Dgca Module 11 Part 01

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Q. 6. With respect to differential aileron control, which of
STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS the following is true?.
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A. The up going Aileron moves through a smaller angle than

11.01.1. Theory of Flight - Aeroplane Aerodynamics and the down going aileron.
Flight Controls. B. The up going and down going ailerons both deflect to the
same angle.
C. The down going aileron moves through a smaller angle than
Q. 1. As a subsonic aircraft speeds-up, its Centre of the up going aileron.
Pressure. Correct Answer is. The down going aileron moves through a
A. moves forward. smaller angle than the up going aileron.
B. moves aft. Explanation. Mechanics of Flight, Kermode, Page 301. The
C. is unaffected. down going aileron moves less, to reduce the induced drag
Correct Answer is. moves aft. which causes adverse aileron yaw.
Explanation. Assuming that the aircraft is to remain at
constant altitude, it must reduce its angle of attack as it
speeds-up. This alone will move the CofP rearwards, in Q. 7. The aeroplane fin is of symmetrical aerofoil section and
accordance with the sub-sonic angle of attack change theory. will therefore provide a side-load.
A. if a suitable angle of attack develops due either yaw or
rudder movement.
B. only if a suitable angle of attack develops due to yaw.
Q. 2. Wing spoilers, when used asymmetrically, are C. only when the rudder is moved.
associated with. Correct Answer is. if a suitable angle of attack develops due
A. ailerons. either yaw or rudder movement.
B. rudder. Explanation. Rudder deflection or yaw.
C. elevators.
Correct Answer is. ailerons.
Explanation. Pallett Automatic Flight Control 4th Edition Q. 8. An aircraft left wing is flying low. The aileron trimmer
Page 51. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe TextbookPage 1- control to the left aileron trim tab in the cockpit would be.
A. moved up causing the left aileron to move up.
B. moved up causing the left aileron to move down.
Q. 3. If an aircraft is yawing to the left, where would you C. moved down causing the left aileron to move down.
position the trim tab on the rudder?. Correct Answer is. moved up causing the left aileron to move
A. To the centre. down.
B. To the right. Explanation. Down aileron required - which requires up
C. To the left. trim.
Correct Answer is. To the left.
Explanation. Automatic flight control, Pallett, 4th Edition
Page 43. Q. 9. The purpose of a slot in a wing is to.
A. speed up the airflow and increase lift.
B. act as venturi, accelerate the air and re-energise boundary
Q. 4. If an aircraft is flying with a left wing low, where would layer.
you move the left aileron trim tab?. C. provide housing for the slat.
A. Down. Correct Answer is. act as venturi, accelerate the air and re-
B. Up. energise boundary layer.
C. Moving the aileron trim tab will not correct the Explanation. A slot is to act as venturi, accelerate the air
situation. and re-energise boundary layer.
Correct Answer is. Up.
Explanation. Automatic flight control, Pallett, 4th Edition
Page 43. Q. 10. Large flap deployment.
A. has no effect on spanwise flow.
B. causes increased spanwise flow towards tips on wing upper
Q. 5. When a leading edge flap is fully extended, what is the surface.
slot in the wing for?. C. causes increased spanwise flow towards tips on wing lower
A. To allow the flap to retract into it when it retracts. surface.
B. To re-energise the boundary layer. Correct Answer is. causes increased spanwise flow towards
C. To increase the lift. tips on wing lower surface.
Correct Answer is. To re-energise the boundary layer. Explanation. Flaps increase the pressure differential between
Explanation. Pallett Automatic Flight Control 2nd Edition top and bottom surfaces, increase tip vortices and spanwise
Page 50. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1- flow.


Q. 11. Which part of the wing of a swept-wing aircraft stalls


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first?. Q. 18. If an aircraft is aerodynamically stable.

A. Tip stalls first. A. aircraft becomes too sensitive.
B. Root stalls first. B. aircraft returns to trimmed attitude.
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C. Both stall together. C. C of P moves back.

Correct Answer is. Tip stalls first. Correct Answer is. aircraft returns to trimmed attitude.
Explanation. The tip of a swept wing stalls first. Explanation. NIL.

Q. 12. During flight, an aircraft is yawing to the right. The Q. 19. Ailerons control the aircraft in the.
aircraft would have a tendency to fly. A. longitudinal plane.
A. right wing low. B. directional plane.
B. nose up. C. lateral plane.
C. left wing low. Correct Answer is. lateral plane.
Correct Answer is. right wing low. Explanation. Ailerons control the aircraft 'IN' the lateral axis,
Explanation. The leading wing (left wing) has increased lift, which is 'ABOUT' the longitudinal axis.
causing it to rise.

Q. 20. An anti-balance tab is used.

Q. 13. With a drop in ambient temperature, an aircraft A. for trimming the aircraft.
service ceiling will. B. to give more feel to the controls.
A. not be affected. C. to relieve stick loads.
B. lower. Correct Answer is. to give more feel to the controls.
C. rise. Explanation. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook 1-
Correct Answer is. rise. 29.
Explanation. As ambient temperature drops, density
increases and aircraft performance increases.
Q. 21. Slats.
A. act as an air brake.
Q. 14. Extending a leading edge slat will have what effect on B. keep the boundary layer from separating for longer.
the angle of attack of a wing?. C. increase the overall surface area and lift effect of wing.
A. Increase the angle of attack. Correct Answer is. keep the boundary layer from separating
B. Decrease the angle of attack. for longer.
C. No effect on angle of attack. Explanation. Jeppesen A & P technician airframe textbook
Correct Answer is. Decrease the angle of attack. page 1-32.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 22. Due to the change of lift forces resulting from the

Q. 15. To ensure that a wing stalls at the root first, stall extension of flaps in flight.
wedges are. A. nose should be lowered, reducing AoA.
A. installed at the wing trailing edge at the wing root. B. nose should remain in the same position, maintaining same
B. installed at the wing trailing edge at the wing root. AoA.
C. installed on the wing leading edge at the wing root. C. nose should be raised, increasing AoA.
Correct Answer is. installed on the wing leading edge at the Correct Answer is. nose should be lowered, reducing AoA.
wing root. Explanation. The main purpose of flaps is to increase lift so
Explanation. NIL. that the pilot can lower the nose, increase decent angle and
get a better view of the runway.

Q. 16. With reference to differential aileron control.

A. drag increases on the inner wing. Q. 23. Flight spoilers.
B. drag decreases on the outer wing. A. can be used to decrease lift to allow controlled decent
C. drag increases on the outer wing. without reduction of airspeed.
Correct Answer is. drag increases on the inner wing. B. can be deployed on the down going wing in a turn to
Explanation. Automatic Flight Control, Pallett 4th Edition increase lift on that wing.
Page 41. A+P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 1-11. C. can be used with differential ailerons to reduce adverse
yaw in a turn.
Correct Answer is. can be used to decrease lift to allow
Q. 17. Dutch role is movement in. controlled decent without reduction of airspeed.
A. yaw and roll. Explanation. NIL.
B. yaw and pitch.
C. pitch and roll.
Correct Answer is. yaw and roll. Q. 24. If the aircraft is flying nose heavy, which direction
Explanation. Avionic Fundamentals Jeppesen page 291. would you move the elevator trim tab?.

A. Up to move elevator up.

B. Down to move elevator up.


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C. Up to move elevator down. Q. 31. On aircraft fitted with spoilers for lateral control, roll
Correct Answer is. Down to move elevator up. to the right is caused by.
Explanation. NIL. A. left and right spoilers extending.
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B. right spoilers extending, left spoilers remaining

Q. 25. Wing tip vortices are strongest when. C. left spoilers extending, right spoilers remaining
A. flying high speed straight and level flight. retracted.
B. flying slowly at high angles of attack. Correct Answer is. right spoilers extending, left spoilers
C. flying into a headwind. remaining retracted.
Correct Answer is. flying slowly at high angles of attack. Explanation. NIL.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 32. A split flap increases lift by increasing.

Q. 26. An example of a secondary flight control is a. A. the surface area.
A. elevator. B. the camber of the top surface.
B. flap. C. the angle of attachment of the lower hinged portion.
C. spoiler. Correct Answer is. the angle of attachment of the lower
Correct Answer is. spoiler. hinged portion.
Explanation. Some would consider a Flap to be a secondary Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Technician Airframe Textbook
flight control. It is discounted in this question as it is page 1-30.
technically a Lift Augmentation Device, rather than a
Q. 33. When the trailing edge flaps are lowered, the aircraft
Q. 27. A balance tab. A. sink.
A. assists the pilot to move the controls. B. pitch nose down.
B. is used to trim the appropriate axis of the aircraft. C. pitch nose up.
C. effectively increases the area of the control surface. Correct Answer is. pitch nose down.
Correct Answer is. assists the pilot to move the controls. Explanation. Due to the centre of pressure moving aft.
Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Technician Textbook pg 1-29.

Q. 34. Dutch roll is.

A. a type of slow roll.
Q. 28. Which wing increases drag when the ailerons are B. primarily a pitching instability.
moved?. C. a combined yawing and rolling motion.
A. Both wings have an equal increase in drag. Correct Answer is. a combined yawing and rolling motion.
B. Both wings increase drag but the wing with the down-going Explanation. NIL.
aileron increases more.
C. Both wings increase drag but the wing with the up-going
aileron increases more. Q. 35. On an aircraft with an all-moving tailplane, pitch up is
Correct Answer is. Both wings increase drag but the wing caused by.
with the down-going aileron increases more. A. increasing tailplane incidence.
Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Technician Airframe Textbook B. decreasing tailplane incidence.
page 1-26. C. up movement of the elevator trim tab.
Correct Answer is. decreasing tailplane incidence.
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 29. Which flap will increase wing area and camber?.
A. Split.
B. Slot. Q. 36. A leading edge slat is a device for.
C. Fowler. A. increasing the stalling angle of the wing.
Correct Answer is. Fowler. B. decreasing wing drag.
Explanation. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook C. decreasing the stalling angle of the wing.
Page 20. Correct Answer is. increasing the stalling angle of the
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 30. An automatic slat will lift by itself when the angle of
attack is.
A. low. Q. 37. A Krueger flap is.
B. high or low. A. a leading edge slat which extends forward.
C. high. B. a flap which extends rearwards but does not lower.
Correct Answer is. high. C. a leading edge flap which hinges forward.
Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. a leading edge flap which hinges

Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Airframe Technician Textbook


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page 1-37 figure 1-64. Correct Answer is. extra lift is required.
Explanation. NIL.
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Q. 38. The layer of air over the surface of an aerofoil which

is slower moving, in relation to the rest of the airflow, is Q. 45. The angle of attack at which stall occurs.
known as. A. depends on the weight of the aircraft.
A. camber layer. B. cannot be varied, it is always constant.
B. none of the above are correct. C. can be varied by using flaps and slats.
C. boundary layer. Correct Answer is. can be varied by using flaps and slats.
Correct Answer is. boundary layer. Explanation. NIL. corrected
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 46. The primary function of a flap is.

Q. 39. When airflow velocity over an upper cambered surface A. to alter the position of the centre of gravity.
of an aerofoil decreases, what takes place?. B. to trim the aircraft longitudinally.
A. Pressure increases, lift decreases. C. to alter the lift of an aerofoil.
B. Pressure decreases, lift increases. Correct Answer is. to alter the lift of an aerofoil.
C. Pressure increases, lift increases. Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Technician Airframe Textbook
Correct Answer is. Pressure increases, lift decreases. page 1-30.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 47. The stalling speed of an aircraft.

Q. 40. What is a controlling factor of turbulence and skin A. is increased when it is lighter.
friction?. B. does not change.
A. Countersunk rivets used on skin exterior. C. is increased when it is heavier.
B. Aspect ratio. Correct Answer is. is increased when it is heavier.
C. Fineness ratio. Explanation. NIL.
Correct Answer is. Countersunk rivets used on skin
Explanation. NIL. Q. 48. A wing flap which has dropped or partially extended
on one wing in flight will lead to.
A. a steady rolling tendency which would be corrected by use
Q. 41. Changes in aircraft weight. of the ailerons.
A. will only affect total drag if the lift is kept constant. B. a fixed banked attitude which would be corrected by use of
B. will not affect total drag since it is dependant only upon the rudder.
speed. C. a pitching moment which would be corrected by used of the
C. cause corresponding changes in total drag due to the elevators.
associated lift change. Correct Answer is. a steady rolling tendency which would be
Correct Answer is. cause corresponding changes in total drag corrected by use of the ailerons.
due to the associated lift change. Explanation. NIL.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 49. With an increase in the amount of flap deployment,

Q. 42. When an aircraft stalls. the stalling angle of a wing.
A. lift decreases and drag increases. A. increases.
B. lift and drag increase. B. remains the same.
C. lift and drag increase. C. decreases.
Correct Answer is. lift decreases and drag increases. Correct Answer is. decreases.
Explanation. NIL. Explanation. NIL.

Q. 43. The aircraft stalling speed will. Q. 50. Downward displacement of an aileron.
A. increase with an increase in weight. A. decreases the angle at which its wing will stall.
B. increase with an increase in weight. B. increases the angle at which its wing stalls.
C. be unaffected by aircraft weight changes since it is C. has no effect on its wing stalling angle, it only affects the
dependant upon the angle of attack. stalling speed on that wing.
Correct Answer is. increase with an increase in weight. Correct Answer is. decreases the angle at which its wing will
Explanation. NIL. stall.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 44. In a bank and turn.

A. extra lift is not required. Q. 51. Due to the tailplane angle of attack change, the flap-

B. extra lift is required. induced downwash on the tailplane.

C. extra lift is not required if thrust is increased. A. may cause a nose-down or nose-up pitch depending upon


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the initial tailplane load. C. advance the onset of flow separation.

B. will tend to cause an aircraft nose down pitch. Correct Answer is. move transition point forwards.
C. will tend to cause an aircraft nose-up pitch. Explanation. NIL.
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Correct Answer is. will tend to cause an aircraft nose-up

Explanation. NIL. Q. 59. Leading edge flaps.
A. decrease stalling angle of the wing.
B. do not change the stalling angle.
Q. 52. Due to the change in lift coefficient accompanying C. increase stalling angle of the wing.
extension of the flaps, to maintain the lift constant it would be Correct Answer is. increase stalling angle of the wing.
necessary to. Explanation. NIL.
A. lower the nose.
B. keep the pitch attitude constant.
C. raise the nose. Q. 60. Krueger flaps are on.
Correct Answer is. lower the nose. A. the leading edge.
Explanation. NIL. B. the trailing edge.
C. either the leading or training edge.
Correct Answer is. the leading edge.
Q. 53. Which leading edge device improves the laminar flow Explanation. NIL.
over the wing?.
A. Flap and slat.
B. Flap. Q. 61. Sweepback will.
C. Slat. A. increase lateral stability.
Correct Answer is. Slat. B. not affect lateral stability.
Explanation. NIL. C. decrease lateral stability.
Correct Answer is. increase lateral stability.
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 54. The tropopause exists at about.
A. 18,000 ft.
B. 36,000 ft. Q. 62. A plain flap.
C. 30,000 ft. A. is attached to the leading edge of the wing.
Correct Answer is. 36,000 ft. B. forms part of lower trailing edge.
Explanation. NIL. C. does not increase the wing area on deployment.
Correct Answer is. does not increase the wing area on
Q. 55. Induced drag curve characteristics of a slender delta Explanation. NIL.
wing are such that there is.
A. an increase in gradient with wing speed.
B. decrease in gradient with wing speed. Q. 63. A split flap, when deployed.
C. no change in gradient with wing speed. A. increases drag with little lift coefficient increase, from
Correct Answer is. decrease in gradient with wing speed. intermediate to fully down.
Explanation. NIL. B. is used only on high speed aircraft.
C. increases lift without a corresponding increase in drag.
Correct Answer is. increases drag with little lift coefficient
Q. 56. If an aircraft is yawing left, the trim tab on the rudder increase, from intermediate to fully down.
would be positioned. Explanation. NIL.
A. to the left, moving the rudder right.
B. to the centre.
C. to the right, moving the rudder left. 11.2 Airframe Structures - General Concepts.
Correct Answer is. to the left, moving the rudder right.
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 1. Zone 320 under the ATA system is.
A. central fuselage.
Q. 57. Instability giving roll and yaw. B. vertical stabiliser.
A. is longitudinal stability. C. horizontal stabiliser.
B. is lateral stability. Correct Answer is. vertical stabiliser.
C. is dutch roll. Explanation. Maintenance and Repair Kroes/Watkins/Delp
Correct Answer is. is dutch roll. Page 22.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 2. When doing a bonding check the maximum resistance

Q. 58. Vortex generators are fitted to. between component and earth is.

A. move transition point forwards. A. 0.005ohms.

B. move transition point rearwards. B. 1/50 ohms.


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C. 50 milliohms. Correct Answer is. Bending.

Correct Answer is. 50 milliohms. Explanation. An I beam is subject to Bending, although
Explanation. CAIPs EEL/1-6 3.8. different parts of it are subject to tension (upper boom) and
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shear (the web).

Q. 3. How is damage to the nose cone of an aircraft

prevented during a lightning strike?. Q. 10. A radome is protected from static electricity build-up
A. Earthing Strap. by.
B. Bonding Strip. A. bonding strips.
C. Bonding Strip. B. special conductive grease.
Correct Answer is. Bonding Strip. C. conductive paint.
Explanation. Aircraft Electricity and Avionics (5th Edition) Correct Answer is. conductive paint.
Eismin Page 343. Explanation. CAIPs RL/2-5 Para 3.5.

Q. 4. Tension is the stress of. Q. 11. Precise points are located on an aircraft by a system
A. crush or compression. of.
B. elongating or stretch. A. frame stations, vertical lines and lateral lines.
C. twisting. B. longitudinal, vertical and lateral lines.
Correct Answer is. elongating or stretch. C. frame stations, water lines and buttock lines.
Explanation. Tension is the stress of elongation or stretch. Correct Answer is. frame stations, water lines and buttock
Explanation. CAIPs AL/7-2 para 6.

Q. 5. A Fuselage Station is a.
A. lateral point on aircraft wing. Q. 12. Which of the following is an example of a fail safe
B. lateral point on aircraft fuse. structure?.
C. longitudinal point on the aircraft fuselage. A. Spar.
Correct Answer is. longitudinal point on the aircraft B. Longeron.
fuselage. C. Stringer.
Explanation. Fuselage Stations are longitudinal Correct Answer is. Stringer.
measurements on the fuselage. Explanation. Answer chosen due to a stringer's duplicity.

Q. 6. Composite materials are bonded by.

A. aluminium wire. Q. 13. Damage tolerant design.
B. special paint. A. is applied only to secondary structure.
C. copper wire. B. allows for certain damage to the structure to go un-
Correct Answer is. special paint. repaired between scheduled maintenance.
Explanation. CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 3.4.4. C. allows for damage to structure by distributing loads to
other structure.
Correct Answer is. allows for certain damage to the structure
Q. 7. ATA Zone 100 is. to go un-repaired between scheduled maintenance.
A. upper fuselage. Explanation. NIL.
B. lower fuselage.
C. Wing.
Correct Answer is. lower fuselage. Q. 14. In the ATA 100 zonal system the passenger entry door
Explanation. ATA Zone 100 is lower fuselage (below floor). will have a designation of.
A. 800.
B. 600.
C. 400.
Q. 8. The bonding lead to a remote aircraft component must Correct Answer is. 800.
be. Explanation. Checkout most modern aircraft Maintenance
A. 0.5 in wide. Manuals for zonal locations.
B. 22 AWG.
C. 0.25 in wide and 22 AWG.
Correct Answer is. 0.5 in wide. Q. 15. Which area of the aircraft is subject to hoop stress?.
Explanation. CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 Para. 3.3.1 (a).
A. Control surfaces.
B. Pressure cabin.
Q. 9. at force is an I-Beam subjected to?. C. Wings.
A. Tension. Correct Answer is. Pressure cabin.

B. Bending. Explanation. CAIPs AL/7-2 2.7.

C. Shear.


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Correct Answer is. offers good damage resistance.

Q. 16. Shear stress is described as. Explanation. Jepessen A & P Technician Airframe textbook
A. pulling forces. page 1-3.
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B. compressing forces.
C. slip away under the action of forces.
Correct Answer is. slip away under the action of forces. Q. 23. Most radio aerials are.
Explanation. The keyword is 'slip', but it is a terrible A. not bonded.
definition of shear stress. B. bonded.
C. insulated from the fuselage.
Correct Answer is. bonded.
Q. 17. The ground cable must be. Explanation. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook
A. single strand copper wire 0.5 in. cross sectional area. 12-56.
B. copper stranded 0.5 in. cross sectional area.
C. single strand 18 AWG.
Correct Answer is. single strand copper wire 0.5 in. cross Q. 24. Secondary bonding is usually provided with.
sectional area. A. stranded copper 0.25 inch.
Explanation. CAIPs EEL/1-6 3.3.1 a (i). B. single strand 0.25 inch.
C. 18 AWG.
Correct Answer is. 18 AWG.
Q. 18. Where on the aircraft is FS245, RWS45?. Explanation. CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 3.3.1 (a) (ii).
A. 245 inches from the nose of the aircraft and 45 inches from
the tip of the right wing.
B. 245 inches from the datum line of the aircraft and 45 inches Q. 25. Water Lines (WLs) are measured points on a.
from the centreline of the right wing. A. vertical line.
C. 245 inches from the nose of the aircraft and 45 inches from B. wing line.
the centreline of the right wing. C. horizontal line.
Correct Answer is. 245 inches from the datum line of the Correct Answer is. vertical line.
aircraft and 45 inches from the centreline of the right wing. Explanation. AL/7.2 Page 6.2 Fig 15.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/7-2 fig 15.

Q. 26. The various parts of the aircraft airframe are

Q. 19. How is the radome protected from lightning strike?. maintained at the same potential by.
A. bonding.
A. Special grease on the hinges. B. earthing.
B. Diverter strips. C. static wicks.
C. Special paint. Correct Answer is. bonding.
Correct Answer is. Diverter strips. Explanation. NIL.
Explanation. CAIPs RL/2-5 3.4.2.

Q. 27. The cross sectional area of a secondary conductor

Q. 20. If you short the two prongs with the single prong of a must be not less than.
bonding tester together, what would the gauge read?. A. 18 SWG for a single wire.
A. Full scale deflection. B. 22 SWG x 0.25.
B. Centre scale. C. 22 SWG x 0.5.
C. Zero. Correct Answer is. 18 SWG for a single wire.
Correct Answer is. Zero. Explanation. CAAIPs Leaflet 9-1 3.3.1 (ii).
Explanation. CAIPs EEL/1-6 3.10.2 B.

Q. 28. What governs the ultimate fatigue life of an

Q. 21. A condition after which a permanent deformation of a aircraft?.
material is caused, is known as. A. Pressure Cycles.
A. strain. B. Flying Hours.
B. shear. C. Landings.
C. shear. Correct Answer is. Flying Hours.
Correct Answer is. strain. Explanation. NIL.
Explanation. Strain is 'best' of the answers. Strain is
'deformation' but does not necessarily cause a permanent
deformation. Q. 29. The main forces on an aircraft structure are.
A. tension, compression, torsion and shear.
B. tension, compression, torsion and strain.
Q. 22. Semi-monocoque construction. C. tension, compression, twisting and shear.
A. utilizes the safe-life design concept. Correct Answer is. tension, compression, torsion and

B. is used only for the fuselage. shear.

C. offers good damage resistance. Explanation. NIL.


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C. yellow.
Correct Answer is. red.
Q. 30. The life of the structure is counted by. Explanation. NIL.
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A. landings.
B. pressurization cycle.
C. flying hours. Q. 38. Which of the following is primary structure?.
Correct Answer is. pressurization cycle. A. Frame.
Explanation. NIL. B. Skin.
C. Stringer.
Correct Answer is. Skin.
Q. 31. What are buttock lines?. Explanation. NIL.
A. Measurements from the centre line.
B. Horizontal measurement lines.
C. Vertical measurement lines. Q. 39. Fuselage station numbers are measured from the front
Correct Answer is. Measurements from the centre line. of the aircraft in.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/7.2 Page 17 Para 6.2. A. feet.
B. inches.
C. feet and inches.
Q. 32. Aircraft fibreglass panels are protected against Correct Answer is. inches.
lighting strikes, partially by. Explanation. NIL.
A. non-conductive paint.
B. bonding.
C. conductive paint. Q. 40. Which parts of the aircraft are classified secondary
Correct Answer is. conductive paint. structures?.
Explanation. NIL. A. These parts of the airframe are highly stressed but if
damaged will not cause failure of the aircraft.
B. These parts of the airframe are highly stressed and if
Q. 33. A member taking a compression load is called a. damaged may cause failure of the aircraft and loss of life.
A. beam. C. These are lightly stressed parts such as fairings, wheel
B. cable. shields and minor component brackets etc.
C. strut. Correct Answer is. These parts of the airframe are highly
Correct Answer is. strut. stressed but if damaged will not cause failure of the aircraft.
Explanation. NIL. Explanation. NIL.

Q. 34. Stringers are used in which of the following types of Q. 41. Structure with built in redundancy is called.
aircraft fuselage construction?. A. double safe.
A. Semi-monocoque. B. failsafe.
B. Truss type. C. safe life.
C. Monocoque. Correct Answer is. failsafe.
Correct Answer is. Semi-monocoque. Explanation. NIL.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 42. Stress.
Q. 35. Wing stations are measured. A. is the property of a material to resist fracture.
A. outboard from the wing root. B. is the load per unit area acting on a material.
B. outboard from the fuselage centreline. C. is the deformation of a material caused by applied load.
C. inboard from the wing upper surface. Correct Answer is. is the load per unit area acting on a
Correct Answer is. outboard from the fuselage centreline. material.
Explanation. NIL. Explanation. AL/7-2 2.2.

Q. 36. What load is a tie rod designed to accept?. Q. 43. A piece of structure which must be replaced at a
A. Bending. specified number of cycles, flying hours or years, regardless of
B. Tensile. its physical condition is what type of item?.
C. Torsion. A. Safe-life.
Correct Answer is. Tensile. B. Fail-safe.
Explanation. NIL. C. Condition monitored.
Correct Answer is. Safe-life.
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 37. If a colour is used to identify primary structure, it will

A. red. Q. 44. If you are unable to identify a structure classification

B. green. as either Primary or Secondary, what action should you


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adopt?. Q. 51. To prevent a system being affected by high current

A. Upgrade it to primary. flows after a lightning strike to a composite aircraft, electricity
B. Grade it as secondary. is discharged through.
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C. Paint it red and stamp it as tertiary. A. a sprayed coat of conductive paint.

Correct Answer is. Upgrade it to primary. B. a sprayed coat of non-conductive paint.
Explanation. NIL. C. electrically connected primary conductors.
Correct Answer is. electrically connected primary
Q. 45. Safe-life is. Explanation. NIL.
A. the sharing of loads between adjacent members.
B. the minimum number of flying hours that should elapse
before a major structural failure occurs. Q. 52. A structural member intended to resist compression is
C. the maximum number of flying hours that should elapse a.
before a major structural failure occurs. A. web.
Correct Answer is. the maximum number of flying hours that B. tie.
should elapse before a major structural failure occurs. C. strut.
Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. strut.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 46. Bending stresses are a combination of.

A. torsional and compression stresses. Q. 53. An aircraft structure, having multiple load paths, is
B. tension and shear stresses. known as a.
C. tension and compression stresses. A. monocoque design.
Correct Answer is. tension and compression stresses. B. fail-safe design.
Explanation. NIL. C. safe-life design.
Correct Answer is. fail-safe design.
Explanation. NIL.
Q. 47. The Airworthiness Notice that refers to structural
surveys is.
A. Notice 65. Q. 54. Wrinkling of the skin on the upper surface of the
B. Notice 79. fuselage indicates.
C. Notice 89. A. hogging.
Correct Answer is. Notice 89. B. shedding.
Explanation. These AWNs are now transferred to CAP747. C. sagging.
Correct Answer is. sagging.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 48. Structural survey inspections are normally called up by

the. Q. 55. If a redundant structure fails it becomes.
A. operator. A. safe-life.
B. maintenance engineer. B. fatigued.
C. manufacturer. C. failsafe.
Correct Answer is. manufacturer. Correct Answer is. failsafe.
Explanation. AWN 89. Explanation. NIL.

Q. 49. Where are wing stations measured from?. Q. 56. A redundant structure is.
A. Water Line (WL). A. on-condition structure.
B. Zone Line (ZL). B. a safe-life structure.
C. Butt Line (BL). C. a failsafe structure.
Correct Answer is. Butt Line (BL). Correct Answer is. a failsafe structure.
Explanation. Obscure question, but the fuselage centreline is Explanation. NIL.
'technically' a buttock line of sorts.

Q. 57. The measurement of the fuselage perpendicular to

Q. 50. Where is Zone 323?. horizontal plane measured in inches from bottom of the
A. Between rear spar and trailing edge. fuselage is.
B. Between front and rear spar. A. butt line.
C. Tip of vertical stabiliser. B. water line.
Correct Answer is. Tip of vertical stabiliser. C. fuselage station.
Explanation. See zonal locations in any Maintenance Correct Answer is. water line.
Manual. Explanation. NIL.


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Q. 58. What are the four stresses to be considered when Criterion (HIC).
building an aircraft?. Correct Answer is. to determine whether or not the ATD\'s
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A. Compression, Tension, Torsion, Stress. head comes into contact with any structure or seat, and if so
B. Compression, Torsion, Stress, Strain. to.
C. Compression, Torsion, Tension, Shear. Explanation. CAR 25.562 (b) para 5.
Correct Answer is. Compression, Torsion, Tension, Shear.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 59. A structure that has a high designed reserve strength

would be classified as.
A. secondary.
B. tertiary.
C. primary.
Correct Answer is. primary.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 60. An example of primary stress is.

A. tension.
B. bending.
C. shear.
Correct Answer is. tension.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 61. What is the water line?.

A. The zero datum from which all lateral locations are
B. The datum from which vertical locations refer.
C. A line below which redux bonding can not be used.
Correct Answer is. The datum from which vertical locations
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 62. Lateral stations have station zero at the.

A. nose.
B. left wing tip.
C. centre line.
Correct Answer is. centre line.
Explanation. NIL.

Q. 63. Airworthiness requirements for large aircraft are

found in.
A. CAR 25.
B. ANO 25.
C. CS 25.
Correct Answer is. CS 25.
Explanation. CAR 25 is replaced by EASA Certification
Specification CS 25.

Q. 64. An Anthropomorphic Test Dummy (ATD) is strapped

into a large aircraft forward facing seat. It is put through a
series of crash tests. This is to.
A. to measure the amount of force applied to the abdomen of
the ATD to ensure it is not above 236 kg.
B. test the aircraft structure and seating mount points for
structural integrity.
C. to determine whether or not the ATD\'s head comes into

contact with any structure or seat, and if so to measure the

force applied to the head in line with a specific Head Injury


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