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Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd

Knowledge Boulevard,
A-8A, Sector 62A, Noida
INDIA - 201 309


Employee Code EGIL43882 Date of Resignation 29-Mar-17
Personal Number 23607715 Date of Leaving 18-Apr-17
Employee Name NAGARAJA H I PF No. 41382
Designation Graduate Engineer Trainee EPS No. HR/GGN/26237/X/40586
Date of Joining 21-Nov-16 ESI No.
Date of Birth 30-May-94 Bank A/c No. 50100182754384
Location KOLKATA Bank Name HDFC
Cost center 2828081949 PAN ADLPI6494A

Month Current Month Arrear

Days in the Month 18 0
LOP/LOPR days 0 0
Payable days 18 0

EARNINGS Rate/Days (As Amount Payable

Basic 12938 7763.00
House Rent Allowance 7763 4658.00
Transport Allowance 1600 960.00
Medical Allowance 1250 750.00
Leave Travel Allowance 1078 647.00
Night Shift Allowance 0 2100.00
Leave Encashment 10.14 4373.00
Extra Working Day Allowance 0 1772.00
Composite Allowance 1946 1168.00
Professional Tax 130 130.00
Provident Fund 1553 932.00
Other Deductions 0 150000.00
Mobile Recovery 0 3978.00
Notice Pay Deduction 9 3881.00
NET PAYABLE -134730.0
Notice period required Notice period served Notice period deductible Waived off Net deductible days
30 21 9 0 9

Consequent to your Full & Final Settlement computation, amount of INR 0.0 has been transferred to your Bank Account
# 50100182754384 from Ericsson India Global Services Pvt. Ltd / Ericsson India Pvt. Ltd., in Full & Final settlement of all legal
dues which could accrue from your employment.

This is an auto-generated letter and does not require any signature.

Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd

Knowledge Boulevard,
A-8A, Sector 62A, Noida
INDIA - 201 309

Income Tax Computation Statement

Employee Code EGIL43882 Employee Name 23607715 Date of Leaving 18-Apr-17

Employee PAN ADLPI6494A Gender Male Company TAN DELE05521F
Date of Birth 30-May-94 Assessment Year 2018-2019 Company PAN AACCE4175D
Date of Joining 21-Nov-16 Financial Year 2017-2018 Month April-2017

Heads Of Income Actual Projected Total

Income from Salary

Basic 7763.00 0.00 7763.00

House Rent Allowance 4658.00 0.00 4658.00
Transport Allowance 960.00 0.00 960.00
Medical Allowance 750.00 0.00 750.00
Leave Travel Allowance 647.00 0.00 647.00
Night Shift Allowance 2100.00 0.00 2100.00
Leave Encashment 4373.00 0.00 4373.00
Extra Working Day Allowance 1772.00 0.00 1772.00
Composite Allowance 1168.00 0.00 1168.00

Perquisites 0.00
Previous Employer Income 0.00

Gross Salary 24191.00 0.00 24191.00

Less Exemption U/s 10 960.00

NetSalary 23231.00
Less Deduction U/s 16 0.00
Tax on Employment 130.00

Net Taxable Salary 23101.00

Income/(Loss) from House Property 0.00
Income from Other Sources 0.00

Gross Total Income 23101.00

Less Deduction U/s VI A 932.00

Taxable Income 22169.00

Taxable Income (Rounded Off) 22170.00
Tax Payable on Total Income 0.00
Less Relief U/s 87 0.00

Tax Payable 0.00

Add Surcharge 0.00
Add Cess 0.00
Total Tax Payable 0.00
Total Tax Payable(Rounded Off) 0.00
Less Tax Recovered Till Previous Month 0.00
Balance Tax to be Deducted 0.00
Tax Deducted Current Month 0.00
Balance Tax Payable for remainig 11 months 0.00
Monthly Tax (Balance Tax / Remaining Months) 0.00
Thu Apr 27 12:32:26 IST 2017
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Income Tax Computation Statement
Employee Code EGIL43882 Employee Name NAGARAJA H I Employee PAN ADLPI6494A

Exemption U/s 10 Amount Perquisites Amount

Transport Allowance 960.00
Total 960.00 Total 0.00

Deduction under Chapter VI A Declared Actual

Provident Fund 0.00 932.00

Other Income / (Losses)

Section Description Declared Actual

Rent Paid Details Company Lease Accommodation

From Date To Date Rent/Month Metro From Date To Date Rent/Month Metro

Previous Employment Details

Components Amount


Thu Apr 27 12:32:26 IST 2017Please Send Your Queries to

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destroy it along with any copies and notify the sender immediately.

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