APP-146 - DPRM and PSRM Technica Spec - April06

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DragonWave Inc.

DPRM (Dual Pole Radio Mount) and

PSRM (Power Split Radio Mount)
Technical Specification

Updated: April 26, 2006

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This document contains confidential information which is proprietary to DragonWave. No part of its contents may be used, copied, disclosed, or
conveyed to any party in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from DragonWave.
Dual Pole Radio Mount Technical Specifications

Operation Overview:

The DPRM is installed between the antenna and two radios, enabling the doubling of
capacity on a single link through cross-polarization. One radio will use vertical
polarization, and the second radio will use horizontal polarization.

Parameter Performance Description/Notes

Insertion Loss (Vertical Port) .25 dB maximum
Insertion Loss (Horizontal Port) .75 dB maximum
Connector – Vertical Port Radio Port
Connector – Horizontal Port Radio Port
Connector – Antenna Port Antenna Port
Channel Use Adjacent or separated Cross-
Polarized Channels
Frequency Support 11,13,15,18,23 GHz Does not support 24 GHz UL

Figure 1 – DPRM Mechanical Drawings

Functionality Description:

• Enables doubling of capacity on a single link, with a single antenna up to 400

Mbps full duplex
• Alternatively, can enable redundancy on a second channel

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This document contains confidential information which is proprietary to DragonWave. No part of its contents may be used, copied, disclosed, or
conveyed to any party in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from DragonWave.
Power Split Radio Mount Technical Specifications
Operation Overview:

The PSRM is installed between the antenna and two radios, enabling the reuse of
single channel for protection in conjunction with the UMRS (Upmast Redundancy
Switch). One radio will use the primary (1.75 dB loss) port, and the second radio will
use the secondary port (6.3 dB loss).

Parameter Performance Description/Notes

Insertion Loss (Primary Port) 1.75 dB maximum
Insertion Loss (Secondary Port) 6.3 dB maximum
Connector – Primary Port Radio Port
Connector – Secondary Port Radio Port
Connector – Antenna Port Antenna Port
Channel Use Reuse the same channel For antenna reuse in protection
configuration with UMRS
Frequency Support 11,13,15,18,23 GHz Does not support 24 GHz UL

Figure 2 - PSRM Mechanical Drawings

Functionality Description:
• Same physical design as the DPRM.
• Connects to a standard DragonWave antenna and radio.
• Enables reuse of the same channel on the same antenna for redundancy in
conjunction with the UMRS switch.
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This document contains confidential information which is proprietary to DragonWave. No part of its contents may be used, copied, disclosed, or
conveyed to any party in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from DragonWave.

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