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Medical Diagnosis: Drug induced Hepatitis 2o anti

koch’s medication
Category: I

Indication/contraindi Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing

cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: conditions eg  Transient  Patient
Vitamin B- malabsorption sy diarrhea education:
Complex with ndrome; radiation  Itching- Instruct
vitamin C sickness; malnutr and patient strict
Brand name: ition or deficiency urticarcia compliance
Vaneular tablet diseases; severe  Anaphylac of taking
infections. tic shock multivitamin
Classification:  Increased s and report
Dietary uric acid side-effects
supplement levels,
Dosage: urinary
1 tablet calcium

Two times a day

Per Orem

Date Ordered:
June 16, 2010

27 years old-
Mild cases &
maintenance 1
-2 tab daily

Indication/contraindi Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing
cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: Acute and  Severe  Monitor
L-ornithine-L- chronic liver L-ornithine-L- renal laboratory
aspartate disease eg, liver aspartate stimulates impairmen results such
cirrhosis, fatty ammonia t as liver
liver, hepatitis detoxification by function
Brand name: test, and
Hepa-Merz enhancing urea
sachet synthesis in the urea serum
cycle. Additionally, it creatinine
Classification: eliminates level
Cholelitholytics extrahepatic ammonia exceeding 3
& Hepatic from the tissues. mg/100 mL
 Dissolve
Dosage: content of
1 sachet dissolve the sachet
with ½ glass of with plenty
water of liquids
Two times a day

Per orem

Date Ordered:
June 26,2010

27 years old-
1-2 sachets of
Hepa-Merz 1-
2 times daily

Indication/contraindi Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing
cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: Treatment  CNS:  Administer
Ursodeoxycholic of cholestatic liver Supress hepatic Anxiety, with food
acid disease. synthesis , biliary fatigue, intake
Brand name: secretion and intestinal depression  Be aware of
Ursofalk reabsorbing of  CV: chest too much
cholesterol. pain, intake of
Classification: hypertensi drug,
Cholelitholytics on, diarrhea
& Hepatic peripheral may occur
Protectors edema.  Urge patient
 Gallstone to notify the
Dosage: calcificatio physician
250 mg/cap n immediately
for signs of
Frequency: acute
Three times a cholecytitis

Per orem

Date Ordered:
June 16,2010

27 years old- 300
mg b.i.d.

Indication/contraindi Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing
cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: Acute and  
Chronic It activates metabolic
Brand name: Hepatitis. function and supports
Essentiale Forte the energy balance of
Liver Damaged by
the liver. It restores
Classification: Toxins
enzyme functions and
Cholelitholytics promotes detoxification
& Hepatic of the liver. Neutral fats
Protectors and cholesterol are
transformed into
Dosage: transportable forms and
1 capsule led to their physiological
oxidation. Liver cell
Frequency: regeneration is
Three times a stimulated and the bile
day is stabilized.

Per orem

Date Ordered:
June 16,2010

27 years old-
1-2 forte caps 3 times
a day for the
first 2 months

Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing
cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: It makes the intestinal  Gi:  Monitor
Lactulose Prevention of hepatic contents more acidic Abdominal blood
Brand name: encephalopathy than blood. This cramping ammonia
Duphalac prevent ammonia and level,
diffusion from the distention, electrolytes
Classification: intestine into the blood, diarrhea level and
Ammonia as occur in hepatic and signs of
reducer encephalopathy. The flatulence dehydration
trapped ammonia ions  Hypokalem  Dilute the
Dosage: and by lactulose laxative ia, medication
30 ml effect is expelled by the hypovolem with water
feces. ia, or take it
Frequency: hypernatre with food
Three times a mia.  Inform
day patient to
report any
Route: adverse
Per Orem reaction of
Date Ordered: medication
June 16,2010 to the

27 years old-
20 to 30 g (30
to 45 ml) P.O.
t.i.d. or q.i.d.

Indication/contraindi Mechanism of action Side effects / Nursing
cation Rationale for patient adverse effects considerations
Generic name: Acts as the major  Acute  Administer
Potassium Hypokalemia cation in intracellular dehydratio oral
Chloride fluid, activating many n potassium
Brand name: enzymatic reactions  Addison’s with or
Kalium that are essential for disease immediately
physiologic process,  Hypersensi after meals
Classification: including nerve impulse tivityto  Mix
Electrolytes transmission and potassium potassium
cardiac and skeletal salt chloride for
Dosage: muscle contraction.  Renal oral solution
Given to patient with impairmen in cold
Frequency: drugs that causes t water,
For ever 6 hours hypokalemia such as  Arrhythmi orange juice
lactulose as and stir it
Route:  Hyperkale for 1 minute
mia before
 Rash administerin
Date Ordered:  Ulceration g
June 16,2010  Nasea and  Regularly
vomiting assess for
signs of
Recommended  Monitor for
dose: the serum
27 years old- creatinine,
. and urinary
h education:
teach ways
on how to
Therapeutic take
level: potassium
and take
drugs after

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