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This survey is intended to assess your level of awareness and knowledge of renewable energy and key topics to be
discussed under REBOOT 2. This will not in any way affect the treatment to you nor will it be use for any personal
judgment. Please be honest with your answer as this will help the facilitator in determining the learning outcomes of the
succeeding sessions.

Questions 1 2 3 4 5
(New (Needs (Just (Good) (Confident
to me) to enough) to teach)
1 I know what FES is and what are their activities
2 I know about community development and the
importance of a bottom-up approach to
3 I am fully aware of what REBOOT is, its objectives,
and the activities
4 I was able to develop and implement a project for
the community with my work/organization
5 I am clear about my own purpose in life
6 I was able to develop a social research where I had
to go to the field and conduct interviews, surveys,
and focus group discussion.
7 I am moving towards realizing my purpose in life
8 I aware of the importance to understand the
different stakeholders in the community and how to
deal with them
9 I am aware of the current global, regional, and local
discussions on climate change
10 I am aware of the importance of conducting
research which involves the determination of
resources available in the community, what are the
environment conditions to consider, and possible
challenges to be encountered
11 I am familiar with the geopolitics of energy, the
Philippine energy sector, and social movements on
12 I know how to research, analyze, and use
community statistics (i.e. population, income,
education attainment) for project or program
13 I am familiar about the socio-cultural,
microeconomic, and gender impacts of climate
change and energy issues
14 I am familiar about the ethical considerations and
other socio-environment guidelines that needs to be
accounted for when dealing and creating projects in
the community
15 I am informed about renewable energy, the
necessary shift, current situation in the shift
including the opportunities and challenges in the
16 I have prior knowledge and experience in planning a
project from conducting a problem tree, objectives
tree, and creating a results framework
17 I know the technological side of energy, including
different energy sources, conversion methods,
transmission, distribution, and uses.
18 I already experienced working and coordinating with
a community where I learned about their mission,
challenges, and activities that they are conducting.
19 I already had an experience of visiting a community-
based renewable energy systems
20 I know what to do and how to behave when going to
field work or community immersions
21 I am conscious about the framework used in
community-based RE systems include the bottom-up
approaches and small –scale technologies that they
22 I have experienced organizing the community (i.e.
barangay members, organization, etc.)
23 I am well informed about critical thinking and
problem solving mechanisms and approaches
24 I already experience doing negotiations in a formal
or informal setting
25 I can confidently use problem solving tools and
26 I know that the essence of understanding the
community and the importance of digging dipper to
the context that they are living
27 I can easily identify problems, think of solutions, and
create recommendations
28 I am aware of the legal and policy frameworks
concerning renewable energy
29 I can facilitate a number of people to discuss a
certain topic and generate data from the discussion
with them
30 I have full understanding of the difference between
mainstream energy source compared to renewable

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