Labor Laws Midterm Exam

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Encircle the letter of the correct answer:

1. It is the principal source of labor laws in the Philippines.

a. Labor Arbiter c. Social Justice

b. Labor Code d. Philippine Constitution

2. Sets out the minimum terms, conditions, and benefits of employment that employers must provide or
comply with and to which employees are entitled as a matter of legal right

a. Labor Code c. Labor Relations

b. Labor Standards d. Labor Arbiter

3. Defines the status, rights and duties, as well as the institutional mechanisms that govern the
individual and collective interactions between employers, employees and their representatives.

a. Labor Code c. Labor Relations

b. Labor Standards d. Labor Arbiter

4. It is an arrangement where the contractor or subcontractor merely recruits, supplies or places workers
to perform a job, work or service for a principal.

a. Labor Relations c. Labor Only Contracting

b. Labor Contracting d. Business Outsourcing

5. Those non-agricultural employees who regularly perform their duties away from the principal place of
business or branch office of the employer and whose hours of work cannot be determined with certainty.

a. Managers c. Contractual Workers

b. Sales Agents d. Field Personnel

6. Waiting time spent by an employee shall be considered as working time if waiting is not an integral
part of his work or the employee is required or engaged by the employer to wait. 

a. False c. It depends
b. True d. None of the above

7. Which among the following are not excluded employees under the Labor Code?

a. Managerial c. Field Personnel

b. Government Employees d. Supervisors

8. It may be resorted to by the employer to prevent serious losses due to causes beyond his control.

a. Strike c. Lockout
b. Compressed Work Week d. Overtime

9. All hours are hours worked which the employee is required to give to his employer, regardless of whether
or not such hours are spent in productive labor or involve physical or mental exertion.

a. True c. It depends
b. False d. None of the above

10. How much should the employer pay as overtime pay for hours worked beyond the regular eight (8) hours
a day?

a. 25% c. at least 25%

b. 30% d. not more than 30%

11. In a compressed work week (CWW), how many hours per day is the maximum as provided for by law?

a. 10 hours c. 12 hours
b. 16 hours d. 12 to 16 hours

12. They are workers hired for a maximum of six (6) months in highly technical industries.
a. Learners c. Contractors
b. Apprentices d. Special Workers

13. These employees are hired for a maximum of three (3) months, and if allowed to continue to work after
said period are considered regular employees.
a. Learners c. Contractors
b. Apprentices d. Special Workers

14. They refer to those whose primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in which they
are employed or of a department or subdivision thereof, and to other officers or members of the
managerial staff.
a. Supervisors c. Managerial Employees
b. Managerial Staff d. Rank and File

15. Meal period should be:

a. 20 minutes c. Not less than one hour
b. at least 20 minutes d. Not more than one hour

16. A person convicted for illegal recruitment under Labor Code can be convicted for violation of the Revised
Penal Code provisions on Estafa provided the elements of the crime are present.
a. True c. False
b. Sometimes true d. It depends on the situation

17. When illegal recruitment is committed against three or more people it is:
a. Large scale c. Economic Sabotage
b. Syndicated d. Estafa

18. When illegal recruitment is committed by three or more people it is:

a. Large scale c. Economic Sabotage
b. Syndicated d. Estafa

19. Any employer who puts out or farms out a job, service or work to a contractor or subcontractor
a. Contractor employee c. Labor-only employee
b. Principal d. Manager
20. Those employed by a contractor or subcontractor to perform or complete a job, work or service
pursuant to an arrangement between the latter and a principal.
a. Contractual employee c. Labor-only employee
b. Principal d. Manager
21. It is the most important test to determine EMPLOYEE-EMPLOYER relationship.
a. Hiring c. Firing
b. Payment of Wages d. Control
22. It is the humanization of laws and the equalization of social and economic forces by the State so that
justice in its rational and objective secular conception may at least be approximated.
a. Social Justice c. Labor Laws
b. Social Legislation d. Constitutional Laws
23. A person is guilty of illegal recruitment when he gives the impression that he has the power to contact
agencies for employment abroad.
a. True c. It depends
b. False d. None of the above
24. An employee need not leave the premises of the workplace in order that his rest period shall not be
counted, it being enough that he stops working, may rest completely and may leave his workplace.
a. This statement is true c. This statement is mostly true
b. This statement is false d. This statement is mostly false
25. Are rest periods not more than twenty minutes considered compensable work time?
a. No, they are not c. Yes, only if they are allowed to leave the premises
b. Yes, they are d. None of the above

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