 2008). The representation of the vary- mangrove forests, however, also show that the effect of
ing densities of these vertical cylinders has also proved prob- drag acts unevenly on the different components of the
lematic. Vo-Luong and Massel’s (2008) model of wave wave spectrum. Long-period (low-frequency) waves are pref-
dissipation through the Nang Hai mangrove forest in southern erentially attenuated, whereas short-period (high-frequency)
Vietnam, for example, significantly underpredicted wave components become enhanced as waves progress through the
heights within the mangrove vegetation when trunk/root mangrove forest (Vo-Luong and Massel, 2006). The quantifi-
densities determined from the sampling of 2 m2 quadrats were cation of this frequency-dependent drag and its accurate rep-
used within the model. Only when the modeled densities resentation within numerical models clearly provides an
were reduced to half of those determined by field sampling additional challenge that may not be as readily overcome.
did a good fit result between the model and field data. Quartel Existing studies have thus highlighted the complexity of
et al. (2007) established a relationship between the drag force vegetation-specific influences on wave propagation. A general
and a measure of the area of vegetation projected into the agreement exists on the nonlinearity of this process (with
horizontal wave motion, with the latter derived from meas- the most rapid attenuation of wave energy at the mangrove
urements of trunk height, trunk width, foliage height, and margin). This places great emphasis on the particular biogeo-
foliage width. For relatively shorter (salt marsh) vegetation, morphological configuration of an individual mangrove forest
approximations of the projected area of vegetation obstructing when its protective role is to be assessed (Gedan et al., 2011).
wave-induced flow have been derived from vertical photo-
graphs of vegetation against a background fixed at a certain Sedimentation Processes in Mangroves
distance from the camera, behind a strip of vegetation of
known width (Möller, 2006). Although such approaches are Timescales of sedimentation
clearly not feasible for the quantification of the projected area The development of vertical sequences of sediments in man-
of mangrove trees, the availability of ground-based laser grove forests has been studied over a number of different
scanning, in combination with airborne remote sensing timescales; the millennial development of mangrove en-
(Knight et al., 2009), may offer scope for a more accurate vironments has been described earlier. At the decadal to cen-
quantification of vegetation-induced drag forces in future tennial scale, dating of mangrove cores using the radioisotopes
models and merits further investigation. Cs and 210Pb has been used to establish shorter term
374 Mangrove Systems

Table 1 Long-term vertical accretion rates (mm a  1) based on 210

Pb and 137
Ca dating of mangrove cores from different mangrove geomorphic

Site and mangrove setting Method Accretion rate (mm a  1) Reference

Rookery Bay, FL, USA Pb Cahoon and Lynch (1997)
Fringe 0.8
Exposed overwash island 1.4
Sheltered overwash island 1.6
Rookery Bay, FL, USA Pb Lynch et al. (1989)
Basin mangrove 2.3
Terminos lagoon, Campeche, Mexico Pb Lynch et al. (1989)
Fringe 2.9–4.4
Basin 1.0–1.3
Terminos lagoon, Campeche, Mexico Ca Lynch et al. (1989)
Fringe 3.3–5.4
Basin 0.7–1.0
Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janiero, Brazil Pb Smoak and Patchineelam (1999)
Fringe 1.2
Red River delta, Vietnam Pb Van Santen et al. (2007)
Riverine 1.8–2.4

histories (Table 1). All these dating techniques provide a use of paired observations shows that surface-elevation change
general pattern of long-term response of mangrove forests to (E) and near-surface accretion (A) are not the same quantity
external forcing factors, but the error terms inherent within (Table 2). Surface-elevation change can be influenced by a
radiometric dating and the physical process of compaction series of processes, both at (or near) the surface and below-
and the biological processes of bioturbation inevitably result ground (Figure 13). Processes that decrease soil volume (such
in a smoothed record of mangrove vertical growth at a limited as sediment compaction, organic matter decomposition, and
number of core locations per site. The dataset of short-term soil shrinkage following drainage) mean that surface-elevation
sedimentation rates (o1 to o10 years) within mangrove change will be less than recorded near-surface accretion (i.e.,
stands is presented in Table 2. Measurements using pins, rods, EoA); Cahoon et al. (1995a) termed this effect ‘shallow
or stakes have been problematic (Woodroffe, 1992). The subsidence’ (SS; to distinguish it from deep, long-term
measuring device itself may interfere with the sediment de- geological subsidence). This process is clearly common in
position process, to the extent of encouraging at-a-point scour many mangrove systems, where small increments of surface-
(Spenceley, 1982), and results show high at-a-site variability. elevation gain, or indeed, relatively large falls in surface
Furthermore, it can be difficult to interpret the exact meaning elevation, are accompanied by relatively high rates of
of measurements of near-surface accretion over marker hori- near-surface accretion. Alternatively, processes that increase
zons of iron filings (Chapman and Ronaldson, 1958), brick- soil volume (such as soil swelling related to water storage)
dust (Bird, 1971), or feldspar (Cahoon and Turner, 1989). may increase surface elevation at rates greater than that seen
These difficulties reflect a wider set of issues that relate to the from accretion measurements (i.e., E4A), giving rise to sur-
comprehensive assessment of the ability of mangrove forest face expansion or ‘negative shallow subsidence’ (Table 2).
surfaces to build vertically and how these accretion rates A key distinction can be established between allochthon-
compare to local or regional rates of relative sea-level rise. ous systems characterized by the accumulation of externally
It is only in recent years that a standardized methodology derived mineral sediments and autochthonous systems in
at sufficient levels of accuracy has been developed for re- which in situ plant productivity is the critical factor driving
cording elevation changes in coastal wetlands that result from elevation change (French, 2006). Where sedimentation rates
the integrated effects of water flow, sedimentation/erosion, have been established across a range of neotropical mangrove
and biological activity. This methodology involves the near- sites (Lynch et al., 1989), autochthonous organic sediment
synchronous, high-precision (1–2 mm) measurements of inputs appear similar at all sites but, not surprisingly, alloch-
surface-elevation change, using an instrument known as thonous mineral sediment inputs have been shown to
Surface-Elevation Table (SET), alongside vertical accretion rate be highly variable in importance, being most important at
measurements above some form of near-surface marker hori- riverine sites. Within individual sites, these different sediment
zon (MH) (Cahoon et al., 1999) (Figure 12). The SET-MH sources are likely to be associated with differing spatial pat-
methodology allows comparisons to be made across man- terns of sedimentation.
grove sites and, when considered alongside records of regional
sea-level change, can be used to establish some large-scale Inorganic surface sedimentation
patterns of mangrove vulnerability to near-future global en- In salt marsh systems, inorganic surface sedimentation over
vironmental change (Cahoon et al., 2006). Importantly, the individual tidal cycles has been shown to be strongly
Mangrove Systems 375

Table 2 Summary of published studies using Surface-Elevation Table (SET) to measure surface-elevation change (mm a  1) and marker
horizons (MH) to measure surface accretion (mm a  1) in mangrove forests. Negative values of subsurface change (mm a  1) indicate ‘shallow
subsidence’ and positive values record surface expansion. See the text for further details and discussion. Measurements (mm a  1) taken using
pins or stakes are recorded in this table under surface-elevation change but in reality probably conflate surface-elevation change and surface

Site and geomorphic setting Surface elevation Surface accretion Subsurface Reference
change (mm a  1) (mm a  1) change (mm a  1)

Rookery Bay, Florida, USA Cahoon and Lynch (1997)

Fringe 1.4–3.5 7.2–7.8  4.3–(  5.8)
Basin 3.7 6 ns
Exposed overwash island 2.5 6.3  3.8
Sheltered overwash island 0.6 4.4  3.8
Shark River, Everglades, Florida, Whelan et al. (2005, 2009)
Riverine (4 m datum) 0.9 6.6  5.7
Riverine (4 m datum) 5.6 6.5  0.9
Riverine (4 m datum) 11.3 11.5  0.2
Riverine (6 m datum) 3.6 6.6  3.0
Riverine (6 m datum) 1.4 6.5  5.1
Riverine (6 m datum) 6.2 11.5  5.2

Twin Cays, Belize McKee et al. (2007)

Fringe 4.1 1.6 2.4
Transition  1.1 2  3.1
Interior  3.7 0.7  4.4
Guanaja and Roatan, Bay Cahoon et al. (2003)
Islands, Honduras
Island fringe (high storm 9.9 14  4.1
Island fringe (medium storm 4.8 2 2.8
Island fringe (low storm 4.8 2 2.8
Island basin (high storm  9.5 2  11.0
Island basin (medium storm  9.2 2  11.0
Island basin (low storm 4.8 2 2.8
Sydney Harbour, New South Rogers et al. (2005)
Wales, Australia
Control site 7.2 17.6 –10.4
Southeast Australia Rogers et al. (2006)
Ukerebagh Island 2.4 2.2 0.2
Kooragang Island 2 4.7  2.7
Homebush Bay 5.6 4.6 1.1
Minnamurra River 0.6 6.6  6.1
Cararma Inlet  0.8 3  3.8
Currambene Creek 0.3 0.7  0.4
French Island  2.1 9.5  11.6
Kooweerup 0 7.2  7.2
Quail Island  2.6 6.8  9.4
Rhyll 0.9 5.1  4.2
Yaringa, Victoria, Australia Bird (1971), Bird and Barson (1977)
seaward n/a 1.0–1.6 n/a
center n/a 8 n/a
landward n/a 2.3 n/a
Cairns Bay, Queensland, 5.0–10.0 n/a n/a Bird and Barson (1977)
Australia pins
(Continued )
376 Mangrove Systems

Table 2 Continued

Site and geomorphic setting Surface elevation Surface accretion Subsurface Reference
change (mm a  1) (mm a  1) change (mm a  1)

Magnetic Island, Queensland,  6.5–0.1 n/a n/a Spenceley (1982)

Australia pins

Auckland, New Zealand Pollen n/a 1.7 n/a Chapman and Ronaldson (1958)
Kaitaia n/a 1.7 n/a
Auckland, New Zealand stakes 7 (16) n/a n/a Young and Harvey (1996)
Kosrae and Pohnpei, Micronesia Krauss et al. (2010)
Island fringe  1.1 8.6  9.7
Island fringe  1.3 n/a n/a
Island riverine 1.8 13  11.2
Island riverine 0.5 n/a n/a
Island interior 0.8 9  8.2
Island interior 1.6 n/a n/a
Island backswamp 0.9 20.8  19.9
Island backswamp  1.8 n/a n/a
Tutuila, American Samoa, SW Gilman et al. (2007)
Pacific Ocean
Fringe (stake measurements)  0.6 n/a n/a
Basin (stake measurements)  2.2 n/a n/a
Sherbro Bay, Sierra Leone pins 1.1–3.0 n/a n/a Anthony (2004)

dependent on the distance from the source channel (French 1.3 mm a1, were almost an order of magnitude lower than
et al., 1995; Reed et al., 1999). Notwithstanding the dif- accretion rates, showed no clear temporal pattern of pro-
ficulties of sediment trapping on unconsolidated substrates, gressive surface-elevation increase, and could not be differen-
studies over single tidal cycles in mangrove forests have shown tiated by functional root type. Thus, for example, the
similar short-term patterns (Furukawa and Wolanski, 1996). significantly higher accretion rates under Rhizophora did not
At annual and greater timescales, however, studies in tempe- translate into significantly higher elevation change compared
rate salt marshes have shown that the primary control on in- to other mangrove species, suggesting that other processes as
organic sedimentation patterns shifts to surface elevation as well as sediment trapping are at work in these forests.
this controls the number of inundations over interannual time These processes include the accumulation of decaying or-
periods (French and Spencer, 1993). We know of no similar ganic matter, such as leaf litter and/or the formation of living
studies that have integrated short-term and longer term pat- benthic mats (e.g., microbial, algal, root), which not only
terns of inorganic sedimentation in mangrove systems. Nor contribute to vertical accretion but also influence the resist-
are we aware of any studies that have explicitly compared the ance of the deposit to compaction or erosion (Cahoon et al.,
space–time dynamics of inorganic versus organic sedimen- 2006). The accumulation of litter itself varies, depending on
tation in mangrove environments. aboveground production, consumption by detritivores, mi-
crobial decomposition, and tidal flushing (McKee and Faul-
kner, 2000; Middleton and McKee, 2001). It is clear that such
forest floor dynamics vary over time and over space. In SW Organic Near-Surface Sedimentation
Florida, basin mangrove forests are characterized by low sur-
Although organic matter accumulation and the processes face water exchange, saturated soil, and litter layers, and slow
controlling it have been widely recognized and well studied at decomposition rates. In such settings, thick litter layers build
some mangrove sites (e.g., organic carbon transport reported up over time and surface accretion rates and litter standing
at Middle Creek, Cairns, Australia, by Furukawa et al. (1997)), stocks are strongly positively correlated. Conversely, in
little empirical information exists that directly links biotic neighboring fringe forests subject to tidal exchange, no clear
processes to vertical accretion and surface-elevation change. In relationship is found between accumulated litter and vertical
a carefully designed experiment in fringe, riverine, and interior accretion (Figure 14(a); Cahoon et al., 2006).
mangrove forests on the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia, Krauss Benthic mats composed of either filamentous algae, roots
et al. (2003) showed that there are significant differences in of emergent plants, microbial communities, or a combination
vertical sediment accretion under different functional root of these may form on the soil surface of coastal wetlands. For
types (Table 3), with species of the genus Rhizophora being example, turf algae may form thick, living mats in Rhizophora
particularly efficient in promoting accretion. However, rates forests in the Caribbean region. Benthic mats can also be
of average surface-elevation change in these forests, at formed from the growth of microbial communities consisting
Mangrove Systems 377

Table (SET)

Vertical accretion Surface root

Marker Horizon zone

Zone of Elevation
shallow Peat

(~1.6 meters deep)


Figure 12 Surface-Elevation Table (SET) and Marker Horizon (MH) experimental design, showing capture of surface and subsurface processes.
Note also pin deployment. Modified from Cahoon, D.R., Lynch, J.C., 1997. Vertical accretion and shallow subsidence in a mangrove forest of
southwestern Florida, USA. Mangroves and Salt Marshes 1, 173–186, with permission from Springer.

of cyanobacteria, diatoms, and other microorganisms (Joye belowground biogeochemical processes. In Belize, for example,
and Lee, 2004). Rates of vertical mat growth, determined on McKee et al. (2007) have shown that the formation and deg-
screens (1 mm mesh) pinned to the soil surface, in a man- radation of mangrove roots contributes more to organic matter
grove forest in Belize varied from 1 mm a1 along the shore- accumulation and surface-elevation change than total litter fall;
line (turf algal mats) to 6 mm a1 in interior dwarf mangrove there was a significant correlation between elevation change
stands (microbial mats). Slow-growing mats composed of and root production with the root contribution to vertical ex-
filamentous algae and mangrove roots have high shear pansion being up to 3 mm a1, a potentially substantial con-
strength, whereas microbial mats have almost no shearing tribution to surface-elevation change in some locations
resistance (Figure 14(b); Cahoon et al., 2006). (Cahoon et al., 2006). This is because root organic matter decay
rates are much slower than the decay rates of the surface litter
layer (Middleton and McKee, 2001; Poret et al., 2007). Similarly
in carbonate settings in south Florida, belowground peat pro- Subsurface Processes and Surface-Elevation
duction appears the primary control on near-surface accretion
(Lynch et al., 1989; Parkinson et al., 1994).
The understanding of surface dynamics is further complicated Many of the processes that control surface-elevation change
by the relations between surface and subsurface processes. This appear to take place at a depth below typical rooting zones.
appears partly due to the relations between surface and This is due to the role of subsurface hydrology in influencing
378 Mangrove Systems

Rising sea level

Plant Tidal
Elevation Sediments
processes flooding


Subsidence Groundwater

Figure 13 Complexity of surface and subsurface processes in coastal wetlands. Note controls on elevation, vertical accretion from both tidal flooding
and plant processes, and role of processes below the root zone (modified with permission from Cahoon, D.R., Day, Jr. J.W., Reed, D.J., 1999. The
influence of surface and shallow subsurface soil processes on wetland elevation: a synthesis. Current Topics in Biogeochemistry 3, 72–88). Note:
arrows indicate direct forcing–response relationships between variables in the system and thus, taken together, highlight the importance of feedbacks
(e.g., increased surface elevation reduces tidal flooding frequency and inundation, which then reduces external (tidally supplied) sediment input).

Table 3 Vertical accretion rates (mm a  1) in species-specific changes in surface elevation result from changes in ground-
mangrove root types and on bare soil, mangrove forests of the water levels. Smith and Cahoon (2003) showed that changes
Enipoas River Basin, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia in groundwater level explained 40% of the variation in sur-
face-elevation change in mangrove forests along the Shark
Root functional type/ Mangrove Vertical accretion rate
bare soil control species mm a  1 (7SE) River in the Everglades National Park, FL, USA, with surface
elevations being greatest during the wet season. Finally, at
Prop root Rhizophora spp. 11.0 (2.9) interannual timescales, Rogers and Saintilan (2008) have
Pneumatophore Sonneratia alba 7.2 (1.1) shown how, in southeast Australia, the pattern of surface-
‘Knee’ root Bruguiera 9.3 (1.2) elevation change can be related to El Niño-Southern Oscil-
gymnorrhiza lation (ENSO) episodes. A negative Southern Oscillation
Bare soil 9.4 (2.6)
Index (SOI), indicating a dominance of warm phase El Niño
conditions and reduced rainfall, can be correlated with de-
creases in mangrove surface elevation across most sites. Re-
wetland elevations. Such effects are not trivial. Cahoon et al. peated drought cycles associated with ENSO dynamics have
(2011) showed that changes in water storage can lead to rapid also been shown to affect the structure and function of man-
and large short-term impacts on marsh elevation that are as grove forests in Micronesia (Drexler and Ewel, 2001).
much as five times greater than the long-term elevation trend. Droughts have also been correlated with decreases in surface
Water is stored in mangrove soils both through saturation, elevation in marshes in east Texas (10–15 mm: Perez and
where gases are displaced from pore spaces by water (a process Cahoon, 2004) and south Louisiana, USA. (20 mm: Perez
thus limited to sediments above the permanent water table), et al., 2003). The mechanisms that link surface-elevation
and by dilation. The latter is associated with changes in the change and groundwater fluctuations are not, as yet, known
bulk volume of the sediment and can occur throughout the but probably relate to variations in the subsurface processes of
sediment column (Nuttle et al., 1990). This second storage root production, root mortality, and decomposition.
mechanism has the potential to change the position of the
mangrove forest floor. Elevations fall when mangrove deposits
are compressed under loading and when soils shrink upon 10.14.5 Regional, Event-Based Dynamics
desiccation (Whelan et al., 2005). Conversely, as water is in-
corporated into sediments below the water table, dilation The hydrological and sedimentological processes described
(e.g., swelling clays) takes place and surface-elevation rises. above essentially represent high-frequency and low-magnitude
These changes take place across a number of different time- events that with their interactions and feedbacks, produce
scales. Diurnal variations of up to 3 mm d1 in surface ele- ‘normal’ and largely predictable patterns of geomorphic system
vations are driven by variations in evapotranspiration rate response. However, many (but not all) mangrove forests are
(Paquette et al., 2004; Perez et al., 2003). Weekly to seasonal also impacted by low-frequency, high-magnitude events that
Mangrove Systems 379

12 sides of the ocean basins (Gray, 1968) – hurricanes and tro-

pical cyclones are important agents of ecological and geo-
morphic change in mangrove forests (Jimenez et al., 1985).
Vertical accretion (mm y−1)

10 Hurricanes impact mangroves directly through defoliation,

branch breakage, uprooting, and tree subsidence, and in-
directly, through changes in tidal and freshwater flushing and
sediment supply. As mangrove trees are relatively long-lived in
comparison to the time interval between storms, they retain in
6 their vegetation structure a record of past storm impacts.
Compared to other tropical forest types, rates of hurricane-
related mortality are significantly higher in mangrove forests
(Baldwin et al., 2001). However, the interaction between
mangrove forests and storm impacts is complex.
2 First, there is the unpredictability that comes from the
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 storms themselves (Mallin and Corbett, 2006). Individual
Litter standing stock (g m−2) storm tracks are generally narrow (o30 km) and thus the
(a) chance of a particular location being hit in any one hurricane
Basin Fringe
season is low. Along an individual storm track, strong inter-
9 0.5 actions between track orientation, regional bathymetry, and
nearshore hydrodynamics can cause different impacts from
8 Soil shear strength (kg cm−3) storms with the same meteorological characteristics. Thus, for
Vertical accretion (mm y−1)

0.4 example, the south to north track of Hurricane Donna (1960)

produced a 4-m storm surge in the Middle Florida Keys as
6 0.3 water was driven north across Florida Bay; by comparison, the
east to west track of the similar strength Hurricane Betsy
(1965) across the Bay resulted in a lower storm surge at Key
4 0.2 Largo (Perkins and Enos, 1968). Hurricanes with slow forward
speeds result in prolonged coastal wave attack and beach
3 scouring that is manifest for hours to days in advance of the
wind stress. These systems can be large in extent and accom-
panied by high rainfall and extensive coastal flooding. Soil
1 0 erosion and river bank collapse in coastal catchments from
such events can deliver massive quantities of sediments and
Filamentous algae & roots Microbial
nutrients to coastal wetlands, although, conversely, flushing of
(b) Soil strength Vertical accretion hypersaline marshes by storm-driven freshwater can en-
Figure 14 (a) Relationship between vertical accretion (mm a  1) and courage renewed root growth and surface-elevation gains as a
litter standing stock (g m  3) in basin and fringe mangrove forests, result (Cahoon et al., 1996). By comparison, compact, fast
SW Florida, USA; (b) vertical accretion (mm a  1) and soil shear moving, and intense hurricanes (such as Hurricane Andrew
strength characteristics (kg cm  3) of (i) mats composed of (August 1992; category 5)) generate little wave scour but ra-
filamentous algae and mangrove roots and (ii) microbial mats, Belize ther brief but extremely strong unidirectional currents and
mangrove forest. Reproduced from Cahoon, D.R., Hensel, P.F., onshore surges, particularly where enhanced by wave shoaling
Spencer, T., Reed, D.J., McKee, K.L., Saintilan, N., 2006. Coastal or funneled through narrow passes between islands or into
wetland vulnerability to relative sea level rise: wetland elevation estuaries. Such storms leave beaches and coastal barriers
trends and process controls. In: Verhoeven, T.A., Beltan, B., Bobbink,
relatively intact but do great damage to subtidal seagrass
R., Whigham, D.F. (Eds.), Wetlands and Natural Resource
Management (Ecological Studies 190). Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
meadows and mangrove forests (Figure 15; Tedesco et al.,
pp. 271–292, with permission from Springer. 1995; Smith et al., 1994). Finally, hurricanes that combine
large spatial extent, periods of severe wind gusts and complex
exert acute, less predictable impacts. These take the form of storm tracks with multiple landfalls result in extensive, cata-
short-lived but extreme increases in windspeeds, precipitation, strophic mangrove damage. One such storm was Hurricane
wave action (tsunami), and water level (storm surges). These Wilma (October 2005; category 5) that destroyed ca. 1250 ha
disturbances are important geomorphologically in that they of mangroves in Florida alone (Smith et al., 2009).
can affect large areas (although with high variability of impact Second, there are nonlinear relationships between storm
within that area), may serve as triggers to ongoing change, and intensity, storm type, and vegetation/geomorphic damage.
cause thresholds to be crossed into other system states. Along with lightning strikes and frost (Smith et al., 1994;
Sherman et al., 2000), hurricanes are the major generators
of gaps in mangrove canopy cover. Whereas hurricanes Mangrove Surface-Elevation Change,
with typical windspeeds of 120–150 km h1 result in a
Hurricanes, and Cyclones
patchwork of impacted and nonimpacted areas, severe storms,
In the storm belts of the tropics – those regions between about with windspeeds in excess of 200 km h1, may overcome
51 and 201 north and south of the Equator on the western the structural resistance of the mangrove forest as a whole,
380 Mangrove Systems

trapping by woody debris (Krauss et al., 2005)), and/or the

growth of established seedlings. Mangrove forests in southwest
Florida that fell within the passage of the eyewall of Hurricane
Andrew showed classic, large gap-phase dynamics in the period
1995–2005, with enhanced recruitment rates being followed
by greater than expected mortality rates on canopy closure.
Outside this zone, forests showed a steady rise in recruitment,
paralleled by rising, but lower, mortality rates (Ward et al.,
2006). Similar long-term assessments of mangrove recovery in
Belize (Piou et al., 2006) and modeling exercises (Twilley et al.,
1998) all show that the vegetation that survives a storm impact
plays a key role in determining the subsequent course of forest
recovery postdisturbance. In the case of Rhizophora, which has
little ability to regenerate from fallen roots or coppice from
broken trunks, the presence of a high density of surviving
seedlings becomes critical; where there are few remaining
seedlings, forest replacement by Avicennia and Laguncularia,
which can coppice, is likely (Tomlinson, 1986; Proffitt et al.,
2006). Tree densities decline with increasing mangrove forest
age; forests become less dense, but individual trees become
larger, due to self-thinning (e.g., Malaysia: Putz and Chan,
1986; Puerto Rico: Jimenez et al., 1985).
Third, hurricanes are generally only the trigger for ongoing
biogeomorphological response. In the Florida Keys, storm-
damaged mangroves were still dying more than 2 years after
Hurricane Donna (Craighead and Gilbert, 1962), and Smith
et al. (1994) estimated that delayed mortality added 50% to
initial mangrove mortality rates following Hurricane Andrew.
Over longer timescales, there are important interactions be-
tween ecosystem and landform recovery rates, the intervals
between storms and landscape change. Thus, for example,
Figure 15 Mangrove forest damage (bottom panel) associated with
Lugo et al. (1976) have argued that forest structure in Carib-
Hurricane Wilma (October 2005), SW Florida. The associated 45.0 m
storm surge destroyed the Lostmans River Ranger Station (center
bean mangroves is determined by a 20–24 year cycle of hur-
right, top panel, photographed in September 1998), probably ricane activity.
established in the 1920s and which had survived the passage of the Hurricane storm surges cause large-scale redistributions of
‘Labor Day’ Storm (1935), Hurricane Donna (1960), and the front and sediments, with erosion, deposition, compaction, and dis-
rear eye-walls of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Courtesy of United States ruption of vegetated surfaces (Cahoon et al., 2003; Cahoon,
Geological Survey, photographs by Thomas J Smith III. 2006). Experimental studies have shown that sudden add-
itions of sediment can lead to increased mangrove seedling
reducing the canopy wholesale, creating environments mortality (Terrados et al., 1997). Paling et al. (2008) assessed
unconducive to plant re-establishment, and producing a the large-scale loss of mangrove cover at Exmouth Gulf,
hiatus in mangrove forest cover lasting for up to 50 years northwestern Australia, following Cyclone Vance (March
(Figure 15). These patterns can be seen across individual 1999) as being primarily due to sediment deposition and
storm paths. Thus, for example, the passage of Hurricane smothering, even though this violent cyclone was accom-
Charley (August 2004; category 4) over the mangrove forests panied by wind gusts of up to 280 km h1 and a 3.6-m storm
fringing the Gulf coast of Florida resulted in a loss of canopy surge. At the local scale, the uprooting of mangrove trees
of ca. 75% at distances 4 km from the eyewall, reducing to a produces a hummocky microtopography with a local relief of
loss of 25% at 18 km distance (Milbrandt et al., 2006). 1–2 m (Smith et al., 1994). However, the complexities in
Damage levels also appear related to forest structure, with ecological response described above are mirrored by geo-
larger trees more likely to suffer stem breakage or toppling in morphic responses that go beyond patterns of sediment re-
the path of a hurricane (Roth, 1992; McCoy et al., 1996). distribution. Clearly storm-related scour reduces surface
Conversely, Milbrandt et al. (2006) and Smith et al. (1994) elevations. However, storm-related sediment deposition is not
showed mortality rates of 20% and 10% respectively for simply a matter of adding a new layer of sediment on an
mangrove trees with breast height diameters of less than 5 cm existing surface. Thus Hurricane Wilma (October 2005; cat-
impacted by Hurricanes Charley and Andrew. Unlike most egory 5) deposited a 77 mm layer of sediment in the man-
terrestrial ecosystems, mangrove forests are not characterized grove forest at Shark River, Florida, but the surface-elevation
by a persistent seed bank that allows rapid seedling recruit- gain was less than 50 mm, suggesting compaction (Cahoon,
ment following disturbance. Recovery depends on vegetative 2006; Whelan et al., 2009). Tidal flooding of as little as 10 cm
growth of neighboring plants, colonization by new seedlings depth has been shown to be capable of deforming a salt marsh
(which relies on the delivery of new propagules and their surface by compression, with lateral movement resulting in
Mangrove Systems 381




Elevation (mm)




2000 2001
Low impact 4.8 mm year−1
Medium impact −9.2 mm year−1
High impact −9.5 mm year−1
Figure 16 Cumulative surface-elevation change (mm) of ground surfaces in basin mangrove forest, Bay Islands, Honduras, over the period May
2000 to August 2001. The regression lines for medium and high impact appear as a single line as they are so similar. All relationships are
significant at p r 0.001. Reproduced from Cahoon, D.R., Hensel, P.R., Rybczyk, J., McKee, K.L., Proffitt, E.E., Perez, B.C., 2003. Mass tree
mortality leads to mangrove peat collapse at Bay Islands, Honduras after Hurricane Mitch. Journal of Ecology 91, 1093–1105, with permission
from Wiley.

localized subsidence and uplift (Nuttle et al., 1990). Not basin mangrove forest communities dominated by R. mangle
surprisingly, therefore, storm surges and hurricane-associated with A. germinans (Figure 16). Modeling suggests that peat
flooding have been shown to deform salt marsh surfaces and it collapse at these sites will continue for a further 8 years, at an
seems likely that similar processes operate within mangrove elevation fall of 7 mm a1.
forests. The storm surge from Hurricane Andrew compressed
the surface of a rapidly deteriorating salt marsh in Louisiana
by 33 mm (Cahoon et al., 1995b) and the deformed marsh Mangroves and Tsunamis
surface had not rebounded 8 years later (Rybczyk and
Cahoon, 2002). In North Carolina, the surface of a salt marsh The Asian Tsunami of 26 December 2004 was the most
with 60% soil organic matter content was compressed by catastrophic such event in recent history, killing more than
5–6 mm after each of two storms to strike the marsh in con- 230 000 people in the near field and a further 70 000 in the
secutive years. The deformed surface rebounded 410 mm the Indian Ocean far field. Plots of sea surface height changes
following year, only to be compressed 20 mm by another from satellite altimeter passes over the passage of the tsunami
storm (Cahoon, 2006). Clearly these rates of surface-elevation indicate a trough-to-crest wave height of 1 m, a wavelength of
change are similar to or greater than the rates of change oc- 430 km, a wave period of 37 s, and a wave velocity of
curring under ‘normal’ rates of annual sedimentation and 200 m s1. Run-up elevations (height above MSL at the limit
accretion. of tsunami wave penetration inland) were 1.5–7 m in the
Furthermore, in systems where organic matter accumu- Nicobar/Andaman Islands, up to 10 m in Thailand and ap-
lation is the key process whereby surface elevation changes, proached 50 m above MSL near the earthquake epicenter in
storm impacts can cause the cessation of surface inputs Sumatra (Spencer, 2007). Alongi (2008) has summarized
through defoliation and lack of subsequent litterfall. Hurri- impacts on mangrove forests along some of the affected In-
canes can trigger mangrove peat collapse, whereby tree mor- dian Ocean margin and shown mangrove damage and mor-
tality leads to the decomposition of dead root material, and tality as being, in general, relatively modest. However, such a
compaction takes place in the absence of continued root statistic hides great regional variability in damage levels and
growth. Wanless and co-workers (reported in Cahoon, 2006) nature of impact. Thus in the South Andaman Islands,
recorded 20–30 mm a1 of surface-elevation loss over a 2 year 30–80% of Rhizophora spp. died due to continuous inun-
period after Hurricane Andrew in southwest Florida and dation but A. marina and Sonneratia alba, at higher intertidal
Cahoon et al. (2003) measured 9–10 mm a1 falls in a levels, were not affected. In Middle Andaman, damage was
1.5–3 year period after Hurricane Mitch (October/November minimal to all species whereas in North Andaman, the
1998; category 5) stalled close to the islands of Guanja and Rhizophora belt was uplifted by the earthquake above the level
Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras. Two days of winds in excess of HAT, with the result that the mangroves will be replaced by
of 220 km h1 resulted in almost complete (97%) mortality of terrestrial vegetation (Dam Roy and Krishnan, 2005).
382 Mangrove Systems

In a rapid environmental assessment published within 300

Maximum flow pressure (N m−1)

2 months of the tsunami, the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) concluded that ‘‘Healthy coastal eco- 250
systems protected people and property. Anecdotal evidence 200
and satellite photography before and after the tsunami event
seem to corroborate claims that coral reefs, mangrove forests 150
and other coastal vegetation, as well as peat swamps provided
protection from the impacts of the tsunami’’ (UNEP, 2005); 100
and see also site-specific reports from Cuddalore, India 50
(Danielsen et al., 2005), and southern Sri Lanka (Dahdouh-
Guebas et al., 2005). However, a follow-up UNEP-sponsored 0
study found vegetation to have no effect on tsunami inun-
dation characteristics at over 50 sites in the Indian Ocean re-
0 1000 2000 3000
gion (Chatenoux and Peduzzi, 2007). Nevertheless, the simple
assumption that mangroves always provide tsunami pro- Tree density (No. ha )
tection remains persistent. Thus, it has been argued that the Figure 17 Model simulation by Hiraishi and Harada (2003) of the
destructive power of Cyclone Nargis, a category 4 cyclone that decline in maximum flow pressure (N m  1) of a tsunami with
struck the Irrawaddy deltaic coast of Burma in May 2008, was increasing mangrove tree density (individuals ha  1). Reproduced
exacerbated by the removal of mangrove forest in the region from Alongi, D.M., 2008. Mangrove forests: resilience, protection
(FAO, 2008; IUCN, 2008). Considerable resources have from tsunamis, and responses to global climate change. Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science 76, 1–13.
been allocated through international agencies to vegetation
planting of ‘bioshields’ on developing country coasts (e.g.,
Mukherjee et al., 2009) against a backdrop of criticism that associated with the 2004 tsunami was strongly related to ele-
this has diverted resources away from the development of vation, with property loss being more a function of the distance
better tsunami preparedness programs, including early warn- from the coast. There is, however, something of a ‘mangrove
ing systems (e.g., Baird et al., 2009). effect’ in that the number of casualties with elevation, and
As Feagin et al. (2010) have pointed out, the difficulty with wealth loss with distance, declines faster behind mangroves
the studies which underpin these statements is that they are (Vermaat and Thampanya, 2006, 2007; but see also Cochard
generally based upon untestable anecdotal evidence and post et al., 2008 on data issues behind this re-analysis). Modeling by
hoc observational studies which assume causation. In many Hiraishi and Harada (2003), validated by reference to the tsu-
cases, the impact of tsunami waves has been assessed through nami that severely damaged the north coast of Papua New
the mathematical modeling of the passage of wind waves Guinea in 1998, has suggested a 90% reduction in maximum
through mangrove vegetation and/or within a laboratory tsunami flow pressure for a 100 m wide forest belt planted at a
flume. However, as Alongi (2008) notes, the wavelength/wave density of 3000 trees ha1 (Figure 17). Furthermore, Tanaka
height/velocity characteristics of tsunami waves are quite dif- et al. (2007) differentiate tsunami impact according to six dif-
ferent from short period storm waves; here the oft-quoted ferent characteristic mangrove vegetation classes, suggesting
mis-description of a tsunami as a ‘tidal wave’ is actually ap- that, of the mangrove species covered in the study, the most
propriate. The duration of flooding and its spatial extent means effective is R. apiculata. Valuable though these studies are, it is
that the application of the results of wave attenuation at high clear that ‘‘the pertinent question is how much protection can
frequencies (seconds to minutes) across tidal wetlands is not be expected from a particular vegetation type given a tsunami of
appropriate, particularly given the fact that most tsunami- a particular height at the coast’’ (Kerr et al., 2006, p. 540). If the
related fatalities have been shown to be from drowning and magnitude of the event is exceptional, then the presence or
debris impacts on rising water levels (interestingly, Synolakis absence of mangrove vegetation is likely to be, at best, neg-
and Kong (2006) have described tsunami waves as a form of ligible whereas at lower levels of impact, vegetation belts may
‘debris flood’). Furthermore, much of this debate has used re- play a role in mediating the impact of tsunami waves. Thus, for
motely sensed data to link changes in vegetation cover and example, numerical modeling by Yanagisawa et al. (2009)
damage levels (e.g., Asian tsunami: Iverson and Prasad, 2007; showed that a Rhizophora forest with a density of 0.2 trees m2, a
Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2005; Orissa super cyclone: Das and stem diameter of 15 cm, and a width of 400 m can reduce the
Vincent, 2009; Vincent and Das, 2009). Such approaches fail to tsunami inundation depth by 30% when the incident wave has
register the finer variation in species composition and tree a 3.0 m inundation depth and a wave period at the shoreline of
density that often control tsunami impacts (Dahdouh-Guebas 30 min. However, 50% of this mangrove forest is destroyed by a
and Koedam, 2006). They also fail to acknowledge the role of tsunami of 4.5 m inundation depth, and the majority of the
other, covarying controls on tsunami impact, including ba- forest is lost under an inundation depth in excess of 6 m.
thymetry and coastline shape (Kerr and Baird, 2007; Baird and
Kerr, 2008; Cochard et al., 2008). In particular, elevation and
distance from the sea are strongly water-level dependent. Thus, 10.14.6 Mangroves and Global Environmental
for a particularly contentious study of the beneficial, or Change
otherwise, effects of a mangrove ‘bioshield’ on the coast of
Tamil Nadu, southern India (Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2005; There are many potential impacts on mangroves from global
Kerr et al., 2006), re-analysis has shown that mortality environmental change (tabulated in Alongi, 2008). Most
Mangrove Systems 383

debate, however, has focused on the likely response of man- strongly controlled by temperature. Thus a run of recent mild
groves and mangrove forests to accelerated near-future sea- winters has allowed mangrove expansion at 291 N in Florida
level rise. Such studies are underpinned by both the record of (Stevens et al., 2006). The possibility remains that the prime
mangrove responses to Holocene sea-level rise (described controls on patterns of mangrove expansion and retreat
earlier in this chapter) and greenhouse experimentation. Thus relate to nonclimatic factors, such as anthropogenic impacts
Ellison and Farnsworth (1997) showed growth rate reductions on wetland hydrology, propagule availability and dispersal,
of 10–20% in transplanted R. mangle seedlings under an in- changes in nutrient availability, and biotic (plant–plant and
undation regime simulating expected water levels in the plant–animal) interactions.
Caribbean Sea in 50–100 years time compared to the present. Second, increased rates of saltwater intrusion may promote
They argued that increased inundation depths will more than the replacement of freshwater vegetation with mangrove
offset any enhanced growth rates expected from the ‘fertiliza- communities. This dynamic has been well documented for the
tion effect’ of raised atmospheric CO2 concentrations (if in- period since the 1950s in the tidal estuaries of the Alligator
deed this takes place in mangroves (Snedaker and Araujo, River (Winn et al., 2006) and Mary River (Mulrennan and
1998)). However, these experiments were with a single species. Woodroffe, 1998b), and Pilbura region (Semeniuk, 1983),
In mesocosm experiments, He et al. (2007) found that northern Australia. Changes include the expansion and ex-
flooding tolerance in five species should follow the sequence tension of tidal creek networks, new patterns of subsurface
(from most to least tolerant) A. marina4Aegiceras cornicula- hydrology, loss of extensive freshwater vegetation, including
tum4Rhizophora stylosa4Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, suggesting the Melaleuca forests, and mangrove and saline tidal flat en-
possibility of whole-forest changes in composition with sea- croachment. Changes in tidal prism associated with sea-level
level rise. rise can explain changes in tidal creek geometry and rates of
Ellison and Stoddart (1991) argued that low island man- saltwater intrusion, but it has not been possible to establish a
groves, dominated by autochthonous inputs, can only keep clear linkage to changing rates of sea-level rise in northern
up with a rate of sea-level rise of 1.2 mm a1, although Australia (Mulrennan and Woodroffe, 1998b). Rather, tidal
mangroves of high islands and continental coastlines, which creek expansion seems to have been due to a combination of
receive both authochthonous and allochthonous inputs of drier than usual monsoons, changes in cyclone magnitude
sediment, can keep pace with a relative sea-level rise of and frequency, unusually high ocean water levels and the
4.5 mm a1. Other work, however, shows that mangroves impact of uncontrolled feral buffalo populations (Winn et al.,
have persisted for 7000–8000 years on some Caribbean 2006; Knighton et al., 1991).
islands and kept up with sea-level rise rates of up to 5 mm a1 Third, global environmental change is likely to lead to
(Snedaker et al., 1994; Toscano and Macintyre, 2003; McKee changes in growth rates and productivity of different man-
et al., 2007). In the estuarine mangroves of South Alligator grove species, including the replacement of environmentally
River, Northern Territory, Australia, between 8 and 6 ka BP, sensitive species by those possessing greater climatic tolerance.
mangrove vegetation communities kept pace with a 1-m sea- Some interactions are likely to be highly complex: thus
level rise, or an average vertical accretion rate of 6 mm a1 increased air and water temperatures may encourage the
(Woodroffe, 1990). Furthermore, in the neighboring Mary polarward expansion of mangroves while at the same time
River catchment, mangroves developed between 6.5 and changing tropical storm magnitudes and frequencies, with
4.0 ka BP at local rates of sea-level rise of up to 10 mm a1 implications for changing forest canopy structure and the es-
(Mulrennan and Woodroffe, 1998a). Although there is debate tablishment of mangrove propagules. Unlike the way in
as to where the threshold to mangrove survival may lie, such which it is possible to infer near-future mangrove distributions
arguments are characterized by imagining a single mangrove with sea-level rise from established relationships between
response, that of areal loss, to a single factor, that of sea-level water level limits and mangrove extent (e.g., Queensland,
rise. In reality, however, mangrove responses are likely to be Australia: Wolanski et al., 1992; Bermuda: Ellison, 1993), it is
much more varied and probably differentiated by geomorphic a much stiffer challenge to model the range of non-sea-level
setting (Bacon, 1994). controls discussed above in the context of large-scale climate
First, it is clear from the stratigraphic record that the most change models (Spencer et al., 2009). Furthermore, such
common reaction of mangrove communities to sea-level rise modeling attempts will need to recognize that the systems
forcing is migration to higher, more landward locations if under study may already be severely stressed by anthropogenic
movement is not constrained by either natural barriers or pressures and impacts.
anthropogenic sea defenses (Ellison, 1993, 2005). Recent
mangrove incursion into more landward salt marsh has been
well documented in the Australian States of Queensland, New 10.14.7 Concluding Remarks: Geomorphology and
South Wales, and Victoria. It has proved difficult, however, to Mangroves in the Twentieth Century
ascertain the reasons for these patterns of encroachment.
There has been some suggestion that increased rainfall favors Understanding of the linkages between the geomorphology,
mangrove over salt marsh in this region, but the correlation ecology, and hydrodynamic process environment in man-
is not a strong one. As yet, a strong relationship between groves has advanced rapidly over the past two decades, but has
the rates of incursion and changing rates of regional sea-level raised a series of key questions regarding the future natural
rise has not been established (Saintilan et al., 2009). Else- and anthropogenic impacts on mangrove systems. One key
where, in the northern Gulf of Mexico and Florida, there is question is that of mangrove system resilience to the various
clearer evidence that mangrove persistence and expansion is system-external forcing factors, both those that are gradual,
384 Mangrove Systems

near-linear in nature (such as sea-level rise), and those that are countries where national programs for their protection are
episodic, nonlinear in character (e.g., storms, tsunamis). An least well developed (Saenger et al., 1983). Dodd and Ong
equally important question is how these two groupings (2008) estimated that the coastal populations of nation states
themselves interact to alter mangrove trajectories. The ten- with mangroves will rise by 50%, from 1.8 billion to 2.7 bil-
dency for ecosystems to be subject to regime shifts, whether lion in the period between 2000 and 2025. This demographic
externally driven or controlled through internal feedbacks, is will be imposed upon mangrove systems already suffering
well recognized (for an excellent review of this topic see significant long-term declines in extent. FAO (Wilkie and
Andersen et al., 2008) and described theoretically within bi- Fortuna 2003) data for 1980, 1990, and 2000 suggest that
furcation theory (see, e.g., Strogatz, 1994). What is clear from global mangrove area declined by 26%, from 198 000 km2 to
the growing body of field studies on mangrove forests, some 146 500 km2, over the period 1980 to 2000, a deforestation
of which are described in this chapter, is that geomorpho- rate of 1.1% per year. Dodd and Ong (2008) extrapolated this
logical processes in these systems are anything but linear, even rate forward to suggest a global mangrove area of 111 108 km2
when forced in a near-linear fashion. At all flow energies, for by 2025, a loss of 24% on the 2000 area, and 44% of the
example, the movement of water is influenced by the topo- coverage in 1980. However, these global figures mask regional
graphy and surface characteristics of the mangrove forest itself disparities – African percentage losses have been much less
(Furukawa and Wolanski, 1996; Mazda et al., 2005; Quartel than Asian percentage losses for example – and time–specific
et al., 2007); at certain specific flow energies, however, this losses in particular countries (e.g., 26 400 km2 (1980) to
movement itself can be expected to affect the topography 11 500 km2 (1990), a 56% reduction, in Brazil). Human
(through erosion and sediment transport), and the surface pressures include direct conversion to urban use for industry,
characteristics (e.g., vegetation establishment) in what may be port development, and housing; conversion for aquaculture;
termed a morpho-eco-dynamic feedback (see, ,e.g., the dis- timber extraction; and modification of hydrology and pol-
cussion on wave-induced erosion by Vo-Luong and Massel lution (particularly oil pollution, nutrients associated with
(2008) or the discussion on seed dispersion by Mazda et al. agricultural intensification, and heavy metals contamination).
(1999)). It is now possible to quantify the topography and Furthermore, these impacts vary according to the type of
surface characteristics of mangrove forests (and thus the key mangrove system under pressure, giving added value to
control on water flow through them) at a high spatial reso- the classificatory scheme introduced at the start of this
lution (largely due to modern surveying techniques such as chapter (Figure 18).
total station, dGPS systems, as well as LiDAR remote sensing Over the last decade there have been considerable efforts at
(Knight et al., 2009)). The fact that the flow-forcing factors mangrove rehabilitation and restoration (Field, 1998, 1999).
themselves, however, are highly variable in time and space, The importance of geomorphic setting for understanding
and largely unpredictable, means that the establishment of a mangrove form and function underpins the arguments made
linkage between flow observations or models at instantaneous in this chapter. Thus conservation efforts should not simply
to ecological scales and those at geomorphological scales focus on planting more mangroves but should think about the
remains a key challenge (Wolanski et al., 1992; Woodroffe, landscape settings into which mangroves might be introduced
2002; Bryce et al., 2003). for long-term sustainability. For example, Feagin et al. (2010)
The nonlinear response of mangrove system functioning to have shown that over 60% of the tsunami-vulnerable sections
external forcing is well illustrated by reference to storm wave of the Sri Lankan coastline do not have appropriate environ-
and tsunami wave dissipation. Although mangroves clearly mental settings for mangrove colonization and development.
fulfill a protective function, their growth and persistence in It follows that the controls on successful mangrove establish-
particular locations is also affected by the presence of waves ment must be site specific and that restoration efforts must
and, if wave energy exceeds particular thresholds, this may move away from the idea of trying to replicate a ‘reference site’
prohibit mangrove growth or cause erosion and mangrove in an inappropriate physical setting. Can geomorphology help
forest loss (as is, e.g., the case on the fringes of the forests of identify the design rules needed for successful mangrove
Nang Hai in southern Vietnam (Vo-Luong and Massel, 2008)). rehabilitation and restoration?
Once critical energy thresholds are exceeded, any wave energy Figure 19 picks up on the suggested use of a ‘system state
not dissipated by the presence of mangrove trunks and roots is variable’ (such as surface elevation (French, 2006)) that may
thus likely to impact the mangrove forest through enhanced be seen as a representative measure of ‘system health’ or ‘state
erosion, sediment transport, and deposition, if not damage to of evolution’ (although it must be recognized that the defin-
the mangrove vegetation itself. Evidence gathered during the ition of these terms is far from clear and likely to be influenced
Asian tsunami in 2004 suggests that mature mangrove forests by particular drivers for mangrove restoration). Assuming that
are relatively resistant to tsunami wave damage, with only a it is possible to define such a ‘system state’ variable, the status
small percentage of forests damaged or lost in this extreme of the mangrove system can be measured against the con-
event (Alongi, 2008), but quantification of precisely where the ditions within which that system exists. It has become clear,
ecological thresholds to high-energy storm damage lie is still for example, that climatic and geological controls are key in
lacking (Gedan et al., 2011). determining the global distribution of mangroves, but that
Although mangroves are vulnerable to hurricane and tsu- these conditions only translate to mangrove growth in areas
nami impacts, and to long-term changes in sea level and cli- where a wide range of secondary (but necessary) conditions
mate, it is human populations that have the most profound are met (e.g., sufficient sediment and nutrient availability).
impacts on mangrove forest survival and vitality. Of the Only when conditions become favorable for mangrove es-
world’s mangrove cover, ca. 75% occurs in developing tablishment can trajectory ‘A’ be followed. This pathway passes
Mangrove Systems 385

Threat from
agriculture and

Increasing Increasing
river-flooding Basin mangroves tidal-flooding
frequency frequency

Threat from
Threat from sea-level rise,
hydrological coastal erosion,
changes, reduced storm damage,
freshwater flows, human population/
saltwater intrusion tourism

Riverine mangroves Fringe mangroves

river-dominated Increasing tide-dominated
Figure 18 Sources of major environmental degradation related to functional classes of mangrove as defined by Woodroffe (1992) and Ewel
et al. (1998). Reproduced with permission from Figure 12.3 in Dodd, R.S., Ong, J.E., 2008. Future of mangrove ecosystems to 2025. In: Polunin,
N.V.C. (Ed.), Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global prospects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


‘System state’

D* Intrinsic A*
biogeomorphological threshold


‘Unfavorable’ ‘Favorable’
Environmental conditions
Figure 19 Conceptual diagram illustrating the relationship between environmental conditions and mangrove system state below (light-gray
shading) and above (dark-gray shading): an intrinsic biogeomorphological threshold (for explanation, see the text).

a point (A) where biogeomorphological feedbacks become medium magnitude) causes the system to oscillate around this
significant (some ‘intrinsic biogeomorphological threshold’ optimum ‘dynamic equilibrium’ state (B–C–B in Figure 19).
is crossed) but system functioning continues to improve, Should environmental conditions deteriorate again gradually,
above and beyond the influence of the gradually continuing trajectory ‘D’ will take over. A degree of inbuilt ‘resilience’ will
improvement in external conditions. This improvement con- cause the system state to degrade less rapidly than the en-
tinues up to a point (B) where inbuilt dynamics (e.g., the self- vironmental conditions. However, when the intrinsic thresh-
thinning processes through forest gap creation, as described by old is reached (D), complete loss of the mangrove system will
Fromard et al. (2004), or the periodic recurrence of storms of become inevitable (D–E). The discussion of storm and
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Mangrove Systems 391

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Tom Spencer (MA, PhD Cantab) is Reader, Coastal Ecology and Geomorphology, University of Cambridge;
Director, Cambridge Coastal Research Unit; and Fellow Tutor, Graduate Admissions and Fellows’ Wine Steward,
Magdalene College, Cambridge. After studies in the Department of Geography at Cambridge, Tom lectured for
10 years at the University of Manchester, UK before returning to Cambridge in 1990. He is author (with HA Viles)
of Coastal Problems: Geomorphology, Ecology and Society at the Coast and (with O Slaymaker) Physical Geography and
Global Environmental Change. In 2004, he was awarded the Royal Geographical Society of London’s Murchison
Award ‘in recognition of a body of publications on coastal geomorphology.’ Research interests include (1)
hydrodynamics, sedimentation, and ecosystem function in tidal wetlands (mangroves and salt marshes); (2)
mapping of tropical shallow marine environments using remote sensing; (3) global environmental change in
wetland and coral reef environments; and (4) scientifically informed inputs to shoreline management. Field
studies have been undertaken in the hot and wet Caribbean Sea, western Indian Ocean and South-Central Pacific
Ocean, and in the cool and wet back-barrier and estuarine environments of the southern margins of the
North Sea.

Dr. Iris Möller (BA Oxon, MPhil, PhD Cantab) is College Lecturer in Physical Geography at Fitzwilliam College,
Cambridge, and Deputy Director of the Cambridge Coastal Research Unit, Department of Geography. As a coastal
geomorphologist, she pioneered field studies on the sea defense value of NW European coastal wetlands in the
mid-1990s and maintains a particular focus on empirical research into biophysical interactions in coastal wet-
lands. Her research has implications for the assessment of the sustainability of coastal wetlands under scenarios of
environmental change (e.g., changes in wave climate and sea level). In addition to her interests in the interactions
between wetland surface hydrodynamics, geomorphology, and ecology, her research has involved the long-term
(1–10 years) modeling of intertidal geomorphological change, and the use of innovative techniques for com-
municating scientific understanding to nonspecialists. She has cosupervised six PhD students and one research
assistant over the past 12 years and has collaborated with colleagues in universities and research institutes across
the United States and northwest Europe. Her research has been published in over 19 high-impact peer-reviewed
papers, four book chapters, and numerous conference proceedings and project reports.
10.15 Developed Coasts
KF Nordstrom, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.15.1 Introduction 392

10.15.2 The Impact of Humans through Time 393
10.15.3 Altering Landforms to Suit Human Needs 394 Altering Landforms through Use 395 Reshaping Landforms 396 Altering Landform Mobility 397 Changing Conditions due to Activities Outside the Coastal Zone 398
10.15.4 Nourishing Beaches 398 Designs and Locations 398 Considerations for Transport Alongshore 399
10.15.5 Building Dunes 399 Nourishing Dunes 400 Building Dunes by Natural Processes on Nourished Beaches 400 Building Dunes Using Sand Fences 401 Building Dunes Using Vegetation 401
10.15.6 Effects of Structures 401 Protection Structures 402 Structures for Boating and Navigation 403 Recreation Structures on the Beach 403 Buildings 404 Support Infrastructure 404
10.15.7 Characteristics of Human-Altered Landforms 404 Location 404 Dimensions 405 Orientation 405 Topographic Variability 405 Sediment Characteristics 405 Mobility 406
10.15.8 Distinguishing Natural from Human-Created Landforms 406
10.15.9 Cyclic Change versus Progressive Change 406
10.15.10 Maintaining or Restoring Natural Processes, Structure, and Functions 407 Determining Appropriate Levels of Dynamism 407 Altering or Removing Shore-Protection Structures 407 Introducing Compatible Management Options at the Local Level 408
10.15.11 Dune-Management Options in Spatially Restricted Environments 408
10.15.12 Prognosis 410
References 411


Humans play an increasingly important role in coastal evolution. Landforms are being directly eliminated, trampled,
reshaped, mobilized, and stabilized, or affected indirectly by human actions. Buildings and support infrastructure can
directly alter processes and patterns of deposition and can influence landforms indirectly as a result of human attempts to
maintain use of or protect them. Not all human actions are destructive to landforms. Beaches can be restored through
nourishment operations, and dunes can be rebuilt, aided by sand fences and vegetation plantings. Restrictions in space and
ongoing human attempts to modify landforms will make them different from their natural counterparts, but many of their
natural and human-use values can be retained by careful management. Compromise solutions will be required to ac-
commodate nature while retaining recreational and protective values of landforms in restricted space. Many research
opportunities are available for geomorphologists working on human altered coasts, but the temporal and spatial scales of
their investigations may be more restricted, whereas the number of variables they address may be increased.

Nordstrom, K.F., 2013. Developed coasts. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief),

Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 392–416.

392 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10

Developed Coasts 393

10.15.1 Introduction twentieth century due to reduction in river sediment supply

due to upstream dams and mining of sediment from river
Humans have been altering landforms for millennia, and the beds, reducing the amount of sediment delivered to the coast
imprints of these alterations are everywhere. The significance of and reversing accretional trends that formerly occurred due to
humans as agents of landscape evolution has been acknow- overgrazing and deforestation (Nordstrom, 2000).
ledged for some time (Marsh, 1885), but most coastal geo- Tourism and development of seaside resorts increased in
morphologists have been reluctant to study human-altered the second half of the nineteenth century with improvements
landforms except to address specific problems in an applied in transportation and increases in expendable incomes. Mass
management context. Many of these applied studies have been tourism occurred after World War II, when automobile access
directed toward stabilizing landforms and often mimic the way extended the zone of development beyond centers of mass
an engineer would approach the problems and solutions. transit; and construction and use of second homes increased
Geomorphologists have not studied human-altered landforms environmental degradation and exposure to coastal hazards
at a level of detail that corresponds to study of natural land- (Cencini and Varani, 1989; Fischer et al., 1995). Creation of
forms (Nordstrom, 2000). Some investigators may be deterred global economies made human alterations for tourism an
by the problem of isolating cause and effect in complex de- international phenomenon. Many remote locations that were
veloped systems; some may have been trained to look at spared development in the past are undergoing current de-
landscape evolution at greater timescales than occur under velopment pressure (Wong, 1993). Coastal development
developed conditions; some may have little interest in land- undergoes periods of boom and bust (Cooper and McKenna,
forms that do not evolve solely by natural processes; others may 2009), but there is no reason to expect that the pace and scale
be concerned that their results would lack universal applic- of coastal development will decrease on a global basis in the
ability (Nordstrom, 1994). Many human modifications to the future. Coastal resources and coastal tourism support eco-
coastal landscape appear to be unique when evaluated on an nomic and social development programs, and international
individual basis, but they can be seen as generic modifications tourism is now an important and rapid growth industry in
when viewed on a global scale. The purpose of this chapter is to developed and developing countries alike (Houston, 1996).
review the many and varied human modifications to coastal Beach erosion, combined with human attempts to occupy
landforms, assess the degree to which these landforms resemble positions as close to the shore as possible, is restricting the
natural landforms, and identify how geomorphologists can space within which natural processes can operate to create and
help restore some of their natural values. Attention is confined shape coastal landforms and habitats (Figure 1). The effects of
to beaches and dunes on exposed coasts. Landforms in estu- global warming and sea-level rise will restrict the space even
aries, coastal cliffs and bluffs, coral islands and other types of more. Retreat from the coast would resolve problems of ero-
coastal landforms are treated in other chapters in this volume. sion and provide space for new landforms and habitats to
become reestablished. Retreat is being successfully imple-
mented in places on low-energy coasts (Warren et al., 2002;
10.15.2 The Impact of Humans through Time Garbutt et al., 2006), but it appears unlikely on exposed
coasts, except in sparsely developed areas because of invest-
Humans have had greater and lesser impact on landforms ment levels and inertia (Titus, 1990; Kriesel et al., 2004;
through time, although there is a long-term trend from the Nordstrom and Mauriello, 2001).
small scale, incidental, or accidental actions that occurred Problems associated with the conversion of coastal land-
millennia ago to the more direct and widespread modifi- scapes to accommodate human uses include loss of topo-
cations resulting from increases in population pressures, in- graphical variability (Nordstrom, 2000), loss of natural habitat
come levels, leisure time, and technological advances and biological diversity (Defeo et al., 2009), fragmentation of
(Nordstrom, 2000). Overgrazing and deforestation of drain-
age basins, which increased sediment delivery to the coast,
were likely the earliest causes of major human-induced
changes (Walker, 1985; Postma, 1989). These activities in
dune fields led to dune destabilization (Corona et al., 1988;
Sherman and Nordstrom, 1994), which, in turn, led to actions
at national scales to stabilize the dunes. Human influence on
European coasts increased in several countries between AD
1100 and 1300 when dikes became common (Doody, 1996).
A more pronounced increase in human impact began about
two centuries ago, when steam power enabled large modifi-
cations to the landscape (Marsh, 1885), and increased further
with development of the internal combustion engine. Power
machinery facilitated opening and closing of inlets and con-
struction of jetties and channel-dredging projects. Large-scale
shore protection projects became common in the past 100
years with availability of heavy machinery and more favorable Figure 1 Narrow backshore and foredune at Surfside Beach, South
benefit–cost ratios associated with large-scale development. Carolina, USA, where buildings have been built close to the active
Major changes in coastal sediment budgets occurred in the beach.
394 Developed Coasts

landscapes, threats to endangered species, reduction in seed time 4, Figure 3), if human effort can be used to restore
sources, loss of original esthetic and recreational values, and landforms, for example, through beach nourishment. En-
loss of the natural heritage or image of the coast that affects the vironmentally friendly methods can be found to manage
ability of stakeholders to make informed decisions on en- beaches and dunes, even in intensively developed areas
vironmental issues (Télez-Duarte, 1993; Nordstrom et al., (Nordstrom, 2000, 2008). Subsequent sections identify the
2000). Frequently encountered scenarios of change include ways by which human actions affect the characteristics of
conversion of a naturally functioning beach–dune system coastal landforms and the ways that human actions can be
(Figure 2, time 1) to a cultural landscape by grading dunes to directed toward compatible uses.
construct houses, lawns, and gardens and raking beaches to
create a litter-free recreation platform (Figure 2, time 2). If
dunes are included in management plans, they are primarily 10.15.3 Altering Landforms to Suit Human Needs
considered shore-protection structures. With continued ero-
sion, shore parallel walls are often built as a final defense Alterations to coastal landforms (Table 1) may be intentional
(Figure 2, time 3). (where the previous landform is eliminated to accommodate a
Conversion of the shore seems inexorable, but human new use) or unintentional (where changes to the sediment
dominance need not eliminate beaches and dunes (Figure 2, budget or vegetation characteristics change patterns of

Time 1: Natural beach/dune Trees
(Beach and dune interact as dynamic system) Grasses Shrubs
vegetation Foredune
Former overwash
Natural beach habitat
Incipient platform

Dune eliminated
to facilitate construction
Time 2: Eroded, developed beach Low, linear
(Dune is valued primarily as protection structure) dune dike
Fence Road
Raked eroded beach
Lawn grass and exotics

Time 3: Eroded, developed beach

(Houses rebuilt to larger sizes; Seawall
narrow beach leads to structural protection) Narrow raked Parking Road

Time 4: Potential for restoration Diverse

on nourished beach plants
(Widened beach is resource base; Pioneer dune
species Parking Road
dune functions naturally)
Buried Natural
Widened unraked beach seawall landscaping

Figure 2 Conceptual diagram of conversion of the shore from a naturally functioning system to a human artifact (times 1–3). Time 4 represents
only the now rare case of restoring landforms and habitats where they were eliminated on an eroding coast.
Developed Coasts 395

Table 1 Ways that landforms are altered to suit human needs

Eliminating for alternative uses

Facilitating construction of transportation routes, buildings,
and infrastructure
Converting to noncoastal uses (agriculture, landfills, and golf
Mining for construction aggregate and minerals

Altering through use

Pedestrian trampling and vehicle use for access or direct recreation
Planting forests
Waste disposal
From day use tourist activities
From beach cleaning
From commercial (mining) activities
Extraction and recharge
Figure 3 Avalon, New Jersey, USA, showing how some of the
Drinking water
elements of the form and habitat of a natural dune exist on an
Oil and gas
intensively developed coast. The presence and health of the dune
Watering gardens and waste water disposal
reflect a proactive approach by the municipality to incorporate dunes
into a comprehensive shore-protection plan.
Active uses (bombing and maneuvers)
deposition and erosion). Landforms are eliminated by con- Inscribing graffiti and carving caves
structing buildings, lawns, roads, railroads, and parking lots,
and by mining them for construction aggregate, minerals, Reshaping
substrate for crops, and surface cover for landfills. Alter- Increasing levels of protection
natively, the landforms may survive but be altered through use Bulldozing dunes
Breaching barriers to control flooding
or reshaped, stabilized, mobilized, or influenced by actions in
Dredging inlet channels to cause deposition
adjacent lands. There is little reason to repeat the litany of Preventing or alleviating hazards
human actions that totally eliminate landforms (see Nord- Creating barriers to sand inundation
strom, 2000). Alterations described in this section represent Grading cliffs to prevent slope failures
changes to the characteristics of landforms that survive, albeit Enhancing recreational use
in altered form. Creation of new landforms and increases in Widening beaches for recreation platforms
their dimensions through beach and dune nourishment are Creating platforms for cabanas and pavilions
assessed in subsequent sections, as are management strategies Clearing the beach of litter
designed to overcome detrimental alterations. Eliminating obstacles to access
Providing or retaining views of the sea
Maintaining navigation channels Altering Landforms through Use Enhancing environmental values
Creating more naturalistic landscapes
Major alterations are caused by pedestrian trampling and Altering environments for wildlife
vehicle use, harvesting, disposing of waste, extraction and
Altering landform mobility
recharge of water and minerals, and military use. Observations
Introducing new sediments into beach and dune
of alteration to soil characteristics and vegetation through Closing, stabilizing, or creating inlets
pedestrian trampling or off-road vehicles are well represented Relocating channels or altering cycles
in the literature (e.g., Mather and Ritchie, 1977; Eastwood and Placing barriers to trap sand
Carter, 1981; Wiedemann, 1984; Anders and Leatherman, Stabilizing dunes
1987; Carlson and Godfrey, 1989; Guilcher and Hallégouët, Planting vegetation
1991; Sanjaume and Pardo, 1992; Andersen, 1995a, 1995b). Armoring surfaces
Trampling by humans and animals can create paths, inhibit Remobilizing dunes
formation of incipient dunes, reduce the height of established Altering natural vegetation
Controlling density (mowing, grazing, and fires)
dunes, erode the surface, compact the soil, change the bulk
Planting species to increase diversity
density, organic matter, and moisture content of soil, reduce
Introducing exotics
the cover and height of vegetation, decrease production of
biomass, reduce the number of flowering species, cause dis- Altering external conditions
appearance of vulnerable species, introduce weeds and Damming streams
exotic plants, interfere in the natural succession, cause loss Mining streams
Introducing pollutants
of biodiversity, and disrupt fauna (Chapman, 1989; Andersen,
1995a). Light trampling can actually be beneficial by helping Source: Modified from Nordstrom, K.F., 2000. Beaches and Dunes of Developed
to retain an open vegetation cover that may be desirable Coasts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
396 Developed Coasts

for some areas (Andersen, 1995a), but effective monitoring (Inman et al., 1991; Flick, 1993; Nicholls and Leatherman,
and control of activities are required for the optimum 1996). The impact of subsidence usually is highly regional
effect. (Postma, 1989), but it can greatly exceed local rates of sea-
Vehicles used on beaches and dunes can reduce popu- level rise. Groundwater extraction, recharge, and drainage can
lations of fauna, destroy vegetation, and eliminate nutrients have undesirable effects on dune systems (van der Meulen and
(Anders and Leatherman, 1987; Godfrey and Godfrey, 1981; Jungerius, 1989; Angus and Elliott, 1992; Geelen et al., 1995).
Moss and McPhee, 2006; Foster-Smith et al., 2007). Much of Of special significance is the threat to wet dune slacks (Geelen
the life on the beach is concentrated in and around the or- et al., 1995).
ganic drift lines (wrack lines) that are often driven upon Watering exotic vegetation on lawns, gardens, and golf
(Godfrey and Godfrey, 1981). Even low-level vehicle impacts courses requires greater volumes of water than would other-
can severely damage dune vegetation (Anders and Leather- wise occur and can weaken cliff materials and contribute to
man, 1987), but rapid recovery of vegetation is possible after mass wasting (Kuhn and Shepard, 1980; Griggs et al., 1991).
termination of vehicle impacts (Godfrey and Godfrey, 1981; Concentration of surface runoff leads to acceleration of ero-
Anders and Leatherman, 1987). sion rates in gullies (Griggs et al., 1991; Griggs, 1994).
Removing wood, seaweed, and plants from beaches and Military use of beaches and dunes and coastal cliffs in-
dunes alters microhabitat, changes rates of aeolian transport, cludes active uses and passive effects of buildings and support
and changes susceptibility of landforms to erosion. Where infrastructure (Mather and Ritchie, 1977; Doody, 1989; Guil-
these activities are associated with harvesting in traditional cher and Hallégouët, 1991). Military activities may be con-
economies, the effect may be slight, but removing beach litter sumptive at specific sites, but they can prevent urbanization or
(wrack), addressed in a later section, is of vastly greater sig- agricultural uses around them, providing opportunistic con-
nificance because it is such a widespread phenomenon. servation areas (Doody, 1989).
Aforestation can protect crops from sea winds (Cencini and Many other local or small-scale uses of beaches and dunes
Varani, 1989), stabilize dunes, and establish a forest industry, alter the characteristics of landforms (e.g., creating ‘sand art’,
but it can create ecological problems including loss of flora throwing stones on gravel beaches, inscribing graffiti, and
and fauna, changes to soil characteristics, lowering of the excavating caves), but assessments of these uses are rare be-
water table, and seeding into adjacent unforested areas cause the results appear inconsequential to landform develop-
(Sturgess, 1992; Janssen, 1995). Aforestation with exotic spe- ment (Nordstrom, 2000). Like many of the more widespread
cies is now considered undesirable. Attempts are being made alterations to landforms, these activities reveal a lack of
to restore more open dune habitat that has greater conser- appreciation of their natural and intrinsic values.
vation value (Sturgess, 1992), but many artificially forested
dunes remain.
Grazing by introduced hoofed fauna and rabbits has Reshaping Landforms
changed the morphology and habitat value of dunes in many
areas. Evaluations of grazing are presented in Doody (1985), Reshaping landforms by grading (bulldozing and scraping) of
Corona et al. (1988), Boorman (1989), Doody (1989), beaches and dunes by earth-moving equipment is done to:
Westhoff (1989), van Dijk (1992), and Kooijman and de (1) build dunes; (2) remove sediment from facilities inun-
Haan (1995). Grazing can increase availability of light on the dated by wave overwash or wind drift; (3) enhance beach
ground and decrease stock of organic matter and nutrients due recreation; and (4) enhance environmental quality. Mechan-
to a decreased input of litter and accelerated rates of de- ical reshaping (grading) to increase levels of shore protection
composition (Kooijman and de Haan, 1995). Indirect effects is common but is controversial in terms of its benefits to or
of grazing (trampling, burrowing, or rubbing) may also be adverse impacts upon geomorphic systems. Grading for pro-
critical locally (Mather and Ritchie, 1977; Angus and Elliott, tection normally involves removing sediment from low on
1992). Moderate grazing by livestock and rabbits may stimu- the beach and placing it in a high protective dune dike.
late diversity of vegetation, but the intensity and the location Grading works best where it mimics natural recovery without
of grazing are important, and grazing must be carefully causing a dramatic alteration of sediment budgets or land-
monitored (Boorman, 1989). forms and can be beneficial when conducted at a slow pace
The disposal of waste material on a beach may be viewed over long periods and where the borrow zone is low on the
as beneficial or detrimental, depending on whether the ma- beach and inundated frequently so sediment can be replaced
terials are biologically compatible or can be reworked to re- by swash action (McNinch and Wells, 1992). Grading appears
semble natural landforms. Mine waste has been placed on the less effective where space is restricted and the scraped
beach for disposal or for nourishment (Bourman, 1990; sediment is placed seaward of the dune where it can be
Paskoff and Petiot, 1990; Nordstrom et al., 2004). Disposal readily mobilized and moved downdrift (Kratzmann and
operations that make use of at least some sediment similar to Hapke, 2012).
that found on local beaches or dunes may be beneficial, but Reshaping may occur to remove sand washed onto roads,
the material must be attractive to users and compatible with blown into coastal properties, or blown under wooden struc-
beach fauna to have recreational and ecological value (Nord- tures where it can cause timber rot (Bush, 1991; Sherman and
strom et al., 2004; Nordstrom, 2008). Nordstrom, 1994; Nordstrom, 2000). Blowouts have been
Extraction of oil and gas or groundwater (for drinking, mechanically smoothed to prevent wind erosion (Angus and
agricultural, or industrial use) can lead to subsidence, local Elliott, 1992; Nordstrom and Arens, 1998). Dunes that have
increases in sea-level rise, and increased rates of beach loss been scarped as a result of wave erosion may be reshaped to
Developed Coasts 397

create access ramps and reduce the hazard of slope failure Altering Landform Mobility
(Nordstrom and Arens, 1998).
Beaches and dunes are frequently reshaped to enhance New inlets that open during storms may be sealed (Sorensen
recreation by creating flat beaches for use as recreation plat- and Schmeltz, 1982), and old inlets may be closed to make
forms, building platforms for beach structures, eliminating new inlets more efficient (Møller, 1990). Closure of inlets can
barriers to beach access, and providing views of the sea eliminate ebb currents; cause net erosion of the delta front;
(Cencini and Varani, 1989; Nordstrom and Arens, 1998; create longshore bars at the former ebb delta; smoothen relic
Nordstrom, 2000). Grading beaches and dunes to lower levels tidal shoals; and cause sedimentation of former channels
can increase the likelihood for delivery of sediment inland by (Louters et al., 1991). The elimination of inlet-related cycles of
waves or winds. Many of the other ways that landforms are sedimentation on adjacent shorelines makes changes there
altered to enhance beach recreation are unreported because more predictable and landforms more stable.
they are conducted using equipment available within muni- Inlets may be stabilized to maintain predictable navigation
cipalities and require no permits or documentation for channels or shoreline positions. Stabilization usually involves
approval for outside funding. use of structures, such as jetties (addressed later), or dredging
The call for clean beaches for recreation has resulted in conducted to maintain depths. The location of dominant inlet
many local raking operations (Figure 4), often using mech- channels can be changed to intentionally alter the adjacent
anized equipment. Raking eliminates microtopography, loos- shoreline (Kana, 1989). Cutting of artificial inlets is common
ens the surface by breaking up surface crusts (salt and algae), in some regions (Wiegel, 1992; Bodge, 1994; Browder et al.,
breaks up shells or gravel, disturbs eggs in the beach, and 1996), as is modification of inlet channels that periodically
eliminates vegetation and litter, resulting in a beach with an open and close due to seasonal differences in wave activity or
unnatural appearance and little natural resource value runoff. These actions alter timing of the natural cycles of
(McLachlan, 1985; Hotten, 1988; Doody, 1989; Nordstrom opening and closure rather than create a new inlet where it
et al., 2000; Dugan et al., 2003). Removal of wrack increases would not have occurred under natural conditions (Nord-
the susceptibility of the beach to erosion (De Falco et al., strom, 2000).
2008); changes rates and locations of aeolian transport and Dunes may be artificially created and stabilized to prevent
deposition (Dugan and Hubbard, 2010); and prevents for- sand drift and inundation of human facilities, provide a
mation of incipient dunes on the backshore that could grow predictable barrier against wave overwash and flooding, and a
into naturally evolving foredunes. The raked sediment and barrier to salt spray that can help maintain species richness.
biogenic materials from the wrack can be placed in the fore- The number and scale of dune-building operations is vast and
dune to increase its volume and provide nutrients to aid is treated in a later section. Decreasing and increasing the
vegetation growth (Williams and Feagin, 2010), but the shape mobility of existing dunes is discussed in this section.
and subsequent evolution of the beach and dunes will differ Stabilizing dunes is a common practice with a long and
from natural landforms. well-documented history (Marsh, 1885; Klijn, 1990). The
Landforms may be reshaped to enhance environmental conversion of dunes to more stable features is more wide-
quality by creating environments that encourage breeding spread than is commonly perceived and even occurs in sea-
of shore birds (Randall and Doody, 1995), by breaching shore parks managed for conservation by local and state
barriers to maintain salinities in lagoons (Orford et al., 1988) governments and national seashores (Godfrey and Godfrey,
or promote runs of fish into coastal ponds (Tiffney and 1973; Gares and Nordstrom, 1988). Most large-scale stabil-
Andrews, 1989), and by breaching foredunes to create new ization projects use sand fences and vegetation plantings, but
blowouts and tidally flooded overwash areas (van Bohemen, brush, straw, or even non-biodegradable materials may be
1996). introduced (Angus and Elliott, 1992). One of the principal
means of modifying the morphology and mobility of land-
forms by changing vegetation is through the accidental or
intentional introduction of exotics. These are generally good at
stabilizing dunes. Exotics can also form monospecific stands
of vegetation, outcompete native species, decrease biodiversity
and authenticity of vegetation, interfere with successional
processes, create an undesirable landscape appearance, and
reduce the value of land for conservation and recreation, all of
which have led to attempts to remove them (Cooper, 1958;
Chapman, 1989; Andersen, 1995b; Avis, 1995; Wooton et al.,
Dunes may be remobilized (destabilized) by plowing,
mowing, spraying, burning, pulling, and cutting plants to
change sediment budgets, stimulate growth conditions for
desired species, or reinstate natural processes or appearance
(Klomp, 1989; Anderson and Romeril, 1992; Arens and
Wiersma, 1994; van der Wal, 1996; van Boxel et al., 1997).
Mobility may also be favored to bury cultural features that are
Figure 4 Raked beach, seawall, and promenade in Andalusia, Spain. too expensive to remove (Sanjaume, 1988; Sanjaume and
398 Developed Coasts

Pardo, 1992). Remobilizing dunes rather than stabilizing optimum, but overly wide beaches may be created in locations
them is an action that would seem to appeal to geomorph- close to opportunistic sources, such as dredged channels, or
ologists, but there have been few demands for more mobile where the fill is designated as a stockpile or feeder beach.
landforms. Sources of fill may change through time due to depletion,
changing perceptions of environmental values, changes in
technology, or availability of opportunistic sources. Fill ma- Changing Conditions due to Activities Outside terials can include sand from offshore (including inlets),
the Coastal Zone backbays, transgressing dunes, and inland sites (including
Actions taken outside the boundaries of beaches and dunes can desert, glacial, and stream deposits). Gravel from quarries is
have great impact on landforms. Examples include: (1) re- being increasingly used to nourish gravel and sand beaches
ducing sediment supply to coasts by constructing dams alike. Considerations for biota argue for matching the native
(Innocenti and Pranzini, 1993; Sherman et al., 2002; Slagel and material as closely as possible (Nelson, 1993; National Re-
Griggs, 2008; Jabaloy-Sánchez et al., 2010) and mining rivers search Council, 1995), but finding desired sediment charac-
(Postma, 1989; Komar, 2010); (2) altering plant succession in teristics in readily available borrow areas is often difficult.
dunes (and eventually the dynamics and morphology of the Gravel beaches may be nourished with sand because it is easily
landform) by changing nutrient levels or acidity from pollution mined and transported by pipe. Where gravel is available and
in precipitation (Westhoff, 1989; van Boxel et al., 1997); (3) cheaper than sand, it may be used to nourish sandy beaches
increasing water pollution, thereby degrading reefs and in- (Cammelli et al., 2006). Gravel beaches are more stable than
creasing erosion rates on beaches landward of them (Thieler sand beaches due to larger particles that are less easily en-
and Danforth, 1994); and (4) changing basin area and tidal trained and rough surfaces that dissipate wave energies (Carter
prism due to land reclamation and channel closures that can and Orford, 1984). The greater space between particles in-
lead to alterations in inlet channels, ebb-tide deltas, and size creases percolation of water, leading to greater transport cap-
and position of barrier islands (FitzGerald et al., 1984; Nie- acity on the wave uprush than backwash, enhancing
meyer, 1994; Eitner, 1996). These external drivers are not deposition on the upper beach (Everts et al., 2002; Austin and
evaluated here, but they must be considered in integrated Masselink, 2006). This deposition creates higher, steeper
programs for management of beach and dune resources. foreshores on gravel beaches and more conspicuous micro-
topography, including storm berms and cusps. Uprush during
storms increases the elevation of the berm crest (Lorang,
2002), and the height and steep slope of the foreshore above
10.15.4 Nourishing Beaches mean sea level provides protection against runup from future
storms. Coarse gravel (cobbles and boulders) is less likely to
Beach-nourishment operations are increasing in number and move than sand or pebbles, increasing stability of shoreline
scale, and nourishment is now the principal means of shore position and retention of fill materials (Everts et al., 2002;
protection in many countries (Swart, 1991; Davison et al., Komar et al., 2003), but choice of fill material should not be
1992; Hamm et al., 2002). There is no lack of experience with based solely on considerations for shore protection. Fill ma-
beach-nourishment projects, and many publications exist terials may be selected for esthetic and environmental values
(reviewed in Nordstrom, 2000, 2008). The most-often cited (Anthony, 1994; Löffler and Coosen, 1995; Bodge and Olsen,
rationale for beach nourishment is protecting human facilities 1992), and there is an increasing literature on use of fill for
from wave attack, but other uses include: (1) designing and these other purposes (Nordstrom, 2008).
creating new beaches to fulfill a specific human use; (2) Frequency of nourishment affects the likelihood that cer-
eliminating detrimental effects of shore-protection structures tain types of landforms will be created, their size and ability to
by burying them; (3) providing protection to seawalls and survive and evolve, and the periodicity of cycles of growth and
dunes; (4) protecting natural areas; (5) widening the beach to destruction. Creation of landforms lost due to prior human
accommodate new construction; (6) counteracting the effects action may only be possible with large-scale nourishment
of sea-level rise; and (7) determining or enhancing the repu- operations that create a wide platform for natural processes to
tation of resorts. Distinctly different viewpoints on the value occur. Thereafter, maintenance nourishment will be required
of beach nourishment exist, especially regarding cost- to maintain these new environments, but major perturbations
effectiveness and impacts on biota. Reviews of alternative should be minimized, arguing for small operations conducted
viewpoints on the cost-effectiveness of beach nourishment are at frequent intervals (Nordstrom, 2000).
provided by Houston (1991), Pilkey (1992), and Camfield Figure 5 identifies the zones where artificial nourishment
(1993). Biological impacts are reviewed in Speybroek et al. is usually applied to the beach and dune. Smith and Jackson
(2006). Methods of assessing potential impacts in borrow (1990) identified the engineering requirements and the
areas are evaluated in Drucker et al. (2004) and González physical, social, and political impacts of placement in many of
et al. (2010). these different locations. Nourishment of the upper beach
places sand close to the coastal facilities that require pro-
tection, and thus has been the most common past practice. Designs and Locations
Sand is normally transported to the nourishment area by
The width of a nourished beach is generally a compromise pipeline as a sand and water slurry or (in small-scale oper-
between the amount of sediment required and the money ations) by dump trucks. The deposited material is usually re-
available. The result is commonly a narrower beach than the worked by bulldozers to the design profile. The result of
Developed Coasts 399

Top Secondary
Front Back dune


Nearshore Upper beach

Stable berm
Upper beach
Subaqueous nourishment Dune nourishment

Figure 5 Common locations for nourishment of beach and dune. Modified from van de Graaff, J., Niemeyer, H.D., Overeem, J., 1991. Beach
nourishment, philosophy and coastal protection policy. Coastal Engineering 16, 3–22, and Nordstrom, K.F., 2000. Beaches and Dunes of
Developed Coasts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

subaerial nourishment is commonly a widened, overly high offshore sediment losses, reduce wave energies, form foun-
upper beach with a shape and composition out of equilibrium dations for offshore structures, and serve as stockpiles for later
with natural processes. Maintaining nourished beaches solely re-handling (Hands and Allison, 1991; Hands and Resio, 1994).
for shore protection or recreation enhances the disequilibrium The many ways that beach fill can be placed in the coastal
between wave and wind processes and landforms. environment create numerous options for rejuvenation of
Nourishment of the upper beach can alter conditions for landforms. Geomorphologists can become more involved in
aeolian transport and dune development by: (1) increasing design of projects to make full use of sediment resources.
source width for entrainment of sediments; (2) changing These sediments are becoming scarce through time as the
grain-size characteristics that affect the likelihood of entrain- ready sources are exhausted.
ment and transport; (3) changing moisture conditions due to
creation of a higher surface; (4) changing the shape of the Considerations for Transport Alongshore
beach or dune profile; and (5) changing the likelihood of Much of the sand that moves out of a fill area can benefit
marine erosion of the foredune (van der Wal, 1998). The great adjacent areas (Beachler and Mann, 1996), and some fills may
initial width of most nourished beaches and the presence be designed as feeder locations. Most nourishment operations
of fine material lead to increased transport by wind soon after that account for longshore transport involve sediment bypass-
placement (van der Wal, 1998), but removal of the fine sedi- ing or backpassing. Bypass operations artificially transfer sedi-
ment can leave a surface of coarser shell or gravel that resists ment to make up for human actions or structures (such as
further transport (Psuty and Moreira, 1992; van der Wal, 1998; jetties) that interfere with natural transfers and may use mobile
Jackson et al., 2010). The reworking of the seaward portion dredges, fixed pumps with moveable dredges, and fixed and
of the fill by waves and the landward portion of the fill by moveable jet pumps (Wiegel, 1994; National Research Council,
aeolian transport results in greater cross-shore variability in 1995). Guidelines for design and evaluation of these and other
sediment grain-size characteristics than on natural beaches in systems are included in USACOE (US Army Corps of Engineers)
an area (van der Wal, 1998; Jackson et al., 2010). (1991), but implications for landform changes are lacking.
Subaqueous nourishment using offshore sediment sources Backpassing projects reverse the direction of net sediment
can cost considerably less than nourishment of the subaerial transport and frequently involve beach scraping using equip-
beach, but more sediment would be required to result in the ment available at the municipal level (Nordstrom et al., 2002).
same volume of sand on the upper beach (Mulder et al., Large-scale backpassing requires a major investment and has
1994). Nourishment of the nearshore may occur by spraying the greatest likelihood of implementation, if designed as a
the fill in shallow water as a soil and water slurry or dumping component of a beach nourishment operation. Sand dredged
the fill from shallow-draft barges (van Oorschot and van from accreted spits at both ends of a barrier island (Kana et al.,
Raalte, 1991). This technique can maintain the nearshore 1991) can be considered both a bypassing and backpassing
profile, reduce the likelihood of erosion of the beach and operation. Backpassing of fill could reduce the need for lo-
dunes landward of it, and put the sediment where sediment cating and using new borrow sites, and it is likely that more
placed on the upper beach would have gone anyway (van de backpassing operations will be conducted in the future as
Graaff et al., 1991; Mulder et al., 1994). Losses through time sediment supplies become exhausted and as nourishment
are not visible and esthetics are not spoiled by exotic material operations are better designed to approximate natural sedi-
on the backshore (van de Graaff et al., 1991). ment budgets in drift cells (Nordstrom, 2000).
Sediments may be placed in active zones offshore as ridges
(bars), isolated depressions, and linear gullies to create a new
topography or placed on existing landforms to enhance 10.15.5 Building Dunes
their size (Kroon et al., 1994; Mulder et al., 1994). Sediment
may also be placed in deeper water, where it is not expected Under natural conditions, sand dunes are an integral com-
to be moved, creating berms that can enhance fisheries, block ponent of sandy shore systems and freely exchange sediment
400 Developed Coasts

with the beach by aeolian transport and wave uprush. Sedi-

ment eroded from the dune by storm waves is replaced by
delivery of sand from the beach during strong onshore winds.
Dunes provide natural barriers against overwash, flooding,
wind stress, sediment transport, and salt spray during small
storms, which help maintain species richness in landward
habitats. Variations in topography within dunes result in local
differences in exposure to coastal processes, creating a variety
of microhabitats.
Dunes in human-altered areas differ from natural dunes,
depending on the way they are built, the way they are man-
aged after construction, the way the beach is managed, the
types of human structures present, and the amount of space
available for formation and migration (Jackson and Nord-
strom, 2011). If dunes are built up to provide protection, they Figure 6 Engineered dune at West Cape May, New Jersey, USA.
are generally linear and have a predictable crest height, and
they may be created by processes other than aeolian transport. or a higher dune is not desirable because of slope instability or
Where human infrastructure has encroached on the beach, the restrictions to access or views of the sea (Nordstrom, 2000).
rebuilt dune is commonly farther seaward than a natural dune Dunes built using fill and bulldozers are generally con-
and is lower, narrower, and has less variability in topography, structed to optimize a flood-protection function or are de-
vegetation, and mobility (Nordstrom, 2000). Alternatively, signed for ease of construction or management and are
dunes rebuilt where they have been eliminated are increased essentially dikes, commonly with a flat top and planar sides of
in size consistent with the amount of space available. Dunes consistent slope with little topographic diversity. The grain-
may be reconstructed to characteristics similar to preexisting size characteristics, rates of change, and characteristic vege-
ones after they are modified by mining (van Aarde et al., 2004; tation of dunes built by mechanical placement generally differ
Lubke et al., 1996), excavation for pipelines (Ritchie and from landforms created by aeolian deposition (Baye, 1990;
Gimingham, 1989), or removal of pollutants. van der Wal, 1998; Nordstrom et al., 2002; Matias et al.,
Dunes can be constructed or enhanced by: (1) nourishing 2005), but they can have well-sorted sands that resemble dune
them directly and using bulldozers to reshape them; (2) sediments, if suitable borrow areas are used. Dunes created by
allowing natural aeolian processes to occur; (3) installing sand bulldozers may eventually evolve to resemble natural dunes in
fences; or (4) planting vegetation. Artificial dunes are often form and function if they are not repeatedly nourished and
built to unnatural shapes, resembling earthen dikes (Feagin, reshaped and if sediment sources are available and capable of
2005; Nordstrom et al., 2007), but actions can be taken to being blown to them (Nordstrom, 2008).
make these dunes appear and function more naturally. Dunes built for flood protection can provide habitat for
fauna typical of a natural dune environment (Latsoudis,
1996), and actions can be taken to enhance this value, even Nourishing Dunes during their initial construction. Patchiness of habitats can be
increased by creating an undulating foredune crest, resulting
The time frame for building dunes can be greatly constricted in local differences in drainage and wind speed, and by cre-
by depositing fill and reshaping it using earthmoving equip- ating a more crenulated backslope, converting the landward
ment (Figure 6). Dune nourishment is more common than is boundary from a line to a zone. This type of contouring would
generally perceived, especially if the definition is extended to enhance both the natural function and image of the dunes
building dunes by scraping beaches or bulldozing overwash (Nordstrom et al., 2007). Altering the contours of nourished
sediments. dunes to make them blend in with the adjoining areas and
Fill may be placed to create dunes where they did not exist create naturalistic contours has been suggested by van Bohe-
or placed on the front, top, and back of existing foredunes men and Meesters (1992), but managers frequently take the
(Figure 5) (van Bohemen and Meesters, 1992). Placement of opposite approach by smoothing gaps that promote wind
fill on the back of a dune is appropriate where: (1) the pro- funneling (Ranwell and Boar, 1986). Contouring to enhance
tective value must be increased; (2) land use behind the dune variability recognizes the value of the landform as habitat ra-
does not conflict; and (3) the fill is not contaminated with salt ther than solely as a protection structure (Nordstrom, 2008).
(van de Graaff et al., 1991); or (4) artificial migration of Direct placement of sediment can create landforms that depart
the beach/dune system is desired. Creation or nourishment dramatically from natural landforms in form and function,
of a secondary dune may be appropriate where a more which argues for greater involvement of geomorphologists in
stable landform is required for flood protection or habitat. their design and construction.
Nourishment of the top of the dune is appropriate where
flood-protection levels must be increased (Matias et al., 2005) Building Dunes by Natural Processes on
and land use behind the dune prevents nourishment there.
Nourished Beaches
Nourishment of the front of the dune is appropriate where
land use prevents nourishment landward, the preexisting dune Adequate beach width is needed for incipient dunes to de-
width is not great enough to prevent breaching during storms, velop into a foredune by natural processes (McLean and
Developed Coasts 401

Shen, 2006), and the most natural way of building a dune they are inexpensive and easy to emplace; they are generally
where beaches are narrow is by nourishing the beach with deployed at the highly dynamic boundary between the beach
sediments with appropriate characteristics that can be re- and dune; and they are commonly deployed in nature con-
worked by waves and winds (Nordstrom, 2005). The resulting servation areas where other human structures are prohibited
dune will then have the grain-size characteristics, internal (Nordstrom, 2000). The method of emplacement of sand
stratification, topographic variability, surface cover, and root fences is commonly according to the whim of local managers
mass of a natural dune. The extra width of a nourished beach (Grafals-Soto and Nordstrom, 2009), despite the existence of
then provides greater protection to the dune from wave ero- guidelines for their use (e.g., CERC, 1984; Ranwell and Boar,
sion (van der Wal, 1998, 2004) and increases the potential for 1986; Hotta et al., 1987, 1991). Densities and numbers of
a wider cross-shore gradient of physical processes to occur, fence rows can be great in places, and fences can remain as
allowing for more distinctive habitats, ranging from pioneer conspicuous elements and physical boundaries to movement
species on the seaward side to woody shrubs and trees farther of fauna. The same types of fences used to trap sand are
landward (Freestone and Nordstrom, 2001). characteristically used to control access, unintentionally in-
creasing the impact of fences on aeolian transport and dune
formation, and creating unusual dune shapes. Fences placed
too close to the water are subject to storm-wave erosion during Building Dunes Using Sand Fences
storms (Ruz and Anthony, 2008). As a result, suggestions have
Sand-trapping fences are used to build a dune up or fill gaps in been made to minimize fence usage once an initial protective
the crestline of an existing dune. In the process, they alter the dune has formed (Grafals-Soto and Nordstrom, 2009).
topography in a way that decreases the likelihood of wave
overwash, wind stress, and salt spray and increases the likeli-
hood that species less well-adapted to these stresses will Building Dunes Using Vegetation
survive closer to the water.
Many experiments on building or stabilizing dunes using
Fencing materials include canes, tree branches, wooden
vegetation were conducted in the 1960s and 1970s and re-
slats, plastic, and jute fabric. Sand-accumulation efficiency and
sulted in the production of many guidelines for planting (re-
morphologic changes depend on fence porosity, height, in-
viewed in Nordstrom, 2008). Government agencies and
clination, scale of openings, shape of openings, wind speed
departments developed their own guidelines, commonly
and direction, sand characteristics, separation distance be-
based on these reports (e.g., CERC, 1984), and many guide-
tween fences, number of fence rows, and placement relative
lines are now conveniently placed on websites (Nordstrom,
to existing topography. As a result of so many variables,
no standard method of foredune construction can be directly
Planting programs characteristically use a single species.
applied on all beaches (Hotta et al., 1991), and recommendat-
Other species can colonize restored areas if small populations
ions for sand-fence configurations vary (Miller et al., 2001).
are present nearby and if dispersal mechanisms in the form of
Straight alignments parallel to the shore are common and
wind, water, or animals are effective (Snyder and Boss, 2002;
seem to provide the most economical method of building
Grootjans et al., 2004). Stabilizing the sand surface with one
protective dunes (CERC, 1984; Miller et al., 2001). Paired
species can ameliorate environmental extremes and facilitate
fences and zigzag configurations can create wider dunes with
establishment of other species that are less adapted to stressful
more undulating crestlines and more gently sloping dune
environments (Martı́nez and Garcı́a-Franco, 2004; De Lillis
faces, resulting in a closer approximation to the shapes of
et al., 2005). Construction of foredunes using vegetation has
natural dunes (Schwendiman, 1977; Snyder and Pinet, 1981).
rarely involved geomorphologists in the past, but their ex-
Fences may be placed in short, detached sections that are
pertise could help in identifying the appropriate distance
oriented transverse to the shoreline to provide more efficient
landward of the waterline for initial planting and anticipating
traps to prevailing winds that are not directly onshore (An-
the way the new dune will evolve.
thony et al., 2007). Multiple lifts of fences can create a higher
dune with greater volume than single lifts (CERC, 1984;
Mendelssohn et al., 1991; Miller et al., 2001). Use of fences in
new dune-building operations is commonly a secondary ac- 10.15.6 Effects of Structures
tion taken after the primary protective dune is created using
bulldozers (Mauriello, 1989; Matias et al., 2005). The lo- Coastal processes, landforms, and habitats are altered by many
cations of these added fences are critical in determining different types of human structures (reviewed in Nordstrom,
whether the surface of the bulldozed landform can evolve to a 2000). The effects of each structure are localized and roughly
more naturally functioning dune (Nordstrom et al., 2009). proportional to its size, but the cumulative effects of numer-
Fencing and vegetation plantings can build dunes in a sand- ous structures can have greater impact, as can human actions
deficient environment, but inevitably, beach nourishment is to make use of structures or protect them from coastal haz-
required to maintain a healthy, well-vegetated dune on a ards. Categories of structures designed for shore protection
transgressing shore (Mendelssohn et al., 1991). include shore-perpendicular- and shore-parallel structures
Sand fences are one of the most important human ad- built onshore, dikes, offshore protection structures, and
justments affecting the morphology and vegetation on sandy pumps and drains. Structures built for boating and navigation
coasts because they are among the few types of structures include jetties and marinas. Recreation structures include
permitted seaward of the dune crest in many jurisdictions; piers, promenades, and boardwalks, and small buildings
402 Developed Coasts

placed on the backshore. Buildings include houses, hotels, and obtaining a construction permit. Bulkheads are vertical re-
commercial structures. Facilities used as support infrastructure taining walls generally built landward of an existing beach and
include roads, and parking lots, and drainage pipes. not intended to provide protection against direct wave attack.
Seawalls and revetments are more massive and built where the
protective effects of the beach have been reduced or elimin-
ated. Revetments have more gentle slopes to dissipate wave Protection Structures
runup. Effects of shore-parallel walls on the beach are re-
Shore-protection structures are generally designed to address viewed by Dean (1986), Kraus (1987, 1988), Kraus and
erosion problems related to local deficiency in the sediment McDougal (1996), and Shipman et al. (2010). Effects on the
budget. Characteristically, these structures displace the locus of dune are reviewed by Jackson and Nordstrom (2011). Adverse
erosion to adjacent unprotected areas, resulting in a need to effects of shore-parallel walls can include: (1) loss of the beach
address those secondary erosion problems. Accelerated ero- due to placement of the wall on it; (2) passive erosion (rep-
sion rates, pronounced breaks in shoreline orientation, and resenting the narrowing of the profile in front of the structure
truncation of the beach profile commonly occur just down- as the natural regional shoreline migrates landward); (3) ac-
drift of shore-perpendicular structures (Everts, 1979; Nerses- tive erosion (representing the loss due to intensification of surf
sian et al., 1992) and reduced beach widths occur seaward of zone processes); (4) truncation or replacement of the dune by
shore-parallel structures that have been employed for a long the structure; and (5) interference with aeolian transport
time (Hall and Pilkey, 1991). landward of it (Pilkey and Wright, 1988; Jackson and Nord-
Groins are the most common shore-perpendicular struc- strom, 2011). Hydrodynamic and morphologic response of a
tures. They are emplaced to maintain the beach updrift of beach to a seawall depends on the position of the wall on the
them and can be used to advantage where: (1) sediment beach profile relative to breaking waves and swash (Kraus,
transport diverges from a nodal region; (2) there is no new 1988; Weggel, 1988; Plant and Griggs, 1992). Many of the
sediment entering the system (such as downdrift of a break- morphological effects of seawalls on the beach are identified
water or jetty); (3) sedimentation downdrift is undesirable; in Griggs et al. (1991) and Plant and Griggs (1992).
(4) the longevity of beach nourishment must be increased; (5) Dikes are linear structures built above high water and are
an entire reach is to be stabilized; and (6) currents are espe- designed to prevent inundation of inland resources. They may
cially strong at inlets (Kraus et al., 1994). Groins trap sediment be of any size and composed of natural or cultural materials.
updrift of them, but they also: (1) deprive the beach imme- Most dikes are built far enough landward that they commonly
diately downdrift of sand; (2) affect wave refraction and do not affect coastal processes and are not perceived to be part
breaking and surf-zone circulation, producing new rip cur- of a naturally functioning process system. Dikes designed to
rents; and (3) redirect sediment offshore to form deposits prevent inundation by water need not prevent aeolian trans-
downdrift of the tips of the structures, resulting in a more port or prevent dunes from forming on them, and artificial
complex topography (Everts, 1979; Sherman et al., 1990). dunes may be used to cover dikes composed of cultural
Groins are effective as terminal structures and can help hold materials (Nordstrom and Arens, 1998).
beach fill in place or be used in combination with backpassing A great variety of structures may be used to mimic natural
operations (National Research Council, 1995). Building per- headlands to create more stable embayments between them
meable groins or lowering their profile can reduce downdrift (Hsu et al., 2010). These structures are generally built parallel
sediment starvation and rip currents, creating a more linear to the shore and may include: (1) artificial headlands that are
shoreline than occurs with impermeable groins (Trampenau constructed at or near the shoreline; (2) detached breakwaters
et al., 1996). Submerged groins have been suggested to ac- (emergent and submerged) that are not connected to the
complish these goals and make the structures inconspicuous shore; and (3) submerged sills that reduce the rate of offshore
(Aminti et al., 2004). transport, creating a perched beach (Chasten et al., 1994).
Impermeable groins are effective traps for sand blown There is great variety in design and use of artificial headlands
along the beach and can form small, generally temporary, (Silvester and Hsu, 1993). Many are experimental, and the
shore-perpendicular dunes on the lower beach and more distinction between them may be blurred. The crenulated bays
permanent dunes at niches formed by the contact between the they help create can resemble conditions at small naturally
structure and the dune or any structure on the landward occurring pocket beaches.
portion of the backshore or dune (Jackson and Nordstrom, Breakwaters are designed to reduce wave energy reaching
2011). The increase in beach width on the updrift sides of the shoreline by dissipating, reflecting, or diffracting on-
groins provides a wider source of sand for aeolian transport by coming waves, thereby enhancing deposition and creating a
onshore oblique winds and can help protect any dunes to beach where uses compatible with low-wave energies may be
landward from storm–wave erosion (Nersessian et al., 1992). implemented (Chasten et al., 1994). Alteration of the energy
By contrast, dunes downdrift of groins may be truncated by of the wave environment landward of these structures may
erosion or eliminated. Where dunes survive on the downdrift result in a change in slope, grain size, and temporal variability
side, they may be steeper than updrift dunes because of loss of of the beach; sheltered beaches are generally steeper, have
the seaward portion of the dune by wave erosion (Jackson and coarser and more poorly sorted surface sediments, and
Nordstrom, 2011). undergo less change in profile. Considerable differences in the
Shore-parallel protection structures built onshore include characteristics of beaches landward of breakwaters can occur
bulkheads, seawalls, and revetments. These structures can be depending on location of these structures and the size and
built above mean high water, simplifying the process of spacing of the individual elements (Bricio et al., 2008).
Developed Coasts 403

Sills are generally combined with nourishment operations Shoreline erosion downdrift of jetties is well documented
to hold fill in place. A sill creates a gently sloping perched (Everts, 1979) and can occur at rates so great that topography
beach that can reduce both offshore sand losses and longshore can change from dunes to overwash flat, altering vegetation
transport (Ferrante et al., 1992). Perched beach construction is assemblages (Roman and Nordstrom, 1988). Adverse effects
facilitated in low-energy environments, but perched beaches of sand starvation may be prevented by making provisions for
also hold potential in higher energy environments (de Ruig sediment bypass. Jetties can have a positive effect on for-
and Roelse, 1992; de Ruig, 1995). Such beaches may be pre- mation of dunes by creating wider beaches updrift of them
ferred over emergent coastal structures where tourism, that increase the likelihood that dunes and dune fields will
esthetics, and ecological considerations are perceived import- form and survive. The accretion zone is likely to attract the
ant (Ferrante et al., 1992). interest of developers; hence, provisions must be in place to
Reefs are submerged structures designed to control rather prevent development, if the environment is intended to evolve
than resist wave activity and are simpler and less expensive to naturally (Nordstrom, 2000).
build than emergent breakwaters and are less susceptible to Marinas and port facilities built out from the shore are
damage (Ahrens and Cox, 1990). They may be favored where common along some coasts (Anthony, 1994, 1997). These
a structural solution is desired but visibility from the beach structures act as artificial headlands that break up the orien-
would interfere with esthetics (Pacini et al., 1997). These tation of the shoreline, change refraction and diffraction pat-
structures hold great promise for future deployment, but there terns, trap sediment, deflect sediment offshore, and starve
are unresolved questions about the optimum crest heights and adjacent downdrift beaches (McDowell et al., 1993). Beaches
distances offshore to avoid trapping of water behind the may be eliminated to create marinas, but new beaches may be
structure that may contribute to rip currents and increased intentionally created adjacent to or within these marinas using
longshore current velocities on the lee side, with associated sediment dredged from navigation channels.
scour (Browder et al., 1996; Dean et al., 1997).
Structures can be used to alter the hydraulics of flow
through the beach to decrease or increase the likelihood of Recreation Structures on the Beach
sediment entrainment or deposition. Drainage systems can
lower the beach water table and enhance deposition by swash The effects of piers depend on length, width, pile diameter,
uprush while diminishing erosion on the backwash, with little pile spacing, number of piles per bent, bent spacing, and pile
to no impact on the esthetics of the beach (Curtis et al., 1996; bracing. Horizontal members can act as barriers to wind flow
Turner and Leatherman, 1997). Many of these drainage sys- and waves and swash during storms. Little field data exist on
tems do not function well (Vicinanza et al., 2010), and, like the geomorphic effects of pilings and piers, but Weggel and
many other methods of shore protection, result in accretion at Sorensen (1991) noticed measurable influence of a pier on
the site to be protected but erosion at some other location local longshore transport rates and beach planform, and
because there is no increase in the regional sediment budget. Miller et al. (1983) showed greater depth, steeper slope, and
Fluidizers, by contrast, increase the pore pressure and liquefy greater vertical variation in beach profiles along a pier than in
the sediment substrate (Patterson et al., 1991), making sedi- profiles away from it. They considered the changes similar to
ment more susceptible to movement by waves and currents or what would occur at a permeable groin.
by pumping. They are more appropriate for maintaining inlet Seafront promenades (Figure 4) and boardwalks (wooden
channels or removing sediment from borrow areas. promenades on pilings) provide longshore access for pedes-
trians. Their impact on beaches and dunes depends on where
they are placed, how they are constructed, and to what extent Structures for Boating and Navigation
they are kept free of sediment transported to them. Promen-
Jetties are designed to constrain and direct the flow of water at ades elevated above the backshore surface act as total barriers
inlets and to provide a barrier to longshore transport to pre- to sediment transport and may be protected by seawalls,
vent shoaling of the navigation channel. Effects of jetties in- which place structural effects farther seaward (Figure 4).
clude: (1) impoundment of sediment updrift; (2) increase of Boardwalks can allow sand to be transported under them by
erosion rate on the downdrift shoreline; (3) migration of the wave and aeolian processes. The boardwalks themselves need
preexisting channel (usually toward and parallel to the updrift not be protected by shore-parallel structures, but a bulkhead
jetty); (4) loss of preexisting ebb distributary channels; (5) or sand fence may be constructed near them to protect ad-
erosion of the preexisting ebb delta; (6) transport of sediments jacent buildings and infrastructure from wave damage or wind
moved by ebb flows to deeper water; and (7) creation of a new drift. Thus, the passive effects of boardwalks are relatively
ebb-tidal delta and associated bars farther seaward (Kieslich, benign, but they define the locations of other human actions
1981; Dean, 1988; Hansen and Knowles, 1988). Changes on that may interfere with sediment transfers.
the shorelines near jettied inlets are unidirectional over the Many kinds of small structures are placed right on the
long term, with accretion updrift and erosion downdrift in- beach to enhance recreational beach use, including bath
stead of bidirectional (erosion–accretion cycles) as occurs houses (cabanas), commercial stalls, umbrella stands, chairs
before jetty construction. Beaches in the inlet throat generally and beach baskets, lifeguard towers and buildings that contain
are removed by tidal scour where parallel jetties are closely rescue or first-aid equipment. These structures are generally
spaced. Where jetties are spaced far apart, beaches in the inlet considered temporary, but damage from minor storms leads
throat are not always eliminated but the inlet channel may be to complaints by entrepreneurs to provide protection struc-
less predictable for navigation (Nordstrom, 1987). tures (Fabbri, 1989). Maximization of use of these recreation
404 Developed Coasts

structures may also involve grading operations and calls for erosion by seawalls and against wind-blown sand by sand
converting them into permanent buildings, resulting in a fences or sand barriers (low impermeable structures), greatly
geomorphic impact that greatly exceeds that of the initial restricting the zone over which aeolian processes can occur.
structures. Local zones of aeolian accretion and scour are Although roads and parking lots can allow transfers across
commonly associated with these structures, but these effects them, the landforms that develop on their margins are rarely
are temporary. Wave uprush or beach-grooming operations allowed to evolve naturally and characteristically look more
generally eliminate the topographic changes they introduce. like spoil piles than landforms.
Drainage pipelines and culverts on the beach can change
locations of accretion and erosion, slow littoral drift, and Buildings form traps for accumulation of windblown sand. Water
from storm drains that empty onto the beach can scour the
The direct effects of buildings have been less well studied than
surface and fluidize the sediments. The effects on the beach
actions taken to facilitate their construction and subsequent
of these structures are poorly known as are the impacts of
use or to protect them from coastal hazards (Nordstrom,
modifications of the beach to construct, repair, or enhance
2000). Buildings replace the backshore and dune and reduce
their use. Most are temporary and are removed by storm-wave
the source area for wind-blown sand, and they alter wave
uprush and wind directions and speeds, thereby altering de-
positional patterns (Nordstrom and McCluskey, 1984, 1985).
Buildings can provide barriers to sediment transport and
separate landforms from their sediment sources. They can also 10.15.7 Characteristics of Human-Altered
accelerate flows around them and between them, increasing Landforms
the likelihood of local scour.
Buildings designed as permanent structures are rarely built Human-altered landforms may be evaluated in terms of lo-
on the active beach, but subsequent erosion may eventually cation, dimensions, orientation, topographic variability, sedi-
place them there. Post-storm evaluations of houses on pilings ment characteristics, mobility, and the degree to which they
remaining on the beach indicate that they have little effect on form and evolve by natural processes. Identification of the
landform characteristics, whereas houses built on the ground ways these landforms differ from natural landforms is of
create obstructions to flow and cause localized zones of fundamental importance in managing coastal systems, but
accretion and scour. geomorphologists have generally been reluctant to engage in
A substantial difference can occur in the degree of inter- this kind of research.
ference with wind velocity by houses located at different ele-
vations with respect to the dune crest and in different
configurations (Nordstrom and McCluskey, 1985; Gares, Location
1990). Different dune shapes can result from the interference
Beach nourishment can extend the beach farther seaward than
of houses with the wind stream and the direct attempts by
it would be under natural conditions and displace the location
residents to modify the location of sediment deposition using
of the breakers and surf farther offshore. Jetties and groins may
earthmoving equipment or vertical walls. High-rise structures
displace the zone of wave action seaward in the accretion zone
can have a more pronounced effect on winds, creating high
but displace it landward in the sand-starved areas downdrift. In
speeds near the building and flow separation in the lee, with
the long term, construction of human facilities and protection
reversals in regional wind direction and pronounced upward
projects contribute to maintaining beaches within a more re-
flows. These effects may increase rates of aeolian transport and
stricted zone but farther seaward than they would be under
alter locations of accretion and scour on the beach, if high-rise
natural conditions. Artificially created foredunes built for shore
buildings are built close to the shoreline (Gundlach and Siah,
protection are generally closer to the ocean than under natural
1987; Nordstrom and Jackson, 1998).
conditions because the zone within which they can exist is
restricted by structures landward of them, and seaward growth
is favored because of the installation of sand fences (Gares, Support Infrastructure
1990). Dunes that are allowed to survive on private properties
Roads and parking lots with impermeable surfaces provide landward of the beach commonly are incorporated into the
pathways for overwash and aeolian transport during large cultural landscape, thus eliminating what would be a backdune
storms (Hall and Halsey, 1991). They can concentrate runoff zone on natural shores (Nordstrom, 2000).
into low places, causing local flooding during heavy rain The boundaries of human-altered landforms are inevitably
events. Typically, overwash deposits on these surfaces are ei- defined by human values. Thus, spatial differences in land-
ther bulldozed to sides of roads or returned to the beach. form characteristics along the shore may conform to juris-
Sediment bulldozed to the sides of roads and parking lots dictional boundaries reflecting sociopolitical differences
creates either hummocky or linear surfaces that are generally (Mauriello and Halsey, 1987) rather than to geographical
landscaped according to the tastes of local managers. Some variation in natural processes or sediment budgets. In the
deposits are left to develop naturally. Aeolian transport across USA, foredunes are often managed as municipal resources and
roads commonly results in a dune that is physically decoupled pronounced differences in dune widths, heights, and numbers
from the beach source but is still supplied by it. Roads and of fence rows can occur at municipal boundaries (Grafals-Soto
parking lots are characteristically protected against wave and Nordstrom, 2009).
Developed Coasts 405 Dimensions Topographic Variability

Nourished beaches may be built higher than natural beaches Beaches in human-altered areas generally have less topo-
to provide protection against flooding and overwash, although graphic variability (Figure 4). Nourished beaches are com-
this practice can have adverse environmental effects (Jackson monly constructed with a simple profile shape; recreation
et al., 2010). Grading of natural dunes to create a better rec- beaches are generally graded flat to facilitate beach access and
reation platform may create a locally higher beach. Raised use; and beach cleaning eliminates incipient dunes and
platforms constructed on the backshore to accommodate prevents extension of existing dunes seaward. Topographic
recreation structures are higher than would be created by variability of the beach alongshore may be increased at shore-
normal wave conditions (Nordstrom and Arens, 1998). perpendicular protection structures as a result of formation of
Higher than normal beaches can occur updrift of shore-pro- local zones of accretion and erosion (Nordstrom, 2000).
tection structures, and lower than normal beaches can occur in Dunes generally have less topographic variability than their
the sand-starved locations downdrift. Grading of beaches to natural counterparts where they are formed by sand fences or
create wider platforms and raking of beaches to eliminate litter earth-moving equipment (Figure 6) because they generally are
also can decrease beach elevation. designed to a common standard (Nordstrom et al., 2007).
Dunes tend to be low where residents demand easy access Dunes may have greater topographic variability where they
and views of the water from shorefront homes (Nordstrom form by aeolian processes at isolated or shore-perpendicular
and Mauriello, 2001). Foredunes are highest where safety is structures or where they are created using earth-moving
the principal value, government control is strong, and sand equipment without subsequent reshaping (Figure 7). Actions
fences and vegetation plantings augment natural trapping taken by individual residents may create considerable diversity
rates. The heights of dunes in many communities in the at the scale of individual lots (10–30 m).
USA represent a compromise between recreation and pro-
tection; the bulk of the dune is built to adequate heights to
provide protection against small storms but not interfere with Sediment Characteristics
views, and low points (often at the elevation of the back-
shore) are allowed at intervals alongshore to favor beach Exotic materials may be introduced to the beach matrix, if
access. nourishment operations use sources outside the immediate
Much of the variation in beach width along developed beach environment. The characteristics of opportunistic
shores is now more a function of landscaping and protection sources can depart dramatically from native sediments
structures on the backshore than differences caused by natural (Sherman and Jones, 1999). Even where sediment is nearly
factors (Kana, 1993). Beaches may be narrower than under ideal in textural composition, the method of handling the
natural conditions due to seaward placement of sand fences borrow material in its transportation to the fill site will affect
that build the dune onto what was the backshore (Gares, its local textural composition (Swart, 1991). Dramatically
1990) or because of the prevention of migration of the land- different beach materials may be introduced in less traditional
ward portion of the backshore by human infrastructure nourishment projects or projects that use the beach as a
(Anthony, 1997; Nordstrom, 2000). Beach nourishment may way of disposing dredged sediment or creating new land
create a wider beach than occurred prior to development in (Anthony, 1994). Wave reworking of exotic fill sediment
urban resorts that are nourished frequently or widened to may produce landforms that mimic natural landforms in
enhance recreation. their form, but the mineralogy, color, or texture (and thus
Dunes in developed areas are generally narrow because the their function) may depart dramatically from native materials
landward extent is restricted by human infrastructure. Wide (Nordstrom et al., 2004). The portion of the beach that is not
dunes exist in developed areas where accretion has occurred
near shore-perpendicular structures (Jackson and Nordstrom,
2011), providing that regulations have prevented new devel-
opment from encroaching. Orientation
Protection structures transform longer, natural beaches into a
new set of smaller drift cells (Byrnes et al., 1993), producing
more breaks in orientation per unit length of shoreline.
Shorelines can become more linear where nourishment op-
erations bury structures, but nourishment operations that are
localized and erosion hot spots on nourished beaches can
create pronounced local breaks in orientation. Dunes in de-
veloped areas are characteristically more linear than natural
dunes because their creation and subsequent management are
simplified as linear features. Foredunes are linear whether they Figure 7 Bulldozed dune with disposal piles of sediment removed
are created using sand fences, vegetation plantings, or earth- from the beach in cleaning operations at Whale Beach, New Jersey,
moving equipment (Nordstrom, 2000). USA.
406 Developed Coasts

reworked by waves may diverge even more through time as function if they are maintained as recreation platforms or pro-
aeolian transport creates a surface layer of more resistant tection structures. Nourishing beaches with sediment similar to
exotic materials (Jackson et al., 2010). native materials and allowing beaches and dunes to evolve on
Dunes created by bulldozing, or dumping from trucks, or their own, without raking or emplacing sand fences, can result
beach-cleaning equipment (Figure 7) have poorly defined in- in more natural forms.
ternal stratification, and they may contain sediments that are The most natural dunes occur where human actions are
too coarse or too fine to be aeolian deposits. Sediments from extrinsic and associated with changes in boundary conditions
offshore that are used to build dunes may be shell rich relative (beach nourishment, accretion at structures, and accidental
to natural dunes (van Bohemen and Meesters, 1992; van der introduction of exotics) or changes in wind and sediment
Wal, 1998), and may have different leaching characteristics that paths that affect dune development (jetsam on beach and
affect the flow of water and nutrients (Adriaanse and Choosen, structures). Actions that are intentional include changing the
1991). Formation of lag surfaces on nourished dunes may keep susceptibility of the surface to erosion or deposition by
these locations from retaining sand and allowing marram grass planting or removing vegetation, trampling, and installing
to grow (van Bohemen and Meesters, 1992). Dunes may have fences, and by changing the dune volume directly by disposing
cores designed to resist erosion or may have formed over shore- litter, bulldozing, or nourishing the dune (Nordstrom and
protection structures (Dette and Raudkivi, 1994; Nordstrom Arens, 1998). Either natural processes or human actions may
and Arens, 1998; Schreck Reis et al., 2008; Antunes do Carmo be dominant in the long term. Considerable opportunity
et al., 2010), although they may be capped by sand and exists for aeolian processes to modify the foredunes after they
resemble natural dunes on the surface. are created, even in locations where exotic materials are
dumped (Figure 7). Recognition of the many ways that Mobility human alterations contribute to our conception of a dune and
its value will help in developing more sophisticated models
Most direct human action is designed to reduce the long-term for foredune evolution in developed areas and help identify
mobility of the beach in the landward direction (to protect ways to make these landforms more compatible with natural
infrastructure) and alongshore (to retain beach volume in values (Nordstrom and Arens, 1998; Nordstrom, 2008).
hazard-prone developed areas or to prevent excessive sedi-
mentation downdrift), but mobility can be greatly increased in
the short term by human actions. High rates of mobility can 10.15.9 Cyclic Change versus Progressive Change
occur locally as an unwanted byproduct of shore-protection
operations or navigation improvements, although, eventually, Beaches and foredunes on a transgressing natural shoreline are
a new equilibrium is achieved and subsequent mobility is commonly conceived as undergoing a landward shift, with
greatly reduced. Mobility associated with beach nourishment cycles of destruction and restoration of their equilibrium form
can greatly exceed natural rates, especially where the fill ma- and cross-sectional area as they are displaced inland (Pilkey,
terials are finer than the native materials (Nordstrom, 2000). 1981). Foredunes on landward-migrating shores may main-
Aeolian transport rates may be greatly increased during tain their form and dimensions in the long term by continu-
construction phases of building programs, where stabilizing ous migration (Psuty, 1989) or re-achieve their form and
vegetation is removed (González-Yajimovich and Escofet, dimensions through breaching by storm waves, followed by
1991). Once dunes are created and shaped according to human buildup landward of the former crestline (Godfrey et al.,
needs, attempts generally are made to protect them in place, 1979). Scenarios of change for eroding developed coasts that
and they become less mobile. The practice of constructing new do not include beach nourishment as a management option
protective foredunes well seaward of the previous foredunes, or are driven by limitations in sediment availability (Nordstrom,
the bulkhead line, or boardwalk enhances the mobility of the 1994). The ability of landforms to adjust their forms and di-
landform due to wave erosion. Most restrictions to dune mo- mensions to major process changes is impaired relative to
bility are due to structures, including bulkheads and seawalls natural systems. Storm events on developed shores eventually
that prevent erosion of dune deposits landward of them and convert wide beaches and wide and topographically varied
sand-trapping fences that prevent besanding of buildings and dunes to truncated forms and convert multiple dune crestlines
shore-protection structures and keep dunes from migrating to single ridges that decrease in width and eventually are
inland (Gares, 1990; Nordstrom, 2000). eliminated as erosion proceeds (Pilkey, 1981; Nordstrom
et al., 1986). Large seawalls without a fronting beach are
considered the final stage of the progression of human alter-
10.15.8 Distinguishing Natural from Human-Created ations to maintain a fixed position on a migrating shoreline in
Landforms the absence of a long-term commitment to beach nourish-
ment (Pilkey, 1981). This scenario describes a closed system of
A distinction can be made between landforms created inten- coastal evolution.
tionally and those that form unintentionally (opportunistically). Rejuvenation of features characteristic of a natural land-
Humans can be considered intrinsic agents in evolution of scape can occur with massive inputs of beach nourishment or
landforms created and shaped by them and extrinsic agents in changes in regulations that prohibit or limit construction or
evolution of landforms that are unintended or allowed to form reconstruction of protection structures. These human adjust-
without help or hindrance (Nordstrom and Arens, 1998). Bea- ments reestablish the potential for an open system (cyclic)
ches created by direct nourishment may be artificial in form and scenario of change for developed coasts (Titus, 1990;
Developed Coasts 407

Nordstrom, 1994). The reestablishment of the potential for of many shore animals, and interspecific competition is
cyclic change by nourishment is the result of conscious human minimized because few macrofaunal species can tolerate the
decisions and the availability of funding. Thus, whether harsh conditions (Brown, 1996). Natural foredunes are in-
natural geomorphic features will re-form through time is herently dynamic and fragmented (Garcı́a-Novo et al., 2004),
dependent on human values for the resource. Although re- and portions of them are always in an incipient state. A dune
stored beaches are likely to evolve under natural cycles of wave maintained as a dynamic system can be more resistant to
action in the short term (at least between nourishment oper- erosion, cheaper to maintain, have greater natural values, and
ations), transfers between the beach and locations farther in- be more sustainable than a fixed dune (Garcı́a-Novo et al.,
land may be prevented by human actions. A lack of linkage 2004; Heslenfeld et al., 2004; Martı́nez et al., 2004). The op-
between the beach and the remainder of the coast can occur timum condition for dune environments may be one where
under both the closed- and open-system scenarios (Nord- different sections are evolving at different rates or stages,
strom, 1994). providing many alternative environments characterized by
different degrees of sediment movement and ground covers
(Nordstrom, 2008). Designing restoration projects for barrier
10.15.10 Maintaining or Restoring Natural islands that allow overwash in some areas and dune building
Processes, Structure, and Functions in other areas (Rosati and Stone, 2009) is one way of achieving
Human-modified beaches and dunes can be put back on a Characteristically, the limit to how much dynamism can be
natural trajectory by restoring the sediment, the basic shapes tolerated is related to the distance to the nearest human in-
of landforms, the characteristics of microhabitats, and the frastructure. Where there is insufficient space, human efforts
processes of wave and wind reworking. Most efforts taken to may be required to control and adapt to change rather than
manage landscapes to achieve greater natural values may only prevent it or allow it free reign, using a strategy that can be
achieve a few restoration goals, and the mobility of landforms called ‘controlled dynamism’ (Nordstrom et al., 2007). Con-
and habitats may be limited by the need to keep projects small trols can be placed on the magnitude of change by providing
because of cost or spatial constraints, but collectively, these protection against some storm effects or some human inputs
efforts reveal the ways more comprehensive restoration goals (but not all of them) or controlling the location of change by
can be addressed. Key to long-term success of environmental protecting or abandoning natural habitat or human uses in
restoration projects is how much freedom is given to natural some regions but not all.
processes (Nordstrom, 2008). This section identifies ways
natural processes can be enhanced by altering or removing
shore-protection structures and introducing compatible
beach-management options that can be exercised on the local Altering or Removing Shore-Protection
level. These include restricting raking or driving on beaches Structures
and dunes, removing or altering sand-trapping fences, pro- Small-scale projects have been conducted to remove shore-
tecting endangered species, altering growing conditions, con- protection structures to allow farmland or campsites to
trolling exotic species, and allowing time for naturalization to undergo wind and wave reworking (Isermann and Krisch,
occur. Differences in the space available for landforms to 1995). Dikes are being relocated landward or breached but
evolve on developed shores will require alternative manage- generally in estuarine environments where wave energies are
ment scenarios. Options for spatially restricted locations are low and levels of investment are not great (Warren et al., 2002;
examined in the context of dune management. Garbutt et al., 2006). Natural breaches in dikes on the open
coast can have a positive effect on biodiversity (van der Veen
et al., 1997), and at least one dike-relocation project is plan- Determining Appropriate Levels of Dynamism
ned for an open coast (Nordstrom et al., 2007). Dunes, like
Much of the problem of managing beaches and dunes as dikes, can be mechanically breached or can be allowed to
natural systems within developed areas is that healthy natural erode to the point where they are breached by storm waves,
systems are dynamic, but humans want a system that is sta- allowing low uplands to flood and change the nature of the
bilized to make it safe, maintain property rights, or simplify habitat (Arens et al., 2001; Nordstrom et al., 2007).
management (Nordstrom, 2003). Stability is generally the Building low-profile, shore-protection structures and low-
major goal in managing dunes for shore protection, and ering or abandoning existing structures are becoming more
stable dunes can even be favored by natural resource managers common, with recognition of the need to limit public ex-
wishing to protect a specific environmental inventory. It is not penditures for shore protection, provide more compatible
always easy for managers to consider change as a positive natural habitat, improve esthetics for recreation, or reinstate
factor in conservation (Doody, 2001), but many scientists and sediment transfers across and along the shore (Brampton,
an increasing number of managers advocate dynamic systems 1998; Zelo et al., 2000; Aminti et al., 2004). Groins are
to allow nature to undergo exchanges of sediment, nutrients, allowed to deteriorate if money for repair or replacement is
and biota, follow cycles of accretion, erosion, growth, and lacking, if sediment is needed on adjacent beaches, or if in-
decay, and retain diversity and complexity, resulting in greater tentional breaching of dunes and dikes landward of them is
resilience (Garcı́a-Mora et al., 2000; Doody, 2001). desired (Nordstrom et al., 2007). They have been removed in
Dynamism is not a problem for fauna adapted to the beach some locations (McDowell et al., 1993; Beachler and Higgins,
environment. The ability to survive on beaches is a key feature 1992), but there is little documentation of the results on
408 Developed Coasts

beach change. Shortening or lowering of groins to allow for natural landforms in location or orientation. Symbolic fences
some bypass of sediment is more common than removal and that provide cues to visitors but do not interfere with sediment
is better documented (Nersessian et al., 1992; Kraus et al., transport or movement of fauna would be better for control-
1994). Alternatives for groin design that allow for sediment ling visitor movement.
bypass while slowing erosion rates are identified in Kraus and Recent initiatives for protecting endangered species by
Rankin (2004). Like managed retreat in estuaries, projects to controlling active human uses reveal great potential for re-
abandon or reduce levels of protection on the open coast are storing naturally functioning beaches and dunes (Nordstrom
considered feasible because: (1) the new natural environments et al., 2000; Breton et al., 2000). Suspension of raking, bull-
will have so much value that the project is considered cost- dozing, and driving on the beach during the bird-nesting
effective; (2) the human-use environment that will be exposed season leads to accumulation of litter in wrack lines, colon-
to natural processes has so little value under present con- ization by plants, and growth of incipient dunes that can
ditions that protection efforts can be discontinued; and (3) evolve into dune fields. Expansion of this concept to pro-
existing protection structures are insufficient to provide future tecting non-endangered species would convert a substantial
protection and would have to be reconstructed anyway portion of the upper beach into a naturally functioning en-
(Nordstrom et al., 2007). vironment (Nordstrom and Mauriello, 2001).
Altering growing conditions to favor more dynamic dune
surfaces can be subject to resistance, in part because of the
long history of stabilization efforts (Marsh, 1885). A need still Introducing Compatible Management Options
exists for stabilization in the early stages of creating protective
at the Local Level
dunes and restoring landforms excavated for mining and
Restricting beach raking is a crucial environmental action that burial of pipelines (Ritchie and Gimingham, 1989; Lubke and
is well within the control of local managers. Alternatives to Avis, 1998), but categorical stabilization should be resisted.
widespread raking include separating the beach into man- Use of exotic vegetation has lost favor with many managers of
agement zones with different methods or frequency of clean- public conservation areas. As a result, attempts are being made
ing; cleaning beaches less frequently; removing cultural litter to remove it. Examples of difficulties involved are presented in
and leaving natural litter in place; using nonmechanical re- Lubke (2004) and Wiedemann and Pickart (2004). Exotics are
moval methods; retaining the uppermost storm wrack line as still generally preferred over native species for landscaping on
the core of an incipient foredune and the most recent wrack private lots on dunes just landward of the beach (Mitteager
line as a foraging area; establishing no-rake zones alongshore; et al., 2006); hence, the problem of eradication is not simply
and restricting cleaning to months when beaches are inten- confined to public management areas.
sively used (Nordstrom, 2008). Many actions taken to restore habitats and landscapes that
Where driving on the beach is permitted, restricting vehicle make use of structures or earth-moving machinery are simply
use to portions of the beach between wrack lines would leave a way of compressing the time dimension in order to achieve a
the most species-rich microhabitats and incipient dunes target state sooner than would happen by natural processes.
intact. These projects should be considered emergency solutions
It seems better to have a few well-managed and well- only. Following emergency actions, a lower level of human
patrolled high-use vehicle trails than many dispersed low-use input may be sufficient to allow landforms to evolve and be-
trails; hence, the number of trails and shore-perpendicular come sustainable by natural processes alone. A problem oc-
access points should be restricted (Godfrey and Godfrey, 1981; curs in spatially restricted environments where ongoing
Priskin, 2003). Driving along the shore is rarely necessary human efforts may be the only way to retain diversity of
where paved shore-parallel roads exist landward. landforms and habitats.
Sand-trapping fences can help construct dunes quickly, but
they prevent the free exchange of sediment and biota across
them and create linear landforms. Nordstrom et al. (2000) 10.15.11 Dune-Management Options in Spatially
and Grafals-Soto and Nordstrom (2009) suggested using Restricted Environments
fences only for creation of the first dune ridge that functions as
the core around which the natural dune evolves. The resulting On a naturally functioning coast, the transition from pioneer
dune would have more natural contours, greater topographic beach plants to fully mature forests can extend over environ-
variability, and greater species diversity than the type of dune mental gradients of hundreds to thousands of meters (McLa-
dike typically associated with development. Use of sand fences chlan, 1990). Richness is diminished near the beach, where few
to create a sacrificial dune seaward of the existing dune is a species can tolerate the stresses of sand mobility and salt spray
common practice that often provides limited benefits, and it is (Moreno-Casasola, 1986). Pioneer plants most tolerant of salt
questionable whether this use of sand fences is more valuable spray and sand blasting form embryo dunes on the backshore,
than using a less expensive symbolic fence that would pre- and grasses form foredune ridges (Hesp, 1989). Protection
vent users from trampling the dune and seaward growth of from salt spray and sand inundation landward of the foredune
vegetation but allow sand to be blown into these areas to favors growth of woody shrubs in the seaward portions and
increase dune volume (Grafals-Soto and Nordstrom, 2009). trees and upland species well landward (Figure 8(a)).
The same fences used to trap sand are commonly used to Human actions restrict sediment budgets, eliminate the
control pedestrian traffic (Matias et al., 2005; Nordstrom et al., landward (in some cases all) dune subenvironments, and re-
2000), creating new depositional features that do not mimic strict the space for reworking of the beach and dune by natural
Developed Coasts 409

Natural gradient Trees

Grasses Shrubs
Contains all microhabitats and species
Microhabitats function naturally Pioneer
Good for shore protection plants

Dynamic zone
Option enhanced
by nourishment Truncated gradient
Pioneer Grasses
One microhabitat with few species
Microhabitat functions naturally plants
Options restricted
Mobile surface
by erosion (b)

Dynamic zone

Compressed gradient Fences Grasses

Many species
Microhabitat variety Sacrificial
Stable surface
Human action required

Expanded gradient Trees

Pioneer Grasses
Relatively species rich
Microhabitat variety plants
Seaward surface mobile Buried
(d) structure
Dynamic zone

Fragmented and decoupled gradient Shrubs

Microhabitat variety, but little space available Grasses
Stable surface landward Pioneer
Habitats isolated plants
Wave eroded/wind accreted zone
portion of dune

Figure 8 Effect of restrictions in space on dune environments. (a) Natural gradient. (b) Truncated gradient. (c) Compressed gradient.
(d) Expanded gradient. (e) Fragmented and decoupled gradient. Modified from Nordstrom, K.F., 2008. Beach and Dune Restoration. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.

processes. Nourishment can provide space for subenviron- (Nordstrom et al., 2000). A natural but truncated gradient is
ments to evolve, but the available cross-shore distance is likely an achievable initial attempt at restoration on coasts where
to be less than a natural dune occupies. Where space is lim- managers now grade and rake the beach to maintain it as a
ited, the dune may be managed to provide a dynamic and recreation platform. To make this conversion, stakeholders
naturally functioning incipient dune microhabitat in a trun- must accept natural beaches, with their wrack, vegetation, and
cated environmental gradient (Figure 8(b)) or a spatially re- topographic obstacles, as suitable recreation sites (Nordstrom,
stricted sampler of the species that would occur in a wider 2008).
transect of a natural dune. This kind of compressed environ- More of the cross-shore sequence of habitats found in
mental gradient (Figure 8(c)) must be enhanced by human natural areas can be represented in spatially restricted
efforts to maintain relative stability of the landward portion of compressed environments (Figure 8(c)), even if the dis-
the dune (Freestone and Nordstrom, 2001). tances cannot be representative (Nordstrom et al., 2002; Fea-
Naturally evolving gradients that are truncated by human gin, 2005); but species typical of the backdune can only exist
structures on the landward slope (Figure 8(b)) may consist of close to the beach if growing conditions are enhanced by a
only the most dynamic subenvironment of the dune, but that relatively stable surface that is protected from inundation by
subenvironment provides habitat for nesting birds, and seed sand, water, and salt spray. Artificially maintaining a protect-
sources for pioneer species that in turn provide food for fauna ive, sacrificial barrier on the seaward side of the foredune using
410 Developed Coasts

sand fences can provide this protection and achieve greater 10.15.12 Prognosis
species richness for a given space than on truncated gradients.
The compressed gradient provides a more reassuring image of Developed landforms, left unmanaged, respond to energy
geomorphic stability than is provided by a truncated gradient, inputs according to the same laws as natural landforms, but
giving it a utilitarian value that fosters acceptance of dunes differences occur between the two landform types in terms of
where natural landforms are under-appreciated (Nordstrom, the mechanisms of change, freedom of movement, locations
2008). of sources and sinks for sediment, internal structure, outward
Municipal managers who build or maintain dunes usually appearance, spatial relationships, and the temporal scales as-
can only do that on the publicly owned beach, resulting in a sociated with of cycles of change. The criteria that define a
dune that is small relative to its natural counterpart. Extension beach or dune on a human-altered coast vary from place to
of the dune onto private lots can create an expanded en- place and over time, attesting to the integral role that humans
vironmental gradient (Figure 8(d)), but considerable effort have in altering both coastal landforms and coastal landform
will be required to gain acceptance of natural features by functions (Nordstrom, 2000). Return to pristine nature may
private landowners and overcome their fears that regulations be an impossible goal considering the increasing pace of
on uses of the new dunes on their properties proscribe the coastal development, but restoration alternatives provide a
land-use rights they hold (Nordstrom, 2008). way by which many natural values can be regained.
Portions of dune may remain adjacent to buildings on The natural interplay of sediments, landforms, and biota
developed lots (Figure 8(e)), or on lot-sized dune enclaves does not have to be limitless to retain natural functions, but
that remain as undeveloped areas within development zones. the amounts of dynamism and complexity that are critical to
If the patches of vegetation in developed areas have variety in maintain long-term viability are difficult to specify. The right
size and age, they can contain nearly as many species as kind of erosional conditions are difficult to plan and predict.
nonfragmented areas (Escofet and Espejel, 1999). These dunes Designs may have to be by trial and error, and adaptive
may be fragmented or decoupled from their source of sand on management may have to be an important component of
the beach, if exchanges of sediments and biota are prevented projects.
by human structures. These dunes are the most unnatural of Compromise solutions will be required to accommodate
all dune types in terms of vegetation and internal character- nature while retaining recreational and protective values of
istics of the sediment (where shaped mechanically), but the landforms in restricted space. Geomorphologists may have to
lack of dynamism on these dunes and their location relatively accept a less than perfect definition of what is natural or how a
far landward make them suitable sites for growth of backdune natural trajectory should be defined. Scientific research has
species that require time to evolve (Nordstrom and Jackson, highlighted the ways developed coasts differ from natural
2003). coasts but has largely ignored the conclusions that natural
Some outcomes in Figure 8 are relatively easy to achieve, landscapes are a myth, that human agency is now a part of the
whereas others require changes in policy and practice. coastal environment rather than an intrusion within it or an
Natural gradients require space and now occur only where overlay upon it, and that human-altered landscapes can and
environmental or safety regulations specify great setback should be evaluated as a generic system (Nordstrom, 1994).
distances for new construction. Beach nourishment may be A priority task for geomorphologists will be to determine
necessary to create this type of gradient where structures have reference and target states for developed areas and determine
encroached on the beach and dune, but maintenance nour- how the concept of naturalness can be redefined and used as a
ishment will be required to allow these environments to standard (Nordstrom, 2003).
survive in the long term. A truncated gradient is easily Human-altered landforms have not benefited from much
achieved, but the dynamism associated with it is likely to be scientific study in the past, presumably because these land-
perceived as a negative characteristic by local managers. A forms were considered too small, temporary, site specific, or
compressed gradient, with its species-rich inventory, its artificial to be of interest, but these landforms and habitats
value for shore protection, and its location completely within take on increased importance when they are ubiquitous or
the publicly managed part of the shore make this a common recurring (Nordstrom, 2000). The large temporal and spatial
and preferred option in many locations. The cost of main- scales that generally characterize studies of natural coastal
taining the dune as a primary barrier against continued systems have little relevance in assessing changes that now
storm-wave attack using sand fences and bulldozing makes confront coastal managers and may be perceived to have little
this option relatively expensive, but the value of the dune relevance in developing workable solutions to present-day
for protection of infrastructure justifies the expenditures problems. Many scientists think that it is the responsibility of
(Nordstrom, 2008). local stakeholders to make dramatic changes in their temporal
An expanded gradient would require participation by pri- and spatial frameworks for managing coastal landforms
vate lot owners; hence, each resident would have to be in- (Nordstrom, 2003). It is necessary for geomorphologists to
formed about environmentally compatible landscaping. bridge this relevance gap if they are to make headway in re-
Fragmented and decoupled gradients represent environ- versing the trend toward environmental degradation. Chan-
mentally degraded states, but they provide the opportunity for ging the perceptions and practices of stakeholders to achieve
nature to occur where it would not otherwise. These dunes new objectives for conservation and restoration requires
may be the only vestiges of formerly occurring secondary knowledge of the reasons managers now alter landforms
dunes, which makes their preservation and enhancement and habitats, the means they use, the impact of economic
critical, despite their small size and lack of dynamism. incentives, and the constraints of government regulations.
Developed Coasts 411

Table 2 Broad research questions for geomorphologists working on Anderson, P., Romeril, M.G., 1992. Mowing experiments to restore a species-rich
developed coasts sward on sand dunes in Jersey, Channel Islands, G.B. In: Carter, R.W.G., Curtis,
T.G.F., Sheehy-Skeffington, M.J. (Eds.), Coastal Dunes: Geomorphology, Ecology
How do developed coasts evolve? and Management for Conservation. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 218–234.
How do landforms and habitats change due to changes in social and Angus, S., Elliott, M.M., 1992. Erosion in Scottish machair with particular reference
economic processes? to the Outer Hebrides. In: Carter, R.W.G., Curtis, T.G.F., Sheehy-Skeffington, M.J.
(Eds.), Coastal Dunes: Geomorphology, Ecology and Management for
How are landforms altered to achieve specific human needs?
Conservation. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 93–112.
What are the characteristics of the resulting landforms and the temporal
Anthony, E.J., 1994. Natural and artificial shores of the French Riviera: an analysis
scales of evolution? of their relationship. Journal of Coastal Research 10, 48–58.
How effective are regulations in preserving landforms and their Anthony, E.J., 1997. The status of beaches and shoreline development options on
associated habitats? the French Riviera: a perspective and prognosis. Journal of Coastal
What are the viable alternative approaches to conserving or restoring Conservation 3, 169–178.
landforms? Anthony, E.J., Vanhee, S., Ruz, M.-H., 2007. An assessment of the impacts of
How can human alterations be made more compatible with natural experimental brushwood fences on foredune sand accumulation based on digital
processes? elevation models. Ecological Engineering 31, 41–46.
What are the ways by which natural values can be maintained while Antunes do Carmo, J., Schreck Reis, C., Freitas, H., 2010. Working with nature by
protecting sand dunes: lessons learned. Journal of Coastal Research 26,
accommodating human use?
What are the tradeoffs involved in using static versus dynamic Arens, S.M., Jungerius, P.D., van der Meulen, F., 2001. Coastal dunes. In: Warren,
approaches to management? A., French, J.R. (Eds.), Habitat Conservation: Managing the Physical
What are the research requirements to address the issues above? Environment. Wiley, London.
Arens, S.M., Wiersma, J., 1994. The Dutch foredunes: inventory and classification.
Source: Modified from Nordstrom, K.F., 2000. Beaches and Dunes of Developed Journal of Coastal Research 10, 189–202.
Coasts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Austin, M.J., Masselink, G., 2006. Swash–groundwater interaction on a steep gravel
beach. Continental Shelf Research 26, 2503–2519.
Avis, A.M., 1995. An evaluation of the vegetation development after artificially
A two-way advisory process is required to allow managers to stabilizing South African coastal dunes with indigenous species. Journal of
educate scientists about the constraints of local politics and Coastal Conservation 1, 41–50.
Baye, P., 1990. Ecological history of an artificial foredune ridge on a northeastern
economics and allow them to then devise workable strategies barrier spit. In: Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium
tailored to these constraints. Humans constitute an increas- on Coastal Sand Dunes. National Research Council Canada, Ottawa,
ingly important process in the evolution of landforms, and pp. 389–403.
study of landforms requires knowledge of their capabilities Beachler, K.E., Higgins, S.H., 1992. Hollywood/Hallandale building Florida’s beaches
and limitations. in the 1990’s. Shore and Beach 60(3), 15–22.
Beachler, K.E., Mann, D.W., 1996. Long range positive effects of the Delray beach
This review highlighted only some of the many ways land- nourishment program. Coastal Engineering 1996: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth
forms are altered by humans and the ways the resulting land- International Conference. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY,
forms may be studied. Study of human-altered coastal systems pp. 4613–4620.
offers many new opportunities for geomorphologists to con- Bodge, K.R., 1994. The extent of inlet impacts upon adjacent shorelines. Coastal
Engineering: Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Coastal Engineering Conference.
duct research. The number of avenues for research is too great
American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, pp. 2943–2957.
to identify here (see Nordstrom, 2000, 2008), but it is possible Bodge, K.R., Olsen, E.J., 1992. Aragonite beachfill at Fisher Island, Florida. Shore
to identify some of the basic questions within which individual and Beach 60(1), 3–8.
projects can be framed (Table 2). The lack of a geomorphic van Bohemen, H.D., 1996. Environmentally friendly coasts: dune breaches and tidal
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Biographical Sketch

Karl F. Nordstrom is a Professor at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, NJ, USA. He gained his PhD in Geography from Rutgers University. Prof. Nordstrom conducts research
on the dynamic processes affecting the size, shape, and location of beaches and dunes in ocean and estuarine
environments. These investigations involve assessment of winds, waves, and currents and the effect of these
processes on sediments, landforms, and biota. Models of beach and dune change have been formulated for both
undeveloped and developed coasts. Research has also been directed towards analysis of coastal land use, requiring
assessments of the social implications of changes to beaches and dunes. He has conducted research on strategies
applicable at the national level, such as management requirements for national seashores and Federal Flood
Insurance guidelines. Activities at the state and municipal levels include assessments of the effects of creating or
altering dunes and restoring naturally functioning environments in intensively developed municipalities. His
visiting positions were as follows: Geography Institute, University of Greifswald, Germany, 2006; Department of
Territorial Studies and Planning, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, 2005; Marine Institute, Universidade do Vale do Itajaı́,
Brazil (Instructor of short course), 2002; Department of Geography, University of Western Australia, 1998; De-
partment of Geography and Soil Science, University of Amsterdam, 1995; Geography Institute, University of Kiel,
Germany, 1990; and Geography Department, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981.
10.16 Evolution of Coastal Landforms
RA Davis, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, and Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, USA
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

10.16.1 Introduction 418

10.16.2 Role of Tectonics in Coastal Evolution 418
10.16.3 Sea Level Influence on Coastal Evolution 420 Quaternary Sea-Level Changes 423 Late Holocene Conditions 424
10.16.4 Evolution of Coastal Environments 425 Fluvial Deltas 425 Estuaries 427 Barrier Island Systems 429 Tidal Inlets 435 Tidal Deltas 436
10.16.5 Rocky Coasts 438 Leading Edge Rocky Coasts 438
10.16.6 Glaciated Coasts 438
10.16.7 Rocky Carbonate Coasts 440
10.16.8 Case Histories of Coastal Evolution 441 Gulf of Mexico Barriers with Emphasis on Texas and Florida 441 North Sea Barrier-Inlet Systems 444 Mississippi River Delta Area 444 Panhandle of Alaska 445 Southeastern Australia and Bahamas 446
10.16.9 Summary 446
References 446

Glossary Holocene The most recent designated period of geologic

Accommodation space The space along a coast between time, including the present. It is an artificial designation by
the ocean bed and sea level in which sediment can paleontologists as 10 000 years to present with all remains
accumulate. of organisms preserved before that being designated as
Barrier migration As barrier islands are washed over, fossils.
there is a conveyor effect causing the barriers to migrate Progradation Coastal development under slowly rising or
landward. stable sea level tends to add sediment with the shoreline
Bayhead delta Streams that deposit large amounts of moving seaward, which is termed progradation.
sediment within an estuary may produce a significant delta Retrogradation The landward movement of the shoreline
which is called a bayhead delta. Good examples are the typically caused by erosion.
Mobile River in Alabama and the Colorado River in Texas. Tectonic setting The location of the coastal region on a
Eustatic sea level Sea level position on a global basis. crustal plate and the geologic dynamics of that crustal
Eustatic changes in sea level are worldwide. margin.


The coastal systems of the modern globe have evolved over a geologically short time – only about the last ten thousand
years. The main influences on coastal evolution include sea level change, sediment availability, and coastal processes,
predominantly wave climate and tidal conditions. The tectonic setting of the coast is also a significant factor in that it
controls the structural and geomorphic setting. Delta systems develop primarily on trailing edge coasts because of sediment

Davis, R. A., 2013. Evolution of coastal landforms. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in

Chief), Sherman, D.J. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, vol. 10, Coastal Geomorphology, pp. 417–448.

Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 10 417

418 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

supply and a broad shallow shelf. Estuarine and barrier/inlet systems follow a similar pattern with extensive systems on
trailing edge coasts and small ones on leading edge coasts. The rate of sea level rise over the period of the last deglaciation
has been extremely important in coastal evolution. A rapid rise severely limits the time necessary for an extensive coastal
system to develop, whereas a slow rise or stable sea level permits the development of an extensive coastal system, all other
factors being equal.

10.16.1 Introduction 10.16.2 Role of Tectonics in Coastal Evolution

The geomorphology of the present coast has evolved, in The classic work of Inman and Nordstrom (1971) provides an
general, over only a few thousand years. Similar coastal excellent global picture of the large-scale tectonic settings for
morphologies have also been present at multiple times during coastal development. They organized all coasts into three
the geologic history of the earth, especially during the Qua- easily identified categories (Figure 1). Leading edge coasts are
ternary. Most of the character of the present coast is the result those that are on the leading edge of a moving crustal plate,
of the interaction of waves and tides, but there is an important whereas trailing edge coasts are on the opposite side of a
control of these by sea-level change. The nature and scale of all moving plate. The third, less widespread category is a marginal
of this play out across the tectonic setting of the coastal sea coast. Included are oceanic environments bounded by is-
environments. land arcs such as are common in the southwestern Pacific
This discussion begins with a consideration of the influ- Ocean.
ence of tectonics on the world coast. Plate boundaries and Leading edge coasts tend to be at or near plate margins
plate motions are very important in influencing coastal pro- where the continental margin is narrow, has high relief, and is
cesses and therefore in the development and nature of coastal topographically quite irregular. The classic example of this
environments. The role of sea-level change and its position type of marginal marine setting is the west continental margin
within the tectonic context is also critical to coastal evolution. of North and South America. The continental shelf is narrow,
Rates, amounts, and directions of various cycles and sub-cycles with numerous fault blocks. Submarine canyons are common
of sea level change control coastal development. The other and may extend landward as far as the surf zone. For the most
fundamental variable for coastal evolution is sediment part, sediment supply to the coast is limited due to the small
availability. drainage systems that characterize these plate margins. Much
Several excellent reviews of coastal geomorphology have of the sediment that reaches the coast is directed down the
been compiled in recent years. These include Cowell and submarine canyons. As a result, because of the combination of
Thom (1994) and Woodroffe (2005), among others. the narrow coastal setting and the limited amount of sediment

Arctic Ocean

Arctic circle

North Europe

Tropic of Cancer

Pacific Atlantic Pacific

Ocean Ocean Ocean
South Indian
America Ocean
Tropic of Capricorn
Microtidal (<1.0 m)
Lower mesotidal (1.0−2.0 m)
Upper mesotidal (2.0−3.5 m)
Lower macrotidal (3.5−5.0 m)
Upper macrotidal (>5.0 m) Southern Ocean

Figure 1 Global map of coastal types based on tectonic setting. Reproduced from Inman, D.L., Nordstrom, C.E., 1971. On the tectonics and
morphologic classification of coasts. The Journal of Geology 79, 1–21, with permission from University of Chicago Press.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 419

Milankovitch cycles
Almost elliptical Almost circular

(a) Periodicity 96 000 years

Axial tilt
a b

ato Equ
r ato

24½° 21½°

(b) Periodicity 42 000 years

Precession of the equinoxes

(i) Now
Periodicity c. 21 000 years
23½° winter Summer

(ii) In c. 5250 years

(iii) In c. 10 500 years

Summer Winter

Figure 2 The three astronomic cycles that influence climate on the earth as recognized by Milankovich.

available, coastal depositional environments are discontinu- provides a wide, shallow margin where these sediments can
ous and restricted in their extent. Erosional rocky coasts are accumulate in various environments.
widespread. Marginal sea coasts are, typically, similar in their morph-
Trailing edge coasts display marked contrasts to the leading ology to the trailing edge coasts. In these settings, the tectonic
edge type. These plate margins are generally wide when they are activity associated with the plate boundary is hundreds to
mature, but they take tens of millions of years to develop. thousands of kilometers seaward from the coast. Generally
The width of the continental shelf is a good index of this there is a complex and large fluvial system that supplies
maturity. For example, the margins of the Red Sea (Neo-trailing abundant sediment to a broad continental margin. Wave en-
edge), a very young spreading system, are quite narrow, whereas ergy tends to be relatively low because of the fetch-limited
the margin on the Atlantic side of the North American plate nature of the basin. The South China Sea is an excellent ex-
is very wide (Amero-trailing edge) due to its age of more than ample of such a tectonic setting. Actually, although there are
150 million years. These margins are typically adjacent to wide some differences, the Gulf of Mexico is also a marginal sea for
coastal plains. This combination allows the development of an tectonic purposes. Although tectonics plays a critical role in
extensive fluvial system to deliver sediment to the coast and the overall geologic and geomorphic setting for coastal
420 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

Interglacial Interglacial


C Inter
Stadial Stadial
Glacial Glacial

Time interval 200 000 years

Figure 3 Superimposed Milankovich Cycles, showing how they become in phase and out of phase over time.

δ18O (%0)

3 9
5 63
21 35
78 82 96 100
5 12
6 16

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Age (Ma)
Figure 4 Plot of oxygen isotope ratios as sea level changes over Quaternary time showing the numerous rises and falls of sea level. Modified
from Shakleton, N.J., Berger, M., Peltier, W.R., 1990. An alternative astronomical calibration of the Lower Pleistocene time scale based on ODP
Site 677. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 81, 251–261.

development, the actual evolution of coastal environments is

generally not influenced by tectonic activity, but only by the −2.0 9 0

Glaucioeustasy (m)
7 11
tectonic setting in which it occurs.
−1.0 5a 5c

5b 5d

10.16.3 Sea Level Influence on Coastal Evolution 3

1.0 8
4 10
Sea level can change globally, regionally, or locally depending
on a variety of factors. For the most part, this discussion of 2.0 2
6 12
coastal evolution as influenced by sea-level change will em-
phasize the global or eustatic scale with modest consideration to 0 100 200 300 400
regional situations. The changes in direction that take place on Years BP (× 1000)
the global scale are the same as those that take place regionally Figure 5 Plot of sea-level changes during the latter part of the
or locally; only the scales and rates of change are different. Quaternary Period. Modified from Shakleton, N.J., Berger, M., Peltier,
Eustatic changes in sea level can only result from changes in W.R., 1990. An alternative astronomical calibration of the Lower
the size of the ocean basins and/or from changes in the volume Pleistocene time scale based on ODP Site 677. Transactions of the
of water in the ocean basin. The primary reason for the former Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 81, 251–261.
is plate tectonics, and the cause of the latter is climate – namely
the development and melting of glacial ice sheets. Over geologic shape of the ocean basins change dramatically. Because plates
time both of these factors have caused many tens to more than move only up to a few centimeters per year and the oceanic
a hundred meters of sea level change in hundreds of thousands ridges change at comparable rates, sea level changes that result
to tens of millions of years (Revelle, 1990; Douglas et al., 2001). from this tectonic activity are large but very slow. Significant
As spreading centers develop and plates move, the size and changes take millions of years.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 421

coastline Sa
Houston ity t
h Houston Houston
Col Braz
ora os tr
do ench

oe t
h Gulf of
Gulf of Gulf of
México México
Nuecas trench México
Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Corpus Christi

t re Harlingen
nde Harlingen
Harlingen a
o Gr
(a) Ri (b) (c)

Figure 6 Generalized map of the Texas coast during the time of maximum glaciations (a) and subsequent sea level positions (b) to the present
(c). Reproduced from Leblanc, R.J., Hodgson, W.D., 1959. Origin and development of the Texas shoreline. Proceedings of the Second Coastal
Geography Conference, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, pp. 57–101.

95°0′0″W 94°0′0″W 93°0′0″W



SB 2

N Datum: msl (m)



95°0′0″W 94°0′0″W 93°0′0″W

Figure 7 Map of fluvial system on continental shelf during time of sea-level lowstand during the Pleistocene Epoch. Courtesy of K.T. Milliken.

By contrast, the volume of water in the ocean basins can to its position in space, and the wobble of the axis, called
change relatively rapidly, over only a few thousand to tens of Milankovich Cycles, enable the development and demise of ice
thousands of years. Climate changes caused by changes in the sheets. These cycles that produce climate change were recog-
obliquity of the earth’s path, the angle of the earth axis relative nized in 1924 by Mulutin Milankovich, a Serbian astronomer.
422 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

91° 90° 89° 88° 87° 86° 85°

Mississippi River Delta



10 28°



25 27°




2500 0
50 35

200 24°

0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 8 General bathymetric map of the thick sediment fan offshore of the present Mississippi Delta. Reproduced from Bouma, A.H., Coleman,
J.M., Wright-Meyer, A.A., Stelting, C.E., 1985. Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico. In: Bouma, A.H., Normark, W.R., Barnes, N.E. (Eds.), Submarine
Fans and Related Turbidite Systems. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 1434–1450.

The length of each cycle ranges from about 96 000 years to continental glaciers, covered essentially all of Canada and
about 21 000 years (Figure 2). By superimposing these cycles much of the northern United States, extending as far south as
we can see how they may be in or out of phase and the climatic the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. They also
consequences of these situations (Figure 3). covered Greenland, northern Europe, and parts of Asia. In the
Growth of glaciers, ice sheets, and ice caps can cause sea southern hemisphere, ice covered the southern part of South
level to drop from tens to more than 100 m. Such ice bodies America and all of Antarctica.
have been present on the earth at various times throughout The increased volume of these ice sheets caused sea level
Earth history. This discussion focuses on the sea-level changes to drop more than 100 m during some cycles. In addition to
that were produced by the formation and melting of ice sheets these major changes in sea level there were numerous smaller
during the Quaternary Period, especially the Holocene Epoch. rises and falls associated with each large cycle. In the
It is this period during which the coast as we know it evolved. past, these major cycles in the Quaternary were divided
The Quaternary Period comprises the past 2.5 million years into four stages based on chronology and land-based stratig-
of geologic time. Climate change was relatively common and raphy. In North America they were the glacial stages of
cyclic during this time. As a consequence, there was the de- the Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinoisan, and Wisconsinan, from
velopment and melting of extensive ice sheets that covered oldest to youngest. In Europe they were the Gunz, Mindel,
much of the northern hemisphere. These ice sheets, also called Riss, and Wurm, essentially synchronous to those of North
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 423

Holocene Pleistocene Late Pilocene
Prairie-Beaumont Montgomery Bentley Citronelle
terrace terrace terrace
(MIS 1) (MIS 5-3) (MIS 7)

Barrier (beach) ridges
Marine and paralic deposits
Alluvial deposits

Figure 9 Schematic topographic profile along rthe northern coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico showing sediment bodies that accumulated
during sea-level highstands during the Pleistocene. Modified from Otvos, E.G., 2005. Numerical chronology of Pleistocene coastal plain
development: extensive aggradation during glacial low sea level. Quaternary International 135, 95–113.

America. During each of these glacial stages, sea level dropped 10

so that the shoreline was near the outer edge of the contin- 0
ental shelf. Melting of the ice during the interglacial stages −10
caused sea level to rise to positions even inland from its pre- −20
sent location.

Sea level (m)

This scheme of glacial and interglacial stages and their as- −50
sociated changes in sea level was land-based and therefore was −60
subjected to problems of erosion and incomplete stratigraphy. −70
In the early 1950s a graduate student, Cesear Emiliani, at the −90
University of Chicago, developed a scheme for determining −100
detailed changes in climate and therefore in sea-level change. −110
He found that the ratio of oxygen isotopes in marine- −120
precipitated calcium carbonate was a good proxy for climate 20 000 15 000 10 000 5000 0
change because it is dependent on water temperature Cal yr BP
(Emiliani, 1954). Planktonic foraminifera incorporate calcium
Figure 10 Plot of overall sea level rise during glacial melting
carbonate in their shells (tests) and the oxygen in that car-
showing the irregular pattern of rise and fall. Reproduced from
bonate material is present with isotopic ratios that were pre- Balsillie, J.H., Donoghue, J.F., 2011. Northern Gulf of Mesico sea-
sent in the oceanic water at that time. These foraminiferal tests level history for the past 20 000 years. In: Buster, N.A., Holmes,
accumulate in the sediments of the ocean floor, where they are C.W. (Eds.), Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters and Biota: Geology. Texas
preserved in continuous sequences; erosion is not a factor in A&M University Press, College Station, TX, vol. 3, pp. 53–72.
this environment.
Many cores of deep-sea sediment that include sediments
deposited during the entire Quaternary Period are available for was the highest (Figure 5), about 3–5 m above present sea
study. By plotting the oxygen isotope ratios determined from level. With these data in mind, it is possible to understand
planktonic foraminifera against time, it is possible to deter- how and when coastal systems developed and were strongly
mine climate changes that can be formulated into sea level modified during the rise and fall of sea level as the shoreline
changes (Figure 4). Note that there are some large-scale cycles, moved tens to hundreds of kilometers.
and there are small-scale ones superimposed on them.
For purposes of this discussion and the development of the Quaternary Sea-Level Changes
present coastal geomorphology, the emphasis will be on the
past few hundred thousand years only. During this time there Sea level has been much lower than present and also some-
have been multiple cycles of sea-level change, with coastal what higher during the numerous glacial and interglacial
evolution taking place during each (Figure 5). For com- stages of the Quaternary Period. During times of extensive ice
munication purposes, each sea-level high and sea-level low sheets, the shoreline has moved seaward, exposing most of the
has been assigned a number. The times of high sea level are present continental shelf (Figure 6). As sea level lowered,
odd numbered and the low times are even numbered. Each of fluvial systems extended across this province, producing very
these cycles is considered as a stage, and some have substages wide coastal plains on the trailing edge and marginal sea
associated with them. For example, the most recent highstand coasts and an extended band of high relief on leading edge
of sea level was Stage 5, which has multiple substages. Stage 5e coasts. These fluvial systems were similar to those we see on
424 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

the present coastal plains but generally lacked large deltaic Mexico show that sea level slowed markedly at that time but
complexes (Figure 7) because the systems continued to the was still several meters below its present position (Scholl and
edge of the continental shelf. Most of the sediment carried by Stuiver, 1967; Balsillie and Donoghue, 2011). Abundant data
these streams was transported to the edge of the shelf and from this coastal system show another change at about 3000
down the continental slope to form thick, deep-sea fans such years before present. There are three interpretations of what
as off the mouth of the Ganges–Brahmaputra and Mississippi happened next. Some say that sea level reached its present
rivers (Figure 8). position at that time; others are of the opinion that it rose
The shoreline was quite irregular with embayments that slowly during that time (e.g., Spurgeon et al., 2003), while the
were associated with the river valleys and protuberances be- third interpretation is that sea level has moved above and
tween them. This type of shoreline was strongly influenced by below the present position about a meter or so during this
tidal activity – tide-dominated in many places. There were period (Fairbridge, 1961).
times during the fall of sea level when the climate stabilized The bottom line is that rapid sea-level rise definitely
for perhaps centuries (Milliken, 2008). This also stabilized sea slowed, or perhaps stopped, about 6–7000 years ago. During
level temporarily and permitted wave-dominated conditions the previous 12 000 years when sea level was rising rapidly
to prevail. Such conditions produced barrier islands, some of most of the coastal morphology was irregular and was strongly
which are still present below present sea level on the contin- influenced by tidal processes. The shoreline was moving
ental shelf (Locker et al., 2003). too fast for wave-dominated processes to control coastal
There were also periods during the Pleistocene when glacial morphology (Davis and Clifton, 1987). As a consequence,
melting was pronounced and sea level rose several meters barrier/inlet systems were absent or quite rudimentary. There
above its present position. During these circumstances there is information that shows small barriers formed during the
were also times when the movement of the shoreline was very short stillstands in sea-level rise (Figure 11). These barriers
slow or stable for significant periods. Again, wave-dominated were preserved because they were passed over by rapid sea-
conditions prevailed and significant volumes of sandy sedi- level rise (Locker et al., 2003). There was not enough time at
ment accumulated along the shoreline of the time, forming one sea level position for waves to destroy the barriers.
barrier islands. These sandy ridges are preserved above present
sea level on the outer coastal plains in some areas (Figure 9).
Glacial melting began, and about 18 000 years ago sea level
began rising. The average rate of this rise was more than a Sediment input

centimeter per year during about the first 11–12 000 years.

There were many variations in this period of rise; sometimes


sea level would fall or remain essentially stable for periods of Mississippi
decades to a few centuries (Figure 10). It should be noted that
the commonly used term of Holocene sea-level rise is mis- Fluvial
leading. Holocene time is defined by palaeontologists as dominated

10 000 before present, so it begins in the middle of the period


of rapid sea-level rise. This definition is used to distinguish

fossil and non-fossil remains. Mahakang
Huanghe Song Hong
Tide Late Holocene Conditions Nile Orincco dominated
Mekong Ganges-
Depending upon the location around the world and the par- Wave Brahmapura

dominated Ayayaiway

ticular investigator, there are differences in what seems to have Fly



happened to sea level about 6–7000 years ago. The post- Copper Amazan
Colorado ye
glacial sea-level curve (Figure 10) shows a distinct slowing of
sea-level rise at that time. In some places, such as Austra- Wave energy Tidal energy
lia, the consensus of opinion is that sea level reached its pre- Figure 12 Delta classification of Galloway (1975) showing the three
sent position at that time. By contrast, data from the Gulf of end members that are produced by a dominant process.
Water depth (meters)

0 Sea level
Thin sand ridges
10 Hardbottom ro Holocene sediment
sediment veneer
20 Deformed
Sinkhole ?
limestone bedrock
N9 Siesta key

Figure 11 Seismic profile of inner shelf of the west Florida shelf showing the presence of sand bodies that are probably relic barrier islands.
Reproduced from Locker, S.D., Hine, A.C., Brooks, G.R., 2003. Regional stratigraphic framework linking continental shelf and coastal deposits of
west-central Florida. Marine Geology 200, 351–378.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 425

Pre-late pleistocene (undif.) Delta complex

Red Mississippi Maringouin/
River Late pleistocene (undif.) 1 sale/cypremort
31° N River
Macon ridge channel belt ca. 7.5-5 ka
Atchafalaya Teche
Baton Holocene (undif.) 2
River ca. 5.5−3.5 ka
3 St. Bernard
Lafayette ca. 4.0−2.0 ka
30° N New Orleans Lafourche
ca. 2.5−0.8 ka
5 Plaquemine/
ca. 1.0−0 ka
5 Atchafalaya/
29° N 4 6 wax lake/
1 ca. 0.5−0 ka
0 50 100 km Glacial-period

93° W 92° W 91° W 90° W 89° W 88° W

Figure 13 Multiple lobes of sediment deposition during the formation of the Holocene Mississippi Delta. Reproduced from Kolb, C.R., Van
Lopik, J.R., 1966. Depositional environments of the Mississippi River deltaic plain. In: Shirley, M.L. (Ed.), Deltas in their geologic framework,
Houston Geological Society, Houston, Texas, p. 22.

Wave-dominated coasts are typically characterized by rocky

platforms with sea stacks, wave-cut terraces, etc., if it is a high- system
relief bedrock-dominated coast such as on leading edge coasts
like those on the west coast of North and South America. Upper
On trailing edge and marginal sea coasts, the dominant delta plain
morphology includes barrier islands and tidal inlets that are
protecting estuaries, or deltas of various types. It is only under ‘Inactive’ delta Su
stable or very slowly rising sea level that such diverse coastal eri
geomorphology develops. de

10.16.4 Evolution of Coastal Environments delta plain
mouth bars
Once sea level rise had slowed substantially about 6–7000 (Tidal ridges)
years ago, the coast of the present day began to take shape. ba
The general lack of significant sea-level change permitted de ueou Delta front
lta s
coastal processes to mold available sediment into various platform
morphologies. With sea level being essentially constant
Delta front
there are only three primary variables in coastal development: slope
tides, waves, and sediment availability. Climate is a secondary Prodelta
factor in that it can strongly influence wave climate and
sediment availability. Both tides and waves create currents that Figure 14 Schematic map of a typical tide-dominated delta.
are very important in distributing sediments along the coastal Reproduced with permission from Goodbred, S., Saito, Y., 2011.
system. Tide-dominated deltas. In: Davis, R.A., Dalrymple, R.W. (Eds.),
In terms of the geologic history of the earth, our present Principles of Tidal Sedimentology, New York, Springer, pp. 129–149.
coast has developed in an instant: only about seven thousand
years out of 4.5 billion. The extremely young age of the vari- environments are only briefly considered. Excellent dis-
ous coastal environments enables scientists to determine the cussions of those can be found in Scholle and Spearing
detailed chronology of the development of each of them using (1983), Woodroffe (2005), and Dalrymple and James (2010),
various types of radiometric and luminescence dating. or in Chapter 10.14.
The following discussion emphasizes the predominantly
depositional environments of trailing edge and marginal sea
coasts. Although leading edge coasts are widespread, they are Fluvial Deltas
dominated by erosion with limited deposition that occurs
primarily in embayments between headlands. The discussion Rivers are by far the most important source of newly delivered
is also limited to those environments dominated by terrige- sediment to the coast. The amount is dependent on the size of
nous or siliciclastic sediments. Carbonate-dominated coastal the drainage basin, the geology of that basin, the climate
426 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

within the basin, the discharge at the river mouth, and a place
for the sediment to accumulate. Those fluvial systems that
deposit a prograding sediment complex produce a delta. A

river that empties onto a leading edge margin may carry

abundant sediment, but without a relatively shallow and
broad shelf, sediments are transported into deep water and a is
anc c
delta cannot develop.

Deltas may be large or small, but regardless of that, there N

are typically three general morphologies (Figure 12) that Atlantic
evolve (Galloway, 1975) with a continuum in between each. Ocean
These include fluvial-dominated deltas that display extensive,
0 8 16
finger-like projections across what was the inner continental Uplands
shelf. Waves and tides have little or no influence on the Marsh-mangrove
Aeolian dunes
morphology that develops. One of the best examples of this
Beach ridges
type of delta is the Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico coast. It Channel deposits
is important to note that this large delta complex includes not Floodplain

only the present ‘‘active’’ lobe but also several others, none of (a)
which is more than 7000 years old (Figure 13). Frazier (1967) Senegal river delta
described 16 lobes that occur within four major lobes plus the
two modern ones. Over time, avulsion has produced changes
in the site of sediment deposition and the development of
these lobes.
Tide-dominated deltas have a geomorphic appearance that
is similar to tide-dominated estuaries except that they typically
extend beyond the adjacent coastline and they contain pro-
grading sediment bodies. Tidal range is generally meso- or N
macrotidal (Davies, 1974). The essentially shore-normal tidal
currents dominate the morphology by forming elongate
sediment bodies (Figure 14). Excellent examples include the
Ganges–Brahmaputra, the Yangtze, the Amazon, and the Fly 0 50
rivers. In North America, the Colorado River delta that emp- km
ties into the Gulf of California is tide-dominated. Each has a
very large sediment discharge except for the Colorado. In the
case of that delta the absence of significant sediment accu- Beach-dune
mulation is due to impoundments and diversions of flow for Dist. mouth bar
irrigation and domestic consumption. This permits tides to
dominate the morphology.
Wave-dominated deltas have generally smooth shorelines (b)
(Figure 15) as a result of the influence of waves and wave- Figure 15 General maps of (a) the Sao Francisco, Brazil, and
generated currents. Much of the sediment delivered to the (b) the Senegal (Africa) deltas showing the difference in their
mouth of the river is transported across or along the inner overall morphology. Modified from Wright, L.D., 1985. Deltas. In:
shelf and sand tends to dominate the outer portion or delta Davis, R.A. (Ed.), Coastal Sedimentary Environments. Springer-Verlag,
front of the delta complex. Good examples include the Sao New York.
Francisco in Brazil (Figure 15(a)), the Nile, the Ebro in Spain,
and the Senegal on the west coast of Africa (Figure 15(b)). change or by various types of human influence. For example,
Orientation of wave approach and longshore sediment sediment discharge in the Mississippi River increased greatly
transport are major influences in the overall morphology of when agricultural development of the midwestern US took
these deltas. For example, the Sao Francisco is quite sym- place on a large scale in the few decades at the end of the
metrical, indicating an absence of significant longshore sedi- nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. The
ment transport, whereas the Senegal shows a dramatic active lobe of the Mississippi Delta increased greatly over that
deflection of the main channel due to net alongshore move- short time.
ment of sediment (Figure 15(b)). Another human factor is the damming of rivers to prevent
It is important to understand that overall delta morph- sediment discharge. A good example of this is in the Nile River
ology and classification produces a very gradual transition system. Construction of the Aswan Dam to provide irrigation
between categories as shown in Galloway’s (1975) diagram. As for the southern desert of Egypt impounded huge quantities of
conditions, either natural or human-influenced, change there sediment. The result has been absence of sediment discharge
can also be significant changes in morphology. Wave climate and major erosion on the Nile Delta (Stanley and Warne,
and tidal range do not change in the short term, that is, over 1998). Similar events have taken place on the Mississippi River
decades or a century; however, sediment discharge may. This beginning in the 1930s with the construction of dozens of
can take place through climate change and therefore sediment dams along its course.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 427

y se
a le

–350 ft

~18 000 years ago

~10 000 years ago

~4500 years ago

Present day

Figure 16 Diagrammatic sequence of the evolution of the estuarine system as sea level rose during the Holocene.

Figure 17 Example of a small estuary on a leading edge coast, New South Wales, Australia. Estuaries freshwater-influenced coastal bay (see Chapter 10.12). These

systems have evolved as fluvial systems, and their wide
The definition of an estuary by Pritchard (1967) is applied mouths were inundated by the Holocene transgression over
to a wide range of geomorphic entities. Basically it is a the past 6–7000 years (Figure 16). As with the case of deltas,
428 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

Dispersal zones and routes Age (cal yr B.P.)

Estuarine Estuarine 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000

Estuary 0
fluvial marine

no data



Sea This study − peat

Depth (mbsl)
This study donax sp.
Tornqvist et al.
−10 (2004, 2005, 2006) − peat
Previous studies − peat
−12 Best-fit sea-level curve
River inflow Waves
Sediment Supply
Fluvial Marine −16

Figure 18 Schematic map of an estuary showing the three −18

prominent sub-divisions of sediment type.
NoGoM Sea-level record
Figure 20 Sea-level curve for post-glacial times showing periods of
stability during which barrier islands could develop. Reproduced from
Milliken, K.T., 2008. A new composite sea level curve for the
northern Gulf of Mexico. Geological Society of America Special Paper
443, 1–11.

tributaries in the lower portion of the drowned fluvial

system, for example, as occurring with Chesapeake Bay on
the east coast of the US. On the other hand, there are many
estuaries with a single channel emptying into them, such
as most of those occurring along most of the Gulf of
(a) Mexico coast.
Estuaries are complex systems of multiple environments.
They are commonly fringed by wetlands, salt marshes in the
mid- to high latitudes, and mangroves in the low latitudes.
Depending on tidal range, the adjacent substrate can include
intertidal flats which may be extensive. Subtidal estuarine
environments are commonly shallow and low-energy, with
a transition from land-derived sediments to marine-derived
(b) sediments and an intermediate zone of mixed sediments
Figure 19 Generaized maps of (a) tide-dominated and (b) wave- (Figure 18). Sediment there is of a biogenic origin in situ;
dominated estuaries. typically dominated by oysters (Nichols and Biggs, 1985).
Some estuaries have substantial sediment accumulating at the
mouth of the river or rivers that serve it (Figure 16). These
these coastal complexes may take on a range of morphologies accumulations are called bayhead deltas.
depending on sediment input, tidal energy, and wave climate. Coastal processes have an important influence on the
They are common on all coasts in all tectonic settings. The morphology of estuaries, to the point that they may be
only major situation where true estuaries are absent is along considered as tide-dominated or wave-dominated (Figure 19).
desert coasts where fluvial morphologies of the Quaternary Various classifications of estuaries have been formulated. They
Period have dried up, leaving the coastal bays hypersaline may be based on hydrodynamics, morphology, or sediment
without any freshwater influence. distribution. Tide-dominated estuaries typically have a funnel
The overall coastal geomorphology strongly influences the shape, commonly with elongate sediment bodies that separate
scale and shape of estuaries. Leading edge coasts typically have channels (Dalrymple, 2010). These prevailed as sea level
small estuaries bounded by high relief uplands such as those slowly rose over the past several thousand years. They typically
present on the Oregon coast of the United States, New South have high discharge and/or large tidal range. By contrast,
Wales in Australia (Figure 17), and the fjords of Scandinavia wave-dominated estuaries have some type of wave-generated
and Alaska. Coastal plains on trailing edge and marginal sea sediment body across the mouth, typically a spit or barrier
coasts typically have large and numerous estuaries. Some of island. They persist now on microtidal coasts and have
these are very irregular in shape due to the presence of developed while sea level is near or at its present position.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 429


Figure 21 Example of a barrier islands formed by upward shoaling of sand through wave action: (a) Three-Rooker Bar, Florida, and (b) on the
Baltic Sea coast of Denmark.

Stage 1 Barrier Island Systems

The globe has literally thousands of kilometers of barrier is-

lands in all latitudes and climates (Stutz and Pilkey, 2011).
They occur in a wide range of sizes and shapes, but nearly all Stage 2
are less than about 7000 years old. These barriers occur in all
tectonic settings, but there are differences. Nearly half by
overall length (49%) occur on trailing edge coasts, whereas
24% are on collision coasts and 27% are on marginal sea (a) (b)
coasts (Glaeser, 1978). Of the trailing edge types, 75% are Figure 22 Origin of barrier islands through (a) upward shoaling of
on Amero-trailing edge coasts, 19% on Afro- and 6% on sediment by wave action and (b) drowning of beach ridges from
Neo-trailing edge coasts. rapid rise in sea level.
430 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

Figure 23 Subtle multiple dune ridges on 90-Mile Beach along the Victoria coast of Australia.

Figure 24 Large washover fan on the Texas coast called Cedar Bayou.

Sea-level change is a major factor in the development of et al., 2008; see Figure 20). Sand bodies occur on the
barrier islands. Because waves are the primary process in inner continental shelf that are probably relic barrier islands
forming barriers, and sediment abundance is critical for their formed during these periods of relatively stable sea level
ability to develop, it takes time for the combination of wave position.
energy and sediments to produce these barrier islands. As sea The slowing of sea-level rise about 7–6000 years before
level rises over the gently sloping inner continental shelf, present permitted barrier island formation in many parts of
the shoreline is moving landward. If we consider the the globe. Beginning about that time the rate of rise slowed to
last post-glacial sea-level rise, the initial rate averaged 2–3 mm yr 1 or less. Looking around the world at our present
about 1 centimeter per year and it lasted for about the first barrier islands, they are mostly in the range of 6–7 kyBP (e.g.,
12 000 or so years of post-glacial sea-level rise. This rate was Texas, Georgia, North Sea). On the Gulf coast of peninsular
too high for barrier islands to develop except during the Florida the barriers are less than 3000 years old. This barrier
times of significant pauses in that rise. It has been shown system has developed on a sediment-starved carbonate plat-
from Gulf of Mexico data that there were periods of form. The dearth of sediment caused the barriers to take
stability in sea level during this post-glacial time (Milliken longer to develop.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 431

(a) (b) (c)


200 m Traced from a map 1883 200 m 1926 200 m 1945

(d) (e) (f)


200 m 1967 200 m 1976 200 m 2000

Figure 25 Historical development of Clearwater Pass between Clearwater Beach (top) island and Sand Key (bottom) as longshore transport
converged. Reproduced from Davis, R.A., Vinther, N., 2003. Historical development of Clearwater Pass, Florida. Coastal Sediments ’03.

Figure 26 Inlet formed on a leading edge coast as longshore sediment transport from a headland area converges on the adjacent headland area
(New South Wales, Australia). Tidal flux is sufficient to keep the inlet open.

We do see barriers developing during historical time due to and on the Florida Gulf coast (Figure 21(b)) that are less than
the relatively stable position of sea level. There are substantial a century old (Davis, 1994a, b). On the Nyarit coast of Mexico
barrier islands on the Baltic Coast of Denmark (Figure 21(a)) (Curray et al., 1969) and the Gulf coast of Mexico (West et al.,
432 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

1969), barriers and wave-dominated strand line coasts are the landward side of the barrier along the seaward margin of
about the same age as most of the large Florida barriers. These the adjacent estuary or lagoon. Tidal inlets separate barrier
circumstances are likely to change if the rate of sea-level rise islands and are quite dynamic depositional environments (see
increases significantly. Chapter 10.7).
Waves and wave-generated currents tend to concentrate the The origin of these barrier islands has been debated for about
sand and remove the mud. They distribute the sand along the one and a half centuries, with three proposed mechanisms for
coast, where it is concentrated in elongate sand bodies that their formation. One is through the breaching of barrier spits
parallel the coast. Some are immediately against the mainland such as are abundant on leading edge coasts. This is un-
and others have open water between them and the mainland. questioned because it takes place commonly, but it does not
These barrier island systems have evolved into a complex of explain the many barriers that border coastal plains. The other
several environments during the past few thousand years of two mechanisms are: (1) drowning of beach ridges through
slowly rising or relatively stable sea level. This complex con- rapidly rising sea level (Gilbert, 1885; Hoyt, 1967); or by (2) the
sists of the barrier island itself with its beaches, dunes, and upward shoaling and accumulation of sand through wave action
washover fans. Wetlands and tidal flats may also be present on (DeBeaumont, 1845; Davis, 1994a, b; Figure 22). Many ex-

Figure 27 Inlet that has closed due to extensive longshore transport of sediment, Dunedin Pass, Florida Gulf coast.

Figure 28 Multilobed flood tidal delta (Johns Pass, Florida) formed when this barrier island was breached during a hurricane in 1848. This type
of flood delta is typical of areas of low tidal range.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 433

amples of barrier formation by upward shoaling have developed storms. This is the primary mechanism that causes the island
in the Gulf of Mexico and the Baltic Sea (Figure 21) during the to migrate landward. As soon as substantial dunes have de-
past century. To date, no examples of a barrier forming through veloped on the barrier, the elevation of the dunes prohibits
the drowning of beach ridges have been documented. washover from taking place. As dunes mature they may be
The combination of tidal and wave processes controls the breached at topographic lows, permitting the development of
morphodynamics of barrier islands. This is explained in vari- washover channels. These circumstances commonly develop
ous publications of Hayes (1975, 1979) and will be discussed large washover fans on the landward side of the barrier.
in another chapter of this volume (see Chapter 10.8). Evo- The most common development on mature foredune rid-
lution of these islands, like all coastal environments, depends ges is scarping of the dune and seaward or longshore transport
on the interplay between sediments, waves, and tides and on of substantial sand that has been removed from the foredunes.
some coasts, wind. It is common for low-elevation barriers or After the storm subsides it is common for much of this sand to
parts of barriers without dunes to be overwashed during return to the beach and eventually to the foredune system via

Figure 29 So-called ‘‘horseshoe crab’’ shaped flood tidal delta on the north island of New Zealand. This type of flood delta is typical of
locations were tidal range is at least 1.5 m.

Figure 30 Lighthouse Inlet on the South Carolina, USA, coast showing its extensive ebb delta that is tide-dominated.
434 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

aeolian transport from the dry backbeach. Depending on the

climate and vegetation, dune sediment may become stabilized
or it may be carried landward by aeolian transport. Those
barriers with abundant sediment and low to moderate wave
energy may experience significant progradation. The ultimate
condition will be barriers with numerous dune ridges
(Figure 23). The landward aeolian transport may cover the
washover fans on the backbarrier and eventually become
vegetated, or it may be carried into the backbarrier bay
(Figure 24).
Washover fans comprise the majority of the area of most
barrier islands. Their extent is controlled by multiple factors:
(1) the length of time before dune development prevents



Figure 33 Erosional elements of rocky coasts include: (a) wave-cut

terraces, for example, near Sydney, Australia; and (b) sea stacks, for
Figure 31 Typical leading edge rocky coast with headlands and example, near Havana, Cuba, formed during Stage 5e highstand of
small pocket beaches on the coast of Oregon, USA. sea level.

Figure 32 Photographs showing the London Bridge arch on the southern coast of Victoria, Australia, after its collapse.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 435

washover processes; (2) the amount of available sediment; adjacent barrier islands and are conduits for a great deal of
and (3) the rate of relative sea-level rise. Mature barrier islands sediment transport. Their origin varies and their morphologies
typically have washover fans completely covered by vege- and sizes range widely. One of the most obvious ways for
tation. Topograpically, washovers grade gradually into inter- inlets to originate is through breaching of a barrier island by a
tidal environments, either tidal flats or marshes, or a storm. This may take place by landward or seaward directed
combination of both. flow or a combination of both. A good example of a breach
generated inlet is Johns Pass on the Gulf coast of Florida,
which was formed by a storm in 1848. The inlet has stabilized Tidal Inlets
and presently carries a large tidal prism (water budget).
Tidal inlets are an important and complex component of The other primary mode of origin for tidal inlets is through
barrier island systems. These high-energy systems separate extension of an existing barrier island or islands, or a spit.



Figure 34 Cyclic wave energy as seasons change can change the appearance of the unconsolidated part of a rocky coast. Here on the coast of
Oregon the result is a typical (a) summer beach and a typical (b) winter beach. Arrows point to the same boulder in both photos. Photos
courtesy of W.T. Fox.
436 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

Both unidirectional and converging longshore currents can the inlet, as has occurred in many places. Such conditions also
extend an existing barrier island toward another or toward a may take place where a barrier split migrates against a
headland. As this takes place two things can happen: (1) the headland (Figure 26). In some places where headlands are
two barriers can connect into a single one; or (2) tidal flux absent, unstable inlets close as the result of relatively large
between the open water and the backbarrier water body can volumes and rapid rates of longshore sediment transport
keep a channel open – a tidal inlet. The first condition has (Figure 27).
taken place in prehistoric time between Padre and Mustang
islands on the central Texas coast. The other situation has
taken place between Sand Key and Clearwater Beach Island on Tidal Deltas
the Florida Gulf coast (Figure 25).
Regardless of their origin, tidal inlet complexes tend to The tidal delta sand bodies show various morphologies that
have the same general morphology. A flood-tidal delta accu- are related to tidal and wave processes. There are basically two
mulates on the landward end of the inlet channel and an distinct morphologies that develop on the flood delta, and
accumulation of sediment called an ebb-tidal delta forms at they are dependent on tidal range. A multilobate flood delta
the open water end (Hayes, 1975; Boothroyd, 1985). Both of (Figure 28) develops under tidal ranges generally less than
these sediment accumulations exhibit a range of sizes and about 1.5 m. These are subtidal, and the small change in
morphologies. They provide important sediment sinks along water level does not expose the sand body, which negates any
the barrier island systems. The sediment that comprises them
may have a long residence time during which the sand-dom-
inated sediment body expands. Generally the flood delta has
the longer residence time and the ebb delta is where short
residence time takes place and sediment bypassing commonly
The inlet channel may be stable in size and location or it
may change in both respects. It will be stable or may expand in
size when there is a balance between the tidal prism and
longshore transport. When the tidal prism, the volume of
water passing through the channel each cycle, decreases, it is
common for the inlet channel to decrease in cross-section and
to migrate along the barrier system or even to close. Under this
condition longshore transport of sediment overwhelms the
ability of tidal flux to keep the channel cross-section at the
same size and in the same position. Sediments will accumulate
on the updrift margin of the tidal channel and will erode from Figure 36 Steep-sided, deep fijord carved by a glacier along the
the downdrift side. Continuation of this will eventually close coast of Alaska. Courtesy of M.O. Hayes.

Figure 35 Steep eroding cliffs and the sea stacks known as the 12 Apostles on the south coast of Victoria, Australia.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 437

ebb-tidal morphologic changes because the ebb currents pass wave influence increases, the ebb delta develops a smooth and
right over the flood delta. Under larger tidal ranges the flood arcuate outer margin (Hayes, 1975).
delta is exposed and ebbing currents are directed around the The evolution of tidal deltas is related to tidal flux, wave-
sand body, causing a combination of changes evolving into generated currents, longshore sediment transport, and sedi-
essentially a ‘‘horseshoe crab’’ appearance (Figure 29). ment availability in general. Flood deltas tend to be initiated
The main influence on the ebb delta morphology is the by discrete events, typically breaching of a barrier by intense
interaction between wave-generated longshore currents and storm activity (Figure 28). These obtain their basic character
the tidal currents through the inlet channel. Sediment avail- in only a day or so but then may be maintained and modified
ability is a secondary factor. When tidal flux dominates the over decades or centuries. If tidal range is microtidal, there is
open water end of an inlet, the sediment bodies extend es- little that happens to the flood delta morphology after its
sentially perpendicular to the barrier shoreline (Figure 30). As initial formation. If the environment is mesotidal or even

Figure 37 Multiple beach ridges exposed as the crust rebounded when glaciers melted in northern Canada on Hudson Bay. Each of these
ridges records a former shoreline location as relative sea level lowered. Courtesy of A. Hequette.

Figure 38 Beachrock exposed at the shoreline in Sarasota County, Florida, USA. Reproduced from Davis, R.A., 1994a. Barriers of the Florida
Gulf peninsula. In: Davis, R.A. (Ed.), Geology of Holocene Barrier Islands. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 167–206.
438 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

upper microtidal (41.5 m), then tidal currents will modify The upland region bordering such coasts is also high relief,
the morphology over time to achieve the horseshoe crab and contains short and steep drainage systems, so that major
morphology (Figure 29). fluvial systems are not present. This results in only modest
Flood deltas that develop associated with inlets formed by production and delivery of sediment to the coast. Wave energy
merging barriers or a barrier moving against a headland will along such coasts is relatively high because the continental
evolve over many years. Eventually they can reach the margin is narrow and steep. This facilitates erosion. However,
morphology of the other type but this will be achieved with- the sediment that is produced does not spend much time in
out benefit of an initiating event. the beach and nearshore environments. It is carried offshore
or alongshore by currents until it is intercepted by the heads of
submarine canyons and transported offshore into deep water.
There are coasts where relief is high and erosion dominates
10.16.5 Rocky Coasts but that are not associated with active tectonics. Probably the
best example is on the south coast of Australia where Tertiary,
Rocky coasts produce some of the most beautiful landscapes horizontally oriented, carbonate-rich strata are eroded to cre-
of all coastal environments. These shorelines comprise more ate cliffs that are 30 m and more above the beach surface. This
than two-thirds of the world’s coasts. They are not, however, is the coast with the famous 12 Apostles (Figure 35).
among the most interesting from the point of view of coastal
evolution. Essentially, they are products of erosion with small
areas of sediment accumulation in the form of pocket beaches
and spits (Figure 31). They range widely in composition and
10.16.6 Glaciated Coasts
structural character but are typically produced by wave activity
Quaternary glaciers were important contributors to the
or processes associated with wave activity.
morphology of mid-latitude to high-latitude coasts. Recall that
For the most part, rocky coasts are associated with leading
glaciers may deposit considerable sediment along the coast
edge tectonic settings but they also are present in some gla-
ciated areas and on low-latitude carbonate-rich shorelines.
Most oceanic islands are volcanic and also have rocky coasts.
The composition, stratification, and attitude in space cou- Transgressive
pled with wave energy are all factors in the evolution of rocky Beach
coasts. All other factors being equal, igneous and meta-
morphic rocks tend to be more resistant to erosion than
sedimentary rocks. Many sedimentary strata are friable quartz Wa
sandstone or limestone, both relatively easily eroded. For the Lag
most part, rocky coasts display more relief than depositional oon
coasts because they are dominated by erosion. The nature of
the coastal composition dictates that the rate of change is very sh
slow compared to rates along depositional coasts. Rates of
shoreline retreat are measured in centimeters or millimeters Progradational
per year instead of meters per year. There are, however, cir-
cumstances when change can be rapid. For example, London Beach
Bridge on the south coast of Victoria, Australia, collapsed in
minutes in 1989 (Figure 32), leaving people stranded on Lagoon
the seaward portion. The various aspects of rocky coast
geomorphology are provided in the excellent book by
Trenhaile (1987). Specific features include wave-cut terraces Offshore
(Figure 33(a)), sea stacks (Figure 33(b)), arches, and caves.

Beach- Leading Edge Rocky Coasts dune

The majority of rocky coasts in the world are associated with Washover/Aeolian
the leading edge of moving crustal plates. The best example Lagoon/Estuary
is the west coast of North, Central, and South America. Here
the Pacific oceanic plate is colliding with continental plates
and is descending beneath them. The result is the spectacular
scenic coast that extends for thousands of kilometers along the
eastern border of the Pacific Ocean. This type of coast displays
high relief, a wide range of rock types and orientations, pocket
beaches, headlands with spits, and in general is mainly ero- Figure 39 Cross-sections of transgressive (retrogradational),
sional. Depositional elements commonly display seasonal progradational, and aggradational barrier island stratigraphy from the
cycles due to changes in wave energy (Figure 34). Texas coast.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 439


Anclote Estero
Keys I. Pass
Pasco Stump

Ma Big Carlos Pass

ras Gasparilla New Pass
Hurricane rlott Le
e Co e
Pass Lee llie
Dunedin Pass KEY
BEACH I. LIDO KEY Wiggins Pass
Clearwater Big Sarasota Grande
Pass Pass Pass
Clam Pass

Midnight Pass Pass N
Captiva Pass
SAND KEY Redfish Pass Pass

Johns Pass
Venice Inlet CAPTIVA I.
Blind Pass
Blind Pass

Pass A Grille Big
Bunces Pass Marco

Egmont Channel Ch ota
arl Scale
EGMONT ott Caxambas
KEY e Pass
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KICE
Nautical miles
Southwest Channel I.
0 2 4 6 8 10 Blind
oroug Kilometers Pass
te e
Stump Pass

Figure 40 General map of the barrier-inlet system on the Gulf coast of Florida. Reproduced from Davis, R.A., 1988. Morphodynamics of the
west-central Florida barrier island system: the delicate balance between wave- and tide-domination. KNGMG Symposium Coastal Lowlands;
Geology and Geotechnology. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 225–235.
440 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

but they may also be major contributors to erosion. The depositional features that developed at or near former shore-
scraping of the sediment-laden ice over bedrock surfaces can lines. Among the most prominent such features are multiple
produce rocky coasts with unique morphology. An excellent beach ridges such as those found along the margin of Hudson
example is the coast of Maine along the northeastern part of Bay in Canada (Figure 37).
the United States. Here the rocky coast is very irregular in map
view but typically does not display high relief. The most
spectacular coastal morphology produced by glaciers is in the 10.16.7 Rocky Carbonate Coasts
form of fjords, the deep and narrow valleys carved as glaciers
made their way to the sea (Figure 36). Many coastal areas, especially in low latitudes, have abundant
In addition to carving deep valleys to create relief, the huge carbonate sediments in the beach and nearshore environ-
ice sheets also caused widespread changes to the coast by ments. These sediments are commonly of sand size, composed
changing the position of sea level. This isostatic impact in- of skeletal or ooid grains. The typical situation is shoreward
fluenced both depositional coasts and rocky coasts. The evo- migration of the sediment and eventual deposition in beach
lution of the coast as we see it now is largely the result of the and sub-aerial dune accumulations. Because of the com-
rise in sea level as the glaciers melted. In the high latitudes, position of the sediment (calcium carbonate) and the migra-
especially in the northern hemisphere, the rebound of coastal tion of groundwater in generally tropical or sub-tropical
areas has resulted in development and preservation of climates, cementation may take place within decades of



Figure 41 Examples of (a) a retrogradational barrier (Anclote Key) and (b) a drumstick island. Reproduced from Nummedal, D., et al., 1977.
German Bight in Coastal Sediments ‘77.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 441

deposition. In effect, the rocky carbonate coasts are built in latter part of the Holocene when the present coastal systems
geological ‘‘seconds,’’ and they then may be eroded. The beach evolved.
sediment lithifies into beachrock (Figure 38) that can stabilize Investigation of the Texas barriers extends back to the work
a beach and make erosion difficult. The dunes may be lithified of Fisk (1959) and Bernard et al. (1959) and more recently
as groundwater percolates through the carbonate-rich sedi- that of Morton (1988, 1994). The age of these barriers is
ment and precipitates cement, resulting in the formation of up to about 7000 years, based on the work of Wilkinson
aeolianites, as they are called. (1975). Although their origin was originally thought to be
The Pleistocene Epoch was a time when such conditions from sand transported from the Mississippi Delta area, con-
were present at many locations including the south coast of ventional wisdom now has the origin from the reworking of
Australia, the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, and throughout extensive deltaic sediments along most of the Texas coast
the Bahamas and the Caribbean. These coasts develop quickly
in the geologic sense and can also be eroded quickly.

10.16.8 Case Histories of Coastal Evolution


r le
A good way to understand how our present coastal systems

have evolved is to consider a spectrum of examples. Because

of the wide range in coastal types across the globe, only a

few can be considered here. Those chosen include a broad

range of coastal types and adjacent mainland geology and
geomorphology. Their environments span a range of sediment
availability, shelf geomorphology, and tidal/wave regimes.
1750 Gulf of Mexico Barriers with Emphasis on Texas 1860
(FitzGerald et al,1984)
and Florida 1960

The tectonic setting of the continental margin of the Gulf of Figure 43 A map showing historical changes to the barrier-inlet
system on the German North Sea coast. Modified from Flemming,
Mexico is essentially the same throughout the basin. There is a
B.W., Davis, R.A., 1992. Holocene Evolution, Morphodynamics and
broad, gently sloping shelf, but the underlying geology is thick
Sedimentology of the Speikeroog Barrier Island System (Southern
terrigenous sediments on the Texas coast (Berryhill, 1978), North Sea). Tidal Clastics Guidebook. Senckenberg Institute
whereas the Florida Platform is a thick carbonate section. This Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 92 pp., and FitzGerald, D.M., Penland, S.,
combination results in a somewhat higher rate of regional sea- Nummedal, D., 1984. Control of barrier shape by inlet sediment
level rise in Texas as compared to Florida (Davis, 2011a). It is bypassing: East Friesian Islands, West Germany. Marine Geology 60,
expected that this rate of sea level rise has persisted during the 355–376.

Figure 42 Photo of Speikeroog, a barrier island on the German North Sea coast.
442 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

(Morton, 1994). These deltas were deposited on the contin- generated currents on a wind- and tide-dominated coast.
ental shelf in the extensive fluvial-deltaic systems that As sea level transgressed, waves reworked sediments from
developed during the Wisconsin glaciations when sea level the pre-existing fluvial-deltaic plain, thereby providing the
was much lower than the present (Anderson and Fillon, resources for barrier initiation. The slowly rising sea level
2004). permitted wave processes to concentrate sand bodies. The
Processes that dominated the formation and evolution of landward portions of the fluvial systems were flooded, form-
the Texas barriers were characterized by waves and wave- ing the numerous estuaries that are present across this area.

Figure 44 Time-lapse map showing the deterioration of the Isles Dernieres barriers. Reproduced from Williams, S.J., Penland, S., Sallenger A.H.
(Eds.) 1994. Louisiana Barrier Island Erosion Study. Atlas of Shoreline Changes in Louisiana from 1853 to 1989. USGS/La. State University,
Miscellaneous Investigations Series 1-2150-A. USGS, Reston, VA.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 443

The basic stratigraphy of the barriers changes from location barrier-inlet system in the world (Davis, 1988). It has
to location: some of the barriers are aggradational (e.g., Padre developed on a microtidal coast where wave energy is
Island), some are progradational (e.g., Galveston Island), and small, averaging only 30 cm in wave height (Tanner, 1960).
some are retrogradational (e.g., Matagorda Island), as depicted The barrier-inlet complex includes 30 islands that range
in Figure 39. from decades to millennia in age, from wave-dominated
By contrast, the Florida Gulf coast barrier islands are to mixed-energy morphologies, and inlets that range from
generally younger than those of Texas, the oldest being wave-dominated to tide-dominated (Figure 40). Both barriers
about 3000 years old (Stapor et al., 1988). This coast contains and inlets also vary widely in their size and their tidal prisms.
what might be the most diverse geomorphology of any It is the interaction of wave and tidal processes that control

Figure 45 Oblique photo of the Chandeleur Islands showing washovers and multiple storm breaches of the island.

droc Alaska


Copper river delta

Transport direction
Tidal flats
0 20 km

Figure 46 Map of part of the Alaskan barrier-inlet system showing adjacent tidal flats and washover-alluvial fan plain. Modified from Ruby, C.,
Hayes, M.O., 1994. Barriers of Pacific Alaska. In: Davis, R.A. (Ed.), Geology of Holocene Barrier Islands. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 395–433.
444 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

the system, with tidal prism being the most important of the tidal flats began to add uplands, primarily for grazing.
(Davis, 2011b). This practice lasted for several centuries and caused significant
Estuaries on the Florida coast are generally smaller and they loss of tidal prism due to the decrease of intertidal and
are fewer in number than on the Texas coast. This is because subtidal area. This resulted in an increase in wave and
fluvial systems on the Florida peninsula, which is a carbonate wave-generated longshore sediment transport. The barriers
platform, are not well developed. Only two of the estuaries are were increasing in length (Figure 43) and the tidal inlets were
large: Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. These have very large narrowing and deepening (FitzGerald et al., 1984). This
tidal prisms, whereas most Florida estuaries are small with process–response combination has also caused the tidal div-
small prisms. This is an important factor in both inlet and ides to move eastward as the barriers lengthened in that dir-
barrier morphology, along with sediment supply. The latter is ection (Figure 43). This morphodynamic scenario continues
quite limited on the Florida shelf because: (1) no terrigenous today. Most of these barriers have been occupied for many
sediment was transported there until Miocene time; and (2) centuries on the updrift end, and the younger downdrift end is
there is a lack of well-developed fluvial systems able to deliver both narrow and low in elevation (Figure 43). Now that
sediment to the shelf. The result is that slowly rising sea level reclamation procedures along this portion of the North Sea
from about 7000 to 3000 years before present was not able to coast have ceased, it is likely that the barrier-inlet-tidal flat
deliver reworked sediment to the coast. Much data indicate system will become more stable.
that sea level reached its present position on this coast about
3000 years ago (Davis, 1994a). This permitted considerable
time for wave processes to rework and accumulate sediment to Mississippi River Delta Area
form the present barriers. These islands (Figure 41) typically The northern Gulf of Mexico is a microtidal coast that is
are retrogradational (e.g., Anclote Key, Sand Key, North subjected to severe but irregular events, for example, tropical
Captiva Island) or a combination of retrogradational and storms and hurricanes. It is also the area of the Gulf basin
progradational (i.e., drumstick barriers such as Captiva Island, where the thickest and most extensive sediment accumula-
Siesta Key, and Cayo Costa Island) (Davis, 1994a, b). tion has taken place over Holocene time. The dominant geo-
In summary, although both the Florida peninsular coast morphic element is the Mississippi Delta, which is considered
and the Texas coast have quite extensive barrier-inlet systems to be fluvially dominated (Galloway, 1975). During modern
and both areas are microtidal, the resulting morphology of the times human influence has greatly lessened the impact of the
barriers is significantly different. The differences are primarily Mississippi River by constructing numerous dams and levees
a result of sediment availability, tidal prism, wave energy, and in the drainage system.
rate of sea-level rise. The evolution of this coastal system is primarily controlled
by the multiple lobes of the delta that have developed over the
past 7000 years (Kolb and Van Lopik, 1966) after sea-level rise
slowed enough to allow substantial accumulations of sedi- North Sea Barrier-Inlet Systems
ment. The multiple lobes (Figure 13) developed due to
An extensive barrier-inlet system has developed along the so- avulsion of the main channel during this time. The com-
called German Bight – the North Sea coast of The Netherlands, position of these lobes is dominated by mud with significant
Germany, and Denmark (Figures 41(a,b) and 42). These are amounts of sand.
primarily mixed-energy barriers (drumsticks) (Figure 43). This As sea level transgressed over the lobes there was sediment
coast is mainly mesotidal with ranges that increase toward the reworking by waves, especially during high-energy events.
apex of the bight, where tide-dominated conditions prevail
and barriers are absent. Wave energy is fairly similar
throughout these shores, but tidal range changes dramatically
(Nummedal et al., 1977). Ranges are smallest on the western
coast of The Netherlands (1.36 m), then increase to near 4 m
at the entrance to Jade Bay, and then decrease to 1.40 m on the
Jutland coast of Denmark (Davis, 1994b). Because wave
energy is similar throughout this coastal reach, the different
barrier morphologies reflect mainly the tidal range and
tidal prism.
Similar to the Gulf of Mexico barriers, those of the German
Bight developed from the reworking of thick terrigenous
sediments, but in the North Sea those sediments were accu-
mulated from Quaternary glaciation. As sea level rose, the low-
lying coast developed small barriers seaward of their present
location along with extensive tidal flats. Sea level was about
7 m below its present position at this time. The slowly rising
sea level permitted barriers to wash over and migrate landward
as well as filling some of the backbarrier area.
Shortly after significant occupation and agricultural devel- Figure 47 Oblique aerial photo of Egg Island, a good example of
opment of the adjacent supratidal zone, extensive reclamation the Alaskan barriers. Courtesy of M.O. Hayes.
Evolution of Coastal Landforms 445

The result of this combination of processes has produced greatly in size while the inlets that separate them have
multiple barrier-inlet systems, all of which are wave-domin- widened dramatically. Probably the most vulnerable of the
ated (Figure 44). These barrier systems have evolved from three systems is the Chandeleur Islands, which are quite low,
three of the delta lobes. In decreasing age the barrier systems with numerous breaches from storm activity (Figure 45). The
and their lobes are: Isles Dernieres from the Teche Lobe, islands are overwashed by even moderate storms, so that the
Chandeleurs Islands from the St. Bernard Lobe, and the combination of about a centimeter per year rise in sea level
Timbalier Barriers from the Lafourche Lobe. The latter are the and the spreading of the sand by storms will destroy them in
largest and include Grand Isle, which has substantial the not too distant future.
development on it.
All of these barrier-inlet systems are quite vulnerable to Panhandle of Alaska
destruction as the result of rapid sea-level rise and numerous
severe storms. This destruction can be shown by a time-lapse Coastal evolution on the leading edge of a continental plate is
look at the Isles Dernieres (Figure 44), which have diminished varied and typically does not include true barrier-inlet systems.



Figure 48 Photo of (a) washover channel about 15 m above sea level. Upper arrow points to imbricated boulders and lower arrow to a man.
(b) Imbricated large boulders on the margins of the washover caused by ‘‘The Rage’’ on Eleuthra Island, Bahamas.
446 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

As an example, the west coast of the US is dominated by 4000 YBP. These ages are based on dating tsunami overwash
headlands with spits and small inlets (Dingler and Clifton, deposits using modern thermoluminescence techniques. The
1994). Dozens of these small, wave-dominated features are criteria used for recognition of tsunamiites are: (1) they
distributed along more than 1500 km of this meso- and comprise uncemented clastic deposits; (2) the boulders are
macrotidal coast. imbricated, stacked, and aligned; (3) they are constructional
By contrast, the southeastern coast of Alaska contains a features; and (4) there has been erosional sculpturing of
barrier system that is hundreds of kilometers long and is bedrock (Bryant and Young, 1996).
similar to those we see on trailing edge coasts. In this case, the Similar features were deposited in modern times near the
main reason for such a development is the sediment supply. north end of the Island of Eleuthra in the Bahamas by a
Wave energy here is quite high and the tidal range is in the relatively unknown storm called locally ‘‘The Rage.’’ The
upper end of mesotidal. The wealth of sediment supplied by presence of these features and the so-called ‘‘tsunamiites’’
glaciers that characterize the coast permits the barriers to de- permits us to see first-hand how these phenomena change the
velop (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). The coastal plain is no more coast. Cliffs about 15 m above sea level (Figure 48(a)) were
than 35 km wide and is characterized by alluvial fans and overtopped and had large boulders deposited on them. A
outwash plains produced by the glaciers (Boothroyd and distinct channel is present denoting where the large boulders
Ashley, 1975). were transported across the narrow island. Washover fans
Sediment transport direction is to the northwest containing large imbricated boulders were deposited on the
(Figure 46), and the barriers are low in elevation, with most landward side of the island (Figure 48(b)).
having no vegetation. Unlike typical barrier systems, gravel, The Australian coast was impacted by multiple tsunami
rather than sand, is a common constituent of those on the events causing a combination of cliff erosion and very coarse
Alaskan coast due to the sediment supply combined with the sediment accumulations. Earlier barriers were severely eroded,
high physical-energy conditions. The morphology of the bar- but their debris contributed to the present barriers (Bryant and
riers is essentially the drumstick model (Figure 47), with the Young, 1996). Cliff sections of this coast have large boulder
wide end on the downdrift side of the inlets. The combination deposits at their crests, at elevations up to 35 m above the
of abundant sediment and large tidal range has developed present sea level (Young et al., 1995). Although we typically
extensive tidal flats landward of the barriers (Figure 47). think of tsunamis as being primarily events that drown coasts
Sea-level change along this coast is largely controlled and destroy buildings, there is this and other evidence in the
by tectonics and shows a general fall in level because of isostatic stratigraphic record and on undeveloped coasts that they can
rebound. Tectonic events can also have a major effect on these also produce sediment accumulations that can help to con-
barriers. For example, during the 1964 earthquake there was a struct coastal morphology.
3–4 m rise in land elevation (Hayes and Ruby, 1994). The
combination of the sediment supply and tectonic setting helps
to preserve these barriers in a high-energy coastal environment. 10.16.9 Summary

Coastal evolution varies greatly with respect to both time and Southeastern Australia and Bahamas location. Important variables include tectonic setting, sedi-
ment supply, sea-level change, and the wave and tidal pro-
The various coastal reaches discussed in Sections– cesses that characterize each region. Generally both erosion all evolved during the Holocene when sea level was and deposition are associated with coastal evolution; the
rising, with deposition produced by a combination of wave relative amount ranges widely. Delivery of sediment to the
and tidal processes; some with the aid of extreme storm en- coast is dominated by fluvial-deltaic systems, but glaciers also
ergy. We are now learning that other factors may be important contribute in some regions. Carbonate coastal systems are
in coastal evolution. In present times the earth has experi- ‘‘born,’’ not ‘‘made’’ from pre-existing strata.
enced severe earthquakes and the tsunamis that they produce. Our present coastal systems are mostly younger than
Important examples are those affecting Hawaii (1946), Alaska 7000 years, the time when sea-level rise slowed considerably
(1964), Indonesia (2004), and most recently in Japan (2011). and reached its present position in some areas and was
These energetic waves produce sediment accumulations that within a few meters of the present level at others. This slowing
have recognizable and geomorphologically persistent signa- of sea-level rise permitted coastal processes to rework sedi-
tures (Dawson et al., 1991). Considerable research efforts to ment and control its accumulation in various coastal
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448 Evolution of Coastal Landforms

Biographical Sketch

Professor Davis received all three of his degrees in geology with minors in marine science and ecology. After a
post-doctoral fellowship he was on the faculty of Western Michigan University (1965–1973) and the University of
South Florida (1973–2005), where he retired as Distinguished University Professor. He has been visiting professor
at the universities of Melbourne, Sydney, Utrecht, Huelva, Waikato, North Carolina, and Duke. He has supervised
the research of more than 50 graduate students. Dr. Davis is a coastal geologist who studies barrier island systems,
beaches, and inlets. In 1999 he received the Shepard Medal from SEPM, The Society for Sedimentary Geology. Dr.
Davis has written/edited 17 books and authored more than 150 research articles. He is currently Visiting Professor
and Research Associate at the Harte Research Institute at Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi and Distinguished
Professor Emeritus of University of South Florida.

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