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Mr Munir-ud-din Shams (Chairman)

Mr Mansoor Shah (Secretary)
Mr Naseer Ahmad Qamar February 2007, Vol.102, No.02
Mr Mubarak Ahmad Zafar
Mr Mirza Fakhar Ahmad
Mr. Abdul Baqi Arshad EDITORIAL – The Holocaust
A grim reminder of the self that incites to evil and the need to
CHIEF EDITOR AND MANAGER come nearer to God – by Fareed Ahmad, Newquay, UK.................... 2
Mansoor Ahmed Shah

ESSENCE OF ISLAM – Matchlessness of the Holy

Basit Ahmad Qur’an illustrated by Surah Fatihah – Part 16
Bockarie Tommy Kallon The opening chapter of the Qur’an compared with the beauty
Fareed Ahmad of the rose............................................................................................ 5
Fazal Ahmad
Fauzia Bajwa
Mahmood Hanif
Navida Shahid Dedication of one of the companions of the Promised Messiah(as)
Sarah Waseem to the service of Ahmadiyyat and to spreading the message of Islam
Saleem Ahmad Malik
Tanveer Khokhar in India, UK and USA: an inspiring example of committment to faith
over worldly matters.
by Maulana Ataul Rashed, Imam of the London Mosque, UK ............ 18
Amatul Hadi Ahmad
Abdul Ghany Jahangeer Khan
Nearness to God can be attained through prayer and supplication.
Shaukia Mir
Help provided by God to those who supplicate is proof of the
DESIGN AND LAYOUT existence of a Living God.
Tanveer Khokhar
by Rafiq Hayat, Ameer UK .................................................................. 38
Al Shirakatul Islamiyyah
Muhammad Hanif
Arguments showing that the whole of the Holy Qur’an was
All correspondence should be forwarded to the editor at:
The Review of Religions committed to memory by the followers of the Holy Prophet(saw) in
The London Mosque his lifetime. .......................................................................................... 48
16 Gressenhall Road
London, SW18 5QL
United Kingdom
Email: by Maulana Ataul Rashed, Imam of the London Mosque, UK ........... 62
© Islamic Publications, 2007
ISSN No: 0034-6721

Views expressed in this publication are not

necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community
Fareed Ahmad – Newquay, UK

The Holocaust and the self that ideological and political purposes.
incites to evil During a period of four years over
27th January was Holocaust six million people were shot,
Memorial Day and it was a sombre gassed, starved and tortured to
reminder of the terrible atrocities death. One can hardly visualise the
committed by the Nazis in the enormity of suffering and shock
Second World War. It is hoped that this persecution must have caused.
by keeping the memory of the It is indeed disturbing to imagine
atrocities alive, man’s humanity that such persecution was ever
will always strive to prevent such conceived and enacted by all
horrors from happening again. In involved.
fact this is one of the specific
objectives of the commemoration, Sadly it was not the last large scale
which seeks to ‘ensure that the atrocity committed by man, for the
horrendous crimes, racism and world was to witness similar
victimisation committed during horrors again, and not just once.
the Holocaust are neither forgotten Barely fifty years after the
nor repeated, whether in Europe or Holocaust, Europe witnessed
elsewhere in the world’. another barbaric atrocity. In 1992-
1995 the genocide in Bosnia by
Indeed few events parallel the the Serbs was the worst mass
horrors of the Holocaust. The murder in Europe since the Second
word ‘holocaust’ stems from the World War – with over 200,000
Greek holos kaustos meaning Bosnians slaughtered simply for
‘complete destruction’ usually by their faith. Then in Africa, in the
fire, and it is a chillingly apt space of just four months between
description and a macabre April and July 1994, nearly one
reminder of the ruthless Nazi million Tutsis were massacred in
campaign to eliminate the Jews Rwanda by Hutu extremists. The
and other groups for twisted rate of murder far outpaced even

2 The Review of Religions – February 2007


the horrors of the Nazis. The greater Jihad – that is the

shameful fact is that this occurred conquering of one’s inner demons
under the watch of the UN – the and more specifically one’s ego.
very body that was set up after the Only by mastering this is there any
Second World War to prevent hope of people acting with justice
conflict and secure peace. Whilst with their fellow beings. This
it could not have prevented this battle to conquer the ‘self that
Rwandan massacre on its own, its incites to evil’ was so eloquently
dismal failure was its set out over one hundred years ago
unwillingness to rally interna- by the Promised Messiah(as) in his
tional help and support. Instead, in inspirational treatise The
May 1994, its Security Council Philosophy of the Teachings of
unbelievably refused even to Islam that expounded the beauty
acknowledge the ongoing geno- and relevance of Qur’anic
cide, thus effectively giving the teachings.
green light for the Hutus to kill
with impunity. The suppression of man’s natural
state i.e. the ‘self that incites to
It is worrying to note that evil’ was described as the first step
persecution and state-sponsored towards true spirituality and
killings for the sake of twisted peace. The next step is to develop
ideological or political purposes oneself in accordance with divine
still continue across the world to instructions to the state described
this day. From the persecution of as ‘the reproving self’ in which the
religious groups for their beliefs, natural impulses of man are
to those killed as ‘collateral subject to control so that vices are
damage’ in wars and conflicts, rejected and behaviour is regulated
man’s capacity to commit evil by reason. This makes him worthy
remains undiminished. of honour. The final step is the
start of the spiritual state and is
The solution provided by Islam to ‘the soul at rest’, a level at which
this unfortunate state of affairs is the soul nurtures and enjoys the
to spur man to begin by looking achievement of the success of its
inwards and to engage in the journey to self-improvement to the

The Review of Religions – February 2007 3


degree that it is ‘filled with the results of what happens when

spiritual powers and establishes a those who have rejected the
relationship with God Almighty’. Qur’an’s wisdom remain locked in
The monumental scale of the the struggle to overcome the self
challenge of this journey to that incites to evil. In view of this
spirituality is plain for us all to see one hopes that even at this late
but the path to reaching the spiritual hour, were men able to heed the
state has been set forth by prophets Promised Messiah’s(as) important
of God who have appeared in every message of peace then the next
age and in every nation. two periods of progress would
arrive sooner rather than later, thus
Interestingly enough, as well as enabling us to witness the benefits
setting out the three stages to of the reproving self and the soul
spirituality, the Promised at rest. If, however, the message is
Messiah(as) also prophesied that ignored then in our age of
within a period of three hundred technical and scientific
years his message of the revival of advancement one shudders to
the true Islam would have gained think of the catastrophic
acceptance to such a degree that it consequences that will inevitably
would be the prevalent belief arise and the holocausts that lie in
worldwide. Whilst the stages wait for us all.
described by the Promised
Messiah(as) certainly relate to the Fareed Ahmad – UK
individual one wonders if this is
also reflected in the wider state of
society at a particular time. Could it
be that as mankind progresses from
the wild to the moral state and
beyond that such advancement
would also be reflected in society at

One hundred years have already

passed and we have certainly seen

4 The Review of Religions – February 2007

Part 16 – Matchlessness of the Holy Qur’an
Illustrated by Surah Fatihah
This series sets out, in the words of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, a summary of his exposition of four outstanding topics: ISLAM; ALLAH,
compilation, in Urdu, from which these extracts have been translated into English, was
collated with great care and diligence by Syed Daud Ahmad Sahib, Allah have mercy
on him and reward him graciously for his great labour of love. Amin. The English
rendering is by the late Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, may Allah be pleased with
him, and is quoted from The Essence of Islam, Volume 1. All references throughout,
unless otherwise specifically mentioned, are from the Holy Qur’an.

For the general benefit, we If a writing or speech fully

proceed to set out the quality by resembles something which has
possessing which a writing or a proceeded from God and is His
speech qualifies for being held handiwork, that is to say, it is
matchless and from God. Then comprehensive of the external
we shall select a Surah of the and internal wonders which exist
Holy Qur’an and shall prove that in something that has been
it possesses, in perfection and in fashioned by God, it would be
completeness, all those qualities said that that writing or speech is
of matchlessness which have of a rank which cannot be
been set forth in the rule. Then if matched by human powers, for if
someone still refuses to accept a thing is admittedly matchless
those qualities of matchlessness and has proceeded from God,
the burden would lie upon him to then anything else sharing fully
produce some other writing or its qualities of matchlessness
speech which should possess all would itself be matchless. For
those qualities of matchlessness. instance, if something is in

The Review of Religions – February 2007 5


complete accord with that which

is ten yards in length, then it
would be established as a
certainty that that thing also is
ten yards in length.

The Rose: a Wonder of Allah’s

Now we shall select out of the
creations of God a delicate
creation, that is to say, a rose, and
we shall set out the external and
internal wonders by virtue of The founder of the Ahmadiyya
which it is admitted that it is Muslim community was Hadhrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as).
beyond human power to create
The founder of the Ahmadiyya
its match. We shall then prove
Muslim community was Hadhrat
that the wonders and excellences Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). In 1891,
of the Surah Fatihah not only he claimed, on the basis of Divine
match the wonders of the rose, revelation, that he was the Promised
Messiah and Mahdi whose advent
but also exceed them. The reason
had been foretold by Muhammad,
why I select this illustration is the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace
that on one occasion I saw in a and blessings of Allah be upon him)
vision that I was holding in my and by the scriptures of other faiths.
hand the Surah Fatihah inscribed His claim constitutes the basis of the
beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
on a leaf and it was so beautiful
and attractive that it appeared
that the paper on which it was
inscribed was loaded with soft attractive sound. Those roses
red roses which were beyond were very large, delicate,
count. When I recited any verse beautiful, fresh, and fragrant; and
of the Surah, many of the roses by their ascending upwards the
flew upwards emitting an heart and brain were perfumed,

6 The Review of Religions – February 2007


overpowered, and drawn away appearance. They are that its

from the world and its contents, colour is most attractive, and its
on account of the matchless smell pleases the heart, and its
delights of the roses. From this body is soft, fresh, delicate and
vision, I gathered that the rose clean. Secondly, there are the
has a spiritual relationship with inner qualities with which it is
the Surah Fatihah and that is invested by God, that is to say,
why I have selected this the qualities that are inherent in
illustration. I shall first set out as it. These are that it pleases and
an illustration the wonders, strengthens the heart, upholds all
external and internal, that are the faculties and spirits, operates
found in the rose and shall then as a laxative, and strengthens the
describe as a contrast the external stomach, liver, kidneys, arteries,
and internal wonders of the the womb, and lungs. It is very
Surah Fatihah so that a just helpful in a coma and in
reader should appreciate that the weakness of the heart, and is
qualities, external and internal, useful in many other physical
that are found in the rose by ailments.
virtue of which it is impossible to
create its match, are found in the On account of these two types of
Surah Fatihah to a higher qualities, it is believed that the
degree. Thus, I would also fulfil rose is so perfect that it is not
the indication that was conveyed possible for any human being to
to me in my vision. make a flower which should be
attractive in colour and in
It will be admitted without fragrance, and should be fresh
hesitation that a rose, like other and soft and delicate and clear
creations of God, possesses such like the rose and in addition
qualities that a man has not the should possess all those qualities
power to create its match. These that are possessed by the rose. If
qualities are of two types. First, it is asked why is it believed that
those that are manifested in its human power is not able to create

The Review of Religions – February 2007 7


its match and why is it not eloquent, every form of

possible that man should be able expression has its proper place,
to produce in an artificial flower and every type of quality which
all the qualities, external and enhances the beauty of its
internal, that are found in the composition is found in it. The
rose, the answer is that this has highest grade of eloquence that
been proved in practice, and that can be imagined is found in it in
no philosopher or physician has perfection and all that is needed
been able to compound any to make its meaning clear is
medicines, or devise a recipe, present. With all these good
that would produce a flower qualities, it is filled with the
possessing the appearance and fragrance of truth and there is no
qualities of the rose. exaggeration in it, which might
have the slightest trace of
Qualities of Surah Fatihah falsehood. Its colourfulness is
compared with the Rose not like that of the poets which
It should now be understood that smacks of falsehood and is full of
these elements of matchlessness idle boasts. As the compositions
are to be found in the Surah of poets smell of falsehood and
Fatihah, and indeed in the vain verbiage, this composition
briefest portions of the Holy is full of the delicate fragrance of
Qur’an. First observe its external truth. This fragrance is
form and appreciate its colourful accompanied by a beauty of
diction and beautiful exposition exposition, propriety of diction,
and sequence and other qualities colourfulness, smoothness and,
which are essential for a good as in the rose, its fragrance is
composition and which manifest accompanied by the beauty of its
themselves throughout the Surah colour and clearness. These are
Fatihah, a manifestation that its external qualities.
cannot be exceeded and which is
free from every type of From the point of view of its
coarseness and wildness of internal qualities, the Surah
idiom. Every phrase is most Fatihah comprises remedies for

8 The Review of Religions – February 2007


great spiritual illnesses, and the signs of which had

makes provision for the disappeared from previous
perfection of intellectual power teachings, and no thinker or
and the power of action. It philosopher had set them forth.
reforms great disorders and sets These have not been set out
forth great insights and fine without need and in vain, but
points which have been hidden they have been set out at a time
from the eyes of thinkers and when they were absolutely
philosophers. The heart of a necessary for the reform of the
seeker is strengthened by its conditions of the age and without
perusal and is healed of the ills of their being set out the age would
doubt and suspicion and error. have faced ruin and destruction.
Many high verities and fine They have not been set out
realities which are needed for the imperfectly or incompletely, and
perfection of the soul are are perfect in themselves. The
furnished by its contents. wisdom of a wise person cannot
Obviously, these excellences are cite a religious verity which has
such that they cannot be been left out of them. Nor is there
combined in the writing or any doubt which troubles the
speech of any human being. This mind of a worshipper of
impossibility is not mere falsehood that has not been set at
inference, but is obvious. God rest. To express all these verities
Almighty has manifested the and fine points, of which there
perfection of its external and was great need, at the highest
internal qualities by setting out, level of eloquence, is a great
in eloquent words, the fine points undertaking which is obviously
and high insights at the time of above the capacity of human
their need and in accordance with faculties.
the requirements of truth. He has
carried both sides, the external Man is so bereft of merit that it is
and the internal, to the highest not possible for him to express
grades of perfection. First, it sets truthfully average matters, which
out those necessary high insights are not connected with high

The Review of Religions – February 2007 9


verities, in colourful and reasons in support thereof

eloquent words, adhering all the accurately. He would find it
time to truth and accuracy of impossible to do all this at a level
statement. For instance, it is of eloquence which it would not
impossible for a shopkeeper, who be possible for another human
is a high-grade poet and writer, to being to exceed. The case of
carry on his conversation with human compositions is such that
diverse types of customers elo- without vain, unnecessary and
quently and in colourful words, irrelevant matters, their authors
confining himself to whatever is cannot take a step and cannot set
appropriate on every occasion. out anything without falsehood
Where economy of words is and idle statements. If they make
needed, he should speak less and an attempt it is defective like a
where long speeches are picture which if it depicts a nose,
appropriate, he should hold forth it leaves out ears and if it depicts
at length. When a discussion ears, it leaves out eyes. If truth is
should ensue between him and adhered to, eloquence has to be
his customer, he should adopt a sacrificed, and if eloquence has
method which should support his to be pursued, falsehood and idle
thesis. Or take the case of a statements are piled up like an
magistrate whose duty it is to onion which is all leaves and has
take down accurately the no substance.
statements of parties and
witnesses and to make appro- Thus, sane reason determines
priate comments on them and to that it is impossible to set out
put questions and to record average matters in colourful and
answers which are appropriate eloquent words while adhering to
for the investigation of the matter truth and the requirements of the
in dispute, and to set down legal occasion. Then it is easy to
arguments accurately according understand that to set out high
to the law, and to set forth the insights according to the
facts in their proper order and to requirements of truth in colourful
record his opinion and the and eloquent language, better

10 The Review of Religions – February 2007


than which cannot be imagined, necessary arguments, proofs of

is a supernatural task which is teachings, and the requisite
beyond human power and is as questions and answers? The
impossible of achievement as it difficulties would be multiplied a
is impossible to create a flower hundred fold beyond those that
which should completely resem- we have set out in the first case,
ble a rose in its external and and yet it would be necessary
internal qualities. Experience that the beauty of the compo-
testifies and sane nature accepts sition should be matchless and
that in ordinary matters it peerless, and that it should not be
becomes impossible for a person possible to express the subject
to set forth something which is matter in more eloquent
necessary and true, whether it language.
relates to a matter of buying and
selling or relates to judicial These are the qualities found in
procedure, and it is desired to the Surah Fatihah and in the
perform this task in the best Holy Qur’an, which are in accord
manner, in the most appropriate with the qualities of match-
and suitable language at the lessness of a rose. But another
highest degree of eloquence. great quality is found in the
Then how is it possible for a Surah Fatihah and the Holy
human being to set forth in a Qur’an, which is peculiar to
writing truthfully and accurately them, and that is that to read
insights and high verities them with attention and sincerity
according to need, comprising purifies the heart, and removes
Divine truths, without omitting the veils of darkness, and
anything that is needed for the expands the mind, and drawing
reform of the times and for the seeker after truth to God,
conclusive argument and for manifests such lights and effects
repelling the objections of in him which are found only in
opponents while observing all those who are close to God and
the rules of debate and which cannot be acquired by any
discussion, and comprising all other means. We have given

The Review of Religions – February 2007 11


proof in this book of this spiritual testimony and should take pride
effect, and if a seeker after truth in his knowledge and ability, or
should so desire we can satisfy should believe that some other
him and furnish fresh proof. writer can compose something
like the Holy Qur’an, we shall
Internal and External proceed, as we have promised, to
Qualities of Surah Fatihah set forth a sample of the verities
It should also be remembered that and fine points comprehended in
the matchlessness and the Surah Fatihah. Such a person
peerlessness of the Holy Qur’an should put forth some
has not only arguments of reason composition of his own as a rival
to establish it, but is confirmed by to the external and internal
experience over a long period. For qualities of the Surah Fatihah.
1,300 years the Holy Qur’an has (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani
been putting forward its qualities Khaza’in, Vol. 1, pp.394-403,
as a challenge to the whole world footnote 11)
that in its external and internal
qualities it is matchless and Like the Holy Qur’an, the Surah
peerless and that no man can Fatihah comprises two types of
produce its equal, and yet no one qualities which are matchless,
has come forward to take up the one external and the other
challenge, not even with regard to internal. As we have repeatedly
one Surah, for instance the Surah set forth, its external quality is
Fatihah. Now what could be a that its text is so colourful,
clearer miracle than that not only bright, fine, delicate, eloquent,
this Holy Word is beyond the sweet and smooth, and its
reach of human faculties on the statements and sequence are so
basis of reason, but experience beautiful that it is not possible to
over a long period also testifies to set forth its meaning in an equal
its miraculous nature. or more eloquent composition. If
the writers and poets of the
If someone should be dissatisfied whole world should seek to
with both these types of expound its subject matter on

12 The Review of Religions – February 2007


their own in another text, which the same way, God Almighty has
should be equal to or better than placed in the Surah Fatihah, and
the text of the Surah Fatihah, indeed in the whole of the Holy
they would find it impossible to Qur’an, healing for spiritual ills
do so, as the Holy Qur’an has put and a cure for inner diseases, not
forward its claim of match- to be found anywhere else,
lessness before the whole world inasmuch as it is filled with those
over a period of 1,300 years verities which had disappeared
without a response … The from the world without leaving
silence of its opponents over the any trace ....
centuries has furnished the Holy
Qur’an with a degree of proof of It was in truth a rain of mercy
matchlessness not possessed by which descended from heaven to
the rose, for the thinkers and save the lives of the extremely
artisans of the world have never thirsty. The spiritual life of the
been invited to match anything world depends upon the descent
else in this manner, nor have they from heaven of that life-giving
been warned that in the case of water and not a drop of it is such
their inability to do so they that it is not a remedy for some
would be subjected to diverse ill. The condition of the world
types of ruin and destruction .... through centuries had proved that
it could not remedy these
Now we repeat the inner qualities diseases on its own, without the
of the Surah Fatihah so that they descent of this light, and could
are duly appreciated by those remove its darkness without a
who reflect. Be it known, heavenly light which should
therefore, that as the All-Wise illumine the world with its rays
has placed diverse types of of truth, and should cause those
benefits for the human body in to see who had never seen, and
the rose, such as that it should cause those to understand
strengthens the heart and fac- who had never understood. This
ulties and souls, and is helpful in heavenly light not only presented
the case of several diseases, in such true insights as had

The Review of Religions – February 2007 13


disappeared from the world, but should be comprehensive of all

filled many minds with these the meanings to be found in this
jewels of truth and wisdom, and eloquent text, he would find it
drew many hearts to its beau- impossible to do so. Secondly, it
teous countenance, and carried should be considered that the
many to high stages of know- subject matter of this text should
ledge and action through its be comprehensive of such
powerful effect. Both these types verities and fine points which
of qualities which are found in should be of a very high order
the Surah Fatihah and in the and no phrase or word or letter
Holy Qur’an are such bright should lack wisdom. Thirdly, it
arguments for proving the should be considered that those
matchlessness of the Word of verities should be such as are
God, as the qualities of the rose sorely needed by this age.
are admitted by everybody to be Fourthly, it should be considered
beyond human power. Indeed the that those verities should be so
truth is that as these qualities of matchless that no thinker or
the Holy Qur’an are obviously philosopher should have
extraordinary and beyond the discovered them by his own
reach of human power, such observation or reflection. Fifthly,
qualities are not to be found in it should be considered that those
the rose. verities should have appeared as
a fresh bounty and that before
The greatness and glory and their appearance the people of
matchlessness of these qualities that age should have been wholly
is fully appreciated when they unaware of them. Sixthly it
are considered together collec- should be considered that the text
tively. First, it should be should possess a heavenly
considered that the text should be blessing in that, by following it, a
so eloquent, sweet, pure, seeker after truth should be able
attractive and colourful that if to establish a true relationship
any human being should desire to with God Almighty, and a true
compose such a text, which affection for Him; and that such

14 The Review of Religions – February 2007


lights should begin to shine in its text with another, his heart is
him as ought to shine in men of overcome by a great awe.
An ignorant person who has
When they are considered never considered these matters
collectively, sane reason might perhaps ask what is the
unhesitatingly confirms that it is proof that all these qualities are
impossible and beyond the power to be found in the Surah Fatihah,
of a human being to produce a and indeed in the whole of the
text which should comprise all Holy Qur’an. The proof is that
these perfect qualities. One is those who considered the
filled with awe by the matchless excellences of the
contemplation at one time of all Holy Qur’an and found its text
these overt and covert possessing such eloquence that
excellences, and a wise person is they failed utterly to produce its
assured that it is beyond human like, and found its verities and
reason and imagination to fine points of such high degree
produce such a combination. A that they did not find their match
rose does not inspire such awe. in the whole world, and observed
The Holy Qur’an possesses this such wonderful effects in it as are
speciality that its qualities that not to be found in human words,
have been mentioned as proof of and observed this holy quality in
its matchlessness are self- it that it was not revealed without
obvious. When an opponent purpose, but descended at a time
finds that not one letter of it is of true need, they at once
out of place and not in accord admitted its matchless greatness.
with wisdom and appropri- Those who on account of their
ateness, and that not a single eternal misfortune were deprived
phrase of it is such as is not of the bounty of faith were yet so
sorely needed for the reform of overawed by this matchless
the age together with such composition that in their
perfection of eloquence that it is confusion they announced that it
not possible to replace one line of was plain magic. A just person

The Review of Religions – February 2007 15


finds it a strong argument in briefest Surah of the Holy Qur’an.

support of the matchlessness of (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani
the Holy Qur’an and a bright Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 403-410,
proof, that despite the fact that footnote 11)
for 1,300 years the Holy Qur’an
has incited its opponents to To bring our argument to its
produce its match and called completion, we will set forth
those who failed to do so, and yet some fine points and verities of
continued in their opposition, Surah Al-Fatihah. First we will
wicked, contaminated, cursed and write Surah Al-Fatihah and then
condemned to hell; yet the write about its profound verities.
opponents chose all the The Surah Fatihah runs as
humiliation and dishonour and follows:
disgrace for themselves and
submitted to being called false, In the name of Allah, the
contemptible, shameless, wicked, Gracious, the Merciful. All
mischievous, faithless and praise belongs to Allah, Lord
condemned to hell, but could not of all the worlds, the
produce even a short Surah for Gracious, the Merciful,
comparison with the Holy Master of the Day of
Qur’an. Nor were they able to Judgement. Thee alone do we
find fault with the merits, worship and Thee alone do
qualities, greatnesses and verities we implore for help. Guide us
which the Word of God presents. in the right path – the path of
They were under challenge, and those on whom Thou hast
still are, that if they do not wish to bestowed Thy blessings, those
give up their disbelief and lack of who have not incurred
faith, they should produce the like displeasure, and those who
of one Surah of the Holy Qur’an have not gone astray.
and should confront us with a text (Ch.1:Vs.1-7)
which comprises all those
external and internal qualities Given below are a few points of
which are to be found in the wisdom and verities in the

16 The Review of Religions – February 2007


commentary of this Surah by attributes of the Great name of

way of illustration. God which is Allah, and which in
the Divine idiom of the Qur’an is
In the name of Allah, the comprehensive of all perfect
Gracious, the Merciful... qualities, and is free from all
(Ch.1:V.1) defects, and is used for the True
God, One without associate, and
is the first verse of this Surah and is the fountainhead of all grace,
of all other Surahs of the Holy and that two of those attributes
Qur’an and also occurs in the which are set out in the verse
Holy Qur’an at another place. It Bismillah, namely Rahmaniyyat
is repeated in the Holy Qur’an and Rahimiyyat, demand the
more often than any other verse. revelation of the Word of God
It has become a practice among and the spread of its lights and
the Muslims that at the beginning blessings.
of every action in which good (to be continued)
and blessing is sought, this verse
is recited as a sign of blessing
and as a supplication for help.
Thus it has become well known
among enemies and friends and
among old and young, so much
so that even if a person is entirely
unaware of all other verses of the
Qur’an, there is a strong hope
that he would not be unaware of
this verse.

Of the perfect verities that this

verse comprises, one is that the
purpose of this verse is to teach
the humble and unaware servants
of God that there are many

The Review of Religions – February 2007 17

The Life and Character of
Hadhrat Dr. Mufti Muhammad
Sadiq (ra)

By Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed – Imam of the London Mosque

(Below is an edited translation willing to sacrifice their lives like

by Dr Rashid Azam, USA of the moths around a candle light.
Urdu article written by Maulana
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed) The Promised Messiah(as) was
provided by Almighty God with
Whenever Allah the Almighty many loving and faithful
raises a Prophet for the spiritual companions who were his true
rebirth and development of helpers. They are recognised as
mankind, He provides him with the bright stars of Ahmadiyyat,
unusual support and success in the true Islam, and their pious
his mission. It is thus stated in the characters are a guiding light for
Holy Qur’an: all of us today. Among this
fortunate and select group was a
Allah has decreed: ‘Most great companion of the Promised
surely I will prevail, I and My Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mufti
Messengers’... Muhammad Sadiq (may Allah be
(Ch.58: V.22) pleased with him). It is a great
honor for me, (but not an easy
Allah’s Messenger may task by any means), to talk about
apparently look weak in the eyes the life and character of this very
of the world but ultimately he is unique personality. The Promised
made victorious. When Allah’s Messiah(as) on one occasion
chosen one stands firm and mentioned about Hadhrat Mufti
proclaims His message, he is Sahib: ‘He is young, pious, a very
provided with helpers who are able and respected member of our

18 The Review of Religions – February 2007


Jama’at and his good qualities Messiah’s(as) claim to be the

cannot be fully expressed in Messiah(as) was made public.
words.’ (Zikr-i-Habeeb, by However, his mother, Hadhrat
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib, page 332) Faiz Bibi Sahiba, accepted
Ahmadiyyat in 1897 in the
It was the great honor and good presence of Hadhrat Mufti
fortune of Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq. When they
Muhammad Sadiq that the requested permission to go back
Promised Messiah(as) said this home, the Promised Messiah(as)
about him. On another occasion, graciously accompanied them to
the Promised Messiah(as) is the tanga (horse carriage) station
reported to have written to and asked that some food should
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad be brought for their use during
Sadiq’s respected mother when their journey. When the Promised
she requested prayers for his Messiah(as) observed that the food
recovery from illness: ‘I regularly was not packed properly, he tore a
pray for him. You think you love piece, without any hesitation,
Sadiq because he is dear to you as from the turban he was wearing
a son but in this case my claim is and gave them the food suitably
that I love him even more than wrapped in his turban cloth. The
you do.’ (Zikr-i-Habeeb, p. 325) expression of this natural love
and respect for them had such a
I will attempt to present to you, in deep effect on Hadhrat Mufti
brief, the life story of this beloved Muhammad Sadiq that he chose
companion of the Promised Qadian for his life-long stay after
Messiah(as). that.

Brief Life Sketch: Early Life Muhammad Sadiq was the first
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq child of this name born in the city
was born at Bhera on January 11, of Bhera and was brought up by
1872. His father, Mufti pious parents. Prayer became
Inayatullah Sahib had passed part of his life at an early age
away before the Promised because of his mother’s

The Review of Religions – February 2007 19


devotion. At age 13 in 1885, he Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq

heard the name of the Promised arrived there when the Promised
Messiah(as) for the first time Messiah(as) had already left. After
through Hakeem Ahmad Jan witnessing this miracle of the
Sahib and this seed of love and acceptance of the Promised
dedication developed into a Messiah’s(as) prayer Hadhrat Mufti
fruitful tree later. He also met Muhammad Sadiq desired greatly
Hadhrat Hakeem Maulana to meet him. Hadhrat Mufti Sahib
Noorud-Deen Sahib(ra) during this narrated one of his dreams and
period. This bond became Hakeem Maulana Noorud-Deen
stronger when his father left him Sahibs’s(ra) interpretation indicated
with Maulana Noorud-Deen the birth of a great reformer
Sahib(ra) in 1888 at Jammu to during these times. Hadhrat Mufti
learn from him the translation of Muhammad Sadiq wrote to the
the Holy Qur’an. This early Promised Messiah(as) about the
religious education in the holy same clear dream but the
company of Hadhrat Hakeem Promised Messiah(as) refrained
Maulana Noorud-Deen(ra) pro- from immediate interpretation.
vided him a spiritual edge to turn This further increased his faith
him into a shining and precious and closeness to the Promised
person of the house of Messiah(as).
Muhammad’s Messiah!
Initiation at Qadian in 1891
During this period, the Promised His devotional love for the
Messiah(as) visited Jammu to Promised Messiah(as) brought
enquire about the illness of Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
Hadhrat Hakeem Maulana to Qadian for his first meeting
Noorud-Deen(ra). The Promised with him in December 1890. He
Messiah(as) had sent a message to was riding in his horse carriage
Maulana Noorud-Deen Sahib(ra) from Batala along with an
that he would get better after his introductory letter from his
intended visit. This is exactly teacher, Hadhrat Mualana
what happened. However, Noorud Deen , . On his arrival,

20 The Review of Religions – February 2007


the Promised Messiah(as) came pledge of love and devotion and

out of his house immediately faithfulness made at the hands of
after receiving the message and the Promised Messiah(as) so much
met Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad so that his life became a living
Sadiq. The Promised Messiah(as) sign of Ahmadiyyat, the true
asked about his journey and food Islam.
was served after that. There was
another meeting after the Prayer Some Important Events
and he joined the Promised During 1891-1901
Messiah(as) in the early morning After his bai’at in 1891 Hadhrat
walk the following day. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq had to
work and stay in Jammu and
These short meetings changed Lahore for ten years. However,
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad during this period he often
Sadiq’s life and filled his heart visited Qadian because of his
with light and devotion and he sincere love and deep desire to be
decided to take bai’at imme- in the company of the Promised
diately. In a separate room the Messiah(as) to serve Islam. He
Promised Messiah(as) sat on the would often return to be with the
same bed (charpai) and took Promised Messiah(as) but found it
Mufti Sahib’s hand in his own harder each time to leave.
hand for his pledge to adhere to Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul Kareem
the Ten Conditions of Initiation. Sahib on one occasion
After this simple ceremony this encouraging others to come to
19 year young Muhammad Sadiq spend time in the beneficial
resident of Bhera joined the company of the Promised
servants of the Promised Messiah(as) cited the noble
Messiah(as), the true follower of example of Hadhrat Mufti
the Holy Prophet(saw). January 31, Muhammad Sadiq:
1891 was the brightest day in his
life, the day he received a new ‘I see Mufti Muhammad
life. He truthfully (like his name Sadiq here on any leave day
Sadiq: the truthful) fulfilled his he has from work. Like an

The Review of Religions – February 2007 21


eagle, is ready to pounce when Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was in

upon any spare moment to Qadian, he was asked by the
snatch it away from the Promised Messiah(as) to make a
powerful worldly forces to be copy of a manuscript of the
in the company of his Promised Messiah(as). The
beloved.’ Promised Messiah was writing

(Al Hakam, January 24, 1900) in long hand and Hadhrat Mufti
Sahib was making a neat copy.
And he further wrote: ‘lf Mufti This task was begun after Isha
Sahib is not a perfect picture of Prayer and lasted till morning. It
devotion then how can it be that was like a candle lit for a moth to
he has frantically broken all circuit it the whole night! What a
chains to reach Batala – not blessed night of remembrance for
caring whether it is day or night, this fortunate moth! Such favour
summer or winter, rain or storm – can only be bestowed on select
sometimes arriving here in the ones when Allah so wills.
middle of night on foot. The
community should learn a lesson Once the Promised Messiah(as)
from this young devotee.’ (Ibid) assigned all his companions to
write an essay on the topic: ‘Need
It is not possible here to give a for an Imam and a Reformer.’
detailed account of all the Hadhrat Mufti Sahib also
benefits, this young and fortunate responded to this command of the
devotee may have enjoyed in the Master. All essays were read out
spiritual and purifying company before the Promised Messiah(as).
of the Promised Messiah(as). Only Hadhrat Munshi Zafar Ahmad
a few instances are presented: Sahib of Kapoorthala stated that
the Promised Messiah(as) was very
I have already narrated the pleased and liked Hadhrat Mufti
incident of farewell of the mother Sahib’s essay.
of Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad
Sadiq in 1897 after her Bai’at in There was a unique bond of love
Qadian. During the same year and devotion between this

22 The Review of Religions – February 2007


Servant and Master! Once The migration to Qadian itself

Hadhrat Mufti Sahib presented to presents an interesting story of
the Promised Messiah(as) his devotion. Hadhrat Mufti Sahib
pocket watch as a gift. The had a respectable position in the
Promised Messiah(as) spoke very office of Accountant General at
frankly and with kindness gave Lahore. In 1898 he had made up
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib two of his his mind to migrate to Qadian but
watches for his use. What an act asked for the Promised
of graciousness from Master to a Messiah(as)’s permission to do so.
devotee! The Promised Messiah(as) advised
him to stay at his position for the
Once Hadhrat Mufti Sahib time being as Allah would start
arrived in Qadian and had only rewarding him for his intention.
three days’ leave. He fervently There was a need for a Second
prayed to Allah from the depth of Master at Qadian High School
his heart to transform those three which was filled by Hadhrat
days into three years. It so Mufti Sahib on leave from his
happened that for those three office for three months. At the
days Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was direction of the Promised
assigned to read out to the Messiah(as), Mufti Sahib applied
Promised Messiah(as) a new for further leave of absence for
Commentary of the Bible. He six months but was granted only
had the good fortune to spend three months’ leave. After
three days in the company of the Istikhara prayer he felt inner
Promised Messiah(as) working satisfaction and with the
and praying and eating together. Promised Messiah’s(as) per-
Three days passed quickly but mission resigned his position in
his devotion was now stimulated Accountan General Office,
to a degree that it became Lahore. A delegation of other
impossible to leave. He resigned Muslim office workers came to
from his employment and request his stay in Lahore but
permanently came to settle in their plea was not accepted by
Qadian in 1901. the Promised Messiah(as).

The Review of Religions – February 2007 23


After the acceptance of his honor to become the Promised

resignation, this devotee of the Messiah’s(as) right hand in the
Promised Messiah(as) abandoned propagation of Islam throughout
all worldly pursuits and settled in the world. He had an excellent
Qadain proclaiming his commit- command of Urdu, Arabic and
ment of giving preference to English languages and later also
religion over worldly affairs. His learnt Hebrew as directed by the
heart-felt longings became Promised Messiah(as). When the
reality as he joined the spiritual Promised Messiah(as) presented
ocean at Darul-Aman, Qadian. the theory of Arabic being the
This young devotee from Bhera, ‘Mother of all Languages’, he
after many years in Jammu and prepared a list of Hebrew words
Lahore, with Allah’s blessings, and traced their origin in Arabic.
attained the rightful position as a He was also able to look up the
precious pearl of the Promised references in the Hebrew Bible
Messiah’s(as) collection of for inclusion where needed in the
spiritual jewels. writings of the Promised
Messiah(as), which are a great
Life Dedicated to the Service of source of continuing benefits
Ahmadiyyat, the True Islam even today.
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
Sahib(ra) was dedicated to be Another service which Hadhrat
among the first to respond to any Mufti Sahib performed with
call to serve Islam, any place at great skill and zeal was to gather
any time. He fulfilled his pledge, and provide information to the
all his life to his best. It was a Promised Messiah(as) about any
pledge taken at the hands of the new publication or movement
Promised Messiah(as), to give pertaining to religious matters.
precedence to faith over this To be able to render this service
world. to the Promised Messiah(as) was a
distinct honour.
During the life of the Promised
Messiah(as) he had the unique He had great passion to announce

24 The Review of Religions – February 2007


to the whole world about the a wealth of information for the

appearance of the Promised benefit of all generations to
Messiah(as) and his mission. He come.
was writing to people in Britain,
America and Russia, besides Hadhrat Mufti Sahib also used to
India regularly. Thousands of serve as an interpreter for any
people heard about the Promised English speaking guest visiting
Messiah(as) and many were lucky the Promised Messiah(as). It was a
enough to accept Ahmadiyyat great favor from Allah for
this way through Hadhrat Mufti Hadhrat Mufti Sahib to benefit
Sahib. constantly from the blessed
company of the Promised
In addition to his personal pursuit Messiah(as) and thus also
of communicating with others, becoming very dear and close to
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib also used to him.
prepare summaries of all letters
for the Promised Messiah(as) and More Delightful Memories
used to take notes from him for Readings of Hadhrat Mufti
replies. This huge task was Sahib’s life story provides very
handled by Hadhrat Mufti Sahib clear and strong evidence of his
all alone after the passing away deep love and dedication to the
of Hadhrat Maulvi Abdul Promised Messiah(as). The
Kareem Sahib. Promised Messiah (as) in return
also showed great affection and
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib had a kindness towards Hadhrat Mufti
natural ability to be an effective Sahib. Some instances are
writer. Any reader would feel as selected as a sample presentation
if he were there with him. His from the life history of Hadhrat
diaries are now well preserved Mufti Sahib:
and are a great contribution to
our knowledge about the times Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was in
and life of the Promised Qadian on leave from his job in
Messiah(as). His writings provide Lahore and one day was called in

The Review of Religions – February 2007 25


to see the Promised Messiah(as). will get some food for you.’
The Promised Messiah(as) after Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was
pointing towards a basket in the thinking that the Promised
room, told Mufti Sahib: ‘Mufti Messiah(as) would send some
Sahib, I have acquired this servant with food but was
mango-basket for you to eat as pleasantly surprised to see the
much as you can.’ Hadhrat Mufti Promised Messiah(as) himself
Sahib ate just a few mangoes and carrying the food-tray. The
the Promised Messiah(as) with Promised Messiah(as) said: ‘You
tender surprise said: ‘You have start eating while I bring water
eaten only so few!’ for you.’ This experience was too
much for Hadhrat Mufti Sahib to
On one occasion, the Promised say anything but he was unable
Messiah(as) had a jug of milk in to control his tears of joy to
his hand. After filling a big witness his treatment at the hands
tumbler, the Promised of the Mahdi(as) the beloved of
Messiah(as), like a caring mother, God Almighty.
said to Hadhrat Mufti Sahib: ‘I
will pour some more after you I am reminded of another
finish drinking this.’ When incident when Hadhrat Mufti
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib could not Sahib was looking for someone
finish even the first glass, the near Masjid Mubarak to bring
Promised Messiah(as), with a him some water for ablution. Per-
loving smile on his face, chance, the Promised Messiah(as)
remarked: ‘You drink so very came out of his house at that
little!’ moment and said: ‘Do you need
water?’ When Hadhrat Mufti
On another occasion, Hadhrat Sahib replied in the affirmative,
Mufti Sahib was seated in Masjid the Promised Messiah(as) himself
Mubarak after his arrival from took the water jug and brought it
Lahore when the Promised back filled with water for
Messiah(as) said with great Hadhrat Mufti Sahib.
kindness: ‘Please just wait here. I

26 The Review of Religions – February 2007


There are countless incidents, way back from Multan, the

one better than the other, Promised Messiah(as), broke his
expressing the Promised journey at Lahore but Hadhrat
Messiah(as)’s affection for his Mufti Sahib was not able to leave
companions without much his sick-bed to come to visit the
formality. One winter, Hadhrat Promised Messiah(as). The
Mufti Sahib came to Qadian to Promised Messiah (as) went to
see the Promised Messiah(as) and enquire about his illness at his
had nothing warm for cover at place and prayed for his speedy
night. When the Promised recovery. At the time of leaving,
Messiah(as) learnt about this, he the Promised Messiah(as) said:
sent out two coverings (one You are ill. Allah grants prayers
belonging to Mahmood (Hadhrat in illness. Please pray for the
Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood success of our mission, too.
Ahmad(ra) and the other used by
the Promised Messiah(as)) for All the companions of the
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib to choose Promised Messiah(as) occupy high
from or keep both if needed. status in terms of their total
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib kept the dedication and spirit of sacrifice
covering of Mahmood’s only. for Islam and deep love for the
This incident is just one Promised Messiah(as). Hadhrat
illustration of the Promised Mufti Sahib was one of those
Messiah(as)’s affection for his fortunate and great devotees who
spiritual son, Hadhrat Mufti was specially blessed with a very
Sahib. sincere heart and was brightly
guided in the service of true
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib would not Islam.
miss a single opportunity to be
close to the Promised Messiah(as). Hadhrat Mufti Sahib once was
His dedication and affection was present in the company of the
boundless and the Promised Promised Messiah(as) in a court of
Messiah(as) appreciated his law where the Promised
devotion to Islam. Once, on his Messiah(as) was offered a chair to

The Review of Religions – February 2007 27


be seated. Hadhrat Mufti Sahib He was blessed with a very

realising that it would be useful habit of recording his
tiresome for the Promised ideas and emotions in his
Messiah(as) sitting long in that regularly maintained diary. He
court-room, made a footrest with was also an avid writer of letters
his coat and turban and placed it and essays. His writings have a
under the Promised Messiah(as)’s unique quality and attractive
feet. beauty of their own as purified
expressions of the heart.
Obedience and prompt response
to the commands of the Promised Hadhrat Mufti Sahib joined the
Messiah(as) provided spiritual instuitution of Wassiyyat (Will)
nourishment for Hadhrat Mufti as soon as it was established
Sahib. During the earthquake- under the Divine guidance by the
days in 1905, when the Promised Promised Messiah(as) in 1906 at
Messiah(as) was residing in the Qadian. Expressing his deep and
garden next to Bahishti Maqbara, sincere emotions, Hadhrat Mufti
he gave a letter to Hadhrat Mufti Sahib wrote in his Will that after
Sahib and said: ‘Please take this his death, his property shall be
letter to Lahore.’ It is narrated by given to the Ahmadiyya
another companion who was Movement for the propagation of
standing nearby that Hadhrat Islam. He further wrote to
Mufti Sahib took that letter and highlight his feeling of devotion:
left for Lahore at once without ‘It should be noted that bequest
asking any further questions. for my entire property is not
contingent upon my burial in the
Some Other Characteristics Bahishti Maqbara; it is to be
and Contributions given in the way of Allah
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib’s high anyway no matter where I am
moral character and noble buried. I consider myself nothing
personality is clearly reflected in but Allah’s useless, worthless,
the expression of his thoughts weak and humble human being. I
and feelings in an informal way. shall leave my burial matters to

28 The Review of Religions – February 2007


my Gracious and Kind God Hadhrat Mufti Sahib’s sentiments

Almighty; He is also Forgiving were a sincere reflection of his
and One who covers my love for Qadian and his dedication
failings.’ (Badr, Feb. 28. 1907) to the Promised Messiah(as).

People show a natural attachment Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad

to their native place. Hadhrat Sadiq(ra) had an outstanding ability
Mufti Sahib was born in Bhera and effective approach for
but he had deep love and introducing people to
emotional attachment with Ahmadiyyat. He was intensely
Qadian, Darul-Aman, abode of passionate about tabligh (preach-
peace. He had to visit Bhera in ing) and always endeavoured to
March of 1908 for some utilise every situation appro-
necessary business but his heart priately to convey the message of
was at Qadian. He wrote about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam.
these experiences and feelings:
‘Others say to me, this is your Once he entered a railway
home, place of your parents and compartment for travel and saw
forefathers, your native land and all seats were occupied by other
you should stay here at least for a passengers. He stood at a spot
while longer. They say this with where he was visible to
love and concern but I feel lost everybody and began to address
and confused and pray to Allah to the passengers as soon as the train
be back near the feet of the started: ‘Gentleman! I am
Promised Messiah at Qadian.’ standing before you because there
(Badr, March 26, 1908). He is no empty seat for me to sit.
expressed similar sentiments in an However, I would like to make
earlier letter: ‘I am here in my the best use of this opportunity to
native land but I feel far away convey something very important
from my real place. My native to you... Thus all the passengers
folks are rejoicing to see me but were introduced to Ahmadiyyat.’
my moon is hidden from my (Zikr-i-Habeeb)
eyes.’ (Badr, April 2, 1905).

The Review of Religions – February 2007 29


Once Hadhrat Mufti Sahib, most fortunate followed by those

accompanied by another friend, born during the life and time of
was passing through a Bazaar in the Promised Messiah(as), the
Bombay and was asked to preach greatest spiritual son of the Holy
to a scribe who looked very busy Prophet(saw).
writing petitions. Hadhrat Mufti
Sahib sat in front of the scribe and Hadhrat Dr. Mufti Muhammad
asked him to write an important Sadiq was one of those fortunate
letter for him to the Honorable and unique individuals who were
Nizam the Ruler of Hyderabad, born during the blessed times of
Deccan: ‘According to the the Promised Messiah(as). He was
prophecy of the Holy Prophet(saw) the lucky one who not only
about the Promised Messiah(as) derived full spiritual benefits
that he will gather all Muslims from the times of the Promised
under one flag of Muhammadiyat Messiah but also had the great
he has now appeared in Qadian honour to enjoy the first two
and I invite you to accept his call.’ periods of the Second
(Zikr-i-Habeeb) Manifestation, i.e., of Khilafat-i-
Ahmadiyya and rendered in-
In this wise manner, Hadhrat valuable services to Islam during
Mufti Sahib introduced the scribe his life with total dedication and
to Ahmadiyyat and at the same devotion.
time sent the invitation to Nizam
of Hyderabad in India. He regularly toured pre-
partitioned India to promote
No one has any control or choice moral training and tabligh
as to when one should be born. activities among the Jama’at
However, it can be stated with throughout the country. He
certainty that some fortunate conveyed the good news of the
souls are born during blessed coming of the Promised Messiah
times. For this reason, the and Mahdi(as) in every city and
companions of the Holy every town and every village he
Prophet(saw) were the best and the visited. His calling had such a

30 The Review of Religions – February 2007


profound effect on people in over the message carefully so

India that many were fortunate that you may prosper. I am
enough to readily accept the not one of your residents. I
message and joined the am just a visitor but I have not
Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. come here to ask for anything
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was of you. There is no selfish
specially gifted by God Almighty motive in my visit. If you are
in the effective conveyance of a wealthy and rich city, I have
the message of Islam to people. no desire for your wealth or
He was sincere, alert and was riches. Yes! I have heard that
able to apply appropriate style you are ‘Hoshiar’ (literal
with wisdom to win the hearts meaning: sensible or clever)
and minds of his audience. It is and that is why I thought I
not possible to draw a complete should tell you something
picture of Mufti Sahib’s which would benefit you.
achievements in this field but I This call is for you from a
will contend with one example of humble servant of Allah for
his forceful style. your own good. O Ye Clever
One! Listen and wake up! If
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was a you are not listening then I
renowned speaker with a style of am calling on your ‘Doors
a teacher and a preacher reaching and Walls and your Earth and
the hearts and minds of his your Sky’ so that they should
audience. There were many who stand as witnesses that I
responded to his call and were conveyed my message to you
given life with guidance from but you did not heed and you
Allah. He visited Hoshiapur in did not wake up to my call.’
1913. He personified the city and (Badr, November 13, 1913)
addressed the residents as
follows: Dedication to Tabligh
In 1907, our beloved Imam, the
‘Hoshiapur! Listen to the call Promised Messiah(as), said the
of this traveller and ponder task and responsibility of our

The Review of Religions – February 2007 31


Jama’at has increased so much Hadhrat Mufti Sahib started his

that I would like to see some voyage to England in 1917 and
young men dedicate their lives thus began the golden period of
for tabligh wherever needed. tabligh activity in foreign lands.
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib The journey began with prayers
immediately presented himself expressing deep and sincere
before the Promised Messiah(as) emotions and dedication. Just
and said: I should be sent to any before his departure he wrote in a
part of the world if considered letter: ‘I am now prepared for the
appropriate. (Zikr-i-Habeeb, ultimate sacrifice. If my life is
page 148). In response to this given in the way of Allah, my
offer, the Promised Messiah(as) objective should be considered
himself wrote with his pen: achieved’. (Al Fazl, March
‘accepted.’ 22,1917).

Accordingly Hadhrat Mufti Filled with the love of Islam and

Sahib spent seven golden years the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat
of his life in the United Kingdom Mufti Sahib’s achievements
and United States of America stand as a witness to prove his
with great success in tabligh, truthfulness in word and deed.
calling people to the One God He used all his God-given
Almighty. Details of his mission abilities to make the best use of
and accomplishments are well- every situation that tabligh
documented in our Ahmadiyya (preaching) provided him with
literature. His life had become a needed spiritual nourishment for
living commentary of one a purposeful life. He was an
couplet of the Promised effective communicator. He was
Messiah(as): ‘Our task today is to a great scholar. Tabligh activities
call in every direction (in the were conducted with supreme
world) and all who are pure of wisdom according to the
heart will ultimately join us (in teachings of Islam. His
Islam).’ personality also reflected natural
aura of authority and dignity in

32 The Review of Religions – February 2007


conveying the true message of next port, an Ahmadi friend

Islam. suddenly came to see him and
before leaving, left some money
On top of all these qualities, he in his pocket. The amount of
was a recipient of revelation and money was exactly the same that
was guided through ‘visions’ Mufti Sahib needed.
from God Almighty. He was
always inclined towards Allah Hadhrat Mufti Sahib was given
and used to begin all his the glad tidings right from the
activities, including and specially beginning of his journey that he
tabligh, with prayer (du‘a) to would reach his destination in
achieve successful results. His safety. There was an alert on the
tabligh which sprang from his ship that it was going to sink.
heart deeply affected other There was lamentation on board
hearts. and every passenger was in
panic. There were arguments as
His tabligh started as soon as he to who would be given priority
boarded the ship from Bombay. seating on the small rescue boats.
One Englishman accepted Islam Hadhrat Mufti Sahib offered his
within three days. There were own seat assigned to him on a
also a number of other rescue boat and tried to assure
conversions during this voyage. everybody to have no fear
Every sincere Da ‘ee Ilallah because God had told him that
(caller to God) is supported by this ship would not sink because
Allah’s signs and success. a humble servant of the Promised
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib witnessed Messiah(as) was also on board.
many such signs all his life. This was a clear sign in favour of
During the voyage, Hadhrat Islam and was a God-given
Mufti Sahib was confronted with opportunity for tabligh.
a situation where he needed some
money. He had no friend to turn Hadhrat Mufti Sahib as a
to on board the ship but Allah. successful Da ‘ee llallah utilized
When the ship anchored at the fully every opportunity presented

The Review of Religions – February 2007 33


to him and intelligently explored that a servant of the Promised

new ways for tabligh purposes. Messiah is riding on you not for
He wrote a ‘thank you’ letter to any personal reason but in the
the King of England who just service of Allah’s Islam? Will
glanced at Mufti Sahib with you then hurt him?’ (Al-Fazl, Jan
curiosity while riding through an 11 1924)
open procession. A speaker in
London Park invited the audience Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
to ask questions. Hadhrat Mufti narrates that being an ordinary
Sahib was ready to oblige. He servant of the Promised Messiah
attended open meetings at various and Mahdi(as) he has seen the sign
churches and introduced people of the love and kindness of God
to Islam. He delivered lectures on Almighty: My humble prayer
Islam and partook in debates. He was heard in Heaven and it
invited rich and poor to Islam and seemed to me that God’s angels
hundreds of good souls accepted were descending to calm down
Ahmadiyyat. the waves of the unruly ocean.

Hadhrat Mufti Sahib’s next stop Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq

was the United States of had a very busy schedule in
America. He boarded a ship in America. He faced many
1920 for America and witnessed challenges and difficulties but at
a great sign from Allah in his the same time he witnessed the
support. The ship was caught up bright glimpses of Allah’s
in a fierce and dangerous storm support and favours all the way.
and passengers were heard When his ship docked at
lamenting for fear of drowning. Philadelphia, the U.S.
When the ship was at the mercy Government refused his entry
of the furious waves, Hadhrat into America. After two months’
Mufti Sahib, a gallant champion delay he was permitted to enter.
of Masih-e-Muhammadi, His case was widely publicised
addressed the sea in a majestic and this exposure through media
tone: ‘O Ocean! Don’t you know provided opportunities for

34 The Review of Religions – February 2007


preaching and Allah rewarded of preaching in New York,

him with immediate fruits. Philadelphia and Chicago and
conveyed the message of true
In the beginning numerous Islam individually as well as
hurdles were overcome with collectively. He published articles
Allah’s help and his cheerfulness. in newspapers and reached
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq people through advertisements
Sahib wrote about these early and personal letters. He delivered
days: Almost every night I meet lectures on Islam far and wide.
with the Promised Messiah(as) or He started the Journal The
his first Khalifa or Hadhrat Fazl- Muslim Sunrise in America and
i-umar. I am with my own family the first Ahmadiyya Mosque was
at night and my days are spent constructed in Chicago during his
among strangers. (Al-Fazl, April blessed stay.
29, 1920)
He was awarded Honorary
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Doctorate in recognition of his
was an exemplary Da’ee Ilallah services and a Muslim leader
preacher. He walked on the roads named him ‘Khalid of this New
and streets of America, and men Age.’ He was denied entry when
and women, attracted by his he first arrived in America but
personality and dress, would stop before his return home his
and say: ‘Look, Jesus Christ has services were widely appreciated
come.’ This comment would and recognised by many
usually serve as the starting point newspapers.
for preaching. Mufti Sahib would
explain to the audience that he A dedicated caller to faith always
was not Jesus(as) but an ordinary remains humble and does not
servant of the Promised attribute his successes to his
Messiah(as). knowledge or personal efforts.
Hadhrat Mufti Sahib in all
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq humility used to express his
successfully established centres gratitude for the blessings of

The Review of Religions – February 2007 35


Allah as a true believer and His Blessed Life of Hadhrat Dr.

dedicated servant. He introduced Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
a religious revolution in America Blessed was the life of Hadhrat
and facilitated hundreds of lucky Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib
individuals to join Islam. There dedicated to the service of Islam.
were tears in his eyes when his He was very dear and close to the
ship was about to depart, not Promised Messiah(as). He
because he did not want to leave. successfully delivered the
He cried in humility before God message of Ahmadiyyat the true
Almighty as he wrote: ‘I have not Islam, in India, Britain and
been able to do full justice to my America. He continued his
assigned duty and I confess my tarbiyyat and tabligh activities
failing in my service.’ (Al-Fazl, after his return to Qadian from
October 30, 1923) America at the end of 1923. He
also served as the Private
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Secretary of Hadhrat Khalifatul
Sahib returned to Qadian after his Mesih II(ra), and distinguished
successful mission. He used to himself as a speaker, writer and a
say that he had firm faith in God debater.
Almighty Who always shows
miracles in support of His He had a pure soul which
servants: ‘However it is not my reflected the attributes of God
miracle. It is a miracle of our Almighty. He stands as a unique
leader Hadhrat Mahmood (may and exemplary shining star in the
Allah be pleased with him) that History of Ahmadiyyat. May
his determination enabled me to Allah be pleased with him.
fulfill my mission. It was his Ameen.
determination, his attention, his
prayers and grace of Allah The companions of the Holy
descending upon him and upon Prophet(saw) are like stars of
us, and through him that resulted spiritual heaven and a similar
in success.’ (Al-Fazl, December status was accorded to the
4th, 1923) companions of the Promised

36 The Review of Religions – February 2007


Messiah(as) during the latter days.

Verse references to the Holy Qur’an
(Holy Qur’an Ch.62 V.4)
item count ‘Bismillah...’ (In the
Name of Allah...) as the first verse of
Hadhrat Mufti Muhammad each Chapter. In some non-standard
Sadiq’s life will continue to serve texts, this is not counted and should
the reader refer to such texts, the
as a beacon of guiding light for
verse quoted in The Review of
young and old in the service of Religions will be found at one verse
Islam. He was a true pioneer in less than the number quoted.
so many ways and his example
In this journal, for the ease of non-
will always present a challenge Muslim readers, ‘(saw)’ or ‘saw’
to young men of today who wish after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or
to learn how to give precedence the name ‘Muhammad’, are used.
to deen (‘religion’) over dunya They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam’ meaning ‘Peace and
(‘the material world’) for gaining blessings of Allah be upon him’.
the pleasure of Allah. Likewise, the letters ‘(as)’ or ‘as’
after the name of all other prophets is
an abbreviation meaning ‘Peace be
upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis
salatu wassalam’ which are words
that a Muslim utters out of respect
whenever he or she comes across that
name. The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra)
stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu
and is used for Companions of a
Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased
with him or her (when followed by the
relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘ru’
or (ru) for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala
means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted
be upon him.

In keeping with current universal

practice, local transliterations of
names of places are preferred to their
anglicised versions, e.g. Makkah
instead of Mecca, etc.

The Review of Religions – February 2007 37

Succour and Help from Allah
the Almighty Is Proof of His
Existence - Part 1
By Rafiq Ahmad Hayat – Ameer, UK – delivered at Ahmadiyya Muslim Convention,
United Kingdom 2006

When I was researching this topic combing your hair, I would be

(and it is such a vast topic and picking out the lice from your hair
there is so much material it is very – and this was an old shepherd
difficult sometimes to see what and that was his way of showing
material you use) – but when I his affection because that is what
reflected on it, I thought the he did for his sheep that he reared.
purpose of our creation is to attain Hadhrat Musa(as), (Hadhrat
the love and nearness to God Moses) overheard this conver-
Almighty. When I thought further sation and he admonished him
about it and I reflected on history and said this was no way to speak
there were numerous examples of to God Almighty. But God
how people were able to win immediately intervened and said
Allah’s affection by to Hadhrat Musa(as): why are you
communicating with Him in intervening in the conversation
different ways. between Me and My subject, I
was really enjoying this conver-
But one of the most beautiful sation and by interfering you have
examples that I came across was ruined this beautiful moment.
that of an old shepherd. One day
the old shepherd was sitting and Many such accounts can be
having his conversation with God traced throughout history of how
Almighty and he was saying to people through their action or
God Almighty – O God if you through supplication to God
were here with me I would be Almighty have won His love and
washing your hair, I would be affection.
38 The Review of Religions – February 2007

Therefore, it is extremely sad belief of Islam. Muslims believe

that whilst the society that we that He is the source of all things
live in is so-called the most and all existence and He is the
civilised society – we have seen End to Whom everything and all
great innovation in technology. things return. The Oneness of
Man has landed on the moon – God or Allah the Almighty is a
and yet we appear to be moving Truth that has been revealed to
away from that very Creator human beings since antiquity,
Who gave us everything that we and this Tawheed or the Oneness
have today. Therefore, it is very of Allah the Almighty is at the
important that we keep remind- heart of all religions of the world.
ing ourselves of that Creator. As the Holy Qur’an states,
Without His Majesty, without addressing the Holy Prophet
His Succour we human beings Muhammad(saw):
are absolutely nothing. We
cannot guarantee the very next And We sent no Messenger
moment of our lives until and before thee but We revealed to
unless we have His Blessings. him, saying, ’There is no God
but I; so worship Me alone.’
The teaching of Islam is about (Ch.21:Vs.26)
the Unity of God Almighty. The
heart of Islam is bound by the The Holy Qur’an, the Word of
reality of God, the One, the God for all humanity, tells us not
Absolute and the Infinite, Who is only the Supreme Name of God
Compassionate and Merciful. He as Allah but also mentions other
is greater than anything that a attributes of the name of Allah,
human mind can comprehend the Almighty. These names
and imagine and yet, as the Holy reveal different attributes of
Qur’an tells us, He is closer to us Divinity and the Holy Qur’an
than our jugular vein. All states:
Muslims attest to that One God,
Allah the Almighty, and around And to Allah alone belong all
this attestation revolves the total perfect attributes. So call on

The Review of Religions – February 2007 39


Him by these... creatures be they moral, spiritual

(Ch.7:V.181) or material. In our daily life, we
continue to experience the
Again, Allah the Almighty Compassion and the Mercy of
enjoins us: Allah the Almighty

He is Allah, the Creator, the The very fact is that everything

Maker, the Fashioner. His are we do, and indeed the very fact
the most beautiful names. All that we are sitting here
that is in the heavens and the celebrating this Jalsa Salana is in
earth glorifies Him. He is the itself the manifestation of the
Mighty, the Wise. Majesty of Allah.
When we search through the
The attributes of Allah include chronicles of human history, we
those of Al-Rab that is The Lord, notice time and again, the
Al-Khaliq the Creator, Lord of succour and the help of the
Majesty, al-Jaleel. He has Divine saves humanity from
fashioned everything that is on impossible situations. Let me
earth and in the heavens with His take an example from the Exodus
attribute of Al-Mussawir. The of the Israelites from Egypt. The
two most obvious attributes that phenomenon of parting of the
are experienced by everyone, in seas is mentioned in the Holy
everyday life are Ar-Rahman and Qur’an and Allah reminds
Ar-Raheem. Ar-Rahman, the Moses(as):
Compassionate and the Gracious
Who provides everything that is And, remember the time,
needed and necessary to His when We divided the sea for
creatures for their existence you and saved you and
without their asking for it and drowned Pharaoh’s people
without any effort on their part. while you looked on.
Ar-Raheem, the Merciful, Who (Ch.2:V.51)
rewards the efforts of His

40 The Review of Religions – February 2007


I have chosen this famous When you look at the history of

incident, because it is accepted the various prophets you find that
across all the religious divides. again and again there are
There are many references to this numerous examples of people
incident in the Holy Qur’an. And who disbelieved and have asked
this constitutes one of the great for proof, and unfortunately even
signs of the succour of God to this day these sad circum-
Almighty to his people. When stances continue. Although we
Moses(as) struck the sea with his live in a very affluent society now
rod as the Holy Qur’an says, or in the West it would appear that
stretched his hand as the Bible the affluence, instead of taking us
says, the sea parted and Moses(as) closer to God Almighty is taking
was commanded to cross us away from Him. If you look at
quickly. When the armies of the Churches and the Synagogues
Pharaoh arrived, in their and also some of the Mosques
enthusiasm to overtake the you find that people are
Israelites they jumped in to try to abandoning them. It is indeed the
cross the sea. The waters came Grace and Mercy of Allah that
rushing back and the armies were through accepting the Promised
drowned. We know that the Messiah(as) the Ahmadi Muslims
striking of the water by Moses(as) by the Grace of Allah are
was only symbolic and the flocking to the Mosques. Every
receding of the sea with low tides mosque that we have built seems
coincided with that time and to become insufficient in accor-
Moses(as) and Israelites crossed in dance with the ever growing
safety and the oncoming army of Jama’at and we are having to
Pharaoh drowned in the returning build to a greater capacity to
tide. make room for the ever growing
number of people who wish to
Since time immemorial we have worship Allah Almighty.
witnessed that man unfortunately
has always asked for the proof of Therefore, one thing that the
the existence of God Almighty. modern society will find is that

The Review of Religions – February 2007 41


although affluence brings them life and on the day when the
better living conditions they also witnesses will stand forth.
find that they do not have the (Ch.40:V.52)
peace of mind, the inner peace,
and there is a failure to This verse holds out a very
understand that the inner peace forceful promise from Allah the
can only be achieved by Almighty to His Messengers and
supplicating to God Almighty their followers that Allah’s
and developing a very deep and succour and help will always be
close relationship with Him. That with them. The existence of
is the only true way of finding Allah the Almighty is always
inner peace. manifested through His
Messengers and is also revealed
The fact is that when Allah the through those who believe in the
Almighty sends His Messengers Messengers sincerely and
to the world, He takes on without any questions. See how
Himself the responsibility of Allah the Almighty came to the
their protection and protection of assistance of Hadhrat Ibrahim(as),
their mission. He provides them the Patriarch of all Prophets. The
succour and help at every Holy Qur’an describes vividly
opportunity. That is why if we how Allah’s succour came, when
want to see the existence of Allah his people decided to burn him,
Almighty from such instances,
we should look at the lives of His We said, ‘Turn cold, O fire,
Messengers. In one of the recent and be a source of peace for
Friday Sermons, Hadhrat Abraham.
Khalifatul Masih V emphasised (Ch.21:V.70)
this point. He quoted the verse
from the Holy Qur’an, How the fire became cool, we are
not told and it does not concern
Most surely, We help Our us here. It is enough to know that
Messengers and those who Allah the Almighty brought
believe, both in the present about such factors into play that

42 The Review of Religions – February 2007


caused the fire to become phets were sent with a particular

harmless but Hadhrat Ibrahim(as) mission for selective people. Our
was led to safety. It will always beloved Prophet Muhammad(saw)
remain an enduring mystery and a was sent for all humanity for all
great heavenly miracle and one of times to come. His life and times
the great signs of the existence of have been carefully observed and
the Divine. recorded. His mission was the
greatest of all the prophets, and
When we go though the Surah likewise, the help and succour
Al-Anbiya (Chapter 4) we read that he received from Allah the
about the trial and tribulations of Almighty was at its pinnacle. At
Allah’s Messengers from Noah(as) every step, Allah manifested
to Jesus(as). All the Prophets like Himself and came to his aid.
Job(as), Zakaria(as), Issac(as), When the Makkans wanted to kill
Jacob(as), Lot(as), Solomon(as), him, and when he was forced to
David(as) and many other have emigrate from Makkah to
been mentioned. We notice how Madinah – the Quraish had
often Allah the Almighty plotted to kill the Holy Prophet
manifested Himself to come to Muhammad(saw), rather than allow
the aid of his beloved him to emigrate to Madinah but
Messengers, how He alleviated they did not reckon with the
their sufferings, how He removed protection, the succour and
all the impediments from their assistance that Allah the
paths and how often He came to Almighty was giving to him. The
their assistance and delivered Holy Qur’an reminds us of this
them from different ordeals. incident in these words:

If someone says that these are the And remember the time when
stories of the ancient times let me the disbelievers plotted
show them the time of the Holy against thee that they might
Prophet of Islam(saw), the greatest imprison thee or kill thee or
of all the prophets and the Seal of expel thee. And they planned
the prophets. The previous pro- and Allah also planned, and

The Review of Religions – February 2007 43


Allah is the Best of planners. concern but the Holy Prophet(saw)

(Ch.8:V.31) said: ‘Do not grieve, God is with
us.’ According to some Ahadith,
Here begins one of the greatest it is reported that when the
adventures history has known in Quraish party arrived at the cave
the cause of truth and religious entrance, Hadhrat Abu Bakr(as)
conviction. It is one of the exclaimed: ‘If any one of them
noblest and most beautiful. All of looks at his feet, he will find us,’’
you have heard this incident a and that the Holy Prophet(saw)
number of times – when the answered: ‘O Abu Bakr, how can
Quraish threatened to attack the you fear for two men whose
Holy Prophet(saw) he left Hadhrat constant companion is God
Ali(as) behind to sleep in his bed Himself?’. So there are ample
and to stay behind so that he signs where God through His
could return all things left with succour has helped the
the Holy Prophet(saw) to their Messenger in some very difficult
rightful owners. positions.

Hadhrat Abu Bakr(as) and the The Holy Qur’an mentions this
Holy Prophet(saw) left and took in chapter 9, verse 40:
refuge in the cave of Thaur. The
young men of Quraish who were If you help him not, then know
chosen to kill the Holy that Allah helped him even
Prophet(saw) came close to the when the disbelievers drove
cave fully armed and ready to him forth while he was one of
kill. When they saw the cave the two when they were both
entrance, it was covered with in the cave, when he said to
cobwebs and a pair of wild his companion, ‘Grieve not,
pigeons had made their nest on for Allah is with us.’ Then
the threshold. Is this not a sign of Allah sent down His peace on
God Almighty protecting His him, and succoured him with
Messenger? At that moment hosts which you did not see,
Hadhrat Abu Bakr(as) expressed and humbled the word of

44 The Review of Religions – February 2007


those who disbelieved, and it would not leave him alone. First
is the Word of Allah alone they wanted to kill him in
which is supreme. And Allah Makkah and then when he
is Mighty, Wise. emigrated to Madinah with the
help and protection of Allah, they
Allah the Almighty has vividly would not leave him alone and
and unconditionally given His pursued him with the intention of
Word that through His succour destroying his mission. He had to
and protection, He will always defend himself and his followers.
manifest Himself to the A well-equipped army of
believers. Makkans marched to Madinah
with the intention of wiping out
It must be remembered that the the Muslims and Islam. The
messengers of Allah come not to Muslims, ill-equipped and ill-
create conflict but to bring peace armed amounted to no more than
and tranquillity to the human 313 while the fully armed and
race. They are men of God and well-equipped Makkan force was
the purpose of their coming is to over 1000. The two armies met at
win the hearts and minds of the Badr. The Holy Qur’an refers to
people and show them the path to the battle of Badr in the following
righteousness so that they can manner:
attain the nearness of Allah. It
was the same mission with which Certainly, there was for you a
the Holy Prophet(saw) was sent. Sign in the two armies that
But he did not come for only one encountered each other, one
section of humanity, he was sent army fighting in the cause of
as a blessing to all of mankind. Allah and the other
Fighting battles was not his disbelieving, whom they saw
mission. He only wanted to show to be twice as many as
people the path of righteousness themselves, actually with
and to help them attain their eyes. Thus Allah
knowledge about their Creator. strengthens with His aid
Unfortunately, the nonbelievers whomsoever He pleases. In

The Review of Religions – February 2007 45


that surely is a lesson for and help that he received from

those who have eyes. Allah requires a book and then
(Ch.3:V.14) even that would not be sufficient
to describe all the Divine help and
The victory at Badr was not due succour that Allah gave to the
to any skill or superiority of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw)
Muslims but it was a glorious
sign of Allah the Almighty for When we look at the lives of the
the whole world to see. Just as companions of the Holy Prophet
Moses(as) pointed his rod to sea Muhammad(saw), we see their total
and the sea parted, similarly, the belief in Allah and His Messenger
Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) and we notice that their lives were
threw a few pebbles towards the guided and protected at all times
enemy and the wind converted with succour of Allah the
them into a storm that routed the Almighty. They had the ‘eyes’
Makkan army. The Holy Qur’an that the Holy Qur’an mentions
describes that instance: and they could see that Allah the
Almighty strengthened their faith.
So you killed them not but it
was Allah Who killed them. The pious, the saints and the
And thou threwest not when believers who have developed a
thou didst throw, but it was true relationship with Allah the
Allah Who threw that He Almighty and who achieved the
might overthrow the dis- nearness of Allah have all
believers and that He might received Divine succour and
confer on the believers a trial protection and they have testified
from Himself – a goodly trial - to the existence of Allah on the
Surely Allah is All-Hearing, basis of their personal experience.
All-Knowing. The Chief of all the saints, the
(Ch.8:V.18) Promised Messiah(as), a true
servant of the Holy Prophet(saw) of
The life of the Holy Prophet Islam, a person whose life was
Muhammad(saw) and the succour totally dedicated to the Holy

46 The Review of Religions – February 2007


Qur’an and the Sunna of the Holy It was an admonishment from a

Prophet(saw), who walked in the friend and a promise as well.
shadow of the Holy Prophet Allah provides for His servants.
Muhammad(saw) until he truly Those who achieve closeness and
became his shadow – it was nearness of Allah, Allah
because of his love, his dedication becomes responsible for them.
and his devotion to the Holy The help and succour that the
Prophet(saw) that Allah the Promised Messiah(as) received
Almighty trusted him with the time again in his life, stands as a
task of revival of Islam. When we clear proof of the existence of
look at the life of the Promised Allah the Almighty. Indeed, the
Messiah(as), we see how time and life of the Promised Messiah(as) is
again, Allah the Almighty came a vast catalogue of Allah’s
to his assistance and how at assistance and help to him at
difficult times, Allah provided every step.
succour for him. That truly proves (to be continued)
the existence of Allah the
Almighty even to the

At the saddest time of his life

when the Promised Messiah(as)
knew that his father was going to
die, a concern crept into his mind
about his own future. He was left
wondering as to who would
provide him comfort after his
father, when suddenly, in all His
Majesty, Allah Almighty sent this
revelation to him:

Is Allah not sufficient for His


The Review of Religions – February 2007 47

The Purity of the Text of the

From the Review of Religions, 1907

It has already been shown that They believed every word and
when any verse of the Holy every letter of it to proceed from
Qur’an was revealed to the Holy no other than the Divine source,
Prophet(saw), he used to send for and hence every word of it was
one of his scribes to dictate it to for them a heavenly treasure they
him. Thus every verse of the Holy had on earth, and, therefore, they
Qur’an was written in his secured it in the securest of
presence. We also learn from places, viz., their hearts. For its
numerous traditions that sake they suffered all kinds of
whenever a passage was revealed, persecution and forsook their
it was recited by the Holy friends, their relatives, their
Prophet(saw) to those who properties, their homes. Every
happened to be present at the new verse revealed breathed new
time, whether friends or foes, and life into them. Hence they tried
many of his followers committed their utmost to keep themselves
it to memory at once, others again acquainted with every fresh
learning it from those who heard revelation.
it from the mouth of the Holy
Prophet(saw). Those among them who followed
the profession of trade or any
The importance of the Holy other profession spent a part of
Qur’an for the companions lay the day in the transaction of their
not only in the fact that it was a affairs and the rest in the company
code of moral and social laws for of the Holy Prophet(saw). Many of
them of which it was sufficient for them had made special arrange-
them to know the general purport. ments among themselves to be

48 The Review of Religions – February 2007


kept apprised of the new bin Amir who said that one day
revelations that came to the Holy ‘the Holy Prophet came out and
Prophet(saw). The second Caliph, we were in the Suffah (an
Omar, tells us, according to a appertenance) of the Mosque, and
report of Bukhari, that he and one he asked, ‘which of you likes to
of his neighbors from among the go every day to Bathan or Aqiq,
Ansar living in one of the suburbs and bring two female camels with
of Madinah used to go in turns to large humps upon their backs,
the Holy Prophet(saw), each of them without doing any wrong to any
remaining in his company for a body or to a relative?’ We replied:
day while the other did his work. ‘O Messenger of God, we all like
‘When I went to the Holy it.’ He said: ‘Does not one of you
Prophet(saw), I brought to him the come in the morning to the
news of that day relating to mosque, and teach or repeat two
revelation and other things, and verses of the Book of God, which
when he went, then he brought me is better for him than two camels,
the news’ (Bukhari). There were and three verses are better than
also companions who after the three camels, and four verses than
flight to Madinah had no work to four camels: in this way is any
do because of the interruption of number of verses better than the
their business by their same number of camels’.
persecutors. They passed their
whole time in the mosque and Bukhari reports Othman as saying
were ever ready to commit to that the Holy Prophet(saw) said:
memory any fresh revelation that ‘that the best man among you is
the Holy Prophet(saw) might he who has learnt the Qur’an and
announce. teaches it.’ Other traditions to the
same effect and adjudged to be
The Holy Prophet(saw) himself laid trustworthy by both Bukhari and
the greatest stress upon the Muslim run as follows: ‘Ayesha
learning, reciting and teaching of says that the Holy Prophet(saw)
the Holy Qur’an. Muslim relates said: ‘The skilful in reciting the
in his Sahih a tradition from Aqba Qur’an are classed with the

The Review of Religions – February 2007 49


scribes who are honoured and Qur’an on which the Holy

virtuous; and he who reiterates in Prophet(saw) laid stress, but he
reciting the Qur’an on account of made its simple recitation equally
his inability to recite it has a important. The recitation was
double reward.’ Ibn-i-Omar needed not only to guard the text
reported that the Messenger of of the Holy Qur’an, but also to
God(saw) said: ‘No one is to be keep its injunctions fresh in the
envied but two persons – one, a mind.
man to whom God has given the
Qur’an, and he recites it day and Various other traditions of
night and acts upon it, and the undoubted authenticity, showing
other a man whom God has given that the recitation of the Qur’an
wealth and he spends it in the way was an important obligation
of God day and night’. which lay upon every Muslim, are
contained in the books on
‘Abu Musa Ash’ari reported the traditions. Bukhari has a chapter
following words from the Holy named the ‘chapter on istidhkar of
Prophet(saw): ‘The condition of a the Qur’an and its ta’ahud’ that is
Muslim who reads the Qur’an is ‘reciting the Qur’an frequently
like the fruit of the orange tree, its and returning to it time after
taste is agreeable and so also is its time.’ In this chapter various
odour; and the condition of a traditions are related enjoining the
Muslim who does not read the frequent recitation of the Holy
Qur’an is like the date which has Qur’an. The same renowned and
a sweet taste but has no odour.’ trustworthy traditionist has
another chapter headed: ‘the
The last tradition compares the teaching of the Qur’an to
Muslim who acts upon the children,’ a third with the
injunctions of the Holy Qur’an heading: ‘the most excellent of
but does not recite it, with him men is he who recites and teaches
who both acts upon it and recites the Qur’an,’ and a fourth which is
it, and thus it shows that it was not headed: ‘the reading of the
simply acting upon the Holy Qur’an from memory.’ For the

50 The Review of Religions – February 2007


sake of brevity I give simply the cultivated to the highest pitch; and
headings of the chapters and it was applied, with all the ardour
refrain from quoting the traditions of an awakened spirit, to the
narrated by the learned collector Coran.’(1)
to prove the various assertions
contained in them. These head- It appears from the above
ings are sufficient to show that traditions that the Holy
committing the Qur’an to Prophet (saw) desired that his com-
memory was enjoined by the Holy panions should try to excel each
Prophet(saw) upon all his followers other in their knowledge of the
and it was considered by the Holy Qur’an. There were other
companions to be a duty fraught reasons which made the
with great religious merit. Hence companions vie with one another
it was necessary that every one of in committing the Holy Book to
them should commit to memory at memory.
least some parts of the Holy
Book. Though even now there are The office of imamat or leading
thousands of men in every public prayers was as a rule
Muslim country who can repeat bestowed upon the man who had
the whole of the Qur’an from greater knowledge of the Holy
memory, the particular conditions Qur’an. All authentic traditions
of Arabia facilitated the task to a establish this point. One tradition
far greater extent. This is tells us that in a certain tribe an
admitted, even by a hostile critic: eight year old boy used to lead the
‘Passionately fond of poetry but prayers because he knew a greater
without the ready means for portion of the Holy Qur’an than
committing to writing the any other member of that tribe.
effusions of their bards, the Arabs This boy Amru bin Salma thus
had long been used to imprint relates his own story: ‘We, (i.e.,
these, as well as the traditions of the tribe to which the narrator
genealogical and tribal events, on belonged) had alighted in a place
the living tablets of the heart. The by water, and people who went to
recollective faculty was thus the Holy Prophet(saw) passed by us.

The Review of Religions – February 2007 51


When they returned they used to them to teach them the doctrines
repeat to us the revelations which and principles of the new faith
they heard from the Holy was one who was most acquainted
Prophet(saw). I had a good memory with the Qur’an. These were not
and so while there I committed to the only ways in which the
memory a great portion of the reciters of the Qur’an were
Holy Qur’an from these visitors. honored in those early days.
After a time my father also went There are many traditions which
to the Holy Prophet(saw) with some show that the reciters of the
people of his tribe to declare their Qur’an were highly honoured and
acceptance of Islam. The Holy respected in every way among the
Prophet(saw) taught them the companions.
prayers and told them that the
prayers should be led by a person These were the reasons which led
who knew more of the Qur’an a great number of the companions
than others. On account of what I of the Holy Prophet(saw) to engrave
had already committed to mem- the words of the Qur’an on the
ory, I satisfied this condition. So tablets of their hearts. The Holy
they made me their imam.’(2) Prophet(saw) himself set an
These people were among the example in frequently reciting the
later converts to Islam. Bukhari Holy Qur’an in public as well as
also tells us that the office of in private. It was not only in
imamat was conferred upon prayers that long portions of the
deserving persons irrespective of Holy Book were recited. We have
their nationality or position in on record instances showing that
society. The distinction to have he recited certain chapters when
the office of imamat (the leading travelling on the back of a camel(3)
of congregational prayers) and that he loved to hear others
conferred on one was a practical recite the holy Word. According
incentive to a greater knowledge to one tradition he kept waking on
of the Qur’an. Similarly when a a certain night to listen to a person
new tribe accepted Islam, the man who was reciting the Qur’an in
who was chosen to be sent to the Mosque (Bukhari, chapter on

52 The Review of Religions – February 2007


the ‘forgetting of the Qur’an’). children, so on till the judgment

Another tradition also related by day?’ This question arose out of a
Bukhari represents Abdulla as misapprehension of the words of
saying: ‘The Messenger(saw) of the Holy Prophet(saw) who meant,
God, said to me: ‘Recite to me the not that the words of the Holy
Qur’an.’ I replied, ‘What! should Qur’an would disappear, but that
I recite to you and to you it has people would cease to act in
been revealed? ‘ He said, ‘I love accordance with the spirit of those
to hear others recite it.’ words. This tradition related by
Thereupon I began to recite the Tirmidhi and some other
chapter entitled Women.’(4) collectors of tradition has already
been quoted, and it shows that
These anecdotes show that the every verse of the Holy Qur’an
Holy Prophet(saw) induced his had such a wide publication
companions by his own example among the companions and was
to recite the Holy Qur’an. These so generally known to them that
inducements were not without they could not even think how any
their effect. The Muslims part of it could disappear.
treasured the Word of God in their
hearts and its reading and There are also traditions which
teaching became very common. show that the injunctions of the
So common had the recitation of Holy Prophet(saw), relating to the
the Qur’an become indeed that committing of the Holy Qur’an to
when the Holy Prophet(saw) spoke memory and its frequent
of the disappearance of the recitation, were so literally carried
knowledge of the Qur’an at some out by the companions that he
future time, Ziyad, son of Labid, himself had to give them
one of the companions, at once directions against a course which
cried out: ‘How would knowledge might be a burden to them. In a
disappear, O Messenger of God, tradition related in the Bukhari
when we read the Qur’an and (chapter headed: ‘In how many
teach it to our children, and our days should the Qur’an be read’)
children would teach it to their it is stated that one of the

The Review of Religions – February 2007 53


companions of the Holy Qur’an sooner and the Holy

Prophet(saw) who finished the Prophet(saw) went on lessening the
recitation of the whole of the limit every time by a few days till
Qur’an once every night was he reached the number five
expressly enjoined by him to (according to another report
finish it at the least in three or five three).(5) Ibn-i-Masood relates that
or seven days and was forbidden the Holy Prophet(saw) said: ‘Read
to go through the whole once the Qur’an in seven days and do
every night. This tradition shows not read it in less than three
clearly that there were days’(6) According to another
companions who could recite the report Ayesha said that: ‘the Holy
whole Qur’an in a single night. Prophet(saw) did not usually finish
The direction given by the Holy the Qur’an in less than three
Prophet(saw) that the recitation of days.’(7) All these traditions show
the Holy Qur’an should not be clearly that the companions vied
finished in less than three days with one another in the frequent
was meant to inform them that it recitation of the Qur’an and that
should be read thoughtfully. many of them could recite the
whole in a single day. In fact, so
Similarly in a report received frequently was the recitation of
through a different chain of the Holy Qur’an resorted to that
reporters, the same companion injunctions became necessary to
Abdulla, son of Amru, is stop a too rapid recitation. It is
represented as asking the Holy also clear from these traditions
Prophet(saw) how much time he that the whole of the Qur’an was
should take to finish one reading committed to memory by many of
of the Qur’an. The Prophet told the companions, otherwise it
him that he should finish it in could not be spoken of as being
thirty days. He replied that he finished in a stated interval of
could do it sooner whereupon the time. That it was recited from
Holy Prophet(saw) lessened the time memory is clear from the fact that
by five days. Thus he continued to it was recited at night.
express his ability to finish the

54 The Review of Religions – February 2007


These conclusions are further the Holy Prophet’ Bukhari relates

supported by many trustworthy several traditions. In the first of
traditions which relate that there these, Abdullah, son of Amru
were numerous men among the (who, as we have already seen,
companions who could recite the had committed the whole of the
Holy Qur’an from memory. These Qur’an to memory) is reported to
men were called the Qurra or the have said when speaking of
reciters, and they were known to Abdulla, son of Masood: ‘I shall
have committed the Qur’an to ever love him, for I heard the
memory. The author of the Fath- Holy Prophet(saw) say: Learn the
ul-Bari explains the word Qurra Qur’an from four men, from
as meaning: ‘persons noted for Abdulla son of Masood, Salim,
committing the Qur’an to Muadh and Ubayy son of Kab.’(8)
memory and for teaching it to This, of course, did not imply
others.’ Of course the word also inability on the part of the other
signified persons having a sound companions to teach the Holy
knowledge of the Qur’an. Qur’an, nor did the words mean
Seventy of the Qurra were that none of the companions
treacherously put to death at the besides these four retained the
Bir Mauna by a tribe of the whole of the Qur’an in his
unbelievers. This is a fact testified memory.
by the most trustworthy and
authentic traditions related by In fact to be a good teacher of the
Bukhari and other reliable Holy Qur’an, it was not sufficient
collectors. The fact that such a that a person should be able to
large number of them was recite the Holy Book from
murdered in the life-time of the memory. What was further
Holy Prophet(saw) shows that there necessary was that he should have
were hundreds of them among the a good understanding and a sound
companions. knowledge of the Holy Qur’an.
The tradition only shows that the
In the chapter headed ‘the Qurra four men named could teach any
from among the companions of and every chapter of the Holy

The Review of Religions – February 2007 55


Qur’an and hence they audience. In cases where several

themselves also knew the whole persons had equal knowledge, as,
of it. Probably they were named for instance, when they all knew
because they always tried to learn the whole of the Qur’an by heart,
the revelations directly from the other tests were, applied. Now
Holy Prophet(saw). One of them tradition tells us that there were
Abdulla, son of Masood, it is men among the companions who
reported in the very next tradition, could recite the whole of the
used to say that he received over Qur’an from memory. Therefore
seventy chapters of the Holy Abu Bakr(ra) could not be
Qur’an directly from the mouth of appointed to lead the prayers if his
the Holy Prophet(saw). It was knowledge of the Qur’an were not
probably on account of some such as extensive. Hence it follows that
peculiarity that the Holy Abu Bakr(ra) also could recite the
Prophet(saw) named four men only, whole of the Qur’an from
for other traditions tell us that memory. There are many other
there were many other indications such as the building of
companions, who could recite the a mosque in the yard of his house
whole of the Qur’an from where he used to recite the Holy
memory. Qur’an every day, his keeping
constant company of the Holy
To take an example, Abu Bakr(ra) Prophet(saw), which shows that
is not named in the above Abu Bakr(ra) knew the whole of
tradition, but it is a fact that he the Qur’an by heart.
retained the whole of the Qur’an
in his memory. It was Abu Bakr(ra) Similarly, Abdullah, son of Omar,
whom the Holy Prophet(saw) retained the whole of the Qur’an
appointed on his death-bed to lead in his memory and finished it
the public prayers. Now authentic every night and the Holy
traditions, as already stated, show Prophet(saw) having come to know
that the person appointed to lead this told him to finish it once in a
the prayers was always one who month.(9) In fact, many persons are
knew more of the Qur’an than his mentioned as being able to recite

56 The Review of Religions – February 2007


the whole of the Qur’an from away many of the Qurra (reciters)
memory in the life-time of the in the field of Yamama.(10) Had
Holy Prophet(saw), among these there been none among the slain
being the four Caliphs, vis., Abu except Salim who could recite the
Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali, and whole of the Qur’an from
such renowned companions as memory, Omar would not have
Talha, Sad, Ibn-i-Masood, Salim, spoken of the reciters generally.
Abu Huraira, while three women,
viz., Ayesha, Hafsa and Umm-i- There is only one tradition whose
Salma are also named in the same evidence is considered to be
category(saw). Several other conflicting with that furnished by
persons are also named from all the traditions cited above. This
among the Helpers as being able tradition which is narrated by
to recite the whole of the Qur’an Bukhari runs as follows:
from memory. But it is not to be
supposed that only those persons ‘Anas reported that the Holy
were the reciters whose names Prophet(saw), died while none
have been preserved to us in had collected the Qur’an
traditions. Seventy of them were with the exception of four
killed by treachery in the life-time men, Abu-Darda and Muadh
of the Holy Prophet(saw) and about son of Jabal, and Zaid son of
the same number fell in the battle Thabit and Abu Zaid.’
of Yamama which was fought a
few months after the death of the In a tradition to the same effect
Holy Prophet(saw). Among these reported by the same authority the
was also Salim whose name is name of Ubayy, son of Kab, is
clearly mentioned among those mentioned in the place of Abu-
who could recite the whole of the Darda. This tradition apparently
Qur’an, yet when Omar made a contradicts many other traditions
representation to Abu Bakr(ra) for if the ‘collecting’ of the Qur’an is
the collection of the Qur’an, he taken to be equivalent to the
did not particularly name Salim, committing of the whole of the
but only said that death had taken Qur’an to memory and no

The Review of Religions – February 2007 57


limitation is placed upon the vanishes. But even if the

meaning of the tradition. The ‘collection of the Qur’an’ in the
word ‘jama’ which means tradition under discussion is taken
collecting is generally applied in to mean the recitation of the entire
the traditions with reference to the Qur’an from memory, there is no
Holy Qur’an in the sense of difficulty. The meaning is made
collecting different manuscripts clear by another tradition which
into a single volume, but it may gives the circumstances under
also mean the retaining of the which these words were spoken
whole of it in memory. Taking the by Anas.
word in its ordinary significance,
viz., collecting the different There were two rival tribes at
written chapters into a single Madinah, the Khazraj and the
volume, the tradition does not Aus, and Anas belonged to the
negate the existence of any former. Before the advent of
number of reciters who retained Islam their relations were hostile,
the whole of the Qur’an in but on their conversion to Islam
memory. There is no difficulty in they both became one. Still the
accepting this interpretation old feelings of rivalry were
except that when steps were taken sometimes stirred up, and it is to
for the collection of the Qur’an in one such occasion that the
the caliphate of Abu Bakr(ra), no tradition relates. The Aus prided
collection prepared in the life- themselves in the possession of
time of the Holy Prophet(saw) was certain members, four in number,
brought in to facilitate the heavy who had earned a good fame. As
task before Zaid who was chosen against this the Khazraj named
for collecting the scattered four of their men who had
manuscripts of the Holy Qur’an collected the Holy Qur’an or who
into one volume. But the fact is could recite the whole of it from
that Zaid sought the manuscripts memory. Accordingly the claim
that were written in the presence was made only against the single
and by the direction of the Holy tribe of Aus. This conclusion is
Prophet(saw) and thus the objection corroborated by the fact that the

58 The Review of Religions – February 2007


four men named all belonged to companions had the whole of it

the tribe of Khazraj, and the safe in their memories by every
exclusion of such famous men as one having a certain portion. All
Abdulla son of Masood, Salim this was done in obedience to the
and others from among the injunctions of the Holy
refugees shows clearly that the Prophet(saw) who laid great stress
claim was advanced only for one upon the reciting of the Qur’an
tribe as against a rival tribe. and the committing of it to
Even if we admit for the sake of memory. And these measures to
argument the existence of certain guard the text of the Holy Qur’an
differences in the various were in addition to writing. It may
traditions quoted above, the one also be pointed out here that the
conclusion upon which they all gradual revelation of the Qur’an
agree is absolutely certain, viz., afforded a facility in committing
that among the companions of the it to memory. The interval
Holy Prophet(saw) there were between the revelation of two
certain persons, whether their verses or two chapters afforded
number amounted only to four or the companions an opportunity to
to more than that, who retained in repeat it as often as they liked.
memory the whole of the Qur’an The entire Qur’an was revealed in
as taught by the Holy Prophet(saw), the long period of twenty-three
and who at his death had the years, and if Muslim boys of the
whole of it engraved on the tablets age of ten or twelve years can
of their hearts. Thus while every even now commit the whole
companion committed to memory Qur’an to memory within one or
a certain portion of the Holy two years, the Arab possessors of
Qur’an, certain companions wonderfully retentive memories
committed to memory the whole to whom the importance of the
of it. The entire Qur’an was, Qur’an was far greater than to any
therefore, not only guarded by the Muslim of a later age could not
comparatively few men who find it difficult to commit it to
could recite the whole of it from memory within the long period of
memory, but the whole body of twenty-three years especially

The Review of Religions – February 2007 59


when it was given to them recited the chapter entitled the

gradually. ‘Cow’ which forms the twelfth
part of the Qur’an in his tahajjud
The recitation of the Qur’an and prayers. Even in the public
its committing to memory were prayers long chapters were
not, however, only optional, for recited. One tradition relates that
the Qur’an formed a part of public while leading prayers, the Holy
as well as private prayers. Five Prophet(saw) read the chapter
times a day the Muslims had to entitled the ‘Women’ before the
pray publicly, while prayers in the chapter entitled: ‘The Family of
latter portion of the night were of Imran.’ Now these two chapters
a private nature. The recitation of form nearly an eighth part of the
portions of the Holy Qur’an in all Qur’an and such a large portion
these prayers was obligatory, and read in a single prayer shows how
thus every Muslim had of frequently every part was in its
necessity to repeat certain turn recited in public prayers.
portions of it every day. Now we There are many traditions from
know it for a fact that generally which it appears that such long
very long portions were recited in chapters as the ‘Cow’ which
the prayers, especially in the forms a twelfth part of the Qur’an
prayers said during the latter part were read in a single rak’at in the
of the night. The Holy Prophet(saw) morning prayers. The evening
is himself related to have often prayers are the least suited for the
recited the long chapters in the recitation of the longer chapters,
beginning of the Qur’an in the but even in these the Holy
latter part of the night, i.e. in the Prophet(saw) recited such chapters
tahajjud prayers. One tradition as the ‘Tur’ or the ‘Mount’ which
relates that he read nearly a third contains nearly fifty verses. In
part of the Qur’an in a single imitation of the Holy Prophet(saw)
rak’at. His companions also his followers wherever they had
followed his example. Thus one the occasion to lead the prayers
companion is mentioned in an recited very long chapters. One of
anecdote left of him to have them recited the second chapter,

60 The Review of Religions – February 2007


i.e., ‘the Cow’ in the prayer of the sufficient to give it such a

nightfall and a complaint was publication as would have
made against him by one who guarded it against every possible
tired by a whole days’ labour alteration or loss.
wanted to go to rest sooner. In
their private prayers also the
companions recited long chapters. References
Thus not only was it necessary 1. Muir’s Life of Mahomet,
that every one of them should Introduction, page xvi
commit the whole or a certain 2. This tradition as related by Abu
Dawood – and it is also related by
portion of the Holy Qur’an to Bukhari.
memory, but the part so 3. ‘I saw the Messenger(saw) of God,
committed was always kept fresh may peace and blessings of God be
in memory by constant recitation upon him, and he was reciting the
in prayers, though as we have chapter entitled ‘Victory’ while on
already seen the Qur’an was the back of his camel.’
frequently recited by the
4. See Bukhari .
companions even outside prayers. 5. The tradition as found in the
Therefore, even if the Holy Musnad of Darimi.
Qur’an had never been written, no 6. See Fathul Bari Vol. IX page 53.
verse could have been lost, so 7. Idem.
great was the publicity which 8. Vide the Sahih Bukhari, chapter
every verse of it received and so
9. This tradition is narrated by Nisai
often was it recited by the Holy and the chain of reporters through
Prophet(saw) and his companions in whom he received it is admitted to
public as well as in private. One be trustworthy.
tradition relates how a certain 10. Vide the Sahih Bukhari: ‘Abu
chapter was learned by heart by a Bakr said, Omar came to me and
said that death had worked
companion from its frequent
vehemently among the reciters of
recitation in the prayers. In fact, if the Qur’an in the battle of
there had been no other means of Yamama.’
giving publicity to the Qur’an, its
mere recitation in prayers was

The Review of Religions – February 2007 61

Letter to The Times
newspaper - September 19th 2006

Sir, In the midst of the current sensitive situation in the world,

Pope Benedict has certainly added fuel to the fire by his latest
comments about Islam.

In the light of clear guidance in the Holy Qur’an, the Word of

Allah, it is absolutely wrong to say that the Holy Prophet of
Islam ever commanded his followers to ‘spread by the sword
the faith he preached’. The Holy Qur’an admonishes: ‘There is
no compulsion in religion.’

It appears very naïve of the Pope to choose a 14th-century

Byzantine Christian emperor for a quotation against Islam if he
himself did not mean it. If the Pope simply wants to condemn
the militant and terrorist activities being done, without any
justification, in the name of Islam, he is most certainly right to
do so. But the religion of Islam does not approve of militancy
or terrorism. The right of fighting in self –defence is, no doubt,
granted in Islam. And no one can object to this basic human

I wish the Pope had not made these derisive comments which
reflect poorly on his credibility and judgment.


Imam, the London Mosque

62 The Review of Religions – February 2007

English translation of a poem composed by Maulana Ataul Mujeeb
Rashed, Imam of the London Mosque

Wasiyyat is a heavenly scheme

A means to gain entry to Paradise
Respond to this call, O my friends
Our revered Imam is making this call
Make a Will, do make a Will
Urge everyone to do the same

It is a way to gain proximity to God

A source of His Forgiveness and Grace
It makes one’s good deeds shine
The light of God illumines the hearts
Make a Will, do make a Will
Urge everyone to do the same

The Messiah of our times received a glad tiding

Through revelation he was given this Sign
How great is this Mercy and Grace of God
We have been given a key to His Paradise
Make a Will, do make a Will
Urge everyone to do the same

Be not unnerved by its conditions

God shall dispel all worries and grief
We shall bathe eternally in Blessings
Day and night shall rain God’s Grace
Make a Will, do make a Will
Urge everyone to do the same

(Translation by Mr. Khalil Muluck)

The Review of Religions – February 2007 63

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