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Popul Ecol

DOI 10.1007/s10144-016-0563-0


Numerical responses of an avian predator to prey fluctuations

in a temperate latitude: breeders vs. entire population
Marek Panek1

Received: 18 February 2016 / Accepted: 21 October 2016

Ó The Society of Population Ecology and Springer Japan 2016

Abstract Distinct numerical responses of predators to stability of prey populations in temperate latitudes com-
fluctuations in the abundance of their prey are often pared to northern regions.
observed in northern regions but occur more rarely in
temperate latitudes. This statement is, however, mostly Keywords Common buzzard  Common vole  Non-
based on observations of breeding populations, while in breeding floaters  Poland  Population dynamics
some predators, for example in raptors, numerous non-
breeding floaters can occur. I estimated the breeding den-
sity and reproductive performance (nest survey) as well as Introduction
the density of entire population (transects with distance
sampling) of the common buzzard Buteo buteo in western Predators can respond functionally and numerically to fluc-
Poland (52°N) in the years 2005–2014 to test the tuations in the availability of their food resources (Solomon
hypotheses that in temperate latitudes: (1) the breeding 1949; Angelstam et al. 1984). The numerical response often
population of these birds does not show any numerical consists of changes in reproduction or mortality rates in
response, understood as annual changes in their abundance; accordance with fluctuations in the abundance of main prey,
(2) its reproductive success, however, changes with the which means that the number of adult predators present in an
abundance of main prey, the common vole Microtus area at a given time can change in relation to prey abundance
arvalis; and (3) hence the entire buzzard population (in- but with some time delay. Such delayed numerical responses
cluding potential immature floaters) present in a given area have been described most often in resident mammalian
during the nesting period responds numerically with some predators (e.g., Korpimäki et al. 1991; O’Donoghue et al.
time delay. The reproductive success of buzzards was 1997; Angerbjörn et al. 1999), but were also found among
positively correlated with their prey abundance. Contrary raptors, for example in goshawks (Tornberg et al. 2005) and
to my predictions, however, the breeding population of gyrfalcons (Nielsen 1999). In these species high reproduc-
buzzards showed a slight numerical response with a 3-year tive success was observed in years with peak abundances of
lag and the entire population tracked vole fluctuations their fluctuating prey, but as their young reach reproductive
without any time delay. The immediate numerical response maturity only after a few years, the breeding populations of
of the entire buzzard population was probably caused by these raptors track the changes in prey abundance with 2- or
large-scale movements of floaters. Such rapid numerical 3-year lags, respectively. In nomadic predators, thus in some
responses of some predators may contribute to the relative other raptors, numerical responses without a time delay can
occur, resulting not from variable reproduction or mortality
rates, and consisting of large-scale movements to areas
abundant in prey (e.g., Korpimäki and Norrdahl 1991; Kor-
& Marek Panek pimäki 1994; Salamolard et al. 2000).
Distinct fluctuations in prey abundance and related
Polish Hunting Association, Research Station, Sokolnicza 12, numerical responses of predators often occur in the
64-020 Czempiń, Poland northern regions of Eurasia and North America (Hanski

Popul Ecol

et al. 1991, 2001; Korpimäki et al. 2005). In contrast, such relatively large in some places as they amounted to
phenomena have been observed less often or on a smaller 10–100 ha (60% of agricultural land), but in other places
scale in temperate latitudes, where mainly generalist they usually did not exceed 5 ha (40%). The main crops
predators live and which have at their disposal numerous were cereals (58%); other cultivated plants included oil-
alternative prey species. They therefore respond mainly seed rape, maize, sugar beets, potatoes and alfalfa. Con-
functionally (i.e., by switching between prey) and thus their siderable annual fluctuations in the abundance of common
populations are relatively stable (Korpimäki 1986; Hanski voles (Microtus arvalis Pallas, 1779) took place in the
et al. 1991; Turchin and Hanski 1997; Korpimäki et al. study area, and high vole densities occurred especially in
2005). Clear numerical responses, however, have some- large plantations of alfalfa and oilseed rape (Ryszkowski
times been observed in temperate regions, for example in 1982; Panek and Hušek 2014). According to an ornitho-
the Montagu’s harrier in France (Salamolard et al. 2000). logical review from the end of the 20th century, the com-
On the other hand, the numerical responses of raptors mon buzzard was a widespread and fairly common raptor
are typically described on the basis of data about their in this region of Poland, and its breeding density ranged
breeding populations. At the same time the local densities there from 0.5 to 5 pairs per 10 km2 depending on location
of these birds can also depend on the presence of non- (Bednorz et al. 2000).
breeding ‘‘floaters’’ (Newton 1979; Rohner 1996; Kenward The occurrence of breeding pairs of common buzzards
et al. 2000). The fraction of floaters potentially includes in the study area and their reproductive success was esti-
both immature young individuals and adults without mates mated in the years 2005–2014 using the methodology
or breeding territories (Penteriani et al. 2011). In the case commonly utilised in research on birds of prey (e.g.,
of the common buzzard (Buteo buteo Linnaeus, 1758), i.e., Newton 1979; Je˛drzejewska and Je˛drzejewski 1998; Panek
the most abundant raptor species in Europe (Newton 1979), and Hušek 2014). In March and April, forests and patches
a clear numerical response of the nesting fraction was of woodland were searched for buzzard nests. Located
noted in Fennoscandia (Reif et al. 2004). Although an nests were checked once every 2 weeks from a distance of
effect of food richness on the reproductive success of several dozen metres using binoculars. It was assumed that
buzzards has sometimes been found in temperate regions in in a given nest a breeding attempt occurred if in April or
the continent of Europe, clear and regular fluctuations in May (i.e., during the incubation period) a buzzard sitting
their breeding populations were not usually observed there on the nest was observed at least once. A breeding attempt
(Kostrzewa and Kostrzewa 1990; Je˛drzejewski et al. 1994; was considered as successful when at least one fully
Goszczyński 1997; Selås 2001; Sim et al. 2001). On the feathered offspring was observed on the nest before the
other hand, the presence of numerous floaters has been anticipated fledging time (typically in the second half of
detected in this species (Kenward et al. 2000). In this paper June). The number of fledglings was also estimated in this
I therefore test hypotheses resulting from the knowledge period. Annual values of several demographic variables
described above, predicting that in temperate latitudes: (1) were calculated on the basis of the above field data: the
the breeding populations of common buzzards does not density of breeding pairs, the proportion of pairs with
reveal any numerical response, understood as annual reproductive success (annual sample: 25–31 pairs), the
changes in their abundance; (2) however, these birds show mean number of fledglings per successful nest (annual
some demographic response, i.e., their reproductive suc- sample: 17–27 nests), the production of fledglings per
cess changes with the availability of their main prey; (3) nesting pair and the production of fledglings in the whole
hence the entire buzzard population present in a given area study area.
during the nesting period (i.e., territorial birds and imma- The index of the entire buzzard population present in
ture floaters together) responds numerically with some time the study area during the nesting season was estimated in
delay. the middle of June. By this time both members of nesting
pairs have already finished watching offspring at nests and
they hunted in their territories, but young birds still stayed
Methods in nests. Adult buzzards were counted on line transects
with distance sampling (Buckland et al. 1993). This
I carried out the study in a 75 km2 area located near method has previously been used successfully in the case
Czempiń, south of Poznań, in western Poland (52°090 N, of common buzzards (Kenward et al. 2000). Six perma-
16°450 E), in a region dominated by farmland with frag- nent transect routes totalling 86 km ran along field and
mented forests covering 20% of its area. The study site forest roads, and were evenly distributed over the study
consisted mainly of arable land (80%). Several small for- area. The routes were traversed by foot during the
ests (35–270 ha) and patches of woodland (\1–15 ha) morning hours and all sites of buzzard observations were
covered only 10% of this area. Individual crop fields were marked on maps (1:10,000) based on available landmarks.

Popul Ecol

Their perpendicular distances were then calculated from Results

these maps (to the nearest 10 m). Annual samples of
recorded individuals ranged from 28 to 70. The index of The density of the buzzard breeding population in the years
buzzard density (with confidence intervals, CI) was esti- 2005–2014 changed from 3.3 to 4.1 pairs per 10 km2
mated using the Distance 6.0 software (Thomas et al. (mean 3.8, n = 10, SD = 0.3; Fig. 1a). Reproductive
2009). success was achieved by 63–89% of pairs attempting
In central Europe the common vole is the main prey of nesting in a given year (mean 75.9, n = 10, SD = 10.0);
common buzzards in the areas dominated by agriculture successful pairs raised 1.4–1.9 fledglings (mean 1.6,
(Mebs 1964; Goszczyński and Piłatowski 1986; Je˛drze- n = 10, SD = 0.2); annual production per nesting pair
jewska and Je˛drzejewski 1998; Šotnár and Obuch 2009). In amounted to 0.9–1.7 fledglings (mean 1.2, n = 10,
the study area, common voles constituted 72% of prey SD = 0.3); and annual production per 10 km2 was equal to
items in the spring-summer buzzard diet evaluated during 3.4–6.9 fledglings (mean 4.6, n = 10, SD = 1.1). The
the period of this study (M. Panek, unpublished data). I index of entire population density in individual years
estimated the abundance of common voles by counting changed from 4.6 to 14.1 individuals per 10 km2 (mean
their burrow entrances (Mackin-Rogalska et al. 1986). The 8.0, n = 10, SD = 3.0; Fig. 1b). No correlation was found
counts were carried out in March each year between 2002 between the density of breeders and the density of the
and 2014. Six permanent transect routes totalling 66 km in entire buzzard population (r = –0.024, P = 0.9, n = 10).
length were evenly distributed throughout the agricultural The mean number of vole burrow entrances in the years
land. Only the entrances with clear signs of use (fresh 2002–2014 ranged from 1.1 (n = 6, SE = 0.2) to 25.6
digging, droppings, pieces of food) located within 3 m of (n = 6, SE = 3.2) per kilometre of transect routes and the
both sides of the transect routes were recorded. Due to a
curvilinear relationship between the density of burrow
entrances and the population density of common voles
(Mackin-Rogalska et al. 1986), the annual mean numbers
of burrow entrances per 1 km of transect routes were
logarithmically transformed and then used as an index of
vole abundance.
The relationship between the demographic variables of
buzzards and the index of vole abundance was examined
by Pearson’s correlation analysis. To check whether the
density of breeders and the density of the entire buzzard
population was dependent on the abundance of voles with
or without a time lag, cross-correlations were performed
with vole data both from the same year and from 1 to
3 years ago. The effect of breeding performance in pre-
vious years on the two buzzard density estimates was b
analysed using the annual number of fledglings in the
whole study area. The initiation of breeding in these birds
occurs most often in the third year of their life, but can be
earlier (Newton 1979; Davis and Davis 1992; Kenward
et al. 2000). I therefore calculated correlations between
the two density estimates and the fledgling production
observed 1, 2 and 3 years ago as well as the accumulated
number of fledglings in the three previous years. During
my analyses, several correlations were sometimes per-
formed on the same data set. Therefore, the Bonferroni
correction was used, i.e., when a given correlation coef-
ficient was found to be statistically significant taking into
account the standard significance level (a = 0.05), I
checked whether its P value was equal to or lower than
Fig. 1 The various density estimates of common buzzards: a breeding
the corrected level (0.05/n, where n is the number of
pairs (nest survey), b entire population (an index estimated by line
calculated correlations). Positive results are marked with transects, thus including potential non-breeders; with ±95% CI) in
‘‘*’’ after P. western Poland in the years 2005–2014

Popul Ecol

Fig. 2 The index of vole abundance in early spring (the mean number
of common vole burrow entrances per kilometre of transects,
transformed logarithmically) in western Poland in the years 2002–2014

logarithmic index of vole abundance ranged from 0.09 to

3.24. Three peak periods and two lows occurred in the
study years (Fig. 2).
The index of vole abundance was positively related to
the proportion of buzzard pairs with reproductive success
in a given year (r = 0.690, P = 0.03, n = 10), the number
of fledglings per successful pair (r = 0.741, P = 0.01*,
n = 10), and the annual production of fledglings per
nesting pair (r = 0.759, P = 0.01*, n = 10).
When the vole abundance index was correlated with the
two buzzard density estimates (i.e., breeders and entire
population) in the same year and with 1–3 years delay, no Fig. 3 Relationships between the index of vole abundance and the
two density estimates of common buzzards: a breeding pairs (nest
significant relationship was found in the case of current survey) in the same year and with a 3-year delay, b entire population
breeding density, but some response of the breeding frac- in the same year (an index estimated by line transects, thus including
tion (insignificant with the Bonferroni correction) was potential non-breeders) in western Poland in the years 2005–2014.
found for 3-year delay (Table 1; Fig. 3a). However, the Regression lines for significant relationships are showed, but in a the
regression line is only for breeding pairs with a 3-year delay
index of entire population density was significantly affec-
ted by vole availability in the same year (Table 1; Fig. 3b).
The density of the buzzard breeding population was not study area in the previous year (r = -0.065, P = 0.9, n = 9),
significantly correlated with the fledgling production in the 2 years ago (r = -0.420, P = 0.3, n = 8), 3 years ago
(r = 0.042, P = 0.9, n = 7), or the total production in the
Table 1 Correlations (coefficients r and their P values) between the
previous 3 years (r = 0.212, P = 0.6, n = 7). Similarly, the
two density estimates of common buzzards, i.e., breeding pairs (nest
survey) and entire population (an index estimated by line transects, index of the entire buzzard population density was not sig-
thus including potential non-breeders), and the index of vole abun- nificantly related to the fledging production in the previous
dance in the same year (0) and with 1–3 years delay in western year (r = -0.140, P = 0.7, n = 9), 2 years ago (r = 0.352,
Poland (n = 10 in all cases)
P = 0.4, n = 8), 3 years ago (r = 0.193, P = 0.7, n = 7), or
Time delay Buzzard density estimate the accumulated production in the previous 3 years
Breeders Entire population (r = 0.207, P = 0.7, n = 7).

Year 0 r = -0.206, P = 0.6 r = 0.745, P = 0.01* Discussion

Year -1 r = -0.036, P = 0.9 r = 0.414, P = 0.2
Year -2 r = 0.295, P = 0.4 r = 0.286, P = 0.4 In accordance with my predictions, common buzzards from
Year -3 r = 0.641, P = 0.046 r = -0.147, P = 0.7 western Poland responded demographically to fluctuations
* Significant also after the Bonferroni correction for multiple in the abundance of their main prey in terms of changes in
comparisons their reproductive success. Similar relationships were

Popul Ecol

found during a number of previous studies on this species by changes in used habitats or secretive behaviour) are
(e.g., Newton 1979; Je˛drzejewski et al. 1994; Goszczyński already taken into account. Therefore, the comparison of
1997; Selås 2001; Sim et al. 2001), although on occasion relationships between the two density estimates and the
its breeding performance did not change with fluctuations index of vole abundance seems appropriate.
in the availability of main prey (Krüger 2004; Reif et al. However, contrary to the breeding population, the den-
2004). In this study I measured the food abundance in the sity of entire buzzard population present in the study area
early spring, i.e., 2–3 months before the period of feeding during the nesting period clearly tracked the fluctuations of
nestlings by buzzards. The used index of vole density, vole abundance without any time-lag. Thus, this finding
however, apparently also described sufficiently well the was also inconsistent with my predictions. Such rapid
availability of this prey in the late spring. Newton (1979) numerical response occurs in some raptor species but
stated that food abundance can affect the course and results consists of long-range movements to regions with peak
of breeding in raptors to a large extent by the effects on the numbers of their fluctuating prey to perform reproduction
condition of females at the beginning of the breeding in good feeding conditions (Korpimäki 1985, 1994; Kor-
season, and thus on the size of clutches. pimäki and Norrdahl 1991; Salamolard et al. 2000; Millon
Contrary to my predictions, the breeding population of and Bretagnolle 2008). In western Poland, the fluctuations
buzzards most probably showed a slight numerical of vole availability undoubtedly affected the density of
response with a 3-year lag in relation to the fluctuations of non-breeding buzzards, as the density of nesting birds did
their main prey in the study area located in a temperate not show significant relationships with the current level of
latitude. This delay corresponds to the typical age of main prey abundance. The fraction of non-breeders might
maturation and the first instance of breeding in the common potentially include both territorial birds without clutches
buzzard (Newton 1979; Davis and Davis 1992; Kenward (and even pairs after early nest losses or desertions, and
et al. 2000). It suggests that the observed numerical thus omitted during the survey of nesting pairs), local
response of the breeding population resulted from the young birds from previous years and alien floaters. How-
changes of reproductive success in the preceding period. In ever, it is unlikely that the number of non-breeders among
fact, the breeding density was correlated neither with the territorial buzzards (if such birds were present in the study
fledgling production 3 years earlier nor with the total area) was positively related to the abundance of voles, and
production during the three previous years, but this may be furthermore, the density of entire buzzard population was
associated with the smaller sample size (the number of not dependent on the production of fledglings in this pop-
years with available data) than in the case of other ulation in the previous years. This suggests that the
analyses. immediate numerical response of the entire buzzard pop-
My estimations of breeding buzzard densities and entire- ulation consisted mainly of the movements of floaters.
population density indices were based on different methods The fidelity of breeding buzzards to their territories in
and could contain some biases. For example, in the years the study area remains unknown. In the temperate regions
with limited vole availability the density of the entire of Europe these birds tend to stay in their territories
population was often lower than the density of nesting throughout the year and typically do not move further than
buzzards (i.e., doubled pair density; Fig. 1). This might 2 km (Weir and Picozzi 1975; Kenward et al. 2001;
potentially mean that in the years with scant food unsuc- Schindler et al. 2012), although as close as in north-eastern
cessful birds left their breeding territories, and thus the Poland a substantial part of nesting buzzards leave their
study area, in search of more favourable feeding condi- territories at the beginning of winter and migrate different
tions. On the other hand, the observed relationships distances (Je˛drzejewska and Je˛drzejewski 1998). On the
between the above mentioned density values in individual other hand, young common buzzards typically take natal
years may be only accidental. It therefore seems inappro- dispersal and usually move a distance of a few to several
priate to directly compare the density estimations obtained tens of kilometres (Davis and Davis 1992; Walls and
by the two different methods. However, it is unlikely that Kenward 1998; Kenward et al. 2001). After some period of
the observed changes in vole abundance affected the movements they usually settle in a range and only make
accuracy of these two buzzard density estimations for two short excursions, but do not continue to wander; however,
reasons. First, because the breeding density did not vary sometimes they can move again, typically in spring, to
with the fluctuations in vole abundance, and second, settle in a new area (Walls and Kenward 1998; Kenward
because the distance sampling method used to estimate the et al. 2001). Juvenile and non-territorial individuals, both in
index of entire population density is based on functions the common buzzard (Kenward et al. 2001; Schindler et al.
which model the probability of detecting animals (Buck- 2012) and in other bird species (Penteriani et al. 2011),
land et al. 1993). This means that potential effects of vole typically stay in areas providing rich food (but not suit-
fluctuations on the detection of buzzards in the field (e.g., able nesting sites as in the case of breeders). Such habits of

Popul Ecol

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Acknowledgements I am grateful to my colleagues from the 88:552–561
Research Station PHA in Czempiń for their help in data collection, Korpimäki E, Oksanen L, Oksanen T, Klemola T, Norrdahl K, Banks
and to Javier Balbontı́n, Robert Kamieniarz, Hannu Pietiäinen and PB (2005) Vole cycles and predation in temperate and boreal
anonymous reviewer for their valuable comments to the manuscript. I zones of Europe. J Anim Ecol 74:1150–1159
also thank Ian Hatcher for language improvements. Kostrzewa A, Kostrzewa R (1990) The relationship of spring and
summer weather with density and breeding performance of the
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Falco tinnunculus. Ibis 132:550–559
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