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Assignment 2

CMP3044-D17 Foundation Networks

Nantawan Gantong (TJ)


Lecturer : Jennifer Stephen

1. A point-to-point link operating at 6 kbps uses a stop-and-wait ARQ strategy. The link has
a propagation delay of 20 ms and a total processing delay of 10 ms. Data is transmitted
using a frame size of 896 bytes of which 868 bytes contain information. The
acknowledgements contain 8 bytes. Determine the throughput and link efficiency.
Data transmission rate = 6 kbps
Frame size, n = 896 bytes
Information bytes per frame, k = 868 bytes
Propagation delay, td = 20 ms
Acknowledgement size, ta = 8 bytes
Round-trip processing delay, tp = 10 ms
896 ×8
tf = 8000
= 0.896
ta = 8000
= 0.008
tp = 8000
= 0.01
td = 8000
= 0.02
tf + ta + tp + 2td = 0.896 + 0.008 + 0.01 + 0.04
= 0.954
868×8 6944
Throughput k = 0.954
= 0.954 = 7.28 kbps
a = td/tf = 0.02/0.896 = 0.02
1 1
= 96.15%
2. A frame of data of length 1024 bytes is transmitted over a link with a bit error rate of 10−5.
Determine the probability that a frame will be received erroneously.
Answer BER, E = 0.0001. Probability of a bit being error free = 1 - 0.0001 = 0.9999. If
the frame length, n, is 1024 bits then the probability of the frame being error free is
(0.9999)1024 = 0.903 (0.90266379012)
The probability of a frame being in error is given by: P = 1 – 0.903 = 0.097
3. Explain how the P-persistence algorithm used with CSMA/CD networks attempts to
improve bus efficiency compared with 1-persistence and non-persistence algorithms.
Answer Bus
P-persistence The algorithm that the station wants the transmissions wait for a
random time which they pick between 1-0. After that they have to
check the availability of the station again, if it’s still busy, that
means they have to pick the random number again until they find
the lucky number and the station is available.
1-persistence The algorithm that the station wants the transmission wait until the
channel is available and transmit in suddenly when the channel is
available. This algorithm is the riskiest one because when the
message has to wait for the availability, it won’t be able to know
that other messages are waiting as well and that can cause the
collision and then it has to wait till the station is available then
transmit is suddenly
Non-persistence This algorithm combines between 1-persistent and Non-persistent
and try to reduce the amount of collision which occur in those 2
algorithms. The station has slots which will manage the time for all
the messages which is transmitting. Those messages still have to
pick a random number and it will be transmitted only when that
number < p (probability)
4. A CSMA/CD-based LAN operates at 100 Mbps with a utilization of 30%. Calculate:
a. The number of information bits transmitted per second
Answer 1 Mbps = 1,000,000 bps
Convert Mbps to bps
100 x 1,000,000 = 100,000,000 bps
With a utilization of 30%
100,000,000 x 0.3 = 30,000,000 bps
The number of information bits transmitted per second is 30,000,000
b. The number of frame transmitted within 2 second, if the frame length is 800 bytes of
which 750 convey data
Answer From a. 30,000,000 bps convert to Mbps

30,000,000 / 1,000,000 = 30 Mbps

S = 30 Mbps
Average number of bit per frames
Number of frame =
S × transmission time
Number of frame =
The number of frame transmitted within 2 second = 106.67
5. Explain and illustrate “5-4-3 Rule”
Answer 5-4-3 Rule is a pattern of how Ethernet computer network should be. It specifies
the amount of segment and repeater. This rule can avoid conflict in the network. It
specifies that in the network shouldn’t have more than 5 segments which connect with 4
repeaters and only 3 segment can contain end users.
6. IEEE 802.3 frames contain a pad and length field, while IEEE 802.4 and 5 token based
frames contain an ED (End-of-frame Delimiter) field only. Discuss.
IEEE Advantages Disadvantages
 It has so many
component which can
 It is the most expansive network so prevent collision
far, but It has a large platform and  Protocol cannot work well
specialist to install it in real-time work
 Its protocol is basic  The cable length has
 Be able to add more station without limitation
making all network down  The main problem is
when it has high load it
can cause collision
 It uses good and reliable cable  Its protocol is
 It doesn’t have limitation of frame complicated
size  It’s lots of delay at low
 It can handle at high load excellently load
 It has point-to-point to connect  It’s delay when it has low
 Able to use all transmission media load
 Token ring is the only land which
use of wire centre can prevent and
802.5 get rid of cable collapse
 Suites with both very short and large
 Able to handle very high load
7. Calculate the maximum network span if a frame comprising 512 bits is transmitted at 1
Gbps. Calculate network span if velocity of propagation is 300,000 km/s.
Answer tf = 512 × 1 ns
= 0.512 µs
Span = v × tf
= 3 × 108 ×

= 76.80 m.
8. A DQDB bus operates at 140 Mbps. Assume that the size of the frame header is negligible
in comparison with the frame’s length. Estimate the number of slots contained in one
frame, if each slot contains
Answer Duration of 1 bit = = 71.42 ns

a. 18 bytes
Answer Number of slots = = 12.15
The number of slots contained in one frame is 12.15

b. 1561 bytes
Answer Number of slots = = 0.14
The number of slots contained in one frame is 0.14
9. With reference to IP version 4:
a. What are the three main classes of IP addresses?
Answer There are 3 classes A, B and C.
Class Number of Networks Number of hosts Address range

A 27-2 224- 2 to

B 214 216- 2 to

C 221 28- 2 to

b. IP address is expressed in hexadecimal form as CD465605. Convert it into dotted

decimal format.

Answer CD462605 = 12 13 4 6 5 6 0 5
Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
12 x 167 = 3221225472
13 x 166 = 218103808
4 x 165 = 4194304
6 x 164 = 393216
5 x 163 = 20480
6 x 162 = 1536
0 x 161 = 0
5 x 160 = 5
= 3221225472 + 218103808 + 4194304 + 393216 + 20480 + 1536 + 0 + 5
= 3443938821
Dotted decimal format = 344.393.882.1
Convert decimal to binary
2)344 0
2)172 0
2)86 0
2)43 1
2)21 1
2)10 0
2)5 1
2)2 0
34410= 1010110002
2)393 1
2)196 0
2)98 0
2)49 1
2)24 0
2)12 0
2)6 0
2)3 1
39310= 1100010012
2)882 0
2)441 1
2)220 0
2)110 0
2)55 1
2)27 1
2)13 1
2)6 0
2)3 1
88210 = 11011100102
110 = 000000012
Binary number = 101011000.110001001.1101110010.00000001

10. With reference to the TCP/IP suite explain the following terms
a. Static addressing
Answer Static address is static internet protocol which is its permanent address means
it cannot change. It is specified by an Internet service provider to each computer and is
used like an ID of each computer which they use it to connect to each other and locate
themselves. For example when you want to enter into a website, your computer will be
asked for the address then they can access. However, when the internet first came out,
the static address wasn’t required and it was limited. According to it cannot change and
won’t be gone, some of them haven’t been used and it turned out wasting static address.
So there wasn’t enough static address for every computer which have been coming out
every day.
b. Dynamic addressing
Answer Dynamic address is dynamic internet protocol which is its temporary address,
which has been used after Static address wasn’t enough for every computer. Dynamic
address can be given to the next computer when it isn’t used (it’s reusable). It works
similar to the static address but the user don’t need to care about the number that much
and it won’t waste like static address.

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