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Assignment 1

PRG1061-D17 C++ 2

Nantawan Gantong (TJ)


Lecturer : Soorena Ezzati

1. Overview
 A main objective

 A reward for fulfilling the objective

 A consequence for failing the objective

 A challenge for the player(s)

2. Why do you want to develop this game?

3. GUI :
 Welcome screen

 Instruction screen

 Main game screen

 Result screen

4. A list of C++
5. Plan
6. Milestones
7. Game flowchart
1. Overview
A main objective
This game is a guessing vocabulary game which the game
will give the player(s) a blank space for the missing letter and the
player(s) has to fill that missing letter. However, they have limited
chances to fail and it depends on the level. For example, in easy
mode, the player(s) will be given an easy vocabulary, just a short
one and they have 6 chances to fail and if they keep guessing
the wrong letter, they will lose. And for the medium and advance
mode, the vocabularies are getting harder and the chances for
fail is less. Also, after they choose the mode, they have to choose
the type of vocabularies which the game has such as animal,
country, and mood.

A reward for fulfilling the objective

If the player(s) choose the higher mode, they will get higher
point. Also, it they keep guessing correct word for 3 times up,
they will be given more chances for guessing the wrong letter.

A consequence for failing the objective

Failing the object in this game is when the player(s) cannot
guess the right letter and use all the chances they have.
However, they can start playing a new game as many as they

A challenge for the player(s)

This game can play only one player at a time but they can
have someone to help them play this game. The challenge is the
vocabularies are getting harder from easy to medium and from
medium to advance. Furthermore, they will be given less
chances for fail, depending on the mode.
2. Why do you want to develop this game?
Guessing vocabulary game can help people who is
studying or learning English which is very helpful game. Even
though, this game is a simple game but it can entertain people
and also educate them at the same time. For me myself, I’m also
learning English and IT which I found it is very difficult for me
sometime when I want to explain or try to understand something.
From my experience, vocabularies are very important because if
you know less vocabularies, it will limit yourself when you have
to communicate with other people or learn something.
Importantly, I wish this game can help people to improve their
vocabulary and their knowledge too.

3. GUI
Welcome screen
For the first start, the player(s) will see this welcome page
first, it included menu for the player(s) to choose too. This page
consists of some symbols and letters such as “[“, “]”, “+”, “-“ , “=”
, “>”, “.” and “:”. From the menu, the players can choose them by
enter the number they want and then press the enter bottom.
Instruction screen
This is how it will be look like, it will tell the players how to
play and the rules that can make they win and lose as well.

Main game screen

This will be the main game screen. The player(s) has to use
keyboard to answer. If the player(s) answer correctly, the game
will tell them well done and keep going! But if they answer wrong,
the game will tell them to try again, until they use all the chances.
Result screen
The result screen will show the total marks for both the
correct one and the wrong one.

4. A list of C++
Classes and functions
 Ccheck
- correct : check the correct answer
- worng : check the wrong answer
- mode : check the mode
- wordType : check the type of vocabulary
 Ccount
- countMark : count the marks how many time they
- countWrong : count the wrong mark
 Cover
- showOver : show the result when the game is over
 Cshow
- showHow : show the instruction
5. Plan

week 10

week 11

week 12
week 1

week 2

week 3

week 4

week 5

week 6

week 7

week 8

week 9
Project plan

1. Screen design

2. Find references

3. Implementation

3.1 Display screen

3.2 Building vocab

3.3 Mode and type

3.4 Marks

4. Intergrade all functions

5. Testing

6. Submit

6. Milestones
14 Jul – 28 Jul 2017: Design the screen and how the game
looks like
29 Jul – 18 Aug 2017: Find references and resources
19 Aug – 25 Aug 207: Write the code for the display screen
26 Aug – 1 Sep 2017: Build vocabularies and write the code for
game mode and type of vocab
2 Sep – 8 Sep: Write the code for marks and start intergrade
all functions
9 Sep – 15 Sep 2017: Intergrade all function
16 Sep – 30 Sep 2017: Testing
1 Oct 2017: Submit the game
7. Game Flowchart

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